Spring apathy and weakness. How to overcome spring weakness and laziness Spring has no strength what to do

Spring apathy and weakness. How to overcome spring weakness and laziness Spring has no strength what to do

2013-04-10 , 2830

Many women greeted the belated spring with chronic fatigue and lack of energy. It's a shame to feel weak at a time when the spring sun pleases with the long-awaited warmth, the first leaves appear on the trees, and the ground freed from snow is covered with green grass and bright flowers.

In the spring, it is recommended to avoid overwork, rest more often, take more walks, cut back on coffee, smoke less, and not abuse alcohol. Spring is not the time for diets, the body needs a healthy and balanced diet. The house should have as much light and fresh air as possible, so remove heavy curtains from the windows and ventilate the apartment more often. So that fatigue recedes and does not interfere with enjoying life, critically review your daily routine and build it in a new way!

Cheerful morning

When you wake up, do not rush to get out of bed - yawn deeply, stretch and take several deep breaths and exhalations. Then, for a minute, clench and unclench your fists vigorously while contracting your thigh muscles. After that, you can get up and slowly, in small sips, drink a glass of clean water. Instead of exercising for which there is no strength, it is recommended to do three simple exercises:

  1. Stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms up and slowly stretch several times.
  2. In the same starting position, bend your arms at the elbows, put your hands on your shoulders and make several rotational movements with your elbows.
  3. Sit down several times at a comfortable speed.

Easy day

It is better to start the working day with calm, not requiring responsible decisions and increased physical activity. For a positive attitude, a cup of green tea with a cube of dark chocolate does not hurt. It is advisable to plan lunch at the same time - this tunes the body to the rhythm and mobilizes forces to fight fatigue.

Among the products that help to cope with the spring breakdown, white cabbage is in the lead. This vegetable is rich in acids that normalize the metabolism, and vitamins, the lack of which is unsettling. A real storehouse of vitamins is sauerkraut, it not only preserves the beneficial properties of a fresh vegetable, but is also enriched with new healing ingredients.

good evening

In the evening, it is recommended to stroll through the park, the promenade or walk a few stops. At home, try to behave calmly, you do not need to arrange a showdown with your husband or find fault with children. If you don't have enough energy for active entertainment and games, watch an interesting film or spend time with a book.

The acupressure of the little finger of the right hand and the areas between the phalanges of the fingers helps to cope well with fatigue. A bath with sea salt is considered a universal remedy in the fight against fatigue - this procedure has a beneficial effect on the skin, soothes and normalizes sleep.

In the spring, many feel exhausted. How to deal with it in the available ways?

Advised by Elena Anatolyevna Nazarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, private practicing phytotherapist from St. Petersburg

Tell me, why, instead of awakening to life, which is inherent in nature, a person, on the contrary, feels unwell with the onset of spring?

The fact is that during the period of biological spring, the coordination of biorhythms of various organs and systems is disrupted in the body. This is due to the fact that in spring there is a transition from the minimum level of general activity to the maximum. In other words, the transition from biological winter to biological summer. It affects the body. This may also be a consequence of your winter retreat within four walls, when frosts, or even elementary laziness, prevented you from making an outing into nature or just outside to get some fresh air. In addition to everything, the body's reaction to cigarettes and alcohol affects. At the end of winter, there are fewer vegetables and fruits in our diet, which means less vitamins. For the same reason, it is in the spring that many chronic diseases are exacerbated, especially cardiovascular and gastrointestinal. They say so about them: spring exacerbations.

How do you deal with all this?

Headaches, sleep problems, slagging of the body, lethargy and loss of strength can be dealt with without resorting to some potent drugs. Of great importance is a decisive turn towards a healthy lifestyle: frequent walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, rest, moderate physical activity. But it will be no less effective to carry out active prevention, which will help cleanse the body of toxins, increase its resistance and saturate it with vitamins. Moreover, this can be done in simple and accessible ways, using what nature gives us: medicinal herbs or drugs created on their basis. First of all, take care to cleanse your intestines from toxins. The attitude towards enemas is now ambiguous, but before the onset of spring they are necessary, especially with the addition of extracts of certain medicinal herbs. Cleansing the liver is of no small importance. Tubazhs can help here. Here is an example of one of the simplest procedures. Add the juice of a third of a lemon to a glass of hot water. Drink it in the morning from 7 to 9 o'clock in small sips or through a straw. Then lie on your stomach with a heating pad under the right hypochondrium. Lie for one and a half to two hours, making sure that the heating pad is constantly hot. Repeat this procedure 10 times every other day. You can also drink tea made from immortelle herb, calendula, corn silk.

