Than apples are covered. How to eat fruits and vegetables processed for long-term storage? Two magic mixes

Than apples are covered. How to eat fruits and vegetables processed for long-term storage? Two magic mixes

Apples have the ability not to lose their properties for a long time, if you take proper care of the storage of the crop. In order not to buy store fruits in winter: to save money and enjoy selected fruits, you need to figure out how to save apples for the winter.

In order to preserve the harvest as much as possible, as well as enjoy the taste, aroma and useful properties of apples in winter, you need to take care of this in advance. It is important to choose the right variety, prepare the harvested fruits and create the necessary storage conditions.

This is the first thing to pay attention to. Summer apple varieties are not suitable for storage, autumn ones will last up to two 2 months, but winter ones can lie until spring.

Suitable for storage over a long period:

  • Antonovka;
  • Bogatyr;
  • Melba;
  • Zhigulevskoe;
  • Welsey.

During the harvest period, they are hard and sour, but when properly stored, they ripen and acquire a taste.

How to store apples for the winter: harvesting

The second condition for long-term storage of fruits is correct collection. It is necessary:

  • do it in dry weather;
  • do not shake the tree;
  • collect, starting from the lower branches;
  • pluck the fruit along with the stalk;
  • do not throw, but carefully put in a container lined with burlap;
  • do not wrinkle or scratch.

It is important to preserve the bluish bloom, it protects the fruit from harmful microorganisms. To do this, when collecting, you can use cloth gloves. It is also recommended to pick apples together with the stalk (without it, they deteriorate faster). This is done like this: the fruit rises a little and scrolls.

If the fruit has fallen, collect it in a separate container. They may look good, but usually they already contain microorganisms from the soil (may contain bacteria and viruses). Better to eat them or use them to make juice.

The storage of apples is longer if they are not picked from too young trees (since young apple trees are more likely to get sick), and from the side of the crown that receives more sun.

Apple processing and room preparation

First of all, you need to sort and process the apples, after which you can start preparing the premises and containers for storage.


Select fruits without damage or worms by sorting. Medium-sized apples are best kept. Small ones fade faster, so use them in blanks.

Larger fruits tend to be worse in storage as they release more ethylene. This gas helps fruits and vegetables ripen, causing spoilage.


To protect against pests, apples can be greased or dipped in melted wax. Do not wash or dry the fruit.

Some gardeners pre-treat with special solutions in order to increase resistance to diseases and increase keeping quality (this is the name for the ability of fruits to retain their properties for a certain period).

To do this, use one of the following methods:

  • purified propolis (100 g) and 96% alcohol (0.5 l) are heated, apples are lowered there one by one, then dried;
  • moisten a piece of cotton cloth with glycerin and wipe the fruit;
  • dipped in a solution of calcium chloride (4%) or potassium permanganate for one minute and dried;
  • immersed in melted paraffin or wax, after drying, put in boxes with sawdust.

Apples processed in any of these ways must be washed before use.

Room preparation

It is also important to prepare the storage room. As a rule, a well-ventilated cellar or basement with whitewashed walls and a floor treated with vitriol solution is used for this so that mold does not start.

Since ethylene is released to a minimum when in cool air, the optimum temperature will be from -1 to +5, humidity - from 85 to 95%.

The room must be protected from groundwater, and also well insulated.

How to store apples: 10 gardening secrets

Since apples are widespread in Russia, proven methods have been developed over the centuries. Before storing apples at home, familiarize yourself with their various options and choose the one that suits you best.

Method 1: individual

If the harvest is insignificant, you can wrap each apple in paper and put it in baskets or boxes. So they are better stored, because when one fruit decays, the other does not become infected. Also, paper absorbs moisture, limits fruit contact with each other, and is additional thermal insulation.

You can cover each layer without wrapping with paper, straw or wood shavings. In any case, the stalk should not be at the bottom.

Method 2: bulk

If the harvest is large, then the most popular storage method is a slide, laid out on hay or on dry leaves. The bottom is laid out with herbs (mint, lemon balm, thyme), they are also lined with each row and covered on top - they protect the fruits from insects and rodents and reduce the release of ethylene.

