Igor Mann how to become a number.

Igor Mann how to become a number.

© I. B. Mann, 2014

© design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book can be reproduced in any form and any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission of copyright holder.

Legal support for publisher provides the law firm "Vegas Lex"

* * *

Dedicated first

From the author

I never believed that somehow especially, specifically, purposefully and systemically engaged in creating my brand (although many think that this is what I only do).

Let me tell the story.

A few years ago I received a letter from one consultant (let's call it) with the following request: "Igor, you could not make me the same famous in my area, as far as you are famous in Marketing. You are in Marketing №.1. I also want to be #.1, but in my area. "

Shortly before our meeting with Stepan, I opened MindMepping with great pleasure for myself (building memory cards).

I always liked to solve new tasks, and I answered Stepan, I'll think about it if I could tell him how I became so famous in Marketing, and whether he could use my experience.

Yes, I is called Guru, a leading marketing specialist, the most famous marketing technician ... But really, how did it happen and what to do to repeat it in another area?

I will explain at once: I really consider myself No. 1 in Russian marketing. Not a guru, but No..1.

Why? I did a lot and make a promotion and popularization for his promotion, speaking with lectures, consult, wrote ten books, they are all original and unique in their kind.

I was a face cover "Company", when in 2000 began working in Austria by Avaya marketing director in the Central Eastern Europe region in the Central Eastern Europe region, the Middle East and Africa, responsible for marketing in 68 countries of the world.

It turns out to repeat my way, you need to make simple and understandable things. (See first level).

Put the goal (for example, "Become No. 1 in ...").

Make an audit of yourself.

Constantly and systematically engage in personal and professional development.

Be sure to (I emphasize: it is necessary) to achieve high results in what you do. Without "records", achievements, "business cards", first-class projects and results you definitely not No. 1.

And in the last place in this algorithm - promotion. It must be, but this is not a decisive success factor.

The components of these large items can be detailed.

And when you reach your goal - will become №.1, - you will need to adjust your goal, lift the bar or establish an absolutely new goal for yourself.

Naturally, such a simple response Stepan (remind: He would be clearly not enough, and I "dived" into books on this issue and the Internet.

How many things are written on this topic!

And almost all books are similar to each other as Gemini: Repeating Tips, Repeating Stories ...

And amazing: everywhere there are many letters, but none of the authors suggested the model "Do Once, do two, do three."

Many tell how to become a brand, how to become a superbrum, but do not explain how to do it (I have not seen the systems).

Many people told quite amazing things for me - and after Stanislavsky, I repeated his words: "I do not believe!"

And then - as they matched! - For six months, I was once requested about the same, familiar (my colleagues) and completely unfamiliar people. And every time I opened my card and for an hour and a half "ran" on her with the interlocutor, and every time everyone who appealed to me was just happy. Road Map - What to do to Becoming No. 1, - was transparent, it was clear and made it possible to start working on it immediately after the meeting.

The larger in our country there will be No. 1 - first-class specialists, experts, consultants, employees, managers, entrepreneurs, the better for each city, the region and our country (and, of course, for No. 1 itself, for his family and customers / partners / colleagues).

So this book appeared. And I am glad that she is in your hands. So you are already one of us or will soon be with us.

I read your thoughts: "And if someone in marketing, working on this map, will be №.1 and will ignorate Igor Mann on the side?"

I confess, it is possible. But I'm not afraid of this.

The one who will decide on it (and he is a bold man!), I must remember that I do not stop and I work on this map itself (constantly!).

So if someone decides, then see you on the route.

The strongest will win.

The book you hold in your hands is simple, as a card you just seen. It is absolutely answering the question "What to do?", Unfortunately, does not give detailed and deployed answers to questions "How to do?". But every time I will try to recommend you the best sources of information - books and specialists.

All you have - create your own card, develop your conversion plan to №.1 and become #.1.

Do not skip steps.

Make tasks after chapters.

Desire + goal + hard work + excellent results - and everything should be done. Begin!

How to work with this book?

The best thing to make a book for a person is to make it act.

Thomas Carlel

Dozens of books in Russian and thousands in English have been published about Moorketing.

Since 2009, when I wrote a book "Marketing without a budget", I want to write books so that the reader says: "Wow, I haven't met anything else."

I am confident: books like this, you have not met.

This book is about what is important to know and what is important to do to become №.1. But it will not replace highly specialized books on different aspects of personal development and books on self-store. It is impossible under one cover to collect all the advice that will help you become №.1, and at the same time be an interesting to every reader (after all, everyone has its own level of development, their goals and ambitions).

In the course of reading, gradually follow the tasks from the application 1. This is a check list for which you must check yourself and work on yourself. And at the same time, this is a roadmap for which you will move, focusing on what you need, and adding - in quantity, as, at the pace, where necessary.

Here is my example.

I read about the skill of the "Ability to write".

I believe that this skill is critical for me. I think it is developed with me well. Priority in its development for me - in category B Table String I will look like this:

You may be surprised that I put priority in, and not A.

I just have many other skills, more important for me that I need to develop first.

I think that 99% of readers of books (and I myself am in their number) pass exercises in which the author calls them to emphasize them, fill, think, answer ...

More honest and fully your answers, the faster and better will be the result.

Since 2009, my business card is the following phrase: the most important thing in marketing (yes in anywhere!) - Know what to do; Know how to do, and take and do.

Wonders will not. Just reading this book, you will not become #.1. Reading, notes and reflections without practical application do not bring results.

Put the goal.

Explore your capabilities.

Develop yourself.

Show results.

Go to.

Marshall Goldsmith in the book "Jump above" writes: "According to statistics, if you improve a specific sphere, and other your indicators are improved ... A change in one leads to a general improvement."

Just imagine how you change and what will be the results, if you start movement and improvements on all fronts!

Labor made a man's monkey. Purposeful work and work on the system will make a person number.1 from man.

I am sure about that.

Step 1

At this step, the main thing is to prevent an error.

You can go wrong, not at all there. This is fraught with loss of time, effort and money. Therefore, very well think about your goal.

And do not miss her mind.

Your mantra of goals: ambitious, achievable, always before your eyes.

1.1. Aims

The road to the thousand lee begins with the first step.

Chinese wisdom

I could be much more useful to you at this stage, but, alas, you are not next to me, do not talk about yourself, of your goals and ambitions, do not share my thoughts with me ...

I do not understand your desires and opportunities, do not feel your emotions ...

I can not confirm the correctness of your intentions or adjust your plans (sometimes I strongly adjusted the initial goal of my interlocutor).

But several tips are still ladies.

First, it will be good if the goal was formulated according to the SMART model (Abbreviation from the SPECIFIC words - specific; Measurable is measurable; Attainable is achievable; Relevant is significant; Time-Bounded is correlated with a specific period).

Immediately, I want to warn the reader: to collect under one cover all the knowledge on the topic of myself and personal and professional development is impossible, and there is no need to - it turns out a multi-digit that few people want to read.

My goal is to make a kind of road map (roadmap) of your development on the state in which you are, until №.1.

Secondly, your goal should be ambitious.

The purpose of becoming №.1 is worthy.

№.1 In sales in your company.

№.1 on sales in its industry.

In the book, "how to become a guru for 60 days," there is a good advice: now it is hard to become №.1 in some area, so it is better to narrow your focus.

For example, you want to be # 1 in marketing.

Marketing is too wide concept.

And industries in which it is used, a huge set.

Choose a narrow marketing area and industry - and your goal is ready.

For example, you are planning to become No. 1 in direct marketing in the pharmaceutical industry.

When you reach this goal, you can move on, to a new marketing area or to a new industry.

#.1 to anything in the country.

#.1 to anything in the world (why not?)

Suddenly, for himself at the first international marketing forum, which was held at the initiative and under the patronage of Philip Cotler, the International Marketing Guru, I heard that he introduced me to colleagues: "And this is Igor Mann from Russia, he №.1 in marketing without a budget." (Oh! It's expensive!)

How did I manage it?

Philip just liked my book very much, and he does not know other specialists in this area (I was first here - and became No. 1).

Of course, some readers and the goal of becoming No. 2 in their field will force each morning to pop up from under the blanket.

I read in the book "How do people think" that the Japanese has the concept of "Ikigai" - this is what you wake up in the morning (let your "Ikigay" be "getting up to take a step towards becoming №.1 in ... ").

