White city of the monkey god. In the jungle of Honduras found the lost "city of God Monkeys

White city of the monkey god. In the jungle of Honduras found the lost "city of God Monkeys

Jungle Country. In search of the dead city of Stewart Christopher S.

"Lost city of the monkey"

Morrada was readycollapse the expedition when I noticed something interesting, standing on the top of a small cliff.

Travelers for hours, otherwise they wrapped around their machete, masting through the plexuses of Lian and prickly shrubs, and the summer rains watered them on top. They were exhausted from fatigue, hunger and disease and therefore were ready to stop the search for a lost city. Just turn around and go home, as everyone else has done to them.

But here he was in front of them. "He looked out of the jungle and was visible at the bottom, as on the palm," wrote a face later in the article for the Herest Sunday Journal American Weekly..

What was the first reaction of the face?

Maybe he closed his eyes, and then slowly opened them to make sure that he really sees these shut-off city walls in human growth, green hills, the blanket covered the ruins of everything that was behind these walls. Perhaps he just came across, gratitude to heaven for the fact that she still found these ruins, fell to his knees on the grinding land and kissed her to feel that she was still under his feet. Or maybe just for a long time stood and looked at the city, looking at all his details to keep this moment in his memory forever.

No matter how you behave my face with Brown, the diaries do nothing about it.

It was dark around, as in the cellar, because through fragile, high crowns of trees made their way only a few rays of sunlight. Perhaps travelers had to even pushing the eyes to consider the ruins, over the past centuries, covered with thick grass, mold, huge trees and liaans. There was nothing surprising in the fact that the city remained unopened so many years. Detect it and really could only be completely accidental.

Men entered the collapsile complex: "Using their machete, we found rude stone tools in the thickets ... The shards of the ancient utensils and sharp as a razor knives from volcanic glass." They discovered stones with images resembling silhouettes of monkeys. Having passed a little further, Morde and Brown "found walls, a little damaged, but not amented to the destructive lattice of vegetation."

At least one of these structures was a meter four in height and about a meter in width. It was a "man-made wall, built of thoroughly fitted with each other." Having studied her, Morda suggested that this wall, defended the ancient city from enemy raids, could reach ten meters in height.

While it was possible, they moved into the depths of the city and saw that some buildings were dissolved in the jungle completely, and others disappeared under the grass and lianami, turning into huge green mounds. These hills, according to Morde, were ancient buildings who have left underground showing that people who have once lived here are practically bare hands able to build grandiose facilities. "What were it for people? - he thought with amazement. - Who were the ghosts of these places? "

Inspecting the ruins of an ancient city, they suddenly heard the branches of broken branches above their heads. "A monkeys observed for us surrounding us with curiosity," wrote a face in his article. Travelers felt as if the monkeys caught them there, where they would not cost.

Where the face turned his head, everywhere I found all the new and new ruins, from which it was possible to conclude that the city extended for many thousands of square meters in all directions. "I have no doubt that urban buildings are hidden under the centenary earthy Savanov," he wrote with excitement.

Morda did not give rest one fact. Although the ancient civilization built its cities from the stone, all the Indians inhabiting in this region, say, Tavakhka and Pech, preferred to use wood and clay as a building material. "Was the Indians direct descendants of the mysterious people?" - I thought my face. And if they were, why changed traditional construction techniques? With the discovery of the city of riddles, it was only more, and the traveler could not find the answers on them. However, Nakhodka woven it, he again lit in it a spark of curiosity. After all, after dangerous journeys around the rivers excaving hiking along the jungle, sleepless nights, jaguars and everything else, he still found him ... Probably, he found that the same city, which in four hundred years he was looking for conquistadors. This discovery belonged to him and only him.

He called him the "lost city of God-monkey", and not a white city, as it was already called all the rest. For Morde, the new name served as a reminder of the legend living in Indian tribes about terrible "hairy people" who inhabited the depths of the jungle. In addition, he had a different motive: this name had sufficient sensationality to notice him and, most importantly, people remembered.

Morda did not indicate the exact datehis find. He wrote just that this happened at the very end of the journey when the men tried to leave the jungle as soon as possible. He did not record the exact coordinates of the founded ancient city. Most likely, this was done in accordance with the Hey Foundation's policy, according to which he initially followed the location of any major finds not to attract unnecessary attention to them. The face did not noted in his notebooks or latitude, no longitude of the place where at that moment was ... probably because he simply did not know them himself. Nevertheless, he still mentioned that the city stands in the upper reaches of the Powlya and Platan rivers, that is, inside the almost impassable section of the jungle, spreading on many hundred square kilometers in the eastern part of the country. "It was an ideal place to build the city, - he noted in written for American Weekly.article. - the background to him served steep mountains from all sides. "

Probably here is the face and invented to use the wooden staff taken on the expedition as a carrier of secret information. At some point, he cut out on four grandsons of the crop 33 set of figures: it was probably the coordinates and instructions, with which in the future it was possible to find the way back to the location of the lost city. Being well prepared from a professional point of view by a spy, he tried to make it so that no one can take advantage of these data besides him, that is, did not indicate neither the initial nor the end point of the journey.

