Exercises for the development of logical thinking of younger students. Exercises and games for the development of thinking

Exercises for the development of logical thinking of younger students. Exercises and games for the development of thinking

The development of thinking in children of the younger school age It takes a special place in psychology, since this period is for the children's mind turning. The transition from a clear-shaped thinking of children to verbal, logical, conceptual not always easy. This transition means that younger students already understand the surrounding phenomena, but do not build logical reasoning.

Thinking - the ability of a person to reason logically, understand the real the world In concepts and judgments. His development in younger students is carried out with the help of special games and exercises.

When schoolchildren make exercises on the development of thinking, they gradually delve into the system of scientific concepts, as a result of which mental activity ceases to rely solely on practical activities. Features of the children's mental process are that the guys analyze the reasoning and actions, and also make up an action plan for the future.

The importance of the development of thinking among schoolchildren is that its insufficient development leads to the fact that information about the world around him is incorrect, which is why the further learning process becomes ineffective.

Features of intelligence are configured in such a way that children do not know how to generalize the material passed, do not remember the text, do not know how to allocate the main meaning from the read. This happens if the transition from one type of thinking to another is not controlled by adults and is not accompanied by exercises for development.

It is worth noting that the formation of the mental processes of children is associated with the perception of information, so you also work on this aspect.

Features of children's perception are that the younger students quickly lose the essence of the process. They are distracted by foreign factors. The task of teachers and parents is to direct the attention of children to the desired process, that is, to interest them.

Jean Piaget: The concept of the development of speech and thinking of children

To date, the concept of the development of egocentric speech and thinking of children under 11, which has developed Jean Piaget has been considered popular.

  • The PIIA Concept suggests that egocentric speech is an expression of children's egocentrism. This means that it does not change anything in a children's consciousness, which simply does not adapt to the speech of an adult. It does not have any influence on the behavior of children and their worldview, therefore, with the development of children, it devies.
  • Jean Piaget calls the thinking of preschoolers syncretic. Sinnotism, as the Piazzird concept notes, is a universal structure that fully covers children's thought processes.
  • Jean Piaget believes as follows: Children's egocentrism suggests that the preschooler is not able to analyze, instead he is incorporated. The concept of waters determines egocentrism as a full-fledged mental structure, from which the worldview and intelligence of children depends.
  • Jean Piaget does not consider the newborn with a social being, he suggests that socialization occurs in the process of development and education, then the baby adapts to the social structure of society, learning to think according to his rules.
  • The concept that Jean Piaget has developed is opposed to children's thinking and adult, which is allocated to such opposition to individual, which is contained in the children's mind, and social, which has already been developed in adults. Because of this, the concept that Jean Piaget has developed, assumes that speech and thinking consist of acts of an individual, which is in an isolated state.
  • The Piazzide concept argues that only the socialization of the individual, its thinking leads to a logical, consistent thought and speech. This can be achieved by overcoming egocentrism laid in orphanage.

Thus, Jean Piaget believes that the true development of thinking and speech occurs only from the change of an egocentric point of view on social, and the course of training does not affect these changes.

Jean Piaget put forward the theory, which is popular, but non-mining. There are many points of view that claims that Jean did not take into account some factors. Today, special games and exercises for the development of thinking of the children of younger school age are developed.

Games for the development of thinking of children of younger school age

Developing the thinking of children can not only teachers, but also parents. To do this, play with them in such games:

  • Draw on Watman the area of \u200b\u200bthe area. For example, yard or at home, if it is characterized by a large area. Tick \u200b\u200bin the figure graphically guidelines to which the ward can rely on. Landmarks can be trees, gazebos, houses, shops. Select a place in advance and hide on it award in the form of candies or toys. The baby is hard to navigate the card in the first stages, so painting them extremely simple.
  • Games for a group of children. Divide the guys into two teams. Give each participant a card with a digit. Consider arithmetic examples (14 + 12; 12 + 11, etc.). Two children with cards come from the team, the numbers on which will make the correct answer (in the first case the guys with cards 2 and 6, in the second - 2 and 3).
  • Name the group of children a logical series of words, one of which will not correspond to logic. Children guess this word. For example, you call: "Bird, Fish, Glass." In this case, an extra glass.

Games are helpful because they are interested in children who are in game process Do not lose the essence of their actions.

Exercises for the development of thinking

Exercises differ from the game in that they require greater amplifies and concentration on the learning process. They teach children patience and amplitude, while at the same time developing thinking. Exercises for the development of thinking in children:

  • Wheel to children 3 words that are not connected with each other. Let them make a sentence with these words.
  • Name the subject, action or phenomenon. Ask the guys to recall the analogues of these concepts. For example, you said "Bird". Everyone will remember the helicopter, plane, butterfly, because they fly. If he has an Association with Animal, he will call a fish, a cat, etc.
  • Name the item that children is known. Ask them to list, where and when the subject is applied.
  • Consider the baby a short story, part of which skip. Let it work as imagination and think about the missing part of the story.
  • Ask the ward to list the objects known to it.
  • Offer children to remember the words that begin and end on the letter you specify.
  • Come up and make the riddles like this: Katya younger Andrei. Andrei older than Igor. Igor older Kati. Distribute guys on seniority.

Such exercises, children decide with interest, and over time, incidence, logical thinking and proper speech, and the transition of mental processes becomes smooth and balanced.

Development of thinking in children with mental delay (CPR)

In children with CPR, mental processes are very violated, this is the features of their development. It is the lag in the development of thinking distinguish guys from the CRAP from ordinary children. They do not have the transition to the logical structure of thinking. The difficulties that occur when working with such children:

  • Low degree of interest. Baby often refuses to perform tasks.
  • Inability to analyze information.
  • Uneven development of thinking species.

Features of the mental development of children with SRRs consist in a strong lagging in logical thinking, but the normal development of visual-shaped thinking.

Features of the development of the thinking of children with the CRA consist in such principles:

  • Accounting for individual abilities of a person with SRR.
  • Creating conditions for the active activities of children.
  • Accounting age.
  • Mandatory conversations with a psychologist.

Regular work with children with CPRs guarantees the awakening of children's interest in the world around the world, which is expressed in the fact that the baby actively performs exercises and plays the games that are offered to the teacher.

With the help of the right approach, children with the SRR teach correctly speak, build competent speech, compare words in sentences and voice thoughts.

If the teachers managed to cause the interest of a schoolchildren with the SRR, the development of logic is a matter of time.

Games for the development of the thinking of children with SRR:

  • Put the pictures with animals and drawings in front of children. Ask to compare them, feeding each animal.
  • Name a few simple words, Ask the ward to call them one concept. For example: Cat, dog, hamster - animals.
  • Show three pictures, two of which are the same content, and one is significantly different. Ask the ward to choose an excess picture.

The guys with the CPR think at the level of life experience, consider the action that they have not performed yet, they are hard. Therefore, before performing the exercises, clearly show them how they should do.

Elena Strebelheva: formation of thinking in children with deviations

Professional teachers Recommended to read the book Elena Strebelyeva, in which the features of thinking formation in children with deviations are described. Strebaleva amounted to more than 200 games, exercises and didactic techniques to relax and interest the guys with complications.

At the end of the book you will find applications for teachers who will help to understand the peculiarities of classes for children with development deviations. In addition to games, you will find in the book of stories and fairy tales, which are recommended to read the guys with deviations.

Development of creative thinking in children

Modern program learning aims to form the initial level logical thinking Children in the younger school age. Therefore, there are often cases of underdeveloped creative thinking.

The main thing is that you need to know about the development of creative thinking, is that it teaches children of younger school age to open a new one.

Tasks for the development of creative thinking:

  • Show the child a few pictures on which people with different emotions are depicted. Ask to describe what happened to these people.
  • Watch the situation. For example: Katya woke up earlier than usual. Ask the children to tell why it happened.
  • Ask the children to tell what happens if some events occur: if it rains, if mom arrives, if the night comes, etc.

Tasks on the development of creative thinking are assumed not alone, but several possible correct answers.

Tasks for the development of critical thinking

Development technology critical thinking - this is one of newest methodsdesigned to develop the initial level of independence in life, and not in study. Tasks on the development of critical thinking teach children to make decisions, analyze their actions and actions of the surrounding people.

Tasks for the development of critical thinking:

  • Call the guys phenomenon. For example: It is raining, an apple is red, plum orange. Approval should be both true and false. Children must answer, they believe or not your statements.
  • Ask the guys take turns to read small excerpts of the text. When everyone reads his passage, suggest it to tell about the associations that he has appeared.
  • Guys read small text for 15 minutes. During this time, they celebrate a pencil that they know from the text, and what is new to them.

The technology of development of critical thinking is important not for school training, but for confident walk in life.

