What does a man's pierced nipples mean? Nipple piercing

What does a man's pierced nipples mean? Nipple piercing

Which disappear after washing the puncture site with a sufficient amount of chlorhexidine. If an infection has got into the wound, and its treatment does not bring positive results, then the jewelry should be removed immediately. It is worth considering that a new one can only be made in six months. It must also be remembered that a puncture in the nipple area, done incorrectly, can subsequently be badly reflected on. The fact is that an experienced technician pierces the nipple very carefully and in a safe place so that the functional activity of the milk ducts is not disturbed. Here piercing in this area should be treated especially carefully. In addition, a piercing of a woman's nipple can cause a lot of trouble while feeding a baby. Therefore, it is best to remove the product a few months before feeding in order for the wound to heal.

Nipple Piercing Care

The puncture usually takes several months to heal, but special care is only needed for two weeks before the canal is formed. The piercing site should be treated with chlorhexidine twice a day, as well as after visiting the street and taking water procedures. It is also advisable to apply compresses with this antiseptic at night. In the event of discomfort, severe pain and discharge from the nipple, it is necessary to lubricate the puncture site with Levomekol ointment, strictly following the instructions for using the drug. Such problems must be reported to the master without fail.

During the healing period, care should be taken so that the product does not cling to clothing. The shower can only be taken on the 3rd day after the puncture. In no case should the wound be treated with agents such as iodine, alcohol and brilliant green.

Contraindications to piercing

Piercing has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden to do it at elevated body temperature, hepatitis C and B, poor blood clotting, skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, as well as exacerbation of a chronic disease (gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, ulcer, sinusitis). This is due to the fact that such diseases contribute to the disruption of the epithelialization (healing) process and the formation of the canal at the puncture site.

Women are advised not to have piercings during menstruation and pregnancy. This procedure can be very harmful for mental disorders and epilepsy due to the high risk of a seizure.

We've all seen pierced nipples in women and men on the Internet. It is interesting that this is not a simple tribute to fashion, but a centuries-old tradition. For the first time, breast piercing was used by the Praetorians - Caesar's personal guard. They believed that the owner of the nipple earring had courage and courage. Why is a nipple puncture really needed now, in our days? Well, we will try to answer your questions!

Why don't I get my nipple pierced?

The reason is aesthetic

First of all, a pierced nipple is beautiful. Of course, everyone can have their own opinion about this, but many people think that nipple piercings look elegant. And if you belong to this group of people - nipple piercing is definitely your puncture.

Functional reason

Many people have nipples that are not of a classic structure or shape - they can be sunken, or simply not expressed (that is, flat or not raised). Breast piercings, on the other hand, help shape the desired nipple shape.

New sensations

Many people have nipples that are almost or completely insensitive. And some would like them to be a little more sensitive. Sometimes people report that nipple sensitivity increases after piercing.

The piercing procedure should follow approximately the following scheme:

1. The client chooses the jewelry he likes from those offered by the master.

2. The master advises the client about what cannot be done for some time after the puncture (visit saunas, solariums, swimming pools, open reservoirs, play sports, etc.). And also learns about the nuances of the client's health that can affect the piercing or its healing.

3. The master takes away the jewelry to be sterilized in an autoclave along with tissues, disposable piercing needle and gloves.

4. While sterilization is in progress, the client fills out a questionnaire in which he indicates detailed information about his health and studies the care instructions, which he takes with him.

5. Sterilization is complete. The client goes to the office.

6. The master takes out the previously sterilized instruments, treats the puncture site with a disinfecting surgical scrub, puts on sterile gloves and puts the markings on the puncture site.

7. With a sterile disposable needle, a puncture is made exactly along the markings, the jewelry is inserted immediately after the needle.

8. If necessary, the puncture site is sealed with a plaster.

And now about the piercing itself

Types of nipple piercings

There are four options for nipple piercing. This is a classic - horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and multi-piercing, when there are several punctures in one nipple. If a person wants to wear a ring in the nipple, it must be a horizontal puncture. I must say that 99% of people choose this type of puncture. A properly pierced nipple is attractive!

