How adolescent crisis affects attention. How to get through your teenage crisis with minimal loss

How adolescent crisis affects attention. How to get through your teenage crisis with minimal loss

Reading 6 min.

The development of a child from childhood to adulthood is accompanied by periodic mental crises. The age limit for crisis periods is as follows:

  • one year old;
  • at three or four years old;
  • seven-year crisis period;
  • crisis phenomena from 13 to 17 years.
Age crises - definition

Age-related phenomena that occur at 3-4 years old and a crisis of 17 years are considered especially serious.

The crisis of 4 years in children is more painless, parents can help their baby to survive this process. Domestic psychology considers the adolescent's growing up period to be the most difficult, since personality restructuring begins, a teenager during this period can completely change his views. For parents, a native child becomes a stranger, an incomprehensible person, capable of unpredictable actions.

Features and periods of adolescence

It should be clarified that the boundaries of the adolescent crisis are individual for each adolescent.

Characteristic signs of a crisis in adolescents

The adolescent crisis is approaching gradually. It is very important for parents to recognize the first manifestations of it. Do not pretend that nothing is happening, that everything will pass by itself. Signs of a maturing crisis in some adolescents begin to appear as early as 10 years old, others enter the problem stage at 13-17 years old

Psychologists believe that the later the age problem manifests itself, the more acute the crisis phenomena are.

Communication with peers comes to the fore

Typical crisis manifestations can be considered:

  1. Craving for the company of older children or activating communication with peers.
  2. In adolescents, there is a strong desire for autonomy, independence and independence. He considers his opinion to be the only correct one.

Tips: If parents began to notice that a child can communicate with peers for an infinitely long time, and in the family he is burdened with communication, keeps silent, loses interest in family affairs, then the problem of adolescence has come to your home. It's time to immediately visit a psychologist and read special literature.

Key signs of a teenage crisis

Parents need to know that a crisis in adolescence has its "pluses" - contradictions that break the soul of a teenager are needed in order to form a full-fledged and harmonious personality.

The main phases of the crisis period

  1. Phase 1 is called pre-critical or negative. This period is characterized by the fact that stereotypes are crumbling in the minds of a teenager. Parents often do not understand what is happening to their child, so there are many disagreements in the family.
  2. Phase 2 is the culmination point of the crisis. Most often this happens at the age of 13-15. For some, this period is stormy, for others, it is more calm and gentle. Phase 2 is characterized by children's addiction to informal culture, they join different groups or "nailed" to bad companies.
  3. Phase 3 is called post-critical. At this stage, new relationships are being formed with peers, with family and with society.

Development of the adolescent crisis

Tips: Parents need to be as patient and understanding as possible. You should never enter into confrontation. It is important to create such a psychological climate at home in which the teenager will be comfortable. He must feel loved in the family.

Dad and mom need to understand that a son or daughter has begun to grow up, that the opinion of their child must be taken into account.

The adolescent crisis is expressed in two forms - dependence and independence.

Crisis type: independence

Crisis phenomena are expressed in the fact that the child very sharply rejects others and his family from himself. Hence the name - independent. The manifestation of self-will, the devaluation of the opinion of the older generation, and the denial of their demands are becoming characteristic features of independence.

Crisis of independence - manifestations

More sharply and bluntly, manifestations of independence are noticeable at 13-15 years old. The crisis of 17 years has manifested itself in more hidden forms. The symptoms of a crisis period will not go away by themselves. It does not appear all the time, but in periods. Parents should not escalate the relationship during this time.

Psychology advises to treat the age crisis with understanding. It is difficult for a child to go through contradictions, his psyche cannot cope with emotions, he does not know how to manage feelings. If you enter into a confrontation, then the teenager may break loose or become withdrawn.

Tips: Parents need to listen to the "cry of the heart" of their child.

A sign of crisis is distance from parents

You do not need to lecture him, teach him, and you should not talk, as with a baby, in an instructive tone. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse. Overcoming a problem age can only be done with patience and love for your child.

Some parents practice the use of force. For a young nihilist, such an attitude will only provoke negative reactions.

Crisis type: addiction

Among the crises that children are experiencing, the following tendency is revealed. If the crisis of 4 years in children, most often, is a manifestation of independence and the desire for independence, then adolescents tend to be addicted.

Such a crisis is manifested by the excessive obedience, the desire to be "under the wing" of the elders. The teenager has no desire to become an adult, he is afraid of difficulties, he cannot make independent decisions, and in general he is afraid of independence.

Addiction crisis - signs

Such a crisis is worse than an independent one. The type of behavior of a teenager assumes that the child will become infantile, his development will become slower.

Tips: The crisis process depends on the behavior of adults. Dads and mothers, grandparents should be very patient.

It must be remembered that the child intuitively copies the behavior of adults. And the task of the parents is to set an example for the child with their behavior.

If the parents feel that the child chooses the “addiction” line of behavior, they should make every effort to deny their child patronage in order to accustom him to an independent life.

The basis of adolescent problems is contradiction

How to help your teenager overcome the crisis

Even very loving parents often make many mistakes in raising children. A difficult test for many is the 4-year-old crisis in children. Psychological advice received during this period is also suitable for overcoming a teenager's crisis.

Parents' advice on how to cope with a teen crisis
  • Any problem is easier to solve if you find a compromise.
  • All family members must comply with the same requirements and rules. This will make the teen feel equal.
  • Parents need to teach themselves to perceive the child as a person who has already taken place. When solving family issues, be sure to ask his opinion.
  • Teach him how to deal with emotions and feelings by example.
  • Show a genuine interest in his problems and hobbies.
  • The teenager should be encouraged for success, supported in endeavors.
  • Do not compare your child with others, do not tell him that he is worse than others, support him morally in difficult situations.
  • Do not judge the negative statements of a boy or girl.