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The Lost City of The Monkey God: A TRUE STORY
Chapter 5. I return to the city of the monkey of God to try to solve one of the few undisputed secrets of the Western World

Theodore Mord, a handsome man with subtle musty, smooth high forehead and sleek hair, combed back, was born in 1911 in New Bedford, Massachusetts, in the family of hereditary kitoboev. He dressed in the last fashion, preferred Palm Beach-style costumes, starch shirts and white shoes. He began the journalistic career yet at school - became a sports reporter of the local newspaper, then he took a radio journalist, speaking as an author and news commentator. For two years he studied at Brown University, and in the mid-1930s, newspapers on cruise ships were published. In 1938 he covered civil War In Spain as a correspondent and photographer. There is information that one day he swam the river, separated by the fascist and republican troops, as they wanted to describe the events that took place on both sides of the front.

Hayy encouraged the face to go to the expedition as soon as possible, and he, without losing time, immediately took up the preparation. He offered his former fellow worker, geologist Lorens Brown, go with him. In March 1940, when the war was already raised in Europe, Mordee and Brown left from New York to Honduras with a cargo of a thousand pounds, held from equipment and supplies. Hay officially called this company "Third Honduran Expedition". For four months, no news came from them. When two researchers finally announced, having visited Moskitia, the face sent Heyu letter with an amazing opening message - they did something that no expedition could do. This news was published in New York Times dated July 12, 1940:

Allegedly found the city of monkey god

Completed about the successful completion of the Honduran Expedition.

"Judging by the information received by the newspaper, it was written in the article - the expedition set the approximate location of the legendary" lost city of the monkey of God "in an almost inaccessible area between the Powelia and Platano Rivers."

The American public with greed swallowed this news.

Morde and Brown with a big pump returned to New York in August. On September 10, 1940, Morde gave an interview on the broadcasting company Si Bi-Es. It has its decoding, along with the notes made by the hand of the muzzle. Obviously, this text is the most complete reserved report on the find perfect.

"I just returned, finding the lost city," he said to the listeners. - We went to the area inside Honduras, where the foot of the researcher did not go ... We were hard to push the boats by Bagram, moving on robusts among the impassable jungle. When it became impossible to swim further, we started to cut our way through the jungle ... For a few weeks of such a lifetime, we were hungry, they got out of their strength and lost confidence in success. We were already going to surrender when I saw something from the top of a small rock, forced me to measure in place ... It was a wall of the city - the lost city of the monkey of God! .. I could not judge the size of the city, but I know that he went deep into the jungle and that There was no time about thirty thousand people in him. But it was two thousand years ago. Only covered land ruins of the walls were left where they stood at home, and stone foundations of buildings that were probably the majestic temples. I remembered the ancient legend, which the Indians told. She picked up that in a lost city worshiped as a giant statue of a monkey. I saw a huge bulk hill, crouched by the forest: when it will be possible to dig it, I think we will see the statue of this monkey deity. Today, the Indians living in the area are afraid of one thought about the city of Monkey God. They believe that a huge hairy monkey-like man lives there by the name of Ulaks ... In the streams near the city we found rich deposits of gold, silver, platinum. I found a facial mask ... She resembles a monkey face ... Almost everywhere the images of a monkey - a monkey of God ... I will return to the city of the monkey of God and try to solve one of the few undeveloped secrets of the Western world. "

The muzzle refused to call the coordinates of the city, fearing his looting. It seems that he hung this information even from Hey.

In another report written for the magazine, the muzzle described in detail the ruins:

"The city of the monkey of God is obscured by the wall. We found parts of the walls that the green magic of the jungle inflicted insignificant damage - they successfully resist the occurrence of thickets. We walked along one of the walls until she disappeared under the nanos of the Earth: there are all signs that huge buildings are buried under it. And indeed, under the age-old cover of the greenery still remained. "

"This is an unmatched place," he continued. - High walls are perfect backdrop. Near the waterfall, beautiful, like an evening dress in sequins. He sheds into a green valley, full of ruins. Birds similar to gems, flew from the tree to a tree, and curious monkey frosts were watched from a dense veil of foliage. "

He led long conversations with old Indians who talked a lot about the city - "information that is transmitted from generation to generation from those who have seen it with their own eyes."

"They said that on the approach to the city we will see a long staircase, built and paved on the manner of those found in the destroyed Mayan cities in the north. On the sides will stand the sculpture of monkeys.

In the center of the temple is a high stone platform, on which the statue of the monkey of God is located. Before the victims were brought there. "

The muzzle brought in New York many artifacts - actions of monkeys from stone and clay, its canoe, ceramic products and stone tools. Many of them are still part of the collection of the Smithsonian Institute. The muzzle promised to return to Honduras for the next year to "start excavating".

