Tree with large leaves and long pods. Catalpa, landing and care

Tree with large leaves and long pods. Catalpa, landing and care

Catalpa is not a completely familiar plant for gardeners, it is loved for a chic view during the flowering period, which in most cases begins when other shrubs are already flowing. Modern bred varieties are winter-hardy, so the yuzhanka is perfectly leaving in the middle lane of Russia.

Typically, the variant of the design of the landscape is selected by the owners of large areas, fits perfectly into city parks, decorating them. In addition to spectacular flowering, copies are distinguished by high decorative qualities, interesting crown forms.

The plant is not so diverse, in total there are 11 species grown in many countries of the world. Grow the Catalpu not only as a decorative tree, but also as a shrub.

Interesting foliage: it has a heart shape, rounded and saved to the most frosts. With the arrival of cold foliage falls. Flowers - the most beautiful decoration. They appear in the summer, in June-July. Abundant bloom continues for a long time.

The aroma of flowers, gentle of their color attract attention and surprise. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences - a cluster or snowstorm. Beauty of blooming katalpa indescribable. After biting on the tree, fruits appear, externally resembling pods. The fruits will spread the wind, but at low weather, they can hold out in the tree all winter, giving him a very interesting view.

In our region, only 3 types of plants received distribution.

The grade is distinguished by large leaves reaching 20 cm long and 15 cm - width. Outwardly, they resemble lilac leaves. Fall yellow. A distinctive feature is also the rapid growth rates.

The tree can reach 20 m in height, has powerful branches and a crown of a rounded shape. The duration of flowering, which can be seen only after the car's age will exceed 5 years, is 25 days. Flowers are not fragrant, reach 5 cm.

Incomiputing to the soil, the variety is perfect thanks to its frost resistance. However, the young trees still should be insulated for the winter to protect them from frozen. Katalpa Bignonyoidal in most cases is selected for single landings. The tree is beautiful both in the period of flowering, and in the fall, when the foliage acquires the shade of gold. It is interesting to observe the tree and in winter when hanging fruits become the main decoration - pods.

Alley, Parks, Squares - places where the Katalpa will look at the most profitable, the tree will be decorated with all the districts. The best companions for her - oak, magnolia, not distinguished by the worst, as well as bulbous flowers. It looks spectacular even on a smooth shredded lawn.

Gorgeous. The tree of this species can reach 30 m in height. Krone usually has a pyramid shape. The leaves are larger than that of bignonoidal chatalps, can grow up to 30 cm in length with a width of 15 cm. The flowers of magnificent katalpes reach 7 cm in diameter, fragrant. Wavy edges, white-creamy coloring and characteristic 2 yellow stripes distinguish the flowers of this kind from others.

Long bloom pleases the owners of 20-25 days. Growth is fast, for the year, the tree may increase by 1 m in height. The view also refers to the frost-resistant, so it is well caring even in the northern regions. Expect the appearance of the first flowers will have long, as they appear only for 12 years of life. Great option for urban parks and squares.

Catalpa ovage. The view is the most frost-resistant, can withstand temperatures up to -29 degrees. You can not worry about possible frozen, as the shoots of this type have time to win before frost hit.

The considered types are perfectly leaving both under the conditions of the middle band and in the northern regions. Almost every type has several hybrid varieties, with improved decorative properties.

Popular Bignonia-shaped presented in the Russian market in 4 varieties:

  • Aurea;
  • Nana;
  • Ken;
  • Purple.

The varieties are distinguished by the form of the crown and the color of foliage. The most decorative variety - Nana - is distinguished by a beautiful spherical shape that does not require special molding.

Landing and caring for a tree

Salvation of lazy gardeners - Catalpa, landing and care for which requires a minimum of time and time. The best place to plan wood planting is light or half. It will be a good garden track design. The best survival rate of seedlings whose age does not exceed 1 year.

There are no special requirements for the soil, culture refers to unpretentious. However, a better sapling will feel in moistened soil, which is enriched with an organica and preliminarily drained. Best time For planning - early spring. The prepared pit should have a depth of 70-120 cm. The recommended distance between the seedlings is 3 meters.

In order for the seedling better to take root, prepare the planting substrate, mixing the river sand, leafy ground and peat with a humus. The optimal ratio of components 2: 2: 1: 3. Well, if you turn out to add wood ash or phosphoritic flour. Skip the tree, well, and climb the surface to peat. Make sure the root neck is to lie down with the ground. To do this, take into account the settlement of the Earth and what is happening with the time of the soil seal.

