Where the stone capital remained. Vedic temples of the ancient Slavs

Where the stone capital remained. Vedic temples of the ancient Slavs

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Here we will tell about the greatest and most famous Slavic Vedic temples, who were known and revered, which were the focus of the highest achievements of the art of the ancient world.

Legends and were about the first temple

The legend of the first temple is connected with the Slavic lands, then all the temples of the ancient world were built on the sample. It was a temple of the Sun near Mount Alatyr.

In the gray antiquity to the beginning of the sacred history, we are led by a legend about the temple of the Sun. Take about this temple is repeated almost all the peoples of Europe and Asia.

In India, the architecture of this temple was called Gandharva, in Iran - Gadreva (Condorved), in Greece - Centaur, in Russia Kitovras. He also had other special names. So, the South Germans called him by Morolf, and Celts - Merlin. In Middle Eastern legends, it is also referred to as asmode and builds the temple for Solomon (king of the Sun).

Each people attributed to the construction of this temple on their land and during the epic times, with which he began to count his story. We, Slavs and other northern peoples, with full right we can assume that the source of all the legends lies in Russia, there is the source of the Vedas themselves.

In addition, it has long been noticed that the names of many, if not all, parts of the temple have Slavic origin. The word "temple" Slavic, this is an incomplete form of the word "choir", which means "rich building, palace." The word "altar" comes on behalf of the Sacred Alatyr Mountains. "Khoros" (temple lamp) - on behalf of the God of Sun Horsa. "Ambon" (the elevation, from which the priest utters speech) comes from the word "MOV" - "Speech" (in the "book of Veles" it says that the old becas came to "Ancenitz" and taught how to follow the path of the rule). Etc.

Russian legend about the construction of the first temple is such. A long time ago, the great wizard of Kitovras was guilty before the Sun god. He, at the behest of the month, stole his wife Zaránitsa in the sun. The gods returned to the God of the Sun, and the wizard, in the atonement of guilt, commanded to build for the god of the sun and in the glory of the Most High in the Alakra Mountain, the temple.

This temple, the wizard was to build from non-sheath stones, so that the Iron did not defile the Alatyr. And then the wizard asked to help the Bird of Hamaun. Gamayun agreed. So the stones for the temple were closed by magic gamayun cogs.

Traditions about this temple are easily dating astrologically on the constellation of Kitovras (Sagittarius). The zodiac era of Sagittarius was in the XIX-XX thousand BC. It is this time in the "book of Veles", the outcome from the north of the Slavic and Rusov led by the God of Sun Yarila is also dating. The Temple of the Sun was built by Alatyr Mountains according to the sample of the Sun Temple, which was previously in the north, on the blissful Alatyr-island, which, in fact, is not an island in the world, but the Slavic Vedic Paradise.

According to legend, the temple of the Sun was erected from the Alatyra Mountain, that is, Elbrus. "The temple was built on seven versts, eighty elevated pillars - highly high in the lifestyle. And the church of the temple is planted by the Irium Garden, fenced with the tick silver, and on every post on the candle, which is not faded "(" Book of blocks "IV b). Such songs about the sorry of the sun entered the "grapes" and "carols", which are still singing during many Slavic holidays.

In Elbrus, in the lower ugly, there is, that is, near the mouth of the ancient sacred River RA, the ancient peoples placed the kingdom of the God of the Sun. Here, according to Greek legends, there is a kingdom of the God of the Sun of Helios and his son Eeta. Argonauts sailed here for the Golden Room. And here, according to the "book of Veles" (Rod III, 1), "Sun sleeps in the night", here it in the morning "rises into his chariot and looks from the east," and in the evening "goes beyond the mountains."

Behind the century and the millennium, the Temple of the Sun many times destroyed earthquakes, ancient wars, then restored again and was rebuilt.

The following information about this church belongs to the II thousand BC. According to Zoroastrian and Old Russian legends, this temple was captured by Rusome (Rustam) and the Usena (Kavi Usaynas), who entered the union with the Snake Ladon from the sacred region (Bogatira Avladom). Then the rulers were expelled from the temple, which carried the names of the ancient Belbog's gods and strides (White Diva and Bogatyr Kelahura). Then, the sacred area invaded the Ary of the settled and won the palm. After that, Aria settled on Alatyr and received the covenant.

There are also ancient Greek legends that tell me about the campaign to these places of Argonauts and Jason, who faded with the Dragon from the Golden Runa (it is necessary to believe, we are talking about the same grasp of a settlement with the palm).

And I must say that the first news of antique geographers and historians about these places also contain references to the temple of the Sun. So, the geographer Strabo in the North Caucasus places the sanctuary of the Golden Run and Oracle Son Helios Eeta. According to Strabo, this, the sanctuary at the turn of our era was looted by the Bosporian king by Farnak, the son of Mithridate Evpator. The plundering of the Sun Temple so outraged the peoples of the Caucasus, which began the war, and the Farnak was killed by the Sarmatian king asandrom. Since then, the Sarmatian Tsarist Dynasty has come to power in the Bosporus (Lower Taman, Taman and Crimea).

After that, there was another looting of the temple - the king of Mithridate Pergammy. The final plundering and destruction of the temple also refers to IV century. AD Apparently, it was completed by Goths and Huns during the great resettlement of peoples.

However, the memory of him did not fade in the Slavic lands. Legends about the destruction of the temple, the predictions of his coming Renaissance, returning the minds to the opposite sacred region for a long time. One of these legends was retold by Arab Traveler and Geographer Masidi Abul Hassan Ali Ibn Hussein in the X century.

"In the Slavic edges there were buildings that are revered by them. Between others, they had a mountain building on which philosophers wrote about that she was one of the high mountains in the world (this is Elbrus. - A.A.). About this building There is a story about the quality of his construction, about the location of the heterogeneous stones and their various colors, about the holes made in the upper part of it, about what was built in these holes for monitoring the sunrise of the sunrise, about the precious stones and signs Announced in it, which indicate future events and warned against the incidents before their implementation, about the sounds of it in the upper part and that he comprehends them when listening to these sounds. "

Venented temples

In the "Book of the Kolyady", also about God Indre, who came from the Indyody (India) in the rules of Russia and was amazed by the fact that all the most famous temples in this land are wooden. "Whether we have," Indra exclaimed, "in rich inffer, the temples are built out of marble, and the roads are covered with gold and stones precious!"

India of Russian epics and legends is not only India, but also Venya. Indy, who came to IV thousand from Punjab, along with Yaruna, became vinides or villages in Slavic lands. They also began to build rich temples in honor of the gods. The gods of the war were especially honored with them: Indra, Yaruna himself (Yarovit), Radogost. They were also honored by Svyatovitis (Siberiana).

According to legend, previously Venteda were vans. In the Van Kingdom, which is near Ararat, they have reached the birth of the Atlantov-Svyatrich. In the "Book of the Book" there is a myth about how the progenitor Wang married the daughter of the shirt. This legend corresponds to the Greek myth about the daughter of Atlanta Merope.

Veneny, like all the arias, spread first from the north, then from the Urals and Semirchya, then from Punjab and the Van Kingdom. For a long time, Venediest (Indian) regions were on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus near modern Anapa (ancient Sindica), as well as on the shore of Italy (Venice). But most of all Venenov settled in Eastern Europe. Here they subsequently became Western Slavs, Eastern Germans (vandals), and part joined the birth of Vyatichi and Slam. And in all the lands they built the richest temples.

More than all known the temple of Ratary-encouraged, which was in the city of Retra. He was lucky enough, because the statues of the temple were hidden by the priests after its destruction in 1067-1068, and then (six hundred years) were found, described, engraving were made with them. Thanks to this, we now have the opportunity to see samples of temple art of the ancient Slavs.

The retric temple was also described at the beginning of the XI century. Bishop Titmar Merzeburgian (mind 1018) in his "chronicle" and Adam Bamberg. They wrote that in the ground Ratary there is the city of Radijoshos (or Retra, the "Email Salary", near modern meklenburg). This city was surrounded by a large forest, inviolable and sacred in the eyes of local residents ... The gate of the city stood skillfully built from the tree a temple, "in which the support poles are replaced by the horns of various animals." According to Titmar, "walls (temple) from outside, as everyone can see, decorated with wonderful carvings depicting various gods and goddesses; And inside the idols of the gods handmade, scary in appearance, in full service, in helmets and lats, its name is cut on each. The main of them, whom all pagans are particularly respected and read, is called Welmer. " According to Adam Bamberg, "the image is made of gold, Purple bed. There are a combat banner here, which are taken out of the temple only in the event of war ... "

Judging by the memoirs of contemporaries, temples in the lands of Venenov stood in every city and village. And I must say that the cities of Venenov worshiped the greatest and richests in Europe. According to Ottone of the Bamberg (XII century), it is known that in the bristles there were four cats (temple), the main from which was worshiped by the Temple of Triglava. It was highlighted by decorations and amazing arts of the construction. Sculptural images of people and animals in the seminy temple were made so beautiful that "it seemed as if they would live and breathe." Otton also noted that the paints of these images were not flushed in neither with rain or snow and did not dry. "Golden and silver vessels and bowls were preserved there ... they also retained in honor of the gods huge horns of wild bulls (tours), framed in gold and precious stones and suitable for drinking, as well as the horns in which the drum, daggers, knives, various Precious utensils, rare and beautiful on appearance. There was also a three-headed image of a Divine, which had three heads at one end and was called the trigue ... In addition, there was a high oak there, and under him there was a favorite source, which was revered by a simple people, because he considered him sacred, believing that in him Lives a deity. "

An even more famous was the temple of Svyatovit on the island of Ruyan (Sovr. Rügen) in the city of Arcona. Here's how I described his Sakson Grammar in the XII W.: "In the center of the city (Arc) there was an area; It was visible by the temple of a very fine work; Removed with not only magnificence, but also on the greatness of God, the image of which is supplied there. The fence, the surrounding building, the circle was decorated with skillfully carved figures ... The whole temple was fucked by a purple cloth ... There were a horns of animals who were surprised not only with their natural look, but also a trim ... In the temple itself, there was a big one, who was superior to the human height of the Kumir Svyatovit with four heads ... in the right hand, the idol held a horn from various metals, which every year was commonly filled with the hands of the priest for fortune telling about the fertility of the next year; The left hand, to which the idol rested in the side, represented the semblance of Luke ... I think most of all hit the sword of a huge amount, whose sheath and handle, besides beautiful carved forms, were distinguished by a beautiful silver finish. "

The Temple of the Sanctuary in Arcone was destroyed by the last among the Veneda temples. In 1168, the troops of the Danish king Valdemaar I are the Great landed on the island of Ruen. And on June 15, on the day of St. Vita, Arcona was taken by an attack. On that day, Bishop Absalon commanded to destroy the temple of Svyatnit.