Development of spatial thinking in children

The technology of development of spatial thinking is developed by specialists for a long time. This type of thinking develops in children in geometry lessons at school. Spatial thinking is the ability with the help of spatial images created by independently solving theoretical tasks.

For the development of spatial thinking, such exercises will be suitable:

  • Ask children to show the left and right hand, take the item with the left or right hand.
  • Ask the kid to come up to the table and put, for example, the pen on the left of the book.
  • Ask the kid touch your right, left hand.
  • Invite children on hand and leg imprints to determine the right and left parts of the body.

The technology of development of the spatial thinking process is simple, but it helps to improve logical perception.

Obviously effective thinking

Visibility-effective thinking is the basis that gives the direction for the development of visual-shaped.

How to develop visual effective thinking:

  • Ask children to compare birds and butterfly, bees and bumblebee, apple and pear, etc. and call differences.
  • Name the first syllable of the word: on, by, before, etc., and ask children to finish the concept. Focus not at the correctness, but on the speed of the answer.
  • Carnate with children by collecting puzzles.

Clear-effective thinking does not need an initial period because preschool age This type of mental process has already developed.

Finger games

Finger games are a story of fairy tales or stories with fingers. Finger games are aimed at the development of speech and motility hands.

Finger games on the development of speech are such:

  • Ask the kid to put the right palm on your left palm. Slowly spend your fingers over the thumb of the baby, saying the word "swallow". Next, pronounce the same words, but spend the other finger. Repeat the same action a few times. Further, without changing the intonation, say the word "quail" simultaneously with the stroke of the children's finger. The essence of the game is that the child on the word "quail" quickly worst hand, so that the adult does not catch it. Offer a schoolboy to be in the role of a quail hunter.
  • Ask the children to hold hands in a fist. At the same time, they pull the little finger on the left hand down, and the thumb is the right hand up. Then the thumb is cleaned into the fist, and the little finger of the same hand is stretched at the same time. Left hand raises thumb up.

Finger games cause great interest in children, so the technology of their execution should be known to each adult.

Thus, the technology of development of thinking in children consists of a variety of games, exercises and techniques. It is necessary to develop thinking to avoid the unbalanced development of the future member of society. Do not rely on the school curriculum and teachers, allocate time for regular home sessions.

Summer Camp Material

Exercise the development of thinking "Tree of wisdom" Age: Middle, Senior School.

Leading. First quickly, but carefully read the text. Now everyone writes a note in which a difficult question is asked. After that, wrap the note, attach it with a paper clip. (The role of a tree can perform a lead.)

After that, the participants are in turn fit to the tree, "break" the note and as fully answer the question loud. The rest appreciate the question and answer.

Game Development Thinking "Story Reduction" Objective: Development of organizedness and raising clarity, ability to be distracted from small things.

Age: 9-10 years.

Game Structure: A short story is preprinted or read. Its content should be transmitted as compressed as much as possible, using only one or two or three sentences, and so that there is not a single extra word. At the same time, the main content of the story, of course, should be preserved, the secondary moments and details should be discarded. It wins the one who has a shorter story and the main content is preserved. Joint refinement and "grinding" of the most successful answers are possible.

Exercise on the development of thinking "looking for treasure" Age: pre-school.

This task teaches a child orientation in space and on the ground with a plan.

At the beginning of the game, together with the baby, you should draw a room plan, depicting all furniture items on it, as well as windows, doors, etc. At the same time, it should be explained to the child that the plan is a top view.

After that, you need to ask the child to go out for a while of the room and hide to the toy or delicacy. On the plan, the location of the "Vland" should be noted by a bright cross. Over time, you can complicate the task of the child, drawing a plan of an apartment or a country area.

The game on the development of thinking "Where does the cat fit?" Age: pre-school.

Ask the kid to portray a familiar animal (cat, dog, goat, etc.). Offer to come up with places where it might fit. For example: "The cat will fit into our apartment? But in this box it will fit? And in a bag? And in his pocket? " - Let the baby himself comes up with the places where the cat can be attached.

The game contributes to the development of imagination, speech, memory, comparison skills.

The game for the development of thinking "The key to an unknown" purpose: the development of cognitive activity, focusing of the thought process.

1. Chief of younger school age is invited to guess what the teacher hid in his hand. To do this, they can ask questions, and the teacher will answer. The teacher explains that questions - as if the keys to the door, followed by something unknown. Each such key opens a certain door. There are many of these keys. In every such lesson (you can use it as a five-minute workout in class) is offered two or three "key", on which keywords are recorded for questions (for example: "species", "properties", "influence", "change" and t .P.). Children should ask questions using these keywords: what kind of applies? What is his properties?

2. Teenage ages instead of objects you can offer drawings or photos made with great magnification. The main thing is that they in appearance resemble some well-known objects or phenomena, but at the same time contained a number of contradictory details that do not allow easy to establish what is shown. When issuing questions to the image of an incomprehensible object, you can use the following scheme:

What kind of phenomena refers? Why changes? What affects him? What properties? etc. Imagine that in front of you is a completely incomprehensible object. What questions can you ask to understand what it is? Try to ask as many different questions as possible and fill the scheme: each arrow corresponds to a new type of question with a new keyword.

Exercise on the development of thinking "Tree, leaf, fruit"

Purpose: expanding the ideas of children about wildlife. Age: pre-school, junior school.


Box with two branches;

Cards with image and title of various trees (spruce, pine, oak, maple, linden, apple tree, cherry, pear, coconut palm);

Cards with the image of the leaves of these trees;

Small toys or the natural fruits of these trees.

Work move: the child chooses a card with a tree and picks up a card with a sheet and a fruit.

Exercise on the development of thinking "Collect figure" goals: the development of spatial representations, spatial thinking and memory; mastering sensory standards (geometric shapes); Development of graphic skills.

Materials: Sets of split geometric figures by the number of participants.

Required time: 20-25 minutes.

Procedure for holding

Each participant is issued a set of split geometric shapes needed to collect all the reference figures. After that, the presenter demonstrates the first figure of the assembled, destroys it in front of students and asks children to collect the same details that they have. All reference figures that children must collect independently, without supporting the sample, are sequentially demonstrated. It is important to remove the reference figure after its demonstration after its demonstration, without leaving it for correlation and copying at a time when children solve the mental task.

If the participants perform this task at different speeds, it is advisable to move to an individual display of standards, which will allow the interest of participants to this exercise.

Comments on the lesson: The lesson will be successful if by this time the leading will be able to establish contact with students, form a special microclimate in classes other than the atmosphere of ordinary lessons. Only in this case, the children will freely fantasize.

The solution of mental tasks will be successful if the psychologist succeeds in previous activities to develop the motivation of success in activities and form a setting to achieve a positive result. When fulfilling the second exercise, it is necessary to assist in organizing students' activities that need it.

Exercise on the development of thinking "Plan of the Area" Purpose: Development of joint activities skills.

Age: pre-school, junior school.

Material: Cardboard game field. Set of cards with painted terrain. Toy houses, trees, bridges, rivers, lake.

Holding: Children are divided into teams and choose any card with the plan and have toys according to this plan.

Exercise on the development of thinking "Speak on the contrary" Objective: Development of thinking, imagination.

Big - small, thick - thin, black - white, hot - cold, empty - full, lightweight - heavy, clean - dirty, patient - healthy, child - adult, fire - water, strong - weak, cheerful - sad, beautiful - Ugly, coward - brave.

Exercise on the development of thinking "Merry Account" Purpose: warming exercise. You can use for the development of thinking and attention from schoolchildren.

To carry out this exercise, a set of cards with numbers from 0 to 9 per team is harvested in advance. The group is divided into 2 teams. The teams are built in the ranks opposite the lead, before which stand two chairs.

Each player receives a card with one of the numbers. After the leading command reads the example, players with numbers that make up the result will run away to the lead and sit on the chairs so that you can read the answer. Suppose it was an example: 16 + 5. On the chairs next to the lead should take the participants who have in the hands of the cards with numbers 2 and 1, since the amount 16 and 5 is equal to 21. The team that happens to do it quickly and correctly, earns a point. The account goes up to five points.

Exercise on the development of thinking "Development of summarization skills" Objective: Development of generalization skills.

Age: Teenage.

Summarizing (generic) and limiting (species) concepts to each of the concepts of concepts:










Noun women's kind


Russian writer

Game on the development of thinking "exclude an extra" goal: development thinking

Age: Junior School Age.

