Quest on and recipes of limbs. Quests on s Recipes Quest on a grade Recipes for armor

Quest on and recipes of limbs. Quests on s Recipes Quest on a grade Recipes for armor

to receive recipes A-grade helmets, gloves and boots

Quest is taken at the 59th level Warehouse Keeper Walderal.which stands in a warehouse in Aden.

With mobs in will fall papyrus (white, blue, red and black), you open them with double click and get a lot of pieces of paper, the bulk of which is useless. In order to get something on this quest, you need to build a complete set of pieces of one type of paper and give it a certain NPC. Kits and awards for them are:

Imperial Genealogy - five different parts make up a set - award of 3 keymate on the Ends.
Ancient Epic - five different parts make up a set - award of 3 keymate on tallum ends.
Revelation of Seals - Seven different parts make up a set - 3 kameata award on MZH or Nm ends.
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence (floors 1-13) - Thirteen different parts make up a set - award one Kameat or one recipe for A-grade ends, three kamets or three recipes (all randomly, I spent several experiments, I will write about the end of the article this).

Mobs from which papyrus fall:
- Fourth Floor - Ancient Red Papyrus
- Eighth Floor - Ancient White Papyrus
- Ninth and tenth floors - Ancient Black Papyrus

We only need blueprint: Tower of Insolence, for the complete set of which (1-13 floors) you can get a welcome recipe or already three more (and you can not get, because instead of the recipe for Gadyunshe NPC from time to time gives 1 (one) Kameat on The same ends). It's not quite a rand here, since when you pass the blepprints, you choose, on which set you need recipes (DK, MZH, NM or Tallum), but everything else at the discretion of His Majesty Random, including those, you will receive a recipe or all Only a pitiful Kameat.

I thought, and probably will give a layout for all papyrus:

Ancient Red Papyrus.
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 6th Floor - 2.00%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor - 2.00%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 1 - 1.60%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 2 - 11.20%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 3 - 8.00%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 4 - 8.00%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 5 - 2.00%
Imperial Genealogy 1 - 1.60%
Imperial Genealogy 2 - 11.20%
Imperial Genealogy 5 - 2.00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice - 1.80%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening - 8.00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity - 8.00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent - 2.00%
Revelation of the Seals: CHAPTER OF GNOSIS - 11.40%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Strife - 11.20%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance - 8.00%

Ancient Blue Papyrus.
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 6th Floor - 4.00%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor - 4.00%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 1 - 6.60%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 2 - 10.50%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 3 - 3.60%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 4 - 3.60%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 5 - 4.00%
Imperial Genealogy 1 - 6.60%
Imperial Genealogy 2 - 10.50%
Imperial Genealogy 5 - 4.00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice - 6.80%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening - 3.60%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity - 3.60%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent - 4.00%
Revelation of the Seals: CHAPTER OF GNOSIS - 10.50%
Revelation of the Seals: CHAPTER OF STRIFE - 10.50%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance - 3.60%

Ancient Black Papyrus.
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 1th Floor - 14.34%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 2th Floor - 14.33%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 3th Floor - 10.25%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 4th Floor - 10.25%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor - 1.60%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 8th Floor - 14.33%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 9th Floor - 10.25%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor - 10.25%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 11th Floor - 1.60%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 12th Floor - 1.60%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor - 1.60%
Imperial Genealogy 3 - 1.60%
Imperial Genealogy 4 - 1.60%
Musical Score Theme of Battle - 1.60%
Musical Score Theme Of Love - 1.60%
Ancient Chain Letter - 1.60%
Ancient Joke Book - 1.60%

BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 1th Floor - 21.60%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 2th Floor - 21.60%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 3th Floor - 2.50%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 4th Floor - 2.50%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor - 2.00%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 8th Floor - 21.60%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 9th Floor - 2.60%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor - 2.60%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 11th Floor - 2.00%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 12th Floor - 2.00%
BluePrint: Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor - 3.00%
Imperial Genealogy 3 - 2.00%
Imperial Genealogy 4 - 2.00%
Musical Score Theme of Battle - 3.00%
Musical Score Theme of Love - 3.00%
Ancient Chain Letter - 3.00%
Ancient Joke Book - 3.00%

