"This is the mystery of the century": The tracker spoke about the search for the Cherticle of the cemetery in Krasnoyar, where all the lives die. Anomalous zone called Damn Cemetery lost in the Priangsky Taiga Debrya Anomalous zone on the Kova River

"This is the mystery of the century": The tracker spoke about the search for the Cherticle of the cemetery in Krasnoyar, where all the lives die. Anomalous zone called Damn Cemetery lost in the Priangsky Taiga Debrya Anomalous zone on the Kova River

In Taiga, I was led to Taiga, checking messages about the existence of a mysterious glade, which journalists dubbed the "Liberal Places" and the "damn cemetery", and the mysterious lake with live water ... What we knew was not at all like the truth. As if the spacecraft crashed into the land on June 30, 1908, before the inevitable disaster managed to throw a life module. That was, according to some, a kind of "black box", which contained information about the aliens. Others believed that the aliens managed to be saved, but ... found themselves in the mantle of the earth and from there signals were applied to the surface. Of course, the reader immediately guessed that it was about the Tungus meteorite, the search for which continues until now. And, going on a business trip, I did not doubt that messages about the "death place" and the mystery of the cosmic aliens are interconnected. So it turned out, what I was convinced by becoming familiar with the facts. There is no shortage in hypotheses, but I would like to offer one more, quite earthly ...

Mysterious glade

"Round, about 200 - 250 meters of Polyana brought horror: on bare ground, there is someone visible bones and carcasses of taiga animals and even birds. And the trees hanging over the canopy branch were vague, as from a close fire. Polyana was completely clean, deprived of any kind of vegetation. The dogs, who were on the "damn cemetery", stopped eating, became sluggish and soon fought "- this excerpt from the letter Mikhail Panov from the village of Ust-Kow Kezhemsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The author handed over what he heard before the war from one experienced hunter.

The "damn cemetery" as if on purpose is relatively close to the place where the Tungus catastrophe occurred ...

And here I am in Kezme - the old Russian village on the banks of the Angara. I am going and for some reason he shy to ask passersby about the local "damn" - the whole story looks too far.

The main rural street stretched along the coast of a kilometer for three. The church club is an empty bookstore, and even further a wooden bridge over a keger, which immediately flows into the hangar. Then the road goes to Taiga. Well, it turns out, not to power my local authorities, which is obliged to know everything. A few minutes later I was scared at the door with a sign: "Chairman of the Executive Committee Nikolai Nikolaevich Vereshchagin."

The owner of the cabinet eats me a hand and offers to be located. I immediately start:
- Perhaps, the topic of interest to you that interests us will seem to you, but she worries many people. Somewhere in your areas, they say, there is a place called the "damn cemetery" ... Do you know about it?

Vereshchagin stood up, went to the window and looked thoughtfully on the hangar, on the Green Island lying in the middle of the river, where God grazed as a cow rushed there.

"After all, I was born in these places," Nikolayevich said, said, and, of course, this story is known to me. There is such a place in the taiga. Somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe river, flowing into the hangar ...

According to Vereshchagin, for the first time about the "death spot" found out in Kezze in the late 1930s. The old hunter - Nikolai Nikolai Nikolayevich's native grandfather, a certain Tamara Sergeyevna Simutina, somehow told his relatives about the mysterious case, which happened in the taiga on the river Kove or her influx of Kakambar ... in winter, in a deaf inaccessible place, for a lot of miles away from the last Carnish Karamashievo, gone bull. Local people in the past were not afraid to walk through Taiga and even on the paths led by their trails managed to distilted livestock. The so-called worry tract - a forest road, on which it was possible to get to the north to the hangar and further in the upper husband of Lena. Siberians often chased livestock with this difficult way to sell it on the forecast.

The summer of 1938 was extremely dry. The channels of many taiga river were dry, and the shepherds, reducing the path, drove the cattle straight on the stone. Reaching to wintering, the shepherds stopped for the night, and the cattle was released to graze. Far from housing a pet will not leave - afraid. And when the next morning shepherds began to drive the herd, one bull was not charged. They crossed the coastal thickets, they deepened in a wild taiga. And suddenly they saw something terrible - black, as if screaming in the circle of the Polyana and on her dead bull. His skin was pegna. Dogs at the sight of Deaths buried, but they did not go to the clearing.

Eyewitnesses did not say grandfather, whether they decided to step into the anclass circle. Most likely there were nurses ... then, according to the stories of the old hunter, the stain was small, just a meter twelve and fifteen ...

- the bass of the old man became interested in only one person - the local agronomist, "Vereshchagin continued." He first set off on the "damn cemetery." But it is better to ask about this my friend, the correspondent of the district newspaper. He wanted to this agronoma and even found his story in some old switches.

I remember the address of the Journalist Shakhov, I asked before leaving:
- And you, Nikolai Nikolayevich, believe in the "damn cemetery"? Isn't this story from the very beginning?
- Why not to believe? But I, though, did not find it. When I was hunted in those edges, find the road to winter was difficult.

Shakhov at home I did not find, he himself soon found me in a wooden hotel, where I stopped. Boris Vasilyevich, as it should be a journalist, was aware of everything. In the Kezhemsky district, he lives for more than fifteen years, and himself from St. Petersburg. About the "damn cemetery" wrote more than once in the "Soviet Priangary", the district newspaper, was one of the organizers of expeditions to this area.

"We didn't find the glades," said Boris Vasilyevich crushing. "Probably, they were not looking there." Old men who saw the "damn cemetery", all calmed. If you want, I will tell you everything that has been known about the riddle to our search ...

- First there was a grandfather's story from the winter.
- Maybe. But in the local press a message about it appeared in 1940. I was looking for this publication for a long time. The liner of the local newspaper, then it was called the "collective farmer", in Kezhma, of course, was not preserved. I had to go to Moscow and rummage in the storage facilities of the Lenin Library. And I found, you know, I reprinted in Soviet Priangary. In the old note it was about agronomy Valentina Semenovich Salaagin. This man often has been in the most remote corners of the Taiga district. I had to get to Karamyshev that kilometers forty from the mysterious glade, and he heard about the "damn cemetery". Probably told this story himself the owner of the winter, who called the Polyana "Prodlazina".

"A small mountain seemed to the Dark Lysin," the pre-war reporter from Kezhma appeared since the words of Salaagin. - The earth is really black, loose. Vegetation - no. The nude ground was laid cautiously onbars and green fresh branches. After some time, removed back. With the slightest touch of the needle branches fell off. Ryabli outfit did not change. But the insides had a reddish tint, were something burned. With short, some strange pain appeared near this place in the body of people. "

There was also a message that Salaagin once again happened in the mysterious place. The picture was the same, the arrow of the compass came to a strong oscillation ...

- Unfortunately, the traces of Salaagan himself could not find it, "Shahov said." The old-timers remember him and they say that he had disappeared somewhere before his war.

With the analysis of eyewitness stories and the preparation of modern expeditions to the "Libe Plast" began. Soon, along the path of Salaagin, search groups went. At first they consisted mainly of local hydrostrolers. The organizer of the expeditions was the Deputy Main Markers of Trust Boguchesstroy Pavl Smirnov. This is for the first time, perhaps, he walked in winter along the ski came, but did not find the "thistle cemetery." Later he met the researcher who gave his explanation for the testimony of agronomas. This is an employee of the applied physics of Tashkent University Alexander Simonov. Nothing knowing anything, as he argued, about the rustling of the Siberians, he came to Priangary, to test his hypothesis about the place of fall and not found the Tungus meteorite. Simonov seriously fond of astronomy and independently did the calculations according to which space body, fallen on the Tungus Plateau, were looking for and continue to seek until now at all where necessary.

The epicenter of the explosion was the area of \u200b\u200bthe river River Tunguska, not far from the village of Vanavara, which is now the center of the neighboring Kezhemsky Vanavarian District. Simonov believed that the meteorite was exploded not on earth, but in the atmosphere. Impact explosive wave The cosmic body was discarded by hundreds of kilometers aside. According to the calculations of the scientist, the meteorite fell in Taiga somewhere near the hangars, in the Kezhemsky district. There was a wooded, but for him, because of the remoteness of housing, no one paid attention. Simonov was looking for a meteorite near Kezhma, four hundred kilometers from the place of work of most expeditions. And it is clear that the story about the "burner Polyana" he tied up with the Tungus catastrophe and suggested that this is a trace of a fallen meteorite, which went deep into the ground. The hypothesis and inexplicable phenomenon coincided, and the latter acquired an unexpected and tempting interpretation.

