Feeding on demand or by hours: Principles, pros and cons. The mode of the newborn baby in the first month of life breastfeeding on schedule

Feeding on demand or by hours: Principles, pros and cons. The mode of the newborn baby in the first month of life breastfeeding on schedule

You can often hear from nursing mom: "I feed on demand, my baby requires breasts every 3.5 hours." Or: "I always fed on demand. In the year we already had 1 feeding in the evening, and my child calmly refused his chest. "

Before talking about the requirement of a child, it is necessary to find out what is meant of the modern women when they say - "I feed the breast." Modern mothers consider applying to the chest necessary for feeding the child. It is for feeding. Breast milk - Food, Mom supplies the child nutrients necessary for growth and development. When a child sucks his chest, he eats. In breastfeeding is invested only as in the process of supplying proteins, fats, carbohydrates of vitamins and trace elements.

The child during sucking, with the mother's milk gets the nutrients they need. This is an unconditional truth. There is another unconditional truth that in modern society does not attach any importance, it is not taken into account and is not considered. Sucking breasts for a child is a communion with a mother.

We must figure out, but how does a child understand the feeding on demand? Can he understand something at all? Is there a difference for him as it is fed, 15-20 minutes after 3.5 hours or somehow different?

Feeding at the request of a newborn baby means applying it to the chest for each squeak or search movements. Pisk and search movements in newborns Even the second - third days of life begin to manifest much more often than after 3.5 or 2.5 hours. The need for applies is rapidly increasing and by 10-12 days of life The need to attach the child may occur 15-16 and more than once a day. Applying different duration. The kid can fall asleep and sleep, sucking for, for example, 1.5-2 hours. May let the chest after 1-2 minutes. And immediately ask her again. Why does the child such frequent contacts with her mother breasts?

That's why. Being in the abdomen of the mother, in a calm, usual setting, listening to the noise of the mother's organism, being in a warm, close, closed space, the baby suck the cam, fingers, cord loops, swallowed oily water. He studied to suck and swallow. After birth, experiencing discomfort on any, most insignificant occasion, the baby tries to get rid of him. You can get rid of discomfort by occasionally in the usual conditions of a comfortable stay. The only place where the kid after birth can feel the sensation familiar to him, is in his hands from the mother. The only acquaintance action is sucking. The only familiar taste and smell is the taste and smell of milk and lubrication of the near-block mug. Milk and lubrication have smell and taste similar to the taste and smell of spindlewater waters. Therefore, experiencing discomfort, baby beeps, or begins to look for a mouth to a mouth for sucking. In the perfect version, it is immediately applied to the chest. The baby becomes warm, closely, he hears the mind of the mother's heart, breathing, rumbling in the intestines, he sucks and feels familiar taste and smell. If such an action happens constantly, the kid acquires confidence, no matter what happens, he will solve all his problems at Mom. The comfort destination is now under the breast, and you can suck your chest.

This whole process is justified from a biological point of view. The newborn child does not feel a feeling of hunger, it is not formed that feeling. It will begin to form about two months of age. How to feed the creature that is not hunger?! How to encourage him to make any actions for food? This can be done only at the expense of some other incentives. This incentive for a newborn is a permanent physical discomfort, thanks to which he always wants to suck! The most intense, frequent and prolonged sucking in babies is observed in the first two, three months of life. It is in these first months that the main increase in the weight of the baby occurs.

How does the feeding of the baby look at the age of one month?

The baby falls asleep with breasts in his mouth, some time sleeps suckling. Slowing deeply, letters the chest. After spending some time, he wakes up, and applied when awakening. After sleep, it can be awake for some time, for example, an hour - one and a half. During wakefulness, he can experience 2-3 times discomfort, for example, from a completely natural desire to pee, and encouraging mom to help, attached for a couple of minutes, will make his divishes. Then he wants to sleep, he will feel discomfort and, attached to his chest, will fall asleep again. After some time he will wake up and will apply again. Then again a little "walks". And after some time again falls in the chest. Daily dreams of a monthly child, nursing on demand, differ in duration and by quantity. Dreams can be 4-6 during the day, and they can continue from 5-15 minutes to 2-2.5 sometimes 3 hours. "Around" every little baby is applied to the chest, and applied between dreams several times. At night, the child falls asleep at his chest. Usually in the morning clock begins to mess and applied. In the morning he almost never completely wakes up. The baby sleeps, from time to time, sucking her mother's chest. Waking up in the morning, the baby again applied to the chest. If you count all the occurrence of the attachment in the baby monthly age, then approximately 16-20 applying. So the newborn human cub is behaved, if he is given the opportunity to behave in accordance with the physiological and psychological needs, intended, by the way, genetically. The child of the first months of life does not separate his identity from the identity of the mother and from her breast. Mom and her breasts, and all that is connected with them, are the universe of the baby and they themselves.

