Homemade drinkers for chickens. Several simple options for autopalok do it yourself

Homemade drinkers for chickens. Several simple options for autopalok do it yourself

Drinking bowl for birds will cost much cheaper than the purchase. Drinking is an indispensable element for growing poultry livestock. It can be made handled from unnecessary materials that are on each site.

So, how to make drinking for chickens with your own hands quickly and cheap. Let's look at the manufacture of different types of rowels.

How to make nipple

Their advantages are as follows:

  • saving water;
  • protection of water from dirt and garbage;
  • stability;
  • convenience of service.

Adult chickens, and chickens can use the nipple. Non-bulls are well coped with pins moving up and down. Broiler and chickens set structures with water supply to any side. With proper fabrication of the sticker, the service takes several minutes a day and is only in the volive of the water as expenditure.

You can make such a design from any plastic container - even from the washed plastic bucket from the building mixtures. The wider there will be a bottom of the bucket, the better. In the manufacture and calculation of the materials, it is necessary to correctly calculate the needs of grown chickens in drink, so that in the heat around the wheelburns did not appear. Each bird drinks through the nipple, so the number of nipples must satisfy the needs of chicken livestock.

As for the selection of Nippel, this issue proceeds from the age of the livestock. For example, for youngsters, the optimal choice will be the model 3600, which spins 360 degrees. For adults, the best option will be nipples 1800, which are activated by pressing up and down.

Create nipple drinking just:

  1. At the bottom of the tank, you need to drill the required number of holes and to unleash the nipple for the drivingler.
  2. Strengthen the design on a comfortable height.

Water consumption in such a shell is 20 times less than in traditional. This allows much less frequently to follow its devastation. In addition, you can bring to the design of the hose from the water supply or tank. They will help save on water and special drops.

Drinkers are assembled not only of tanks, but also from PVC water pipes, which are placed on the wall along the entire length.

Nipple drinkers for chickens from plastic pipe:

  • cut the pipe with a diameter of 2-3 cm required length. Every 10 cm (for young) or 25 cm (for adults), the tube is placed - nipples will be located at these places;
  • a screwdriver with a 9-mm drill to drill holes;
  • metchik make threads;
  • blow the tube through, blowing dust from drilling;
  • screw nipple;
  • at one end, put the plug, on the other end - the adapter to which the hose will be planted;
  • install droproins or micro-wide drivers;
  • check the design to functionality, masturbation in a free end. The wind must blow out of each nipple;
  • consolidate the clamps to the wall of the chicken coop and fasten the heal in them;
  • create a hose from the row to the water supply.

The most important thing in such a system is the correct installation of nipple, otherwise the device will not function.

Vacuum drinkers

According to another principle, a vacuum drill is operating, water from which is fed under the influence of a vacuum. The easiest option of such a design is an inverted three-liter bank, the water from which flows into the plate into which the neck is immersed. Water in the bank is held, due to the pressure difference inside and on the surface of the plate. When the level in it decreases, the air bubble is drawn into the bank, allowing you to pour the desired amount of fluid.

Now glass banks have already ceased to be relevant due to their weight, fragility and inconvenience of processing. They replaced the plastic containers.

An example of the manufacture of a drinking box of 5l or 10l bottles. For construction containers, we take a plastic bottle of 5 or 10 liters.

Independent manufacture of vacuum cream for chickens:

  • pick up a bottle of water, plastic cap and upper cover, in which the usual will be included;
  • screw the lid on the bottle and place the place where it ends on the bottle;
  • preheated kitchen knife to do a hole with a diameter of 8-10 mm, not higher than the tag;
  • cap water into the container, spin the cap and turn the bottle to check the functionality.

Drinking car ready. Now it is necessary to fix it on the wall of the chicken coop or on his rods clamps. The 5-liter bottle of water is enough for the day dozen chickens.

From plastic sewer pipe

This is a simple and durable design, convenient in creating.

  • For the manufacture you will need a sewer pipe with a diameter of 15 cm.
  • On the one hand, you need to install the plug. On the other - to sum up the hose
  • In the pipe cut oval elongated slits with jumpers.
  • The pipe is easily cut through the heated knife.
  • Irregularity to handle the sandpaper.
  • The installation is made to the wall through the retainers at the level of the chicken back so that it does not splash in it.

The simplest drivingker from the bucket

If you are interested in a temporary simple version of the ringer, you can make equipment from a construction bucket and pallet.

  • The pallet with a diameter should be more the top of the ass.
  • In the bucket at a distance of 1 cm from the top Drill 2 holes opposite each other.
  • After that, pour into the venue of the water and cover it on top of the pallet. Gently turn the design.
  • Gradually, a fluid, seeding from 2 holes, will be accumulated there. After its level reaches the holes, the flow will stop.

When birds are drinking from such a drink, the fluid level will be recovered.

Requirements for chickens for chickens

One chicken can drink different amounts of fluid depending on age, weather and quantities of eaten feed. However, the adult chicken will drink at least 500 ml. Chicken drinks water twice as more than eats feed.

