Wasteland in ramenkas. Legends of Moscow State University

Wasteland in ramenkas. Legends of Moscow State University

Before you start reading this article, I want to make a reservation that everything written here is by no means classified information and is found on the Internet on public sites and is simply logically matched.

There have been rumors about the underground city in Ramenki for a long time, but having become interested in this topic, I naturally did not find anything serious in Runet. Shoveling through forums and various sites, I found only unconfirmed statements about the existence of the secret Kremlin-Vnukovo line and the presence of an underground city in the Ramenki area. The rest of the information boils down to statements like "a drunken plumber told me that he saw a tunnel", "a neighbor's grandmother hears train noises at night" or "an acquaintance of an acquaintance of my friend ...". In general, there is zero information. Therefore, I dug a little in the other direction, comparing photographs, facts of the past and present, and my own childhood memories.

So. I think every second, or even the first, interested in this topic, saw this photo from 1991:

All sites claim to be mines. I haven’t been, I don’t know, now there is practically nothing of this, BUT taking a modern photograph, with good eyesight, we suddenly find ... "mine number 3".)))

She is, of course, now poorly distinguishable, in the dazzling roofs of garages, of which there are a great many, but nevertheless it is she. Someone may say that the location is not entirely consistent, but take into account a slightly different angle and the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle sandwiched between Moscow State University, Michurinsky Prospect, Park of the 50th anniversary of October and Vernadsky Avenue is only 2x1.6 km and its central part is entirely visible on picture. It is difficult for even a small object to get lost here. Referring to the sites, we find absolutely unverified information that this is a mine disguised as a "concrete factory". Here's this little factory, though from the opposite side:

Everything is abandoned, only a new thorn on the fence:

It is located here:

If you are looking at if you can imagine a top view of the photo, then you can easily find a building in Yandex maps at least by a large shadow, and by enlarging it, you will recognize all the roofs. By the way, the "little factory" can be seen from two sections of the main alley of the park.

At first I was alerted by the booth above, but after rummaging through the Internet, I found factories from the times of the USSR with and without booths:

As a result, I had the first questions: Why do we need a concrete plant far from the roads, in this particular place (there used to be a vacant lot, now there are garages) and why it has not been liquidated during all this time.

Now a little digression. For further narration, several facts must be mentioned.

1. "Plant for the production of concrete" was already in the industrial zone behind Michurinsky, built back in 1948 for the construction of Moscow State University. There were also other enterprises related to both conventional and railway construction. I remember the buildings of these factories, but finding information about them turned out to be a problem again. Now a residential complex is being built in their place and in this regard, a decree was issued with a list of liquidated enterprises, among which the largest territory is occupied by the Ramenskaya base Mospromstroy (an area of \u200b\u200b8.45 hectares, JSC ZhBI-10 and Glavmosstroy (8.73 hectares), Mospromstroimaterialy ( 5.73 ha),Promzheldortrans (6.9 ha)

It was located here (the former industrial zone is outlined in red):

Apparently, such an assistant as a "concrete factory" from the photo was simply necessary for an industrial zone occupying several blocks.)))

2. In Ramenki there was a railway line operating from 1949 to 2002. It was built again for the construction of the Moscow State University. Even marked on maps 20 years ago:

I personally remember diesel locomotives that moved over Michurinsky and created problems for motorists.)))

Considering the above facts, questions arise: Why do we need a small factory far from all construction projects, but not far from an industrial zone profiled for construction, with a railway line located much closer to Moscow State University? Second question: Why is the railway line curved so strangely? Many will easily find information that it seems that there were also industrial zones during the construction of Moscow State University, BUT looking at the map, it is clear that the railway line does not pass through them, but bends around the backyards. Imagining the location of the "shafts" from the first photo and mentally continuing the strange bend of the railway line, we get the following picture:

I do not at all hint that there was a branch going underground, this is unlikely, but this site has always been deaf and quiet, no one really climbed there, and even a special desire somehow did not appear to wander into the eternally silent garages. In general, continuing the thought line, we found ourselves in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called third skyscraper on Vernadsky Avenue (still with armed guards, by the way), randomly passing in the vicinity of the "mines".)))

For dessert, I will mention one oddity:

Here the Ramenka River is crossed by two pipes with a diameter of about a meter, leading from the residential area towards the center of the park. One of them (# 2) can even be seen in Yandex satellite maps:

Of course, from the satellite they look completely undignified, here is one of them (No. 1)

Their purpose is not clear, the only building in the park is the administration, which is a small building with a yard for harvesting equipment and located in the middle of the park. Meter pipes do not run to such buildings and to such a distance.

If you have an explanation of these inconsistencies and oddities or other considerations in this regard, I will be glad to know them!)))

Thanks for attention!

There is a diplomatic town, where employees of 16 embassies * live, and a student town. In the area of \u200b\u200bDovzhenko and Pudovkina Streets, filmmakers and employees of the Council of Ministers received housing, on Mosfilmovskaya - the Ministry of Defense, on Michurinsky Prospect - the teaching staff of the university and employees of Gazprom. People living in such a place are associated with high levels of education and income.

The border of the region from the north runs along the Third Transport Ring and the Moskva River embankment, from the south along the park named after 50th anniversary of October and st. Lobachevsky, from the west along the track of the Kiev direction of the Moscow Railways, from the east along Vernadsky Prospect. There is also a lot of unofficial information about the underground city on the territory of the district and the secret branch of Metro-2.

The district got its name from the village of the same name, the main street of which was located perpendicular to Michurinsky Avenue on the site of Ramenki Street. The name "Ramenka" comes from the word "ramenya", which means a dense forest. On the territory of the modern district, on the upland of the right bank of the Moskva River, there were also villages: Vorobyevo, Troitse-Golenishchevo, Potylikha settlement, Kamennaya dam and the village of Gladyshevo.


There are no industrial enterprises in Ramenki, and the “wind rose” going through the area carries clean air from the southwest. Half of the district's territory is not residential: it includes the state reserve Vorobyovy Gory, due to which the district is in the first positions in terms of air purity. The observation deck is adjacent to the MSU campus and the University Botanical Garden.

On a large territory of the reserve there is a complex of guest houses of the Presidential Property Management Department. At one time, the presidents of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, academicians Keldysh and Aleksandrov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers A.N. Kosygin, the country's top leaders Khrushchev and Gorbachev.

From the northwest, Ramenki's green wall is protected by the Setun River Valley nature reserve, in which 14 plant species and 11 animal species from the Red Book of Moscow are registered. In 2017, in violation of the Law "On Specially Protected Natural Areas in the City of Moscow", the City Planning and Land Commission of Moscow approved a development project for a well-known developer with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 1.3 million square meters. m. in the area between st. Lobachevsky, Michurinsky prospect and r. Ramenkoy.