In most cases, a modern woman, fearing "to teach the child to the hands" to strive to limit his requests in sucking. To the rescue in this case she comes with a dummy and a bottle with a gull or water. They can also be sucking ... The need for sucking seems to be satisfied. But only the need for communicating with mother during sucking, a peculiar chain of mutual assistance and cooperation between mom and baby was destroyed, the formation of maternal affection and concentration is disturbed. Whether the difference in two actions are noticeable for the reader: the baby was crying, the mother took him, put it to his chest and began to swing or gave him a pacifier and began to swing a stroller, even with the words "Well, what are you crying, my sunshine?"

A modern woman, giving a pacifier and rocking stroller, is not a bad person, deliberately causing harm to the baby. She is simply in captivity of prejudice concerning relationship between mother and baby. She does not know how to behave correctly, does not know what to do in accordance with the natural needs of the child. If she tell me that the child needs in fact, it will exclaim in horror: "This is what, with his hands not to lower it?! "Indeed, the child of the first months of life needs not to get out of the hands. For a woman who does not know how to conveniently wear a child, and does not know how to feed it in various poses (sitting, lying, standing and even moving) It may be very difficult. Especially if she is not confident in the correctness of his actions.

The action that should be automatic for the mother of the newborn: when the child is crying or other anxiety expression - attach the baby chest.

Kid grows. It begins to form a rather steady rhythm of day dreams and the kid 3-4 months behaves at all not at all as the newborn. Feeding on demand at this age look like this:

In three months, the baby has 10-12 feedings during the day and 2-4 at night. Frequent applied on short time remains, but their number is reduced. A long night break can appear in feeding, about 5 hours, but it happens very rarely. Much more often the night break is 2.5-3.5 hours. By this age, the baby's body is noticeably rounded.

At four months, the baby begins noticeably less likely to apply to the chest. Basic feedings are associated with sleep: the child sucks before bedtime, during awakening and during sleep, both day and night. In this regard, it appears quite accurate feeding mode. And many kids cease to be applied to the chest when awakening after day dreams sometimes from 2.5-3 months.

In five months, the kid has 8-10 day feeding and 2-3 nights, applying as well as on the fourth month of life, they are organized near dreams - the baby eats, stacking to sleep and some kids suck during awakening.

At six months, feeding mode changes. The most active sucking shifts for the last 2-3 hours before awakening after night sleep. The period of day wake can be conditionally divided into two periods: the morning, when the baby drunk at night is rarely applied to the chest, and the evening when applying becomes very frequent. In total, there may be 7-10 day applying and 3-4 nights. At this age, the baby begins a period of acquaintance with new food - pedagogical lore. Sometimes applying, associated with the introduction of dust, the baby "drinks" the mother's milk of the new food samples. But many children do not want to drink lure. When the child, nursing on demand, begin to introduce lures, never refers to feeding feeding feeding. It is impossible practically, because The main feeding at the kid is associated with sleep, and mother's breakfasts, lunches and dinners, during which the baby gets acquainted with new food, are located between the baby's dreams, during his wakefulness.

At seven months the frequency of applying is about the same.

For eight months, feeding mode changes. As the baby exhibits high motor activity and is very busy with the development of the surrounding space, during the daytime he forgets to make a chest. In this regard, the number of day feeding can be reduced to 6-8 times. Reducing day feeding kid compensates due to an increase in frequency and duration of night feedings up to 6 times.

In the second half of the year, the kids who stopped applied to the chest when awakening after day dreams, recall this habit again. Daily sleep baby on the second half of life, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe year and older looks like this: the baby falls asleep sucking, calmly sleeps for a while, for example, 1-1.5 hours, then begins to steal, mess around, worry, at this moment Mom goes around , gives him the chest and the baby can leap 10-15-30 minutes sucking. Mom may well use this time for his own holiday - to lie down, read while the baby successes sucking. Familiar with mom, an amateur to embroider using this time for embroidery J ...

Nine - ten months applying applying to the chest. In the daytime, it is 4-6 full feeding and about the same applies in different reasons. The baby appears new reasons for applying. If, during active actions to master the world, the kid is stuffing a bump or frightened, it calms down with her mother's chest. There may be situations when to console the baby can be crossed next to him, and hugging. At night, 4-6 feedings are preserved, more active kid begins to suck the chest in the morning between 3 and 8 hours.

At eleven months, the kid can already be 2-3 full-fledged dust. Advanced to the food of adults in the mind of the child is not associated with breastfeeding: applying to the mother breast is something other than the desire to fulfill the product like. As a rule, after the baby poketed, he is needed to make a chest. The number of daily feedings remains in the child's child, but the number of short-term applies is increasing. The active sweatings between 4 and 8 o'clock in the morning are preserved.

In ten or twelve months, the baby, if he already walks, can sometimes be applied to the chest every time it comes to mom, i.e. Approximately every 15-30 minutes. Purchase applying around dreams and night sucking. Therefore, if Mom says that a year the child sucks one or twice a day, it means that there is no feeding at the request of the child. There are the restrictions introduced by the mother, with whom the baby has come tortured. He belongs to the sucking of the chest, as a meal, to fall asleep or calm sucks a pacifier or finger, or falls asleep just so, without calming down.

