Cry in a dream by the former. Cry in a dream: what it is

Cry in a dream by the former. Cry in a dream: what it is

by Dream Loffa

We often cry in a dream. Crying, as a rule, is a person's response to the impact of images or people appearing in a dream. I cry in a dream, you do not cry in the literal sense of the word, as in reality. You just covers a feeling of compassion and pity in relation to the touching scene unfolding before your eyes. In this case, follow the sleep. Emotional discharge has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to use this discharge at each other case. However, you should define an argument event that entailed the corresponding emotions. Who made you cry? Did you cry for a certain reason or was it just a general discharge of emotional stress? What did you feel, smoking: relief or severity?

What dreams to cry

in the dream of flowers

comfort Someone cries - to Wests.

Dreamed complaints

by dream of Miller

To see in a dream that you are pride of the loss of friends or property, - foreshadows a lot of suffering and difficult struggle with the fact that there was a source of joy and well-being for you. Crying for lost relatives - means a disease or disappointment, which will then lead you to harmony in relationships with companions; This as a result will open up brilliant prospects for the future.

Dreamed crying

by dream of Miller

Play in a dream - the foresight of bad news and disorder in the family circle. To see the crying other - promises a pleasant reunion after a period of sad misunderstandings. Young woman, this dream foreshadows a quarrel with beloved, reconciliation after which can be achieved only by self-sacrifice. Trader This dream foreshadows temporary decline in affairs and minor failures.

What dreams onions

in the dream of flowers

clean - success in difficult times; There is a quarrel.

Dreamed Luk

by dream of Miller

See a large number of Luke in a dream foreshadows you anger and envy that you will meet, having achieved success. If you eat it - the enemies will retreat in front of you. If you see in a dream, as it grows, - in your affairs there will be enough rivals, the fight against which will give the sharpness of your experiences and the taste for life in general. Fry onions - means serenity and small profit in business. To see in a dream that you cut onions and feel that your eyes moisturized, - a sign that you will be defeated by your rivals.

Cry in sleep - See in a dream how the woman is crying - New acquaintances.
To see in a dream, how the child is crying, to empty troubles.
Did you cry because of some particular reason, or was it just a discharge? What did you feel when they seemed: the feeling of lightness or vice versa? By defining this event, you can understand your sleep in more detail.
Gorky crying, which is flooded in a dream Other people foreshadows very happy marriage.
For unmarried girls to see themselves crying in a dream - fortunately in personal life, some important, large and beautiful event, possibly - to the ambulance of a wedding ceremony or engagement.
If other people cried in your dream - You can be sure of your friends's house will come happiness that you share with them. Such a dream is a precursor of the ambulance wedding someone from your friends.
If you dreamed that you cried - This is a good dream promising to you quickly liberation and experiences, cheap relief and joy.
If you dreamed that you cry in a dream, do not cry! This is a favorable sleep. Loud crying and sobs in a dream can symbolize liberation. Unpleasant emotions, fears and fears will leave your life, seeking the road for a new joy.
If you have dreamed that you cry over the dead person, then I will have to care about someone.
If you have dreamed that you cry, and, waking up, I realized that we were crying in fact, it means that you have conceived, will soon come true.
If you dreamed that you want to cry, but at the same time you are ashamed, it means that in reality you will soon have to overcome many difficulties.
If you dreamed that someone was crying, it means that some kind of joyful event awaits you.
If in a dream you cried, then you are waiting for some experiences or disappointment.
If in a dream you cry without visible reasons, just because you feel sorry for yourself - think about your attitude towards yourself, are you too selfish? Your excessive love for yourself will only bring pain to people who appreciate you and respected.
If in a dream you saw the crying deceased person, it is borders with friends and relatives.
If you see in a dream that there is someone from your loved ones, then soon luck and joy will come to this person. And this joy will be divided and you.
If you are bitterly and hopelessly crying in a dream, it means that there will be a very good reason for unrestrained fun and sincere joy. After such sleep, you can safely take for something new - it is crowned with success. It is not necessary to rely on fate, you need to make a lot of one's own efforts.
If you cried for a long time and van - You are waiting for a great joy and event that will change your life in good direction. You will be successful in all matters and spheres of life, so you can safely implement any of the most bold ideas.
If you are crying not alone, and the surroundings of loved ones and friends - this means that a great holiday or fun is expected soon. Wedding close relative or birth of a child.
If you show the smelting and enterprise in work and affairs, you can safely expect material and moral satisfaction.
If you are free from Uz Gimenta, then crying in a dream can designate a quick and happy marriage.
If you hear how someone is crying bitterly "It may mean that in the family of your relatives or loved ones, a good event will occur, which will bring a harmonious and prosperous period.
If a woman dreamed that she was crying about her fate, this is a bad sign: she could break up with a loved one.
If you are not crying, but absolutely someone else, a person unfamiliar to you, such a dream says that friends, acquaintances, relatives will help you in your problem. Their help will be completely disinterested, which they will offer themselves.
When you see the crying deceased person in a dream - get ready for quarrels and moves in your family.
However, in other cases - cry in a dream - to an unexpected stressful situation, serious problems that make you very much.
However, not always crying in a dream can alternate anything. It may be the result of spilled emotions.
Cry with someone - Such a dream denotes the celebration of an important event with close people or participation in a solemn event with the presentation of gifts.
Cry with someone in a dream - To new interesting acquaintances. No matter how long you did not feel, seeing someone else in a dream (or own) crying, you know - this is a good sign. Such dreams are just the category of those that should be interpreted on the contrary.
Cry in sleep - this is a good sign.
Cry in a dream at the funeral - To get rid of old problems, to move forward.
Cry in a dream from physical pain - To health.
Crying in a dream and in reality is absolutely distinguishable. You just feel a feeling of compassion, mercy and pity for a certain situation, namely the one that you dream. In this case, you just need to follow SNA. Such a dream has a favorable effect, the psyche is cleared, because you should use a similar discharge at each convenient case. An important point in such a dream is that you need to determine the event that could affect thus on you, which caused such emotions. Who or what made you cry?.
Plach, is the usual, human response to some specific actions in a dream.
The crying man dreams of trouble.
Crying in a dream sometimes speaks of that inner discharge, which has made our subconscious. After all, not all people can in real life to afford the luxury sincerely and shouted.
Bad is a dream when a man cries sitting on the bed. This may be a prevention of coming misfortunes or unpleasant situations. He foreshadows a big quarrel a dream in which the deceased and close to you.
The results of your work will be above all your biggest expectations. All your problems and difficulties are allowed to be the most unexpected and easy way.
Tears in a dream also suggest that soon on your path will meet a good and interesting person who will become your loved one.
Sleep, in which you reassure a person with tears in your eyes, warns you that a new thing that you plan to do is require more detailed and thoughtful training. Paying proper attention to the trifles - you will get a good profit.
A dream, who dreamed of a man, and he cries there, speaks about the inner depression, a large number of negative emotions that sit deep in the soul. During sleep, the body is trying to unload from all these problems.
A dream in which a person presents herself with crying, especially in a voice, is a harbinger of joy and great fun. All existing problems gradually be decided, in the near future he will begin to accompany the luck. Started new affairs and projects will definitely be successful. Businessmen can expect profit growth. Therefore, it is necessary to direct all efforts to achieve the tasks. You can not be afraid to take a chance and try yourself in a new and interesting business.
Often this dream dreams and joy.

