Name Day at Vicky. When the birthday of Victoria for the church calendar

Name Day at Vicky. When the birthday of Victoria for the church calendar

For a very long time, this name was considered not church. In the sacraticles they were included only in our days, quite recently: in 2011. That year decided to honor the Holy Martyr Victoria Cordvian or Corduban (we will tell about it below). Later, a few more sacred dates arose associated with the name of Vika. Therefore, women who bear this name, but born at different times of the year, can celebrate angel's day in different ways.

  • June 7th. Orthodox on this day pray to Martyr Victoria Ephesus.
  • June 14th. This date is the tribute to the memory of Victoria Solunskaya (also known as Roman).
  • November 6th. Heavenly patronage of this date - Martyr Nikomidia.
  • On November 17, in some European cities (in particular, in Spain, and in France), brother and sister, the martyrs of the acyclaus and Victoria of Cordovsky are honored.
  • 21 December. The "Angel" of this day became Martyr Victoria Kulusovskaya.

Lots of Angel. But personally, your (or your daughter) falls on the date, located in the calendar closest to the date of birth.

Church form name and its origin

Unlike other worldly names, which sounded in church practice somewhat differently (for example, - Dionysius), the name Victoria in the Slanders is written in the same way as in your passport.

This name has Latin roots. Translated, it means "victory". It was this name that the ancient Roman goddess of Victory was carried (if you compare it with a Greek pantheon, then Victoria became the "twin sister").

On our lands, the name for the first time sounded thanks to Peter the first one who loved to use this word instead of the traditional "victory". Interestingly, in those days it was considered notable and urban. In the villages, the girls were not given it (however, it was not surprising - in those days, the peasants called babies exclusively through the sacrons).

What fate and character blesses the Lord with the beneficent of this name?

Character. Externally, it is independent, strong, brave girl. However, people who truly know the Tori are well understood: all this is a mask for a gentle, vulnerable soul, often shy and insecure.

The weak parties of the character of this woman can be considered slowness and laziness (although this is not the dominant trait). Also, it is not supervised.

Fate. From birth, this girl has a mobile temper. If she is confident in her rightness, she will not change his own opinion, remaining "with his" to the last. At first, parents who tried to train the baby mind, then the teacher, can suffer from her character. Sometimes it comes to conflicts with the leadership, if Vika believes that it (or someone from his colleagues with whom she is friendly) offended undeservedly.

This fighter in the skirt is not shy to compete even with guys - classmates, brother, father, colleagues. Therefore, Vika often makes a good career.

By the way, it does not like to study at school very much - it is pretty hard for books for books. Throughout study in younger grades, she constantly asks the elders to help her with a "homework" (and even they did everything for her). But do not be afraid, the girl will not grow lazy. On the contrary, putting confidence in their own forces, she will achieve respect, and will become a skillful mistress - one ploit!

In honor of what holy name is Vika?

  1. Victoria Cordovskaya (Corduban). Tortured in the Spanish city of Cordoba in the 4th century, together with his brother Iziskil. They do not touch themselves called themselves Christians, and when the then the grearding began to force them to bring victims to the Roman deity, refused. For this were committed to death.
  2. Victoria Nikomidia. This holy lived in the 3rd century of our era, during the persecution of Christians. She accepted martyrdom, but did not reject his religion chosen.
  3. Victoria Kulusovskaya, sometimes known as Nick. I suffered at the end of the 5th century in North Africa, namely in Carthage. In those days, vandals faced in the Arian faith (one of the early currents of Christianity, diverted with many traditional religious dogmas). They were very cruel with Orthodox, refusing to accept their faith. Especially massive persecution Christians have become in the king of Guenerich. According to legend, Victoria was a young woman from the city of Kulouse, had a husband and children. When she began torturing, she did not refuse his faith. The Lord awarded her for it - not only retained life, but also healed from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Nowadays, there is even the temple of the Holy Martyr Victoria. It is located in the village of Kompanévka (Kirovograd region, Ukraine).

In childhood, Victoria is always an imperceptible girl who does not like to be in the spotlight. She participates in games, but prefers to be aside, does not seek to win. Everything makes slow and thoughtfully. From childhood it looks like her father. Adult Victoria becomes more "alive" and cheerful.

In a professional plan, it does not like to depend on anyone, also does not like common professions. Chooses something unusual and new for yourself. He loves that the result of her work depended only from her. Only in this case, it will turn the mountains.

Fate: Usually, Vika is not enough for romanticism and excessive poetry, rather she is a purely earthly person. Victoria, has such features of character, as an assertiveness, stubbornness and trick.

