Grammatical errors Table with examples of the exam. How to distinguish grammatical and spelling errors? Types of grammatical mistakes

Grammatical errors Table with examples of the exam. How to distinguish grammatical and spelling errors? Types of grammatical mistakes

Grammatical errors

Reference materials

Grammar mistake - this is an error in the structure of the language unit: in the structure of the word, phrase or suggestions; This is a violation of any grammatical norm: word-formative, morphological, syntactic. For example:

slip awayinstead of slipping, nobleness instead of nobility - An error in the word-forming structure of the word is allowed here, it is not that prefix or not that suffix;

no comment, eatinginstead are going more easier - the word form is incorrectly formed, i.e. the morphological norm is broken;

pay for travel, awarded award - the structure of the phrase is broken (the rules of management are not complied);

Riding on the rink, leg sore; In writing, I wanted to show the meaning of sports and why I love him - Proposals are incorrectly built with a part-off turnover (1) and with homogeneous members (2), i.e., syntactic norms are violated.

Unlike grammatical,speech errors - These errors are not in the construction, not in the structure of the language unit, but in its use, most often in the use of the word. In the advantage of violations of lexical norms, for example:Stolz is one of the main characters of the novel of the goncharov "Oblomov"; They lost two soles in the war.

The speech error can only be seen in the context, in this its difference from the error of grammatical, to detect which the context is not needed.

The generally accepted classifiers of grammatical and speech errors are given below.

Grammatical errors

No. p / p

Type of error


Erroneous word formation

LOOKING BAM, over to mock

Error formation of a form of a noun

Many mite technique lacking timei

Error formation of an adjective form

More interesting, beautiful

Error formation of the form of numeral

With five stages rubles

Error formation of a pronoun form

Their pathos, fuck children

Error formation of verb

They are ride, want, writeabout nature life

Violation of coordination

I am familiar with a group of guys, seriously fascinatingby jazz.


Need to make their nature morebeautiful.

Tells readers.

Violation of communication between the subject and faithful

Most objected against such an assessment of his work.

Violation of the method of expression of the faith in individual structures

He wrote a book thatepic.

Everyone was glad, happy andmerry.

Errors in building a sentence with homogeneous members

The country loved and was proud of the poet.

In writing, I wanted to sayon the meaning of sports and why I love him.

Errors in building a sentence with an adapted turnover

Reading text , there is such a feeling ...

Errors in building a sentence with a particular turnover

Narrow track was coveredfalling Snow under legs.

Errors in building a challenge offer

This book I taught me to appreciate and respect friends,which I read in childhood.

It seemed to manwhat is a dream.

Mix straight and indirect speech

Violation of the borders of the sentence

When the hero came to the senses. It was too late.

Violation of viewed correlation verb form

Fit for a moment, the heart and suddenlycastle again.

To the number of most typicalgrammatical errors(K9) Errors related to the use of verb, verb forms, adverbs, particles:

1) Errors in the formation of personal forms of verbs:They move the feeling of compassion (follows: drives);

2) Wrong use of viewed forms of verbs:This book gives knowledge about the history of the calendar, will teach the calendar calculations quickly and accurately (It follows: ... give .., teach ... or ... gives .., teaches ...);

3) errors in the use of valid and suffering communities:Water streams, drained down, struck the author of the text(follows: flowing);

4) Errors in the formation of verbalia:Shovel on stage, singers bowed(normal: coming out);

5) Incorrect formation of adverbs:The author of Tuta was wrong (Norm: here);

These errors are usually associated with violating patterns and rules of grammar and arise under the influence of the surprise and dialects.

In addition, the typical can be attributed andgrammatical-syntactic errorsAlso detected in the works of examined:

1) communication violation between the subject and faithful:The main thing that I now want to pay attention is the artistic side of the work (Norm: ... This is the art side of the work);To benefit the homeland, you need courage, knowledge, honesty (Norm: ... you need courage, knowledge, honesty);

2) errors associated with the use of particles, for example, unjustified replay:It would be good if the artist's signature would stand in the picture; The separation of the particles from the component of the proposal to which it relates (usually particles are put before those members of the sentence, which they must allocate, but this pattern is often disturbed in writings):In the text, two problems are revealed. " (The limiting particle "total" should be faced with the subject: "... only two problems");

3) Unnecessary pass to the subject (ellipssis):His courage, (?) To stand up for the honor and justice attract the author of the text;

4) incorrect construction of a complex proposal:The author of the text understands not only as an enlightenment, intelligence, but also with the concept of "smart" was associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bfree formation.