The adolescent period is the time of growing up, which begins at the age of 13, this includes a transition period of 15-16 years, a crisis of 17 years. Developmental psychology describes each year of this difficult period of mental formation and helps parents and educators understand the subtleties and nuances of adolescent behavior.

Adolescence, according to the generally accepted methodology, takes the period from 10-11 to 15-16 years. At this age, important changes occur with the growing person that affect the behavior of the teenager:

  • the emergence of a sense of adulthood, manifested in the desire to seem and act like an adult;
  • the formation of personal autonomy and self-affirmation. This is manifested in the desire to make decisions on their own, to have their own dreams, personal opinions.

Changes occur very quickly; both the close environment of adolescents and they themselves do not have time to adapt to them. The emerging conflict proceeds as two types of crisis, which have different signs of progress.

Addiction crisis

It manifests itself in the adolescent's adaptation to the people around him, the family. Signs of a crisis:

  • becomes too obedient, cannot make decisions without the direction of elders, strong-willed or powerful people;
  • shows a childish attitude to life, does not have his own opinion, aspirations, cannot and does not want to form his own life plans;
  • turns into an infantile person, as if he rolls back to childish forms of behavior, when his parents completely took care of him, protected him, and everything in life was very predictable.

How to raise such a teenager

  • change the parenting style that is adopted in the family. Infantilism is a completely unhealthy type of adolescence. In the future, he threatens to be unable to get settled in life, to create a strong family.
  • it is impossible to control too tightly, demand unconditional obedience, use moral and physical force
  • show confidence in the actions of a teenager, allow him to do everything that complies with moral standards and family rules. Control not directly, but indirectly, get acquainted with friends, be interested in business.
  • you cannot solve all problems for a teenager, you need him to learn how to solve life problems and difficulties. You can help in solving difficulties, support, give advice. Be a support in which the teenager can make difficult decisions himself.
  • do not restrict the teenager from work. He should have his own area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, a range of household duties that he performs.

In general, you need to try not to overpower, not to break the will, so that the teenager grows up as an independent and responsible person.

Independence crisis

Basically, everyone has heard about the violent manifestation of this type of crisis. This is a favorable, normal and necessary option for the development of a teenager. However, its manifestations are very frightening to parents.

The adolescent's negativism is vivid. It is expressed in the adolescent's denial of previous demands, protest reactions, and devaluation of adults. If negativism is open, it is expressed in the active protest behavior of the adolescent. He begins to show self-will, stubbornness, obstinacy, hooliganism, he can fight against the former people who are authoritative for him. If hidden, then the teenager shows distrust to loved ones, trusting negative thoughts to the diary.

  • A jealous attitude towards property. The teenager asks to leave him a living space, not to touch his things, the table, check his closet or go into his room.
  • Personal thoughts, dreams, and fantasies that a teenager carefully hides from parents and other adults.
  • The tendency to biasedly analyze the people around him, first of all, his own parents, while not being able to objectively evaluate himself.
  • Begins to imitate the behavior of adults in order to be outwardly similar to them. For example, alcohol consumption, clothes of famous brands, profanity or special vocabulary, "adult" flirting, entertainment, bright makeup can give such similarity to a teenager.
  • There are depressive reactions, manifested in the experiences of emptiness, indifference, the feeling that the period of childhood has passed, and adults have yet to become; the teenager may feel that he is not doing his job and that the connection with his parents is lost.

The teenager seeks to enter an interesting group for him, shows dependence on the opinion of the company, submission to it, while striving for independence from parents.

  • A picky assessment of your own appearance. The teenager needs a positive perception of how he looks. Otherwise, adolescents may experience problems in behavior, isolation, unwillingness to go to school.
  • In mentally developed adolescents, the phenomenon of intellectualization can occur, hiding anxiety. This manifests itself in immersion in philosophical and abstract reasoning divorced from real life.
  • Studying is more difficult, academic performance decreases, the desire to learn is lost, interest shifts to life outside of school.
  • Suicidal behavior. This can be life-threatening behavior and extreme risk, demonstrative threats to commit suicide, and real attempts at suicide. Most often, this behavior speaks of traumatic events in the life of a teenager, which he cannot tell adults about, as well as family problems.

How to raise such a teenager correctly

Give your child some independence, personal space, while maintaining responsibility and family responsibilities. Agree to follow family rules. For example: "It is not customary in our family to swear, we discuss all problems calmly." The introduced rules should apply to all family members, including parents. Teens are sensitive to hypocrisy.

  • Set clear boundaries and boundaries for your teen's behavior. This is necessary so that the teenager in the future cannot harm himself without knowing the boundaries, and also so that he is ready for situations of refusal of his desires in life. Freedom must be provided in accordance with the growing responsibility of the adolescent, so that they grow proportionally.
  • The adolescent's attitude towards himself is directly transferred to the attitude towards others. Therefore, you need to show love to the teenager, say and show that he is smart, good, handsome, decent. You need to praise the teenager more often for what he is good at doing.
  • You cannot negatively compare a teenager with someone, ridicule his opinion and interests, criticize his appearance and show aggression if he does not understand.
  • Forbid yourself criticizing his friends, their communication and common interests, and even more categorically forbid communicating with anyone. This will trigger a reaction of resistance.

If you want to influence the teenager's social circle, then do it indirectly: through the choice of the school, your friends, families with children of the same age.