Choice of jewelry

To pierce the nipples, barbells (barbells) not thinner than 1.6 mm (14g) are used, so long that a small margin remains after the puncture.

DO NOT put into a fresh puncture:

  • Bananas
  • Too short and too long rods
  • Rings (with the exception of rings with a diameter of more than 10mm and a thickness of 1.6mm for small male nipples, in which case you can count on a longer healing time)
  • Any jewelry thinner than 1.6mm (14g) and thicker than 3mm (8g)
  • Jewelry made of "copper", "surgical alloy", plastic, glass, silver
  • Jewelry with pendants
  • Rods with small balls (up to 4mm)

It is already possible to put indirect jewelry into healed pierced nipples (that is, after 4-6 months), but it is advisable not to experiment with non-implantation materials. The best materials for jewelry are titanium and gold.

Soreness of the puncture

By itself, nipple piercing is painful, however, this does not make it less popular. In our studio, nipple piercing is one of the most demanded procedures. Despite the strong sensitivity of the nipples, we do this piercing in such a way that the pain is not so acute.

We use very sharp Katana K-Needles with a sliding cover. The needle easily passes through fabrics, and after it the decoration is just as easy. As a result, painful sensations are significantly reduced, 99% of clients note that in practice the procedure turned out to be not so painful.


The piercing will cease to bring discomfort somewhere in 2-3 weeks (4 weeks for those who "lift" sunken or flat nipples). But as the saying goes, just because your piercing doesn't hurt doesn't mean it has healed. A fully nipple puncture heals from 3 months to 6 months, depending on the thickness of the nipple. The larger it is and the longer the canal is, the longer it takes to heal, since the process starts from the edges and goes inward. All this time, there may be minor discharge.

All this is a natural process and there is nothing to be afraid of, although it is not a sin to show yourself to your piercer once again if something bothers you. In some cases, healing takes longer, this is due to the presence of staphylococcus bacteria on the body, which, in principle, many have, and this sometimes complicates healing.

In this situation, you can see a doctor who will determine the type of bacteria and advise on how to cure it with medication. The piercer cannot do that. The maximum is to send for examination to a doctor.

1. A fresh puncture should be sealed with breathable Micropore plaster if you need to go anywhere from home.

2. You can go topless at home.

3. Wear a clean T-shirt at night.

4. It is necessary to do baths with saline 2-3 times a day.

Do not go to the solarium / bath / sauna / pool, take a bath, tug and twist the jewelry until it heals.

How is life with pierced nipples?


For many women, the fear that it will be difficult to feed a baby stops them on their way to nipple piercings. However, breast piercing does not interfere with feeding babies at all; sometimes even an additional duct in the nipple makes this process easier. Indeed, out of several dozen channels through which milk flows, only 2-3 are damaged during a puncture, and sometimes on the contrary, due to piercing, there are more of them.

However, the piercing will have to be abandoned for the period of breastfeeding. But when you no longer need to feed, the piercing can be returned to its place.


Poor decoration, improper care:

In some salons, nipple jewelry may look pretty decent, but you can hardly distinguish implant titanium from surgical steel, or, even worse, from silver, which absolutely should not be put into a fresh puncture. And for the sake of easy money, you may be told the myth that surgical steel is ideal for fresh piercings, because it is MEDICAL.

But behind this word lies a deception: medical steel has never been implantable, since the maximum can be made of it as a surgical instrument. In addition, there are very few piercers in Russia who attend professional conferences to improve their knowledge of grooming and jewelry. Basically, everyone simply adopts from the Internet chaotic incomprehensible and contradictory recommendations and rules.

As a result of such prefabricated semi-invented "instructions", your piercing can heal not for 3-6 months, but a year or two! Or it may never heal at all, because the longer the puncture heals, the greater the chance of excessive scarring and the likelihood of complications.

Nipple injury

Sometimes a careless movement (this usually happens with a towel or washcloth in the bathroom, with a sweater or shoulder straps) can hook the jewelry on the nipple and severely injure it. Also, the nipple can be particularly injured if the puncture is made incorrectly - too close to the skin surface.