At twelve months, the baby is applied approximately.

At the age of one and a half years, one daytime sleep can remain, therefore applies associated with sleep becomes less. Stored under morning sucking. The kid is very freely drawn with her mother's breasts. Sometimes it happens that it comes to sucking just from pleasure. For example, as follows: Suitable, climbs on his knees, his mother looks into the face, smiles, begins to dig in the shirt, gets the chest, smiles at the chest, squeezed on 30 seconds and leaves.

As for the number of feedings per day when feeding a child on demand, their number is almost never less than 12. The newborn applies are 12 and more, they are mainly all connected with dreams. And in a child, let's say 1.5-2 years old, applying can also be about 12, only with sleep connected 3-4, and the rest are short-term applies in different reasons.

I suggest all your moms reading this text - do not consider applying, do not notice their duration. Apply the child, as often as he asks, when you feel the need.

At moms who do not represent breastfeeding without regard to hours, it may be impressed that when feeding, at the request of Mom, the mother can not do anything, but only feeds the child. This is not true. After the birth of a breast baby, another life begins, she is called life with an infant child. That's all. The child is in mom, and not mom with a child! Feel the difference J! We must be able to organize your life differently, in the first months, of course, the help of loved ones is very necessary. In the tradition of many nations there was a custom of the first 40 days after childbirth to remove the woman from any work on home and the housework, she was engaged only by a child. In some nations, the objects that the mother touched the newborn, was considered "unclean", so the mother preferred to fencing from the rest of the farm, highlighting her a separate "corner" at home, where no one interfered with her and she did not interfere with anyone. Slavs have such a restrictive custom called six weeks. By 1.5-2 months, the rhythm of day dreams begins to form, and the baby appears a kind of "regime", mother becomes more free.

For a mother who does not represent feedings without looking at the clock, and confident that the "right" child, this child is quietly lying quietly lying in his crib, feeding upon request will be a solid nervous. It will become much easier for such a mom if she stops looking at the clock and gives a baby to him with a large handkerchief or take advantage of the patchwork holder (sling). It will become easier if she stops running between the nursery and the kitchen, and will take a baby with him to the kitchen and will carry it along with him around the house, engaged in the economy, in a box, cradle, a special armor, if you try not to postpone it It is more often, but to take on hand at the first opportunity, laying the baby only in case of extreme necessity and not for a long time.

Breastfeeding is not equivalent to home arrest. In modern society, it is possible to organize the yield of a nursing mother to work approximately with 6 month old baby. If necessary, you can start working from 4 months old, but, of course, it is better not every day per week and not full-time. Help Mom organize access to work is responsible for breastfeeding consultant.

Sometimes, advising moms on breastfeeding issues, I suggest them to forget for a second that they live in 21 years. I propose to return, for example, in the cave and ask what they will do if the child has woke up at night, how to calm him? If you go through the forest and try not to attract the attention of predators, how to make a baby silent? If a child wants to drink, what will you give him? What is the baby got used to, for thousands of years of its existence? To the fact that he sleeps on his mother, while she wander through the forest with a stick-digger in search of roots, and wakes up when mom stops. Once mom stopped, it means there is a time to wake up and suck. Therefore, now the child is sleeping well, tied to his mother with a patchwork holder, wakes up when mom, making several things around the house, sits down in a chair to do the baby.

Some mother, reading about the cave, disassembled, will say that it is a civilized being. But think please. A man, mother breast and maternal milk created evolution for millions of years. They are created for each other. Baby food has created progress and recently. Maternity and breastfeeding skills are lost by our society, too, quite recently. A person to artificial feeding and a pawrant is not adapted by physiologically. Maternal breasts will not form sufficient amounts of milk at 6-7 baby applying per day. Nature did not know, creating a person as a mammal creature that the time would come when the need for applying to the chest would be satisfied due to some dumb and nipples.

Changes occurring in the formation of the identity of a child who did not have a full contact with the mother in the process of prolonged breastfeeding are noted by modern studies of psychologists and sociologists. These are changes with a minus sign. It would be better not for them, these changes.

Breastfeeding is important not only for the child, it is important for the mother. During the feeding of a child on demand, the feelings of a woman are changed, a more stable attachment to the kid is formed, a woman becomes more sensitive to the needs of the kid. Deeper attachment and understanding are preserved not only in infancy. They are saved for life. For clarity, imagine what is happening with the feelings of a woman if she is trying to "withstand" a child, tolerates him cry, anxiety. What becomes with a woman if she uses a recommendation from one very popular book for parents: "Come to the child if he cries more than 15 minutes"?

If we speak abstract wording, then humanity is interested in reviving the practice of natural feeding. The revival of this practice is impossible without aware of the masses of the true causes of the child's need for applying to the chest.

