Tera Online: Review, Hyde and Builder Class Conditioner. PVP and PVE Skilla

Tera Online: Review, Hyde and Builder Class Conditioner. PVP and PVE Skilla

At the moment it is the newest of the already running game classes. Tera Online. The crash can take any player, even a beginner, no restrictions, such as with a reaper, no. However, lovers of powerful Amans or small people remain overboard. The developers completely excluded any choice, leaving players a race of people, and only female. However, this should not be some kind of repulsive factor, because the character is truly unique skills and opportunities. About this in more detail.

What is the crash? One word is a string. However, the creators decided to slightly deceive their admirers, and offered a very versatile class to the audience. Start standing with the fact that the smart and dynamic character wears heavy armor as a knight or engineer. Not logical - will tell the player? Although! The cramping is declared as a full tank, more clever and fast than a knight. Moreover, it applies not only to the rate of strikes, but also for movement in battle and outside the battle.

An additional advantage is the skills that allow sharp jerks. First of all, it is, of course, an instant breakthrough, which has an indecently small rollback of 5 seconds. The second useful skill is a fierce breakthrough that allows not only to twitch in the right side, but also to collect all the monsters in a bunch. True, it is worth noting that the damage at the same time they do not receive. If a player does not forget about these skills, he watches rollback, and he knows how to properly press the buttons, then he will not have problems in battle even with a large number of opponents. They will be useful in battle with bosses or elite monsters. Permanent deviations from the attack line, diving behind the backs of enemies and just fast movements, confused, cause to spin in search of a hard crawler.

And damage it is really big. In this case, part of the attacks are made in the area, however, the radius is small. What again brings us back to the use of a fierce breakthrough, and also brings to the next interesting ability - a strong blow to the Earth. It helps not only to push the monsters in one point, but also causes a decent damage to everyone who caught under the strike of the tapes. In addition to these skills, monsters can still be collected using combined attacks that are also very high power.

In general, the kid battlefield will remind old and experienced players of an unforgettable Master Kung Fu. Blowing fists, all sorts of rods and throwing into the air. Very nice and effectively looks a series of blows in the air, another useful skill that can be launched immediately after hitting the foot from the reversal. Character simply will not give the enemy to fall on the ground, and will put a series of fast and powerful blows in the air. It is only worth considering that it will not get up to all, and not always. The bullfight of the boss in the dungeon cramps will not be able to raise.

An amazing character, in addition to excellent combat skills, has a couple of simply pest, such as, for example, a merciless blow. In fact, the enemy receives a great kick, which is not only a tip, but also the spell reading.

Now it is worth talking about protection, which even by default is quite large due to the wearing of heavy armor. But the crawler is a tank, so it has a block that allows him to avoid damage applied to him. The rack consumes energy reserves, but it works in such a way that if the character gets at the same time, the energy is restored. So, if you wish, it is possible to stand for a long time.

But this creators seemed little. They launched the crawl strip of rage, which accumulates during the battle. And if you remember that the character beats very quickly, the time of accumulation of rage is rapidly decreasing. As soon as the strip is filled to the end, the rustle can apply a fierce blow from above. Like Nemesis, he fell on his enemies, literally destroying them under the city of shocks, going with huge crits. However, this is not all, the crash can bless himself by the power of the giant, which gives the increase to all characteristics and even makes the character a little higher. However, the speed of attack at the same time will slightly decrease.

Well, and what tank, yes without aggression? That's right. And the cramp is an excellent tank with a provocation skill, which increases aggression to its address, and helps other characters free from monsters.
Now time to summarize. The class is worth not just trying it at the initial levels, but to fully pump, and admire the beautiful game. The cramp is a dynamic class with spectacularly looking skills, strong attacks and combined blows. But there is no oversaturation to skills when the player falls in literal sense Words to break your head, trying to place everything you need. Almost all skills are studied up to 40 levels. All additional gains, such as, for example, crystals, should be made to increase the damage applied and to reduce the time of rollback reading spells.

With a rush comfortable everywhere. He perfectly behaves in the game against other players, the truth requires skills, direct hands and good understanding of the process. It will be useful and a more relaxed game against monsters. A decently dressed cramp can alone walk through a variety of dungeons. But in the team, he will always be happy, because in addition to the clean function of holding the boss, he will be able to apply significant injury.

Dynasty cramp - PVP [Risk. Focusing]

  • <Свойство Кристалла Души>
    Chance Crete ATK. +164 at hp.< 60%. Наносит дополнительный урон в PvP и дает шанс при атаке увеличить повреждения.

Dynasty Crusher (PVP)

Dynasty cramp - PVP [Risk. Focusing]

  • <Свойство Кристалла Души>

Dynasty Crusher (PVP)

  • Increases Critical by 164 WHEN HP Drops to 60% or Below. Increases Damage Inflicted During Pvp. HAS A CHANCE OF INFLICTINDITIONAL DAMAGE DURING AN ATTACK.

Dynasty cramp - PVP [Risk. Focusing]

  • <Свойство Кристалла Души>
    Increases Crete Chance. ATK. At 164 with HP below 60%. Applies additional damage to PVP and gives a chance to increase damage when attack.

Dynasty Crusher (PVP)

  • Increases Critical by 164 WHEN HP Drops To 60% or Lower. Increases Damage Inflicted During Pvp. Improves The Chance of Additional Damage During An Attack.