On the street Mosfilmovskaya is the first golf club in Russia, its territory is 17 hectares of green lawn. The area of \u200b\u200bthe forest park. 50th anniversary of October, located near Vernadsky Avenue, is 67 hectares.

Park of the 50th anniversary of October

Transport situation

The way to the city center on its own or by car from Ramenki will not take more than 20-30 minutes, to the Moscow Ring Road 15 minutes, and to any nearest park 5-10 minutes. Departure from the area is possible through Minskaya st. and Kutuzovsky prospect, st. Kosygin, Vorobievskoe highway and TTK, Lomonosovsky prospect, Vernadsky avenue and Leninsky avenue. The total length of roads in the district is over 46 km.

The main thoroughfare of the district, Michurinsky Prospect, has been known for its traffic jams for many years due to the lack of metro stations inside the district. Not only along the length of the avenue itself, but also further along the entire Borovskoye highway.For the last 5 years, the avenue has been partially blocked for construction work, which resulted in the opening of the Ramenki and Lomonosovsky Prospekt metro stations and an overpass at the intersection with ul. Lobachevsky. In some sections, the avenue was expanded to 10 traffic lanes.

In the first quarter of 2018, the Michurinsky Prospekt metro station with an observation deck and other 7 stations of the Solntsevsko-Kalininskaya line on the Ramenki-Rasskazovka section will open, which will significantly reduce the load on ground transport.

Construction of the Michurinsky Prospect metro station

Also, the Moscow Government approved the project for planning the territory of 5.5 hectares for the transport interchange hub "Michurinsky Prospect": investors want to build 53 thousand square meters. m of residential real estate, 16 thousand sq. m of retail space and parking for 426 cars.

At the end of Mosfilmovskaya Street, an exit to the first section of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt was opened, which, possibly, will unload other highways, but worsen the situation with traffic jams in the area. This will especially affect the residents of the “old” Mosfilmovskaya, who will continue to get by buses to the Kievskaya metro station or along the new route to the Sportivnaya MCC.

On the section of Minskaya Street before the exit to Kutuzovsky Prospect, they are buildingTPU near the recently opened metro station "Minskaya". The construction of a new stop “Minskaya” is planned on the Kiev railway direction, as a result, the TPU will unite the passenger flows of the metro, public transport and suburban trains.

Shopping, entertainment and sports

There are no complaints about the infrastructure of Ramenok, with the exception of large shopping centers. There is only one of them in the district - this is “Capitol on Vernadsky” near the Universitet metro station, where the only cinema in the district is located. In 2016, another Tiara shopping center was opened near the Ramenki metro station, but the composition of tenants is in demand only at the microdistrict level. At the same time, there are no problems in the area with small shops within walking distance and chain supermarkets.

There could also be more quality fitness clubs. The existing Premier Sport, X-fit and World Class are usually very crowded, and small studios and numerous outdoor programs do not solve the issue, for example, visiting the pool.

Big tennis fans are more fortunate. So, at the club "Premier Sport" (st. Olof Palme, 5, p. 1, 2)Anna Chakvetadze, ex-fifth racket of the world,recently opened tennis school for children. On the territory of the sports complex "Yubileiny"on 4 indoor courts and 3 outdoor clay courtsthere is another tennis school (Mosfilmovskaya, 41), for children they organize outdoor camps in the Moscow region and Europe.

Nearby (Mosfilmovskaya, 35) is the European Tennis School. In the school, it is possible to study not only in Russian, but also in English or German, and the qualifications of all coaches are confirmed by the German tennis federation deutsche tennis bund. In the tennis club of Moscow State University (Sports Town of Moscow State University), you can rent any of the 8 courts and use the help of trainers. The Tennis Capital network school (Michurinsky Prospect, 6) offers an affordable entrance from 1375 rubles. for group lessons.

The pride of the Ramenok sports infrastructure is the first Russian golf club, built in 1987 on a vacant lot of st. Dovzhenko. The club works all year round and offers a large number of programs from a single guest visit worth 5000 rubles. and initial training programs up to lifetime club membership.

Entrance to the golf club

Not far away (2nd Setunsky proezd, property 5B) there is a unique open-air adventure park “Mister Panin” (the former fortress of stuntmen “Setunsky Stan”). There are stunt shows and adventure performances with the participation of spectators, exhibition pavilions work, for example, the Museum of the Military History of Moscow, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the Time of Troubles and a retro car park.

Almost every day there are excursions to the Mosfilm film studio, where you can get acquainted with the scenery for popular films, a collection of costumes and retro vehicles, see with your own eyesfilm sets, pavilions and natural sites. Certainly not Universal Studios, but what we have.

In 2013, the Vorobyovy Gory embankment was landscaped and annexed to the Gorky Park, in 2015 the combined walking area was extended to the Muzeon Park, and in 2017 the pedestrian Yakimanskaya Embankment was also included in it. In total, the residents of Ramenki got the best 8 km along the Moskva River for recreation, not counting the adjacent territories rich in cultural and sports events.

Study and medicine

There are 23 kindergartens and 21 schools in Ramenki. Of the new educational institutions, it is worth noting the boarding school at Moscow State University, opened in 2016. Most of the students come from the regions and undergo secondary general education programs with in-depth study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science. The training system in the training center is close to the university one, classes are held in the form of lectures and seminars.

School for Young Politicians No. 1306 (Michurinsky Prospect, 15/2) has been operating since 2001 as a general education school, but many services have to be paid for by the standards of private schools. The grandchildren of Yuri Luzhkov, the son of Vladimir Potanin and Anton Siluanov, and the daughter of Musa Bazhaev studied here. Also in 2014, the school's management became scandalously famous for falsifying the signatures of 4,000 Moscow State University teachers when voting at public hearings on the project for the construction of a block of primary grades.

On the territory of the residential complex "Shuvalovskiy" there is "Shuvalovskaya School No. 1448". Only children with a residence permit are allowed to study there.

School No. 1214 (21 Mosfilmovskaya st.) With in-depth study of the English language was merged in 2014 with lyceum No. 1586 (Druzhba st., 8). At one time there were strong physics and mathematics and natural science classes.

School "Our Traditions" (Michurinsky Prospect, 6, building 4) with in-depth study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bconsiders itself one of the best private schools in the city.

At the address Michurinsky Prospect, 9, the State School of Arts “Inspiration” has been opened with folklore, choreographic, orchestral, choral departments and fine arts.

The specialized children's and youth school “Master” (Setunsky 2-y proezd, 5) turns extreme sportsmen of different levels of sports training into qualified stuntmen.

The Botanical Garden of Moscow State University offers children's botany lessons in the Ukropolis cycle and holds annual enrollments for the gardening school, the program of which is based on analogs of schools at the Royal Botanic Gardens in England.

Higher education, in addition to Moscow State University, in Ramenki can be obtained at the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade and the Institute of International Economic Relations, and nearby, at MGIMO, RANEPA, FSB Academy, MIREA and RUDN University.

