The new chairman of the SBU is primitive, Malogramny and a big patriot of Russia. Policy reviews

The new chairman of the SBU is primitive, Malogramny and a big patriot of Russia. Policy reviews

Born on December 22, 1964 in Keyl, Estonia. He graduated from Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots and the Air Force Academy. Yu.A. Gagarin.

  • 1982 - 1991 - service in the Armed Forces
  • 1991 - 1998 - Service in parts of the Air Force of the State Unitary Enterprise (Double Subordination Russia, Ukraine)
  • 1998 - 1999. - Worker of the militarized protection of Donetsk Gak "Donbass - Eastern Airlines of Ukraine"
  • 2007 - 2008 - Specialist of the Department of Internal Security of the Corporation "MPS", Donetsk
reference: Under the modest abbreviation "MPS" is hidden by the Interregional Industrial Union Corporation, which is 99% owned by Lemtrans, the largest private cargo railway carrier of Ukraine. LEMTRANS, starting from June 2007 and by the end of 2012, was the common property of Rinat Akhmetov and Viktor Yanukovych. True, the proportion of the presidential family was hidden on the company "ATP-Group", according to which the guard of the residence "Mezhyhigor'e" will be lachd.
  • 2008 - 2010 - worked for temporary work without the conclusion of labor agreements
  • 2010 - 2011 - Head of the Department of Sat of Ukraine in Sevastopol
  • 2011 - 2012 - Head of the Department of Sat of Ukraine in the Donetsk region
  • 2012 - January 2013 - First Deputy Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine - Head of the General Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime of the Central Security Service of Ukraine

A family

Married, raises her daughter.


According to Yakimenko himself, he was a pilot pilot and flew to SU-37. From the ranks of the Armed Forces quit in 1998. Until August 5, 2011, Alexander Grigorievich held the position of head of the Department of SBU in Sevastopol.

August 5, 2011 appointed head of the SBU Donetsk region. Then he changed the position of First Deputy Head of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Chief of the General Directorate to combat Corruption by Vladimir Rokitsky. The corresponding decree was published on the website of the President on July 5, 2012. The dismissal of Rokitsky was explained by the fact that he was a member of the team of the ex-head of the SBU Valery Khoroshkovsky. According to the sources surveyed by the "Commander", recently, Yakimenko has been closely communicated with Alexander Yanukovych.

After the dismissal of Valery Khoroshkovsky from the SBU and the appearance of Yakimenko, there were several shuffled cards at customs. Previously, control over her was entrusted to Igor Kaletnik, a friend of the President of Yuri Ivanovenko and, in fact, Valery Khoroshkovsky. After moving the last to the Cabinet of Ministers and the dismissal of his "right hand" of Rockitsky, seriously spoke about the interests of the family at the customs. Indirectly, this information was confirmed after the "blocking" of the activities in this field of partners of Yuri Ivanovenko. The report, which was made by the President, say informants, was preparing for Yakimenko.

An "entering" Alexander Yanukovych for customs, as the "economic truth" writes, it happened extremely simple: "Family earlier received money from customs, but through Enakievsky." At some point they understood: why share with someone if you can control directly? ".

In the SBU in the Donetsk region, Yakimenko headed the transport department in the structures to combat economic crimes. His loudest thing was to investigate the fall of Anapa's aircraft - St. Petersburg in a dry beam on August 22, 2006, where 160 people died. When transferring to work from Sevastopol to Donetsk "Grown" to the general title. While he was the head of the Department of SBU in the Donetsk region, Alexander Yakimenko was the initiator of the construction of the chapel in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky. At the opening of the chapel, Viktor Yanukovych came to the opening - Lyudmila.

On the forums, you can find references that "staying in the post of head of the Hozo Management department wrote off under the pretext of returning sponsors Rented cars, which, on their" tricks, "sold himself and designed for its name. Businessmen, from Dnepropetrovsk - who granted cars for rent, about it, neither sleep, no spirit ... Alexander Yakimenko in the Donetsk region moved by the Toyota Land Cruiser car, the cost of which begins from $ 86,990 dollars.