Temples of Eastern Slavs

It is known about the East Slavic temples less than about the temples of Venenensky, for the travelers did not reach the lands and geographers knew about these lands. It is clear that the temples were, but as far as they were rich, it is possible to judge only on indirect data.

The most rich in peacetime, we must believe, were the temples of Veles, for they were erected at the merchants. And in wartime, in the case of a victorious war, the rich churches of Perun.

In the Russian north, most of all revealed Veles. These lands were little affected by the wars, on the contrary, people running here, running from the restless southern borders and from the Veneda lands.

The richest temples were in Novgorod-on-Volkhov. Here, especially in the VIII-IX centuries, there were communities, part of the people who fled from the Vagrian (Ozdritsky) Starogod, the first border West Slavic city destroyed by the Germans.

The sanctuary of Novgorod was created according to the sample of Venenensky and did not differ from them. These were wooden buildings similar to the later northern churches, masterpieces of wooden architecture.

And, by the way, should not think that wooden means poor. In the east, for example, in China and Japan, and temples, and the palaces of emperors have always been built of wood.

In addition to rich temple buildings there were sanctuations on the hills, at the sources, in the sacred groves. About all these sanctuations mentions "Book Veles".

Temples in Kiev are no less rich and revered. There was a sanctuary of Veles on Podol (apparently ruined in the time of Vladimir). There was a temple (Budoon) Perun, combined with the Koromas of the Prince, for the prince was revered by the Supreme Priest Perun.

Was in Kiev and the Temple of Beadoyar Bead on the Beas Mount. "The book of Veles" mentions the sanctuations in the sacred grove, in Blizzhe. Yes, and in the whole of Kievan land there were quite a few shrine and temples.

In Rostov, Great, on the "monsoon of the end", the sanctuary of Veles stood before the beginning of the X century. And it was destroyed by the works of Rev. Abrahamia Rostov: "That Idola (Veles) Rev. Prayers with its own, and his vision of the Cane from the Holy Apostle and the evangelist John the Theologian, Crushi, and in nothing, and on one place in the temple of the Holy Epiphany.

In the lands of the curvice, Perun and Bird Hamaun were most of all. So, in Smolensk, obviously, there was a temple of Perun (and today on the coat of arms Smolensk we can see the gun as the symbol of the thunder and god Perun, as well as a bird of Hamaun).

In the lands of curvice, Prusers and Lithuanians, Perun's temples (Percunas) were laid back in the XIII century. So, in 1265, a stone church of Percunas was founded among the magnificent oak grove to the trash in the tract, the famous prince of Kryve-Kreveiui from the princely dynasty, ascending to the greenery, the daughter of the Bogumir, and the progenitor of Kryve, the son of Veles. In the sedition of the temple in 1270, the body of Prince Swinesor, the founder of the temple was burned.

"The Kapishche had a length of about 150 Arshin, in width 100, height stretched to 15 Arshin. The Kapishche had no roof, it was with one entrance from the west. Opposite the entrance was a stone chapel with various vessels and sacred objects, and under her cave, where the snakes were crawled and other reptiles. A stone gallery was arranged over this chapel, like a gazebos, who had 16 Arshin embroidered over the chapel, and there was a wooden idol of Perun-Percunas, transported from the sacred forests of Olagen (on the Baltic Sea).

Before the chapel, on the 12th steps that denoted the course of the moon, an altar of 3 ARSHIN embroidered and 9 widths rose. Each step was in the halls of the village, so that in general the satellite's deposit was 9 Arshin. On this satellite, a non-day-free fire was burning, called Znice.

The fire was supported by the day and night with priests and priests (Waidelot and Vadeidotchi). The fire flamed in the inner deepening in the wall, arranged so skillfully, that he could not smear the wind or fire. "

Under Vitebsk in 1684, the golden idol Perun of large sizes was found on the ruins of the ancient temple and on a huge gold tray. Xendz Stenkevich, who described this event, enclosed that "Idol delivered many lives, and even the Holy Father got a share."

Many traces of the ancient sanctuations, temples remained in the lands of Vyatichi (in the names of sacred groves, mountains and sources). Most of all such names can be found on the territory of modern Moscow. So, according to the evidence of the chronicles, on the site of the Kremlin in ancient times, the temple of Klapala and Veles was located (the sacred stone from this temple was worshiped until the XIX century. And was in the Church of John the Forerunner). On the Red Mountain, the Dwelvanovka, on the wasteland, which is near Taganka, and now you can find three sacred boulders, once revered by Vyatichi. In Moscow Toponymy, you can find a lot of traces of other Vedic Sanctures.

It should be mentioned about the cult of the Black God, and about his temples. The richest temples of this God were in all Slavic lands, and there are their detailed descriptions.

Most of the whole black god worshiped Venneda, including those that settled in the East Slavonic lands, for the black, or Lyuto, they won the face of the afterlife proud of Radojost, hence in Christianity, the reverence of the Radunitz.

In general, in Christianity there are many traces of an ancient reverence of the God of Death: Mary Mary reminds Maren, the crucified Christ reminds not only Bead Beloyar, but also a crucified black boggy (according to songs from the "Star books"). Black rises of Popov and Monks, the floods developed by the ritual of the burial - also a reminder of the ancient funeral cult.

True, there were black-born temples in Chernigov in the famous black mud (the ancient lands of Scythians-melanchlenov who went in black rascoats). There was a black church and in the Urals near the Karabash mountain (black head), and in the Carpathians (black mountains). I read the black god and the Montenegrins in the Balkans.

But what a description of the church of the Black God left us Masidi Abul Hassan Ali Ibn Hussein in the X W.: "Another building was built by one of their kings on the Black Mountain (we are talking about the Church of the Black God; those were known at the Baltic Slavs. - A. BUT.); Its surrounds wonderful waters, multicolored and varieties, known for their benefit. In it, they had a big statue of God in the image of Saturn (the black god of Slavs called the Sloyni's son, the son of Goat Seduni. - A.A.), presented in the form of an old man with a palk in his hand, which he moves the bones of the dead from the graves. Under the right leg, images of the pretty ravens, black crackers and black grapes, as well as images of strange Abyssinsev and Zandts (i.e. Negroes, are we talking about demons. - A.A.) ".

Temples of Belovodia

The source of the whole temple culture, as the source of the most Vedic faith, was placed in the Sacred Belovodye, in the extreme north. And where was Belovodye?

According to the testimony of "Mazurin Chronicler", Belovodye was located somewhere in the estuary of Ob, that is, on the Peninsula Yamal, next to Coim and now there is a white island. In the "Mazurin Chronicler" it is said that the legendary princes of Sloven and Rus "possessed the northern lands throughout the Pomera ... and to the River Great Obi, and to the mouth of the White Water, and this Water Bela is like milk ..." It is here on a white island (or Alatyr - Ostrov), the legends of the books of the strides are placed in the oldest temple, the former prototype of the first temple in the Holy Alatyr Mountains.

But more importantly, there are also six-grade Icelandic sagas here and in fact placed the temple for the treasures of which in the VIII-IX centuries. Wiking walked. In those years, these lands belonged to the country called Barymaráland (in the Russian chronicles of Barymia). According to the testimony of Russian chroniclers, this country, like the whole north, was subject to the Great Novgorod, and in it the time of centuries lived not only the threat-Finns (Baryram), but also the Rus. Varyags were seduced by incredible wealth of the temples of Barymland. Barymaland was worshiped by Varyags richer land than Arabia, and even more so than Europe.

According to the "Saga about Sturlauge by hardworking Ingolveson", this Yarl Sturlaug went to Barymaland at the destruction of the queen. And there he attacked the temple of a certain magnificent priestess: "The temple is full of gold and precious stones, which the priestess stole from different cones, as she is over a short time from one edge of light in the other. Wealth, similar to what are collected there, nowhere cannot be found, even in Arabia. "

Despite opposition to this priestess and its magic assistants, Sturlaug loomed the temple. He fell a magic horn and a golden vessel with four gems, the crown of God Yamal, decorated with 12 precious stones, an egg with gold letters applied on it (this egg belonged to the magic bird guarding the temple), many gold and silver bowls, and tapestry, " more valuable than three ships with goods of Greek merchants. " So he returned to Norway with the victory. This temple of God Yamal, must be assumed, was on the Peninsula Yamal near the mouth of Ob. In the name of this God, it is not difficult to find out the name of the ancient grandparents and the god of the pit (Yim, he is Imyr, Boguir). And you can be sure that it is for the times of the boring the foundation of this temple.

