Shpector Igor Leonidovich. Spector, Igor Leonidovich Igor Shpector entered the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation

Shpector Igor Leonidovich. Spector, Igor Leonidovich Igor Shpector entered the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation

Predecessor: Segal Alexander Zyamovich Successor: Budovsky Valery Leonidovich Religion: No (atheist) Birth: October 5.(1938-10-05 ) (81 years)
Kharkov, Ussr Children: (Son) Leonid Igorevich Shpector The consignment: CPSU (until 1991) Education: Profession: Heat supply engineer, water supply and treatment facilities Activity: political figure ,
head of the Urban District Awards:

Igor Leonidovich Shpector (born on October 5, 1938, Kharkov, USSR) - From March to March 2007, the mayor of the city district Vorkuta, President of the Union of Polaria Cities and the Far North, since 2009, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Since 2007 lives in St. Petersburg


  • Building technical school,
  • in the specialty "Heat supply engineer, water supply and treatment facilities"
  • Higher Party School with CPSU Central Committee


On his initiative, since 1999, Vorkuta became the venue of the Spartakiad of the peoples of the North of Russia "Polar Games".

Initiative as mayor

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Excerpt characterizing the sleeper, Igor Leonidovich

"Dad, we will be late," said, turning her beautiful head on the ancient shoulders, Princess Helen, who was waiting at the door.
But the effect in the light is the capital, which must be preserved, so that it does not disappear. Prince Vasily knew this, and since realizing that if he would ask for everyone who asks him, he could soon be asked for himself, he rarely used his influence. In the case of Knyagini Drubetskoy, he felt, however, after her new call, something like a slant of conscience. She reminded him of the truth: her father owes her first steps in his service. In addition, he saw on her receptions that she is one of those women, especially mothers who, once taking something in the head, will not retain until their desires fulfill, and otherwise ready for daily, Communicable marins and even on the scene. This last consideration shake him.
- Cherene Anna Mikhailovna, "he said with his always familiarity and boredom in his voice - it is almost impossible for me to do what you want; But to prove to you, as I love you and honor the memory of the late father of yours, I will do the impossible: your son will be translated into the guard, here's my hand. Are you satisfied?
- My dear, you are benefactor! I was other and did not wait for you; I knew how good you were.
He wanted to leave.
- Wait, two words. UNE FOIS PASSE AUX GARDES ... [since he will go to the guard ...] - She jumped: - You are good with Mikhail Ilarionovich Kutuzov, recommend him Boris in adjutants. Then I would be late, and then ...
Prince Vasily smiled.
- I do not promise this. You do not know how the Kutuzov besieged since he is appointed commander-in-chief. He he himself said that all Moscow Baryni said it to give him all her children in adjutants.
- No, promise, I do not let you down, cute, my benefactor ...
- Dad! - again the same tone repeated the beauty, - we are late.
- Well, Au Revoir, [Goodbye,] Forgive. See?
- So tomorrow you report to the sovereign?
- certainly, and Kutuzov does not promise.
"No, promise, promise, Basile, [Vasily," said Anna Mikhailovna, with a smile of young coquetki, which, when it must be, was peculiar to her, and now it did not go to her depleted face.
She, apparently, forgot his years and allowed, in the habit, all the vintage female funds. But as soon as he came out, her face again accepted the same cold, preliminary expression that was on it before. She returned to the mug in which the Viscount continued to tell, and again pretended to leave, waiting for time to leave, because it was done.
"But how do you find all this last comedy Du Sacre de Milan?" [Milan anointing?] - said Anna Pavlovna. ET La Nouvelle Comedie des Peuples de Genes Et De Lucques, Qui Viennent Presenter Leurs Voeux a M. Buonaparte Assis Sur Un Trone, Et Exaucant Les Voeux Des Nations! Adorable! NON, MAIS C "EST A EN DEVENIR FOLLE! ON DIRAIT, QUE LE MONDE ENTIER A PERDU LA TETE. [And here is a new comedy: Peoples of Genoa and Lucca spoke their desires to Mr. Bonaparte. And Mr. Bonaparte sits on the throne and performs the desires of peoples. 0! This is delightful! No, you can go crazy from this. Think that all the world lost my head.]
Prince Andrei grinned, straight looking into the face of Anna Pavlovna.
- "Dieu Me La Donne, Gare A Qui La Touche," he said (the words of Bonaparte, said when the crown is placed). - ON DIT QU "IL A ETE TRES BEAU EN PRONONCANT CES PAROLES, [God gave me a crown. The misfortune who will touch it. - They say he was very good, uttering these words,] - he added and repeated these words Italian: "Dio Mi La Dona, Guai A Chi La Tocca".
- J "Espere Enfin," continued Anna Pavlovna, - Que Ca A ETE La Goutte d "Eau Qui Fer Deborder Le Verre. Les Souverains Ne Peuvent Plus Supporter Cet Homme, Qui Menace Tout. [I hope that it was, finally, that drop that will overfill the glass. The state trucks cannot more tolerate this person who threatens everything.]
- Les Souverains? Je Ne Parle Pas De La Russia, "said Viscount courteous and hopelessly: - Les Souverains, Madame! QU "ONT ILS FAIT POUR LOUIS XVII, Pour La Reine, Pour Madame Elisabeth? Rien," he continued on animate. - Et Croyez Moi, ILS Subissent La Cause Des Bourbons. Les Souverains? ILS Envoient Des Ambassadeurs complimenter L "USURPATEUR. [Situations! I'm not talking about Russia. Situations! But what did they do for Louis XVII, for the Queen, for Elizabeth? Nothing. And believe me, they carry the punishment for their betrayal of Bourbon. Situations! They send ambassadors to welcome the throne kidnapper.]
And he, contemptuously sighing, change the position again. Prince Ippolit, long-looking at Lorrow on a viscont, suddenly, with these words, turned his whole body to a small princess and, asking her needle, began to show her, drawing a needle on the table, coat of arms Konde. He spread out this coat of arms with such a significant kind, as if the princess asked him about it.
- Baton de Gueules, Engrele De Gueules D "Azur - Maison Conde, [phrase, not translated literally, as it consists of conditional heraldic terms, not completely used. The general meaning is: the coat of arms of Conde represents a shield with red and blue narrow-born strips ,] - he said.

