Ares, god of fierce war and love. The meaning of tattoos God ares tattoo on the leg

Ares, god of fierce war and love. The meaning of tattoos God ares tattoo on the leg

It is known that many ancient peoples had their own beliefs, which today are called paganism. The mythology of the ancient Greeks is especially interesting for the wide variety of legends and characters - titans, immortal gods, nymphs and muses. Each of them takes its own place, has a unique character and its own purpose. Ares, the god of war, occupies an important place in mythology - he is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus.

Origin of God

It is generally accepted that Ares is the only one and Hera. In addition, in Roman mythology, there is a version according to which Ares was born as a Hero on his own, without the participation of Zeus - conception occurred due to the touch of a magic flower that endowed fertility. It is known that Hephaestus was born in this way.

There is another, less common, version of his name - Arey, or Areyon.


Ares was not the only patron of war - his sister Pallas Athena personified an honest and just war. Ares was bloodthirsty, reckless, he was always eager to fight, despite the fact that the Olympians were forbidden to directly interfere in the affairs of people and participate in battles. He preferred war for the sake of war itself, and often, under the influence of emotions, he could take sides and fight, destroying everything in his path.

Ares is the god of bloody and brutal war. In relation to other spheres of life, he is characterized as aggressive, hot-tempered and impulsive, committing rash acts, for which the rest of the inhabitants of Olympus dislike him. Reasonable Athena even despises Ares for his violent disposition and constantly strives to teach a lesson. Also dislikes God and his father - Zeus. However, the Olympians have to reckon with Ares only because of his noble birth.

But Ares also has good qualities - loyalty and devotion, a willingness to stand up for his loved ones and protect those to whom he is supportive. It should be noted that not everyone can boast of these qualities.

Lover and father

Despite how cruel and cunning Ares is, the god does not remain indifferent to the legendary beauty of Aphrodite. She was the wife of Hephaestus, but it is believed that it was with Ares that she had the strongest and most passionate love. The union of War and Love turned out to be quite strong. Although love relationships often arose between the gods of Olympus, so sometimes it’s impossible to make out who and whose lover was, the bonds of Ares and Aphrodite can rightfully be called one of the strongest and most durable.

As a result of this love, the gods had children: sons Phobos (horror) and Deimos (fear), who accompanied their father on the battlefield. And the name of their daughter - Harmony - symbolizes the harmony of the relationship between the opposing Ares and Aphrodite. Eros (Eros, or Cupid) and the opposite Anteros are also considered their descendants, but this is not the only version regarding their origin.

The god of war had other descendants, at least three of them participated in the campaign for the golden fleece, and one of the daughters became the queen of the Amazons. Many of his children have inherited the character traits that distinguished Ares. God is very attached to his children and, if necessary, was always ready to intercede for them.

Myths about Ares

Ancient Greek mythology is replete with an endless array of legends and tales. In fact, there are so many of them that sometimes some myths can contradict each other. Ares is no exception and he has his own story too.

As a child, Ares had a chance to spend thirteen months chained and imprisoned in a bronze vessel - so the giant twins Aloada Ot and Ephialt "joked" over him. Later, the stepmother of the giants told Hermes about this, who saved little Ares and ended his torment.

Initially, Ares studied the art of dance from Priapus, who was entrusted with the education of the young god by his parent Hera. And only after that the future god of war began to comprehend the basics of military affairs.

Another myth about the god Ares tells about those episodes when he was the husband of the goddess, Hephaestus, having learned about the betrayal of his wife, wanted to expose the lovers and take them red-handed. To do this, he created a strong and invisible net, which he fixed over his wife's bed, after which he pretended to leave to go about his business. Ares did not keep himself waiting long and after a while was already lying with Aphrodite, not knowing about the trap that Hephaestus had prepared for them. When the lovers realized that they had fallen into a trap, the lawful spouse called the gods of Olympus to witness this betrayal, but as a result, nothing came of it - the inhabitants of heaven only laughed at the captured lovers.

Symbols and attributes of the god of war

Hand in hand with Ares follow his companions - the bloodthirsty Enio and the goddess of strife Eris. Well, what about in a battle without a horse? The patron of the war had four of them, and their names were accordingly - Shine, Flame, Horror and Noise. However, the symbol of the god Ares is the war itself, its destruction, sacrifices and everything connected with it. His attributes were mainly a spear and a lighted torch, as well as furious dogs and a kite, which tormented the warriors who died in battle.

