Delicious recipes for breakfast quickly and tasty. What is preparing for breakfast quickly and tasty? Breakfast for your beloved: delicious ideas

Delicious recipes for breakfast quickly and tasty. What is preparing for breakfast quickly and tasty? Breakfast for your beloved: delicious ideas

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What to cook delicious for breakfast

A simple science recipe with avocado was born spontaneously when I wanted to eat, and only eggs and avocado were lit in the refrigerator. It turned out very tasty. The recipe passed on and improved. Here it is!

How to cook a delicious omelet with goat cheese, I learned on vacation. In a small private cafe, a great varied breakfast was served, but a wonderful omelet was chosen all. Everything turned out simply, here's a recipe!

This delicacy was born spontaneously when she wanted something delicious. Since then, a simple apple recipe with yogurt I do as a quick breakfast, in five minutes. I consider this simple combination of successful!

With the preparation of baked sandwich with cheese and tomatoes, even a child can cope. If you do not have goat cheese, do not trouble, replace it with any other. Sandwiches - a wonderful idea for breakfast!

Classic English combination - bacon, eggs and cheese. Delicious breakfast, which is easy and quickly prepared. Omelet recipe in English - for those who want to make a variety of Morning meals!

Omelet in Denverky - a dish, very popular in the western regions of the United States. There it is one of the most widespread male breakfasts. Fast cooking and satisfying.

Incredibly delicious buns with cheese and garlic, which are preparing in a matter of minutes. Do not even break your head over what to cook for breakfast is the best option you will not find.

Raw and delicious sandwiches with bell pepper are a wonderful breakfast for the whole family. And if you do not have time to prepare lunch, you can arrange a quick snack with them.

Do you want to please your seven magnificent crispy baguette with fragrant cheese and garlic inside? Then let's get up, because it is easier to do it!

Chinese cuisine are very popular. Let us open another interesting dish for yourself - Omelet in Chinese. Yes, Omelets prepare in the Middle Kingdom! :)

Your attention is an omelet recipe in Milan. I admit, I was not in the Italian capital, but once I had breakfast in the Italian restaurant - and the Omelet filed with me was called that way.

Omelet in Kuzbars - a dish from a restaurant menu, with which it is worth it. It adequately take the honorable place even on the festive table - it looks so effectively and it gets tasty!

Thin, soft, with a creamy texture - that's how you can describe the omelet in Larring. In Lorraine, the northeast region of France, they know the felt in food, and this recipe is that confirmation.

Puffs with jam make home very easy if you have a pack of frozen dough. The recipe for the layers with the jam is simple, will die every - you can cook them even with children, they will help you.

Omelet with asparagus is an excellent breakfast. Asparagus contains useful minerals and vitamins, and eggs will give you energy charge for the whole day. I tell and show how to make an omelet with asparagus!

Vegetable filling, which will be discussed, is very diverse. It includes champignons, zucchini and leek. Therefore, I very much advise you pancakes with vegetable filling!

Light, golden brown omelet in Thai - the original dish at the beginning of the working (or weekend) day. Despite such an amid name, there is nothing to be afraid - the cooking recipe is very simple.

Omelet recipe for Georgian uncomplicated, however, the dish is obtained - very tasty. This is my husband's favorite omelet, he often begins his work day.

Strawberry pancakes are simply delightful. I often make pancakes with apples, but the idea of \u200b\u200bstrawberry fools completely conquered me. I spied her away. Tasty, simple, beautiful. Here is the prescription.

Black bread can be baked at home, in the oven. Bread cooking takes about four hours. The recipe is designed for two loaf of fragrant black bread with a crust. Bread is enough for a week.

The scrambled eggs in a bachelor, frankly, it is nothing more than ordinary glazing. Of course, experienced bachelors can prepare something more serious, but this dish for many remains corona.

A simple recipe for cooking rice porridge with apples. This dish is the perfect breakfast option: fast, tasty and energy for the whole day! You like both children and adults.

Fragrant and juicy rice with dinners are perfect for breakfast or dinner (vegetarian, including). This simple, but exquisite recipe also includes dried cherries, wine and almonds. Harbor!

Banana Muffins with nuts are a great idea for breakfast, especially Sunday. Make them easy. It's just a salvation if your bananas have shocked, such best are suitable for Madfins.

If you have an electrovnica, you know how it makes it easier for trouble in the kitchen in the morning. I present to your attention the recipe waffles in the electrovnelnice is simple, but very good.

The recipe for Italian Bruschetta is very simple. You will love these cute bright and, most importantly, delicious sandwich, which enjoy phenomenal popularity on solar apartments.

