What a torment cherry looks like on indoor plants. Prevention of infection with a torment cherver. Pest Prevention at Home

What a torment cherry looks like on indoor plants. Prevention of infection with a torment cherver. Pest Prevention at Home

Mute Cherver, having a folk name Shaggy, are among the most dangerous pests affecting indoor plants. Its close relatives are the shields.

Chervers belong to sucking insects that are easy to see the naked eye. Their name they are obliged to discharge white colorhaving a wax structure resembling cotton wool. Insect can reach twelve millimeters in length and is distinguished by high mobility. The males have wings and well-developed limbs, but for individuals of many species there is no oral cavity, and they cannot eat, unlike females.

For plants, they are dangerous because both adult individuals and larvae use foliage juice, young shoots and buds. One female can postpone two thousand eggs in the sinuses of the leaves and the length of residents. At the same time, eggs are protected by a special omission that does not miss moisture. Some species are niphelials. The danger of infection consists in the fact that these insects allocate the Pad (sticky fluid), which leads to an additional infection with a sage fungus.

What kind of indoor plants appear milders

Specific reasons leading to infection with mild custa does not exist. They, as a rule, appear as a result of the general improper plant content:
  • Low room indoor;
  • Excessive soil moisturizing;
  • Infected soil;
  • Re-acquired plants affected by clerks;
  • Lack of regular inspection of plants;
  • Untimely removal of dead leaves, shoots and buds.

The most common types of pest

In nature, there are more than two thousand varieties of milders. At the same time, more than three hundred species are distributed in the European part of the world. To the most dangerous and often occurring of them can be attributed to the following:

Signs of infection of the plant

Mathematical Chervers and their fluffy egg bags are usually clearly visible on the surface of the plants. In addition, the characteristic features for which you can learn about their appearance can be called:
  • White wax, resembling cotton;
  • Media dew (sticky discharge);
  • Sage fungus;
  • Yellowing, dying and deformation of the leaves;
  • A sharp braking of growth.

How to get rid of the tormentary cherwell on plants

There are several stages of damage to this type of insects that require various measures to combat it.

Easy infection

At the very beginning of infection, the treatment of a plant from a mild custody does not constitute a great difficulty. You need to take a soft brush or a piece of cotton wool and soap solution well rinse all infected areas. Then during the month every week to spray, using a green soap (15 grams per liter of water), tincture of tobacco, garlic or bow, decoction from cyclamen. You can apply the alcohol tincture of the calendula for wiping.

Heavy infection

With severe infection you need to begin treatment with chemicals. Nice results Gives a weekly spraying by Akar, confident, phytodeterm, biotlin, a taper.

It is necessary to select the most suitable drug for a particular plant.

Rules for using funds from mild custody

For effective treatment Chemicals need to be observed a number of rules in order to have time to save a strongly infected plant and do not apply to him even more harm:

In order to finally destroy the tormentary Chervestians, it is necessary to observe the regularity and duration of the procedures recommended in the instructions for drugs.

Folk ways

There are several people who often provide effective results in the fight against mild custody.

All methods of treatment are applied after cleaning plants from visible severisters.

Preventive measures

As a rule, it is much more complicated to destroy the milder worms than to prevent their appearance. Simple prevention measures helps to avoid infection. For this you need conduct regular inspections of plantsespecially those who are most susceptible to infection. Maintain them clean, regular washing does not make opportunities for the appearance of tormentary worm. Timely removal of dead parts of plants is also a way of prevention, as insects are very loved. Compliance with these simple recommendations, as well as the right content and care for each specific plant, it will be quite help to avoid infection and subsequent protracted treatment.

The following video, you will see how the fight against mild cherberry is happening with chemicals:

Cherweets (Pseudococcidae) is a generalized name of renous insects related to the suburior of Cocid. It unites such families as: giant, lamellar, torment and part-to-dealer Chervests, and more felt felt. This is all the closest relatives of such an insect as a shield.

