Lose weight on the first. Tips by elena malysheva about losing weight at home

Lose weight on the first. Tips by elena malysheva about losing weight at home

To be slim, you need to follow two rules: DO NOT FAST and COUNT CALORIES.
Calorie counting is very simple: they are written on all packages. You just need to remember that 1200 calories is the minimum for the body, but at the same time you will lose weight. Meals should be fractional, that is, you need to eat in small portions, but often. You need to say to yourself: "I love myself, and I feed myself, please eat," says Elena Malysheva.
So, you decided to lose weight according to the program of Elena Malysheva. What rules need to be followed?
Rule 1: Before each meal, drink 1 glass of plain water for 5-30 minutes.
The fact is that the body does not determine the number of calories that you consumed in the first 5 minutes, and therefore does not know how much more to consume in the next 30. If you started with fatty foods, you will certainly reach a sweet fatty dessert and eat a lot ...
And water - does not contain calories, fills the stomach and accelerates the onset of satiety.
Rule 2: Eliminate all foods containing fat
Vegetable and butter, pates, liver sausages, sausages, smoked sausages, offal (kidney, liver, heart), fatty meats (lamb, pork), fatty fish - (salmon, halibut), fatty cheese (more than 40% fat ).
Rule 3: Try to eliminate all foods high in carbohydrates from your diet
1. Confectionery - cookies, pies, rich bread, cakes
2. Sweets - sweets, chocolate, honey, jam
3. Liquid dairy products with sugar: yoghurts, sweet curds
4. Rice, buckwheat, semolina
5. Potatoes, potato chips
6. Lemonades, sugary carbonated drinks
You can eat:
Vegetables, fruits, green salads, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat meats and poultry (lean beef, chicken breasts), low-fat fish (mountain trout, cod), canned fish in their own juice.
Meals of Elena Malysheva:
“In the morning at 8 o'clock I pour boiling water over the oatmeal, not boil it. I add grated apple or wild berries there. I can also eat yogurt or cottage cheese in the morning.
Next main meali have a plan at 12 o'clock. For lunch, the body needs protein - meat, fish, chicken with any green vegetables.
For dinnersuitable vegetable salad. You can fill it with kefir. Dinner should be no later than 19-00. Between these meals, I have a fruit snack. "
Slimming Products List:
Foods that can be consumed without restriction
cabbage (all types)
leaf lettuce
green beans
radish, radish, turnip
green peas (young)
spinach, sorrel
Foods to eat in moderation
lean meat, poultry (preferably for lunch)
lean fish (2-3 times a week)
milk and fermented milk products (low-fat, 1-1.5%)
cheese less than 30% fat (3 times a week in the 1st half of the day)
cottage cheese less than 5% fat
potatoes (optimally baked - 1-2 times a week)
mature legumes (peas, beans, lentils)
cereals (1 serving per day)
pasta (no more than 2 times a week at 1 pm, with a vegetable side dish)
bread and bakery products (wholemeal flour, with bran)
fruit (no more than 2 servings per day)
eggs (3-4 eggs per week)
honey (3 teaspoons a day until 17:00)
walnuts, hazelnuts
Foods to be excluded or limited as much as possible
vegetable oil (no more than 1 tablespoon per day!)
sour cream, cream
cheeses over 30% fat
cottage cheese more than 5% fat
mayonnaise, margarine
fatty meat, smoked meats
bird skin
canned meat, fish and vegetable in oil
cashews, peanuts,
sunflower seeds
preserves, jams
sweets, chocolate
pastries, cakes and other confectionery
biscuits, pastry products
ice cream
sweet carbonated drinks
alcoholic drinks
Nothing new for me, but it may come in handy for someone)))

Elena Malysheva is not only a popular TV presenter, but also one of the most famous and popular nutritionists. She has developed many popular diets, which we will present to you in detail with a detailed daily menu. Let's consider the main ones.

Elena Malysheva's diet rules

Compliance with the diet of Elena Malysheva allows you to form healthy eating habits. Elena Malysheva's diet is a system of healthy nutrition with reduced calorie content.

Consult your doctor before starting your diet.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home will be more effective if you follow the following rules:

    You can't starve, otherwise the body, feeling hungry, will store up and the weight will "freeze", and you will feel bad. Just eat food in small portions (volume \u003d 1 glass), but often.

    Count your calories. The optimal daily calorie content is 1200 kcal, and sometimes 800 kcal.

    Chew food thoroughly (at least eighteen times). Then you will enjoy the taste of food and avoid overeating, greatly facilitating the work of the stomach.

    Drink more pure water (at least ten glasses a day), since it is not high in calories, fills the stomach, fights hunger, improves metabolism, removes toxins and toxins, and normalizes bowel function. Moreover, a glass of water must be drunk on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.

    We reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet: we do not eat baked goods, sweets, instead of them we use vegetable fiber, cereals, whole grains (once a day).

    We do not eat foods containing visible fat (for example, butter) - we eat low-fat dairy products.

    We do not use sugar and salt.

    For lunch, you need to eat protein foods: for example, boiled lean meat, this will allow us to avoid muscle degeneration.

    Take regular moderate physical activity that will not overload the cardiovascular system.

    Him: do water aerobics, race walking.

    Do fasting days every week to stimulate the weight loss process.

Recommendations for observing the diet of Elena Malysheva for weight loss:

There is a list of foods that can be consumed without restrictions:

Allowed drinks:

  • Mineral water,
  • Diet cola,
  • Coffee,
  • Any drinks without added sugar,
  • Sweet (no sugar),
  • Sugar substitutes,
  • Gelatin,
  • Sauces,
  • Spice,
  • Unsalted vegetable broth,
  • Garlic,
  • Dry and fresh herbs,
  • Horseradish,
  • Lemon juice,
  • Mustard,
  • Vinegar,
  • Vegetables: artichoke, eggplant, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, cabbage - broccoli, onions, cucumber, unsalted vegetable juices, tomato, pepper, radish, radish, asparagus, legumes.

You need to drink two liters of clean water daily.

With any meal, you can drink a glass of unsweetened tea or coffee.

Food should be taken at regular intervals (for example, every 4 hours - at 8 am, 12 noon, 4 pm, 8 pm.

During the 2nd breakfast, you can eat 150 grams of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries) instead of fruits, or you can drink a glass of kefir and eat 150 grams of berries.

For a more accurate diet, use the calorie calculator on our website.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss (two weeks):

The principle of Elena Malysheva's diet is to reduce the consumption of fatty foods and minimize the intake of salt. Also, the author advises to eat often, in small portions.

First week

First day

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: spaghetti, meat balls, tomato paste, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 314.4 kcal,

Afternoon snack: Fruit bar with the addition of apricot - 182.05 kcal,

Dinner: Noodle soup in chicken broth with parsley, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 144.6 kcal,

Total: 808.55 kcal per day.

Second day

Breakfast: Fruit bar with apples, nuts, a glass of tea or coffee - 185.35 kcal,

Lunch: a slice of chum salmon fillet, steamed rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 146.6 kcal,

Dinner: chicken julienne, salad (herbs, cucumber, tomato) - 258.25 kcal,

Total: 790.2 kcal.

The third day

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: fettuccine with chicken meat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 330 kcal,

Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, vegetable sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 124 kcal,

Total: 806.26 kcal.

Read also:Elena Malysheva told how not to bring yourself to anorexia with this medicine

Fourth day

We have breakfast: muesli with nuts, seeds, candied fruits, a glass of tea or coffee - 161.65 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: mushrooms with potatoes and onions, salad (herbs, cucumber, tomato) - 275 kcal,

Dinner: green cream soup with broccoli, croutons, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 178.9 kcal,

Total: 806.05 kcal.

Fifth day

Breakfast: omelet with cabbage - broccoli, a glass of tea or coffee - 166.05 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a slice of chicken fillet, boiled rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 218.2 kcal,

Afternoon snack: hazelnuts + almonds + dried fruits - 210 kcal,

For dinner: pumpkin cream soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 201.6 kcal,

Total: 795.85 kcal.

Sixth day

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: meat zrazy with mushrooms, boiled buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 302 kcal,

Snack: fruit bar with the addition of apple, nuts - 185.35 kcal,

Dinner: julienne with mushrooms in French, salad (herbs, cucumber, tomato) - 140.26 kcal,

Total: 799.11 kcal.

Seventh day

Unloading. You can also swap fasting days - with the day when you are most busy. We unload on rice or buckwheat. They should be undercooked, without adding salt. On this day, our main task is to remove water from the body, lose weight by one kilogram per day. There can be four meals a day.

In the morning, add 1 tablespoon to food. vegetable oil.

At each meal we eat 1/2 portion of rice or buckwheat. Then, eight meals can be taken.

On this day, you need to drink eight glasses of water.

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Week 2

First day

We have breakfast: curd puff, a glass of tea or coffee - 338.4 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a portion of buckwheat with mushrooms and onions, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 143.6 kcal,

Afternoon snack: soufflé with lingonberry juice - 209 kcal,

Dinner: cabbage rolls in pepper, vegetable sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 147 kcal,

Total: 838 kcal.

Second day

We will have breakfast: a portion of buckwheat with the addition of apples, raisins, a glass of tea or coffee - 157 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: chicken meatballs with rice, white mushroom sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 287 kcal,

Afternoon snack: fruit bar with cranberries - 191.5 kcal,

Dinner: a couple of fish balls with rice, salad (herbs, cucumber, tomato) - 172.4 kcal,

Total: 807.9 kcal.

The third day

Breakfast: a fruit bar with cherries, cranberries, a glass of milk - 180.95 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: champignons with potatoes, milk sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 180 kcal,

Afternoon snack: soufflé with the addition of blueberry juice - 209 kcal,

Dinner: mushroom cream soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 177.2 kcal,

Total: 747.15 kcal.

Fourth day

We will have breakfast: a portion of oatmeal with the addition of strawberries, a glass of tea or coffee - 172.5 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a piece of pollock fillet, a portion of mashed potatoes, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 202.2 kcal,

Afternoon snack: fruit bar with the addition of an apple - 191.5 kcal,

For dinner: chicken breast, vegetable sauce, buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 233.4 kcal.

Total: 799.6 kcal.

Fifth day

We will have breakfast: an omelet with cauliflower, a glass of tea or coffee - 161.1 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a couple of meatballs, red sauce, buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 313.4 kcal,

Afternoon snack: kozinaki with added fruit - 212 kcal,

Dinner: a portion of stewed cabbage with mushrooms, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 117 kcal,

Total: 803.5 kcal.

Sixth day

We have breakfast: a portion of rice porridge with raspberries, pineapple, a glass of milk - 190 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a slice of turkey with Bechamel sauce, side dish: cabbage - broccoli, cauliflower, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 162.2 kcal,

Afternoon snack: kozinaki with dried apricots - 209 kcal,

Dinner: pilaf with vegetables, salad (herbs, cucumber, tomato) - 186 kcal,

Total: 747.2 kcal.

Seventh day

unloading. See above for unloading day information.