Now, briefly about other ways to cleanse the body of winter "garbage".

Cleansing mucus. Add the juice of two or three lemons to 150 g of grated horseradish. Take 1/2 teaspoon mixture twice daily on an empty stomach. This mixture helps to liquefy mucus in places where it accumulates and, importantly, without damaging the mucous membranes.

Cleaning the joints. Dip 5 g of bay leaf in 300 g of water and boil for 5 minutes, then insist in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Strain the solution and drink in small sips for 12 hours. All at once is impossible, since the solution can irritate the gastric mucosa. Perform the procedure for 3 days, then repeat again after a week break. This will get rid of salt deposits in joints, weather pains, joint fatigue.

Cleansing joints with rice. Soak a glass of rice overnight. In the morning, pour out the water, add two glasses of fresh water and cook until tender, until the water is absorbed. Rinse the finished rice from mucus and divide into 4 servings. Take at regular intervals throughout the day at the scheduled time. Drink with one glass of rosehip broth. The next day, eat 500 g of boiled beets or 500 g of apples. Before each meal of rice, drink half a glass of water for 20 minutes.

Today we have primroses. Which ones can be used to cleanse the body?

I would like to note that those plants that grow in the same climatic zone where a person lives have the greatest biological activity, and therefore the greatest benefit for the body. Remember this and do not rely on "exotic" fruits. Do not neglect what is growing with us and has long been familiar. Greenery helps to get rid of spring malaise. However, the body will probably ask for it itself: many know the instinctive desire to chew something "green", and people eat green onions, parsley, and dill with extraordinary pleasure and appetite. This is good, but not enough. Necessary herbs and fees that cleanse the blood, stimulate the activity of the liver, kidneys, circulatory organs.

Nettle is considered the leader among blood purifiers. It helps to increase the level of hemoglobin, expels toxins from the body, activates the functions of internal organs, and cleanses the entire digestive tract. It is valuable that nettle is one of the earliest multivitamin natural foods. It appears immediately after the snow melts, that is, when the body needs vitamins so much. Don't miss this moment. Young shoots of nettle are most often used for the preparation of fortified cabbage soup. Spring nettle salads with eggs are also very tasty. It is not difficult to prepare them: 150 g of young nettle leaves are washed and boiled for 5 minutes. Then they are thrown onto a sieve, cooled and crushed. After that, season with vinegar and salt to taste, add sour cream and lay a boiled egg on top with slices. Nettle leaves are consumed in salted and pickled form. In some countries, they are mashed with meat dishes, used as side dishes and seasonings.

Here is one of the recipes. The leaves are collected, washed, passed through a meat grinder, finely chopped onions and hard-boiled eggs are added. Salt, pepper and vegetable oil are added to taste.

Dandelion is not inferior to nettle in its healing properties. It stimulates the production of bile and eliminates the violation of its outflow, helps in the functioning of the liver, which is very important in the spring, when toxins need to be removed from the body. Some people think that the stem and flowers of the dandelion are poisonous. It's a delusion. Dandelion leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus. And so that they do not have a bitter taste, they must be soaked in salt water for 30 minutes. Nice beetroot salad with dandelion. To do this, take two beets, rub on a coarse grater. Dandelion leaves are sorted, washed thoroughly and finely chopped, poured with hot salted water, brought to a boil and cooled. Mix the prepared beets with dandelion leaves, add kefir, salt and sprinkle with yellow dandelion inflorescences on top.

The well-known mother and stepmother makes up for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements quite well. Its leaves can also be used for food. For example, with cabbage. Take 200 g of it, as well as a glass of milk, 3 tablespoons of margarine, 5 small leaves of mother-and-stepmother, 100 g of stale wheat bread, salt. The cabbage is cut into strips, and the stalk is finely chopped. Several whole cabbage leaves are placed on the bottom of the pan, on them is chopped cabbage mixed with chopped stalk. The pan is put on fire and milk is poured in a small stream. Without stirring, add salt, bring to a boil, remove from heat and insist with the lid closed for 5-10 minutes. Small cubes of stale bread, margarine, washed and chopped leaves of coltsfoot are added to cabbage. Bring to a boil again and serve hot.