This temple was so famous that they knew about him even in Islamic lands. So, Masidi says that in the Slavic lands, "on a mountain surrounded by sea sleeves," there was one of the most revered temples. And he was built "from Red Coral and Green Smaragda." "In his middle there is a big dome, under which the statue of God is located (Bogumir. - A.A.), which members are made from the precious stones of the four clans: Green Chrysolite, Red Yahont, Yellow Cherganics and White Crystal; He is headed from Chervon Gold. He is against him another statue of God in the image of the maiden (this is Slavuna. - A.A.), who brings him victims and Ladan. "

According to Masidi, this building was built in ancient times a kind of sage. It is impossible not to know the mudreet to get into the sage, for Masidi attributes him not only witchcraft, but also the construction of artificial channels (and Bogwir is the only one who became famous for this during the Flood). Next, Masidi notices that he already talked about Sez Mudrets in previous books. Unfortunately, these books of Masidi have not been translated into Russian until now, and they clearly contain the most important information about the acts of Bogumir, possibly not saved by other sources.

In Barymia (modern Perm land) there was not only this, but also other temples. For example, the temples in the capital of this land of the city of Barm, who, according to the testimony of the Ioamakh chronicle, was located on the Kuman River (Vyatka region). Barma recognized as the richest city of Asia, but for a thousand years no one knows his location.

And how many temples disappeared into the Holy Ural Mountains near Berezani (Konzhakov Stone), Azov-Mountains near Yekaterinburg, Jerlel Mountain near Chelyabinsk? When is the domestic archaeologists get to the ruins so far? When will we at least know something about it?

Places specifically designed to make repeated ritual actions, in archeology, it is most often called "Sancts". However, this term is "accompanied by a number of various synonyms - the chapter, a sacred object, a cult object, a ritual complex, an altar, a revered place, etc. This terminological manifold reflects the absence of clear material signs of such monuments at the disposal of archaeologists. When it comes to the remains of sacred structures related to religious tradition accompanied by detailed descriptions Such objects or existing in modern society, the interpretation of such a monument most often does not cause fundamental difficulties - it turns out to be "recognizable".

For example, in the course of identifying the foundations of the Stone Orthodox Churches of the XIII-XIV centuries. When excavations in the Dovemton city of Pskov, the problem of their interpretation as temples (unlike the nearby civil structures of the same time) was absent in principle. A separate direction of the study of these buildings was their attribution - the fact is that in written sources reporting on the construction of stone churches, in most cases there are no accurate indications of their location. The cultric nature of these buildings was obvious to consider their characteristic layout, in nine of the ten unfamiliar churches, the modern fragments of temple fresco painting, etc., were discovered and so on.

It is quite another thing to identify the sanctuary of a prehistoric (complementary) era associated with a non-existent religious tradition today. What was it? How should archaeologized material remnants of such an object look like?

According to fair comment V.N. Gray (2000: 16), in archeology "as signs of cult objects ... Call different, often single, non-other, and then directly opposite in fact ..." It is worth adding that, as a rule, such signs are methodologically unfounded . So, in the work dedicated to the Slavic pagan sanctums, I.P. Rusanova and B.A. Timoshuk believes that "to confirm the cult value of monuments it is necessary to identify their certain signs, reflecting patterns in the location, design, planning characteristic of most cult sites and sanctuations. However, such signs offered by the names of I.P. Rusanova and B.A. Tymoschuk, can hardly be called legitimate: for example, as such, "preservation of sacrifice residues", "long-term use of fire in the same place" is noted, etc. But what should be considered precipitations, and Do not, say, household waste? Bones of animals? But their presence, as well as traces of "long-use of fire", can be due exclusively by household reasons.

Perplexity causes the following assertion of researchers: "In a special kind, revered places and objects of natural origin are highlighted, in creating a person's participation was minimal. These are stones, only sometimes artificially partned, trees, sources, groves, mountains, which are often included in large cult complexes "(Rusanova, Timoshuk 1993: 9). However, how in such cases the archaeologist can determine the sacred status of a particular grove or mountain in antiquity of I.P. Rusanova and B. A. Timoshuk do not explain.

In the most general form, we can consider the sanctuary as an object (or space) in which (from the point of view of the carriers of this religious tradition) manifests the effect of some supernatural, sacred forces. This is the most "manifestation of the sacred", which Mircea Eliad called the Greek term "Ierofania." It is the hierofani and determines the need to commit one or other ritual actions in this place. However, the material signs of such an object and related rituals can be fixed far from always. "The sacred stone remains a stone; Externally (more precisely, from a worldly point of view), he does not differ from other stones. But for those for whom the sacred, on the contrary, it is manifested in this stone, this, in sensations, reality is transformed into the reality of the supernatural "(ELIADE 1994: 18).

Attempts to identify and transfer material signs of sanctuations as archaeological monuments is hardly ever crowned with success - technical techniques of designation or design of sacred space are characterized by an extreme diversity. Irony V.G. Childe (1956: 276), noted that the characteristic of the archaeologists of objects as ritual is a "scientific expression that we do not know what they were intended for," to this day it turns out to be quite appropriate. However, one way or another archaeologists detect and explore some such objects.

One of the famous archaeologists of cult facilities has already been mentioned in the previous chapter; I mean a knobes - clusters of animal bones, which are, apparently, the remnants of sacrifice. We stayed above using the example of the Gladenian bone dated II century. BC e. - III century. n. e. But such objects are also known among monuments of other eras. Thus, the Late Paleolithic includes an amvrosievski bone, studied by excavations in the Azov region (Boriskovsky 1953: 328-352, 445). Here, the accumulation of bones of 983 saccores (with a capacity of up to 1 m) was revealed, among which treated silicon and bone guns were found quite often. Kostishesk was located at the bottom of the natural ravine. In the accumulation, all the bones of the skeleton were recorded, but the anatomical groups of bones were rare, and there were no whole skeletons at all.

Judging by the fact that the monument contained whole and non-crushed bones of bison, bone tips of copies and flint tools (and not dereg and fragments of silica) we have no reason to interpret it as a certain analogue of "kitchen pile" - accumulation of garbages of parking dwellers located nearby . The point of view is also known, according to which the Amvrosievsky bosset is not related to sacral objects and is " a unique monument The clusters of hunting at herd steppe animals "(Rogachev, Anivovich 1984: 178) - It is assumed that the monument should be considered" "as the place of the death of the herd of bison, drove here as a result of collective clouds. At the same time, the farm was used by a linage of a number of carcasses lying on top. " However, the size of the rack is too small for such a hunting event - if on a plot of 200 square meters. m drove about 1000 bison, then by 1 square. M should be mounted 5 bison.

The most convincing is the point of view, according to which "the Ambrosievsk citizen was the place where the Paleolithic hunters who lived nearby were all the bones of the bison hunting, believing that in this way they would ensure the revival of the latter and successful hunting for them in the future. This religious accumulation could have made rites of hunting magic, throw a spear and stones into it "(Boriskovsky, Praslov 1964: 24). Such interpretation is supported by numerous ethnographic materials recorded from the aboriginal peoples of Siberia and the Far East. So, for example, "Aina on a bearish holiday strictly watched all the guests of the eaten bear were collected and carried out into the forest to a certain place - the same year in the year, so that none of the guests was lying around somewhere ..." (Boriskovsky 1953: 350).

A similar group of antiquities should also be considered the so-called "bearish caves" of the Paleolithic time (Mussess period), more precisely, those of them that were "bone ritual complexes" (Zhitneyev 2000: 37), and not the results of the self-degeneration of animals or kitchen garbage. One of the reference monuments of this kind is the cave of drachhenloh (Fig. 43) in the Swiss Alps (Stolyar 1985: 143-147). Here, "there was a certain selection of the same name bones and their regulated location of groups ... At the same time, such" warehouses "clearly did not serve as meat repositors - sometimes lying long bones on one horizon so closely fit together, which at the time of their premises in the" repository "on them Already definitely there were no muscles. " In addition, individual bones of bears were identified here located in various stone structures. So, in one of the foci-stacked stones, the burnt bones of the paws were lying on pine coals. In a thoroughly folded from the stone tiles "Box" (covered on top of a large slab), 7 bearish skulls and 6 long limbs bones were met. In another stone "drawer" was found a skull of a bear without a lower jaw (a whole femoral guest was specially extended through his zylovoy arc) and two right sick bertovy guests. Also in this cave were discovered by the skulls of bears installed on stone tiles or framed by tiles supplied on the edge. Thus, "absolutely obvious was both selection of guests and their intentional grouping, and the desire to ensure the safety of such compositions." Apparently, similar to "exposure and preserving the symbolic parts of many individuals of one species in special places" (Stolyar 1985: 259) reflects their some ritual function.