Hoable Glava SBU ALEKCACACACDP YakEnko DO 1998 was the Ofsepo of Pociycky Apmy.

There is an output from EGO ZAPEYY NA FOPYME AVAIKOKOVOGO AVAKOGO ONENOGO AVIATINGO YOURCHO, COPOM YCHILCE YAKEKOO, COPAUT "UKPAINCAKE PPAAVDA" CO CJSC NA TBI. There is a one who has a matter, which has received a fobype of the coobrity of a nicer "ALEKCACACACDP YakOnko", - now Glava SBU. BO-PEPLYX, ON FIGHTYPYETE IN POSTYCKE CNICKNOW 1986, and NECKOFLOCHO will have created a coordinate in FOPYMA, GDE, which is kypcantes of the cylinder C 86-HO DYUYCA. BO-WPOs, Yakimno and Cam COMPEATS, THERE PEEPED NA CLEMBY IN THE SBU, PACK QUESTORY, THAT THERE CAYS CYXOES BALKOY CAMULE ...

To ET, Facts, externally on the intelect-foysma, COPPAFAFIA. Speaking YakOnno Na FOPYME Data 14 APPEL 2006. ON PACCAGE ON TEM, CHEME CHEELLY DOCLY DYYCA is from the ychylis. A YPOINAYA OB YppaBejezes Bezpoachni in the fact's OblCti, Ypplies ... abbrevatypy kgb. - POCLE DYAKAKA CHARNED IN MONNALLY (Children), was displayed in KPE (GWaptEyckoe), the BBA was 97th, operating in the 98th. CEECC in the donets in the KGB, - Cooked Yakimno.

B GWapteck There is a pycquail, a BBA, a BBA - This is a BoeNo-everybody. Geagapina, PACPLYLYE MOCKS, in KTOPO, KCTATI, YCylCA and Kympa Bicktopa Yasykvich Geopygiy Besegrow. B ESE SHIPE SHOWNE DEATALZIPYEYTE, DAY DOES NOT BY UKPAINY. B Pocci ON, OKAYTCE, SKA. - For Tex, the CTo NE has stretched, - the Clay in the fact of the Clay buckspaccines in the Doctor of Oblarti. However, I have a job, I smelled, so that the moat is no longer ... ny. Bot and Y feed. A TETHERS ZAMETING, PREVENED WORLD, WHAT AND TYAN LIMKY, - PACCAZAY YAKEKO. The KPOME is in one of the coobs, Yakimno NEGATIVNO Otvytza o quietlyCex and Horopit, what is the CMI of the CMI. Welcome from APMEYCKIX DEL "POGAN METLOY".


Ranks, ranks, regalia

  • Major General (2011).
  • He was awarded the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky III of the Heat (2012).


At the end of the secondary school from 1982 to 1986 - the cadet of the Supreme Military Aviation School of pilots. V. M. Komarova. At the end of the school, from 1986 to 1991, he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. He served in the 43rd aviation regiment of bomber fighters in the Moangolia (Choibalsan), and after the regiment was withdrawal - in KPYU (GWAPDEKOE). From 1991 to 1998 he served in parts of the Air Force Black Sea Fleet Subordination of Russia. In 1997 he graduated from the Air Force Academy. Yu. A. Gagarin. In 1998 he resigned from the rows of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

SBU on Tuesday will show journalists "Fighters GRU"

The ex-head of the SBU Yakimenko is suspected of organizing the supply of weapons to the East of Ukraine

RBC 05/26/2014, Berdyansk 13:09:56 On May 25, during a special operation in the Berdyansky district of the Zaporizhia region, employees of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained the load of small arms and explosives. He was intended for arming militias, reports RBC-Ukraine with reference to the press service of the SBU. The security forces suspect that one of the organizers of illegal deliveries of weapons is the ex-head of the SBU Alexander Yakimenko.
Link: 20140526130956.shtml # XTOR \u003d Al- [INTERNAL_TRAFFIC] - [lenta_body] -

