The program is a plot of gambling addiction. gambling addiction

The program is a plot of gambling addiction. gambling addiction

Gambling addiction, gambling addiction, gambling - addiction or, in a simple way, gambling is a kind of mental addiction. The need for gambling completely covers the moral and family values \u200b\u200bof a person. Therefore, the treatment of gambling addiction is a psychotherapeutic method that allows a person to return to normal life.

Gambling addiction is one of the most ancient addictions, which appeared simultaneously with the invention of gambling. Today she has moved to the virtual world and has become fundamentally younger.

They immerse themselves in gameplay since kindergarten. Do not think that illness only leads to the ruin of the addict and his family. He begins both mental and physical changes in the body, requiring timely treatment.

The main reasons, motives, traits that give rise to addiction

Physicians and researchers in the field of addiction treatment today identify three main reasons for the emergence of this massive disease. It:

  • boring and ordinary real life;
  • psyche, "broken" in adolescence by gameplay and social networks;
  • problems of a sexual nature.

The development of the disease occurs due to the motivation that has developed in the mind of a person.

The character and personality traits motivate a person to play, transforming him from a gamer suffering from addiction into a real casino player.

There are many such features, but several of the most widespread ones stand out.

  • Lack of communication and isolation. A gamer with the help of the game, as it were, compensates for his failures in real life.
  • Stinginess and thirst for "easy" money. Getting the first prize motivates the person to do it all the time. In this case, it does not matter whether there is a win or not.
  • Laziness. Unwillingness to make money in real life, but get it on the game. An irresponsible and lazy person can become a gambling addict in a short time.
  • Dissatisfaction makes a person plunge into all the "grave". Manifesting himself in the game, a person is not able to show his talents in life. Only professional treatment will help to change the situation for the better.
  • Heredity. Often, parents suffering from alcohol addiction give birth to children predisposed to the disease. This, of course, is not a decisive factor, it all depends on the personal characteristics of a person.
  • Pathologies associated with the psyche. People suffering from psychological disorders and committing rash acts can become addicted to the game.

How to recognize a gambling addict: don't miss the first signs

Dependence on a real or virtual game takes place in stages. You can determine the stages of the dive. This requires careful observation of the person. Experts identify three stages in the development of addiction. It:

  • the initial level, when a person is just developing a desire to play - of course, there is no pronounced aspect of addiction, but the duration of gaming entertainment increases every day. Treatment at this stage will be most effective;
  • the level of struggle between consciousness and subconsciousness is a period when it is already difficult to resist desire, but still, a person still has a question whether it is worth playing;
  • the final period, when a person is no longer able to control his mind - the desire to play exceeds all permissible norms. Treatment is necessary to avoid fatal consequences.

If a gambler (a gamer or a real player) has reached the third level of addiction, neither he nor his family can cope with the addiction. All efforts will lead to only one thing - torment and return to the next "dose".

The addict himself is unlikely to agree to voluntarily undergo a course of treatment for gambling addiction, and therefore his family and friends are recommended, without delaying or postponing the matter indefinitely, to apply for professional psychological influence or compulsory treatment of gambling addiction in a specialized institution. Our experienced specialists will accept your request by phone or online at any time of the day, and will begin the difficult and lengthy process of restoring the gambling addict's personality.

The inevitable consequences of continuing the game

If a person who has fallen into the clutches of addiction has not yet reached the second stage, he will be able to cope with the disease on his own. At the second stage of the development of the disease, he is hardly able to resist the pernicious attraction, and therefore the intervention and help of relatives are urgently needed. Try to shift his attention to other, fascinating objects and phenomena, for example, chatting with friends, recreation, hobbies, or travel.

If at the second, and even more so, the third stage, you cannot change the situation, you need professional treatment. Otherwise:

  • the dependent person will gradually lose all his social connections and position;
  • he will begin and deepen conflict situations in the family and at work;
  • serious financial difficulties will gradually arise, debts will appear;
  • a consistent and inevitable degradation of the personality will begin.