Usually, Ares was portrayed as a strong and energetic man. He may or may not have a beard, but he must necessarily have the attributes of a warrior: a helmet, a shield, and also a sword or spear. Sometimes he is wearing armor or a metal bib. He is a huge, blood-stained destroyer of people, destroying cities - this is how the ancient Greeks thought Ares, the god of war.

Attitude towards Ares

In ancient Greece, Ares was generally treated negatively, disliked and feared him. This is reflected in the poems of Homer, describing, for example, in which the god of war himself took part. A bloodthirsty madcap, rushing from side to side - such is the description of God in the Iliad. Ares is boastful and unrestrained, and when he is defeated, he even complains and whines. It happened when Athena once again brought certain inconveniences to her brother, directing the hand of Diomedes, which helped him to wound the immortal and strong god with a spear. But Zeus did not heed the complaints of his son and only humiliated him even more, saying that he was disgusting to him due to Ares' tendency to fight and slaughter.

However, it was not only the thunderer Zeus that treated the god of war badly, let alone the constant confrontation between Ares and Pallas Athena. The ancient Greeks loved rationality and prudence, and Ares just lacked these qualities. However, even Homer found positive epithets for the god of war - in the "Hymn to Ares" he is spoken of as the father of victory, a supporter of justice, an example of masculinity.

In Roman mythology

If the Greeks did not particularly revere Ares, then the Romans, on the contrary, treated the god of war with great respect. In the ancient Roman tradition, Ares was called Mars, and he occupied a significant place in the pantheon of gods - only Jupiter (Zeus) was above him. Mars is considered the patron saint of the people and the state, and is also the father of Romulus and Remus, the founding brothers of Rome.


In ancient Greece, Ares was not very popular, therefore, not many of his sculptures are known in our time. The most significant are the statues of antiquity "Ares Borghese" and "Ares Ludovisi", which are actually Roman copies.

In the Parisian Louvre today there is one of these monuments, which depicts the god Ares, his photo is presented above.

Ares, Ares (Aρης) - the cruel god of war. This is the god of treacherous and treacherous war for the sake of war. He is indifferent to justice, he does not know right and wrong, he is glad to any war, to any side, as long as blood flows, metal rang and cries of battle, bitterness and pain rushed over the expanses. Treacherous and bloodthirsty, gloomy and violent, in a strange way, he subsequently also embodies the features of romantic love.

Homer has Ares - a violent deity, his epithets: "strong", "huge", "fast", "destroyer of people", "destroyer of cities", in love with the most beautiful and gentle goddess Aphrodite. Ares' love and Aphrodite's violation of marital fidelity is often mentioned in ancient literature, and even the children from this connection are called: Eros and Anteros, Deimos (Horror), Phobos (Fear).

Ares' union with Aphrodite gave birth to a daughter, Harmony.
Here is such a contradictory deity - war and love.

Ares Ludovisi is a statue in Pentelian marble found in 1621. Roman marble copy of a bronze Greek statue of the 2nd century BCE. BC It was restored by Bernini, who added a nose, a right foot, a sword hilt and a part of the body of Eros, who nestled at Ares' feet.

ARES Ludovisi

The original is attributed to Lysippos (Sicyon, h. 370 BC-318 BC)
H. 320.S. - Greek sculpture. Classic period
Romano-Palazzo Altemps National Museum, Rome

Life is the quotient of the number of things and the amount of time. A tattoo is a personal symbol, subjectively and objectively fully understandable only to the one who wears it, subculturally somehow to society, is mirrored by the understanding of the person's immediate environment and aesthetically perceived by society, with the assimilation of new content, including it in the system of established ideas and ideas. A person who has marked himself with an eternal sign should understand why the tattoo sign appeared on his body and what to expect from him in his immediate and future life.

It is not at all necessary that the meaning of such a deeply personal tattoo is understood by others. So, before decorating the body with a tattoo, you need to look into the meaning of your desire, how subjective and / or objectively necessary, create a sketch of a drawing that originally exists only in your imagination, find out its meaning in different traditions, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation when meeting with knowledgeable people, determine the place of the tattoo, taking into account the individual bodily clamps of psychosomatics, the location of the projections of the internal organs of a particular energy meridian of a person. The next step is to choose a tattoo parlor that meets your user request and a meeting, with subsequent work, with your master. You can choose a tattoo parlor, masters, consultation on the image of your tattoo and body-oriented information about your symbol on the Tatutudei forum. Interesting information on many symbolic images is contained in the Dictionary of Symbols by X. E. Kerlot:

