Victor Panchenko demagnetizing the ships of the Black Sea Fleet during the Great Patriotic War. Physical field of the ship Winding method of demagnetization of vessels

Victor Panchenko demagnetizing the ships of the Black Sea Fleet during the Great Patriotic War. Physical field of the ship Winding method of demagnetization of vessels

Hydroaccuistic submarine detection

Physical field of the ship - area of \u200b\u200bspace adjacent to the ship housing in which manifest physical properties Ship as a material object. These physical properties have, in turn, affect the distortion of the relevant physical field of the oceans and the adjacent airspace.

Types of vehicle physical fields

Objectives solved by the hydroacoustic complex of the submarine.

Physical fields of ships at the location of radiation sources are divided into primary (own) and secondary (caused).

Primary (own) fields of ships are called fields whose radiation sources are located directly on the ship itself or in a relatively thin layer of water that is washing its housing.

Secondary (caused), the field of the ship, is called a reflected (distorted) field of the ship, the sources of radiation of which are located outside the ship (in space, on another ship, etc.).

Fields that have an artificial nature, i.e. Formed using special devices, (radio, hydrolycate stations, optical instruments) are called active physical fields.

Fields that are created naturally ship as a structural structure are called passive physical fields of the ship.

According to the functional dependence of the parameters of physical fields from time to time, they can also be divided into static and dynamic fields.

Static fields are considered to be such physical fields, the intensity (level or power) of the sources of which remains during the exposure time of fields to the non-contact system constant.

The dynamic (variables in time) by physical fields are called such fields whose intensity of sources is changed during the field exposure time to the non-contact system.

The main types of physical fields of the ship

Currently, modern science allocates more than 30 different physical fields of the ship. The degree of application of the properties of physical fields in the design of technical means of detection, means of tracking ships, as well as in non-contact systems of weapons is different. The most important, at the moment, physical fields of ships and submarines, on the basis of knowledge of which special devices are being developed, are considered: acoustic, hydroacoustic, magnetic, electromagnetic, electric, thermal, hydrodynamic, gravity.

Taking into account the development of various areas of physics and instrument making, new physical fields of marine objects are constantly determined, for example, research is underway in the field of optical, radiation physical fields.

The main task that engineers solve the study of the properties of physical fields is to search and detected ships and submarines of the enemy, guidance on them of battle (torpedo, min, missiles, etc.), as well as the detonation of their non-contact fuses. During World War II, mines with electromagnetic, acoustic, hydrodynamic and combined fuses were widely used, and the hydroacoustic apparatus of submarine detection was often used.

Acoustic field of the ship

Scheme of operation of hydroacoustic stations of the surface ship:
1 - echo sounder converter; 2 - post of hydroacoustics; 3 - hydroleter converter; 4 - detected mine; 5 - discovered submarine.

Acoustic field of the ship - The area of \u200b\u200bspace in which acoustic waves are distributed, formed by the ship itself or reflecting from the surface of its housing.

Any ship located in motion serves as a radiant of the most diverse and characteristics of acoustic oscillations, the complex effect of which to create a sufficiently intensive underwater noise in the range from infra- to ultrasonic frequencies to the surrounding aqueous medium. This phenomenon is also called the primary acoustic field of the ship. The nature of the radiation of the primary field and its propagation is determined, as a rule, the following parameters of the ship: with displacement, circuit breakers (streamlining forms) of the hull and speed of the ship's course, type of main and auxiliary mechanisms.

The flow of water during the country of the ship's housing determines the hydrodynamic component of the acoustic field. The main and auxiliary mechanisms of the ship are determined by the vibration component, rowing guides - cavitation (cavitation on the propeller - this formation on its rapidly rotating blades in the aqueous medium of discharged gas cavities, the subsequent compression of which sharply increases noise).

As a result, the primary hydroacoustic field of the ship (GAPK) is a set of superimposed fields created by various sources, the main of which are:

1. Noise created by propulsions (screws) during their rotation. Underwater vehicle noise from works of rowing screws is divided into the following components:

Noise rotation rowing screw

Vortex noise

Noise vibration edges of screw blades ("singing"),

Cavitational noise.

2. The noises emitted by the ship's housing on the go and in the parking lot as a result of its vibration from the work of the mechanisms.

3. Noise, created by flow around the vehicle body with water when it is moved.

The level of underwater noise depends on the speed of the ship's course, as well as from the depth of the immersion (for PL). If the ship moves at a speed above critical. In this case, the process of intensive noise formation begins.

During the operation of the ship, as the main nodes are used, it can change it. When developing a technical resource of ship mechanisms, their relatives, delabation and increase in vibration occur. The oscillatory energy of worn out mechanisms provokes. In turn, the vibration of the case, which leads to perturbations in the adjacent water surface.

Indicator patterns GAK MGK-400EM. Noiseless mode

The vibrations of the mechanisms are transmitted to the case mainly through: reference connections of the mechanisms with the case (foundations); neopular communications of the mechanisms with the case (pipelines, water pipes, cables); Through the air in the compartments and the rooms of the NK.

The body of the ship itself is capable of reflecting acoustic waves, which radiates any other source. This radiation is reflected from the housing, turns into the secondary acoustic field of the ship and can be detected by the receiving device. The use of the secondary acoustic field allows not only to determine the direction of finding the ship, but also allows you to calculate the distance to it by measuring the time of passage (the speed of sound in water is 1500 m / s). Additionally, its physical condition affects its physical condition (salinity, which increases with increasing temperature, and hydrostatic pressure) on the speed of propagation of sound in water.

Submarine attack on the basis of a false acoustic field of the ship

The main directions of reducing the acoustic field of the ship are: reducing the noise of rowing screws (selection of shapes of the blades, the speed of rotation of the screw, increasing the number of blades), reducing the noise of the mechanisms and the housing (soundproofing amortization, acoustic coatings, sound-absorbing foundations).

Indicator patterns GAK MGK-400EM. Lofar mode

Hydroacoustic complex "Skat" atomic submarine "Pike"

The noise of the ship affects not only its secrecy from various means of detecting and the degree of protection against minno-torpedo weapons of the likely enemy, but also affects the conditions for the work of its own hydroacoustic means of detection and target designation, creating interference in the work of these devices.

Noise has a tremendous value for the imperceptibility of submarines (PL) as it is precisely it determines this survival parameter. Therefore, on submarines, control over noise and its decline is one of the main tasks of the entire personnel.

Main activities for providing acoustic protection of the ship:

Improving the vibroacoustic characteristics of the mechanisms;

Removal of mechanisms from the designs of the outer hull emitting the underwater noise, by installing them on decks, platforms and bulkheads;

Vibration insulation of mechanisms and systems from the main body using soundproof shock absorbers, flexible inserts, couplings, shocking suspension of pipelines and special noise-growing foundations;

Vibrating formation and sound insulation of sound vibrations of foundation and cabinet structures, pipelines systems using soundproofing and vibration-mixing coatings;

Soundproofing and soundproofing of air noise mechanisms due to the use of coatings, housings, screens, silencers in ducts;

Application in the wicker systems of hydrodynamic noise silencers.

Separately, cavitation noise is reduced by the following works:

Use low noise propellers;

The use of low-speed screws;

Increasing the number of blades;

Balancing propeller and shaft line.

A combination of engineering developments, as well as appropriate actions of personnel, make it possible to seriously reduce the level of the hydroacoustic field of the ship.

Thermal (infrared) field of ship

Thermal field of the ship

Heat field - The field that appears when the emission of the ship infrared rays. The most powerful sources of radiation of thermal fields are: chimneys and gas torches from the ship's energy installation; body and superstructure in the area of \u200b\u200bthe machine compartment; Fire torches when artillery shooting and launching missiles. When using infrared equipment, the thermal field allows you to detect a ship at a fairly long distance.

