Main intestinal infections. Intestinal infections in adults: symptoms and treatment

Main intestinal infections. Intestinal infections in adults: symptoms and treatment

Acute intestinal infections (Oka) They represent the actual problem of pediatrics due to widespread, the diversity of species of pathogens, as well as the role they play in the formation of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in children.

The group of intestinal infections in the younger generation is quite numerous. It includes: dysentery, salmonellosis, cell infection and gastroenteritis of bacterial and viral nature.

Sources of intestinal infections

Sources of intestinal infections are patients, as well as bacteria carriers, which, remaining healthy, can be carriers of microbes dangerous to other people. Most of the bacteria carriers were previously overwhelmed by this infection, but microbes remained on recovery in their organism. They are dangerous for others because they are difficult to identify and treat. That is why these people remain hidden sources of infection for others.

Children play a large role in the spread of Oka, as they are often sacred by erased forms, they still may have no hygienic skills, as a result of which they easily infect the environment. Newborn children are often infected from mothers.

During salmonolles, the source of infection can be not only a person, but also animals (livestock, cats, mice). Powerful infections reservoir are birds, especially waterfowl. Salmonella They are not only in organs, like animals, but also in the eggs (on the shell, in the contents of the egg), long-term carriage.

Sources of food toxicoinfection

Sources of food toxicoinfection (in particular, staphylococcal etiology) may be people who suffer from rotten infections of the skin, angns, etc., the feminine in sexual paths can infect the child during childbirth, mother with the damage to the nipples - when feeding, as well as patients with mastitis Animals - cows, goats, etc.

All intestinal infections have a fecal-oral transmission mechanism: the pathogens are distinguished from the body with feces (may be in the vomit's masses) and enter the body through the mouth. These infections are called "dirty hand disease": patients or carriers handle infection to the surrounding items (underwear, dishes, toys, etc.), from where the hands alone is entering the mouth directly or after writing.

Main paths of infection

Main paths of infection: food, water and contact-household. Food infection Perhaps with all Oka, often it is associated with infected milk products, confectionery, meat products, eggs, vegetables and fruits.

Water flashes Related to infecting drinking water, water sources.

Domestic contact carried out through unwashed hands and infected binding items.

The susceptibility of children to intestinal infections is very large. It increases with reactivity reduction, with different diseases, rickets, nutritional disorders, early artificial feeding, hypovitaminosis, etc.

The incidence is in direct connection with socio-household factors: a poor sanitary condition of housing, children's institutions, boring, low sanitary culture, disadvantages in medical care contribute to the spread of intestinal infections.

Oka may occur throughout the year. Summer-autumn seasonality is characteristic of dysentery, salmonellosis. During this period, the reactivity of children changes, the bactericidal effect of the gastric juice decreases, there is a consumption of a large number of berries, fruits and vegetables, which in turn creates great opportunities for infection.

Prevention of intestinal infections

However, it should be emphasized - infection with intestinal infections is not inevitable, they need to be warned! It is only necessary to know and strictly observe as a whole uncomplicated, but very effective rules for their prevention, instilling these rules to family members, especially children. Personal example here is indispensable.

In our country, in a national scale, the prevention of intestinal infections is carried out: cleaning, disinfection and quality control of water used for economic and drinking purposes is carried out, protected from water sources and reservoirs. Special sanitary control is carried out by compliance with the rules for the collection, storage, processing, preparation, transportation and sale of food.

An important role in the prevention of OCI plays compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. One of them: after returning home (from work, walks), before cooking and before meals, before you begin to play and care for children - Wash your hands with soap! So you protect yourself and others from infection. Do not make yourself and study the children from bad habits to nibble nails, suck your fingers, wet their saliva, turning the pages of the book, for the pathogen of one or another intestinal infection can be carried out.

It is more difficult to protect against infection through food products, but it is important to comply with certain rules. To protect yourself and your family from food poisoning, it is necessary to eat only benign foods.

Storage life of products

Perishable products need to be stored in the refrigerator (at temperatures from + 2 to + 4 degrees. C) Only a certain period:

  • meat minced meat - no more than 18 hours,
  • boiled meat - 24 hours,
  • boiled sausages - 24 hours,
  • boiled fish - 24 hours,
  • vegetable salads and vinaigrette - 6 hours,
  • dairy products (pasteurized milk, cream, cottage cheese) - 36 hours,
  • sour cream - 72 hours.

Before using the child with fresh vegetables and fruits, they must be thoroughly washed out with running water and quench the boiling water. The same applies to baby food products, packed in cellophane packages (baby milk, acidolact, bifox, etc.) and jars - it is easy to understand how many hands they passed before you open them for a child.

Prevention of salmonelleza

Special attention should be paid to the prevention of salmonellosis. The stability of the causative agent of this severe infection to physical and chemical factors is quite high. When cooking a small piece of meat, no less than 1 hour is required to kill Salmonella. Eggs need to be boil at least 15 minutes. Draft milk, even pasteurized, before its use, it is necessary to boil the child.

Staphylococcis are particularly well multiplied in creams used in the manufacture of cakes and cakes. Food infection in infectious children can occur through mother's milk.

It is important to use all family members only boiled water! Easy to infect Oka when drinking water from open reservoirs, wells, not safe and spring water, where intestinal infections can fall with groundwater, with the contents of incorrect toilets, as well as during the rains and melting of snow. And the intestinal bacteria retain viability in water until 27 - 35 days!

Output: When careing child, sanitation and hygiene requirements must be observed particularly strictly. Before each feeding and the baby's swabing should be purely washing hands. Water and milk to give children only boiled, juices prepare from thoroughly washed vegetables and fruits. As soon as the child began to move independently - crawled, and then went, it is recommended to make wet cleaning more often with the use of disinfecting solutions.

If it was not possible to prevent the development of intestinal infection, it must be remembered that from the moment of infection until the first signs of the disease always passes for some time - an incubation period, which is different for different oki and lasts from several hours to 7 days. By the end of this period, the patient begins to allocate pathogens of the infection and becomes contagious. Therefore, the main preventive event to disinfect the source of the infection is the early detection and insulation of the patient from others.

