How to cut a christmas star after flowering. Poinsettia - care at home. Video about bedroom flower christmas star

How to cut a christmas star after flowering. Poinsettia - care at home. Video about bedroom flower christmas star

Puancetia (Euphorbia Pulcherrima, Poinsettia, Mokhoki Beautiful, Bethlehem or Christmas Star) from the genus Mokhokhiya enters a major family of Muphorny (Euphorbieae). In the previous material, we told you about the beautiful bedrocks of the dairy - M. Fisher, M. Beslovili, M. Mile, M. Triangular, which are distinguished by amazing decorative qualities and is appreciated by many loving plants. But the True Pearl in the Flower Collection of Euforte will no doubt will be the most beautiful puancetia, the care of which at home does not cause special difficulties even at novice flower flowers. Photos of popular Poannetgeti varieties and tips on caring for this decorative plant can be found in this article below.

After cutting, the plant should stand about 4-6 weeks at a temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius. At this time, light access has nothing to do with this, plants should not be water or fertilized. Only after 6 weeks the pot with a star of Bethlehema should return to its place. At this time, it is worth putting the soil in fresh soil. Bethlehema star adapts its growth to the potential for the development of roots. If you want to grow, you need to transplant it in big pots. If your current shape and size correspond to your current form and size, leave it in the same place as before.

The second popular name in PoanSeti - Christmas star. The fact is that the flowering period of this euphorbia falls on the winter months, when many people celebrate the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ and New Year. A beautiful and very bright plant will decorate your home and fill it with bright colors to your favorite holidays. Many Puancetics varieties bloom on New Year's holidays, Catholic and Orthodox Christmas, and flower at this time is very similar to a bright, shining star. In many European countries, the Christmas star is presented to friends as a gift for winter holidays, as well as the blooming Siegocactus Decembrist. If you want to please your loved ones with original gifts for the New Year holidays, then give together with a Christmas star crafts, created with your own hands - an angel with wings in the style of Tilde, a scrap card or an album decorated in the style of scrapbooking, the Christmas tree origami from paper modules and a paper grandfather Frost with the Snow Maiden.

Bethlehem Star - blooming again

Initially, the plant is very well watered - it should stimulate it for the production of leaves. Fertilization takes only a few weeks until the leaves are a little more. Bethlehem Star in our home environment will develop well and produce new leaves, but may not bloom. Therefore, if you like beautiful red leaves and flowers for Christmas, you need to perform some procedure. It should be done since November, because the bloom of the plant before flowering is from 4 to 6 weeks.

- Photo: Puancetia - Christmas motifs

Puancetia refers to evergreen shrubs and with proper home care will delight you with bright colors in winter holidays annually. But during peace, this Euforte will take a worthy place in any flower arrangement, since large leaves of the plant undoubtedly have a high decorative value. The elongated sheet of puancenets of a dark green color with gear edges has an ovoid-elleptic shape and reaches a length of 15-16 cm. Recently, breeders have brought many interesting varieties of the dairy beautiful with the leaves of salad, blue-green, silver-green colors, as well as with Kima on the edges or spelling varieties. Phytodizainers choose the softer beautiful for the formation of a flower arrangement along with such decorative-deciduous plants, like homemade chlorophyteum with long leaves and hanging sockets, palm trees or dussed marginat, money or dollar tree, ficus of bendjamine or rubbing, wax ivy, Hoya, Schiflera, Mirt Room , Diffenbahia. Against the background of lush greenery, you can place the blooming room plants of a small size - the violets of Saintpolia, the orchid phalaenopsis or the dendrobium, Primulus Primezvet, Balzamin Novogvinsky, Hydrangea, Gerbera.

The plant should have a complete darkness of 14 hours a day. For this purpose, the flower pot is covered with a large cardboard and allows light only about 10 hours a day. This leads to the fact that the plant begins to discolor and stimulate again to flow. It does not always work - it is quite difficult, but it happens that the plant blooms several times at home. Correct care Let us enjoy us for several seasons, and not just a few weeks during the holiday season.

Christmas is approaching the great steps. What plants do we associate with this period outside the Christmas tree? 😉 Of course, pointed or star Bethlehem. On sale will be the color of red, white, pink or salmon. The sooner you buy a star in Bethlehem, the greater the likelihood that the plant will not be filled with during transportation. This text presents the most important information on how to cultivate our star Bethlehem.

