Aboriginal cannibals. Cannibalism in the countries of tropical Africa

Aboriginal cannibals. Cannibalism in the countries of tropical Africa

In guidebooks warn of many dangers that can wait for travelers in a particular country. But no one warns about cannibalism. Surprise! Cannibalism is still practicing in some tribes, for example, in India, Cambodia and in West Africa. And here are 7 countries in which the tribes are still not averse to persecute people.

Southeast Papua New Guinea

Cow's tribe is one of the last on Earth, which is regularly powered by human flesh. They live along the river, and there have been cases when they scored random tourists. And the warm brains of the signs considered a real delicacy.

Why do they eat people?When someone in the tribe dies without any visible cause (illness or old age), they consider it the tribes of black magic and, in order to protect others from the trouble, should eat a person.

Interesting fact: In 1961, Michael Rockefeller (Son of the Governor of New York Nelson Rockefeller) disappeared during the collection of artifacts about the tribe. His body was not found.


Northern Indian Hindu Sect Aghori eats volunteers who make their insides. Nevertheless, in 2005, Indian televisers conducted an investigation and found out that those eating decaying corpses from Ganges (local tradition), as well as steal organs from crematoriums.

Why do they eat people?

Aghori believes that this prevents the aging of the body.

Interesting fact:They do really good jewelry from human bone and skulls.


Previously known as the "island of cannibals". Until now, local residents cannot bring up order, and still those who eat human flesh, but not all, but only enemy tribes.

Why do they eat people?This is a ritual of revenge.

Interesting fact: Fijian cannibals are not at all animals - they eate with table appliances and collect rare things left from the victims. At the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology of the University of Pennsylvania, you can find examples of such collections.


The tribe boys siely and religious dead until 1960, and after some state missionaries cut out almost all the tribe. Nevertheless, the level of poverty in the slums of Olinda since 1994 is extremely high, and there are still bursts of cannibalism.

Why do they eat people?Poverty and hunger.

Interesting fact: In 2012, the information of researchers who polled local residents appeared, and they argued that he would hear voices that they tell them to kill a person.

West Africa

Society of active cannibals Leopard starting from last century. Up to the 80s in the vicinity of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte d, Ivoire found the remains of people. The tribe is usually dressed in leopard skins and armed with their fangs.

Why do they eat people?The tribe believes that eating people makes them stronger and faster.

Interesting fact: They have followers - the Human Alligator community, which is engaged in similar.


Journalist Neil Davis reported that the cannibalism in these regions gained momentum during wars in Southeast Asia (in the 1960s and 1970s). Now the occurrence of cannibalism is observed.

Why do they eat people?The Cambodian troops had a ritual - there is a liver enemy.

Interesting fact: A lot of people in cities and villages were under the control of the Red Khmer organization, which strictly controlled all the food in the district and artificially created hunger in the country.


There are cases of cannibals in the Congo, and the latter were recorded not so long ago - in 2012. They reached their maximum during the Civil Congolese War (from 1998 to 2002).

Why do they eat people?During the war, the rebel groupings believed that the enemies need to eat, especially the heart that was prepared using special herbs.

Interesting fact:Congolese and now believe that the human heart gives special strength, and if there are people, it will scare enemies.

Pleasant adventures! :)

How many mysterious and unknown hides mysterious Africa in himself!

Her rich fabulous nature, an amazing animal world and to this day are of great interest to scientists and excite the inquisitive minds of travelers. Inexplicable admiration, along with animal fear, cause customs and morals of local aborigines belonging to the most diverse tribes, everywhere inhabiting black continent. By itself, Africa is quite contrasted, and the facade of the civilized world is often hidden by the unprecedented wildness of the primitive community.

Wild Africa. Tribes of cannibals

One of the most mystical secrets of tropical Africa is definitely cannibalism.

