Presentation about the work of Y. Koval. Koval “Birch pie Download presentation of the birth of yu and farrier

Presentation about the work of Y. Koval. Koval “Birch pie Download presentation of the birth of yu and farrier

Yu. Koval "Birch pie"

The Mokhov brothers and Nyurka went into the forest to pick berries, and I went on my own.

And even though I was walking by myself, and they were picking berries, we were still there all the time. I walk, and now Nyurka will look out from the side, then some brother Mokhov.

I will turn aside to be in silence, while another brother Mokhov crawls out of the bushes. These brothers were especially annoying - they fought with cans, threw themselves with value, or suddenly began to shout:

Nyurka was quieter, but when it came to the pig, she also shouted with all her might:

- We need to pin up the pig! Need to pin up the pig!

- Hey! I shouted. - Who are you teasing there?

- Pig! - the Mokhov brothers responded in chorus.

- What other pig? Get her here!

Brothers Mokhov and Nyurka jumped out of the bushes with cans in their hands, no pig was seen.

- Where's the pig? I asked sternly.

- Here, - said Nyurka and handed me a blade of grass on which strawberries were strung.

“Strawberries,” I said.

- Strawberries, - agreed Nyurka. - But only - a pig.

I looked closer and saw that the berries strung on the stem were especially large, especially ripe, black with dense redness. He took the berry off the stem, put it in his mouth and realized that it also tasted special. A simple strawberry has a sunny taste, but here it has a forest, swampy, gloomy taste.

For a long time, apparently, this berry ripened, gained sun and juice, became the best of strawberries.

I found a suitable blade of grass, pulled the stem out of it and, together with the guys, began to pick berries and shout:

- We need to pin up the pig! Need to pin up the pig!

Soon my blade of grass became heavy from the strawberries strung on it. It was nice to carry it, wave it, look at it.

By lunchtime, the guys' cans were full, and I pricked up five blades of grass. We sat down to rest. There would be a bite to eat, but none of us took any rusk or flatbread into the forest.

- We need to chop the pig! Shouted the Mokhov brothers.

- What we have collected - we will carry home, - said Nyurka. - Wait, I'll bake some pies.

She plucked a leaf from a birch branch, wrapped a heel of strawberries in it and handed it to me as the eldest.

- What is it? I asked.

- Birch pie. Eat.

The birch pie turned out to be very tasty. He smelled of strawberries and the sun, forest summer, deep forest.

Childhood of a WriterChildhood of a Writer
Yuri saw the world in the most
in the midst of severe frosts, in
February 1938, in
the city of Moscow. As part of the family
the writer's father (chief
criminal investigation department of the Moscow
region) and mother (chief physician
psychiatric hospital in
Moscow region). Koval Yuri
Iosifovich, whose biography
starts exactly with
Moscow region, spent in this
the edge almost all pre-war

After the end of the war, the family
moved to the Red Gate.
Here Yuri Koval entered the
school and declared himself as
future genius of literature. Per
school desk boy
instead of math I studied
writing poetry. These were
both comic and lyrical
lines, but already so
deep and soulful,
what was touched for the most delicate
strings of the soul. After school
Yuri Koval entered
Pedagogical Institute
named after Lenin in Moscow

This man's life was incredible
saturated. Versatile
personality was Yuri Koval,
whose biography tells us
that his first steps as
educators have become promising. is he
began its pedagogical
activities in the village of Yemelyanovo.
Taught Russian language, literature,
geography, history, singing and others
items. In this moment
Koval's activities as a writer
became more active, but, unfortunately, did not
all works have been published.

Coming up with funny stories that helped
students quickly memorize the rules of Russian

Russian children's writer, author of children's
films, artist
and sculptor, also cartoon screenwriter
and performer of songs.
Yuri Koval is one of the most famous and
favorite children's writers of the USSR and Russia.

For some time he published individual works
in popular magazines "Children's Literature",
"Ogonyok", "Change", "Murzilka", "Pioneer".
Collaborated with the Malysh publishing house, which
published his first children's book.