The main sources of the heat field of the ship (infrared radiation) are:

Surface surfaces of the housing, add-ons, decks, chimneys;

Surfaces of gas ducts and gas-carrying gases;

Gas torch;

Surfaces of ship structures (mast, antennas, decks, etc.) located in the zone of action of the gas torch, gas jets of rockets and aircraft during startup;

Burun and a kilvanic trail of the ship.

Ship in the lens of the thermal imager

The detection of surface ships and submarines along their thermal field and the issuance of target designation is made using special heat control equipment. Such equipment is usually installed on surface ships and submarines, airplanes, satellites, coastal posts.

Additionally, various types of rockets and torpedoes are also equipped with thermal (infrared) devices of homing devices. Modern thermal devices of the homing allow you to capture the goal at a distance of 30 km.

Maintenance technical means Thermal protection of ships:

The coolers of the exhaust gases of the ship energy installation (mixing chamber, external casing, airborne windows of air reception, nozzles, water supply systems, etc.);

Heat removal contours (Tuk) of the ship's energy installation;

Onboard (surface and underwater) and feed gas fleeves;

Screens of infrared radiation from the inner and outer surfaces of gas ducts (two-layer screens, profile screens with water or air cooling, shielding bodies, etc.);

Universal Water Protection System;

Coatings for the hull and ship add-ons, including paintwork, with reduced radiating ability;

Thermal insulation of high-temperature ship premises.

The thermal visibility of the surface ship can also reduce the use of the following tactical techniques:

Application of the masking effect of fog, rain and snow;

Use as a background of objects and phenomena with powerful infrared radiation;

The use of nasal coursework in relation to heat-controlling equipment.

For submarines, thermal visibility decreases with increasing depths of their dive.

Hydrodynamic field of the ship

Hydrodynamic field of the ship
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe tips, zones of increased pressure are formed, and in the middle part along the length of the case - the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure.

Hydrodynamic field - The field arising in the result of the movement of the ship, due to the change in the hydrostatic pressure of the water under the vehicle body. In physical essence, the hydrodynamic field is the perturbation of the moving ship of the natural hydrodynamic field of the World Ocean.

If in each place of the world's ocean, the parameters of its hydrodynamic field are due mainly by random phenomena, which take into account in advance is very difficult, then the moving ship makes no random, but completely natural changes to these parameters, which can be taken accuracy with the accuracy necessary for practice.

When the ship moves in water, the liquid particles that are at certain distances from its housing come to the state of the indignant movement. When these particles move, the magnitude of the hydrostatic pressure in the place of movement of the ship changes, i.e. A hydrodynamic field of the ship of certain parameters is formed.

When the submarine is moving under water, the area of \u200b\u200bpressure change applies to the surface of the water as well as the ground. If the submarine moves at a small depth, then on the surface of the water, you can visually fix a well-visible wave hydrodynamic trail.

The properties of the hydrodynamic field of the ship are often used in the development of non-contact hydrodynamic explosives of bottom mines.

Until now, significant effective means of hydrodynamic protection of the ship is not developed. A partial decrease in the hydrodynamic field is achieved by calculating the balance between the optimal displacement of the ship and the shape of its housing. The main tactical reception of the hydrodynamic protection of the ship is the choice of safe speed. This speed is considered safe, at which either the pressure reduction value under the ship will not exceed the installed mission fuse threshold, or the exposure time on the fuse area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure will be less than installed in the explosharity.

There are special charts of safe velocity of the ship and the rules of use that are given in special instructions for choosing safe vehicle speeds when swimming in areas of possible formulation of hydrodynamic mines.

Electromagnetic field of ship - The field of variables by the time of electrical currents created by the ship in the surrounding space. The main emitters electronic magnetic field The ship is: variables galvanic currents in the chain "Rowing screw - body", vibration of ferromagnetic casing mass in the magnetic field of the Earth, the work of the ship electrical equipment. The electromagnetic field has a pronounced maximum in the area of \u200b\u200browing screws, and at a distance of several tens of meters from the housing almost fades.

The electromagnetic protection of the ship is carried out by selecting a non-metallic material for rowing screws:

Applications for them not electrically conductive coatings, applying on the grinding of contact-brush devices;

Shunting the variable resistance of the oil gap in the bearings;

Maintaining the insulation resistance of the shaft from the hull within the established norms.

On ships with non-magnetic and small corps, the main attention is paid to the decline in electromagnetic field of electrical equipment elements.

Magnetic field of ship

Magnetic field of ship

Magnetic field of ship - area of \u200b\u200bspace, within which changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, due to the presence or movement of the magnetized ship are detected.

The magnetic field of the ship is the resulting magnitude of the overlay of several fields: constant (static) and inductive (dynamic) magnetization.

Constant magnetization is formed by the ship mainly during the construction period under the influence of the earth's magnetic field, and depends on:

The location of the ship relative to the direction and magnitude of the tension lines of the magnetic field of the Earth in the place of construction;

The magnetic properties of the materials themselves from which the ship is being built (residual magnetization);

The ratio of the main dimensions of the ship, distribution and forms of iron masses on the ship;

Technologies with which the ship is built (the number of riveted and welded connections).

For the quantitative characteristic of the magnetic field, a special physical value is used - the tension of the magnetic field N.

Another physical value determining primarily magnetic properties of the material is the intensity of magnetization I. In addition, there are the concepts of residual magnetization and inductive magnetization.

The use of malomagnetic and non-magnetic materials during the construction of the ship makes it possible to largely reduce its magnetic field. Therefore, in the construction of special ships (trashrs, mine barrels), materials such as fiberglass, plastics, aluminum alloys, etc., and, and in the construction of some projects of nuclear submarines, it is used titanium and its alloys, which, along with high strength, is a malomagnetic material. . However, the strength and other mechanical and economic indicators of malomagnetic materials allow them to apply them in the construction of warships in limited limits. There are also silty-magnetic materials, they include: iron, nickel, cobalt and some alloys. Substances that can magnify strongly, received the name of ferromagnets.

The principle of magnetic mining

In addition, even if the cabinet structures of the ships are made of small-major materials, then a number of ship mechanisms remain made of ferromagnetic metals, which also create a magnetic field. Therefore, for ships, the level of their magnetic field is monitored periodically and, when exceeding the allowed value, the case is performed. There is no wind and winding demagnetization. The first is carried out with the help of special ships or at the stations of the unamply demagnetization, the second provides for the presence of stationary marks (cables) and special direct current generators on the ship itself, which, together with the control equipment and control, constitute the velochetic device of the ship.

The magnetic field of the ship (IPC) is widely used in non-contact fuses of minno-torpedo weapons, as well as in stationary and aviation systems of magnetometric detection of PL.

An example of experiments to reduce the magnetic field is the so-called Philadelphian experiment, which to this day remains the subject of many speculations, since documentary evidence of the result of the experiment, and was not publicly published.

Electric field of ship

Electric field of ship

Electric field of ship (EPK) - the area of \u200b\u200bspace in which constant electrical currents occur.

The main reasons for the formation of the electric field of the ship are:

Electrochemical processes flowing between the parts of the ship made from heterogeneous metals and in the underwater part of the housing (rowing screws and shafts, steering devices, bottom-chain fittings, systems of protector and cathode protection of the case, etc.).

The processes generated by the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, the essence of which consist in the fact that the body of the ship during its movement crosses the power lines of the magnetic field of the Earth, as a result of which electric currents occur in the case and adjacent to it. Similar currents are formed in ship screws during their rotation. As a rule, the hull of the ship is made of steel, screws and bottom fittings from bronze or brass, fairing of stainless steel hydroacoustic stations, and corrosion protectors from zinc. As a result, electroplating pairs and in seawater are formed in the underwater part of the ship, as in electrolyte, stationary electric currents occur.