Ekaterina Vyatsky

Specialization: Esoterics
Education: Professional

Posted articles

Without emotions, it is difficult to submit our world, because through them the reactions of people on events, life situations, etc. manifest themselves. Plach is one of the strongest and eloquent manifestations of human emotions. Instinct to cry, as an expression of emotions, has been laid already with infancy. It may arise for various reasons, but mainly crying is associated with negative events.

Sometimes you have to experience certain situations in a dream. After restless "deplorable" dreams, awakening occurs with relief that it happened not in real life. However, not everyone prefer to forget the vision, and many of the dreams are concerned about the question, why dream of crying in a dream by violated?

Interpretation by dreambooks

Miller's dream book - Sad news awaits you

Miller advises to understand such a dream as a warning over: be prepared - soon you are awaiting sad news. Perhaps it is worth postponing long trips far from home, as well as try to avoid making final decisions in important matters.

Crying in a dream man who has to survive a serious quarrel with a close relative Or even with the whole family. A young girl griest and cry in a dream - to the scandalous rupture of relationships with his beloved, and for the restoration of the union after such a quarrel, a lot of time and diligence will be required from the girl.

If in real life you are a businessman or engage in trade, then what dreams of crying violasid foreshadows the onset of the dark strip in affairs. Moreover, it is not necessary after such a dream it becomes on the entrepreneurship path - the undertaking will not succeed. It is also better to postpone for some time selling cars, real estate. Watch in a dream for crying children - to experiences that may be associated with the health of the nervous system of someone from loved ones.

Sonniest Medea

Cry yourself - your alarms will soon dispel, Introduces you awaits good news.

Crying to see with a person from your close environment a trouble may happenBut in your power to prevent it. Look more carefully who need your help.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Cry - joyful events, fun and entertainment.

Modern visible dream book

Play - family joy.

Will you cry - consolation and joy.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Place a vanity in a dream - to the manifestation of stormy emotions.


Play for some reason in a dream - revealed to rejoice.

Cry in a dream by Navrian - revenge.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Cry - to joy.

Play in a dream by voquidis - to relief.

Dream Khasse

Cry - unexpected news, big joy; Seeing crying - make a read of close person.

Islamic dream book

Cry in a dream - to joy, and laugh in a dream - to grave thinks and sadness.

Cry in dream by dream book Vanga

Roar in a dream - a very kind sign. The character of tears on this interpretation determines the degree of coming joy. A pair of tears in a dream - Sleeping waiting for a pleasant news. If the tears flow the stream - everything will be fine in life, everything will work out, there will be a reason for fun. Recalling crying, which comes to hysterics, marks the wedding Soon (your or someone from friends).

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

What dreams to cry in the dreams?

Play to see in a dream - family joy.

Autumn dream book

Cry to what is dreaming in the fall?

Play - cry for some reason in a dream - revealed to rejoice.
Navid crying - crying in a dream by Navrhd - I have fun.

Summer Dream

Cry to what to dream in the summer?

  • Plant by vnzryd - crying the vanity in a dream - to the manifestation of stormy emotions.
  • Will you cry - consolation and joy
  • Svezryd cry - cry in a dream Navrhd - to be sad about the lost friend.

Spring dream book

Cry to what dreams in the spring?