Training exercises

The task. Find an error, explain (in accordance with the table), write a fixed option.

1. Believers associated with the use of verb, verb forms, adverch, particles.

1) They move the feeling of compassion.

2) This book gives knowledge about the history of the calendar, will teach the calendar calculations quickly and accurately.

3) Water streams flowed down, struck the author of the text.

4) Shooting on stage, singers bowed.

2. Grammar-syntactic errors.

1) The main thing is, what now I want to pay attention is the artistic side of the work. To benefit the homeland, you need courage, knowledge, honesty.

2) It would be good if the artist's signature would stand in the picture. In the text, two problems are revealed.

3) His bravery, stand up for the honor and justice attract the author of the text.

5) Looking at the performance, most of all I liked the main heroine.

6) I believe that in our dramatic theater perfectly put a classic.

7) Pushkin describes and critically responds to Pugachev uprising.

8) In the story of the "Captain Daughter", one of the main characters - Pugachev.

9) Essay requirements do not go beyond the scope of a limited school program.

Grammatical mistakes make even competent people. It is easy to notice that some rules of Russian do not cause difficulties, and most regularly stumble like most. The point is not so much the fact that these rules are complex. Rather, they are simply inconvenient, and some have so many exceptions and features of the application that their presentation occupies a whole sheet - it seems that they cannot be learned, without being an academician.

Consider the best typical errors In Russian, made by non-schoolchildren, but quite competent people.

What is considered a grammatical error?

The grammatical error is a violation of the generally accepted established norm. Grammatical calls any errors related to word formation (for example, not the suffix is \u200b\u200bused for used), morphology (for example, incorrect leaning of verb), syntax (for example, inconsistent with the main proposal

Calculate grammatical errors from spelling or speech.

The most common errors are associated with punctuation:

1. Many have accustomed to allocate "however" commas and are very surprised when Word emphasizes the comma after it, as a mistake. More attentive notice that the comma error after "however" is considered only when it stands at the beginning of a sentence. Indeed, if the meaning of this word is similar to "after all", "nevertheless," and it stands in the middle of the sentence, it is considered to be introduced, and it needs to be allocated with commas. If it means "but", as, for example, in the sentence "However, she did not understand it" (\u003d "But she did not understand him"), then they do not need comma.

2. It is often a confusion with the signs of "dash" and "colon." Many, facing the CO which missed the Union, intuitively understand that you need to put a more "solid" sign than comma. But which one? The rule is actually quite simple. You need to choose the most suitable words instead of the missed union.

If, in meaning, these words are suitable as "what", "namely", then you need to install a two-way. And also the colon is placed if the first sentence ends on words denoting perception and imply that after them a description will be a description. It may be words: see, understand, feel, etc.

I remember (that): there was an evening, playing a quiet sweater.

He was a complex person (namely): hot-tempered, bull, sullen.

I immediately found out: (because) it was one yellow shoe.

I see: Barge sails, on her barefoot, tanned, unfamiliar, but sparkles a smile and waves with my hand in the next second.

If you can insert words such as "a", "but", "and", "as if", "this", "therefore", "like", then you need to use a dash.

Wide stepped (s) - pants broke out.

Behind the sea, the tile (this) is a half, and RUP is transport.

Blood wind - (so) groaned, creaped the old boron.

The dash is also placed when you can add words "if" or "when" at the beginning of the sentence.

(When) thought about Grisha - he is here like here.

(If) I get a fee - Mahene at the sea!

Grammatical errors related to morphology

The difficulties cause "NN" in the suffixes (although glass, tin, wooden remembers everything), it is especially difficult to deal with the double "n" in adverbs. And many confuses the use of particles not / nor. Many educated people, imperceptibly for themselves, are mistaken in management. How is it right, "control for" or "control over"? The confusion between them is another popular grammatical error. Example:

  • monitoring the quality of execution;
  • control over the execution of the order;
  • water control.