But this plans prevented the Second World War. Mord became an Uss agent UCS (management of strategic services) - The first United States Intelligence Service, created during World War II. On her basis, after the war, the CIA was created. And the military correspondent, and in his obituary it is stated that he was one of the conspiracy participants in order to kill Hitler. In Honduras, he no longer returned. In 1954, Morde - finally spoke after the divorce - hanged himself in the shower office of the summer house of his parents in Dartmut, Massachusetts. He did not say anyone about where the lost city is located.

The muzzle on the discovery of the lost city of the monkey of God was widely publicized and imaginated the imagination of both Americans and Honduranians. After his death, the location of the city was the subject of fierce disputes and guesses. Dozens of people unsuccessfully searched for the city, re-read the notes and reports in search of possible prompts. The subject of the desires of researchers was the favorite cane of the face, still stored in his family. On canes cut into four columns mysterious signs that look like directions or coordinates - for example, NE 300; E 100; N 250; SE 300. The inscriptions on the cane fully seen the attention of Canadian cartographer Dereter Parynt, which many years spent on travels on mosquito, making up a map of the region. He assumed that the figures on the cane are the coordinates of the lost city. In the course of his travels, Parynt created the most detailed and accurate of existing maps of mosquitors.

The last time of the search for the lost city of the muzzle belongs to 2009. Winner of the Puliser Prize, Journalist "Wall Street Journal" Christopher Stewart made a heavy journey deep into mosquito, trying to repeat the muzzle route. Stewart accompanied the archaeologist Christopher Runi, who dedicated to the doctoral dissertation of the archaeological objects of mosquito and examined more than one hundred such places. Runged and Stewart rose up on the river and in the upper reaches of the plane fee across the jungle to the ruins called Lancentillilla: they were left from the city built by the ancient people, who, according to Strong and other archaeologists, once inhabited mosquito. This city, known and earlier (in 1988 he was cleared and caused volunteers from the world building), was approximately in that area, where, as it was believed, the muzzle was visited, - at least as far as I was able to find out Runi and Stewart. The city consisted of more than twenty earthy hills, fastened four squares and, possibly, the stadium for the Meso American Mezoameric, or Mesoamerica, is a historical and cultural region (not to be confused with Central America), extending from about the center of Mexico to Honduras and Nicaragua. The term was introduced in 1943 by the German philosopher and the Anthropologist Paul Kirchhoff. Games in the ball. In the jungle, at some distance from the ruins, a white cliff was discovered, which, according to Stewart, was found from the distance to mistaken for the destroyed wall. Stewart published well-accepted readers a book about his locations - "Jungle Country. In search of a dead city. " The book turned out to be very exciting, but despite all the efforts were running around and Stewart, they could not find good confirmations of the fact that the ruins of Lansetileal are in fact the Lost City of Monkey God, found by the face.

As it turns out, the researchers almost three a century were looking for answers not in the place. Diaries of the face and Brown have survived in the face of the face. Artifacts were transferred to the Museum of American Indians, diaries - no. This in itself is a remarkable departure from standard practice, since such diaries usually contain important scientific information and belong not to the researcher, but to the institute that financed research. Until recently, the diaries were stored at the nephew of Theodore - David Mord. I managed to get a copy of the diaries that the Morda family in 2016 passed for several months to the National Geographic Society. Nobody read them there, but the full-time archaeologist kindly scanned the diaries for me, because I wrote an article for the magazine "Nashnl Giogrefik". I knew that Christopher Stewart saw at least some of the diaries, but was disappointed, not finding in them guidance on the location of the lost city of monkey God. Stuart suggested that the muzzle for security reasons did not indicate the coordinates even in their records. Therefore, starting to view the diaries, I did not assume that I would find something remarkable.

There are three diaries - two hardcover notebooks with a cloth cover, both under the "Third Honduran Expedition" title, as well as a small notebook on a wire spiral with a black cover, on which there is an inscription "Field notebook". Total volume - more than three hundred pages filled from hand, which contain a detailed report on the expedition from the first to the last day. Those diaries where all original pages are preserved, have no skipping: all days are described in detail. Brown and Mord, traveling to the heart of darkness Literary allusion on the famous story of Joseph Conrad "Heart of Darkness"., in turn, made entries in the notebook. Easy to read brown records made by rounded handwriting are mixed with the text of the muzzle, the letters in which are pointed and tilted forward.

I will not soon forget the feelings that felt when reading these diaries - first bewilderment, then distrust and, finally, shock.

It seems that Hay and the Museum of American Indians, and together with them and the American audience were deceived. Judging by the diaries of Mord and Brown, they had their own secret agenda. They were originally not going to look for a lost city, which is mentioned only once, on the last page, almost as an overtance of late thought and is clearly due to convious. This is the entire record:

White City

1898 - Powel, PlatanThe muzzle uses the English name of the river, which is in Spanish called the plane. (Note. Avt.) , Vampa - the origins of these rivers are likely to be near the city.