Rolver cry - to the disease of the roof.
Rolver cry - to the trick.

To see in a dream that someone crying or crying himself - to trouble, inevitably impending on you. Perhaps it will be an unpleasant news or a rather tangible loss for you (if you see in tears of a deceased relative). The dream in which you see, how the man is crying unfamiliar to you, suggests that you can not find the comfort of your grief.

The night vision will come true, not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day a dream was dreamed.

According to esoteric dreamy

Esoteric dream book gives interpretation of sleep associated with the condition of the soul of sleeping. Crying in a man's dream overwhelms the emotions that he restrains the reversion. Thus, freed in a dream from the conventions, he gives them a way out and removes the goods of discontent and chagrin. After that, life will enter a flat rut, and the person will become calmer.

English Dream

If you are wondering what dreams of crying hard in a dream, refer to the Experience of the British. They interpret such a vision as follows:

  • Tears foreshadow the offensive of joyful events. You are waiting for success in the work and complete harmony in family relationships. It can also foreshadow profit.
  • Crying can symbolize the Avral at work, which takes you almost all free time and energy. But do not doubt that your efforts will be rewarded.
  • Skid in a dream can mean parting with the second half. But the decision will be mutual, and you save good friendly relations.
  • If in a dream you hear how other people cry - it means that joyful events are coming from your friends or relatives. You can also divide their happiness with them.
  • Loud sobs of a large number of people foreshadow a noisy wedding. Most likely, you will be among the guests at a similar event.
  • If you watched a crying stranger in your vision - it is also a good sign. You will become an involuntary member of some fun event.
  • If in a dream you saw the crying parents - it means that soon you will leave the father's house and get your own family.

Chinese dream book

The Chinese wise men were well versed in the transfunctions of real life, as well as intricate nightlings. That's what dreams of crying hard in a dream:

  • If you shed tears with someone, then remember who exactly it was. It is with this person that you have to survive joyful moments or to achieve serious success.
  • If you cried because of the resentment for someone - this means that in real life you will enjoy authority and respect for others.
  • If the tears become a consequence of the actions of another person, it means in life, he will also try to harm you. But you will come out of this opposition the winner.
  • If a in a dream, you heard how the child is crying, so you will receive news of the infidelity of your beloved person.. But if you managed to calm the baby, then it will be just rumors.
  • If a familiar person cries in your vision, it means he is threatened with danger, and you have a mission to prevent it.
  • If you scroll through the tears of a living person (to a friend or relative) - this means that this person is waiting for trouble. You must help him cope with this situation.
  • If you had to wipe tears from someone else, it means that you should not ignore requests for help. For your kindness you will be generously rewarded.

What dreams to cry through the dream of Freud

Freud's dream book says to cry because of his beloved in a dream - to a happy and joyful life in reality. Perhaps you yourself and you will not hope that you have happiness in this relationship, but it will surely happen.

If you cry in a dream and your favorite person calms down - try to be to him as close as possible, now you need each other, more than ever. Try not to find out the relationship and not to seek to blame where in fact, no one is to blame. Just learn to negotiate those trifles that do not play a big role in your personal life.

If you dreamed that you cry because of your mother, or father - in reality you will cry because with their health something will be wrong. Prolonged stress will play their role and your native people will worry and cry with you because of health problems.

If a pregnant woman dares that she cries - it's time for her to rest, perhaps she is too worried about everything that happens to her. Perhaps she is too worried about communicating with close people, precisely because it does not feel support and love. Dream Interpretation advises to talk to relatives and explain that you are now more than ever need their support. Try not to refuse them all about what they are asking.

Cry in a dream in the dream of a solidamus

The louder to dream of crying, in the dream of a solidamus, the greater will be joy, a grand event.

Do you dream of crying people in the church? This is the foresight of the cheerful wedding, which you will be united, and, perhaps, not as a guest, and Tamada, or a witness.

What dream of crying? In most interpretations, such a dream is interpreted as a joyful family event, but the dream can be closely associated with work, an increase in service, a significant increase in business income, etc.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Play - you will be waiting for an ambulance.

Medieval dream book Daniel

Cry in a dream - to joy.

Dream of Yellow Emperor

They cry in a dream of a crying - unload yourself from the accumulated negative emotions that block the lungs and can cause the disease and collapse of affairs and relationships, since a person in despondency and depression is engaged in affairs and maintain a normal relationship.

Dream Interpretation Martyn Zadaee

Cry - joy.

Dream of Gypsy

It dreams that you are in tears - to get a letter containing bad news.

See a crying baby - a letter will bring good news.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Cry - rejoice, consolation; Crying, a foul voice to hear - joy, lead / for you are being written; Wipe tears - consolation.

Scene sleep

Church or in the cemetery

Opinion expert

Interpreter of dreams


To see the church in a dream usually suggests that you strive to fill the gaps in your spiritual life. It can also be a forerunner of cardinal change in some sphere, output to a new stage. Most likely you have now have new plans that you plan to do, but do not hurry the events. First, carefully plan all, think about it and only then proceed to the embodiment of the intended.

Gorky cry in the church in a dream means to find calm and mental joy in reality, gaining positive energy and strength. By Miller's dream book, tears in the temple may indicate negative events in the near future.