What is the right one? Everything. This or that type of control in this case is selected depending on the peculiarities of the subsequent word. For example, "control over" is used before the exclusive nouns (execution - execution). There are other subtleties.

This article refers far from all common grammatical errors. It is quite possible to learn not to make them, having studied the rules. We hope we managed to demonstrate that the knowledge of the secrets of the native language is a fascinating case, and sometimes enough superficial acquaintance with the rule to realize all its logic and expediency. We also hope that you have noticed options for using the rules described above in the article itself, and not just under the "examples" headlines.

The question of the classification of errors in schoolchildren's speech continues to be one of the pain points of teaching Russian in school. This problem is painful not only for teachers, methodologists, specialists in speech culture, it is relevant for all people writing and reading in Russian.

Grammatical errors are a violation of grammatical norms for the formation of language units and their structure.

An analysis of grammatical errors helps the teacher to determine what norms of the language (word-formative, morphological, syntactic) does not own a student.

Varieties of grammatical errors

  • Word-formative
  • consisting in unreasonable phrase and modification of the words of the regulatory language. Such errors can not be perceived as spellotographic.
  • Morphological
  • associated with the abnormative formation of forms of words and consumption of parts of speech.
  • Syntax
  • associated with violation of syntactic standards.

Grammatical errors

Type of error


1 Violation of the norms of Russian literary formation:

Erroneous word formation,

Distortion of words

Hardworking, scramble, supersmatch, stress, join, pinzhak, merciless, journalism

natural intelligentsia; the impellent image; soul noble; semiclating; persistence; Supershka; bumping board; bing; their words; Tavercar Vectoes; Thirsty.

2 "Replaceable" word formation, manifested in replacing any morpheme. To be treated (instead of scattering), rally (from hanging);
3 The philantification (the creation of a non-existent derivative of a unit that cannot be considered as occasional) muscase, a reviewer, not loose.


Incorrect formation, violation of the system properties of a formation system in different parts of speech

4 Error formation of a form of a noun Many miracle of technology lack time
5 form form V.P. inanimate noun, as an animated I asked the breeze (instead of the breeze);
6 form form V.P. animated noun, like inanimate Two bears were harnessed in Sani (instead of: two bears);
7 changing the kind in the formation of case forms: pottal Patty, February Azure;
8 the decline of the unclean nouns play piano;
9 the formation of forms of the multiple number among nouns having only the only one and vice versa tray of teas, the sky has been tightened with a cloud.

Error formation of an adjective form

10 Wrong choice of full and short forms The hat was full of water, the boy was very full
11 Incorrect formation of comparison degree forms: new become fighting, she was a petition; more interesting, beautiful
12 Violation of verb shaping Man rushes around the room;
13 Violation of the formation of verprices and communities Changing on the bus, the hunter was walking, looking around
14 Error formation of the form of numeral With five stages rubles
15 Error formation of a pronoun form Their pathos, fucking children, did not want to break away from her (books)
16 Error formation of verb They ride, want, write about the life of nature


17 Violation of coordination I am familiar with a group of guys, seriously fascinating jazz,

Bazarov can not overcome a sense of love embracing it;

On both sides of the road stretched the hills; poachers who violate the law;

Bazarov says Arkady that your father is a retired man.

18 Disturbance It is necessary to make your nature more beautiful, tells readers, according to the law,

it is shown by a man of strong will, rich in mind, strong health;

special attention was paid to the preparation of the plan; It should be noted that everything had a chaotic appearance in the house of Nozdrev; It is characterized by many negative features; I am confident in the future, Sonya regretted and worried about Raskolnikov; thirst for glory;


Errors in a simple sentence structure:

communication violation between the subject and faithful

Sun villages; But not eternally nor the summer; It was my only book on the days of the war;

Violation of the border of the sentence

Dogs attacked the trail of the hare. And they began to drive it in deforestation. When the hero came to the senses. It was too late.

21 Unsuccessful use of pronouns The visits took a heavy bundle from the chair and pushed him aside.

Manilaov asked Pavel Ivanovich to go to his office.

Sobekevich demanded from Chichikov to write a receipt to himself.

22 Violation of communication between the subject and faithful Most objected to such an assessment of his work.

Usually young people are carriers of advanced ideas.

There have been a number of events.