Instruction: Select out of 3 words one unnecessary.

orange, kiwi, persimmon

chicken, Lemon, Vasileuk

cucumber, carrot, grass

sugar, wheat, wool.

tV, book, wheel

shock, watermelon, tent.


hippopotamus, ant, elephant

house, pencil, spoon.


bank, saucepan, glass

album, notebook, pen

candy, potatoes, jam

cake, Searer, Ice Cream

wat, Gih, Rod

meat grinder, feather, dumbbells

Exercise on the development of thinking "Light, lit!" Purpose: Formation of thinking skills, developing memory for events.

Age: pre-school.

Material: Table lamp or floor lamp.

Game traffic:

Tell me: "Light, lit!" - And at this point, turn on the lamp. With a burning lamp, tell the child his favorite rhyme or spoil the song. Then tell me: "Light, rogs!" - And turn off the lamp.

Attach your fingers to your mouth and tell me barely audible: "It's time to silend." Then say again with your usual voice: "Light, lit!" - And start the game first. Soon the child himself will pronounce the necessary words.

Exercise "What are the relationship between concepts?"

Concepts may be in different respects with each other. The following relationships are most often found:

1) "View - Rod" and "Rod - View", for example "Okun - Fish", "Fish - Perch";

2) "Part is a whole", for example, "fin oche";

3) "The reason is a consequence", for example, "Mount - Tears";

4) "Sequence", for example "Monday - Tuesday";

5) "View - kind", for example "pike - perch";

6) "Functional relations", for example, "Okun - River";

7) "Opposite", for example, "light - darkness".

The relationships that exist between the concepts of each pair are:

1. Class - class.

2. Seven - winter.

3.romb - side.

4. Whether - slave-ownership.

5. Poplar is ash.

6.Gause - liquid.

7.Sahara is a desert.

8.Topol - pyramidal poplar.

9.Geidness - substance.

10. Workers - slave owners.

11. Carta - Globe.

12.Buck - vowel letter.

13. Sorry - Savannah.

14.Topol - Forest.

15.Vode - Cold water.

16.Ree - Fortress peasants.

17.Chotos - friction.

18. Figure is a plane figure.

19.Osuz - preposition.

20.zasha - cripples.

21. Whether - Spartak.

22. The edge angle is a stupid angle.

23.Sever - South.

24.Topol - tree.

25.Thenium - repulsion.

26.There - Chapter.

27. Garbonic soil is a high harvest.

28. Something - part of speech.

29.Ged - death.

30. Krug - Circle.

Exercise "Kaleidoscope"

All players are built into the semicircle in front of the screen. Driving to the screen, to the participants. Players are called the turn color, which each of them prefers. Then leading turns away, the players quickly change places. When driving turns, he needs to say which player which color likes. Psychologist: "It seems everything is very simple? Well, let's try. So, I got face to the screen. Driving, remember the colors and turn away, and then, returning to the original position, guess these colors. The next leading will be the one, whose color did not guess, and Then - all the rest. So, started! Thank you, the game is over. "

Exercise "Concepts in order"

It is necessary to arrange the concepts below in order, i.e. From more private to more common in such a way that in the formed chain, each subsequent link belonged to the previous one as a genus. For example, if the following concepts are given: "Poodle", "Animal", "Dog", "Pet", they should be placed like this: "Poodle - a dog - a pet - Animal".

1.Hram, ancient Greek temple, structure, parfenon, ritual structure.

2. Real, plant, tree, fruit tree, flowering plant.

3. The fraction, the natural fraction, incorrect fraction.

4. After, the Black Soil of Ukraine, Natural Education, Chernozem.

5. Agreement letter, alphabet sign, letter "D", letter.

6.Gas, state of substance, oxygen, liquid oxygen.

7. Clause of works of art, fidium, sculptor, man, ancient Greek sculptor.

8. Sack, fairy tale "Kolobok", genre, oral folk creativity.

9. Refling bird, swan, black swan, bird, vertebrate.

10.Interior phenomenon, earthquake in Japan, natural disaster, earthquake.

Exercise "Search for connecting links"

Two subjects are set, for example, "shovel" and "car". It is necessary to name items that are "transitional bridge" from the first to the second. Called items must have a clear logical connection with both specified objects. For example, in this case, it can be an "excavator" (similar to a shovel by function, and with a car enters one group - vehicles), "worker" (it is digging the shovel and at the same time is the owner of the car). It is allowed to use two or three connecting links ("shovel" - "car" - "trailer" - "car"). Special attention is paid to a clear justification and disclosure of the content of each connection between the adjacent elements of the chain. The winner is the one who gave more argued solutions.

The task makes it easy to install links between objects and phenomena.

Exercise "Building a message on the algorithm"

The participants of the game agree that, telling about any well-known events offered by the lead or choosing themselves, will clearly adhere to a certain total for all algorithm. Algorithms can be different. For example, it is convenient to use the following: Fact (what happened) - reasons, reason - related events - analogies and comparisons - consequences. This means that whatever we are talking about, the narrator must definitely fix all the marked moments in this sequence. You can use the Cicero algorithm: "Who is what - what - why - how - when." You can develop your own. No need to follow blindly: sometimes you can skip the item ("Who", "Why" - if we are talking about a natural disaster).

The task disciplines and deepens the thinking.

Exercise "Drawing up proposals from words"

Using different meaning of words: painting, role, class, base, culture make up proposals with them. Now try to make a proposal (story), including all these five words. Do the same task, using words: student, skates, cart, rain, sky, love. Make one complex or several proposals from words: edge, tooth, horse, treasure, socks, engineer, city, board. Train constantly, unlocking exercises will bring you success.

Drawing up anagrams.

Composition anagram, words that differ from each other only by the order of the letters in them. Examples: Scarf - minced; Word-Word; pendant - bias - clown - colong; bug - regiment; Lying - desire.

Make out your own anagrams from Words: Biryuk, Stan, Sustain, Caucasus, Rondo, Ranat, Peony, Mole, Earrings, Nagar, Survey, Selection, Chopper, Fisherman, Conduct, Tavro, Atlant, Prut, Fluoro, Jackal, Silk, Kouch, Amplua.

Find words from which you can make an adgrams.

Preparation of poetic images.

Kennigi - poetic images consisting of a combination of two words - nouns. Example: King Beasts - Lion; Eyes at home - windows; Soul's voice - song; World of numbers - arithmetic; Language of technology - drawing; Grammar Technology Language - Designed Geometry.

Make your own kennels for words: eagle, asphalt, battle, sparrow, wolf, oak, forest, river, rust, sun, capital, fountain, gold.

Replies options: Eagle - King of Birds; Asphalt - Road blanket; Fight balance; Sparrow - Bird of houses; Wolf - the beast of dogs; Oak - stone of trees; Forest - Sea of \u200b\u200btrees; River - running water; Rust - a thunderstorm of metals;

the sun is a star of life; The capital is the city of cities; Fountain - the radiance of water;

gold - King Metals.

Try to find a word that binds two words - Sonsistent. For example: Kit - Sky Blue (OE)

Find this binder in such pairs of words: nut - character;

grasshopper - Tomato; love - sea; Kitten - man; Lesson - approach; Forest-head; ravine - thought; night - mascara; Rotate - a question.

Take the spelling dictionary and try to transform the word chosen by you into a combination with a different value. For example, heartless - heart cardiac; Fearless - the devil is terrible; horizon -Gori umbrella; Gymnasium - Asian Hymn.

Palindrome - words (phrases), equally readable both from left to right and with the right to left. Example: Shalash, Cossack. You are full. Kirill Lirik. And the rose fell on the Lap of Azor. I'm not roaring - I am sure. Argentina Manit Negra.

Come up with your palindromes.

Exercise "similarity and difference"

Students are invited to compare various items and concepts. For younger schoolchildren, this is a comparison of well-known items: milk and water, a cow and a horse, a plane and a train, and their image can be used. For older children, concepts may be more difficult: painting and photography, morning and evening, stubbornness and perseverance. Note the total number of correct answers, the number of errors (comparison on different bases), the ratio of marked signs of similarities and differences, prevailing signs (external, functional, class - generic relationships, etc.). Wins the one who offered more grounds for comparison or one who called the sign last.

IN primary school intellectual development The child often remainsless. This is associated with several reasons. First, the dominant activity is to master knowledge and skills, which involves solving tasks that always have a ready-made solution. Children get used to solve problems based on the already learned rule, they cannot act independently to find a new way to solve. Secondly, the permanent solution of typical tasks is impoverished by the identity of the child. Children get used to evaluate themselves, their capabilities only through a successful or unsuccessful solution of typical tasks, the solution of which depends on the degree of learning of certain knowledge. This leads to the fact that the child's self-esteem depends only on the adjustment and diligence in the development of new knowledge and rules, and not from the intelligence, originality and fiction.

Due to these reasons, the development and correction of intellectual abilities in children of younger school age is one of the important tasks of the work of the psychological and pedagogical composition of the school.