In order for the bird, there are barriers to drinking water, there are a number of requirements for driving ...

  • convenience. Sudine should easily fill. Preferably automated way. It is necessary to place it so that the razzle can be added to the liquid drug, liquid vitamins or additives;
  • safety. Metal structures should be stainless steel, and plastic plastic plastic. In the device there must be no sharp corners and stitching elements. Otherwise, the bird may be scattered and then it will begin to operate;
  • hygiene. The capacity must be isolated from the effects of external factors so that water does not become a source of infection. Unacceptable chicken excrement. The sudine must be well to die. The bird should not splash in it;
  • stability. The chickens are able to inadvertently overthrow the ass. Water will break, dampness will appear in the chicken coop, humidity will increase. And this may cause various kinds of diseases;
  • functionality. The bird should be able to have unhindered access to drinking. If the rider is nipple, then the number of nipples must correspond to the number of chickens.

Chickens of creatures are bog and not always neat. All designs must be securely fixed, otherwise the chickens can fly to the drip or simply tipped it. Wet chicken - chilled bird that can be botheted at any time. Then it will have to treat her runny nose and cough.

What are the drinking boxes

Simple designs are made from old construction buckets or PVC tubes. You can independently make a drinking or vacuum type.

Vacuum and nipple drinkers are the optimal choice of the maternity owner, which appreciates its time and strength:

  1. The design of the vacuum rifle is arranged in such a way that the water always fills itself as it is spent. This is the perfect option for growing a small livestock in 5-10 birds.
  2. The nipple design is more complicated, but it allows you to make an automatic water supply. Nipples are needed for making, of which water will result in exposure to them and drops, allowing to reduce water consumption.

Separately, it is possible to allocate spacious and comfortable siphon species. They can be put on the floor or secure on the wall. The design of the rowing system consists of a siphon system, a glass and a pallet.

Cup rockers are a sudden of a small size with a tongue, floating inside and overlapping water from the hose. They work as follows: In the writings filled to the top, the tongues float on the surface and the inflow of water overlaps. As water spent, the tongue is lowered down and the new portion is poured into a cup. These are simple and convenient models.


Again, to avoid colds and weakening immunity in chickens, as well as in order not to have problems caused by freezing water, the drinkers can be equipped with heating.

  • A simple homemade design is a low core box with a discovered sidewall, which has a cord with a basement from the lamp.
  • On the box to put the rocker.
  • When the incandescent bulb is turned on by 40 W, the walls of the box are heated and this is enough to keep water in a saucer in a warm state.

When creating such a design, money is spent only on the purchase of light bulbs, since all other materials are usually on the plot.

As you can see, make a normal pickup so that the bird does not experience any inconvenience to any owner. More time can occupy an automated water supply device, but the result in the form of a decrease in the need for human presence in care of pets is worth it.


The wet chicken is an unpleasant sight, wet chicken - dangerous may die. Drinking boweller with his own hands - the only option to keep the dry litter in the chicken coop. The drivingker will allow, always and plenty to provide a bird with fresh pure water.

What should be the rider for chickens

Each chicken drinks water 2 times more than eats feed. Chicpes need 0.5 liters of water per day. At the same time, the bird tries to dominate. She wals his legs into a cup with food, in a basin with water. As a result, feed is plugged, and the dirt and litter floats in the water. On the poultry farms provided for nipple drinkers, and the worse the country chicken? Let's try to attach them to hygiene, replacing ordinary basins on the drinkers for chickens.

The main condition, in the sawing for chickens, made with your own hands, can be dipped only the nose or catch the droplets. This condition corresponds to:

  • siphon;
  • nipple;
  • vacuum;
  • casual drinkers.

The devices do not allow the seas to walk through water, and the dirt is entered only by noses. What to do with this chicken! We have to wash more often the container. There are certain requirements for hardware for chickens:

  1. It is necessary to provide an automatic water supply so that the drivingler was filled during the day. Well, if the device is attached to the wall or raised to the stand.
  2. The device should be light and durable so that in the event of a fall did not injure the bird. Reliable fastening will prevent the water turning and bottling.
  3. Material for manufacture - Food plastic, inner painting. Sharp edge should not be.
  4. Capacity should be well to die from the sediment at the bottom.

How to make a vacuum droop

1-bank; 2- liquid; 3 - cup; 4 - Creating a gap.

Devices based on glass cans of different containers set. A vessel from which water flows down with throat is used, from which the water follows as the bowl is emptying, into which it is immersed water is held due to the pressure difference on the surface of the saucer and inside the bottle, at the top. When the level in the cup dropped, the air bubble comes into the bottle, which makes it possible to pour out a certain amount of water. This cream can even make a child with your own hands. Drinking for smokers with his own hands, the photo of which in front of you does not require an explanation, how to make it.

However, chicken, bird curious, restless, loves to take high places. Therefore, there is not one stitching on the bank, there will be fighting on it without rules, and soon the bank will lie on the side, well, if a whole. You will have to find a more stable design of the drinker for smokers with your own hands.