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Elena Malysheva's diet for weight maintenance

First week

First day

We will have breakfast: a portion of muesli with nuts, seeds, candied fruits, a glass of tea or coffee - 161.65 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a piece of chicken, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 442.8 kcal,

Afternoon snack: fruit bar with cherries, cranberries - 180.95 kcal,

Dinner: a piece of chum salmon fillet, a portion of boiled rice "Bosto", salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 219.9 kcal.

Total: 1005.3 kcal.

Second day

Breakfast: a puff with cherry filling, a glass of tea or coffee - 405.1 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: fish - potato casserole (salmon), salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 351 kcal,

Afternoon snack: hazelnuts + raisins + papaya + pineapple - 200 kcal,

For dinner: a portion of fish soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 50 kcal,

Total: 1006.1 kcal.

The third day

Breakfast: a portion of muesli, a glass of tea or coffee - 171.31 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: fettuccine with chicken, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 495 kcal,

Afternoon snack: fruit bar with the addition of apricot - 182.05 kcal,

Dinner: noodle soup in chicken broth with parsley, salad (herbs, cucumber, tomato) - 144.6 kcal.

Total: 992.96 kcal.

Fourth day

Breakfast: a portion of rice porridge with raspberries, pineapple, a glass of tea or coffee - 190 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a couple of fish balls, a portion of rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 258.6 kcal,

Afternoon snack: hazelnuts + almonds + dried fruits - 210 kcal,

Dinner: meat goulash, pasta, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 339 kcal,

Total: 997.6 kcal.

Fifth day

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal, a glass of tea or coffee - 167.5 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: spaghetti, a couple of meat balls, tomato sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 314.4 kcal,

Dinner: chili with meat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 330.3 kcal,

Total: 997.55 kcal.

Sixth day

We will have breakfast: kozinak with dried apricots, a glass of tea or coffee - 209 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a couple of meat zraz with mushrooms, garnish - buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 453 kcal,

Afternoon snack: almonds + raisins + papaya + pineapple - 190.5 kcal,

Dinner: julienne with mushrooms in French, salad (herbs, cucumber, tomato) - 140.26 kcal,

Total: 992.76 kcal.

Seventh day


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Second week

First day

Breakfast: soufflé with blueberry juice, a glass of tea or coffee - 209 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: buckwheat with mushrooms and onions, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 365.4 kcal,

Afternoon snack: soufflé with lingonberry juice - 209 kcal,

Dinner: cabbage rolls in pepper, vegetable sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 220.5 kcal,

Total: 1003.9 kcal.

Second day

Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries, a glass of tea or coffee - 172.5 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: liver steak, boiled rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 384.9 kcal,

Afternoon snack: fruit bar with the addition of cranberries - 191.5 kcal,

Dinner: chicken julienne, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 258.25 kcal,

Total: 1007.15 kcal.

The third day

We'll have breakfast: a puff with blackberry filling, a glass of tea or coffee - 405.1 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: chicken cutlet, mashed potatoes, mushroom sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 300 kcal,

Afternoon snack: soufflé with blueberry juice - 209 kcal,

Dinner: a portion of cabbage soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 48 kcal.

Total: 962.1 kcal.

Fourth day

We have breakfast: a portion of buckwheat with the addition of apples, raisins, a glass of tea or coffee - 157 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a slice of chicken, noodles, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 315 kcal,

Afternoon snack: Fruit bar with the addition of apples, nuts - 185.35 kcal,

Dinner: chicken breast, vegetable sauce, a portion of boiled buckwheat, salad (herbs, cucumber, tomato) - 350.1 kcal.

Total: 1007.45 kcal.

Fifth day

For breakfast: a portion of millet porridge with the addition of mango, a glass of tea or coffee - 171.5 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a couple of meatballs, a portion of buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 470.1 kcal,

Afternoon snack: Fruit bar with cherries, cranberries - 180.95 kcal,

Dinner: mushroom cream soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 177 kcal,

Total: 999.55 kcal.

Sixth day

We will have breakfast: kozinaki with added fruit, a glass of tea or coffee - 212 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a slice of turkey, garnish - cabbage - broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 243.3 kcal,

Afternoon snack: fruit bar with the addition of an apple - 191.5 kcal,

Dinner: azu, boiled rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 354 kcal,

Total: 1000.8 kcal.

Seventh day


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Other diet options for Elena Malysheva

Option one (1 week)

This diet does not harm the body.
Result: minus four kilograms per week, the duration of the diet is one week.
A combination of diet and exercise is necessary.

We will have breakfast: two pieces of bran bread, one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, two hundred grams of vegetables, a cup of green tea.

Lunch: a portion of vegetable soup, one hundred grams of boiled chicken breast, one hundred grams of buckwheat, a glass of any freshly squeezed juice.

Afternoon snack: three hundred grams of any fruit.

Dinner: one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, one hundred grams of boiled fish, one slice of bread, one glass of low-fat kefir .

Option two (1 week)

We will have breakfast: a boiled egg, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. And we don't have a snack until lunchtime.

Lunch: Vegetable salad, sixty grams of turkey, a slice of low-fat cheese, lettuce leaves.

Afternoon snack: one green apple.

Dinner: pasta + shrimp - one hundred grams, salad with spinach.

Elena Malysheva's super diet (2-3 weeks)

The duration of the diet depends on your weight: if it is more than 90 kilograms, we observe it for three weeks, if it is more than 70 kilograms, we observe the diet for two weeks.

We have breakfast: cereal flakes, drenched in low-fat milk.

Dinner: cereal flakes, drenched in low-fat milk.

Afternoon snack: one pear.

Dinner: Spaghetti, a couple of turkey meatballs with lettuce.

Fast diet of Elena Malysheva

What is included in the Malysheva diet:

The duration of the diet is one week.

It can be observed only after consulting a doctor, since it is strict.

Breakfast: bagel, a slice of low-fat cheese.

Lunch: green salad, one hundred grams of boiled chicken.

Afternoon snack: two peaches.

Dinner: low-fat cheese lasagna, green salad with lean dressing.

Also, you can drink an unlimited amount of water.

Repeated adherence to the diet is possible in a month (this time is necessary to restore the body).

The official diet of Elena Malysheva (5 weeks)

Duration of the diet is 5 weeks.
Allowed Foods: Raw vegetables, low-fat cheese, yogurt, one hard-boiled chicken egg per day.
Food quantity: unlimited.
Meal time: any.
Allowed drinks: unsweetened coffee, unsweetened tea, two liters of clean water per day.

1st week

any raw vegetables, you can also eat something from dairy products, one boiled chicken egg.

2nd week

eat the same foods as in the first week + three green apples a day.

3rd week

you can add meat, poultry, fish (three hundred grams) to the products used, but we reduce the amount of dairy products consumed.

And we follow this diet until the end of the diet.

Diet for weight loss Elena Malysheva (5 kg in 3 days)

Result: up to minus five kilograms.

First day

We will have breakfast: boiled egg, a cup of tea with lemon.

Lunch: one hundred grams of low-fat hard cheese, a glass of tea with lemon, one apple.

Dinner: a serving of soup, a slice of black bread, one hundred grams of fruit.

Second day

We will have breakfast: one boiled chicken egg, a glass of tea with lemon.

We have lunch: two hundred grams of cottage cheese with the addition of 1 tsp of honey, salad (lettuce, cucumber), a slice of black bread.

Dinner: one hundred and fifty grams of fish or poultry, vegetable salad, a glass of tea with lemon.

The third day

We will have breakfast: one boiled egg, a glass of tea with lemon, any one fruit.

Lunch: fifty grams of low-fat cheese, a slice of rye bread, two hundred grams of vegetable salad.

Dinner: two hundred grams of any fruit, a glass of yogurt, a cup of tea with lemon.

Elena Malysheva's diet for 10 days

Developed by Elena Malysheva together with nutritionist Rimma Moysenko.

During the period of adherence to the diet, there is an alternation of protein and carbohydrate days: while observing a protein day - we eat a boiled chicken egg, boiled chicken, while observing a carbohydrate day - we eat a salad "Brush" from vegetables.
This diet can be followed no more than once a year.

Malysheva's protein diet: in the morning we drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, after ten minutes we eat one boiled chicken egg, and throughout the day we consume boiled chicken without salt, skin (about eight hundred grams). We drink two liters of clean drinking water a day.

Carbohydrate day: salad (take five hundred grams of shredded cabbage, carrots, straws of beets, one teaspoon of lemon juice. Stir everything, squeeze. Eat 1 glass of salad eight times a day). We drink two liters of clean drinking water a day.

Malysheva's diet for 10 days allows you to lose five kilograms.

The last few years, the EFFECTIVE diet of Elena Malysheva for weight loss at home by 10 kg and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The well-known presenter of the Health program on Channel One (www.zdorovieinfo.ru) offers a quick process of losing weight in the stomach and sides without harm to health.

The principle of this diet, in the consumption of products that are extremely useful for the body, which are required to maintain the body healthy and energetic. This weight loss option has replaced all existing diets, receives many positive reviews every day, and therefore it will not be easy to find something as effective. Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss by 10 kg, repeatedly voiced in the "Live Healthy" program, is not similar to standard diets, here you do not need to go on an exhausting hunger strike for 7 days, the essence of the diet is to develop a diet on a lifelong basis that will cleanse, and strengthen your body without harm to health. According to Elena, adhering to such a diet, you will not only lose weight, but also get rid of many diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

The essence of losing weight using this technique is that you need it, at least for 4 months. The weight in the process will leave you smoothly, and after the completion of the kg it will not come back, the result will be fixed for a long time. Such weight loss is suitable for those who do not love and cannot tolerate hunger, because according to this system, the feeling of hunger will not overtake you. You will eat and lose weight.

The main positions of the Malysheva diet:

  • Feelings of hunger - away! The feeling of the year hurts our health... To this sensation, the body turns on a defensive reaction and burns fat reserves at a fast pace. Because of this, after completing the diet, it is very easy to break loose and gain all the pounds back. To avoid such an effect, Elena offers a fractional nutrition system with the observance of certain intervals between meals. Take intervals between meals, about 2-3 hours. Due to such a power system, the correct metabolism is being established, which does not allow the body to turn on the energy saving mode. We wrote more about this in the article about.
  • Keep track of your food intake! Each serving of food should be measured. Make sure that the portion is no larger than a glass. In order for the process of losing weight to actively start, it is necessary to narrow the stomach, to about the size of a fist. This is the size of the serving that will completely fill your stomach and prevent hunger.
  • Personal Calorie Counting... Elena Malysheva's free diet for weight loss at home consists of low-calorie foods, but in order to lose weight, you need to accurately calculate the calories you eat. A special online calorie calculator will help you with this. For each person there is a certain dose of calories per day, it is calculated according to weight, height and level of physical fitness. To lose weight quickly, you need to stick to your maximum number of calories for the day every day, counting everything that you eat during the day. The standard number of calories for women per day is 1200, according to Elena Malysheva. We also recommend that you read the article.