If you dream of a grave or a cemetery, then pleasant emotions such visions will not definitely call. Especially if they were also accompanied by your tears. But you should not fall into a panic, as it is possible that it is just a warning about errors or possible obstacles. In your power to change everything.

By Meridian's dream book, if you cried in a dream on the grave and at the same time felt some emotional relief, then your trouble would soon be completed and a white stripe will come in life. If the tears were accompanied by a sense of loneliness or pain, then get ready for the deterioration of the situation.

In the Egyptian dream book, such dreams carry a good sign. They mean that at the moment you are at the stage of purification, which will subsequently lead to spiritual growth. Now it is necessary to adopt new emotions and calmly, without experiencing fear, to open a new one.

Tears of happiness: What do you mean?

Much more pleasant to cry in a dream from happiness. Moreover, such a dream is not to relate to the milling and interpreting it in a literal sense. That is, in real life you will soon experience joy and inspiration.

Pay attention to the circumstances that forced you to experience such emotions, because they are your real aspirations.

Crying in a dream from joy talks about the imminent attack of pleasant events, perhaps any holiday (family celebration, anniversary, wedding).

Swear and roar

If you have dreamed that you swear and at the same time we were crying, then look at your my own, perhaps you have nervous overvoltage. And soon it will reach its maximum. Therefore, try to reduce the dust slightly and as soon as a suitable opportunity appears, restore strength and relax. Otherwise, it can lead either to a serious scandal, or to rampant fun: depending on how your emotional splash is.

Also such visions can warn that life is not as much as you dreamed. Probably, this is a peculiar subconscious signal that you are busy wrong and worth reconsider your aspirations, change the scope of activity.

Cry for the dead, or see the crying dead man

Tears for the deceased in the real life of a person - this is a peculiar psychological reaction of sleeping on the mountain . Thus, its subconscious melancholy manifests itself. Do not try to find a special meaning in this story. You just need to give yourself time to forget about what happened and let go of an expensive person.

If the dead man dreams repeatedly, and every time the dreams pours tears on him, it was probably thus who went into the world another reminds of itself. The best solution will be visited by the cemetery and the grave of a sleep character or put a candle for rest in the church.

It happens that she sees the dead sideways. This is a bad sign that promises a long-term quarrel with loved ones. Sometimes in such an unusual way the dead warns a living member of his seven about the likely tragedy. Therefore, after what the plot seen should behave carefully.

It happens that in a dream a man or a woman with tears buried the close, which is alive and healthy. This is a clear sign that sleeping is waiting for trouble with the acting person. Perhaps parting with the second half, a large quarrel with a friend and other similar events.

Dream how other people cry

I had to watch in a dream, how exactly is someone else? Surely this is a dream sign that someone from the expensive people in reality needs care, support and love. . Perhaps a sleep character urgently requires help, but he himself is shy about her.

A crying familiar man who revealed an unusual similar manifestation of feelings suggests that a person is waiting for positive changes in the career area. No need to be afraid of a new job or a cardinal increase. Over time, such changes will begin to bring suspicious joy. It is enough to get used to them.

If parents cry in a dream - this is a clear sign that the dream is restless in the soul. Recent serious problems literally knocked the soil from his legs. It is necessary to take himself as soon as possible and return to the usual life rut.

Hatching in secret spouse is an important subconscious signal for a fair floor representative. In real life, the woman is too passionate about himself and absolutely does not notice things that strongly worry her soul mate. It is necessary to look at the behavior of a man, show participation and care.

Own crying children in night gold needs to be perceived as a call for action. Most likely, the son or daughter in the son or daughter began. The offspring needs advice and parent support. You need to highlight the time to a jointly fascinating walk and sincere conversation.

Cry overvraper, crying hard in a dream

Taking over what it dreams to cry very much in the vision, you need to consider under what circumstances it all happened:

  • sitting on the bed - to the sad gestrany news;
  • by oneself ( hiding from others) - to the soon well-being;
  • with friends - to valuable gifts;
  • with the second half - To the problems in relationships.

If, sobbing in a dream, a man and in reality wakes up in tears, it means that it urgently needs an emotional reboot. It is time to take a vacation, forget about all pressing problems and do what the dreams like.

Shift in a dream from resent

If tears are shot due to insult, a similar situation may occur in real life. The plot foreshadows a nasty conversation, conflict or dirty gossip, which strongly spoil his reputation.

If there is someone else from the resentment in a dream, it means that the dream itself will be easy to get out of any (even the most difficult) situation. In this he will help the wisdom and everyday experience accumulated years.

A man crying because of insults received from the girl should listen to such sleep. Most likely, in reality, he undoubtedly behaves with representatives of the beautiful sex, and that is why it is still not to gain happiness in his personal life.

Who cried in a dream


When Sleeping Gorky himself cries on some familiar in his night, it can suggest, the latter threatens serious danger. You need to try to warn it about it.

Play in your dream from joy - to the performance of a cherished dream. Soon, a man or woman will be able to achieve a goal or get the desired material value. Representatives of excellent sex, who have long dreamed of motherhood, but could not give birth to a child for health, such a plot promises pregnancy. This does not interfere with even serious illness and disappointing projections of doctors.

And in Muslim dream book it is noted that tears in a dream are stolen by bright strong emotions in reality. True, it is not clear, they will be positive or negative.

If the sleeping is bitterly crying, and someone from his acquaintances consoles him, it means that it is to this person who will appear to appear for help in the emergence of serious problems in the first place. He will definitely not refuse support.