When using plastic cream, it is important that the edge of the bowl is fixed or the protective rim will be put onto it. Chicken can scatter about the sharp edge, then the exploration will begin.

Everywhere in the farm used bottles of water. It is not difficult to find them, in each house there are several such products in the secluded corner of the storage room. The dishes are light, transparent and easy to work out.

We will produce drinking for Curia from plastic bottles. An ordinary plastic pelvis with high sideboards is taken. They will just be at the level of chicken neck. In the bottles at the level of 15 cm from the bottoms, they make a hole, and in the filled form omit in the basin. Water follows, fill the gap between the container and the walls of the dishes and will stay slightly above the level of the hole.

Water drank, the level in the basin decreased, the hole in the wall of the bottle was exposed. In the way, the air bubble will go to the bottle, the air bladder pressure will change and water will fill the basin. The five-liter bottle is enough for a day 10 chirms.

The best device of the automotive flipper for Curia from two bottles will be the device, with the manufacture of which can be found in the video:

Who has no opportunity to see, describe the device. We take 2 bottles of water from different sizes. You can 8 and 5 liters, you can 5 and 3. They must have traffic jams. A large bottle is cut off as a water saucer, more than 15 cm high, but so that the bird is comfortable to drink. We turn the second bottle and in any way inserted one into another plugs connect. A hole is drilled on the body with a small bottle below the edge of the bowl.

A bottle is poured with water, the cork together with the bowl is screwed from above. The hole sticks with the finger, and the container is installed in the holder on the wall. The hole opens, the bowl is filled with water, the vacuum is created at the top. Drinking bowl for Curia from plastic bottles is ready. Suspension must be taken at the bottom, fix the bottle of a clamp on top.

How to make drinking for smoke from the sewer pipe, can be seen in the picture. This is the opening in the open type, and that the chickens do not bathe, it should be located at the level of the back. In the pipe cut holes like a bodied, with jumpers. The material easily cuts the hot knife. At the edges, install tees with plugs - challenges, buy along with the pipe. The pipe can be tested and fill through the crane. Drainage with a damper serves to clean the trough.

Nipple drinker

A sample of automatic feed, savings and hygiene are nipple drinkers for chickens. Water can be in various tanks, including a bucket, the main thing is a dropper working on a chicken team. Therefore, the simplest represents a suspended bucket with protruding from the bottoms by nipples. The device can operate from the tank of the drive or be flowing.

It will take some skill in plumbing work and patience. But the caulier will be no worse than those used on the poultry farms. From materials and tools need to be prepared:

  1. Nipples, for young and chickens need 3600, and for adult chickens -1800, this indicator shows the service sector.
  2. Pipe plastic square or round, but with internal grooves and wall thickness 22 mm.
  3. Plugs on ends, with adapter for connecting to a highway.
  4. Flexible lining hose.
  5. Clamps for canopy tubes.
  6. A cross section of 9 mm and a tap for cutting a 1/8 inches thread.

It does not matter which pipes are installed on the drinking, the installation of the installation lead in the sequence:

  • pipe markup;
  • out of the grooves, holes are drilled;
  • cutting thread;
  • nipples are screwed;
  • closes the ends;
  • capples are installed;
  • the design is attached to the wall;
  • water is served.

We will build automatic drinking for smokers with your own hands according to the drawing:

You need to get nipples, but it is better to immediately take European, they are more reliable. Buy plastic tube and mounting equipment is easy. The pipe is drunk from the ends, placed under the nipples. They must be located after 30 cm. It remains to drill holes, chop threads and screw the nipple with a sealing ribbon or packles. Check the tightness of the connections and submit water from the capacitance on the embedded hose.

Diplelifier can serve saucers made of dyshek plastic bottles. These light cups in the case of transmitting nipple will allow you to leave a dry litter. As can be seen from the scheme, the nipple should be under the water mirror.

The system requires additional automation if the pipe of nipple flow is flowing. The installation should include a pressure regulator. But the water will not be stagnant, fresh.

There is no possibility to describe all the designs of autopalok for Curia, invented by folk crafts. Only you decide, as applied to what kind of drivingler is better.

Drinking bowl with dispenser - Video

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

The need for water appears in feathered literally from the first days of life, because during the breeding chickens it is necessary to think about drinking for chickens, which can be made with your own hands thanks to our collection of photos and original ideas. We can make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it easier for the process of the process, while spending the process for just a couple of hours and saving the budget. Next, we consider the most popular and affordable types of containers and requirements for them.

Example of drinkers for adult chickens, young and chickens.

What should be a drink for chicks?

For small feathers, must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Capacity. Birds in the first days of life consume water more than feed.
  2. Safety. There should be no sharp edges in the tank, which can be clamped.
  3. Easy care and environmental friendliness. The drinking bowl must be made of environmentally friendly material, for example, edible plastic. The material should not be reacted with possible medical preparations, besides, it should be good and easy to clean against the fall, sediment and other contaminants.
  4. Reliable mount. The feathels should not be able to flip the drinking and thereby injure or bite.