Thymoteo, Rosalez - one-eyed rubber miner, who made the transition from Paulaty to Plantan, - in 1905, still saw the columns.

This is the only record for hundreds of pages related to the lost city, in search of which muffes and Brown would be departed, so brightly described it in an interview with American media. They did not look for archaeological objects and only surfactant were interior. From the diaries it is clear that they did not find any ruins, artifacts or objects in mosquitors - no "the lost city of Monkey God." What did Morde and Brown do in Moskitia for four months, when they kept silence, and Hay and the whole world waited, while holding his breath? What goals did they put in front of them?

The decision to start searching for gold was not spontaneous. Cargo weighing hundreds of pounds included the newest gold mining equipment, including flushing trays, scoops, pickles, details of the gateway washing instrument for gold-containing sands and mercury for amalgamation. It is curious that the face, which could choose anyone in the assistants, invited a geologist, not an archaeologist. Brown and Morde went to the jungle, having detailed information about possible gold deposits along the streams and the tributaries of the Blanco River, and appropriately made their own route. It has long been rumors that this region is rich in apparent gold, which accumulates inside the pebbles Stone or pebble shallow on the river. And pits in the rods of water streams. The Blanco River proceeds with many miles south of the place where, as the muzzle and Brown stated, a lost city was discovered. When I recruit their diaries with a map, it turned out that they did not reach the Horders of the Powlya rivers or plane. Having risen along the Patuk River, they went around the mouth of the vamp and moved far to the south, where the Kuyamel River is poured into the package. At the same time, they never approached closer than forty-miles to the Powliai source area, the plane and the vampe - to the one, where, according to them, the lost city of the monkey of God was found.

Morde and Brown were looking for a new California, a new Yukon. They slipped through the pebbles and washed the sand on the "sign" - golden, - with crazy details counting the cost of each found golden grain. Finally, gold was found in the Ulak-Vaz stream, flowing into Blanco. American named Pearl (written in the diary) spent the flushing here in 1907. A resident of New York, a disturbed son of rich parents, he, however, preferred to spend time not on the washing of sand, but on drunkenness and a breakdown, and his father closed a shop - work was minimized in 1908. He left a dam, water pipes, valves, anvil and other useful facilities and devices that Mord and Brown repaired for their needs.

At the mouth of the Ulak-Vaz, Mord and Brown released all the Indian Conductor and headed upwards, where the camp "Camp-Ulak" was smashed - at the very place where Pearl worked. Three weeks - these were the hottest days for them - they spent in the hard work on gold mining.

They restored the old pearl dam to direct the stream into the sluice flushing instruments, where in the water flow above the corrugated surface and burlap were separated from the sand of heavier gold grains; Daily arrival was entered into a diary. Both worked like horses, mokley under the shower, patted the bites of clouds of mosquitoes and mosquitoes, each day was removed from the skin from thirty to fifty ticks and lived in constant fear of poisonous snakes that were everywhere. They ran out of coffee, tobacco, edible supplies. Most of the free time they were charged for cards. "We again and again discussed the prospects for gold miners," wrote the muzzle, "and they talked about the likely course of the war, asking for a question: was America already attacked her?"

They also built spotlights. "We found a wonderful place for the airfield," Brown wrote, "on the other side of the river. Perhaps we will break a permanent camp on this plateau, if you are able to realize your plans to life. "

But then the rainy season came to them with all the rage: Livni began with the roar in the tops of the trees and were left daily on Earth several inches of water. With each new shower, Ulak-Vaz swallowed more and more, Mord and Brown tried to fight the rising water level. June 12 there was a catastrophe. The tropical rain caused a flood, the stream spread, and the gold mining equipment was carried out. "Obviously, we will no longer be able to extract gold," complained about the face of the face. - Our dam is completely destroyed, like trough. It is best to get all the work as soon as possible and go back on the river. "

Morde and Brown left the plot, loaded trays, the remaining supplies and gold and with an incredible speed rushed down the swelling Ulak-Vaza. Moving Blanco and Kuyamel, they turned into a porter. In one day, they passed through the path of the distance, to overcoming whom two weeks left before, - then they sailed against the current, but used the engine. When they finally got to civilization - in one of the villages on the package there was a radio receiver, - Morde learned about France's fall. He was told that America "actually entered the war, and officially will happen in a day or two." Morde and Brown panicked at the thought of stuck in Honduras. "We decided to hurry and as quickly as possible to achieve the goals of the expedition." It is possible to argue about what was meant under these mysterious words, but it seems they understood that they would have to quickly come up with any legend and get an ancient artifacts for Hey, allegedly from the "lost city". (Up to this point in the diaries there were no references to what they found or taken out any artifacts from Moskitia.)