The processes associated with the leakage of the currents of ship electrical equipment on the body of the ship and into the water.

The main reason for the formation of EPA is the electrochemical processes between heterogeneous metals. About 99% of the maximum amount of EPA accounts for electrochemical processes. Therefore, to reduce the level of EPA, they seek to eliminate this cause.

The electric field of the ship seriously surpasses the natural electric field of the World Ocean, this allows it to be used in developing non-contact maritime weapons and submarine detection tools.

Reducing the level of the electric field is achieved: - by applying non-metallic materials in the manufacture of body and parts coming with seawater;

By selecting metals in the proximity of the values \u200b\u200bof their electrode potentials for the hull and parts coming in contact with the sea water;

Using shielding sources of EPK;

By separating the internal electrical circuit of EPK sources;

With the use of special coatings of EPC sources with electrically insulating materials.

Areas of use

The physical fields of the ship are currently widely used in three directions:

In non-contact systems different species weapons;

In detection and classification systems;

In self-deployment systems.

Links and sources


1. Sverdlin G. M. Hydroacoustic transducers and antennas.. - Leningrad: Shipbuilding, 1980.

2. Urick R.J. (Robert J. Urick). Basics of hydroacoustics (Principles of Underwater Sound).. - Leningrad: Shipbuilding, 1978.

3. Yakovlev A.N. Middle Action Hydrolokators.. - Leningrad: Shipbuilding, 1983.

The emergence of non-contact mine and torpedo weapons, and then magnetic detectors of (magnetometers) submarines in the underwater position responding to the magnetic field of the ship led to the development and creation of methods and means of both active and passive protection of ships. The active protection methods include:

· Destruction min by trawls;

· Creation of passes in mineral fields using submissions underlying and aviation bombs;

· Search with special electromagnetic and telecommunication samples with subsequent destruction.

The main method of passive protection is the demagnetization of ships. Its essence consists in reducing the magnetic field on defined depth, called the depth of protection. The depth of protection is called such a smallest depth under the keel, on which, after demaging the ship, the tension of its magnetic field is almost equal to zero. In this case, non-contact mines and torpedoes are ensured,

Another way to ensure the protection of the ship in a magnetic field is to use malomagnetic and non-magnetic materials in the structures of the case and the mechanisms of the ship.

The concept of demagnetization.

The velocity of the ship is customary to call the process of artificially reduce its magnetic field. Magneticization is made using the windings of the contours, fed to the current, and is called electromagnetic processing (EMO). The essence of the emo is to create a definition of the magnetic field, opposite by the sign of the ship, what will be said below.

In fig. 8 shows a flat circuit through which the constant current is passed. Dependence of the direction of the field, ᴛ.ᴇ. The positions of its poles from the direction of the current is determined by the famous rule of the reel.

Magnetization is performed by two different methods - wisely and winding. These names should be understood as conditional, as the demagnetization of ships both in one and the other method is performed using windings feed on the current. But in the first case, the windings are superimposed on the vessel's body temporarily, only for the period of demagnetization, or they are generally located outside the vessel, on the pound. Using the second method, the windings are mounted on the vessel inpatient and include them at the time following in dangerous areas.

Wearing demagnetization (BR).

Wearing demagnetization is carried out by influencing the ship temporarily created magnetic fields in two ways:

· With the help of the electric windings temporarily superimposed;

· With the help of contours, streamlined current laid on the ground.

In case of caseless demagnetization (BR), the ship's housing is exposed to a decaying variable and constant magnetic fields, or by short-term effects of only a constant magnetic field. In the first case, demagnetization is based on the magnetization of the housing on a unzestrazis curve, in the second - by hysteresis (Fig. 4).

Magnetization with the help of the windings temporarily superimposed.

After building the ship, its housing is magnetized in the vertical, longitudinal and transverse direction.

Consider the essence of demagnetization in the vertical direction (Fig. 9, a).

a) vertical demagnetization;

b) longitudinal demagnetization;

c) transverse demagnetization.

A cable in the plane parallel to the waterline is raised around the housing. Considering the relationship of the initiation of the body, the value of which is determined by the preliminary measurement, the current of such a value (Fig, 10) is passed on the cable, so that the created reverse sign field (when the current is turned on) exceeds the original (point) at the point.

After a few seconds, the current in the winding turns off, and the magnetic state goes to the point. This operation is customary called''prokayvnia''''''d fields. Indeed, the field at the point turned out to be another sign,''Pointing''' '. Note that the process goes through a hysteresis curve.

The second operation is called''compensation'''' '. During this operation, the winding turns on the current, the value and the direction of which is selected so that after turning it off its field of the ship may be more close to zero.

- vertical magnetization of the ship;

- The tension of the vertical external magnetic field.

The current included in the winding at the first and second operations is customary to be called a tipping current and compensation current.

From the curves it is clear that as a result of electromagnetic processing, the magnetization was compensated for the ship compensated, and the new magnetization of such that vertical components of inductive magnetization and constant magnetization, in the equator area, are close or equal in the absolute value, but opposite by the sign.

When the curve is demagnetizing, the same result is achieved, only the process of compensation for the old creation of new constant magnetization occurs during cyclic magnetization in an alternating magnetic field, decreasing by amplitude from a maximum to zero. It is important to note that in order to create both permanent and alternating magnetic fields on the ship, one or more of the turns connected to the power sources of demagnetization vessels are superimposed. It is important to note that for the case of longitudinal demagnetization, several turns are superimposed on the ship (Fig. 9, b) so that the ship turns out to be inside a huge solenoid. The magnetic field acting on the axis of the solenoid occurs when the winding occurs on the axis of the solenoid.

In the transverse demagnetization, the ship is superimposed in the vertical plane, two consecutively connected turns on sides.

The effectiveness of demagnetization is checked by the measurements of the magnetic field under the bottom.

The factory around the housing of heavy stranded cables is associated with high time and physical labor. For this reason, on a par with this method, special stations are also used, on which the windings (cable) are laid on the ground on the ground. Wearing demagnetization with the help of contours laid on the ground. The contours, laid on the ground, have a loop shape. For this reason, the station was called - looped stations of the futile demagnetization (PSBR) Fig. 11. The water area is protected by buoy or milestones. It has barrels for mooring vessels.

Through the circuit 1 passes a constant current, through circuit 2 - alternating current with a frequency of about. The alternating magnetic field allows you to eliminate irreversible phenomena that occurs when the DC circuit constant magnetic field is magnetized 2. The process of demagnetization is to pass the corresponding currents along the contours (bottom cables) at the moment when the ship passes or stands over them. Current management and removal of magnetometer equipment readings are remotely from the coastal remote. The process of demagnetization is based on the principle of semi-track reclamation (Fig. 12).

When approaching the PSBR stand, the magnetic state of the ship is characterized by a point where the ship has a definitive constant and inductive magnetization. At the time of passing over the stand, the ship is subjected to reclamation in a semi-tracking curve. Currently, the ship is above the middle of the contour. Next, when removing the ship, its magnetic state varies on the curve. With a successful combination of magnetic fields on the stand, the magnetic state of the ship can come to a neutral magnetic state (point).

1 - DC circuit;

2 - alternating current circuit;

3 - Fencing buoy

As a rule, during electromagnetic processing at such stations, constant vertical and constant longitudinal magnetization is simultaneously compensated, other types of magnetization are not eliminated.

So, the positive side of the futile demagnetization is that the ship does not bear any windings for which power supplies and control panels would be required. At the same time, this method is not universal.

