Deputy Commander of Ground Forces of the Russian Federation Valery Georgievich. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, new appointments were held for senior positions.

Deputy Commander of Ground Forces of the Russian Federation Valery Georgievich. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, new appointments were held for senior positions.

This is reported by Kommersant with reference to its own sources in the Ministry of Defense. The interlocutors of the publication said that the Lieutenant-General Sergei Kuralenko, the head of the Academy of the General Staff, will be appointed by Colonel-General Alexander Galkin, who is currently an assistant Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu.

Sources noted that Kuralenko will go to work in the command of the land forces and will be the Deputy Committee of the Colonel Committee of Oleg Salyukov. There were no comments from the Ministry of Defense yet.

The 56-year-old Lieutenant General Sergey Kuralenko takes the post of head of the Military Academy of the General Staff since August 2016. Kuralenko served in Syria, the sources of "merchant" suggest that "educational work is not quite it."

In addition, from February 2016, Sergey Kuralenko led only to the coordination center on the reconciliation of the warring parties on the territory of Syria (located on the Russian airbase Hmeimim). He also served as a representative of the Russian Federation in the International Information Center in Baghdad, and was also deputy commander of the Western Military District. In his youth, Kuralenko was served in the Soviet troops group in Germany, the Odessa Military District of the USSR Armed Forces, the Trans-Baikalsky, North Caucasian, Leningrad, Southern and Western Military Districts of Russia. In 2006, he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff.

Lieutenant-General Kuralenko became famous for its loud statements to the United States. For example, in September last year, he hinted on the possibility of the development of an open military conflict: "We should not say that there will be no big war. Only a strong army is able to restrain the aggression of any opponent."

Colonel-General Alexander Galkin 59 years old. He is held by Assistant Minister of Defense with the past January. "I have no doubt that experience, knowledge and organizational skills will allow Alexander Viktorovich successfully to fulfill official duties," the head of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu said about him.

In December 2010, Alexander Galkin headed the Southern Military District, which included Russian objects in Crimea before his accession, and also included the former Ukrainian military units of the peninsula. Galkin has a lot of awards, among which there is a medal "For the Return of Crimea", received in 2014. At the same time, the European Union made it to the list of persons in respect of which visa restrictions were introduced. Prior to that, Colonel-General served in the North Caucasus and Siberian military districts. In 2003 he graduated from the Academy of General Staff.

As I wrote earlier, the Kommersant, the dismissal of Alexander Galkin from the SAVO was planned and was associated with the rotation of the Command District. General Galkin rampedly held his post almost since the formation of the Military District (Yuvo was formed in September 2010), while the command of three other districts (Western, Central and Eastern) managed to change several times. Of course, the general complaints about the superior team did not arise - on the contrary, the warlords did not meet his participation in the operation in the Crimea.

A new head of the main headquarters of this type of Armed Forces General Colonel Vasily Tonkobsov will be responsible for the development of land forces. This is an experienced officer who has repeatedly participated in hostilities and awarded four battle orders. The former place of his service is the head of the main organizational and mobilization department (GOMU) of the General Staff.

As told Izvestia in the Ministry of Defense, Colonel-General Vasily Tonkoshkov since the beginning of May began to fulfill the duties of the head of the main headquarters of the Ground Forces - the first deputy commander-in-chief of this type of troops.

This position is traditionally considered a career springboard. For example, the hero of Russia Alexey Dumin, who was appointed to her in 2015, has become the governor of the Tula region in a year. Now he is considered a real applicant for the head of one of the power ministries in the New Government.

Vasily Tonkoshkov from 1983 to 1985 participated in hostilities in Afghanistan. Was injured. In 2000 he participated in a counter-terrorist operation in the territory of the Chechen Republic. He was awarded two orders of courage, orders "for military merit" and a red star, a medal "For military merit".

Head of the Main Staff - a key figure in the system of ground forces. It is he who is responsible for their appearance and development, told Izvestia Military expert Viktor Murakhovsky.

Today, the main headquarters is primarily responsible for organizational and staff structure, "he said. "It is there that make decisions that for numbers and in armament should be motorized rifle and tank units, brigades, divisions and general-official army. Partly, by this, General Tonkoshkov was engaged in the post of chief of the Goma. In a new position, he will also have to solve a number of tasks of operational and combat training. Also, the main headquarters determines which weapons systems will be armed with land forces. This is the most extensive nomenclature. military equipment Among all types of armed forces.

Vasily Tonkoshkov is a graduate of the Tashkent Supreme Communication Command School. He served in the group of Soviet troops in Germany, then in the Baltic Military District. In 1990 he graduated from the M. Military Academy Frunze. In the Far East, he commanded the motorized rifle regiment, was the deputy commander of the Guards Motorized Relocker Division. Since July 2004, in the North Caucasus Military District, a motorized rifle division was commanded. In June 2008, he was appointed headquarters of the 41st army of the Siberian Military District, and since June 2009 he became commander. Since 2013, the head of the main organizational and mobilization department of the General Staff.

Ground troops The last two dozen years are continuously involved in armed conflicts of different intensity. Therefore, the appointment of an officer with combat experience in this position is a logical decision, says the military expert Vladislav Shurygin.