Before starting a diet, calculate your permissible calorie intake yourself, and make an approximate recipe menu for a week. To help you in drawing up the menu, you will receive a list of useful products provided on the official website of Elena Malysheva's diet www.dietamalyshevoy.ru, there is also a forum where people who lose weight communicate. Also, an indispensable assistant in the process of losing weight, a kitchen scale and a table with a description of the calorie content of products will become for you. During the entire diet, these two devices will be used continuously.

Elena Malysheva's diet rules

The main rule, as mentioned earlier, is the consumption of healthy, low-calorie foods. But besides this, there is an additional set of rules that will help significantly accelerate weight loss:

  • Avoid feeling hungry. Do not deplete the body, this will only lead to a deterioration in your well-being and condition, and not to weight loss;
  • Accurately count all calories eaten per day... The optimal number per day is 800-1200 calories, but this is all individual for each person, for a more accurate calculation, we recommend using. The new menu should be varied;
  • Chew food thoroughly, without haste.... This will make it easier for the body to cope with digestion, as well as facilitate the absorption of food in the digestive tract. Each serving must be chewed at least 17 times;
  • Consume as much mineral still water as possible... Water helps to cleanse the body, remove all toxins and toxins from it. You need to drink 2-3 liters of water per day, and in the morning, half an hour before meals, do not forget about a glass of water;
  • Be sure to play sports. Exercise speeds up the process of losing weight in the stomach and burning excess fat;
  • Give your body a rest.Observe - choose one day a week when you give up your usual diet and saturate your body with light food with maximum vitamins.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Victor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

From the point of view of dietetics, Elena Malysheva's diet is standard recommendations for observing the rules of a rational and healthy diet and does not carry any original idea. The fact that you need to "eat right at least for 4 months" was known long before Elena Malysheva. The fact that the diet "should not lead to a regular feeling of hunger" has long been applied and implemented, as well as the principle of fractional nutrition and small amounts of food. Personal calorie counting is also present in many systems. Advice on drinking more fluids, chewing food, and exercising is also not very original. Those dishes that are recommended and not recommended are also known to everyone without Elena Malysheva. Perhaps the only plus is the possibility of wide screen appearances every week, which is a rather strong factor in adherence to the diet, as well as the "easy way" - buying special kits. Well, laziness is also an important motivator. The only thing that can be noted: a complete rejection of salt is positioned in the diet. This controversial point, it is quite possible to limit ourselves to five grams of salt per day for all purposes.

Losing weight with Elena Malysheva at home

The daily diet of weight loss according to Elena Malysheva should include the following products:

  • Lots of fruits and vegetables - fresh and in salads. Separately, we recommend that you pay attention to (aka "Broom")
  • Lean meat and fish, best of all chicken breasts, turkey fillets and cod.
  • Obligatory - eggs.
  • Any seafood is very useful for the body;
  • Porridge - cereals and whole grains, we recommend reading the article.
  • All fermented milk products, but with a minimum percentage of fat.
  • Baking, any flour products, get rid of bread and pasta.
  • The consumption of potatoes, beets and carrots should also be limited or completely eliminated.
  • Not recommended - white rice.
  • Cereals such as semolina and buckwheat.
  • Fatty cottage cheese and yoghurts.

Foods to completely eliminate:

  • Salt. This component retains excess fluid in our body, which causes edema.
  • Sweets, confectionery, pastries, chocolate.
  • Anyone is definitely excluded!
  • Fatty foods (salmon, pork, oil, halibut, lamb, etc.).
  • Smoked meats and sausages.
  • Various canned foods and pates.
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Menu for every day for weight loss from Elena Malysheva

This menu is designed for 10 days, there are options for seven days. But sticking to this free diet is always worth it, then you will be healthy and slim. Based on this diet, you can create an approximate menu for yourself for a month or more. No pills and drugs will help you achieve a good result, remember this! Only and help us stay slim, fit and, most importantly, healthy.

Day: Timetable: Menu:
1 day Morning Boiled buckwheat (200 gr.);
Hard boiled egg (1 pc.);
100 g salad of carrots, apples and one spoonful of olive or vegetable oil.
Snack A small handful of dried fruits;
Cottage cheese casserole (150 gr.);
Green tea without sugar.
Dinner A small piece of steamed beef;
130 gr. souffle;
200 gr. boiled cauliflower;
Rosehip decoction.
Snack Grapefruit (1 pc.).
Dinner Stewed cabbage with zucchini, whole portion (200 gr.);
Oven baked apple with cinnamon;
1 glass of kefir - 1%.
2 day 8:00 Oatmeal, in water, no added sugar or salt.
11:00 Apple (2 pcs.), Mandarin (2 pcs.). Can be replaced with your favorite fruits, except for bananas.
14:00 Boil yourself a chicken fillet or a few chicken eggs, of your choice.
17:00 Skim cheese.
20:00 Light vegetable salad made from your favorite vegetables;
1 glass of kefir - 1%.
Day 3 For breakfast Make an omelet with two whites and one yolk. Add 1 tbsp. l. milk;
Make a light salad of apple and carrot (100 g) with a spoonful of oil (olive).
Late breakfast Cottage cheese casserole without added sugar.
For lunch Cook yourself a vegetable soup, add carrots, mushrooms to it. Tomatoes and boiled breast. Choose products to taste;
For an afternoon snack Any fruits (2-3 pcs.).
For dinner The evening meal on this day is minimal - 1 tbsp. kefir.
Day 4 In the morning Green peas (100 gr.);
Boiled beef (50 gr.);
Snack Make yourself a vinaigrette (150 gr.);
Whole grain crisps (2 pcs.).
By day Stew the cabbage with the addition of carrots (150 gr.);
Boil 100 grams of your favorite fish;
Rosehip tea.
Snack A handful of walnuts;
Green apple (1 pc.).
In the evening Make a cottage cheese casserole with carrots (200 g);
1 glass of skim kefir.
Day 5 8:00 Any favorite porridge, boiled in water, without sugar and salt;
A handful of your favorite berries.
11:00 Make yourself a squash puree.
14:00 Boil yourself a chicken breast or fillet of your favorite fish;
Any fresh vegetables as a side dish;
Rosehip tea.
17:00 Low-fat cottage cheese;
Fruit yogurt - 1% fat (1 cup)
20:00 Vegetable salad.
6 day Breakfast Oatmeal soaked in boiling water (no need to cook);
You can add any berries or fruits or a spoonful of honey.
Snack 2-3 apples.
Dinner Light meat or fish, sprinkle with herbs and lemon juice.
Snack 2 oranges or tangerines.
Dinner Favorite vegetable salad;
A glass of kefir - 1%.
Day 7 For breakfast Insist the bran in kefir for about 15 minutes, eat with a slice of low-fat cheese and fruit, it is fashionable to use kiwi, orange or tangerine.
Late breakfast Fresh orange juice and grapefruit.
Dinner Make a vegetable stew (carrots, cabbage, tomato, onion, zucchini) - 200 gr.;
150 gr. boiled chicken breast.
Afternoon snack 1 glass of yogurt (1%);
A small handful of fruit.
Dinner Cucumber and cabbage salad with herbs and egg. Drizzle with lemon juice or a spoonful of olive oil;
A glass of herbal tea.
Day 8 1st meal Canned peas;
Whole grain crispbread (2 pcs.);
Rosehip tea.
2nd meal Fruit, apple and pear (2 pcs.).
3rd meal Chicken fillet, boiled or steamed or a couple of eggs.
4th meal Stewed cabbage (200 gr.).
5th meal Low-fat cottage cheese (200 gr.);
Low fat kefir (1 glass).
Day 9 Morning Hard-boiled chicken egg (1 pc.);
Cheese - 30 gr.;
Green peas - 50 gr.
Snack Vinaigrette (150 gr.);
Whole grain crisps (2 pcs.).
Day Stew the cabbage (200 gr.);
Green apple (1 pc.).
Snack Grapefruit (1 pc.).
Evening 150 grams of cottage cheese casserole without added sugar;
Kefir 1% (1 glass).
Day 10 Breakfast Protein omelet (2 pcs.);
Green tea.
Late breakfast Favorite berries (strawberries, cherries, peaches, pineapples or pears).
Dinner Cook vegetable soup with your favorite vegetables;
Whole grain crisps (2 pcs.).
Afternoon snack Orange (1 pc.).
Dinner Tomato, cabbage and cucumber salad with greens;
After half an hour - 1 glass of kefir - 1%.

Following this diet, you will consistently lose up to 500-800 grams per day. Together with the kilograms, harmful substances will also leave your body. You will not be tormented by hunger, thanks to the balanced area, you will be sufficiently saturated. The diet has only positive reviews on blogs and social networks. helps to lose weight and heal at the same time. The weight loss course from Elena Malysheva has no contraindications and is suitable for absolutely everyone. This is due to the fact that the whole essence of the diet consists precisely in wholesome and proper nutrition without harm to health. But if you are allergic to this or that product, then you can always replace it with a similar one.

Weight loss food sets from Elena Malysheva

Recently, ready-made sets of food for weight loss from Elena Malysheva have gained particular popularity. It is an effective remedy for 4 weeks.

There are several menu options for men and women, which contain different foods and daily calories, prices are presented below.

  • The official website of the Elena Malysheva diet: www.dietamalyshevoy.ru

The diet will give good results if you follow the diet correctly, calculate the daily calorie intake, and monitor their amount. At the same time, do not forget about physical activity, 2 liters of water per day and fasting days! Weight after this diet does not return, the result is fixed for a long time. If you like the technique, then you can make it your regular diet or repeat it as needed. Achieving good results is easy, with a little effort and you will succeed!

Elena Malysheva's diet is the right course on the path to an ideal figure. And finally - infographics on the topic of the article, we recommend downloading it to your computer.

If you enter into the search engine "losing weight with Elena Malysheva", you will immediately be given 1 million. 790 thousand links, but if you write "the shortcomings of Elena Malysheva's nutrition program", then there will already be 2 million 280 thousand links. It seemed to me strange, and I decided to study this issue in more detail.

And here's what it turned out: if you want to get a diet, then you will be recommended a lot of Internet sites, which will offer for money "an easy way to lose weight" and "special diets from Elena Malysheva." Alas, this “business” has nothing to do with Elena Malysheva herself - the well-known host of the TV programs “Health” and “Live Healthy!”, A doctor, a doctor of sciences! The TV presenter herself learned that on her behalf and under the brand name of the Health program they are selling “the secrets of an ideal figure” only after some gullible people fell for the bait of deceivers. I think that law enforcement agencies will find out who composed a paid menu, not only far from dietary nutrition, but also capable of harming people suffering from certain diseases. What can we say about the promised individual approach: the deceived people paid a lot of money, but the scammers still sent out the same recommendations.

And if you really want to lose weight, then Elena Malysheva gives all the recommendations for free - in the "Health" program and on the website of this project.

While dieting, the intake of salt and foods that contain animal and vegetable fats should be minimized. Pastries, potatoes, baked goods, pure sugar, rice, carrots, beets and alcoholic beverages are subject to complete exclusion (or minimum consumption).