Caring for the growing tree is not problematic, as it is not demanding, it can calmly survive drought, but truncating tolerates badly. Main leaving procedures:

  • watering if necessary;
  • trimming old dry branches;
  • feeding;
  • shelter of a young church for the winter.

With the right definition of the place and proper caring, the tree will quickly grow, every year significantly increasing the crown.

In the arid season, the tree is watered 1 time a week, spending on every seedling for 2 buckets of water. When decaying the heat, watering is limited to 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

Seedling care also provides for soil looser and deletion. The tree requires special attention from the owner. Required condition His survival in the winter is the shelter from frosts with a huskien. For these purposes, you can also use burlap, which in several layers turn around the trunk. Adult plants easily carry even harsh winters, it is enough just to throw the rolling circle with dry foliage. Even if partially extinct, new shoots will appear in the spring.

Trimming This species transfers very painfully, so it is not worth spending time on work on the formation of the crown. The best option is to delete only damaged and dry branches.

Fertilize the plant is required 2-3 times in the period from early spring to late autumn. The optimal option is the dung alone, as the tree loves the organic. Fucking precedes abundant irrigation.

Important!!! Choosing a landing place, avoid the options for the location near the groundwater.

Reproduction of catalymp

It is possible to multiply known methods: Seeds, cuttings. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

The Catalpo seeds often determine, although the cultivation of a full-fledged tree from the seed is the process of time consuming and long. Seeding can be carried out in spring and autumn. The underlying condition is the preparation of seeds, their pre-soaking in warm water.

You can soak for a couple of hours - this is quite enough. After that, the seeds are planted into the container to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm and covered with a film.

Shining - more fast way Receiving a full-fledged seedling. The billet of cuttings are engaged closer to the end of summer, cutting branches of 10 cm in size. To speed up growth and better survival, special stimulants are usually used.

Possible diseases, pests

The plant is slightly susceptible to diseases, and pests capable of causing a tree, not so much. The worst enemy is a dumping fly. This pest causes the deformation of shoots, but it is possible to get rid of it with the help of a special garden insecticide. It is better to use kinmix or desisse.

Incorrect care can provoke the appearance of a verticillus fungus, which can cause drying or even the death of a seedling. The prevention of its appearance is pretty simple: follow the state of the soil, loose, not allowing a strong seal.

What variety to choose?

Choosing a view and variety Caphata is purely personal. View catalogs with photos and choose the option that is better suited for the garden. Consider the size of the area: a large tree will not be a better solution for a small area.

Important!!! Experienced gardeners warn that the survival of seedlings, their winter hardiness depend on the region of their cultivation, so planning the planting of the tree, take the planting material that has been prepared as close as possible to your region.

Use in design

Most often used Catalpha for gardening public seats of cities. The unusual crown of the tree attaches originality with the landscape, and the flowering causes delight of passersby. In combination with unpretentiousness, this option becomes the best choice For designers engaged in the arrangement of urban areas.

In the immediate vicinity of the house landed the lowest varieties, most often preferring an elegant Nan. This variety fits organically and into small areas in the area, becoming their decoration.

As an option, the low-speed Katalpu can be viewed when making tracks and sidewalks. It looks good and next to the reservoir. The combination of several varieties, with different color of the leaves, give the uniqueness and effectitude to any garden.

Perfectly withstanding urban conditions is the best analogue with boning poplars and lindens. Excellent turbines, they bloom for a long time, pleased with their appearance.

Where can one buy?

Buy seedlings need to be in nurseries or in special shopping centers. So you protect yourself from scam, buying a sapling that will delight you for a long time. By issuing an order via the Internet, do not be lazy to learn about the reputation of the seller, about the terms of delivery and guarantees.

The cost of seedlings depends on the height of the village: the higher - the more expensive. The price offered by the online store may be lower than the cost of a nursery seedling is a common practice regarding not only gardening.

In our climatic conditions, a plant began to appear, which is brought from North America. There it grows on the banks of the rivers. This is Catalpa - a decorative, tall tree, or a multiyttle shrub of the BIGNONE family. There are about ten of its species in the world. We are not going on not all of them.