Incorrectly made puncture

Some "especially talented" piercers do not pierce the nipple itself, but its areola. The length of the puncture turns out to be more than 15 mm, it heals very problematic - from 12 to 20 months. Plus, with such a puncture, the jewelry presses on the skin, and this provokes problems with natural healing. Such a puncture of the nipples looks not very aesthetically pleasing.


Breast infections are rare among those with nipple piercings. It happens to those who are very poorly hygienic and allow dirt and severe infection to enter the puncture area. If you are overtaken by mastitis, most likely, only you are to blame, and your path lies strictly to the doctor without delay.


The pierced nipples can also be stretched to accommodate thick rings, for example. Sometimes it looks very impressive, and there are more sensations, because the area of \u200b\u200bsensitive tissue inside the nipple increases. It is possible to stretch this puncture, but gradually - by 1 size (this is 0.5 ... 1 mm) every 2-3 months. This is quite unpleasant and a little painful, including the first week after stretching. The tissues in the nipple are delicate, so if you stretch the puncture quickly, the nipple is severely injured.


Nipple Piercing - Does It Hurt?
Of course, this is one of the most unpleasant punctures, but in most cases, clients note that the wait was much worse than the procedure itself. And do not forget that the puncture lasts half a second, and the joy of wearing will be with you much longer.

- HOW MUCH DOES A Nipple Piercing Live?
He will completely heal in six months, but if all our recommendations are followed, he will no longer cause discomfort by the end of the first month.

- HOW TO CARE FOR A Nipple Piercing?

In no case. The jewelry made of implantable titanium has a hard, smooth surface, and the mythical "ingrowth" cannot occur. But you can easily tear off the crusts of dried natural secretions from the still fresh wound so that the still fragile tissue of the piercing canal begins to scar.

For the first two weeks it is better to refrain from excess physical activity, and then you can return to it, but avoid exercises in which pressure on the puncture site is possible. By the way, you should also pay attention to the degree of compression of your sports braas well as support for everyday lingerie - it should not be too strong. The best rule - listen to your body: if something hurts you, don't do it.

A fresh puncture already has to cope with sweat and dust, so you shouldn't expose it to unnecessary external stimuli for as long as possible. The minimum terms are 2 weeks for a solarium, 4 weeks for a pool, and 6 weeks for baths and saunas. After this period, you can slowly start walking there, but seal the puncture with a plaster for the duration of the visit, and immediately afterwards, wipe it with an antiseptic.

A barbell is installed into a fresh puncture, not thinner than 1.6 mm (the thicker, the more difficult it is to tear the puncture, or even pull out the jewelry) and not shorter than the diameter of your nipple + 2-4 millimeters (in case of edema). After a month, if necessary, you can change the bar to a shorter one. Naturally, with the help of a wizard. It is also important for girls to make sure that the new jewelry does not press in the first half of the cycle.

A barbell with crystals, opals and natural stones can be installed in a classic (horizontal) puncture - both with single and whole clusters. And you can also put rings, clickers and so-called nipple-shields there. You can also make vertical, diagonal and even cross punctures, but they heal a little longer and more difficult.

Maybe. But they can heal a little longer and more difficult, since the body of the nipple will have to adjust to the position given to it by the established decoration. This is not a reason to worry, but a reason to come to the master for regular examinations during healing.

After a puncture, it will increase only for the first couple of months. Further, as the channel forms, the nerve endings in the place of their contact with the decoration will “coarsen” a little and will no longer perceive it as a stimulus. As a result, the sensitivity will return to its previous level. If you made this puncture not only for aesthetic purposes, you can stretch the puncture one size - this will renew the increased sensitivity.

- HOW WILL Nipple Piercing Affect Breastfeeding?
There are 2 options for the development of events:
1 - milk ducts grow through the walls of the piercing canal and are connected by it;
2 - milk ducts abut against the wall of the piercing canal and gradually change their direction. In the first case, feeding will be a little easier, in the second it will be a little complicated, but in fact, both of these options will not have a noticeable effect on the process.