The cannibalism, that is, eating themselves like that, in many African tribes, constantly warring themary, was originally based on faith in the wonderful effects of human blood and flesh on such qualities of warriors as courage, masculinity, heroism and courage. Some cannibal tribes widely used various drugs made from burned and lies in the human heart powder. It was believed that such a black ointment based on the resulting ash and human fat is able to strengthen the body and raise the spirit of the warrior before the battle, as well as to protect against enemy spells. The true scales of all sorts of ritual murders are unknown, all rites, as a rule, were accomplished in a deep secret.

Wild tribes. Cannibals involuntarily

Cannibalism in no way was associated with the level of development of a tribe of the Aborigines or with its moral implications. It was simple, he was very widespread throughout the continent, a sharp shortage of food was felt, besides, killing a person was much easier than to shoot on the hunt of the wild beast. Although there were tribes specializing in, for example, in cattle breeding, which had enough meat of animals, they did not do the cannibalism. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were huge slave markets on the territory of modern Zaire, which were sold or exchanged slaves on the elephant bone solely for eating. They could see the slaves of various sexes and age, it could even be women with babies in her arms, although men used in great demand, since women could use the farm.

The cruelty of the morals

The tribes of the cannibals were openly stated that they like it because of his juiciness, delicacies were considered to be fingers and feet, as well as women's chest.

A special ritual was associated with the eating head. The flesh, favored from the head, received only the most significant of the elders. The skull was carefully stored in special pots, which subsequently came rites of sacrifices and read prayers. Perhaps inhuman among the natives was the rite of tearing pieces of human flesh in another living victim, and some Nigerian tribes of cannibals, distinguished by special, fierce cruelty, with the help of pumpkin used as an enema, poured into the throat or in the rear pass of the captive boiling palm oil . According to these cannibals, the body meat and fully impregnated with oil was much more complicated and more thorough for the taste. In ancient times, the flesh of aliens was mainly located, first of all, these were prisoners. At present, the victims often become tribesmen.

The tribes of cannibals. Creepy hospitality

Interestingly, according to the Cannibal customs of hospitality, the refusal to taste the proposed guests was perceived as a deadly offense and an insult.

Therefore, without any doubt, in order not to be eaten and free to move around the continent from the tribe to the tribe, as well as in the sign of friendship and respect, African travelers probably had to divert this food.

The last cannibals are known to live in Papua New Guinea. It still lives according to the rules taken by 5 thousand years ago: men go bare, and women cut off their fingers. There are only three tribes still engaged in cannibalism, it is Yali, Vanuatu and Kapaffa. Kapaffa (or Wooden people) is the most cruel tribe. They eat not only soldiers of other people's tribes that weighing local or tourists, but also all their deceased relatives. The name "Wooden people" got out of their homes, which are incredibly high (see the last 3 pictures). The tribe of Vanuatu is a peaceful enough, so as not to eat the photographer, the leader bring several pigs. Yali - Grozny Warriors (photos of Yali begin with 9 pictures). The phalange of the man's fingers of the Yali tribe cut off the hatch in the sign of the sorrow along the deceased or deceased relative.

The most important holiday of Yali is a celebration of death. Women and men paint their body as a skeleton. For the holiday of death earlier, perhaps this is done and now, the shaman and the leader of the tribe were killed his warm brain. It was done in order to meet death and absorb the leader of the knowledge of Shaman. Now Yali people are killing less frequently, mainly, if it was crumbling or for some other "important" reasons.

Hungry cannibalism, which precedes the murder, is regarded in psychiatry as a manifestation of the so-called hungry insanity.

Also known to household cannibalism, not dictated by the need for survival and not provoked by the hungry obstruction. IN judicial practice Such cases are not qualified as an intentional murder with special cruelty.

With the exception of these not too common cases, with the word "cannibalism", it is more likely to come into mind, still incredible ritual pears, during which the victorious tribes devour parts of their enemies to gain their strength; Or another known useful "application" of this phenomenon: the heirs thus cost them the bodies of their fathers in the pious hope that they will reinforce the body of their flesh.