Mathematical wormswho are still referred to as the shaggy lice are sucking insects that can be seen with the naked eye. They are so called because of whitish wax discharges are similar to cotton. Adults of individuals (females), as well as larvae feed on the juice of young shoots, buds and leaflets of the plant, sucking it from them. Because of them, the plant lags behind in growth. Insects, covered with a wax whitish raid like a powder and having often wax plates around the edge, move perfectly at any stage of development and do not sit in place. The dimensions are directly related to the type of milderry and can be from 3 to 6 or from 0.5 to 12 millimeters. These insects have significant differences in physiological signs of forms (sexual dimorphism). So, in individuals of males, unlike females, there are wings (as a rule, the first pair), the limbs are well developed, and a pair of tail threads is located on the trouser. No mouth, since the matured males do not need food.

There are a number of species that have legs reduced or absent at all. These insects have a sucking rotter. Most of the types of milders are multiplied by teaching eggs, however, there are also those whose females are vivigy. Outbagging eggs occurs in a beloved face-shaped pouch. They differ in high fertility, so, most of the forms can give from 2 to 4 generations per year. Wandering, namely, the first-old larvae is called, as a rule, they are quite actively moving on the plant and can even be transferred to other, praised by air flows. After they stick to the plant, their mobility is lost. However, the larvae of the subsequent age, which survived the molt, are again forced to look for a place to power. Also, adult individuals (females) of some of the species are capable of moving freely on the plant. Immediately in front of the eggsset, most of the forms leave their mainstream food into a safer.

There are more than 1600 species of Chervests in the world, and they are found almost in any part of the planet, but most of them in the tropics. There are many types of insect data that can damage technical, fruit and decorative cultures, as well as greenhouse plant species. Most common: Australian groove cherler (settled on citrus, quarantine object), citrus worm, grape cherry, olive clips, greenhouse plate Cherver, Bamboo Cherver, Primorsky Cherver, and still Cherberry Comsto (settled on a silky). There are types of pest data that can produce substances used by man in paintwork production (Koshenyle - with the help of it is made paint carmine rich red and varnish worm).

These pests can be easily recognized as they have a whitish apparatus fall. And they can be easily considered without using special tools. The subsequent signal is amazed is the appearance of a sage dew (sugar discharge), as well as a sage fungus that shaves on it. Feding with juice of young shoots, leaves and buds, these pests contribute to the lag in development and growth. Citrus mealybugwhich is quite commonly found, it is capable of settling on the roots and affect them.

Prevention measures

In preventive purposes, it is necessary to systematically inspect plants. It is especially important to do in the offseason, and there are still a lot of plants in it, which most prefers to shave the pest, namely: Ficus, Croton, succulents, cacti, and a few more types of orchids. Cherver does not like moisture and most of all prefers to live in dryness.

Maintain cleanliness and timely breaking dried foliage. It is noted that on those from plants that are regularly subjected to hygienic procedures (foliage wash), the pest is rarely rare.

Methods of struggle

If the defeat is light, then get rid of Chervests will be relatively simple. You will need a tampon from the wool or a brush with a soft bristle. Moisten it in a solution of water with soap and remove the Chervests and whitish sections with the parts of the plant. Then make a solution consisting of 1 liter of water and 10-15 grams of green soap. They need to thorretically spray the plant (the interval between spraying 1-1.5 weeks). Also, the treatment of calendula or alcohol has also proved its effectiveness.

If the defeat is strong, then it is necessary to pre-clean the plant by hand, and then process it with a special tool, for example: biothel, confirmant, mospilan, phytodeterm, actara, Calypso, confident, tank. Repeat processing every 1-2 weeks. Maybe you will need to try a few tools to find the most efficient.

  1. Oil solution (used for spraying) - For its preparation 2 large spoons of olive oils, it is necessary to pour in 1 liter of water and mix well. Using a sprayer, either in a different way to handle the plant.
  2. Garlic tincture - boil 500 grams of water, and then pour it into the container, where there are pre-purified and crushed 4-5 garlic teeth. Let us last at least 4 hours. Strain and obtained infusion and without diluting, apply to all parts of the plant with a brush.
  3. Tincture of horsetail - A tincture of a horsettle is very effective in combating pests. It can be used both for watering and spraying. Horsetail can be purchased in any pharmacy point and is used as a diuretic, for purification and blood and so on. Schachtelhalmtee - this sounds the name of the plant in German.
  4. Solution with soap and alcohol - Mix the liter of heat water, liquid soap (15 gr.), As well as denatured alcohol (10 gr.).