They moved further from the pappers released from the shores, swimming in the afternoon, and sometimes at night, and on June 25, Bruers lagoon (now - Brys-Laguna) and the sea. There they spent a week, already without a rush, because they found out that America is not going to join the war. The tenth of July, Mord and Brown finally got to the capital - Tegucigalpi. At some point between the two these dates, the muzzle was a fabricated report for his tenant of George Hay for his tenant, which lay on the basis of the article in New York Times.

Upon returning to New York, Mord repeatedly told the story of the detection of the lost city of the monkey of God, each time adding new details every time. Listeners liked it all. A rather modest collection of artifacts collected by the face and Brown was put into the museum along with a flat window, or a rolled canoe. From the diaries it becomes clear that they hastily acquired these items, coming out of the jungle west of Bruers's lagoon, near the coast. One Spaniard showed them a place where there were many vintage things. To find them, Americans had to do excavations. Probably, then they bought some artifacts from local residents, but there are no words about it in the diaries.

Morde and Brown did not attempt to hide their actions or invent any legend. It is difficult to understand why they left such a frank document that exhibits them with swells. Obviously, they were not going to show these records to their tenant or someone else. Perhaps they overestimated themselves, assuming that the find of fabulous golden veins would meet their actions, and therefore wanted to tell about all the offspring. The application for the discovery of the lost city may have been rapidly, but most likely, Morde and Brown were planned to report it from the very beginning to hide their true intentions.

Surely the following is known: many of the decades many wondered if the city found the city. Until recently, everyone converged that he probably discovered a certain archaeological object - perhaps even important. But the diaries prove that the muzzle did not find anything: his "find" was one hundred percent fraud.

What about the cane with mysterious inscriptions? I recently contacted Derek Perette, who studied several decades to Moskitia, studied the muzzle route, tried to decipher the inscriptions for canes. Parynt probably knows about the face more than any other, and, moreover, for several decades, he worked closely with the relatives of the muzzle.

For many years, David Mord sent a copy of the excerpts from diaries to the Parent, several pages of contractions. In one of the letters, Parynt informed me that the recordings of the city's detection were kept in the lost parts of the diary.

"What else lost parts?" - I asked.

Then the tricks of David Mord became obvious.

David Mord told Parent that most of the second diary was lost. According to him, only the first page has been preserved, a copy of which he sent Parent. The rest disappeared, - according to David Mord, it was in this part that a trip along the Powlya River to the city of Monkey God was described. Why did she disappear? As the Parent Mord explained, it could happen immediately after the death of Theodore Morda, when the British military intelligence ordered relatives to burn his paper, or at the time when the diaries lay in a warehouse in Massachusetts - there were raw and rats were raised there.

I was surprised, having heard it from Parya, because lost, according to David Mord, the pages actually did not disappear anywhere. I have a full copy of the second diary - all pages are numbered, intertwined and equipped with a solid cover. In the text, no date is missing, there is not a single seizure. Presumably lost part of the records from the second diary concerns only the time when the face rested in Bruers's lagoon, started a friendly relationship with local Americans, walked under the sail and caught fish ... and went to the day in a campaign to dig any artifacts.

What is this deception? It can be assumed that David Mord defeated the memory of his uncle or the honor of the family, but, unfortunately, we cannot figure out his true motives: it is serving a prison sentence for a serious crime. After David's arrest, his wife (probably herself does not understand what he does) for a while he handed the diaries to the National Geographical Society.

When I shared my discoveries with Derek Parent and sent him a copy of the whole second diary, he answered me by e-mail: "I'm in full shock."

Despite these frauds, the riddle of the cane did not disappear anywhere. After receiving a copy of the second diary, Parynt shared his new theory with me. He assumes that for canes, it is possible that the directions from the Camp-Ulak or the site, where it is located, to "places of interest". In his opinion, the muzzle found something and cut the directions on his cane, but did not put them in the diary. Perhaps it was about things so important that he could not entrust this information even a diary who led a couple with Brown.

Parynt took the data indicated on the canes and the relaxes of them with the card. According to him, the directions for the countries of light and distances correspond to the bends and turns of the Blanco River, if you follow the flow of it from the mouth of the Ulak-Vaz stream. He believes that the journey "along the banks of the river to the end item, now definite, has been recorded on the cane. The final item, as PARENT installed, is a narrow valley of 300 acres, according to which the Blanco River flows. This valley has never been investigated. Perhaps there is another promising deposition of apparent gold, to which Morde hoped to return later - most likely, without Brown. But it is possible that the location of another object representing interest is indicated on the cane. The mystery remains unsolved.

However, now we know that there are no classified coordinates of the lost city on the cane. In a diary record of June 17, 1940, made on the last day before leaving the jungle and arrival in a civilized settlement, the muzzle wrote: "We are convinced that no great civilization existed there. Important archaeological discoveries can not be done. "

It is not known whether to once be able to discover the Atlantis, the gold streets of Eldorado and the desired Mountains of Shangri La, will be able to detect the Ocean Bunch of Atlantis. After all, it is likely that these places are just a FMIF. But there are such ancient cities and attractions that were really lost in the depths of the centuries, and today they managed to find them.