If one of the goals of nipple piercing is that they are always "contoured" and not completely compared to the skin - yes, the desired effect will be achieved, the decoration will not let it sink to the end. But this does not mean that the nipple will "stand" in the full sense of the word - hardness and "sticking out" are achieved only due to an erection, which can be slightly affected by a puncture only by increasing sensitivity.

Piercing is a means of self-expression that is characteristic only of the rebellious spirit. How else to explain the desire to pierce a part of the body visible (or invisible) to others? For some, such a modification is a vivid example of aesthetics, a way to express oneself and distinguish oneself, while for others it is an opportunity to enhance the sensitivity of the most piquant parts of the body. In this article, we will talk about nipple piercings, and also find out the feedback from those who have experienced this mini transformation.

Let's start with history

Piercing is not a fad in the 21st century, but an ancient way to decorate your body using metal earrings and chains. Through archaeological excavations, we learned that both women and men actively used elaborate jewelry that was fixed on the body. For example, tunnels in the ears, which now can reach more than 30 centimeters in diameter, are vigorously discussed by haters of modification. However, few people know that such a body shaping was practiced, and it is even practiced today in the Karen tribe. They inhabit the territory of Myanmar, and the stretching of the earlobes is the basis of their culture.

The main benefits of nipple piercing

According to numerous reviews about nipple piercing, we can say that this procedure allows not only to decorate the body, but also to increase sensitivity. Let's take a look at all the positive aspects of the modification:

We are against the procedure!

Why is modification causing negativity in many people? The main reason is fear. People who only "pierced" their ears in early childhood using an automatic pistol doubt whether piercing their nipples hurts or not.

  • The procedure is disgusting. Piercing is clearly not suitable for those who are afraid of the sight of blood. In addition, after piercing, the injured area will be inflamed for some time and must be regularly treated with antiseptics.
  • The procedure can lead to complications. With improper care, the wounds can begin to fester, and that is why it is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist.
  • Inexperienced master. An attempt to save money can lead to the development of a cyst, so this procedure should only be carried out by a qualified master.

Does it hurt?

Reviews of nipple piercing prove that this procedure is painful, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body (pain threshold, sensitivity).

Reviews and opinions

Both girls and guys are interested in many questions: "How long does it take for wounds to heal? How to properly care for it? Is it possible to lose sensitivity?" To give the correct answer, you need to study reviews of nipple piercings.

How is nipple piercing done (in detail)

Piercing is not a surgical procedure, so no special tools or operating unit are required. However, the technician must comply with the necessary hygiene requirements in order to pierce the nipples as accurately and safely as possible.

  • First, the specialist puts on disposable gloves, having prepared a cotton swab, a sterile needle in a package, and an antiseptic in advance.
  • Secondly, the nipple is disinfected (most often with an alcohol solution) to prevent infection from entering the wound.
  • Thirdly, using a cotton swab, the area is treated with ointment, which has an anesthetic effect. You can also use a special spray that reduces the sensitivity of the nipple during the puncture.
  • Fourth, the nipple is manually kneaded to bring it to an erect state. Then the master will be able to outline the future puncture site.
  • Fifth, by slightly pulling the nipple, the specialist gently pierces the skin, and then inserts a medical steel jewelry. The wounds are treated with chlorhexidine, covered with a bandage and fixed with a plaster.

Now the "modified" person himself should think about caring for the piercing, properly caring for and treating the wounds until complete healing.

Danger of nipple piercing

It is important to understand that piercing is an individual matter, and it is almost impossible to predict how the body will react to changes. While some have increased sensitivity and are excited even by rubbing their nipples on a T-shirt, others worry that their piquant place does not respond to touch. But the main danger in nipple piercing is infection and the long healing period.

It will be difficult to put on a bra initially, so it’s best to ditch it. You can also forget about lace underwear, because a bar or a ring can catch on the underwear and cause discomfort. Both men and women should choose loose-fitting clothing, especially if the healing process is accompanied by discomfort.

The most common consequences of piercing are wound suppuration, loss of sensation, and blockage of the milk ducts. In each case, it is important to go to a specialist, but not to a local salon, but to a medical center. In the worst case, the infection can lead to the development of cysts and neoplastic growths.

