Presentation on the topic "Starry Sky". Star Sky: PowerPoint Presentation All Heavenly Sphere Contains

Presentation on the topic "Starry Sky". Star Sky: PowerPoint Presentation All Heavenly Sphere Contains

Astronomers of antiquity divided the starry sky to the constellation.
Most of the constellations called in times of hyphard and
Ptolemy, has the names of animals or heroes of myths.
Hypoche (approx. 180 or 190 - 125 BC),
ancient Greek astronomer
One of the founders of astronomy.
Compiled a star catalog of 850 stars,
fixed their brightness with
The star magnitudes entered by them.
All stars he distributed 28 constellations.
Ptolemy Claudius (approx. 90 - approx. 160),
ancient Greek scientist
The last major astronomer of antiquity.
Constructed special astronomicals
Tools: Astronomy, Private Sphere,
trickurce. Described the position of 1022 stars.
The Ptolemy system is set out in its main
Labor "Almagest" ("Great Mathematical
Building astronomy in the XIII books ") -
Encyclopedia of astronomical knowledge of the ancients.

Thousands of years ago bright stars conditionally connected
in the figures that called constellations
For a long time under the constellation understood the group of stars
The constellation "Snakers" and "Snake" from the Atlas of Flemstide.

Claudius Ptolemy
In the work "Almagest"
Astronomy in XIII
books ", II century n. er)
Ancient Greek
Astronomer Claudius
Ptolemy mentions
48 constellations. it
Big Dipper
and small bear
Dragon, swan,
Eagle, Taurus, Scales and

Maternity. Seven
Bright stars of this
make up
Big bucket
two extremes
Stars of this
Figures a and h
Can be found
Polar star.
Visibility in Marta
- April.

Fragment of Atlas A. Cellaryus with
Image of constellations

Images of constellations
from the ancient Atlas Gevelia

Cassiopeia constellation.
Engraving from Atlas
Yana Gevelia
Cassiopeia constellation
In the presentation

Now, under the constellation, the site of the heavenly sphere is understood,
borders of which are determined by a special solution
International Astronomical Union (MAS).
In total, in the heavenly sphere - 88 constellations.

In 1603, Johann Bayer began signing bright stars
Each constellation with letters of the Greek alphabet:
α (alpha), β (beta), γ (gamma), δ (delta) and so on,
In descending order of their shine.
These designations are used so far.

The visible annual path of the Sun passes through thirteen constellations, ranging from
Points of spring equinox:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lev, Virgo, Scales, Scorpio, Snakec, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius, Fish.
On an ancient tradition, only twelve of them are called zodiacal.
The constellation of the serpent to zodiacal constellations are not counted.

Zodiac constellations. Book of characters.

The brightest stars have their own names

Prior to the invention of the compass, the star was the main guidelines: it is for them
Ancient travelers and seaworthy found the desired direction.
Astronaviting (stars orientation) has kept its meaning and in our
Century cosmic and atomic energy.
It is necessary for navigator and cosmonauts, captains and pilots.
Navigation called 25 brightest stars,
With which the location of the ship is determined.

The most famous group of stars in the northern hemisphere -
Basch big bear

In the north of the sky
You can find polar
Star. It seems that all her
Rates around it. On the
really around your
axis rotates land with
west to east, and the whole
The sky rotates B.
reverse direction S.
East to west. Polar
Star for a given
The terrain remains almost
still and on one and
the same height over
horizon. It's obvious that
Daily movement of stars
(Light) - Observed
Apparent phenomenon
Rotation of heavenly vault
- reflects valid
Rotation of the globe
around the axis.
Arc SveTIl
in polar

and no gravitationally bound group form

So looks like
Star Atlas
Heavenly sphere

The main points, lines and planes of the celestial sphere.

The main points, lines and planes of the celestial sphere

- Heavenly sphere;
- sheer (vertical line);
- Zenit, Nadir;
- True (mathematical) horizon;
- vertical circle (twin vertical);
- the axis of the world, the South Pole, the North Pole of the World;
- Circle of decline, daily parallel;
- Heavenly Meridian, points of the North, South, West, East;
- midday line;

Heavenly Sphere is an imaginary sphere.
A large radius, in the center of which is the observer.
On the heavenly sphere
Stars are projected
Sun, moon, planet.
The properties of the heavenly sphere:
Center of the heavenly sphere
It is selected arbitrarily.
For each observer -
your center and observers
Maybe a lot.
Corner measurements on
The sphere does not depend on it

Stars constituting the bucket of a big bear
in space are located very far from each other
and no bound group does not form

The sheer line crosses the surface of the celestial sphere in two points:
In the upper z - Zenith and Lower Z "- Nadir.