Fritters with blueberries are a hearty and tasty breakfast for the whole family. I make them on milk, they rise as well as on Prostokvash. I tell how to cook pancakes with blueberries!

In Georgia, unfortunately, was not, but the restaurant went and there for the first time I tried this Georgian bread. I do not know how much it looks like a real, but generally a delicious thing!

Chicken cutlets you cook for half an hour. Chicken cutlets are soft and very juicy. They will be loved by both children and adults. Any garnish is suitable for such cutlets - salad, vegetables, rice, mushrooms.

Salad "Mexican" with avocado

This salad combines magnificent harmony of flavors. Feel this tropical delight even in gray weekdays. So, the recipe for Mexican salad with avocado!

Eggs in Florentine - a magnificent idea for breakfast. This recipe always hit my guests with its simplicity and speed of preparation. While coffee is boiled - breakfast ready. Cool recipe!

Fried eggs in Bulgarian is not just a quick breakfast. It is often served as the main dish, as well as on the holiday table. However, each can prepare this dish of simple ingredients.

Such cheesecakes are superbly suitable for quick breakfast or for capricious children who do not like to eat cottage cheese. Hot and fragrant cheesecakes are eating everything!

Metal cottage cheese is very simply preparing at home. For the preparation of gentle fresh cottage cheese, you will leave only half an hour. Such cottage cheese is an excellent dessert, useful and incredibly tasty.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions will be a very satisfying Sunday breakfast or dinner on weekdays. It is a simple cooking, budget and incredibly tasty dish. We will add to porridge and crisp bacon.

Very light vitamin salad! Cauliflower and tomatoes are perfectly complemented by each other, so the recipe for cauliflower and tomatoes salad is simply required to read and use.

Cabbage, cucumbers and apples are a wonderful crisp vitamin salad that is suitable as a side dish absolutely to any dish. I tell and show how to cook it.

Recipe for the preparation of an original roll of omelet with spinach, mustard and cheddar cheese.

Recipe for the preparation of Russian with ham on a bone, cabbage, carrots, repex, onions, tomatoes, parsley and sour cream.

Recipe for the preparation of Russian fishing with pike perch, onion, carrots, dried mushrooms, sauerkraut, parsley and tomato paste.

If you wanted to cook something unusual, then sweet fruit pilaf will have to be likewise. Cooking sweet pilas takes quite a bit of time.

These wonderful sandwiches with egg and garlic we will do, as they say, from what was. Minimum ingredients, but a very pleasant spicy taste is a great option, if the time is crushed.

One of the numerous cooking options is a useful recipe for cooking cheesecraft with carrots, in my opinion, one of the most successful combinations of cottage cheese with vegetables.

If you have got a question - and what to do for breakfast, and I want to do not only eat it in front of work, but also surprise your loved ones - then the Eggs in Jewish will solve your problem!

An excellent and simple dough recipe for pancakes in the bread maker, with whom we can prepare wonderful lush pancakes to taste similar to the pancakes - a great breakfast for the whole family.

I tell how to quickly prepare pancakes. Step-by-step photos will help to understand the preparation of this excellent breakfast even a newcomer. Read and cook!

Recipe for cheese cheese - a great dish for children and adults. The recipe for cheesecakes from cottage cheese is very simple, it will take quite a bit of time to prepare this dish.

Appetizing tartlets with cheese will become a wonderful snack on your festive table.

Curd fruit casserole is the perfect option for a satisfying breakfast or light dinner. In addition, it is suitable for children's and diet food. I share a recipe.

Tropical smoothie is a thick cocktail of tropical fruits, while some of them should be frozen. Then the cocktail comes out thick, moderately cold, velvety. It is useful and great!

The gentle and delicate taste of baked apples will remind you of warm summer, and the smell will fill your home with an aroma of the autumn apple orchard. I tell how to make baked apples in the microlnery!

Pancakes for breakfast love many! With jam, honey, sour cream, condensed milk, cheese or meat. Or with caviar! Pancakes, pancakes are an original Russian dish. They prepare from flour, eggs and milk (or water).

Peaches stuffed and baked in the oven are a typical sweet dish of the Italian region Piedmont. Enjoy this mounted flavor, the benefit of the cooking ingredients is very available!

Best breakfast is pancakes. Even better - if they are stuffed. One of my favorite recipes is pancakes with peaches. If you take juicy peaches and make pancakes correctly, it turns out super!

Italian Omelet version for breakfast or just on a snack. Ingredients can be a variety of meat, vegetables, cheese, greens, etc., most importantly - in principle, understand how to prepare an omelet in Italian.

Baked figs - a delightful dessert, relevant especially for those who flooded fresh figs and does not know what to cook delicious of it. Read the recipe of baked figs - you will like it!