The beginning of Yuri's work
Koval for children was
put randomly when he
decided to leave work
teachers and do only
creativity. And then one day
magazine "Murzilka"
invited him to go to
border, so that their
see with your eyes how life is
and serves the border guards, and
then write about them
poem. Returning,
impressed by what he saw
Koval wrote a story
"Scarlet". Then he accepted
solution to write only for

Yuri Koval's literary legacy fell
the basis of several children's films,
cartoons and animated films

Yuri Koval is not known
not only as a writer but also as
painter. He was carried away
fresco, mosaic, pattern,
sculpture, carving on
wood, enamel, painting in
different techniques. how
artist Y. Koval
participated in many
personal and group

By the workshop



For his works, he was awarded many awards of the All-Union Competition for the best work for
children (1971), an honorary diploma. A.P. Gaidar (1983),
"Anderson diploma" - honorary diploma
International Council for Children and Youth
literature (1986), prize of the All-Union competition for the best
children's book (1987), Wanderer International Prize
Congress of Science Fiction Writers (1996, posthumously). Books
Yuri Koval translated into several European languages,
into Chinese and Japanese. Many of his works

And although Koval's eye is merciless
sharp-sighted as an eye should be
artist, but here's his look
always kind and sympathetic to the world and
living souls inhabiting it,
what should look like
a real Russian writer.


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We all come from childhood, we all came out of childhood - so they say. But you don't often hear about an adult: he remained in childhood. This is a special and very rare gift. Yuri Koval possessed it in full, being at the same time a very adult person, extremely responsible in relation to people and animals, and most importantly, by the way, to his own creativity. “The prose should be such that you are ready to kiss every written line,” said Yuri Koval. He wrote not easily, often painfully. He wrote his best, in terms of volume, not at all large books for years. But they are written in such a way that each line shines like a poetic diamond and contains a classic ambiguity of meaning, which is why Koval's books, striking from the first reading, should be re-read all your life, because they reveal different secrets to each age. ! 1970, having written "Clean Door", Yuri Koval finally and irrevocably decided to be a children's writer. “Everything I could say to adults, I tell children, and it seems they understand me. It was the children's literature classes that purified my style, clarified my thoughts, squeezed water out of my works ”. The study of Koval's work is practically just beginning, despite the fact that his books have long and rightfully been included in the "golden fund" of Russian literature - both for children and adults. Therefore, the real, deep comprehension of his work, his personality, the definition of his true place in the series of Russian classics is still ahead. In the meantime, we have his books, films, memories of him, which are increasing day by day. The writer Yuri Koval is one of those whose posthumous fame is many times greater than his lifetime recognition. A lot of good, kind things have been done by the writer during his life. Fascinating, dissimilar stories "Nedopesok", "The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov", "The Lightest Boat in the World" and many others. Koval's books make us kinder, more irreconcilable to all evil, cruelty, mental deafness. These books are loved by many thousands of young and adult readers. Every time we reread the books of Yuri Koval, we are glad that there was a wise writer with a magic lantern in his hand.

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Yuri Iosifovich Koval Biography. Creation. The work was done by: 9th grade student Sargsyan Suzanne. 2015 MBOU "Nikolskaya secondary school"

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Yuri Iosifovich Koval was born on February 9, 1938 in Moscow. His father served in the criminal investigation department, and his mother was the chief physician of the psychiatric hospital in Polivanov. Childhood, which fell on the war, evacuation, hunger and cold of those years responded in his life with bone tuberculosis.

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In 1955, after school, he entered the Lenin Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, which later became known as the Historical and Philological Faculty. After graduating from the institute, in 1960, he received the specialty of a teacher of Russian language and literature, history and drawing. At the institute, he discovered in himself the ability to draw, sculpture, played the piano, banjo, guitar, composed poetry and prose for the institute newspaper.

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The beginning of literary activity After the institute, Yuri Koval was sent on distribution to the village of Emelyanovo, Laishevsky district of the Tatar ASSR. There he worked at school until 1963, was a teacher of various subjects: Russian language and literature, geography, history, singing, etc. Then, at the beginning of the 1960s, he began to write poems and stories more actively, many of which, however , have never been published. Dictations for students were also sometimes composed in poetic form, the most famous is the following quatrain (for the spelling of sibilants): A mouse was sitting on the floor. Suddenly a formidable husband runs in, And, grabbing a huge knife, He crawls to the mouse, like that.

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In 1963, Koval starred in a small episode in Theodor Wolfovich's feature film "Newton Street, Building 1" based on the play by Edward Radzinsky - in the film he and Yuliy Kim sing to the guitar at a youth party.