The flowering period of most domestic domestic varieties is the end of November, December, January. The yellowish flowers of the plant are fairly small and are collected in the inflorescences of the sockets, which are literally lost against the background of beautiful bright bracts. These bracts and determine the basic decorative value of the plant. Typically, the bracts are very similar to the leaves in shape and size, but their bright red color literally illuminates everything around that adds a note of joy on holidays. By the way, today you can find on sale very interesting varieties of puancetics with bracts of pink, yellow, salmon, purple, creamy colors. The form of leaves is also different from modern varieties - there are euofabia with wide, narrow, wavy sheets.

Bethlehem Star - Where to buy?

Star of Bethlehem - First of all, after the plants you must go for a day without wind and is warm enough. Under no circumstances we buy poinsettia on the market, because almost certainly such a plant will be frozen and will soon disappear. Just like the florist stood entrance door or in draft.

What to look for when buying a star in Bethlehem?

We look at the star of Bethlehem. It must have evenly green leaves on the sides. The discolored, wrinkled and hanging testify to the poor condition of the plant. The seller must put the flower into the shell of foil and wrap it tightly around the paper. Let's try to stay as cold as possible before we bring her home.

★ Small, but very useful advice!

If you have a doubt that the grade of your beautiful bulleties will definitely bloom to Christmas, then using a simple way to control this process. In order to stimulate the preparation of the Christmas Star to the flowering period, we will do as follows. Our task is to artificially increase the night time to 15 o'clock in the fall, since the flowering period occurs after a period of long nights. To do this, you can close the plant with impenetrable package for light, but so that the air under the package is unhindered. Remove the package only for short day lighting. These manipulations will help to prepare a plant for bootonization in December and in winter holidays will begin a flowering period.

How to take care of the star of Bethlehem at home?

This species does not like low temperatures, their strong oscillations and drafts. Preferably illuminated places away from heat sources. We regularly recruit water with a moderate amount of warm water - excess water will cause poinsettics to lose the leaves. Also rejuvenated.

Star Position Bethlehem

The pot with a plant can be placed in a festive decorated pillow or use as one of the elements of a larger festive composition. Star Bethlehem Poison. The plant produces white, sharp and poisonous milk, which can cause dermatitis, blisters and ulcers, and juice of certain species when entering eyes can cause temporary blindness. Pay special attention to children and domestic animals that should be in contact with the plant.

♦ What is important!

Location and lighting.

It is advisable to place a pot with a plant on a colors stand with southern or from the southeastern side of the room. In the period of active growth and flowering, the dairy beautiful days are becoming shorter, so try to find the most illuminated as possible. sunny rays a place. And in the spring and summer, be sure to shadow the window glass so that the sunlight is scattered, since the straight rays can cause a burn on large leaves. Permanent drafts are also dangerous for the normal development of the plant.

His ornaments are colorful - the leaves are usually located in different shades of red, but also pink, orange, the axillary will be white. Along with inconspicuous colors in the center, they form a matter of inflorescence in the form of a star. The undergrowth remains on the plant for weeks, sometimes even until spring. Let's remember that Poinsettia is a poisonous plant! Let's look at her milk juice that comes out of the fabric after they cut. It may harm both adults and children and animals.

We will definitely learn when the plant will lose your sheet when he is returned home. If there is a big mistake, let's ask the extra paper layer, even if we move the plant a few steps into the car or bus. House let's leave it for some time in the coat, to gradually get used to the change in temperature. In the apartment, install our star on the windowsill, and if it decorates the table, let's try to get as much light as possible. If we really want to stay somewhere in the back of the apartment, put it under the lamp.

Temperature mode.

The optimal temperature at home is 18-26 ° C. Wrap a plant from sudden temperature drops during the day, from too low and from too high, so that the leaves are not sluggish and fall out.

Air humidity.

Room Puancetia will normally grow and develop with a moderate or elevated humidity level (45-60%). Periodically spray the plant from the sprayer (especially on hot days and during the heating season). But when spraying the air around the plant, since when the water gets into the leaves (and especially on the bracts), ugly dark spots may appear.

Let's protect the flower from a cold breeze out of an open window when we want to release an apartment. Let's make sure that the plant is not dried in a pot within one day, as the plant leaves the sheet. Let's check his humidity with your finger, because it also cannot be too wet. Best when he is constantly slightly wet.

Our star can eat, but only the so-called. Winter fertilizers. It will not produce new flowers right now, but it will retain his rich colors long enough. In the summer, when Poinsettia is growing, we use flowering for blooming species or universal for home use.