As an example, you can offer several game exercises, which is possible on cool clock, warm-ups before classes, etc.

Exercise "Riddles"

On one shore - chickens, and on the other - ducklings. In the middle of the island. Who will quickly get to the island?

Mom carries heavy bags. Daughter says:

Mom, let me help you. I suffer my bags, and you take me on the handles.

Will mom's mom help? Why?

Lena girl asked:

Do you have a sister?

There is.

Does your sister have a sister?

No, - answered Lena.

What do you think?

Children in the forest collected cones. The boys had big buckets, red, without the bottom. And girls are small, green. Who will bring cones more?

The nine-year-old boy had a cat with a short tail. She ate a mouse with a long tail, and the mouse swallowed the straw along with the grain. How old is the boy who had a cat?

The table has four corners. If one corner shouldep, how many corners will remain?

Tasks for connecting the subject (everyday) experience of children.

Task 1. Name the pictures geometric figures. Find an excess figure and explain why it is superfluous.

Task 2. What is the number of numbers start?

14 18 111 19 10 100

Task 3. What is the name of this figure? Why did she get such a name?

Tasks on the allocation of essential signs of concept

Task 1. Read the words in brackets. Emphasize the words that are most significant for this subject.

A) hospital (garden, doctor, room, radio, patients)

B) school (building, disciples, chalk, board, letters)

C) river (water, shore, fish, fisherman, tina)

D) book (picture, word, paper, reader, library)

E) Sports (Medal, Stadium, Victory, Competition, Music)

E) computer (screen, keyboard, believes executes commands)

G) printer (prints, white, silent, connected to a computer)

Task 2. Specify the subject characteristic of which is:

A) scale with divisions.

B) Estimates and recording comments.

C) listening to music.

D) watch movies.

Task 3. Draw objects substantial signs of which are the following: Round and edible; Round and unbearable.

Task 4. What is different:

A) Window from the door.

B) Pointer from a pencil.

C) a circle from oval.

D) Leaf Birch from Clean Sheet.

Task 5. What are the words of each group? As one word to call each of the proposed groups?

A) highway, road, path.

B) city, village, village.

C) addition, division, subtraction.

Tasks aimed at creating skills to produce basic logical operations on concepts: generalization, restriction, division and definition

A) tasks for the establishment of patterns.

Task 1. Insert the missed numbers:

A) 5, 15, _______, 35, _______, 55;

B) 14, 24, _______, _________, 54;

C) 2, 12, 22, _______, _______, ________;

D) 1.3, ________, ________, 9, ________;

E) 2, 4, 6, ________, ________, ________;

Task 2. Determine the pattern of repetition of the figures and dorisite sequences.

Task 3. Which of the figures should stand in an empty table cell?

Task 4. Determine the regularity of repetition of the sequence and draw this sequence: tree, bush, flower, wood, bush, flower ...

B) tasks for combining and separating objects for any signs.

Task 1. Name in one word the following groups of numbers:

A) 2, 4, 6, 8, ...

B) 1, 3, 5, 7, ...

C) 2, 4, 7, 9, 5, 6, ...

D) 18, 25, 33, 48, 56, ...

Task 2. Listed several items. How can you be called in one word?

A) soup, goulash, porridge, kissel.

B) chicken, goose, duck, turkey.

C) horse, cow, sheep, pig.

D) Wolf, Fox, Bear, Hare.

E) potatoes, beets, onions, cabbage.

E) shoes, boots, sneakers, slippers.

Task 3. What is the word superfluous in each group? Draw it. Name a significant sign of the obtained group. Give the name to each group of words.

A) spruce, pine, cedar, birch.

B) bow, cucumber, apple, carrots.

C) mushroom, valley, chamomile, Vasileuk.

Task 4. Divide the following numbers into two groups: Even, odd, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Task 5. Divide these words to groups by the number of syllables: pencil, vase, lamp, lamp, pencil, pencil, pumpkin, part, ruler, notebook, table, floor, handle, hammer, root. How many groups did it work?

Task 6. Enter these words into the corresponding columns of the table: doll, shoes, pencils, boots, ball, briefcase, handle, slippers, teddy bear, shoes, notebook, top, pencil, sneakers, gun.



School things

Task 7. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 24, 35, 48 distribute into two groups: unambiguous and double-digit. Which line of the table are distributed to groups correctly?









Game developing tasks and exercises for the development of conceptual thinking.

Task 1. Generalization of the series of specific concepts with the help of generic definitions. Children are invited to summarize several groups of concrete concepts and name the following groups:

plate, glass, mug, saucer;

table, chair, sofa, armchair, wardrobe;

shirt, dress, skirt, pants;

sneakers, boots, boots, sandals, shoes;

soup, porridge, cutlet, mashed potatoes;

birch, Lipa, Spruce, Pine, Osin;

sparrow, Pigeon, Crow, Tit, Goose, Duck;

crucian, pike, perch, bream.

Task 2. Specifying concepts. It is necessary to name items and phenomena that are included in broader concepts. You can ask children about the following categories: trees, animals, toys, names, furniture, shoes, vegetables, clothes, dishes, birds, fish, fruit, colors, berries, etc.

Task 3. Generalization of the series of concepts of a wider volume. Pupils are given to summarize 5 groups of concepts, and they must tell that in common between these categories, which are similar to the concepts that entered into one group:

birds, beasts, fish;

trees, herbs, flowers, shrubs;

furniture, dishes, clothing;

watches, scales, thermometers;

fire, flood, hurricane.

Task 4. Classification. Children distribute 16 cards with an image of birds, fish, dishes, furniture - 4 for each group and are asked to divide all cards into groups so that each has pictures that can be called in one word. Then the students are asked to combine the resulting groups in two, as much as possible, and explain why they did so.

Task 5. It is necessary to compare the pairs of objects on the presentation, to find signs of differences and similarities: dandelion and chamomile; Strawberry and strawberries; spruce and birch; apple tree and male; Rose and bell; cat and dog; chicken and duck; plane and seagull; animals and plants.

Task 6. Pupils must guess which item is hidden by its description. To do this, it is necessary to choose any object or its image. Without showing children, you need to describe this item: its shape, color, texture.

Task 7. game "What is superfluous?"

A group of concepts are given from which children should choose superfluous and give the common name the rest. The game is possible in two versions: verbal and visual.

In the verbal version, groups of four words are offered, it is necessary to allocate which word is superfluous and not suitable for the rest, and how to call in one word (or explain the similarity) remaining:

cabbage, potatoes, tomato, apple;

blue, red, beautiful, green;

mom, man, dad, sister;

old, stray, small, dilapidated;

bereza, Pine, Clane, Osin;

shoes, leg, boot, shoes;

winter, Spring, Summer, October;

kisel, compote, lemonade, ice cream, etc.

Task 8. Game "Dispoles". Pupils are invited to argue with the teacher. Whatever word he has given, children must speak exactly the opposite and the faster, the better: white-black; big small; fast-slow; cheerful-sad; dirty-clean; open-closed; Old-new; scream-whisper; Breaking-repair, etc.

Task 9. Game "bad or good?" Children are offered a certain object (situation), and they must explain what its positive and negative side is. For example, ice cream is good because it is delicious, bad - because it may be sick.

These words are given: rain, television, candy, dog, flowers, mosquitoes, run, get sick, onion, wind, cat, computer, music, knife, fire, sun, etc.

Task 10. Game "Words - Lining".

Pupils come up with words - lining, then choose the funny or original word, explaining why they think so.

You can offer such tasks:

komar + Mark \u003d Comars;

zebra + shell \u003d zebrakushka;

tree + Crow \u003d Trees, etc.

Exercises for the development of mental analysis and synthesis operations

Task 1. "Anagram"

Alig -


From -

Task 2. "Encrypted Word"




Task 3. "Echo"

Create words by separating the first letters from these words:

Bumblebee -

Fly -

Dew -

Task 4. "Encrypted Word"

Make a word from the first syllables, word data:




Task 5. "Anagram" (hidden word)

Create words by rearring letters:

Hollar -

Abarn -

Osocl -

Task 6.

Create new words, eliminating one letter from words of words:

Plow -

Scarf -

Feed -

Task 7.

Make a word from the second syllables, words of words:



Task 8. "Entertaining Lestenka"

Task 9. "Snake"

Create words on this model.