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine suspects Yanukovych, Zakharchenko and Yakimenko in creating a terrorist organization

GP of Ukraine accused Yanukovych, ex-chapter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the ex-head of the SBU in terrorism

RBC 04/18/2014, Moscow 13:38:55 The General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine suspects the president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko and the ex-head of the SBU Alexander Yakimenko in the fact that they created a terrorist organization. It is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the representative of the GPU.
Link: 20140418133855.shtml

Ex-head of the SBU: Commandant Maidan may be involved in the shooting in Kiev

03/13/2014, Moscow 03:38:43 Former head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Alexander Yakimenko said that the Commander of Maidan Andrei Parubi could be involved in organizing the execution of protesters in Kiev. Yakimenko told about it in an interview with Russia-24 TV channel.
Link: http: // rbcfreenews / 20140313033843. shtml

Verkhovna Rada changed the head of the Security Service of Ukraine

02/24/2014, Kiev 19:58:04 Verkhovna Rada adopted a resolution, who was fired by Alexander Yakimenko from the post of Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). For the corresponding decision voted 346 people's deputies.
link; 20140224195804.shtml

In the evening an emergency will be introduced: a joint statement of the head of the SBU Alexander Yakimenko and I.O. Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko

Extremists from the opposition crossed the border - they are killed on the streets of the capital of Ukraine in any innocent people, mock the women, harness and undermine houses and cars. In the center of Kiev begins chaos. At the same time, the leaders of the opposition by telephone carry out the director of these crimes. Their goal is one - even the price of human blood to get to the power seats. We cannot allow further injection of the conflict. Ordinary citizens turn to power with calls to bring order, return stability and peace to Ukraine.
Link: php? id \u003d 58305

"In the center of Kiev begins chaos"

The Acting Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko and the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine Alexander Yakimenko distributed a joint statement: "Extremists from the opposition switched the border - they kill the streets of the capital of Ukraine in any innocent people, mock women, harness and undermine houses and cars. In the center of Kiev begins chaos. At the same time, the leaders of the opposition by telephone carry out the director of these crimes. Their goal is one - even the price of human blood to get to the power chairs. We cannot allow further injection of the conflict.
Link: Article / 2014/02/18/986688-v- tsentre-kieva-nachinaetsya- haos.html

Ex-head of the SBU: "The anti-terrorist operation in the present conditions is a direct path to civil

The security service, together with the Antiterrorist Center, has decided on the start of preparation for the anti-terrorist operation throughout Ukraine. In this regard, as the head of the SBU, Alexander Yakimenko, stated, in the country there are measures to strengthen the protection of public order and the state border. According to the law on combating terrorism, the forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense, and the State Service, as well as the Central and local authorities. At the same time, it is envisaged to establish a special order in the area of \u200b\u200bthe operation, but not throughout the country. Since earlier in Ukraine a special regime has never been introduced, people can face a number of significant restrictions.
link;\u003d 2 & aid \u003d 170718

The head of the SBU declared the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine

"The security service and the antiterrorist center of Ukraine today it was decided to start conducting an anti-terrorist operation on the territory of Ukraine. I have already informed the president of the state to declare about the anti-terrorist operation, "says Yakimenko's statement.

According to the statement, the level of public danger in Ukraine requires attracting all subjects directly engaged in the fight against terrorism. According to the law "On the fight against terrorism", these include the SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Border Service, as well as the central and local authorities.
link; TXT / 359613

The new chapter of the SBU is called the man Alexander Yanukovych

In Ukraine, a new head of the SBU was appointed, Alexander Yakimenko became

President Viktor Yanukovych appointed Alexander Yakimenko Head of the Security Service of Ukraine. The corresponding decree is published on the official website of the president. Another decree, the President dismissed Igor Kalinin from this post and appointed him with his adviser. As it is known, Yakimenko was previously the first deputy head of the SBU, the head of the Main Department for Combating Corruption Organized Crime of the Central Management of the SBU.
link; 1007.