A special kind of archaeological objects labeling, apparently, sacred spaces are represented by various monumental visual monuments. First of all, Paleolithic cave engraving and painting should be noted here. Consider the Upper Paleolithic cave "Troy Frena" in the south-west of France. It is assumed that the initiations were held here, myths were told and the cult of dead or the cult of patron ancestors was carried out ... ". The most famous image among other images of this cave is represented by a zooanthropomorphic character, which is called researchers
"PRESIDENT", "sorcerer", etc. Panno "Troy FRER", containing numerous images of bizonons and other animals, as if "accompany" the figure "sorcerer" and form together with it single complex, Created, apparently, "with small breaks in time." A.K. Philippov (2000: 27-33) So describes the appearance of the walls of the "Troi FRER" walls (Fig. 44) in antiquity: "The stone walls of the sanctuary in their monolith is marble black, but even before the engraving, the black base has acquired a whitish hue; In turn, the whitish surface was covered with a thin tire of yellow-lemon tire. Engraving technology in Troua FRER convincingly demonstrates the skill of the primitive master to use the most different properties of the source material and technology in order to create expressive forms. Here we find an important evidence of a certain calculation for the visual effect. In this case, the color and tone multi-layered surface of the walls of the sanctuary suggested the visual and expressive features of the technique, Kameo. Deep cut lines were black, less deep - white. Many long and short strokes along the upper yellow layer of clay inside the contours of figures simulated wool; In some cases, the discharge ("Ract") was used to light certain sections. Images made in such a technique, with artificial flickering lighting, should have appeared in their own volume and alive. "

Barely one bright group of monumental visual monuments of the primitive era - petroglyphs. (The literal meaning of this term is "Stone carving".) As a rule, petroglyphs call various images (animals, birds, people, scenes of hunting, etc.), made in antiquity in the technique of silhouette or contour knocking on the rocks, stones and Other similar surfaces. Petroglyphs are widely known in different regions. Some of the most striking ensembles are recorded in Karelia, where they are dating from the time of neolithic and early metal (V-II thousand BC) and, apparently, designate some sacral spaces. Moreover, in some cases, the compositions depicting scenes of some processions are known. "The numerousness of the participants in the procession, the presence in their hands is clearly sacred objects, the repeatability of the plot and the stereotype of the visual decision make it possible to consider these compositions as a reminiscence of some ritual" (Zhulnikov 2006: 178).

Let us dwell on the Western Group of Petroglyphs Cape Devs Nose on Onega Lake (Fig. 45). Its composite center is the anthropomorphic figure of the so-called "demon." This figure was purposefully placed on the cracker of the cliff, which occurred earlier than the image itself - the beginning of the crack and the location of the mouth "Besa" coincide, and the other end of it goes under the water, judging by the fact that one pelvis of this creature is knocked out as a steep spot, and the other is completed Contour (in the form of a circle with a point in the center), "demon" depicts one-eyed. It is assumed that this figure is "an image of a spirit guarding the gate to another world." Together with the images of a namilim or catfish and otter, this image forms the composite basis of this group of petroglyphs. The remaining figures on this mantle of smaller size, in the location of many of them are not a composite plan.

We barely with one example of petroglyphic visual monuments are the Ural and Siberian writers belonging to various epochs. (This term, like many others, came to Russian archaeology from people's speech.) Consider a big boyars of the Scripture (Fig. 46), located in the middle yenisey basin, on the slopes of the Boyar mountain range and dated II-I centuries. BC e. (Davlet 1976: 5-12). The contour and silhouette drawings carved in a point technique make up here a single, complex composition of the composition, depicting the village of ancient residents of the average Yenisei. Images of domestic animals, weapons, homemade utensils, etc. are of exceptional importance for the reconstruction of the life and lifestyle of these people. It is believed that a certain "ideal" village is presented at the Big Boyar Scripture during a period of some calendar holiday - there are people with arising hands around the houses. It is assumed that "ancient artists, patiently knocking on the rock an image created by their imagination, set themselves the goal to provide material well-being, abundance and prosperity of the real settlement with the help of these drawings.

Following the weak images, it is necessary to mention another, a group of monumental objects, characterized by an emergency diversity. We are talking about steles - processed stones containing any images or inscriptions. For example, steles are sacral objects that have received the name of deer stones in the archaeological literature (Savinov 1994: 4-6, 29). This type of monuments are known on the wide territory of the steppe strip of Eurasia (from Mongolia to the Danube) and dates from the bronze era and the early iron century (XII-IV centuries to n. E.). To date, more than 700 deer stones are known, and about 500 of them found on the territory of Mongolia. A significant part of the latter refers to the first centuries of I thousand to n. e. and concentrated in large groups (up to 10 or more such stones).

The most characteristic form of such stele is a flat plate with a beveled riding height of 1.5-2.5 m. Olinded stones contain embossed images of various items (weapons and equipment of a warrior, etc.) and animals (deer, horses, goats, Kabanov, feline predators). Most often found ornamental
Stylized deer images are the circumstance and gave the name of this type of monuments in general. It is important to emphasize that, as a rule, a deer stone is a human figure, but it is deprived of concrete signs of anthropomorphism - the human image is transmitted extremely conditionally and schematically. The overall iconographic diagram of the design of deer stones in the Asian part of the range of their distribution includes "Walking lines up (necklace) and at the bottom (belt); Above the necklaces on the sides are rings - earrings and on the front side (on the site of the face) three (less often two) inclined parallel lines. On the belt is suspended with weapons and equipment of the warrior ... Above the belt is knocked out the geometric shape in the form of a pentagon-shaped "Christmas tree". The space between the belt and the necklace is filled with images of various animals ... "(Savinov 1994: 5).

It is assumed that the main meaning of these steels is associated with the "idea of \u200b\u200bsacrifices." Perhaps on some such stones are sacrificial animals, which, as it were, "rise" up, and the objects of cold weapons (daggers, axes, etc.) are instruments of sacrifice.

By the nature of the initial location, the deer stones are divided into two main groups: either they are directly related to the burials, or are established in the territories of "Special" satellites "(Savinov 1994: 143-150). Several such "satellites", the main element of which were similar steles, was studied during the excavations, for example, the Zhargalan altar, which is the largest accumulation of deer stones in Mongolia and located on the left bank of the r. Hanui (Fig. 47).

Zhargalant is a complex configuration of various sacred objects on an area of \u200b\u200b300 x 150 m (wolves 2002: 98-101). These include rounded mounds with a diameter of up to 4 m and a height of up to 35 cm; Flat rectangular calculations and "tracks" laid out of small fragments of stone; free from the stones of the site, on which deer stones were installed; quadrangular stone fences; Finally, "rings" of 7-8 stones, in several rows of the surrendorous objects of the altar. At the time of the examination, only three deer stones were kept its initial position. The larger part of them was removed from their places and used secondary for the construction in the VII century. BC e. Mentioned quadrangular fences in the northern part of the altar. "Breaks between the parts of the altar and their different form make it possible to assume that it was constructed
Gradually, in several techniques, and at the end of the Yuntsov acquired its current megalitic nature. " When excavations of two quadrangular stone fences, pits filled with the skulls of sacrificial animals were identified (in one 80 skulls were found, in the other - 100). Among them were presented almost all types of pets, famous for early nomads - cattle, horse, camel, dog. In addition, two pits were discovered about one of the rectangular stone calculations, which contained with several sheep skulls, as well as bones and skulls of some other domestic animals. In each of the 7 digging mounds under the embankment, a skull of a horse-oriented skull was met.

You should mention another vivid example of stele associated with some sacral functions. We are talking about the stela of the island of Gotland of the second half of the first thousand n. e. With various petroglyphic images, which are a kind of "illustrations" to the Scandinavian epic cosmology - the so-called "model of the world". The prototype of these objects was the supermogs of the first half - the middle of the I thousand n. e. Later "commemorative stones" of the mushroom-shaped form performed a more significant function: "The cultivated role of their role is a guarantee, strength of" cosmic and social order, "the normal distribution of living and the dead between its own and other world, as well as communications with the latter, which was carried out within the cult ancestors "(Petrukhin 1978: 160). From viii century. "Memorable stones" "began to erect along the roads and in the places of Tingov - Folk Assemblies" (Nulen 1979: 10). Unfortunately, the majority of such monuments have been preserved at the place of their initial location. Thus, several such steles were later used as floor plates in the church of one of the Gotland parishes - Ardra (Fig. 4 8). Their discovery took place only at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

Of course, not only stela, but also conventional stones are partially treated in general, of course, are of course the carriers of sacred images and inscriptions. Those, as a rule, are the North European Runic Stones of the Viking Age (IX-XI century), which should be distinguished from the Gothland Steel mentioned above. Most often, the road stones contain memorial inscriptions performed by the Scandinavian sacred writing (runes) and dedicated to the memory of a certain person, for example: "Bierne and Inhifried installed a stone on loop, he was killed in Finland." Similar stones are remembered objects and among archaeological monuments occupy a "border" position between the burials and sanctuations. However, the memorial function of such stones is known to us only due to their inscriptions and the possibility of reading them. (Interestingly, how would we interpret the runic stones if the Scandinavian runes were not decrypting?) And, moreover, in some cases, these monuments contain images of sacred images with independent meaning, and not subordinate inscription content.

The functions of the sanctuary were often performed by monumental sculptures, first of all - stone anthropomorphic statues.