Even if you are not registered on the forum, you can ask your question in the topic "Questions on HB" or create your own separate topic in the section "Organization of the GW (start of feeding, feeding on demand, stitching, grayscale, use of linings, pacifiers, etc. d.) ", And you will be answered by counselors of Aques and participants of a group of breastfeeding support for acre."

A few years ago, children's specialists argued that mommies should adhere to a clear breastfish feeding. Now neonatologists, modern books and magazines, training courses are convinced by future mothers that feed the newborn baby is needed on demand. Having heard the girlfriends, grandmothers, doctors, after reading the books that contradict each other, it is difficult for young women to find the truth. And so I want to decide yet before the birth of crumbs: after all, on the clock or on demand?

Let's reflect a little: universal and absolutely correct scheme of behavior with a baby does not exist. You are both unique. Relax and calm down. Maternal instinct will help you make the right choice. Simply, hear the inner voice, many inexperienced mothers prevent fear of doing something wrong.

Perhaps you will give confidence the story of moms of two kids who passed the way from frightened inexperience to calm conviction. Everyone has this way. A woman can find him, listening to himself and his baby. But for multifaceted advisers, the answer to this question can not be heard ...

So, feeding on the clock

In the maternity hospital

Immediately after the birth of her first child - my daughter - I started feeding it on a schedule. Every 3 hours, I gave both chest, 10 minutes each. First right, then the left, in the next feeding, on the contrary - the first left, the second right. As the baby was with me in the ward, I saw that the daughter between feedings was calmly sleeping. So she is fought. At first I did it with a mixture. I scared me that there is no milk yet, but a little colostrum. But the doctor advised me to refuse to doctor. Her argument was simple: once the crumbs behave calmly, then there is enough food. Besides it is from the bottle to teach them, because it can be the cause of refusal from the chest, because it is more difficult to suck. The colostrum is very satisfying, it has everything you need for the first days of the child's life, when the stomach digested the stomach is still studying, and he needs very nutritious and at the same time easily absorbed food.

Milk arrived on the 3rd day. Marinka even began to bother him from an excess. I gave the chest for more than 10 minutes, and there were no cracks and in risen, although I did not cook nipples to feed. We rushed after 3 hours. Night feeding pediatricians recommended not to do, but for 4-5 days the daughter began to demand him so insistently that I lost these requests, deciding that she knew better when she would like to eat. I also wanted to immediately put her to sleep to my bed, but they scared me that in a dream I can crush the baby. Later, when my kids have already grown, I learned that if the child sleeps with mom, he is much calmer, and mom even with night feeding is perfectly hidden. And the cases of crushed children did not hear never.

In the hospital, we all advised to join. But I had so little milk after a child, that I did not understand the meaning of this procedure. Although a young woman from our Chamber did not work differently. She simply picked up with glasses, even the child chose. Here it would be difficult to do without induction ... (But you can, see "Family World", 2,300, p. 6, approx. ed.). So passed 6 days in the maternity hospital.

My mom was waiting for us at home. She immediately stated that for one feeding it was necessary to give only one chest. Otherwise, my milk will disappear. This authority was uninterrupted for me, and I began to give a crumbling only one chest. Now, by the beginning of feeding, the chest, which was intended to feed, swelling, was sick and hardening were formed.

"Thanks" Mom, another "disadvantage" turned out - I stacked little. Here is my mother when I fed us, stacked on the glass of milk! Why it was good, I did not understand, but the feeling of guilt appeared. I began to be nervous, the milk became noticeably disappeared. I had to pour a daughter with a mixture. Fortunately, at this time I met a breastfeeding consultant, thanks to the advice of which lactation was restored.

Consultant Tips:

  • give two chest for one feeding;
  • refuse to complain and doctors;
  • go to feeding on demand, not by hours.

What was with milk. I had milk, but little. And yet daughter grabbed. The truth is no longer for 3 hours, but only one and a half. Instead of introducing doctors, we reduced breaks from 3 to 1.5 hours. Including at night. This is not to fall from the legs from the sleepless nights, I took it to the baby to my bed. Lactation began to come back back, and after two weeks the interval between feeding gradually and naturally increased to 3 hours.

What was with breasts. The chest stopped poured, because the required amount of fluid is now distributed evenly on two "vessels"!

What was with the child. The daughter began to eat and sleep well between feeding.

What happened to me. There was confidence that milk would be every time it is necessary baby.

Eventually. The daughter ate every 3 hours. Night feeding was necessarily (as neonatologists turned out to consider it particularly valuable). If the crumb wake up feeding, I did not wake her. If I was nervous, the milk began to disappear. We reduced the gap between feeding, and it was slowly restored.