1. Helike

Atlantis was not the only mythical Greek city, which sank under water. The city of Helike collided with the same fate. According to Greek myths, Helike was destroyed by the sidewged by the God of Poseidon after the locals expelled an Ionian tribe from the city, which worshiped the deity of the sea. In the rage Poseidon plunged the entire city under the water in one night.

Helike was destroyed in 373 BC, and for centuries he was considered a legend. And yet it was found. In the late 1980s, two archaeologists began searching for Helik, which they needed more than ten years of work. It turned out that over the centuries, the mythical city was buried underground, and destroyed his earthquake, as a result of which the city collapsed into a gigantic village.

2. Double

For Hindus Dvarak (or Dvark) - the sacred city. It was an ancient house Krishna, who lived on Earth 5000 years ago. Dvaraka was allegedly built by divine architects by the individual order of Krsna, who demanded the city from crystals, silver and emeralds. He also demanded that 16,108 palaces for his 16 108 queens were made in the city.

In the end, the city was destroyed in the titanic battle between Krishna and King Salva, which destroyed it with energy explosions. All this sounds like an ordinary myth, but when the archaeologists began to study the sea where Dwarak had to be, they really found the ruins of the city, which correspond to the description. It did not have 16 108 silver palaces, but it was a major ancient city with a clear layout.

There is reason to believe that the real tweak may have been built 9,000 years ago, i.e. is one of the oldest cities on Earth. At one time, it was one of the most loaded marine ports in the world. Then, in the second millennium BC, he plunged into the marine bunch.

3. Great Zimbabwe

At the beginning of the XVI century, Portuguese researchers began to report that heard legends about a huge castle in Africa. In the place that today is known as Zimbabwe, as the natives argued, was the stone fortress, towering over the trees. Local residents called her "Simbao", and even they did not know who built it.

One of the researchers wrote: "It is not known when they were created by these buildings, because people at that time did not know about writing, but they say that this is the work of the devil, because with their capabilities and knowledge they do not imagine that it was work man. " For centuries, the Europeans thought that Simbao was just a superstitious story. Then, in the XIX century, they really found this massive castle with stone walls with a height of more than 11 meters.

The castle was made in 900 AD. African civilization, which disappeared the century ago. Inside the fortress, relics were found from around the world, probably collected by trade with other countries. For example, Arab coins, Persian ceramics and even relics from the Chinese Ming Dynasty were found.

4. Ksanada

Marco Polo returned from China with incredible descriptions of the Empire of the Kublai Khan. The most incredible thing he saw it was Ksanada - the Palace of the Great Khan. According to Marco Polo, it was a marble palace, surrounded by a huge fleet of 26 kilometers wide filled with fountains, rivers and wild animals. Allegedly Han contained 10,000 white horses in Ksanada in the Golden Palace, protected by dragons.

The palace was destroyed by the Army Min in 1369, long before the majority of Europeans had the opportunity to see it. After centuries, he became the usual legend, which poets wrote about. However, when the archaeologists discovered the remains of the Palace of Kublai Khan, it turned out that Marco Polo did not exaggerate.

Khan's house was twice as much as The White houseAnd he was surrounded by a massive park in which it seemed to have ever been a bellish of wild animals from around the world. In each part there are pens for horses, and more - even there are dragons described by Marco Polo. These are statues installed on the poles.

5. Sigihiya

Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, in the V century, our era, King Kassapa built his palace on the top of the cliff 200 meters high. According to legends, it was one of the most incredible castles in the world. To enter, it was necessary to climb along a large staircase, which took place through the mouth of a huge lion of bricks and plaster.

But Kassapa did not live in his castle for a long time. Soon after the construction of Sigihius, Brother King Magallan attacked her. The casspa's army left him, frightened for his life, and his wives jumped from the cliff, crashing to death. Sigiriya was conquered and left as a monument to the narcissistic king.

Some time later, the castle was turned into a Buddhist monastery, and soon they forgot about him. When European archaeologists began to investigate this story, they learned that the castle really exists, like a large lion, guarding the stairs, through the mouth of which it was necessary to go to get inside. UNESCO declared Sigira to the eighth miracle of the world.

6. Leptis Magna

The large Roman city in Libya, who was once a major shopping center of the Empire, was completely covered as a result of a sandy storm. The city is called Leptis Magna, and it was a place where the Roman emperor Septimus Severus was born. He turned him into a gigantic city and one of the most important parts of his empire, but when Rome fell, Leptis Magna also fell along with the Great Empire.

He was plundered by the raiders, destroyed by the Arab invaders, was left in ruins and is completely forgotten, and in the end and buried under the drifting sands. Leptis Magna was under the sand dunes for about 1200 years, until the archaeologists found him in the XIX century. It turned out that under the sand the city was perfectly preserved.