The Japanese are generally very targeted people. They have such a tradition: they buy a lackless doll (it is called "Daruma"; Rather, it is a doll head), make a desire or put a goal, draw one eye, and - go ahead!

So far, the desire is not fulfilled, and the goal will not be achieved, the doll looks at you with a lot of one-eyed reproof.

By the way, when I started writing this book, Darumu did (you will see it on my seminar with the same name, see it!). For more than a year she motivated me ...

You read this story in the book, it means that she has two eyes :)

Does everyone should be #.1? Probably not. Someone deprived of ambitions. Someone has bad starting conditions. Someone is not lucky. But movement itself to №.1, work in this direction, especially work on development and results, will make you better.

As they say, melt in the sun - exactly get on the moon.

And you will be aiming in the moon - you can not fly.

Thirdly, keep the goal before your eyes.

Cardboard size with a business card in your wallet.

Screensaver on a computer and / or phone.

I like to set the goal of the screensaver on the iPhone.

Always before you, and you see it at least 100 times per day.

It is impossible to ignore it.

Paper in the frame under the glass near the workplace ("I, such, binding ..." - why not?). Let as many people find out about your goal - burn ships! Sut off the way to departure!

Engraving on the glass of wristwatches (I saw it!).

Tattoo (this, I confess, until I have seen).

Ringtone (this, I confess, has not yet heard).

When I was a boy, Dad woke me to school with the words: "Stop, Count! Waiting for you great things! " . Representing the ringtone with similar motivating-resembling words and vigorous music?

A little later, there will be no need for this: your goal will be Part of your life, and perhaps, and mostly of your life. But for the beginning, visualization is necessary. "From the eye, one from the heart of Won" is just about visibility and widespread visibility of your goal.

To read

Robert Bly. How to become a guru for 60 days. M.: Eksmo, 2005.

Marshall Goldsmith. Jump above your head! 20 habits from which you need to refuse to conquer the top of success. M.: Olympus Business, 2010.

Self-test and configuration

Attention, reader!

Form your goal. Put it on paper. Love her. Believe in it. And only then read on.

Step 2.

Let's look at this section of the situation in which you are (chapter "Where are you now?") - Perhaps it will help you adjust your goal.

Let's also figure out what your qualities work for you and against you (the chapters "source data", "look good" and "Hello, I ...").

Let's see who (chapters "Support for the near Circle" and "mentor") and that (the chapters "luck" and "selfotive") can help achieve your goal.

"Number 1. How to become the best in what you do"

Igor Mann.

Verified method for career and personal growth

Mind card that will help to understand yourselfIgor Mann - №1 in Russian marketingProven method for personal and career growth

Smartphone tablet em. Computer books

Who will be useful to the book

Everyone who feels is capable of becoming a number 1

Everyone who is really ready to work on oneself to achieve the goal

There is a well-known exercise: "By whom I see myself in five years," which reflects the level of human ambitions. Often, people give the answer "I want to be number 1, the main authority in the industry," but few people really do something to achieve the chosen goal, especially in the agreed period. And only the actions taken (and their results) give an idea of \u200b\u200ba real scale of personality.

And "Make yourself" is not easy: too much affects the result. There are no unimportant details. As in everything, it is necessary to act a systematic.

Why buy this book?

This book just offers such a plan, a check list that is easy to modify for you personally. After reading and filling in special tables (slice of strong and weak qualities, the definition of priorities, the path of development of key skills, change the image, methods of promoting yourself) You will receive a step-by-step algorithm, as from the point in which you are now, to get to the point in which you want To be.

Mind card, which will help to understand yourself and in action.

Examples of tens of people laid as the basis of the book.

Readers reviews

When I studied at the university in the first year, my friend told me: "Gagarin flew to space at the age of 27. And what do you think, what do we achieve in 10 years? ".

If you read your review on the book of Igor Mann "How to Become No. 1" means you are not deprived of serious ambitions, like me.

I believe that learn how to become rich, you need a millionaire; How to cook - at the chef, and that: "How to become No. 1" - who became the one who became.

I liked that the book is well structured. It begins with creating a personal map "How to Become No. 1". Many of the personal skills included in the map, the Russian School Department teaches in its trainings. We know how important they are.

The book makes it possible to balance your "Victory Plan" not only by traditional development methods, but also recommendations on Networking and Hobby - for example, such enriching how traveling

Dmitry Mikhailov, business coach of the Russian school management
Link to the original publication

Today I would like to introduce you to a book that came out quite recently and is called "number 1". She is about how to become the best in his area. The author of the book is the founder of the publishing house Mann Ivanov and Ferber. This one says that the book needs to be read to everyone who is interested in the way of thinking of successful people.


This is a book about self-development. How to become the leader in its field. About self-development and self-improvement. I believe that the book will be particularly interesting to all employees of mental labor. Managers, Individual Entrepreneurs, Heads of Sales Departments, Director of Enterprises, Students, etc. This is a book about what areas of life and what qualities should pay attention to get closer to their goals and what the hell is not joking, to become number 1 in its niche.

I liked the book. Briefly, compact, concise.

Oleg Nikolaev, GarageBiz.ru

I have a habit of reading books with a phone in your hand. I used to read with the marker, then with stickers, then visited the pages, and now with the phone.
All interesting thoughts, quotes and personal reflection I write down to myself in "Notes" and return to them to them, getting a good shake.

A new book Igor Mann "Number 1" I used to start reading with the phone in my hand. And then my technology "Fale". More precisely, "I ran" I myself. In the course of reading the book, I used to reveal the note I needed and adding it there that I was interested.

I'm tired! I'm tired of jumping from notes to the note, because you can make the mark you can almost with every page of the book! Each! In short, mann my methodology reading books broke and now, in the footsteps, reading this book, I have only one note. It is called - "Number 1. Very brief"

Maxim Batyrev

The book is so good that I bought it 3 more than 3 more - crushed to customers!

Maslennikov Roman
general Director and PR-Agency Partner "Prostor: PR & Consulting"

Shortly after the release, the book for several days ranked 1st place in the ranking of business bestsellers on the "ozone" - the result is almost unique, since the upper lines of this rating are tightly occupied by the books for parents. At first position, Stephen Covi, a couple of times it was a successful book ... In general, a serious application for business bestseller of the year No. 1.

I like the book, and do not like. But to read her person ambitious is required - A little later I will explain why.

Alexander Levitas

What can I say? Good! I waited a long way out for a long time, although I was familiar with the content. Why do I like her? First, I get results from the introduction of ideas set forth in the book. Secondly, I like good business books.

For me, a good business book: gives ideas for the development (professional, personal, financial), contains material based on the personal experience of the author. Those. "Honest Practice" Packed in Interesting Text and published in good quality. Especially valuable when the author is Russian (more ideas can be implemented in our realities).

Vitaly Govorukhin

If you want to build a unique and successful personal branding in your field, book Igor Manna "No. 1. How to become the best in what you do" - For you.

The book is read very easily, since it is written by an understandable language for the reader of any level.

If you are new to business, you can develop a personal program, how to become a leader in its segment. And if you have already achieved the vertices of success, you can analyze and adjust your actions so that the beginners do not catch up with you.

For example, I also imagine how Igor Mann, without patronymic. And then, my eastern patronymic is difficult to pronounce :)). I say: "My name is Murat. Murat Turgunov. " Murat is a very rare consulting name, so it is easily remembered. And so that my surname is correctly pronounced and / or wrote, I remind you of another well-known, but similar last name - Turgenev.

What is the essence of the book? Now competition is enhanced. We want to deal with customers with the best in our segment - with experts. I am convinced: many of you would like to become an unsurpassed leader among competitors.

Book "No. 1. How to become the best in what you are doing" about myself and personal growth. Thank you, Igor, for a good book!

Murat Turgunov
Link to the original publication

230 pages of books are read in one breath. This is not just a book, this is a working plan, performing which you not only fasten your knowledge, but also make your first step towards a person N1!
The book will help structure your knowledge and give a clear picture what to do. To the question of how? The list of books, which advises the author after each topic is responsible in more detail. So many useful books I have not met anywhere.

Using the materials of the book, I conducted my master class for students of the Law Faculty, which had a lot of positive feedback.