You will have to lose weight with Malysheva for quite a long time - 2-3 months, but the effect is worth it, because you manage to maintain the achieved weight for 1-2 years after the end of the regimen. The diet is intended for those who dream not only to lose weight, but also to consolidate the obtained result for a long time, and, in addition, to get rid of extra pounds without harm to health. It will help you feel better and heal your body.

Here are some basic rules for the power scheme from Elena Malysheva:

1st rule: You should never go hungry.

Exhausted by hunger and strict diets, the body, having seized on food, will store calories for future use in anticipation of the next test. Thus, he can store so much of them that after a short time after the end of the diet, you will gain much more weight than before.

2nd rule: We eat in small portions.

5 meals a day, according to Elena Malysheva, is the best option. 3 main meals and 2 additional meals will keep you hungry. At 8 o'clock in the morning - first breakfast, at 10 o'clock - second breakfast, at 12-13 o'clock - lunch, at 16-17 o'clock - afternoon tea, at 18-19 o'clock - dinner.

Following the second rule of Elena Malysheva and eating often, but little by little, we control our appetite. After eating a small portion for the first time in a day, we wait a few hours, and eat again before our bodies are hungry. Thus, we educate him, as if to say that everything is fine, there is a lot of food, you see how often I eat. And these signals are really triggered. We protect the body from hungry stress, which was discussed in the first rule of Elena Malysheva's diet, and we cultivate moderation in food in it.

3rd rule: calculate your daily calorie intake taking into account your personal data: weight, age, gender and lifestyle. We recommend you to use a special program - a calorie counter, which will tell you the best options.

4th rule: An important role in achieving the desired result, in this case - weight, plays psychological attitude.

Direct your body to the correct assimilation of incoming food, encourage it with the phrases "I feed you, eat to your health." Thus, you give him the mindset to transform food into life energy and well-being, and not extra pounds.

5th rule: Chew food as long as possible .

By chewing food thoroughly, we greatly aid our digestion. First, saliva is the same as gastric juice, only in a much lower concentration. Chewing longer, which means keeping food in your mouth longer, you provoke the beginning of digestion with the help of saliva, which actively breaks down carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, "digested" in the mouth, have practically no chance of being subsequently turn into fat, which will certainly settle on your body. Do you understand now how important it is to scrupulously chew every bite of food?

Elena Malysheva's power plan menu

The ideal breakfast is oatmeal covered with boiling water. It is oatmeal (not boiled, but drenched in boiling water!) That helps eliminate cholesterol. In addition, it is recommended to include low-fat yogurt or yogurt in this meal.

Lunch must necessarily consist of protein products: if possible, meat, chicken, fish, eggs. And try to consume the minimum amount of salt.

For dinner, which should take place no later than 19 hours, you can only eat salads, low-fat kefir, occasionally add a boiled egg to this menu.

Additional meals include fruit: 2 apples or 2 tangerines. If these fruits are not there, then they can be replaced with others.

As you can see, the scheme is quite simple, but, believe me, it is very effective for those who strictly follow all its principles. The main thing is not to go beyond the prescribed amount of calories.

Malysheva's food scheme prohibits the following foods: rice, potatoes (starch that converts into carbohydrates), beets (high sugar content), salt, confectionery, baked goods, semi-finished products, animal fats and alcohol. From everything else, you can cook steamed, grilled or in the oven, boil, make soups, casseroles, stews and salads.

Many are frightened by the proposal for 3 months, and that is how long Malysheva's program lasts, to eat without salt. In fact, salt is being replaced by all sorts of spices. Use herbs, lemon and lime, pepper, dried vegetables, cloves, barberry and marjoram, whatever you want.

The weekly menu of this program can be found on the portal "Health - info" (http://www.zdorovieinfo.ru/). And here we see a direct indication that the menu was developed by Natalya Grigorieva, a nutritionist of the project “Throw out the excess”, that is, it is more fair to call the diet the “Diet of the project“ Throw out the excess ”.

I propose to get acquainted with the weekly diet. It includes foods, the total calorie content of which does not exceed 1200 kcal per day.

1 day

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge 200 g, 1 hard-boiled egg, carrot salad 100 g with 1 tsp. rast. butter, apple 1 pc.
2nd breakfast: cottage cheese casserole from fat-free cottage cheese without sugar 150 g (with the addition of semolina instead of flour), 1 tbsp. l. sour cream 10%, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots) 4 pcs., tea
Dinner: steamed beef soufflé 120 g, boiled cauliflower 200 g, rosehip decoction 1 glass
Afternoon snack: 1 grapefruit
Dinner: stewed cabbage with zucchini 200 g, baked apple with cinnamon
Before bedtime: kefir 1% 1 glass

2 day

Breakfast: herculean porridge 200 g, fresh frozen berries 1 tbsp. spoon, milk 0.5% fat 1 cup
2nd breakfast: beetroot salad with prunes 200 g with 1 tsp. rast. butter, rye bread with bran 2 pcs.
Dinner: cabbage salad with tomato and herbs 100 g with 1 tsp rast. butter, pilaf with vegetables and chicken breast (cooked rice with vegetables 150 g, chicken fillet 70 g). After 30 minutes, rosehip decoction 1 cup
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese 100 g no more than 2% fat, bioyogurt 125 g
Dinner: steam cod soufflé 150 g (fish fillet, egg white, without adding wheat bread), boiled green beans 200 g.
Before bedtime: kefir 1% 1 glass.

Day 3

Breakfast: omelet of 2 proteins and 1 yolk with milk (1 tablespoon), steam, carrot salad with apple 100 g with 1 tsp. rast. oils
2nd breakfast: 1 apple
Dinner: vegetable soup 150 g, boiled chicken fillet 100 g with green beans 100 g.
Afternoon snack: stewed cabbage with carrots and apples 200 g with 1 tsp rast. oils
Dinner: cottage cheese no more than 2% fat 150 g
Before bedtime: kefir 1% 1 glass

Day 4

Breakfast: boiled beef 50 g, green peas 100 g, rye bread 2 pcs.
2nd breakfast: vinaigrette with rast. butter 150 g, bread with bran 2 pcs.
Dinner: stewed cabbage with carrots 150 g, boiled fish (cod, hake) 100 g, rosehip decoction 1 glass
Afternoon snack: walnuts 30 g, green apple 1 pc.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with carrots 200 g (without sugar, with the addition of egg white, bake in a mold without oil), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream 10%.
Before bedtime: kefir 1% 1 glass

Day 5

Breakfast: oat flakes 4 table. spoons with milk (100 g) and dried fruits (30 g)
2nd breakfast: zucchini and eggplant puree 200 g
Dinner: boiled fish (cod, hake, haddock) 100 g, stewed vegetables 200 g with 1 tsp. rast. butter, after 30 minutes rosehip decoction 1 cup
Afternoon snack: pilaf with vegetables (cooked rice 70 g, vegetables -100 g)
Dinner: cottage cheese no more than 2% 100 g
Before bedtime: kefir 1% 1 glass

6 day

Breakfast: 1 hard-boiled egg, cheese 30 g, green peas 50 g
2nd breakfast: baked potatoes 1 pc, sauerkraut salad with onions 100 g with 1 tsp rast. oils
Dinner: pea soup 150 g, chicken fillet otv. 100 g, stewed zucchini with carrots 150 g, bran crispbread - 2 pcs.
Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad (200 g) with sour cream 10% (1 tablespoon),
Dinner: baked cauliflower 250 g, cottage cheese 50 g
Before bedtime: kefir 1% 1 glass

Day 7

Breakfast: pearl barley porridge on water 200 g, stewed carrot with apple 50 g
2nd breakfast: 1 orange.
Dinner: stewed cabbage with meat 200 / lean beef 70 g, green apple 1 pc.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese 100 g, no more than 2% fat, greens.
Dinner: fish soufflé 150 g (without flour, with the addition of egg whites), green beans otv. 150 g
Before bedtime: kefir 1% 1 glass
Besides, during the day, it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water - one glass an hour before meals and 1 glass an hour after meals.

Analyzing the weekly menu, I can say that this diet, like any low-calorie diet, has its own limitations, inherent in all diets with a sharp restriction of calories.

At first, because of such a restriction of calories, metabolism, alas, slows down.

Secondly, quite a lot of products are excluded, and sharp restrictions always cause a feeling of "protest" of the body, and, as luck would have it, it is the "forbidden" dishes and products that begin to want. For example, I do not welcome the complete rejection of sweets, because they are the only food for the brain cells. It is more rational to include them in the diet (daily!), But strictly controlling the amount.

Further, the use of low-fat foods also does not carry a pronounced benefit, as well as "snacks" with fruits alone. In the absence of animal and vegetable fats in the diet, not only many vitamins, which are fat-soluble, will not be absorbed, but stagnation of bile in the biliary tract will also be observed. In addition, a person thus depletes himself in the essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are found in vegetable fats. And vegetable protein cannot be absorbed without animal fat.

It is also better not to exclude beets and carrots, you can limit their use. For example, for weight loss, even special fasting days have been developed on these products (for example, potato - for patients suffering from overweight and with high blood pressure). In addition, modern dietetics allows eating these vegetables as the first or second meal.

Thirdly, the diet is quite long, while the diet is quite tough, which is quite difficult to sustain for so long.

Fourth, one of the advantages of the diet - slow weight loss - also becomes its disadvantage: the lack of a visible result contributes to the “lowering of the hands”.

Fifth, the program does not stipulate physical activity in any way, and, as you know, without adequate physical activity, no nutrition program will be effective.

And in general, given the positive reviews and results of the diet published on the Internet, it can be recommended to those who decided to lose extra pounds! There will definitely not be any harm from it!


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E. Malysheva:Not so long ago, in our program, we talked about the Turbofit slimming drops with the professor of dietetics Yevgeny Ivanovich Veliev. Unfortunately, some of the advice from our conversation was greatly abused by many TV viewers, which led to negative consequences, which will be discussed in today's issue.

E. Malysheva:As you probably already guessed, we will talk about how to avoid anorexia while taking Turbofit. And today Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist Dmitry Shubin will help us figure it out.

D. Shubin:Usually, the cause of anorexia is diets that girls torment themselves in the hope of losing weight. But as it turned out, this is not the only reason.

E. Malysheva:What else can cause this terrible diagnosis?

D. Shubin:As you already know, a couple of months after our release about the Turbofit product, we began to receive complaints from overweight women who did not know what to do with their emaciated body now.

D. Shubin: The fact is that Turbofit is the most powerful natural fat burner that exists at the moment in nutrition.

And the main phenomenon is that women who have brought themselves to anorexia, who took Turbofit, decided that if they also go on a diet, then the effect will be stronger. However, it happened so.
As a result, women weighing 100-120 kg. literally in 60 days they turned into 30 kilogram anorexic women!

E. Malysheva: It is very sad to hear that women have turned such an effective remedy to their own detriment. But I would still like to hear: what makes such an amazing effect possible?

D. Shubin: That's a very good question. And I would like to dwell on it in more detail.

Such an instant effect is achieved through a combination of exclusively natural ingredients that have long been proven effective in the world of dietetics.