The "cannibal" strange modern Mira Is Indonesia. In this state there are two famous center of mass cannibalism - from Indonesia. Part of the island of New Guinea and the island of Kaliman (Borneo). The jungle of Kalimantane is settled by 7-8 million giving, famous hunters behind the skulls and cannibals.

The most lack of body parts are considered the head - language, cheeks, leather with chin, removed through the nasal cavity or ear opening brain, meat with hip and caviar, heart, palm. The initiators of crowded trips for the turtles in Djakov are women.
The last splash of cannibals on Borneo occurred at the turn of the 20s and 21st centuries, when the Indonesian government tried to organize the collonization of the internal regions of the island by the forces of civilized immigrants from Java and Madura. Unfortunate peasants - settlers and accompanying their soldiers for the most part were carved and were eaten. Until recently, the cannibalism was preserved on the island of Sumatra, where the Bakak tribes were ate sentenced to death criminals and incapacitated old people.

A large role in almost complete elimination of cannibalism on Sumatra and some other islands was played by the activities of the "Father of Indonesian Independence" Sukarno and the Military Dictator Sukharto. But even they could not improve the situation in Irian-Jay - Indonesian New Guinea. Living there Papuass ethnic groups, according to the testimony of missionaries, obsessed with passion for human meat and differ in unprecedented cruelty.

They especially prefer human liver with healing herbs, penises, noses, languages, meat with hips, feet feet, chest glands. In the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, in the independent state of Papua - the new Guinea facts of cannibalism is fixed much less.

Cannibalism (from FR. Cannibale, Span. Canibal) - eating human flesh people (also used anthropopiasis). In a broader sense - eating animals of individuals of their own species. The name "Cannibala" originated from "Kaniba" - the name that residents of the Bahamas of the inhabitants of Haiti, terrible cannibals called the Bahamas are called. Subsequently, the name "Cannibal" became equivalent to anthropofaga.

There is household and religious cannibalism.
The household was practiced at primitive-shaped strictly, due to the lack of food, was preserved as an exception at the cooking hunger. In contrast to religious cannibalism, including various sacrifices, eating enemies or various parts of the body, died by congor. Similar eating beliefs, they say the power and all skills, skills and nature properties will move to eating. Partly, the cannibalism of the maniacs can be attributed to religious.



In Congo, cannibalism reached the greatest number During the Civil Congolese War of 1999-2003. The last case was recorded in 2012. Eating people to scare up enemies, believing that in the human heart they hide a source of enormous strength and eating his cannibal gets this power.

West Africa

In the West, Africa existed a group of cannibals, called "leopards". So they were called on appearance, as they entered leopard skins and armed with fangs of these animals. Here and in the 80s last century found the remains of people. Explain their passion for human flesh that this action gives them energy making them stronger.


In Brazil, the Wari tribe, which is distinguished by the sophistication of taste. Until 1960, only religious individuals, all kinds of enlighteners, were included in their diet. Only recently, the need forced them to eat not only righteous and bogo-love, but also ordinary sinners. To this day, outbreaks of cannibals often occur here.

It is officially recognized that the cannibalism is flourishing in mind their needs and high poverty. But local residents claim that he heard the inner voice of whom to kill and eat.

Papua New Guinea

The last nationality constantly consisting man in the XXI century is a tribe of cow, living in this area. There is a variant of the development of events that it was here that Michael Rockefeller was ate here - a son known to all the last name and the then Governor of New York Nebekson Rockefeller. In fact, Michael Rocfell recovered in 1961 to the expedition to Papua - New Guinea, to study the life of this tribe, but did not return and the number of search expeditions did not give results.

They eat people after the death of the tribesman, who died in the absence of any reason or illness, and in order to avoid coming deaths, they eat the deceased. Since death for no reason, according to their worldview, is black magic.


The biggest scales of cannibalism in this area reached during wars in Southeast Asia during the 1960s. Their soldiers had a ritual to eat the liver enemy. The reasons for which local residents use human flesh, are the religious beliefs and the famine of the Red Khmer organization.