And finally, one more spring "purifier" is the field horsetail. It is the field horsetail, because horsetail can also be marsh, and unlike field horsetail, it is poisonous. Horsetail contains more minerals than other medicinal plants. It is especially rich in silicon, which our body needs, and in large quantities - for bones, cartilage, nails and hair. In addition, horsetail helps to normalize water-salt metabolism, expels cholesterol, lead and other toxic substances from the body. Horsetail infusion is taken one tablespoon 3 times a day one hour after meals. But it must be remembered that people with impaired renal function can take this plant only after consulting a doctor. By the way, nettle, dandelion, and horsetail are part of a special cleansing collection that can be bought at the pharmacy. And this collection is recommended for the spring "cleaning" of the body to people of any age - it acts gently and without side effects.

Decoctions and infusions of chamomile help with many gastrointestinal ailments, aggravated in the spring.

Remember that in the spring, your body is in dire need of additional intake of vitamins.

Last tips

To make the transition from winter to summer easier, try to adhere to the following rules:

Always make time for rest and do not overwork yourself.

Be sure to get enough sleep and eliminate insomnia by all available means.

Try to be outdoors for at least one hour, in places far from public transport.

Walk as much as possible, choose a sport that is acceptable to you, swimming is best, or at least get used to morning exercises. This is a great workout for the cardiovascular system.

For spring cleansing of the body, you can use vitamins that have been prepared for future use. But remember: time is vitamins' worst enemy. In overwintered vegetables and fruits, there are not so many of them. Vitamin C suffers the most from long-term storage, which is more active than others in combating spring ailments. In apples picked three months before they hit our table, vitamin C is destroyed by 16%.

According to the calendar, spring has already arrived. But the mood of the majority is not at all springtime: they constantly want to sleep, their working capacity tends to zero, and their head hurts more often. How to overcome the spring breakdown?

It would seem that in the spring all living things awaken, flourish, begin to live a full life. Why then on the first spring days we are accompanied by malaise and depression? Spring breakdown is a consequence of the restructuring of the biorhythms of our body... In winter, we have a minimal level of general activity - we mostly sit at home, lead a sedentary lifestyle. And in summer, on the contrary, the level of our activity is maximum. The transition from one level of activity to another (from biological winter to biological summer) also causes a mismatch of biorhythms and a breakdown.

In addition, in late winter - early spring, our immunity is most weakened. This is due to the fact that there are not enough vitamins in our diet: there are no fresh fruits and vegetables of the new harvest on our table yet, and in the “overwintered” fruits and vegetables the concentration of vitamins has become much lower for several months. Vitamin C is especially susceptible to destruction.

How to overcome the spring breakdown? First, you need to clearly define what exactly is happening to you.... Often, what we consider a "spring flare" can be a more serious problem - anemia (anemia), depression (not short-term bad mood, but real depression - a long-term mental disorder). Therefore, it will not be superfluous to consult a therapist. But if you clearly know that you have exactly the spring breakdown, we can please you: often you can cope with it without the use of medications.

The first piece of advice for those looking to cope with spring breakdown is simple but effective: "Start leading." Is it trite? Maybe, but this advice is not taken from the ceiling. Many health problems, including the spring breakdown, are the result of our bad habits... To them we include not only smoking and alcohol (although they too), but also laziness, unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, a disturbed daily routine, lack or excess of physical activity. So, first of all, you need to take care of proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, moderate physical activity and adequate rest.

Do not exacerbate the spring breakdown with the Stakhanov pace of work. Is a successful career worth ruined health? Separate work and rest, do your best to avoid overwork - at this time of year it is especially dangerous. Moreover, sitting at a computer or TV will not bring any benefit - it is better to get out into nature instead.

Get enough sleep in the spring, so do not stay up late if you know that tomorrow you have to work... If you have insomnia, fight it with medication or folk remedies.

Your indispensable assistant in the fight against loss of energy is moderate physical activity... Ideally, you should try a sport that suits and likes you (swimming is a very good choice). If you can't make time for regular exercise, take up your morning exercises. It's good if instead of public transport, you walk at least part of your daily route.

Three pledges of great mood and well-being are light, color and air... Do not block the curtains from the sunlight, now you never need it. Stay in the fresh air for at least half an hour a day (preferably more), preferably away from cars and other sources of pollution. Ventilate the area you are in regularly. Add more bright colors to your life: new bright clothes, bright fruits in a vase on your bedside table.