E. Malysheva: Indeed, the properties of this drug are simply amazing. But where, in your opinion, is the danger for our dear spectators?

D. Shubin: As we have seen: the main danger is dieting. Using the Turbofit product you do not need to go on diets, fat deposits will disappear anyway. The body needs nutrients from food.

Another reason is that when losing weight is so easy and quick for many, forgive the expression: "Tears off the roof." They always think that the pounds lost are not enough, because they have never had to lose weight so quickly before. And they realize this, unfortunately, too late.

E. Malysheva:Dmitry, I completely agree with you, and more and more women are faced with this problem now. But still, what would you like to advise our viewers how to warn themselves against this problem?

D. Shubin: Perhaps the most effective method, in this case, will be a simple problem statement: first decide to what weight you plan to lose weight, let's say you weigh 80 kilograms and you would be quite satisfied with a weight of 55 kilograms. To achieve this goal, you will need 3-week Turbofit course, no more - so drink the drug for exactly a month, eat whatever you want, and when the scales show a mark of 55, stop taking the drug. So you will definitely achieve your intended goal and not overstep the stick.

D. Shubin: You can and should eat as usual - varied and in such quantity that you do not feel the discomfort caused by hunger. You will lose weight from Turbofit in any case, diets are unnecessary here.

E. Malysheva:We have also received information that fakes have already appeared on the market, Dmitry Nikolaevich, where can Turbofit buy a real drug and how to protect yourself from buying a fake?

D. Shubin: Turbofit has been certified in Russia and the most reliable way to purchase it before it appears in pharmacies is to order at official supplier website... This is a guarantee of quality and insurance against counterfeits.

E. Malysheva:In conclusion of the program, I want to wish everyone good health and remember? that thanks to modern medicine, many problems have become much easier and more effective to solve. And Turbofit is a prime example of this.

For those looking to lose weight, remember two basic principles. First, you don't have to starve to lose weight! And the second - to lose weight, you need to take Turbofit! Live great!

Weight loss diet recipe from TV presenter Elena Malysheva

Like all other celebrities, Elena Malysheva has not escaped the attention of SMS scammers. Under her name, a wide variety of miraculous diets are walking on the Internet. The presenter warned many times that she had nothing to do with them. For the site fotodiet.ru I specially found a diet that Malysheva gave in one of her programs "Health".

Elena Malysheva always pays great attention to the issues of proper nutrition and weight loss. According to her, being overweight not only makes a person less attractive, but also contributes to the development of various diseases, and extra pounds increase the likelihood of stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

In her opinion, for weight loss, it is important not only to choose a diet, but also to establish a reasonable diet for a long time. To lose weight, it is best to lose weight gradually - the slower you lose weight, the more likely you are to achieve your goal and not gain pounds again. Optimal weight loss - 500 grams. per day.

Elena Malysheva believes that it is best to use low-calorie diets for weight loss. Only reducing the calorie content of food for a long time will allow you to achieve the desired results. In addition, low-calorie diets can be balanced enough that you will not experience health problems during the entire period of such a diet.

For those who are losing weight, Elena Malysheva offers the following menu, which was developed by Natalya Grigorieva, a nutritionist of the Throw Excess project, and is intended for those who are starting their own weight loss program. It includes foods, the total calorie content of which does not exceed 1200 kcal per day:

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge 200 g, 1 hard-boiled egg, carrot salad 100 g with 1 tsp. rast. butter, apple 1 pc.

2nd breakfast: cottage cheese casserole from low-fat cottage cheese without sugar 150 g (with the addition of semolina instead of flour), 1 table. a spoonful of sour cream 10%, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots) 4 pcs., tea

Lunch: steamed beef soufflé 120 g, boiled cauliflower 200 g, rosehip decoction 1 glass

Afternoon snack: 1 grapefruit

Dinner: stewed cabbage with zucchini 200 g, baked apple with cinnamon

Before bed: kefir 1% 1 glass

Breakfast: Herculean porridge 200 g, fresh frozen berries 1 tbsp. spoon, milk 0.5% fat 1 cup

2nd breakfast: beet salad with prunes 200 g with 1 tsp. rast. butter, rye bread with bran 2 pcs.

Lunch: cabbage salad with tomato and herbs 100 g with 1 tsp. rast. butter, pilaf with vegetables and chicken breast (cooked rice with vegetables 150 g, chicken fillet 70 g). After 30 minutes, rosehip decoction 1 cup

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese 100 g no more than 2% fat, bioyogurt 125 g

Dinner: steam cod soufflé 150 g (fish fillet, egg white, without adding wheat bread), boiled green beans 200 g.

Before bedtime: 1% kefir 1 glass.

Breakfast: omelet of 2 proteins and 1 yolk with milk (1 tablespoon), steam, carrot salad with apple 100 g with 1 tsp. rast. oils

2nd breakfast: 1 apple

Lunch: vegetable soup 150 g, boiled chicken fillet 100 g with green beans 100 g.

Afternoon snack: stewed cabbage with carrots and apples 200 g with 1 tsp. rast. oils

Dinner: cottage cheese no more than 2% fat 150 g

Before bed: kefir 1% 1 glass

Breakfast: boiled beef 50 g, green peas 100 g, rye bread 2 pcs.

2nd breakfast: vinaigrette with rast. butter 150 g, bread with bran 2 pcs.

Lunch: stewed cabbage with carrots 150 g, boiled fish (cod, hake) 100 g, rosehip decoction 1 glass

Afternoon snack: walnuts 30 g, green apple 1 pc.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with carrots 200 g (without sugar, with the addition of egg white, bake in a mold without oil), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream 10%.

Before bed: kefir 1% 1 glass

Breakfast: Herculean flakes 4 table. spoons with milk (100 g) and dried fruits (30 g)

2nd breakfast: mashed zucchini and eggplant 200 g

Lunch: boiled fish (cod, hake, haddock) 100 g, stewed vegetables 200 g with 1 tsp. rast. butter, after 30 minutes rosehip decoction 1 cup

Afternoon snack: pilaf with vegetables (cooked rice 70 g, vegetables -100 g)

Dinner: cottage cheese no more than 2% 100 g

Before bed: kefir 1% 1 glass

Breakfast: 1 hard-boiled egg, cheese 30 g, green peas 50 g

2nd breakfast: baked potatoes 1 pc, sauerkraut salad with onions 100 g with 1 tsp. rast. oils

Lunch: pea soup 150 g, chicken fillet otv. 100 g, stewed zucchini with carrots 150 g, bran crispbread - 2 pcs.

Afternoon snack: salad of fresh vegetables (200 g) with sour cream 10% (1 table spoon),

Dinner: baked cauliflower 250 g, cottage cheese 50 g

Before bed: kefir 1% 1 glass

Breakfast: pearl barley porridge in water 200 g, stewed carrot with apple 50 g

2nd breakfast: 1 orange.

Lunch: stewed cabbage with meat 200 / lean beef 70 g, green apple 1 pc.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese 100 g, no more than 2% fat, greens.

Dinner: fish soufflé 150 g (without flour, with the addition of egg whites), green beans otv. 150 g

Before bed: kefir 1% 1 glass

Reminder: during the day, it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water - one glass an hour before meals and 1 glass an hour after meals.

This menu has been designed according to the basic principles of basic nutrition.

Pour 1/2 cup of cereal (wheat, oat) with 1 cup of low-fat milk. Add 1/2 medium apple cut into pieces, raisins (8-10 pcs), 1 coffee spoon of honey, cinnamon.


1 hard pear and 2 walnuts

100 g cooked turkey or chicken breast; 1/2 bowl of hard buckwheat (about 150 g); 1 cup lettuce leaves (fresh spinach) 2 tablespoons topped with boiled green beans 1 teaspoon olive oil + 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar.

1 low fat yogurt 1 green apple.

Crispy tuna salad: 1 can of tuna meat in its own juice (drain the liquid); 1 cup finely chopped cabbage or lettuce 1/2 bell pepper, cut into slices 2 small tomatoes.

1 teaspoon vegetable oil; 1 tablespoon of grated cranberries (or lingonberries) or 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard lemon juice to taste; parsley, dill, or other herbs;

2 whole grain bran loaves;

after 30 minutes: green tea.

Total for the day: 1640 kcal; 126 g protein, 190 g carbohydrates; 44 g fat, 27 g fiber

1 slice of rye bread with bran + 30 g of low-fat cheese in the microwave for half a minute to melt the cheese; 1/2 grapefruit; 1 glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.


150 g low-fat cottage cheese + 1/2 medium carrots, rub; mix with garlic and low-fat yogurt.

A plate of vegetable soup (about 200 g); 120g chopped chicken breast; 50 g brown rice; 1/2 cup chopped cabbage or lettuce + 1/2 tomato + 1/2 stalk chopped celery or bell peppers.

1 glass of tomato juice; a handful of dried fruits.

1/2 cup brown rice cabbage salad with herbs with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil; 2 loaves of bran; 1 grapefruit.

Total for the day: 1620 kcal; 100 g of protein, 235 g of carbohydrates; 31 g fat, 25 g fiber

Scrambled eggs (made from 1 egg and 2 egg whites in a Teflon pan) - no oil !; 1 whole grain loaf 1 small tomato; 1 glass of low-fat kefir.


2 whole grain breads with 30 g low-fat cheese 1 orange.

Form 90 g of lean ground beef into a cutlet and steam; 70 g buckwheat porridge; 3 sweet onion rings + fresh basil + 1/2 sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini + 100g diced tomatoes with basil and garlic 50 g of stewed mushrooms; 1 teaspoon olive oil

1 apple; a slice of dark chocolate.

Chicken salad: 90g skinless chicken breast, cut into slices + 1/2 medium apple; lettuce leaves (3-5 pcs.) + a few feathers of green onions + 1 teaspoon of chopped dill + 4-5 olives + 1 tablespoon of lemon juice + 1 teaspoon of sweet mustard + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil; 1 bran loaf; 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Total for the day: 1615 kcal; 111 g of protein, 180 g of carbohydrates; 52 g fat, 26 g fiber

250 g of oatmeal with raisins and bran; 1 slice (30 g) low-fat cheese natural coffee (50 ml) with milk (100 ml).


1 baked apple; 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice; 2 whole grain buckwheat bread.

120 g of lean boiled beef; 2 slices of black bread with caraway seeds; cabbage salad with 2 chopped tomatoes, dressing with natural yogurt dressing with herbs, garlic;

after 30 minutes - green tea with lemon, 1 teaspoon of honey.

Cottage cheese up to 4% - 100 g; 1 orange.

In a Teflon skillet, mix: 100 g peeled shrimp + 1/2 sliced \u200b\u200bsweet pepper + 1 small onion, sliced \u200b\u200b+ 200 g diced tomatoes + 1 sprig of parsley + 1 clove of garlic + 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Add some water and simmer. Serve with 1/2 cup (about 100g) brown rice.

Total for the day: 1575 kcal; 105 g protein, 210 g carbohydrates, 35 g fat, 29 g fiber

Millet porridge with milk and pumpkin 200 g (without oil); 1 small apple; black tea with lemon, prunes (3 pcs.).


