Satya das YouTube all. Family psychologist Satya Das: a man has no such function - guess

Satya das YouTube all. Family psychologist Satya Das: a man has no such function - guess

This review was written spontaneously, back in October 2017 on Friday 13th. But by the time the video blog himself has not yet gained 200 thousand subscribers. Today, this figure was achieved, but the feedback remains relevant.
In general, I am a big amateur to chat for life late in the evening for a cup of tea. And now, on Friday, the 13th showed a girlfriend, ready to provide free ears. And during the campling, I jokingly referred to the statements of Sati Dasa. As a result, we were together at the laptop, together looked, laughed, went in a good mood, met in the morning at the positive - somehow it became easier to breathe. So the idea appeared to write a review.

Basic materials I take from his page on Yutube. Link.

As a remark, a number of video blocks that are trying to occupy a niche of online psychologists or personal coaches from Sokhi. For me, there was a relevant theme of child psychology. The main source of information is, of course, books. There are still enough competent articles, but they are scattered through different sites that in the process of finding information involuntarily bump into the channels of different bloggers there. As for me, it's just chatting heads, often with empty information that is streamlined with plenty of water. For frequent, I feel sorry to spend time listening and viewing pictures when I can read it yourself. But recently, turning on the background another chatter, I understood why people prefer such a format for filing information. When watching a video - the brain is a bit resting from analytical work, since most of the work has already done the lead itself, and its main task to convey information to the audience. And often, what I had to hear - I have caused a lot of positive emotions. But, these are far from blogs on psychologists.

And yes, it is addictive, if that, I warned.

At the lectures of Sati Dasa, I came across when the video of Mila Levchuk ran from terribly curiosity. Yes, I watched. Here on the site IreCommend reviews about her video blocks abound.

I did not like that Mila with the hysterical intonation of the teacher is trying to prove to those who are on the other side of the screen that he is a complete idiot or full fool. Sorry, from the "Blondosaurus" it sounds little convincing. What a woman can teach a woman if she is not her mother, it is already a rhetorical question.

So, the main surprise for me (here I put emphasis) became a guest expert Satya Das.

Do you know what a surprise? In his presence, Mila was simply silent and behaved as a decent person, did not twitch, did not wave with his hands, but simply sat and listened.

So, Satya Das is a bald uncle, slightly sprawling when talking. But, damn, such a shower with a plus charisma, in a dialogue, of course more convincing.

And then I stopped, it turns out that Sathya himself and Mila, as if he was rushed, one hysterically declares that the woman should not plow, and the second, already with humor and more convincingly declares that the woman should not work. On the one hand, my indignation required satisfaction, or at least explanations, on the other hand, as a scramble horse in nature, I agree with him in the depths of my soul. In general, my outrage and deployed me on the Sati Das Channel. I also in the soul of the princess.

Well, in fact, the canal on YouTube does not lead to Satya himself, but apparently, his fans, followers or admirers, I do not know who else there. But often, Sati Dasa lectures were laid on the channel, quite professional, sometimes there are worse quality, where he reads lectures in different cities on the relationship between a man and a woman, sometimes about raising children, and sometimes philosophical teachings that I ignore well.

Maybe Satya Das and carries nonsense, but it's like a brain gum, I don't remember the first time, but the mood has improved. In this regard, I agree with Mila Levchuk.

~~~ Satya Das (Sergey Yakovlev) -

the philosopher examines the Vedic Scriptures, the psychology of family relationships, part-time - the chef and the lecturer of the most famous festivals in the CIS, such as Bhakti-Sangam, Sadhu-Sanga (over 7,000 participants), psychology 3000, the science of life, the light of the world, etc. .

~~~ some biographies ~~~

I really did not go away, but Satya himself talks a lot about his family. He has a wife who does not work at all (for her husband does not allow) and the Son.

Born in 1972. In Dnepropetrovsk. Vegetarian 20 years.

Satya Das - Philosopher, studies the Vedic Scriptures, the psychology of family relationships. He has a brahmanical initiation in the Vaisnava tradition and diploma "Bhakti Skastra" - Mayapur Institute (India).