Method 3: in the sand

In order to store apples, boxes of sand are often used, since this is one of the most reliable options, this is done like this:

  • Cover the plywood boxes with newspapers.
  • In order to disinfect the sand, heat it up, let it cool, and pour it on the bottom with a layer of about 20 cm.
  • Arrange the apples in a row and cover them completely with sand. Lay a new layer on top and cover it.
  • Install the boxes near the wall in several tiers, there should be a small gap between each.

With this storage method, apples do not spoil until the end of spring, retaining aroma and juiciness.

Method 4: in plastic wrap

A piece of polyethylene is placed in the box diagonally, another - in the cross of the first. Apples are laid out on top and wrapped in foil in the form of an envelope.

Method 5: in plastic bags

Arrange apples (about 3 kg) in bags and put them in the storage without tying them to avoid condensation due to temperature changes. In a day, when the apples have reached the desired temperature (as in the room), the bags can be tied.

Method 6: on shelves

Racks with drawers are more convenient. Apples are laid out in one layer. Ideal if the fruits do not touch. The distance from the floor and between the boxes should be 15-20 cm, to the ceiling - 30 cm.

Since the temperature is usually higher at the top, products that have been used earlier are placed there, and at the bottom for long-term storage.

Method 7: in boxes

Drawers made of wood or cardboard are suitable. Lattice boxes are also used, their bottom must be covered with paper, cloth. In them, you can fold apples in several rows, while making sure that the stalks do not scratch each subsequent row.

Drawers are usually placed one-on-one, so don't fill them all the way to the top. For convenience, attach a size and grade label to each storage facility.

Method 8: in containers

To store too large a crop, wooden containers are used. However, they are not very convenient, since it is necessary to equip overlaps inside for normal air access and lowering the pressure on the lower rows of the rest of the mass.

Sometimes apples are stacked with straw, but this is not enough. If even one apple goes bad, or condensation forms due to temperature changes, this can lead to rotting of the straw and the entire crop.

Method 9: in trenches

When there is no suitable room, apples can be stored directly in the ground. But this climate is suitable only for the southern and central regions of Russia, since at temperatures below -20, the fruits will freeze.

This is done like this:

  1. Place apples (1.5 kg) in plastic or canvas bags, tied tightly.
  2. In a prepared trench 50-70 cm deep (depending on your climatic conditions), place the bags at a distance of 20 cm from each other so as not to hurt when digging.
  3. Mark the location of each bag. To do this, you can tie a stick to it (at the same time it will be easier to pull it out).
  4. To protect against rodents, place spruce or juniper branches in the pit.
  5. Cover everything with earth, cover with leaves and branches.

Dig out the bags as needed. With this method of storage, apples do not lose their taste and useful properties until spring.

Method 10: at home

For city dwellers who do not have a cellar, basement or land plot, apples can be stored in an apartment, on a balcony, or in a garage. Place the food in plastic or paper bags, half full and tie.

In each bag, make an incision about 10 cm long. If the weather is humid, drops of water will appear inside the bag, which will feed the apples. This will protect the products from drying out, preserve their freshness and elasticity.


If the right conditions are created, apples can be stored in a cellar, garage, or apartment. With a little effort, you can save your harvest and enjoy the delicious taste of these fruits any time of the year.

A rich harvest of apples is a reason to think about how to store and how to process sweet fruits so that they delight with taste, appearance and nutritional properties for as long as possible.

And for those who buy fruits in a store, information about how mass producers process apples for long-term storage will help to make the right choice of sweet fruits that are safe for health.

There are a number of treatments available to preserve apples from harvest to spring.


Waxing will help to maximize the shelf life.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. In a clean container, mix 1 liter of ethyl alcohol and 200 gr. purified propolis.
  2. Sorted apples (one at a time) are dipped into a warm solution.
  3. The fruits are laid out on paper in one layer and left to dry.

Waxed fruits retain their nutritional and flavor properties for eight to ten months. Before eating, apples must be thoroughly brushed under hot water.


Glycerin treatment perfectly protects apples from premature decay.