Gambling addiction treatment: a special approach to problem solving

The flow of old and new game addictions forces the specialists of our center to constantly work on creating more and more unique methods of treatment. All our efforts are aimed at effectively solving the problems of any addicted patients - both those suffering from gambling addiction and all other addictions

The result of gambling addiction treatment

The clinic works with people suffering from addictions throughout Russia. The center invites patients to solve the problem using individually selected methods. The course "treatment of gambling addiction" involves:

  • complete personality reconstruction;
  • changing the thinking of a dependent person, restoring it to the norm of life;
  • treatment of gambling addiction and overcoming pathological processes occurring at the physical and psychological level.

"Vita Clinic" is one-to-one lessons, multiplied by a unique psychotherapeutic training in groups.

These are mini-communities of people with the same problems.

Their communication with each other, solving the same problems helps to get through the course of treatment for gambling addiction faster and more efficiently. The desire to help each other makes the process more cost-effective.

The team of our center is:

  • experienced psychologists and narcologists;
  • professionals in love with their work;
  • people with a narrow profile specialization, with vast practical experience, who know all the complexities and subtleties of communicating with patients.

Attentive and tactful doctors of the center will help to organize treatment of gambling addiction confidentially and with full responsibility. The effectiveness of our technique has been proven over time. She invariably helps people to overcome all the difficulties of the rehabilitation period.

Topic: training on the prevention of gambling addiction "Stop gambling addiction"

Goal:to form among the training participants a negative attitude towards gambling


- to expand the understanding of the harmful effects of gambling on the human psyche;

Foster a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

Achieve understanding between the training participants.

Equipment:whatman, felt-tip pens
Training progress
Exercise "You and I are similar in that ..."
goal: to get to know each other, to get to know each other, in order to find friends with the same interests.

Exercise progress: participants line up in two circles - internal and external, facing each other. The number of participants in both circles is the same. The participants of the outer circle say to their partners on the contrary a phrase that begins with the words: "You and I are similar in that ...". For example: that we live on planet Earth, study in the same class, etc. The participants of the inner circle answer: “You and I are different in that ...” For example: that we have different eye color, different hair length, etc. Then, at the command of the leader, the participants of the inner circle move (clockwise), changing partners. The procedure is repeated until each member of the inner circle meets each member of the outer circle.


  • What emotions did you experience during the exercise?

  • What's new about others?

  • What interesting things have you learned?
Acceptance of training rules, assessment of the level of awareness

The facilitator briefly announces the rules of work and explains their meaning. The rules are as follows:

1) only the presenter can interrupt the speaker, none of the participants

interrupts a speaking friend;

2) the person who wants to speak raises his hand and answers when the presenter allows him;

3) when criticizing - offer;

4) not give ratings to other participants;

5) all personal information provided during the training is closed.

Today's training, I would like to start with verse lines (reads): "We live something without excitement, monotonous, as in the ranks, do not be afraid to throw everything on the map and change your life ..."

These are the words of a song from the Soviet film "Station for Two". In Soviet times, these lines sounded like a call to get out of boring everyday life, to believe in luck, in the possibility of happiness. And in our time these words sound like a terrible mockery. More and more people are desperately throwing everything at stake, literally breaking the lives of themselves and their loved ones, becoming slaves of excitement. We devote today's training to the problem of gambling addiction.

The facilitator asks the group to answer the questions:

- Have you ever been to a casino? Have you placed your bets?

- Who has experience of dealing with slot machines?

- Have you ever won? How many have you lost?

- Do you have friends who are passionate about the game?

- Have you had to restrain your passion for the game?

(Discussion in progress)
Crossword on the word "Gambling"
The word "gambling addiction" is written vertically. For each letter it is necessary to select verbal associations that are generally associated with the word "gambling addiction":

And (game ...)

G (sadness ...)

R (risk, frustration ...)

Oh (deception ..)

M (cars, torment ...)

A (automatic ...)

N (laptop)

And (hysterics, exhaustion, exodus ...)