Nipple piercings are not at all innovative. Body piercing was a fashionable phenomenon several centuries ago. Some tribes have used such transformations of their bodies for various ritual actions for many decades. Ancient Rome introduced Caesar's personal bodyguard for nipple piercing, it was then fashionable and served as a symbol of bravery, courage and valor of warriors. During the reign of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, piercing was used to improve the shape of a woman's breasts and was especially popular with women in secular society.

The procedure does not present any difficulty, but nevertheless it is associated with certain risks.

Nipple piercing process

Before the start of piercing, the nipples are brought into a state of excitement with the help of a reduced temperature, a mark is made on the surface of the future passage of the needle. Then the delicate body is pierced. It is very important to observe the following requirement - the puncture channel should not move. With the shift, certain problems will begin. The whole point is in the individual characteristics of the breast: excessively small or inverted nipples make it difficult to pierce, and sometimes even the impossibility of performing such a procedure. But with large nipples there are no difficulties, and the correct puncture of the nipple will not allow the accessory to move.

Types of piercing

The puncture of the female nipple is horizontal and vertical. It depends on the type of decoration used. It is necessary to take into account the professional qualities of the master, because a poor-quality puncture can be painful, have a curvature and lead to infection or a change in the shape of the nipple.

Piercing Accessories

Women's nipple jewelry has a diameter of 1.6 mm or more. For men's accessories, a diameter of more than 2.4 mm is recommended. The so-called barbells or rings are often used as decorations. More popular is a product that keeps the nipple alert. Sophisticated accessories can be purchased at specialized points of sale. It is recommended to pay attention to the accessories of certain world brands, which are made of high quality materials. The best option is to use jewelry made in European countries, preferably made of titanium, implantanium, zirconium or surgical metal. Poor quality jewelry can corrode or contaminate the nipples.


Contraindications for piercing include the following:

  • serious pathologies of internal organs;
  • blood diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • reduced immunity;
  • an allergic reaction to metals.

Nipple piercing: care

A recent piercing is nothing more than an ordinary wound in the nipple that heals slowly and can become infected under certain conditions. Proper care is required throughout the entire period of the piercing.

The piercing of the nipple in girls is regenerated over several months, however, the maximum care is carried out in the first few weeks until the canal is completely formed.

The puncture site is washed with an antiseptic solution 2 times a day, and after bathing, and every walk along the street. It is recommended to apply compresses with an antiseptic solution within five days after the procedure. For this purpose, it is necessary to stick a cotton pad to a medical plaster and moisten it with a solution. This disc is glued directly to the nipple. The compress must be replaced at intervals of 3 times a day and worn throughout the day and removed only before the bathing procedure. If you do not want to wear around the clock, you must repeatedly apply the disc for 15 minutes and overnight.

When caring for a puncture, use antiseptic drugs (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, etc.) or antibiotic ointments. Even if the nipple is completely healed, the procedure for washing with an antiseptic solution should be carried out 2 times a month.

Possible complications and their elimination

The most characteristic symptom of nipple infection will be a painful sensation, a burning sensation and itching, the presence of discharge with a yellowish-greenish tinge. In this case, the nipple puncture must be treated not only with an antiseptic liquid solution (for example, "Chlorhexidine"), but also with an antibiotic ointment, observing the requirements of the instructions for the drug. If more serious problems arise, you should immediately contact a master or a doctor.

  • It is forbidden to change the accessory until complete healing. Avoid twisting and twisting to avoid secondary infection of the wound.
  • Apply antiseptic compresses after taking a bath or shower.
  • It is forbidden to steam the puncture, therefore, the sauna and steam bath are postponed until complete healing.
  • You should not swim in bodies of water.
  • It is forbidden to visit the solarium and be exposed to sun exposure (tanning process).
  • To prevent additional injury to the puncture zone, therefore, it is necessary to wear comfortable clothes and spend a night's sleep on the back or side.

Consequences of piercing

After carrying out such a procedure as a puncture of the nipples (photo is presented above), various kinds of discharge may appear. This sign indicates the attachment of an infectious agent to the puncture site. In the absence of a painful sensation at the time of discharge from punctures, one should not be upset, it is just necessary to continue the treatment with either "Chlorhexidine" or some other antiseptic. In case of pain, and if the treatment does not give any results, the jewelry should be removed until the canal is completely healed. You should not risk your health.