Main error when choosing a dressing

For ignorance or in order to save, many poultry products are served water for chickens in ordinary open containers (saucers, lids and the like). However, this is a serious mistake that can have negative consequences:

  • water from the open appear quickly evaporates, if it does not control the flow of water on time, the feathery can still have thirst for a long time;
  • there is always a risk of overturning the open pit, as a result of which the chickens will remain without water, and the flooring will burst. The latter factor increases the risk of cold and infections;
  • in the open question, it will be likely to fall litter, feed and floor particles;
  • small chickens will not miss the ability to climb into the tank. Rabbing and cooling are fraught with diseases;
  • if the sudine is too big, chickens can even drown.

Alone made drinkers for birds have a number of benefits: they are safe, protected from garbage from entering and foreign objects, they cannot be tipped over or climb into them with their feet. In many species, water flow can be adjusted depending on the needs of the feathery and number of livestock. That is why it is worth preferring a simple and efficient drink that you can make yourself on our step-by-step instructions.

Types of ice

Today, in the market of goods for poultry farming, you can find many ready-made solutions, but they may somehow not approach your needs (for example, if the livestock is too large). Therefore, we offer several original ideas from the photo by which you can make it possible to make it possible to make itching for chickens.

From plastic bottle

Plastic bottles are available in the household in excess, therefore, they can be used to use it for the creation of hopes.

The first version of the manufacturer of the rifle is the most affordable, fast and efficient, but more suitable for older chickens and young, rather than for newborn babies. It will take only a bottle of 1.5 or 2 liters, a sharp knife and support. On the discovery of the bottle, you need to outline a few holes and cut them. Then the bottle must be securely fixed in a horizontal position as in the photo:

A simple variant of the drinking boxes from a plastic bottle.

It is very important to make slots of the right size - if they are too large, chickens can climb into the vessel, and the feathers will not be able to drink from too small holes.

To fix the appearance, you can use a wire that bottle is convenient to attach to the cell or the wall of the poultry house.

Despite the simplicity and low cost of a similar device, it has some drawbacks, for example, hitting the garbage into water, increased evaporation, etc. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to the following models of homemade stickers.

Video: Drinking bowl of plastic bottle.


The principle of operation of vacuum drinkers is based on the difference in atmospheric pressure. Thanks to him, the water from the open part of the drill does not pour out of the vessel, but the amount of water is constantly maintained at the desired level. It is possible to make a vacuum drinking for small feathers from any submitted capacities, including glass cans and plastic containers.

Homemade vacuum drinking bowl of jars and saucer.

General design diagram of vacuum drinker:

  1. Water reservoir (in the photo - glass bank, in fact there can be any suitable capacity).
  2. Water level in tanks.
  3. Vessel for drinking.
  4. Water reservoir stands (for water supply can be used holes in the tank).

Option 1

Consider how you make your own hands to make a vacuum pot for chickens from a plastic bottle. From the materials you will need only a bottle (the volume of containers depends on the amount of chickens) and the peer in the diameter is wider than 5 cm, directly from which the chicken will drink.

The manufacturer of the reinforcement as simple as possible - on the discovery of plastic containers (closer to the bottom) you need to do a hole with a diameter of 5-8 mm. The exact height of the opening depends on the height of the second peer.

The hole in the bottle should be located below the edge of the peer, in which the plastic vessel will be located.

The variant of the vacuum drinking bowl of the bottle and pallet.

Option 2.

The following photo shows another option to make a vacuum type drinking. Plastic containers on a spinning lid are used with water with water, in which the holes are done. Next, the sudine is filled with water and put in the turned into a pallet into small stands.

Drinkers from plastic containers.


Nipple drinkers were widespread both in small subsidiary farms and on large-scale poultry farms due to its simplicity and high efficiency. They allow 20-30 times to reduce water spending thanks to the dosed feed - when Pernata wants to drink, it presses the beak onto the rod (component of the nipple mechanism) and gets exactly the amount of fluid that is necessary for thickening thirst. Other advantages of this species, drinking can be called purity of water, the exclusion of bird wetting, overturning the mechanism.

Option 1

For the manufacture of drinkers of this type, you will need to be purchased at the Nipple store. Also required plastic container, sealant and drill.

For small feathers, it is necessary to choose the nipples 360º, which, in contrast to 180º, serve water when the mechanism deviates in any direction.

Nipple mechanism.

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

  1. A hole is drilled to the cover of a plastic bottle, commensurate with the nipple diameter.
  2. The nipple mechanism is inserted into the lid and is fixed with a sealant.
  3. Water is recruited into the bottle, the lid twists.
  4. Next, the bottle remains fixed in the turned out.

The process of manufacturing a simple nipple drinker.

In a bottle of 1.5-5 liters in a cover, only one nipple mechanism can be fixed. Therefore, in the hot season, especially after feeding, a large accumulation of feathered can be formed near the drinker. To cover the needs of all chickens, you need to install multiple bottles.