About Father

If you have dreamed that the father is crying, the dream interpretation interprets similar dreams as a reflection of your internal state. Recent unexpected events literally knocked the soil from under the feet, you are afraid of the unpredictability of the surrounding world, which is so lacking stability.

When dreamed of how dad cries, the dream should be prepared for the fact that his worldview will soon cease to be the same. In the near future, it is necessary to see with its own eyes what it seemed as impossible as the fact that Dad is capable of crying. Coming events can make a dream seriously review their views.

When you see in a dream, as your husband cries, a dream is so much trying to focus your attention on the trifles that you in everyday life do not give the values. Most likely, you had to notice that her husband was concerned or upset. The likelihood is that your relationship or well-being of the family is under threat, - Warning Dream Interpretation.

If you saw the son crying in your dream, the dream book believes that it is now that he needs your support or advice, not deciding and actually shook out in a vest. Spend time together on a walk or for sincere talk.

When it dreams, as an unfamiliar guy cries, the dream book reminds that such wonderful qualities, as selflessness and the ability to empathize others do not always appreciate. It is possible that someone intends to take advantage of your kindness.

What dreams of a crying guy you know, the dream book explains his need for emotional discharge. It is possible that he is simply tired of staying one on one with her problems, only you guesses about it only in a dream.

Former guy in tears

If he dreamed like a former boyfriend crying, the dream book promises that your breaking is resolved in the most incredible way. In the near future, it turns out that the cause of your quarrel turned out to be only an annoying misunderstanding.

When dreaming like a favorite crying, Dream Interpretation warns of a possible brewing conflict. Careless word or incorrectly understood statement can lead to a serious grinding, mutual disappointment. Women's alone and wisdom will help smooth sharp corners.

Crying girl

Explaining what a crying girl is dreaming, dream book primarily draws attention to its appearance. The girl, attractive, even when she cries, foreshadows good news. If the unpleasant, exhausted extremes dreamed, the news may be disappointing.

If you see in a dream, how your former girl is crying, it is quite possible that you will be able to be able to renew the relationship, at least to overcome the bitterness of separation. Dream Interpretation promises that only warm memories will remain with you, I don't have something to cry.

Since I had a chance to see a crying woman in a dream, you will not be able to avoid new acquaintances, many of which will be very interesting, - promises a dream book. If you are already familiar with a woman who had to cry in a dream, you can rejoice at it: this woman awaits a favorable period.

Mamina tears

Everything, what dreams of how mom cries in a dream, the dream book regards as a transparent hint that it is time to think about his lifestyle. Mom worries your state of health and how your personal life is developing, it may not be careless.

Tracting, what dream of a crying mother is dreaming, the dream book mentions possible problems in communicating with the surrounding, difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, unpleasution. Another option is possible: too twisted lifestyle often creates a feeling of emptiness in the shower.

When you see in a dream, how your girlfriend is crying, treat this dream as a warning that someone from your environment hides its true intentions regarding you. This is not necessarily your girlfriend who had a chance to cry in a dream.

If you had a chance to see a crying daughter in a dream, a dream can have a completely straight interpretation. The daughter really can be the problems that she is in no hurry to share with his family, however, you guess about them.

A dream in which the daughter is crying, the dream book considers the precursor a series of significant and impressive events. Will you please what is happening or not? It depends on what part of these events to see.

What dreams of how an unfamiliar girl crying should be understood as a call to take care of herself. Dream interpretation mentions possible health problems or chronic fatigue, which also does not bring any benefit to the body.

Dreamed wife

If you dreamed, how your wife cries, the dream book advises in advance to prepare for unforeseen difficulties in affairs. Problems are possible at work or tightened paper red tier. Seen in a dream foreshadows only temporary difficulties, but not full of collapse.

  1. A dream in which the grandmother is crying, dream interpretation as a forerunner of injustice that threatens you. Try not to be upset too much if you have undeserved reproaches or accusations that you are not involved.
  2. Then what dream of a crying bride is dreaming, dream book explains the recent strip of bad luck on the personal front. The absence of stunning success near the opposite sex is not yet an occasion to run ourselves on the first oncoming and unloved people.
  3. Involver, what dreams, how the rival is crying, dream book assures you that you take the top over it. In fact, some woman is trying to go to you the road and make you cry, nevertheless, it will not succeed.
  4. If you dreamed like your sister cries, be alert: You can be drawn into a quarrel on an empty place or a hot dispute about anything. Even if you manage to be at a height in this verbal duel and demonstrate your superiority over the opponent, it will not deliver much joy.

Animals and objects of the cult can also cry

Since in a dream, anything can happen in a dream, and even inanimate items are able to cry, the dream book offers an interpretation, which dreams of a crying icon. It turns out that similar dreams are unreasonable to ignore: they often sign about the impending misfortune or illness. Try to foresee and prevent danger.

If you dreamed that the dog cries in a dream, it means that the enemy clearly did not calculate his strength by contacting you. Your invulnerability will enjoy it. The more he makes noise, the stronger hurts himself. You will even feel sorry for him.

See a crying child

Not the most rainbow promise carries a dream with a crying child. Unmarried girl will have a painful gap with his beloved. A businessman is confused in the calculations and misses a profitable deal due to their self-confidence and short-sightedness. After the woman in a dream appears its own crying child, she has a lot of trouble on the housework.