Furious on demand

With a second child, son, everything was different. He was literally born a glorified. After birth, I attached my son to my chest, and he sucked, not ceasing, 40 minutes! And this is just the born man! For the next two days, he asked to eat every hour. One pleased - the son received a colostrum, healing for his body. For each breast, I applied it no more than 10 minutes to prevent the cracks of the nipples. We did not sleep two days in the afternoon, no night - the baby demanded food! I had to give him a pacifier. It helped and the break increased to two hours. Milk arrived on the third day, and my efforts were rewarded in full. Kolya woke up, pumped and poured until the next feeding of a quiet peaceful sleep. He ate so much that it seemed his belly burst. A restriction on the amount of food perceived as a personal insult. Milk was a lot. To reduce its number, I had to limit myself in the liquid. That helped. Of course, a small man with such an appetite refused night breaks in meals. But I was already an experienced mom and calmly fed the baby without getting out of bed. I nervously did not occur less and problems with lactation.


Feeding mode for each child is individual.

  • If the kid calmly sleeps 3 hours between feeding, not crying at the end of the food, as if he remained hungry, it means everything is fine. You are without effort, in a natural way, adhering to feeding according to the scheme recommended by doctors.
  • But if the kid shows anxiety at the end of feeding, if he cries when Mom picks up his chest, wakes up in an hour or two after meals and capricious, then, most likely, he wants to eat. Milk that he sucks for one feeding he lacks for 3 hours.
  • It happens that the child from the birth of an amateur is often, but in small portions. Then he calmly falls asleep after feeding, but there is asking not through the "put" 3 hours, but before.

Do not get baby hunger, but yourself in doubt. Just offer him the chest when he asks. But at the same time, how the baby behaves.

  • Maybe the baby is crying due to gases, and not from hunger. In this case, he will pull the legs, cry, throw a nipple or will refuse to take it into his mouth.
  • If he joyfully starts to eat, as soon as the breast was given, - you guessed: Karapuz was hungry.

The most common fears associated with feeding upon request

    1. Feeding on demand is a constant tension and the inability to move away from the child for a minute, fearing that he will ask to eat.
    2. Being all the time with the baby and be in tension - different things. The first is a newborn in the first days and even months of life. The second - only harms him.

      Watching the child, very soon you will begin to understand how much time it takes between feedings of your (and not average) baby. And you can calmly instruct him for this time dad or grandmother to relax or take up home deals.

    3. The child will eat constantly, his stomach will not have time to rest.

Baby will eat exactly as much as its body is required. Breast milk (in contrast to artificial mixtures) - a unique product. You can give a crumb chest at least every half an hour (it happens when it is necessary to restore lactation), while not by scolding its stomach.

To two, at the latest, three months you will have a break with a break close to the "classic" three clock.

When the established feeding mode is broken

This happens for two reasons. First– because of the stress or disease, mom decreases the number of milk. In this case, to restore the influx of milk, go to the applying to the chest every hour. It will last literally a few days, a maximum of a week. And lactation will be restored.

The second is the increased need of a growing child. Some children grow "jumps". In the period of intensive growth, they need more "building material" - Mamin milk. So far, the mother's chest is rebuilt under the increased needs of the crumb, the intrigued between feeding can temporarily cut. Do not worry: Soon you will again enter the balance with your baby.

If you give contradictory advice, and you do not know who to listen to - listen to your baby. And you will clearly know when he needs your chest or when it bothers something. You will succeed. Rest assured!

Breastfeeding puts many tasks for the newly minted parents, one of which implies the choice of the method of "Milk Transfer" a child. Many grandmothers and some doctors convince that the feeding by the clock will help a woman to preserve some independence from the infant and from the very first day to establish regime.

In the 20th century, a radical fracture occurred in the role of a woman in the social structure of the state. The beautiful floor is now active, fighting, is not inferior in many of the parameters of men and not to the extent is the custodian of the hearth.

So that the new mother, feeding the breast, as soon as possible returned to the team, pediatricians offered feeding in time. That is, the parents did not need to constantly control the infants, it is enough to simply provide the chest in three hours.

Breastfeeding on a clearly established schedule was carried out according to some rules and requirements of pediatricians:

However, in the current century, the views on breast feeding changed a little.

Modern experts on GW provide new freedom of action with new-minced mothers, but still recommend to adhere to feeding on the "request" of the kid.

Today, young moms are increasingly killed a child, only he wishes the chest. And absolutely does not matter how many times he wants to eat and when it gets hungry. Scientists are convinced that the mother's body adapts to the needs of the infant and the volume of milk also corresponds to its need.

The feeding in the regime is an adjustment of the needs and wishes of the breast child under a special schedule, which is developed by the mother or neonatologist.

Despite the rather rigid criticism of breast feeding according to the schedule, there is this regime and some advantages that should be described in more detail:

  1. Breastfeeding on the exact schedule allows you to build a clear mode of the day. A woman more or less represents when the child needs to be applied to the chest and give milk, and when she has a free moment. That is, the mother will be able to plan the day and even to remove from the house.
  2. Because in this feeding mode there is a break at night, a woman can count on a calm night. Of course, such a "luck" is waiting for it after a certain time, and if only it is possible to adjust the infant to the selected schedule.