Water the plant only with warm and estimated for several days with water. During the period of active growth and flowering, water so that the soil is always slightly moist, the earthen car completely moistened, but all flowing water immediately pour out from the pallet. In the spring, the period of rest comes, watering is very rare and meager. In summer, watering moderate, the upper layer of the soil should dry in front of the next irrigation.

Let's make sure that there is nothing bad in the leaves or in inflorescence - if the behavior on it, wool will be on it. In such cases, we use, for example, a substrate on the TEL or other systemic wording. When Poinsettia loses colorful chair, then inflorescences are reduced to several centimeters. After a while you will see new green leaves. At the time when they grow intensively, we regularly plant a plant and fertilize the variety for home species.

At this time, he no longer grows and still remains green. We still watered it in such a way that he had a slightly wet substrate. We provide nutrients for flowering plants. At home we take a plant when cold autumn days are coming. The autumn star of Bethlehem is preparing to produce inflorescences - staining of spots and making small colors. It is becoming more and more short days. This factory requires a certain number of short days. This cycle is easy to swallow.

Landfast and feeding.

For the preparation of an earthen mixture before planting Eufort, it is necessary to mix humid, squeeze ground, leafy ground and coarse sand in proportions 3: 3: 2: 1.

In the late spring and throughout the summer period, it is necessary to make feeding once every two weeks, alternating mineral fertilizers with organic. And the autumn is desirable to feed the fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus until the flowering period.

If poinsettia is standing in the illuminated room or reaches a street lamp, then it cannot bloom. In the fall, the star can be placed in a thick dome, which will glow from the lamp. Thus, only the patient and persistent will be flowering this plant again. You can always buy a new year.

The real star of the career in Bethlehem has taken years when the diversity suffered the conditions of heated housing. This plant is a real Christmas Queen. We are very happy to decorate it with apartments. Check how to cherish the Bethlehem star to preserve its beauty as long as possible.


To transplant, choose a high plastic or clay pot, 2-3 cm in diameter wider than the previous one. Be sure to pour the drainage layer from the clay and the tiles to the bottom of the pot. Transplant method - Translated plants. Try to transfer the whole earthen kom to a new pot completely.

Bethlehem Star

It is easy to cherish it for several months, it is harder to hold until next christmas. Until May, the plant must pass a rest period. Then we transfer it to the coldest room and restrict irrigate. In June, we transplant fresh soil, feeding the food weekly and feather. The Bethlehem Star is a plant with a short afternoon, which should bloom - for 2 months it should be in the dark 14 hours a day. Only after that it will produce floral buds and breed the red bracts. You need to take it since November in a dark room or covered with a light-tight lid so that the plant is in complete darkness. Beautiful red roses that are the main decoration of the plant - these are not flowers, but painted leaves. People often offer it for the new year to ensure that the recipient is healthy.

  • He also loves a delicate spraying of water.
  • It is very sensitive to drying, but does not tolerate water on the stand.
  • It should stand as close as possible to the window, but not too close to radiators.
  • If we continue our day with artificial light, it will remain green.
  • The nomination belongs to the witch family.
  • In nature, it grows in wet, shady forests and is a big shrub.
  • The correct colors are invisible, barely noticeable.
  • IN Western Europe Bethlehema star is a symbol of happiness.
Cases with which we give flowers are diverse.


At home, it is usually beautiful, we usually determine the smokery method. After trimming in the pot, approximately five of the strongest and healthy escapes retain. Cut shoots can be used as cuttings for breeding. The lower leaves on the cutter must be trimmed and remove part of the escape immediately under the lower node. When the juice flows out of the cutting and the location of the cut slightly, it is necessary to spray it with chopped activated carbon. In the container you need to pour a mixture of peat with sand and deepen every cutlery about 3 cm in this substrate. Cover the container with a cellophane package, regularly ventilate and spray the substrate. After 4-5 weeks of cuttings, the roots will be allowed, after which they can be searched by the pots of the corresponding size.

That is why we need to know that the flowers are not offered at random, and no flower is suitable in any context. Depending on the event that we want to mark with flowers, we will also choose the type of bouquet. Birthdays, anniversaries, marriage or baptism are just a few events for which we offer the most suitable flowers and types of bouquets.

Some of the most frequent cases we offer flowers are the birthdays of loved ones. As a day that defines us most, the best idea is to offer the famous celebration flowers. If we know that he loves lilies, we cannot fail with a bunch of lilies.