Since 2005, there is a seminar on family psychology, raising children and master classes on cooking. He studies family psychology, married and raises his son. The author of the seminars "the philosophy of a happy life", "non-piece family psychology," charm of femininity ", in the CIS countries and Europe. His seminars attend a huge number of men and women. And every day they are becoming more and more. You ask: why is it going on? Because there are amazing positive results. It is impossible to be silent about it, and not to notice too. Satie every day hundreds of letters of gratitude come every day. Reviews you will find free internet access.

Meaning name Satya

(SanskR.- True, Real), In the DR.-ind. The philosophy of truth taken into its ontologies. Aspect, indiscriminate unity of being and truth. In Montic. exercises coincides with the highest start - soul or bog, with infinite consciousness (Jnana) Both bliss (Ananda). In mythopoethic. Texts, where with C. The highest values \u200b\u200bwere associated, C. called the highest of the seven worlds, the creature of supernatures. abilities, Vishnu - one of the "all-gods" and t. p. The concept of S. became one of oSN. Moral ethic. requirements (eg, vow of s.-truthfulness, abstinence from falsehood in jainis dr.) .

What information can be found on the site?

You can lecture on lectures and plans from publics in contact.

Those. The format is different from ordinary vlogs, where a person chatting with the camera against the background of a grandmother's curtain. Lectures for different topics in different cities. So, the people know him, goes to the lecture.

But, by the way, for example, my mom, which is far from the Internet better oriented in moving this kind of lecturers. For her, as for a pensioner, such conversations are soul, serve to replenish the deficit of communication.

Looks like a sect? Well, here I have to agree, since the format of public speeches use propagandists.

In fact, there is a video and presentation of Vedic philosophy, there is no special campaign. Well, for acquaintance with the Vedas, full of other available information, besides, the Located was redefined from Sati as from Guru, they say it, lectures without adequate love for listeners, are filled with jokes and psychological bikes.

Although, in spite of all my skepticism, in relation to Vedic knowledge, I can say one thing in their defense, it is from the deposit of a careful attitude towards the psyche of the child. It is in the Vedic exercises, and then in modern children's pedagogy, I met the idea that the child who protects the child since childhood, and not ahead of his development, we teach the child to properly adapt to the difficulties of life.

And this incision is the psychology of "lazy moms", which is confirmed by the facts and perennial observations.

According to the structure of the lecture, usually begin with questions from the hall.

As a rule, there are women in the hall, they ask their questions. But both men, lovers to promote relationships, also come across

And most importantly, all this is presented with a healthy share of humor and self-irony, which I could not not appreciate.

So, there were many lectures, as well as the channels of video blocks issuing general human knowledge or their personal experience - for the truth in the first instance. For frequent, I fall asleep at 10 minutes listening. Imagine what is the coaches for personal growth to see the public sleeping at lectures.

But this "mordestine", as he calls himself, the uncle picked me slightly

There are no Vedic mystics in Sati lectures, but there are the same obvious truths about life.

The main topic of lectures Relationship between men and women

The first lecture, after which I began to listen to the lectures of Sati Das.

these are energy differences between men and women. In the screenshots marked the name of the lecture.

A man cannot do two things at the same time - he hangs. He is one-handed!

~~~ lectures ~~~

Family relationships:

  1. Differences of men and women
  2. Questions that need to be defined before the wedding
  3. How to protect a man from irresponsibility
  4. Errors in family life.
  5. Myths about women's sexuality

Raising children (well, here every parent knows how to educate children, just not his)

1. I listened to this part of this part, but it is very echoing with the lectures of Ruslana Nashevice. I don't like the latter at all, the muzzle is suspicious.

~~~~ of features ~~~

Although, for a person's enlightened speech is abounding with a jargon. Because of this, it is easier to perceive.

According to the general feelings, he is not going to teach anyone at all, Khoshi live and suffer, Khosh - turn on the mind and draw your life ..

I will try to briefly post the transcripts of lectures (you know all this, but I will give the thesis to understand whether you need to spend time on the chatter of Sati Dasa).

That I was internally forced to strain. Satya clearly suggests that a woman it is better not to work.

No, thank God, to dismiss here and now, and even tomorrow morning is not necessary.

Here about priorities - in a healthy family (on the Vedas) should earn a husband, the wife can work, but the career should not be in the first place. So come to work, boast a new dress, a handbag, chat with colleagues. And then blow to her husband, children, feed them and equip family comfort.