However, experts on GW of Nesolima - breastfeeding on a schedule in no way satisfy their physiological and psychological needs. The disadvantages of this feeding mode are obvious.

  1. Doctors assure that, due to the imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract, the newborn guys the stomach practically does not participate in digestion. Breast milk with ease is able to digest and in the intestinal tube, the stomach is connected when the baby begins to get the lure. Thus, the absorption of breast milk occurs extremely quickly, significantly faster than three hours - the interval recommended during the "regime" nutrition.
  2. Feeding of infants by the clock, as scientists consider, can catch lactation. Breast milk stands out in response to baby digestive quantities. That is, the volume of dairy secrets is directly proportional to the fact that the child sucked. If the chest remains "untouched", special hormones in the brain are not distinguished, and, it means that the next time the milk will be allocated much less. As a result, it leads to early recking and stopping lactation.
  3. With breastfeeding, the regime occurs more often with milk and mastitis. Reducing the number of feedings - "Milk corks", if you run it, it is able to turn into mastitis in three days, for example, when connecting the infection. Despite the fact that the chest can be partially empty, the number of mastitis in mothers who complies with breastfeeding, substantially more than women, nursing babies on the first "pisk".
  4. It is impossible not to mention possible psychological problems. According to psychologists, breastfeeding on regime is harmful to infant. A nursing woman, in fact, is forced to ignore children's need, thereby refusing the child to satisfy his natural sucking reflex. As a result of lack of maternal heat and enjoy maternal breasted, a habit of sucking a finger or cam is formed.

WHO is against the feeding on a schedule. Experts on GW advise nursing mommies to offer the child the breast at its first request. Thus, the establishment of any time frame in the question of breast feeding is considered inappropriate and even dangerous for the child.

Feeding on demand Some mothers consider the invention of modern pediatricians, but a similar power mode, on the contrary, is traditional. Another common name of this regime is natural feeding, because this approach was developing during the development of mankind.

Nursing mothers in antiquity, of course, did not even think about feeding the child by the clock. The newborn was constantly kept in their arms, so the breasts were obtained in the literal sense for the first requirement.

Once again we repeat that today WHO recommend mothers on breast feeding to take into account the needs of kids and apply to the chest at any time of the day.

Consultants on GV allocate the following features of feeding on "PISC" for breast kids:

  • Newborn children who give breast milk on the first requirement are capable of overcome the so-called generic stress and get used to new living conditions.
  • Close bodily interaction helps the child and the mother to establish an emotional connection, which contributes to the emergence of a feeling of security in infants.
  • Satisfying needs help the harmonious psychological development of newborns, since the baby, asking the chest and being on the handles, forms basic confidence in the world around.
  • With breastfeeding, at the request of the child, a good gain is marked in weight, since children get so much milk as they need. Being near Mamina Breast, the baby receives both front (liquid) and rear (thick, fat) milk secret.
  • The probability of joining in breast kids decreases. The volume of the gastric bag in the newborn baby is extremely small, since it is designed for frequent arrival of small dairy "doses". With an increase in the pause between eating, the child absorbs the larger amount of breast milk, as a result of which there is tights or the intestinal problem.

Freshing the baby on demand is favorably affecting the organism of a new mother. Experts on GW allocate the following benefits for nursing women:

  • When the child sucks the chest, a hydraulic oxytocin hormone is distinguished, contributing to the contractile activity of the uterus. The more often with breast feeding, the baby interacts with the mother's breast, the sooner the uterus returns to natural sizes and the less the threat of bleeding after childbirth.
  • When feeding the child at the first scream occurs the optimal production of the prolactin hormone, which stimulates the lactation. Moreover, milk flows into the chest in the desired volume: how many dairy secrets are suused, so much is produced again.
  • It is believed that with frequent attachment of the child, the breast empties much more efficiently. And this significantly reduces the likelihood of stagnant phenomena and inflammatory processes in lactic glands.
  • The prolactin hormone not only stimulates breastfeeding, but is a natural contraceptive, since it suppresses the ovulation process. So when feeding the infants for the first requirement, the risk of unplanned pregnancy is reduced, although, of course, this method is not considered one hundred percent protection against possible conception.

Thus, the advantages when feeding the breast kids on demand is quite a lot. These positive parties and allow specialists to talk about the need to transfer infants precisely to this feeding mode.

Are there any minuses?

Despite all the arguments of experts and benefit for all feeding participants, some women consider applying infant to dairy glands on the first "Pisk" not very convenient.

Modern newly minted moms allocate several drawbacks of this approach:

That is, there are still flaws, however, the benefits of this method are more. Similar negative nuances female can either be understood, or eliminate. Therefore, minuses are easily leveled through a reasonable and weighted approach.

What does Komarovsky say?

The well-known Children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky does not oppose, but is not a supporter of feeding on demand, however, as feeding infants on a schedule. What is his opinion about the main types of breast nutrition of the child?

