The worst and bloodthirsty gods. Strange Gods of Ancient Egypt The most goddess

The worst and bloodthirsty gods. Strange Gods of Ancient Egypt The most goddess

The goddesses of world mythology are not always merciful and kind. Many of them demanded a special kind of worship from their adepts.

Even if you don't know anything about the goddess of Cali, you probably heard about the fact that we live in the Hindu calendar in the era of Kali-South. On behalf of Kali, the name of the former capital of India Calcutta occurs. Here and today is the largest temple of the worship of this goddess.

Kali is the most formidable goddess of world mythology. One of her image is already frightened. It traditionally depicts blue or black (the color of infinite cosmic time, pure consciousness and death), with four hands (4 sides of the world, 4 main chakras), the garland from skulls hangs onto her neck (turn of incarnation).

Kali has a red language that symbolizes the kinetic energy of the Universe Guna Rajas, it is a goddess on the defeated body, which symbolizes the secondaryness of physical incarnation.

Cali scares, and not in vain. In India, she was sacrificed, and Thagi (tags) - sect of professional scenters killers became the most zealous adepts of this goddess.

According to the historian William Rubinstein in the interval from 1740 to 1840 tights killed 1 million people. "The Guinness Book of Records refers two million deaths on their score. IN english language The word "tagi" (eng. Thugs) acquired the meaning of "killers-thugs"

Hekata is an ancient Greek goddess of lunar light, sweating and all mysterious. Researchers are inclined to believe that the cult of chapades was borrowed by the Greeks in Thracians.

The sacred number of chaps - three, as hekata is a three-year goddess. It is believed that hekata ruled the cycle of human existence - birth, life and death, as well as three elements - earth, fire and air.

Its power extended to the past, present and future. His power of Hekata Draised from the Moon, which also has three phases: new, old and complete.

It was usually depicted with a pocket either as a woman with two torches in hand, or in the form of three figures associated back to the back. On the head, the pounds often portrayed flames or horns.

The altar dedicated to hekate was called Getacco. The description of the sacrifice of Hekate is found in the "Iliad" of Homer: "Now there is a black ship to the sacred sea to Nispestim, // Strong rowers are elected to the hectoite ship."

The sacred animals were a dog, her sacrifice brought puppies in deep pits, or in caves inaccessible to sunlight. In honor of the chambers cope with Mysteries. Greek tragic poetry depicted the racatoo over the evil demons and souls of the dead.

Cult Kibel came to the ancient Greeks from Frigians. Kibel was the personification of mother nature and was revered in most part of the regions of Malaya Asia.

The cult of Kibel was quite cruel in its filling. From his ministers, complete submission to their deity was required, bringing themselves to an ecstatic state, until applying to each other bloody wounds.

Neophytes who made themselves in the power of Kibel, passed the initiation by loose.

The famous English anthropologist James Fraser wrote about this rite: "A man dropped off his clothes, with screams ran out of the crowd, grabbed one of the daggers prepared for this purpose and immediately castrated. Then he was worn as a treated city streets, squeezing the bloody part of his body in his hand, from which he was finished at the end, throws it into one of the houses. "

The concentrated in the cult of Kibel was given women's clothing with women's decorations, which he was now destined to wear until the end of his life. Such sacrifices of male flesh were committed in honor of the goddess Kibel Ancient Greece During the celebration, known as the day of blood.

In the Akkadian mythology, Ishtar was the goddess of fertility and carnal love, wars and distribution. In the Babylonian Pantheon, Ishtar had the role of the Astral Deity and was the personification of the planet Venus.

Ishtar was considered a patronage of prostitutes, hetera and homosexuals, so often her cult included sacred prostitution. The holy city of Ishtar - Uruk - also called the "city of the Sacred Kurtisanok", and the Goddess itself was often mentioned as the "Kurtisanka of the Gods".

In mythology, Ishtar had many lovers, but this passion was her curse, and the curse of those who became her favorites.

The guiding records says: "Mount to the one whom Ishtar is coming! A non-permanent goddess draws her random lovers cruelly, and unfortunate is usually expensive for the services they provided. Animals enslaved love lose their natural strength: they fall into hunter trap or domesticated by them. In the youth, Ishtar loved Tamuza, harvest God, and - if you believe Gilgamesh, this love was the cause of the death of Tammuz.


Chinnamasta is one of the goddesses of Hindu Pantheon. Her cult contains an interesting iconography. Chinnamast is traditionally depicted as follows: in his left hand she holds its own severed head with open mouth; Her hair disheveled, and she drinks blood, jet beating from her own neck. The goddess stands or resets on a pair of love. On the right and to the left of it two companions who joyfully drink blood, flowing from the neck of the goddess

Researcher E. A. Benard believes that the image of Chinnamasta, as well as the rest of the goddesses of Mahavidya, should be considered as a mask, theatrical role in which the Higher Divine in his whim wants to appear in front of his adept.

One of the important details of the iconography of Chinnamastov, the fact that she tramples the legs in the Love Union a couple, develops the topic of overcoming the goddess of lust and love affects

The fact that the Chinnamast itself drinks its own blood, symbolizes what it agrees the destruction of illusions and gets liberation-moksha.