The best way out in a dream with a upset baby will be an attempt to calm down and burn it. If she succeeded, the dream will have to work diligently, but the remuneration will exceed the most bold hopes. This is especially true with a crying baby.

Other interpretations: worsening health , in Miller, and the fear of a person to face domestic difficulties. When the boy cries, sleep misses something important, but does not feel it. Sleep calls to pay attention to relatives and ask them about the needs and problems. If the tears pour the girl, an improvement in the material situation is not excluded.

Related crying in a dream

Quite often, in a dream, a person dreams of his loved ones that cry. Causes may be different.

So, for example, riding in a dream can:

  • mum;
  • dad;
  • child;
  • grandmother;
  • favorite man.

Most often, dreams in which your relatives are crying, they say that, most likely, in real life, it is exactly who shed tears in your dream, there is not enough attention and support from the sleeping.

A good sign is the dream, where the dreams consoles crying in a dream. In this case, life will soon provide you with a chance to participate in a joyful event, which will affect the man you console.

When you see how in your dream your mother is crying, such a dream reports a dream that a woman who loves you with all my heart in real life is experiencing and worried about you. Most likely, the reason for her excitement was your lifestyle or recent events that made the dream revere. Also such a night vision indicates possible health problems that need to urgently pay attention to not aggravate the situation.

To see in the night vision of tears in his father's eyes, suggests that sleeping soon dramatically change his opinion about many familiar things. Perhaps the man will open the secret things about which he had never even guessed.

Also, such a night vision can impose a change of religious beliefs. Specialists suggest that such a dream, in which the strong head of the family has always let the tear, can reflect the deep experiences of the sleeping and say that the events that he is not ready in his life occurs.

Quite often, women can dream and crying husbands. In such a case, the crying beloved speaks of the seriousness of the misunderstanding between the spouses.

If the second half does not pay attention to the behavior of your man, it is possible a strong conflict and even parting with the subsequent divorce and section of the property.

The same interpretation has a night vision, if the guy and the girl do not consist in official relations, and simply meet.

If the grandmother was in tears during the night recreation, it means that a person will immediately accuse him soon. Subsequently, the situation is resolved favorably, but the sediment will remain and for a long time will refer to the category "I remember and I will not forget."

Dream Interpretation advises to try quietly to accusations to his address, which will help the situation to resolve faster and not to give yourself a lot of unnecessary enemies.

Sobbing friends and strangers

During the night recreation, I happened to see the dream in which the mountain touched a friend friendly to you in real life, a good acquaintance or a close friend, it draws the attention of the sleeping thing that his support is needed.

Perhaps you have to withdraw a dreaming about a frank conversation to help him resolve the problem or just speak. Also, sleep about the sobbing girlfriend can warn the sleep that is not all in his close surroundings sincerely and should be carefully followed by who and what to say.

If a woman dreamed of a crying outsider, then this dream promises her joyful news in the future. But the dream in which the tears roll out of the eye of an unfamiliar guy, recommends a dream to be careful in manifestation of goodness and understanding, as not everyone can appreciate such sincerity.

To see a man in a dream, how the unfamiliar girl is crying, promises trouble. However, you should not immediately disappear, and it is recommended to look at the appearance of sobbing. If it is attractive, then sleeping is awaiting good news, and if not, the news will be unpleasant or even tragic.

To see in a dream of a crying former beloved, both a guy and a girl, says that soon the relationship between the brocessing will be applied. This does not mean that warm feelings will reap and people will again be together. The context of such sleep suggests that they can finally talk about each other calmly and with respect.

Do you cry, and a former young man comforts you? Such a vision indicates that the help in a difficult moment will come to you precisely from this person, after which it is possible to resume feelings and relationships.

If a lot of people cried with you in a dream, then such a night vision suggests that a light strip began in a person's life. Experts assure that collective crying in a dream is evidence that the sleeping spinning all his tears and now he will only have to rejoice.

How to determine the prophetic dream

After interpretation of sleep, we conceive when dreams come true. A dream will come true or does not depend on what moon day he dreamed and on what day of the week. Look at the lunar calendar and learn what the moon phase today and what a lunar day.


The most unexpected things can be dreamed, but psychologists fairly believe that emotions and the mood of people affect both the dream events and its amazing perception.

If a person is tormented by conscience, he realizes that they offended someone, no wonder the appearance of sleep with crying acquaintances. Do not think that after it will become easier, and the feeling of guilt will come true. Disagreements and disputes need to be settle down to calm down and not driving away from themselves. In this case, dreams will be joyful, and awakened carefree.

Fast transition to interpretations

If there is a crying, then such a dream has an opposite value. If I had to cry in a dream, then in reality, joy and calm will settle in the heart. Sleep, in which tears appear, is never meaningless, most often he signals that it is time to free themselves from heavy cargo of negative emotions that impede the movement in life.

Clear himself in a dream

If the dreams shed bitter tears across a familiar person, then in reality, this person threatens a serious danger. Dreaming carries a warning value. The dream need to protect familiar from dangerous actions.

Crying from joy in a dream is a symbol of dream. In the near future, the dreams will achieve the goal or will receive the desired material remuneration. A woman, happily crying in a dream, can be hoped for a long-awaited pregnancy. Moreover, after such a dream, the replenishment in the family can happen even in women with serious diseases of the reproductive system.