Plant Description

Capital has a rounded crown round shape. It closes the sun's rays and well shakes the space under him. The tree can on average can reach a height of 7 meters, but at home it grows up to 15 meters.

Capital leaves are quite voluminous. They are on the touch of velvety, in the shape of a heart. On the shoots they grow oppositely, sometimes muttered. For a long time, foliage remains green, up to cold. Its foaming occurs after frosts.

If the village has to propagate the seeds or cuttings independently, then you can see bloom in five years. During it, appear in the form of candles of inflorescences. The flowers of the tatalpie delicate, creamy-white, very fragrant. In the form of funnel-shaped. Inside they have red specks and yellow strokes. At the edges of the petals corrugated.

The flowering period falls on the first month of summer. At this time, the tree becomes especially elegant. Beautiful honey. At the end of the period, fruits are formed, which are a long seed box, very similar to the pod. Seeds volatile. After the ripening of seeds, the pods are revealed, freeing from them. And they themselves continue to hang on the tree, from which it acquires an unusual decorative look.

In our gardens you can grow the following types of Caphata:

  1. Catalpa Bignonyevoid. It has splash branches and a wide-grade crown, which is a light brown bark. Leaves are similar to lilac leaves. White flowers, with stripes of yellow color in the middle and with red spectacles. The fragrance is poorly expressed. View of frost-resistant. Young individuals are insulated only at first.
  2. Catalpa is beautiful. It has a wide-grained gray crown. Cream flowers, brown dots and yellow stripes. The fragrance is pleasant. One of the most frost-resistant species.
  3. Catalpa spherical. Tree shag-like. Bark light brown. The leaves are characterized by the smell during rubbing. White and fragrant flowers, with two yellow stripes and dark brown spots.


Tree Catalpa is well decorated with household plots. If you want to surprise familiar, put this perennial. He will not bring any benefit, but it will be great for you to look in the garden anywhere. Tree care is minimal. You will need:

  • Choosing the right place. It grows best in sunny places, a small half is allowed. Also, Catalpa does not like drafts, especially in the frost.
  • Good soil. Needless fertile land, well moistened and drained. The best composition It will be: peat, sand, humus. When landing, it's good to add wood ash and phosphoritic flour. Saplings are planted in the pits to 120 centimeters depth, and then the rolling circle is well mulched.
  • Regular watering. Capital tolerates both drought and heat. Watering is carried out as the soil drying. Excessive moisturizing with water stagnation The tree is bad tolerate. It is quite good to pour a tree no more than once a week.
  • Feeding mineral fertilizers. You can use ready-made solutions. Not bad Catalpa responds to the introduction of man-lucky. Over the vegetative period, it is enough for three trees.
  • Trimming. The tree is demanding about the spring trim. It is carried out not only for the formation of the crown. During her, with the help of the secator, all the dry and frost damaged by frost are removed. After trimming, the tree begins to grow in front of her eyes. Since the procedure stimulates a good shoot of shoots.
  • Halking in winter. Young seedlings need to be insulated with burlap or other observing material, as they can join. As the plant grows, the need for this disappears. Adult Catalpa withstands the temperature in winter to -25 degrees. And separate species up to -29 degrees.

Seaman reproduction

It may well multiply the Catalpa with seeds. Its seed material retains its germination to three years. Usually ripen seeds in the fall, mostly from October to November. They do not need additional processing. Before planing, it is enough to soak them in water and withstand for two days. You can use the growth stimulator, but it is at will.

Landing is carried out in spring or autumn. If you sit in open sad Seeds in the fall, they need to be well meditated in order to prevent freezing.

Seeding seeds is made to a depth of four centimeters. Seedlings begin to actively appear by the end of spring.

It is necessary to care for shoots. So, they are watered in the vegetative period well, loosen around the soil, clean the weed grass, which grows nearby. Catalpa, multiplied by the seed way, is very good and growing rapidly. After a year she grows to half a meter.

This method of reproduction requires the adjustment of the trunk, as it grows the curve. To get a straight trunk at the tree, it is necessary to cut a tree for a stump for two years. As a result, additional shoots will begin to appear that will be smooth. Of all the growing shoots, you need to choose the strongest, and all the other remove. In the future, it is observed for it and in the case of severe pulling, the sepure or cutting of the tops are carried out. This procedure will stimulate the thickening of the trunk and the growth of the crown. Three years later you will have a well-formed village.