Each association can be spoken with comments: “How does it relate to the reality of gambling addiction? What is behind this word in the player's life? " After that, you can make a table with two columns: positive associations are recorded in the first, negative associations are recorded in the second, and then a comparative analysis is made by quantity. In any case, there are much more negative associations.
Test "Are you a gambling person?"
Let's try to find out how gambling are you? To do this, answer the test questions (Appendix # 1) Training participants answer the test questions, calculate the number of points they have gained.

Game "Atoms and Molecules"
A small initial adjustment is needed: the group is asked to close their eyes and imagine that each person is a small atom, and atoms, as you know, are able to combine and form molecules that are fairly stable compounds. This is followed by the words of the leader: “Now you will open your eyes and start a disorderly movement in space. At my signal (the signal is being negotiated), you will unite into molecules, the number of atoms in which I will also name. When you're ready, open your eyes. " Participants begin to freely move in space and, having heard the signal from the leader, unite into molecules. Having moved for some time with a solid compound, the molecules again disintegrate into separate atoms. Then the presenter gives a signal again, the participants unite again, etc.

If the last number of atoms in the molecule is five, then the exercise is a good way of dividing into groups for later work.
Role-playing game "Victims of gambling addiction"
The training participants are divided into 3 groups. The groups need to come up with situations on the topic "Victims of gambling addiction", within the group the roles are distributed: "player", "player's wife", "player's son", "player's parents", "psychologist", "policeman", etc. , discussion.
"What advice can you give to those who want to quit playing?"

The facilitator selects the most interesting tips and reads them out. He talks about where and to whom you can turn for help (psychologist, psychotherapist).
Completion ritual. Exercise "Weather forecast ..."
Instructions: Take a sheet of paper and pencils and draw a drawing that will suit your mood. You can show that you have "bad weather" or "storm warning" now, or maybe the sun is already shining for you.

The training participants will present their drawings.

Outcome: training participants fill out the table, note the degree of agreement or disagreement with these statements.


I completely agree

I partially agree





During the training, I gained a lot of new information on the training topic.





During the training, I felt comfortable.





The information obtained during the training will be useful to me in the future.





I will definitely share the information I received with my friends.





Homework:come up with 5-7 slogans urging players to quit this activity.

Lesson number 3
Topic: training on the prevention of alcohol and beer addiction "The choice is yours!"

Goal and tasks:

Introduce the group to the training rules;

Unite the group, revive the atmosphere in the group;

Show the harmful effects of alcohol abuse;

Form a position of conscious choice in relation to alcohol;

Reveal the level of awareness of socially negative phenomena

Equipment:whatman paper, glue, pens, marker, scissors, A4 paper, magazines, badges.

Course of the lesson
An exercise "Snowball»

Purpose of the game: acquaintance and memorization of the names of all participants in the game.

Rules: participants in a circle call their names as follows: each participant calls his name and comes up with a word on the first letter of his name that characterizes him.

For example, Lena is affectionate; The 2nd participant says the name and characteristics of the first and names his own - the name and characteristics; The 3rd names the names and characteristics of the 1st and 2nd and names his own, etc.

Recommendations to the host: it is necessary to clearly explain the conditions for performing the exercise, and also to participate in the game yourself (time: 10-15 minutes.)
"Our group rules"
After the names have been chosen and the first acquaintance has taken place, you can begin to study the basic rules of social psychological training. Each group may have its own rules, but the ones below can be considered basic, the most typical.

Recommendations to the host: after telling the rule, it is necessary to collectively discuss it, and only in the case of one hundred percent acceptance by the members of this group, it is accepted. It is necessary to focus on the fact that you cannot break the rules adopted by the whole group. You should also discuss the possible punishment for non-compliance with these rules. After the leader tells the rules, the group members can propose their own rules, which are also accepted only if all group members agree with them.

Confidential communication style. In order to get the greatest return, to build trust between the members of the group, it is necessary to propose to adopt a uniform form of addressing each other on "you". This psychologically equalizes everyone, including the leader, regardless of age, social status, life experience, etc.