Main building of Moscow State University

Among the medical institutions on the territory of the region, in addition to state ones, there are also high-quality departmental ones that provide the necessary services on a paid basis. First of all, this is the United Hospital with a polyclinic of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation (Michurinsky Prospect, 6), where you can visit a doctor just once, or undergo a course of procedures, rehabilitation, or go to a hospital. The hospital has 15 hectares of its own forest park.

Polyclinic No. 2 of the Ministry of Economic Development (43, Lomonosovsky Prospect) has been serving employees of the Ministry of Foreign Trade (later the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations) and their families since the 1950s. Currently, the polyclinic is a multidisciplinary clinical diagnostic center that conducts both complex and rare studies, and uses complex methods of treatment.

Gazprom's adult and children's polyclinics (Michurinsky Prospect 19, building 4-5) provide medical assistance to veterans of the gas industry, as well as employees of Gazprom subsidiaries.

Inexpensive secondary housing

Average price of 1 sq. m in the secondary market Ramenok ranges from 160 to 700 thousand rubles, the volume of supply is 6 thousand apartments. Due to the favorable location and modern infrastructure, real estate prices here are comparable to those in Khamovniki and Presnensky District. There is no similar block building in the district. If you are looking for an apartment in a high-end home, the surroundings are likely to be less joyful. An exception is the cluster along Minskaya Street.

Drawing a very rough analogy to the movement in the game "Monopoly"from cheap to expensive lots, the most affordable real estate in the area is located in blocks along Michurinsky prospect. According to the construction chronology, at the beginning of the 70s, the 23rd microdistrict, located next to Vinnitskaya Street, was built up with 9- and 12-storey panel buildings. All houses are within walking distance from the Ramenki metro station. However, no more than 20 apartments are on the secondary market. For example, a 35 m2 one-room apartment can be bought for 7 million rubles **, a 45-49 m2 two-room apartment for 7.7-8.4 million rubles. The average price per m2 here is 170-180 thousand rubles.

Microdistrict 23

36 microdistrict between st. Lobachevsky and Udaltsov, as well as microdistricts 37 and 38 adjacent to the park of the 50th anniversary of October, were built up in different series of 12- and 16-storey panels in the 80s. The average price per meter in these neighborhoods grows to 180-200 thousand rubles, and the cost of typical one-room 38-39 m2 to the range of 7.5-8.3 thousand rubles, two-room 51-55 m2 9.2-12 million rub., three-room 74-75 m2 for 13-15 million rub.

Microdistrict 37

Microdistricts 39 and 40 of the late 90s and early 2000s are areas with affordable prices, closest to Moscow State University - real estate for rent will always be in demand here.It is worth noting the residential buildings of "Gazprom", one section of which (Michurinsky Prospect, 19, building 1) collapsed in 1997. Nevertheless, Gazprom received these houses from the Moscow Mayor's Office as payment of the debt, not at cost, but at quite commercial values. The houses were built according to the currently banned "wide step" technology, the essence of which was to "separate" the supporting structures -instead of the typical 3 mthey were located every 7.2 m. Due to this, it was possible to increase the number of options for apartment layouts.

Gazprom houses

Also obsolete buildings are located along Mosfilmovskaya Street, but prices in some cases will be much higher due to locations with prestigious neighbors. For example, microdistrict 24 consists of only three 16-storey panel houses of the 1MG-601 series, built in 1972. There are 4 apartments for sale with an average cost of a square of 200 thousand rubles.

Beyond the intersection with Lomonosovsky Prospekt, on the other side of Mosfilm, one can see the massive construction of 5- and 8-storey brick houses of the late 1950s. in the 4th microdistrict bordering the Chinese Embassy, \u200b\u200bFriendship Park and University Avenue. For better or worse, these houses are not included in the renovation program. One-room apartment with a footage of 31-33 sq. m will cost 6.4-6.9 million rubles, a two-room 43-40 m2 at 8.3-11 million rubles, a three-room 53-66 m2 at 10-17 million rubles.

Next, in the direction of travel, between the territories of the "Mosfilm" film studio and the Medical Center of the Administrative Department of the President, will be one of the most chamber and greenest 6 microdistricts. It houses high-quality brick houses, which are popularly called "generals" (they were built for the Ministry of Defense).

6 microdistrict

Local attraction - "Katerina's house" from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" by Vladimir Menshov. Cost per square meter at st. Mosfilmovskaya, 11 (room 1-3) is 280-380 thousand rubles. A two-room apartment 65 m2 costs 25 million rubles, a three-room apartment 82-93 m2 costs 25-29 million rubles.

There are also little-knownin the real estate marketResidential complexes "Patriot", "Lomonosov" and "White Swan": apartments in these houses go on sale rarely and at high prices.

RC "Patriot" and RC "Lomonosovsky"

On the opposite side of Mosfilmovskaya street, the embassy town is bordered by the 5th microdistrict Ramenok, known for the second round house in Moscow (Dovzhenko street, 6). This is a nine-storey 26-entrance residential building with 936 apartments, built in 1976-79. One-room apartment 31-33 m2 in it can be purchased for 6.5-7.2 million rubles, a two-room apartment 52-57 m2 for 8.7-10.9 million rubles.

Round house

Microdistricts 2 and 3, located along the golf club from the very beginning of Mosfilmovskaya Street, began to be built up in the 60s. In the old housing stock on the street. Pyryev and Pudovkin, you can buy a 32-33 m2 one-room apartment for 6.7-7.8 million rubles on a budget. or kopeck piece 38-54 m2 from 6.8 to 13.7 million rubles. But there are also completely different price tags in the departmental houses of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and business-class residential complexes "Ordinary Miracle" and "Director".

The Setun district is located separately, where houses were erected in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. You can enter it along one street - 1st Setunsky proezd, turning off the embankment or TTK. Prices for 1- and 2-room. apartments do not exceed 7-8 million rubles, but because of the isolated location, we do not recommend buying real estate there.

Business Class

If we consider the price ranges of business and comfort class, then in terms of the combination of characteristics, location, environment and quality of development, it is worth mentioning the residential complex “Diplomat” (Michurinsky prospect, 39). This is a 23-storey 10-entrance monolithic-brick residential building, built in 2008 on the border of the Park of the 50th anniversary of October. Until recently, its main drawback was the only entry from Michurinsky Prospekt, always packed with cars. This year the problem was solved by opening traffic along the Projected Driveway No. 3358. The average cost of a square in a house is 420-460 thousand rubles, in some apartments this figure reaches 500 thousand rubles. Among the features of the residential complex is the presence of multi-room apartments, for example, with an area of \u200b\u200b271 m2 for 97 million rubles. or 615 m2 for 187 million rubles.