Shining catalymp

Catalpa is multiplied by another way - with the help of cuttings. For this purpose, no more than 8 centimeters are used. The stalk before planting can be treated with a stimulant of plant growth. Locking is carried out in the tank with the soil, which is based on peat and sand. As soon as the first additional kidneys and leaves appear, and the root system is formed, the cuttings are planted into the open soil and mulched well.

Katalpa Bignonyevoid was as officially named Linnem in 1753. Before that, she was called Bignonia Catalpa, this name came up with the Indians of the Muscome tribe, as the leaves and pods of the tree, in their opinion, were similar to the "winged heads" - "Kutuhlpa". Indians believed that the tribes would be born as many girls as the flowers appeared on the tree. In England, the trees Capalpi Bignonia were brought from North America at the beginning of the XVIII century, and then from England they were delivered in several years to Russia.

Landing Rules:

  • For landing, make the soil of 3 parts by humus, 2 parts of the leaf land and 1 part of peat and 1 part of the sand. The soil must have acidity close to neutral - PH7.
  • Having a hole with a depth of 70-120 cm.
  • Throw 5-8 kg of ash and 50 g of phosphoric flour into one hole. Still in the pit pour 2 buckets of water.
  • When landing between trees, observe the interval 4-5 m.
  • Put the seedlove into the pit and plant the ground so that the root neck is at the ground level, and the root com by 10-20 cm above the ground level, since then the Earth is settled and compacted.
  • After landing, the priority circle is clicked with a peat layer 5-7 cm.

In order for Catalpa to please beautiful and healthy blossoms after it, it is necessary to care for it:

  1. Fertilizer. For the season, make 2 feeders with a cow. To 1 part of the manure, add 10 parts of the water and pour half therand to one adult tree (about 6 l). Also once in the season adopt fertilizer "", pouring 120 g per m? Before feeding abundantly, paint the trees.
  2. . If it is hot dried weather, then under one tree leut 2 water buckets 1 time per week. If the weather is cool, then water 2-3 times a month.
  3. Lucm soil. Drop the land on the bayonet shovel, while getting rid of.
  4. Tree trimming. The tree often frozen the branches in the winter, so the spring cut the branches that dried and damaged. The tree is perfectly tolerated, after it, the branches begin to grow intensively.
  5. Preparation for winter. If the trees are young, then burn them with a spruce noodle and cover with fallen leaves. Adult trees wrap the burlap in two layers either by Loutrasil, and also climb the leaves of the coil circles with a layer of 15 cm.

Catalpa is quite resistant to diseases and pests. But it can damage it:

  • Tiny larvae shields are embarrassed to branches, leaves, fruits, they do not move and form a flat panel with a size of 2 to 4 mm, which protects them. Insects allocate a medical dew, resembling sticky syrup. The shields are carefully removed from the leaves with a cotton wand, then the leaves are carefully wiped with a cotton swab, moistened with vodka. If there is a low plus temperature, then spray the trees 2% oily emulsion. You can also process the trees by accomplist (2 ml / l), and after a week, repeat the processing.
  • Cellic ticks are of 0.3-0.4 mm. They, usually, are on the underside of the leaves and lay a lot of eggs. Eggs can calmly lie in any items for 2 years, after entering the sheet and then insects will hatch. From ticks, the treatment of trees 35% of puff sulfaride (10 g / l of water) helps. Make a solution and sponge or cotton swabs are washed with all wood. Then a week later the processing is repeated, so they do 3-5 times before the pest completely disappears. When using a sulfaride paste, you must first apply a paste for 2-3 sheets, if after 2 days the plant will not burn burns, then the tree can be completely handled.
  • TRIPS are insects reaching 1.5-2 mm in length, they feed on juice, pollen and nectar. They will fly from a tree to wood and can carry viruses. To eliminate the trips, the tree is sprayed with insecticide, after a half months, the processing is repeated.
  • Chervers are purple-gray or brown insects, they grow up to 5 mm long. They leave the wax allocations that resemble wool lumps. Best of all, they die when treating a carbofos solution (3-9 g / l of water), it makes 4 times, observing a weekly interval.
  • Sometimes the Shpan's Mushka can attack the Catalpo. To eliminate the pest, the tree twice spray with a kinmix or desisis, carbofos.
  • If you find the Chernomists of the Comstock in unprecedented kidneys, then urgently treat them insecticides.