Simonov and Smirnov organized several expeditions to the river. The 1988 Expedition was perfectly equipped. Simonov brought appliances for high-frequency magnetic measurements. Smirnov has formed several search groups deployed in the departure of the helicopter taiga. Such a scope would not be possible without the help of the Kezhales combine. His guide has provided its helicopter to search engines.

When determining a significant territory over the blocking greenish screens of electronic catchers, no bursts of electromagnetic emissions were recorded. The search for ground groups also did not bring anything encouraging. But during the last walking, as I wrote later in the newspaper the participant of the expedition Oleg Nehayev, the devices suddenly responded and recorded the long-awaited surge of magnetic activity, just above the influx of Cacks - Kakambara's river ...

Immediately by radio contacted the group that was closest to the place. Nothing strange here was noticed here: an ordinary hilly terrain with high pines and burgher streams. Only the mountain was highlighted. However, the compass "Shalil": Magnetic meridian when moving several steps "floated" by 30 - 40 degrees to the side. Geological specialists confirmed that a pronounced magnetic anomaly was found. But, as physicists said, it was a magnetostatic, ordinary manifestation magnetic field, not magnetodynamic, which would confirm the original simonov hypothesis. True, the radiation background here was somewhat higher.

- In short, "Libele Place" could not yet succeed, "Shakhov spread his hands." But the mystery remained. Although, I think, it is possible to explain the mystery easier ... But still it is interesting to go back to search.

I really wanted to get to the "Libele Place". But how to get on the top? Walk hundreds of kilometers in a taiga, without having a suitable equipment, the experience of such travel, without the stock of products and without a conductor?

"You know," I noticed, I leaving, Boris Vasilyevich, "American scientists are now being at the mouth and seem to be Canadians and Koreans with them.
- And here we were late?
"Well, no," Shakhov grinned. - "Libele place" here has nothing to do with it. Archaeologists carry out excavations at the mouth.

So I learned about the ancient settlement on the hangar - Ust-Kov, where for many years it is the field camp of the East of the Krasnoyarsk Pedago. These days, by chance coincidence, foreign guests came to Krasnoyarsm - participants held in Novosibirsk of the international symposium of archaeologists.
- How can I get there? - I asked with despair in my voice.
Shakhov thought thoughtfully in the doorway.
"So be," he finally decided, let's turn to the head of Kezhem correctional institutions to General Rakitsky ...

I will not stop on the recovery of the negotiations, the result is important: I got to the Ust-Kov on a small military boat. And then the general reversed me again, but about it - next.

In an effort to Ust-Kov, I did not assume that a new and unexpected riddle is connected with this land ...

Grave Shaman

The coastal mountain did not seem very high to me. But I was explained that it is not visible from the water a second gentle ledge, and therefore it seems to not stand out among other mountains. And if you look from afar, then the vertex, called the saddle, can notice almost from the Kezhma itself. The height of the mountain is not more than 600 meters, densely threw the forest. There is a wide flat place in front of it, almost completely open, with a young birch grove on the edge of the cliff. Loading from the cliff stood in several rows of tents and wooden canopy over long tables.

In the late afternoon he led me towards the hangars, in the cornflower away dumps. Drozdov walked, very laughing, heavily leaning on a stick. Nevertheless, he cleverly descended on the bottom of the deep excavation - a flat sandy platform.

"You probably have already managed to get acquainted with our finds." With those that are laid down under a canopy, on the table, - Professor began. - So ... gear scraper, nucleus - pointed stones, bifesis - laurels' tips ... in a word, a man at the mouth of the cube lived at least 15 thousand years . Nazad, when, according to our guests - American scientist Davis and Canadian Saint-Marsha, ancient man made the first attempt to move from Asia to America. We believe that this happened several thousand years earlier; We were supported by the German professor Müller-Beck, also our guest, but for an agreement with the Americans, we still did not come. It is necessary to mined new evidence. In this and the essence of the symposium of archaeologists held in Novosibirsk.

We slowly passed to the long-range excavation, which is on the insidency formed by punctured in the hangar. Further resembled a decorated episode. But it was, and I pass for it, a happy chance, luck, which the journalist falls infrequently ...

Looking for a place where to sit down, the tired fucking led me to a protruding from the stripped wall of the excavation by a low row of tightly laid stones. This is incomprehensible to the form of the construction resembled a stone bench or rather a Lena. It is about a quarter of it already disassembled. Where there were no few stones, I saw a skull and jaw with a number of strong white teeth. The attention of the professor attracted a small piece of a sneezing bark next to a skull. Drozdov mechanically took it and saw the blackened flap of the skin under it, closing something laid over the buried person. The skeleton spoke from the wall of the excavation only on the chest - the torso and feet were hidden behind the masonry.

- What is it? - exclaimed Drozdov, immediately forgetting me.

On the chest buried, I saw a small green circle with a small green circle with a small green circle with an inscribed in it. The subject under the clue turned out to be bronze, covered, as if moss, layer of patinas. The sign was an image of a person, of course, quite conditional.

The professor touched the subject, bold the sands on him. The little man moved, and there was another one, a completely different form.

- Well, you know, this on the hangar has not yet found! - enthusiastically said Drozdov, considering the incomprehensible subject. - It is necessary to call colleagues now, maybe they explain?!

Spearly on the edge of the excopted scientists crowded. Drozdov broke the crowd with a look and triumphantly like Fakir, removed the bark from the bronze subject. In tense silence, specialists of various archaeological directions looked at an unexpected find.

"This is the grave of Shaman," Nikolai Ivanovich declared pride. - Look in the man shown in the circle: on his head as if the hat with horns. And this is, as you know, a distinctive shaman sign ...
- According to the customs, the shamans were buried in the hollows of trees, "Anatoly Kuznetsov objected, the doctor of historical sciences from Ussuriysk." They sought to raise the dead away from the eye of the tribesmen.

- Right, - agreed Drozdov. "But this custom is characteristic of a relatively close to us, as well as for modern indigenous peoples of Siberia. In the past, they could also exist secret funeral complexes, much more mortal to come were paid. It seems to me that we are now in such a mysterious place - on the grave of Shaman.

"Take a look at the face of one of the figures," said someone from holding a mascot in his hands. - It seems that this mask. But nearby, see, - Plots, arms, decorations. It is necessary, Nikolai Ivanovich, to spread the burial so that the picture is quite clear.

- Look around, the voice of Ruslan Vasilyevsky, Novosibirsk archaeologist, - unknown writers can be on the surrounding rocks. The place is really mysterious. The drawings may well be at least on that slope. - And he showed a saddle mountain on the soppy posses, the highest in the whole course of the hangar. "We need to think, shamans not random place chosen for their sanctuary ...
- Wait, - remembered Drozdov. - Figure in a circle I am very similar to the famous Manzinskaya Scripture - a large rocky composition located on the banks of the hangar kilometers to one hundred lower. There is something in general in the principle of a schematic image of a person. I have no doubt that those shaking paintings were created during the life of this young shaman.

- And when made Manzinskiy writers? - I was preparing for archaeologists .- And when they made this burial, in which age?

And almost every one of them, hollowing in the hands of bronze men, did not hurry with the answer.
- Without an analysis, this is how immediately you can speak only approximately, - answered me. - From the fifth century to our era and to the seventh era. But no later than a thousand years ago. Not later.

This is really a real sensation. At the time, when the first shursfs were made in Ust-Kovka, archaeologists found the cultural layer of the Iron Age. The most successful for the Iron Age researchers was the 1979 season. Then in the neighboring, already twentored to my arrival, the burial of a young woman with a child was burned. Both bones - big and small - were wrapped in a birest cocoon. When they took off the cherry bark, they saw the scattered bracelet beads among the bones, the comb with the image of the bird, a bronze diadem, an iron chain of large links.