In 1073 N. e. The German priest named Adam Bremensky appealed to the Danish king Sven Estrirdison. He told that the Vikings were overpowered by the Atlantic Ocean and found a distant land where the plants grew up without the slightest care. The cleric called this land WINLAND, because "the vineyards grow in themselves."

When the Vikings got there, they had to fight with the local natives whom they called Scrajlingers. These people, according to them, were dressed in white clothes and lived in caves. Winland was considered the myth of the Vikings over the centuries, even after the Spaniards reached America. And only in the 1960s it turned out that it was true. On Canadian acute Newfoundland, archaeologists have discovered the remains of the Viking settlement dated XI century.

8. Heraklion.

Heraklion is mentioned in almost every Greek myth. It was the city, from where Hercules first went to Africa. It was a place where Paris and Elena were hiding from Menels to the Trojan War. And scientists did not have the slightest idea where this city was located.

As it turned out, there was a reason why no one could find one of the most important ports of Egypt: it was under water. About 2200 years ago, heraklion was probably suffered from an earthquake or tsunami, after which she sank. Divers floating from the coast of Egypt, came across it in the early 2000s.

9. La Ciudad Pidida

About 1,300 years ago, the ancient people, called Tyroon, built an incredible city on the mountains of Sierra Nevada de Santa-Marta. It was created on top of the mountains allegedly on the orders of their God, who wanted Tyryon to live close to the stars. Louds lived there for 700 - 800 years, until Spanish conquistadors arrived. Although the invaders did not get to this city, local residents destroyed the diseases brought by Europeans.

When the last people died in the city, he was forgotten hundreds of years. Ciudad Piddid was discovered only in the 1970s, when a group of bandits pushing through the jungle, she accidentally stumbled upon him. For pure luck, they found an ancient, overgrown city, full of gold jewelry and jewelry figures. The criminals took care of them, which was able to, after which they sold artifacts in the black market than and talked attention to archaeologists.

10. La Ciudad Blanca

During his search for gold, Hernan Cortez, heard rumors that in the jungle of Honduras hiding a city with reasonable treasures. He was called the "white city" or "the city of God the monkeys." Cortez never found Ciudad Blanca, but the legend remained to live. As a result, the Archaeology group followed the path described by one of the most crazy people who argued that they found this place, and, to their surprise, scientists found the city in the jungle.

In the rainforest there was a pyramid built by a culture that disappeared 1000 years ago. Inside it was the mass of stone sculptures and an impressive architecture, which by the standards of neighboring nations would be considered signs of incredible wealth and power. Some people doubt whether the city really wrote about Cortes, but in any case, this is evidence of the lost civilization.

Although the archaeologists have discovered very impressive journalists of the head of the monkeys sculptures, dating back by the X-XIV centuries, the actual excavations have not yet begun. American and Hondurassic scientists documented only finds - 52 Stone sculptures sticking out of the ground. They did not inform the accurate location of the lost city, so that this valuable information did not know the "black archaeologists" and other illegal diggers.

It is expected that there are a lot of sculptures and artifacts in the ground. Therefore, it is possible to argue that the ruins of the legendary city of God monkeys are found or, as it is also called, a white city, it will be possible only after conducting the excavation. However, the head of the Expedition Christopher Fisher, an authoritative specialist in meso-American civilizations from the University of Colorado, believes that the chances of great. At least among the findings already made, the head of the monkey god, who seemed to worshiped the locals.

About the White Town It is known that it is in the impassable jungle of mosquito, terrain in the east of Honduras. In this area, many rivers, swamps and mountains, but people are extremely small. Therefore, probably, mosquitoes are very popular with drug dealers who are brought through her cocaine into the United States. In addition to drug dealers and "black archaeologists", even farmers represent the danger. According to Fisher, the pastures of their cows are at a distance of just 20 km from the ruins of the city.

Scientists who, in addition to Hondurassic soldiers, were accompanied by a journalist and a photographer from National Geographic, as well as two former British special forces, delivered to the site, cleared in the jungle, a military helicopter. "Our find shows that in the 21st century in our world there are still many discoveries in our world," said Christopher Fisher in an interview with the British Daily Telegraph. The scientist is the most significant at the moment considers the finding of the head of the hedgehogoard. Obviously, it was a shaman, which ancient sculptors perpetuated during the fulfillment of the rite when he began to turn into a predator.

About the ancient civilizations that existed on the territory of Central America before the opening of its Columbus, a little known. For example, in civilization that built the white city and without a trace disappeared, there is not even a name.

The news of the unique find in the jungle of Honduras commented on the "New Izvestia" an employee of the educational and scientific Meso American Center. Yu.V. Knorozova RGUH Dmitry Belyaev:

- The story with the opening of the so-called white city is a vivid example of how the modern press can inflate an event that is undoubtedly important for understanding the story, especially if this story, as in the case of East Honduras, is so badly known. But on the other hand, it is far from that sensationality, which the Western media attributed to it.