Consider the sculpture of Polovtsy XI - the first half of the XIII centuries. (Fig. 49) in the Eastern European Steppes (Pletnev 1974: 5, 11-12, 72-76). Currently, archaeologists know about 1,300 anthropomorphic statues of this nomadic Turkic-speaking people. Their mapping made it possible to reconstruct the picture of the resettlement of Polovtsy - it is natural to assume that they put the statues only on the lands of their permanent nomads. Unfortunately, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the exact data on the initial (initial) location of one or another sculpture is absent. It is usually necessary to be limited to information about the village, where the statue was brought by local residents. However, even in the XVII century. Thousands of similar sculptures made predominantly out of sandstone were standing on the ancient mounds and in general on all sorts of hills, noticeable from published sections of the steppe. As a rule, the sculptures stood in pairs, but sometimes the number of their location in one point could reach up to 20.

Fig. 49. Polovtsy sculpture of the XI - the first half of the XIII centuries: 1 - the female figure (right, the mirror is depicted on the belt); 2-3 - Men's figures in helmets; In the sculpture number 3 on the right, the necks are depicted on the belt, two wallets and a knife, and on the left - a saber with tassels on Ephesus and onions.

The majority of Polovtsy sculptures are "quite realistic figures with many different details in clothing, hairstyle and, most importantly, with perfectly" worked faces "(Pletnev 1990: 99). A characteristic feature of almost all similar shapes is the vessels that they keep in front of them with both hands at the belt level.

It is believed that the worship of the sculptures under consideration is a manifestation of the cult of ancestors. "... Despite some generalized function of the patron of the genus, all the pictures depicted were specific persons, they were erected by monuments after their death and they turned into an analization of ancestor" (Pletnev 1974: 75). However, these statues
There were no pressure monuments (Fedorov-Davydov 1966: 190) - they were erected in the steppe at high places in the sanctoes specially equipped for this. In some cases, near the sculptures, located in their original place, the bones of "sacrificial animals" were found - horse, bull, ram, dogs. Such sanctoes were revealed on some of the burial embankments of the Bronze era of the bronze era with. Novoselovka in the azovye. So, in Kurgan 2 (Shvetsov 1979: 203-204) there was a construction of the granite stones of the mid-size, which was in terms of "double trapezium". In the center of this structure were two Polovytsky sculptures. Their foundations were covered in the ground and stood "facial faces to the East." In addition, fragments of the third sculpture were found here.

In some examples above, sacral objects were either accompanied by structures from stones (Polovtsky sculptures in the mound from. Novoselovka), or - were represented directly (satellite Zhargalante in Mongolia). Indeed, various expressive stone structures (not separate stones) often performed in antiquity as a sanctuary and, above all, here you should mention megalites - objects erected from wild or roughly treated large-scale stones.

The most famous megalithic sanctuary is British Stonehenge (Fig. 50). The process of the construction of this object is reconstructed in several stages, the earliest of which belongs to the neolithic - the end of IV thousand to n. e. At this time, the ring shaft and dashing of about 115 m were constructed here. Along the inner edge of the shaft was located 56 yam (each - about 1 m in diameter). Apparently, these pits were the foundations of wooden pillars surrounding the sacred space. In the second half of the III thousand to n. e. From the mountains of South-West Wales, 82 stone blocks were delivered here; The weight of some of them will raise up to 4000 kg! These stones were installed in the form of two concentric circles in the central part of the site of this sanctuary. It is assumed that it is with this period that the burials on the side of cremation on the side open here are connected. The next stage of construction of Stonehengeja refers to Yuntu III thousand to n. e. At this time, the stones installed earlier are dismantled, and from the Malboro lime hills located at 32 km, the sandstone blocks are transported much larger sizes - the weight of some of them reached 50 tons! These blocks were flooded and installed vertically in a circle. Each pair of such "columns" was connected by a stone "jumper", attached to their vertices. Inside this circular megalitic structure was located another five similar P-shaped structures, standing apart from each other (the so-called "grillas"). Finally, near the middle of the II thousand BC. e. "Small" stone blocks from Wales were installed in the second time, duplicating the circular construction of the third stage.

Let us also dwell on the curious group of megalithic monuments - the stone labyrinths of the European North, dated II-I thousand BC. e. (Fig. 51). These structures are calculations from boulders, usually made on the shores of the seas and performed, apparently, according to a predetermined plan. The structural diagram of labyrinths is a helix or a system of concentric circles. Stones forming labyrinths, although they can be traced on a modern day surface, as a rule, fucked by a lichen, and the soil layer was formed between the rows of stones. On the Kola Peninsula in close proximity to such monuments, seasonal parkingians visited fishermen only during fisheries (Turin 1953: 418m19) were discovered. Archaeological studies of the labyrinths of any specific materials did not reveal.

As N. N. Turin showed (1948: 133, 140-142), the layout of stone labyrinths is extremely similar to those known by ethnographic data by wooden fishing structures, the task of which was to delay in an arranged traps coming into a fish, seeking to return To the depths of the sea at the moment of popular. " Such trap was made here as "in a small sea bay ... a fence is arranged, most often woven from rods or a spruce, having gaps in which the tops or muzzles are inserted to the side opposite to the sea. The fish, which went behind the fence during the tide and during the decline of water, seeking to return to the sea, falls into traps facing in the direction of the entrance, and does not have the opportunity to get out of it. " It is assumed that the stone labyrinths were magical symbols of fishing structures and "they were composed of ancient fishermen in order to ensure good luck on the fishery." As confirmation of this hypothesis, the find of the treated vertebra of a young whale, which was consciously used in the process of laying out a number of stones of one of the labyrinths about s. Drozdovka on the Kola Peninsula. A different point of view, according to which the labyrinths are only "monuments of labor activity" - maybe the ancient fishermen simply used stones for the manufacture of a plan for the wooden facility-trap and designation of places of the best catches (Mullo 1966: 185-193)?

The sanctums are far from always turn out to be a "independent" object; Often they are complexes included in the other archaeological monument. Most often, this complex is the remains of some construction, identified either in the cultural layer of settlements, or in close proximity to it.

So, the residues of the structure of Oyulu is 30 square meters. M, interpreted as the Hellenistic Temple of Aphrodite (Sokolsky 1964: 101-118), were opened during the excavations of the ancient city of Kpay, located on the Tamanasm of the Peninsula and part of the Bosporian kingdom (Fig. 52). The construction was beyond the city, was a combined stone-clay construction. It is assumed that the building was built in the first half of the II century. BC e. And destroyed to the base in I c. BC e. During the period of turbulent military-political events on the Bosporge. In the cycle (indoor room), three mainstream pits were revealed, filled with "ash soup and garbage and humid soil"; Apparently, these pits were created for the "renovation of garbage and ash when performing religious rites." Walls Cologges were decorated with plaster, according to which the "rich ornamental painting" was performed. From the construction of the construction, marble bucket should be noted. "The bucket is burned below, the remains of the flexored mass and red paint are detected inside it." Obviously, this subject treated the cult inventory of the temple. Particular attention is drawn to a marble image of a female hand holding riton (made separately, and not a fragment of sculpture). This item is considered to be a military prison. The brightest find here was a marble sculpture of Aphrodite ("Aphrodite Taman"),

Fig. 52. Plan of the Temple of Aphrodites II-I BB. BC e. (A - Pynes, B - Pyfos (Vessel for the Storage of Grain) from the late relenement, in the marble sculpture "Aphrodite Taman", 1 - the preserved sections of the foundation of the temple), open when excavations of the ancient city of Kpay on the Taman Peninsula, and the found to the temple of the find Marble objects: Sculpture "Aphrodite Taman"; Image of female hand holding riton; ladle.

An example of a successful interpretation of the remnants of a wooden structure in a cultural layer of settlement as a sanctuary can be the so-called "big building" (No. P-U-5), found during the excavation of the remains of urban development X century. On the Varangian Street Street Ladoga (Petrenko 1985: 105-113; Konev, Petrov 2000: 114-117). In the structure of the building, the Ladoga, this object (Fig. 53) played the role of the organizing center. "Big Construction", erected in the 960s., Was not a residential, there was no trace of economic activity in it. This design completely "falls" from the entire context of the ancient Russian houseworking. It was a rectangular structure (an area of \u200b\u200bover 120 square meters. M) with powerful double walls high to 2.5 m and a thickness of up to 0.7 m. The outer row of the walls was fragmentation of stakes, plates and porch. The basis of the design of the inner walls was the support pillars - five on each side. The walls themselves consisted of horizontally laid logs (bottom) and jeres (from above), attached to the grooves chosen in the posts. The floor of the construction was probably earthen. No data indicating the presence of a roof during the excavations was not obtained.

Fig. 53. "Big Construction" No. II-V-5 from the excavations of the 1970s GT. on the Varangian pack Old Ladoga, the second half of the X W.: 1 - Plan; 2 - cut of the northern wall; 3 - metal suspension with Scandinavian ruunic inscription; 4 - wooden zoomorphic and anthropomorphic sculptural image.

Many findings from this structure have a undoubtedly cult, ritual character. Special attention is attracted to a metal suspension with the Scandinavian sacred ruunic inscription. In addition, another subject of Scandinavian origin was found in the big building - a metal cervical ornament-hoop with "Torah hammers" (characteristic amulets of North European paganism); And also - wooden anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images. Inside the structure detected skulls and bones of animals, located mostly along the walls (residues of sacrifice?). The date of cessation of the functioning of this building is drawn to - 986-991. The construction was destroyed by intentionally - the walls were chosen inside, the Yunsians of the stakes of the stakes were chopped and adjusted. Obviously, we have every reason to associate the destruction of the "big building" with the baptism of the Ladoga after the adoption of Christianity Rus.