Vedas explain such a position of things - the characteristics of the structure of the female psyche. They say the care of life is still the natural task of a man, and a woman, she is just beautiful. If she begins to worry about incubation in the family, it turns off many important points in femininity. And if the fundamental functions are disabled, the pathological mechanisms come into effect - from here and nervousness, and constant brainship, and a bunch of not cured complexes.

Sexuality of a woman

So, I do not remember what lecture it was, but there it was necessary to just write. The main thesis: that the sexuality of the woman is higher than the sexuality of men. The man is generally difficult to satisfy it. If a woman does not load work, deprive communicating with her friend, it will begin to bother the brains to her husband.

To me liked, That in the structure of lectures there is no intimidation, like: Yeah, you work, well, it will remain an old girl with a developed mastitis, cystitis and prostatitis of the brain.

About how to find a spoon

From the transcript of performances. (not literally)

Here N.J. - Unknown woman, S.D. - Satya Das

N.Zh.: Two years lived with her husband, and he all spoiled, became like a sex rag!

SD: How to spoil? The man has expiration rates? Those. before it was spontaneous, and now, what, sex rag?

N.Zh.: Yes...

SD: At the entrance there was a prince, and at the exit - sex rag. So you, it turns out, who? That's right, a plant for the production of sex rags. Girls, remember, the number of princes is equal to the number of princesses. All, point!

From the explanation, the Prince's function has every man, just not all of it is activated, or it was turned off.

N.Zh.: Yes, I do not praise him

SD: And why?

N.Zh: And suddenly deteriorate ...

In general, all lectures are built in such a format. And they can be divided into points.

The rule is first: the prince becomes a prince only in the presence of a princess.

The rule is the second: if a second man lives with a man in a skirt, then there is simply no incentive to activate the Prince function.

Conclusion: Who is the princess? That's right, the princess is primarily a woman, i.e. Each of us.

Female mistakes (just a focusing topic, it seems to me)

One thesis, several phrases that women justify themselves and many examples and jokes. Sometimes through jokes it is difficult to get to the essence of the lecture.

Let's talk about basic female mistakes. Strictly for women!

I will give 2 thesis, the red thread passing through many lectures and their modest judgments.

Thesis 1.

The woman is trying to change the man.First, I loved, what is there, and then I decided to change it.

A man changes himself when he decides that he needs it! A woman should create an atmosphere so that he himself want to change. And a big secret, the most optimal time to educate a man is a period of courtship! He himself is messed up to change during this period for change.

Thesis 2.

If something does not suit you in a man - just tell him.

For example:

Dear, I feel very bad that you do not give me flowers.

I feel bad if you do not hold the door and do not give your hand when leaving the vehicle.

It is always important to show a man, not as his woman will suffer, but how he will suffer if he did not.

Banal? Yes, men are the best friends of women. According to the lecturer it is clear that men do not like to strain. But the perfect, caring, patient and educated man is, as a rule, someone's husband. A man is a project of a woman if a husband is a log, then who is the wife then?

So, the overall impression.

Among the information from the Internet, the psychology of interpersonal relations in this form came across quite rarely.

Why, when watching together with a friend, we have positive emotions. Because it's all that is known, but when it is pointing point, but with humor and without condemnation, the brain begins to activate the right solutions. When you know how to solve difficulties, it gives a feeling of euphoria.

The information is difficult to remember the first time, but after lectures from Sati Dasa there is a feeling that you know exactly how to act, and this is not difficulty, it is only the fruits of imagination.

If a person has an understanding of the nature of men and women. You will find it in any other sources, but if this knowledge lecturer can build a holistic picture for understanding things, this indicates the skill of the lecturer.

I will summarize.


  • Nobody obliges you to anything, laid out materials in free access, Want to see if you want
  • Lectures in 1.5 hours are not so strained, since they are filled with jokes and personal baakeks from life.
  • Perhaps someone will hear useful things for themselves.
  • Well resting the brain, the main thing is not a harder
  • Satya himself does not cause hostility, just a teddy bear.
  • However, they are often repeated, so you can choose topical topics.
  • Free access materials.


all minuses of video channels

  • picks a lot of time as all channels.
  • The main idea is interrupted by wastelife and answers to questions.
  • materials are poorly structured by themes

P.S. I did not listen and I do not listen to the philosophical conversations and interpretations of religious books, so my neutral relationship is here without comment.