The appointment of Yakimenko in the SBU says that Ukraine is moving to the Customs Union

The appointment of Yakimenko in the SBU says that Ukraine is moving to the Customs Union in the Ukrainian government, another family "Families" appeared, which is also a man of the Kremlin. This is a series of experts, discussing the appointment of Alexander Yakimenko for the position of head of the SBU. Some oppositionists even accused President Viktor Yanukovych in treason. According to them, the Garant of the Constitution appointed the key state positions of people who are close to Russia. Based on this, analysts note, it is naive to assume that such ministers will work for the benefit of Ukraine and support the course to Europe.
link; naznachenie-yakimenko-v-sbu- govorit-o-tom-chto-ukraina- dvizhetsya-v-tamozhennyiy- soyuz.html

The new head of the SBU has also recently assured that he serves in the KGB and worried about the army

The new head of the special services, Alexander Yakimenko, has recently recently used the KGB abbreviation instead of the SBU, he wanted to drive journalists with "Pogannom Bluttle" and was upset by the reorganization of the Russian army. This is evidenced by reports on the forum of the Yessia Higher Military Aviation School (Evvaau), in which at one time the newly appointed head of the SBU was studied, and who revealed the editors of TVi.The Second, Yakimenko and himself admits that he had moved to the service in the SBU, says that He studied the causes of the fall of the aircraft under dry beam ... There are the facts set out on the Internet forum coincide with the data of the official biography.
link; novyj-glava-sbu-eshhe-nedavno- uveryal-chto-sluzhit-v-kgb-i- perezhival-za-armiyu /

The heads of the SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs gave protesters time until 18:00

"We urge the opposition leaders to immediately reassure the protesters, stop armed confrontation and return at the negotiating table. We warn the hot irresponsible head of the opposition - there are strength in power to bring up order. And we, if the riots continue, will be forced to resort to rigid actions ... In the event that at 18:00 there are no departments, we will be obliged to bring up the procedures by all the funds provided for by law, "the joint statement of the heads of the SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs says Which is located on Tuesday on the SBU website.

He does not like journalists, but grateful to "boys", which "noticed". All this can be found from the uncompetitive correspondence by Alexander Yakimenko with classmates and colleagues.

"Recently used the KGB abbreviation instead of the SBU, I wanted to drive journalists with" Pogano Balca "and was upset due to the reorganization of the Russian army.

Is there anything to hide Alexander Yakimenko?

Manuscripts do not burn. And the records that remain online - the more ...

The editorial office of TV channel came across the correspondence of the Forum of the Yeisk Supreme Military Aviation School (Evvaau), in which at one time the newly appointed head of the Security Service of Ukraine Alexander Yakimenko was studied.

Alexander Grigorievich and left his messages on this forum. Some of them do not honor a high official designed to defend the safety of Ukraine.

In addition, it turned out that Yakimenko in the 98th year was indeed a personnel officer of the Russian Armed Forces (served in the special departments of various parts - "A").

"Now in the KGB"

First of all, there is no doubt that a person who left his reports on the forum under Nick Alexander Yakimenko, - the current head of the Security Service of Ukraine.

First, it appears on the list of graduates of 1986, and for several years he has left messages in the forum branch where the cadets of the School since the 86th year of release are communicated.

Secondly, Yakimenko and himself admits that he moved to the service in the SBU, says that he studied the reasons for the fall of the aircraft under dry beam ... There are the facts set forth on the Internet forum that coincide with the data of the official biography.

The first record of Alexander Yakimenko on the forum dated April 16, 2006. He talks about what he was doing after the release from the School. And remembering the management of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk region, uses ... KGB abbreviation.

"After the release served in Mongolia (Choibaslan), brought to the Crimea (Guards), he graduated from VVA in the 97th, resigned in the 98th. Now in Donetsk to the KGB, "said Yakimenko. (In the Guards, the Russian airlock was based, and VVA is Military Academy them. Gagarin, located near Moscow, in which, by the way, studied and the idol Victor Yanukovych Georgy Coast. - TVi.)