An indicative case should be noted when the construction interpreted as the sanctuary and in the future, which was traditionally considered as such, with a more attentive consideration turned out to be a monument of another kind. In the vicinity of Novgorod, in the tract, the pen was revealed mainland remains surrounded by ring Rips. In modern archaeological literature, on the basis of the results of these excavations, the "Central Sanctuary of Sloven Novgorod" IX - X GB is reconstructed, described as follows: "The central part of the sanctuary was elevated above the surrounding surface, the horizontal platform in the form of the correct circle with a diameter of 21 m, surrounded by a ring blast width to the width to 7 m and a depth of more than 1 m. Exactly in the center of the circle of excavations, a pit from a pole with a diameter of 0.6 m was revealed. Here there was a wooden statue of Perun, which, as the chronicle reports, in 988 it was cut and dropped into worshi. Before the idol, an altar was mounted - a circle folded from cobblestones. The ditch surrounding the cult pad represented in the plan is not a simple ring, but a rim in the form of a huge flower with eight petals. Such a form gave him eight arcuate protrusions located correctly and symmetrically. In each such protrusion at the bottom of the Rib during the pagan festivals, the ritual bonfire was burned ... "(Sedov 1982: 261).

However, V.Ya. A close (1995: 80-85), contacting the primary research documentation, convincingly rejected such reconstruction. Doubts caused an "eight-meck" form of the RVA. The researcher was asked as a reasonable question: "How could such a strange form of the Ravy, who, with a raspberry sandy soil and under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, should have been inevitably deformed in a short time?" As for the remains of fires in the RW, they were certainly attended, but a clear system in their location is not traced. In some cases, the discovery of single wood coals were regarded as the remains of fires. "... No traces of the altar were found, with the exception of the stone of the oblong form, found among the residues of the heating structure in one of the later villains, cutting the mainland rest. Judging by the drawings, traces of wood pulp (the remains of the wooden "statue of Perun") are also directly related to a later pit of the XII-XIV centuries. Taking into account all these considerations, it is obvious that a much more convincing interpretation of an object detected in the tract is his interpretation of V.Ya. Close-up as the residues of the destroyed mound. The dimensions of the mainland remainder and the ring RVA fully correspond to similar funeral structures. Similar foundations of the Kurgans destroyed in the prevalence of Christianity in the Novgorod land at the end of the X-early XI centuries, were repeatedly studied by excavations.

Ritual meaning can be attributed to any material remnants of ancient daily life. Often, archaeologists tend to see some signs of presence of sacrifice in the most unexpected (or rather speaking - quite everyday, domestic) complexes of settlements. So, one of the mainland holes identified on the Selishche; The first centuries of our era of Lapine in Lithuania, defined as "sacrificial" (Daugudis 1988: 15). Meanwhile, neither dimensions (diameter 80 cm, depth 90 cm) nor finds from filling this pit (ashes, coal, fragments of ceramic vessels, several split bones of animals, flint plates) do not even contain any hint of the possibility of such interpretation - We are dealing with an ordinary pit for household waste.

However, sometimes archaeologists manage to fix complexes, which are reliable evidence of one-time or multiple sacrifices of animals or people. A number of examples of the remnants of rituals of this kind (knob, "bearish caves", etc.) was given above. Consider some more or less reliable cases of sacrifice identified outside of sacred structures.

The greatest difficulty is the identification of animal sacrifices in cultural sediments of settlements. As we have already seen, the bone of animals themselves in such situations may be ordinary garbage (and Chan® are all - are them). How to distinguish from them the result of ritual killing? It is worth noting that a similar question is usually not placed when the bones are found (and even more so - whole skeletons) animals in the funeral archaeological monuments. The connection of such finds with a kind of ritual is usually no doubt. Recall 160 horse graves in Kurgan Argen is, of course, sacrificial animals killed within the funeral ritual.

A convincing example of the sacrifice of animals opened in the settlement can be the findings of 9 horse skulls and a skeleton of cow during the excavations of Rurikov Otrikov near Novgorod (nosov 1990: 51, 54). In the hollow near the townhouse hill, the economic complex of the end of the IX - X BB was identified here, consisting of five mandistic furnaces. These furnaces were objects of collective use and were intended for baking bread. One of the stoves was located in the "casually fledged log building with dimensions of 3 × 5 m." Under this construction, the skeleton of cows without a skull and limbs were mounted, interpreted as a "building sacrifice", which was supposed to ensure the capacity of the economic structure. "

The horse skulls corresponding to the operation of the furnace of the furnaces in the cultural layer in the cultural layer, of course, are not buried horses - only about one of them was found "Some" skeleton bones; Most skulls have no lower jaws. It is assumed that the initial skulls of the horses "were located on the patterns or fences, sheds over the furnace or on the roof of the furnace cut in quality, maybe sacrifices of furnaces, and facing, guarded both the whole bread complex and livestock, apparently the young, feeding At the stoves "(Semenov 1997: 180-186). Information confirming the possibility of such a location of these skulls, reached us in accordance with the Arab diplomat of the first half of the X century. Ahmed Ibn-Fadlan, who describes the sacrifices of merchants-Rusov met in the capital of Volga Bulgaria in 922 (Fig. 54)

The remains of human sacrifice can not always be distinguished from ordinary burials. In one Kurganov Slavic nobility of the IX-X centuries, studied on the p. To row (the end of 1994: 141), the burial of the rite of cremation on the side at the top of the embankment contained a thinned bone of at least three adults. And in the middle part of the Kurgan, two more accumulations of the checked bones were revealed, one of which was determined as the burial of the child. (The second accumulation of bones was not amenable to age definition.) If the decking bones at the top of the embankment were the burial in the full sense of the word, then the burial of the child committed during the construction of Kurgan, could well be a sacrifice. The existence of the Slavs tradition of ritual killings of babies is mentioned in written sources.

The sensational examples of human sacrifices were findings in Danish peat swamps, most of which are dated to the second half of the first to n. e. Obviously, it is as a result of a ritual murder in the IV century. BC e. The life of the "Tollyundsky man" found in one of the swamps of Jutland was interrupted, during the work on peat extraction of about d. Toltulund. The cause of death was hanging - after this man was killed and buried in the swamp, the leather rope remained on his neck.

The sacred status of various natural objects (mountains, groves, spring, stone, etc.) is most often impossible to fix archeologically. Meanwhile, information about the veneration in one or another ritual form of such places is present in written sources - in the text "Charter of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich about the tithing, vessels and people of church" in the list of acts to be church suts, is mentioned by following: "Or who under OVIN prays, or in rye, or under a stroke, or OU water. " Obviously, it is almost impossible to identify the tracks of the scenes "in rye". But in exceptional cases, archaeologists still manage to detect the remnants of the rituals of this kind - primarily it concerns the revered trees. From the bottom of the Dnieper rivers and gums three times, the trunks of the oaks were raised with the cinema jaws driven into them. Let us dwell on the find, made when clearing the Dnieper's bed. Oak preserved almost completely, along with roots. The height of the tree reached 9.6 m. At an altitude of 6 m, the oak barrel was "inlaid" by nine lower cable jaws, so that only fangs were visible outside. Judging by the fact that the fangs thickets of wood for 4 cm, the oak stood in such a form long enough. It should also be noted the traces of the effect of fire on the trunk of the tree. Oak dated 750 AD. (+/- 50 years). The preserved roots indicate that he was not constructed - "It can be assumed that it was divided by the pills of the Dnieper and collapsed into the river, it was all over and knew to our time" (Ivakin 1981: 124, 126, 135).

Davron Abdulloev is a specialist in the archeology of medieval Central Asia and the Middle East.

  • 1949 Born Sergey Anatolyevich Right - Archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Specialist in the early Iron Venus of the Northern Black Sea region. Known as well as a poet.
  • Days of death
  • 1874 Died Johann Georg Ramzauer - Officer from Halstopa mine. It is known for discovered in 1846 and led there the first excavations of the burials of the Galstatt culture of the Iron Age.
  • Comment OT Tziah79.

    I "VE Found a Few. Marked Them in My Handy Notes on My Map. Not Sure What to do with them yet.

    Comment OT Evrael.

    These Serve As The Same Purpose The Did in Timeless Isles.

    Comment OT Arrancar1196.

    Here Are The Ones i Found:

    79.80 27.80
    73.90 38.70
    68.00 44.30
    56.00 27.45
    61.40 40.40
    56.10 65.25
    45.90 69.30
    40.00 67.10

    Going to Update If I Find New Ones.

    TomTom for the Lazy Ones: 3

    / Way 79.80 27.80
    / Way 73.90 38.70
    / Way 68.00 44.30
    / WAY 56.00 27.45
    / Way 61.40 40.40
    / WAY 56.10 65.25
    / WAY 45.90 69.30
    / Way 40.00 67.10

    Comment OT Nessiemo.

    Below Are The Precise Coordinates of All The Ancient Sanctuary S I "VE FOUND, INCLUDING A BRIEF DESRIPTION OF THE LOCATION OF EACH.