This magnificent flower is called Poinsettia, many know called Christmas Star,so, as it usually blooms in front of Catholic Christmas. He is happy to give him as a gift for the new year, it serves as a decoration of the festive table - it is so beautiful and apparent. But the holidays end up, Puancettia flows away, and many, by ignorance, throw it out instead of learn how to care for the flower and grow this delightful beauty for the holiday . How to grow poonsettics at home - the most beautiful Christmas star, how to care for her? Today I want to tell you about it.

Flowers can also be chosen in accordance with the zodiac or the moon, in which the person was born, whom we want to call "Happy Birthday." Maybe you do not know that each calendar month corresponds to a flower, so why not make pleasant surprises in connection with this? October Flowers are November flowers, chrysanthemums, and December, of course, Christmas star as a special flower.

Depending on who a person celebrates, you can choose the most beautiful flowers for your birthday, so you can make your close unexpected surprises. Although the last time there is no such thing as a gesture, offering flowers at the first meeting, remains a sign of haberdashery appreciated by the majority of ladies. But we need to know that we will never offer roses at first meetings with much deeper consequences. The most suitable colors are tulips, iris, lilac or combination of spring colors.

But the French ordered this plant of the classical red "star of love". If a woman gets him as a gift, then it is definitely .... Recognition in love.

Poinsettia, or the Christmas star was brought to Europe in 1834 from mountain areas South America. In Mexico, it grows with a large shrub, up to three meters high, in the domestic conditions does not exceed 45 cm. Refers to the family of mushroom. The classic view of the Christmas star is red, but white, cream, apricot, yellow, and even two-color varieties are displayed (very beautiful yellow - blue).

Poinsettia - home care

  1. The flower is absolutely unpretentious, grow in any room, anywhere. It is only necessary to observe several conditions - sufficient lighting, suitable temperature, lack of drafts.
  2. Temperature This plant loves the usual, room. During the flowering and preparation for it, the plant prefers 18 - 25 degrees of heat.
  3. Prefers well-lit places, sunlight, but direct rays do not like, so the plant must be contacted.
  4. Watering moderate. Poinsettia does not like an excess or lack of moisture. The top layer of the soil in the pot should not stop completely. The Christmas star is a lover of wet air, so the leaves should be regularly sprayed to spray indoor water temperature.

People's period:

When the flower was poured, and this February is March, for a half - two months steps the period of rest. At this time, the temperature for it must be reduced - enough 12 - 16 degrees. Also need to cut watering (almost not to water). The flower makes a trimming - leaving the shoots at 10 to 15 cm. We remove the extra proceedings, leaving only 4 - 5, it contributes to the formation of a lush crown in the future. Pot put in a sufficiently darkened place, with scattered light.

In the summer, after the rest period, take care of the plant, as for the usual flower - water, feed. You can even take it on the balcony, but in the place protected from drafts.

Preparation for flowering:

If you want Puansettia to bloom at home to the new year, the preparation for flowering must be started in September. The plant is exposed to light, transplanted into another, greater in size, pot. In the pot, be sure to make a good drainage. Watering is abundant. Twice a month the plant is fed by the usual complex fertilizer for colors.

During this period, it is very important to withstand the correct lighting mode. So, as a plant should spend 12 - 14 hours in the dark, then in the evening, with the onset of twilight, it needs to be rearranged in a dark place, or to cover with an opaque polyethylene package. Do it for eight weeks, then return to normal care. After 2 - 3 weeks, floral kidneys will begin to form, and the growth of the leaves will slow down. Poinsettia blooms only under the condition of a short light day, when not compared to this, it will bloom only at the end of winter.

When working with this plant, be careful. It must be remembered that it belongs to the nature of the Muka. Juice juice is poisonous, so observe the precautions to not get the irritation of the hands and mucous membranes.

Poinsettia reproduction at home

Plant reproduction at home needs to be made in spring or early summer. To do this, cut the cuttings with five interstices. When cutting, milky juice is distinguished, which needs to be sprinkled with charcoal. If the Milky Juice stands out a lot, then the cuttings are placed at some time in cold waterTo stop its allocation. It must be done so that it does not block the vessels, and the plant did not start. Then the tip of the cutter must be sprinkled with charcoal again.

The cuttings can be planted into the water, or immediately in the ground. It is rooted in about a month. Then the flower can be planted in a permanent pot.

Now you You know how to grow polanetsis. As you can see, nothing complicated. Observe simple rules for care at home behind it and your Christmas star will delight you for the new year in lush flowering.and no doubt will decorate your festive table

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