Communication on the principle "here and now"... During the training, it is necessary to talk only about what worries the members of the group right now, to discuss what is happening to them in the group. Otherwise, as a manifestation of psychological defenses, there may be a desire to go into the area of \u200b\u200bgeneral reasoning, to discuss events that happened to other people, etc.

Personification of statements. For more frank communication during classes, we refuse impersonal speech, which helps to hide our own position and thereby avoid responsibility for our words. Therefore, phrases should sound exactly from oneself (for example, "I think that ..."), and also, there should not be without targeting (for example, not "Many did not understand me", but "Vasya and Kolya did not understand me") ...

Sincerity in communication. During the work of the group, it is necessary to tell only the truth. If there is no desire to speak out sincerely, it is better to remain silent. This rule means openly expressing your feelings in relation to the actions of other participants and to yourself.

Confidentiality of everything that happens in the group. Everything that happens during the class is not disclosed. It helps to be sincere, promotes self-disclosure.

Inadmissibility of direct assessments of a person. When discussing what is happening, we do not evaluate the participant, but only his actions and behavior. We do not say “I don’t like you!”, But “I don’t like your demeanor!”.

Respect for the speaker. When one of the comrades speaks, we listen to him carefully, giving the opportunity to say what he wants. We don't interrupt, we don't comment, and questions can only be asked after he has finished speaking.

Active participation in what is happening. This is the norm of behavior. We actively watch and listen. We do not think only about our own "I". Only a person who actively participates in the work of the group can take something for himself.

Rule "STOP". If someone cannot at this time talk about a problem, is not ready, then he can refuse it by saying "stop". You just need to take full responsibility for this: the group will not be able to help this person.

Exercise "Wish the group for a day"
Participants sit in a circle: the coach is holding the ball. Let's start our work by expressing our wishes to each other for today. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to whoever you want to wish and at the same time say this wish. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wish for today. We will make sure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.
Warm-up exercise "Japanese butterfly"
A player is selected from among the participants who will use the role of "Tori" ("bird" in Japanese). All others are butterflies. Tori stands with closed eyes and outstretched arms in the center of the circle, his hands open, palms up. Butterflies go in a circle around Tory. From time to time, one of the butterflies stops in front of Tori and lightly touches his palm. Tori tries to catch this player's hand. Once the butterfly is caught, it stands in the center of the circle and turns into Tori.
Exercise "Treasure Hunter"
The group is divided into subgroups of 3 people. In an educated group, the participants choose one person who will look for the treasure, ask all the treasure hunters for a while to leave the room. The rest are explained the rules of participation: “You have 2 people left for the group, now you need to determine for yourself who will perform the role” of “Good”, and the other “Evil”. After that, you must hide any treasure without leaving the class.

The task of "Good" is to lead the treasure hunter to the treasure, and the task of "Evil" is to lead away from the treasure. Moreover, touching the treasure hunter is prohibited.

After that, the conditions for the treasure hunters who are outside the door are explained. "Now you will go into the office where your groups are waiting for you, and one plays the role of" good "whose task is to lead you to the treasure, and" Evil "" to take you away from the treasure. Your task is to find the treasure. Whom you believe, for that and go. Good luck!".

For the facilitator: in the process of finding the treasure, it is important for the facilitator only to direct actions upon request, but to exclude any prompts. The guys themselves need to decide on the choice.

After the game, reflection in threes. Possible questions are, “By what attribute have roles been identified? "Was it difficult to choose?"

Exercise "Feelings"
Participants are encouraged to recall a situation when they interacted with a person who abuses alcohol or drugs. Within 5 minutes they share this experience with each other in pairs, while one talks during this time, and the other listens attentively, then the roles change. After that, in the general circle, a list of the feelings that the participants experienced when they told and when they listened is compiled.
The analysis of feelings helps to realize how much we are personally involved when faced with the problem of addiction of another person.
Exercise "Talking Nasty"
The group is divided into two teams, the participants sit opposite each other. Each couple that received says nasty things to each other in turn. Anyone who hears disgusting should respond to it with a compliment.