It is possible that the Honduranians were even a shame that there are many very famous ruins from the neighbors, and they have almost nothing. In the Damispan Time Honduras, although it was a rather developed region, but still was on the outskirts of mesoames. In addition, the eastern part of the country, where they are ruins, was weakly populated and then. At least there were no big cities there. The main ancient civilization in the territory of Honduras is located in the valley of the Motagua River. This is the famous Maya city - Copan.

Most likely, the White City or Ciudad Blanca is still an archaeological myth created in the first half of the XX century. Stories about lost in the impassable jungle ruins for Central and South America are not uncommon. It is enough to remember the most famous of them - El Dorado.

Apparently, for the first time about the White city, the famous American pilot Charles Lidberg was told, who, flying over the jungle in the eastern part of Honduras, saw blond ruins at thenime, possibly made of white limestone. The name was most likely invented by the ethnographer from Luxembourg by Edward Conzemius in 1927 and was used in the report by the Company of Americanists. Conzemius argued that not only heard numerous stories of the Indians about the ruins, but also saw the ruins made from white limestone.

In 1939, the adventurist Theodore Mord argued that he found the White Town, which he called the city of God monkeys. However, he refused to reveal the coordinates of the place and took the secret with him to the grave. In any case, serious archaeologists Theodore Mordor, who was more like Indiana Jones than on this scientist, did not believe.

By the way, the word "city" in the title is not entirely accurate, because no cities in our understanding of this word with the squares, streets and tens of thousands of residents in the east of Honduras never had, and the white city is no exception. In this part of the country there were tribes who spoke in a language other than the language of Maya, but who did not have written writing. It was the periphery of mesoames, which was not very interested in the Spaniards. Including due to a bad climate. Hence, by the way, the name of the region is mosquito.

About the tribes who lived there, and about their stories are known. Therefore, the find of the ruins of the White City will undoubtedly help shed light on it. And yet it is not worth exaggerating its importance and the more sensationality. Now it remains to carry out real excavations. Obviously, archaeologists will return to the White city next year. Soon the rainy season begins, the excavations are usually held in January-March in these edges.

Two years ago, a study was conducted by the dense jungle of Honduras from the air. It was attended by scientists inspired by local legends about the lost ancient city. After that, the news was rapidly spread that archaeologists found La Ciudad Blanca (White City, known as the Lost City of God Monkeys). A ground expedition was recently completed, which confirmed that the aerial photograph really showed the traces of the disappeared civilization. Archaeologists discovered extensive squares, earthworks, mounds, earthy pyramids and dozens of carved artifacts belonging to mysterious culture, which is almost unknown. /website/

Legends about the lost city

La Ciudad Blanca is a mysterious city, located, according to legends, in virgin tropical forests of La Moskitia in East Honduras. Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortes reported that he received "reliable information" about the ancient ruins, but did not find them. In 1927, Pilot Charles Lidberg said that, flew over the eastern territories of Honduras, saw monuments built from white stone.

In 1930, rumors about the city of God monkeys appeared in Honduras, who was equivalent to Ciudad Blanca, and in 1939 theodore Marded claimed that he found him, and brought thousands of artifacts to the United States to prove it. According to Morde, the indigenous people told him that a giant statue of the monkey god was buried there. He did not show anyone exactly the exact location of the lost city, because he was afraid that he would be plundered. Morrad intended to return there for excavations, but died without reaching his goal.

In 1952, the researcher Tibor Sechkin went to search for a white city, the expedition financed the Ministry of Culture of Honduras, but he returned with empty hands. Studies continued, and in 2012 the first significant discovery was made.

Aerophotus shows man-made structures

In May 2012, a group of researchers headed by the film documentary Steve Elkins conducted an aerial photograph in La Moskitia, using remote sensing (lidar). Scanning showed the presence of artificial characteristics, all media reported on the possible opening of the lost city of the God of the monkeys. In May 2013, an additional laser analysis showed the presence of large architectural structures under the woods of the forest. It is time for terrestrial intelligence to confirm the results.

New expedition confirms the existence of ancient ruins

The team of archaeologists under the leadership of Christopher Fischer, an expert on mesoamer from the University of Colorado, who had just completed the ground examination and reported the exciting news. They found an extensive complex of earthy pyramids, irrigation canals, reservoirs, mounds, stone sculptures, preserved intact, as the city was abandoned by several centuries or even thousands of years ago.

"Unlike neighboring Maya, this culture remains almost unknown," writes National Geographic. "Archaeologists did not even give her a name."

While the team found 52 artifacts, which spoke out of the ground, including stone ceremonial facilities, vessels decorated with zoomorphic figures. Archaeologists believe that thousands of artifacts may be buried under the surface.


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