In the midst of winter, we both tried not to be late for the place of the appointed meeting. Igor Leonidovich Shpector was silent through the drifts from one part of Moscow, I made my way through the snowpall from another. As a result, with difficulty, but the interview still took place.

- Somehow you offered to dismiss the mayors of cities for poor snow cleaning. At the end of the final December, you can call candidates worthy of punishment?
- Unfortunately, I do not have accurate statistics. But I believe that decent people, in the event of a detection of uniformity, must initiate the resignation. You can not pour everything in nature. In Russia, the blizzard is a normal phenomenon. He worked for a long time in the plague, I know that even in Vorkuta you can have time to clean the consequences of the night snow storm.
- Igor Leonidovich, born and wandering around in Kharkov, how did you get for the polar circle?
"In 1943, when I was only 5 years old, a father died. Life in the destroyed post-war city was hungry. To help mom, I had to go to the technical school to receive a construction specialty. Then they immediately called on the ranks of the Soviet Army, where he honestly served for three years in intelligence. After the service returned to Kharkov. He studied at the evening department of the university and worked at the factory, where he was engaged in heat supply, water supply, came up with a compact system of stalling (sludge - microscopic waste of the product, falling into a precipitate when washing. - A.Sh.). Application of development made it possible to expand production areas for profile equipment. From production switched to the urban "VodokanniaProekt", where the sewage treatment facilities designed for Soviet and foreign cities. This activity was so carried away that I wanted to completely devote myself to science. But the leadership did not let go. At that time, all the communists had to obey the requirements of party bodies. In order to quit faster, I was advised to ask for a job for north. I wrote in Vorkuta. When the challenge came, the project organization had to give me a labor book. But I was forced to show my nose at least a couple of days at that north who was asked. So got in Vorkuta, where he was delayed more than 40 years ...
- In one of the American Russian-language magazines, your appearance in the coal capital is described like this:
Somewhere in the mid-60s of the last century, we walked two very similar on appearance and age of young man. Both engineers. Both were carrying almost the same name - one Spector, and the other - Shpector. One settled in the management of Santekhmontazh, the other - in the management of "Teplovodokanal".
In many years, such a dialogue took place under Vorkuta:
- The plot of the Usinsk waterway from Picket No.99 to Picket No. 100 passed the representative of the General Contractor, Yuri Spector!
- Plot of the Usin Waterwody from Picket No.99 to Picket No. 100 received a representative of the general customer Igor Shpector!
- The fate was pleased with us, almost namesakes, still in Kharkov. We got close to. Probably because of the surname, including. By the way, she helped me to establish contact with another person. He headed the Specialized Institute in Leningrad at the time when the minewater cleaning project was designed by me in collaboration required approval. When I brought the documents and introduced himself by Shpector, the head of the institute on the surname of Shpektov took it as a mion, and the idea of \u200b\u200bpurifying water from coal suspension called the adventure. But the city needed clean water. I had to prove the opposite. Succeeded. With the help of engineers from the banks of the Neva, we designed the mine waters cleaning station. I was instructed to head her construction. Following two more. Drink Vorkuta water has become possible right at the station. And in the Vorkuta River, Harius began ...
- Your mother's letters from the army read all the apartment building, as it was difficult to disassemble the snorkens of the soldiers' handwriting. Psychologists consider unsoligability of the handwriting with a sign of genius. You have come up with our slag designer system, were co-author of the project and the head of the construction station first in the USSR for cleaning mine waters. What was the grandiose committed?
- Eka bent - genius! In the past times, Soviet people which only the mountains were shifted. In 1969, the Vorkuta River, which costs the same city, was freezing to the bottom. In order not to declare the evacuation of the entire population, it was necessary to lay the pipeline on the ice, search for pools with non-freeze water. This is not a genius, but the vital necessity was. Perhaps to lead and the construction of a unique dam for the Arctic. According to the project for its construction, thirteen took place. We, in the conditions of permafrost, put ten. As a result, the city and its inhabitants received reliable water supply.
- Now it is clear why in 1998 you were offered to lead the city.
- Offered more than once. First refused, but by 1998 the situation developed in Vorkuta reached the extreme. Debt on the payment of wages, both in state employees and miners there have been more than a year and a half. Miners used. Coal stopped mining. Miners from the inta blocked the road from Vorkuta to Moscow. The then head of the republic Yury Spiridonov called and asked: "Take the city!".
Accepting a post, I immediately warned: Democracy ended in Vorkuta and dictatorship begins. He began to systematically eliminate samostroy, who flooded the city center. Trading workers and their shadow patrons were offended. The latter I publicly proposed to make a claim in my eyes alone at the cemetery or on the territory of an abandoned mine. No one has implemented the offer, despite the fact that, sowing to the mayor's chair, I refused to guide ...
With difficulty, but I managed to change the control system, solve the financial problems of the city, return the city to the city.