  • Set aside 10-15 minutes every day for dialogue. Talk to your teen as if you were just a familiar person. Instead of criticism and teaching, try to inspire your teenager to solve problems and encourage him.
  • Try to often consult, ask and listen to his opinion.
  • Consider the opinion of the teenager in family matters that concern him: discuss together the renovation or rearrangement of furniture in his room, how he wants to celebrate his birthday, which clubs or sections he wants to join.
  • Engage in cleaning duties and other matters. Make the rules a tradition. For example, clean every Friday.

If the teenager actively resists doing something, try to negotiate with him by offering an alternative. For example, suggest a choice between preparing lessons or running. Or allow listening to your favorite music, but limit the time you come home or do your homework.

  • Introduce pleasant family activities into the tradition: watching a movie, going to a restaurant once a month, playing sports.
  • The territory that belongs to the child: a place in a closet, a room or its corner. No one should encroach on personal space.
  • Solve all quarrels calmly. Be sure to control your emotions as negative parenting behavior will exacerbate the conflict. Talk about the problem only when the teenager himself calms down, since in poor health he will behave badly.
  • Try to show your teenager a good example of good communication, strong happy family, trusting relationships. Personal example brings up the best.
  • Support his desire to make decisions, discuss the child's plans and help implement them. Show respect even to those plans that do not seem rational to you, the main thing is that he learns not to quit halfway, but to achieve his goals.

Show your teenager attention and respect, and then he will show them to the people around him and to himself.

This is a crisis of social development, reminiscent of the crisis of 3 years ("I myself"), only now it is "I myself" in the social sense. In the literature, it is described as "the age of the second cut of the umbilical cord", "negative phase of puberty." This period is characterized by a drop in academic performance, decreased performance, disharmony in the internal structure of the personality, the maximum separation of the "I" of the adolescent and the world. The crisis is one of the acute ones.

The adolescent crisis also has its own positive meaning. It lies in the fact that, living this period in the struggle for independence, which takes place in relatively safe conditions and does not take extreme forms, the teenager satisfies the needs for self-knowledge and self-affirmation. In addition, he not only develops a sense of self-confidence and the ability to rely on himself, but also forms ways of behavior that allow him to continue to cope with life's difficulties.

The main symptoms of the crisis are:

    Decreased productivity and the ability to learn, even in the area in which the child is gifted. Regression manifests itself when a creative task is given (for example, an essay). Children are able to perform the same as before, only mechanical tasks. This is due to the transition from visualization and knowledge to understanding and deduction (deduction of consequences from premises, inference). That is, there is a transition to a new, higher level of intellectual development. The concrete is replaced by logical thinking. This manifests itself in criticism and the demand for evidence. The teenager is now burdened with specific questions, he is beginning to be interested in philosophical questions (problems of the origin of the world, man). The opening of the mental world takes place, the attention of the adolescent is first drawn to other persons. With the development of thinking comes intense self-perception, self-observation, knowledge of the world of one's own experiences. The world of inner experiences and objective reality are divided. At this age, many teenagers keep diaries. New thinking has an impact on language and speech.

    H agativism ... This period is sometimes called phase of the second negativism by analogy with the crisis 3 years. The child, as it were, repels from the environment, is hostile, prone to quarrels, violations of discipline. At the same time, he experiences internal anxiety, discontent, a desire for loneliness, for self-isolation. In boys, negativism manifests itself brighter and more often than in girls, and begins later - at the age of 14-16.

It is important to understand that crisis symptoms do not appear constantly, they are rather episodic phenomena, although sometimes they recur quite often. In addition, the intensity of crisis symptoms and the way they are expressed can vary significantly.

There are two main ways of this crisis: 1. The crisis of independence, in which the main symptoms are obstinacy, stubbornness, negativism, self-will, devaluation of adults, negative attitude to their previously fulfilled requirements, protest-revolt, jealousy of property. 2. A crisis of addiction, the symptoms of which are excessive obedience, dependence on the elders or the strong, regression to old interests, tastes, forms of behavior, which “returns” the teenager back to that position, to that system of relations that guaranteed emotional well-being, feeling confidence, security ("I am a child and I want to remain so").

As a rule, both tendencies can be present in the symptoms of a crisis, with one of them dominating. The simultaneous presence of the desire for independence and the desire for dependence is associated with the duality of the student's position. Due to insufficient psychological and social maturity, a teenager, presenting and defending his new views to adults, seeking equal rights, seeking to expand the scope of what is permitted, simultaneously expects help, support and protection from them, waits (often unconsciously) that adults will ensure the relative safety of this struggle and protect him from overly risky steps. It is in this connection that an excessively permissive attitude often comes across a dull irritation of a teenager, and a rather harsh (but at the same time reasoned) prohibition, causing an outburst of indignation, on the contrary, leads to calmness and emotional well-being.

Thus, adolescent behavior during a crisis is not necessarily negative. L.S.Vygotsky writes about three options for behavior.

    Negativism is pronounced in all areas of a teenager's life. Moreover, this either lasts for several weeks, or the teenager drops out of the family for a long time, is inaccessible to the persuasion of his elders, excitable or, conversely, stupid. This difficult and acute course is observed in 20% of adolescents.

    The child is a potential negativist. This manifests itself only in some life situations, mainly as a reaction to the negative influence of the environment (family conflicts, the oppressive effect of the school environment). These children are in the majority, about 60%.

    There are no negative phenomena at all in 20% of children.

In this regard, it can be assumed that negativism is a consequence of the shortcomings of the pedagogical approach. By the way, ethnographic research also shows that there are peoples where teenagers do not experience a crisis.

It should be noted that adults (parents, teachers) usually associate the difficulties of upbringing not with the crisis as such, when the breakdown of previous psychological formations begins, but with the post-crisis period. The period of formation of new psychological formations in adolescents becomes difficult for those around them, since the transfer of previous educational measures to this age turns out to be ineffective.