The most notable effect of the use of chemical means will be the period when young individuals appear on the light (selected from eggs either from the mother's womb). During this period, the larvae are most vulnerable, since they do not have a protective wax layer. However, to destroy all the pests by producing only one processing will not be able to destroy, and everything is because on the plant at the same time there are worms of various generation. In this regard, after the destruction of very young larvae after some time, new ones appear. Therefore, processing should be repeated with intervals of 1-2 weeks, while it is worth considering that the younger than the larvae, they are easier to kill.

The choice of chemicals in special stores is great, there are even drugs in the form of sprays and sprayers. After processing, the means absorbed and turns out to be in the juice of the plant. After the Cherwecs "enjoy" such juice, they will die.

Highly effective means In the fight against such pests, those in which, in addition to biologically active substances, there are also oils. But these funds have their own minuses. This drug must be applied to those parts of the plant, which are infected, as well as those considered by possible shelters of milders.

Before starting to use the spray, it is necessary to carefully examine the instructions attached to it. The fact is that the distance from which the drug is sprayed is very important, since if it turns out to be very strong, then the foliage can be burned.

You can also purchase the means in the form of granules or chopsticks for the root system. In this case, it is simply necessary to take into account the fact that they include not only therapeutic, but also nutrients. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to read the composition of the drug, because there are many species of plants, the root system of which is very sensitive to various salts and may result in damaged (burn). These funds can not be used for this kind of plants. In some cases, the remedy can be dissolved in clean water. As a result, his action will be weaker and the roots will be able to obtain nutritious and therapeutic substances.

Closely follow the time for re-processing the plant, which must be specified on the pack used by the drug. Its non-compliance can lead to the fact that the generation is more resistant to chemical preparations.

Main species

Harm plant applies directly larvae and adult females. In length, such a female can reach 3.5 millimeters, and its body with a form of extended oval and painted in a pale pink or orange color has a wax whitish coating. These insects have perfectly developed legs and therefore they can freely move and move from one plant to another. Females are nobbing. Most often their accumulation occurs on the wrong side of the leaves, in the leafy sinuses, on branches, as well as on the tops of young stems in the form of colonies. This pest has a large size and therefore it can be easily seen with the naked eye. He has a characteristic powdered collapse throughout the body, as well as there are waxing whitish apparatus. The leaflets on which the Chervests settle are yellow and die away. The growth and development of shoots slow down. These pests in the bulbous can climb on the scales of Lukovich, and the citrus is under the bark. On the heels left by clerks, a sage fungus is often settled.

On the surface of the body of an adult female, painted in yellow or pink color, there is a powdered whitish flare. Body shape is wide. Has developed legs. Not a large number of males. Young larvae are placed around the plant. So, they can be seen on the leaves (there are absorbing main veins), on the stems. If the defeat is very strong, then the colony of pests has simply huge sizes, and they are able to drink all the juice of the plant than they lie. The foliage becomes yellow, and the stalks dry out. On the pests left, a sage mushroom shams out.

This species is most common. The adult female has an oval elongated body, it can reach 3 or 4 millimeters long, and in width - 2-2.5 millimeters. The color is pinkish-gray, and on the surface of the body there is a torment whitish flare. Developed legs. The winged males are relatively smaller and they tend to fly the entire summer period. Breed eggs. Their females are delayed into special egg bags, which are a fluffy whitish mass that does not have a shape, which consists of paustonic wax sections. Most often before masonry, females are looking for secluded places, for example: twisted leaflets, cracks in the crust, branch fork and so on. Movable little larvae painted in yellow, do not have a wax.