The star tattoo is a symbol of the spirit. She is associated with the light shining in the darkness. This sign has many meanings, but its main purpose is to support a person in the fight against the forces of evil. The most popular image is five pointed star, which in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs meant the ascent to the beginning;

Knife tattoo is associated with revenge, death and sacrifice. The short edge of the knife is the personification of the self-preservation instinct of the owner of the tattoo, and the long edge speaks of the spiritual power of the tattooed person; - tattoos of Chinese or Japanese hieroglyphs on the body are deciphered in different ways, but for the most part they mean either fire or strength;

Tattoo Celtic ornaments and symbols with a certain meaning are preferred by serious people. However, at present, such images are rarely accompanied by any interpretations and explanations and serve only as a spectacular decoration. Images of animals on tattoos are designed to help owners develop personal qualities, but we must not forget that a lot depends on the lifestyle and behavior of a person. The Dictionary of Symbols provides comparisons of images of some animals with concepts inherent in human life:

The crane tattoo represents justice, a righteous and merciful soul, and is also an allegory of longevity;

The eagle tattoo is a symbol of pride, height of spirit, heroic nobility, the personification of the elements of Air and Fire. He is considered the king of birds, just as the lion is the king of beasts, therefore, in some cases, to emphasize this equality, on the tattoo, the eagle is depicted with the head of a lion. As a rule, the warlike aspirations of the owner of the tattoo are associated with the eagle;

The owl tattoo for most peoples symbolizes wisdom, but it can mean such far from positive concepts as darkness and death. The person who has this bird tattooed on his body is most likely not a sage, but a pessimist thinking about imminent death or the end of the world;

Wolf tattoo means valor. The image of this beast speaks of dexterity, courage and strength. A person with such a pattern on his body is probably a lone warrior. It should be noted that in Scandinavian mythology, unlike Roman and Egyptian, the wolf is considered the personification of the evil principle;

A leopard tattoo as a symbol of courage, valor and ferocity expresses the aggressiveness and power of the owner of the tattoo;

The horse tattoo is a symbolic image of the helper of the deity, and in some mythological systems, the deity itself. The image of a horse on the body should help the owner of the tattoo to overcome difficulties in life. As for a person who has anything to do with horses, here it can contribute to their friendship;

The bear tattoo represents strength, courage, endurance and at the same time cruelty. He often serves as a symbol of rage and laziness. In many mythological systems, this animal acts as a deity, the ancestor of traditions, a kind of totem, guardian spirit and healer;

Fish tattoo is associated with abundance, fertility, sexual energy, wisdom, but at the same time with greed, indifference, stupidity. The image of a fish on a tattoo can serve as a symbol of faith, purity, baptism and communion. In particular, a salmon tattoo symbolizes knowledge, inspiration and abundance, a carp tattoo - strength, courage and perseverance in achieving a goal, a dolphin (also referred to as fish in symbolism) - freedom, nobility, pleasure, love, a shark tattoo - danger, evil, death. In Japanese mythology, the shark is the messenger of the deity, helping people who worship it.

The images of plants on tattoos also have a hidden meaning:

The lotus tattoo is associated with purity, chastity, spirituality, fertility, incipient strength, health and the resulting longevity and immortality. This flower reflects the interaction of masculine and feminine principles, and also symbolizes the beginning of the creative;

Rose tattoo symbol of forgiveness. It is also necessary to consider each individual element of this flower. Rose leaf tattoo means joy, rose thorn tattoo - sadness, rose flower tattoo - glory. Shyness, passion, desire, earthly delight are associated with the red rose, it is also a Christian symbol of motherhood and death. The white rose tattoo symbolizes purity, virginity, spirituality and silence. Red and white roses, depicted together, mean union, unity, a rose on the cross - the death of Christ. The image of a rose or its individual parts on the body may indicate both the high spirituality of a person and his carnal desires. Lucky and unlucky numbers, horseshoes, black cats with burning eyes, women on a ship or with empty buckets, old women in black, sidelong glances, gypsy skirts - the set of man's fantasies is great and varied. For those who are susceptible to mysticism and do not want to get rid of misfortunes in real ways, we can advise a tattoo for good luck. If you are serious about all sorts of symbols, you should take into account a huge number of factors. When comparing your fate with the signs of the zodiac, you should remember about their projection onto the human aura. Each tattooed sign affects her more or less, depending on which part of the body it is located on. Located in the right place, it will have a positive effect, otherwise its action is unpredictable.