The first signs of intestinal infections

The first signs of any intestinal infection are: an increase in body temperature to 38 - 39 degrees. C, general weakness, vomiting, pain in the abdomen of a grapple-shaped character, a frequent liquid chair, sometimes with an admixture of mucus and blood. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor or deliver a patient to an infectious hospital to provide qualified assistance.

In no case should not resort to self-medication, it can bring irreparable harm to the patient and others around him.

Children can and should grow healthy. In our power to create the necessary conditions for this!

Elena Viktorovna Zharikova,

pCSWP infectiousist

Infectious diseases of the intestine - These are acute inflammatory intestinal wall processes, which are caused by microbial agents (bacteria, viruses, simplest).

The increase in morbidity is observed in the warm season, when environmental conditions for the growth of pathogenic microflora are most favorable. The susceptibility is universal - they are sick with the same probability of children and adults.

The clinic of infectious diseases of the intestine is characterized by the development of certain syndromes. The most typical of the following:

  • dyspeptic (decrease in appetite up to its complete absence, nausea, vomiting is single and repeated, the feeling of an unpleasant taste in the mouth);
  • general intoxication (increase in temperature, general weakness and decay of forces);
  • dehydration (loss of electrolytes and liquid);
  • (Change color and consistency of carts).

In clinical practice, a preliminary diagnosis is based on signs of defeat of a certain intestinal department. Thus, allocate:

Therapeutic tactics are usually determined by the patient's condition and the severity of certain syndromes. After receiving the results of the laboratory survey, the conductable therapy is adjusted.

Causes of infectious diseases

The reason for the occurrence of such processes - to which viruses, bacteria, simplest.

A source of infection can be a person or an animal. Transmission factors are various food products. The emergence of intestinal infections contributes:

  • non-compliance with hygienic rules;
  • storage of products without refrigerator (see);
  • drink raw water;
  • high ambient temperature.

Implementation of simple sanitary and hygienic skills significantly reduces the likelihood of sishetic infections.

Common infectious diseases of the intestine

Among the most common infectious diseases of the intestine are known:

  • salmonellosis;
  • shigellies;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • food toxicoinfection;
  • escherichiasis;
  • abdominal typhoid and paraty.


A group of diseases whose potentials are several hundred microbial agents called Salmonella. The source of salmonellosis infection can be a person with obvious signs of an intestinal infection or a practically healthy carrier. In addition, animals can infect the surrounding people: agricultural (cows, sheep, pigs), homemade and urban bird (geese, ducks, chickens, pigeons) and a variety of pets (hamsters, turtles, cats, dogs, lizards).

As a rule, salmonellosis infection proceeds in the form of gastroenterocolitis, the typical symptoms of which are described above. Incompute treatment can lead to the development of septic form. The forecast is favorable if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, and the patient performs all medical appointments.

Specific prophylaxis (vaccine) has not been developed. WARNING OF DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT Using salinelose bacteriophage, it is advisable only in conditions of high risk of infection, for example, during accommodation in the area, where the outbreak of salmonellosis infection is registered.


Common throughout the group of intestinal infections. Currently, several dozen pathogens called Shigella are known. The source of infection is only a person with severe or erased clinical manifestations of the disease. It is also possible practically healthy carriage.

Distinctive clinical signs of shgelles are the defeat of the distal intestinal department - a sigmoid and rectum. When carrying out therapy, the ulcers formed on the surface of the mucosa are gradually sentenced. The forecast of the disease is usually favorable.

Vaccine against Shigell is not effective enough. Dysenteric (chiegelose) bacteriophage is applied limited, as well as salmonellic.

Rotavirus infection

Rotavirus (several dozen) - the reason for the development of the intestinal lesion in children of the younger (preschool) age, as well as the diarrhea of \u200b\u200btravelers. These viruses obtained their name as a result of external similarity with the wheel (on the "ROTA" lature - wheel).

- A collective term denoting the intestinal defeat in people traveling beyond the usual area of \u200b\u200bresidence. This is relevant for people who come to countries with tropical and subtropical climates, as well as with low levels of sanitary crop. Infection is possible with domestic contacts, use of water (not from a sealed bottle) and culinary dishes of local cuisine.

The clinical picture of the diarrhea of \u200b\u200btravelers specific differences has no. Usually the small intestine is affected, that is, develops gastroenteritis syndrome. After several days of treatment, a person fully recovers.

Rotavirus infection in the countries of the European Region becomes relevant in the cold season, which distinguishes it from other intestinal infections. This infectious disease occurs hard and with complications (dehydration shock) only in young children (the first 3-5 years of life). With timely treatment, the outcome of the disease is favorable.

Currently, an effective vaccine has been developed for the prevention of rotavirus infection called "Rotarix". Its systematic use made it possible to significantly reduce the incidence rate in some European countries.

Food toxicoinfection

The defeat of the human intestine develops as a result of microbial toxins, which are formed and accumulated in certain foods. Among the possible transmission factors of infection are most relevant to vegetable and fruit salads, cold and jelly, cakes with cream, dairy products that are not subjected to culinary processing.

For food toxicoinfection, the development of clinical symptoms is characterized by the development of clinical symptoms (literally a few hours after the use of a contaminated product), a massive nature of the disease (everyone will suffer, who has eaten a poor-quality product) and a favorable outcome of the disease.

Only in isolated cases, there is a severe course of the disease in patients with concomitant somatic pathology.


The disease is caused by various embodiments of the intestinal stick. In accordance with the microbiological classification, enteroadhesive, enterohemorgic, enteroinvasive, enteropathogenic and enterotoxyne e. coli are isolated. The clinical picture is determined by the amount of intestinal sticks that fell into the body, as well as the initial state of the patient's health.

There are no specific clinical signs, anyone portion of the intestines can be affected. The forecast of the disease is usually favorable.