Positive trend recent years In the Ministry of Defense, that the key positions of officers and generals are appointed for specific merits in official and combat activities, "he told Izvestia. - At the same time, the officer who commanded in a combat atmosphere is always preferable. He like no other understands that it is necessary for the troops. Combat experience is all the more important on such a key position as the head of the main headquarters of the ground forces. He is responsible for the formation of the appearance of this very numerous and the most skilled type of troops.

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Ground troops (SV) - the most numerous combat composition of the armed forces. Consist from motorized rifle, tank troops, rocket troops and artillery, air defense In addition, their composition includes a special: radiation, chemical and biological protection, engineering, communications, Rabs and automotive.

IN Armed Forces RF held new appointments to senior positions November 29, 2017

Standards in reliable hands

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, new appointments were held for senior positions.

So, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2017, Lieutenant General Alexander Lapin was appointed to the position of commander of the troops of the Central Military District. In turn, Colonel-General Vladimir Zrudenitsky, who had previously commanded the Troops of the Central University, was appointed head of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Alexander Zhuravlev, appointed commander of the Eastern Military District. Standards, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, Army, Deputy Minister of Defense, General Army Dmitry Bulgakov, was presented with the new commander of the troops of the Russian Federation and VVO. By the same decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Sergei Surovikin, who had previously commanded the troops to the Russian troops under this time, was appointed commander-in-chief of the air-space forces of Russia to date. In addition, two new deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were appointed.

At the solemn ceremony of presenting a personal standard, the new commander of the Central Military District, held in Yekaterinburg in the headquarters of the CIO, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation noted that Lieutenant-General Alexander Lapin - a bold leader and a skillful organizer who has experience leadership and practical application interspecific compounds.

Heading the headquarters of the Eastern Military District, the military-educational science Center The Ground Forces, Alexander Pavlovich Lapin showed the best qual qualities of the head, said the army general Dmitry Bulgakov. - High moral and professional qualities allowed him to successfully command two operational groups in individual directions, and then fulfill the duties of the headquarters of the grouping of troops in the Syrian Arab Republic.

The Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation added that today the troops of the Central Military District entrusted with difficult tasks for the preparation and use of troops in the Central Asian Strategic Direction, including the collective forces of operational response in the Central Asian Collective Security Region.

Alexander Pavlovich Lapin was born in 1964 in Kazan. He graduated from the Kazan Higher Tank Team School, the Military Academy of Armored Forces, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Passed all command posts. Before the appointment, the commander of the troops of the Central University was headed by the Universal Academy of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Speaking about the appointment of Colonel-General Vladimir Zrudenitsky by the head of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Deputy Minister of Defense stressed that Vladimir Borisovich showed the best qualities of the commander who allowed the CVO to become one of the best operational arrangements.

I am confident that the experience gained by Colonel-General Vladimir Zrudenitsky during the command of the troops of the Central Military District will be in demand and applied in the preparation of senior officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the country's government officials, "said the army general Dmitry Bulgakov.

* * *

Personal standard by the new commander of the Eastern Military District, Colonel-General Alexander Zhuravlev, was awarded the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in Khabarovsk at the headquarters of the VO.

At the solemn ceremony, the Army General Dmitry Bulgakov noted that Alexander Alexandrovich Zhuravlev established himself as an experienced leader and a skillful organizer, consistently held all the main team and staff posts to the Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

- On all charged sites, he achieved success. Deep special knowledge, non-standard thinking, possession of modern attitudes of leadership troops allowed him, commanding the grouping of troops in the Syrian Arab Republic, to achieve significant success in the fight against international terrorism and transfer the military experience to the leadership of the Armed Forces of Syria, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation emphasized.

Alexander Alexandrovich Zhuravleov was born in 1965 in the village of Golyshmanovovo Tyumen region. He graduated from the Chelyabinsk Higher Tank Command School, Military Academy of Armored Forces, Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 2016, he commanded the grouping of the Armed Forces of Russia in Syria. From January 2017 - Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

* * *

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2017, Colonel-General Sergey Surovikin, who had previously commanded the troops of the VVO and so far, heading the Russian grouping of troops in Syria, was appointed commander-in-chief of the air-space forces of Russia.

Sergey Vladimirovich Surovikin was born on October 11, 1966 in Novosibirsk. He graduated from the Omsk Higher Officer Command School, MV Military Academy Frunze, Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since June 2004, he commanded the 42nd Guards Division deployed in the territory of the Chechen Republic. Then he commanded the 20th total-skyk army. In November 2008, he was appointed head of the main operational department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since January 2010, he served the headquarters of the Volga-Uralsky headquarters, and subsequently the Central Military District. From April 2012, he served in the central office of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In October 2012, he was appointed headquarters chief - the first deputy commander of the troops of the Eastern Military District. From October 2013 - Commander of the Troops VO.

It should be noted that it was under the command of General Colonel Sergey Surovikina that the Russian group of troops in Syria in cooperation with the Syrian armed forces reached maximum success in the fight against international terrorism, almost destroying his strongholds in this Arab Republic.

We add that the Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was appointed by the hero of Russia Vice-Admiral Alexander Moiseev, who had previously held the position of headquarters of the Northern Fleet headquarters,

and Major General Gennady Lichik, who had previously commanded the 2nd Guards Communarily Army of the Central Military District and at the time of the headquarters of the Russian group of troops in Syria.


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