Questions for self-control:

    The main manifestations of the adolescent crisis

    What changes are taking place in the adolescent's motor and physical development?

    What are the features of adolescents' relationships with peers and adults?

    What are the features of the motivational sphere of adolescents?

    Describe the leading activities in adolescence

At the beginning of the second decade of life in children, the hormonal background changes sharply, which causes them the first conscious. This is the reason that adolescents are beginning to be actively interested in the opposite sex, experimenting in relationships: they meet, swear, and part. Academic performance falls, parents swear, and teenagers are too passionate about the new world - the world of human relationships, feelings and emotions.

Many parents are united by a fear of their children's adolescence. As soon as someone says: "Mine is now 14 ...", those around him sigh sympathetically. Of course, it is not for nothing that people call this age “difficult”: adolescents often seem completely unpredictable to adults, but there are general tendencies on the basis of which two types of adolescent crisis can be distinguished.

So, first view the course of the adolescent crisis can be called stormy, bright, intense... The teenager is actively rebelling against the whole world, looks shocking and behaves accordingly: he becomes very loud and harsh, slams the door during quarrels and runs away from home. He often has, but at teenage parties he is a regular guest.

Usually it is this type of crisis that frightens parents most of all: the child seems to be somehow alien, different, although a year ago he was an obedient schoolboy.

This openness is a resource for parents to maintain contact and trust with their teenager. Emotions and feelings are what now make up your child's picture of the world. Talk about them with the teenager, discuss, be sincerely interested in what is happening in his soul: feeling genuine interest, and not a desire to control him, the child will share his feelings.

You can remember yourself at his age, tell that you also experienced because of your first love and quarrels with friends, you can compare your feelings and emotions. This experience will be of interest to both you and your rebellious child.

Second viewquiet and silent... These teenagers experience the same spectrum of very intense emotions in silence, locking themselves in their room, pulling the hood up to their eyes and plugging in headphones with screaming music. They also rebel, they also shout, but within themselves.

This quiet rebellion is actually fraught with much more dangers than a loud one, because such adolescents become extremely withdrawn, do not share their experiences, but communicate mainly on social networks. Such silent people are more unpredictable, because one can only guess what storm is raging inside them.

For parents whose teenager behaves this way, it is important to be patient and maintain the contact that was at the time of the crisis.

It is important to make it clear to the child that you will always be there, no matter what he has done, that your love for him does not depend on any external factors: you simply love him for what he is, with all his shortcomings and complexes.

Do not demand from him to tell stories about yourself, let him live the crisis inside yourself, but gently remind that you are his support and support - at any moment he can ask for help, and you will certainly support him. If a teenager has a feeling that the family is his shelter from the outside world, then he will not commit any terrible actions.

Regardless of the type of crisis, it is important for parents to remember a few rules:

  1. Treat a teenager as an adult: respect him, his feelings, experiences, emotions, choices, actions, even if they seem wrong to you. The right to make mistakes teaches adolescents to think through the consequences, consider many factors and take responsibility.
  2. Respect your teen's privacy. You won't read your colleague's text messages, will you? So it is with a teenager: he has his own personal life, his own space, which should be inviolable. Don't read his correspondence, knock on the door before entering his room. Even such little things will let him know that you respect his right to personal boundaries.
  3. Don't discount your teen's feelings by saying, “Have you had a fight again? Nonsense, make peace! " No, not nonsense: quarrels for teenagers are the end of the world, and often the real end of friendship. Respect these experiences, because the world of relationships is the main world for a teenager.
  4. Avoid punishments and orders. A teenager is no longer a child, he is extremely painful for an encroachment on personal freedom and self-expression. House arrests, bans, coercion into any activity will only exacerbate the adolescent crisis. You need to negotiate with a teenager in the same way as with any adult.

Whether the crisis is quiet or loud, mild or severe, it is important to maintain a relationship of trust. Parents should take into account the age characteristics of their child so that further development is harmonious. The teenager wants to walk - let him walk, wants to sit in the room - let him sit. The main thing is that he knows that he has parental support.





Centenary "











Adolescent crisis

Introduction …………………………………………………………………. ……… ..3

1.Crisis …………………………………………………………………………… 4

2. The crisis of adolescence.

2. 1. Characteristics of the adolescent crisis ………………………… 4

2. 2. Options for overcoming crisis situations …………………………… ..... 7

3.1. Friends ……………………………………………………………… .. …….… 14

3.2. Parents …………………………………………………………………… ... 18

Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………… ...… 21

References ……………………………………………………………… 22

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………… 24


Despite all the wealth of fundamental research, today there is no holistic description of the development of the human psyche at this stage of his life path. The attitude of a person to himself and to the world as a whole depends on how the adolescent period will pass.

The adolescent crisis is one of the most pressing problems of the children of the modern world. This is due to the emergence of modernly new requirements imposed on them by the ongoing socio - economic transformations. The processes taking place in our country in the past two decades in the socio-economic sphere and health care have led to significant both qualitative and quantitative changes in the health status of the population, especially children.

The purpose of our course work is to reveal the essence of the adolescent crisis, the specific features of the manifestation of crisis states.

1) Study the literature on this issue.

2) Consider the main features of the crisis in adolescence.

3) Describe the ways out of crisis conditions.

1. The crisis.

A crisis is a state of mental disorder caused by a person's long-term dissatisfaction with himself and his relationship with the outside world.

A crisis - it affects the most fundamental, vital values \u200b\u200band needs of a person, becomes the dominant feature of a person's inner life and is accompanied by strong emotional experiences.