BUT _ _ _ _ _

BUT _ _ _ _

BUT _ _ _

BUT _ _



BUT _ _

BUT _ _ _

BUT _ _ _ _

BUT _ _ _ _ _

Exercises to find essential signs of objects

Task 1. Allocate two words, most essential for the word facing brackets:

Forest (leaf, trees, apple tree, hunter, shrub)

River (Coast, Fish, Tina, Water, Fisherman)

Task 2. Sports (Stadium, Orchestra, Reward, Competition, Spectators)

Hospital (garden, doctor, radio, patients, room)

Task 3.New (ringing, voice, art, melody, viewers)

War (guns, soldiers, battles, airplane, guns)

Exercises - logical tasks

Task 1. Ivan Fedorovich - Father Marina Ivanovna, Kolya - the son of Marina Ivanovna. Who calas is Ivan Fedorovich?

Task 2. Mom, dad and I sat on the bench. In what order did we sit if you know that I sat on the left of the dad, and my mother was left from me?

Task 3. Tolya caught the perch, hero, pike. Pike he caught earlier than the perch, and the hersh later than the pike. What fish tolery caught before others?

Is it possible to say what kind of fish is caught last?

Task 4. Two fathers and two sons were walking, three oranges carried. How many oranges are nesa each?

Task 5. My name is toly. My sister has only one brother. What is your sister's brother's name?

Task 6. Kohl is higher than Vasi, but below Seryoga. Who is above: Vasya or Seryozha?

Task 7. For the holiday, students decorate the school building from four sides by 12 flags. They must be placed so that there are 4 flag on each side. Draw a response.

Task 8. Thermometer shows three degrees of frost. How many degrees will show two such thermometers.

Task 9. The rope was cut in six places. How many parts did it work?

Task 10. When goose stands on one leg, it weighs 3 kg. How much will the goose be messed if he gets two legs?

Games for the development of thinking functions

Game 1. Drawing up proposals.

Children are offered three words not related by meaning, for example, "lake", "Pencil", "Bear". Children need to make as many sentences as possible, which would necessarily include these three words (you can change the case and use other words). Answers can be banal ("Bear missed a pencil lake"), complex, with exit outside the situation, marked with three source words and the introduction of new objects ("The boy took a pencil and drew a bear bathing in the lake"), and creative, including these Items in non-standard connections ("The boy, thin, like a pencil, stood near the lake, which was roaring like a bear").

Game 2. Exception too much.

Any three words are offered, for example, "Dog", "Tomato", "Sun". Children need to leave only those words that are indicated by something similar objects, and one word is "superfluous", which does not have this common feature, exclude. It should be found as much options for excluding an extra word, and most importantly - more signs that unite the remaining couple of words and not inherent excluded, extra. Not neglecting the options that immediately suggest (eliminate the "dog", and the "tomato" and the "sun" leave, because they are round), it is desirable to search for non-standard and at the same time very much decisions. Wins the one who has no answers.

Game 3. Search analogs.

Called any object or phenomenon, for example, "helicopter".

Children need to write as many analogues as possible, i.e. other items similar to him on various essential featured. These analogues should also be systematized, depending on what property of a given item is selected. For example, in this case, "Bird", "Butterfly" (fly and sit) may be called; "Bus", "Train" (vehicles); "Corkscrew" (important details are rotating) and others wins the one who called the largest number of groups of analogues.

Game 4. Ways to apply the subject.

Called a well-known subject, for example, "book". It is necessary to call as many different ways to use it as possible: the book can be used as a stand for a film projector, it is possible to cover it from prying paper on the table, etc. It is necessary to introduce a ban on the recording of immoral, barbaric methods of application of objects. Wins the one who will indicate a greater number different functions items.

Game 5. "Well, guess!"

The class is divided into two groups. The first group is thinking of any object. The second group should guess, asking questions. On these questions, the first group has the right to respond only "yes" or "no". Children from two groups stand in two lines opposite each other. First, the first child of the second group is asked: "Is it a living?". The first child from the first group is responsible: "Yes." Then the second child of the second group is asked: "I saw it?". The second child from the first group replies: "Yes." Etc. After guessing the subject of the group, changing roles.

Game 6. "Determine the toy".

Children bring to the game any toy. Choose leading. He goes out the door. The teacher with the guys coming up with some story in which one of the toys is the main character. It is invited to drive. The guys tell him the invented story, without calling the main character, and replacing it with the pronouns "he" or "she." The presenter should show a toy, which is the main character of the story told. If the leading guessed correctly, another master is selected and the game is repeated.

In primary school, the intellectual development of the child often remainsless. This is associated with several reasons. First, the dominant activity is to master knowledge and skills, which involves solving tasks that always have a ready-made solution. Children get used to solve problems based on the already learned rule, they cannot act independently to find a new way to solve. Secondly, the permanent solution of typical tasks is impoverished by the identity of the child. Children get used to evaluate themselves, their capabilities only through a successful or unsuccessful solution of typical tasks, the solution of which depends on the degree of learning of certain knowledge. This leads to the fact that the child's self-esteem depends only on the adjustment and diligence in the development of new knowledge and rules, and not from the intelligence, originality and fiction.

Due to these reasons, the development and correction of intellectual abilities in children of younger school age is one of the important tasks of the work of the psychological and pedagogical composition of the school.

As an example, several game exercises can be offered, which is possible on class watches, warm-ups before classes, etc.

Exercise "Riddles"

On one shore - chickens, and on the other - ducklings. In the middle of the island. Who will quickly get to the island?

Mom carries heavy bags. Daughter says:

Mom, let me help you. I suffer my bags, and you take me on the handles.

Will mom's mom help? Why?

Lena girl asked:

Do you have a sister?

Does your sister have a sister?

No, - answered Lena.

What do you think?

Children in the forest collected cones. The boys had big buckets, red, without the bottom. And girls are small, green. Who will bring cones more?

The nine-year-old boy had a cat with a short tail. She ate a mouse with a long tail, and the mouse swallowed the straw along with the grain. How old is the boy who had a cat?

The table has four corners. If one corner shouldep, how many corners will remain?

Tasks for connecting the subject (everyday) experience of children.

Task 1. Name the geometric shapes depicted in the figure. Find an excess figure and explain why it is superfluous.

Task 2. What is the number of numbers start?

14 18 111 19 10 100

Task 3. What is the name of this figure? Why did she get such a name?

Tasks on the allocation of essential signs of concept

Task 1. Read the words in brackets. Emphasize the words that are most significant for this subject.

A) hospital (garden, doctor, room, radio, patients)

B) school (building, disciples, chalk, board, letters)

C) river (water, shore, fish, fisherman, tina)

D) book (picture, word, paper, reader, library)

E) Sports (Medal, Stadium, Victory, Competition, Music)

E) computer (screen, keyboard, believes executes commands)

G) printer (prints, white, silent, connected to a computer)

Task 2. Specify the subject characteristic of which is:

A) scale with divisions.

B) Estimates and recording comments.

C) listening to music.

D) watch movies.

Task 3. Draw objects substantial signs of which are the following: Round and edible; Round and unbearable.

Task 4. What is different:

A) Window from the door.

B) Pointer from a pencil.

C) a circle from oval.

D) Leaf Birch from Clean Sheet.

Task 5. What are the words of each group? As one word to call each of the proposed groups?

A) highway, road, path.

B) city, village, village.

C) addition, division, subtraction.

Tasks aimed at creating skills to produce basic logical operations on concepts: generalization, restriction, division and definition

A) tasks for the establishment of patterns.

Task 1. Insert the missed numbers:

A) 5, 15, _______, 35, _______, 55;

B) 14, 24, _______, _________, 54;

C) 2, 12, 22, _______, _______, ________;

D) 1.3, ________, ________, 9, ________;

E) 2, 4, 6, ________, ________, ________;

Task 2. Determine the pattern of repetition of the figures and dorisite sequences.

Task 3. Which of the figures should stand in an empty table cell?

Task 4. Determine the regularity of repetition of the sequence and draw this sequence: tree, bush, flower, wood, bush, flower ...

B) tasks for combining and separating objects for any signs.

Task 1. Name in one word the following groups of numbers:

A) 2, 4, 6, 8, ...

B) 1, 3, 5, 7, ...

C) 2, 4, 7, 9, 5, 6, ...

D) 18, 25, 33, 48, 56, ...

Task 2. Listed several items. How can you be called in one word?

A) soup, goulash, porridge, kissel.

B) chicken, goose, duck, turkey.

C) horse, cow, sheep, pig.

D) Wolf, Fox, Bear, Hare.

E) potatoes, beets, onions, cabbage.

E) shoes, boots, sneakers, slippers.

Task 3. What is the word superfluous in each group? Draw it. Name a significant sign of the obtained group. Give the name to each group of words.

A) spruce, pine, cedar, birch.

B) bow, cucumber, apple, carrots.

C) mushroom, valley, chamomile, Vasileuk.

Task 4. Divide the following numbers into two groups: Even, odd, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Task 5. Divide these words to groups by the number of syllables: pencil, vase, lamp, lamp, pencil, pencil, pumpkin, part, ruler, notebook, table, floor, handle, hammer, root. How many groups did it work?