After lectures, Sati want to live and change. His thoughts inspire and help thousands of people. Many women have gained their true happiness and found a way out of difficult situations after hearing his lectures. Read three golden rules from Sati:

Rule number 1: Any man is worthy of care for me until proved the opposite

I want to give you an example of a story about the bouquet of the buttercup: a certain man falls in love with a woman from the highest society. He sends her bouquet of inexpensive colors. It is indignant: "That he allows himself how he dares!"Woman rejects him. It is indignant all day. And the next morning bring another bouquet. She swears again, that it is unacceptable. The next morning, one more bouquet is brought, it is indignant less. Well, how much can be resentment. She looks short, thinks: "We must, the flowers sews."On the seventh day, she just takes flowers and says: "That's why persistent what!" Two weeks later she is already nice. It lasts for several months. And at some point, the flowers do not come, a woman in hysterics: "I don't like me anymore."

A man of his persistence and the right decent behavior conquers the heart of a woman. He has the right to care for a woman, regardless of whether he likes it or not. Woman falls in love gradually. And if a man does everything right, then the woman begins to melt. She has no reason not to take his attention.

A woman should take what is given to her a worthy way.

Many people ask me about the line between gifts, for which they should, and a gift that you can take just like that. You just have to feel when something is meant. First, first a cup of coffee, then a bouquet of flowers, then ring and see. If the result is the same - it means you can take. And if already after a cup of coffee, you have all over the toilet, what will happen if the ring will give? Run from this.

I am asked, but how to give a slap when you think: "Maybe this is the last chance"?This means, self-esteem below has nowhere. And marry such not scary? Woman with any disrespect should interrupt relationships.

If the relationship is stopped, then an unsuitable man thinks, and you don't need hopeless. This is his problem. You do not care for him. A man is improving due to painful experiences, unhappy love.

Mean is to get attention, cavering, getting care. A woman can take it from an infinite number of people, if, of course, everything is correctly organizing. Who prevents you from? As you behave, so you treat you. When a woman has a lot of fans, she is a star. And it is right. And then there will be no problems and it will not be necessary to portray something. Take from one, from the other.

If one of them begins to drive a blizzard, in this case say: "Felix, you are not a place in the club worthy men, I would not want to communicate with you" and go to Albert on a date. If Albert behaves unworthy, he replenishes the ranks of Felixes. Women should not admit poachers to themselves who need it all right away. These must be licensed fishermen. Do not be afraid to refuse and reject if something does not suit you.

Any men appear in the life of a woman in the grace of God to disperse their best qualities that they become noticeable for other men who will come later. Some relationships exist to raise a woman at a higher level of relationship.

Case from practice

Once I spent a seminar in Kiev. There was one lady, not beautiful, but very nice. And she says to me:

"You claim that there should be a lot of workers, but I don't have them at all."

I ask her:

- And who are you communicating with?
- Yes, I have plenty of friends of men. Mom asks me, well, when I find a man. I do not know.

- What are you doing?
- Yes, go to the cinema, in the cafe.

- And they say something to you?
- Yes, they say that I am beautiful, gifts are given.

- And stick?
"Yes, stick, and I say:" You went. You are friends. "

- Sun, you have a bunch of workers.
- Yes, you, they are friends.

- There is no way. A man cannot be friends with a woman if she does not attract it. If friends, it means that something hopes. Friendship is either former lovers, or future. There is no other way. If a man is just friendly with a woman - she attracts him.

Very good for a woman when she does not see potential grooms in his uhagers and does not sleep with them. A woman should feel happy even without a close relationship with a man. When she understands what is happy, it's time to start a relationship.

Rule number 2. I can meet with many men, but I will never sleep with whom

These men deceived a woman and introduced the standard of sex. They are already dreaming about the first date to drag the woman into bed. And it seems to women if sex happens, she will be able to tie a man to themselves. But in fact, sex for a man is sex itself, and for a woman sex is much wider - these are words, confessions in love, hugs, gifts, treats, etc.

Meet and sleep are different things. A decent woman understands this well. Meaning - getting attention, courtship, care. If a man does not suit this, then this is not our man.

But it is precisely a woman should prepare the soil, create an atmosphere so that a man wanted to care for and give gifts

If sexual relationships began earlier than a man could make friends with a woman, before he asked about her interests, about her life principles, they would never be interested in him.