The crisis, disrupting the usual course of life, disorganizing, or even making it impossible for ordinary life activities, requires a person to rethink his life in its most essential components, rethink his life goals, relationships with others, lifestyle, etc. Successful overcoming of the crisis is a vital task for a person, and the result of his resolution often becomes the emergence of some new qualities of life.

2. The crisis of adolescence.

2. 1. Characteristics of the crisis of adolescence.

The adolescent crisis is the longest of all age crises.

Adolescence is a difficult period of puberty and psychological maturation of a child. Significant changes take place in self-consciousness: a feeling of adulthood appears, a feeling of being an adult. There is a passionate desire, if not to be, then at least to seem and be considered an adult. To defend his new rights, a teenager protects many areas of his life from the control of his parents and often goes into conflicts with them. The adolescent also has a desire to communicate with peers. The leading activity during this period is intimate - personal communication. Teenage friendships and informal groups emerge. There are bright, but usually replacing hobbies.

The main activity of a teenager is educational, during which the child not only learns the skills and techniques of obtaining knowledge, but also enriches himself with new meanings, motives and needs, and masters the skills of social relationships.

School ontogenesis covers the following age periods: primary school age - 7-10 years; junior teenage - 11-13 years old; senior adolescent - 14-15 years old; adolescence - 16-18 years old. Each of these periods of development is characterized by its own characteristics.

One of the most difficult periods of school ontogenesis is adolescence, which is otherwise called the transitional period, since it is characterized by the transition from childhood to adolescence, from immaturity to maturity.

Adolescence is a period of rapid and uneven growth and development of the body, when the body grows intensively, the muscular apparatus improves, and the skeleton ossifies. Inconsistency, uneven development of the heart and blood vessels, as well as increased activity of the endocrine glands often lead to some temporary circulatory disorders, increased blood pressure, cardiac stress in adolescents, as well as an increase in their excitability, which can be expressed in irritability, rapid fatigue, dizziness and palpitations. The adolescent's nervous system is not always able to withstand strong or long-acting stimuli and, under their influence, often goes into a state of inhibition or, conversely, strong arousal.

The central factor in physical development in adolescence is puberty, which has a significant impact on the functioning of internal organs.

Sexual attraction (often unconscious) and new experiences, drives and thoughts associated with it appear.

Features of physical development in adolescence determine the most important role in this period of the correct mode of life, in particular, the mode of work, rest, sleep and nutrition, physical education and sports.

A distinctive feature of mental development is that it is progressive and at the same time contradictory heterochromic character throughout the entire school period. Psychophysiological functional development is at this time one of the main directions of mental evolution.

Adolescents develop scientific thinking skills, thanks to which they talk about the past, present and future, put forward hypotheses, assumptions, and make forecasts. Young men develop a gravitation towards general theories, formulas, etc. The inclination to theorize becomes, in a sense, an age-related feature. Own theories of politics, philosophy, formulas of happiness and love are being created. A feature of the youthful psyche associated with formal-operational thinking is a change in the relationship between the categories of possibility and reality. Mastering logical thinking inevitably gives rise to intellectual experimentation, a kind of game in concepts, formulas, etc. Hence the peculiar egocentrism of youthful thinking: assimilating the whole world around him into his universal theories, the young man, according to Piaget, behaves as if the world should obey systems, not systems of reality.

Crises in adolescents are associated with emerging neoplasms, among which the “feeling of adulthood” and the emergence of a new level of self-awareness are central.

The characterological feature of a 10-15-year-old child is manifested in a heightened desire to establish himself in society, to get adults to recognize their rights and capabilities. At the first stage, it is specific for children to seek recognition of the fact of their growing up. Moreover, among some younger adolescents, it is expressed in the desire only to assert their right to be like adults, to achieve recognition of their adulthood (at the level, for example, “I can dress the way I want”). In other children, the desire for adulthood lies in the desire to receive recognition of their new opportunities, in others, in the desire to participate in various activities on an equal basis with adults.

Overestimation of their increased capabilities determines the desire of adolescents for a certain independence and independence, painful vanity and touchiness. Increased criticism towards adults, an acute reaction to attempts by others to belittle their dignity, belittle their adulthood, underestimate their legal capabilities are the reasons for frequent conflicts in adolescence.

Peer orientation often manifests itself in fear of rejection by them. The emotional well-being of a teenager begins to depend more and more on the place that he occupies in the team, begins to be determined primarily by the attitude and assessments of his comrades. There is a tendency for grouping, which causes a tendency to form groupings, "brotherhoods", a willingness to recklessly follow the leader.

Moral concepts, ideas, beliefs, principles are intensively formed, which adolescents begin to follow in their behavior. Often they form a system of their own requirements and norms that do not coincide with the requirements of adults.

One of the most important moments in the formation of a teenager's personality is the development of self-awareness, self-esteem (SO); adolescents develop an interest in themselves, in the qualities of their personality, the need to compare themselves with others, to evaluate themselves, to understand their feelings and experiences.

Self-esteem is formed under the influence of the assessments of other people, comparing oneself with others; the success of the activity plays an important role in its formation.

The transitional critical period ends with the emergence of a special personal education, which can be designated by the term "self-determination", it is characterized by the awareness of oneself as a member of society and one's purpose in life.

2. 2. Ways of getting out of crisis conditions.

In connection with the above, in order to realize his potential, a teenager must belong to a certain group where he will be understood and accepted. This can be a reference group that has organized spontaneously in the yard, in a sports club, music school, etc. Also, for self-realization and protection from society, a teenager can join a certain association of people - a subculture. In some situations, when a teenager cannot find his own realization, he plunges into a state of depression, which can lead to suicide. We'll cover this in more detail in this chapter.