An alternative can be the use of a plastic bucket, canister or other containers with a wide bottom, on which the holes can be done and set several nipple mechanisms around the perimeter.

The use of a plastic bucket as a reservoir for the nipple drill.

In the finished form, the design looks like this:

Application of design in practice.

The droplet helps save and rationally distribute water.

The height of the installation of the nipple drinker depends on the age of feathery. This can be viewed in detail in the following photo:

The angle of water receipt into the body of the feathers depending on the height of the drier.

Option 2.

To create a second type of nipple drive, materials and tools will be required:

  • plastic tube with a diameter of 2-3 cm;
  • nipple mechanisms and drops;
  • page and corner for the ends of the pipe;
  • drill and drill (diameter is equal to such Nipple);
  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • a sharp knife or leg.

Finished design in the poultry house.

Phased instructions for creating a driller for a small chickens:

  1. Cut part of the PVC pipe with a length of 60 cm.
  2. For every 10 cm length, make marker marker. In the specified places, drill holes with a drill, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of nipple (on average it is 9 mm).
  3. You need to drill holes carefully so as not to make them through!
  4. Clean the pipe from the shavings, screw the nipple mechanisms into the holes (manually or using a wrench). Attach the couplings.
  5. One end of the pipe must be closed with a plug, install the fitting corner, through which water can be poured.

How to teach chickens to drink

Already in the first day after hatching chick is ready to eat food and water. Escapes of the feathers to drinking will depend on their type:

  • In the case of a nipple type of chicks, they will independently become brilliant, metal tip, on which there will be a drip of water. When they feel the liquid, they will quickly understand what.
  • In the case of vacuum and the most simple cream from a bottle into water, you can throw several chairs. Possessing innate curiosity and desire to peck all, the chicks will not miss the opportunity to try to catch particles.

We looked at the most simple, but effective ways to make bread for chickens with our own hands at home, using materials available in each compound. The mechanisms listed above can be adjusted and customized for your needs. The result will be worth spent effort and time - small feathels will grow healthy and strong!

You can see the process of creating a driller on the following video:

To benefit from the kennel of chickens, they need to create comfortable habitat conditions and provide proper nutrition. One of the most important elements of the content is the drinking bird mode. Drinkers can be purchased or made of sweater materials. To make a drinking system for smokers with your own hands, it is necessary to consider the features of various models, their comfort from the point of view of birds and the convenience of servicing, adding water or vitamins, as well as purification from pollution.

Requirements for chickens for chickens

A good rocker must:

  • be durable and stable;
  • harmless to chickens;
  • easy to fill out;
  • do not enter into chemical reactions with liquid;
  • it is easy to wash and disinfect;
  • keep water clean and suitable for drinking;
  • do not allow water to freeze in winter.
For normal activity, the chicken requires up to 270 ml of fluid per day. The rate depends on the breed (egg churra need less drink), the age of the bird and the time of year. So, the two-month young egg breeds need about 120 ml of water, and broiler is about 200 ml.

Did you know? The deprivation of drinking chicken for 48 hours reduces its egg production for 6 days to 4%. The sign of the lack of fluid in the body is the wrinkling of the ridge, the loss of appetite.

Production of drinkers for chickens do it yourself

Main types of cream in chicken coopers:

  • "Lazy" option is any home tank;
  • vacuum;
  • nipple;
  • from the polypropylene tube.
Simple container, by type of bowl or pan, is light in service, but unsafe. The content in it is very quickly contaminated, since dust, feed, dirt fall there. Crane from contact with bird paws can be the cause of intestinal disorders and infectious diseases in feathery.

To create a drinking system, you will need:

  • screwdriver or drill;
  • roulette;
  • consumables.

The nipple rink gives fluid only at the moment of contact with the bird. It is convenient because the water is not stored, it can not be splashing or stain.

This system is from:

  • water tank;
  • connecting hose;
  • pipes with nipples;
  • drops.
Production Algorithm:
  1. A plastic or polypropylene tank is taken to work, which will pour water. The main requirement for this capacity is it must be durable.
  2. A hose is screwed into the tank for which water will be supplied.
  3. Polypropylene tube marks every 30 cm.
  4. Hole holes under nipples.
  5. The tread is cutting with a thread, after which it is necessary to screw the nipple (Series 1800).
  6. At one of the ends of the pipe, the plug is installed, and the hose is connected to another end.
  7. All joints are insulated so that the system does not leak.
  8. The drone is put on the pipe for each nipplel.
  9. The tank is attached on the wall of the chicken coop, and the pipeline is so that the chickens are comfortable to drink, i.e. not higher the back of the chicken.

Did you know? Birds learn to drink from Nipple as well as found food. Interested in brilliant nipple, the chicken strikes his beak on it and gets drinking. When taking others to the water, it continues to drink than and demonstrates the principle of system operation.

Video: Production of nipple drinkers

Vacuum drinker

The vacuum rider is a water capacity set on the pallet. For the manufacture of such a model will be required:

  • plastic bottle or other capacitance;
  • pallet;
  • small legs under the bottle.