Sexual relations should be built on feminine desires. Physiologically, a man can have sex only when he wants. And a woman at any time, even if he does not want. She can depict the pleasure of the process, and herself to think when it will end.

But if a man does not tupit, it helps a special period when a woman wakes up a libido, then he will walk in ecstasy month. Therefore, if a man wants sex, he must make his woman wanted. Such sexual relationships make life and ratio harmonious and fill with energy. And if just like that, by passing, not paying attention to the state of the woman, then the energy will go out, exhausted. A woman is not a Lamp of Aladdin. If it is rubbed in the right place, then she will not make you happy. Not. Intimate side need to study.

And what if some misunderstanding arises, a different vision of events: who should give?

Man. Whenever a man is inferior, he grows. This is a certain lesson for him. But whenever a woman is inferior, despite his happiness, its principles, its purity, it begins to degrade.

One my client writes: "He is so good, successful, works well, but everything tells me against wool. I get married him? "It is necessary to listen to your heart. Is he so successful? Successful to "I can not"? Men are not a little, there are many of them.

For women, frivolous attitude towards sex is dangerous. To sex you need to treat extremely serious. And in the modern world, the presence of non-complex women and irresponsible men led to the fact that sex turned into gymnastics. Pleasant gymnastics, but no more. Often sex is not even a reason for dating. Some say that he is important to health: without him she will get sick and die - it's ignorance!

I once spent culinary courses. There were familiar women there. They talked, and I knew everything about them. And at some point it turned out that out of twenty women there is no affection for sex. Woman sex is not so needed.

For the sake of sex, a man is ready for marriage, and a woman for the sake of marriage is ready for sex. If a man wants sex with a woman, he should be ready to take responsibility for all the emotions that a woman has accumulated since childhood and in general in past life.

Rule number 3. For any (!) Cleaning, I should not have a man anything but a smile

There is nothing that might obliges a woman to act on the scenario of a man. It does not work, then repeat: "I swear not to meet men who seem to me potential husbands."

A woman should build relationships with a high head-raised head, not looking for and defining anything. Remember, she should communicate with those who increase her self-esteem. As soon as she sees the wrong attitude towards himself, she must stop communicating and receive him elsewhere.

The high self-assessment indicator of a woman in thought: "I am building relationships. I play, not me. "

Previously, society, traditions, parents defended a woman. She could not communicate freely with a man, otherwise she was not protected. Therefore, a man, before you get something, it was necessary to show myself. In the modern world there is no such protection, it remained only in traditional societies to which we do not belong.

Therefore, so that a man manifest itself, a woman needs to take care of several candidates to compete. Clearing three men is for a woman protection and guarantee not to get into unwanted relationships.

And fall in love for a woman - this is holy. But she should not immediately rush into the ohut of feelings with his head. She just takes care and chooses the best. All men who participate in competition for a woman should know about it. The fear of losing a man becomes the main weapon for manipulation of a woman.

Giving a lot of men to care for a large number of men, the woman gets rid of this fear and reveals his best qualities, which sometimes did not even guess.

Many women will freely - with men it is not possible, they cannot live in abstinence, it is necessary to "encourage". And what's the difference?! Do you work in the service of sexual relief? Let him solve his questions.

What a man stands up more, the brains work better. Because the seed and brain consist of identical substances. When a man loses less seed, he has a better brain.

What is abstinence for a woman?

It is a lack of caress, sweets, outfits, pleasant hassle, hands of a loved one, his arms and kisses. It destroys and finite a woman. And speech about sex does not go at all. Real emotions are transmitted from the heart in the heart.

  • If a man is already found with another woman, is it possible to take care of him? If he is not married, it means he is free. Why not? Civil relations are not a relationship.
  • When a man takes married a woman, he takes a woman under protection. If he gets everything from her, why should he marry? If a man is married, it is better not to build a relationship with him, it leads to unpleasant consequences. Even if you have something, someone will remain unhappy.
  • Meet married - This is the manifestation of the complex of inferiority. A woman thinks: "I'm not sufficient to meet with others." Against the background of his wife, it is always easier to be good. A woman thinks that in ordinary competition she is no longer able to win, you can only get the burdened with two children, tired of my wife. This humiliation itself! If at the time of courtshiping the man begins to demand something, if he does not pay enough attention, it means that he just does not fit her.