Cherman Dzotov

© I. B. Mann, 2014

© design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book can be reproduced in any form and any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission of copyright holder.

Legal support for publisher provides the law firm "Vegas Lex"

Dedicated first

I never believed that somehow especially, specifically, purposefully and systemically engaged in creating my brand (although many think that this is what I only do).

Let me tell the story.

A few years ago I received a letter from one consultant (let's call it) with the following request: "Igor, you could not make me the same famous in my area, as far as you are famous in Marketing. You are in Marketing №.1. I also want to be #.1, but in my area. "

Shortly before our meeting with Stepan, I opened MindMepping with great pleasure for myself (building memory cards).

I always liked to solve new tasks, and I answered Stepan, I'll think about it if I could tell him how I became so famous in Marketing, and whether he could use my experience.

Yes, I is called Guru, a leading marketing specialist, the most famous marketing technician ... But really, how did it happen and what to do to repeat it in another area?

I will explain at once: I really consider myself No. 1 in Russian marketing. Not a guru, but No..1.

Why? I did a lot and make a promotion and popularization for his promotion, speaking with lectures, consult, wrote ten books, they are all original and unique in their kind.

I was a face cover "Company", when in 2000 began working in Austria by Avaya marketing director in the Central Eastern Europe region in the Central Eastern Europe region, the Middle East and Africa, responsible for marketing in 68 countries of the world.

It turns out to repeat my way, you need to make simple and understandable things. (See first level).

Put the goal (for example, "Become No. 1 in ...").

Make an audit of yourself.

Constantly and systematically engage in personal and professional development.

Be sure to (I emphasize: it is necessary) to achieve high results in what you do. Without "records", achievements, "business cards", first-class projects and results you definitely not No. 1.

And in the last place in this algorithm - promotion. It must be, but this is not a decisive success factor.

The components of these large items can be detailed.

And when you reach your goal - will become №.1, - you will need to adjust your goal, lift the bar or establish an absolutely new goal for yourself.

Naturally, such a simple response Stepan (remind: He would be clearly not enough, and I "dived" into books on this issue and the Internet.

How many things are written on this topic!

And almost all books are similar to each other as Gemini: Repeating Tips, Repeating Stories ...

And amazing: everywhere there are many letters, but none of the authors suggested the model "Do Once, do two, do three."

Many tell how to become a brand, how to become a superbrum, but do not explain how to do it (I have not seen the systems).

Many people told quite amazing things for me - and after Stanislavsky, I repeated his words: "I do not believe!"

And then - as they matched! - For six months, I was once requested about the same, familiar (my colleagues) and completely unfamiliar people. And every time I opened my card and for an hour and a half "ran" on her with the interlocutor, and every time everyone who appealed to me was just happy. Road Map - What to do to Becoming No. 1, - was transparent, it was clear and made it possible to start working on it immediately after the meeting.

The larger in our country there will be No. 1 - first-class specialists, experts, consultants, employees, managers, entrepreneurs, the better for each city, the region and our country (and, of course, for No. 1 itself, for his family and customers / partners / colleagues).

So this book appeared. And I am glad that she is in your hands. So you are already one of us or will soon be with us.

I read your thoughts: "And if someone in marketing, working on this map, will be №.1 and will ignorate Igor Mann on the side?"

I confess, it is possible. But I'm not afraid of this.

The one who will decide on it (and he is a bold man!), I must remember that I do not stop and I work on this map itself (constantly!).

So if someone decides, then see you on the route.

The strongest will win.

The book you hold in your hands is simple, as a card you just seen. It is absolutely answering the question "What to do?", Unfortunately, does not give detailed and deployed answers to questions "How to do?". But every time I will try to recommend you the best sources of information - books and specialists.

All you have - create your own card, develop your conversion plan to №.1 and become #.1.

Many declare "I want to become a number 1 in your field of activity," but few people really do something for this, especially in a specified period. It is not surprising: "Make yourself yourself" is not easy: a systematic approach is required and attention to detail. This book just offers a check list that is easy to modify for you personally. After reading and filling in special tables (slice of strong and weak qualities, the definition of priorities, the path of development of key skills, the change in the image, methods of self-target) you will receive a step-by-step algorithm for moving towards purpose.

The author, Igor Mann, himself became number 1 in Russian marketing. This book is his own experience and experience of dozens of other people who stubbornly worked on themselves to become the best in their business. You will also succeed.

From the author

I never believed that somehow especially, specifically, purposefully and systemically engaged in creating my brand (although many think that this is what I only do).

Let me tell the story.

A few years ago I received a letter from one consultant (let's call it) with the following request: "Igor, you could not make me the same famous in my area, as far as you are famous in Marketing. You are in Marketing №.1. I also want to be #.1, but in my area. "

Shortly before our meeting with Stepan, I opened MindMepping with great pleasure for myself (building memory cards).

I always liked to solve new tasks, and I answered Stepan, I'll think about it if I could tell him how I became so famous in Marketing, and whether he could use my experience.

Yes, I is called Guru, a leading marketing specialist, the most famous marketing technician ... But really, how did it happen and what to do to repeat it in another area?

I will explain at once: I really consider myself No. 1 in Russian marketing. Not a guru, but No..1.

Why? I did a lot and make a promotion and popularization for his promotion, speaking with lectures, consult, wrote ten books, they are all original and unique in their kind.

I was a face cover "Company", when in 2000 began working in Austria by Avaya marketing director in the Central Eastern Europe region in the Central Eastern Europe region, the Middle East and Africa, responsible for marketing in 68 countries of the world.

"Marketing by 100%" is the first and only book about how to become a good marketing manager. She, perhaps, the best-selling book in Russia: its total circulation - more than 100 thousand copies.

"Marketing machine" is the first book in Russia on how to become and be a good marketing director.

"Marketing without a budget" was the most expensive booking book in our country, Philip Kotler has given a very good review (I do not know any other book of the Russian author with a review of the international marketer guru).

"Returns" and "Points of Contact" are perhaps the first-in-kind book on the marketing of customers returns and points of contact of the company and its customers (I did not meet books on this topic in the West).

I was the only Russian speaker at the first international marketing forum, which in 2012 conducted Philip Kotler.

I can continue ... But it seems already enough.

I also consider myself No. 1 in the subject of customer focus.

I sat down at the computer, launched MindManager and began to draw a card. And that's what I did:

It turns out to repeat my way, you need to make simple and understandable things (see first level).

  • Put the goal (for example, "Become No. 1 in ...").
  • Make an audit of yourself.
  • Constantly and systematically engage in personal and professional development.
  • Be sure to (I emphasize: it is necessary) to achieve high results in what you do. Without "records", achievements, "business cards", first-class projects and results you definitely not No. 1.
  • And in the last place in this algorithm - promotion. It must be, but this is not a decisive success factor.

The components of these large items can be detailed.

And when you reach your goal - will become №.1, - you will need to adjust your goal, lift the bar or establish an absolutely new goal for yourself.

Naturally, such a simple response Stepan (remind: He would be clearly not enough, and I "dived" into books on this issue and the Internet.

How many things are written on this topic!

And almost all books are similar to each other as Gemini: Repeating Tips, Repeating Stories ...

And amazing: everywhere there are many letters, but none of the authors suggested the model "Do Once, do two, do three."

Many tell how to become a brand, how to become a superbrum, but do not explain how to do it (I have not seen the systems).

Many people told quite amazing things for me - and after Stanislavsky, I repeated his words: "I do not believe!"

And then - as they matched! - For six months, I was once requested about the same, familiar (my colleagues) and completely unfamiliar people. And every time I opened my card and for an hour and a half "ran" on her with the interlocutor, and every time everyone who appealed to me was just happy. Road Map - What to do to Becoming No. 1, - was transparent, it was clear and made it possible to start working on it immediately after the meeting.

The larger in our country there will be No. 1 - first-class specialists, experts, consultants, employees, managers, entrepreneurs, the better for each city, the region and our country (and, of course, for No. 1 itself, for his family and customers / partners / colleagues).

So this book appeared. And I am glad that she is in your hands. So you are already one of us or will soon be with us.

I read your thoughts: "And if someone in marketing, working on this map, will be №.1 and will ignorate Igor Mann on the side?"

I confess, it is possible. But I'm not afraid of this.

The one who will decide on it (and he is a bold man!), I must remember that I do not stop and I work on this map itself (constantly!).