Angel Day Victoria

Victoria (from Latin language) - victory, "victorious goddess". The goddess of victory in Roman mythology. In the inscriptions on the coins, Victoria was depicted as a symbol of the victory of the emperor (Caesar). In the XVIII century In Russian they said: "Poltava Victoria" ...

Victoria is a name, which, like no other, completely reflects the nature of his woman's wearing. Victoria is a real "warriper." She always fights, everywhere and with everyone: with diseases, with household adversities, with rivals on love, with colleagues in work - for the best place, for the award, for the attention of manuals, etc. And she always wins! True, there are also failures, but very rare.

Victoria is very persistent and persistent in achieving its goals. However, it is difficult for her to find his ideal of a man - not necessarily beautiful, but necessarily witty, intelligent, kind, in love with it, caring and passionate. If it finds this, then harmony, love and mutual understanding between family members are provided.

Victoria is a woman with a secret, maybe therefore it is somewhat slowed down, phlegmatic, as a result of which never falls into panic, does not spend time on the construction of air locks and the incarnation of a ghostly dream. Looks like a timid, fierce, as a first-grader girl. However, do not share - Victoria is a very strong personality. It just sometimes lacks courage to achieve the goal.

She believes that, first of all, you need to peel deep with this problem, as it does not count only on one inspiration. Therefore, she always clearly thinks and plans their affairs and actions. Victoria reaches persistence, as well as zeal. And since all this requires a long time, then success comes to Victoria Labor.

And yet among Victoria there are many scientists, engineers in the field of electronics, good teachers. All this indicates that Victoria has a typical male mind warehouse. She prefers work in the men's team, with whom she gets well. Victoria adheres to the old good rules, which are considered to be Mesh in our time.

As for health, the women of this type are prone to osteochondrosis, susceptible to viral diseases. In addition, they need long-term outdoor walks, active sports. And Victoria is needed good manthat would help her create a cozy and reliable family hearth. Talisman - amber.

Victoria Name Day for the Church Calendar

  • January 5 - St. Victoria / Chatolich./
  • March 25 - St. Victoria / Chatolich./
  • September 25 - St. Victoria / Chatolich./
  • October 24 - Victoria Cordubskaya (Cordovskaya), MC.
  • October 28 - Victoria Pratya / Catolich./

Calendar when Victoria's church calendar

Saints with the name Victoria are worshiped 1 time.

  • November 30 - Victoria Corduban, Martyr.

Feature Birthday name Victoria:

Victoria (from Latin language) - victory, "victorious goddess". The goddess of victory in Roman mythology. In the inscriptions on the coins, Victoria was depicted as a symbol of the victory of the emperor (Caesar). In the XVIII century In Russian they said: "Poltava Victoria" ...

Victoria is a name, which, like no other, completely reflects the nature of his woman's wearing. Victoria is a real "warriper." She always fights, everywhere and with everyone: with diseases, with household adversities, with rivals on love, with colleagues in work - for the best place, for the award, for the attention of manuals, etc. And she always wins! True, there are also failures, but very rare.

Victoria is very persistent and persistent in achieving its goals. However, it is difficult for her to find his ideal of a man - not necessarily beautiful, but necessarily witty, intelligent, kind, in love with it, caring and passionate. If it finds this, then harmony, love and mutual understanding between family members are provided.

Victoria is a woman with a secret, maybe therefore it is somewhat slowed down, phlegmatic, as a result of which never falls into panic, does not spend time on the construction of air locks and the incarnation of a ghostly dream.

Looks like a timid, fierce, as a first-grader girl. However, do not share - Victoria is a very strong personality. Just she sometimes lacks courage to achieve the goal

She believes that, first of all, you need to peel deep with this problem, as it does not count only on one inspiration. Therefore, she always clearly thinks and plans their affairs and actions. Victoria reaches persistence, as well as zeal. And since all this requires a long time, then success comes to Victoria Labor.

And yet among Victoria there are many scientists, engineers in the field of electronics, good teachers. All this indicates that Victoria has a typical male mind warehouse. She prefers work in the men's team, with whom she gets well. Victoria adheres to the old good rules, which are considered to be Mesh in our time.

As for health, the women of this type are prone to osteochondrosis, susceptible to viral diseases. In addition, they need long-term outdoor walks, active sports. And Victoria needs a good person who would help her to create a cozy and reliable family hearth. Talisman - amber.

Congratulations to the name of Victoria:

Do not forget to celebrate the name of Victoria and congratulate Victoria on the day of Angel.