LCD "Diplomat"

In 2015, completed work in the long-term construction of 5 and 6 microdistricts Ramenokalong the street Stoletov. Since the beginning of the 2000s, 26 enterprises have been removed from the building territory and 9 five-story buildings have been demolished. In 2009, the first monolithic-brick houses of an individual layout were commissioned, after which the rest of the construction stopped until 2012.To date, all houses have been put into operation in the Michurinsky residential complex, and a wide range of unfinished apartments with a square cost of 220-240 thousand rubles is offered on the assignment. Renovated apartments will cost 320-360 thousand rubles. per meter. Parking space is approximately 2 million rubles. Courtyard of the house 53 on the street. Mosfilmovskaya was chosen by filmmakers, a couple of seasons of the series "Psychologists" and "Mommy" have already been filmed here.

Residential complex "Michurinsky"

Opposite is the partially populated residential complex “Mosfilmovskiy”; final construction work is underway on the territory of the complex. The main disadvantages of the new building are the power lines passing on one side, and the southern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt on the other side. Nevertheless, the cost per square meter here is higher than in the residential complex “Michurinsky” and amounts to 290-300 thousand rubles. per m2 in an apartment without finishing and 400-430 thousand rubles. in finished apartments. There are 170 apartments in the secondary market. Perhaps the overpriced residential complex is explained by the external resemblance to the elite residential complexes “Shuvalovsky” and “Dominion”, which are significant for the area, located on Lomonosovsky Prospekt, as close as possible to Moscow State University.

Residential complex "Mosfilmovsky"

Elite real estate in Ramenki district

Residential complex "Shuvalovsky", built in 2008, consists of 7 brick-monolithic residential buildings in the style of Stalin's Art Deco, which was used in the design of buildings at Moscow State University. Each building of the complex is a multi-section building from 8 to 24 floors with its own fenced area, playground and underground parking. The cost per square meter is very individual, starting from 345 thousand rubles. and reaches 550 thousand rubles. The price for a one-room apartment of 52 m2 falls within the range of 20-24 million rubles, a two-room apartment of 74-76 m2 at 28-38 million rubles, a three-ruble note of 70-75 m2, 39-45 million rubles. and more treshka 100-136 m2 43-57 million rubles.

LCD "Shuvalovsky"

Residential complex "Dominion" - a late copy of "Shuvalovsky" from the general developer "Inteko". On a closed area of \u200b\u200b15 hectares there are 4 buildings, there are calculations that, for each apartment there is 50 sq. m of the internal area. Despite the poorer drive to the residential complex and a replica of the exterior finish, the average cost of a square without finishing is higher and will cost 380-420 thousand rubles, and with finishing it will be 500-700 thousand rubles.

LCD "Dominion"

Another peculiar pair in the continuation of the horizontal line on Minskaya Street, Zolotye Klyuchi Residential Complex 1 and 2. The first “keys” of 2003 are famous for their residents, including Dmitry A. Medvedev, Tomash Kazhmerovski (Alfa-Bank), Chan Thi Thao (Singapore-based Futcher Generation), Liborio Stellino (Press Attaché of the Italian Embassy), Semyon Vainshtok (Olympic State Corporation), Victor Fedotov (Uralsib Capital), David Yakobashvili (Wim-Bil-Dantiolov), Tatiana Bogomport , Victor Polstovalov (LUKOIL-Ugra). The piquancy of the residential complex lies in the fact that in the primary market, each buyer passed the strictest selection by the security service, and now, if there is enough money, fans of the style of the 90s can easily purchase an apartment from representatives of modern history: 201 squares with their own patios are set for 79.5 million rubles, 112 m2 for 45.8 million rubles

LCD "Golden keys 1 and 2"

Three buildings of "Golden Keys-2" were built in 2006 in the water protection zone of the river. Setun. Many politicians and media people live in the LCD. The territory of the complex includes 21 townhouses of the cottage village "Y", a petting zoo with deer, llamas and raccoons, and, until recently, an outdoor pool on the roof of the Sky Club fitness club. At the beginning of summer, the club was closed unexpectedly for all of its members, which finally ruined its reputation. In total, there are 150 apartments for sale in the residential complex, the cost per square meter varies from 340 to 600 thousand rubles.

Another similar area is the “Deputy House” in 2000 on the street. Olof Palme, owned by the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Most of the apartments are departmental housing for representatives of the deputy corps, but some are on the free sale. Among the few offers it is quite possible to pick up status 86-97 m2 for “democratic” 28 million rubles.

Deputy House

In the neighborhood there is a high-rise residential complex "Vorobyovy Gory" (Mosfilmovskaya st., 70), from the windows of which the best panoramas of the city open. The quarter is built at an altitude of over 300 m above sea level on one of the highest places in the capital. Seven buildings from 17 to 48 floors are located on a common stylobate. There are 1039 apartments in the complex from 104 to 908 sq. meters and 1500 parking spaces. True, the proposals above We could not find 38 floors, mainly in the sale of three-ruble notes of 100-145 m2 from 40 to 50 million rubles.

RC "Vorobyovy Gory" and RC "Setun Valley"

If the tallest building of the residential complex “Vorobyovy Gory” is 178 meters, then the height of the new residential complex from the developer “Donstroy” “House on Mosfilmovskaya” reaches 213.3 m or 54 floors. It is the twelfth tallest building in Moscow and one of the tallest outside of Moscow City. The De Luxe class residential complex has a huge selection (over 400) of apartments. The highest options are located on the 47th floor - 160 m2 for 154 million rubles. Lower and without finishing, you can buy 95-98 m2 for 32 million rubles.

House on Mosfilmovskaya

In September 2017, on Vorobyovskoye Highway, across the street from state dachas and the Moscow River, a premium class residential complex "Vorobyov Dom" was put into operation. The project provides for apartments and penthouses with open terraces from 60 to 250 square meters, the average cost per square meter is 450-600 thousand rubles.

Residential complex "Vorobyov house"

New buildings Ramenok

Although Ramenki is one of the most promising areas for the development of the premium new building market, there are currently only three new buildings in the district, and all of them have entered the final stage of construction. First of all, these are the 36 and 39-storey Dolina Setun skyscrapers adjacent to the Vorobyovy Gory residential complex from the Donstroy company. Sales in the residential complex began in 2012, in the current market the price increased to 380-640 thousand rubles. per square.

In continuation of the Setun Valley residential complex, on the site of the Setun cottage village, the Snegiri ECO residential complex is being built. There are 24 townhouses and one apartment building around a small lake. Each townhouse has three or four three-level apartments with a separate entrance. In an apartment building, you should focus on 530-710 thousand rubles. per m2.

Residential complex "Snegiri Eco"

MFC "Headquarters on Mosfilmovskaya" is a long-term construction of "Morton", the work on which is now being completed by the company "PIK". An office center and an infrastructure zone with a shopping gallery and a restaurant, as well as a multi-level underground parking will be located in a 29-storey building with 400 apartments on the 2-4 storey level. Currently, there are many options on the primary market from 9.5 million rubles, but it is difficult to imagine a location at a crossroads without an inner territory for living.