These pests in a short time populate all the plant, as well as they can easily be transferred to others, and the wind, animals and even a person helps them in this. Adult clarines of the larvae becoming 4-6 weeks later. They feed on the juice of the plant, sucking it. As a result, the plant practically ceases to grow, and after - dies. Infected plants grow extremely slowly, and they have no bloom. There is a yellowed foliage. Insects leave the selection on which a sage fungus is settled.

Plants located in the risk zone of infection


Stems, branches, foliage, wound, fruit.

Flowerfish know how many trouble brings a torment cherry who lives on indoor plants. How to deal with insects? What chemicals I. folk remedies Effective? Answers in the article.

What is a torment cherry

Causes of appearance

Dangerous insect actively multiplies under the following conditions:

  • increased humidity;
  • temperature +25 S.

How to get rid of the apartment? Look at the selection effective methods Fight.

How to get rid of bed bugs yourself? Useful advice Read the page.

How to recognize

Symptoms of plants infection with milder cherver:

How to get rid of: Effective methods

The earlier the pest was discovered, the higher the chances of salvation of the plant. With heavy cases, the dirty-white "wool" covers all parts of the room flower or plants in the greenhouse, you have to dig and destroy the contaminated instances.

On a note! In the orangeneie, in the appearance of pests, natural enemies are settled: Zlatnaska and God's cow.


With a large cluster of larvae and adult individuals, folk remedies do not always help. In the arsenal of flower water - synthetic preparations, destructively acting on pests. Chemicals are distinguished by the effect of exposure, degree of toxicity.

The selection of the composition for the processing of the affected plant is desirable to conduct with a specialist. Experienced flowers recommend proven drugs:

  • Biotline.
  • Calypso.
  • Confident.
  • Phytodeterm.
  • Aktara.
  • Confiment.
  • Phosphamide.
  • Tanker.
  • Mospilan.

How to get rid of the apartment? Look at the selection of effective methods.

How to act:

  • before using chemicals, carefully examine all parts of the plant;
  • it is important to crop leaves or twigs, completely covered with "cotton" sediments, remove damaged leaves and buds;
  • the next stage is the removal of harmful insects using a cotton tampon, moistened with soap solution;
  • only after all manipulations are carried out with potent synthetic preparations;
  • to combat pests, you need to spray a flower from a spray gun, then add the solution of the drug into the vase. Gradually, the root system will absorb active ingredients, pests will receive a portion of chemicals and perished.

Important! When spraying compositions, irrigated, it is important to observe caution: to ensure that the tool does not fall into the eyes, on the mucous, hands. It is convenient to carry out treatment in thin medical gloves, respiratory organs to protect the medical mask.

Folk recipes

Many flower products use homemade compounds made from non-toxic ingredients. The use of folk methods gives a positive effect if there are not so many harmful insects, the plant is quite strong, the leaves and buds are not cut down with hundreds of larvae and adults. Prepare the compositions are easy, components are available, for processing not necessary special preparation.

Effective compositions:

Uncomplicated manipulations will prevent the invasion of a dangerous tormentary cherler, get rid of flower flowers from unnecessary troubles and expenses:

  • removal of dead leaves and buds;
  • regular care, moderate watering;
  • constant inspection of all parts of the plant;
  • support for plants with fertilizers, optimal temperature and light mode;
  • attentive inspection of seedlings or adult flower when buying.

If there was a dangerous pest on the plants - a torment Cherver, it is necessary to start the processing of affected copies with affordable compositions. With a light degree of lesion help folk MethodsIn case of heavy cases, it will have to buy efficient chemicals. Good plant care, a regular inspection of the roasting zone, leaves, stems and buds will avoid the spread of a harmful insect.

Read more about what a torment Cherver is and how to deal with him in the next video:

Mute Cherver is common everywhere. The insect of the family of the semi-rigorous has more than 2,000 species. And about 300 varieties of this pest live on the European continent. Detect an insect on indoor colors, in a greenhouse on vegetable and fruit crops, even with a naked eye. Gathering in the colony, the torment Cherver forms a coating on the branches and in the sinuses of the leaves, similar to the White Blogs of Wat.