The rarest floors are 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 and 13. All floors are falling from white and black papirors, except 6 and 7, from blue and red - 6 and 7 with a chance of 4% and 2%, respectively. Black papyrus I beat on the 10th floor with small mobs of the race Platinum, the red falls on the 5th from large red mobs, and from the angels on the eighth best chance for rare floors (although only 1% more than from black). In general, we will summarize: all floors, except 6 and 7, better beat with angels on the 8th floor (white papyrus), and 6 and 7 floors with overlords on the 7th floor of the tower (blue papyrus), as with them Chance 4% (in contrast to 2% in red papyrus). But this is how it will turn out, the TOIs are not rubber, different mobs are different quantities, may not be enough for everyone.

Naturally, Koreans could not do without any anti-shoes that prevent the rapid fulfillment of the quest (except that papyrus falls not very well). Therefore, besides, it is hard to get the blepprints from papyrus, of which they will still fall and completely useless things like that Ancient Jokebook and Ancient Chain Letter (by analogy with the quest in Hyantts Kave, where paintings and letters will be raised), and more and musical scrolls.

According to my observations, different spells are discovered in different ways, one of them removed the bleprints from them very well, and the other constantly obtained mostly musical scrolls, but it is possible that these are only my Bedding.
Try yourself.

Well, now about the quest reward, namely the chances. Chances are different on the low and top keymage and recipes.

If you choose a DC or Tallum, then the chances will be such:

10% that you will give one Kameat on DC or Tallum, and the same chance that they will give a set of three different keymates.
11%, which will give one recipe on DC or Tallum pechs or sneakers.
17%, which will give one recipe on DC or Tallum Hat.
21%, which will give a set of all three recipes on DC or Tallum ends.

If you choose a MG or Nm:

From 15% to 17%, that you will give one Kameat on MZH or NM.
9%, which will give a set of three different keymates.
12%, which will give one recipe on MZH or NM pepper or sneakers.
10%, which will give one recipe on the MG or NM cap.
8%, which will give a set of all three recipes on MZH or Nm ends.

As clearly can be seen, with recipes on the top and grade ends bother to bother much more dangerous than from Low, and 21% good chance to catch a bun in the form of a set on a low and grade recipes. Good luck.

Update. I conducted an experiment, having gathered 15 sets of bloprints, that's what happened. I passed only for the recipes of Low and Schmote, namely Tallum. The set of three recipes was given only once, the reward in the form of one recipe was given 8 times, the award in the form of 3 kees was given 2 times, and the award in the form of one kay - 4 times. As a result, I got 3 recipes on Tallum gloves, 4 recipes on Tallum sneakers and 4 recipes on Tallum helmet. We can say that I am disappointed, as the rivers on the caps and slippers I can freely lay at any time. And how much the torment was to collect these sets.

For pharmacy, recipes on armor and ends must be performed or. According to the link there is a complete passing in pictures. Next, fold the hair or horns and exchange the renomotions from the renomo remedies.

Quests on s weapons

There are two options for the extraction of recipes on the weapon, the first in Fog (Forge of GODS) second in IT (Imperial Tomb). A little about two places: in the fog on developed servers, all top seats keep the top clans of packs, and sometimes it holds 1 pack and merges. So farming the fog you will either on the nasty spot, where the farm is hard, or you will not be at all. Also, farm the Fog should be pack, for solo players there is nothing to do there, since another 6 mobs can get out of the mob and for 1 windows it is a lot, if of course you are not a destination. A feature of the quest - find the Blacksmith ROONEY.

Quest in IT, there is an option to farm as a pack at the bottom and solo from above (and even Bishi and it can be farm, Anddeni there). A feature of the quest is - the passage of the 4s quest or the Randomous selection of the recipe.