1 glass of fermented baked milk or kefir up to 2.5%; 2 rye loaves with bran.

Vegetable puree soup: white cabbage (or cauliflower, broccoli), 1 carrot, 1 celery stalk, 1 medium potato, 1 onion, leek, 6 zucchini rings, green peas - boil vegetables without salt until half cooked, then chop with a mixer directly in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, let stand for a couple of minutes.

Add chopped herbs, 1 teaspoon of low-fat sour cream or sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of grated hard cheese to a portion of the soup (about 250 ml). 2 rye loaves with bran.

Tomato salad with parsley (100 g), 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

After 30 minutes - green tea with lemon.

A handful of walnuts and dried apricots, 1/2 grapefruit.

Baked salmon 150 g with boiled green beans: bake the fish in a sleeve with the addition of lemon, herbs, or steam it.

After 30-60 minutes - 1/2 grapefruit.

Total for the day: 1600 kcal; 90 g protein, 220 g carbohydrates, 40 g fat, 30 g fiber

Pour 3 tablespoons of wheat or corn flakes with a glass of skim milk; add 2 teaspoons of dried fruits, 1 teaspoon of walnuts; 1 baked apple with 1 teaspoon of honey.


Wrap a few thin slices of poultry breast in a thin 15x15 lavash sheet, add greens, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber, or lettuce; 1 hard pear.

Beetroot borsch with cabbage (without meat broth) - 200 g, 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, 1 piece of rye bread with bran; boiled fish 100 g with green peas 50 g

After 30 minutes - green tea with lemon.

200 g of low-fat cottage cheese; 1 glass of kefir.

Stewed vegetables 300 g: eggplant, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers. Simmer with water, spices, herbs. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil directly to a plate. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of grated low-fat cheese, herbs. 2 rye bread with bran.

Total for the day: 1640 calories; 110 g protein, 210 g carbohydrates, 40 g fat, 35 g fiber

Beat 100 ml of milk 1.5% and 150 g of frozen berries with a mixer; Dry 2 rye toast; natural coffee 50 ml without milk; 1 slice of cheese up to 30%.


1 cocoa with milk; 1 loaf with 1 teaspoon of honey; 1 orange.

180 g skinless chicken, stewed with chopped peppers, zucchini, carrots, onions and brown rice (2 tablespoons dry). Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil at the end of cooking. 1 glass of tomato juice.

1 slice of dark chocolate; 1 hard pear.

Salad of 150 g of fish (baked or canned); 1 small baked potato; several inflorescences of boiled broccoli cabbage + the same amount of cauliflower, lettuce leaves, 1/2 sweet pepper, olives, 1 boiled egg, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of grated lingonberries, spices, greens. 1 rye bread crumble in the salad.

After 1-1.5 hours - 1 glass of kefir 1%.

Total for the day: 1590 kcal; 120 g protein, 190 g carbohydrates, 43 g fat, 37 g fiber

In addition to proper nutrition, in order to achieve the desired results, it is necessary to combine diets with sufficient physical activity.

Here is such an interesting and healthy diet from a famous TV presenter. Everything is free and no SMS.

The diet for weight loss of Elena Malysheva, which has received recognition among many Russians and residents of other post-Soviet countries, owes its own popularity directly to its creator, who is also a doctor of sciences, teacher, therapist, nutritionist and famous TV presenter. It is thanks to the programs of 1 channel "Health" and "Life is Healthy", which for many years were hosted by Malysheva, that the dietary system created by her became famous and with it a considerable number of admirers.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle in her TV shows, and, in particular, Elena Vasilievna gained vast experience in literate weight loss, which allowed her to find a personal approach to solving the problem of overweight. In 2012, the commercial project of a television nutritionist of the same name "Elena Malysheva's Diet" was released, which is actively developing to this day and helps thousands of patients, under the supervision of dietitians, to get rid of excessive body weight.

The best demonstration of the advantages of her weight correction system is its author herself, at the age of 57, she has a sufficiently fit, well-groomed and young figure. Elena Malysheva created her own healthy body, so to speak, with her own hands. To a large extent, a balanced diet helped her in this, the postulates of which the eminent doctor adheres to for most of his life.

Malysheva shares her personal secrets of success in this field, as well as recommendations on how to lose weight at home and maintain optimal shape for a long time, from TV screens and through a variety of videos on the Internet. For many people, watching weekly television programs with her participation as a presenter has become a kind of ritual that helps them maintain their health at the proper level.

Depending on the required weight loss result, health status, personal characteristics and capabilities of a particular person, Elena Vasilievna developed various nutritional regimes for men and women, which are summarized by similar rules and traditions. What is the essence of Malysheva's dietary system, what principles it promotes and how the process of weight loss occurs, we will analyze in detail in the article below.

Elena Malysheva's commercial diet

The diet for weight loss from Elena Malysheva as a whole is a commercial enterprise, which, nevertheless, positions itself as a safe, simple and effective way to deal with excess body weight. In the absence of financial problems, all that needs to be done by a person who wants to lose weight using this system is just to choose a suitable diet for himself and purchase a ready-made set of products for a month, prepared in advance by professional chefs. The duration of the diet, that is, the number of required monthly food sets, directly depends on the amount of excess weight and is calculated on an individual basis with the help of a dietitian consultant.

One paid basic weight loss course from Malysheva is designed for 28 days, during which the client is twice ordered to order packages with a ready-made diet for 2 weeks. Large boxes contain single portion containers with a daily diet menu that consists of 4 meals. For the convenience of the end consumer, all food containers differ in color, namely: breakfast - green, lunch - yellow, desserts - blue, dinners - red. In addition to this meal, Elena Malysheva's daily meal plan allows for one or two random snacks, corresponding to the selected nutritional regimen. In addition to this, the 4-week meal kit includes 4 pink containers with a pre-selected fasting day menu (buckwheat or rice), which should be carried out once a week.

In addition to a long diet, there are also weekly weight loss kits, which are designed for people who want to say goodbye to a couple of unnecessary pounds. Such a dietary menu for a week is sold in some retail chains and by and large differs from the basic diet only in a lower content of food products.

All ready-made food is supplied frozen or dry and only requires heating in the microwave or diluting with milk or boiling water. Before packing, most of the products in the set are shocked at low temperatures, so that their useful properties and appearance are maximally preserved. According to the author himself, her dietary food sets are nothing more than a competently composed healthy diet with correctly calculated calories and a verified ratio of all macro- and micronutrients.

Composition of diet meals

Detailed information on the composition of all dietary meals can be freely found in the corresponding section of the official website www.dietamalyshevoy.ru , which suggests that Elena Vasilievna and her team of nutritionists do not make a secret of this. After thoroughly familiarizing yourself with all the materials, it is quite possible to follow Elena Malysheva's diet for free, however, this will require some effort in relation to the selection of products, their layout, calorie counting and some other nuances. For those who are not ready for such sacrifices and prefer to just pay for a ready-made menu, the composition of the products will look like this:


The first and most important morning meals of the day include egg omelettes (frozen), as well as oatmeal and various combinations of fruits and nuts or cereals (in the form of bars or dry mixes). Ready-made breakfasts are allowed to be supplemented with berries and, if desired, milk, kefir or classic yogurt with 0% -3% fat content.

Lunches and dinners

Midday and evening meals are all kinds of ready-made frozen first and second courses from various combinations of meat and fish with cereals, pasta and other side dishes. All lunches and dinners are prepared taking into account their subsequent heating in the microwave and do not require any other actions on the part of a losing weight person. In addition to them, it is allowed to use a small portion of freshly prepared salad of herbs and vegetables, seasoned with a minimum of high-quality vegetable oil and / or lemon juice.


The desserts in this diet are a variety of muesli, assorted fruits, soufflés and mixes of fruits and cereals, mostly in the form of bars. All these sweets are ready-to-eat and do not need any processing. In addition to them, as a snack, it is permissible to eat one small fruit (apple, orange) once or twice a day, the amount of berries commensurate with it, drink a glass of low-fat milk or a fermented milk drink.


Fasting days are represented by pre-boiled rice or buckwheat porridge, which must be poured with boiling water before use. Malysheva herself advises giving preference to the first product, since she believes that rice is more conducive to the process of losing weight.

All versions of the ready-made menu of the Malysheva diet and all food products in them are low in animal fats and salt, which, on the one hand, reduces the calorie content of food and prevents the development of certain diseases (for example,), and on the other hand, helps the body get rid of fluid that is useless for it. Shock pre-freezing of most foods allows the chefs of this diet project to prepare food without the use of preservatives, stabilizers, colors and flavors.

Food containers from Malysheva

The food containers supplied to the customer are small, sealed and easy to carry, making them easy to take to work or on a business trip. Another convenience of such food is the possibility of independent selection and alternation of the same type of meals (for example, meals), without adhering to a certain sequence of eating food from one or another portioned container.

Three secrets of losing weight from Malysheva

According to the author of the diet, the successful process of losing weight, as well as the further period of maintaining body weight, can be mastered only by those people who are fully aware of the three secrets that allow them to maintain a slim figure. To achieve a sustainable result and maintain your own health at a high level, this triad of rules must be unquestioningly observed in absolutely all diets from Elena Vasilievna.

The first secret - "To lose weight - you have to eat"

This rule is the main condition for healthy weight loss. The minimum number of daily meals promoted by Malysheva is four meals at identical intervals. It is permissible and even ideal to eat 5-6 times a day, but in no case 2-3 times a day. Adhering to such a nutritional regimen, it is almost impossible to lose weight and, moreover, it is fraught with constant "overeating", as well as the emergence of various problems with digestion (, etc.). The process of digesting food in the body of a losing weight person must go virtually continuously.

Firstly, frequent meals forces the digestive tract organs to constantly be in working order and spend a lot of energy, which in itself burns a lot of calories. Secondly, eating at 3-4 hour intervals minimizes the possibility of feeling hungry and allows you to feel full all the time. Thirdly, the taste buds of the human oral cavity are almost non-stop at the mercy of various pleasant sensations, which do not allow "the appetite to play out."

The second secret is "Food in one glass"

In this case, we are talking about the amount of food consumed once. According to Malysheva's recommendations, each dietary meal should fully fit in a regular glass and vary for women within 200-250 grams, and for men within 250-300 grams. The rationale for the size of such portions is related to the physiology of the human stomach, the folded structure of which tends to stretch under the influence of food consumed.

The most important task of a losing weight person, whose stomach, as a rule, is already stretched, is to bring all gastric folds to their original shape, that is, to reduce its internal volume. The reverse transformation of the size of the stomach will allow you to fully saturate with small portions of food, thereby reducing the number of calories entering the body. This process itself is quite painstaking and lengthy, but it is vital for effective weight loss and further maintenance of a normal figure.