The pest is multiplied on the plants of lightning. Each female postpones about 200 eggs. Feed juice of plants and larvae, and adult individuals. Mute Cherberry close rhodes of the shield. And the harm to cultural plants is not less. The growth and development of the plant affected by pest is suspended.

Plan article

Signs of pests on plants

The pest can hide at the root neck. Does not spare Cherver even succulents, with their bitter juice and poisonous flesh. Orchid has a torment Cherver often hides in the substrate and feed on roots.

IN room flower The pest is most often with infected soil when planting flowers. It easily tolerates cold, hiding into humid, compost and vegetable waste. Room temperature above 20 degrees and dry air are ideal for reproduction and pest development.

Ways to fight torrent cherver

If the pest is detected at an early stage of indoor plant infection, then help can folk ways Getting rid of mild cherwell. The pest does not endure excess moisture. In nature, abundant rains reduce the population of mild custice. At home, you can rinse indoor flowers under a jet of water.

Considering life cycle Insect, treatment against it needs to be carried out so as not to allow larvae to turn into adult individuals that will postpone new eggs. The exit period of the larvae is about 10 days. If we wash the plants and spray them with this period, then in a month you can get rid of the pest.

Folk ways to combat milder cherberry on indoor plants are suitable if the insect did not have time to fasten the flower, or in preventive purposes. If the indoor pet is covered with Cherwec like salts, then without chemicals do not do.

Drugs against mild custody

Mute Cherver on Orchid usually strikes roots. It is impossible to notice in a pot with a substrate. To save your favorite plant, you have to change the contents of the pot. The affected roots should be viewed and removed parts that have lost viability. After that, the roots need to rinse and process insecticide.

The list of means to combat Cherver is quite wide. You can choose according to your own requirements.


The drug has low toxicity and is recommended to protect indoor plants.


System Insecticide of the contact method based on TIAMETOKSAMA. When spraying the green parts of the plant, quickly absorbed and reaches the highest concentration inside the plant organs during the clock pair.

Spark "Double Effect"

Insecticide of contact action is universal means against the complex of pests. Two active ingredients in its composition are effective against the most complex pests. In this case, resistance to the drug does not occur. The remedy has low toxicity and is recommended for the destruction of milderry in indoor plants.

Imoxopropride-based preparations

Preparations based on imoxoploprid (Bolkola, Taipen) are well coped with the tormentary Cherver and still a number of pest insects. But it is recommended to use these funds only in greenhouses, vegetable garden or non-residential premises.

Preparations have high toxicity for several days. Processing against pest in a residential room where children live, and pets may cause poisoning and allergic reactions.


Preventive measures against mild custice will help get rid of the mass of problems and trouble in the fight against pest.

Excess nitrogen fertilizers contributes to the rapid breeding of the Cherwell. Balanced feeders will help reduce the risk of soil infection and plants in the house.

Weekly shower or spraying plants will help create for insect conditions unsuitable for housing.

Have you ever noticed on your home plants whites, as if sprinkled with flour, bugs with a lot of paws and long mustache? If yes, it's time to beat the alarm - you attacked on your green pet mathematical worms (or shaggy, as they speak in the people), one of the most dangerous pest insects.

Symptoms of infection with milders

In order to unmistakably recognize the milderbird Carefully inspect the flower. Here are the main symptoms:

  • the plant is covered with a white bloom and as if rushing with flour
  • on the leaves, shoots or buds - adhesive mucus, the so-called breast dew or a feast
  • all parts of the plant are ripe insects with an oval white tel
  • the flower looks sluggish, dumped, the leaves are losing the tour

What does a torment cherry look like

Mathematical Cherweans (Pseudococcidae) originate from the family of semi-rigorous or segustochogenic, the foresight of Chervests.

Insects have quite a lot of subspecies, and there is both vivy insects and cherberry, laid eggs. All of them are united by common external signs, and the appearance of the pests varies depending on age and gender. So, for example, females and males differ significantly from each other. The female of the mild custice is an insect with an oval shape body, covered with a white rode, a plurality of short paws and long filamentoid mustache. The sizes of females vary from three to five millimeters depending on the type. The larvae (nymph) looks about the same as the female, but is smaller than the dimensions. The males of tormented Cherwell differ significantly from the females: these are winged insects, similar to mosquito or flies. The males do not harm the plant, as they do not eat, there is no robot apparatus.