Well, don't forget about proper nutrition - spring breakdown is afraid of vitamins like fire... In addition to pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes, good sources of vitamins are wheat germs, freshly squeezed juices, fruits (lemons, kiwi, oranges), sauerkraut, fresh herbs, vegetable oils, fatty fish, black bread, honey, muesli, lean meat. In fruits and vegetables - vitamin C, in bread, meat and muesli - vitamin B, in olive oil - vitamin E, in fish - vitamin D.

Spring breakdown is not inevitable. Healthy lifestyle and good mood will help you "scare" the spring exacerbation and without any discomfort move from a gloomy winter to a sunny summer.

Asthenia is not an infectious disease. But in the spring it takes on the character of an epidemic: 40% of Russians feel a breakdown. How to deal with this problem?

And eternal winter ...

Hover in the office in the morning ... Sleepy, tired employees reach for the cooler with mugs. It would seem spring, sun, love ... But people can hardly move their legs.

Natasha suffered a severe flu. But after three days I went to work - it was necessary to prepare a report. Inga, tall, thin as a model, now generally looks like a pale potato sprout. Even the always energetic, fit Svetlana looks extinct and indifferent to everything. She recently divorced her husband, and her state of mind leaves much to be desired.

Asthenia it is not an independent disease, it issymptom, — says the psychotherapist of the European Medical Center Natalia Mikhailovna Rivkina. - Symptom, which occurs for various reasons. A person can feel a decline in strength after an illness. Fatigue often accompanies depression. But if after the flu a person feels that he has no physical strength, then during depression apathy rolls over him, he does not have enough energy to force himself to do something.

However, many people experience weakness in the spring for one common reason. This is our long, dark winter. In countries where there is a lot of sun, people are less likely to suffer from asthenia and depression.

"I'm sorry for the bird" ...

A person in an asthenic state becomes extremely touchy. He is offended by literally everything, even that which is not directly addressed to him. This is understandable: it is one thing to touch a healthy hand, and quite another to touch a sick one. So, in an asthenic, the entire nervous system is like bare electrical wires.

Such people often become grumpy. Unhappy with everyone, they often mutter something under their breath, talking to themselves. And also a person becomes very sentimental. Watches some touching film and bursts into tears. You tell how a five-year-old kid congratulated you on March 8, and a patient with asthenia has red eyelids.

People often complain that it is difficult for them to concentrate, constant weakness makes them distracted every now and then. Something happens to the memory - it is impossible to keep anything in the head.

Insomnia is often a faithful friend of asthenia, when a person wakes up with a feeling "either asleep or not." The fact is that sleep in a state of asthenia does not bring a feeling of rest. A person cannot sleep for a long time, often wakes up at night, sometimes wakes up in the early morning and lies down until

the alarm clock rings. Although early awakenings are more characteristic of depression than asthenia.

And, of course, a headache - crushing, throbbing, increasing with any stress, mental or physical, it almost always accompanies asthenia.


What do some people with asthenic syndrome do? Most often, they think that this is just laziness, you just need to overpower yourself: take a contrast shower, run a kilometer or two in the park, or "sip iron" in the gym. Workaholics load themselves up with work so as not to "stick out."

Some people, overcoming themselves, go to work with a temperature. But what is the result? It is quite possible that the body is mobilized for some time. But then there will be unmotivated weakness, apathy, fatigue. Or a person will begin to cling to all infections in a row, moving from one cold disease to another.

There is a big difference between laziness and illness. Asthenia weighs on a person, he worries that he does not want anything, that he has no energy for anything. And a lazy person even likes this state: he is lying on the couch, watching TV - and he feels good.

What is the body talking about?

If the weakness continues for two to three weeks, you need to be alert and listen to yourself. After all, the body tells you something: either the loads are too high, or the situation does not satisfy you, or this is the beginning of some kind of disease that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

The hardest part is. Indeed, depending on this, the methods of treatment will be different. And here, of course, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

If you have an asthenic tail of a previous illness, then you will most likely be prescribed multivitamins with mineral supplements, tonic tinctures from plants. If this is a manifestation of depression, then the doctor will select modern drugs with a minimum of side effects in the correct dosage.

Very good activities, relaxation. True, the question may arise: why relax, after all, and so there is no strength for anything? “The fact is that flaccid muscles in an asthenic state are, paradoxically, muscles constrained, constricted,” says Olga Romanovna Arnold, Ph.D. - But it is worth relieving this tension, and it becomes much easier for a person. This is especially true for people with asthenic constitution.

Not bad, acupuncture, as well as special gymnastics, which is indicated for asthenia.