So if someone decides, then see you on the route.

The strongest will win.

The book you hold in your hands is simple, as a card you just seen. It is absolutely answering the question "What to do?", Unfortunately, does not give detailed and deployed answers to questions "How to do?". But every time I will try to recommend you the best sources of information - books and specialists.

All you have - create your own card, develop your conversion plan to №.1 and become #.1.

Do not skip steps.

Make tasks after chapters.

Desire + goal + hard work + excellent results - and everything should be done. Begin!

How to work with this book?

The best thing to make a book for a person is to make it act.

Thomas Carlel

Dozens of books in Russian and thousands in English have been published about Moorketing.

Since 2009, when I wrote a book "Marketing without a budget", I want to write books so that the reader says: "Wow, I haven't met anything else."

I am confident: books like this, you have not met.

This book is about what is important to know and what is important to do to become №.1. But it will not replace highly specialized books on different aspects of personal development and books on self-store. It is impossible under one cover to collect all the advice that will help you become №.1, and at the same time be an interesting to every reader (after all, everyone has its own level of development, their goals and ambitions).

You will find a step-by-step algorithm here, as from the point where you are now, get to the point in which you want to be, how to become #.1 in what you do (want to do).

In the course of reading, gradually follow the tasks from the application 1. This is a check list for which you must check yourself and work on yourself. And at the same time, this is a roadmap for which you will move, focusing on what you need, and adding - in quantity, as, at the pace, where necessary.

Here is my example.

I read about the skill of the "Ability to write".

I believe that this skill is critical for me. I think it is developed with me well. Priority in its development for me - in category B Table String I will look like this:

You may be surprised that I put priority in, and not A.

I just have many other skills, more important for me that I need to develop first.

I think that 99% of readers of books (and I myself am in their number) pass exercises in which the author calls them to emphasize them, fill, think, answer ...

More honest and fully your answers, the faster and better will be the result.

Since 2009, my business card is the following phrase: the most important thing in marketing (yes in anywhere!) - Know what to do; Know how to do, and take and do.

Wonders will not. Just reading this book, you will not become #.1. Reading, notes and reflections without practical application do not bring results.

Put the goal.

Explore your capabilities.

Develop yourself.

Show results.

Marshall Goldsmith in the book "Jump above" writes: "According to statistics, if you improve a specific sphere, and other your indicators are improved ... A change in one leads to a general improvement."

Just imagine how you change and what will be the results, if you start movement and improvements on all fronts!

Labor made a man's monkey. Purposeful work and work on the system will make a person number.1 from man.

I am sure about that.

Step 1


At this step, the main thing is to prevent an error.

You can go wrong, not at all there. This is fraught with loss of time, effort and money. Therefore, very well think about your goal.

And do not miss her mind.

Your mantra of goals: ambitious, achievable, always before your eyes.

1.1. Aims

The road to the thousand lee begins with the first step.

Chinese wisdom

I could be much more useful to you at this stage, but, alas, you are not next to me, do not talk about yourself, of your goals and ambitions, do not share my thoughts with me ...

I do not understand your desires and opportunities, do not feel your emotions ...

I can not confirm the correctness of your intentions or adjust your plans (sometimes I strongly adjusted the initial goal of my interlocutor).

But several tips are still ladies.

First, it will be good if the goal was formulated according to the SMART model (Abbreviation from the SPECIFIC words - specific; Measurable is measurable; Attainable is achievable; Relevant is significant; Time-Bounded is correlated with a specific period).

Immediately, I want to warn the reader: to collect under one cover all the knowledge on the topic of myself and personal and professional development is impossible, and there is no need to - it turns out a multi-digit that few people want to read.

My goal is to make a kind of road map (roadmap) of your development on the state in which you are, until №.1.

Secondly, your goal should be ambitious.

The purpose of becoming №.1 is worthy.

№.1 In sales in your company.

№.1 on sales in its industry.

In the book, "how to become a guru for 60 days," there is a good advice: now it is hard to become №.1 in some area, so it is better to narrow your focus.

For example, you want to be # 1 in marketing.

Marketing is too wide concept.

And industries in which it is used, a huge set.

Choose a narrow marketing area and industry - and your goal is ready.

For example, you are planning to become No. 1 in direct marketing in the pharmaceutical industry.

This is achievable, and it is ambitious.

When you reach this goal, you can move on, to a new marketing area or to a new industry.

#.1 to anything in the country.

#.1 to anything in the world (why not?)

Suddenly, for himself at the first international marketing forum, which was held at the initiative and under the patronage of Philip Cotler, the International Marketing Guru, I heard that he introduced me to colleagues: "And this is Igor Mann from Russia, he №.1 in marketing without a budget." (Oh! It's expensive!)

How did I manage it?

Philip just liked my book very much, and he does not know other specialists in this area (I was first here - and became No. 1).

Of course, some readers and the goal of becoming No. 2 in their field will force each morning to pop up from under the blanket.

I read in the book "How do people think" that the Japanese has the concept of "Ikigai" - this is what you wake up in the morning (let your "Ikigay" be "getting up to take a step towards becoming №.1 in ... ").

The Japanese are generally very targeted people. They have such a tradition: they buy a lackless doll (it is called "Daruma"; Rather, it is a doll head), make a desire or put a goal, draw one eye, and - go ahead!

So far, the desire is not fulfilled, and the goal will not be achieved, the doll looks at you with a lot of one-eyed reproof.

By the way, when I started writing this book, Darumu did (you will see it on my seminar with the same name, see it!). For more than a year she motivated me ...

You read this story in the book, it means that she has two eyes :)

Does everyone should be #.1? Probably not. Someone deprived of ambitions. Someone has bad starting conditions. Someone is not lucky. But movement itself to №.1, work in this direction, especially work on development and results, will make you better.

As they say, melt in the sun - exactly get on the moon.

And you will be aiming in the moon - you can not fly.

Thirdly, keep the goal before your eyes.

Cardboard size with a business card in your wallet.

Screensaver on a computer and / or phone.

I like to set the goal of the screensaver on the iPhone.

Always before you, and you see it at least 100 times per day.

It is impossible to ignore it.

Paper in the frame under the glass near the workplace ("I, such, binding ..." - why not?). Let as many people find out about your goal - burn ships! Sut off the way to departure!

Engraving on the glass of wristwatches (I saw it!).

Tattoo (this, I confess, until I have seen).

Ringtone (this, I confess, has not yet heard).

When I was a boy, Dad woke me to school with the words: "Stop, Count! You are waiting for great things!» (According to legend, these words of the servant of the French historian Duke Sandrikura Maximilian Henri de Saint-Simon (1720-1799) wakes his master). Representing the ringtone with similar motivating-resembling words and vigorous music?

A little later there will be no need for this: your goal will become part of your life, and perhaps, and mostly of your life. But for the beginning, visualization is necessary. "From the eye, one from the heart of Won" is just about visibility and widespread visibility of your goal.

To read

Robert Bly. How to become a guru for 60 days. M.: Eksmo, 2005.

Marshall Goldsmith. Jump above your head! 20 habits from which you need to refuse to conquer the top of success. M.: Olympus Business, 2010.

Dmitry Chernyshev. How people think. M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013.

Self-test and configuration

Attention, reader!

Form your goal. Put it on paper. Love her. Believe in it. And only then read on.

Step 2.


Let's look at this section of the situation in which you are (chapter "Where are you now?") - Perhaps it will help you adjust your goal.

Let's also figure out what your qualities work for you and against you (the chapters "source data", "look good" and "Hello, I ...").

Let's see who (chapters "Support for the near Circle" and "mentor") and that (the chapters "luck" and "selfotive") can help achieve your goal.

And look at the ups and downs of your career and on your professional path.

2.1. Where are you now?

In many books on motivation, it is written: no matter who you live, in which family were born, - you can achieve anything if you want.

Hmm ... I treat this skeptical.

Radmilo Lukich is the best sales coach in Russia and in the CIS - in one of his books somehow was well aware of the topic of selfish.

I don't remember exact words, but the essence is as follows: you can get up every morning in the mornings and talk to yourself: "I will be a Wimbledon champion, I will become Wimbledon's champion, I'll break all the wimbledon ..." - but until you take in your hands Racket and do not train, train, train and train, your positive attitudes will not lead you anywhere.