[!] In the nursery and agriculture The torment Chervets is also one of the most common and labor-based pest insects. The main objects of the insect attack are fruit shrubs (currants, gooseberry, sea buckthorn) and rose-colored (hawthorn, rose rose).

Causes of the appearance of mild custody

You can not definitely answer the question: where do the tormentary Cherweans come from? There are several reasons and all of them are associated with improper departure and content of the plant:

1. Errors associated with irrigation: overvaluating or, on the contrary, excessive soil drainage

2. Errors associated with the temperature regime, air humidity and illumination of the location of the plant: too low temperatures, insufficient air humidity, small amount of natural light.

3. Errors associated with general content and hygienic procedures: no periodic inspection of plants, late removal of deadly buds, leaves and shoots, lack of water procedures, such as a shower, for a plant.

4. Ignoring quarantine of newly acquired plants.

Attacks of mild custice are especially exposed to various palm trees, cactis, citrus fruits, clans and ferns.

Types of tormented cherver

In the world there are about two thousand species of Chervests living, mainly in countries with a warm and humid climate. Fortunately, Russia's territory chose only a few types of Cherwell. Let's look at them in more detail.

Seaside torment Cherver (Pseudococcus affinis) is the most common kind of mild cherwell. Females and males differ significantly from each other. Males are small flying insects moving from the plant to the plant and do not harm it. The females have a rather large size (up to 4 mm. In length), the paws are well developed, and the body is covered with a white or white-pink fallow. Throughout the life of the female of the Primorsky Mathematical Cherwell, the eggs are laying in the so-called egg bags and carefully hide them into hard-to-reach places: in the sinuses of the leaves, between shoots and even, in the presence of an odd trunk, in the cracks of the crust. The larvae, hatched from the eggs constitute small insects of yellowish color. Unlike females, there is no plaque on the body of the larvae. About a month after hatching, adult larvae begin to fully feed on the plant and, accordingly, gradually destroy it.

Brushless torment Cherver (Pseudococcus Longispinus) looks about as well as seaside, but it differs slightly smaller sizes (the length of the female body is about 3 mm.). This kind of cherwell is a borious, females do not lay eggs. Bristy Chervests prefer to be knocked back into numerous groups and hide in an infavailable places on the plant. Pests can live and eat even on root bulbs, hiding behind bulbous scales.

Grape torment Cherver (Pseudococcus Citri) in its own way appearance Looks like a seaside and bristly worm. Like Primorsky, grape Cherver is an egg-owner - larvae hatching from eggs. The method of resettlement of the colony on the plant is similar to the previous species.

Citrus torment Cherver (Pseudococcus Calceolariae). Adult females reach up to 4 mm. In length, body - light pink color, covered with a white bloom.

Root Cherver (Rhizoecus Falcifer) - white females, body length is about 2 mm. This species is characterized by the fact that it prefers to live and eat on the roots of the plant, not neglecting, however, and the above-ground part, leaves, shoots, buds. The wonderful environment for the development of the root Cherwell is loose and dry soil, as a result of which the cacti grown in this substrate are especially subject to the attacks of the root cherwell.

Chervets Comstoca (Pseudococcus Comstocki) - insect reaching 5 mm. in length. Practically not found in the territory modern RussiaBut it still can be seen in separate areas of Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Preventive measures

In order for your home plant to be infected with a torrential Cherver, it is necessary to periodically carry out prevention, which includes:

  • Careful inspection of the plant. Remember that insect pests know how to skillfully hide, for example, on the back of the leaf of the plant, in young shoots, inconspicuous buds and other hard-to-reach places.
  • Timely removal of dried parts of the plant: Dry branches, leaves and buds are very attractive for mild cherwell. Remove them on time, do not leave the insect chance to find a comfortable shelter.
  • Water events, such as timely and sufficient watering, periodic shower or washing leaves. Mute Cherver does not like a wet environment, preferring to settle on dry areas. That is why, periodic rinsing of the plant and moisturizing the soil are so important. At the same time, it is important not to rearrange, because many other pest insects, such as pins, on the contrary, prefer a wet environment.
  • Quarantine measures. Each new plant falling into your home must be placed on the caret: for a while, isolate it from other colors and carry out prophylactic treatment with universal preparations. Read more about quarantine you can read in.