    For Tomtom & Paste Users:

    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 39.92 60.32 Ancient Shrine Lying In Pool Inside Flllurlokkr "S Cave
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 33.47 60.83 Ancient Shrine At Base Of Tree
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 56.04 65.40 ANCIENT SHRINE ON ROCK
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 46.00 69.52 Ancient Shrine Beside Twin Rocks
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 40.00 67.31 ANCIENT SHRINE AT Base Of Far Right Pillar
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 63.01 53.18 ANCIENT SHRINE ON SHORELINE UNDER CRASHED SHIP
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 61.32 40.55 Ancient Shrine Lying to Right of Ramp Up to Inquisitor Chillbane "S Tower
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 45.93 15.23 Ancient Shrine Overlooking Cliff On Highest Level Of Weeping Terrace
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 55.99 27.64 ANCIENT SHRINE TO THE RIGHT OF ENTRANCE TO MALGRAZOTH "S CAVE
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 67.84 44.58 Ancient Shrine Confirmed AT Top Of Ramp
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 73.94 38.66 Ancient Shrine Between Two Pillars
    / Way Broken Shore: Broken Isles 79.76 27.79 ANCIENT SHRINE BETWEEN TWO HUGE WOODEN PILINGS
    / CWAY.

    For TomTom User Macros:

    / WAY 39.92 60.32 Ancient Shrine Lying In Pool Inside Cave
    / WAY 33.47 60.83 Ancient Shrine At Base Of Tree
    / WAY 56.04 65.40 ANCIENT SHRINE ON ROCK

    / WAY 61.32 40.55 Ancient Shrine Lying to Right of Ramp Up to Inquisitor Chillbane "S Tower
    / Way 45.93 15.23 Ancient Shrine Overlooking Cliff

    / WAY 67.84 44.58 Ancient Shrine Confirmed AT Top Of Ramp
    / Way 73.94 38.66 Ancient Shrine Between Two Pillars
    / Way 79.76 27.79 Ancient Shrine Between Two Huge Wooden Pilings
    / CWAY.

    If You Find Others, Note Their Location In The Comments and I "LL Add Them.

    13 unsolved religious complexes found in our country.

    Forgotten gods ... Stone idols, giant altars, wooden statues and bizarre facilities. Once people believed them, lived them. And then they forgotten, threw. The sands of the time were covered with truths, religions and people themselves ... Only their traces left forever on the stone bodies of the Earth, return to us, then, then there is looking out of the depths of ancient history.

    In the Ukrainian lands continue to find traces of mysterious structures, Kapitsy and settlements. What happened in their territories, what rites were carried out and what did these strange items serve for us?

    The ancient sanctuary is a particularly interesting topic that can tell us the impressive, and sometimes just incredible things about our history. Most of all the secrets know the stones that retain information longer. Many cult complexes were built in the mountains. Therefore, the mountains have always been considered our ancestors with saints, where the gods live.

    In the footsteps of Sanctures, scientists gradually recreate the paintings of the ancient Ukrainian civilizations, cultures and cults. But many places in these pictures remain forever covered with mystery of antiquity, we are never solidified.

    Approximate time of existence IX - III centuries. BC e.

    Found near the village is transferred to Crimea.

    The sanctuary was directly in the cave.

    When the archaeologists first descended here, they saw that numerous niches of the sanctuary were lined with turtles, horns, dices of domestic and wild animals. Moreover, all the skulls facial part were located towards the cave entrance.

    One of the researchers describes the find: "In the center of the lower hall, Masynaya Stalagmitit with a bizarre peak, similar to the head of an unclear bearded man, was erected. A skull of a mountain goat was imposed on Stalagmitit ... "

    Unfortunately, much was destroyed by vandals. Scientists believe that Yeni-Sala was the informant sanctuary of ancient hunters, brands.

    2. The sanctuary with the ancient burials of the clan of the priests
    The era of the bronze century

    Village of the Church of the Dnepropetrovsk region

    Sacrificial stone. Photo: Most-dnepr.info.

    The fact that the ancient sanctuary was located on the territory, many unique finds say. The biggest one is a stone stele with a human face with a height of about 4 meters.

    Ritual Granite Stella near Newly the largest such subject found in Ukraine.

    But the most mysterious find is burial. In particular, an ancient priest, who was probably a man, the remains of the adult body of which were found at the site of the sanctuary.

    And the 12-year-old young man was buried here. His "grave" was marked with a variety of multicolored stones laid out in the form of a snake. Who was this mysterious boy, buried in a sacral place - archaeologists cannot answer. But they believe that the sanctuary was a place where only people from the priests clan were buried.

    3. Divic Mountain
    The first centuries of our era

    Located near the village of Tripolie in Kiev region.

    The mountain of the pyramidal form was the sanctuary of the female patronage of the goddess Dana.

    According to legend, pregnant women before childbirth came here and asked for blessings from the gods. On the mysterious hills of the Divich Mountain, under the fear of death, it was forbidden to be men, as well as any strangeness. The mystery of fertilization holy was holy.

    On the territory of archaeologists found 9 recesses, in which there were 9 pots with 9 types of herbs. The number probably symbolized nine months of pregnancy (but it is only guesses of modern researchers). That is, the altar consisted of nine parts and he had a furnace shape.

    What kind magic rituals There were women - an undelivered mystery.

    And it is also known that once from here, our ancestors were sent to the eternal road.

    But, as scientists say, the divic-mountain place is endowed with positive energy. And now this former shrine is considered one of the most powerful "female power places."

    4. Sanctuary Gelda
    Between the X and the XII centuries.

    Here, on a steeper steeper over Zbruch among the forest, there is a small sanctuary having a triangular shape.

    View of the pit at the highest point of the shaft (photo: Boris Yavor)

    Plan-scheme of the settlement

    The cult of which god or goddess was the main thing on a wait - unknown. But the sanctuary is one of the most mysterious. They say, the sorcerers-Magi lived here, and later they conducted their teachings of Cossacks and characteristics.

    An interesting find on the territory is a year old well. In the well, which had a cult value, found numerous remains of animals. Archaeologists found out that in the 12th century this well was loose. Later on him in an oval deepening, the fire was burned out, and in the mound of the shaft made a baking habering oven.

    But in fact, according to ancient beliefs, this dry well has always served as a kind of entrance to the Navi world (unknown world). The very shrine is a debt and symbolized this unknown world.

    5. Zvenigorod temple idol with four capital
    Probably X - XIV century

    The Zvenigorod Sanctuary is located south of the village of Krurtilov (Ternopil region), on the right bank of the Zbroch River.

    From other similar sacred places, it is distinguished by huge sizes and especially complex construction. Four Kapigiq Sanctuary Zvenigorod symbolize four phases of the sun in the year.

    It was found here a lot of interesting things: the house of priests, sacrificial cameras, sacrificial wells. Very valuable was the temple with a stone idol. The idol himself was a height of almost 2 meters and lay across the temple, before which were numerous items used in sacrifices: scattered grains, scissors, sickles ...

    On the territory of the ancient shrine there are healing sources - not far from the place where, according to the statement of local, constantly beating lightning. Ancient people considered such places sacred: the ashes of trees marked by the "Heavenly Arrow", they treated the body, and the stones were consecrated by it. On the territory of Zvenigorod, the legends of the cabin cave is located.

    6. Carpathian SunClone Settlements
    Approximately V - I thousand BC.

    The Sanctuary found Lisin Cosmatsk was in the mountains near the Carpathian village of Kosmach.

    There is a mysterious stone tunnel here. Giant stones, not even stones, because they are like rocks, as if they are hanging in the air, perfectly fitted to each other.

    Not far from the stones with large bowls there is a sacrificial pit, which was associated with the transition to the Outdoor, the underworld.

    But the most interesting is the astronomical nature of the sanctuary. It is similar to the famous Stonehenge. That is, if the main lines (azimuths) are lined with stones, then natural education is located in Cosmach to continue the lines of the tunnel and the sacrificial pit. The artifacts of solar and zodiac types of calendars are well preserved on Lisini Cosmatsiy.

    Not far from the Sacred Mountain found another - the Ternchorsk Sanctuary associated with the previous one. It is known that the cult of the mother's mother was worshiped here. Among the most interesting local finds are a statue of a woman, a stone disk, a phallic stone.

    The entire stone complex refers to the type of calendar sanctuary. It is these evidence that the ancient residents of Ukrainian lands perfectly owned knowledge about the starry sky, planets, the patterns of changes in the phases of the Moon, an annual solar cycle.

    7. Goditsa Dolmen-Portals
    IX - XIII century

    The ancient pagan sanctuary godt is on the mountain of the same name in the Gusyati district (Ternopil region).

    So the dolmen looks like. Photo: Andrey Melnichuk

    Celebration on the god. PHOTO: WASHNYYANSKI VISTI. Novini Rіdnovіrv Slanshchini

    Special here was the chapter, which rose over the ground to 40 centimeters, and in the center there was a square hole.

    The surprise of archaeologists did not have a limit, when the ring of Galician Prince Yuri I was found in one of the altars. A more ancient and even more interesting find is the so-called Zbruch Kumir. It was an image of a multi-sided God-Rozhanich God. He symbolizes both female, and male essence, being in three worlds and paying for their four faces to all four parties of light

    The most mysterious elements of the sanctuary are dolmen. These are very ancient stone structures. They say they served as a kind of transition portals from one life to another. According to another version, were ancient observatory. But the fact that Dolmen is endowed with a strong power, no one denies.

    8. Stone grave - a monument of an ancient culture of world importance
    The ancient sanctuary is found on the territory now the Stone Grave of the historical and archaeological reserve, located under Melitopol.

    Petroglyphs on the "Plate of Tracks"

    This is "a kind of temple with an extremely difficult structure that answered the ideas of ancient people about the secret of birth of gods, heroes ..." (by definition by A. Kifishin). Incredible, but the depth of the three largest sanctoes of the local complex correlates proportionally as 1: 2: 3. Direct transfer also the ratio of the size of the sanctuary.