- Unusual burial, "recalled Drozdov." We all tormented the riddle - what happened here more than a thousand years ago? In the teeth set the age of the child - he was not fulfilled four years when he was wrapped in a cocoon. Mother was about thirty. How happened that they died at the same time? Or maybe here made a ritual sacrifice? We consulted with ethnographers, compared the funeral rites of modern Siberian peoples and could not give a convincing explanation. Perhaps there was a cruel custom, which was noted in the historical legends of some indigenous peoples of the North. When, for example, the mother of a young child died and there was no one to take care of him, the child killed and buried along with his mother.

Isn't this gloomy scene played here at the mouth of the came?
As long as the shamanic sign was considered, the head of the Archaeological detachment, Viktor Leontyev, who worked on the archaeological detachment, went into a log house and returned with a large cardboard box.
"Here are still finding this era," he said, going down to the excavation.
We have surveyed a box from all sides.
- Eight years ago we found a pot here, "Leontyev began to tell." On his walls there was an ornament: a tree, or, as I think, a symbolic image of a person. In the vienna, the pot walked the rim with the similarity of the bronze clasp in the form of a loop. Consequently, the vessel was closed with a lid and most likely served for ritual purposes. Then in the excavation we got creed bones in the way with iron objects. So, in the traditions of that time, it was customary to put it near the deceased thing and betray the body of fire? But there were another burial, where the dead first put, apparently, in the snow, and after some time, let's say in the spring, they betray the body of the earth. Different types of burials belonged to one time, which seemed extremely strange.

Victor extracted from the box a bronze object, similar to a bracelet.
- In the same excavation, we suddenly discovered thirteen burials immediately. Creed remains, a set of all kinds of items - all this was in small deepening. In a nearby excavation - another five burials. There were graves ... without bones. How to explain it? Ritual burial to deceive evil spirits?

- What was in a pot? - asked the connoisseur of the shamanic life of Kuznetsov.

"But," and Victor pulled out a short chain from his huge box, the bronze rings of which were joined among themselves, so that with a certain position of the hands holding the chain, the links were formed by the figure, very similar to the ram. On one of the links, a massive iron knife was mounted with a split, resembling branch horn with a handle.

"Of course, this is an image of a shaman in a hat with horns," droozdov intervened. "And the knife, obviously, chained the sacrificial ram. The blood of the animal flowed along the blade on the handle in the form of horns and threw the chain links, which made a ritual figure. Thus, the iron object, by believing the ancients, did the soul and became a sacred amulet. Shaman wore it sewn to clothing. Perhaps this is an overlap - the subject called upon to drive evil spirits.

The sacred subjects of Shamans were also considered Tesla, which were found in burials. When Shaman Kamlal, he laid a tough or an ax and thus distilled away from himself an evil spirit.

Meanwhile, the bronze circle with a bronze horned man returned to the hands of Drozdov.

"I stand and think," he said thoughtfully, "maybe in this circle the model of the universe?" A circle means life in all religions of the world. At Shamans, this role usually performed tambourine. But what is the purpose of the bronze symbol? The backbone, by the way, is headed by the river. According to the beliefs of many Siberian and eastern peoples, it was on the water that the souls of the dead were floating ...

"We need to look for an answer," Kuznetsov said. "With such a problem, I often come across my Far Eastern region." We know how the ancient farm led, but their spiritual life is not yet understood ...

So much for me cleared. There must be a long time the platform under the mountain saddle served as a ritual place for the inhabitants of the extensive privigar region. The place where only shamans could come. Here they are also buried - either burning their bodied bodies, or laying stones together with them by the signs of spiritual power over the tribesmen. Hunters and shepherds of that time went to Cape Party - spirits lived here.

Yes, the place is chosen by shamans not by chance. Wide spill of the hangars, the highest in the vicinity of the mountain and ... Perhaps "damn cemetery", the path to which ran up on the top. And another way to lying somewhere there, in a taiga, a mysterious lake, which, as they say, has healing properties. The shamans, of course, knew about him and, may, imperceptibly for those surrounding their strength and health, who were surprised by tribesmen, forced to treat them as deities.

The dead shaman in the mouth of the cubes tied two worlds - the real and unknown, externally ...

"Damn cemetery" or underground fire?

In complete darkness, we sat at the rude fire over the river, and I told curious archaeologists about everything that managed to learn about the "damn cemetery" and the Tungus meteorite. Among the listeners were both geologists, which are still exchanged short remarks among themselves.

Vitaly Petrovich Cech, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, who had a neighborhood with a backpack behind his shoulders, spoke.
- Could it form in the taiga "Hot" Polyana, something like a big pan? - He began, not referring to anyone. - Could. In the case of an underground fire.

I remembered the picture of a fire on peat swamps. This more than once had to observe, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Rybinsky reservoir. The fire is not visible, he blames deep underground, and the smoke should be treated above it, the trees will dry, dry and trees are lying, and then everyone envelops the erased black clubs from the bowels. More than once it was necessary to hear how the fire was raging, the tractors had fallen, the animals and even risky people happened. And in these taiga places a lot of swamps. And in the arid summer, such places may well light up from the inside. Remember that the eyewitnesses said: the scorched glade, and the hanging branches of the fear! So, the effect of "hot" Polyana arose shortly before the observers arrival - after all, the branch before it was bedroom, it is necessary to grow ...

"The underground fire in the taiga is quite possible," the Czech continued. - Only stone, coal most likely burned here. On the geological map of the area marked its outlets to the surface. And in general, unpretentious fuel wealth, which are not yet developed on Tungusk, are found.

- You do not believe in the fact that this is a trace of the Tungus meteorite? Or "damn cemetery"? I'm not talking about the place of planting an alien ship.

Vitaly Petrovich shrugged:
- I do not take it categorically to say, but all these guesses do not have, in my opinion, serious grounds. But the geological origin of the described phenomenon is very possible. After all, when the heat fell and went raining, the fire UGAS itself, and in the spring, the glade thickets. And now this glade, no matter, not to find. It is not excluded, of course, the new warming of coal layers, and where this process will occur, new burnt stains may form, but not only "damn cemeteries". However, for this it is necessary to make a confluence, so to speak, many circumstances, which happens not often.

- Like a dry summer, as now? Is it because last year's expedition, who examined the local taiga from the helicopter, did not notice anything like? After all, then the endless rains went.

- You only confirm the geological explanation of an unusual phenomenon.
"But they write," I did not give up, "strange things happened in the" cemetery "area. They say, headaches begin, gradually overcomes the feeling of fear ...

- coal burning can be accompanied by the release of gas and other compounds, "Vitaly Petrovich defeated me." If, for example, to lie down near such a place, you can easily "tear", and well-being in those who are in the zone of a large underground fire will certainly be unimportant. And fear naturally will be ...

- But there is nothing mysterious in your reasoning. Who will believe such an explanation?
- Nothing mysterious? I would like so much. Many geological phenomena are not enough for science. Everything that happens under the mantle of the earth is absolutely not good. Did you hear anything about intrusions?

Cech patiently explained that the intrusion is called a magmatic substance that is frozen in the vulcanic zerlah. But most of the magma, and it is well known to geologists, is exhausted not in the form of eruptions, and slowly enters the surface through cracks in the earth's crust, often, without reaching the surface, hesitates in them, forming traffic jams. Vertical cracks filled with frozen magma are called "dikes", horizontal, between the formation, "laccoliths". Frozening in Laccoliths, Magma wipes the surface, forming hills and elevation like domes. On the surface we can not suspect the causes of such a landscape.

"The Tungusian plateau, as they write in all books, is considered an intense magmatic area," said someone who was sitting by the fire.

- It is true, "the Czech inspired." In the past, when the earth's crust was only formed, the molten intrusions broke through the passing gases, which exploded outdoors and quickly burned - like torches. Concentric bugs and cracks of different sizes remained on the surface of such explosions, depending on the power of the magma stream. These tracks are also on modern geological maps, but from the ground, only a very experienced geologist can recognize them.

- And in our days it is impossible to imagine the eruption of such a volcanic tube? - I asked. - Or a breakthrough of any laccolite or dike? There were any such cases somewhere in the world so that the lava flows from the crater, and from the crack on the gentle surface of the earth?