Tiffo-paratyphous diseases

This collective term is denoted by parasifs A, B, C. Establishment of a specific diagnosis is possible only after carrying out a complete bacteriological study of the patient's biological fluids.

The clinical picture of typhoparathose diseases is characterized by:

  • diarrhea without pathological impurities, which is then replaced by constipation;
  • the appearance of roseless rash on the front wall of the abdomen;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • long fever;
  • possible complications in the form of intestinal bleeding and inflammation of the peritoness ().

The course of typhoparathosic diseases is hard to predict, so treatment should pass only in the hospital.

General principles of diagnosis

Diagnosis of intestinal infections - identification of a certain microbe from the patient's biological fluids. Select the pathogen (virus or bacterium) is the easiest of the feet, less often - from blood and urine. Special nutrient media are used on which microbial culture is grown, then the pathogen is identified.

Taking biological fluids is performed before the start of specific therapy.

If technical capabilities allow, serological techniques (detection of antibodies) are used, an immuno-enzyme analysis or polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

General principles of treatment

The treatment of intestinal infections is engaged in an infectious person, and the "small" patients treats a pediatrician. Therapy can be carried out at home (with a netwent of the disease). Children and elderly patients are better treated in hospital.

In the treatment of most intestinal infections can be used:

  • diet and abundant drink (special saline solutions);
  • intravenous saline infusion;

The feasibility of applying a particular drug determines the attending physician.

Types of intestinal infections are completely different, but they can all not only shame health and cause long discomfort, but also lead to much more serious consequences if they are not in time cured. It is possible to pick up one of these infections at any time of the year (especially in the summer, when they are most active), and each year doctors regret the next outbreaks caused by an intestinal wand or rotavirus infection. And other pathogens are quite a few: Salmonella, Escherichia, Staphylococci, Enteroviruses, Shigella, Amoeba, fungi and many others. Of course, the most common symptoms of these diseases are pain in the abdomen, nausea and diarrhea, however, you will need a detailed classification of all possible intestinal infections to deal with their differences and methods of subsequent treatment.

Viral infections of intestines

The first thing that should be aware of the intestinal infections can be viral and bacterial, and the first of them are divided into three categories: rotavirus, enterovirus and adenoviral types.

The main ways of infection in all cases becomes non-compliance with the simple rules of sanitation and hygiene (through dirty food, hands or objects), as well as the pathogen in the body of the air-droplet.

If we talk about enterovirus, then such a disease occurs with a number of acute symptoms that can be completely different (which makes it difficult to diagnose):

  • muscle pain;
  • fever;
  • convulsions;
  • drowsiness;
  • tears of the Eye;
  • tachycardia;
  • weakness;
  • heartache;
  • rubber and inflammation of the throat;
  • diarrhea.

Such a sign remains unchanged, as a high temperature, while the remaining symptoms depend on the type of enterovirus, which can hit both the muscles and the nervous system, the skin, the cardiovascular system.

In turn, adenoviral infection occurs not very often and affects the main mucous membranes of the eyes and the nose, but when the pathogen is hit in the small intestine, it can provoke vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite (although all the symptoms usually take place during a couple of days).

Finally, the most common viral type of intestinal infections is rotavirus, which is also called gastric or intestinal flu. The incubation period can last from one to five days, after which the disease passes into the active phase, and during this period a person needs to be isolated from others to prevent the spread of the virus. Associated with both adults and children who endure it are somewhat harder. The symptoms are generally similar to enteroviral infections and consist in the appearance of high temperature (up to 39 degrees), diarrhea, vomiting, sharp pain in the abdomen, rhinitis and inflammation of the throat. Again, the reason most often becomes unsanitary conditions - polluted food or hands, and almost always a person "meets" with this ailment is still in kindergarten or school, where the outbreak of rotavirus epidemics. However, over time, the body begins to fight more effectively with infection, producing immunity to it, so each subsequent case is transferred easier than the past.

There is a strong stability of this type of pathogen to cold temperatures, which is why the disease wears seasonal nature and is most dangerous in the winter.

It must be remembered that the disease is transmitted and air-droplet, so an infected person can become a culprit of infection and other people if a quarantine is provided.

Unfortunately, there are no drugs against rotaviruses, therefore, drugs are discharged by the patient, overwhelming the symptoms of the disease:

  • antipyretic;
  • binders;
  • lake-containing;
  • adsorbing.

The rotavirus intestinal infection, as a rule, does not lead to complications, if therapy was started on time, but a couple of important points should be remembered: first, if vomiting or diarrhea is frequent and prolonged, the patient must be able to provide constant drinking for replenishing the water-salt balance and preventing dehydration. Secondly, the rotaviruses poorly carry the increased body temperature, and therefore doctors do not recommend lowering it below 38 degrees - it will contribute to the faster death of pathogens. Finally, during this period, the diet should stick, and boiled rice or chicken broth will be most preferred. With a favorable development of events, the disease will retreat in five to seven days.

Bacterial intestinal infections

The classification of intestine bacterial infections includes many types of bacteria, the main diseases are:

  • staphylococcal infection;
  • escherichiosis;
  • klebsiella;
  • iraciniosis;
  • protozoic infections;
  • fungal infections.

Salmonellosis infection is a fairly widespread disease, active throughout the year, while Salmonella bacteria are very survivors, which represents an additional danger. The fact is that they are dying at a temperature of at least 70 degrees, and then after 10 minutes, and therefore they can survive inside a thick piece of meat with insufficient heat treatment - when boiling, salting or smoke. The bacteria remain active for several months, hitting people, animals and birds. Actually, it is a bird or an animal meat and are the most common way to infection with salmonella, however, like some dairy products (in addition to contacts with the carriers of the virus). Children are heavier than this intestinal infection, and her classification looks like this:

  • localized;
  • generalized;
  • isolation of bacteria.

Localized is considered the most common and manifests itself on the first day of infection through elevated temperature, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Much more dangerous are possible complications associated with salmonellosis, which doctors include brain swelling, heart and renal failure, violations in the work of adrenal glands.