To bear the benefit of the Motherland, you need courage, knowledge, clarity (instead of: .... Available courage, knowledge, honesty);

23 Violation of the method of expression of the faith in individual structures He wrote a book that epic. Everyone was glad, happy and cheerful.
24 Errors in building a sentence leading to the distortion of its meaning, structure In his play, Chekhov also showed the work part of the intelligentsia with its dreams of a bright and beautiful life, the representative of which is Trofimov.

Porfiry was a pet since childhood Mother.

She persuaded to give the supply for the wounded, on which things were already laid.

25 Errors related to particle use

It would be good if the artist's signature would stand in the picture ; the separation of the particles from the component of the proposal to which it relates (usually particles are placed before those members of the sentence, which they must allocate, but this pattern is often disturbed in writings):

Two problems are revealed in the text, (restrictive particles in total, "must be faced with the subject:" ... just two problems. "

26 Errors in building a sentence with homogeneous members The country loved and was proud of the poet. In writing, I wanted to say about the meaning of sports and why I love him.

Destruction of a number of homogeneous members

This teacher is faithful to his work and never retreat from its principles. Almost all things in the house are big: cabinets, doors, and a truck and a combine.


Errors in building a sentence with an adapted turnover

Reading the text, such a feeling arises ... In the picture "Goalkeeper" a boy is depicted, spreading his legs wide, rubbed his hands in his knees.
29 Errors in building a sentence with a particular turnover The narrow path was covered with fallen snow under his feet; the fit boat to the shore.

The locomotive duplication of one of the membership members is more often subject.

Bushes, they covered the river bank.

Skipping the necessary words.

Vladik nailed the board and ran into volleyball.


Errors in the structure of a challenge offer:

mix writing and supervisory communication.

This book taught me to appreciate and respect friends I read in childhood. The man seemed to be a dream. When the wind increases, and the crowns of trees are noisy under his gusts.


Out of the presidency of the word determined.

Taras's sons have just trembled with horses who studied in Kiev Bursa.

34 Mix straight and indirect speech The author said that I disagree with the opinion of the reviewer.

The destruction of phraseological turnover without a special stylistic installation, for example:

I can't sit standing hands; laughed like a cutana.

Unjustified pass (ellipse) subject to

His courage is to stand up for the honor and justice attract the author of the text.
37 Violation of the viewed correlation of verbal forms He freezes the heart for a moment and suddenly stand again.


  1. Vastevic A.G. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistic Education of the Southern Federal University. Advanced training courses; № 17, 2007, Russian. Pedagogical University "First September" "Methods of preparation for the exam in the Russian language; Planning classes, organization of the lesson, exercise system. "
  2. Pedchak E.P. "Russian language. Series "United States", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2003
  3. R.N.Popov, D.P.Valkov. "Modern Russian", tutorial for students of pedagogical institutions, Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1978
  4. Methodological manual for teachers, Yanoipkro, Salekhard, 2007


  1. Grammatical errors.
  2. Speech errors.
  3. Logic errors
  4. Actual errors.
  5. Spelling mistakes.
  6. Punctuation errors.
  7. Graphic errors.

Grammar mistake - this is an error in the structure of the language unit: in the structure of the word, phrase or suggestions; This is a violation of any grammatical norm: word-formative, morphological, syntactic.

For example:

  • slip awayinstead slip, selfish instead nobility - An error in the word-forming structure of the word is allowed here, it is not that prefix or not that suffix;
  • no comment, eatinginstead pass, More easier - the word form is incorrectly formed, i.e. the morphological norm is broken;
  • pay for travel, awarded award - the structure of the phrase is broken (the rules of management are not complied);
  • Riding on the rink, leg sore; In writing, I wanted to show the meaning of sports and why I love him - Proposals are incorrectly built with a part-off turnover (1) and with homogeneous members (2), i.e., syntactic norms are violated.

Unlike grammatical, speech errors - These errors are not in the construction, not in the structure of the language unit, but in its use, most often in the use of the word. In the advantage of violations of lexical norms, for example:

  • Stolz is one of the main characters of the novel of the goncharov "Oblomov";
  • They lost two soles in the war.

The speech error can only be seen in the context, in this its difference from the error of grammatical, to detect which the context is not needed.

The generally accepted classifiers of grammatical and speech errors are given below.