Creation of a row:

  1. The bottle is filled with water.
  2. There are small legs on the neck.
  3. Cover the pallet.
  4. Turn over.
The contents of the bottle will be held by atmospheric pressure, and in the pallet, the liquid will flow as the chickens will drink the existing. As a water tank, plastic bottles are often used. To make a stable design, the container is fixed on the pallet. Vacuum rowels can be homemade and purchased. Their main disadvantage is that the pallet with water is polluted from chicken paws and beaks.

How to make a vacuum watering: video

For the manufacture of such a model, a polypropylene tube is needed, plugs on the ends of the pipe and clamps for fastening it on the wall.

Work algorithm:

  1. In the pipe on one side rectangular holes are cut.
  2. At the ends of the pipe put the plugs.
  3. Fasten the pipe at a height of 20 cm from the floor to the wall of the clamps.
  4. Pour water.
This system is optimal on the light of manufacture and maintenance. Water is not contaminated, it is easy to add vitamins to it, it is convenient to wash and disinfect.

Important! According to the All-Russian Research Institute of Poultry Affairs, cold water does not assimilate the bird, but is in its intestines until the body temperature is reached. Therefore, water birds, and especially chicks, you need to be heated. The optimal temperature for broiler chickens should be within + 18-22° FROM.

For work, you will need a plastic bucket and nipple.

Manufacturing includes the following actions:

  1. In the bottom of the buckets are burned around the circumference of the opening under the nipple (Series 1800).
  2. Cutting thread in holes.
  3. Screw nipples.
  4. The bucket is fixed using a kapron rope or other mounting to the ceiling.
  5. Water is recruited.
Drinking from such a drinking bowl of chickens will also be the same as from the nipple-made pipe. The feasibility of such a system is that it is easier and faster to do than the pipe-theft.

Drinking bowl for winter with heating cable

Since warm liquid is better absorbed by the bird organism, especially in winter, it would be very desirable to envisage. Chilled water not only causes diseases, but also freezes, disturbing the water balance of the organism of chickens.

For the manufacture of a heated model, you will need:

  • already ready nipple drivingker;
  • heating system;
  • pipe larger diameter than heap with nipples;
  • foamed polyethylene or other heat insulator.
The heating system consists of a heating cable, a plug connected to the cable using a coupling on one side, and the end coupling on the other end of the cable. It is intended for use in plumbing systems. For PVC pipe with a diameter of 25 mm, a 10 W cable will be sufficient for the temporal meter.

Creating a heating drinker:

  1. The heating cable is started in the system with nipple drinks.
  2. So that there is no loss of heat, the pipe is placed in thermal insulation, for example, foamed polyethylene.
  3. In the tube of a larger diameter or corrugation, the holes are drilled under the withdrawal of nipples.
  4. Nipple drinking in thermal insulation is packaged in the corrugation.
  5. In order not to leave the tank, it is also packaged in the insulation, for example, mineral wool or sandwich panel.
  6. The heating cable is connected to the power grid.

Important! Consumption of warm water (+ 10-15° C for adult chickens) accelerates the absorption of nutrients in winter. And in hot weather, cool water helps the bird maintain optimal body temperature.

How to make winter nipple drinking: video

How to make automatic water supply in drier

Water for birds both in nipple and vacuum hinders are automatically supplied. To ensure automatic water supply to the rope, it must be connected to the plumbing system. But such a model has more flaws than advantages:

  • sooner or later, any pipe of the water pipe is polluted by the deposits of the organicists, particles of heavy metals, etc.; Drinking, connected to the water supply, cannot be washed or disinfected;
  • if such a system is used by an infected bird, you will bring an infection into the housewire at home.

It is necessary to place the drinking in the limits of reaching the bird, i.e. not higher than 30 cm from the floor level. Pipe structures are attached to the walls, the rest are placed so that the bird can not flip them over.


  • nipple drinking bowl or made of polypropylene pipe attached clamps to the wall;
  • vacuum is better to place on a 20-30 centimeter elevation - it will save it from turning, will reduce the amount of dirt falling into it;
  • the nipple cream from the bucket is fixed to the hook on the ceiling of the chicken coop.

How to teach chickens to use drinking

Chickens are pretty curious birds, and if a droplet hangs from Nipple, then someone will definitely touch her with his beak and find out that from "this thing you can drink, and also will show how it works, with its relatives.

If this understanding does not come, you can make one nipple slightly subject, it will attract the attention of the chickens, and they will quickly unlighten the rules for interaction with the device. You can dial water into the dropout in order to attract the attention of birds to nipples.

As you can see, creating various complexity in the degree of complexity and the principle of operation of drinking conditions for everyone. The process takes some time and requires minor costs, but ultimately provides birds with a higher-quality water supply system.

Chickens grown on their farm always grow better and their products are useful than the bird growing on a large poultry farm.

But in order to increase the performance of chicken livestock, you need to create suitable conditions. Clean drinking water should be available around the clock, especially this is important in summer. Drinkers for chickens are made independently or purchased in the store.