Your name, Victoria,

Victory calls and good luck!

This means much

Being a happy life will prescribe

And I will not ask for the delivery!

So that bolder in life

Your punch way!

And distinguish evil thoughts

Do not forget about kindness!

Urgently leave your affairs

And we congratulate Victoria!

We wish her happiness, success!

Clear Sun, Joy, laughter!

Warm, fluffy, huge love,

Many friends, and strong family!

Major magnets are not easy

Neither on land, nor on the sea

I did not meet like you,

Precious Victoria!

Beauty and subtle mind

Blood nobility,

Divna me, and me,

Here are like you, surprise!

With the name of you

I have a hurry to congratulate, Vika,

My flower, my diamond

My ripe strawberries!

The meaning of the name is usually directly related to its history and the name of Victoria is no exception. Victoria is the name of Latin origin. Latinyan (Romans) believed that this is the name of the goddess Victory Victoria. When the name Victoria began to use as a personal name, then it got the meaning of the winner. Turns out that victoria name means "Winner".

Historians believe that the Roman goddess Victoria had a prototype greek mythology, like most of the pantheon of the Roman gods. It is believed that the Greek goddess of Victory Nika became the prototype of Roman Victoria.

Another name Victoria has a kindred male name - Victor. Its value you can learn by clicking on the link.

Name of Victoria for a child

Vika grows by a volitional child and it is difficult to make something to do. Parents will need to learn to instill love for correct things. If Vika herself wanted, it is extremely difficult to stop it. She loves to be in the spotlight and in every way to do so. Little Victoria likes other children and caregivers, as it knows how to present yourself from the small years.

Victoria Studying is not very important in life, but this does not mean that she is poorly learning. If Victoria wants to study well, it will be a wonderful student. If she wants good estimates, then there will be an assessment if it wants to know well, there will be knowledge. Frequently learns Victoria well, but knowledge remains a bit. For her, the score is more often important to understand the subject. Looks like a bad thing for myself below your own dignity.

Victoria's health is not very strong, but it is rarely noticeable. Usually she has problems with a musculoskeletal system in the form of scoliosis and osteochondrosis. It becomes noticeable in the adolescence. In the children's age, viral infections are usually the main problem.

Abbreviated name Victoria

Vika, Victor, Vikkuya, Vita (Vitya), wiki.

Reductantly mascara names

Vicky, Vikush, Vikusya, Vicul, Viktyushka, Viktorka, Vitulya, Vitusa, Vityusha.

Name Victoria in English

IN english language Victoria name is written so - Victoria. It is also written in French and Spanish.

Victoria name for passport - Viktoriia, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation name Victoria to other languages

on Arabic - فيكتوريا
In Belarusian - Visor
on Bulgarian - Victoria
On Greek - βικτρια
in Spanish - Victoria
In Italian - Vittoria
on chinese - 維多利亞
on Korean - 빅토리아
In German - Wiktorija
On Polish - Wiktoria
In Ukrainian - Vіktorіya
in French - Victoria
On Japanese - ヴィークトリア

Name Victoria for Church (in the Orthodox faith) - not the church name and when baptism changes to Nick.

Characteristic named after Victoria

Victoria has several characteristic features character. It has an analytical nature of the mind and decisions are more inclined to rely on logic than intuition. She does not like empty stays in Gres and will not wait for a prince on a white horse. This can be attributed to all sectors of Victoria. It often looks angry, although it is correct to call it a concentration.

At work he loves independence and responsibility for the result personally on it. Weakly adapted to teamwork, but at the same time a good leader. Pretty well performs work related to communication. He likes to make an impression and if the work will be associated with this, then Victoria is an indispensable employee.

In the family of Victoria is very jealous. It is hard to carry any, even the most minor, manifestations of sympathy for other women. At the same time, see the true feelings of Victoria is quite difficult. She opens their experiences only closest and get enough to this circle. If Victoria shares his own experiences with you, then you deserve it.

Mystery named after Victoria

Thief and weak faith in yourself is one of the main secrets of Victoria. It can impress confident and fat to criticism of the person, but it is not at all. Just she will not show his experiences, but inside her will be all burning from the resentment and disorder. If you want to be her friend, then be more attentive with it.

The mystery for the majority will always be that she has on her mind. She rarely speaks about plans and feelings that sometimes even close people are surprised by her behavior.

Planet - Uranus.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Totem animal - Bumblebee.

Color name - Purple.

Wood - Cedar.

Plant - Mimosa.

A rock - lazuli.