Still, it is important to soberly assess your starting situation. Companies do this using a lot of tools (SWOT, analysis of porter forces, Pestel ...), and you have to do this.

Try the easiest - SWOT analysis. Exercise is unpleasant, but it is definitely worth it to do.

Draw a square, divide it into four parts and write in the corners:

  • my strengths (s)
  • my weaknesses (w)
  • my capabilities (O)
  • threats for me at the moment (T)

And fill out this table by your data.

Here is my example.

Here, all the truth, but I do not show all your SWOT: this is personal.

And you do not better show anyone.

But be prepared for the fact that I (or someone else) will ask you during the interview when taking a job to sket your SWOT analysis.

This is an excellent exercise to understand whether you know the basics of marketing, appreciate you, understand your self-esteem.

Of course, the SWOT version on the interview should differ from what will happen when reading this book. The second you do in order to become better. The first - in order to sell itself more expensive ("This is marketing, baby").

When you do your SWOT, be honest: it makes no sense to deceive yourself. Seeing its weaknesses and disadvantages, you will see your points of growth and development.

Try to drink wine and then start doing SWOT. That the sober on the mind, then a relaxed alcohol falls on paper.

Talk to colleagues, with your boss (if you have a normal relationship, it is real) and friends (from the latter you have to hear a lot of truth) - so you get an objective, real, life SWOT, and not SWOT-pink-glasses, SWOT "White and fluffy"…

Now that your SWOT is ready, you must:

  • save and multiply their strengths;
  • eliminate weak;

According to the experience: an honest list of weaknesses - and it turns out quite long - often paralyzes.

I am for the golden middle. There are weaknesses that can be ignored with which you can learn how to work and live, which can be used with benefit for yourself. And there are weaknesses to eliminate, win, overcome.

  • Use all opportunities
  • Take into account risks

How easy it is to write and how difficult it is to do!

You can not imagine how much I had to make an effort and time to figure out the topic of Internet marketing!

Several years have gone to the complete zero to go to current status (and now I will teach the right internet marketing).

Taking this opportunity, I want to say thanks to my teachers: Sergey Sukhov, Yuri Chelvnichenko, Denis, Polek and Vitaly Musiciav.

There is a clear and thoughtful plan.

It is believed that to secure a positive skill requires 21 days. Let you please that to eliminate weakness may take the same three weeks. Every day, on a little bit, we gradually begin to win your weakness.

For example, you need to learn English.

You choose for yourself the most suitable methodology (a couple of weeks can go to find it: too big now selection).

And then start:

  • every day Skype conversation with a native speaker;
  • every day you read five pages of the English book;
  • watch a 40-minute TV series in English.

It will take an hour and a half every day.

Then be content with Russian-speaking sources and the help of the translator and accept the missed opportunities.

It is important to know that it does not always have a Happy end and not all its weaknesses and shortcomings can be defeated. I, for example, did not like the analyst and did not master the SPSS (processing and analysis of statistical information).

But I quite decently mastered the functions of Excel, immediately found myself a very strong analytics in the team, and I have colleagues that easily cope with SPSS when it is needed.

To read

John Assaraf, Murray Smith. Answer. How to succeed in business, find financial freedom and live happily. M.: Eksmo: Midgard, 2009.

Self-test and configuration

2.2. Initial data

Now it will begin unpleasant.

Let's figure out that you have with congenital and acquired "inheritance" over the years of life. Let's talk and think about this chapter about your growth, weight, constitution / physique, drive / energy, voice, posture, gait, your "interface".

There are many books, materials, articles on this topic, but it is important for me that you realize some important points.

I am afraid to give any advice and recommendations here.

First, it is strange to do it for the eyes, without seeing you.

I will say honestly: it is very difficult to give feedback on these issues.

Say the interlocutor in the eye, that the nails are better not to nibble, but to cut or that his wardrobe, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired, extremely difficult.

Therefore, if you really say it is hard truth.

Secondly, there are readers and there are readers, and recommendations must be different.

Many reviewers (more precisely, reviewed) noted that the book is too men's and there are no advice for girls and women.

That's not a special, I'm afraid to advise.

But you're, girls, please read somehow between the lines ... you are generally smarter than we :)

Thirdly, there are national, professional and other features that are also better to consider.

Therefore, just keep in mind that all the above can be used and against you, and in your favor.

Height. More tall men - all studies speak about it - achieve great results.

What can make you higher if you are not lucky?

Shoes on heels, good posture, proper clothes and ability to keep your head above.

Yes, and not critical of growth, if you want something in fact! Napoleon was small, but a lot managed to achieve.

Weight. You also know without me: Become No. 1 with an excess weight will be much more difficult, and you will enjoy this status you will be less (harsh fact: the life of fathers is shorter). Give yourself to the form.

Yes, I know that there is also a problem, let's say, too thin bodybuilding. But this book is not about how to correct the flaws of the figure.

There is a flaw - fight.

Body type. Someone was lucky (wide shoulders of a man, a proportional figure), there is no one. Sport, proper nutrition and the right wardrobe - here are your helpers, if you are not lucky.

Council of men: buy Men magazine "s Health: It is full of stories about how to make yourself an athlete.

Yes, you need to work on yourself. But, as they say in the US, No Pain, No Gain (no suffering - no result).

Posture. Our moms were right when they told us so that we would not have stuck. We like people who go with a straight back and straightened shoulders. Alas, there are very little such (and I myself am not from their number).

If you have noticed this - train (look at the Internet exercises) and try "Master Posture" (www.masterosanki.ru).

Gait. Important factor. It is hard to appreciate yourself; Ask to withdraw the video. I think you will be surprised and upset when you look at yourself.

Make conclusions.

Drive and overall tone.Again, someone is lucky with it more, someone less.

Someone Owl, someone's larks. Someone is always "at a low start," someone needs to be tuned by hours.

Your main allies are here - the right healthy habits: Sports (exercise), full sleep, proper nutrition, the correct mode and correct attitude.

Temporary allies can be natural stimulants / power engineers - ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass, coffee, chocolate (I think that many have remembered the cool movie "Darkness Areas").

Can help and correct hobbies - switching from work on the hobby is a very useful thing!

My hobbies - viewing the series while running on an elliptical simulator and reading business books - perfectly help me switch from work, but at the same time they keep aware.

Another hobby - I collect owls: figurines, fridge magnets, plates with them, paintings ... I have a big collection, and when I look at it, I am relaxing (remembered now - and again relaxed :)).

I envy those who have a hobby more interesting than mine.

Mikhail Ivanov is engaged in triathlon.

Radislav Gandapas - golf.

And one of my good friend (successful top manager) is just a clagging hobby: photography, Latin dancing, traveling for exotic countries, playing drums and cooking.

The hobby not only gives drive, but also the topic to "talk" and an excellent platform for non-Maging and marketing itself.

Vote.Also a gift of nature. Honestly, I do not know what to do if you have falsett. But the voice is very important. A pleasant, beautiful, confident voice is an asset of everyone who is aiming in №.1, this is one of the main productions of production. Many public people take special lessons and put a voice.

Look at the film "The king says!". Everything is possible!

I once recommended to strengthen and putting a voice just sing in the car. Turn on the radio, you find a familiar or new nice song and start singing. Moscow traffic jams were to help me (I imagine how it looked from the side).

But if you can not affect the depth of the voice, follow the tempo of speech ("Mirror" of your interlocutors, speak at one speed with them) and the pronunciation (do not swallow words, do not mumble).

Write your speech on the voice recorder. Listen to yourself.

This will give an understanding of the shortcomings and defects of your speech.

"Interface". This is your face: the condition of the skin, teeth, nails, hair (on her head and face), smells (I will say right: some people exude a very unpleasant smell, but do not realize this).

Just mention this question. This is a personal topic, and everyone must decide for themselves, it is critical or not.

I envy people who have a million smile.

I have she charming (I constantly say photographers about it, I hope it is not a duty of their compliment!), But "in full mouth", like a Hollywood star, I will not smile.

However, I promise: if this book is selling a circulation of 100 thousand copies, the entire fee invest in the services of dentists and make a Hollywood smile.

Fussiness. They do not like in our country of fussy people (they generally love them at all). So do not fuss - neither movement or gesture or word.