Banana fritters are prepared from two ingredients - eggs and bananas. It's easier to come up with! Wonderful breakfast - satisfying, budget, prepared by a very simple recipe. Oh yes, you will need a blender.

Crispy tasty and fragrant puff pastries with cheese, for the preparation of which you will leave no more than half an hour. Please yourself and your native incredibly appetizing baking of our own production.

Non-dietists do not in vain prompt us to pay attention to breakfast. It must be satisfying and nutritious. Proper breakfast will help you to keep yourself in great shape!

Recipes breakfast

Breakfast and lunch are the very calorie meals. So try to make them a variety of, nutritious, useful and, if possible,

There are many breakfast options for those who follow their figure. Breakfast of coffee with croissant looks appetizing, but it is unlikely to become a slender and healthy.

Breakfast is not necessarily porridge. It can be delicious and diverse, you can choose to choose the loved options and cook something original from time to time.

Rules of useful breakfast

According to nutritionists, during breakfast, women should receive 2/3 of the carbohydrates per day, 1/5 of the fats and 1/3 of the protein.

1. Carbohydrates are better to choose slow, contained in nashas, \u200b\u200bany vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

2. Do not do without fiber, creating a feeling of full stomach. It is very useful for the digestive system. A sufficient fiber volume is contained in fruits and vegetables, oatmeal and bread on bran.

3. For a long time, protein food can be fastened. It is considered to be eggs, fish, mushrooms, meat, legumes and nuts. Any of the listed products can be included in the useful breakfast.

4. If we talk about fats, they must be unsaturated. Such fats are contained in avocado, different vegetable oils and almonds.

Try to eat a variety of food for breakfast, as it were, the temptation was not a temptation to soar porridge from the bag, alternate it with sandwiches, muesli, eggs, fish and other products. Is it worth saying that a cup of coffee albeit you with vigor, but still such a breakfast is not allowed without supplement.

Clash Breakfast Recipes

Porridge porridge

Take 1 cup of milk, 500 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. Butter, sugar, salt to taste. Cook 30 minutes on slow fire, stirring. At the end of the cooking, add butter, salt, sugar. Serve with jam, jam, honey.


Take bread with bran (wholegrain), cut into pieces (form at your desire). In the deep bowl mix eggs, milk, salt. Soak bread in this mixture and fry in a skillet.

Breads with peanut butter

Finger in a 2 grain loaf toaster. Spread on each of them 1/2 art. l. Peanut butter. You can stretch pleasure for a long time, breakfast bread with peanut butter, because it has an incredible taste and aroma.

Figure with smoked fish

In the Victorian time in England, it was customary to serve for breakfast Kedgeree - Rice with smoked fish and egg. If you prepare from the evening, it may not only be delicious, but also a quick Sunday breakfast. Figure can be used yesterday or freshly welded.

You can take a cod or smoked mackerel. Eggs boil to cool (about 10 minutes with slow boil), cool.

On medium fire in sunflower preheated oil, fry the seeds of mustard and zira. After putting a sliced \u200b\u200bonion in the pan, snipping turmeric and quickly fry on medium heat for a couple of minutes, stirring. Add boiled rice to bows. Next, spray with lemon juice. Fish peeling from bones and skin, cut into pieces, put to rice. Optionally, add a chopped parsley, salt, lay out from above the quarters of boiled eggs.

Oatmeal with peanut butter

Prepare oatmeal, add the sliced \u200b\u200bslices 1 medium banana. Top Pay 1 tbsp. l. Melted peanut butter. Very tasty, and most importantly - quickly.


Take Muesli, pour cream (ordinary or soy milk).


Brew buckwheat with steep boiling water in the thermos, leave for the night. In the morning - a warm and useful breakfast is ready!

Oatmeal in the bank

Healthy and fast breakfast can be cooked from the evening. In the glass jar we add oatmeal, yogurt, any berries, fruits and send to the refrigerator.

Egg Breakfast Recipes

Sandwich with scrambled eggs

Shake 2 eggs, add 1 tsp. Red hammer pepper. Finger in a frying pan. Cut the bun on the 2 parts, cut the cuts. Put the scrambled eggs between the halves. This fast in the preparation of a sandwich is a good source of proteins.

Omelet with bacon

Shake 4 egg squirrels, add 50 g of grated cheese and 1 piece of bacon. Finger in a frying pan. After such a meal, you will feel a long time ago.

Roots with egg and chicken

Prepare from 2 egg whites scrambled eggs. Finished chicken breasts cut off stripes. Live everything on a lavas leaf, add a chopped tomato and roll up into the tube. This dish is low-calorie and at the same time nutritional.