Task 6. Enter these words into the corresponding columns of the table: doll, shoes, pencils, boots, ball, briefcase, handle, slippers, teddy bear, shoes, notebook, top, pencil, sneakers, gun.

Task 7. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 24, 35, 48 distribute into two groups: unambiguous and double-digit. Which line of the table are distributed to groups correctly?

1 1,2,3,5,12 8,16,24,35,48
2 1,2,3,5,8,16 12,24,35,48
3 1,2,3,5,8 12,16,24,35,48
4 2,3,5,8 12,6,16,24,35,48

Game developing tasks and exercises for the development of conceptual thinking.

Task 1. Generalization of the series of specific concepts with the help of generic definitions. Children are invited to summarize several groups of concrete concepts and name the following groups:

plate, glass, mug, saucer;

table, chair, sofa, armchair, wardrobe;

shirt, dress, skirt, pants;

sneakers, boots, boots, sandals, shoes;

soup, porridge, cutlet, mashed potatoes;

birch, Lipa, Spruce, Pine, Osin;

sparrow, Pigeon, Crow, Tit, Goose, Duck;

crucian, pike, perch, bream.

Task 2. Specifying concepts. It is necessary to name items and phenomena that are included in broader concepts. You can ask children about the following categories: trees, animals, toys, names, furniture, shoes, vegetables, clothes, dishes, birds, fish, fruit, colors, berries, etc.

Task 3. Generalization of the series of concepts of a wider volume. Pupils are given to summarize 5 groups of concepts, and they must tell that in common between these categories, which are similar to the concepts that entered into one group:

birds, beasts, fish;

trees, herbs, flowers, shrubs;

furniture, dishes, clothing;

watches, scales, thermometers;

fire, flood, hurricane.

Task 4. Classification. Children distribute 16 cards with an image of birds, fish, dishes, furniture - 4 for each group and are asked to divide all cards into groups so that each has pictures that can be called in one word. Then the students are asked to combine the resulting groups in two, as much as possible, and explain why they did so.

Task 5. It is necessary to compare the pairs of objects on the presentation, to find signs of differences and similarities: dandelion and chamomile; Strawberry and strawberries; spruce and birch; apple tree and male; Rose and bell; cat and dog; chicken and duck; plane and seagull; animals and plants.

Task 6. Pupils must guess which item is hidden by its description. To do this, it is necessary to choose any object or its image. Without showing children, you need to describe this item: its shape, color, texture.

Task 7. game "What is superfluous?"

A group of concepts are given from which children should choose superfluous and give the common name the rest. The game is possible in two versions: verbal and visual.

In the verbal version, groups of four words are offered, it is necessary to allocate which word is superfluous and not suitable for the rest, and how to call in one word (or explain the similarity) remaining:

cabbage, potatoes, tomato, apple;

blue, red, beautiful, green;

mom, man, dad, sister;

old, stray, small, dilapidated;

bereza, Pine, Clane, Osin;

shoes, leg, boot, shoes;

winter, Spring, Summer, October;

kisel, compote, lemonade, ice cream, etc.

Task 8. Game "Dispoles". Pupils are invited to argue with the teacher. Whatever word he has given, children must speak exactly the opposite and the faster, the better: white-black; big small; fast-slow; cheerful-sad; dirty-clean; open-closed; Old-new; scream-whisper; Breaking-repair, etc.

Task 9. Game "bad or good?" Children are offered a certain object (situation), and they must explain what its positive and negative side is. For example, ice cream is good because it is delicious, bad - because it may be sick.

These words are given: rain, television, candy, dog, flowers, mosquitoes, run, get sick, onion, wind, cat, computer, music, knife, fire, sun, etc.

Task 10. Game "Words - Lining".

Pupils come up with words - lining, then choose the funny or original word, explaining why they think so.

You can offer such tasks:

komar + Mark \u003d Comars;

zebra + shell \u003d zebrakushka;

tree + Crow \u003d Trees, etc.

Exercises for the development of mental analysis and synthesis operations

Task 1. "Anagram"

Task 2. "Encrypted Word"

Task 3. "Echo"

Create words by separating the first letters from these words:

Task 4. "Encrypted Word"

Make a word from the first syllables, word data:


Task 5. "Anagram" (hidden word)

Create words by rearring letters:

Hollar -

Abarn -
Osocl -

Task 6.

Create new words, eliminating one letter from words of words:

Plow -
Scarf -
Feed -

Task 7.

Make a word from the second syllables, words of words:

Task 8. "Entertaining Lestenka"

Task 9. "Snake"

Create words on this model.

BUT _ _ _ _ _
_ BUT _ _ _ _
_ _ BUT _ _ _
_ _ _ BUT _ _
_ _ _ _ BUT _
_ _ _ _ _ BUT
_ _ _ _ BUT _
_ _ _ BUT _ _
_ _ BUT _ _ _
_ BUT _ _ _ _
BUT _ _ _ _ _

Exercises to find essential signs of objects

Task 1. Allocate two words, most essential for the word facing brackets:

Forest (leaf, trees, apple tree, hunter, shrub)

River (Coast, Fish, Tina, Water, Fisherman)

Task 2. Sports (Stadium, Orchestra, Reward, Competition, Spectators)

Hospital (garden, doctor, radio, patients, room)

War (guns, soldiers, battles, airplane, guns)

Exercises - logical tasks

Task 1. Ivan Fedorovich - Father Marina Ivanovna, Kolya - the son of Marina Ivanovna. Who calas is Ivan Fedorovich?

Task 2. Mom, dad and I sat on the bench. In what order did we sit if you know that I sat on the left of the dad, and my mother was left from me?

Task 3. Tolya caught the perch, hero, pike. Pike he caught earlier than the perch, and the hersh later than the pike. What fish tolery caught before others?

Is it possible to say what kind of fish is caught last?

Task 4. Two fathers and two sons were walking, three oranges carried. How many oranges are nesa each?

Task 5. My name is toly. My sister has only one brother. What is your sister's brother's name?

Task 6. Kohl is higher than Vasi, but below Seryoga. Who is above: Vasya or Seryozha?

Task 7. For the holiday, students decorate the school building from four sides by 12 flags. They must be placed so that there are 4 flag on each side. Draw a response.

Task 8. Thermometer shows three degrees of frost. How many degrees will show two such thermometers.

Task 9. The rope was cut in six places. How many parts did it work?

Task 10. When goose stands on one leg, it weighs 3 kg. How much will the goose be messed if he gets two legs?

Games for the development of thinking functions

Game 1. Drawing up proposals.

Children are offered three words not related by meaning, for example, "lake", "Pencil", "Bear". Children need to make as many sentences as possible, which would necessarily include these three words (you can change the case and use other words). Answers can be banal ("Bear missed a pencil lake"), complex, with exit outside the situation, marked with three source words and the introduction of new objects ("The boy took a pencil and drew a bear bathing in the lake"), and creative, including these Items in non-standard connections ("The boy, thin, like a pencil, stood near the lake, which was roaring like a bear").

Game 2. Exception too much.

Any three words are offered, for example, "Dog", "Tomato", "Sun". Children need to leave only those words that are indicated by something similar objects, and one word is "superfluous", which does not have this common feature, exclude. It should be found as much options for excluding an extra word, and most importantly - more signs that unite the remaining couple of words and not inherent excluded, extra. Not neglecting the options that immediately suggest (eliminate the "dog", and the "tomato" and the "sun" leave, because they are round), it is desirable to search for non-standard and at the same time very much decisions. Wins the one who has no answers.

Game 3. Search analogs.

Called any object or phenomenon, for example, "helicopter".

Children need to write as many analogues as possible, i.e. Other items similar to it for various essential features. These analogues should also be systematized, depending on what property of a given item is selected. For example, in this case, "Bird", "Butterfly" (fly and sit) may be called; "Bus", "Train" (vehicles); "Corkscrew" (important details are rotating) and others wins the one who called the largest number of groups of analogues.

Game 4. Ways to apply the subject.

Called a well-known subject, for example, "book". It is necessary to call as many different ways to use it as possible: the book can be used as a stand for a film projector, it is possible to cover it from prying paper on the table, etc. It is necessary to introduce a ban on the recording of immoral, barbaric methods of application of objects. The one who will indicate a greater number of different functions of objects.

Game 5. "Well, guess!"

The class is divided into two groups. The first group is thinking of any object. The second group should guess, asking questions. On these questions, the first group has the right to respond only "yes" or "no". Children from two groups stand in two lines opposite each other. First, the first child of the second group is asked: "Is it a living?". The first child from the first group is responsible: "Yes." Then the second child of the second group is asked: "I saw it?". The second child from the first group replies: "Yes." Etc. After guessing the subject of the group, changing roles.