Mr. "Stoletnik" No. 6, 2014

Charge of vivacity and health

Do you want to feel healthy every day? Of course you do! And for this you need not so much. In the morning, as you wake up, do a 5-minute physical exercise, then drink ½ glass of clean water. An hour after taking water, drink an infusion of parsley leaves, rose hips, mandarin or orange peels. All raw materials are taken in equal parts. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 0.5 l of hot water, insist for an hour, take 1/3 cup of infusion 20 minutes before meals for 28 days. Then we take a break for 1-2 months and again repeat the course of admission. At the same time, you can eat a wide variety of foods. Taking this infusion regularly, you will cleanse your body of various toxins, including salt. So, parsley crushes kidney stones, rosehip berries together with seeds help to heal joints, saturate with vitamin C, mandarin and orange peels will destroy bacteria in the body. This method of disease prevention helps me to always feel vigorous and healthy.

And if you want not only to use mine, but also to receive the author's collection of humorous poems "Compensation", write to me about it. I would be very grateful and grateful to those readers who will be able to provide me with financial assistance in publishing a new musical song collection. I wish you all kindness of heart and health in the coming year! By the way, I am 74 years old, I am a pensioner.

396005, Voronezh region,
Ramonsky district, with. Yamnoe,
st. Lenin, 96, apt. one,
Gennady Fedorovich Pasko
Mr. "Stoletnik" No. 3, 2016

How to banish the spring blues

In the spring, when everything around me awakens and rejoices in life, I lose heart. I feel such fatigue and unbearable melancholy that I just don't want to live. To my complaints that I want to sleep all the time, that I do not have enough vitamins, they say, last year's supply is running out by spring. But the vitamin complex that he prescribed to me did not bring relief.

Once a friend told me that she had once experienced something like this; it was not vitamins that helped her to cope with the broken state, but an altered rhythm of life. I decided to follow her example. I began to get up an hour earlier, after work I was in no hurry to go home, but not in a hurry. I began to spend less time watching TV, went to bed earlier, started going to the pool, and soon there was no trace of my feeling of weakness. Over time, my rhythm of life returned to its usual rut, but every spring I change it, and the old ailments do not visit me now.

Svetlana Zhukova,
Vologodskaya Oblast
Mr. "Travinka" No. 7, 2018

How to overcome spring weakness Spring has come, but you feel like a squeezed lemon, you urgently need to take care of yourself. What could be the cause of weakness? Experts believe that this is, first of all ... Simple measures will help you reduce fatigue

Advised by the doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, scientific consultant of the Medical and Psychological Center "Interneiro" Evgeny Alexandrovich Shaposhnikov.

- What causes weakness in the spring?

It can be weakness after suffering the flu or a series of stresses that exhaust the nervous system. Perhaps the reason for your weakness is in the wrong diet. After all, in winter we usually eat too much meat, canned food and sausages and rarely indulge ourselves with vitamins. A sedentary lifestyle is no less harmful. You can work in moderation and get enough sleep, but move a little. This is quite enough to completely weaken by the spring. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle is fraught with diseases of the pelvic organs, because blood circulation is disturbed in this area. Any gynecologist or proctologist will tell you about this. Kiev is a big city, so here you can always undergo diagnostics and treatment of hemorrhoids and paraproctitis.

- Is this weakness a temporary condition or is it an illness?

It is rather a state of pre-illness. The tone of blood vessels decreases, the harmonious work of internal organs is disrupted due to the fact that the brain gives them fuzzy commands. Moreover, these are very subtle changes.

- But they probably have their own symptoms?

Yes, and among them - excess weight, increased sensitivity to weather, unclear gastritis, migraines, menstrual irregularities, back and joint pain. A general weakening of the body can even lead to osteochondrosis.

- That is, spring weakness is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance?

Yes, if the condition lasts for one to two weeks and the symptoms worsen. Weakness is an ailment, and it can be eliminated if you treat it correctly, take timely measures and slow down the process of loss of health.

- Can you do it yourself?

You can try if you know the techniques of autogenic training, self-massage, if you are able to literally force yourself to do health exercises, take a contrast shower in the morning, and in the evening - a medicinal bath with pine needles, sea salt and decoction of valerian and motherwort. But for the most part, such attempts fail. After all, there is no main thing - strength and desire.

- So, there is no choice but to go to the doctor?

Exactly. Moreover, to a neuropathologist or a psychotherapist. Because in this case complex treatment will be the fastest and most effective. Light antidepressants, drugs that improve metabolism and nutrition of the brain. Homeopathic medicines to strengthen the body's defenses. Herbal teas that reduce the increased excitability of the nervous system. Acupuncture, light hypnosis, hydrotherapy. Here is a set of remedies needed for a quick recovery.