I am a restless man. I do not always succeed in slowness.

But I remember the wise words: "Do not fuss, and there will be no fuss."

They say, Yoga, Pilates, Scandinavian walking, meditation, massage ... It will be necessary to try ... in turn :)

To read

Self-test and configuration

Before you continue reading, perform the tasks of paragraph 2.2 of the questionnaire in Appendix 1.

2.3. "Hello, I am…"

A young man, make something that means something.

Andrew Carnegie

How do you represent other people? (This is not a trifle!)

What can you do in order to better "penetrate" the consciousness of the interlocutor and it is better to remember?

For example, when I worked abroad, I seemed like this: "My name is Mann. Igor Mann "(My Name Is Mann. Igor Mann).

Yes, not James Bond, but many remembered immediately.

My name is rare enough to meet abroad, so I asked my interlocutor if he read Igor Ansoff.

If the answer was "yes," then I said that we are the namesakes with him.

I remembered the German-speaking audience: Thomas Mann, Heinrich Mann ... - Famous names.

There is something that you got from parents: name, patronymic and surname.

Igor Mann is remembered better than Igor Petrov: the surname is quite rare (I was lucky).

My cousin writes his last name: Marina Mann - and says that it is better remembering her (by the way, a great idea!).

I ask you not to call me by patronymic. "Igor Borisovich" sounds infrequently. Cause? For too long, I worked in Western companies, it is not accepted there. And it formally sounds, in my opinion, I do not work in state-owned companies or government agencies.

By the way, if you do not like the name and surname who got the name and last name, you can change them.

There is something you can get: nickname, title, title.

My colleagues when I worked in Austria, called me "Doctor": first, I wear glasses, secondly, I have a candidate degree.

In Russia, I was called the "Guru of Russian Marketing".

Philip Kotler at the first international marketing forum presented me as a "guru marketing without a budget."

When I worked in the Central Eastern Europe region, Middle East and Africa, one of my colleagues on the business card wrote "Count" (had full right).

You can also take a pseudonym.

Many info-business specialists are known under the pseudonyms. True, there are cons.

Once I spent a seminar in one hotel in the Urals hotel, and in parallel with me the seminar spent one infotrenere. In the evening I decided to have dinner with him (Networking!), Appealed to the reception with the question, in which issue there is such something. I could not help me, and we did not have dinner.

A separate story - an online representation. Nicky, avatars, postal domains - here are some more tools in your personal nemining arsenal. Even your email address is your marketing. Hurry up: find a good name in popular mail service is almost impossible. I just do not envy our grandchildren. Original names will not remain ...

It is ridiculous to receive letters with addresses like "Belchonok1980 @", "Littlepringessa2 @", "Vova1975 @", "GGH @" ... Such addresses do not work on the image. It is better if the address is at least neutral or hint at your professional activity.

In Skype and on Twitter I amnketing.

Mail I imann. But not on Google: I love Yandex.

I imann@ya.ru I like (by the way, many do not know that Yandex can be cut to Ya).

As an avatar, I use my photo or the cover of my new book. I do not understand people who use cartoon or other characters, children's photos.

By the way, a good idea will use a single avatar: it will be constantly reminding what you work on.

It is important what you have a car. And there may be a raisin.

One my reviewer is signed by the "most ambitious man of Samara". It clings (and as!), And it works.

To read

Self-test and configuration

Perform everything with regard to your name, nicknames, pseudonyms and addresses, in paragraph 2.3 of Annex 1.

2.4. Look good

Met me for dressing.
They also conducted not very.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

For №.1, it is important to look good. Not necessarily by a million, but plus-minus 100 thousand will be not bad.

I write this chapter for men. The readers in this question better disassemble us. They have a desire to look good, it seems in the blood :)

But there are women and encumbrance: some things are forgiven with men, but they do not. And they have more time for it. And the specifics are many: heels, handbags, shellak ...

What is important here?

Clothes, shoes, accessories, smell (yes, again), good physical shape and pleasant well-kept face.

Clothing. The ability to dress is good - very important skill. There are many books on this topic. Read, learn.

Donald Trump said as taped: "You need to dress not in accordance with whom you are now, and in accordance with whom you want to be."

I saw Trump. He really looked at his millions.

Constantly invest gradually into your wardrobe, update and improve it.

It is possible that at a certain stage you will have to hire an image consultant. It is difficult to understand how much your wardrobe suits you.

Men! You are very lucky if the spouse can follow your wardrobe and develop your taste (listen to wives and girlfriends, they do not advise badly).

Stylish and good - this is not synonymous with the concept of "dear brands." Although when you №.1 in some areas, brand clothes do not hurt you.

Look, what brands are successful people in your area, and copy them by buying the same brands.

Another strategy is to go against the wind, choosing bright, original, non-standard brands (understandable, this advice is not for everyone: I personally will never be too bright colors).

Having achieved a certain level, you need to think about a suit, sewn to order. And the shirt, stitched to order, sometimes costs even cheaper than you can buy in a corporate store. And how sits! ..

And how to add confidence and charm cufflinks!

Part of the concept of "look good" can be "Fishka" in appearance: the man wears only butterflies (hello, Alexey Capterev!), Scarves (hello, Nicholas Karo!) Or Neckarheads (Hi, Igor Kachalov!); He is committed to a certain color in clothes. Or chips in communication: for example, a person is always smiling (hello, Konstantin Bumpsht!), Even talking on the phone, or he has characteristic memorable words.

Footwear. Must be clean (remember the film "Moscow does not believe in tears?"), Who are inhabited and harmonized with clothing.

There are a pair of shoe brands that I recently "hooked": MVT (MBT.RU) and Swissies.

Very comfortable shoes, and MBT also trains your body (officially is the smallest simulator in the world).

Trifle, but important: socks (in the women's audience - socks, stockings, tights).

My socks can be spoiled with a reputation ... And you can stand out, remember ...

Accessories. In men, the choice is small. Watches, wedding ring, business card holder, notepad for entries, rim, phone, briefcase, pen, machine (belts, cufflinks, ties, butterflies, cervical scarves, handkerchief in the pocket of the jacket and suspenders - it's to clothing).

It is important to remember what accessories:

  • create image;
  • may become a reason to talk (for example, my phone case is called Babushka).

I will share my experience, thoughts and impressions.

Clock. Watch manufacturers say that we must have at least half-life hours; The most expensive should cost three monthly salary. I do not comment (but the marketing is correct).

I have half a dozen hours, but 90% of the time in 2013 passed with the Nike Fuelband bracelet - and sports, and the reason to talk, and time is shown!

Business card holder I have a road, non-discontinued, but very comfortable, with several offices: in one business card from the publisher, in the other - from consulting, in the third - customers of customers.

But there is expensive - Montblans. This is for important cases.

Wallet. It is important which (shape, size, material, brand) is, and it is important that in it (does he look like a swollen hippo?).

Notebook. Either Moleskin or nota.bene.

I have Moleskin pocket size and A4 format - very convenient.

Of course, the notepad model is important, but the main thing is that it is at hand.

A pen. Always with a handle! As the Americans say, better stupid pencil than sharp memory. You should be a little ashamed when you make a mark on a marked paper sheets with a knotted pencil or a very cheap handle. I have a lot of different handles, but I don't do a cult from them. The main thing is to be (we carry with you two or three: once every six months this amount is very useful) and writing well.

Points. Fashionable, new, indiscriminate frame and unwrapped glass.

Telephone. I love the iPhone. "On the output" there is BlackBerry (yes, for corporate mail it is good).

It is important what is your case, what a ringtone call.

Let's comment call. It seems to me that the best melody is a vibrating alert.

The Japanese does not work at all to lay out the phone at the table during the negotiations (look at our customs), and the melody to annoy others is generally a bad tone.

Portfolio. Better brand; It is important that there is a convenient (for me it is important to be several offices).

I recently loved the business backpacks (as in the film "I would be in the sky" with George Clooney) - I recommend Tumi.

A car. For someone, the accessory (look at the designs of keys from cars), for someone fetish. And for me, the car is not a cult: in our family Citroen Ci Crosser - four years, mileage 24 thousand kilometers (we go a little), and it does not bother me (this year I change on Honda Pilot). I live in Moscow, my transport is on foot (I live in the center), a taxi (thanks to the Yandex-Taxi service) and the subway.