If, despite all the prevention, the torment Cherver still appeared on your green pet, as soon as possible, start the merciless struggle with it. If the colony is not yet great, try first more gentle (folk) methods. But, if the torment Cherberry settled on a plant in large numbers, without modern chemicals, unfortunately, no longer do.

Mute Cherver - how to deal

People's methods to combat mild cherver

There are quite a large number of recipes for the fight against the pest consisting of home components. Let's look at some of them:

1. Soap solution. It is best for the preparation of a solution to use green soap, if there is no such possibility - the usual solid, liquid or economic is suitable. For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to stir 15 gr. solid or 15 ml. Liquid soap in a liter of water. It was obtained to spray a plant at least three times from a weekly interval, washing the solution in a day after each processing. To enhance the effect in the resulting mixture, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka.

2. The tincture of medicinal herbs. The crushed calendula or horsetail powder (sold in pharmacies) boil boiling water, cool and treat the plant. Recommended proportions - 100 gr. Calendulas (chewing) per 1 liter. water.

3. Olive oil with water. A method sparing enough for the plant is to mix 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil and liter of water and apply a solution from the spray gun. After about one or two hours, wash the emulsion.

4. Garlic infusion. On a liter of water to take 5-6 garlic teeth. Garlic crushing, pour boiling water and present in the course of four hours. The resulting mixture is filtered and, with a brusie or a soft cloth, apply on the barrel, shoots and leaves.

5. tincture of orange and lemon zest. Orange and lemon peel pour boiling water in a ratio of 30-50 gr. Cedras per liter of water, let it brew during the day and treat the plant from the spray gun.

6. When dealing with the root worm, the treatment of roots of the plant hot water helps well. Remove the flower from the pot, smooth the roots from the ground and place in a large saucepan with hot water (about 55 ° C) so that the water covers only the roots, without affecting the above-ground part. Give a plant in a saucepan at least 15 minutes, then dry the roots and transfer to a new container with a fresh substrate.

Chemical preparations from mild custody

At present, specifically for the fight against pests insects, a large number of drugs are produced, many of which are familiar with gardeners and lovers of home plants. The following insecticides were proven in the destruction of milders of the Chervests:

  • Aktara
  • Phytodemer
  • Confident Extras
  • Bi-58.
  • Spark Golden
  • Aplaud.

When using chemicals, carefully study the instructions in which the necessary dosages and method of application are prescribed. It is important to follow the instructions and manufacturer's guidelines.

[!] Some drugs, for example accuters, are highly toxic and can threaten the health of people and animals. Therefore, it is very important to comply with all the recommended precautions: to carry out treatment in rubber gloves and outdoors. Do not allow the contact of children and animals with a processed plant!

Pay attention to the importance of repeating processing in 7-10 days. The fact is that almost all chemicals destroy only adult individuals of milderry and hatched larvae, they do not act on egg laying. If you ignore the re-processing, a new generation of insects, which appeared from eggs, after a while again attacks the plant.

It is also important from time to time to change insecticides, since immunity can develop immunity to some particular poison.

There is another way to fight torrent cherver - biological. This method is unlikely to suit amateur flowers, rather, it is pressed for large greenhouses or household farms, but it should not be noted.

The fact is that there are natural (natural) enemies of a milder cherwell that feed on them in wildlife, the so-called entomophages. This, for example, ladybugs, gold-profiles, nappa-antockers, spiders, various riders. All these insects regulate the number of Chervests, and even completely exterminate the colonies of pests. That is why it is very important not to destroy entomophages on its garden plot.


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