In the Indian sect "Aghori" eaten volunteers who visited their body after the death of the sect. After the emergence of bones and skulls make various decorations. In 2005, the media investigations conducted here, it became known that this religious group eats the corpses from the Gang River. Aghori believes that a human is the best elixir youth.

The last cannibals are known to live in Papua New Guinea. It still lives according to the rules taken by 5 thousand years ago: men go bare, and women cut off their fingers. There are only three tribes still engaged in cannibalism, it is Yali, Vanuatu and Kapaffa. Kapaffa (or Wooden people) is the most cruel tribe. They eat not only soldiers of other people's tribes that weighing local or tourists, but also all their deceased relatives. The name "Wooden people" got out of their homes, which are incredibly high (see the last 3 pictures). The tribe of Vanuatu is a peaceful enough, so as not to eat the photographer, the leader bring several pigs. Yali - Grozny Warriors (photos of Yali begin with 9 pictures). The phalange of the man's fingers of the Yali tribe cut off the hatch in the sign of the sorrow along the deceased or deceased relative.

The most important holiday of Yali is a celebration of death. Women and men paint their body as a skeleton. For the holiday of death earlier, perhaps this is done and now, the shaman and the leader of the tribe were killed his warm brain. It was done in order to meet death and absorb the leader of the knowledge of Shaman. Now Yali people kill less frequently, mainly, if it was crumbling or for some other "important" reasons.

Hungry cannibalism, which precedes the murder, is regarded in psychiatry as a manifestation of the so-called hungry insanity.

Also known to household cannibalism, not dictated by the need for survival and not provoked by the hungry obstruction. In judicial practice, such cases are not qualified as an intentional murder with special cruelty.

With the exception of these not too common cases, with the word "cannibalism", it is more likely to come to mind, still incredible ritual pears, during which the victorious tribes devour parts of their enemies to gain their strength; Or another known useful "application" of this phenomenon: the heirs thus cost them the bodies of their fathers in the pious hope that they will rejuvenate in the body of their flesh.

The very "cannibal" strange modern world is Indonesia. In this state there are two famous center of mass cannibalism - from Indonesia. Part of the island of New Guinea and the island of Kaliman (Borneo). The jungle of Kalimantane is settled by 7-8 million giving, famous hunters behind the skulls and cannibals.

The most lack of body parts are considered the head - language, cheeks, leather with chin, removed through the nasal cavity or ear opening brain, meat with hip and caviar, heart, palm. The initiators of crowded trips for the turtles in Djakov are women.

The last splash of cannibals on Borneo occurred at the turn of the 20s and 21st centuries, when the Indonesian government tried to organize the collonization of the internal regions of the island by the forces of civilized immigrants from Java and Madura. Unfortunate peasants - settlers and accompanying their soldiers for the most part were carved and were eaten. Until recently, the cannibalism was preserved on the island of Sumatra, where the Bakak tribes were ate sentenced to death criminals and incapacitated old people.

A large role in almost complete elimination of cannibalism on Sumatra and some other islands was played by the activities of the "Father of Indonesian Independence" Sukarno and the Military Dictator Sukharto. But even they could not improve the situation in Irian-Jay - Indonesian New Guinea. Living there Papuass ethnic groups, according to the testimony of missionaries, obsessed with passion for human meat and differ in unprecedented cruelty.

They especially prefer human liver with healing herbs, penises, noses, languages, meat with hips, feet feet, chest glands. In the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, in the independent state of Papua - the new Guinea facts of cannibalism is fixed much less.

Together, and here in some way in the jungle still live according to the rules taken five thousand years ago - men go bare, and women cut off their fingers.

There are only three tribes that still engaged in cannibalism, it is Yali, Vanuatu and Kapaffa. Kapaffa is the most cruel tribe. They eat not only soldiers of other people's tribes that weighing local or tourists, but also all their deceased relatives ... ..


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