Algorithm of actions:

  • select clean, ripe fruits without visible signs of spoilage;
  • each apple is gently wiped with a soft cloth, abundantly dipped in glycerin;
  • it is important not to make sudden movements so as not to damage the delicate skin of the sweet fruit.

A solution of paraffin and stearin in ethyl alcohol

The maximum long-term storage is provided by treatment with paraffin or stearin on ethyl alcohol (from eight to ten months).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Paraffin or stearin is dissolved in alcohol.
  2. The sorted apples are immersed in the resulting liquid one at a time, and then left on the table to dry.
  3. When the paraffin has hardened, the fruit can be stored in boxes.

Paraffin does not cause allergies, but before eating apples should be doused with boiling water to get rid of the dense, protective layer.

Calcium chloride and potassium permanganate

Saturation of the fruit with a calcium chloride solution will help to increase the shelf life.

Algorithm of actions:

  • 400 g of calcium chloride is dissolved in 10 liters of water;
  • sorted apples in bulk or in a net are immersed in a solution for 30-60 seconds;
  • the processed fruits are laid out in one layer to dry.

Before storing processed fruits, make sure that there are no drops of calcium chloride on the peel. Otherwise, it is the remainder of the solution that can become the focus of the development of a putrefactive infection.

An alternative to calcium chloride can be a solution of potassium permanganate (in a simple way, potassium permanganate).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. 5 g of potassium permanganate are dissolved in 10 liters of pure water.
  2. The resulting liquid is sprayed with sorted apples from all sides.
  3. After the peel has dried, the fruit is sent for storage.

After treatment with calcium chloride or potassium permanganate, apples retain their taste, juiciness and skin color for four to six months. Rinse the fruit thoroughly under running water before eating.


Algorithm of actions:

  • sorted apples are laid out on a horizontal surface in one layer;
  • by spraying, the fruits are covered with denephil.

Denefil is a product of oil refining, carbon slowing down the decay processes. It is a very strong carcinogen that can provoke severe allergic reactions. Denephil accumulating in the body can cause the development of oncopathologies.

Denephil treatment is very difficult to identify (hydrocarbon is odorless, colorless, tasteless). The only thing that can lead to the idea of \u200b\u200bprocessing with denefil is a colorful, ideal appearance of apples, which lasts for a long time.

Just washing off denephil from sweet fruits will not work. Alkaline soap and hot water will help neutralize the negative effects of denefil on the body. Ideally, peel off glossy rind with a knife.

What is the best way to process at home?

For home processing, it is best to use:

How do I rinse off the coating before eating?

Apples from your own garden just need to be washed with a brush under hot water before eating. For store fruit, a different cleaning method is used to remove the top protective layer.

Algorithm of actions:

If you are not sure that the manipulations done will qualitatively clean the fruit from processing, the peel must be cut off with a sharp knife.


  1. Only sorted for long-term storage. Fruits should be ripe, with a firm skin and no signs of rotting.
  2. Long-term storage at home is possible only in a room that maintains a temperature regime of + 1-5C, humidity from 85%. For private houses, such a room can be a basement or a garage, in an apartment building - an insulated loggia.
  3. Wrapping each fruit in paper, sprinkling it with sawdust, shavings, sand or packing in a plastic bag (fruits are packed in no more than 2 kg each, holes for ventilation are made in the walls of the bag) will help to save apples without processing.

It is very important to revise apple stocks at least once a month, since even one rotten fruit can cause spoilage of the entire crop.

It is important to adhere to the following tips:

Useful information on storing apples is presented in the section.


Using in practice any of the described methods of processing apples for long-term storage, you can enjoy tasty and ripe fruits for as long as possible.

Have you ever wondered why fruits in supermarkets look so beautiful and attractive? Why can lemons stay so long and not spoil, keeping a very attractive and appetizing appearance? The answer to these questions is simple - fruits are processed with various chemicals..

You will find out what harm to the human body is caused by such processing of lemons in this article.