Eggs boiled sick

Eggs, welded sick, can be eaten with tops cut into strips 1 cm. Toasts can be carked into yolks.

Omelet on a litter of cheese (in the oven)

On the bottom of the opposition or deep frying pan lay chopped with a piece of cheese so as to close the bottom. Put tomatoes cut on it with circles. Beat eggs with milk and this mixture to fill the previous ingredients.

Then put in the oven. It turns out an air omelet with a cheese "cake" at the bottom and juicy tomatoes inside. Delicious!

Rolls with Omelet

Very tasty and nutritious breakfast. Prepare a thin oslet of 1-2 eggs and milk. And then wrap it in Lavash. You can add more as a filling any slightly stew vegetables. Such a recipe will like a man.

Recipes for breakfast in the microwave

Morning Sandwich

Preheat in the microwave oven for hamburger, cut it into 2 parts. On one half, put a piece of soft cheese, sprinkle with chopped greens, pour the sauce or vegetable oil and cover the other half. Such a sandwich can be taken with you to work - this is an excellent alternative to Sandwich from Mac.

Baked apple with cinnamon

Add to the finely chopped or grated with a muesley and a bit cinnamon. Put for 2 minutes to the microwave oven - and the breakfast is ready! This dish is very useful for health, and cinnamon gives him a special spicy fragrance.

Spinach egg squirrels

Take 3 egg squirrels, add 1/2 cup of frostbed spinach to them, salt and pepper in taste. Cook in the microwave oven 2 minutes. If there is boiled potatoes on the side dish, then breakfast will be more satisfying.

Bun with tomatoes and cheese

Put between the halves of the grain bun 2 pieces of tomato and 50 g of low-fat cheese. Prepare in a microwave until the cheese is melted. Such a dish is prepared in seconds and combines grain, dairy products and vegetables.

Recipes for breakfast with a magic blender

Soy shake

In a blender, mix to the formation of a homogeneous mixture of 1 cup of fresh orange or pineapple juice, 100 g of tofu cheese and 1/2 cup of fresh fruit. After the morning charging, such breakfast is simply great!

Jogurt-citrus cervical

Mix in a blender 100 g of low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup of fresh fruit, 1/2 cup of orange juice, 2 tbsp. l. Gestroined wheat and 1/2 cup of cheat ice. To make a cocktail, you can add a slightly honey or syrup.

Milk-fruit cocktail

Wake up in a blender 1 cup chopped into small pieces of fresh fruits and / or berries, 2 glasses of low-fat milk, 100 g of vanilla pudding and 1 cup of crushed ice. Pour the cocktail of 4 Smes and immediately serve. Carbohydrates, proteins and fiber will perfectly thorough hunger and provide you with an afternoon energy.

Recipes for Fruit Breakfast

Bananas with nuts

Cut bananas with circles and add a ground or crushed hazelnut, fill with sweet syrup or "juice" from jam.


For me personally, this breakfast is not suitable. I will stay hungry. But if you prefer to share breakfast for 2 meals, as well as the French, then boldly make fruit salad. Ingredients at your discretion.

Recipes for simple and fast breakfast

Oatmeal, fruits and soy milk

Prepare oatmeal in the microwave, add the berries to them and pour yourself a glass of soybean milk. An excellent option for those who are always in a hurry.

Yogurt with apple juice and flakes

Mix in a bowl of 1/2 cup of apple juice, 1/2 cup of vanilla yogurt, 1 tsp. Sugar and pinch cinnamon. Put at night in the refrigerator. Before serving on the table, add 2 tbsp. l. ready to use oatmeal
flakes. If you cook food in the evening, you can save a lot of time in the morning.

Breads with yogurt and strawberry

Sat the loaf of yogurt or whipped curd, and put the strawberry top on top.

Cottage cheese with melon

To half a small melon lay out 1 cup of cottage cheese. Top pour a bit of peeled sunflower seeds and pour honey. This breakfast is the best choice for those who cannot eat heavy food in the morning.

Roll with apples

Put on a lavash sheet finely chopped apple halve, a bit of cottage cheese, put 1/2 h. L. Sugar and pinch cinnamon. Wrap in the roll. Cook in the microwave oven 30 seconds.

Vegetable pancakes

You can prepare vegetable pancakes by adding a grated carrot, potatoes, pumpkin or zucchini.

Recipes based on cottage cheese

Cottage cheese mixture with greens

Soft cottage cheese from a pack to mix with chopped greens, and then smear to toasts.


Take 2 packs of cottage cheese, 4 tbsp. l. Without top of sugar, 2 eggs, art. l. Manki. Mix all the ingredients, put in a lubricated oil dishes for a microwave oven, bake for usual mode 10 min. Another 10 minutes do not remove from the stove - until complete readiness.