We started to plant parks. In the conditions of permafrost, they were broken 14. The small trees fell as active with uli sewage treatment plants. At my request, the heads of cities having rich vegetation were sent to Vorkuta seedlings. I myself brought in the train station from Usinska Ryabina, planted on urban street, worked. Three years later, berries appeared on it.
Special attention in Vorkuta had to be given to the social sphere. Medical institutions enlarged, translated from old premises to new ones. Repaired schools, kindergartens, libraries, clubs, theater. Reconstructed cinema. Reconstructed streets. The facades of houses were stained in bright colors. Before that, the mining city was asphalt colors. Opened fountain in the center and fountain in the village. Reconstructed flat roofs of houses unsuitable for the north. Instead, they did tents. Began to instill the love of children to the city. They attracted them to Saturdays, the resurrectations on the purification of the city from the decades of the lying garbage.
For the New Year in Vorkuta, local artists and sculptors are making towns from ice figures. They helped volunteers. There was no money to create a good mood at the city. Volunteers did everything for free. Many helped enterprises led by the union "Vorkutaugol".
Cared and about spiritual. They built several churches, laid the temple. Together with the priests initiated Epiphany bathing and goddes. The sports competitions were organized, which then turned into the All-Russian "Spartakiad of the Peoples of the North". The holiday of reindeer breeders came up with tens of thousands of people.
We began to hold a "asterisk" children's gardens competition, which showed talents from many boys and girls. I personally presided into the jury, as I thought it was still thinking that the first person should show the attitude of the authorities to the event.
- After reading one of the children's writings on the topic "If I were the mayor," in which a seven-year-old boy was compiled for difficulty when landing into a train car, you have equipped the Perron at the Vorkuta railway station.
- all my life carefully about children's opinion. In children, the aggravated perception of the surrounding world, and they notice what adults look through the fingers. At one time, we also built a monument in Vorkuta Square in the sketch of the ten-grader Sasha Stepanova. Until now, children send me their drawings, and I find a place for them.
- In the course of urban work, you observed even from the sky, which was introduced into a stupor of the same utilities.
- It was so. Sometimes flew on Deltaplane over the city. This made it possible to quickly see the real state of affairs and the next morning on the glider objectively make decisions.
- From love for the sky, you "punched" the assignment of the name "Vorkuta" strategic bomber Tu-95? (Recently used in surgery in Syria - A.Sh.)
- Since the appearance in the city and today, I am a Yaryt Patriot Vorkuta. Somehow in communication with the inhabitants heard from one former concluded Gulag: "A huge number of people of different nationalities passed through the city, which can be considered Vorkuta the capital of the world." The phrase crashed into memory. Became to use it. Words picked up others, ran the media. In the process of use, the brand was formed: "Vorkuta - the capital of the world." Cracked and proud. It is now known not only in Russia, but also in America, and in France, and in other countries. Therefore, the aircraft, which, when refueling in the air, can be very long to continuously be in flight over different lands, the name "Vorkuta" is just under it.
- What feelings did you experience when, on July 18, 2005, an unknown person called by the employee of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation from Barvikha, who had known as an employee of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation, began to threaten arrest and ... liquidation?
- There were no feelings. This adventurer, distracting from work, called me a year and a half. But only when he sent a letter to my home address, I realized that the safety of loved ones could not be risked, and turned into the relevant authorities. An attacker was a local locksmith. He was made sudden and fined. I did not present any personal claims.
- In 2000, your candidacy was addressed to the position of head of the Komi Republic.
- considered. But I refused. That's not mine!
- As a result, you have no misunderstanding with one of the team members of the new head of the republic, and you left the mayor's seat in 2007 in 2007.
"Speak directly - I had a conflict with the then Deputy Head of the Komi Republic. I did not agree to accept the conditions for Vorkuta deprived normal financing, etc., and there was plenty of powers. I was persuaded to stay. I set a question with an edge: "Or I, or he." Now life has put everything in its place.
- The current work as Chairman of the Commission on the Development of Social Infrastructure, Local Self-Government and Housing and Public Utilities of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation brings people more benefits than the work of the mayor of a separate city separately?
- Objectively - more. I get thousands of letters not from one Vorkuta, but from different parts of Russia. It is often necessary to ride the country, solve complex questions. Moreover, we deal with them not from the point of view of the Cabinet theorist, but from the standpoint of a person who has directly engaged in housing and communal services, issues of local self-government and infrastructure.
Now it is very promoting a concession in housing and communal services. No need to think that she is a panacea. If the company works and self-sucking, then there is no sense to give it to the concession. There are a lot of examples when they confidently standing on the legs of heat producers or water suppliers were forced to be given to concessionaires. Meanwhile, the concessionaire is not always a financially wealthy figure. Sometimes he has only a table and a handle for the soul, and he will allow dust into the eyes by credit money. Such "figures" then squeeze out of the assets received in the assets concession and disappear. The transfer of infrastructure in concession is justified only when modernization is required. The municipality, by choosing an investor, is obliged to check the availability of a real program that allows you to recover inepled funds within a reasonable time and then make a profit.