1. Subculture - associations of people according to their worldview and interests, which do not contradict the values \u200b\u200bof traditional culture, but complement it. And youth subcultures are no exception. Subcultures arise because they are necessary: \u200b\u200bthey provide an opportunity, especially for young people and adolescents, to express themselves creatively, to determine their place in life, to find friends. Subculture is part of a social organism. Figuratively speaking, it is like a hand. If you cut it off, a person can live, but he will be disabled.

The subculture of adolescents is really a system of actions of various types that allow you to organize both external life and internal (organize your psychological space). It is at this age that such a little-studied phenomenon as the adolescent's own language flourishes. A phenomenon that is noted in many countries (Appendix 1).

Consider the most common modern youth subcultures:

1) Punk is a subculture based on an addiction to punk rock. With the unbridled energy of destruction represented by the punk, the ideals of the hippies were swept away. Punk culture is reflected in dance, literature, visual arts and film. Punk has a close relationship with some other subcultures such as gothic and psychobility. Punk style - defiant hairstyles, leather jacket, earrings on the face and in the ears. Sometimes punks wear rocker jackets, skinny jeans with pipes, and a variety of shoes ranging from sneakers to titanium boots and t-shirts with custom images. Punks' hair is styled in the form of a mohawk or other forms, or they shave on their bald head (Appendix 2).

2) Metalworkers are one of the largest "informal" subcultures. Previously, heavy music was the hobby of some music lovers, the elite entertainment of the intelligentsia, and even a small hobby of gopniks. Now many people listen to heavy music. Today it is a very rich musical layer, few components of which have nothing in common, except for the characteristic "overloaded" sound. "Heavy" today is a fashionable, equal, advanced trend, no rebellion, not underground, as it used to be. Fans of heavy metal rock, fast metal rock, black metal rock, they are all metal guys. Modern metalworkers love to live for their own pleasure. They believe that they owe nothing to other people, go to concerts where they can drink alcoholic beverages, and then arrange fights (Appendix 3).

3) Goths perceive their movement as a protest of mass consciousness, variegation and tastelessness. Gothic music combines many different styles. The trend is for sad, mystical and even sorrowful motives in appearance and music.

Goths have their own recognizable style. Their image is distinguished by mourning, dark colors, sometimes combined with eroticism. There are piercings. Jewelry is made of silver, and can have various symbols - anki, crosses, pentagrams, etc. Silver is the color of the moon. The hairstyle also plays an important role in the image of the ready: just straight long hair, gathered in a large bun or raised with gel, there are also sometimes mohawks. Usually hair is dyed black, but there are also red, purple, white colors. Make-up is one of the main features of this subculture: a thick layer of white powder on the face, black eyeliner and lips.

The characteristics of this subculture include non-violence, passivity, and tolerance. Unlike punks and hippies, Goths do not call for social activity, do not support forces or blocs in politics, and do not create any political slogans (Appendix 4).

4) Rap - among the many subcultural forms based on musical styles, has gained wide scope in Russia. The manner of performance - "reading", their actions in the rap of street life of teenagers in the Negro neighborhoods of America. This style is imitative in nature, more recently it has become an integral part of subcultural polystylistic education, which has received the name - hip-hop culture. Priorities besides rap: graffiti as a kind of special wall painting, break dance as a form of body plastics and dance, extreme sports, streetball, etc. This subculture is quite democratic, does not lose touch with the "youth of the street". In large cities, there are many young people in rap-related clothing. Although rap fans refer to "tough guys in wide pants" posing as rappers. Such clothes are sold in clothing markets - inexpensive. But, nevertheless, some of the youth are consciously oriented towards hip-hop culture. Appearance: Wide, several sizes larger clothing. More often sports. The sport is basketball. Earrings and badges are worn as jewelry. Short hair. Many rappers do not drink alcohol, not even beer, although they prefer strong drugs. Rappers are not only those who listen to "rap" but also those who write rap. Basically, rappers are not aggressive, apart from those who are classified as "Gangsta" (Appendix 5).

5) The name emo - comes from the word "emotional". Emo are well known for their style and ideology, which is clearly expressed in their respective music. Initially, the subculture was built on punk music with expressive lyrics, most often of a personal nature and with a large emotional component. Emo music is built on sincerity, and so is the subculture. Emo is a state of mind, but also, they have their own special style to stand out from other subcultures. Emo clothes, these are clothes in black and pink colors, various bandages on the hands, belts with iron plaques, a backpack with various emo icons. Emo makeup is a black eyeliner pencil. Emo hairstyles - bangs cover one eye, black or dark brown hair color. Styling or not, all this gives freedom in the choice of individuality. Being emo means being sad and writing poetry. In poetry, we are talking about such feelings as confusion, depression, loneliness, longing, a sense of isolation from the whole world around (Appendix 6).

2. The most common mental disorder is, without exaggeration, depression. Depression in adolescents and young people less often falls into the field of vision of psychiatrists due to their atypicality, blurred clinical picture, masking of their manifestations by behavioral disorders in the form of conflict, rudeness, aggression, leaving home, theft, use of psychoactive substances (PAS), early promiscuous sexual life.

In adolescence, with depression, psycho-like manifestations are often expressed: conflict, rudeness, propensity for antisocial behavior, opposition to relatives, alcohol abuse. Even the very concept of "depression" has an ambiguous interpretation. It is understood as a characteristic of mood, the name of a syndrome and as a separate mental illness.

Adolescence is characterized mainly by psychogenic depression (that is, caused by psychological causes). Relationship between adolescent depression: problems with academic performance, difficulties in communicating with peers and elders, etc.

Depressive states in adolescents have a complex structure. This is due to the combination of true depressive symptoms, refracted through age characteristics, with personal defensive reactions that are formed in response to their own inadequacy, the inability to effectively master the school curriculum and adapt in a peer group.