If the Earth misses water and air, it may appear verticillive fungus, it leads to the death of a tree. Therefore, do not forget to loosen the earth.

This is a tree, with flowers of whose bees collect honey. From the wood seeds, oil is squeezed out, which dries very quickly and becomes solid, there are isomers of eleostearic acid in the oil, it is used in the paint industry, is included in the paint and varnishes.

Plant extract is added to serums, creams, gels, emulsions, which are then applied to inflamed and tired skin.

Tree is perfect for landscaping streets, gardens and country sites.

Trees have light, light and soft wood, perfectly opposed to rotting. Therefore, wood is used in shipbuilding, various products are cut out of it. Musicians appreciate guitars carved from the wood of Caplip.

In the bark of the tree there are resins and tannins, in the leaves - monoterpenis glycosides. Seeds contain 30% oil with eleostearic acid. Bark and pods have a large number of Glycosides of Catalpine and Catalposide.

Features of use:

  • IN folk medicine Drink branches from the tree bark to get rid of helminths, as in the crust contains bitter glycosides. She drinks it in diarrhea, as it has an astringent action.
  • The decoction of the bark is washed with rotting wounds, ulcers. The crust extract is used in the treatment of oncology, with diseases of the bronchi, since Catalpine has glycoside.
  • The leaves of the tree contain phytoncides and they are used in the treatment of streams, carbunculov, abscesses, stuffing, and the decoction of the leaves is washed with eye closer.
  • An intente of the tree pods is washed with skin with eels, herpes, furunculese. Compresses are made of infusion and used with hemorrhoids and prostate.

The tree grows very quickly, it can grow by 1 m per year. Catalpa is unpretentious, resistant to different weather conditions, diseases and pests. Catalpa looks great as one, so in group plantings. She is well combined with, Pavlovy, oak,.

More information can be found from the video:

Plant catalpa (lat. Catalpa) Refers to the family of Bignonia, whose representatives grow in North America, West Indies, Japan and China. The Indians used the appearance of the Bignony-shaped Catalpa as a medicinal plant for the treatment of malaria and a cough, calling her "Catoba", and the Italian doctor and botany of the Skopoli, who first described this kind, without evil intent distorted his Indian name - "Catalpa". According to various data, Rod has from 10 to 38 species, some of them are grown as decorative plants in different regions of the world, including in Ukraine, Belarus and in the south of Russia.

Tree Catalpa - Description

Catalpa decorative is a picturesque deciduous or evergreen tree height up to 20 m with a rounded crown. The leaves have many cataption opposite, sometimes mutual, heart-shaped, long-meher and very large - approximately 30x17 cm. Blossom Catalymp will not leave anyone indifferent: fragrant funnel-shaped white or cream flowers up to 7 cm long with dark dots and stains in Zeva are collected in scattered pyramidal spots . The fruits of the catholp - the patch-shaped hanging boxes up to 40 cm long - filled with numerous volatile seeds. The flowering of Caplip begins in mid-June or in early July, and the original fruits of the plant persist on it all winter.

Landing Catalpi

Landing the katalpa and care for it are performed in accordance with common rules Growing anyone decorative tree. One-two-year-old seedlings Capalpi can be purchased in garden centers or directly in nurseries. Katalpu in the spring, prior to the start of the sludge, or after the leaffall on the solar, wind-protected places, because in drafts are large, but very gentle leaves of the tree can be damaged. It is desirable that in the area where Catalpa will grow, the groundwater was climbed at great depth. Caphata need a lot of space: between it and other plants should be preserved a distance of 4-5 m. The composition of the soil, which you will fill in a hole with a depth of 1 m and a diameter of 70 cm, should be approximately: sand (2 parts), humus (3 parts) , peat (1 part) and leaf land (2 parts). To this soil mixture should add 50 g of phosphoritic flour and from 5 to 8 kg of wood ash. The acidity of the soil should be within 6.5-7.5 pp.

On the bottom of the pit, you need to lay a fifteenisantimeter layer of drainage material, which can consist of a broken brick or rubble, then the pit is filled with a fertile soil mixture, after that they lower the roots of the seedling, fill the remaining space of the pit with fertile soil, slightly tamper the surface and water. Try to place a seedling in the pit in such a way that its root neck when landing is slightly higher than the level of the land in the calculation that after irrigation, the soil will fall and the neck will turn out to be at the surface level. When water is absorbed, inspirate the rolling circle with organic material, the best peat.