Many copies were broken when organizing the licensing process of management companies. Recently helped to representatives of one management company, which municipal officials wanted to deprive the licenses. Just in your whim. I did not come to the yard ...
In the main mass in the country there are thousands of good managers and capable partnerships of owners who can independently defend their interests. For professional management of the housing Fund future.
- But you will agree, other self-sufficient managers of companies are often uncontrollable. Many facts when they do not disclose information about their MKD management activities, they agree and "divide" at home, so as not to compete with each other, and therefore not take care of the quality of the provision of services.
- If the company does not fulfill the obligations to manage an apartment building, the owners at any time can re-election it at its general meeting. In difficult cases are ready to help residents. Waiting for letters to the address of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
- How do you evaluate the latest initiatives to guide the order to determine the utility tariffs for utilities in the regions?
- Tariffs should be developed objectively, taking into account technical and economic substantiation, and not from momentary political considerations. That is, they do not need to overestimate or undress. The occasion of the tariff can lead to the collapse of the enterprise. Owliness - to the growth of social tensions. The numbers must be calculated correctly for each city and the subject of the federation. In the regions where the analysis will show the "inexpensability" of the tariff for some categories of citizens, the administration must promptly offer social support measures. Only targeted assistance, and not the ongoing adjustments of the cost of resources should be applied in housing and communal services.
- You are expressed for the total installation of accounting devices even tougher than representatives of the profile executive bodies.
- Accounting devices must be installed everywhere. And at the introduction of an apartment building, and in each apartment. Only this will allow correctly calculated for utility resources. To date, unfortunately, many do not install accounting devices and uncontrollable, for example, water. Their neighbors are forced to pay for them, since the general metering device shows a big consumption. From 2017, the excess consumption will fall on the shoulders of management companies and can ruin them. I believe that reasonable standards for utility consumption must be established. And in the case when in the room there is an opportunity to establish an accounting device, but the owner is not in a hurry, sanctions should be applied in the form of an application of an increase in the coefficient 10, and not 1.5, as it is now.
And for theft of utility resources by installing magnets, twist of readings, etc. We must apply strict sanctions. For theft 50-ruble canned bank, a man is imprisoned, and for theft of electricity for 1000 rubles only punishable with a fine. It is not right! There must be criminal liability.
- Two years before the 2012 election, you publicly predicted the re-election of Vladimir Putin by the President of Russia.
"And now I can not guessing saying: In 2018, the people of Russia will be published by the President of Vladimir Vladimirovich again by the President of Russia. I do not see other candidates of Putin. He is a very strong person.
- Interesting, and what, in your opinion, the future of the State Corporation is the Housing and Utilities Foundation?
- Before talking about the future, we must pay tribute to the State Corporation - the Foundation for Forming Housing and Communal Services led by CEO Konstantin Tsicin and Chairman of the Supervisory Board Sergey Stepashin. The results of the work over the past years give the right to say that the Foundation is a great tool that organized the process of demolition of emergency and construction throughout Russia for new housing people. The implementation of the program was calculated until 2012. The emergency housing registry was formed on this date. But the number of houses that require demolition has been significantly understated. At the meeting with President Vladimir Putin, I proposed to conduct an inventory of the Housing Fund to determine the correct assessment and formation of a real forecast for emergency housing in the country. Currently this work goes. When it is completed, then I think, a significant number of previously accurate emergency housing will be revealed. With his demolition and settlement, municipalities will not be able to cope on their own. This not only applies to financial security. Many governors should hang the sword damocles, so that work clearly. The State Corporation is just such a cast sword, it not only allocates cash, but also applies measures of impact.
In total, in my opinion, about 8-9 million people need emergency housing in the resettlement of emergency housing. In 2017, at the expense of the Fund of Housing and Communal Services, the Million Citizen's emergency housing is planned. Million! So the brand of 2017 in Russia will be the elimination of emergency housing.
Last year, the Congress of the Union of the Cities of the Polaria and the Far Sea appealed to the President and to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to extend the work of the Housing Communist Party to 2025. Following the hearing in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, it was also decided to support the extension of the state corporation. I know that many governors are also addressed with similar requests to the president of the country.
From my point of view, let this instrument be somewhat changed, let it be coordinated otherwise, but such a tool should remain and benefit ...