    The image of the goddess - Totema Inana was pierced by the whole complex of stone grave.

    In one of them, according to researchers, a ritual of the revival of the deceased God-kings was carried out.

    According to the patterns of stone grave, the primitive religions can be traced - totemism, magic, animism, fetishism, the cult of ancestors ... The complex served as a temple that united three worlds (heavenly, earthly and underground) for many millennia for various tribes and peoples.

    Very strong energy of the land of this complex. If you fix it on aerial photography, we get an image in the form of a rings. Many consider this archaeological landmark no less significant than any of the "7 miracles of the world."

    9. Four Sanctures of the island of Hortietsa
    III - II thousand to R. Kh.

    "Scythian Stan"

    10. "Circles of Beasts" of the Lesiv sanctuary of approximately II - I thousand BC. The unique sanctuary was discovered on Brovarschin near Sokolsky. The complex of the brief-like form has a complex structure.
    Lesiv Stones Photo: karpaty.net.ua

    Ritual stones in the upper part have the image of the so-called "Circle of Beasts". Such a phenomenon is found at many objects of Carpathian Kapigin. In the case of Lesiv stones - this is a bull, a bird, a goat. Why exactly these animals? .. perhaps, they are elements of zodiac circles, and possibly - separate deities.

    The so-called "Circle of Beasts"

    On other stones, single-profile images of deities are carved in the form of birds and a lizard - the main religious and mythological characters of the worldview of the Pyranceo-European tribes of the Neolithic era.

    And a number of signs of crosses on the stone were noticed. In addition to numerous stone trees, remnants of an unknown wooden building were also found.

    11. Merghel Gang
    Approximate construction time - 4 thousand BC. e.

    The sanctuary was discovered relatively recently near the village of Stepanovka of the Pozalsky district of the Lugansk region.

    This is a cult sacral complex, in the center of which were burial. And from the center, like rays, mysterious stone lines diverged. Mergelese Rud looks like a holistic system of stone and earth facilities (Kurgans, circles of the right shape, road contours and "rays" laid out of stone slabs).

    Plates themselves - sometimes just gigantic sizes - up to 10 tons. Created from limestone. And it is interesting that the nearest place where the limestone breeds could be found are 6-8 km from the archaeological find. Who and how could you transfer them to such a distance?

    In numerous altars, naturally, human remains were found. Including the bodies of children, mainly 7-14 years old ...

    Approximate time of existence of III-IV centuries. AD

    Found in the village of Ivankovtsy on Dniester.

    The Old Slavic pagan sanctuary was discovered here. And another settlement of Chernyakhov culture. The mathematical center of the sanctuary was a huge statue.

    In total, three stone idols were found on the spot. Two anthropomorphic (with the image of a bearded man with folded eases) and one tilt-marginal with human faces. The latter is the most interesting. Looking at the same time in the directions of all four sides of the world, he probably had to defend the settlement from a comprehensive evil.

    Found stone idols

    Unknown signs are noticeable at the bottom of the statue. According to the stories of old-timers, there were once some marks here, but what they portrayed and what was their character - no one will know.

    Not far from the idols found the remnants of structures, which, as it turned out, was the components of ancient capital. And a whole system of pits, the purpose of which is never solved.

    13. LEPELSKY CLEAN Temple
    III Art. BC e.

    Located near the village of Lepolovka in the Goryn River Valley on Khmelnitchin.

    Ritual oven

    In the found, as researchers are called, a peculiar fortune-old temple was engaged in witchcraft in the literal sense of the word. Ancient people were guessing on fate, weather, harvest ... held a rite of water, poured into a sacred bowl. On the vessel, the signs of twelve months were carved.

    The altar of the sanctuary was complicated from large clay bowls. And in the wint of one of them, the pattern was located: twelve rectangular frames in which peculiar drawings were concluded, which constitute the full circle.

    A very interesting Lepas find is a biconic vase. It is assumed that the image of its ornament is the records of an ancient calendar.

    Ritual bowl with calendar circle found at the site of the sanctuary

    Riddles, secrets and mysteries. Observatory, calendars, mystical altars and ancient buildings are amazed. And the energy of these places still has a strange way affects the subconscious.

    Sacred complexes found on the Ukrainian lands are mostly lacking. But it only draws a dot in world history, leaving a truth door ajar. It is likely that the ancient treasures of Ukrainian history will be no less majestic than Stonehenge and the settlement of Maya.

    Many of the shlin described and now are places of worship. Here they pray to the gods and God, make rites. Ignoring nine sacred lights before sunset, the descendants of the pagans all night exercise their mysterious rite of dedication to the spiritual Chin of the Priest, Language or Mag.

    Here come to feel unity with ancestors, with ancient forces and worlds. It is here that it is best to exercise a session of meditation that our ancestors were able to do so well. People feel special energy here. This ancient mysterious places of power.

    Many rites went directly at home or in OVIN in front of small "images" of gods and protorter spirits. Ritals in honor of the Higher Deities cope with the shrines - sacred trees, stones, sources. Later, the most honored gods began to arrange a sanctuary with statues from stone and wood and the sacred non-regamous fire and even build temples. Jewels, fruits and cereals, various animals were sacrificed. In exceptional cases (even "bright" gods) sacrificed people.

    The seitsers of the cult of the gods were the organizers of sacrifices - the priests and the keepers of the sacred knowledge - Magi. Along with them, there were leaders and witches who entered the dark, dangerous deities of the other world. Each community had their own magicians, whalers - kind (signs, Cudesmen) or evil (sorcerers). Beliefs about wolf trees were distributed - people who know how to contact wolves and using their gift or in evil, or good. The supreme head of the pagan cult in the Slavic tribe was considered the prince.

    Ancient times, the Mountains were Mountains, especially "bald", that is, with a brass vertex. Archaeological excavations give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the ancient Russian sanctuary looked at the hill. At the top of the hill there was a temple - a place where Capes stood - idol. There was an earthen shaft around the temple, on the top of which the kradi burned - sacred bonfires.

    The second shaft was the outer border of the sanctuary. The space between the two shafts was called the triste - there "consumed", that is, ate, sacrificial food. In ritual feasts, people became like hundredths of the gods. The feast could take place in the open air, and in special buildings standing at the same Trebish, - Goromas (temples), originally intended exclusively for ritual pearves.

    Slavic idols have been preserved extremely small. This is explained not so much by persecution of paganism, how much the fact that idols most of them were wooden. The use of the tree, and not the stone for the images of the gods, was not due to the high-cost stone, but faith in the magical power of the tree - idol, thus combined the sacred strength and tree, and deities.

    All the famous stone-preserved stone Slavic idols were found on the Black Sea coast and in Zdneprovye. They depict a bearded god with a sword at the belt, a horn in the right hand and hrying (necklace) on the neck. Scientists believe that these idols were created in the VI-V centuries. BC e. Priceslabeans-farmers who were then extensive trading bread with Greek cities.

    Most likely, God, whom the idol depicted, was the agricultural god of harvest and abundance (horn symbolizes the abundance and well-being), wealth and power (hryvnias on the neck were worn by tribal leaders), or - God-warrior, perhaps God thunderstorms. So, Praslavyansky gods combined the features, with time, developed in the images of Dazhboga, Yaril and Perun.

    The cult of the dead ancestors was extremely common in the Slavs with deep antiquity and up to recently. In this regard, the Slavic funeral rites are of interest, which were diverse: "And if anyone will die, make a TRIZNU over him. After her, there are a big fire, put a dead man and burn. After that, collecting the bones, fold them into a small vessel and put on the line at the road. So make letters and now. Curvichi, and other pagans are also followed by the same. 6 But from the time of the shepherd diet and up to the adoption of Christianity, the most common form of burial was kurgan. Khoronia Dead, Slavs put with a man weapon, horse harness, killed horses and dogs; With a woman put sickles, vessels (probably with food and drink), grain, killed cattle and poultry. The bodies of the dead pinned on the steal (fire), believing that their souls fall into the Heavenly World immediately; The burial fire in the funeral of noble warriors was so great that it was seen in a 40 km radius.

    When a noble person was buried, together with him, and several of his servants were killed, and only the Slavs-Slavs, and not ingenevts, as well as one of his wives, which voluntarily agreed to accompany her husband to the afterlife. Preparing for death, she dressed up in the best clothes, drank and having fun, rejoicing the future happy life in the heavenly world. During the funeral ceremony, she was brought to the gate, behind which the body of her husband lay on firewood and his brotherly, was raised above the gate, and she exclaimed that he sees her deceased birth and heared to lead her to them.

    The funeral was completed with a pyroman-coming and trianu - military competitions. There is also a common ritual food for all Eastern Slavs on commemoration - this is Casca, pancakes and Kissel. Both symbolized the flourishing of life, opposed the living dead. The custom of abundant treats on the sound survived to this day.

    Almost all Eastern Slavic holidays are associated with the cult of deceased ancestors, which were recalled in the ruble moments of the year - on the saggers, in pure Thursday and Radonitz, in a semit and in front of Dmitry Day. In the days of remembering the departed for them, the baths were treated, burned fires (so that they were sneaking), left for them food on the holiday table. Saty-in-laws were including those who came from the light of the ancestors and gathered gifts. The purpose of all these actions was the problem of deceased ancestors that could bless the family, and could and cause evil - to scare, be in a dream, torment and even kill those who did not satisfy their needs.


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