Care for Catalpoy

How to grow Catalpha in the garden.

Catalpa moisthed, so it needs a weekly irrigation, especially in hot and dry weather. If you force the plant to feel thirst, his leaves will lose the tour and hang out, which will damage the decorativeness of Capital. Approximate consumption of water - 2 buckets on an adult plant. Cool or rainy summer, as well as, provided that the rolling circle of the catholpet is closed, it is possible to water a tree 2-3 times a month. After irrigation or natural precipitation, it is easier to carry out soil looser in a rustic circle to a depth of 30 cm and get rid of weeds. In the arid heat, Katalpu moisturizes more often.

The cultivation of the Katalpa assumes regular feeding plants: twice for the season in the soil you need to make a solution (1:10) of the reworked manure at the rate of 5-6 liters per adult tree. The catalypa reacts well to the spring feeding of nitroammophos and the autumn feeding with potash and phosphoric fertilizers: at this time of the year nitrogen the tree is not needed.

Trimming Caphata.

Cutton trimming is best spent in spring until the kidney has become on the tree: remove the frozen, damaged, sick and dry branches. The plant is usually formed with a height of a strain of 1.2-2.0 m, over which the catholla is branched into a low spisidical crown of 4-5 skeletal branches. In the future, the skeletal branches of the tree, if necessary, shortening, and thickening branches and shoots cut out.

Pests and diseases of Caphata.

And to pests, and the diseases of the Catalpa are stable, but sometimes, if it is weakened, it can be delivered to the ScPs of the Skippers, from which the plant can be delivered by two-handed treatment with Pyrethroids or Fastakas. It is worse if the stem pests are justified on the catalpta - the refamped insects, the adults of which are similar to the harnesses. The females lay eggs into the wood of the Caphata, and the larvae appeared on them lay in it and clog their drilling flour. Trees damaged by larvae, trees weaken and begin to dry. As a rule, the katalpi, in which there are elapses, will not be able to save. But it is possible to protect the tree with prevention: healthy and strong plants are not affected by rykhvosts.

If you in the second half of the summer noticed that on the bottom of the crown, the leaves began to lower, turn yellow and fall, it is possible that it suffers from the wilt - the verticillaty wilt. This is a severe fungal disease, as a result of which the plant sometimes loses foliage only on the one hand and it looks at one-sided. At an early stage of the disease, it can be cured if we carry out the treatment of wood with Tsin-M preparations, Fundazole and pour it under the root of Maxim or Rusurlem. In preventive purposes, Katalpu is treated with fungicides, quadris or falcon.

Catalpa in the suburbs.

If you want to grow in the cultivation of the catalymp in the middle lane, then you need to start with the selection of planting material: you need winter-hard-resistant seedlings. The most frost-resistant look is Catalpa Gorgeous. Capalpie ovoid and bignonoid are also acclimatized in the middle strip. From the varieties, the bignonia-shaped katalpia is growing well in the Moscow region of Aurea (grade with golden leaves), a pict (shape with a motley, Various coloring of foliage), Catalpa Nana (the uncontent compact form of plants) and captivity (grade with terry flowers).

For the successful cultivation of the Katalpi, it is necessary to perform certain conditions: place seedlings on well-lit and moistened neutral loams from the south side of buildings or thick coniferous landings, to provide them with wind and shelter for the winter at least the first 2-3 years. In the future, winter-hardy varieties of Caphatap can not be inspired for the winter, and if they are in any year and survive, then in the next period of vegetation it is easy to restore.

Reproduction of catalymp

Catalpa well breeds seeds that do not require special processing, and summer cuttings.

Growing the katalpa from seeds.

The seeds of the Catalpi seeds are seeded for 8-12 hours in warm water in February or March. You can sow them and autumn, without prior soaking. Sowing is carried out in the groove, after which the seeds are poured soil and covered with a film or glass. Contain crops at a temperature of 20-22 ºC, providing them with good lighting without straight sun ray, Regular watering and venting. Tharing in the winter of Catalpa from seeds sitting in the open soil in the spring, after the warm weather is established. As a rule, this happens in the second half of May.

Reproduction of catalympus cuttings.