march 1998-28 March 2007 Predecessor: Segal Alexander Zyamovich Successor: Budovsky Valery Leonidovich Religion: no (atheist) Birth: October 5, 1938 (1938-10-05) (77 years)
Kharkov, Ussr Children: (Son) Leonid Igorevich Shpector The consignment: CPSU (until 1991) Education: Kharkiv Engineering and Construction Institute Profession: heat supply engineer, water supply and treatment facilities Activity: political figure,
Head of the Urban District Awards:

Igor Leonidovich Shpector (born October 5, 1938, Kharkov, USSR) - From March 1998 to March 2007, the mayor of the city district Vorkuta, President of the Union of the Cities of the Polar region and the Far North, since 2009 a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Since 2007 lives in St. Petersburg

  • 2 biography
    • 2.1 Initiative as mayor
  • 3 awards
  • 4 families
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Links


  • Building technical school,
  • Kharkiv Engineering and Construction Institute with a degree in Heat supply engineer, water supply and treatment facilities
  • Higher Party School with CPSU Central Committee

In 1952, joined the Komsomol VVKSM

Until 1960 - served in the Soviet Army (CA) in the intelligence unit.

Since 1960, he worked in Kharkov on engineering positions at the Bearing Plant, at the Institute of Vodokanal NIIPROEKT.