In industrial cultivation, fruit crops are often treated with pesticides and growth hormones

Mainly lemons are supplied to our country from Turkey, Africa, Argentina and other countries. To get to store shelves, they need to travel a long way, sometimes running across several continents. It is clear that ordinary fruits simply cannot withstand such a long transportation, they will deteriorate already in the process of transportation. Therefore, lemons, which will later be transported to other countries, are harvested from trees unripe, while their peel has not yet turned yellow, but remains light green.

To give them the color that consumers are used to seeing, lemons go through a degrinning process. This is the process of processing green fruits with very low concentrations of ethylene at a temperature of 16-30 degrees. Thus, citrus fruits acquire the usual yellow color, they seem to be "painted".

Also, to preserve lemons during long-term transportation and storage, they are treated with various chemicals.

Methyl bromide (or methyl bromide)... This is a chemical organic substance, in agriculture it is used to protect fruits from various insect pests. Also methyl bromide allows the fruit to be stored longer and survive long transportation.

Meanwhile, methyl bromide is very dangerous for the human body, in case of poisoning it affects the kidneys and lungs, the composition of the blood changes. In the gaseous state, it is colorless, tasteless and odorless. Methyl bromide is a highly toxic substance, a strong neutropic poison that disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. When inhaled, the mucous membranes are irritated.

Methyl bromide will protect fruits from insects, but it is not safe for humans either.

It would seem that for such a long journey of lemons from the exporting country to the counters of stores, methyl bromide should no longer remain on the fruits, but in reality this is not the case. Part of methyl bromide remains on lemons, it is able to penetrate into the fruit, pulp and juice. How deeply methyl bromide can penetrate is unknown, and it is also unknown whether the skin protects the fruit or not.

In some countries of the world, such as Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and a number of Scandinavian countries, the use of methyl bromide for fruit processing is prohibited. In our country, this substance is in a number of approved ones. In addition to fruits and vegetables, grain is also processed with methyl bromide.

Ethylene (ethene). Another chemical used to process fruits. It is an organic gaseous substance, colorless and with a faint odor. Ethylene belongs to the group of phytohormones, this substance is secreted by a number of plants to stimulate fruit ripening. Ethylene is one of the most produced substances in the world. In industry, ethylene is used to process fruits and vegetables in order to speed up their ripening.

Such processing is considered harmless to the human body. But we must remember that fruits are harvested unripe and processed to speed up ripening, but this ripeness is only visible, decorative.

Fruits processed with ethylene look ripe and attractive, but they are almost free of pectin and low in vitamins

In terms of taste, such fruits cannot be compared with those that ripened on trees in natural conditions, absorbing the rays of the sun.
These naturally ripened fruits contain much more soluble pectin. This substance is important for the human body, it helps to reduce the cholesterol content, normalizes the metabolism in the body.

Therefore, eating fruits ripened with the help of ethylene, the human body will receive less pectin. And not only him, in such lemons the content of vitamins and other useful substances decreases.
And one more disadvantage of such processed fruits is that the seeds do not have time to ripen in them, from which new plants could be obtained.

Diphenyl (or biphenyl). In order to prevent lemons from spoiling during long transportation, they are treated with biphenyl. Diphenyl (another name for this substance is biphenyl) is an organic colorless substance, also known as the preservative E230, which is used in the food industry. It prevents the development of various bacteria, mold and mildew.

This substance is used to preserve the appearance of citrus fruits; the surface of the fruit is treated with it. But it is very dangerous for the human body. Diphenyl is a carcinogen (that is, a substance that can cause cancer), it can accumulate in the body. This supplement is very toxic to the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, and the nervous system. But in very small concentrations, it does not accumulate in the body, but is removed from it.

Diphenyl can also cause allergic reactions, often citrus allergies are associated with the action of diphenyl. The preservative diphenyl is applied to the surface of the fruit before transportation. That is why it is very important to thoroughly wash lemons before eating, you can even use soap and a special brush. And it's best to completely remove the peel from the lemon before eating. In some countries, biphenyl is banned from the food industry.

Paraffin, wax and sorbic acid. The mixture of these three substances is used to treat citrus and other fruits before sale to give them an attractive presentation. Often on the shelves you can find fruits that shine very strongly and incredibly. This means that these citrus fruits are treated with paraffin. Another substance from this mixture, sorbic acid (E200), is a preservative that prevents the development of bacteria. This preservative has been found to destroy the vitamin B12 found in fruits. Sorbic acid also causes intestinal disorders.