I want to take this recipe for yourself!

Cottage cheese with sour cream and with dried fruits

This breakfast recipe is very fast and universal. Let your houses always be at hand cottage cheese, dried fruits, nuts, jam and frozen berries, then you can easily prepare it. The taste of this dish will vary depending on the ingredients.


Cheesemies are made very quickly. I just adore them and sometimes let myself this recipe. Take 250 grams of cottage cheese, 1-2 eggs, sugar, salt and 0.5 cups of flour. Mix in a deep bowl of cottage cheese with eggs, salt and sugar (you can add a baking powder), and then pour flour and continue to mix.

Mixed in water with a tablespoon to dial the curd mass, cut off from all sides in flour and form round or oval folds. Fry in a frying pan on both sides. Serve with berries, sour cream.

You can still put the cheese pieces into cheese: it melts inside.

Recipes for Sunday breakfast

On Sunday, you can cook something new. These dishes occupy more time, but the result is worth it.

Potatoes with egg

Mix the pieces of bacon with a crushed green onion, put in the microwave per minute. Add 1 sliced \u200b\u200bboiled potatoes and prepare for another 3-5 minutes. Sung wash, pepper, pour egg and bake 1.5 minutes. Sprinkle 1 tbsp. l. Cheddar cheese. Serve with orange slices. Added another 1 egg and more bacon, you will get a wonderful dinner.

Acute cheese

Mix 2 eggs with 1/4 cups of chile sauce. Pour the mixture on the frying pan lubricated with vegetable oil, sprinkle 2 tbsp. l. grated cheese. Fry for 5 minutes. Serve with a salad of tomatoes. Thanks to cheese, the omelet becomes very satisfying, and Chile gives him sharpness.

Oat bran pancakes with berries

This breakfast recipe is very useful. Check the dough for pancakes, but instead of wheat flour use oatmeal. Add 1 cup of blueberries or other fresh or frozen berries. Prepare in a pan with a small amount of oil. Serve to the table with pieces of melon. The remaining dough is removed in the refrigerator and prepare pancakes the next morning.

Breakfast for weight loss - what you should not eat

Sausages, sausage, banal sandwiches without vegetables and greenery, glazed raws, "miracle yogurts", crispy flakes (all sorts of pads), etc. ...

Photo ideas - recipes for breakfast

Last time I often make a crouton and vegetable salad for breakfast. What is your recipe for a tasty and useful breakfast?

It is difficult to imagine, but the breakfast turned into a mandatory morning ritual only in the XVIII century, when the rabous rhythm of life obliged people employed in the production rapidly developing in the conditions of the industrial revolution, to eat before a long working day to literally not fall from fatigue to Evening.

Since then, about breakfast is not forgotten in any country: In Britain, it is accepted to breakfast with traditional oatmeal, toasts with a jam and boiled-boiled egg, in the USA - strong coffee and cornflakes with milk, in Greece every morning begins with coffee and national baking, and In Japan, with miso-soup and pickled vegetables.

Breakfasts of different countries can be compared infinitely. They are all very different and tasty, but only you decide which kitchen is ideal for your start of the day. The most, perhaps, the main requirement for breakfast all over the world - it must be fast and at the same time satisfying. And of course,

In a new review, we collected the best recipes for tasty and useful breakfasts on the ambulance hand: a minimum of time, the maximum of energy for the whole day and, of course, the benefit for the body.



The best hot breakfast on the ambulance hand is an ordinary imperious scrambled eggs. Recently, we told you about that simple, quickly and tasty.

We suggest you choose your ideal scrambled eggs for breakfast. It can be, for example, Mexican, original, air (our special simple step-by-step recipe!) Or, finally, for those who missed unusual recipes. If you are very treated in the morning, be sure to pay attention to these options: they all prepare no more than 15 minutes!


Toasts with egg

The simplest and rapid breakfast recipes on the ambulance hand - toasts. If you add to them rich in the Eggs protein, you will not feel hunger for a long time, and the performance will be at the highest level for all the first half of the day.


Another option of fast sweet breakfast is air, appetizing pancakes.

Classic pancakes in kefir are preparing only 15 minutes: now you are definitely not late to work and leave the house satisfying! Read on an ambulance hand for weekdays.

Sweet sandwiches

If you have whole grain bread, some fruit and something sweet as a sauce, consider that your quick breakfast is ready. We offer you several sweet toast recipes - the perfect option for the first meal.