Headquarters on Mosfilmovskaya

Development prospects

In Ramenki, the global development of the "new territory" of Moscow State University, adjacent to Lomonosovsky Prospekt from the side of the park of the 50th anniversary of October, is slowly taking place. The project for the construction of the university buildings was formed in the 60-70s of the last century. In accordance with the decisions of those years, two educational buildings, a fundamental library, a medical center, a boarding school for gifted children and a hostel for 2500 people have already been built.

New building of Moscow State University

The total building fund for the entire territory will be about 2.5 million square meters. m. It will include a university campus with various scientific clusters and innovative engineering centers, a fitness center, an exhibition complex and a technopark. It is assumed that in the new campus the fundamental scientific research of the university will be continued at a new level, will attract Russian corporations to cooperation and help keep talented youth in the country.

On the territory of Moscow State University, residential development is also planned with a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments of 190 thousand m2, including rental housing for graduate students and teachers, and another 260 thousand m2 in the adjacent territory. The construction will take about 10 years and will be carried out in stages so that the construction does not interfere with the residents of the surrounding houses. Upon completion of construction, a compensatory landscaping of 20 hectares of the territory will be carried out.

Among the objects of social infrastructure, the plan includes 4 schools for 1775 places, 7 kindergartens for 1080 places, a polyclinic for 250 visits per shift and a shopping center with an area of \u200b\u200b7 thousand m2, garages for 4 thousand cars and underground parking with a capacity of more than 12, 5 thousand parking spaces. The number of jobs in the district will increase from 11 to 20 thousand.

This year, construction began on a new film studio with ground parking on the territory of Mosfilm, as well as a five-storey complex with a total area of \u200b\u200b15.5 thousand square meters. m. There will be zones for props: for storing antique furniture and costumes from different eras. A parking lot for vintage cars and horse-drawn carriages will appear in the basement.

Mosfilm new pavilion project

The implementation of the projects will give a powerful impetus to the development of the district and will have a stimulating effect on various sectors of the economy. The construction of new facilities and infrastructure will be carried out on abandoned land and in the place of garage cooperatives, and the appearance of a university campus will increase the prestige of the area as a whole. The market value of housing in the area may rise significantly. Within the boundaries of the projected area, it is planned to organize new routes for public transport. A street will be built connecting Vernadsky Avenue and Michurinsky, which is needed by the residents of not only Ramenki, but also the entire CJSC.

* Embassies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Kuwait, China, DPRK, Libya, Malaysia, UAE, Angola, Bulgaria, Nicaragua, Panama, Serbia, Romania, Germany, Sweden.

** All prices are taken from the ads on Cian.ru as of December 2017.

The comfort level of the Ramenki area is 18.38 from 20.00

Environmental performance
Visual environment4 4.75
Green arrays5
Water bodies5
Absence of serious sources of anthropogenic pollution5
City / district connectivity
Working conditions within the city5 5.00
Convenience of movement within the city / district5
Accessibility of Moscow by public transport5
Accessibility of Moscow by private transport5
Communication with other localities5
Social infrastructure
Religious buildings5 4.88
Cultural institutions5
Shopping and entertainment infrastructure4
Health care5
Children's leisure centers5
Sports and fitness5
Habitat quality
Accessibility for the disabled3 4.25
State of urban engineering communications5
Development of the real estate market5
Risks and threats
Real estate oversaturation-1 -0.50
Deteriorating traffic situation-1
Underdevelopment of social infrastructure0
Deteriorating environmental situation0

Secret Underground City.

The cycle of University Legends about the dungeons of the university campus on the Lenin Hills and the Secret Underground City.

I have heard many times that strange things are happening in university dungeons .......

2) And here - an outstanding documentary film by the legendary university director Dima Ze, just about the near-university Moscow dungeons. In the late 1990s, our dungeons were visited by the Great Russian Stalker and Underground Mystic, the leader of the digger movement in Russia, Legendary Vadim Digger. Although this person is very secretive and difficult, and Vadim does not like to reveal the secrets of his work, he respects Dima Ze, so he gave him the opportunity to make a film about himself and his fellow diggers.

It can be seen that this is already the end of the era of complete anarchy and spontaneous lawlessness, which was the 90s, and even in the dungeons new times are already beginning.

There is no official information about the location of bunkers, lines, stations and facilities of the so-called Metro-2. The government of the Russian Federation neither confirmed nor denied its existence, however, former top statesmen, in particular, Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Poltoranin, Head of Protocol and Adviser to the President of Russia Vladimir Shevchenko, as well as the leadership of the Moscow Metro, repeatedly mentioned it in their interviews, either indirectly confirming the reality of the existence of a system of such objects.

The location and the very existence of such structures are classified as state secrets.

The name "Metro-2" was invented by the writer Vladimir Gonik, it began to be used by journalists in the early 1990s and continues to be used to this day in the media, thematic Internet forums and blogs, as well as in fiction, acquiring mythical details.

Skeptics attribute the existence of the secret Moscow underground transport communications, the so-called Metro-2, to the category of urban legends and fiction. More or less reliable can be considered the existence of a line from the new building of the Ministry of Defense on Znamenka to the facility in Troparevo-Nikulino, officially called the "Laboratory of tests and measurements of the Metro" and the system under construction of JSC "Transinzhstroy". These two line-systems were visited by a team of diggers from Moscow State University and a group of enthusiasts from NIO Azimut.

According to rumors, the system is much more ramified and goes far beyond Moscow: there are reports of lines to the cities of Chekhov, Krasnoznamensk and Balashikha. These rumors have no confirmation.

In the summer of 1992, the literary and publicistic magazine Yunost published a novel by the writer and screenwriter Vladimir Gonik "Hell", which takes place in the underground bunkers of Moscow. Earlier, in the spring of the same year, excerpts from the novel were published by the weekly Top Secret.

In an interview with the Kommersant newspaper correspondent in 1993 at the presentation of his book, the writer said that the term “Metro-2” was introduced by him, and the novel was written on the basis of information he personally collected over twenty years about the bunkers and the secret metro lines connecting them ... Gonik admitted that he wrote the novel from 1973 to 1986, and also that he deliberately distorted some information about the traces of the passage of special tunnels and the location of special objects in the text of the novel.

Later, the writer Vladimir Gonik argued that the bunkers of the so-called Metro-2 were used to accommodate the leadership of the Politburo and the Central Committee of the CPSU, as well as members of their families in case of war. According to him, allegedly, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev personally visited the main bunker in the early 1970s, after which he awarded the chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov with the Gold Medal of the Hero of Socialist Labor. In the bunker, each member of the CPSU Central Committee was entitled to apartments with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 180 sq. with an office, a recreation room, a catering unit and a bathroom.