The wax and paraffin used to cover citrus fruits do not release liquid from the fruit and do not allow it to evaporate, this makes their shelf life longer. Such processed lemons should be washed very thoroughly in warm water before eating, preferably using a special brush. And in order to completely protect yourself, you can generally peel the peel from the lemon.

1-methylcyclopropene (in the industry the name SmartFresh - "smart freshness"). This is a gas that inhibits the production of ethylene in vegetables and fruits, therefore, slows down their ripening.

It is argued that if you use this gas in very small doses, you can keep the freshness of the fruit and all their nutrients for much longer. But originally, 1-methylcyclopropene was developed to treat flowers in stores to keep them longer. And then "smart freshness" began to be applied to the processing of fruits before sale.

What effect SmartFresh can have on the human body is not yet known.
But there is a more natural and safer way to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer - by treating them with carbon dioxide. It is much safer for the human body.

If you want to be sure that the fruits and vegetables you eat are natural, then grow them yourself. Then you will know for sure that they will not harm your health. Well, if you wish your home a fruiting varietal lemon tree, then contact us, we will be happy to help!

It turns out that preparing apples for is not such an easy thing. It only seems at first glance: he carefully put the beautiful fruits in a box - and the job is done. It was not so! In order for apples to please all winter and spring with their freshness and "marketable appearance", you need to know three secrets.

How long apples will last depends on their variety. Not everyone has the ability to preserve food and nutritional properties for a long time (which, in fact, is called keeping quality).

For the middle lane these are: "Antonovka ordinary", "Bogatyr", "Vityaz", "Northern Sinap", "Zhigulevskoe", "Lighthouse", "Orlovskoe winter", "Chosen one", "Kortland", "Banana", "Melba "and" Welsey ".
For the southern regions: "Jonathan", "Crimean Aurora", "Renet Simirenko", "Starking" and "Olympic".

Our market will always help you with the desired variety, where you can compare offers from different online stores.

Apple-tree Antonovka ordinary (in a grid) (on a seed stock) 489 rbl
Agrofirm Search

Apple-tree Melba (in a grid) (on a seed stock) 489 rbl
Agrofirm Search

Apple tree Sinap North 900 rbl

Apple-tree Antonovka ordinary 900 rbl

Secret 2: remove apples from the tree correctly

If you are already planning to keep apples in their natural form, then from the moment of harvesting you need to start acting according to the rules, because in many respects the term of their "future life" depends on how you do it.

Remove apples from the tree carefully.

  • you need to harvest the fruits at the moment removable ripeness (when healthy ripe apples just started to fall - 5-6 pcs per day);
  • take off the fruit only in dry weather;
  • do not tear off peduncle;
  • do not wipe natural wax coating (matte film);
  • plucked apples do not throw, and carefully put in a prepared container;
  • so as not to injure the fruit during collection, you need to start from the lower branchesgoing to the top.

Secret 3. Be sure to sort the apples

Some inexperienced gardeners, having removed apples from the tree directly into the boxes, immediately send them to the cellar for the winter. And they make a mistake. Before sorting, it is really better to keep the apples in a cool room for 2-3 weeks - so that signs of possible defects appear. But then you need to do the following:
  • select for storage only healthy fruits without mechanical damage, preferably with stalks;
  • apples of different varieties are desirable split for storage;
  • better make out the fruits by size: large, medium and small separately;
  • no need to wash or wipe apples!

The next video contains tips from Andrey Tumanov on how to select apples for storage.

After careful sorting, you can proceed to the next step. There are many ways and options for laying apples for long-term storage, everyone can choose according to their taste and their capabilities.

Simple styling

Lay the apples with their stalks up (if the stalks are too long and injure the skin of others, they need to be shortened) in two or three layers, so that during storage it is easy to find those that start to deteriorate. The apples are not stacked. You can stack many more apples in this way - a full basket, box or box.