For example, the Aries sign tattoo symbolizes leadership qualities and is better placed in the head area.

Taurus tattoo will be a sign of a favorable sign of achieving goals if the tattoo is placed on the neck.

Gemini tattoo will bring success in negotiations if you place the tattoo in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulders, shoulder blade and collarbone, forearm, hands.

Cancer tattoo has a beneficial effect on finding family harmony, it is better to place it on the chest, mammary glands.

Tattoo Sagittarius compatibility with your aspirations, pressure, the ability to bring what has been started to the result, it is better to place it on the hips, lower part of the pelvis, coccyx, sacrum, buttocks, perineum area.

The Capricorn tattoo is considered a symbol of stability, the ability to preserve valuable, to place it in the knees, the lower third of the thighs, and the upper third of the legs.

The Lion tattoo will add charisma to the owner, remind of personal strength and fame, can promote posture, it is better to choose the place of the body and the upper back, sides.

Virgo tattoo will put all the tangled things in your life on the shelves, favorite places for tattoos are the abdominal cavity, stomach, navel.

The Libra tattoo will bring balance to your life, the ability to look at tasks from the state of flight, harmonize the liver, the place of the tattoo is the lower back. The Scorpio tattoo will expand your sexual experience, intuition, the best place is the area from the navel to the perineum, coccyx, genitals.

The Aquarius tattoo will expand your connections, help in working with information, patronizes the harmonization of the circulatory system, it is better to choose a place for knees, calves, ankles and ankles.

The Pisces tattoo activates the plan of creativity, luck, blessing, the place is better to choose the feet and soles of the feet.

Continuing the theory of psychoanalysis and the concept of Jung's archetypes, separately 11 archetypes of women in mythology:

Artemis is the image of a woman who is able to achieve her goals. She is strong, purposeful, and does not tolerate restrictions.

Athena is a wise and strong woman who does not give in to emotions and is able to remain collected in any situation, analyze and make decisions.

Guest is the embodiment of self-sufficiency, confidence in integrity. The image of a woman beautiful by the very fact of her existence.

Juno is a woman whose meaning of life is relationships with a man, but in them she is emotionally unstable and jealous.

Demeter is the image of a caring and warm woman, in whose heart there is a place for everyone. Persephone is a woman who depends on the opinions of others, she is comfortable for everyone except herself and gives in to any influence.

Aphrodite is a sensual and gentle image of a woman, creative and deep. This archetype embodies the essence of the feminine principle.

Hebe is the image of a woman who does not accept her age and carefully avoids the slightest signs of maturity.

Tyufe (aka Fortune) - this archetype carries a contradictory nature, which seeks to keep everything under its control, but at the same time not predicting and not foreseeing the consequences.

Nemizis is the archetype of women for whom conscience and honesty are fundamental. Women with these archetypes are incapable of forgiving injustice.

Hecate is a very deep archetype that manifests itself in the need to mystify everything that happens in life. "Carriers" of this archetype often leave for occult practices.

Male archetypes carry a load of two roles - father and son. Paternal archetypes are:

Zeus - the father of the gods, the great Zeus, is the archetype of people who are strong and confident in their success in any field - from business to love affairs.

Hades is the archetype of men who believe in their intuition and often withdraw into themselves. They are usually quiet and mysterious, slightly aloof and quite erudite.

Poseidon - carriers of this archetype are prone to bright and beautiful emotions, which are often suppressed by public opinion. Sometimes Poseidons are quick-tempered.

Apollo is the archetype of the mature, conscious and rational man. It carries common sense and overwhelming logic.

Hermes - the bearer of this archetype is very easy-going, he is easily included in ideas and proposals. Hephaestus is the archetype of a hardworking, strong person who has made the decision to be a good specialist in what he does. However, at the same time, he remains a very vulnerable and deep personality.

Ares is a "reactive" archetype. This means that he tends to succumb to impulses and emotions, not always considering the consequences.

Dionysus is an archetype that fits neatly into the saying "men are like children." A non-competitive, non-conflict addicted type who is able to go headlong into the activity that brings the greatest pleasure.

After identifying your archetype, it would be good to clarify the structure of your ego states: Parent, Child and Adult... This is how the internal "hungers" fixed at different stages of life (Child's ego-state), the actual needs of a person (his Adult ego-state) and moral values \u200b\u200band taboos (Parental ego-state) are defined. The chosen symbol in the right place can lead you to harmony. About crux ave spes unica.


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