The main condition is to speak evenly, calmly, refer exclusively to “you”, add “sir” or “madam”.

For example: “You are a fool, sir,” “Thank you, madam, you know how important it is for me to know your opinion,” etc.

A penalty point is received by the team whose participant could not stand it and sharply responded to the muck.

After the game, a discussion is held: was it difficult to keep within the bounds of decency, in which cases such restraint is justified, and which ones should not be restrained. Volunteers can discuss in which situations related to their work, such patience is required, etc.
Exercise "Squaring a circle"
Participants split into fours, each team receives a cord (the longer the cord, the more difficult it is to complete the task). The task of the team is to fold a square out of a cord, the vertices of which are held by 4 participants. In this case, the eyes of the players are closed, but the team members can talk to each other. When a team decides that it has completed the task correctly, its players can open their eyes and evaluate the result. Teams can also evaluate the work of other groups.
Exercise "Why do people drink alcohol?" (brainstorm)
It is proposed to speak freely about the reasons that induce a person to drink alcohol. The presenter records the answers on a sheet of whatman paper as they arrive, encouraging all participants to be active. At the end, a summary and generalization is summarized, the question is asked about what was difficult, whether any discoveries were made.

During the discussion, it is advisable to pay attention to what human needs are supposedly satisfied with the help of alcohol and whether there are other ways to achieve the same effect.


1. What are your feelings before and after the training?

2. What needs does alcohol satisfy?

3. Why did you decide to become a volunteer?

In relatively recent 2016, the Sun went berserk and roasted several times stronger than usual. In a couple of years, scientists promised, it will finally approach the Earth, after which a natural hell will happen: all living things will perish and our planet will turn into a pool filled with hot lava.

To survive in such difficult conditions, people must urgently emigrate somewhere far away. The only problem is that there are no planets suitable for life, and so that humanity does not die out somewhere on Mars, a corporation under the mysterious name "A.Kh." invented a miraculous vaccine. It causes cunning mutations in the human body, after which he can live peacefully in the conditions of Mars. The only trouble is that the vaccine acts for a certain time, after which it is necessary to re-enter the rescue dose of the mutagen. The said corporation realized how much money could be made in such a dramatic situation. Now "A.Kh." threatens to take the whole world by the gills, for which she even eliminated the pilot, who, according to rumors, found a second Earth, where people could live without any injections. At this very moment, the main character, Frank, comes into play. He was instructed to break into the office of "A.Kh." and nagging sharks of imperialism. Welcome home.

For Parallax Arts Studio(in the combat account which is creepy in every sense "Liquidator 2"and mediocre "Utopia City") "Exodus from Earth" - a real breakthrough. This is perhaps the second after " Eastern Front»Russian shooter in which all the necessary genre attributes really work.

Game situations are standard here, and the gameplay is older than the Egyptian pyramids. Throughout the game, you rush along the rigid rails of the plot, levels and scripts. Of course, there is no interactivity and freedom of action. Enemies pour out in a crowd when the trigger is triggered, enemy helicopters appear in a strictly defined place, and the plate that interferes with the passage cannot be smashed with a well-aimed shot from a rocket launcher - please be kind enough to find a cleverly hidden button in order to move the structure with a crane.

Today, of course, all this looks like a terrible anachronism, but "Exodus from Earth" is played unexpectedly cheerfully. To unpretentious technomelodies, we rush in a straight line, sowing fire and death. Enemies fall out five or six at a time, so that a perky show turns out: we mow two of them with well-aimed bursts from a machine gun, we finish off the rest with a well-fired grenade, we fly into the next room with a hoot, where the situation repeats itself. Sometimes, at the behest of scripts, the game shows a dramatic scene from Frank's life or something explodes.