But this method is the most "short-lived", because when at least one focus of decay appears, the process will quickly spread to the rest of the fruits. Using a similar method, you will need to check your bookmarks regularly.

Paper wrapping

Wrap each apple in paper or paper napkin, put in rows in a box or box, stalks up.

Storing apples wrapped in paper

This method (assuming healthy fruits are selected) has worked very well.

Interleaving (interlayering)

Pour a layer (about 3 cm) of clean (washed and dried) sand with the addition of ash on the bottom of the box. Lay a layer of apples on the sand so that they do not touch each other, cover it completely with a mixture of sand and ash. Place another 2-3 layers on top in the same way. Sand with ash can be replaced with other dry and bulk materials:
  1. Husked buckwheat.
  2. Linen frills.
  3. Onion husks.
  4. Husks.
  5. Peat.
  6. Moss.
  7. Leaves of trees (dry).
  8. Shavings of deciduous trees.
  9. Sawdust.

The apples, separated from each other, survive the winter and even spring well, the storage duration is limited only by the keeping quality of the varieties.

In plastic bags

In the bag, make 4-5 cuts-holes for ventilation, put 2-4 kg of apples of the same variety in it, tie. Store at temperatures between -1 ° C and + 1 ° C.

If there is no basement, you can store apples in the ground.

In the ground

Having prepared in advance a pit or trench 40-50 cm deep, during the onset of cold weather (about -5 ...- 7 ° C), pack the apples in plastic bags of 5-6 kg and put them in the pit. At the bottom of the trench and on top of the bags, it is recommended to lay branches of spruce or juniper to protect from mice. Cover everything with earth. To make it more convenient to look for a "cache" in winter, you can think over your own sign - a stick, a flag, fittings. Apples are perfectly stored underground until spring. To be faithful, summer residents also pour fallen leaves on top of the pits - it will protect the fruits from the cold.

Carbon dioxide treatment

There is an experience of long-term storage of apples in bags, into which carbon dioxide is slowly injected using a siphon for carbonating water (the hole is then sealed).

UV treatment

Enterprising summer residents even offer to process apples, laid out in one layer, with a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp (BUF-60) at a distance of 1.5 m for 20-30 minutes. (inverted once for uniform exposure). According to the testimony of those who experienced this method, no putrefactive damage was observed on the fruits during the winter.

Of course, it is also important to create the right conditions for the prepared fruits - those in which they can be stored for as long as the characteristics of the variety allow.

As for the material, the boxes can be made of wood or cardboard, baskets can be either wicker wicker or synthetic materials. Containers in which apples or other fruits and vegetables have already been stored must be cleaned and preferably disinfected.

Storage temperature

The most preferred temperature for storing apples is between -1 ° C and + 1 ° C. But even at temperatures of +2 ... + 4 ° C, the results remain acceptable.


The optimum humidity for storing apples is 85-95%. In low humidity, they fade quickly.
  • the moisture content of the sand, which is poured over apples for storage, should not exceed 5%, otherwise the fruits may start to deteriorate;
  • the method of transferring apples with straw did not justify itself, since the fruits acquire an unpleasant odor;
  • so that during storage the apples do not touch each other, you can make partitions with your own hands: cut cardboard strips at equal distances and combine the sheets crosswise. You will get square cells;
  • when burying bags of apples in the ground, for convenience, you can tie the bags with a rope, and let the ends out, tied to a stick. Subsequently, it is enough to pull on it - the bag and "rise" to the surface;
  • in order not to damage the apple during harvesting from the tree, it is enough to take it in the palm of your hand and roll it along with the stalk - it will easily separate from the branch;
  • apples from trees overfed with fertilizers are poorly stored;
  • during the ripening period of the crop, the apple tree should not be watered, this will have a bad effect on keeping quality.

The time will come very soon to harvest the apple harvest, and we really hope that the advice of our summer residents will be timely and useful.

You always want to crunch fruit from your own garden in the cold season. And how nice it is to hear from grandchildren that they need pears or apples to school for recess! Therefore, storing apples and pears for the winter is a topical topic for all owners of a personal plot. Let's look at how to prepare a cellar and how apples and pears are processed for long-term storage so as not to harm your health.