If the dreams cries the eye, and a familiar person is trying to console him, then in reality it is this person who can manifest the nobility and render ancient care. This friend should contact if serious problems arise, he will never refuse to help.

The dreams, forced to cry at his own wedding, in reality, most likely will make marriage with an unloved person. The marriage alliance will be carried out by stupidity or because of the mercy, bring only trouble and disappointment. In no case should not enter this marriage.

Cry other people in a dream

What dreams what is crying a familiar person? Such a dream means that in reality this person needs care and moral aid. Probably crying in a dream friend is in a difficult situation, but hesitates to ask for loved ones to help him.

If a familiar man is crying in a dream, from which in reality it is impossible to expect tears, then this man should prepare for positive variables in his career. The dream foreshadows the transition to a new job or a sudden increase in position. Changes will be unexpected, but they do not need to be afraid, as they will bring satisfaction.

If we are shot by crying parents, it means that the dream has an alarming heart. In the recent past, I had to face problems, because of which the earth was left under the feet. Sleep indicates that it is time to take yourself in hand, to forget about past troubles, confidently go further in life.

An important interpretation has a dream in which a woman sees her sobbing husband. Snoviditsa reveals egoism, takes care only about his needs, so it does not notice that her husband is very concerned. The dream signals that the woman needs more attentively to his beloved man, to show more love and care.

A similar interpretation has a dream in which it is brought to see his crying child. The dream indicates that the dreams are not paying enough attention to the baby who collided with some kind of problem in need of the parent advice. The dream need more often to walk with the child, talking to him, to give him moral support.

Cry hard in a dream

A dream in which it is brought to cry, may have different meanings. The interpretation is determined by what environment and under what circumstances have to cry.

The dreams, sobbing, sitting or lying on the bed, will soon receive a sorting news. If a man in a dream is unrestrained alone, hiding from human eyes, then he can expect the onset of a prosperous period. Play with friends in a dream - get a dear gift, and roar with your loved one - to face problems in intimate relationships.

If a man was sobbed in a dream, and then woke up and saw in his cheeks in his cheeks, he needs rest and positive emotional shakes. Sleep means that it's time to go on vacation, remove yourself, go on a trip or engage in hobbies.

Crying child

If the parent dreamed that his child was crying, then such a dream was positive. Soon the good news will come. Probably, the dreams will receive positive information about something that he worried and worried.

In some cases, the sleep in which the crying baby appears does not have decryption, is simply a reflection of daylight events. Perhaps the child is sick, constantly capricious, and the parent is experiencing for the baby, so he sees it in a dream.

But if a stranger and unfamiliar child cry loudly in a dream, closing her hands, then the dream should test his health. Sleep warns that a dangerous disease is developing in a hidden form in a hidden form.

Cry on the bed

If the dreams pour tears along the deceased person, then the mental injury obtained due to death is manifested. In reality, a person is attached, but subconsciously experiences an acute pain to a relative or friend from life. Sleep does not mean anything, just a dream need time so that longing the deceased person leaves the heart. But if such a dream arises constantly, then the dead man is trying to remind himself. In this case, it is necessary to go to the cemetery, visit the grave of a disguised person. It will not hurt to visit the church, put a candle for rest.

Sometimes in a dream it is not to cry yourself, but see the crying dead man. Such a dream has a negative importance, foreshadows conflict with native people. It is believed that the dead man warns the dream that the family conflict could end the tragedy. Therefore, after sleep, the maximum caution and tact in relations with loved ones should be taken.

It happens that in a dream there are a funeral of a friend or native person who in real life is alive and healthy. And the dreams sobs over the coffin of this person. Sleep means that it is likely to conflict with this person. It can be a quarrel with a friend, parting with a loved one, a divorce in the family.

Walking statue

An important interpretation has a dream, in which the statue of any holy or icon crying. Such a dream is warning, it signals about the approach of the trouble or the development of severe disease. The dream need to take action to stop the trouble, or find out the cause of the disease and immediately begin treatment.

Crying animal

If a person sees a crying dog in a dream, then in reality his enemy does not have enough strength to fight. The dreams have significant advantages in the struggle, which displays the enemy from himself. The enemy will try to harm a dream, but eventually hurt only.

Dream Miller

Tears in the dream are a warning symbol. In the surroundings of the dream, most likely conflicts are scheduled, but there is time to prevent them.

Slowly cry in a dream - quarrel. If a young woman is brought to see himself crying vanity, then she will have problems in an intimate life. If a businessman sees sobbing himself, then a serious crack may arise in his affairs. Differences are likely with the team and companions, the tricks of competitors.

But sleep is positive if it seems not to dreams himself, but someone nearby. If tears in a dream pours a close person, then in reality he needs help and consolation. To see an unfamiliar crying person - to get good news or to reconcile after a long quarrel.

Dream Vangu

Rying in a dream - a good sign. The more tears in the dream, the more joy will be in reality. Several tears are promised to get a good news. And abundantly current tears foreshadow a wonderful future, a fun event. Strong crying accompanied by a hysterical seizure predicts the wedding. The marriage alliance will come to the marriage union, or someone from his buddies.

Dream of flowers

The girl see himself crying - in reality her personal life will come to normal. Riding in a dream - it will be possible to make conceived ideas, get a decent award for work. But to see someone crying from the resentment is a bad sign. Probably, in reality, the reality of the dreams wounds the native person with words or actions.