The furnishings are made of reinforced concrete, so you won't be able to break even a littered TV. But in "Exodus from Earth" there is a lot of blood, dismembered, and the explosion of a grenade causes an attack of natural happiness. Plus, by the middle of the adventure, a powerful armored personnel carrier will be at your disposal.

The secret to fun lies only in continuous action. As soon as the game slows down a little, it gets bored. Inexperienced design work led to the fact that at many levels you can easily get lost, and then look for a way out for half an hour. It is far from always obvious what needs to be done to go further: the creators stingy on hints, so you have to poke through every door you come across and press all the buttons in a row in the hope that some of the decorations will still work. The final chords of the game generally make you cry: when you have to wander through the endless dim labyrinth for a long time in the hope of finding a way, your nerves simply cannot stand it.

* * *

Despite the fact that "Exodus from Earth" functions on the mechanics of the day before yesterday, the game still manages to captivate. Skirmishes, if you don't think about it, are pretty well set: other people's limbs regularly fly off in different directions, the car is easily controlled. By the standards of Russian shooters, Exodus from Earth is still a tangible step forward. There is no talk of any serious competition with Western colleagues, but the mandatory program of three years ago has finally been worked out.

Replay value- no

Cool plot- no

Originality- no

Easy to learn- Yes

Justification of expectations:70%



Sound and Music: 7.0

Interface and control:7.0

Wait?Russian shooters are slowly but surely evolving. "Exodus from Earth" does not at all resemble a nasty parody of strong Western action games three years ago. He is just at their level.

"Above average"

Gambling addiction

Gadget addiction (gadget addiction).

Gambling addiction treatment in Kaluga

All these forms of gambling addiction require treatment and the sooner the better.

In general, or getting rid of gambling addiction (let's call this process deliverance, since medication is not used to treat gambling addiction) -

it is a process aimed at getting a person out of the virtual world, out of his "box".

into the world of reality, thereby defeating addiction to gambling.

We ourselves do not notice how we come up with a world in which we are comfortable, where it is pleasant to be, which meets our needs.

Treatment of gambling addiction of the first group - treatment of computer addiction, a complex process.

It may not be difficult to snatch a person out of his "box", but teaching to live fully in the real world is a difficult task.

The lack of live communication, friends in the process of treating gambling addiction is more than compensated for. A new circle of communication, a new lifestyle and aspirations help the patient overcome addiction.

A person's life focus shifts in favor of live communication and a desire to help people around him.

The process of treating addiction to gambling (sweepstakes, slot machines, casinos, poker, cards) is very similar.

The first step is your acknowledgment of the fact that you yourself will never cope with gambling addiction!

The second step is limiting the person's ability to play.

A rehabilitation center for addicts is great for a place where you simply won't be able to play.

The third step is to fill the void that forms after getting rid of gambling addiction (gambling addiction).

And also people suffering from computer and other addictions successfully works, helping people from Moscow, Moscow region, Tula, Voronezh, Obninsk, Kaluga in the treatment of gambling addiction. Treatment or assistance in getting rid of gambling addiction is carried out according to a specially developed program in a rehabilitation center. The stage of rehabilitation is adaptation in society, which is aimed precisely at ensuring that people after completing the course become healthy, physically strong, striving to achieve victories in life. A strong and fulfilling family should be the foundation of the future.

Do not put off solving your problem until tomorrow - it will never be solved by itself.

The telephone number of psychological help for relatives of addicted people, as well as gambling addicts, people suffering from computer addiction. You can also contact the specialists of the rehabilitation center for gambling addicts, addicted to computers, alcohol, drugs.

8-910-914-06-49, 8-953-333-44-47

Free treatment of gambling addiction in a rehabilitation center for gambling addicts (people with gambling addiction) in Kaluga can be any person who wants to get rid of this prison. For rehabilitation for the treatment of gambling addiction (more precisely, getting rid of this addiction), people from the nearest regions are accepted: from Bryansk, Tula and the Tula region (Novomoskovsk, Suvorov and other cities), from Ryazan, Moscow, the Moscow region (Moscow region), Orel, Tver, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, and of course we help to get rid of gaming, computer addiction to residents of the Kaluga region - Kaluga, Obninsk and other cities.