  1. Feeding of chest ducts with intervals by time, at first glance, allows mom to feel more free. However, Komarovsky is confident that it is extremely difficult to withstand such a schedule, and the night turns into a period of continuous tears.
  2. If breastfeeding in the first requirement, it will not be possible to enter the optimal mode. Also, Komarovsky is convinced that it turns out to give a breast milk for 25-30 times during the day.

Komarovsky is confident that the best way out for a woman and a breast baby will be the so-called free feeding. Komarovsky's pediatrician proposes to feed the baby on his request, but not more often than three hours. This mode is preserved at night.

A similar type of feeding is ideal for infants and active women. So he believes Dr. Komarovsky, and whether to listen to his opinion, to solve a specific nursing mother.

Feeding rules on demand

WHO recommends feeding breast kids on demand to satisfy their physiological and emotional needs. Consultants are in a hurry to calm mothers who believe that this method is too complicated. The thing is in habit.

Completely establishing feeding on demand will help the implementation of the following recommendations:

  • Try to apply the child to the chest after each "pisch", without bringing the first gentle sounds to pronounced and loud screams. It can be understood that the baby wants to eat, it is possible by his anxiety, sucking movements of the lips, cloths, moving the head.
  • Refuse "Breast Surrogates". Smooths are intended for children who are otherwise not able to satisfy the natural desire to suck. Nutrition Breeding on demand involves the rejection of the nipple, bottles and other devices that disturb the sucking skill.
  • Refuse to dope with a driver. The child of the first half of the day of life is not needed at all, since breast milk is both food and a drink. Natural feeding satisfies all the needs of kids.
  • Try to sleep with the newborn. In this case, the woman can feed the child with milk at the right moment when he starts to hurt in search of her mother's chest. If the mother will lose a favorable time, the probability of calm crumbs will decline much.

If a woman is properly applied to breasts to lactic glands, they will be completely released from milk. And this significantly reduces the threat to the occurrence of lactostasis.

Most nursing mothers seeking to go to the natural feeding of newborn children, do not always understand some points of this approach. For example, women confuse the frequency and duration of feeding.

How often feed?

Major needs Newborn Karapuz satisfy, sucking maternal chest. Mom is a source of food, warmth, protection.

Many babies begin to depart gases, there is an act of defecation, since the operation of the gastrointestinal tract in breast feeding is activated.

Since the newborn from a loved place with his mother receives exceptionally positive sensations, experts recommend attaching a baby to his chest as often as possible.

During the first month of life of the child, the number of daily feedings can exceed 25! In three-month-old age, children produces their own routine of the day when the crumbs are eating usually after either to fall asleep. Tabs older begin to suck the chest when frustrated or unhappy.

How long does feeding last?

The duration of sucking depends on the main need. If Kroch wants to drink, he sucks the dairy glands a few minutes to saturate the front milk. If he was hungry, then mommy "free" only after 45 minutes.

Usually the duration of applying increases in the following situations:

  • after morning awakening;
  • in the so-called stages of "growth racks", when the crumb grows the most quickly;
  • while making a baby (a teeth, other disorders cut), as the milk reduces the soreness of sensations.

For natural breasts, it is characteristic of allowing the baby to apply to the chest to the time required by it. It is believed that Karapuz himself will let go of mom when it falls alive either.

When to complete the lactation?

The World Health Organization advises to feed the children maternal milk to two years. If up to 12 months of life it is necessary to provide indispensable components, then closer to 2 years, the product becomes a source of more successful development of intelligence and the immune system.

The moment of the cessation of feeding is the solution taken individually to each mother and depends on the set of nuances. There are no certain temporary frameworks, which is why "right" behave - it looks at your child.

So, many modern specialists in GW oppose the attachment of children in time. There is a point of view that only feeding on the "scream" can provide children to the optimal volume of milk and maternal heat.

However, it is necessary to decide what is needed for infants - feed on the clock or on demand - to solve only nursing mothers. It is possible to use the advice of Dr. Komarovsky and combine these two approaches to maximize the convenience of all participants in the process.

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.

Hourly feeding infants

Feeding a child on a schedule or by a clock is a feeding recommended by many Russian pediatricians who adhere to traditional Soviet standards. The same norms were promoted earlier and abroad. The same doctor Spock, for example. We will talk about feeding on the clock "for" and "against".

So, traditionally pediatricians say that a healthy child with a sufficient amount of milk at mom must suck the chest 1 time at 3 o'clock. At the same time, night sleep is expected for at least six hours.

But in fact it often happens differently. Women complain that they are forced to feed children very often, we can say that the baby hangs on the chest all day with small breaks.

Doctors answer this that feeding every hour is a sign of a child's hunger. Mom has little milk, the baby does not eat, that's the result ... they advise you to enter the doctors in the form of an artificial mixture. That is, first give one and other breasts. And then sinking a mixture. The amount of the mixture for the proceed is determined by the experimental way. It is believed that the child is superfluous. Indeed, this practice often helps to normalize feeding after 3 hours, because the mixture is digested longer. The kids on mixed and artificial feeding usually and sleep more deeply and for a long time. But the problem is that the discoclas provokes a decrease in breast milk production. And the use of the bottle can lead at all to the failure of the child suck the chest.