Staphylococcus bacterium is considered a conditional pathogenic, since in the normal state of the intestine microflora, it does not pose, but is activated with reduced immunite or after antibiotic therapy.

Against the background of such situations, staphylococcal intestinal infection develops quite slowly, and the first symptoms are runny nose and inflammation of the throat, as well as not very high temperature - because of this, the beginning of the disease is sometimes confused with a conventional cold.

The rest of the clinical picture varies from the case of the case, reminding typical food poisoning. The described symptoms are as follows:

  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting;
  • blood diarrhea with mucus;
  • rash on the skin;
  • total weakness.

As you know, the bacteria staphylococcus quickly multiply in the medium with a temperature above 20 degrees, and often the cause of infection can be food like eggs, meat, fish, creams and dairy products, cakes, salads and others. It remains to add that at least Staphylococcus today has been studied in the most detailed as possible, to treat the infection caused by them is hard due to its mutational abilities and antibiotic resistance.

Another bacterial intestinal infection is a long-known typhoid type - a disease caused by one of Salmonella varieties, and in some cases capable of leading to death. The cause of the disease, of course, performs all the same violation of personal hygiene, as well as infection from the carrier of infection. Sometimes it can be caused by contact with feces or urine infected, sometimes dirty water or food. Another carrier is considered insects like flies. The incubation period takes up to two weeks, after which the person rises the temperature, the appetite disappears, the throat and joints begin to hurt. Following this, abdominal pain appear and periodic nose bleeding (pain in urination). Diagnose the abdominal typhoid is sometimes quite difficult, as it can cause symptoms similar to diseases of the urogenital system or with pneumonia.

The most danger is complications that manifest themselves in the form of incoherent deliberation, talking or even coma, which is why the process of subsequent recovery can take years (although the general forecast is pessimistic). In addition, with insufficient treatment, the infection can provoke bleeding in the intestine up to his perforation, which leads to peritonitis. If the pathogen enters the blood, the following bodies may be affected:

  • gallbladder;
  • liver;
  • brain sheath;
  • genitals;
  • heart valves;
  • kidney;
  • bone marrow.

The risk group includes small children and old people, as well as patients with a weak immunity, which significantly increases mortality statistics for typhoids. It is necessary to add that after complete cure in 10% of the response diagnosed with the time of the recurrent disease.

Intestinal analyzing infection is otherwise called the echryichiosis, as caused by the same name bacteria - by the earsech. This is another infection that affects the intestines and causing such symptoms as vomiting and diarrhea, but in rare situations, biliary paths, urinary system and lungs can suffer. Most often, small children suffer from her, and premature babies with a weak immunity are subject to the greatest risk. Actually, children are one of the most frequent reasons for infection with an infection of surrounding people, and the classical way to transmit the pathogen is a fecal-oral path: contact with people, clothing, objects, products that are transferred to the earseheries.

In acute form, an intestinal infection occurs, caused by Klebsiella bacteria, as it is accompanied by pain in the abdominal area, vomiting, diarrhea and high temperature. In addition to small children and old people, people most often amazed with immunity, as well as patients with diabetes, cancer diseases, blood diseases. Another concomitant factor can be alcoholism, and Chlebseyella is treated with probiotics and bacteriophages.

Another pathogenic bacterium is Kokcobacillina, which causes an intestinal infection called Iraciniosis most often among babies, young people and adult men. Typically, its carriers are animals like rodents or livestock, and it can be kept in an active state even with adverse external conditions. Symptoms include:

  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal cuts;
  • fever;
  • in rare cases, blood infection.

Iraciniosis with timely treatment and strong immunite takes place in a few days, although treatment is purely symptomatic in nature due to the unproved efficiency of antibiotics. However, with more severe cases, antimicrobial therapy can be appointed with the use of drugs such as fluoroquinolone, cephalosporin, bispetol and aminoglycosides.

Protocal intestinal infections have dozens of species, and the risk of diseases provoked by these simple microorganisms is quite high among the population, according to the estimates of competent specialists. The various organs and fabrics like the intestines, the lungs, the circulatory system, the nervous system and others suffer primarily. In addition to the standard path of propagation (as well as via sexual contact), carriers often perform biting people insects. The list of the most common protozoa infections looks like this:

  • tripanosomosis;
  • malaria;
  • amebiaz;
  • giardiasis;
  • infoored dysentery;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • trichomonosis.

The most famous fungal intestinal infection is candidiasis, overly activating in the intestines due to weak immunity or taking a wide spectrum antibiotic, corticosteroids or laxatives. All these factors disturb the normal microbiocenosis of the intestine, which is why the body loses the ability to effectively fight pathogenic fungal pathogens. Culting candidiasis falls on locally active drugs while respecting the diet, eliminating alcohol consumption, as well as sweet, fatty and fried products. It is important to add that women have candidiasis, developing in the intestines, can lead to vaginal candidiasis (thrush).


How to significantly reduce the risk getting cancer?

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    1. Is it possible to prevent cancer?
    The emergence of such a disease, as cancer, depends on many factors. To ensure full security can not be any person. But everyone can significantly reduce the chances of the appearance of a malignant tumor.

    2. How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically prohibit yourself smoking. This truth is already tired of everyone. But the rejection of smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. 30% of deaths from cancer are associated with smoking. In Russia, the tumors of the lungs kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    The exception of tobacco from his life is better prevention. Even if you smoke not a bundle a day, but only half, the risk of lung cancer is already dropped by 27%, as the American Medical Association found out.

    3. Will the extra weight development of cancer?
    See the scales often! Extra kilograms will affect not only the waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research found that obesity provokes the development of esophageal tumors, kidney and gallbladder. The fact is that the adipose tissue is not only for maintaining energy reserves, it also has a secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases just appear on the background of inflammation. In Russia, 26% of all cases of oncological diseases of WHO associates with obesity.