Smell. Neutral and nonsense or pleasant - two permissible options in this case. Unpleasant flavors, as already mentioned, you need to drown.

Good physical form. In a healthy body - healthy mind (with all the ensuing consequences: stress resistance, the ability to keep a blow, higher efficiency ...) and magnetism.

Yes, over the years it is more difficult to maintain this form. But this is a bad justification.

Well-groomed face. It is important a lot: the skin of the face, the hair in the ears and the nose (many and do not know that there are trimmers for these zones), haircut, beard, mustache, condition of hair and hairstyle - simply indicate to think about.

To read

Kim Johnson Gross and Jeff Stone. Dress code. Travel Guide for Business Style for Successful Men. M.: Eksmo, 2005. (I was very helpful in my time.)

Nicholas Coro and Erlen Karacosis. Successful business style. Waiting for good luck? Change tie! St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

Oscar Leniz. A true man. Style Guide. M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber,

Bernhard Retzel. Gentleman. M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013.

Self-test and configuration

Do not skip this step. Perform everything regarding your appearance, in paragraph 2.4 of the questionnaires in Appendix 1.

2.5. Support for the near Circle

Together having fun on the expanses ...

Your Middle Circle, which can help you become №.1, are parents, a close friend (friends) and spouse / spouse.

Spouse / spouse. Be sure to discuss your goal with him / her.

I am sure that most of my readers are ambitious men. For them, I quote the memory of whose memory I do not remember, but very correct words: "A woman stood for each success for success, who really wanted it."

Remember it. Thank your women for their assistance in achieving your goals. And take new heights for them.

Sit with your partner for dinner on a weekday, go to the cafe / restaurant on the day off and discuss your goal with him, enlist the support. Maybe your goal is adjusted (will become more landed or, on the contrary, more ambitious).

There is a bike on this occasion.

How to check a business plan? Put a spouse, read it your business plan. Now tell her that you will live on money from this business now.

As a result of such a conversation, you will acquire an ally, comrades, a partner in achieving yours - already jointly divided with a partner - purpose.

Little Tip: Ask and go to your partner.

Maybe they are close and you will get synergies?

Or maybe they are incompatible?

Which of you is the first in line for achieving the goal?

Partnership requires victims.

And in general, it is not bad if they know about your goals: we are given to our parents so that they are proud of us - and our goals, and our achievements.

Children. Some readers can support children.

Small - like motivators. We want to provide our children, give them a happy childhood, good education?

Balance between work and family, children - a sick question.

I know a lot of successful people, but complete harmony in this balance of units.

Almost always have a break.

And it seems to me that without them.

And if children are adults, they can and support in your projects. I know such cases.

Friends.With friends, as well as with a partner and parents, it is worth noting your progress. And you can only discuss your goals, perhaps only with the most close one.

Mentor can enter your short circle. But about this in the next chapter.

To read

Kate Ferrazzi. Your support group. Program of personal development, giving striking results. M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013.

Self-test and configuration

Remember everyone, whose support can be enlisted. Perform the tasks of paragraph 2.5 of Annex 1.

2.6. Mentor

Isaac Newton

Nothing accelerates your movement to become 1, as a good mentor or mentors.

Ask any No. 1, who is his mentor (tutor, coach, coach) than he is obliged to him, and you will definitely hear a fascinating story.

I do not really love the word "coach". I'm closer the word "coach". Three times for my life were asked me to become a coach, and every time we agreed that I would not "be coincided", namely to train.

Somewhere I read that there are no trainers with amateur athletes, and professionals are there. What to say ... the difference is noticeable.

Yes, the coach works for money (unlike mentor), but it will accurately pay off.

Who can become a mentor? How to find it? How to work with him? - Here are the three main questions of this chapter.

Who can be your mentor? A mentor can be your boss (in some companies, the institute of mentoring is created specifically) or the head of your boss (although the latter is very rare).

Mentor can be your former boss (so never burn bridges, leaving the company).

It may be your supervisor. Or the manager you have passed the practice. Or the guru, with whom you met at the conference.

Life offers us a lot of opportunities to get acquainted with people who can become mentors. It is necessary to use these possibilities.

I was lucky with mentors twice.

Igor Igor Kretov was appointed to the head of my diploma while studying at the university. He stood at the origins of the creation of marketing in Russia, and I learned a lot.

A few years ago at the conference in Moscow, I met the International Marketing Guru Filipe Kotler. It was a sufficiently unexpected acquaintance, but we talked, and he invited me to the first international marketing summit in Bangladesh, then I was visiting the United States.

If I have or there will be a question, I can ask him Philip. He responds, and responds quickly.

How to find a mentor? Your relationships may be for themselves: you can ask for advice from this person, get it, thank, use and apply again. If the person to whom you appeal, such communication does not like - consider that mentoring relationships have developed.

You can also try to make a formal step and ask him to become your mentor.

The Japanese say: when the student is ready, the teacher comes. But do not wait. When you feel that you need a mentor, then start looking for it.

Manage the initiative: under the laying stone water does not flow. Ask for help, the demand pocket does not pull :).

He either agrees or politely refuses. What do you lose?

How to work with him correctly?

Try to walk on it: it grows, and you grow.

No need to disturb the mentor on trifles - ask him interesting (not simple and banal) questions.

Apply in practice what you advised.

Breasting successes. And thank.

Remember that you are not the same and the time of your mentor is, as a rule, very big money. Remember: mentoring is not the main job.

Find a comfortable form: Your book with an autograph, a gift to his collection, happy birthday greetings, just words of gratitude at a meeting, by phone and by mail (or in an interview).

I was told the story as one grateful student (it was in the USA) translated 10% of his annual income to the account of his teacher and was sure that this was not enough.

This gratitude!

Very American.

But, perhaps, the highest form of gratitude - to become the best student of his mentor.

The Japanese say that the best gratitude of the student in relation to the teacher is to surpass it.

Ask at the mentor, who else has in the disciples. Get acquainted with them: I'm sure you will be interested in communicating with them, you will learn a lot from them.

Many, many years ago, I unexpectedly found out that Igor Kachalov, a well-known marketing consultant, also a student of Igor Ivanovich Kretova, my mentor.

My relationship with Igor Kachalov immediately became different, more informal and warm.

Treat the mentor with respect, at the same time do not make an idol out of it (the teacher with a sense of measure is not necessary).

Perhaps you will grow and you will have a new mentor. But remember: former mentors do not happen. It is like the first teacher.

Teacher is always a teacher.

Do not forget to thank him and tell him about my successes.

Boris Polishima Business Training in Sinton

© I. B. Mann, 2014

© design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

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* * *

Dedicated first

From the author

I never believed that somehow especially, specifically, purposefully and systemically engaged in creating my brand (although many think that this is what I only do).

Let me tell the story.

A few years ago I received a letter from one consultant (let's call it) with the following request: "Igor, you could not make me the same famous in my area, as far as you are famous in Marketing. You are in Marketing №.1. I also want to be #.1, but in my area. "

Shortly before our meeting with Stepan, I opened MindMepping with great pleasure for myself (building memory cards).

I always liked to solve new tasks, and I answered Stepan, I'll think about it if I could tell him how I became so famous in Marketing, and whether he could use my experience.

Yes, I is called Guru, a leading marketing specialist, the most famous marketing technician ... But really, how did it happen and what to do to repeat it in another area?

I will explain at once: I really consider myself No. 1 in Russian marketing. Not a guru, but No..1.

Why? I did a lot and make a promotion and popularization for his promotion, speaking with lectures, consult, wrote ten books, they are all original and unique in their kind.

I was a face cover "Company", when in 2000 began working in Austria by Avaya marketing director in the Central Eastern Europe region in the Central Eastern Europe region, the Middle East and Africa, responsible for marketing in 68 countries of the world.

It turns out to repeat my way, you need to make simple and understandable things. (See first level).

Put the goal (for example, "Become No. 1 in ...").

Make an audit of yourself.

Constantly and systematically engage in personal and professional development.

Be sure to (I emphasize: it is necessary) to achieve high results in what you do. Without "records", achievements, "business cards", first-class projects and results you definitely not No. 1.

And in the last place in this algorithm - promotion. It must be, but this is not a decisive success factor.

The components of these large items can be detailed.