The practice of transition to mixed, and then with artificial nutrition was very frequent 20-30 years ago, until there were breastfeeding consultants. And in general, the issue of GW was given very little attention. Children were given not even a mixture, but more often a whole cow's milk. What resulted in strong allergic reactions and intestinal disorders.

And yet, is it possible to move to the feeding mode in the clock, and at the same time stay completely on breastfeeding? This is possible. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the first 2-3 months in the child is very developed by a sucking reflex and will have to give him a pacifier instead of a chest. Yes, and putting sleeping baby will be problematic. If there is enough breastfeeding at demand so that the baby fell asleep, give him the chest, then observing a chart of feedings will have to scold it, take out to the street, etc. Not many children calmly fall asleep on their own in their crib.

But if you have already decided for yourself for yourself - feed newborns on demand or by hours, which is better for you and chose a second option, then start with an understanding of whether the child has enough power. To do this, you need to look at the dynamics of the growth of its weight and the amount of urination. If everything is in order, then go to feeding the baby in 2 hours, and then through 3. At the same time, if it is hot, in the breaks between feeding it is desirable to give a water if the breast is scheduled. Well, and without a pacifier is unlikely to do. At the time between feeding 4 hours it will be possible to switch when the introduction of repeated dust (porridge, vegetable and fruit puree, cottage cheese). Closer to the year of breastfeeding, only night and morning can remain.

What are the cons of strict feeding mode? They are before the introduction of dust. As we have already written, breastfeeding is reduced, the child is restless and with a pushem in the mouth. And also, such kids are usually gaining less in weight. If (when feeding on demand), my mother will just give the chest. And he quickly fills the "loss". But frequent joins in the presence of feeding mode can lead to weight lack. Recall that tightening is a very common problem among the infants.
But after the introduction of feeding and closer to one year, a woman will only win if it won't be too often to offer breasts. Without this, it is much easier to complete breastfeeding. Without lactostasis and children's hysterics.

Often, in the maternity hospital, the newly minted mother is told to feed the baby every 2.5 - 3 hours. At the same time, it is recommended to wake it when he sleeps not to miss another meal. Let's deal with whether it is necessary to feed the child correctly, by the clock or still there is a feeding on demand.

By hours

Doctors and nursing mothers are divided into two camps: Some to observe the regime, others for feeding on demand.

  1. Mom has free time, she can plan it, taking into account the meals of the kid at certain hours;
  2. The child has a habit of perceiving the chest as a nipple or calmness, but only as food, at a certain time, and not when it wants;
  3. Helps to reduce the number of joins at the kid;
  4. Helps prevent the appearance of the cracks of the nipples;
  5. It simplifies the introduction of dust and replace one feeding after other denser food.

Compliance with the regime - the choice of each mom individually. Around always there are people who consult feed on demand, but to make a decision must be pushing away from the personal understanding and state of the child's health.

On demand

Most of the mammies still prefer to feed the baby, if necessary, finding comfort for himself.

Pluses of child feeding on demand:

  1. Good lactation (with proper applied and capture);
  2. No need to invent ways to calm and distract the child if he wants to eat earlier;
  3. No need to calculate the clock, at night, applying to the chest occurs, as soon as the baby woke up;
  4. The child is always fed and satisfied (subject to good milk absorbability);
  5. Mom is calm from the fact that the baby is often near and also calm.

Feeding a newborn on demand, frequent applying is very useful in becoming lactation and breastfeeding. The more the milk kid sucks, the more it comes. If the milk is too much, then after applying you can send it and save it in a chilled or frozen form.

Transition from feeding on request for mode

If your baby is well gaining in weight, then after a month or two, if desired, you can go to the mode. This will allow you to establish lactation and gradually release more free time for yourself. To go to the mode after frequent applying every hour, you just need to gradually lengthen the gaps between feeding at least 5 to 10 minutes. The main thing, remember that feeding less often than after 3.5 hours for a small growing organism is not useful. It does not concern night feedings after two months.

Breast milk is absorbed by the child's body completely in 75 minutes, so even when the baby was a member, he may well ask for a chest one after an hour. But if you decide to introduce feeding mode, this will not mean that the child will be starved, for him is the absolute norm to eat every 3 - 3.5 hours.

The later you will go to the mode, the more difficult it will be for the child, because it is already used to getting the breast with every peak, it perceives the chest also as calm, communication with my mother. Turning to the mode, try to find new ways to calm the baby and spend time with it in communication without applying to the chest.

What to choose: mode or applying on demand? Each mother does this choice independently. The main thing, weigh everything for and mind, do not listen to aggressive advisers and enjoy breastfeeding and communicating with your baby.

We offer for video view: Dr. Komarovsky and feeding on demand


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