- No, It is Immpossible. But the release of gases from the rock is the usual phenomenon. At night, these gases can even glow. For example, on the swamps. The so-called "Windy Lights" is well known to residents of taiga and tundra.

Czech advised me to appeal to the geologists of Krasnoyarsk or Irkutsk, which could analyze geological processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe river. Perhaps, then the phenomenon of the "Chert Cemetery" will receive a final explanation.

Taking into a tent, I was ready to fully agree with the geologist. In this area, Priangarya is indeed running powerful faults of the earth's crust. A good example of this is a rocky breakdown in the aplay of the sewers and the Shiver themselves - a raised rocky bottom, where the vessels go with a big caution. All this together with the mountain saddle - as if raised by an unknown force, a giant layer of the solid surface of the Earth. All these spots are hill around, the picturesque cliffs on the hangar - the result of the stormy formation of the Central Tungusian plateau, where, if you believe the sensation, in 1908, the mysterious algeret from space was a meteorite or a fellow ship.

And was the Tungus meteorite?

It may very well be that the features of the structure of the earth's crust and explain many mysterious phenomena of the district. For some reason, in this point of view, few people tried to analyze the famous Tungus catastrophe. But here a few years ago, the Novosibirsk geologist of the detachment expressed a new and unexpected version of what happened.

The geologist noticed that the catastrophe occurred not somewhere, but in the area of \u200b\u200bintensive magmatic activities of the Earth, on the Tungusian plateau, where large hydrocarbon deposits are marked. The release of gas from the jar of an underground volcano and could, according to Plengin, call the Tungusian catastrophe repeatedly described later. As can be seen, disputes about whether the explosion was on Earth or on the adjustment to it, and if on Earth, as a result of the impact of a meteorite or an alien ship, distracted researchers from a more prosaic explanation.

On June 30, 1908, an earthquake happened. His epicenter coincided with hydrocarbon deposits, and the lithosphere shell, drilled by intrusions, split into blocks. On the cracks, a powerful stream of gases rushed, which exploded when connecting with air. Such is the version of the piping.

"Suddenly hit the thunder very much. It was the first blow. The Earth began to twitch and swing, a strong wind hit our chum and fell Him "- this story Evenka Chochchanchi bypassed all the newspapers. Supporters of the version of the fall of meteorite usually lead to his story in confirmation of its rightful. But this corresponds to the consequences of an earthquake, accompanied by the emission of gases! "Here I saw a terrible Divo," Schocancha continued, "Zhilains fall, the needles on them burn. Hot. It is very hot - you can burn. Suddenly above the mountain, where the forest has already fallen, it became very light, as if the second sun appeared. "

The first who explained the explosion in the taiga to the fall of the meteorite was not a scientist, but a county correction device from Kezhma. He wrote in the report to the provincial city of Yeniseisk:
"Above the village of Kezhemsky from the south towards the north, a huge sizes of aerolite flew, which made a number of sounds like shots from guns, then disappeared."

Why and how did the aerolite do shots on Kezme? Fantasmagoria, and only! And if we assume that in fact, everything was the opposite? The phenomenon occurred so quickly that frightened eyewitnesses failed to correctly realize the causes and consequences?

Let's imagine a picture of a catastrophic earthquake. So, the release of gas, the explosion when it exits it to the surface, exceeding the force of the explosion of an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. A fiery tornad appeared, whose witness was to be kilometers forty from the epicenter of the explosion Evenk Chochanch ... This picture allows you to explain why eyewitnesses were described in different ways the shape of a fiery body. In the explosion, it looked at the ball - the second sun, and with a taller - spindle. And people saw it, being at different distances and at different points. It also becomes clear why the forest area remained with non-varying trees: a low pressure region was formed in the center of the tornadow, and there the taiga stood.

But what about the route of the "meteorite"? This also has its explanation. On the highway the movement of the fiery tornadows there is a spill in the earth's crust. It is visible on the picture obtained from the space. The gas release could occur throughout the breakdown, where they fell, poured on different sides of the trees ...

Such gas emissions are not uncommon. Shortly before the Tungusian catastrophe, in 1902, there was a terrible explosion and gas release on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean Sea. True, the emission did not go here on cracks, but from the crater volcano. But the consequences are similar to what happened on the Tungusian plateau.

This is the earthly explanation of the Tungus catastrophe. And if you follow this version, it is pointless to look for the Tungusian meteorite and in the Vanavara district, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe came, trying to connect the "damn cemetery" - the burner clearing and a trail of the meteorite fall. Because the latter was simply not.

Miracle Lake

Only the sun rose, I got up and went washed with cold water of the hangars. Going on his knee into the river, turned to Mount Saddle, remembered the bronze circle found yesterday with a little man and the Skull Skull of Shaman and stopped doubting that both the "damn cemetery", and rocky paintings, and an unknown healing chemabinsky lake, lying in three days Ways up on the top, - all this is one chain.

While I was thinking how I would get to this lake, the rokot of the engine heard over the river. That was an army helicopter. It turned out, I was looking for me: Head of Kezhalesa General Rakitsky, who called Shakhov yesterday, knew everything about my movements along the hangar and decided to pick me up from the Ust-Kov on the road ... to the Deletinsky Lake, where one of the brigades worked.

It was the only chance of me to visit the lake, where there was not a single archaeologist who worked in the Ust-Cove many seasons in a row.

- Well, let's take everyone? - General to pilot, looking at the group of tanned guys and girls, among whom I managed to become my own man. The pilot nodded. The latter came running Viktor Leontiev. Armed with a camera, he certainly wanted to take pictures on top of his excavation. Until now, there was no such possibility for archaeologists.

They flew at least an hour, and maybe two. Without breaking down from the porthole, I forgot about time. And suddenly saw the water. Filled back saucer, bordered by deaf taiga ...

The pilot put the car on a small concrete patch among the age-old age.

The general led us for a barely noticeable path, bypassing wetlands for inconspicuous bodies. Moshka instantly sealed her face and hands. Three minutes later, the trees broke out, shine smooth, as if dairy, smooth ...

Archaeologists' guys disastened to the bushes of T-shirts and rushed to the water. Throw, however, it did not work. The first step in the water - and the legs were branded. So we went, gradually going deeper and deeper.

- Breeway, bolder, - the general has encouraged, sitting on the blown on the shore of the plane.

I did not feel under my feet no fideworm, and it seemed that I was about to sleep everything. Then I fell into IL almost on the throat, almost choking the mud, and decided that it was better to flounder on the surface, and not go. I swam, slowly spreading the chest cold Il.

From the water, got out with great difficulty, granting for the coastal shrub. Fucked from dirt has nowhere. And we, not dressed, substituting themselves with a voracious midge, scared back to the helicopter.

All reference archaeologists silent. There flew up - the fun reigned, I waited for meetings with something unusual, and back - everyone quit, everyone thought, probably about her.

Soon in the porthole, the orange tents of the Ust-Covy appeared. Without stopping the screws, landed young archaeologists and again soared over the hangar. Finally, the concrete strip of the airfield flashed under us.

- Where did we arrive? - ridiculous looking around, asked me in the encephalitis.

He sat down to us on the shore of the lake, asked to take it out of the taiga. We accepted him for geologist - backpack, encephalitka ...

"Actually, I'm from Salekhard," he said. "I work the Burovik in the Gydan expedition."
I sused - Far from the banks of Ob!
- heard about the healing lake and decided to find him, - not acquainted with acquaintance. - I have psoriasis - the illness is incurable ...
- And did the lake help? I asked with interest.
Drills shoved the sleeve:

- Watch, ten days ago, the skin on this hand covered scales.
Now hardly noticeable scars. Do not believe?

As it turned out, Peter Stepanovich Novikov - so called the traveler - lived in a taiga without food and did not even have a tent. But, he said, he is on cedar cones, if necessary, a whole month will live. Going to the lake, only counting on his strength. On the lake it was thrown by a helicopter of oil workers from Vanavara. And back, he was already gathered to melded along the top of the mouth, as here, unexpectedly, was flying our helicopter.

- Will you come to the lake yet?

He nodded, and whether it was worth asking when a person returns to the imaginary. I was interested in whether Peter Stepanovich noticed something unusual in the taiga, mysterious. Lake glow, for example, or scorched pollasts?