The billet of cuttings is carried out in the second half of summer. Catalpi cutthars with a length of about 8 cm with several kidneys are cut off with adult trees, planted into the substrate from peat and sand and are covered to create a greenhouse effect with a transparent cap. Caring for rooting cuttings is the same as the sowing of Caphata. As soon as you notice that new leaves began to appear on the cuttings, the rooting process can be considered successfully completed. Dry cutlets in open soil, like the seedlings of Caphata, in the second half of May.

Types and varieties of Caphata

In culture, there are not so many types of Capital, and we will imagine them now.

or bignonyevoid Catalpa In nature, grows along the shores of the rivers of North America. This tree is a height of up to 20 cm with a spreadable wide-edged crown and thin-plane light brown bark. Remote light green leaves of plants of this species, shape resembling lilac leaves, but much larger size: in length they reach 20, and in a width of 15 cm. From above the leaves are bare, from below, they publish in veils, when rubbing, they make an unpleasant odor. White fragrant flowers of plants up to 5 cm long with red-brown taps and two yellow stripes in Zea are collected in loose pyramidal inflorescences up to 30 cm long and up to 20 in width. Flowering lasts about three weeks. The fruits of the bignonoid catalymp are a narrow pod-like boxes up to 40 cm long with small seeds. In culture, this type has since 1726, has several decorative forms:

  • golden (Aurea) - Catalpa with bright yellow leaves;
  • Kene - tree with yellow leaves in green veins and with a dark spot on the middle of a sheet plate;
  • low (Nana) - Bush shape with a spherical crown.

or katalpa Fine Getting from the east of North America, where it grows on the shores of the lakes and rivers. This is a beautiful tree with a wide-frame crown and a slim bark covered with a gray thin-plane bark in a height of 30 m. Brilliant green and smooth from the top side of the plate leaves of this form up to 30 and up to 15 cm wide are located on long stiffs and are revealed earlier than the leaves of other types of catholp. From the bottom side, they are slightly pubescent. Fragrant creamy-white flowers of catalymp are a magnificent length of up to 7 cm with a wavy edge, decorated with purple-brown dots and two yellow stripes, form wide risels with a length of 15-20 cm. The fruit is a box up to 56 cm long, cracking when ripening on 2 sash. In culture, the view since 1800. The most famous decorative form is:

  • thorough or sPUDED - The leaves of this plant are decorated with a plurality of cream or white specks.

what is happening from Central China, reaches a height of 10 m, but in the culture it grows no higher than 3.5 m, and in the middle band due to frequent friction does not exceed 1.5 m. Crown of this plant is tent, stretched, trunk leaves, Dark green, length 20-30 and width up to 15 cm. Fragrant flowers, cream-white with purple yawn, assembled in lotty inflorescences up to 25 cm long. Fruits - Pulkid-shaped boxes up to 45 cm long. This species is demanding of fertility and soil moisture and lightly.

in natural conditions, it is found in the warm forests of Western China. This is a deciduous tree with a height of up to 20 m with reminding lilac leaves with whole-repellent opposite, simple green leaves on stiffs up to 10 cm long. Flooding on the bottom side of the sheet plate is thick than on the top. Flowers up to 3.5 cm with a pink or pinkish-purple shade with dark purple spots on the inside of the bunny are collected by 7-15 pieces in the blurred inflorescences. The flowering of this type begins a month earlier than the other catalmp. The species has high decorativeness.

or katalpa Schrovoid - Hybrid between the catalpa of an ordinary and an ovoid catholp, which is a tree with a height of up to 16 m with a rounded crown, publishing an unpleasant smell of large light green leaves, sheds from the bottom, and flowers up to 2.5 cm long, collected into large loose inflorescences. . This kind of catalymp is more often used in landscape design.

Catalpa in Landscape Design

Catalpa grows quickly, it is resistant to unfavorable conditions and Nekaprin. The plant is attractive and as a single plant, for example, at the entrance to the store, cafe or office, and in the allery landing. Can decorate Catalpa and coastline reservoir. Exquisitely looks a combination different species Plants, for example, with golden and purple leaves. Indifferent to the rank of air Catalpa in last years Increasingly used to landscap the cities, replacing traditional, but somewhat boring poplar and linden. In urban parks, Katalpi, surrounded by a lively hedge of hawthorn or a kizilnik, preserving the appeal throughout the season.