Gonik collected his information, as he claims, from his patients, working as a doctor in the clinic of the Ministry of Defense.
After the publication of the novel, in 1992-1993, the topic of the existing secret lines of the Moscow metro was raised in their publications by the Russian media, in particular, the magazine "Ogonyok", calling these underground objects as "Metro-2"

In 2004, Vladimir Shevchenko, the head of the protocol of the USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev and the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, was the first of the former top government officials to actually confirm the existence of a secret metro in Moscow:

“Information about the number of underground communications is greatly exaggerated. Under Stalin, who was very afraid of attempts on his life, in fact, a single-track underground metro line from the Kremlin to the so-called near dacha in Volynskoye operated. Today, neither the dacha nor the metro line is used. , there were underground transport communications between the General Staff and several other government facilities "

In 2008, Shevchenko again touched upon the topic of Metro-2:

"At present, the Kremlin metro cannot be called a transport artery, and, as far as I know, for its further operation, major repairs are required: after all, among other things, there are many underground utilities passing through there, which decay over time."

As Mikhail Poltoranin, deputy prime minister and minister in the government of Boris Yeltsin in the early 1990s, says:

“This is an extensive network of tunnels, and a reserve command post in case of war, from where you can command the country's nuclear forces. A large number of people can hide there - this was necessary for its maintenance. I know that Metro-2 has branches that leave in the suburbs so that the command could move away from the epicenter of a nuclear strike "

In 2007, the head of the Moscow Metro, Dmitry Gaev, answered the question "Does Metro-2 exist?"

"I would be surprised if he didn't exist."

In the same year, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper, he remarked:

"There is a lot of talk about the existence of secret transport tunnels. I will not deny anything. I would be surprised if they did not exist. You ask: can they be used to transport passengers? It is not for me to decide, but for those organizations on whose balance are these objects. I do not exclude this possibility "

In 2008, in an interview with the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty, the head of the independent trade union of the Moscow metro Svetlana Razina admitted:

"Several years ago, among the drivers of the Izmailovo depot, they were recruiting for service on secret lines. And although there were many who wanted, only one was selected. Only people with special access can enter the territory of these tunnels. Most often, very short trains are used on these lines. consisting of a battery-powered electric locomotive and one passenger carriage "

As the correspondent of the state news agency "ITAR-TASS" said in his material in 2007:

"Metro-2 lines" were in the KGB department for a long time, and later passed under the wing of the FSB "

Back in 1992, in an interview with the American magazine Time, the deputy director of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Igor Malashenko spoke about the existence of a television relay center in Sofrino, 30 km northeast of Moscow, built during the Khrushchev era at great depths underground in case of a nuclear war. According to Malashenko, at that time the equipment of the center turned out to be unusable, since it was outdated. Malashenko says that the same fate befell many underground bomb shelters, in particular, the system of underground bunkers under the building of Moscow State University, which, according to him, were flooded and became unusable.

Oleg Gordievsky, a former colonel of the KGB of the USSR, who spied on British intelligence for 11 years and fled to Great Britain in 1985, in 2001 in an interview with the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty called “the main secret of the KGB, which has not yet been revealed”:

"Underground communications of special services. I know that the KGB has grandiose structures underground, entire cities, which simply do not exist."

In 2006, in the center of Moscow, the Cold War Museum (Exposition Center "ZKP" Tagansky "), located at a depth of more than 60 meters, was opened for citizens to access.It previously housed a secret air defense bunker connected to the tunnel of the existing Moscow Metro Circle Line.

In 1996, a branch of the Museum of the Armed Forces was opened on the basis of the former Reserve Command Post of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces IV Stalin in the Moscow region of Izmailovo. According to the official website of the museum, the facility is connected by a 17-kilometer underground road to the Kremlin, intended for travel by car. Its construction was carried out in the 1930s and was part of the state program to ensure the country's defense capability.

Underground "city" in Ramenki
In the south-west of Moscow, according to media reports, in the Ramenki area under a wasteland south-west of the main building of Moscow State University and the complex of buildings of the Scientific Research Base of the Association "Science" (NIBO "Science") at a depth of 180-200 meters is the largest Moscow underground bunker. According to the same data, it is connected with other underground facilities in Moscow by tunnels. Allegedly, it is designed to accommodate 15,000 people. The complex of ground-based buildings was built in 1975 according to the project of the architect Evgeny Rozanov. The facility was being built by the organization Glavspetsstroy.
One of the first to write about him was the American Time magazine in 1992. In his material, the journalist refers to an unnamed KGB officer who claims to have taken part in the construction of a large underground facility in Ramenki, the construction of which was started in the mid-1960s and completed by the mid-1970s.

The site was dubbed by the journalist "The Underground City", which is supposedly designed to provide shelter for 15,000 people for 30 years after the nuclear attack on Moscow.
On December 26, 2002, a fire broke out in the underground collectors of this facility at Prospekt Vernadsky, 12 A, as a result of which electrical cables were damaged. Information about this got into open sources thanks to a lawsuit brought by the management of NIBO against Mosenergo
The name of this object "Ramenki-43" appears in the media. The name comes from st. Ramenki, 43, where one of the entrances to underground structures is allegedly located. It is worth noting that at this address are located the Militarized Mine Rescue Detachment 21 (VGSO 21) of the Federal State Institution "UVGSCH in Construction" and the 1st Militarized Mine Rescue Platoon (1st VGSV) of the VGSO 21 Federal State Institution "Management of the Paramilitary Mine Rescue Units in Construction". Such a close (less than 300 meters) location is no coincidence: VGSO 21 serves the 6R mine of Transinzhstroy.
According to some information, the 9th Central Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, created in 1955 (military unit 57328), performed the functions of the General Customer for the construction of a special facility in Ramenki ("building No. 110").
The Ramenki facility is said to be connected to the D-6 line and the Transinzhstroy system.

The mines above the underground command post in Ramenki are marked (illustration: Military forces in transition. DOD. 1991)

Line 1 (D-6)
The construction of the line began in the mid-1950s, although the idea itself probably originated under Stalin. Serves for a convenient transport connection of objects of the Ministry of Defense.
In the 1950s, there was a temporary tunnel connecting the metro and the first metro line 2. Subsequently, this tunnel was closed, as a new connection appeared in the area of \u200b\u200bSportivnaya station during the second phase of the construction of metro-2 under Khrushchev.
The main part was built in 1967, completely - in 1980, the length, together with all the branches, is just under 25 km. It starts from the “General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” (new building) and has 2 branches. One branch ends with a station and two dead ends in the facility in the Troparevsky forest park, officially called the "Moscow Metro Measurement and Testing Laboratory". Another branch ends in the area of \u200b\u200bSMU-155 JSC "Transinzhstroy"

escalator slope on "Arbatskaya-3"

fragment of the track development scheme of the Moscow metro with the D-6 system.