"No, I didn't notice," he admitted simply. - surprised only to one - an unusual tide of the forces.

And the truth was told - a miraculous lake. The phenomenon of live water medicine will give, of course, a plausible explanation. But it will obviously, will not be complete without answering the question about the origin of the forest lake. Are unusual properties of it with magmatic activities in the depths of the Tungusk plateau, like many other mysterious and inexplicable phenomena in the area?

How little we still know about the Earth, which feeds, clothes and heals us ...

This place is in Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the pool the influx of hangars - the river Kova, four hundred kilometers from the fall of the Tungusian meteorite. There are other names of the abnormal location - damn cemetery, the Devil Cemetery, the Polyana of Death, Libe Place.

Polyana has a round shape, its diameter is about two hundred meters. Some unknown factors (possibly radiation, evaporation) that kill all living things are operating in the Polyana. The land in the glade is naked, there are no plants. Trees around Clash and charred. People are experiencing an insurmountable fear and strongest headaches. Beasts and birds die on the glade are dying.

It is said that one day the shepherds, distilled cows, were accidentally near the meadow, as they were looking for two cows who beat off herd. They came to the glade and saw a naked place on which their dead cows were lying. The former dogs of the inertia jumped into the glade, but they rushed away and died in a few days. Fortunately shepherds, they drove them from there, who saw all this is a local hunter, who said that this is the very Chert Polyana, and everything will die there.

Locals are trying not to fall into this terrible place. According to the local hunter, the freshly dredged branches thrown into the glade, they dry and harb.

In the late 1980s, the archives of the Siberian Academy of Sciences, containing documents since 1908, were published, of which the Chertova Polyana was a geopathic zone. Studies of this abnormal zone were made since the 1920s. In order to get into this place, part of the path must be passed on the water, then about 50 kilometers on foot on the swamps, swamped forest (Msharam). Local conductors are needed to move via Msaram.

Local residents are not approaching the seal closer than two kilometers, they stop, they are released to the paradise of researchers and are waiting until those return back. Returning from the campaign to the glade, the conductors first go to church and only after that they are heading home.

In this area there is a frequent seismic activity of a small intensity at which low-frequency sound waves occur, adversely affecting animals and plants. These oscillations led to the fact that only mossies and lichens are growing in the meadow, which, however, also die with increasing activity. The death of animals has occurred due to the impact of infrasound fluctuations with a frequency of up to 25 Hz.

Cales were near the same Krasnoyarsk region, according to eyewitnesses, allegedly there is an oval section of the scorched ground up to 200 meters in the diameter. It is called "Black Polyana", or "Black Cemeters". It is very scarce vegetation, the branches of the surrounding trees for some reason are vague, almost no animals are found, and people who have fallen into this zone are headaches and an inexplicable feeling of fear. In the glade they are the remains of animals and birds, even cows, and for some reason they are not amenable to decomposition.

In one decade - from 1980 to 1990 - about 75 people who went to search for mysterious glade died in the taiga. Three organized groups disappeared without a trace. So, in 1992 he left in Taiga and the tourist group from Naberezhnye Chelny returned.

No expedition could not achieve the clearing itself. Several times the researchers disappeared the cards where they marked the search zones.

In 1991, the expedition of Vladivostok Ufologists went to search for "Chertskaya Polyana". One of its participants, Alexander Rempel, describes events: "The compass arrow froze and, as it were, glued to the letter" N ". In the evening, people began to feel in the body of tingling, some had teeth sick. All also noted the growing excitement. In the tenth hour of the evening we approached the glade. Communication stopped, transistor "OneMel". After that, Ufologists turned back.

Two expeditions to the Church Polyana District committed and members of the Phenomena fraternal research team. But on the approach to the abnormal zone, the equipment faced the system, and then the researchers did not die.

Here is the story of the head of Nikita Group Tomina:

"So, in the afternoon of October 25, 2002, our search and research team went on two ghazas-66 from the village of Power engineering (fraternal district) towards the mysterious river of the came. After 3 hours, we met Farmer Vasily, who had already lived in the village on the banks of the coast. Naturally, all sorts of questioning about the "black cemetery" began on our side, but we learned little, and even disappointing news. It turns out that our unpredictable Siberian climate has given us a surprise, namely: on the new cowie road, even our all-terrestrial cars will not be able to get into non-freeze swamps.

Despite the hopelessness of the position, we did not want to retreat, moreover, we had interesting information. Even before the trip, Yuri, a member of our expedition, managed to talk to the hunter, who was industrially in those. Places and somehow came across the legendary libe place. This point of the terrain just coincided with our past calculations and corresponded to one of the outlined squares.

Therefore, with an excessive share of stubbornness, the expedition moved further towards Cove. However, late evening we were waiting for disappointing news: Local confirmed the previously said Vasily about the inability to get to the place. But it is good that we had the so-called plan "b", which was in checking the version of A. Bryukhanov. The fact is that Bukukhanov in 1952, together with a grandfather, discovered some kind of adolescent glade in these parts, which he called "Black Polyana". In addition, there is a hypothesis, "then, in fact," damn polls "are somewhat, at least two. In this regard, promptly and, maybe even spontaneously we decided to move on. But this section of the road was the most terrible in our journey, a terrible bodtanka (one of the members of the expedition even managed to break the edge). But still, thank God, in the first hour of the night we got to a small village, where they did.

Morning us met the frosty Siberian Sun, so a good attitude just tutured in the air. We decided to spend immediately examination of the village. Of course, the village is too loudly said. Three houses and a couple of Saraiov are the only "urban" element of this primitive place, although, apparently, representing a certain archaeological value. Everyone was filmed on the video and photowlight. Included the devices, but they were silent like fish, no magnetic perturbations or terrible emissions. But it is worth noting that my x-ray showed here much lower values \u200b\u200bof background radiation rather than somewhere else. Having finished our research activities, we worked in all-terrain vehicles and moved further.

By all the truths and few hours after 4, we still got to the stream, which was the last geographical guideline in the description of Brojanova, and, apparently, this place was to become our camp. A little snack, we "charged" their magic devices called JPS, "stuck" parking space, and divided into two groups. One group remained in an improvised camp, and the second moved into the forest along the stream of the stream, and although we had a walkie-talkie, we decided not to keep the connection between the groups.

After passing 2 km in this direction, the second group came across a strange dilapidated structure, located right on the stream.

A detailed inspection of the latter showed that this is an old water mill. She resembled a launched, overwhelmed wintering in a miniature version. Nearby, in the snow, we found several forged nails (these were still at the beginning of the 20th century). Also found a pair of nails of the modern sample, but in principle, too, quite old. Apparently, someone tried her to repair 30-50 years ago.

After inspecting the mill in the group, a discussion on the origin of this structure was broken. It was rather strange, because the nearest settlement is 5-6 km, and the mill is erected here in the forest wilderness. Perhaps the old-timers of these places at one time saw it appropriate to build the mill in this place and nowhere more that we, siblings of the modern city, could not notice. Leaving our find alone, the group moved further along the stream. We walked closely looking into the snow-covered forest in search of a strange, anomalous piece of terrain, trying to resolve almost a centenary riddle ... But only a sad silence of the Siberian Taiga was our involuntary satellite. The devices showed only standard, background values.

We did not notice how the beginning began to be measured, but our JPS talked about the sunset with an accuracy of the minute. With reluctance, it was decided to return to the camp. Why with reluctance? Yes, because everyone understood - tomorrow morning (on Sunday) you need to get home, since most of the members of our expedition must appear on Monday at work, and the road will be difficult and long. With you, we captured several elements of the mill design, in order to transfer them to the Bratsky Museum of Local Lore.