What should be a high-quality rider for nuclear hens

What kind of chickens you did not hold, the driller, made by you, must meet certain conditions:

  1. Security for poultry. It is necessary to make tanks only from high-quality and harmless material. If you are using metal elements, then when they interact with individual substances form harmful to health cleaners. In addition, you should remove all the sharp corners and process any protruding protrusions, otherwise the bird will be lit.
  2. Water purity. The unlocked structures will become a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of harmful microorganisms. This will lead to a bird development. Also, the chickens are capable of independently pollut the water and with an unsuccessful design even to deteriorate into the drier. To prevent this, you need to securely protect the containers from any garbage.
  3. Convenience and easy operation. Water pouring should be convenient. If it is possible, it is advisable to connect the plumbing to the drinking boxes.
  4. Stability and reliability. Objects located in cells are often subjected to chickens attacks, for this reason they should be made durable and fasten well. Drinkers need to be stable so that the bird does not turn them accidentally. The inverted capacity will leave the chickens without drinking, the spilled water will add dampness.

Important! Kura, remaining without drinking for 48 hours, carry significantly fewer eggs. A sign of a lack of moisture in the body is the loss of appetite and wrinkling the ridge.


You can use a small saucepan or a small bowl as a drier. It is easy to maintain, but such a design is dangerous for the bird.

It easily gets dirt, wakes up food and dust flies. The chicken can go into a saucepan and stain water with legs, this will lead to the reproduction of microbes and intestinal disorders.

Vacuum rider (siphon)

This is a simple product - a container filled with water and fixed on the stand.

To work you need to cook:

  • plastic bottle;
  • bottle Stand;
  • shallow bowl;
  • legs.


  1. In the bottle pour clean water.
  2. It is put in a bowl down in a bowl, so that it does not touch the bottom to several millimeters.
  3. Cut part are covered.

Water will flow into a bowl. When its level rises to the height of the neck, the leak fluid will stop, it will hold its atmospheric pressure. The liquid gradually flows into the pallet in such a quantity as the bird will drink.

For the drinking bowl turned out to be stable, it needs to be securely secure on the pallet. You can not make yourself a vacuum cream, but buy it in the store.

The main drawback of such a product - Mud can fall into the bowl of chicken beak and paws.

Simple drunkker

It will take to buy nipples and find an old, but a whole plastic bucket.

Work is performed in this order:

  1. In the bottom of the bucket is drilled around the perimeter of the hole to install nipples.
  2. In the drilled places, carving is cut in the diameter of the thread of the nipple.
  3. Nipples are installed in place.
  4. The bucket is attached to the ceiling with a rope or any fastener.
  5. Pour water.
  6. Drinking worker is ready for operation.

In winter, in an unheated poultry house, the water freezes, and the bird will have nothing to drink. Of course, you can pour a new portion after each feeding.

But so have to do, only if electricity has not been carried out in the chicken coop. But if there is a power grid, you can easily make several different heated drinks, and the chickens will be provided with clean water at any time.

Drinkers heated for winter, non-freezing, with heating cable

The principle of operation is simple - In a tin box, a simple light bulb is fixed. At the top of the box cut through a small hole, a bowl is placed on the box and pour water. Warm air, which comes from the light bulb, heats the drinking, and the liquid will not freeze.

If there is no box, then drinking is easier: The light bulb is installed in the hollow foam block (or slag block) and on top are installed with water dishes.

On a note! Water saves frost, consolidating homemade heating elements over the tank, for example, from powerful resistors. Sometimes heaters intended for aquarium are used. They are not suiced, but the result will please you.

You can warm the tank with a warm cable designed to heat the warm floors. It is easy to purchase in the store.

The capacitance is winding the cable (at the top on the image shows a nipple rider with a heating cable), securely insulate the connections and include on the network.

Nipple drinker

So that the water came in a bird without a break, set nipple drinkers. They are well suited not only for adult chickens, but also for young people. You only need to purchase special nipples and collect the device.

Nipples are manufactured so that during their movement, the fluid has begins to flow. To reduce water costs, some poultry products are additionally used in the design of special drops.

Casual devices

To make a simple product, you need to take a small metallic pelvis, a bowl or bucket. But cheapness and simplicity leads to disadvantages.

The owner of the bird will have to change the water at least 2-3 times a day, the reason is that dirt falls into the container. The product turns out to be unstable and the bird is easily tipped.

Important! Small open dishes are suitable for young. But in this case, it is necessary to check its condition. The liquid can spill and wet chickens, after which the young body will die of low temperature.

Industrial cupideliers look like this:

How to make drinking from the pipe from the sewerage:

  1. The length of the pipe is carried out a longitudinal line, it will be located holes.
  2. The outline of the holes mark the marker: you need to make it stretched 20-30 cm long.
  3. Cut holes on the battered line, then fasten the drinking.
  4. The edges of the pipe are devoured or set up the removal raised up, through them poured or drained dirty water. The edges of the holes need to be cleaned from the burstles so that the bird is not injured.
  5. Drinking, made of sewer pipe, can be used.