Game 6. "Determine the toy".

Children bring to the game any toy. Choose leading. He goes out the door. The teacher with the guys coming up with some story in which one of the toys is the main character. It is invited to drive. The guys tell him the invented story, without calling the main character, and replacing it with the pronouns "he" or "she." The presenter should show a toy, which is the main character of the story told. If the leading guessed correctly, another master is selected and the game is repeated.

Thinking - A tool that every person has solving various tasks in life. It is possible to develop, change its speed, depth, freedom, meaningfulness. Also thinking can become more interesting and positive.

Development of logical thinking

Logical thinking Very useful for every person. It will facilitate understanding of any laws in science or society. Logic is not rarely needed in everyday life.

The brain needs permanent training to maintain his mental activity, have good thinking and memory. Regular training can improve thinking indicators.

Have fun with benefits

  1. Start to solve logical challenges for children and adults (rebuses, find 10 differences, mysteries for attention).
  2. Find games that develop attention and logic in which you can play with friends and no matter how old you are, it will be fun and nice to spend time with friends.
  3. Use IQ tests. There are interesting tasks that require not enough logical reflection. Although in addition to IQ tests there are many others.

Engage in self-education

For example, you can start with a mega-useful course "Money and thinking millionaire".

Development of critical thinking

Critical thinking is a step towards active, creative methods. What is critical thinking?

  1. Thinking an independent, and the owner puts his ideas, assesses the situation, has his beliefs regardless of others.
  2. Obtaining information - only the beginning, and the end will be handling, that is. Clear thought as a conclusion. Another idea is subject to critical understanding.
  3. Such thinking begins with questions and identify problems.
  4. Critical thinking is convincing arguments, evidence, conclusion.
  5. Such thinking helps to exchange views, points of view.

How to develop critical thinking?

  1. Evaluate reality. Reality is the world independent of your desires. Your thinking will be most effective if you learn to understand and "translate" this reality.
  2. Mass hobbies. Any concept becomes popular a large number of Man take him, that is, create a crowd. And speeches can not be there about critical thinking, but only about consistency. Think before join.
  3. Cut the parallel between observation and output.
  4. Do not judge the situation or man until you make sure your information.
  5. Do not lose a sense of humor.
  6. Be curious. There are many unknown, interesting shocking things in the world. The presence of curiosity speaks of the presence of the mind. A curious person is looking for new ways, ways to solve problems, for example, which gives him new opportunities.
  7. Do not let the will with emotions because they are able to narrow the mind. Anger can serve as a bright example, under the influence of which you can make things that you will regret.
  8. Do not overestimate self-esteem.
  9. Learn to listen to people.
  10. Use your intuition, do not ignore. Because such thoughts can come to mind at the subconscious level. This is the result of once adopted information about which you are probably not remembered.

Tasks for the development of thinking

1) What number is hidden under the car?

2) Find an excess figure. Only 15% of people can cope with this task.

3) Where does the bus go?

1. 87, just turn the photo.
2. Answer -1, because it is a benchmark, for the remaining figures of its modification, changed either the form, or color, or a frame.
3. Despite the fact that the bus goes forward and moves on the right side, as accepted, it moves to the left. Because the doors are not visible.

Speed \u200b\u200bdevelopment

Fast reading will always allow read more interesting and useful books, as well as excellent develop thinking. Sign up for our course speed for 30 days. We will teach you not only to read faster, but also to think more quickly, understand and memorize text, as these are basic reading process requirements.

Verbal counting

Learn quickly and correctly fold, deduct, multiply, divide, build numbers in a square and even extract the roots. We will teach easy techniques to simplify arithmetic operations. In each lesson, new techniques, understandable examples and useful tasks.

Money and thinking Millionaire

Knowledge of the psychology of money and ways to work with them makes a man with a millionaire. 80% of people with income increases more loans, becoming even poorer. On the other hand, the millionaires, which all achieved themselves, will earn millions in 3-5 years, if they start from scratch. This course teaches a competent distribution of income and reduce costs, motivates to learn and achieve goals, teaches investing money and recognize scam.

Development of creative thinking

Creative thinking - thinking, in which the owner finds unusual solutions, improved or shorter, the best. Creative thinking will allow you to generate new ideas.

Creative thinking will give you the opportunity to try yourself in art. It must have to find yourself in music or drawing, poetry or something unusual. For example, creating sculptures from undergraduates and so on.

We offer some interesting exercises for the development of creative thinking:

  1. Find a movie drama or horror movie and redo the comedy genre.
  2. Also try the opposite. Comedy to remake in the drama.
  3. Come up with a script for the film. Take 2-3 couples of people who have disagreements with each other and develop this plot.
  4. Imagine some person or animal or subject that could become a serial killer.

Thus, scripts may appear for films and books. Yes, and the process of such a game will be funny for you and the circle of people with whom you will try to discuss it. This exercise is more interesting to carry out in the company of friends and acquaintances.

Development of thinking in children

The mental activity of the child has a special structure of knowledge. Appearing on the light, the baby begins to study everything around, spend parallels, look for connections between its discoveries. Gradually developing, the child begins to reason, represent, the world of fantasies appears, and the speech not only appears, but also becomes more competent over time.


Tables Gorbova-Shulte

Game "Color Matrix"

An excellent simulator for your thinking will be the game "Color Matrix". You will open a field from cells, each of which will be painted with one of two colors.

Your aim: Determine what color is more. The game, of course, for a while and therefore will have to try. In the course of the game, the field will expand with the correct answers or narrow, if the answers are incorrect.

"Figure" game

The game "Figure" will help you improve your thinking. The essence of the game is that on the picture presented to you, it will be necessary to choose the answer "yes" or "no" to the question "Are there 5 identical fruits?". Go for their purpose, and this game will help you.

Game "Simplification"

The game "Simplification" is a wonderful simulator, not only an oral account, but also logic. You will meet examples and simple and complex. But not everything is so difficult in fact, you just need to guess how to simplify or find an answer from the suggested answers. To do this, you will have to argue logically!

Game "Numeric Coverage: Revolution"

Interesting and useful game "Numeric coverage: revolution", which will help you improve and develop memory. The essence of the game is that the monitor will show the numbers in order, one that you should remember and then reproduce. Such chains will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points are you able to dial in this game?

Game "Memory Matrix"

"Memory matrices" - a great game for training and memory development. In the presented game, you will need to remember the placement of painted cells, and then reproduce them from memory. How many levels are you able to go through? Remember, time is limited!

Lessons of development of thinking

Good exercise for creativity, as the final filling of the field, you will understand how highly developed your thinking. You will see the field, from the cross. Your goal is to draw pictures to each cross. The game comes to thinking, creativity and imagination:

When fill out, pay attention to this picture (below), maybe you will find any drawing from you just drawn.

Also try the field is not with crosses, but by other figures or, simply, with another workpiece. It can be triangles, circles, squares, and so on. For example:

And as an example:

Exercise - architect

Imagine that you are an architect. Your goal is to design a house. It doesn't matter if you know how to draw or not, you know how to draw, it's not important. The essence is completely different and no less interesting. Put a piece of leaf and write ten nouns on it. They can be absolutely any: orange, water, tomato, cloud, smoke and so on ... Then the most interesting starts. These ten words become the conditions of the customer. If the orange, then you can paint the roof at home in orange. Water? Make a river behind the house. Tomato? Paint the floor in the house in red. Here your fantasy and thinking are produced on the will. Try to do it as interesting as possible, invent words as difficult as possible.

Technologies for the development of thinking

The technology of development of critical thinking is represented by three stages:

1. Call. In the previously obtained knowledge or experience, a space is searched for, which is now aiming to eliminate. That is, the goal is set to close this gap in knowledge.

2. Remove. A person who has a serious goal for the development of critical thinking should realize that it is necessary to keep a diary, draw tables to determine the level of understanding a certain topic, information.

3. Reflection. At the stage of reflections, a person forms his attitude towards text, information, book, painting. This relationship is often written or discussed with someone. This method will help not only in the development of critical thinking, but also in the development of communicative skills.

Development of thinking in children 4-5 years

There are good exercises for children, to help them in the development and training of thinking. These are the simplest exercises that will probably help them think about and apply thinking to answer the question. If the child makes it difficult, then just push it.

Exercises for the development of thinking

Exercise 1. The purpose of the child is to find an excess word. Below are the ranks of the words out of the words, and one of them is superfluous and your child must determine what. Ask him the question "Why did he choose this word?"