We returned home and summed up. On the one hand, the examination of the terrain indicated in the description of Brojanov did not reveal the presence of any abnormal zone, on the other purpose - this territory was examined by us not enough, therefore, by 100% of the absence of Pole Polyana in these places we cannot talk . Also on this expedition, we managed to find out that our summer calculations about the presence of the "Chertskaya Polyana" in two squares coincided with the story of the local hunter, which was industrial in those places. "

According to N.Tomina, the Anomalies "Chertste Polyana" are associated with the fall of the Tungusian meteorite. According to the stories of local residents, transmitting from generation to generation, then, in 1908, "a star fell from the sky" and the shepherds sent to seek her. On the way, they came across the burned site of the taiga with a hole in the middle near the road along which the cattle was raised. The road was later moved to three kilometers aside - feared that the cattle would wise up on the "Church cemetery" and would die, falling into the failure. But despite this, the cows continued to quickly graze in the usual places and, of course, did not pass the "devilish" glade. The mass death of livestock forced the residents of the nearby villages of Kostino, Cheba and Karamshevo move to another place.

In the late 20s of the last century, Zootekhnik N. Semenchenko became rumors. He quit in the pit in the center of the Polyana Bechovek with a cargo at the end. She went to failure for several tens of meters, but did not take it to the bottom. Semenchenko drew attention to the fact that the corpses of birds in the meadow lay only near the hole, and their meat was strange crimson.

In addition to the "meteorite", there is another version of the explanation of the phenomenon. In the 80s of the last century, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a member of the Commission on the Meteorites of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Viktor Zhuravleov, highlighted the hypothesis that under the "Black Polyana" slowly flared up an underground fire. The border of the Tungusian coal basin is held in the area. With a lack of oxygen, the combustion of coal is accompanied by separation of carbon monoxide, which does not have colors and odor, but poisoningly acts on living organisms. True, the withdrawal of carbon monoxide, alas, it is impossible to explain either the missing research cards or failing to the instruments.

And the geologists of the All-Russian Institute of Mineral Raw Materials, having studied the ancient geological structures, suggested that strange phenomena in the atmosphere after the Tungus explosion are not connected with any celestial body, but with a powerful emission of energy from the earth's immortal.

False lakes

Do not read the legends about Lyble Lakes and Ponds. They say, and people there are constantly drowning under mysterious circumstances, and the evil all is found. Perhaps in standing reservoirs and indeed some kind of special energy - the environment is closed! Judge for yourself...

Lakes zombie people?

On the shore of Lake Loch in Ireland (not to be confused with the Scottish "Loch Ness"!) You can see the ruins of pagan temples - once it was a cult place where bloody sacrifices were arranged. Nevertheless, in the era of the Middle Ages, the water was considered healing - his water was allegedly treated from leprosy and other diseases.

Now the lake enjoys exclusively bad glory. Here, with mysterious circumstances, people are drown. Somehow the fishing boat refused the motor. Although the sudine was made of light plastic, she quickly went to the bottom. All fishermen, except for one, managed to jump out of the boat. Their kneading comrade instantly disappeared in a water funnel.

Once, a certain Jack Callogen arrived here. Leaving his car on the street nearby by Antrim, he went on foot to the lake and, without undressing, entered the water. Without paying attention to the screams of people nearby, Jack, as under hypnosis, came deeper and deeper, until his head disappeared under water ...

According to the Irish researcher about "Haggana, closed reservoirs have a property of accumulating mental energy. But on the shore of Lake Loch, the pagans once prayed, worked their black things sorcerers ... Not to mention human victims! From here and" Destroy " .

Oh "Haggan took a test of water in the very place where Kallogen died, and passed for analysis to one of the research centers. It turned out that the composition of the liquid is normal, but it comes from it an incredibly powerful magnetic radiation. Little barcode is one of the researchers, We conducted an examination, soon without visible reasons committed suicide. Perhaps we are talking about the mental impact of the magnetic field?

Loch is not the only reservoir, characterized by such gloomy properties. In October 1994, Americans, and the entire civilized world, were shocked by the news of a terrible crime. Susan Smith, a young mother from Union, North Carolina, intentionally allowed her car to ride a boat jam in Lake John D. Long. Son Susan sown fastened with belts to the rear seat. Their mother received a lifelong prison sentence for intentional murder, but as it turned out, it was not the end of the story. Without a small two years later, with the same pier at the same lake, another car collapsed in which three adults and four children were sitting. At the same time, the car spontaneously rolled between Michael monuments and Alex Smiths, the juvenile sons of Susan. This spectacle resembled an episode from the horror movie. All seven passengers jeep drowned, one eyewitness tried to save them, but he died and died too. The investigation found that the car was standing on a manual brake.

According to the surrounding inhabitants, misfortunes occurred in a single reason: Lake John D. Long is enchanted. Of course, the judiciary does not take such explanations seriously and are not going to revise the case of Susan Smith. But the lakes, in which, in the mysterious circumstances, people die, there are, and they are dedicated to the very extensive section of the "magical" folklore and the supernatural literature.

One of the most infamous murder lakes is called Whitney. It is located north of Town Waco in the US state of Texas and, it seems, surpasses the maliciousness of Lake John D. Long. For many years now, in a row in Whitney, it is still rolling with gentlemen of the most diverse cars, and the number of drunks is steadily growing here. Police divers discovered several dozen (!) Machines on the ethaust day of the lake, but never found human remains. Many of the cars lying in the lake simply should not have risen there: their parking brakes were included, as in the case of Susan Smith car in North Carolina. Destinations of mention and the fact that during the Sader Parade in Kalvert (Texas) in 1974-1975. On the shores of Lake, Whitney landed two UFOs, leaving burned propellant on Earth.

The second in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country of the world, Canada, rich in lakes, who enjoy very bad glory. In June 1966, senior spouses and their teenage son went fishing to Lake Anion, located in an abandoned career of thirty-three kilometers north of the Tander Bay, Ontario province. Having arrived at the place and not getting there any living soul, the fishermen at first were delighted, but soon they became terribly. Suddenly the total darkness came. A frightening silence only occasionally was disturbed by a strange embossed, which, according to one of the few witnesses, was accompanied by a sharp reinforcing smell of steel processed by the emery circle. And then, to the horror of the parents, their fifteen-year-old son suddenly disappeared, or leaving under the water, or having failed under the ground or dissolved in the air. My father was called a boy for a long time, but did not wait for the answer. When the mysterious blades, which wrapped around the lake in broad daylight, dispelled, the parents saw her son, who appeared unknown from where, and terribly worried about, he said that he saw the "some round aircraft." The boy ran to him, but did not remember what happened later. Soon, Amnesia moved into a mental disorder, and the boy was placed in the hospital for mentally ill, but he could not heal.

"Sleeping Dragons"

African lakes NIos and Montoun (Cameroon) are surrounded by picturesque fields and hills. It seems nothing to foreshadows the tragedy caused by the unbridled forces of nature. Meanwhile, these such innocent people are constantly threatened by the death of hundreds of people.

Lake NIos is a crater of a volcano, sped five centuries ago. At the bottom of him, there was a magma that cooled and pressed under the pressure of water. The second lake - Montoun - is located 95 km south-east of Niosa. Due to the deep volcanic activity, carbon dioxide comes out through the pores outward, mixed with groundwater and falls into the lake. Gradually, this mixture is accumulated in the bottom layers. If something is disturbed (for example, a strong wind, landslide or earthquake), carbon dioxide begins from the solution. He literally shoots up. The gas cloud kills everything alive by many kilometers around ... So, in August 1984, 37 people died with a "explosion" of Lake Montoun. And on August 21, 1986, all residents (about 1,800 people), as well as pets, cattle and birds, and pets, livestock and bird were killed in the villages on the shores of Lie. The streets were literally littered with corpses ...

Meanwhile, carbon dioxide in the lakes continues to accumulate ...

In 1999, scientists from different countries arrived in Cameroon to explore a deadly phenomenon and try to take a threat from the population. However, the project for the purification of water bodies from poisonous substances has not yet been allocated.

Cameroonian lakes "Relative" on the territory of Central Asia. Alpine Sirez Lake, located in Tajik Mountain Badakhshan, is called a "sleeping dragon". The lake was formed in 1913, when, as a result of the earthquake, several mountain villages flooded with flooding. One of them was called Sarez, this name and gave reservoir.

Sareza lies at an altitude of about 3000 meters above sea level, and the volume of water in it is 17 million cubic meters. Water in the lake is so clean and transparent that from a high height you can see what color stones at the bottom. The lake itself often changes the color: in the dwelling days the water here is bright blue, into the cloudy - black.