About 10 minutes will take you cooking and the same time - the dream of all sweets,



Porridge is the most raw and useful breakfast of all that only exist. Oatmeal, for example, prefer to prepare athletes in the morning and people who follow their diet, because no other dish contains so many useful properties at the same time: it is vitamins, and useful trace elements, and fiber, and most importantly - a real energy charge for the whole day.

Oatmeal - hardly the best breakfast on the ambulance hand. Cook in the morning hearty or appetizing, which you do not even need to cook.

Rice porrige

If the oatmeal managed to get bored for you in childhood, try to cook rice porridge for breakfast. It is practically not inferior to oatmeal according to its useful properties.

Be sure to pay attention to the toast, smoothie and porridge.

Other Kashi.

If you have long been looking for the perfect and non-piece option for a quick breakfast, this is exactly what you need. You will need only 15 minutes to prepare such a tasty and useful breakfast.

Another breakfast on the ambulance hand is the perfect taste, both in childhood, and an extremely simple recipe from only 3 ingredients.



Smoothie is always tasty, useful and, most importantly, easy, that is, a real breakfast on the ambulance and the charge of solar vitamins until the evening.

Stunning fast breakfast recipe -. An excellent choice to start the day is delicious and helpful. The most unusual smoothie is filing: a deep plate instead of the usual high glass.


Very bright smoothies are obtained from vegetables.

Everyone knows perfectly, as harmful in the morning do not breakfast. But stubbornly continue to mock the body, limited to a cup of hot coffee, drunk dull. Stop, it's time to stop and change your attitude to the morning eating. Quick Breakfast - Great way to do it! There are amazing recipes for delicious dishes in the morning, which can be prepared quickly, literally in 5 minutes. Time is Fast and delicious breakfast It will take a little, and energy charge will be provided for the whole day.

Scrambled eggs "Heart"

When they woke up in a beautiful mood, then the main thing is not to lose this thin string and provide the same positive as your loved ones. Will help stunning culinary fantasy - fast and delicious breakfast.

We need:

  • sausage, the longer - the better;
  • one egg;
  • creamy oil can be replaced with sunflower.

On a note! All products for one portion - Calculate how much it is necessary to feed the consumers .


  1. We cut a neat sausage along into two parts, but not until the end.
  2. We divorce halves to the sides, connecting the bottom tips and fixing the toothpick. It turns out the contour in the form of a heart.
  3. Fry on oil in a frying pan on the one hand. Then we turn to another.
  4. In the center we divide the egg. Cover the lid and bring until readiness.
  5. Excess, which flowed, cut off. We remove the toothpick, add any greens.

Hearts are submitted exclusively with love))).

Quick Breakfast from Lavash with Cheese, In Egg

The usual pita can be used completely in a new way. No comes with a dough. Quickly, easily and very tasty.

Required products:

  • armenian subtle lavash;
  • solid cheese - 100 gr;
  • 1 egg;
  • spices, salt in their taste needs;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Lavash split across a few elongated stripes.
  2. Cheese finely cut into the same slices, but twice as shorter.
  3. Beat egg with the addition of salt.
  4. Take a lava strip and wrap the cheese slice into it.
  5. Sleep slightly into the egg and fry on the oil alternately on each side about 3 minutes.

To serve hot!

Omelet with tomatoes

If you want some mute in the morning, then the omelette with bright red tomatoes and greens is what you need.

And if you cook the scrambled eggs with vegetables in the summer season, it will be a completely unfortunated dish. And according to nutritionists, the "harmful" scrambled eggs with tomatoes immediately becomes useful. Take:

  • two eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. milk spoons;
  • medium tomato;
  • pepper and salt;
  • olive herbs if you want spicy flavors.

Cooking process:

  1. Eggs carefully beat together with milk. Sweep salt and pepper.
  2. Tomato cut into rings.
  3. Melt the creamy oil first, then pour the resulting mixture into the frying pan.
  4. As a slightly "grab", put the ring of red tomato on top.
  5. Sprinkle with greens, cover with a lid.
  6. Before readiness, without turning over.

Croutons with cheese: easy, satisfying and tasty

Such a breakfast does not take a lot of time on cooking.

It consists of the most familiar products that are always in the refrigerator. But how appetizing and fragrant! Prepare:

  • bread or Baton - 4 pieces
  • solid grade cheese - 2 plastic
  • egg - one
  • milk - Two full tablespoons
  • salt pepper
  • garlic - 1 teeth (on an amateur).


  1. Pretty beat egg together with milk.
  2. Add salt, pepper. And during the flu epidemic, garlic does not hurt.
  3. To coat the prepared bread into the mixture obtained, but only one side.
  4. In the middle between two pieces to put a slice of cheese.
  5. The resulting sandwich to fry to the appetizing golden color.