Quest in Imperial Tomb - Relics of the Old Empire

1. We run on foot or make TP in Imperial Tomb, go inside and run to a large square room where non-aggressive zombies go. We go into the room on the left and find the ghost of the traveler. His quest can be taken from 74 levels. He asks to bring him 1000 pieces that fall from the mobs. We are going to farm mobs, both in the party and solo quest Ithem will fall.

2. We bring to him 1000 Broken Relics - we get to the choice of Renddomo recipe S Grade Weapon 60%.

3. If we do not want a rendoma, then you need to go through one of the four sepulture at the bottom of the Imperial Tomb and the NPC appears which changes 1000 pieces to the recipe that you need. I recommend to do so, you can pay some particular party (usually inexpensive) to spend you, because in the Random version there will be a bunch of IMERIAL STAFF, Dragon Hunter Ax and Demon Spliter.

Quest in Forge of Gods - Gather The Flames

1. Burnt the quest from the volcano, on Lower LVL FOG (running on foot or jump from the Global GK, because "Moscacnoof")

2. It is already necessary to snapar 1,200 items, but it is not difficult to farmly, the mobs of the heap, the only one must be prepared. How to get 1200 or more torches, go to pass and exchange recipes. We need Rooney, it as a master of Tom can stand in different places. It is usually enough to shout in the shut and you will be prompted where he. Either run and search. On the map from below, Runes, good luck in the search!

The quest is called Legacy of Insolence and is taken at Warehouse Aden at Walderal. In order to take the quest you must be no less than 59 levels. As a result of the passage, you can get any recipes A Greed Helmets, bots, pephes.

Monsters you need are in tower Toye (Tower of Insolense), on various floors. Below are the monsters you need, the necessary floors and the quests of the items that we will receive.

As you have already noticed, all items are divided into 4 species and have different color.

By clicking on the papyrus (they are in inventory) by double clicking it can be printed. When printing, you will get random:

  • Ancient Epic (1-5)
  • Imperial genealogy (1-5)
  • Revelation of the seals (1-7)
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence (1-13)
  • Musical Score: Theme of Battle
  • Musical Score: Theme Of Love
  • Ancient Jokebook.
  • Ancient Chain Letter.

The last 4 subjects are absolutely useless, they can be sold to the store, or simply delete. But if you collect the parchments of the same color, then the whole set will not be collected, because Miscellaneous Items fall from various Parchments. I want to pay attention to the fact that in various chronicles, when printing papyrus, drop-down items may differ. For example, in the C4 chronicles with Red Papyrus, only Bedupnotes 6 and 7 fall out, at higher chronicles you can get breakfolds of various floors from these papyrus.

Set of items BluePrint: Tower of InsolenceCommand from Walderal to recipes. You have the opportunity to choose recipes for the following sets:

  • Nightmare.
  • MadJestic
  • Dark Crystal
  • Tallum.

By clicking the recipe you need, randomly you get a recipe on helmet, bots or peppers. There is also a chance to get adeno or 2-3 recipes immediately. Quest repeating therefore, again by gathering all the necessary items, you can also exchange them for recipes. Inbox Inbox:

  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 1
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 2
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 3
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 4
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 5
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 6
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 7
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 8
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 9
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 10
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 11
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 12
  • BluePrint: Tower of Insolence 13

Set of items Ancient Epic Exchanges from Antique Dealer Patrin (in the Grocery Shop city of Oren) to the recipes of the Tallum limbs. The kit includes:

  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 1
  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 2
  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 3
  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 4
  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 5

Crocer Holly shares the set of items Imperial genealogy. (in Grocery Shop in Aden) - Dark Crystal set limb prescriptions:

  • Imperial Genealogy 1.
  • Imperial Genealogy 2.
  • Imperial Genealogy 3.
  • Imperial Genealogy 4.
  • Imperial genealogy 5.

The next set can be exchanged for Nightmar or on Majestik recipes. In this set go:

  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Gnosis
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter Of Strife
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance

To get recipes on Majestic limbs, you need to talk to the Desmond master, you can find it in Magic Guild Aden.

If you want to get recipes for Nightmar parts, you need to find Claudia AThebalt (stands on the territory between the castle and the city of Aden).