Dream of Freud.

A woman sobbing in a dream, in reality dreams of a child. A dream says that it has come optimal time to conceive and the birth of the baby.

A man crying in a dream, in reality inclined to a rampant lifestyle. He does not want to make a family, seeks only to seduce women. The more tears, the more active the intimate life of the dream.

Islamic dream book

Cry in a dream - rejoice. Laughter in a dream - a harbinger of heavy thoughts and sadness.

Esoteric dream book

Crying in a dream - accumulated emotions rush out. The dreams will try to throw out feelings, as a result, everything can end the quarrel and a fight.

Modern dream book N. Stepanova

Play - a joyful event will come to the family. I want to cry - a sign of joy and calmness.

Chinese dream book

Lew tears along with any person - I will celebrate, receive gifts. I cry overvraper, Golopa - a happy event approaches. I sob in Touré - I will get a new position. Gorky cry because of a friend, but a person living far - an unhappiness comes. Skiding on the bed - ahead is a big trouble. Crying some kind of person - there will be a confrontation.

Gypsy dream book

To see tears - a letter comes containing bad news. But if the little child cries, then lead in the letter will be good.

Tears in real life rare someone to someone, although most of them carry a certain cleansing effect, eliminating crying from negative energy. Often, after spilling tears, the incredible lightness is felt, but more, of course, are prone to it, of course, the girls are not painted by tears.

What if you dream cry?

But that we are foreshadowed by tears in a dream and what they are, they still need to find out. Interpretation of a dream, in which a person cry is as diverse as the interpretation of any other sleep. For example, if in a dream, a man is crying with someone for the company, it is soon necessary to expect some kind of celebration and receipt of the presents. If there is a lot of crying in a dream, a very loud and stormy, then ahead is a joyful event. But crying alone, sitting on the bed - a bad sign that foreshadows the opposite joys of the event. If crying is accompanied by ruffle, then this is a faithful sign of availability in the real life of some rivalry. It can be a business competition, and may be the presence of a rival or rival in amur affairs. Also, the presence of ruined in the process of crying can foreshadow.

Crying in a dream, can serve as a sign that consolation is waiting in the life of a person. What it will be, and what exactly comforts the sleeping reality can be judged on the basis of the last events in the real life of a person who dreamed like a similar dream. If we are crying in a dream, someone comforts and the comforter is a familiar person, then in life it is worth expecting betrayal from him in a difficult moment or it may be a warning, which says that the comforter is not sincere.

If in a dream, the man is crying, and on the question: why do you cry, he can not answer. It will mean that in real life he is in a state of oppression and depression, from the fact that the meaning of life has lost or just got lost and confused in what is happening.

In general, the crying in most of the way is a good sign that foreshadows absolutely opposite meaning, that is, joy. The calling and emotionally cry, the good event will be happier. In what field of man are waiting for changes for the better, the conclusion should be made on the basis of the causes of crying in a dream. If the girl is crying about the treason of her husband or a loved one, he will not interfere with family personal happiness, and if the cause of tears in parting with her beloved, then being in separation is worth waiting for a happy reunion. And if tears in a dream due to failures in professional life, then we should wait for success or quickly enhancing the service.

Tears in a dream can also symbolize a strip of carefree life and harmony in all its spheres. If before that there was a life stagnation before that, then there was a dream in a dream, it would be marked by the start of an active and active strip of life and about the seasons sleeping can be forgotten.

If you hear the bitter cry of other people, it may be a sign of an ambulance wedding.

In any case, crying in a dream is a kind of emotional discharge. This may mean that in real life a person keeps a lot in himself and it brings him suffering, which no one sees him and does not feel. If crying was so strong in a dream that a person from his own cry woke up - this is a very strong and emotional sign that attention should be paid. This is a sign that a person is very worried about and does not give rest.

What does foreshadow?

After a person wakes up, it is worth carefully analyzing the feelings with whom he awakened. If after sleeping a person feels fear and anxiety, he cannot reveal with experiences and maybe it is worth contacting a specialist for help. But if, after crying, he felt relieved and joy, experiences, overcoming him, will soon pass, giving way to the calm strength of life.

If in a dream a man saw a crying child, then such a dream speaks about the upcoming disappointment. Very bad sleep, which carries a big negative, will be a dream with a crying dead man. If the dead man in a dream pays and leaves - it will symbolize just some strip of small failures, but if the crying dead man never left a person in a dream, then you should expect an irreparable.

If the sleeping hears, other people are crying, then it can mean the joy of your loved ones and friends, and even if a personally sleeping, a joyful event does not touch, he will soon be able to sincerely rejoice at his friends and relatives.

A negative meaning is a dream in the event that the sorrow and tears were in a dream of a person who is far from sleeping is a mustleen misfortune and sadness. If someone is crying next to a man in a dream, and he consults him, then it is soon worth expecting joyful news.

If tears are shot through the laugh, the preceding event will be a dual character. It can, as be upset, and please at the same time, it is possible to losses with the acquisition. In any case, you should expect ambiguous events.

Crying with loud sobs and Ikota will say that on the way to achieving the desired person, who had a similar dream, will have to make efforts.

Answer the question: what dreams you cry, easy to know the meaning of the interpretation of such sleep.


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