Chanterelles dried for winter preparation recipes. Is it possible to dry the chanterelles for the winter and how to do it right

Chanterelles dried for winter preparation recipes. Is it possible to dry the chanterelles for the winter and how to do it right

Mushrooms are generally considered one of the most valuable food products, and chanterelles are used not only for cooking and treating various diseases. However, the mushrooms grow not all year, so it should be stored in the offseason in advance. There are several ways to dry foxes at home so that they do not lose beneficial properties. They are harvested in the dryer, on the closet, in the oven, in the microwave, on the thread - as you like, only observing the rules of drying mushrooms. It should be remembered that these mushrooms are pretty rigid, so you need to carefully comply with drying technology.

Experienced mushrooms know that chanterelles differ from other mushrooms not only with a bright orange color, but also the complete absence of wormochin. The pests do not like them, because they do not tolerate the chinomannosis contained in chanterelles. Thanks to this, the collected mushrooms have no damage. Is it possible to dry fasteners so that they save all useful properties? You can, but not exceeding the temperature and observing the preparation process:

  • Cleaning from external contamination - foliage foliage, sera, small blades.
  • It is necessary to clean the chanterelle without using water - the porous spongy structure quickly absorbs the liquid, and the mushrooms become fragile.
  • Strongly contaminated mushrooms wipe wet, carefully pressed from the water with a clean cloth.
  • Chanterelles carefully wipe and leave it integer if the drying of mushrooms will occur by the traditional method - on the harsh thread.
  • With any other ways of drying, chanterelles are cut in the direction of fibers into two or four parts.
  • Prepared mushroom raw materials weighed. IMPORTANT - for the workpiece take recently collected mushrooms with dense tougy hats.

To dry out the foxes outdoors, the mushrooms are riveted on the harsh thread. The drying process will take no less than a week under the condition of good sunny weather. Otherwise, mushroom beads can be dried in a well-ventilated room with low humidity, periodically unfolding with different sides. Many culinary recipes are based on the use of dry foxes.

Drying of raw materials in a natural way

In addition to the traditional billet on the thread, the method of folding the prepared mushroom raw materials on a spacious smooth surface is used - in the closet or on the shining clean paper sheets of the floor:

  1. Wood wardrobe free from content. Shelves are covered with clean paper (it is undesirable to use the newspapers).
  2. Prepared chanterelles lay out in one layer, evenly so that natural access of air, and mushrooms are not molded.
  3. Dried to careful drying of the product. It may be necessary to take a week or ten days - it all depends on the temperature and humid regime in the room.
  4. In the same way, you can dry the mushrooms on the shining floor, covering the paper from above. Well, if the entrance to the room is closed with an anti-moskit grid.

Dried foxes, prepared by natural way, exceed all useful properties. After that, they can be used to prepare very tasty dishes or apply for treatment on popular recipes of alternative medicine.

Household appliances for drying

Popular way to dry foxes - use oven. This allows you to quickly prepare them for the winter, but the process needs to be performed correctly:

  1. Mushrooms are cleaned of contaminants and cut into pieces.
  2. The oven is warmed up to + 50 ° C, put in it a baking sheet with raw materials.
  3. The door of the oven leave a partition to give an exit evaporating moisture.
  4. After 1.5-2 hours, the temperature in the oven increase to + 60 ° C, but not more.
  5. After another two hours, the baking sheet gets, turn the pieces.
  6. Repeat the procedure several times, all the time sorting the raw materials - dry pieces are cleaned, and the rest are dried further.

Only in this way you can thoroughly prepare dried foxes in the oven. Similarly, mushrooms are dried in a microwave oven, but only small lots. The raw materials are left at a capacity of 180 V for 20 minutes., Liquid drain, carries out a microwave for 5 minutes, reincarnate the fluid formed from evaporation. The procedure is repeated until the complete readiness of mushrooms, of which can be further prepare a variety of dishes.