Third secret - "Water is more important than food"

Malysheva is sure that without drinking a sufficient volume of water, not taking into account the other liquid drunk, the process of adequate weight loss is impossible. The daily rate of ordinary (without gas, sugar, salts, etc.) water established by her is at least 2 liters or, in terms of another container, 10 glasses of 200 milliliters each. It is best to drink it between meals every hour. With 4 meals a day, the water intake scheme should look something like this:

  • 7:00 - a glass of water;
  • 8:00 - breakfast;
  • 9:00; 10:00; 11:00 - a glass of water;
  • 12:00 - lunch;
  • 13:00; 14:00; 15:00 - a glass of water;
  • 16:00 - dessert;
  • 17:00; 18:00; 19:00 - a glass of water;
  • 20:00 - dinner;
  • 21:00 - a glass of water.

The beneficial qualities of water are truly difficult to overestimate. In the process of losing weight, it is just the water environment that ensures the proper course of all biochemical transformations associated with the body's work aimed at losing weight. It is water that is able to fill the stomach, and subsequently form the correct lumps of food residue and guarantee normal peristalsis. In addition, quite often the human body takes the feeling of thirst for the feeling of hunger, which leads to unnecessary food intake. Drinking a lot of water per day can fix this problem, so try drinking water first before eating.

Weight loss principles from Malysheva

In addition to the already voiced rules and nuances of this dietary system, it will be useful to learn other general principles of proper nutrition according to Malysheva for weight loss.

  • Remember that losing weight naturally and safely is time-consuming and simply cannot be rushed. The breakdown of fatty tissues previously accumulated over the years will, at best, last for months, not weeks or days. In turn, successful weight loss is not the end of the fight, but is its initial stage. The main work on your own figure occurs in the phase of maintaining weight, when adherence to the principles of proper and healthy nutrition is no less important than during weight loss. Keeping your figure in shape is sometimes more difficult than losing weight.
  • The dietary regime must necessarily be selected taking into account all the individual characteristics of your body. There is no universal recipe for losing weight for absolutely all people. When choosing a method for correcting weight and a nutritious diet, first of all, one should start from the etiology of the appearance of excess body weight and act to eliminate it. The most common causes of excessive weight gain are: passive lifestyle, unhealthy diet, various diseases and banal overeating. Before a diet, it is strongly recommended to undergo a full examination in a respectable medical institution and only after that start losing weight.
  • In turn, a sound assessment of one's own optimal body weight is very important, the parameters of which some people inadvertently or deliberately underestimate to the required, in their personal opinion, limits. Trying to look slimmer and get rid of the kilograms necessary for the body to live, you can cause irreparable harm to your health. You should correct your weight correctly and in no case overdo it in this regard. You can remove 2-3 ballast kilograms, which are within the personal norm, without resorting to a diet, but simply by increasing physical activity or making changes to the nutrition schedule.
  • It is necessary to count the calorie content of all food eaten daily, as well as closely monitor its quality. On the other hand, you can entrust this to professional nutritionists, for which the dietary system of Elena Malysheva was actually created. Foods consumed on a diet must be low-calorie, natural and free of dyes, preservatives and other fillers. All food prepared should contain a minimum of animal fat and salt. It is better to completely exclude natural and artificial sugar, as well as other fast carbohydrates and high-starchy products from your diet. When losing weight on your own, it is recommended to download a table of food calories and an online calculator of ready-made meals for free, and then follow a diet according to the menu option selected on the official website of Elena Malysheva.
  • Much attention should be paid to the very process of eating. All food should be chewed carefully and slowly, after filling the stomach with 200-250 ml of pure water. Such actions will greatly facilitate the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract and avoid overeating. When you slowly grind food with your teeth, saliva, rich in enzymes, is abundantly released in the oral cavity, which contributes to the fastest breakdown of food and, as a result, satisfies hunger. In the opposite case, the feeling of satiety most often appears only after the stomach is full, which is completely unacceptable during the period of weight loss. Dr. Malysheva herself recommends chewing one bite off at least 18 times.
  • In addition to the obligatory use of 2 liters of ordinary water per day, Elena Vasilievna advises everyone who is losing weight to drink high-quality green tea. This drink without sugar and other additives is able to improve internal metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the serum glucose content and qualitatively from negative deposits. All these properties of green tea are simply irreplaceable both in the matter of losing weight, and in relation to the overall health of the body.
  • Together with willpower, one should develop positive thinking in oneself, since the psychological factor of the correct attitude towards a victorious finale plays an important, and sometimes decisive, role. Convinced of the success of his weight loss, a person systematically goes to his goal and does not waste his time on trifles. His confidence pre-programs the body for the correct redistribution of incoming food and the burning of old fat deposits.
  • Physical activity must be present in the daily regimen of a losing weight person on an ongoing basis. Such activity, on the one hand, should be commensurate with the weight parameters, and on the other hand, correspond to the goal of losing weight. Choose for yourself any suitable physical activity, from simple walking to full-fledged workouts in the gym.

As a visual guide about Elena Malysheva's diet, you can use the video below, in which the author of her diet herself shares the secrets of her own weight loss system.

Varieties of dietary menu

The official website of Elena Malysheva's diet within the framework of the project "Lose Weight with the Health Program" offers a choice of several ready-made options for a diet menu for every day, formed separately for healthy and suffering women and men, as well as a women's fitness diet. In general, all these diets can be divided according to the following principle:


  • 3 options (No. 1; No. 2; No. 3) menu for healthy women (800 kcal / day);
  • 3 options (No. 1; No. 2; No. 3) menus for women with hypertension (800 kcal / day);
  • 2 options (No. 1; No. 2) menu for healthy men (1000 kcal / day);
  • 2 options (No. 1; No. 2) menus with hypertension (1000 kcal / day);
  • 1 option of the fitness diet menu for healthy women (12,000 kcal / day).

To maintain weight

  • 2 options (No. 1; No. 2) menu for healthy women (1000 kcal / day);
  • 2 options (No. 1; No. 2) menus for women with hypertension (1000 kcal / day);
  • 1 menu option for healthy men (1200 kcal / day);
  • 1 menu option for men with hypertension (1200 kcal / day).

All these types of dietary ration from Malysheva by and large differ from each other only in the composition of ready-made low-calorie meals and their energy value. All this is done so that each person can choose a menu more suitable for their tastes and lose weight, while enjoying the food they eat.

Allowed Products

Any ready-made diet menu of Elena Malysheva is very diverse and includes products from virtually all gastronomic categories. The main emphasis in this system of losing weight is, by and large, placed not on restricting the diet, but on preparing healthy and low-calorie meals. When ordering a daily menu already formed and packaged in containers, it makes no sense to monitor the composition of products. You just need to take another package of food, prepare it for consumption in the necessary way (warm it up or steam it) and eat it with pleasure.

In addition to completely prepared diet dishes, Elena Vasilievna recommends eating one apple, an orange, two tangerines or 100 grams of berries as a separate snack. All breakfasts can be supplemented with berries, milk, kefir or classic yogurt with 0% -3% fat content. At lunches and dinners, it is permissible to pamper yourself with fresh greens and vegetable salads (dill, Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, arugula, Swiss chard, celery, lettuce, cucumbers, parsley, lettuce), which should be seasoned with only lemon juice and / or 1 tbsp. l. quality vegetable oil.

For those who decided to follow the Malysheva's diet on their own without ordering and delivering food sets, an indicative list of products used by the project's chefs when preparing a diet menu from a famous television nutritionist will be presented below.

Approved Products Table

Proteins, gFat, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

eggplant1,2 0,1 4,5 24
zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
potatoes2,0 0,4 18,1 80
cilantro2,1 0,5 1,9 23
green onion1,3 0,0 4,6 19
leek2,0 0,0 8,2 33
bulb onions1,4 0,0 10,4 41
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
squash0,6 0,1 4,3 19
salad pepper1,3 0,0 5,3 27
parsley3,7 0,4 7,6 47
radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
salad1,2 0,3 1,3 12
beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
celery0,9 0,1 2,1 12
asparagus1,9 0,1 3,1 20
tomato0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28
dill2,5 0,5 6,3 38
zucchini1,5 0,2 3,0 16
garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143
spinach2,9 0,3 2,0 22


apricots0,9 0,1 10,8 41
avocado2,0 20,0 7,4 208
pineapple0,4 0,2 10,6 49
oranges0,9 0,2 8,1 36
grapefruit0,7 0,2 6,5 29
pears0,4 0,3 10,9 42
kiwi1,0 0,6 10,3 48
lemons0,9 0,1 3,0 16
tangerines0,8 0,2 7,5 33
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47


lingonberry0,7 0,5 9,6 43
blackberry2,0 0,0 6,4 31
strawberry0,8 0,4 7,5 41
raspberry0,8 0,5 8,3 46
blueberry1,1 0,4 7,6 44


fresh champignons4,3 1,0 1,0 27
fresh oyster mushrooms2,5 0,5 6,2 34
shiitake fresh2,2 0,5 6,8 34

Nuts and dried fruits

walnuts15,2 65,2 7,0 654
raisins2,9 0,6 66,0 264
cashew nuts25,7 54,1 13,2 643
dried apricots5,2 0,3 51,0 215
almond18,6 57,7 16,2 645
dates2,5 0,5 69,2 274
hazelnut16,1 66,9 9,9 704
prunes2,3 0,7 57,5 231

Cereals and cereals

buckwheat4,5 2,3 25,0 132
oatmeal3,2 4,1 14,2 102
pearl barley3,1 0,4 22,2 109
millet porridge4,7 1,1 26,1 135
rice white6,7 0,7 78,9 344
brown rice7,4 1,8 72,9 337
barley porridge11,5 2,0 65,8 310

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,2 1,2 74,9 342
pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles12,0 3,7 60,1 322
fettuccine14,1 4,4 67,6 384
paste10,0 1,1 71,5 344


milk3,2 3,6 4,8 64
kefir3,4 2,0 4,7 51
fermented baked milk2,8 4,0 4,2 67
acidophilus2,8 3,2 3,8 57
yogurt4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheese and curd

cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363
cottage cheese17,2 5,0 1,8 121
tofu curd8,1 4,2 0,6 73

Meat products

beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
veal19,7 1,2 0,0 90
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


a hen16,0 14,0 0,0 190
chickens18,7 7,8 0,4 156
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84


chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157
quail eggs11,9 13,1 0,6 168

Fish and seafood

chum22,0 5,6 0,0 138
pollock15,9 0,9 0,0 72
navaga16,1 1,0 0,0 73
cod17,7 0,7 - 78
trout19,2 2,1 - 97
hake16,6 2,2 0,0 86

Fully or partially limited products

As mentioned above, in the case of purchasing a ready-made nutritious diet from Malysheva, there is no need to check the delivered food for the presence of unwanted products. If you want to repeat the menu from the official diet site and recreate its diet recipes at home, you should avoid using the products shown in the table below when preparing dishes.