3. Suicide is a person's reaction to a problem that seems insurmountable to him. The topic of suicidal behavior is quite serious and requires thinking about the real reasons that push people to voluntarily leave this life.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in adolescence. It is the presence of social and psychological problems that leads to suicidal attempts (violence, aggression and cruelty towards children, a sense of loneliness).

Often, adolescents who resort to suicide have relatives or friends who have committed suicide, abuse alcohol and drugs, they are characterized by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other behavioral disorders, depression, anxiety. Predisposing factors include acute anxiety, confrontation with the law, truancy and conflicts at school, drug addiction, pregnancy or fear of pregnancy, hypochondria, social isolation. Girls have an additional reason for increased demands on themselves and their academic performance (with average abilities) or changes in life. At the time of the suicide, the victim is often under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

4. Study, sports, creativity - these are the types of activities that a teenager can go to during this period. As a rule, any success should be noticed by parents or teachers, whose opinion is valued more than anything else and is extremely important for a teenager.

By making sufficient efforts in sports or studies, the teenager learns his point of view and the correct construction of self-esteem. Sets goals and goes to his dream, begins to believe in himself. For example, physical activity can restore calmness and peace of the teenager. Creativity enriches the inner life of a teenager, makes him comprehensively developed, teaches him to be in harmony with himself. Studying and acquiring new knowledge can bring joy and help to assert oneself.

3. Helpers in times of crisis.

3.1. Friends.

In adolescence, they emotionally communicate with peers. Communication permeates the entire life of adolescents, leaving an imprint on both educational and non-educational activities, and on relationships with parents.

The most meaningful and deep communication is possible with friendships. Teenage friendships are complex and often contradictory. The teenager strives to have a close, faithful friend and is frantically changing friends. Usually he looks for similarities in a friend, understanding and acceptance of his own experiences and attitudes. A friend who knows how to listen and feel (and for this you need to have similar problems or the same view of the world of human relations), becomes a kind of psychotherapist. He can help not only to better understand oneself, but also to overcome self-doubt, endless doubts about one's own worth, to feel like a person. If a friend, busy with his own, also difficult teenage affairs, shows inattention or otherwise evaluates a situation that is significant for both, a break in relations is quite possible. And then the teenager, feeling lonely, will again seek the ideal and strive for the fullest possible understanding, in which you, in spite of everything, are loved and appreciated. Let's remember the old movie "We'll Live Until Monday." The boy was able to reflect the idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness in one phrase: "Happiness is when you are understood."

As shown in American studies, in adolescence, close friends, as a rule, are of the same age, study in the same class, and belong to the same environment. Compared to friends, they are more similar in terms of mental development, social behavior, and learning success. There are also exceptions. For example, for a serious girl who does well at school, a noisy, extravagant girl who is interested not in study, but in entertainment can become the best friend. The attractiveness of the opposite nature is usually explained by the fact that the teenager is looking for attractive features in a friend that he himself lacks.

In friendships, teenagers are extremely selective. But their social circle is not limited to close friends, on the contrary, it becomes much wider than in previous ages. Children at this time have many acquaintances and, more importantly, informal groups or companies are formed. Teenagers can be united in a group not only by mutual sympathy, but also by common interests, activities, ways of entertainment, a place for spending free time. What a teenager receives from a group and what he can give her depends on the level of development of the group to which he belongs.

A friendly relationship is always a mutual relationship in which each of the participants is designated and in one way or another manifested for the other. At the same time, they are both manifested, presented in accordance with their real properties, the more realism, the greater the likelihood of real friendship. Friendship is based on justice, it does not require the impossible, the supernatural from a person, it is addressed to his real “I”, which can truly exercise its integrity in full life. They expect understanding from a friend, they give understanding to a friend. Everyone else may not understand, this is forgiven them, but if a friend does not understand, this is already a catastrophe, this is already a loss based on the experience of the impossibility of incarnating one's own existential, this is a break in the thread of life, a break of one's own existence. For many people, one such experience is enough to then beware of people all their lives.

How does friendship arise - this is an attitude in which you must necessarily be, and not seem to be yourself? Psychologists usually describe the moment of friendship emerge as a special phenomenon and call it a meeting. In Russian psychology, there is no practice of analyzing a meeting as a phenomenological phenomenon, but it has been studied in sufficient detail, for example, the need for communication among young people and other types of so-called sociogenic needs, that is, needs for other people. Youth is characterized as a period of pronounced social needs. The need for friendship, in confirmation of the possibility of realizing one's own I finds its object (another) at the moment of meeting. The main experience that characterizes her is the recognition of this person's closeness to himself, to his I. Sometimes he is described as a break, as a leap in the usual course of everyday life events.

True friendship has one amazing property - it never needs to change the other person. Each of them has its own living space, psychological space, where its life is built. A friend is there, he takes a position that helps to make the transition to another position, taking into account the existence of the existing one. A friend does not destroy the position, he helps to reflect on it, to realize it, that is, to look at oneself from the outside, using that part of the knowledge about oneself that is necessary for this. A friend helps to be fair in relation to your own "I", your own position. Nobody else can do this.

As a rule, friendship forgives, forgives to the end. This property of true friendship, forgiveness to the end is a manifestation of unlimited trust in the strength of the I of another person to realize their integrality, to be embodied in life. As soon as doubt or condemnation begins, it means that something in friendship is broken and already forever. Maybe the source of the force directed at another person is darkened, maybe it has dried up due to excessive use.