Trace D-6 (stations are named conditionally):
- "Arbatskaya-3" (located under the new building of the Ministry of Defense), at the "station" there is a crossing, there is also a connection with the Arbatskaya station.
- "Chertolye" (presumably a connection with military unit No. 25555 in Starokonyushenny lane).
Crash near the Park Kultury metro station with a bunker on the Circle Line.
- "Frunzenskaya-2" (interconnection with the complex of buildings of the Ministry of Defense on Frunzenskaya embankment, as well as a walk to the Center for orders and supplies of material and technical means of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 23).
- "University-2" (the terminal station of the main branch D-6 with an entrance to one of the blocks of the object of the Scientific Research Base of the Association "Science" (NIBO "Science").
-For several pickets to the station "University-2" there is an exit from the main branch D-6 to the branch, then, it is divided into two minor ones. One of which ends in the area of \u200b\u200bSMU-155 JSC "Transinzhstroy" on Lobachevsky street and has numerous interconnections with the "underground city".
-Another branch D-6 goes to Troparevo, where under the site of the Laboratory of measurements and tests of Mosgortrans ends with two dead ends and a station. Throughout its length, this branch has interconnections with several blocks of the NIBO "Nauka" facility, a complex of buildings of the GUSP, possibly with the Academy of the FSB or ICSI.
VSh 341 of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line at Vozdvizhenka is combined with D-6. In addition, VSh-133 was combined near the Frunzenskaya metro station. There are NO more combined mines.

There is a connection between the civil metro and the D-6 system, starting as a branch from the southern direction of the Sokolnicheskaya line after Sportivnaya station. Officially, this is a reverse dead end. The contact rail in this tunnel breaks off 20 meters before the lattice gates covered with fiberglass; behind them you can see the next gate D28 with a massive concrete block. The tunnel continues further, dives under the tunnel of the Sokolnicheskaya line in the direction of Vorobyovy Gory and immediately after a pair of pressure gates D29 and D29A there is a gate arrow with line D-6. At the entrance to this tunnel, according to rumors, there is the only traffic light in the Moscow metro with two red ones.

Open hermetic gates D28: 1, 2

It is often mentioned that Metro-2 can be accessed from the Main Building of Moscow State University (it is said that the entrance to the tunnel leading to Ramenki is located in basement 3 of the main building). However, this information was refuted by the so-called "diggers", researchers of the underground of Moscow State University.
Presumably, some time after the construction of Line 1 (D-6), a super-deep (130-150 m) trackless roadway was built between the buildings of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense on Arbatskaya, the Kremlin and Lubyanka. This was done by a construction site on Nikolskaya Street called "Building No. 100".
The collective of the Tunnel Detachment No. 6 saw off Viktor Frolovich to a well-deserved rest. The last of the generation of Pentecostals left, and then more than three hundred people came from the Taman division alone to the construction of No. 100. The brave Taman guards appeared in Moscow, at the dilapidated house number ten on Razin Street, shortly after the November (1951) parade on Red Square, where most of them for the seventh time during their service marched in orderly rows past the Lenin Mausoleum. They learned the address of the office from a representative of Metrostroy, who came to the unit shortly before demobilization.

Line 2 (System of JSC "Transinzhstroy")
An extensive two-level transport system, being built by JSC "Transinzhstroy". Construction began in the 80s. It is run by the MTR (Special Objects Service) GUSP. Several intermediate bunkers have been created on the line, as well as many large section billets. The length of the main system tunnels is at least 40 kilometers.

Illustration from SpetsHacker magazine No. 3 of 2001, article "It's deeper than the metro"

Construction sites of OJSC "Transinzhstroy" on Obruchev Street (SMU_162), Serpukhovskaya Street (SMU-162), at the Central House of Artists (Mine No. 990 SMU-154), in Kadashevsky 2nd (SMU-154), Krivokolenny (Mine No. 732) Ulanskiy and Arkhangelsk side streets are directly related to this system.
Rare ventilation shafts are justified by a complex branched system of approach workings and vents in the area of \u200b\u200bspecial structures along the line route.

Location of mines / entrances to the TIS system

Legendary lines
Information about the existence of these lines is entirely in the realm of urban legends and is not confirmed by anything.

Council of Ministers system
The line was built in the mid 70s. Starts under the House of the Government of the Russian Federation (the building of the Council of Ministers). Further, it partially goes under Kutuzovsky Prospekt, crossing the Kievsky railway station, where one of the communication bunkers is located. There is a widespread opinion about the existence of a station under the hotel "Ukraine". The line continues along the Berezhkovskaya embankment through the FSO guest houses and Mosfilmovskaya street to the blocks of the Ramenskoye underground complex, located under the FSO special vehicle base and military unit 95006 GUSP.
Through the bunker you can go to Lines 1 and 2. Perhaps the line goes further to the Research Institute "Voskhod" (FSUE NII "Voskhod") on the street. Udaltsov, who was developing the system commissioned by the Council of Ministers.
“... More than thirty years ago, the Scientific Research Institute of Automatic Equipment (SRI AA), which occupied the most advanced positions in the field of computer technology, received a state order from the Administration of the USSR Council of Ministers for the development of a national economy management system both in peacetime and in crisis situations ...
... The Institute created and implemented a number of large automated systems, the customers of which were the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Military-Industrial Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers, the USSR Ministry of Defense, the USSR KGB, the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the USSR Border Troops and a number of other ministries and departments. The significance and scale of the first government orders testified to the great trust in the staff of the Institute and the enormous responsibility that fell on its shoulders ... "

Zarevskaya system
An unfinished system run by the Department of Defense. In the 1970s, a tunnel was planned to connect the special facilities of the Ministry of Defense in the Balashikha region (the deployment of special forces) with the building of the KGB (now the FSB) on Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow. However, the tunnel in the direction of Moscow was completed approximately to Svobodny Prospekt (objects: military unit No. 3747 of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, military unit 11135, 18 Central Research Institute of the General Staff). Construction of this special tunnel was carried out by SMU-13 Metrostroy.
Construction sites of the system: Metrostroy base in Kuchinsky forest park and FSUE Spetsstroy base in Reutov.
There are oral testimonies of some chatty former servicemen who unanimously declared about the "neglect" of the facility and impassable debris on the tracks, but there would be a reason to dig into this, since then there is an elementary dead end, therefore construction began, but did not end. But since this information is not possible to verify, then all the community closely interested in this topic recognized this direction as failed and existing at the level of myth.
There is unconfirmed information that the construction of the Novokosino station is linked to the reconstruction / construction of facilities in the Zarevskaya system.
"... when on the site of southern Reutovo there were huts of the village of Krutitsy, and Novokosino was not there, already in the middle of the wasteland there were ventilation ducts of the tunnel mine ..."