GBOU SOSH № 867 (2)

Gambling addiction: disease or myth?


Pupils 10 "B" class

Tereshina Daria

Project Manager

Sukhodub Yu.G.

Moscow, 2015



    Why is my topic interesting?

This new disease affects the young population, mainly adolescents and young adults. Although this disease has nothing to do with infection, it is spreading around the world at the speed of an epidemic. There are a lot of reports in the press that here and there the aggressive behavior of a teenager has led to tragic consequences. Probably, many remember how an American teenager shot his peers and teachers with a machine gun, another example, the death of a Chinese girl, who, before the tragedy, told her playmates that she was very tired.

The experts' conclusions are not encouraging. Anyone who spends more than two hours a day playing video games is in danger of becoming addicted to a computer game. How not to fall into the slavery of modern technology? Are there ways to prevent or overcome computer disease?

    I want to show children and teenagers who play online (computer) games….

    1. Find out the problem and look for sources of information.2. Make up a sociological survey.3. Conduct sociological surveys at school, on the Internet and on city streets.4. Analyze and process the information received, as well as based on the survey results, to reveal the preferences of the respondents about their favorite games, which are further categorized and to identify the impact of these games on the players.

5. Interview a psychologist.6. Conduct photo and video shooting.

7. Make a movie for my project.8. Prepare a presentation for the defense of the project.

    The product of my project activity will be a film, which will tell the whole essence of the problem. ...

Main part

    They took the problem and looked for sources of information.

Addiction to computer games - the form manifested in obsessive infatuation . 2. Compiled a sociological survey.

Class :_________________

Personal data : (Answers circle)

1. Sex (m, f)

2.Age (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

Your attitude to online (computer) games. (Answers circle)

a) I do not play and do not intend to try

b) I want to try

c) Played but quit

d) Sometimes I play (less than 1 hour)

e) I often play (2-3 hours)

e)AND i play constantly (more than 4 hours)

Favorite game____________________

3. Conducted opinion polls at school, on the Internet and on city streets.4. Analyzed and processed the information received, and according to the results of the survey, I identified the preference of the respondents about their favorite games, which I later categorized and identified the impact of these games on the players (categorized table: age (6-10,11-13,14-16, 17-18,19-25, 26 and older) -game-category (arcade) -description of the game-influence on the player)


A game

Description of the game

Influence on the player



Minecraft is a game released in 2009 and set in a world made of cubes. The so-called "sandbox". You can give free rein to your imagination and build from blocks, whatever your heart desires. There are two modes in the game itself: Creative and Survival.

An interactive analogue of the Lego constructor. Here comes the benefit as from an ordinary constructor, develops the intellectual and creative abilities of the child.

Tanks online

Tanki Online is the first multiplayer 3D action movie in Flash. Take part in frenzied tank battles - destroy enemy tanks, help your team, develop your tank, build a military career, participate in clan wars! Many types of weapons, several game modes and only real players, no bots.


Massive multiplayer first person shooter 3

Warface is a military shooter set in 2023. The game will offer both classic full-fledged PvP battles (players against players), and cooperative missions in the PvE concept (players against bots).


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

from the first person 3

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe game is this, two groups that resist each other - Terrorists and Counter-terrorists.The goal of the CS game is to destroy all players from the opposing team, or to fulfill the goal of the game, which is different on each type of map. After each round, both teams receive in a different way a certain amount of money that can be spent on equipment. The winning team gets significantly more money than the losing team.

Grand Theft Auto

Action 4

The essence of the game is to accumulate a lot of money (after all, money is power), and the methods used for this purpose are up to you. Starting with a simple gangster running errands on small errands, gradually, after completing missions, the character gains more influence, his reputation in certain circles grows. Upon reaching a certain rating, the hero can use some improvements: change clothes; acquire more powerful weapons; repair or repaint a car in a workshop; use ambulance and police transport; and many other benefits. The more tasks are completed, the more authority the character enjoys, approaching the cherished goal - to become the most powerful and of course the richest and most influential gangster in the city and beyond.