Imagine that you came to the store, signed twenty dresses, but we bought only one. You bought it - chose the best, then that came up in size, beautifully emphasizes the figure. Will you be sad that the rest did not fit? Not. Why do you need a dress that makes a bag of potatoes from your figure?

If a woman next to a man is working on himself, tries to be better, it means that it is not her man.

So this man is simply not suitable for you, though, maybe at first glance there was a pretty one. But you choose something else. He did not come up - the next one is suitable. Of course, if you all the eggs folded into one basket and think: "If he goes now, I will open the veins to myself, I will share gasoline and ships", then there is a reason for concern.

So, the woman does not need to portray something from themselves, thank you, try to please and become better, she just needs to get rid of male qualities: habits, conversations, clothes, hairstyles. The more it will get rid of it, it will be easier for her. And everything else comes itself. Woman interferes to be happy only male qualities.

Satya Das - Vedic Family Psychologist, Family Relations Specialist, Lecturer with Almost 20-year-old experience, philosopher, author of several books. Conducts culinary master classes, actively reads lectures on CIS countries, Europe. Participates in large festivals, where it acts as a lecturer.

City Dnepropetrovsk

  • About expert

Satya Das Who is it?

Psychologist Satya Das managed to be heard among different people in social networks. Basically - among the women's audience. Today, this is a very popular Vedic lecturer with an excellent sense of humor and the ability to speak simply about difficult. Together with such recognizable philosophers, like Torsunov or Vishevisch, Satya holds various festivals and engaged in propaganda of a healthy lifestyle and building a happy family relationship.

The popularity of the psychologist grows every year. Many people prefer to walk exactly on his lectures because of his simplicity and charisma. It is worth just once to come there to understand how kind of good, friendly and sincere atmosphere is reigning there. For many years, Sati has developed a tradition to start lectures from answering questions. Some ask them orally right in the hall, and someone does it through letters that are going on the table of the lecturer before starting. In 90% of cases, these issues relate to family difficulties.

Relatively recently began to conduct seminars on children's psychology, making money. The philosopher trains always carefully follow the true tendencies of children, hear his desire, to work on the strong parties, consciously abandon the kindergarten and imposing his views when raising a child. As for the money, Satya Das says: "Everyone gets smoothly as much as they are given to the highest forces."

biography Sati Das

The future philosopher was born in 1972 in Dnepropetrovsk. The real name of the Vedic Psychologist - Sergey Yakovlev. But he admits that they have rarely use. Only when communicating with mom and public individuals, a man recalls his first name. Its current name in Indian means "servant of absolute truth." Like your first name, he did not choose him. And accepted from the spiritual mentor.

Childhood spent in Ukraine. As Sergey recalls, Dad and Mom worked all the time, and he had to take care of two brothers. Sometimes it was necessary to work in the garden plot. As far as the highest psychological education is not in Sati, but for a very long time he studies history, as well as the scriptures. He studied on culinary. For the past 15 years, he is a vegetarian. The same applies to his wife and son. Marriage consists of over 20 years. With his wife met, being still a student. Then they were one-laugures.

Yakovlev began his teaching activities since 2005. During this time, there are many cities not only Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, but also several European countries. Does not hide what Germany is often visited, Spain. On its website you can always find the schedule of his lectures and find out the author's route. In the summer, Sathya loves to arrange festivals for several days. Often lectures are held outdoors. Most often, such festivals are held in Barcelona (Spain) or Vrndavan (India).

For such long lecturers, the family psychologist has programs for the analysis of different topics. The most popular topics of lectures were:

  • Laws of marriage physics;
  • Non-piece family psychology;
  • Charm of femininity;
  • Male club: without snot;
  • Where to find a relative soul;
  • Six stages of exit from the crisis;
  • I myself.

Most often, information is designed for women, and not just like that. Sergey believes that it is representatives of the beautiful sex that build a scenario of development of relations. Then how the contribution of the man in it is significantly lower.

Books of Vedic Psychologist Sati Dasa

Together with other popular lectures, Sathya seeks to convey knowledge to those who are looking for them. Not the exception of the book, the most popular of which:

  • Woman and her divine nature;
  • Spirit and purpose. The path of harmony;
  • Non-patient psychology;
  • Loyal and caring husband;
  • Optical child psychology.