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In 1966, the first children's books of poems by Koval were published, written together with Leonid Mezinov) - "The Tale of How the House Was Built" and "The Tale of the Teapot". Then he published other collections of children's poetry - "Station" Elk "" (1967) and "Elephants on the moon" (1969).

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In 1968, Koval received a business trip from the Murzilka magazine to the border guards, the impressions of which formed the basis for the story “Scarlet” and the stories “The Cap”, “Special Assignment”, “Yelets” and “White Horse”. As the writer himself recalled, while writing "Scarlet" he "caught the tail of the prose": "I finally wrote such a thing when I made up my mind and could say - it was written by the writer Koval."

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The next success was the collection of stories "Clean Dor" (1970), dedicated to the life of the village of the same name in Vologda. Koval loved these places and often visited there, including in the vicinity of the famous monastery in Ferapontovo and on Tsypina Gora.

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Creativity of the 1970s-80s In the genre of a humorous detective story, the story "The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov" (1971) was written, which was subsequently filmed into a cartoon (1981). In many ways, it was based on the stories of the writer's father about his work in the police. My father was a very funny person. Very funny ... He knew how to amuse the audience with anything, any story. He instantly made me laugh ... And he loved all my books very much, and read them willingly, and willingly quoted them. However, while doing this he said: “In essence, I suggested everything to Yurka”.

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In 1972, Yuri Koval became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. The recommendation to him was given by none other than Boris Shergin - him, as well as that of another outstanding writer of the Russian North. Yuri Koval loved to travel, especially to remote corners and small villages of the Urals and the Russian North, where he sometimes lived for weeks and months. Traveling by car and on foot in the Vologda region and life on Tsypina Gora near the Ferapontov Monastery formed the writer's interest in traditional rural and especially northern Russian life and language. In 1984, Koval even began construction of his house on Tsypina Gora, but this house was not completed, and subsequently Koval lived in his other village house in Plutkovo on the Nerl River, near Kalyazin. Travels along northern rivers are reflected in the story "The Lightest Boat in the World" (1984), awarded with an Honorary Diploma of the International Council on Literature for Children and Young People (IBBY) in 1986.

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Creativity of the 1990s V last years life Yuri Koval finishes his main (and largest in volume) work - "Suer-Vyir", which he himself defines not as a novel or story, but as "parchment". In a conversation with Irina Skuridina in March 1995, Koval spoke of him like this: It says there ... It says that everything. You see. That's it! .. I think I wrote a thing equal in rank to Rabelais, Cervantes, and Swift, I think. But I could be wrong ...

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We all come from childhood, we all came out of childhood - so they say. But you don't often hear about an adult: he remained in childhood. This is a special and very rare gift. Yuri Koval possessed it in full, being at the same time a very adult person, extremely responsible in relation to people and animals, and most importantly, by the way, to his own creativity. “The prose should be such that you are ready to kiss every written line,” said Yuri Koval. He wrote not easily, often painfully. He wrote his best, in terms of volume, not at all large books for years. But they are written in such a way that each line shines like a poetic diamond and contains a classic ambiguity of meaning, which is why Koval's books, striking from the first reading, should be re-read all your life, because they reveal different secrets to each age. ! 1970, having written "Clean Door", Yuri Koval finally and irrevocably decided to be a children's writer. “Everything I could say to adults, I tell children, and it seems they understand me. It was the children's literature classes that purified my style, clarified my thoughts, squeezed water out of my works ”. The study of Koval's work is practically just beginning, despite the fact that his books have long and rightfully been included in the "golden fund" of Russian literature - both for children and adults. Therefore, the real, deep comprehension of his work, his personality, the definition of his true place in the series of Russian classics is still ahead. In the meantime, we have his books, films, memories of him, which are increasing day by day. The writer Yuri Koval is one of those whose posthumous fame is many times greater than his lifetime recognition. A lot of good, kind things have been done by the writer during his life. Fascinating, dissimilar stories "Nedopesok", "The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov", "The Lightest Boat in the World" and many others. Koval's books make us kinder, more irreconcilable to all evil, cruelty, mental deafness. These books are loved by many thousands of young and adult readers. Every time we reread the books of Yuri Koval, we are glad that there was a wise writer with a magic lantern in his hand.

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