Anomalous phenomena are observed here: at night, some sounds are heard from the reservoir, and if silence reigns here, people have an incomprehensible alarm state.

In addition, scientists talk about the danger of a landslide gathering - in this case, part of the territory of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan will be flooded with water, and the huge part of the population will suffer - at least 5 million people.

Similar information.

Damn cemetery

"Damovo Cemetery" - Polyana, located on a slope of the hillside, at the old road from Karamshevo (Krasnoyarsk Territory). It is known that since the beginning of the 20th century, people and livestock began to disappear in these areas, they said that there is a burning plot of land in the middle in the taiga, which becomes the cause of all disappearances and even deaths. After finding the shepherds "Libele Place", the road was transferred to three kilometers to the side, and on the old road, a peculiar pointer was left - the image of the trait and the arrow was cut out, indicating the direction to the glade. Polyana - a plot of scorched land about 200 meters in diameter - round, according to some, and M-shaped, according to other data. There is no consensus, on which shore should look for the melan, as well as there are no accurate data about the distance to the glade from Karamshevo.

One of the expeditions to the damn cemetery.

To search for "Chertskaya Polyana" took a large number of expeditions, but convincingly answered its location and character of influence on living organisms were received. Songs:

84 years ago, June 30, 1908 at 7 o'clock 15 minutes of local time, in the river basin, the River Tunguska, at the village of Vanavara, the explosion thundered. He caused many unique phenomena in nature, affecting a significant part of the Earth. Scientific expeditions have repeatedly examined the place of the intended fall, but the "culprit" of all these events so far and not found. In the history of the "Tungusian meteorite" (TM) is quite mysterious, incl. and testimony of witnesses about changing the trajectory of the Tungus object. Operating a hypothesis about the change in the trajectory of the TM movement was devoted several years of work and Vladivostok Upheological Group (Waugon). Based on testimony testimony that TM has changed its trajectory in the epicenter of an explosion of 90 degrees to the south, we approximately identified the possible place of falling the object - the Basin of the Angara River at Kezma. Three years ago, we learned about Tashkent physicists - the brothers of the Simon, developing the same hypothesis, and learned about their assumption that the TM's fall destination is the so-called "damn cemetery" by the river. The case was complicated by the fact that today nobody knew where the "damn cemetery" or "Libe-place" is located. Both in the history of TM and in the history of "Chertov Cemeteries", a lot of riddles. There are no living eyewitnesses, there are only stories about the "death place", in which there are many controversial data.

"Damn Cemetery" - Polyana, located on the rope slope of the hill, at the old road from Karamshevo. It is known that after finding the shepherds "Libele Place", the road was transferred to three kilometers to the side, and on the old road there was a peculiar pointer - the image of the trait and an arrow was cut out, indicating the direction to the glade. Polyana - a plot of scorched land about 200 meters in diameter - round, according to some, and M-shaped, according to other data. There is no consensus, on which shore should look for the melan, as well as there are no accurate data about the distance to the glade from Karamshevo. Beasts, cattle and people who visited the meadows died from the "heat", trees growing on the edge of the glade, are charred. After the publication in the "Youth Technique" in 1985, the articles about the "damn cemetery" search groups from the whole country rushed to the top, to search for clearing. The inconsistency of the legend of "death-place" led to the fact that the Polyan was looking for both the right and the left bank of the river, at the mouth and Karamyshevo, who was more than one hundred kilometers from the mouth. Five years of unsuccessful search, extinguished enthusiasm, and as a result, stopping searches. In 1990-1991 No one was trying to find the "Liberal Place" except Vladivostok Ufologov, who went to Bratsk to the Kova-91 expedition.

Participants of the expedition to the "damn cemetery" with the map of the area.

We got a lot of contradictory answers from people with the ability to foresee, we painted cards with the location of the "Chertov Cemeteries" and other abnormal zones, indicated not only where to look for, but also when and to which it was. There were undoubted luck. Thus, Vladivostok Psychic Olga I. Died Diamebinsky Lake in the form of a heart, although all sources claimed that it is an equilateral triangle. In Bratsk Turkluba confirmed - now the lake really looks like a heart. In these contact points, we really observed unusual phenomena. Of course, there were reports that were not confirmed, there was a frank disinformation, there were attempts to intimidate us and dissuade from the expedition. That is why, before going to the place, we very seriously worked all the information received and outlined the search route.

We lowered rafts on the top and the main, search part of our expedition began. The first basic camp we broke at the Karamyshevo village, where the right, and the left bank of the river were investigated, but did not find anything similar to the "Libe Place". Local residents arrived at these edges recently and do not know anything about the Polyana, so they had to be focused only on their own information. We have been equipped with utheological equipment of our own design: the determinant of electromagnetic radiation, the device for determining the chronical effects, the ionization sensors, but all the devices were silent and, turning the camp, we mooded to the mouth of the Chemba River, where the second base camp was deployed. It was here that later was subsequently, and the main finds were made.

Alloy on the Kova River.

Passing a day to 50 kilometers, we were able to examine all the "suspicious" places located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chemitba River and the Dechembinsky Lake, were able to test all the abnormal zones that Vladivostok contacts were reported.

Almost immediately we found a "white stain". It is a glade, about 25 meters in diameter, surrounded by a birch grove. All birchs located along the edges of the glades have bent their vertices to the center of the Polyana and formed as an arc, leaning until the earth itself. In such a position, the trees continue to grow, and some, reaching the top of the earth, are deeply deepened into it, and then, bent again, stretching the vertex to the sun. Such unusual trees are found along the shores of the cums everywhere, but for one, and here all the trees surrounding the glade grow so much. In the "White Spot" area, the devices showed the presence of strong electromagnetic radiation and, possibly, trees grow, therefore, under the influence of the power lines. It should be noted that the trees mutants were met precisely in places of strengthening electromagnetic radiation. What is the nature of this radiation? We can assume a hypothesis about the existence in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Levobasya Kovka preserved without the destruction of the "trunk" of Paleovoulkan, which operated several million years ago and leaving their "roots" in a layer of conductive magma. The energy of currents in the form of an alternating magnetic field will be carried out on the surface of the Earth. This assumption of the physicists of the Simonov we would have completed the assumption of the preserved "mines" in the barrel of the volcano. Closed on top of a relatively thin layer of land, such mines lead deeply under the ground. If a large object flew into the barrel of Palevulkan, how could TM could, could he "clean the mine and, accordingly, to strengthen the flow of underground fire destroying all the living? Among the stories about the "damn cemetery" there are many references to fallen animals. V.S. Salaagin (Agronom, the first began to study the glade) also found a well and tried to measure her depth, dropping down the coil with the thread. The Polyana action was activated during the fall of the TM (after the "Cleaning" channels?), And then gradually sleeping, although it continued to destroy all the living. While it is only our assumption that is not confirmed by the actual material.

Expedition "KOVA-91".

On the second day of work at the Chemitby River, we found an old road from Karamshevo. We can say that we are very lucky, and this luck continued the next day. Having passed about five kilometers from the crossing through a chemba, the ridge passing, on the slope of the hill we found a pillar. It is more correct to say the trunk of a tree, but with chopped branches and the top. It was carved "face" the feature: round small eyes, a long and thin curved nose, thick lips and horns, similar to the ears of the cat. The arrow above the image was much darker than the trunk and showed right from the road. The bark from the tree was completely sodran. Remembering the stories about the "damn cemetery", we suggested that we are on the edge of the glade. The sensor-determinant of the electromagnetic radiation was glowing with raspberry color, the arrow of the compass as a ship showed to the north and did not even hesitate. Among the legends about the "death place" there are such: going to the edge of the glades, people felt in the body a strange pain, as if they said goodbye to life. Not knowing what to wait from the meadow, I got off the road and went to the direction of the arrow only the head of the expedition. After a few meters in the body there was a feeling of lung tingling and increasing excitement. I had to restrict ourselves to these subjective sensations and, making several posts of the pillar, leave an unusual place as it turned out, this minute was enough to feel the exposure to the glade. An hour later, it began on the right side of the body, which was held for the last two days, knee joints were swollen and breakdown, and in the roots of the teeth there was a good pain, reminiscent of itching. It is possible that the glade here is not at what, and all these phenomena were caused by fatigue, or the straps of the backpack changed the veins. The next day, returning to the glade, we did not decide to once again proximize themselves, but we denied the Polyana to the treasures and left notes in cellophane packages raised on the trees. Notes with a description of the Polyana and its possible negative impact we left in the two nearest winterings. We did not have medical equipment and were able to conduct research in the hospital only on arrival in Vladivostok, on the spot they decided not to risk and return to the basic camp. And visually "damn cemetery" looked like ordinary glade - meters 30 in diameter, grass, moss, ordinary trees along the edges and fog near the surface of the earth.