The sims

The point of the game is to manage a family, which can consist of a maximum of eight people (sims ). You can create a family yourself or choose from the proposed list. Initially, each family has a monetary value of 20,000 simoleons.


Dota 2

Multiplayer online battle arena 6

The game is played by two teams of five people. One team plays for the light side, the other for the dark side. Each player controls one hero. The hero can gain experience to increase his level, earn gold, buy and collect items that enhance it or give additional abilities. Each player constantly receives a small amount of gold from his base, and also earns small portions of gold for killing enemy creatures and large portions for killing heroes. Teams are dispersed along the lines, on which there is a fight against enemy heroes and squads of creeps under the control of a computer, which appear at the command bases every half a minute. The goal of the game is to destroy the main building at the enemy base.

Assassin's Creed

with elements 7

Your hero is an ordinary person, but with a good preparation. It will not be easy for him, since strong enough people want to destroy him. You shouldn't let that happen, so be smart.You will immediately notice this by entering the warpath. It is necessary to find a sacred artifact - this is your task, but for what purpose you need it, you do not yet know. You need to find loopholes, for the sake of shelter and rest. Even if it is a roof, the main thing is that the head remains on the shoulders. The best assassin is you, or rather you can become one if you prove your superiority.


Far cry 3

The main character, Jason Brody, goes on vacation with friends to an unusually beautiful tropical island. And then he is taken hostage by a gang of pirates led by the insane killer Vaasa. From now on, your task is to survive at any cost.Jason will be embroiled in a bloody war between pirates and local rebels, in which blood, lead and drugs flow like a river. Some psychopaths are fighting with others, and soon the protagonist is no longer able to distinguish an opium dream from a crazy reality. The crazy island drives everyone who steps on its shores crazy and you need to be crazy to stay here.


World of Tanks

. 2

The task of the game is very simple and straightforward - choose a tank and boldly go into battle, then repair it, and in your free time you improve the characteristics and buy new crews to open other tanks. Of course, all this costs money and therefore you will not be allowed to just relax in the game, because for a well-conducted battle you will receive more game currency, which means you can buy the best improvement.

25 and older


Card game 9

The goal of which is to win the bets by collecting the highest possible poker hand using 4 (old classic) or 5 cards, or by forcing all opponents to stop participating in the game. The game is played with fully or partially closed cards.

1.- - a computer game, the rules of which are created by the player himself.

2.- Tank simulator - genre , variety dedicated to managing combat .

3.- Massively multiplayer online first-person shooter ( rus. massive multiplayer first person shooter ) - variety combining gameplay from with a lot of players connected via .

4.- Action ( . - « action " or "action "; translation from ... - "action") - , in which the player's success largely depends on his reaction speed and ability to quickly make tactical decisions.

5.- God simulator - genre , in which the player controls the community of game objects and characters in the role of a certain higher entity with supernatural powers.

Life simulator ( life simulation game ) - a genre of computer games in which the player controls the life of one or more virtual creatures.

6.- MOBA - (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, literally "multiplayer online battle arena") - a genre of computer games that combines elements and and distinguished by the similarity with - custom map ( ) Frozen Throne.

7.- Action / Adventure, or action adventure - genre english First Person Shooter, FPS ) is a genre of video games in which the gameplay is based on battles with the use of firearms and throwing weapons with a first-person view: the player perceives what is happening through the eyes of the protagonist.

9.- Card game - deck ) .

5. We interviewed a psychologist.

Asked questions to the psychologist:

    Why are children addicted to computer games?

    What is the harm of online games?

    What are their benefits?

    How to get rid of gambling addiction?

    What can replace online games?

6. During the previous stages, I made a photo-video shooting, which I later used to create a film for my project.7. Prepared a presentation to defend the project

    Emotions that arose when creating a project.


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