The plane passing through the center of the heavenly sphere and
perpendicular sheer line called
Mathematical (true) horizon.

Mathematical planes
horizon and heavenly
Meridian intersect in
direct NS, called
midday line (in this
The direction is discarded
shadow objects illuminated
Sun, at noon).
- point
- point
Point S - point of the south.

The axis of the visible rotation of the heavenly sphere is called the axis of the world.
The axis of the world crosses the heavenly sphere at points R & R "- the poles of the world.

Celestial sphere

The view of the starry sky depends on the latitude of the observation location.
Only half of the celestial sphere is visible on the ground poles.
At the Earth Equator during the year you can see all constellations.
In medium latitudes, part of the stars are suitable, part - non-existence,
The rest go beyond and enter every day.

Heavenly Equator is called a big circle,
Perpendicular axis of the world.
Celestial equator
horizon at points
East E and West W.

Great circle of heaven sphere passing through Zenit, North Pole
Peace, Nadir and South Poles of the World called Heavenly Meridian
Mathematical planes
horizon and heavenly
Meridian intersect in
direct NS, called
midday line (in this
The direction is discarded
shadow objects illuminated
Sun, at noon).
- point
- point
Point S - point of the south.

The position of the luminaries on the celestial sphere is determined
Equatorial coordinates
Circle of declination - a big circle
Heavenly sphere
through the poles of the world and the observed
Daily parallel - Small circle
Heavenly sphere
Through the poles of the world and shining.
The declination of the shone (δ) is an angular
Distance from the plane of heavenly
Equator measured along the circle
Direct climbing (α) - corner
Distance countdown from point
Spring equinox
Heavenly Equator aside,
Opposite daily
Rotate the heavenly sphere.
Equatorial coordinate system

Ecliptic is the visible annual path of the Sun Disc Center for the Heavenly Sphere.
The movement of the sun by ecliptic is caused by the annual movement of the earth around the sun.
The center of the solar disk crosses the heavenly equator twice a year - in March and in September.
Mutual location of heavenly equator and ecliptic


Visible annual way
It is called among stars
In the plane of ecliptic
Lies the way
Earth around the Sun, i.e.
Its orbit. She is inclined
to heavenly equator under
Angle 23 ° 26 "and crosses
Its at the points of the Spring
(Taurus, about
March 21) and autumn
(Scales, around September 23)

The main conclusions

Constellation - Sky section with characteristic
observed grouping of stars and other
constantly in it astronomical
Objects allocated for convenience
Orientation and observation of stars.
Star quantity scale proposed
Hypoch, allows you to distinguish the stars by
His brilliance.
The observed daily movement of stars is
Reflection of the actual rotation of the Earth
around your axis.
Heavenly Sphere - Imaginary Sphere
arbitrary radius centered in the selected
Point of space.
The visible annual way of the sun among the stars
called ecliptic.

Presentation on the theme "Starry Sky" on astronomy in PowerPoint format. Perfectly illustrated and filled with interesting facts about stars and constellations. The authors of the presentation: Erofeev Roman and Boriushkin Vladimir, graders 11 students.

Fragments from the presentation

In the cloudless and funny night, about 3000 stars could be distinguished from settlements. The entire celestial area contains about 6000 stars visible to the naked eye.

The most famous group of stars in the northern hemisphere - Basch big bear.

Astronomers of antiquity divided the starry sky to the constellation. Most of the constellations named during the times of Hippark and Ptolemy, has the names of animals or the heroes of the myths.

Thousands of years ago, the bright stars were conditionally connected to the figures that were called constellations.

In 1603, Johann Bayer began to denote the bright stars of each constellation with the letters of the Greek alphabet (α alpha), (β beta), (γ gamma), (ε delta) and so on, in descending order of their gloss. These designations are used so far.

The constellation is called a section of the celestial sphere whose boundaries are defined by a special decision of the International Astronomical Union (MAC). In total, in the heavenly sphere - 88 constellations.

The brightest stars have their own names.

The constellation is a big bear can serve as a good assistant to memorize the brightest stars of the Northern Hemisphere.

In the bush, a large bear is easy to determine the northern direction.