You want to find a life satellite: meet, build a relationship, get married, but for some reason your desire is not even thinking to come true? You have not read a smart book, formed a desire, sent it to the universe, held a few "the strongest" rites on the groom, learned all the details of handling the opposite sex, and WHO and now there?

Unfortunately, in most multi-loving books there are no answers to the simplest, and at the same time there are vital questions: where still meet a man? How to really attract his attention and do not hesitate? How to understand what exactly will you gain long-awaited happiness? And how to be a divine woman, not the "hunter for men." It seems that these information is classified and protected as carefully as a state secret.

Satya Das is a popular lecturer, a Vedic psychologist, the author and leading of the most popular seminars "Neskual Family Psychology" and "Charm of Femininity", removes a vulture of secrecy and transfers all the "appetles and passwords". In his book (as always, filled with sparkling humor) you will find answers to questions that will help you to be where potential husbands are found, and build relationships that will be protected from quarrels, offensive, misunderstanding, cheating and other ...

Unusual Vedic Name of Sathya Das on a hearing of many users of social networks, first of all women. This is a famous family psychologist, as he positions himself, who is simple and understandable with humor and irony about complex things. Along with such famous Vedic psychologists, like Ruslan Vastevic, Satya suits festivals, lectures, promotes a healthy lifestyle and a healthy approach to family and interpersonal relationships. The article will talk about the biography of Sati Das, personal life, hobbies and principles of existence.

Excursions in the past

In 1975, he was born from ATA DAS. Biography, date of birth is unknown. The real name of the Guru is however, according to his recognition, he does not actually use them. Only mom and official public persons from time to time remind of how his name is actually. Why Satya Das? Translated from Indian this "servant of absolute truth." This name is a man from his spiritual teacher.

The children's and youthful years, Sergey spent in Ukraine, was born in Dnepropetrovsk in a simple family. According to the memories of Sati, the parents worked all the time, and he was forced to help them in the upbringing of two brothers. In addition, there was a job on the garden plot.


Judging by the information of the biography, Satya Das Special Psychological Education did not receive, but it admits that humanitarian to the bone's brain is not at all understandable in exact disciplines. But it knows the story perfectly, studies the ancient sacred Scriptures, it owns a language perfectly, learned on culinary and not only prepares, but also leads special courses for women, and in Russia, and abroad.

For 15 years, a man is a vegetarian together with his wife and son Ivan. According to personal biography, Satya Das is married for more than 20 years. With the future wife, he met in student years - they studied together in the same group.

Creative biography

Satya Das leads successful lecturers since 2005. With his numerous seminars, he traveled not only the whole of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, but also part of European states. It is recognized that it is often in Germany and Spain. The guru has its own website, where detailed information is exhibited about his movements during the year. In the summer, Sathya usually suits retreats - multi-day festivals. Often meetings pass in the fresh air, lectures are diluted with a pleasant pastime - visiting holidays, communication, culinary minutes. Usually with such festivals, Sathya leaves in Barcelona or

The most popular seminars are "laws of marriage physics", "Neskual Family Psychology", "Charm of Femininity", "Male Club: without snot", "where to find a relative soul", "6 stages of exiting the crisis", "I myself", " Why civil marriage is a marriage? ". In most, women are women, since, according to Guru, it was the female scenario that relations should develop, the role of a man in the construction of relations is negligible.

Why are Sati's lectures so popular?

Every year the popularity of Sati is growing. He conquered the hearts of millions primarily with his simplicity and charisma. His lectures always reigns a friendly atmosphere. They are drawn up as follows: Initially, the guru tries to answer the questions asked questions - someone can send them in writing, someone sets orally. Most questions relate to the family - how to build long-term relationships, how to behave in marriage, is it worth enduring the unworthy behavior of her husband, is it makes sense to live with a man in a civil marriage.

Recently, seminars on children's psychology and earnings psychology were added to Arsenal Sati. Guru teaches to take into account the true nature of the child: to listen to his desires, develop strengths and not pay attention to the weak, abandon the kindergartens and the imposition of their own principles in the upbringing. To the earnings and wealth of Satya refers philosophically: everyone gets as much as it should be laid.


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