A snapshot of one of the trees performed by the participant of the Kova-91 expedition.

So, summarize the expedition. The right and left bank of the river near the village of Karamyshevo are surveyed, the Chemba River and its surroundings are examined. An old, abandoned road from Karamshevo is found, a tree trunk is found with a drawn drawing and a pointer. Tested the exposure to the glade on the human body. Presumably, the Polyana found is a "damn cemetery." According to the description, the glade should be near the old road from Karamshevo, on the slope of the hill, next to the pillar pointer on which the image of the trait is cut out. All this is present in our case, but in one place we found, does not coincide with the classic description of the glade - there is no part of the scorched land and charred trees at the edges. Now there are no living people who could confirm or refute the fact of detecting the Polyana. We believe that Polyana could change: or the activity has decreased, or it "works" periodically, or adapted to unusual plants. You need a detailed study of the clearing to make sure that it is the "damn cemetery."

Sign left on a tree.

It was not possible to find evidence of TM and Polyana's communication, but it is also possible only in the study of the glade itself. There is a small forest in this area, but the reason for it could not be installed. Clear is clear: you need a serious study of the clearing. We fulfilled our task - an abnormal place was found, its study is the tasks of subsequent expeditions.

The damn cemetery (Chertova Polyana) is an abnormal zone in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This name is often confused with "damn paragon" or even share these concepts, although it is about the same thing.

Located approximately 400 km south of the explosion of the Tungus body and, probably associated with this phenomenon. The incomprehensible nature of radiation in the meadow is oppressed growing around the trees, cause headaches, a sense of fear of people and scare animals.

Eyewitnesses noted that on the very member of the T-shaped or round form, only the unbreaking corpses of the cows were imprudently shortened here. Here are their stories.

"On bare earth, there were bones and carcasses of taiga little animals and even birds. And those who hung over the palace branches of the trees were charred, as from a close fire ... Dogs, who visited the" damn cemetery "just a minute, ceased to eat, became sluggish and soon came up ".

"That year, (probably the end of the twentieth - the beginning of the thirties) when the events described occurred, there were little water in the hangar, and there was a need to overtake the collective farm herd of Taiga in Bratsk. Usually, the state of meat was carried out by water, that year it was impossible to the state. . In order to reduce the distillation, the path from the villages of the cameras along the river of the same name was chosen through the village of Wyar and Karamyshevo - so Bratsk is twice as much as along the banks of the hangars. The main task of the conductors was to protect the herd from the most dangerous creature of the taiga - from midge. If mosquitoes are afraid of smoke , then the midge in a pre-war time could be removed only by the tar, which, if you use it often, in the blood corrosive the skin of animals. Therefore, the parking lots were long, necessarily near the water. Evenings, to darkness, the herd was in the water, the outlook, by dew while Moshka did not wake up, launched in search of food.

One day, when the strongers were already going to turn to the east, to the hangar, when checking the herd did not have enough two cows. The assumption that the bear was imposed, disappeared - the dogs behaved calmly. And wolves were not found in those edges. Two of the brigade of the charter, including the narrator, went to search. After a while, they heard the disturbing dogs who ran ahead of the dogs, and, on the go, charging guns, hurried in the same direction. What was their surprise when they opened a clean, round glade, completely devoid of whatever vegetation. Dogs who have already ran to black land with a frightened squeal, pressing the tails, turned back. And at a distance of 15-20 meters from the last trees, on bare, as if the burdens of missing animals lay the burned land.

What happened stunned by the challenges. And the eldest, experienced hunter, who perfectly knew the local taiga, turns out, has already heard of this place. "Probably, this" damn cemetery "- he said, - it is impossible to approach bare earth - there is death."

Indeed, the round, about 200 ... 250 meters in diameter, Polyana, inspired horror: on bare land there are some kind of bones and carcasses of taiga little animals and even birds. And those who hung over the palace tree branches were vague, as from a close fire. The eldest rushing away from the gibe place. So they left, without finding out why everything is lying on this strange land. Gas releases typical of swampy locations, it was not felt here. The dogs, who were on the "damn cemetery" only one minute, stopped, there were, became sluggish and soon died. "

There is another message about the existence of the "Gibl Place" in the valley of the river of the came.

The upstream of the cow is "Libe Place": animals die there, for example, by chasting there. And even birds. The dead cows are squeezed from the glade - and it does not grow on it and grass - hooks on the ropes: everyone is afraid, you step on the place where they died. The dead cows are unusually red meat - the hunter claimed that he had never seen this. He was ready to hold doctors to the disastrous glade - it was only 7-8 kilometers from the village. However, the military situation did not allow the doctors there to visit, they were overloaded with work.

In 1984, those places visited an expedition that had a goal to find and explore the "damn cemetery." "The dry stream switched, then the stream on which the mill is worth. Immediately behind it begins to rise to the ridge. Passing through it, went to the descent (passed near a kilometer), the path broken the challenge. Before the root of the trail bypass. From the bypass trail left the way a well-stuffed pathway. Having passed on her near a kilometer, with the right country they saw the clearance, similar to the lumen of the cut. This is the "damn cemetery." Around the meadow - the curtain (Polyana sama is about 100 meters, not a round, but rather r - shaped. On the golden color of the surface of the earth, a rare multicolored moss is growing, very rare and small. Immediately for the Polyana, some stream is guessed - obviously, the influx of the river Kamcamybea ... The place itself is located on a small elevation. From the "Cheerful cemetery to Karamyshev no more than one and a half hours the go."

Unfortunately, the 1984 expedition could not get to the target. Whether the expedition took place next year that it brought, the materials about it in the press had not yet appeared. At least, all participants in the first expedition emerged solid confidence that the "damn cemetery" existed, at least in 1952. Whether it is now - judging by the above story, his activity fades - on empty, before, the earth is growing, and its size has become twice as fewer than in the twenties ...

Vitaly Petrovich Cech, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, suggested that in the case of an underground fire in a taiga could form "hot" glade, something like a large pan. The underground fire in the taiga is quite possible. Just burned here most likely stone coal. On the geological map of the area marked its outlets to the surface. And in general, unpretentious fuel wealth, which are not yet developed on Tungusk, are found. After all, when the heat fell and went raining, the fire UGAS itself, and in the spring, the glade thickets. And now this glade, no matter, not to find. It is not excluded, of course, the new warming of coal layers, and where this process will occur, new burnt stains may form, but not only "damn cemeteries". However, for this it is necessary to make a confluence, so to speak, many circumstances, which happens not often.

But strange things happened in the "cemetery" in the "Cemetery" area: Headaches begin, gradually overcomes the feeling of fear ... The burning of coal can be accompanied by the release of gas and other compounds, - continued Vitaly Petrovich .- If, for example, you can lie near such a place It will be easily "to eat", and well-being in those who are in the zone of a large underground fire will certainly be unimportant, and fear will naturally be ...

A. And S. Simonov so explained the features of the "Polyana of Death". Any animal is exposed to an action of an alternating magnetic field. From biology it is known that there is a limit for the values \u200b\u200bof the electrotock passing through blood, when it is exceeded, it is coagulated - "Electro-generation" occurs. In animals killed on the "Polyana", the insides were red, which indicates the strengthening of capillary blood circulation before death. And death fell as a result of mass thrombosis. The concept of an alternating magnetic field on the "Polyana" explains a lot: instantaneous impact, influence even on rapid birds, etc.

So, the mysterious glade has not yet been found. Researchers carefully process the data obtained and dream of new expeditions.

edited news MRS. Pan. - 28-11-2010, 18:55


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