Prior to the invention of the compass, the star was the main guidelines: it was all the ancient seurrets and travelers found the desired direction. Astronautics (orienteering of the stars) has kept its meaning and in our age of satellites and atomic energy. It is necessary for the navigations and cosmonauts, captains and pilotnagovation names are called 25 brightest stars, which determine the location of the ship.

Ptolemy Claudius (approx. 90 - approx. 160), ancient Greek scientist, the last major astronomer of antiquity. Constructed special astronomical instruments: astronomy, the army sphere, trikulter. Described the position of 1022 stars. The Ptolemy system is set out in its main work "Almagest" ("Great Mathematical Building Astronomy in the XIII Books") - Encyclopedia of Astronomical Knowledge of Ancients. Astronomers of antiquity divided the starry sky to the constellation. Most of the constellations named during the times of Hippark and Ptolemy, has the names of animals or the heroes of the myths. Hipparch (approx. 180 or 190 - 125 BC), ancient Greek astronomer, one of the founders of astronomy. Compiled a star catalog of 850 stars, recorded their brightness with the help of the star magnitudes entered by them. All stars he distributed 28 constellations.

Thousands of years ago, bright stars were conditionally connected to the figures, which called the constellations of the constellation "Snakers" and "Snake" from the Atlas of Flemstide.

Images of constellations from ancient atlas Gevelia "Taurus" "Kit" "Cassiopeia"

Prior to the invention of the compass, the star was the main guidelines: it was all the ancient travelers and the seurrets found the desired direction. Astronautics (orienteering of the stars) has kept its meaning and in our age of satellites and atomic energy. It is necessary for navigator and cosmonauts, captains and pilots. Navigational names are called 25 brightest stars, which determine the location of the ship.

Interestingly, only in 58 constellations the brightest stars are called α (alpha). In 13 constellations the brightest stars - β (beta), and in some others - and other letters of the Greek alphabet. The largest sizes have the constellation of hydra (1303 square degrees). The smallest sizes have the Southern Cross constellation (68 square degrees). The largest sizes from the visible in the northern hemisphere has a constellation a large bear (1280 square degrees). The largest number of stars brighter than the second star magnitude contains the Orion constellation - 5 stars. The largest amount of stars brighter than the fourth star magnitude contains the constellation Big Malar - 19 stars.

Lesson 1-2.

Theme of lessons: From the history of astronomy.Celestial sphere. Starry sky.

Objectives lesson:

  1. To introduce an institution with the history of the development of science of astronomy; characterize the main sections of science; Enter the main concepts: heavenly sphere, the axis of the world, equator, ecliptic, etc.
  2. Continue the development of uch-smi views on the universe

Equipment: Presentation " From the history of astronomy.Celestial sphere. Starry sky "; disk

During the classes


Studying a new material

Astronomy- Science of the Universe, studying the structure, origin and development of celestial bodies and systems.

A) from the history of astronomy

1. Aristotle in IV century. BC e. It believed that the land was in the center of the world, and the sun, the moon, the stars were attached to the transparent crystal spheres and turn around it. Observing the eclipses of the Moon, he concluded that the earth has a spherical shape. The earth's world, according to Aristotle, consists of land, air, water and fire. The Heavenly World consists of a special substance -plenea. , some kind of ether.

2. In II century. n. e. Alexandrian Astronomer Ptolemy based on the ideas of Aristotle and other scientists created a geocentric system of the world.

According to the theory of Ptolemy, the number of heavenly spheres is 55. The geocentric system of the world could not explain the movement of the planets and a number of other observed phenomena.

3. N. Copernicus in 1543 issued a book "On the treatment of heavenly circles", in which he showed that the movement of heavenly bodies is easy to explain on the basis of the Heliocentric system of the world, according to which the sun is in the center of the world. Copernicus and his students were made by calculations of the future provisions of the celestial bodies, which were quite accurate.

The doctrine of Copernicus was rejected by the Catholic Church, which saw in him a contradiction with the Bible, in which it was argued that there was a person in the center of the universe.

4. Jordan Bruno added a number of new ideas to the teachings of Copernicus. According to Bruno, in the universe many systems of such solar. Planets are addicted around the stars. Stars are born and dying, so life in the universe is infinite.

Jordan Bruno was declared a heretic, he hid himself for several years, the Inquisition was deceived in Italy. From Jordano Bruno demanded to renounce their views, but he continued to insist on the justice of his ideas and on February 17, 1600 G. was executed in Rome. This execution not only did not stop the spread of the ideas of Bruno, but, on the contrary, caused a lot of public interest in them.