A simple autopalkil model is made using nipple, aluminum wire, metal plate and wine plugs:

The autopoch can be made differently, with the help of fittings, removed from the old toilet tank:

Getting to manufacture

First you need to decide which hotels are suitable for your poultry house. There are several designs of comfortable drinking.

Drinking bowl with a bottle capacity of 5-10 liters

This is the simplest design, you will need for work:

  • plastic bottle of 5 liters, if birds are greater, better take the 10-liter container.
  • construction knife;
  • wide and small saucepan or bowl.

The dressing worker is going to simply:

  1. Rates from the bottom of a bottle of 10-20 cm, the hole cuts over. It should be lower than the side of the bowl.
  2. The hole is closed and the bottle is filled with water.
  3. A bottle is placed in a bowl, after which the cutting hole must be opened. The water will fill the container and when it blocks the hole, the liquid will stop flowing.

The water level in the dishes will be constantly maintained at the height of the opening. This design will always help you out as an emergency.

Automatic drinking bowl of plastic pipes

First of all, you need to purchase materials for work:

  • 2 pipes for the sewer system with a cross section of 50 mm;
  • one air valve with a cross section of 50 mm;
  • one plug for pipes 50 mm;
  • nipples;
  • fastening for 50 mm sewer pipe 4-6 pcs;
  • two turns of the pipe under 90 degrees;
  • one connection of the ball valve and plastic pipe;
  • plastic tank;
  • winding.

When the materials are purchased, you need to wash the container so that there are no dust left in it.

Build construction:

  1. On the pipe drill holes to install nipples of a suitable diameter. Screw them into place, the pipe is installed in such a way that nipples are directed down.
  2. At the bottom of the tank make a hole, the brass sleeve is inserted into it, fasten with nuts, pre-laying the gaskets.
  3. Install the crane on the sleeve.
  4. In the part of the plastic pipe with nipples, the air valve is fixed and the plug is closed, the valve is directed upwards.
  5. Using turns of the pipe, it is supplied to the container. With the help of fasteners fix them.

After that, the automatic nipple drinking is allowed to work. Capacity should be filled with water and open a crane. When filling the pipe with water, the air valve opens: air will leave it from the system when filling the pipe.

When parts of the drinker are filled, the valve is closed. This design, if necessary, disassembled into separate parts, it is easy to transport or disinfect.

Dimensions of smoking

On average, in 24 hours of one adult bird, you need to drink 500 g of water. But these figures varies depending on the quality and amount of feed, seasonal temperature changes. The amount of feed mixture that will eat a chicken directly depends on the availability of clean water.

But the amount of dug in turn depends on the type of feed used. If the population of birds feed with a dry feed, then the water should be more by 30% than when feeding the bird with wet mixes. In the wet feed there is already fluid.

The need for water increases with increasing the amount of salt in the feed mixture. Salted feed feeds can not be chicken, but a little salt is added in any feed for the body. The amount of fluid feeding will increase when feeding with mixtures, in which there are a lot of protein, fiber, when feeding with molasses and melaste.

Scientists have found that when the ambient air temperature increases to 18 degrees of heat, non-bitch chucks require about 200 ml, broilers - 170 ml of water per unit body weight. If the temperature rises to 30 degrees, then the water will be required several times more.

Where to put the cock

First of all, it is necessary to think about the purity of the drinker. In the manufacture of the product, control the top slice to be located at the level of the bird's back.

It is permissible to combine 2 parts of the design with a solid rope or aluminum wire.

Depending on the feed mixture used and the outer temperature, the size of the slide will be different. For example, if the temperature of more than 18 degrees is held in the chicken coop, the amount of water should not be less than 300 ml per chicken.

With this data, you need to choose the dimensional dimensions for your conditions.

How many drinks are needed

Drinkers must accommodate as much water so that it is enough for the bird. It is important to remember that part of the fluid will sprinkle. To warn it and dirt did not appear in the poultry house, it is necessary to recover drinking.

If you have some birds, there are enough 15 siphon cream. Often they are made on the legs, which makes it possible to save water. If high-quality legs are used in the design, then even a chicken, soaring on the drink, will not be able to overturn it.

Capacities in the form of cups are mainly used in cellular content. The reason is that they are easy to install on the walls of the cells. But no one forbates to fix a piece of the grid on the wall and hang it in it.

This design allows you to drink a bird, almost not creating a spray. Water is poured into the cup, the product due to gravity is increasing and overlaps fluid flow. When it gets less, a cup begins to rise, and again the water fills the container.

Nipple trinks are often made of small size. They are connected to the pipes for which the pure water comes. The main minus of this design is part of the drops drops to the floor. To eliminate this disadvantage, the drip assembly is mounted for each drill. This device is simply snapped on the waterway.

Drinkers are small, they are not suiced, especially high-quality devices. Cheap break quickly.

Also use different small dishes - Small basins, plasters and cups. Their main minus is that they will often turn the chicken, and water quickly pollutes.


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