    4. Do you have a sport to reduce the risk of cancer?
    Pay training at least half an hour a week. Sports stands on one stage with proper nutrition when it comes to the prevention of oncology. In the United States, a third of all deaths are associated with the fact that patients did not comply with any diet and did not pay attention to physical education. An American oncological society recommends training 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or two times less, but more active. However, the study published in the magazine Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 proves that even 30 minutes will be enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer (each eighth woman in the world) is 35%.

    5. What affects alcohol on cancer cells?
    Smaller alcohol! Alcohol accused of the occurrence of oral tumors, larynx, liver, rectum and dairy glazes. Ethyl alcohol decays in the body to acetic aldehyde, which then under the action of enzymes goes to acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is the strongest carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful to women, as it stimulates the production of estrogen - hormones affecting the growth of breast tissues. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every super sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6. How does cabbage help to deal with cancer?
    Love broccoli cabbage. Vegetables not only enter a healthy diet, they also help to fight cancer. Including therefore recommendations on healthy nutrition contain a rule: half of the day diet should be vegetables and fruits. Especially useful vegetables related to the cross-color, in which glucosinolates are contained - substances that, when recycling, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: ordinary white, Brussels and broccoli.

    7. During cancer of which organ affects red meat?
    The more eat vegetables, the less put in a plate of red meat. Studies confirmed that people eating more than 500 g of red meat a week, above the risk of rack of the rectum.

    8. What are the means from the proposed protect against skin cancer?
    Fight sunglasses! Women aged 18-36 years old are especially susceptible to melanoma, the most dangerous of skin cancer forms. In Russia, only for 10 years, the incidence of melanoma grew by 26%, world statistics show even greater increase. This accuse equipment for artificial sunburn, and sun rays. Danger can be minimized using a simple tube sunscreen. The study of Journal of Clinical Oncology 2010 confirmed that people who regularly apply special creams sick melanoma are twice as fewer than those who neglect such cosmetics.
    The cream should be chosen with the SPF 15 protection factor, to apply it even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as the cleaning of the teeth), and not substitute for the sun's rays from 10 to 16 hours.

    9. How do you think whether stresses affect the development of cancer?
    By itself, the stress of cancer does not cause, but he weakens the whole organism and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Studies have shown that constant concern changes the activity of immune cells responsible for the inclusion of the "Bay and Run" mechanism. As a result, the blood constantly circulates a large number of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils that are responsible for inflammatory processes. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.

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    Task 1 of 9

    Is it possible to prevent cancer?

  1. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  2. Task 3 of 9

    Is the overweight affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 4 of 9

    Does physical education contribute to the risk of cancer?

  4. Task 5 of 9

Intestinal infections are diseases of dirty hands, antisanitaries, insufficient hygiene. What to do with infection, and what are they dangerous? What are the symptoms of an intestinal infection, and what you need to know about these diseases.

Intestinal infections are sharp diseases whose pathogens will be treated in the intestine of a person. These include salmonella, cholera stick, abdominal typhoid, dysentery. The pathogens (viruses and bacteria) violate the digestion, cause severe intoxication, which causes pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

One of the most common children's intestinal infections was the name of intestinal influenza or rotavirus. What is its features and differences from other food infections?

Intestinal flu or rotavirus

Rotavirus - is a viral causative agent of the disease. It enters the body of the child mainly through the mouth, causes inflammation of the gastric and intestine mucosa. Due to the viral nature of the causative agent of the disease arise difficulties with treatment.

Antibiotics against viruses are ineffective, overcome the pathogen can only with a specific antiviral substance.

For its synthesis, the body must recognize the virus and develop a program to destroy it. Therefore, the flow of intestinal flu has a strictly limited time - 5-7 days of acute form, after which the recovery begins.

Ways of infection and the reaction of the body

The virus will fall into digestion organs through dirty fingers and mouth. Therefore, little children are often suffering from the age of three years. Outbreaks of intestinal flu occur in the winter period. This is due to the seasonal decrease in immunity, a large number of vaccinations under the age of 3 (after which the child's protective forces weaken for some time), as well as non-formation of hygienic skills in children of the first years of life.

Rotavirus intestinal infection shares on the mucous membrane of the stomach and the small intestine. It is embedded in cells, uses them to reproduce new viruses. At the same time, toxins from its livelihoods are inflammation in the surrounding tissues. This is how acute gastritis (inflammation of the stomach mucosa) and acute enteritis (inflammation of the intestinal mucosa) are formed. As a result of extensive intoxication, digestion is disturbed, vomiting begins, strong diarrhea.

In addition, the body raises the temperature as a reaction to the penetration of the virus (up to 38-39 °). This measure helps to limit the reproduction of the pathogen. It is the high temperature of an acute intestinal infection differs from conventional food poisoning (at which the temperature increases slightly - to 37.2-37.5 ° C).

It's important to know: The greatest danger of intestinal infections is a liquid loss. The body deprives it together with diarrhea and vomiting, quickly dehydrated.

Sources of infection

The source of infection is a sick person, while it becomes contagious already in the incubation period (when the infection has already happened, but the visible symptoms have not yet been manifested). The virus stands out with the feces of a sick person. After visiting the toilet, it comes to arms, under the nails and from there - for general household items. Rotavirus is able to maintain in active form on the surface of the toys, door handles, furniture up to 5 days.

Less common way to get rotavirus - drip. If the child sneezes or coughs, he sprinkles saliva. At the same time, the virus falls to other people, as well as on the general household items through which infection occurs.

How many days are Rotavirus sick

The incubation period of rotavirus intestinal infection is from 12 hours and to 5-6 days. After that, the sharp stage of the disease begins.

Acute rotavirus intestinal infection lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. At the same time, the first 7 days are an active acute phase. It is during this period that a high temperature is maintained, strong intoxication (self-defense) is formed and there is a great danger of dehydration.

After the week, the body takes the virus under control, the gradual recovery begins. At this time, the child still persists the symptoms of the disease, but they appear noticeably weaker. Immunity against the virus is formed, so the re-infection does not occur immediately after the disease.