Guardian Angel named after Victoria and his patronYou can find out the good birth date of Victoria. If you know the date of birth, read the article "Patron named after Victoria" on our website.

From a long time, since a long time, the baby was given a name according to the long-standing Orthodox tradition - through the sacnesses. There was a time, namely the era of Soviet power, when it had to practically refuse this tradition. However, today there is a revival of the selection of names in this way.

What is Saints

Now, when choosing the name, modern parents have become increasingly paying attention to the Orthodox calendar. There you can find out, for example, when the name of Victoria, and if you look at the sacraticles, you can choose the name of the baby in honor of the saint. It was he who will become the Guardian angel of the child for all his further long life.

How to use the sacraments

First of all, you need to look at the date of birth of the child. For example, on December 21 a girl appeared on the world. In this case, it will be best called in honor of Victoria Kulouse. This is a holy Great Martyr, which will protect the girl during life. It is worth knowing that the Holy Victoria Name Day celebrates four times a year.

It happens that the little princess was born, but according to her date only male names Or simply they do not like. In this case, you should not be upset, church laws allow you to view the names of the saints that are glorified on the eighth day from the birth of the baby. It was then that the name of the name of the name must be made. If in this case nothing is suitable, that is, the opportunity to view all the saints in the forty-day period from birth. At the same time, the sacrament of baptism should usually be held.

Origin of name

If you translate the name of Victoria from Latin, the designation will be more than militant, namely "Winner". It is worth saying that by the name Victoria Nameda Orthodox was not celebrated. The thing is that it was replaced by the Greek analogue - Nick.

Back in 258, the Holy Martyr Nika with other martyrs suffered in the city of Corinth. They were driven for believed in Christ, as a result, all the martyrs were dropped into the water. However, the Lord helped them, and martyrs, instead of drown, went on water calmly, as if lucky. At the same time they sang spiritual hymns. The Greeks were still not confused and caught up with them on the ship. After that, they hung on the neck of martyrs stones and thus drowned them.

If you rely on Roman mythology, then there you can see the goddess of Victory - Victoria, which corresponds to Greek Nick. Romans, of course, read and appreciated this goddess. In her honor, the temples even erected, the altar was rebuilt in the Senate Curia, which was expressed by the worship of the Romans Victoria. Even coins in Rome were produced with its image.

The attitude of other countries to this name

As regards to England, there is the Queen Rules of Victoria, with the name of which connects a whole era, which wears the informal name - the Golden Age or the name of Victoria soon began to be celebrated in the Orthodox calendar. In Russia, this name came quite recently, namely in the XVIII century. Thanks to Peter the first and his victories, this name has acquired weight in our country. Even victories were named Victoria.

Modern description of the name

The behavior of the child, named after Saint Victoria, is distinguished by incredible he can closes or speak a lot, to act or sit. There is also a dependence on when the name of Victoria is celebrated, namely in which month. The girl behaves in this way mainly from self-esteem in his own personality.

Usually the girl is very attractive, which is named after Victoria. Which is celebrated four times a year, strongly influences the child and its further life. A rather long period of his life she does not want to declare himself as a person. But at one fine moment, the girl sharply begins to manifest himself, as if withered the missed time.

The character of a woman wearing this name is quite difficult. She is very stubborn and reaches its goals, despite the obstacles. To some extent, she is a feminist, since it is able to defend the honor of the weak gender. Standing the girl can not only for others, but for himself. Her nature is very volitional - this allows Victoria to achieve success in life.

In personal plan, the girl is pretty picky, the satellite chooses seriously and for a long time. If the husband is attentive and sensitive, then she will appreciate and love this person all life. In addition, the girl will finally acquire that self-confidence he was looking for, and stop spending time and effort to search for anything, but will give all his husband and children.

The name of Victoria is best to celebrate, then the guardian angel will accurately help the girl, for example, in the professional sphere. Here she will have to be more difficult than in his personal life. Because the girl will try to all prove that she is a specialist with a capital letter, even if it is not so. Accordingly, this fact cannot be approved by the bosses where disputes arise. It is worthwing to know that the girl with the same name is quite capable of achieving career growth, the question is only whether she has the desire to achieve something.

A little about numbers

Parents should be aware of the names of Victoria than Victoria are celebrated and what holy refers to a specific date. Then it will be easier to thank the patronage for the help.

So, if a girl is born, she is under the protection of Victoria Kulouse. By November 6, Victoria Nikomidia should be attributed, and by June 14 - Solunskaya. But June 7 will be the day of St. Victoria Ephesus. By the way, they are all martyrs.


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