Women (girls) are required to pay special attention to the puncture of the nipple and the subsequent care of it. A poorly performed procedure or irregular treatments can lead to problems in the future when breastfeeding a baby.

What will a process like nipple piercing give you? Reviews of piercing owners in this case are extremely contradictory. It is believed that piercings can help when feeding a baby with flat nipples. But piercing can also give a lot of trouble to women during breastfeeding, so you should remove the accessory several months before breastfeeding for the canal to heal.

The goals of piercing are different, but all young people with nipple piercing indicate qualitative changes in sexual relations.

Nipple piercing is a form of self-expression that involves piercing and inserting a jewelry into an opening. A popular way to emphasize the beauty of the breast, which can liberate, get rid of certain complexes. Due to the introduction of the product, it is possible to correct small defects in the form of an inverted nipple in women. Is the procedure safe? What complications can develop, what is the risk of an incorrect puncture?

Features of nipple piercing

History still opens before us the doors to the amazing ancient world, where people performed insane acts for the sake of beauty and honor. According to scientists, the Praetorians were the pioneers in the field of breast piercing. The head of the Roman Empire was guarded by warriors with earrings in the areola area. For men, it was a symbol of courage, strength and unshakable courage.

Modern girls with pierced nipples bear little resemblance to the Praetorians. Although chest piercings are in huge demand among them. Why do girls insert earrings? Many ladies decide to pierce the nipple in order to enhance sexual sensations. Does it really increase pleasure? It is impossible to unequivocally give a positive answer to such an urgent question, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Another reason for the high demand for papillary piercings among girls is the fight against body flaws. A woman can have an imperfect form of this part of the mammary gland, sunken or retracted, which the man considers not erotic, ugly. Jewelry enhances the aesthetic appearance, the breasts acquire the desired shape and sexuality.

Types of nipple piercings:

  • horizontal;
  • multi-puncture;
  • diagonally;
  • vertically.

The most popular arrangement is horizontal, allowing rings to be worn.

How much does it heal and is it painful to do

For quick healing of damaged skin, it is necessary to follow certain rules and provide care for the nipple piercing:

  • do not take a long hot shower to prevent steaming;
  • avoid mechanical stress;
  • do not visit the sauna, pool, bath, solarium.

If you strictly follow these recommendations, pierced nipples will heal quickly. It will take three months. To keep the wound clean, experts advise to seal the pierced nipples with a plaster and regularly take baths with an antiseptic, healing solution.

The main condition is personal hygiene, cleanliness of underwear and bed. If you ignore these requirements, then the chest will hurt for a long time, the piercing will not heal. If an infection enters, severe complications may develop.

How long does a girl's nipple piercing heal if there is constant inflammation? In this case, healing will take six months. If the discomfort and pain persist for longer, see your doctor.

The first couple of weeks, nipple care should be especially careful, because at this time the canal is formed. For healing and disinfection, Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are prescribed.

Does piercing your nipples hurt? Feelings during the procedure depend on psychological preparation. This is not to say that it is completely painless, but the manipulations are carried out so quickly that you can endure.

If necessary, you can ask for anesthesia. Local pain relievers, which are injected directly into the areola, can help reduce pain before breast piercing. According to general practice, masters do not recommend anesthesia, as it has its pros and cons.

  • The injection reduces pain during the puncture, but it is no less painful than the procedure itself.
  • As a result of the injection, edema develops, which often prevents the artist from making the piercing in the nipple correctly and symmetrically.
  • Due to the effects of medication, the punctured tissue takes longer to heal.

It is important to find out if you are allergic to anesthetics before the procedure. The use of gels and sprays is impractical, since they do not give a sufficient effect on dry skin, they work only on mucous membranes.

If the client does not tolerate pain well and the injection is contraindicated, the master may recommend taking a pill that has a general effect on the body and reduces the severity of sensations.

Nipple piercing procedure

Nipple piercing in the photo looks sexy and many girls are interested in how the procedure goes.