I should notice that the quest in the quests described by me in the early chronicles is somewhat different. In addition to recipes, there are chances of receiving pieces on a grade ends, therefore, the chance of recipes will also decrease. This is relevant for the interlude chronicle and below. Also, for example, the chronicles of the grace instead of recipes 60%, the reward will be 100% rewards.

With the advent of the recipes and the grade of the limbs, the quest became less relevant, but nevertheless, I think this quest is very useful, for many I think recipes with a 100% craft chance will seem like a slice. The quest for servers with high rates on Drop Quest of Items is especially good.

→ Quest to Lineage 2 recipes for rank amen

Kraft things and weapons will come in handy sooner or later to all players who have surrendered to high levels. After all, it is almost unrealistic to knock the desired subject with a monster, but it is somehow necessary to improve your uniform.

In order to scratch any thing, you need a recipe, pieces, resources, crystals and hemes. It is more difficult to get a recipe and pieces, but if the latter can be attempting to launch from the mobs, even with a meager chance, then the necessary recipes are most often either knocked out with monsters, or it turns out for some painful quests. In Lineage 2 quests for recipes usually repeat and sooner or later, you can still get your award.

Quest for recipes in GK

Quest for Recipes Lineage 2 There is not one, but many of them give recipes are absolutely useless, for which they don't want to krafte. This is a low and bijouterie or armor, which is absolutely not in demand for characters. One of the most popular quests for Recipes Lineage 2 is a quest in the location of Giant's Cave. The quest can be taken from the 52th level at the NPS, which stands right at the input - SOBLIN. He will give you a book that will allow to decipher the ancient language of the giants. Now everything you need is to collect 5 pages of the book from the first part to the fifth. There are a lot of books, and for each of them they give recipes on a certain armor. But most of the players are interested in the recipe on Talum, which is not only expensive, but also it turns out on this quest and no longer. As it was called, Set Taluma needs most players, as it is considered one of the best. So in the GC you are stuck for a long time: the quest of Ithema is not only badly falling, also open at all in those pages that are so needed.

With the advent of Frei Quest to the Lineage 2 recipes in the GC was divided into S80 recipes and a grade. Mobs that are needed in Lineage 2 Quest on armor and Greed are now not in the cave of giants, but in the glade near. However, in Lineage 2 Quest on armor and grade can be taken from the same sammy, as before. Lineage 2 quests for recipes in the GC have a level limit, respectively, if the character high levelHe will not be able to take a quest for a 53 level.

In Lineage 2 Recipe and armor can be obtained on another quest.

Quest for recipes in Toi

Quest to Recipes Lineage 2 A Greed boasts such a famous location as Tower of Insolence. The gloomy refuge of the Emperor Bayum makes it collects the players of the page not books, and the floors. Having gathered everything, you can get in lineage 2 recipe for gloves, boots, rank Helmet A. The recipe is given by chance, so hunters for expensive in Lineage 2 recipes of gloves will have to make a lot of effort to achieve the desired result.

Of course, the gnomes due to their racial skills undoubtedly have an advantage in the extraction of recipes, in contrast to all others. They do not need to extract rare recipes on weapons, rare pieces and the right amount of resources. In Lineage 2, pumping the gnome is often already originally painted on locations, that is, pump it there, where the gnome with the help of spoil will receive maximum profits. In Lineage 2, pumping the gnome is a pleasure, because you are following not beyond the percentage, but after the number of recipes or resources. Only a gnome can not only perform a quest for recipes, but also to spill 2 resources in Lineage, thereby getting double benefits.

Quest for recipes s grade

In Lineage 2 Quest on Armor S Greed is the longest. In order to get the right to exchange the quest Items to recipes, you will have to increase the level of the alliance with ketra or cooking to the maximum, that is, until the 5th. It is then that you can take the quest for Lineage 2 recipes, on which the necessary items will fall into the inventory. In Lineage 2 Quest on the armor S Greed is complicated by the need to kill 2 bosses for the 4th and 5th level of the alliance.

This quest for Lineage 2 recipes makes players to stay in the locations of Orcs or Favs.