You can speed up the drying of chanterelles using a special device - dryers for vegetables. A large batch of raw materials will prevent it. Many dryers provide automatic mode for the billet of mushrooms. If there is no such program, the raw materials are + 50 ° C for 3 hours, after which the pieces are laid out on the table and give it to cool 2 hours., Repeat the process to complete drying. In addition to drying, chanterelles can be used for cooking delicious dishes.

Useful properties of dried mushroom

Prepared dried foxes are used to treat diseases at home. The product contains a lot of useful substances and elements:

Application of chanterelles against worms

  1. Mushrooms are harvested along the natural way of drying. In the case of heat treatment in the oven or furnace, the temperature should not exceed 50 ° C.
  2. Prepared raw materials are grinding thoroughly. You can use the coffee grinder.
  3. Take 1 tsp. Powder and poured 100-150 ml of warm water. Hammer mushrooms insist 30 min.
  4. Stir and immediately take inward one or twice a day for a month. The medicine is used on an empty stomach.

Dried foxes in cooking

Delicious and useful is dried soup, vegetables and cream. Prepare a dish follows from such ingredients:

  • 100 g of mushroom raw materials;
  • 3 pcs. Potatoes and 1 pcs. carrots, onions;
  • 200 ml of any cream;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 40 g of butter cream;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • green, salt and pepper to taste.

For the preparation of soup, dried foxes are soaked for 30 minutes. In cold water, after which it is boiled 20 minutes. Prepare potatoes, onions and carrots. Mushrooms get out of broth, put chopped potatoes there. A creamy oil is heated in the pan, combined with olive, put chopped onions and grated carrots. Five minutes later, mushrooms are added, covered and steamed about 10 minutes. Roasted vegetables and mushrooms are added to the broth, boil 5-7 minutes, add cream. After 5 min. Dish is ready, it remains to decorate it with greens. The soup recipe is very simple, tasty and useful.

How to dry foxes at home

Chanterelles are delicious forest mushrooms. They are perfectly tolerated drying. During the drying, chanterelles dramatically lose their weight. From 1 kilogram of chanterelles you will have 100-140 grams of dried mushrooms. It is very profitable, as you can put a lot of mushrooms and they will take little space.

Before cooking, dried mushrooms are soaked in water room temperature and they again gain moisture. Choose for drying for winter strong, fresh chanterelles without wormwort. Dry chanterelles in the fresh air, in the oven, in the microwave oven, above the gas stove and in the dryer for vegetables and fruits. The last way is the best, since mushrooms in the dryer are dried very quickly, and this is very important. There you can set the required temperature and constant circulation of air occurs. To accelerate drying, large chanterelles can be cut into several parts.

Chanterelles are considered properly dried if they are slightly bent with compression, slowly spring and do not break. Keep track of the degree of drying of mushrooms, since non-silent mushrooms can be molded, and the pushed then do not absorb moisture when preparing a dish and cook. Undescent mushrooms should be perficing, and rolled to grind in a coffee grinder and add to different dishes in the form of a powder or used for medication.

Dried mushrooms are a very useful and universal product that will complement a lot of dishes. With the onset of autumn, the mushroom season begins, which allows, if desired, collect a large number of mushrooms. During this period, a question arises before the mushrooms as it is better and correctly harvested mushrooms for the winter period - to pickle, saline, put it.

Is it possible to dry chanterelles

Mushrooms of chanterelles are distinguished by their useful properties and excellent taste characteristics among other representatives of the fungal kingdom. These mushrooms perfectly carry the drying process. They can be used not only in cooking, but also for medical purposes, as a medicine from many ailments. Therefore, it is important to produce these bright, orange mushrooms as much as possible.

Did you know? From one kilogram of raw foxes will be 100140 g of dried product


One of the important stages in the process of the harvesting of mushrooms is the right preparation. You need to go through, sort, rotten cut fragments, cleaned. The chanterelles are unique in the sense that there are no worms in them. Pests do not harf up thanks to the substance of chinomannosis, which is part of chanterelles.