- Is this therapy addictive?

No, antidepressants are not drugs, but rather light substances in super small doses. In addition, they do not cure fatigue by themselves. These medications simply help to get out of the apathy. And then everything depends on you.

Says the candidate of medical sciences, psychiatrist of the highest category, board member of the Russian psychoanalytic society, psychotherapist of the Moscow city psychoendocrinological center Alexander Viktorovich Litvinov.

So-called spring weakness is often a sign of chronic fatigue syndrome... Until 1983, doctors knew almost nothing about this syndrome. And even today, the exact cause is unknown. Accordingly, there is no panacea for this unpleasant ailment. It can only be argued that none of the remedies will give a quick effect without the use of various psychotherapeutic techniques.

The experience of traditional medicine, in particular oriental medicine, can be of use in this case. In the East, they are sure that the cause of chronic fatigue is, first of all, a lack of fresh air, vital energy and blood circulation.

- And how does oriental medicine recommend fixing this?

You can improve ventilation of the lungs with the help of a simple exercise, the essence of which is periodic use of deep breathing.

You need to take a deep breath, inflating first the abdomen, then the chest. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale smoothly, as slowly as possible, concentrating on your sensations.

The effectiveness of the exercise increases markedly if you close your eyes and imagine the most problematic part of the body. Imagine that breath is some kind of healing substance that penetrates with inhalation into this very space.

But one should warn against the use of deep breathing in patients with epilepsy. For them, efforts of this kind can provoke seizures.

- And how to recharge with vital energy?

According to the same oriental medicine, we have a certain given level of this energy from birth. And it depends, first of all, on the health of our ancestors. In the future, we can preserve, increase, and sometimes, alas, waste the energy potential.

The optimal level of vitality can be maintained with the help of healing physical procedures, combined with a healthy diet, rational breathing and massage of biologically active points. For example, the Eastern health-improving gymnastics "tai chi" perfectly removes the accumulated fatigue.

But how are weakness and circulatory disorders related?

The most direct one. The nutrition of cells and tissues of the body is disrupted. Elimination of toxins is difficult. And excessive muscle tension aggravates the problem - the person feels even more tired.


Self-massage Take off your shoes and socks and massage your ankles, tops of your feet, and then your feet and toes well

This is very important for maintaining the energy balance of the body, because at least half of the vital meridians pass through the feet. Particular attention should be paid to the kidney meridian point. It is located in the very middle of the sole.

Additionally, you can massage the popliteal region, which is often called the "point of a hundred diseases".

An exercise Stand freely, arms along the body. The head is slightly raised. Inhale smoothly, raising your hands to the sides of the body, directing your palms to the area above your head. Interlace your fingers and turn your palms up. Take another breath, while stretching the muscles of the hands.
Exhale, smoothly lowering the clasped hands through the chest, gradually returning them to their original position. Repeat 5 times.

Medicines Nootropics - nootropil, encephabol and others - have proven themselves very well. They contain a mixture of essential amino acids, which are clearly deficient in chronic fatigue. Herbal preparations and food additives are also popular. Based on ginseng or the exotic plant ginkgo biloba, as well as containing choline, lecithin, vitamin complexes.

Self-belief Try to reevaluate how you personally feel about bothersome fatigue. Do not keep repeating: "I'm tired, everything is terrible." Look around and try to find one or two survivors of the absurdity of pushing yourself into this fatigue. And answer the question: "Do I really want to do without what I usually call fatigue?" After abandoning the latter, you will have to take on a lot of responsibility. Perhaps it is from her that you are hiding behind a screen of fatigue. And in this case, you cannot do without the help of a qualified psychotherapist.

Consulted by Svetlana Gavrilovna Verenikina, Candidate of Chemistry, Senior Researcher, State Scientific Research Institute "Vitamins" in Moscow.

- Which vitamins help to escape from the captivity of spring weakness?

First of all, B vitamins, especially B 6, which improves brain function, and B 12 is necessary for blood formation.

Vitamin C strengthens weakened immunity. Beta carotene, vitamins C and E, as well as polyphenols, zinc and selenium are needed by your body as antioxidants. They neutralize the effect of many harmful substances - toxins and slags, tobacco smoke and dirty air.

You also need magnesium to fight fatigue. This valuable trace mineral increases our resistance to stress.


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