Prohibited Products Table

Proteins, gFat, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520
fruit chips3,2 0,0 78,1 350
popcorn caramel5,3 8,7 76,1 401
cheese popcorn5,8 30,8 50,1 506

Bakery products

baguette7,5 2,9 51,4 262
loaf7,5 2,9 50,9 264
bagels16,0 1,0 70,0 336
buns7,2 6,2 51,0 317
pita8,1 0,7 57,1 274
donuts5,8 3,9 41,9 215
donut5,6 13,0 38,8 296
bagel7,9 10,8 57,2 357
bread7,5 2,1 46,4 227


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
ganache4,9 34,5 52,5 542
jam0,3 0,1 56,0 238
marshmallow0,8 0,0 78,5 304
sweets4,3 19,8 67,5 453
biscuits7,5 11,8 74,9 417
cake3,8 22,6 47,0 397
jam0,4 0,2 58,6 233
gingerbread5,8 6,5 71,6 364
dough7,9 1,4 50,6 234
fruit in chocolate0,8 15,6 11,0 179
halva11,6 29,7 54,0 523

Ice cream

{!LANG-d74dd3ab745b25003f7c78841c24af88!}3,7 6,9 22,1 189


{!LANG-01a6c65cb53178dc24679354c8807eda!}4,4 23,4 45,2 407


{!LANG-5286ab928b14bfae2652d776da79730a!}5,4 35,3 56,5 544


{!LANG-8c238ded9f29632cedd9ed3f9e4e3456!}1,8 1,0 22,2 93
{!LANG-d62218987c7ba92b0d04b638ab5cfcda!}2,4 67,0 3,9 627
{!LANG-011f9537e5ec689d10fd33f92ef13491!}0,0 0,3 78,3 296
{!LANG-d9dca7220d8fc88debc7ccf380c491a5!}0,0 0,0 99,7 398
{!LANG-1f6a5a0fd5eda261d6f84802d9d54427!}0,0 0,0 0,0 -


{!LANG-69753375afdbe9ad837aa9fc09d4242d!}7,2 8,5 56,0 320
{!LANG-7014805d1e38d33865ecc96de75cb815!}2,5 35,0 3,0 337
{!LANG-46e356e5463162ad87568156d7e68763!}2,4 40,0 2,6 381
{!LANG-dd1858e6281d3b73d913a9c038017365!}5,0 3,2 8,5 85

Meat products

{!LANG-b3e58bdbb1c7098e0c0b53815580a8f3!}16,0 21,6 0,0 259
{!LANG-e77fc3e60cf4bf2911bd0a92ccfe206d!}2,4 89,0 0,0 797
{!LANG-7fed3910adf603e781c88c8ab8e808a1!}15,6 16,3 0,0 209
{!LANG-0a6ad6c07a13a110ab5d1ebb2557d595!}22,6 20,9 0,0 279
{!LANG-75fb3fe0927dbd284c9dd6853dc2dd2b!}16,6 20,0 11,8 282


{!LANG-c016e8997fe61ef97eac78fa5d2050d4!}13,7 22,8 0,0 260
{!LANG-309027897946fa23e259e0276c6811ec!}28,2 27,5 0,0 360
{!LANG-f57f56f668fc65c8386dc540e8083932!}16,2 44,6 0,0 466
{!LANG-2bdcbe6ece71d30d504bfd228129e619!}24,1 38,3 1,0 455
{!LANG-88438d4edb6e49b8632dff66b1a801e7!}9,9 63,2 0,3 608
{!LANG-39c88e8d6cefeb75cf45da333917ff01!}10,1 31,6 1,9 332
{!LANG-d370f639105c53defef6d72f7e863122!}12,3 25,3 0,0 277
{!LANG-65d97a02751630f763350002c93aca0c!}10,0 33,0 0,0 337


{!LANG-88273b3e795746b076b5248a48ef8edc!}16,5 61,2 0,0 346
{!LANG-3ae6f01a5de1edba649013db0798ca24!}16,1 33,3 0,0 364

Fish and seafood

{!LANG-7c695fd89517fef623e8d4ba81baa4d7!}17,5 4,6 0,0 139
{!LANG-f928b11e50770f8dc9a7dfd3ecc07c71!}26,8 9,9 0,0 196
{!LANG-28af76fda0a14b2017e3a8792e6c61c0!}19,2 2,0 0,0 190


{!LANG-d55c444b318bd19de6d97041b6bbe2c5!}0,5 82,5 0,8 748
{!LANG-9c5fd01d00ac35ec279ab73654be01cf!}0,5 82,0 0,0 745
{!LANG-17394f29dc8f63421edcaee793ae7522!}0,0 99,7 0,0 897
{!LANG-5ced89f2dd725ca27bf3e1649ab8ef17!}0,0 99,7 0,0 897


{!LANG-7062caa0ef1be95cda38380e401616d6!}0,0 0,0 0,5 225
{!LANG-a4c0942544233f88f139c6cf8f8b12ce!}0,0 0,0 0,4 235
{!LANG-dd194ac7ce4d4e9fb626e963ce0518d2!}0,0 0,0 0,1 235
{!LANG-fad7c4a048d499d9fae8123a5b57a5a0!}0,0 0,0 0,1 239
{!LANG-ad5d17e9df9b0dec5e3bcb35f96875c9!}0,3 1,1 17,2 242
{!LANG-b37d0b128ce22f09e64ba36dc8088f38!}0,3 0,0 4,6 42
{!LANG-b5aec4d95d2e103af34fd9ad1cc3714e!}0,4 0,0 12,0 163
{!LANG-6bc38628b8410a99b720793f4f057f8e!}0,0 0,0 0,0 220
{!LANG-3f8ee29f3f85e287c059c79e383c269e!}0,2 0,0 5,0 88


{!LANG-67ed1c1fee6bfbe91ed11dfae7bdaf14!}0,0 0,0 0,0 -
{!LANG-eaeaf671890e304e006addef8018840a!}0,0 0,0 10,4 42
{!LANG-c91bddb038f4f65cbb5d348694c99662!}0,0 0,0 6,4 26
{!LANG-90150f8ccf1bcbc9ff2cd23027ec2558!}0,0 0,0 7,5 31
{!LANG-486c713809954dd63b5ce2fcbfe33b3a!}0,0 0,0 8,7 38
{!LANG-01a739db7920d71c0992f389a060dca8!}0,1 0,0 7,0 29
{!LANG-0b902fb0e543bf5caf951231287f2f88!}0,0 0,0 11,7 48























  • {!LANG-0ee042063446cc3e6d72df7a43f80b6e!}
  • {!LANG-0417d235af23e8fd95076d12589dec5a!}
  • {!LANG-97d83a1b6430c2fa3e5884c204907912!}
  • {!LANG-f3eb407d8b40aa0a7d61cec0580c347a!}
  • {!LANG-afd359ab7e710a6df9b51aa4baf44f7e!}
  • {!LANG-e3dc834d9005d56d0eee07ac3998a8e4!}





{!LANG-b8678169ec03aedcba19aa21631a3e84!} {!LANG-bfcba7b932f6e05a5992f2d62d1c981a!}
  • {!LANG-73a28c7c5c1e2ac9eb8730f183105799!}
  • {!LANG-13505c0745fd8c0094caae9cfff87ad7!}
  • {!LANG-9df5980c227b09c6ab8ec926e419d0ae!}
  • {!LANG-b2f0a4dfe30528f1e4325b6443c998f1!}
  • {!LANG-4579abf0e5c9b01b923a86cc7d039b1e!}
  • {!LANG-d5c6815f69360a0ca312650dd625f993!}
  • {!LANG-477f866c27464b82c263a3ba88dce68e!}
  • {!LANG-e60472dd3607f968cd1deb62b9442978!} {!LANG-bd09dbd94db408c0fda80e442a25f785!}
  • {!LANG-25c666a2eb1896849ba841cd8f6da6cd!}
  • {!LANG-f95d47e0fc94198de60340db94732d76!}
  • {!LANG-f7562fc523e8708b8e742f3b425c43d6!}






{!LANG-e7252af0870af6a7e6c18e5e2653a1be!} {!LANG-aa9a171830c9c21b430da48dfad99c2b!}




{!LANG-aa99ec79b8aadae12ee073762a7f7095!} {!LANG-9c85a00972d0a0bc54c213a09dfe1454!}



{!LANG-0dc0c8fe8dff3323922e9dfebaca7728!} {!LANG-bc278561ea788aae730f5f7aba191663!}

  • {!LANG-86584ed36f4887c9dfd7e285ab283d24!}
  • {!LANG-ced65c2d87f497d0d05f5c168ac20291!}
  • {!LANG-f47d7a5cdbb244cfcdd76119ebaf7b81!}
  • {!LANG-2ee67fef902ad21eebbf48cb7053331d!}
  • {!LANG-ec8cb3b91be05286f9a4d932da3e123d!}




  • {!LANG-f677d1f7fd1207ab60986f3bebe28321!}
  • {!LANG-66d05711a652a0dd9b1d3bf94b9f5d3a!}
  • {!LANG-96d522c71f18c93c8800cf958d521fbc!}
  • {!LANG-b4321d9601e0bd9b5dd60fa9adefe8a3!}





  • {!LANG-2e26def0bd125509d751628d3d8d945d!}
  • {!LANG-05d0b6d245c410401314ffa9d22aaffb!}
  • {!LANG-776d32c4ca0afbb7c51ec1a1fd9a0288!}
  • {!LANG-888d4a198cce725f944c0cdb7677911b!}








  • {!LANG-79d495ee7e7423dedd289e500459fd49!}
  • {!LANG-805977f89043c02f1fb27740f1f8841b!}
  • {!LANG-6b34a5b9aebaf3609a481e8a25ec684a!}










  • {!LANG-f0ddaecce5a899c9e6d7ce07fc7a66ff!}
  • {!LANG-0effb11c34cf2cc28a1bed2565491fea!}
  • {!LANG-fa00e96da0e77332d7680fa4e07edd9f!}
  • {!LANG-ecc13e458997d0e3fd827c4115bede43!}







  • {!LANG-ff5effb81fe7f9ac8a0c6682c5eefa68!}
  • {!LANG-f3978c9484289574397836bc7023cb44!}
  • {!LANG-632cbbc22ad1f757a9818b5a0498785e!}
  • {!LANG-d23327596ae3af42b3dd1279dface930!}






  • «… {!LANG-02e6e046c3d486940905ac849a9a488f!}».
  • «… {!LANG-44e2ace0c95cf3e3724b58e51a5fc98f!}».
  • «… {!LANG-83390a8829466ab5666777d1694c5fdd!}».
  • «… {!LANG-dbc388fd58882dc04fec17893c498714!}».
  • «… {!LANG-83590bd925c0a09605e753684e622ae0!}».




  • {!LANG-a929d9da24c961e7742a3aee212a742a!}
  • {!LANG-227aa77129b6b70af045318d7123fb27!}
  • {!LANG-a6b0bc976f11fd8777124d245e025e03!}

To maintain weight

  • {!LANG-3e946fd3747bc596385c00101a38cf1f!}
  • {!LANG-714cdc8b8f88d53877dd815342642d1f!}


{!LANG-ccf06bee83b3bd749e0921bfbd6cf6a6!} www.dietamalyshevoy.ru {!LANG-f0c905317b8862c96afcab0ecdf5fae6!}