Chekhov system
It connects military bunkers in the Chekhov and Leninsky districts of the Moscow region with approach workings. Built in the early 80s. Contrary to numerous rumors, the tunnel connection with Moscow is unfinished - the main tunnel reaches the city of Vidnoye, then branches into two lines: one towards the FAPSI facilities in Tsaritsynsky Park, the other was supposed to go approximately along the planned western backup of the Varshavskoye Highway.
Indeed, in n. Alachkovo and Zakharkovo have production bases of OJSC "Transinzhstroy" and, indeed, under several agglomerative settlements of Chekhov (including Vaulovo) there are bunkers, some of them are united by approach workings. The connection of the Chekhov bunker network with Moscow was planned and, it is true, the general plan was prepared, however, the construction of this line of special tunnels was carried out in the 80s and was interrupted already in the 90s. At the moment, some work is underway, but far from the intensity that took place earlier under a different government and other defense tasks.
In 2009, during the construction of an entertainment center at the very end of Leninsky Komsomol Avenue in Vidnoye, builders allegedly stumbled upon the Metro-2 tunnel, the construction process was interrupted for several months

Line to Barvikha
In the latest version of Yuri Zaitsev's scheme, a line is indicated that passes through Rublevskoye Highway, the GO A-50 bunker next to Yeltsin's house on Osenny Boulevard and further to Barvikha and Vlasikha. However, its existence has not been confirmed by anything and the scheme is possibly disinformation.

Other lines
It is assumed that there is a tunnel connecting Odintsovo and Krasnoznamensk. It was also reported about a system serving facilities at VDNKh. Some GRU employees claim that the building of their department on Polezhaevskaya is connected by an underground automobile tunnel with the building of the Ministry of Defense on Arbatskaya.
The true purpose of the construction sites (owned by OJSC Transinzhstroy, judging by the signs) on Barrikadnaya, Novoryazanskaya St., in Krylatskoye, at VDNKh, Taganskaya, in Odintsovo remains unclear.

During the Soviet era, information about the existence on the territory of the capital of a huge underground shelter - the bunker city "Ramenki-43" - was completely classified

The streets of Moscow hide many secrets, but the mysteries of the undergrounds of the capital are even more intriguing. In one of the most prestigious districts, densely built up with elite housing, a huge vacant lot has been located for decades right opposite the Moscow State University building. Today, an area of \u200b\u200b50 hectares is occupied by the Moscow "Chinatown". The garage cooperative, nicknamed "Shanghai" by locals, looks like a strange blank spot from a bird's eye view among modern high-rises.

Only recently, according to rumors, the Moscow government made a decision to create a kind of "technological valley" in this territory. But, as before, no one is in a hurry to build in such a mysterious place. Perhaps because there is a huge city under the ground, hidden from prying eyes?

A lost place

Failures in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current Lomonosovsky Avenue have been pursuing architects for a long time. It was here, in honor of the salvation from the French in the war of 1812, that according to the original plan it was planned to place the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Construction had to be curtailed - the soil subsided, buildings and people fell into the ground.

By the middle of the last century, Ramenki still “adorned” ravines, swamps and small rivers. Then, according to rumors, the construction of an underground city called "Ramenki-43" began. The pits and bumps were covered with a huge amount of soil taken from the construction of the city, which is reminiscent of the preserved concrete mini-plant just south of the Main Building of Moscow State University.

The bunker of the Ministry of Defense "Ramenki-43" fits into a square bounded from the south by avenue Vernadsky, from the east Universitetsky prospect, from the north - street Svetlanova, and from the west - the park of the 50th anniversary of October.

During the Soviet era, information about the existence of a huge underground shelter on the territory of the capital was completely classified. And only with the advent of perestroika, rumors began to circulate among the local population, reaching even the American Time magazine. Foreign journalists were the first to publish an article about the mysterious Moscow Ramenki. Referring to a KGB officer who wished to remain incognito, the author of the material spoke about the construction progress of a secret complex in the south-west of the capital.

Float away from the radiation

According to the interlocutor of the Time journalist, the bunker and ground complex were built in the early 70s. The author of the project, erected by the forces of "Glavspetsstroy", was the former chairman of the State Committee for Architecture of the Russian Federation Evgeny Rozanov.

Designed for a simultaneous stay of 17,000 people, the underground bunker is equipped with an autonomous power plant, huge reserves of food and water, sophisticated air conditioning and waste processing systems. The inhabitants of the city, located at a depth of 300 meters, will need their radio communication center, gyms, and even a small pool!

According to the theoreticians of a nuclear explosion, all of the above will allow one to "sit out" during the most acute phase of radioactive contamination, and later, with the help of special equipment, get out to the surface.

How to get to Metro-2?

Just like “civil” Moscow has the metro system we are used to, the underground city has a communication system known as “Metro-2”. Apparently, its main passengers will be the inhabitants of the secret shelter in the event of an atomic war.

One of the branches of the secret metro begins its journey from the Kremlin, passes through the facilities of the Ministry of Defense on the Arbat, heading for state dachas in Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow State University and the nearby underground city. According to rumors, the line then goes south-west to the buildings of NIBO "Science" and the FSB Academy with a destination at the government airport Vnukovo-2. Thus, all of the possible ways of evacuating the power structures of Russia in the event of a nuclear conflict are envisaged.

The tunnels of the secret metro stretch to the platform of the Matveevskoye station of the Kiev direction of the Moscow railway. It is here that the Transinzhstroy SMU is located, rumored to be serving and building a special subway. The Ramenki-2 station is also located nearby, serving not only the ground, but also, as they say, the underground capital of Russia.

Satellite to nowhere

According to rumors, you can get to the underground city, as well as to Metro-2, from the basement under the main building of Moscow State University. In Ramenki, there is still a mysterious building used in the construction of a government bunker.

The "Concrete Plant" is not operational but is still heavily guarded! According to rumors, an inconspicuous structure located far from highways and railways serves as both a ventilation shaft and an elevator for descending into the underground, disguised as a lift. Outwardly looking inconspicuous, stained in concrete and rickety, the house looks like a toy feudal castle with brand new barbed wire.

Finding a "small factory" is not difficult. If you want to get to the object from the side of Lomonosovsky Prospekt, you will find it behind the new building of the Moscow State University library. From the side of Prospekt Vernadsky, three skyscrapers of NIBO “Science” will help you navigate, where, according to rumors, there is also an entrance to Metro-2.

It was here that the builders of the underground complex came to work. Eyewitnesses watched in amazement as countless buses with people drove up to the "factory" and disappeared in droves into the bowels of the small building.

Skeptics doubt that today, in the event of a nuclear conflict, Moscow's underground "satellite" will help to save itself. Underground communications have most likely fallen into disrepair over 30 years, and all systems are hopelessly outdated.


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