The main disadvantages without a winding cleaner of the ship is:

1. The inability to compensate for coursework and latitudinal changes to the ship field.

2. The need to periodically repeat magnetic processing due to the insufficient stability of the resulting field.

3. The need for each processing is to determine and eliminate the deviation of magnetic compasses.

Winding demagnetization

Winding demagnetization involves compensating for magnetic fields of the ship by fields from stationary windings, powered from special sources. A combination of the winding system, power sources, as well as control equipment and control constitutes a demagnetizing device (RU).

The RU is calculated so that the magnetic field created by the current flowing over the winding represented at any time a mirror image of his own magnetic field of the ship, i.e. at each point under the ship was equal to the field of the ship in size and the opposite by the sign.

The RU was first developed by the Group of Entity of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed by Academician A. P. Alexandrov (I. V. Kurchatov, L. R. Stepanov K. K. Shcherbo and others). The demagnetizing device allows you to compensate for the magnetic field of the ship, taking into account coursework and latitudinal changes.

The demagnetizing device consists of several independent windings of various purposes.

1. To compensate for the field strength from vertical constant magnetization, the main horizontal winding is used. The current direction in this winding is selected so that its magnetic field is opposite to the field from vertical constant magnetization (Fig. 13).

In fig. 13 It is shown that the magnetic field of the winding (curve) is equal to tension, but opposite the sign of its own field (). This winding is called the main thing because with its help the most significant (vertical) component is compensated. The current mode is selected for this winding in the future does not change, but remains constant for all courses and on any latitude.

To compensate for the vertical component of longitudinal magnetization, a nasal and feed winding is used (Fig. 14, a).

2. Instead of the specified windings, you can apply the splint winding (Fig. 14, b), the effect of this winding is more efficient compared to the nasal and feed permanent windings. At the same time, it is associated with great difficulties.

3. The field from transverse constant magnetization is compensated by a field of boutique permanent windings, which are connected in series and attached on the right and left side of the vessel (Fig. 15). To compensate for this field, it is sufficient to set in the windings the defined and the same current mode.

It is more difficult to compensate for inductive constituent magnetization. For this purpose, adjustable windings are included in the demagnetizing device: latitudinal, coursework windings and boutique coursework.

4. The latitudinal winding is designed to compensate for the field from vertical inductive magnetization. The location of this winding and the distribution of the components of its magnetic field is the same as the main horizontal. For this reason, a separate latitudinal winding can be not installed, but to use multiple sections of the main horizontal winding, entering the device to adjust the current to the circuit of their power supply.

The current in the latitudinal winding is regulated in proportion to the sinus of the magnetic inclination (magnetic latitude).

Currency sampling windings serve to compensate for fields from longitudinal inductive magnetization and are placed similarly to windings for continuous longitudinal demagnetization. Since the field strength from the longitudinal inductive magnetization of the ship changes in proportion to the magnetic field cosine, then to compensate for this field it is extremely important to change the current mode in the winding also by the law of cosine. For this reason, these windings are called patch editing (Fig. 14, b).

Batock-operated coursework are used to compensate for fields from transverse inductive magnetization, they are placed sequentially on both boards of the vessel, parallel to constant windings. Adjusting the strength and direction of the current is carried out in proportion to the sinus of the angle of the magnetic course.

Additional windings are installed both to compensate for the ship in separate sections of it, and to compensate for magnetic fields of powerful ship power plants and other installations.

The main advantage of the winding demagnetization is the ability to compensate for coursework and latitudinal changes in the magnetic field of the ship, which provides a greater degree of protection of ships from non-contact magnetic weapons and their greater secrecy.

The disadvantages of the RU are: big value, consumption of additional materials, waste-water and considerable energy consumption.

Magnicing of the ship is the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Magnicing of the ship" 2017, 2018.

IG Zakharov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Council Admiral,
V.V. Emelyanov - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Captain 1 rank,
V.P. Schegolichin - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Captain 1 Rank,
V.V. Chumakov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Colonel of Medical Service

The most famous physical fields of ships include hydroacoustic, magnetic, hydrodynamic, electric, low-frequency electromagnetic, the field of the kilvater trace, manifested mainly in the marine medium, as well as thermal, secondary radar, optical-location and other fields, manifested, as a rule, in space above the ship. Physical fields are used when they are triggered by non-contact fuses in mines and torpedoes, as well as to detect submarines in the underwater position. The experience of World War II shows that most of the hungry ships blew up on mines.

Improving the noiseless and torpedo weapons reacting to the noise of the ship, the appearance of the ship's noise and the question of decreasing the sound emptiness of the ships and reduce the size of the hydrolycation reflection, which increases their acoustic security, protection against weapon, and improves the working conditions of their own hydroacoustic.

During the Great Patriotic War, scientists of the institutes of the Navy, the TsNII them. Academician A.N. Krylov, specialists of project organizations and shipyphones were looking for ways to reduce the noise of submarines and travelers due to the installation of vibration mechanisms on shock absorbers and the use of silencers for diesel engines (I.I. Kozhen, O.V. Petrov). The war revealed obvious failure and imperfection of the acoustic protection of domestic ships that existed at that time. Therefore, special laboratories and scientific groups began to be created in the first postwar years, the appointment of which was determined by the need to reduce the acoustic parameters of the ships (M.Ya. Minin, Yu.M. Sukharevsky). The first relatively low-noise rowing screws appeared. The most noisy mechanisms were installed on shock absorbers, rubberetal compounds were used.

The beginning of the design and construction of the first atomic underwater and high-speed anti-submarine ships equipped with hydroacoustic stations gave pulse to the development of ship acoustics. Study of the physical nature of the ship noise formation, the development of the first approximate calculation schemes for assessing the sound emission of the vehicle body, its rowing screws, the creation of more effective means of sound and vibration insulation and vibration absorption, the study of nature and sources of vibroactiveness of ship mechanisms and systems, development and creation of devices and measurement techniques And studies of the noise of ships and vibrations of their mechanisms were the main directions of ship acoustics. They were engaged in the TsNII them. A.N. Krylova, the 1st Central Committee of MO, the Acoustic Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. First scientific schools Created under the leadership of L.Ya. Gutina, Ya.F. Sharov, A.V. Roman Corsakov, B.D. Tartakovsky, B.N. Mashhar, N.G. Belyakovsky, I.I. Cubino. HELL. Pernik. In 1956-1958 The 1st Central Committee of MO and CNII them. Academician A.N. Krylov held the first specialized field acoustic tests of surface ships using measuring hydroacoustic vessels. The results of testing and studies of the characteristics and sources of the hydroacoustic field of ships made it possible to formulate reasonable recommendations for the design of the acoustic protection of the first atomic submarines and a decrease in the acoustic interference of the hydroacoustic stations of surface ships. At the same time, scientific personnel were trained, training specialists in the acoustic protection of ships for design organizations, shipyards and fleet units were conducted.

Since the beginning of the 60s, integrated R & D programs began to be formed and implemented, aimed at improving the acoustic characteristics of submarines and surface ships. The supervision of these programs was carried out by the Scientific Council on the comprehensive program "Hydrophysics" at the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences (head-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences AP Alexandrov). Direct leadership of these programs carried out leading scientists and scientific research organizers - Ya.F. Sharov, B.A. Tkachenko, G.A. Good, L.P. Sedakov, A.V. Avrinsky, V.N. Parkhomenko, E.L. Myshinsky, V.S. Ivanov.

In subsequent years, the works of the TsNII them. Academician A.N. Krylov, 1st Central Committee of MO, Institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Design and Design Organizations and Farms-shipyphones were achieved significant successes in solving problems of reducing the underwater noise of submarines and surface ships. Over the past 30 years, underwater noise levels of domestic submarines have decreased by more than 40 dB (100 times).