Before starting work, the master examines the breast to assess its individual characteristics and the shape of the breast. This will help you choose the location of the earrings and determine the type of piercing. If one breast is higher than the other or looks slightly to the side, then the horizontal position is not suitable. In this case, it is better to insert a decoration to mask the asymmetry. The correct location of the hole is the base at the junction with the areola.

How nipple piercings are done:

  1. The site of the future hole is being processed, instruments are sterilized.
  2. Marking is applied - points of entry and exit of the needle are carefully set.
  3. The nipple is grasped with the clamp and left on for a couple of seconds.
  4. With a quick movement of the hand, the specialist inserts the needle. During this manipulation, the client is advised to breathe deeply.
  5. The needle is carefully replaced with a decoration. If the needle is hollow, then the earring is inserted into its cavity and passed through the skin. If there is a catheter, then it is used.
  6. The wound is treated with an antiseptic, sealed with a plaster.

First, the first puncture is carried out, then the second in the same way.

Can I get inverted nipple piercings? Yes, this is often recommended by artisans to correct the shape. The decoration will serve as a kind of corrector and will correct the retraction. Before the puncture, the master will have to try to make this section of the mammary gland rather long, and it can be clamped with forceps.

When choosing a salon, pay attention to the professionalism of the piercer and the sanitary conditions of the office. All tools and jewelry must be disinfected, a disposable needle is individually wrapped, the master is obliged to do the piercing with gloves treated with an antiseptic.

Home conditions are not the best option for carrying out such manipulations. Don't trust your breasts to non-professionals or acquaintances filling your hand. This is a dangerous complication if the nipples are punctured in violation of sanitary standards and technology.

Contraindications and consequences

There are restrictions for the procedure, non-observance of which can cause health problems.

When chest punctures should not be made:

  • blood diseases;
  • serious violations in the work of internal organs;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • diabetes mellitus in severe insulin-dependent form;
  • allergic reactions to alloys contained in decorative jewelry;
  • skin diseases.

If the procedure is performed incorrectly or there were violations in the care, then such negative consequences develop:

  • girls with pierced nipples may face physiological disorders in the structure of the milk ducts, which will further complicate the feeding of the child;
  • cyst growth behind the opening, affecting sensitivity;
  • scars as a result of a violation of technology, the formation of a channel in the wrong place;
  • inflammation due to poor hygiene or accidental injury from clothing;
  • HIV and hepatitis due to non-compliance with sterility;
  • rejection of jewelry as a result of an allergic reaction to alloys in metals and a weakened immune system.

The most common myth is that girls with nipple piercings cannot feed their babies. This is not true information. This complication does not happen often, many young mothers remove earrings in late pregnancy or leave them and successfully feed babies. Normal lactation is ensured by the fact that the channels that bring milk are not overgrown.

As a result of damage to the breast tissue, various kinds of discharge can be observed. If soreness is not visible, then the regeneration process proceeds normally. In case of excruciating pain, the girl should consult a master or doctor to remove the earring and complete healing of the canal.

Choosing and wearing jewelry correctly

For a fresh hole, nickel-free gold and titanium products are used. It is not recommended to experiment with non-implant earrings after the wound has healed.

Rods with a diameter of 1.6 mm or more are used as decorations. with a margin of a couple of millimeters around the edges.

Cannot be inserted into fresh female nipple piercings and male:

  • products of too large thickness - over 3 mm;
  • rods with small balls or pendants;
  • earrings made of plastic, surgical steel, silver, glass;
  • too short, long or heavy piercings, large diameter rings.

How long the canal heals directly depends on the professionalism of the master, the speed of tissue regeneration, compliance with the rules of care and the inserted jewelry. Choose only salons with a good reputation to avoid mistakes.

Girls with pierced nipples look sexy and arousing, but is the risk always justified? There are many pros and cons to the procedure. Be careful when modifying the body, any action has consequences. If the puncture heals and becomes inflamed for a long time, then instead of decoration you will get a scar and health problems. Prepare carefully to visit the piercer's office, follow all the instructions so as not to become a victim of fashion.


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