Birch, pine, linden, apple tree.
Bed, table, chest, spoon.
Oak, chamomile, rose, tulip.
Fork, spoon, chair, knife.
Candy, soup, halva, jam.
Skirt, hat, dress, slippers.
Apple, beets, pear, grapes.

Exercise 2. You are inventing a word for a child, and he replies that it is necessary for this man out of things. It may be at all and not a person, but an animal or a bird, and the child calls their elements. For example:

Sparrow - branches, grains, puddle.
Doctor - bathrobe, mask, syringe.
Janitor - broom, bucket, rake.
Little child - rattle, diaper, nipple.
Dog - booth, bone, leash.
Seller - Cashier, product, calculator.
Bee - flowers, nectar, hive.
Artist - paints, brushes, canvas.
Mum - ...?
And you will learn a lot of interesting things about your status :)

Exercise 3. Name components of certain objects, objects. The task is very difficult. During the exercise, the vocabulary of the child is replenished, since not all words are known for him, and you will help him. So:

Machine - wheels, body, headlights, steering wheel (let the baby calls as much elements as possible) ship - ...
plane - ...
a train - ...
bicycle - ...
trolleybus - ...
table - ...
armchair - ...
book - ...
a computer - ...
guitar - ...
piano - ...
drum - ...
house - ...
fence - ...
flower - ...
wood - ...
mushroom - ...
bug - ...
butterfly - ...
dog - ...
human - ...
apple - ...
watermelon - ...

Development of thinking in children 6-7 years

Exercise 1: What is the means of movement extra out of four?

Exercise 2: Logical task. Petya is stronger than Misha, but weaker if. Which of the guys are the weakest?

Exercise 3.: There are three buckets: green, yellow, blue. Grandpa, grandmother and grandson dragged water in different buckets (each of their own color). The grandfather had no green and not blue. The grandmother is not green and not yellow. What was the grandson?

It would also be useful to train your baby to play chess. This game perfectly develops a sense of thinking, logic, oral account and many other feelings.

For the game "Chess" are composed and inventing constantly a lot of tasks. For example: Mat in 1 move or mate in 2 strokes, so maybe in 4. The tasks are very interesting, and to be able to decide - it means to have good thinking.

Development of thinking in children 8-9 years

Than becoming older childThe more difficult task for him should be. Below are exercises that will help strain, think, reflect the child and argue your answer:

Exercise 1: What could be general and what is the difference from the following words?

  1. table chair
  2. Bird, aircraft
  3. Sky, land
  4. Day Night
  5. Gorka, Yamek.
  6. ski, skates
  7. Tree, bush

Let them explain its position.

Exercise 2: How can I quarrel 6 children for 2 sofas? How to send for 3 sofas? The answer should be given in numbers, and all sorts of answers are used.

Exercise 3.: The child is called a number of words, and the purpose of the child is to combine words with one concept:

  1. perch, crucian, pike (fish)
  2. elephant, Giraffe, Ant (Animals)
  3. autumn, Summer, Winter (Seasons)
  4. shovel, rake, broom (tools)
  5. cheese, sour cream, oil (dairy products)
  6. hand, ears, legs (body parts)

Properties of thinking

There are several properties of thinking that we disassembled below:

Speed \u200b\u200bthinking

Each person has its own speed of thinking, and therefore every person copes with a problem in different ways. There are methods of increasing the speed of thinking:

  1. Make faith gymnastics, that is. Normal heating of facial muscles.
  2. Stop being sluggish, sleepy and with an inexpressive face. The more like you and your Mimica, the more alive and thinking!
  3. Increase the rate of internal arguments and thoughts. This will help speed up your thinking.
  4. Try to do regular head massage. The massage stimulates the brain vessels, which improves their work, and at this moment you can come with excellent thoughts in the head.
  5. Training aperture. Perceiving text faster, you not only improve the speed of reading, but also the speed of thoughts. Indeed, if you read faster and memorize read, then your thoughts are also accelerated.

Meaningfulness of thinking

The most common type of thinking is the inner chatter - this is negative thinking, it "as if fills" a mental emptiness, is an illusion. Such thinking is a problem, an interference for concentration on any matter. To keep thinking clearly, you need to perform actions completely comprehending them. It is also desirable, to write thoughts, draw, narrow friends, familiar, relatives.

    Make recordings and drawing in the habit of express your thoughts in writing or drawings. Some people explaining or telling something, not only says, but also draws, that is, it lays your picture, clarifies the situation.

    Tell your thoughts will express your thoughts around others who will be really interesting. Talking this to someone, you can receive feedback. And the advantage will serve what, the more you tell your thoughts, the more understandable they will be for you (if there were no moments).

    Discussing thoughts - an effective thing. One head it's good, but two better. The main thing is that the discussion does not turn into a quarrel. If you suddenly disagree with the thesis of the interlocutor, then make your own, but do not start the hot dispute, but lead a quiet conversation.

    Keep track of rhuffes and speech closely connected with each other. Therefore, in order to contribute to the development of thinking, it is worth building your speech correctly. Tip: Exclude the words "Problems", "Horror", "difficult", include "interesting", "purpose".

Why are we talking closely and thinking? Thinking is fleeting, it is difficult to remember, but with a speech of a different story. Spen remembered, it is easier to track. How do you improve thinking? Pay attention to your speech.

    Pay attention to someone else's speech to follow someone else's speech than yours. Because someone else's speech is something new and all the shortcomings and failures in logic are heard. Studying mistakes of someone else's speech will help you in finding mistakes in your speech.

    Improve the skill work with textamanalysis text can be compared with listening to someone else's speech. In both cases, you are looking for errors, roughness and take yourself a note. Improving thinking depends on the ability to process texts.

Depth and freedom of thinking

Use people their thinking in different ways and with varying degrees of freedom. It all depends on the position of perception. Glubina and freedom of thinking can be represented as several criteria:

  1. Template thinkingAs a rule, this is the view of the Egoista: "I forgot - it means I do not respect," "did not kiss - it means it does not like" and so on.
  2. My interests: Does it concern me and my plans? "I cooked lunch, and he was not distracted - well, well. If I wanted to kiss, then I wanted this, which means a kiss when he comes
  3. The interests of loved ones: "He was in a hurry that even forgot to kiss me. I love it :)"
  4. Objectivity: "The world is a flow of neutral events, nothing serious happened, he was just in a hurry."
  5. System View: He ran to work, cared about us! My favorite!
  6. Position Angel: My husband works for people, and it is very important. I am proud of them!

Thinking effectiveness

To create more effective thinking, you need to master meaningfulness of thinkingAnd then master the direction of improving the effectiveness of thinking:

  1. Go from your experiences to specifics.
  2. Replace negative thinking to positive.
  3. Find the bridge from the correct thinking to the productive.


Thinking is primarily due to the development of thinking and higher Functions Psychology, the development of will and attention.

It happens that the useless and unnecessary thoughts that I want to discard in my head. Do not bother to eradicate them, and try:

  1. Think positive and constructively
  2. To do in any case so that thoughts are involved in this matter.
  3. Start remembering cheerful moments, positive stories and pleasant things that will create a good atmosphere.

Courses for the development and training of thinking

In addition to the games, we have interesting courses that perfectly pump your brain and improve memory, thinking, concentration of attention:

Money and thinking Millionaire

Why are there problems with money? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, will look deep into the problems, consider our relationships with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what to do to solve all your financial problems, start accumulating money and investigate them further.

Development of memory and attention from a child 5-10 years

The goal of the course: to develop memory and attention from the child so that it is easier for him to learn at school so that it can be better remembered.

After passing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to memorize for a longer period
  3. The speed of memories of the desired information will increase.

Secrets of the brain fitness, train memory, attention, thinking, account

If you want to dispersed your brain, improve its work, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a game form and solve interesting tasks, then write down! 30 days of powerful fitness brain are guaranteed :)

Super memory for 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course - a powerful 30-day training of the development of super memory and brain pumping will begin.

Within 30 days after the subscription, you will receive interesting exercises and developing games to your mail that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that have occurred during the day, week, month and even road maps.

30 days

Would you like to quickly read interesting books, articles, newsletters, etc. If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop a speed and synchronize both brain hemispheres.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work at times faster, which opens up much more opportunities. Attention, concentration, speed \u200b\u200bof perception Strengthen repeatedly! Using photography techniques from our course, you can kill two hares at once:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, since with quick reading they are extremely important
  3. Read on the book on the book and faster

Accelerate an oral account, not mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and Lifehaki will even suit the child. From the course you will not just recognize dozens of techniques for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, divisions, calculating interest, but also work them in special tasks and educational games! The oral account also requires a lot of attention and concentrations that are actively trained in solving interesting tasks.


In this article, we disassembled the features of thinking, learned how to develop thinking, which browser and board games and exercises help develop thinking.


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