Another wonderful fast and tasty breakfast on ambulance hand. When it wants to complicate the menu or diversify, then on the eve I need to take care and buy some curd suluguni. Then all homemade will wake a wonderful aroma of the breathtaking and delicious cakes in the morning.


  • milk - a glass;
  • egg;
  • flour - a glass;
  • suluguni (curd) - approximately 300 grams;
  • butter - tablespoon.

Cooking stages:

  1. Hanging egg or fork to beat the egg.
  2. Add milk and beat again.
  3. Pick up flour and continue whipping.
  4. Grate the cheese on a shallow grater.
  5. Connect cheese with dough. To stir thoroughly.
  6. On the frying pan with butter gently lay out the mass.
  7. On a small fire, fry a cake until she finally shake.
  8. Then flip and fry the second side.

Well, now - to work! Energy is enough to lunch. We wish you culinary success and pleasant appetite!

We will be very glad to see you as permanent readers on our channel in Yandex Zen , as well as with great impatience we are waiting for you to visit

Irina Kamshilina

Prepare for someone much more pleasant than for yourself))


Doctors argue that breakfast is an important meal of food that cannot be passed. If you miss the morning meal, then the body does not have enough strength and energy for full work during the day. Proper breakfast is a guarantee of good well-being. From what we will eat, waking up in the morning, will depend our mood for the whole day. Start your morning with a useful and balanced breakfast prepared according to the right recipes.

Proper nutrition is compliance with special principles and dietary recommendations regarding food. To start eating correctly, it is necessary:

  • Take food at the same time. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should begin at the same time every day without exception. Nutrition for a clear schedule contributes to the correct learning of food, normalizing the operation of the digestive system.
  • Eat does not rush, carefully burn food, it will help her best to worry.
  • Do not take liquid before or immediately after eating. It is advisable to drink water, tea, and other drinks in an hour after breakfast, lunch or other meals.
  • Each meal should begin with eating raw vegetables, fruits.
  • Make your daily menu so that it has 40% proteins, 30% of carbohydrates and 30% fat, it is especially important for athletes.
  • Refuse semi-finished products, fast food in favor of the right useful dishes.

What is useful to eat in the morning?

Many people prefer to eat in the morning in that it is faster to cook: croutons, scrambled eggs with sausage or sausages. The use of these dishes in the morning violates the principles of proper nutrition. Morning menu should be the third part of the entire day diet. For breakfast, you need to choose the right nutritional dishes that will help to saturate the body. It is desirable that the morning menu consisted of a set of different products. To comply with the principles of proper nutrition, use for breakfast:

  • Milk and fermented milk products. Low-calorie cottage cheese will satisfy the needs of the body in protein food, will saturate it with useful vitamins, microelements, and will not harm the figure.
  • Cereals. Whole grain bread and cereal is the perfect beginning of the day. Oatmeal and loaf with bran, lubricated with a thin layer of cream oil will become energy sources for a working day, both adults and adolescents.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Each meal must contain a piece of fresh vegetables, fruits, and breakfast is no exception. Dried fruits are also helpful, add them with small portions to porridge for breakfast.
  • Meat, bird. Protein products are useful throughout the day. Eggs are not the only source of protein. The egg yolks contain many cholesterol, harmful to health. Therefore, nutritionists recommend instead of the usual scrambled eggs to prepare an omelet from three proteins and one yolk. Sandwich with a piece of boiled chicken will not harm the diet, and it will be a good magnificent morning dish.

Menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner for weight loss

Thanks to a properly selected diet during breakfast, the body receives nutrients that support it and quench the feeling of hunger to lunch. Scientists have established that a person who transmits the morning meal is slowed down by 7-8%, and this leads to a set of excess weight. Breakfast is recommended to eat at least 25% of the daytime calorie. To lose weight, choose as right morning dishes:

  • oatmeal;
  • protein omelet with vegetables;
  • cottage cheese with greens.

Do not forget about the second breakfast, it must be scheduled in your day. For lunch it will be suitable:

  • sandwich with chicken fillet;
  • vegetable salad;
  • kefir with a handful of dried fruits;
  • natural yogurt without sweeteners.

Lunch is a rich meal, which consists of several dishes. According to the principles of proper nutrition, it is necessary to eat about 40% of the calorie of the entire day diet for lunch. Doctors are recommended for the prevention of gastritis diseases, gastritis, as well as weight loss, include a hot dish in the lunchtam. Right lunch for weight loss is:

  • fresh vegetable salad, which should be started. Vegetable dish helps run digestion, saturate the body with a useful fiber.
  • vegetable soup, lean borsch, soup or ear - hot dish recommended daily.
  • a piece of boiled chicken, turkey, low-fat fish. The portion should be small, the meat should be prepared without oil and salt.