Diagnosis of acute intestinal infections

How to make a diagnosis of intestinal infection? Diagnostics are starting with the analysis of the available symptoms. According to their presence, the characteristics put an alleged diagnosis. To confirm it, analyzes the biological fluids of the body (feces, blood, vomit mass). They determine the type of pathogen, its nature (virus or bacterium).

In a viral intestinal infection, a viral particle and antigens to rotavirus themselves are detected during the viral intestinal infection. In case of bacterial infection - pathogenic bacteria.

Signs and symptoms of intestinal infection

The infection of the digestive organs is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, various strength and frequency by vomiting, diarrhea. The body seeks to withdraw the pathogen and its livelihoods. At the same time, a person experiences dismisses and lomit, becomes irritable (a child - capricious), refuses to eat, sleeps badly. In the language appears raising, from the mouth - the bad smell

The listed symptoms are regarded as a sign of intestinal infection or poisoning, but in their presence it is difficult to diagnose the type of pathogen. What signs can you suspect rotavirus?

We list the symptoms of rotavirus intestinal infection:

  1. A sharp rise temperature to 39 °.
  2. Very strong diarrhea. The number of detergents can reach 15 times a day (with severe disease flowing). With more easily - will not exceed 10 or even 5 times a day.
  3. Liquid stool. He acquires a yellow color (in the first days of the disease), and after 1-2 days it becomes gray and clay, sticky, flicker.
  4. Vomiting occurs periodically, Not only after eating, as well as between foods. If it was embarrassed on an empty stomach, then the small streaks are rejected by the "patient" mucus.
  5. Appetite disappears. Together with the appetite disappears the desire to drink. Abundant drinking leads to vomiting, so often the infants refuse to bottles with water.

It's important to know: If you don't manage the baby, and the vomiting and diarrhea are repeated, you must urgently cause an ambulance, go to the hospital.

In addition, intestinal flu accompany the following symptoms that are not in dysentery or salmonella:

  • redness and sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • conjunctivitis (not always, but possible).

What is the difference between intestinal infection in children and adults

Acute intestinal infections in children are much more dangerous than adults. Dehydration occurs faster (after 3 hours of pikes), it requires urgent treatment. With dehydration it becomes noticeable that the child is crying without tears, does not piss, does not sweat (nothing).

The less the mass of the child, the greater danger represents diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, if the chest kid refuses to drink, he is introduced intravenously.

In addition, the intensity infection in the infection causes spasm and severe pain in the tummy. The kid crying, goes in hysterics, sucks with legs and can not fall asleep.

Treatment of intestinal infection in children is necessarily accompanied by frequent drink. The main medicine in this case is hunger and simple salted clean water.

Intestinal infection in adults

For an adult intestinal infection - almost always a consequence of antisanitarian, "dirty hands." The course of the disease depends on the type of pathogen. In case of bacterial infection, the severity of the disease in an adult and the child is the same. If the causative agent is a virus - an adult often transfers the disease easier (as a rule, contact with the viral causative agent took place in childhood, and the body has developed some immunity).

The symptoms of the disease Rotavirus in adults are usually reduced. Nausea is not so strong, diarrhea is rare (2-3 times a day). The course of the disease in adults resembles a disorder of digestion, with the difference that the reason is not understood. It seems nothing bad, but poisoning is obvious.

Often in adults infection proceeds asymptomatic. This is especially dangerous for those surrounding children. The adult person himself does not recognize about his illness, but infects everyone who contacted him.

Any infection during pregnancy creates a danger to a developing fetus.

Intestinal infection during pregnancy affects the gastrointestinal organs and forms a stream of toxins, which able to cause spontaneous miscarriage.

Also dangerous for a pregnant woman dehydration. It thickens blood, makes it difficult to transfer oxygen and nutrition. What can cause hypoxia of the fetus, to affect its development.

Treatment of intestinal infections: general rules

Treatment of intestinal infection is determined by the nature of its causative agent. If it is a pathogenic bacterium - weapons "mass" lesion (antibiotic), as well as antimicrobial general-action drugs. They suppress any bacterial flora, and they are treated with infections, inflammation.

If the causative agent is a virus, it is impossible to treat it with antibiotics. Antibiotics with an intestinal infection of viral origin - unfortunate.

It's important to know: Antibiotics are necessary if a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection.

There is no specific antiviral drug against Rotavirus.

Therefore, the treatment of rotavirus intestinal infection consists in supportive activities:

  • The child (adult) gives to drink saline solutions. You can use ready-made pharmacy tools (pattering of reguder) or prepare a homemade saline (water / salt ratio - 1 l / 1 teaspoon). It is necessary to drink in small portions, so as not to cause a new vomiting - 50 ml of salted water or the recorder every hour.
  • It is impossible to feed for violently, with an intestinal infection hunger - one of the main drugs.
  • To improve digestion, enzymatic drugs are needed - Mezim, Creon. To establish its own generation of enzymes after the disease, 2-3 weeks will be required.
  • To accelerate the removal of toxins, enterosorbents (smect, traditional coal, enterosgel) are used.
  • Also to reduce the frequency of vomit urges, you can give anti-ansified drugs - Motilium, Domrid, Primer, Cerukal.
  • For removal of pain spasms - no-shu.
  • For the subsequent restoration of the intestinal microflora - use probiotics. Since they contain lactic acid bacteria (lacto, bifido-), they begin with the reception when the virus is taken under control and the disease went to the decline.
  • If necessary, the temperature reduces the temperature. However, if it does not exceed 38.5 °, try to do without the antipyretic.

Also use common immunostimulating agents. These are drugs with interferons (human protective bodies) that strengthen their own immunity. They facilitate the body to fight the virus, accelerate recovery.

It's important to know: Interferons - new generation medicines. In order to resolve them for use in pediatrics, a long testing is necessary. Therefore, a series of interferon containing substances are contraindicated for children to 2 years. But the treatment of intestinal infection in adult immunostimulants is allowed and effectively, especially in the viral nature of the pathogen.