This became possible as a result of numerous theoretical and experimental studies of the physical nature of the spread of vibration on the corpus structures of ships and their sound emptiness into water. A physical and mathematical model for a submarine and a surface ship as a complex multi-element emitter of underwater noise was created, on the basis of which not only predictive estimates of the expected noise emission levels are carried out, but also the recommendations on the architecture and construction of the hull and its elements, on the placement of mechanisms and systems Ship. By decision problem issues The theories of vibration and sound emptiness of the housings of ships and their designs were attracted by scientists of Rostov state University, Institute of Problems of Mechanics of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Machine Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR (I.I. Vorovich, A.L. Goldenveyor, A.Ya. Zionsky, A.S. Yudin, G.N. Chernyshev, A.Z. Averbukh, G. V. Tarkhanov), which made an important contribution to the development of ideas about vibroacousting of shell structures, approximating submarine housing. To reduce the vibrating excitability and reduce the sound emission of cabinet structures, special vibration-absorbing soundproofing and sound-absorbing coatings were created and applied on ships. Their use has ensured a decrease in noise indoors of the ship and improved the living conditions and the crew. Coating from the outside of the hull reduced the reflection from the body of the hydrolycation signals.

When developing and creating coatings, a number of physical and technical problems were resolved on a rational selection of coatings and their structures, which allowed to provide their strength and reliability along with the required acoustic characteristics.

Significant progress has been achieved in the field of creating low noise hydraulic and air systems. Based on theoretical generalization of many experiments conducted on hydro and aerodynamic stands, the principles of creating low noise throttle and regulatory devices and other mechanisms (Ya.A. Kim, I.V. Malokhovsky, V.I. Golovanov, A.V. Avrinsky).

Works on the reduction of vibration and noise of ship mechanisms and systems concerned, above all, turbo-shaped units, pumps, fans, electromechanisms and other equipment. Important work was carried out on rotary systems, crank-connecting mechanisms, bearings. Electromagnetic sources of noise and vibrations in electric motors, electric machines and static converters were studied. In these works, along with the specialists of the TsNII. Academician A.N. Krylov and the 1st Central Committee of Mo (K.I. Selivanov, A.P. Gonunov, Kh.A. Gurevich, E.L. Myshinsky, S.Ya. Novozhilov, E.N. Afonin, etc.), active participation Academic scientists of the Institute of Machine Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Engineers of the Engineering Branch (R.M. Belyakov, F.M. Dimberg, E.L. Poznyak, I.D. Yampolsky, B.V. Pokrovsky and others).

Based on theoretical analysis and processing large number The experimental data were determined by the dependences of the acoustic characteristics of the main types of mechanisms from the energy parameters and thereby ensuring the design of the optimal energy installation. Almost for each generation of submarines and surface ships, vibration insulation was developed: shock absorbers, flexible sleeves, pipes, soft suspensions of pipelines and couplings. From generation to generation, their vibration-insulating ability doubled. Special vibration-insulating foundations, two-stage vibration-insulating fasteners were developed. As a result, the work carried out under the leadership of specialists of the Central Bank them. Academician A.N. Krylov, the 1st Central Union of the Navy (G.N. Belyavsky, Ya.F. Sharov, V.I. Popkov, N.V. Kapustin, K.Y. Maltsev, I.L. Ore, V.R. Popinov) The domestic shipbuilding has a wide range of depreciation and vibration-insulating structures capable of ensuring a significant decrease in vibration and noise. From unique designs, pneumatic and low-frequency shock absorbers should be noted for a load of 0.5-100 tons, flexible sleeves for pipelines with a pressure of the working medium to 10,000 kPa and some others.

A good effect is obtained from the use of vibration-absorption tools in ships energy equipment, pipelines, frame and fundamental structures. Thus, made of composite beams (type sandwich) spatial frames for aggregate assemblies of mechanisms provided noise reduction by up to 15 dB in full preservation of the bearing capacity. Composite structures with internal viscoelastic layers were used in pipeline structures, pilots and rowing screws. Special housings for mechanisms, silencers for air mains and pipelines of wicked water systems also contributed to a decrease in noise.

Systems of active suppression of the vibration of mechanisms and noise were created by the team of scientists and specialists of the Central Council of Ship Electrical Engineering under the direction of A.V. Barkova and V.V. Malakhova. At the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the USSR (RAS), studies and development of active devices were conducted to reduce the vibration of mechanisms and in the system of propulsion-shaft-hull (V.V. Yablonsky, Yu.E. Glazov, S.A. Tiger).

A large cycle of research was performed by scientists and specialists of the Central Committee. Academician A.N. Krylov and machine-building enterprises in order to create compact power plants with high specific energy stimples, which has an effective system for suppressing acoustic energy on all paths of its propagation - by body structures, in a liquid medium in pipelines and by surrounding airspace. The search also found options for rational placement of vibroactive mechanisms, taking into account their interaction, the optimal use of non-library structures, eliminating the resonant modes of aggregated assemblies and much more. In this regard, it is necessary to note the perennial fruitful work V.I. Popkov and his scientific school.

The introduction of the results of these studies in block energy plants created at the Leningrad Kirov Plant (Chief Designer - MK Pannov) and the Kaluga Pipe Plant (Chief Designer - Academician V.I. Kiryukhin), made it possible to create cars to ensure the construction of low noise submarines.

The principles of "equal" acoustic protection of power plants (EU) are formulated, in which the transmission of sound energy in various paths of its distribution is approximately the same. Huge information on the vibrationacoustic state of the mechanisms accumulated during the period of stand and inventical acoustic tests of mechanisms and EU has made it possible to propose a number of methods for controlling vibration and noise, diagnostics of the technical condition of the mechanisms.

The non-uniformity of the speed field in the rowing screw disk, other hydrodynamic reasons determine the appearance of non-stationary efforts on the propeller, which through the gross and bearings are transmitted to the ship housing, causing its intensive oscillations (and as a result, worsening the living conditions on the ship), significant sound emission to the water on the water Low frequencies.

To solve the problem of reducing low-frequency radiation, work was deployed on the vibration of the rowing screw from the housing by incorporating the elastic elements into the screw bonding system with the shaft and the housing representing the complex scientific and engineering task. Under the leadership of S.F. Abramovich, MD Genkin, K.N. Pakhomova, Yu.E. Glooring by the specialists of the TsNII them. Academician A.N. Krylov and design organizations found a number of effective design solutions of this task.

In parallel with the development of passive acoustic protection tools (vibration-insulating devices, acoustic coatings, etc.), work was carried out on the study of the possibilities of applying active methods of quenching (compensation) of the hydroacoustic field of the ship. In this direction, work was carried out at the Acoustic Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (B.D. Tarkovsky, G.S. Lubashevsky, A.I. Orlov), realized ideas MD Malyuzhitsa (works were led by V.V. Tyutekin, V.N. Merkulov). In the center of them. Academician A.N. Krylov has been proposed and investigated active-passive devices of noise nutrition in pipelines (V.L. Maslov, L.I. Solovechik), as well as the system of compensation for ship interference by hydroacoustic funds.

Solving the problem of reducing ship vehicles to the work of hydroacoustic funds demanded research: the spread of sound and vibration from sources on the ship to the locations of the instruments of hydrolycation; According to the static characteristics of the turbulent boundary layer on the detergent the antennas of the GAS and the radiation of the sound by the structures of the GAS flow rates under the action of the forces of the turbulent boundary layer, as well as to create the fairings of the GAS antennas, which have the required obstruction properties, sound exposure, strength and resistance. It was necessary to study the diffraction of sound waves on bodies of arbitrary shape.