"That's tiing strap ..."

In another message, Yakimenko details, as he fell into service to Ukraine. In Russia, he turns out to be unnecessary ...

"For those who do not understand, serve in the management of the security service in the Donetsk region. After graduating from the Academy, I realized that my knowledge of anyone on ... is not needed. So quit. And those guys noticed, called again, here and pull the strap, "said Yakimenko.

The record is notable for another episode. Commenting on one of the plane crash, Alexander Yakimenko negatively responds about journalists and said that media workers need to be driven from the army deeds to "Pogannom".

In one of the reports, Yakimenko once again comments on its disappointment in military service. True, his sadness is not connected with the experience of the Ukrainian army, but for ... Russian.

"And now about sad. On August 1 of this year (2009), for 72 years of life, a red-known Sevastopol Order of Kutuzov III of the 43rd Omshp (separate sea assault aviation regiment - "A") ceased to exist. Now they are preparing for the transfer of banners. Based on the shelf now there is a base. So our civilian leaders are managed by MO, "Jakimenko complained more recently, three years ago, and a year before the rapid takeoff service of the SBU. It was about disbanding the same regiment in the Guards, in which Yakimenko himself served.

Interestingly, the security of which country will Yakimenko be worried about a new position? ..

"After what he saw could not sleep."

A significant career joke for Yakimenko was his contribution to the investigation of the causes of the fall of the Tu-154 aircraft, flying Anapa - St. Petersburg, in 2006.

In one of the messages, Yakimenko writes that, having visited the place of the tragedy, could not sleep.

"For the service it was one of the first to arrive, and then participate in the investigation of the Tu-154 catastrophe that fell under Donetsk. After what he saw could not sleep, "Jakimenko admitted.

In another branch of the Forum Yakimenko, several words spoke about the reasons for the tragedy.

In general, most of the messages Yakimenko concern private life. The former pilot recalled his comrades, agreed on the meetings, joked.

The forum could not find records left after 2010. It was exactly that year Alexander Yakimenko was appointed head of the Department of SBU in Sevastopol. A year later, he headed the SBU of Donetchin, and a year later, he became the first deputy chairman of the SBU and the head of the Department for Combating Corruption and Org Purity.

And the main thing on the forum is, of course, not to disclose public secrets ...

Our comment

KGB of Ukraine and security service at different times led different people, with its advantages and disadvantages, but did not know the illiterate chairs.

The unconditional literacy of the officer's corps of the Committee, and later the service was a "branded chip" of the personnel of this institution. For example, the chairman of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSSR Nikolai Galushko reports with the missing (extra) comma, not to mention more serious grammatical, stylistic or spelling errors, he returned to the head of the unit, from where "Paper" appeared without reading.

Evgeny Marchuk, Alexander Radchenko and even Leonid Derkach were absolutely literate.

Letter literacy is the style of thinking, work style, lifestyle. And evidence of the officer's self-discipline.

An illiterate officer in the SBU, providing state security issues, is nonsense. The illiterate head of the special services is a personal shame of her leader and shame the entire "office".

You can hone as many ways to brand the totalitarian system in the USSR and the totalitarian essence of the Soviet special services (which was, it was), but the illiterate frames were already in the 1960s and 70s, and even more so in the central devices there were no longer.

The "office" in his own skull was to know that they could do with people (and with colleagues) small, uncultured frames of "Chekists". And removed from the bloody meat grinder of the period of repression and military liphetaking valuable lessons.

Today, the country is immersed in personnel vakhanalia. And it's not a case personally in Yakimenko, who, according to his own words, "boys noticed" (interesting, by the way, what state and what state?). And in the overall situation in the state. The highest posts in which people are prescribed previously convicted, members of the bloody Ukrainian ODGs and gangs, a frank agent of special services of neighboring states. And the status of inviolability dozens of criminal freaks provides deputy in BP. And all this Sabbath "fasten" the little "guys" with dubious diplomas of dubious universities with the "scientific" degrees bought on the occasion.


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