Diet with intestinal infection

What can be eaten with intestinal infection? It is allowed to eat those products that do not cause fermentation, do not create a favorable environment for breeding the virus.

These products include:

  • Rice and oatmeal without oil or other fat;
  • Non-fat soups;
  • Chicken broths;
  • Dried bread;
  • Peredished vegetables;
  • Kissel. You can add a few drops of iodine. Brown iodine reacts with starch and acquires blue. Such iodide compound is very useful in poisoning and intoxication. It displays the poisons, speeds up recovery.

What you can not eat with an intestinal virus:

  • Dairy products - They are fertile soil for breeding viruses and bacteria. This limitation does not concern the babies on breastfeeding (maternal milk contains the necessary antibodies, vitamins, trace elements). As for infants on artificial feeding - during illness they are transferred to soy mixtures.
  • Any fried dishes - Load the liver and the entire digestive tract. Mix the child to recover.
  • Fruits - They irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and the small intestine.
  • Gazirovka (also due to irritation of the mucous).

Prevention of intestinal infections

Prevention of acute intestinal infections consists in the formation of hygienic skills. You need to teach the child to take for food only after washing the hands with soap and do not pull the fingers in the mouth.

With the defeat of the intestine or the stomach, one of the three dozen infectious diseases of the patient is diagnosed with intestinal infection. All of them are caused by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, simplest.

Intestinal infection is the defeat of the digestive tract with microorganisms that cause intoxication, abdominal pain, weakness and hyperthermia. One of the most characteristic manifestations of intestinal pathology is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

There is no age category insured against the occurrence of intestinal infection, but due to the peculiarities of immunity, children, elderly, and those who recently suffered severe illness suffer from it. In developed countries, intestinal infection takes second after ORVI in terms of the number of appeals to the doctor.

Infection occurs due to the ingress of the healthy person of causative agents of infection by fecal-oral or alimentary way: through water, household items, food. These microbes are released with feces, vomiting masses, saliva, patients with people or those who have transferred recently intestinal infection.

Diseases related to intestinal infections

Approximately three dozen infectious diseases cause the digestive system with pathogenic microorganisms.

Infections caused by bacteria:



    Staphylococcal food poisoning;

    Escherichiosis (intestinal wand);

    Protematics infection;

    Infection caused by clostridia;

    Infection caused by Klebsiella;

    Infection caused by a blue chopstick;

    Parathine a and b.

Intestinal infection caused by viruses:



    Norfolk group virus;

Intestinal infection caused by protozoan organisms:


For the separation of intestinal infections by species, there are two bases: clinical pathogenetic used in practice, and etiological classification used in scientific research.

Reasons for classification:

    For pathogenetic - features of the course of the disease;

    For etiological - type of pathogenic flora provoked infection.

Etheological Classification - Types of Intestinal Infections:

    Bacterial - transmitted by fecaral-oral and alimentary domestic path (impairment of hygiene, poor-quality products) are caused by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Pathogenic microbes fall from the outside, the conditionally pathogenic is normal in the human body in small quantities restrained by the useful microflora.

    Viral - more often represented by rotavirus and enteroviral intestinal infection, the transmission path does not differ from the path of transmission of a bacterial infection plus air-drip infection. The patient even after 0.5-1 months remains a source of infection for others.

    Procular - diagnosed rarely, strikes a person when water from water bodies get into the body, have a long flow period.

Pathogenetic classification:

    Infection is caused by an unspecified causative agent - up to 70% of cases;

    The causative agent of infection is set - up to 20% of cases;

    Bacterial dysentery - up to 10% of cases.

Since pathology pathogens are insensitive to the effects of gastric juice, they penetrate the intestines and are introduced into epithelial cells (Schigella, Salmonella) or pushes representatives of useful microflora (intestinal chopstick, cholera vibrion). Part of the pathogens (Golden Staphylococcus) highlight their toxins outside the human body, being on food, from where they enter the intestine.

All these microorganisms cause influence of enterocytes - the cells of the intestinal mucosa, disruption of the digestion. The main symptom of the disease is diarrhea, or diarrhea, manifested repeatedly. The remaining manifestations differ in the clinical picture of various diseases.

Other symptoms:

    Nausea and vomiting;

    Hyperthermia for several hours or days;

  • Abdominal pain;

    Disorders of appetite;

    Rumbling in stomach, bloating;

    Weight loss;


    Blood adherence in feces;

    Water contestation chair.

In all cases, intestinal syndrome and general intoxication syndrome occurring with different degrees of intensity is manifested.

Types and symptoms of intestinal syndrome:

    Gastritic syndrome - pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting after meals and drink, one-time, less often 2-4 multiple diarrhea, caused by viruses or golden;

    Gastroenteritian Syndrome - pain in the projection of the stomach and around the navel, vomiting, frequent cascum, then a watery stool with mucus and food residues, has a brown or greenish color, a sharp unpleasant smell;

    Gastroenterocolitic syndrome - vomiting, a frequent liquid stool with painful defecation, contains mucus and blood, characterized for salmonellosis;

    Enterocolic syndrome - severe pains, frequent urges with alternating discharge of mucus or liquid feces, characterized for salmonellosis or dysentery;

    Quick syndrome - pain at the bottom of the abdomen, frequent defecates with the release of liquid feces with blood and mucus, false uiles (tenesmas), short relief after defecation, characteristic of dysentery.

The infectious-toxic syndrome is manifested by a different set of symptoms, it is felt before the occurrence of the intestinal lesion.

Most often, the patient feels the following symptoms:

    High body temperature;

    Lack of appetite;

All these signs are caused by an increase in the number of toxins resulting from the growth of the colony of the pathogen.

The range of temperature values \u200b\u200bin this pathology depends on the type of pathogen. It can rise for several hours, or hold over for several days. Sharp fluctuations in temperature occur when the complications are attached. Often such a symptom is a reason for hospitalization in the hospital.