For research, a complex of specialized experimental installations, layouts and stands was developed. At this experimental base, as well as in one-way conditions, work was carried out, as a result of which they managed to create the theory of formation of ship acoustic interference. It is based on the methods of calculating the levels of these interference and strength of fairing, and recommendations and measures to reduce interference have been developed. Non-fertilized structures of funds for the main antennas GAS are introduced on submarines, providing not only a decrease in hinduction of hydrodynamic turbulent origins, especially manifested at high speeds, but also satisfying the requirements for sound transmission and strength.

The solution to the problem of reduced interference on surface ships was going on the way the use of shielding devices of the vessel case and the development and implementation of observation screens (cofferdam) of various shapes, incl. and tense. The implementation of the complex of theoretical and experimental studies, the introduction of new types of fairing ships and other technical solutions and funds allowed, to ensure that natural tests showed, to reduce their own acoustic interference on submarines 40 times, and on surface ships - 20 times.

The solution to the problem of reducing the underwater noise of ships is impossible without research and measurements of energy, spectral, spatial, statistical and other characteristics of noise and vibration. In connection with this CNII them. Academician A.N. The Krylov and the 1st Central Committee of MO conducted a cycle of work on creating practical methods of measurements and research on the search for sources of ships noise, to develop requirements for the appropriate equipment complexes. As a result of these works, performed with the participation of enterprises of the State Standard, Vniem. DI. Mendeleev, Vni Ftri et al., Measuring ships and measuring testing grounds were equipped with modern devices. On ships and factory test stands, vibration and noise dimensions are placed to control the mechanisms and aggregates of ships. Metrological base, which includes original methods and techniques, as well as measuring instruments and studies of noise and vibroacoustic characteristics of ships and their mechanisms, created under scientific guidance and with the active participation of B.N. Mashharsky, G.A. Surina, G.A. Rosenberg, A.E. Kolesnikova, G.A. Chunovkin, V.A. Postnikov, V.I. Popkov, A.N. Novikova, A.K. Quashenikina, M.Ya. Pekal, V.P. Schegolikhina, V.I. Tevelovsky, V.A. Kirschova, V.K. Maslov and others.

Expanded tests of almost all series of modern submarines and surface ships were organized and conducted (G.A. Matveyev, A.A. Khachan, V.S. Ivanov, E.S. Kachanov, I. Gusev), were identified sources of acoustic and electromagnetic fields, the effectiveness of the protection funds used for them and developed measures to further reduce the level of these fields are evaluated.

Works on the creation of magnetic protection systems of ships and methods for their demagnetization were launched in 1936 under the direction of A.P. Alexandrova. In the course of the Great Patriotic War, the forces of scientists of the Academy of Sciences and Naval Engineers in incredibly short time were developed systems and methods of magnetic protection and the equipment of the ships was produced. The group of scientists entered: A.P. Alexandrov, V.R. Regel, P.G. Stepanov, A.R. Regel, Yu.S. Lazurkin, B.A. Gaev, B.E. Godzevich, I.V. Klimov, M.V. Shadeev, V.M. Peter, A.A. Svetlakov, B.A. Tkachenko and many others.

On the fleets and flotillas were created by the demagnetization services of ships, subsequently transformed into the protection of ships. After the end of the war, the work on improving the methods and means of magnetic protection of surface ships and submarines continued. Improved methods of futile demagnetization, special demagging vessels were built, new measuring instruments and testing stations were created, training qualified personnel was carried out.

One of the important areas was the improvement of the magnetic protection of the anti-mining defense ships. Scientific rationale formed A.V. Romanenko, L.A. Zeitlin, N.S. Tsarev. As a result, a highly efficient magnetic protection system has been developed, not once tested in combat fusion conditions. The development of magnetic protection of ships demanded a solution to complex complex technical problems, including the creation of a research landfill Navy (1952). In his formation, the officers played a decisive role: L.S. Gumenyuk, B.A. Tkachenko, A.I. Karas, A.F. Drummers, G.A. Shevchenko, A.V. Kurlenkov, Ya.I. Krivoruchko, A.V. Romanenko, A.I. Ignatov, M.P. Gordyaev, N.N. Demyanko.

The polygon played a significant role in improving the protection of ships in physical fields. It was equipped with the latest samples of measuring equipment. It consisted of unique structures and among them the magnetic stand, built in the late 50s. Similar stands in the United States were built after 15-20 years.

Among the scientific and technical problems that have been solved by creative teams of scientists and engineers of the country, the most important were: a decrease in the magnetic field of the ships, the development of automatic current control systems in the windings of demagnetive devices, the creation of power sources of demagnetive devices, as well as the development of equipment for measuring magnetic fields of ships. In the process of work in these areas, a whole pleiad of qualified scientists was formed. No name E.P. Lapitsky, A.P. Latysheva, S.T. Guzeheva, L.A. Zeitlin, A.V. Romanenko, I.S. Tsareva, N.M. Homyakova, E.P. Ramlau is difficult to introduce the formation of the theory of magnetic protection of ships. Later this list was supplemented with such names as V.V. Ivanov, V.T. Guzeyev, A.D. Ronins, A.V. Found, A.V. Maksimov, L.K. Dubinin, N.A. Zuev, A.I. Ignatov, I.P. Krasnov, A.G. Shanov, D.A. Gidaspov, B.M. Kondratenko, L.A. Spankin, V.Ya. Matisov, Yu.M. Logunov, Yu.G. Bricks, E.A. Seasons, V.A. Bystrov, V.E. Petrov, M.M. Reception, N.V. Veterkov, V.V. Mosyagin.

In the creation of automatic current control systems in the windings of the demagnetizing device, AV participated in the magnetic field function Skoryabin, Yu.G. Bricks, E.A. Seasons, O.E. Mendelssohn, A.V. Romanenko, O.P. Ringand, Z.E. Orshansky, V.A. Mighty. Creating sources of powering of demagnetizing devices and impulse generators for demagnetization courts was an independent problem. In her decision, large groups of the research and electrical industries participated.

The daily work of the protection of ships on the fleets is closely related to the measurements of the magnetic field of the ships. Measurements are carried out using special magnets. One of the first tape recorders used on the fleets was an English pistol magnetumber. Measurements of magnetic fields of moving ships were performed using loop sensors laid on the ground and connected to the fluxmeter. After the Second World War, the first domestic magnet center PM-2 was created, whose chief designer was G.I. Cavaliers. Then there appeared a series of ship magnets, portable and stationary. Their developers included S.A. Svetovumov, N.I. Yakovlev, V.V. Oreshnikov, I.V. Starikov, R.V. Aristova, N.M. Semenov, Yu.P. Boxed, V.K. Zhulev, as well as a team of engineers under the direction of Yu.V. Tarbeeva. Thus, the efforts of scientists, engineers, workers were created scientific basis and technical base on fleets for the continuous functioning of the ships protection service from non-contact mino-torpedo weapons.

New directions in the field of protection of ships in physical fields arising in the 50s were studies of low-frequency electromagnetic and stationary electric fields of the ship. The need for these studies was dictated by the fact that such physical fields can be used both for the contact mino-torpedo weapons and for submarine detection systems. The main information sign of the ship, on the use of which various active systems for the guidance of most anti-workers were built, the ship's visibility in various frequency ranges of electromagnetic radiation is considered, which has led to the development of means of reducing this visibility.

Works on the reduction in the noticeability of surface ships in the radio view were begun in the 60s of the NIA Navy and industry. Special stands were created, on which in the laboratory conditions on the models of ships, the parameters of the secondary (reflected) radar field were determined. At the origins of the creation of stands stood such scientists as V.D. Plashnikov, L.N. Greenenko, D.V. Charnikov, V.O. Kobak, V.P. Peresada, E.A. Stamp (subsequently leading experts in the field of research of the radar characteristics of ships).