In favor of new-fashioned diets, many people begin to abandon dinner. Do not do it! Low-calorie correct dinner will help you wake up in the morning in a good mood, without headaches. When you pass the evening meals, there are problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, up to peptic ulcer. To lose weight, the dinner is recommended to use:

  • boiled or stew vegetables, stew.
  • fish dishes. Fish is better to cook for a couple or bake in the oven.
  • dairy products. Useful both unfavorable grades of solid cheese, as well as low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

Recipes of delicious and useful breakfast dishes with photos

Baked apples with cottage cheese - useful breakfast option


  • large apples - 5 pcs.;
  • degreased cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • raisins - several tablespoons;
  • tsukata - to taste;
  • sugar powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • natural honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon.
  1. Apples are rinsed under running water, dried. Gently cut off the "hat" of apples, with the help of a teaspoon we remove the core.
  2. Cottage cheese whipped by a blender to pomp.
  3. Raisins, Cuts pour boiling water, after which they drain the water.
  4. We mix cottage cheese with raisins and bezukate, add sugar powder.
  5. Cottage cheese stuffing prepared apples.
  6. Stuffed apples cover with cut covers, wrap each fruit in foil.
  7. We bake the dish at 180 degrees in the oven for a quarter of an hour.
  8. We serve a dish, sprinkled with cinnamon slightly and watering with natural honey.

Omelette with vegetables in the oven - Useful and nutritious breakfast


  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • fat cream - 50 ml;
  • young zucchini or zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • small carrot - 1 pc.;
  • one sweet pepper of any color;
  • large tomato - 1 pc.;
  • on a beam of parsley and green onions;
  • solid cheese optional - a pair of tablespoons;
  • spice.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Tomato Cut with circles.
  2. Kabachka or Zucchini remove skin, cut it with cubes.
  3. Sweet pepper without seeds also shredding cubes.
  4. Carrots, peeled from the peel, cut thin straw.
  5. Greens finely ruby.
  6. In a deeply dog, heat several tablespoons of sunflower oil, send carrots to him. It is enough to readiness (about 7 minutes).
  7. We add to carrots all other prepared vegetables and weeding them under the closed lid for 5 minutes.
  8. In a separate deep dish, we beat eggs with cream to puff for several minutes. Add grated cheese to the dish.
  9. We combine the egg mass with cooled stew vegetables.
  10. We pour the mixture into heat-resistant dishes and bake in the oven at 180 degrees about a quarter of an hour. Breakfast is ready!

Useful oatmeal - Proper breakfast with a minimum calorie


  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • two glasses of low fat milk;
  • to taste sugar, salt;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • handful of raisin;
  • one small apple.

Cooking sequence:

  1. In boiling milk suck oatmeal. Stirring, cook porridge on slow heat until readiness (3-5 minutes). We add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
  2. Apple cut the skin and remove the seeds. Cut the fruit with small cubes, add to the caress.
  3. Raisins are screaming with boiling water, we dry. We send to the plate to oatmeal. Dish is ready!

Cottage cheese with greens - useful and nutritious dish


  • cottage cheese 0-% fat content - 200 g;
  • bunch of greenery (dill, parsley, kinza, green onions);
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth;
  • salt;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Greens finely crushed.
  2. Skip the garlic through the press.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with greens and garlic, add salt to taste.
  4. Tomatoes cut into circles.
  5. At each mug of tomato, lay out on a tablespoon of cottage cheese.
  6. Dish decorate parsley sprig.

Useful sandwich - the right beginning of the day

The perfect and balanced start of the day from the Herbalife

If you do not have time to prepare the right breakfast in the morning, we recommend paying attention to the products of the company Herbalife. The advantage of a finished breakfast from herbalife is that you do not need to calculate the ratios of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to make a dish useful for the body. It is only necessary to drink ready-made cocktails with already correctly selected calorie.

An ideal breakfast from Herbalife is ready-to-eat products. According to the scheme indicated in the manual, add dry mixes into the unfavorable milk, whip the cocktail in the blender and use in the morning for breakfast. The formula of the cocktail is chosen so as to saturate your body with all the useful substances and vitamins. Want to learn more about the right and useful breakfast - watch the video below.

Video: breakfast options with proper nutrition

With the help of our recommendations and step-by-step recipes you can prepare a right useful breakfast. Apply your fantasy while cooking, add new products, experiment with ingredients, then you will have a delicious dish. If you want to know even more recipes for the right breakfast dishes and inspire preparation, we advise you to watch a video master class below. Having looked at the video, you will learn to cook even more dishes that fully comply with the principles of proper and separate nutrition.

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Right breakfast


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