Types of grammatical errors:

  1. Erroneous word formation - Labor bimha overmit.
  2. Erroneous formation of a form of a noun - Many museum but technique lacking time i.
  3. Error formation of an adjective form - More interesting, beautiful.
  4. Erroneous form formal form - FROM five hundredruble.
  5. Erroneous formation of the form of pronoun - They arepaphos, ihhi. children.
  6. Error formation of verb shape - They are ride, want, writeabout the life of nature.
  7. Negotiation violation I am familiar with a group of guys, seriously fascinating imya jazz.
  8. Control violation - Need to make their nature more beautiful.
    Narrates readers.
  9. Disorder of communication between the subject and faithful - Most objectedagainst such an assessment of his work.
  10. Violation of the method of expression of the faith in individual structures - He wrote a book that epic.
    Everyone was glad, happy and merry.
  11. Errors in building a sentence with homogeneous members - Country loved And proud of the poet.
    In writing, I wanted to say about meaning
    sport and why I love him.
  12. Errors in building a sentence with an adapted turnover - Reading text, there is such a feeling ...
  13. Errors in building a sentence with a certain turnover - The narrow path was covered with fallen snow under the legs.
  14. Errors in building a challenge offer - This book He taught me to appreciate and respect friends I read in childhood.Man seemed that this is a dream.
  15. Mixing direct and indirect speech - The author said what am Ii do not agree with the opinion of the reviewer.
  16. Violation of the borders of the sentence - When the hero came to the senses. It was too late.
  17. Violation of the viewless correlation of verb forms - Fit for a moment, the heart and suddenly stand again.

Types of speech errors:

  1. The use of words in an unusual meaning of him - We were shocked beautiful game actors.
    Thought develops on the continuation Total text.
  2. Indemnity of the shades of the value introduced into the word prefix and suffix - My attitude to this problem has not changed.Specific measures were taken.
  3. Indemnifying synonymous words - IN finiteoffer The author applies graduation.
  4. Using words other style painting - The author, referring to this problem, is trying to send people a little to another king.
  5. Inappropriate consumption of emotional and painted words and phraseological units - Astafyev, that and it comes speaking to use metaphors and personification.
  6. Unreasonable consumption of spatrical words - So people always manage others.
  7. Violation of lexical compatibility - The author increases the impression. The author uses artistic\u003e features (instead of the means).
  8. Using extra words, including pleonism - Beauty landscape The author transfers us With the help of art techniques.Youngyoung man highly beautiful.
  9. Using single-handed words in a close context (tautology) - This story describes the real events.
  10. Unnecessary repetition of the word - The story of the story is not thinking over his act. The hero does not even understand the whole depth of the deed.
  11. Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures - When the writer came to the editorHe was accepted by the chief editor. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.
  12. Unsuccessful use of pronouns - V. Belov wrote this text. It belongs to the art style.I immediately had a picture in my imagination.

Typical grammatical errors (K9)

it errors associated with the use of verb, verb forms, adverbs, particles:

  1. Errors in the formation of personal forms of verbs: They move the feeling of compassion (follows: drives);
  2. Incorrection of viewed forms of verbs: This book gives knowledge about the history of the calendar, will teach the calendar calculations quickly and accurately (It follows: ... give .., teach ... or ... gives .., teaches ...);
  3. Errors in the use of valid and suffering communities: Water streams, drained down, struck the author of the text(follows: flowing);
  4. Errors in the formation of verprices: Shovel on stage, singers bowed(normal: coming out);
  5. Wrong formation: The author of Tuta was wrong (Norm: here);


  1. Grammatical errors.
  2. Speech errors.
  3. Logic errors
  4. Actual errors.
  5. Spelling mistakes.
  6. Punctuation errors.
  7. Graphic errors.

Grammar mistake - this is an error in the structure of the language unit: in the structure of the word, phrase or suggestions; This is a violation of any grammatical norm: word-formative, morphological, syntactic.

For example:

  • slip awayinstead slip, selfish instead nobility - An error in the word-forming structure of the word is allowed here, it is not that prefix or not that suffix;
  • no comment, eatinginstead pass, More easier - the word form is incorrectly formed, i.e. the morphological norm is broken;
  • pay for travel, awarded award - the structure of the phrase is broken (the rules of management are not complied);
  • Riding on the rink, leg sore; In writing, I wanted to show the meaning of sports and why I love him - Proposals are incorrectly built with a part-off turnover (1) and with homogeneous members (2), i.e., syntactic norms are violated.