The preparation process includes:

  • purification from pollution, herbs, earth, dust;
  • processing highly polluted places with a napkin, a sponge;
  • grinding mushrooms (half, quantity), and if you dry them on the rope, it is not necessary to cut.

Methods of drying

There are and used in everyday life:

  • on the rope (riding whole mushrooms, collect them in "beads");
  • on a large horizontal surface (on the table, in the closet, on the floor);
  • in the oven (gas, electric) with a temperature scale;
  • in a microwave furnace;
  • in the electric dryer;
  • in a refrigerator.

Natural way

The easiest, economical and practical method is the drying of mushrooms in vivo. The only drawback of this homework is the dependence on weather conditions. The weather should be sunny, dry, windy. And for Russia in the autumn period, rainy, raw days are characteristic.

Sing time is natural, on average, two weeks. The first thing you need to do is to dry mushrooms, laying them on the newspaper, gauze. It is necessary to do it on a sunny, ventilated space. After that, fruit bodies are riveted on a strong thread, not very tight, and hang in a sunny place.

Also, chanterelles can be decomposed on the lattice, cover the gauze from above (so that flies and other insects do not fit), and put in the sun. This method provides constant product turning.

Properly dried, good mushroom becomes flexible, elastic, he should not crumble, break. Poor dried mushrooms soon can be covered with mold, bend. The overwhelmed loses taste and useful qualities, poorly boil.

Important! If you have turned focusing, they can be grinding on the coffee grinder and use as a natural seasoning. This method of using the risen fungi is the most practical.

In the electric rig

For owners of a modern kitchen appliance - an electric dryer, the process of the harvesting of mushrooms will not be much difficult. Typically, such dryers serve to prepare vegetables, fruits, berries, but mushrooms can also be perfectly dried.

Chanterelles are relatively small mushrooms. The biggest mushroom of this species was found in California, its mass reached 0.5 kg.

Stages of the workpiece in the electric rig:

  1. Clean mushrooms from pollution, herbs. Remove the black tip of the leg. Do not use water when cleaning.
  2. Put chanterelles on the tray thin layer.
  3. After 2 hours of operation, the trays should be swapped in places, as the lower layers are dried much faster than the top.
  4. In order to optimally dry the chanterelles, it will be necessary 5-6 hours.

The practicality of this method is that the electric dryer has several tiers of plastic lattices (trays), which can accommodate sufficiently many products. So that drying happened faster, large mushrooms need to cut into smaller fragments.

Video: Drying of chanterelles in the electric row

In the oven

Available and easily prepared mushrooms - this is the use of a windshield with a temperature scale. To prepare the mushrooms in the oven, you need a loosely, in one layer, lay them on the grid, baking sheet. You can take parchment, foil as a litter.

At the same time, you can use a few opposes. The door of the oven when drying is not necessary completely (you need to fix the slot using tape or towel) to avoid the accumulation of excess moisture.

At the beginning of the drying, you can set a minimum temperature of + 40 ° C, after 2 hours, install the maximum permissible temperature of + 60 ° C, to withstand another 1 hour. For mushrooms you need to follow, if necessary, turn over, shift, change. If minor copies have already dried, they should be taken before.

In microwave

One of the options for the harvesting of mushrooms for the winter is drying in the microwave. Owners of this kitchen appliances can quickly dry foxes for the winter period. However, choosing this method, it is important to take into account its energy consumption, and impracticality is that for one cycle it turns out a slight amount of the finished product.

Stages of drying in the microwave:

  1. Chanterelles need to be laid on a special pallet, a flat plate, dishes intended for a microwave oven.
  2. Establish the power of 180 W, time is 20 minutes.
  3. Remove ready mushrooms, let cool, cool the microwave.
  4. Repeat the procedure by setting the required time for another 10-20 minutes.