1968-1994 - chief engineer of the control of heat-breeding.

Nine times was elected by the deputy of the district and urban councils Vorkuta, three times - a deputy of the Supreme Council and the State Council of the Republic of Komi.

Since 1992 - President of the Union of Cities Polaria and the Far North of Russia.

Since 1994, the head of the management of heat-breeding.

From 1995 to 1997 Member of the Council on Local Self-Government under the President of the Russian Federation, Member of the Collegium of the State Committee of Russia.

From March 1998 to March 2007 - the mayor of Vorkuta was twice.

On his initiative, since 1999, Vorkuta became the venue of the Olympics of the Peoples of the North of Russia Polar Games.

Since 2000 - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation "Center for Strategic Development" North-West ".

Since 2009 - N.V. Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Initiative as mayor

In September 2006, the mayor of Vorkuta Igor Shpector, publicly announced his readiness to legalize prostitution in his city, according to him, it will reduce the risk of spreading HIV and venereological diseases, will increase revenues to the city treasury, will reduce the increase in crime. But the initiative did not receive the approval of the higher authorities. Awards

  • Order Honor sign (1980),
  • Order of "Friendship"
  • Medal for labor valor (1976),
  • Labor veteran medal (1988),
  • Honored Worker of Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
  • Honored Worker of National Economy of the Republic of Komi (1993)
  • Sign of mining glory three degrees,

It was on his initiative in Vorkuta, since 1998. Began the game KVN. A family

Married a second marriage, the first spouse died. He has two grandson. Son Leonid Shpector - from 2002 to June 6, 2003, was a representative of the Government of the Komi Republic in the North-West Federal District, before that he headed the company AOZT ROSPAN in St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg, after headed by the Department of Eastern Europe Panaman Company International Motors S.R.L. Surrently, it works and lives in Moscow. ,_IFOR_Lenonidovich

President of the Union of Polaria Cities and the Far North of Russia; Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation convened 2010 (elected from interregional and regional public associations); Born on October 5, 1938 in Kharkov of the Ukrainian SSR; He graduated from the construction institute, Kharkiv Engineering and Construction Institute with a degree in Heat Spa, Water Supply Engineer and Claimed Facilities; Urgent service was held in the Soviet Army (1957-1960); Labor activity began the engineer at the Kharkov Bearing Plant, then worked at the VodokanniaProject Institute (Kharkov), where he led the project team; 1968-1994 - Chief Engineer, since 1994 - Head of the Department of "Teplovodokanal" (Vorkuta, Republic of Komi); In 1998 to 2006 - The head of the administration of the municipality "City of Vorkuta" (mayor of the city), also served as Chairman of the Council of the city of Vorkuta; Repeatedly elected by the deputy of the city and district councils, a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Komi ASSR and the State Council of the Republic of Komi; In 1998, he became one of the founders of the Republican branch of the association of the "Apple" party in the Komi Republic; President of the Union of Cities of the Far North and Polaria since 1992; Member of the Board of Trustees of the Center for Strategic Development of the North-West Russia since 2000; was a member of the Council under the President of Russia on local self-government, a member of the Collegium of the State Committee of Russia; a valid member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Raen); has printed works; The author of the project on the cleaning of mine waters was the head of the construction of the only dam in the world for the polar circle, the head of the headquarters of many unique construction facilities of the Polar region in the conditions of permafrost; awarded honorary titles "Honored Worker of the Republic of Komi", "Honored Worker of Housing and Communal Services of Russia", "Honorary Citizen of the city of Vorkuta"; awarded the orders of the "Honor Sign", the friendship of nations, medals; Full kavaler sign "Miner's Glory"; married, has a son; He is interested in sports, spikely and long-term autocheges, is engaged in tennis. The Union of Cities of Polaria and the Far North (Association of Economic Cooperation) was established in 1992 by the Councils and Administrations of 14 cities of the Polar region and the Far North. Today in the Union of 52 cities and the area, from Murmansk to Anadyr. The main objectives and objectives are to promote the stabilization of the economy of the North, the Social Regulations of the Northern; Preservation of the unique nature, indigenous peoples, their cultures and traditional crafts. The Union participates in legislative activities, using the legislative initiative of deputies from the northern regions, developing uniform approaches based on the exchange of experience, applying the coordinated actions of cities in different directions.


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