5. In 1557, the Danish astronomer quietly discovered errors in Copernicus calculations. In 1577, he calculated the position of comet. The results obtained by them contradicted and the theory of Ptolemy, according to which comets appear in an empty space between the moon and the ground.

Quiet Braga created the planetary system, compiled a large directory of fixed stars. To help in the calculations, he invited Johanna Kepler, set the task of determining the trajectory of the planets.

6. After the death of Quiet Brage, Johann Kepler continued to work on analyzing a huge number of observation results that I left Braga.

7. On 10 November 1619 in Bavaria Rene Descartes decided to create an analytical geometry and use mathematical methods in philosophy. He expressed the main principle of his philosophy with the following well-known aphorism: "I think, therefore, I exist."

Any ideas expressed, on Descartes, are true if they are clear and defined. He considered the whole universe as a mechanism. God created the matter and endowed it with movement, after which the world began to develop under the laws of mechanics. From the world consisting of material particles, Descartes created the Universe Copernicus as we observe it. So, by the middle of the XVI century. The universe from closed turned into an open, mainly empty, in which particles move and face, and between two clashes move at a constant speed.

8. In 1632, the Italian scientist Galileo Galilee released the book "Dialogue about the two main systems of the world - Ptolemaeva and Copernicovaya."

In this book, the heliocentric Copernicus system clearly won the Geocentric Ptolemy's geocentric system. Galileo himself was a supporter of the heliocentric system, as his observation of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter with the help of a telescope created by him showed the presence of satellites in Jupiter, the existence of phases at Venus is linous, and the fact that the sun rotates around the axis. All his observations showed that the Earth does not have special advantages, but behaves in the same way as other planets.

Galilee was summoned to the court of the Inquisition, where under the fear of torture and execution, he faded from the "heresy", a strict supervision was established above him, and he could no longer engage in research. (In 1982, Pope John Paul admitted the mistake of the church and took off all charges with Galilee.)

9. The final celebration of the heliocentric system has come after the discovery of the World Act by I. Newton. Based on this law, the laws of Kepler could be derived, to give an accurate description of the movement of celestial bodies.

10. But, despite the harmony and the argument of Newton's theory, there was a phenomenon confirming doubts about the daily rotation of the Earth. If the Earth was rotating, the position of the stars should have changed. However, it seemed that no changes. The first experimental proof of the movement of the Earth around the Sun was made in 1725 by the English astronomer James Bradley. He discovered the stars offset. Stars are shifted from the middle position on 20" In the direction of the velocity vector of the Earth (the phenomenon of aberration of light).

In 1837, Russian Astronomer V.Ya. Struve measured the annual parallax of the Eugene Star, which made it possible to determine the speed of rotation of the Earth.

Currently, no one is in doubt the fact of the rotation of the Earth around its own axis and its rotation around the Sun. Based on these facts, many phenomena occurring on Earth are explained.

11. The most active development of astronomy falls on the twentieth century. This was facilitated by the creation of high-resolution optical and radio telescopes, as well as the possibility of research from the artificial satellites of the Earth, which made it possible to conduct observations outside the atmosphere.

It is in the twentieth century The world of galaxies was opened. The study of the spectra of galaxies allowed E. Hubble (1929) to detect the overall expansion of the universe, predicted A.A. Friedman (1922) based on the theory of A. Einstein's theory. New types of cosmic bodies were opened: radio-beactics, quasars, pulsars, etc.

The foundations of the theory of the evolution of the stars and Sosmogony of the Solar System were also developed. The largest achievement of astrophysics of the XX century. Relativistic cosmology has become - the theory of the evolution of the Universe as a whole.

Otto Yulievich Schmidt (1891 - 1956) - Russian scientist, statesman, one of the organizers of the development of the Northern Sea Route.

He was the organizer and head of many expeditions to the North Pole, in particular, expeditions on Sedov (1929 - 1930), "Sibiryakov" (1932), "Chelyuskin" (1933 - 1934), air expedition to organize the drifting station "SP-1 "(1937).

Developed cosmogonic hypothesisthe formation of the television of the solar system as a result of condensation of the near-free gas-dust cloud. Proceedings on the highest algebra (group theory).