In a refrigerator

Drying mushrooms in the refrigerator is an excellent option for those who have no special equipment (oven, electric dryers, microwaves). It is necessary to dry products on one of the shelves of the refrigerator, pre-fitted with paper, parchment. Chanterelles are most closely decomposed and leave in the cold for 1-2 weeks, depending on temperature. Recommended value - about + 5 ° C.

Storage time

Qualitatively dried mushrooms can be stored not one year, subject to proper. The most practical storage tanks are clean glass, wooden cans with good tightness. Old, but proven method is a savings in cotton bags, small linen pillowcases.

To extend the storage time, you need to periodically check the contents of cans, bags to detect poorly dried, moldy mushrooms in time, and throw them on time. Before using and cooking, chanterelle needs to be rinsed under water pressure and soak for 1-2 hours.

Useful and therapeutic properties

Fassels have a beneficial effect on the work of the liver. The substances included in their composition help fight the manifestations of hepatitis, purify the liver tissue. This is important in many diseases, including when obesity.

Important! Under the influence of high temperatures, chanterelles lose some of the beneficial substances, so for medical purposes, tinctures are often used.

The use of chanterelles in food is favorably affected by vision. An important rule is to collect mushrooms in environmentally friendly areas. Contraindications of chanterelles do not have, except when it is necessary to comply with the diet for the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A chanterelle is a very tasty and useful mushroom. It is very easy to harvest it at home. And in the winter, such blanks will delight all members of your family.

The drying process, leads to the fact that the weight of mushrooms will greatly decrease, but they will become more resistant to long-term storage, and it will be possible in almost any conditions.

How to dry mushrooms chanterelles

On the drying it is customary to select only good, strong mushrooms size more, since in the drying process they will not only lose weight, but also decrease in size. With mushrooms remove moss, sand, leaves. But at the same time, it is not categorically recommended to wash them, since then the chanterelles will dry for a long time, and besides it will darken. It is customary to dry only the caps, so the legs are cut off. In order for drying the drying process faster, large-size mushroom hats are taken to cut into several parts.

You can dry mushrooms in the sun, in a special dryer, in the oven or a Russian oven. Regardless of the method used, it is important that they will dry as evenly as possible and rinsed, and not cooked. But at the same time, it is impossible to delay the process, since the mushrooms will be ruined.

The optimal is the option when the drying begins in the open sun, and the mushrooms protect from flies with gauze, and then the frying foods put in the droplet Russian stove, where they reach the desired condition.

It is very important not to cut chanterelles. Properly dried mushroom in compression beaten and slightly springs, and in its taste and aroma resembles fresh. Since the mushrooms dry out very much, then from 10 kilograms of mushrooms, it is usually from 1 to 1.5 kg of finished product. It is important in any case to prevent the cut, since then chanterelles will lose taste and aroma. In the future, with culinary processing, such mushrooms will not soften and will be badly welded. But it is also impossible to strangle too, since then chanterelles moldy and ruin.

Drying foxes in the oven

If you are going to dry the foxes in the oven, then it is best to do at a temperature of from 60 to 65 degrees, while providing air flow. To this end, the door must be kept ajar, and lay mushrooms on the sieve or in one layer on the nasty. In order for mushrooms to dry evenly periodically, the opponents should be changed in places.

To just name the time through which mushrooms are guaranteed, it is impossible. It all depends on the mass of the conditions, even chanterelles from one forest dry in different ways. During the drying, they are also observed with those that dried, remove, and the remaining redistributed on the notes so that they will dry faster and evenly.

Store dried chanterelles in a dry, warm room, in a tightly closed container or in bags that do not let moisture. If all storage conditions are followed correctly, then your reserves can be stored on the shelves not one year and nothing will be with them. Before use, dried mushrooms should be rinsed, to leave in the water to smear. And then puts to boil - the soup of them gets the rans.

Many delicious dishes are prepared from chanterelles. But this kind of fungi is very different from most of their "relatives". Scientists have discovered a lot of useful properties in chanterelles. In these bright dotters, there are substances to help fight hepatitis C, diabetes and some cancer diseases. They are effective in fighting gloves. The list of useful properties can be continued further. But the purpose of this article to tell in detail how to dry mushrooms of chanterelles at home for the winter to prepare medicines from them.