For the study of radar characteristics, special measuring complexes have been created in one-way environment. Inpatient radar polygons on the Baltic and Black Seas were commissioned. The first of them in the Gulf of Hara-Lakht in Estonia belonged to the 1st Central Committee of MO and had radar measuring complexes Rick-b. On it for the first time the parameters of the secondary radar field of domestic ships in full-scale conditions were investigated. The performance of this work was ordained by G.A. Pechko and V.M. Gorshkov. The landfill in Sevastopol was additionally equipped with several specialized high-resolution radar stations for two coordinates and three-frequency different ranges and destinations. Special merit in its creation belongs to E.A. Stagor. Due to the loss of measuring complexes in Estonia and in Ukraine, the main load in terms of measuring the parameters of the secondary radar field of the Navy ships now lay on the area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Primorsk Leningrad region, where in 1993 the polygon was removed by the 1st Central Mo.

The results of measurements of the radar characteristics of domestic ships for the period of the 60-90s allowed us to create an atlas, which included most ships and courts of the Navy. It was found that on the surface of any surface ship there are areas of intensive local reflection, which make the main contribution to the reflected field. This circumstance, in addition to the development of the method of calculating the average effective surface of the vehicle scattering, led to the development of the development of methods and means of radar protection. Studies performed by the Navy and Industry organizations showed that in order to reduce the intensity of reflection of radar signals, it is necessary to transform strong-pressing ship structures into poorly expressing by giving the ships structures of unpretentious forms (architectural solutions), as well as to use radio absorbing materials.

Work on the creation of ship radio absorbing materials was started in the 50s. At this time, radio absorbing coatings are developed - "awning", "Kolchuga", "Sheet", "Shield". However, the first generation of radio-absorbing coatings (RPP) was not introduced into shipbuilding due to large mass engine characteristics, as well as due to the complex fastening technology to protected ship structures. To create new radio-absorbing materials, a wider range of Navy organizations, Academy of Sciences, Minhimprom enterprises, Minneftehimprom, Ministry of Flower, Minvoozov and Minsudprom has been attracted. Such scientists like Yu.M. Patrazkov, A.P. Petrenas, V.V. Kusheleev, Yu.D. Donov: They showed that the introduction of semiconducting carbon tissue in fiberglass gives it absorbing properties. In 1965, the first samples of durable radio absorbing carbon stainstacks were obtained, which called the "wing", from which the journey of the traveling boat was then made. The use of this material made it possible to reduce the reflected field of the vessel in 5-10 times. Thus, the first practical radio absorbing structural material was created.

For the wide introduction of radio-absorbing funds on ships, coatings with low weight, low thickness, durable and resistant to rigid marine conditions are necessary. These requirements imposed their mark on the nature and direction of work in this area. In 1972-1974 Yu.M. Patrakov, R.I. Englin, N.B. Bessonov, G.I. Byakin were developed the first samples of thin-layer absorbers ("lacquer", "screen"). In 1976, the first coating "Lac" was installed on one of the small anti-submarine ships. The results of the toilet tests showed that the "lacquer" coating reduces the reflected signal of 5-10 times.

In parallel with the RPP "Varnish" in the late 70s by a group of scientists under the direction of A.G. Alekseeva developed and fulfilled torture tests of the magnetoelectric cover ("ferroelast"). He was inflicted on a large anti-submarine ship. The effectiveness of this coating is approximately similar to the RPP "Varnish". Further work on the creation of the third generation of ship coatings are associated with the search for new more efficient fillers, improve the application of the application ("lacm-5m"), the expansion of the frequency range and an increase in the absorbing properties ("Lac-1 Ohm"), a decrease in the mass-duct parameters ("Lacmus" ).

Works on thermal protection or reducing the visibility of surface ships for thermal (infrared) systems were launched from the mid-50s in the 14th Research Institute of the Navy and the 1st Central Committee of MO. At the initial stage, the methods of calculating the heat radiation of ships were developed, the temperature distributions were measured over the surface of the ship, a number of thermal protection and false thermal targets were also tested. From 1965, the works of them were connected to the works. Academician A.N. Krylov as a head organization of the industry. The origins of the development of this direction were cl. Brickin, S.F. Baev. In 1974, basic test units were created for inventive measurements of the temperature fields of ships in Sevastopol, Kaliningrad, Severodvinsk and Vladivostok. Systematic measurements, their analysis, methodical development They led to a significant expansion of the nomenclature of thermal protection used and to a decrease in the level of thermal radiation of ships to the values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the best foreign ships. This was significantly promoted by natural studies of thermal fields at the landfill of the 1st Central Mo in the Baltic and Black Seas, on the basis of HMM. P.S. Nakhimov conducted by scientists S.P. Sazonov, V.I. Lopin, V.F. Barabaneshchikov, K.V. Tuffyaev.

In the mid-70s in the center of them. Academician A.N. The Krylov has been created a heat exchange stand for the process of heat exchange processes in the shipying pipes, the methods of calculating the temperature fields of the body and the surface of the flue pipes of ships, as well as the temperature measurement techniques in full-scale conditions are developed.

Since the end of the 80s, the Ministry of Equipment and the Navy, together with other industries, the transition to direct measurements of the parameters of heat fields of surface ships is carried out. The methods of trial testing of ships on the thermal field are being developed, instrumentation and research equipment is being created, methods of mathematical modeling of the heat field (thermal portrait) of the ship and evaluating its security at the technical design stage are being developed. The further possibilities of reducing the heat field of the ships are determined. The great contribution to this work was made by I.G. Utyansky, P.A. Epifanov.

Work on opticalization protection, that is, to reduce the noticeability of surface ships for laser rolling systems, they were launched in the mid-1970s of the NIA Navy and the Ministry of Affairs, with the subsequent involvement of the organizations of the Academy of Sciences, Minhimprom, Minoboronprom and other departments. An invaluable contribution to the development of the theoretical model of scattering of laser radiation by marine objects, as well as methods of calculating their protected, ML made ML. Warsaw and B.B. Semevsky.

In the 1980s, equipment was created to study the optical location characteristics of marine objects in laboratory and tool conditions. The laboratory stand is equipped with equipment that measures the reflection coefficients and brightness of ship materials both clean and with a surface film, such as water, as well as materials located in water.

For field measurements of the optical-local characteristics of ships and the sea surfaces, two coastal laser measuring complex on black (on the basis of Sevastopol VVI) and the Baltic (at the Polygon of the 1st Central Committee of MO) were put into operation. In the creation of these complexes and research of the optical-location characteristics of the ships, Yu.A. Solevon and E.G. Lebedko.

The problem of combating hydrodynamic mines was especially acute in front of the domestic Navy in 1945-1946. During the surgery for the liberation of North Korea. Her ports were minced by the Americans before the USSR entry into the war with Japan. During the landing of the papers, when ensuring the hostilities of the troops and ongoing more than a year (including in the post-war) trawling, the fleet suffered tangible losses. It was required to solve a number of research problems.

Scientists G.V. Logvinovich, L.N. Sretensky and V.V. Schulekin developed the basics of the theory of the hydrodynamic field. It was used to estimate the bottom hydrodynamic pressures under the ships, the creation of domestic samples of measuring equipment and fuses of mines, as well as to develop proposals for the trawing of these mines and protect ships and ships from them. A stationary experimental base was created, measurement techniques were developed and systematic measurements of the hydrodynamic field of the main ships and vessels of the Navy were carried out and an estimate of the effectiveness of some methods for "hydrodynamic" protection of ships was given (1st Central Mo, head of N.K. Zaitsev). Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the permissible levels of the hydrodynamic field. For this purpose, measurements of the background field parameters were performed on time stands in the areas of some databases of the fleet. The organization of temporary stands, measuring, processing and analysis of results was led by B.N. Gray.