In the Lineage 2 quests for the recipes of the armor S80 and S84 make the player kill even more monsters to get the necessary items on exchange.

Kraft by recipes

In Lineage 2, so that the released recipe could turn into a thing, it must be first to learn. Make it can only Gnome with the Warsmith profession, and only he can create things. In Lineage 2, the more pumping the gnome blacksmith, the higher its kraft level becomes, and therefore it can crafting a higher grade armor. Of course, the craft pump is not as nice, as I spoiled, because the latter also earns money for quality, but Kraft can earn a lot of aden, without leaving the limits of the giana, using only its skill. In Lineage 2 Pumping Gnome with the Bounty Hunter profession, someone rarely deals specifically, most often this is done only thanks to the spoil.


In the tower of the audience, you can get from Aden, tips on the glade in front of the tower. Before the fifth floor we climb, bypassing the mobs, for this we go from the TP to the tower and run left in a circle, the next entrance will be the staircase on the left, climbing it upstairs, and so before the fifth.
If you are nobles, you are easier - there is Nobl TP from Aden to 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 13 floors.
More should be a week of victory seven seals of TP from the nausea to the same floors as the nobles, but it can be unrealized on your server.
You can also knock out from Mobs in Loa or in the very Tii Atema Dimensional Stone, with their help, you can vomit on the stages of TOI from the vortexes that stand on the stairs:
Green Dimensional Stone - TP from the first to the third floor.
Blue Dimensional Stone - TP from the fourth to the sixth floor.
Red Dimensional Stone - TP from the seventh to the tenth floors.
It is convenient to knock out a red stone, with it to put on the 10th floor of the sump, and, if necessary, Summight Chair there.

What may interest us on the Floors:
1 and 2 floors - mobs with skill, on the second floor Mob with Drop Amulete Chant of Revenge for Cooking, if you immediately rush into the crowd of mobs, be sure to take off, I took TX with myself, he pulled out the right mob under the stealth while I beat him, He pulled the following, for the BAU 2-3 amulets fell, on x10 sold them 50kk.
3 Floor - Drop Reagents in Quest, including Munstone Shadov, as well as scrolls with soofing bluffs.
5 Floor - Drop Reagents in Quest, including the Demon of Bludes and Munstone Shadov, as well as scrolls with TII blend. Mats hang to paralyze, a charity is needed with Purify skill to remove the paralysis.
6th floor - evil archers. Drop with them, spoiled and drop Keev and Schmote B Greed.
7 Floor - Mobs for painting the first cloth on the Bayum (only on this floor), the Drop of the reagents across the quest, including the root, as well as scrolls with the FIU blephrints. Drop Tallum Havie Body, and ends on these sets. Shamans hang penalization.
8 floor - everything is thrown out the same as on the 7th floor.
10 Floor - Drop DK and Tallum Caps. Keev spoil on DK Rob, funny kach and manor on Mobs X5.
11 Floor - Reagents across the quest, here it seems for me for the root ruta more often fall out. Drop hats, like on the 10th floor.


The main quests, because of which Tii three are visited:, quest for reagents for receiving a subclasses and nobility, and actually the quest itself for a sabclass, part of which is being done in TII.

Quest for reagents - Berevil in the basement Ivory Tover, on this quests are interested in the four floors - 3, 5, 7 and 11. They say that some prefer to beat Munstone Shada on the third floor, hmm, I personally muna behaving with shamans in Svampe's blossoms, I prefer to produce reagents that can not get anywhere else, namely, for the 5th floor with small red mobs, they fall 3 things, 100 atems to prepare a demonic essence (ingredient for Hellerfire Oil) are fast; For the 7th and 11th floods from the shamans (here it will be necessary to sweat, as the root ruths fall very rarely). When you're lying for the quest for the Nubles 500 mongshards, 100 demons of the blob and 10 bloudruts, all other ingredients for the preparation of mooners and Helfire Oil will be in abundance.