Cellar preparation

In the summer, when the stored supplies have already run out and only a few cans of pickles and wine are left, it is necessary to ventilate the room. If the changes in night and day temperatures are too sharp, condensation may appear on the walls and ceiling, then it is better to put a small fan in the exhaust pipe and turn it on at night.

In September, about 2-3 weeks before laying apples for storage, it is necessary to treat the walls, floor and ceiling with biological products. Well suited for processing EM -preparations ( Baikal, East, Radiance, Revival), Fitosporin-M and its derivatives ( Golden autumn).

When the night temperature drops, we open the basement or cellar for the night. It is necessary to lower the temperature to at least 10 degrees. In late autumn, when stable frosts set in, we close the hood with mineral wool - the basement will breathe through the cotton wool, and mice and rats will not get there. We do not process the cellar for storing apples and pears for the winter with either sulfur or other carcinogens - so there is darkness all over the place.

How apples and pears are processed for long-term storage

In supermarkets, you may have come across great looking fruits and vegetables processed with something sticky. Most likely, it is diphenyl (preservative E230), which accumulates in the body and can cause cancer. Sometimes apples are imported in wrappers that are saturated with this carcinogen. And, if we remove the banana skin and throw it away, protecting ourselves from chemicals, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to wash the apples even under hot water. Well, okay, so everyone knows about the passion of chemicalizing purchased products. And we need to increase the keeping quality of our own harvest, so let's use natural antioxidants.

How apples and pears are coated and sandwiched for storage in private households

The development of fungi on fruits is well protected by fern and sphagnum moss. But we cannot always get moss, therefore we actively use fern. Before harvesting, we put several layers of fern frond in boxes overlapping - you can take frond fern, ostrich and other large species.

It is better to lay apples in two, maximum three layers, sandwiching each layer with vayami. We put elderberry leaves on the topmost layer, they scare away rats and mice. It is also best to sort fruits by size. First, you need to eat larger fruits, then medium ones. The medium-sized fruits of apples and pears are more suitable for long-term storage.

When harvesting, be extremely careful - it is unacceptable to shake off fruits from trees, you need to carefully pluck the fruits with the stalk. If you reach for fruits with your hand, try to take them so that less damage to the wax coating, it protects the fruits from drying out (lethargy).

It is better to put apples and pears with accidentally torn stalks in a separate box, since it is better to store them for a short time. Put the crop, which has been heavily "poached" by the moth, there - you will have to eat these couple of boxes first. And do not try to put these boxes in the common rows of the main storage, let them stand separately at the entrance to the basement or cellar. Otherwise, the moths will move to a healthier harvest.

Processing apples and pears for storage

So, we sandwiched the boxes of fruit, and what else are apples and pears processed for storage? It's not an easy question, because you don't want to pick up carcinogens from your own garden at all. Nevertheless, processing is necessary, because it is impossible to select fruits for storage without signs of damage - both the moth is present in the garden, and the monilla, and black rot makes itself felt.

Therefore, small concentrations of natural antibiotics and biofungicides will help us. We carry out the processing before we put the boxes in the basement (in October), spraying each box Fitolavin (see the manufacturer's instructions for dilution rates) or Golden in autumn (Fitosporin-M).It is impossible to mix and layer preparations, if you have chosen one of them, and use it all season.

Storing apples and pears in a cellar or basement

When storing apples and pears in the cellar in winter, it is periodically necessary to conduct an audit - in each box, you must select rotten and blackened fruits. If significant condensation has accumulated on the surfaces of the walls of the room, it is better to remove it with a well-absorbing rag (for example, a gauze cloth). Floor and walls can be sprayed Fitolavin \\ Fitosporin-M (or Golden in the fall), but not more often than every three weeks.

In winter, look into your storage more often, since you still need to keep apples and pears in the cellar or basement under supervision: mice may come over, excessive condensation may accumulate. When laying winter apples and pears for storage, beware of using chemistry, it is better to use natural repellents and biosecurity. Good luck keeping your own fruit and bon appetit in winter! May there always be a bountiful harvest for keeping apples and pears in the cellar for the winter.


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