In the household and summer cottage, the katalla bignonia-shaped and magnificent, using them, as a bright focus of the common landscape. And in combination with oaks and decorative magnolia, the decorativeness of the Katalpi becomes even brighter. For small kindergartens and reception areas, the low varieties of Capital - Nana are more suitable.

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Catalpa is an amazing beauty tree that can reach height from 5 to 30 meters. His big green leavesSummer is complemented by white-pinkish flowers, which have a gentle subtle fragrance. It is considered a decorative plant. Very often, Catalpa is found in the parks, and sometimes on household plots, as a monumental decor.

Motherland Capalpi, which refers to the Bignonya family, North America. In the 18th century, the plant was brought to Europe, and then to Russia, China and Japan. Under the thick foliage, the katalpa is comfortable and nice to relax in a strong heat.

The Catalpa tree is suitable for your site, only as a decorative plant. The tree grows very quickly. Turns well different temperature differences. It will be great and as a single plant and together with other plants. Well fits into the overall picture of the site.

Large flowers and leaves of the katalpi, very similar to the blooming chestnut. Thanks to its large leaves, the tree in the people call "a tree with elephant ears."

The most common types of Catalp

In total, there are about 10 species of this plant in nature. In Russia, there are four types of Caphata in the south.

Catalpa is a magnificent and bignonoid or ordinary - both kinds are delivered from North America. In his homeland, they can reach up to 30 meters in height. In our conditions, the height of the trees is 10-12 meters. The trunk of Catalpi, almost always slender. Crown is very wide and thick. The leaves of this type of Caphata are blown earlier than on other trees. Also, such a kind of katalpi, loves the sun and for this reason is very drought-resistant. Close neighborhood with groundwater may be destructive for this tree;
Aurea is a variety of Capalpi, which is more famous as a shrub. Reaches in height no more than two meters. Leaves at the beginning of vegetation, beautiful golden shade. This species is well suited for breeding in park and urban areas;
Another kind of chatalps Nana is a dwarf form. The shape of Krone, looks like a ball. It is characterized by high frost resistance. Success is grown in the conditions of the Moscow region;
In landscaping of gardens and sites, two types of Caplip are used - this is a hybrid and Chinese catalypa. Very frost-resistant species. Withstand frosts up to 30 degrees.

Absolutely all kinds, you can use in the design of parks, gardens and urban recreation areas.

Landing and care

Place for landing, choose solar and windless. The seedlings of the tree are especially afraid of a strong frosty wind. Deepete in the ground we make 70cm or even 1 meter. Before boarding, prepare a mixture of humus, dry leaves and sand. Under the root of the seedling, you need to pour 5-6 kg. Wood ash. After landing, the seedlings water or more than once a week. Catalpa loves feeding. As feeding, organic fertilizers can be used.

With severe frosts, seedlings need to be covered. To do this, you can use old cardboard boxes, bedspreads or burlap.

If the right place is chosen for the landing, the seedlings are provided timely watering, then it's not difficult to care for the tree. In the absence of rains, you need to water at about once a week, pouring two buckets of water under the root. The soil must regularly loose and turn the weeds around the seedling.

Cutton trimming

Pruning can and need to be held every year. It is best to make it early in spring. First of all, all the filled, jerked branches and leaves are trimmed. Then, using a secateur, give the form a plant. No need to be afraid and worry, after trimming the tree will grow better and faster.

Reproduction of catalymp

The Catalpa tree is successfully multiplied by seed and vegetative ways. Any method is good in its own way, each gardener chooses its own method. Reproduction seeds are prepared from autumn. Soaked in water for 12-14 hours. Water should be warm. After that, seeds are planted into the finished mixture of soil, sand and organic fertilizers. All this needs to be done in a greenhouse or in warm room. Three to four weeks, the first shoots should appear. In the spring you can transplant in open ground. With good care, beautiful seedlings grow out of seeds.

Reproduction with cuttings, carried out as follows. In the second half of the summer, cut off the shoots and harvest the cuttings. Before boarding, in sandy peat soil, you can handle the cuttings of growth amplifier. The cuttings must be in a warm room with a temperature of not lower than 15 degrees. Spring Fastened cuttings planted in an open ground.

Catalpi diseases

Exotic appearance and large leaves will attract the views of those surrounding this tree. Of course, Catalpa is able to decorate any plot and park.

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