Specialists of the 1st Central Committee of MO were developed theoretical basis Complex wave method of hydrodynamic protection of ships. The main provisions of this method are confirmed experimentally at the stationary hydrodynamic polygon. According to the results of these studies, for the first time in world practice, a fundamentally new type of carbon defense ship was created: an experienced high-speed, trailer - a wave guardian, project 1256. Specialists of the 1st Central Federal District of these ships were active in the development of the method, design and pilot operation of these ships. Vorontsov, M.M. Demikin, O.K. Krakokov, A.N. Muratov, V.I. Salazhov, B.N. Sedykh, N.A. Tsibulsky; NIIP 1st Central Committee Mo - V.A. Dmitriev, N.F. Korolkov, I.V. Terekhov; Western PKB - MM Korzoreva, V.I. Nomdov; TsNII them. Academician A.N. Krylova - K.V. Alexandrov, A.I. Currant. The results of the pilot operation confirmed the efficiency of the wave method and allowed to outline the ways to improve the new type of anti-minor defense ships.

Along with the solution of the tasks of hydrodynamic protection, there were studies of the power of submarines from the means of detecting on hydrophysical fields in the kilvater trail and on the free surface. During these studies, the country has created hardware complexes and carried out reliable measurements of the parameters of the threaded trace of the submarine and the background. Research results are used to generate measures to ensure stealth submarines.

The task of reducing the magnetic field of the ship can be solved in two ways:

application in the design of the case, equipment and mechanisms of the ship of malomagnetic materials;

conducting the veil demagnetization.

The use of malomagnetic and non-magnetic materials to create ship structures makes it possible to largely reduce the magnetic field of the ship. Therefore, in the construction of special ships (travelers, mine barrels), such materials as fiberglass, plastics, aluminum alloys, etc. are widely used. During the construction of some projects of nuclear submarines, titanium and its alloys are used, which, along with high strength, is a malomagnetic material.

However, the strength and other mechanical and economic indicators of malomagnetic materials allow them to apply them in the construction of warships in limited limits.

In addition, even if the cabinet structures of the ships are made of small-major materials, then a number of ship mechanisms remain made of ferromagnetic metals, which also create a magnetic field. Therefore, at present, the main method of magnetic protection of most ships is their demagnetization.

The velocity of the ship is called a set of measures aimed at an artificial decrease in the components of its magnetic field.

The main tasks of demagnetization are:

  • a) the reduction of all components of the MPC strength to the limits set by special standards;
  • b) ensuring the stability of the modified state of the ship.

One of the methods of solving these tasks is to carry out winding demagnetization.

The essence of the method of winding demagnetization lies in the fact that the IPC is compensated by the magnetic current field specifically mounted on the ship's aircraft vehicles.

A combination of the system of windings, sources of their power, as well as control and control equipment magnetizing device (RU) ship.

The following windings may include the following windings (depending on the type and class of the ship):

  • a) The main horizontal winding (OG) intended to compensate for the vertical component of the IPC. To demagnetize the greater mass of ferromagnetic material, the exhaust case is divided into tiers, with each tier consists of several sections.
  • b) Coursework Winding (CSH), designed to compensate for the longitudinal inductive magnetization of the ship. It consists of a series of sequentially connected turns located in the sandy planes.
  • a) the main horizontal winding of the og.

b) CSH Coursework Winding.

c) Coursework Basic winding KB.

  • c) Course buttock winding (CB), intended to compensate for the field of inductive transverse magnetization of the ship. It is mounted in the form of several contours located competently in bactaria planes, symmetrically relative to the diametrical plane of the ship.
  • d) Permanent windings applied on large displacement ships. These types of windings include a permanent spangling winding (PSH) and a permanent boutique winding (PB). These windings are laid on the highway of the KSH and KB windings and there are no types of current control during operation.
  • e) special windings (CO) intended to compensate for magnetic fields from individual large ferromagnetic masses and powerful electrical installations (Containers with rockets, trawling units, batteries, etc.)

The power of the windings of the RU is carried out only with a constant current from special power units. The power aggregates are the electromashic converters consisting of a drive motor of the AC and the DC generator.

To power the converters and windings, the ships are installed special power boards, receiving power from two sources of current located on different sides. On the panels, the required switching, protective, measuring and signal instrument is installed.

For automatic current control in windings, a special instrument is installed, which adjusts the currents in the windings of the RU, depending on the magnetic course of the ship. Currently, regulators of the type "frame-M" and "Cadmium" current regulators are used.

Along with winding demagnetization, i.e. Using RU, surface ships and submarines are periodically subjected to non-varying demagnetization.

The essence of the hobbled demagnetization is that the ship is subjected to a short-term effects of strong, artificially created magnetic fields that reduce the IPC to certain norms. The ship itself does not have any stationary demagnetizing windings. Wearing demagnetization is performed on special BD stands (postural demagnetization stand).

The main disadvantages of the exhauscal demagnetization method are the insufficient stability of the modified state of the ship, the impossibility of compensating the inductive components of the IPC, depending on the course and the duration of the process of erobic demagnetization.

Thus, the maximum decrease in the magnetic field of the ship is achieved by applying two methods of demagnetization - winding and unamply. The use of the RU allows you to compensate for the IPC during operation, but since the magnetic field of the ship can change significantly over time, then the ships need periodic magnetic processing on the RAC. In addition, measurements of the magnetic field of the ship are produced on the SBR, in order to maintain the IPC in the attached attacks.

Military seafarers will be able to press the buttons to change individual electromagnetic portraits of ships for which modern torpedoes and bottom mines are subject to. This feature will be provided by supercapacitors - devices that are an intermediate link between batteries and capacitors. They are able to instantly accumulate electric current and also to spend it. Creasters will be able to independently carry out the veil into the sea in case of danger and thereby mislead the enemy.

According to Izvestia in the commander of the Navy, the mass production of supercapacitors has been established in Russia, which will be used for rapid demagnetization of warships, as well as to distort and disguise their electromagnetic portrait. The newest set of demagnetization has already been tested on a large landing ship (BDK) "Ivan Gren".

Standard energy storage devices used in the Navy have high specific power-based, but low specific energy parameters. The demagnetization systems based on them have a large mass, therefore are established only on special codes of demagnetization. Unlike the storage devices of the previous generation, supercapators are compact devices with an ordinary car battery size, but with their help the process of demagnetization can be made continuous, integrating the device into the composition on-board equipment.

Supercondensants for the Navy are designed by TEEMP. Products have a specific power of 100 kW / kg and can work even at extreme temperatures. The supercapacitor has a millionth rating of the charge-discharge cycles, which allows them to integrate it into any side equipment of the car, airplane or ship.

An expert in the field of naval armament Alexander Mozgovoy told Izvestia that the standard procedures for demaging the ship are long and tedious. Now they are carried out exclusively in the territory of naval bases.

The ship has not only its unique acoustic portrait, but also electromagnetic. There are magnetic mines, torpedoes and even rockets with magnetic heads of guidance, "the expert explained. - demagnetization is necessary, but this is a big problem. I remember, Ivan Gren had to change the entire wiring on the BDK.

According to the expert, the new technologies greatly simplify the process of demagnetization, since everything is done with one click on the button. Seafarers will be less work, and the process of preparing to enter the combat service will significantly accelerate. Such a system also constantly controls the state of the electromagnetic field of the ship during the navigation.

The Americans have already installed a similar system to their newest Esminans like "Zumvalt", "said Alexander Mozgovoy.

The cleaner of the ship is a mandatory procedure before each yield to the sea. It includes a hull winding electric cable. On it for several days, the current generated through electrolytic capacitors, which give variable magnetic pulses. They remove their own electromagnetic field of the ship. Thereby improving the work of navigation complexes, and at the same time the protection of the ship is increasing from high-precision weapons systems.

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