Unlike grammatical, speech errors - These errors are not in the construction, not in the structure of the language unit, but in its use, most often in the use of the word. In the advantage of violations of lexical norms, for example:

  • Stolz is one of the main characters of the novel of the goncharov "Oblomov";
  • They lost two soles in the war.

The speech error can only be seen in the context, in this its difference from the error of grammatical, to detect which the context is not needed.

The generally accepted classifiers of grammatical and speech errors are given below.

Types of grammatical errors:

  1. Erroneous word formation - Labor bimha overmit.
  2. Erroneous formation of a form of a noun - Many museum but technique lacking time i.
  3. Error formation of an adjective form - More interesting, beautiful.
  4. Erroneous form formal form - FROM five hundredruble.
  5. Erroneous formation of the form of pronoun - They arepaphos, ihhi. children.
  6. Error formation of verb shape - They are ride, want, writeabout the life of nature.
  7. Negotiation violation I am familiar with a group of guys, seriously fascinating imya jazz.
  8. Control violation - Need to make their nature more beautiful.
    Narrates readers.
  9. Disorder of communication between the subject and faithful - Most objectedagainst such an assessment of his work.
  10. Violation of the method of expression of the faith in individual structures - He wrote a book that epic.
    Everyone was glad, happy and merry.
  11. Errors in building a sentence with homogeneous members - Country loved And proud of the poet.
    In writing, I wanted to say about meaning
    sport and why I love him.
  12. Errors in building a sentence with an adapted turnover - Reading text, there is such a feeling ...
  13. Errors in building a sentence with a certain turnover - The narrow path was covered with fallen snow under the legs.
  14. Errors in building a challenge offer - This book He taught me to appreciate and respect friends I read in childhood.Man seemed that this is a dream.
  15. Mixing direct and indirect speech - The author said what am Ii do not agree with the opinion of the reviewer.
  16. Violation of the borders of the sentence - When the hero came to the senses. It was too late.
  17. Violation of the viewless correlation of verb forms - Fit for a moment, the heart and suddenly stand again.

Types of speech errors:

  1. The use of words in an unusual meaning of him - We were shocked Beautiful play actors.
    Thought develops on the continuation Total text.
  2. Indemnity of the shades of the value introduced into the word prefix and suffix - My attitude to this problem has not changed.Specific measures were taken.
  3. Indemnifying synonymous words - IN finiteoffer The author applies graduation.
  4. Using words other style painting - The author, referring to this problem, is trying to send people a little to another king.
  5. Inappropriate consumption of emotional and painted words and phraseological units - Astafyev, that and it comes speaking to use metaphors and personification.
  6. Unreasonable consumption of spatrical words - So people always manage others.
  7. Violation of lexical compatibility - The author increases the impression. The author uses artistic\u003e features (instead of the means).
  8. Using extra words, including pleonism - Beauty landscape The author transfers us With the help of art techniques.Youngyoung man highly beautiful.
  9. Using single-handed words in a close context (tautology) - This story describes the real events.
  10. Unnecessary repetition of the word - The story of the story is not thinking over his act. The hero does not even understand the whole depth of the deed.
  11. Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures - When the writer came to the editorHe was accepted by the chief editor. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.
  12. Unsuccessful use of pronouns - V. Belov wrote this text. It belongs to the art style.I immediately had a picture in my imagination.

Typical grammatical errors (K9)

it errors associated with the use of verb, verb forms, adverbs, particles:

  1. Errors in the formation of personal forms of verbs: They move the feeling of compassion (follows: drives);
  2. Incorrection of viewed forms of verbs: This book gives knowledge about the history of the calendar, will teach the calendar calculations quickly and accurately (It follows: ... give .., teach ... or ... gives .., teaches ...);
  3. Errors in the use of valid and suffering communities: Water streams, drained down, struck the author of the text(follows: flowing);
  4. Errors in the formation of verprices: Shovel on stage, singers bowed(normal: coming out);
  5. Wrong formation: The author of Tuta was wrong (Norm: here);

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