In 1935 O.Yu. Schmidt was elected academician, from 1935 to 1942. He was the vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1937, the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded. In 1932 - 1939 He was the head of Glavsevmorthuta. Huge merit O.Yu. Schmidt was to create a big Soviet encyclopedia, the founder and chief editor of which he was from 1924 to 1942.

Fred Hoyle (Hoyle) (r. 1915 g) - English astrophysicist.

Works along the star and planetary cosmogony, the theory of the internal structure and the evolution of stars, cosmology.

B) Sections of astronomy

  1. Astrometry - Science of measuring space and time.
  2. Theoretical Astronomy "Methods for determining the orbits of celestial bodies according to their visible provisions, and methods for calculating ephemeride according to the known elements of their orbits.
  3. Heavenly Mechanics- studies the laws of the movement of celestial bodies under the influence of the world's strength, determines the masses and shape of the celestial bodies and the stability of their systems.
  4. Astrophysics - studies the structure, physical properties and the chemical composition of the celestial objects.
  5. Star Astronomy- studies the patterns of spatial distribution and movement of stars, star systems and interstellar matter.
  6. Cosmogony - Considers the issues of origin and evolution of heavenly bodies
  7. Cosmology - studies the general patterns of the structure and development of the universe.

C) starry sky

Dark night we can see about 2500 stars in the sky, which differ in shine and color. It seems they are attached to the heavenly sphere and along with it they turn around the Earth. To navigate among them, the sky broke on 88 constellations. In II B BC Hipparh divided the stars on the brilliance on the star values, the brightest he was taken to the stars of the first magnitude, and the weakest, barely visible to the naked eye to the stars of the sixth size.

A special place among the constellations occupy 12 zodiacal, through which the annual path of the sun is passed - ecliptic.

Constellation - This is a set of bright stars connected to the figures called the names of the characters of the ancient myths and legends, animals or items.

The stars of constellations are denoted by the letters of the Greek alphabet.

α - the brightest star of the constellation; β is less bright; γ - less brightthan β; Δ, ε, ζ, etc.

In some constellations, the most bright stars have their own names, for example, Vega (α-star in the constellation Lira), Denief (α-star in the Swan Constellation).

D) basic concepts

Celestial sphere - This is an imaginary scope of how much a large radius, in the center of which is the eye of the observer.

RR axis 1. visible rotation of the heavenly sphere is calledaxis of the world.

The plane passing through the center of the heavenly sphere and perpendicular axis of the world is calledheavenly Equator.

The circle on which the sun rotates, is rejected from the heavenly equator by 23.5 ° and calledecliptic.

Direct climb - The angle counted along the heavenly equator in the direction opposite to the daily rotation of the celestial sphere is indicated by the Greek letter α. The countdown of direct climbing is made from the point of heaven on the day of the spring equinox (γ), in which the center of the Sun is March 21.

A large circle of heavenly sphere passing through the poles of the world and the observed luminaire is calledaround the decline.

The angular distance of shone from the plane of the equator, measured along the circle of decline, is calledthe declination of Svetila And denotes the letter Δ.

Parallactic It is called the offset of the stars closest to the earth relatively more distant.

Pararallax called an angle π, under which the radius of the earth orbit is visible.

1. The observer is located in the average latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Star 1 -Nighting; 2 and 3- Coming and ascending; 4- Inconsistent.

2. The observer is located on the North Pole of the Earth. Stars 1-3 Software; 4 and 5-surrounding. All stars move in planes parallel to the horizon plane; The horizon plane coincides with the plane of the celestial equator; The sheer line coincides with the axis of the world.

3. The observer is at the equator. All stars are ascending and setting in planes perpendicular to the horizon plane; The axis of the world lies in the plane of the horizon. During the day, the observer could see all the heavenly shining.

Culmination it is called the phenomenon of the passage shone through heavenly meridian. In the upper climax, the angular height of the shone above the horizon is maximum, in the lower climax is minimal.

True noon-Moment of the top climax of the center of the Sun. True midnight - the moment of the lower climax of the center of the Sun.

In a true noon, the shadow from the vertical subject falls along the midday line.

In this area, the stars are cultulized on the same height above the horizon.

The sun and the moon change the height of the climax.

At its annual movement by ecliptic, the Sun twice a year (March 21 and September 23) crosses the Heavenly Equator.

View disc "All cosmos secrets Part 4" - (2,3)

Houses: Abstract, Reports "Determination of Distance in Astronomy"


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