And when you reach your goal - will become №.1, - you will need to adjust your goal, lift the bar or establish an absolutely new goal for yourself.

Naturally, such a simple response Stepan (remind: He would be clearly not enough, and I "dived" into books on this issue and the Internet.

How many things are written on this topic!

And almost all books are similar to each other as Gemini: Repeating Tips, Repeating Stories ...

And amazing: everywhere there are many letters, but none of the authors suggested the model "Do Once, do two, do three."

Many tell how to become a brand, how to become a superbrum, but do not explain how to do it (I have not seen the systems).

Many people told quite amazing things for me - and after Stanislavsky, I repeated his words: "I do not believe!"

And then - as they matched! - For six months, I was once requested about the same, familiar (my colleagues) and completely unfamiliar people. And every time I opened my card and for an hour and a half "ran" on her with the interlocutor, and every time everyone who appealed to me was just happy. Road Map - What to do to Becoming No. 1, - was transparent, it was clear and made it possible to start working on it immediately after the meeting.

The larger in our country there will be No. 1 - first-class specialists, experts, consultants, employees, managers, entrepreneurs, the better for each city, the region and our country (and, of course, for No. 1 itself, for his family and customers / partners / colleagues).

So this book appeared. And I am glad that she is in your hands. So you are already one of us or will soon be with us.

I read your thoughts: "And if someone in marketing, working on this map, will be №.1 and will ignorate Igor Mann on the side?"

I confess, it is possible. But I'm not afraid of this.

The one who will decide on it (and he is a bold man!), I must remember that I do not stop and I work on this map itself (constantly!).

So if someone decides, then see you on the route.

The strongest will win.

The book you hold in your hands is simple, as a card you just seen. It is absolutely answering the question "What to do?", Unfortunately, does not give detailed and deployed answers to questions "How to do?". But every time I will try to recommend you the best sources of information - books and specialists.

All you have - create your own card, develop your conversion plan to №.1 and become #.1.

Do not skip steps.

Make tasks after chapters.

Desire + goal + hard work + excellent results - and everything should be done. Begin!

How to work with this book?

The best thing to make a book for a person is to make it act.

Thomas Carlel

Dozens of books in Russian and thousands in English have been published about Moorketing.

Since 2009, when I wrote a book "Marketing without a budget", I want to write books so that the reader says: "Wow, I haven't met anything else."

I am confident: books like this, you have not met.

This book is about what is important to know and what is important to do to become №.1. But it will not replace highly specialized books on different aspects of personal development and books on self-store. It is impossible under one cover to collect all the advice that will help you become №.1, and at the same time be an interesting to every reader (after all, everyone has its own level of development, their goals and ambitions).

You will find a step-by-step algorithm here, as from the point where you are now, get to the point in which you want to be, how to become #.1 in what you do (want to do).

In the course of reading, gradually follow the tasks from the application 1. This is a check list for which you must check yourself and work on yourself. And at the same time, this is a roadmap for which you will move, focusing on what you need, and adding - in quantity, as, at the pace, where necessary.

Here is my example.

I read about the skill of the "Ability to write".

I believe that this skill is critical for me. I think it is developed with me well. Priority in its development for me - in category B Table String I will look like this:

You may be surprised that I put priority in, and not A.

I just have many other skills, more important for me that I need to develop first.

I think that 99% of readers of books (and I myself am in their number) pass exercises in which the author calls them to emphasize them, fill, think, answer ...

More honest and fully your answers, the faster and better will be the result.

Since 2009, my business card is the following phrase: the most important thing in marketing (yes in anywhere!) - Know what to do; Know how to do, and take and do.

Wonders will not. Just reading this book, you will not become #.1. Reading, notes and reflections without practical application do not bring results.

Put the goal.

Explore your capabilities.

Develop yourself.

Show results.

Go to.

Marshall Goldsmith in the book "Jump above" writes: "According to statistics, if you improve a specific sphere, and other your indicators are improved ... A change in one leads to a general improvement."

Just imagine how you change and what will be the results, if you start movement and improvements on all fronts!

Labor made a man's monkey. Purposeful work and work on the system will make a person number.1 from man.

I am sure about that.

Step 1

At this step, the main thing is to prevent an error.

You can go wrong, not at all there. This is fraught with loss of time, effort and money. Therefore, very well think about your goal.

And do not miss her mind.

Your mantra of goals: ambitious, achievable, always before your eyes.

1.1. Aims

The road to the thousand lee begins with the first step.

Chinese wisdom

I could be much more useful to you at this stage, but, alas, you are not next to me, do not talk about yourself, of your goals and ambitions, do not share my thoughts with me ...

I do not understand your desires and opportunities, do not feel your emotions ...

I can not confirm the correctness of your intentions or adjust your plans (sometimes I strongly adjusted the initial goal of my interlocutor).

But several tips are still ladies.

First, it will be good if the goal was formulated according to the SMART model (Abbreviation from the SPECIFIC words - specific; Measurable is measurable; Attainable is achievable; Relevant is significant; Time-Bounded is correlated with a specific period).

Immediately, I want to warn the reader: to collect under one cover all the knowledge on the topic of myself and personal and professional development is impossible, and there is no need to - it turns out a multi-digit that few people want to read.

My goal is to make a kind of road map (roadmap) of your development on the state in which you are, until №.1.

Secondly, your goal should be ambitious.

The purpose of becoming №.1 is worthy.

№.1 In sales in your company.

№.1 on sales in its industry.

In the book, "how to become a guru for 60 days," there is a good advice: now it is hard to become №.1 in some area, so it is better to narrow your focus.

For example, you want to be # 1 in marketing.

Marketing is too wide concept.

And industries in which it is used, a huge set.

Choose a narrow marketing area and industry - and your goal is ready.

For example, you are planning to become No. 1 in direct marketing in the pharmaceutical industry.

This is achievable, and it is ambitious.

When you reach this goal, you can move on, to a new marketing area or to a new industry.

#.1 to anything in the country.

#.1 to anything in the world (why not?)

Suddenly, for himself at the first international marketing forum, which was held at the initiative and under the patronage of Philip Cotler, the International Marketing Guru, I heard that he introduced me to colleagues: "And this is Igor Mann from Russia, he №.1 in marketing without a budget." (Oh! It's expensive!)

How did I manage it?

Philip just liked my book very much, and he does not know other specialists in this area (I was first here - and became No. 1).

Of course, some readers and the goal of becoming No. 2 in their field will force each morning to pop up from under the blanket.

I read in the book "How do people think" that the Japanese has the concept of "Ikigai" - this is what you wake up in the morning (let your "Ikigay" be "getting up to take a step towards becoming №.1 in ... ").

The Japanese are generally very targeted people. They have such a tradition: they buy a lackless doll (it is called "Daruma"; Rather, it is a doll head), make a desire or put a goal, draw one eye, and - go ahead!

So far, the desire is not fulfilled, and the goal will not be achieved, the doll looks at you with a lot of one-eyed reproof.

By the way, when I started writing this book, Darumu did (you will see it on my seminar with the same name, see it!). For more than a year she motivated me ...

You read this story in the book, it means that she has two eyes :)

Does everyone should be #.1? Probably not. Someone deprived of ambitions. Someone has bad starting conditions. Someone is not lucky. But movement itself to №.1, work in this direction, especially work on development and results, will make you better.

As they say, melt in the sun - exactly get on the moon.

And you will be aiming in the moon - you can not fly.

Thirdly, keep the goal before your eyes.

Cardboard size with a business card in your wallet.

Screensaver on a computer and / or phone.

I like to set the goal of the screensaver on the iPhone.

Always before you, and you see it at least 100 times per day.

It is impossible to ignore it.

Paper in the frame under the glass near the workplace ("I, such, binding ..." - why not?). Let as many people find out about your goal - burn ships! Sut off the way to departure!

Engraving on the glass of wristwatches (I saw it!).

Tattoo (this, I confess, until I have seen).

Ringtone (this, I confess, has not yet heard).

When I was a boy, Dad woke me to school with the words: "Stop, Count! Waiting for you great things! " . Representing the ringtone with similar motivating-resembling words and vigorous music?

A little later, there will be no need for this: your goal will be Part of your life, and perhaps, and mostly of your life. But for the beginning, visualization is necessary. "From the eye, one from the heart of Won" is just about visibility and widespread visibility of your goal.


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