Hyperthermia is the first sign of infection of the digestive tract. It appears before other symptoms (abdominal pain, diarrhea). Diarrhea in some cases arises against the background of normalization of temperature, after it is reduced to normal values. It is recommended for the prevention of dehydration prevent the temperature to increase, reducing it with antipyretic means.


This symptom is not always manifested often, vomiting can be one-time, multiple, absent at all. It is forbidden to stop with antiwest means, since it disrupts the removal of toxins from the body.

Improving the condition will help abundant drinking for replenishing the lost liquid and trace elements. In case of indoorable vomiting, hospitalization is required, frequent drinking with small sips, infusion administration of saline solutions.

Source of infection - a sick person or a carrier of an infection that elames the pathogens into the external environment with the feces, urine, vomiting masses. It is capable of seducing pathogens during the entire disease and after 2-4 weeks after its end.

Paths of infection:


  • Aerial drip.

The pathogens fall into the digestive system through the oral cavity, that is, an alimentary way.

Causes of infection:

    Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene during the meal and when preparing it;

    Violation of the neighborhood rules during the storage of products and their heat treatment;

    Contact with life objects infected with patients;

    Drinking non-filled water or random swallowing it during bathing;

    Long storage not intended for this products.

The relationship between the type of intestinal infection pathogen and the products used by the microbes used:

    Staphilococcus - mayonnaise, pudding, custard;

    Cholera vibrion, intestinal wand - non-infected water from infected water bodies, drinking this water and washing it products;

    Klostridia - is a non-hospital infection;

    Salmonella - Bird eggs and meat;

    Iracinium - meat and milk;

    Paraghemolytic vibrion - raw and boiled seafood.

Viral infections are transmitted by household and air-droplet, with saliva, through the skin, in the mouth and in the intestine. This happens when kisses, spit, bite. The most susceptible to infection kids, the elderly, persons suffering from alcoholism, patients with the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Video about the causes and symptoms of common intestinal infections:

Each pathology of infection of the digestive tract flows in acute form, the transition to chronic pathology does not occur. A person or is cured completely, or dies from the complications of the infectious process.

In the first 1-3 months after recovery, the patient notes disorders of digestion. These residual phenomena are caused by damage to a large number of cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Colics, episodic liquid stool, can manifest as long as the intestinal structure is restored. During this time, a scrupulous compliance with the rules of hygiene is required.
Intestinal infection is dangerous with its complications:

    Dehydration of the body . Due to the frequent liquid chair and vomiting the body loses many liquids and mineral salts, which negatively affects metabolic processes. With a loss of more than 10% of the liquid coma comes, with a possible fatal outcome.

    Infectious-oxid shock. There is an occurrence of the disease due to a large number of toxins in the circulatory system, the products of bacteria. Accompanied by high temperatures.

    Pneumonia. Children occurs more often in the background of partial fluid replenishment.

    Acute renal failure .

With any intestinal infection, the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is affected. This condition provokes disorder of digestion, vomiting and diarrhea.

The infection proceeds in the form of an acute form of the following diseases:

    Its basic rules:

    • The diet is based on mucous cereal soups, fastening broth, boiled low-fat meat and fish, porridge on water, omelet, crackers, lean cookies;

      It is forbidden to eat smoked meats, canned, use in spices and sharp seasonings, onions, garlic, radishes, drink milk, alcohol, carbonated drinks, use fatty foods and fried dishes in the menu;

      This diet follows for 3-4 weeks after the sacrament of the main symptoms of intestinal disorder.

    The complete restoration of the functions of the digestive system occurs within 2.5-3 months.

    Major drugs from intestinal infection

    Pharmaceutical groups of drugs used in the treatment of infections of the digestive tract:

      The antipyretics necessarily have in their composition nimesulide, ibuprofen, paracetamol. Use if necessary, at temperatures above 37.5 °, since its rise prevents the restoration of lost salts and liquids. In addition, at high temperatures, a lot of fluids are evaporated from the surface of the human body, and this carries extra load during dehydration.

      Solutions for rehydration Take the vomiting and liquid stool during the entire period to compensate for the loss of salts and liquid.

      Enterosorbents: Activated carbon, polypefan, enterosgel, lactofilter, smecta, polysorb. Preparations do not possess therapeutic effects, but reduce the intensity of negative symptoms, are accepted during the entire period of manifestation of liquid chair and vomiting.

      Intestinal antiseptics: Furazolidon, Interix, Enterfuril, Intetopan. Destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

      Probiotics: Linex, Bakusubtil, Enterol. Help to restore the balance of intestinal microflora.

      Enzymes: Creon, Pazinorm, Micrazim, Mezim. Contribute to digestion and learning food.

      Antibacterial agents Assign strictly according to indications, as they can destroy their own colonies of beneficial lacto and bifidobacteria (for review :).

    The painkillers in the intestinal infection can not be taken, since their action masks the appearance of pain and spasms indicating the development of serious complications.

    It is prohibited to use antiwest (Cerukal, methoclopramid) and drugs fixing the chair (Imodium, Loperamide), since vomiting and diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body that helps get rid of toxins. If they accumulate in the body, the position of the patient will deteriorate significantly, the rapid recovery will not happen.

    Do you need antibiotics and when?

    Antibacterial agents are used for intestinal infection therapy under the following states:

    • Long diarrhea accompanying giardiasis;

      Blood adherence in feces.

    In other cases, treatment with antibiotics of infectious damage to the digestive system is not required.

    Groups of antibacterial drugs used in indications for use:

      Tetracycles: doxycycline, tetracycline;

      Penicillins: ampicillin, amoxicillin;

      Cephalosporins: Ceftriaxone, Cefalezin;

      Fluoroquinolones: Offlsacin, Ciprofloxacin, LEFLOXACIN.

    Any manifestations of intestinal infection require careful diagnosis and consultation of the infectious doctor.

    Education: In 2008, a diploma was obtained in the specialty "Therapeutic business (medical and prophylactic business)" in the Russian Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. The internship was immediately passed and a degree of the therapist was received.


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