In ancient and medieval India, the practice of ritual suicide was well known. The most famous - the self-immolation of the widows - Satī, Sahamaraņa. In the medium of the most zealous fans of the deities, there was a custom of bringing sacrificing her own head. Preserved unique monuments - Relief images with scenes of such a sacrifice, thanks to which we can imagine how it happened.

There is a similar rite and in the notes Marco Polo. He mentions the custom existed on the territory of the Malabar coast, according to which the criminal convicted to death could choose such a form of a sacrifice instead of execution, at which he kills himself "from love for such an idol." This shape of the sacrifice was comprehended in the people as most pleasing chinnamast and, therefore, could serve the prosperity and good of the entire community.

In antiquity, people worshiped many gods. They believed that human life in all its manifestations depends on the highest strength. However, not all of their gods were endowed with such power as Zeus and Poseidon. A huge many less famous and significant gods were responsible for the most different areas of the daily life of people, and people believed that the gods would help them help them

1. Cardea

The goddess Carda, a little-known today, the ancient Romans revered on a par with the rest of the gods. It all started with the fact that Janus, covered by desire, drew attention to the Carda, but she did not feel any feelings for him. Usually, the cards sent their fans in the cave, promising to come there a little later, and flew herself.

But to escape from the two-income Janus, which has the ability to see what is happening behind, she failed. Janus, mastering the Carda, prescribed her ladies of the door loops and handed it a repulsive evil the magic branch of the hawthorn.

2. Sechrimnir

In the Scandinavian Mythology, Einkeria are the best soldiers who have fallen in battle. Every day they are continuously fighting until everything falls. The next day, they rise and go to sneak into Heavenly Valchalla, into the abnormal of the great God of God. Their food is a divine bacon, prepared by the main chef Andrimnir from the huge magic behalf of Schrimnir, able to feed a huge number of warriors. Every evening they have eaten this extraordinarily delicious behalf, and in the morning he again came to life.

3. Matshiškapeu

Inuit (the Eskimo people of Canada) believed that the spirits constantly communicate with people. Communication with one gods occurs through the drums, with others - in a dream. And there is one God for the name of Matshinpeu, who communicates through the flange (gas form), sending various messages thus. With sudden flange of elders, they should immediately explain the meaning of these sounds. However, the signals of this God are very difficult to explain.

4. Shed Beth Ha-Kis

In all religions there were gods watching the toilets. The Chinese people were engaged in this goddess Zi-Gu. Women left the image of this goddess in the toilets in the hope that she would help them. In the Babylon, the God of Moede Beth Ha-Kisa watched Nobody had sex near the toilet.

The punishment for it was a curse in the form of an epilepsy, sent by this vengeful God. The Romans revered two toilet gods: God fecali Sterlius and the goddess of the sewer system of a cloculus. As for the Japanese, they have no one, not two, and not two, but a whole pantheon of the gods.

5. Terminus

One of the first gods that appeared in the Romans was a term of the term, which is responsible for the inviolability of the borders marked by sacred stones, called terms, and pillars. It was strictly prohibited to shift them. If anyone still decided on this, he was waiting for an inevitable punishment. Any Roman has had the right to kill him, and not only his very, but also all members of his family.

6. Calfu

For a rather harmless name "God of Crossroads" hides a very terrible God, which the Haitians are associated with Satan. Endowed with the intersection control function, it resembles the "devil to the crossroads". Calfu was often depicted in the form of a demon drinking rum, inspired on gunpowder. This demon issues evil forces, and with their help manages people.

7. Micellani

The ancient Greeks for the Safety, in order to accidentally leave any scope of life without divine patronage, came up with a special god, whose named unknown. This God ended up in power in all areas remaining without divine patronage, due to the fact that such gods have not yet come up with or simply missed this sphere.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such God came to them during the epidemic of the plague raging in Athens. Ritual sacrifices of all known gods did not give the desired result, the plague did not pass. Then the Greeks and invented this God, made an altar for him in the field and began to conduct ritual sacrifices.

8. KSOchypilli

In many religions, homosexuals had their gods, but Aztecs turned out to be the most advanced in this regard. They had even a god, patronizing homosexuals engaged in male prostitution, the God of Kschypilli. The second name of this god had a prince of colors, but under the "colors" were implied not to daisies and roses, but the sacred hallucinogenic plants. They showered the statues of this God.

9. Sappon

One of the most revered gods in the Nigerian tribe of Yoruba was Sappon - the god of smallpox. The cult of this god flourished at the end of the 19th century. Threatening with curses, servants of the coal of Sappons different ways I extorted the money from the people who worship this God. For refusal to pay a person in the face smeared the scape of pieces or rubbed the windows of his dwelling.

When the vaccine against the smallpox appeared, the servants of the SAPOS in every way prevented vaccination. Threatening, they discouraged people from vaccinations, thereby provoking the considerable amount of epidemics.

10. Tlasolteotle

Tlasolteotle in the pantheon of the gods was responsible for the disposal of all waste by eating them. She eaten decaying bodies, rotting products, fruits, vegetables, as well as "Divine excrement". But it was endowed with another, more pleasant function - follow the steam baths. For the tlasolteotle it was quite by the way, because now, having completed his dirty work, she could wash.