Quest on the sabclass - In this quest, you need to kill three RB - by 3, 8 and 11 floors, paint the rag on the 7th floor, well, and in conclusion of the bayum. On the third floor you will be impressed with the stairs to you (well or legs), a room with RB on the right side after the corridor, the door can be closed, you have to wait until it opens (it is fast). If on the 8th floor, the summon is forbidden (it is done on some servers), we ask for an imagination at 7 (since the nobly-sumps can quickly try), we enter the central round room and run right to the nearest output, rising 8th floor. As soon as you go to the first room with mobs, keep the left wall all the time, this is the greatest way to the room with the RB, the door can also be closed. On the 11th floor, Suman may also be forbidden, we ask to impress the monitor to 10, go from the stairs to the floor and run right from the entrance, we are successful to the fallen columns, there will be an entrance to the room, through the room we go to the right and climb the 11th floor. Room with RB immediately on the right side, there are no doors. There was a case when a friend, getting used to the opening doors on the 3rd and 8 floors, went to 11 to the long room with the door, where it is not Hondas, and Shuriel, and waited for the Republic of Belarus to Sab).

Attention! On Frey introduced an alternative passage of the quest on the sabclass - when they send you to Harding the Academy, do not choose a point with a tummy, and select the item with 30 rags, then you will be sent to paint the rags on the angels, and prick Baia will not have to.

In addition to the RB already listed above (on the third floor, on the eighth, on the eleventh in the first room, on the eleventh in the far room with a closing door and), there are several more - between 1 and 2 floors 65 Level, between 3 and 4 floors 71 Level, on the 6th floor in the first room from the descent from the 7th floor 70 Level and on the 13th floor 79 Level.
For a detailed way to each of the Republic of Belarus, see the links above.
Do not forget that Minions of Shuriel stood on the boss reflex Damaj.

And now the detailed path on all stages TOI:

At the entrance to the tower turn left:

We are successful until the next entrance:

And climb the stairs to the so-called technical floor (between the first and second floors)

Run on it from the left side before going to the stairs

And we see the first of the vortex diamelism, with which you can teleport on the floors

In this way, you can climb the stairs, bypassing the mobs to the fifth floor, if you want to look into the room to the RB on the third, we run on the floor and from the entrance to the central room to the right there is an entrance to the room with a raidboss:

But we need to be higher than the fifth, so I still get to the fifth floor, we go to the only entrance to the right, and killing mobs go to the central room (turn left):

In the central room of the fifth floor, we go on the door, which can be seen in the left behind the column:

And through the corridor with Mobs, we go to the right first, and then left to the stairs to the sixth floor:

On the sixth floor in the first room with mobs, we go to the left in the next empty room and pass it:

And in the next room with mobs turn to the right:

This room is passing directly and in the next turn to the left:

And we see or a room with a raidboss or empty if the Republic of Belarus has already been killed, in any case, move to the 7th floor on the stairs:

On the seventh floor, as soon as we go to the central room with mobs, we run to the exit on the right side and on the corridor we go to the stairs on the eighth floor:

On the eighth of the entrance turn to the right, we are successful to the first room with mobs and go strictly on the left wall, after three rooms we see the left in the room with the Republic of Belarus:

And on the right to break in the wall and through an empty corridor to the right way to the ladder on the ninth floor:

On the ninth go to a large central room with mobs, we go to the right output (marked with an arrow on the screen), and right through two empty corridors to the stairs for the tenth floor:

On the tenth of the entrance turn to the right, we are successful to the columns, and we enter the room on the left, from it to the right way and right to the stairs to the eleventh floor:

Oildent floor: on the right entrance to the room to the RB G Corca, away on the left entrance to the room with RB Shuriel, right and right to enter the twelfth floor:

We run away from the eleventh floor to the right of the ramp on the entrance to the twelfth floor, turn to the entrance to the right and run along the corridor until the left will appear in the center room:

From the central room we go to the right door, then right through the break and the stairs to the thirteenth floor:

And here he, the long-awaited thirteenth floor - right on the stairs up to the RB Galaxcia, up the stairs and left on another staircase to Vortex, through which you can go to the Bumum:

If you are confused and do not remember, on what floor you are now, open the map, the Floor Floor will be written below.


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