The fact is that the collection of mushrooms is possible within 3-4 months a year. After heat treatment, many compounds are decomposed that are used for therapeutic purposes. So, it is impossible to close them in banks. It remains to find out if chanterelles can be dried. As practice shows, they are well sufficient to the drying process. You can do this in several ways. Below you can learn how to dry the chanterelles correctly so that they can be used for treatment.

Collection and preparation

First you should tell you how to collect chanterelles. Before putting the collected mushrooms in a bucket or to the basket, cut the bottom of the ground, remove the leaves, chevy and twigs. In this case, the house will be less work on cleaning mushrooms from dirt, which easily penetrates between its plates.

In no case can no wash mushrooms. They will absorb water and become unsuitable for drying. Take advantage of a small knife and a children's toothbrush to remove the fetal films from the plates. The hat and the lower part of the leg can be wrapped or a slice or a slightly damp sponge.

Inspect the mushrooms. Copies spoiled or damaged by forest inhabitants is better throwing out. After cleaning, laying out chanterelles on a piece of natural fabric or paper towel. They must dry for half an hour.

Natural way

It is best to dry foxes on the autumn unclear sun or in the room where low air humidity is supported. Mushrooms neatly ride on a fishing line or strong thread, leaving a distance of several millimeters. It is impossible to allow them to fall under rain, fog or exposure to steam. If this happened, the further drying will not be successful.

You can use another method. Shipping table or closet surface with parchment. Put mushrooms into one layer. From above, you can cover them with gauze or mosquito net, so that insects do not sit on the product.

Drying at room temperature will continue about a week, or a little longer. Willingness can be checked by breaking a chanterelle. If the moisture is distinguished, then leave them for a few more days. When the mushroom bends, and the middle of the dry - the process is over. Peresked fruits break.

In the oven

Usually, the electric oven is used for the workpiece of dried products, since it can most accurately adjust the temperature. The baking sheet or grille is covered with clean sheets of paper or parchment. Large mushrooms are cut in two, so that everything dried at about one time.

Well, if there is convection in the oven. In this case, chanterelles can be dried at several levels at the same time, because the fan will evenly distribute hot air. The temperature is set to 45-50 ° C. It is impossible to turn on higher, because after 60 degrees begin to collapse useful substances.

Every hour mushrooms need to turn over. After 4-5 hours, smaller fruits may be prepared. Checking the same as with the natural method of drying. Chanterelles should be dried to the end after 6-8 hours.

Important: The door of the oven cannot be completely closed, otherwise the evaporated moisture will be in mushrooms again, and ruptures them.

In the electric rig

Today in electronics supermarkets, you can purchase a variety of dryers for products. It is convenient to use them for a blank of chanterelles. These devices are designed to dry products as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Prepare mushrooms as well as for previous processing methods. Spread the device on the lattices so that air passed between them. In different models, the dryers of the program may differ. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the instruction, which exactly the temperature is 50 ° C (a deviation is 5 ° in one or the other side). For readiness will need 3-3.5 hours. But still you need to check the condition of mushrooms, since all devices dried products with different intensity.


Dried foxes can be stored in two ways.

  1. Glass jar. Before putting dried mushrooms, it needs to be thoroughly wash and completely dry. Then shipping the foxes and close the caproic lid.
  2. Paper bag. He misses the air well, so there is no danger of the appearance of mold. But it should be borne in mind that packages can only be kept in a dry room so that the product does not refuse. Packaging you need to carefully close so that the mushrooms do not settled the food mole.

Tip: You can pour into banks already racing in powder mushrooms.

Chanterelles that are dried and stored in the right way, do not lose their healing properties throughout the year. In addition to use for medical purposes, dried mushrooms can be added to the soup in a tempered form so that they add the flavor dish.


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