Friendship is of a moral nature. Once lost trust is never restored. This sad law has long been described and understood by researchers of friendship. Thanks to friendship, a person solves his life task of development - the task of internalizing morality. I think that the moral nature of friendship lies in its disinterestedness, in its direct ("pointless") relationship between man and man. If the moral categories of conscience, responsibility, duty reflect the existentiality of a person, then friendship as a person's attitude to a person concretizes this existence, mistakes in this process, I think, are associated with the complexity of this process.

Friendship cannot exist without the moral attitude of people to each other, that is, the values \u200b\u200bof friendship have already been determined in advance by what has long and unanimously been called human virtue in society. A friend is the person who discovers these values \u200b\u200bfor us and builds his behavior in accordance with them.

A person's friends can provide an objective picture of a person's moral character.

Friendship is a meeting of a person with himself, it is a gift of life, its miracle, it cannot be constant charity, or constant help, or benefit. Aristotle, Kant, Thomas Aquinas, and many other great people talked about this for so long and so modernly that I simply refer those who wish to their texts.

Psychologically, it is important that friendship gives a person the strength to build his own integrity, which gives rise to the power of his I, to preserve and protect his I, their rights, to experience their need to preserve their I and the I of other people from possible impact. I think that it is here that the psychological sources of human legal consciousness can be found. Friendship is the process of realizing the equality of the Self, law is the process of realizing social equality.

3.2. Parents.

The family factor can rightfully be considered as the most powerful in terms of a favorable influence on the child. Parents often do not take the child's position into account, do not pay enough attention to him, punish him and get angry at the slightest reason.

Strong family friendship, warmth of relationships, an adequate style of upbringing is what a teenager needs during this period. Acceptance (positive interest) implies, of course, a positive attitude towards the child. A parent who emotionally understands him, sympathizes with him, timely responds to the needs of the child. Thus, such parents create in the adolescent an unconscious confidence that he is needed and interesting to other people, that he has the necessary personal means to achieve his goals.

And the main helpers in this should be the parents, because it is the parents who are the main people for the child, they know everything, they help in everything. Most often, parents do not want to admit to themselves that their child is beginning to grow up, he has his own priorities in life, his own positions on some issues. Therefore, parents should have a flexible position in relation to the opinions and views of the child and respect any manifestations of his personality, taking into account, of course, reasonable boundaries of what is permissible. Now the time of the unconditional authority of parents has irrevocably gone, so it will no longer be possible to command and lead. This tactic is doomed to fail. Instead, the regulator of the relationship will be the authority of the parents, status and concrete actions. One of the characteristics of adolescence is the need for risk, most often dictated by the desire to assert itself. It's hard to accept, but the only way to do it is to take risks with your child, but on your own territory. This is how parents will be able to speak with the teenager in his language and give him the opportunity to marvel at his ingenuity. But for some reason our parents take a slightly different position, they do not understand the child. In a healthy adult-adolescent relationship, parent-peer influences are complementary. And it's very simple. The main difficulty for parents is only in the fact that they need to recognize in their child an adult (albeit not quite yet) person who has his own views and his rights.
When dealing with a teenager, you will have to forget that the parent is a person whose opinion is not discussed. He once enjoyed this status, but everything has changed irrevocably: the child becomes independent. Now the best way for both sides is friendship. The parent's experience gives him an edge. But you shouldn't use it as a weapon. They need help to overcome problems and suggest ways out of difficult situations, then it will be perceived adequately, with gratitude, with respect. Parents should again teach their child to perceive the world, show it by examples. First of all, you need to teach your child to joke. To look at what is happening with humor and irony, not to be afraid of anything, to make a mistake, to be able to distinguish a joke from an insult. This will help him cope with the difficulties of adolescence, it will also become an excellent base of worldview in the future, will form character and optimism. Show how you should take advantage of seemingly negative moments in life and what is happening: what happened is not good, but in this you can find such and such advantages. This is where you will be invaluable, since the teenager still lacks experience to react to the situation in this way. The feelings of a teenager are subject to instant change, emotions simply overwhelm him, he still lacks experience to cope with them and control them. And a person who does not show emotions is not interesting and other people will not be drawn to him. After all, the basis of communication is mutual understanding of the situation when the story of one interlocutor with inspiration and with a sparkle in his eyes is supported by the other, and the conversation cannot end in any way. Therefore, it is important not to force your own rules on the teenager. After all, if a teenager realizes that you respect him, value his opinion, he will be able to respect you. If you disclose your experience to him in the form of advice, and do not force it, he will begin to appreciate it. And, faced with a really serious problem, he will run for advice and help not to friends, but to you, as to a more experienced and closest person. Numerous studies prove the benefits of the first approach. A child deprived of strong and unequivocal evidence of parental love is less likely to have high self-esteem, warm and friendly relationships with others, and a strong positive self-image.


1) Having studied the literature on this issue, we came to the conclusion that adolescence is one of the most difficult periods of human life, intensive growth and changes in the body have a serious impact on the psyche of a teenager.

2) Having considered the main features of the crisis states of adolescence, we found that a change in the values, orientations of a teenager, the desire for adulthood and independence, the egocentrism of youthful thinking gives rise to a lot of personal and external interpersonal conflicts

3) Having described the ways out of crisis states, we found out that in order to overcome the destructive phenomena in the psyche of a teenager, close adults need to create conditions for the formation of a reference group (get to know friends, invite friends to your home, get to know the parents of friends, stimulate to play sports , music, support the constructive interests of the teenager) and, despite the difficult period, remain a friend for the child.

Thus, summing up our course work, we once again note the importance of adolescence for the entire development of personality, we consider it necessary to continue a deep comprehensive study of this problem, we emphasize the importance of this knowledge in the real life of adolescents in terms of their relationship to themselves and to other people.


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