다이너스티 크러셔 {대인용}

  • <집혼 옵션>
    HP 가 60% 이하 가 됐을 때 크리티컬 이 164 증가 하는 기능 이 부여됨. PVP 시 가해지는 데미지 가 증가 하며 공격시 일정 확률 로 추가 적 인 데미지 가 들어간다.

Dynasty Crusher (PVP)

  • Critical Attack Increases by 164 WHEN HP Drops to 60% or Lower. Increases Damage Inflicted During PvP, and Additional Damage Is Applied Occasionally During An Attack.

Dynasty Crusher (PVP)

  • Critical Attack Increases by 164 WHEN
    HP Drops to 60% or lower. Increases Damage Inflicted During PvP, and Additional Damage Is Applied Occasionally During An Attack.

Dynasty Crusher (PVP)

  • Increases Critical Attack by 164 WHEN HP Becomes 60% or Lower. Increases Damage Inflicted During Pvp.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of this class of characters, as it is better to download it, the basic PVP and PVE principles, the basic tips on the selection of characters, crystals, engraving and equipment.

general information

Only representatives of the beautiful half of the human race can be the crash. They wear heavy armor and force fists use as weapons. This class takes a tank role in the group, but not so simple. Despite the fact that the cramp is a class of protection, it is also able to apply a huge, just incredible damage. Due to this, he feels great in both PVP and PVE. If you love to always be in the epicenter of the battle and take the whole blow to yourself, covering the team comrades, then this class is definitely for you.

There are not so many minuses in the cramp. Pretty low attack speed and general slowness will not allow you to call it the perfect class and Luta Imp. But he and the tank in heavy armor, which is not able to flutter on the battlefield, like a reaper or warrior. Also when playing the cramp you will often miss the mana and the rage necessary to use the skills. Yes, Manu will help restore Hillers, Charma, banks and tranquility skills. And the rage generally the majority of skills are fill. But to this, too, have to get used to the edge of the eye to always follow their condition.


So, you decided to start playing the crash and the first question that rises in front of you, it is: how and where to swing. You appear to the Locations of Tiarania, which was introduced into the game along with the crash. After passing the quests there, you will be sent to the Great, and then to the village of Lesorbov and the wonderful forest. Soon you will be available to avant-garde quests. You can see them by pressing the "H" key. We strongly recommend them to perform, since the awards (first of all, of course, experience) are worth it.

From the twentieth level you can get into the first dungeon - Loca Bastion. This is where the most interesting will begin! Thanks to its mechanics of the block and incredible strength, the cramp is capable of passing all the dungeons until the sixtieth level alone. Yes, it is not easy to do it. It will take certain experience and skill. Therefore, newcomers still recommend to acquire a company from Znztsa or Mystic and another DD. But pumping in the dungeons to the 60th level still faster pumping across the quests.

Here you need to understand that by itself pumped in Tere is just a learning process. The most interesting thing in the game will begin after the APA of the coveted 65th level. So, it makes sense to speed up the achievement of this goal and the passage of the dungeons will help you. On the other hand, if you play the theer for the first time, you want to watch beautiful videos and better know the history of the world, then pumping on quests is your choice.

After the 60th level, go to perform the story chain and the avant-garde quest. We strongly recommend using a scroll of recognition and generosity, which will increase the points of the received reputation and gold as a reward for quests. You can get them when possessing a VIP status or a trading broker. Thus, to the 65th level, you will already have a starting capital and about 4,000 avant-garde reputation, which it makes sense to exchange for chests with a masterpiece alkagesta. About what to do next, how and where to dress, we will tell in one of the following guides.

PVP and PVE Skilla

Go to how the crash must behave in PVP and PVE. Let's start with the battles against monsters. The cramping has a unique mechanic of impenetrable protection, thanks to which it can damage and at the same time, during the animation of the skill, block the incoming damage. Moreover, in case of successful protection, there is a chance to return the part of the blocked damage to the enemy. Just a few skills have such an effect.

Power of Giant Not only that significantly increases the main characteristics of the character, it also gives all these protective effects to all attacking skills. It is used only with the full accumulation of the rage scale and will fall when the rage ends. Thus, for successful tanning and the maximum attacking potential, the cramp must support the work of the forces of the giants as long as possible. Ideally - all the time Pharma Boss.

In battle, there is quite simple against ordinary monsters. We collect locomotives using the skill Furious breakthrough, Keep in front of you, pour damage and control over them. Repeat until the monsters end.

In PvP, the main task of the crash - to pull the opponents of one point using the skill Strong blow, or combination "Triple series of blows + strong blow." Well, to collect the locomotives of the players by a violent breakthrough, too, albeit a little more complicated than in PVE. Then it is important to catch opponents into a chain of controls and not to produce them from lifting into the air or overturning to the Earth. In the holding of opponents on the scene will also help the 3-second skills Punch in air. Damage from you and your allies will not survive anyone.

Of course, there is a bunch of subtleties. Experienced opponents will use the abilities of the anti-control and try to overcome you. This is actually all the interest of PVP in Teres.

Symbol sets (glyphs)

Let us turn to the sets of characters, as often called glyphs. As you should know, symbols significantly affect the skills: increase their damage, reduce the rolling time, cost and give additional effects.

As I said, in PVE our task is to maximize the action of the forces of the giants. Our first Bild glyphs is sent to this. With him the skills quickly roll back and restore more rage. When you do not have the power of the giants, the symbol of protecting the ability to kick foot from the reversal will help. With him the following used skill will have an impenetrable protection effect.

In PvP, it is important for us to extend the effects of control effects, apply the maximum damage and increase your own mobility. This is directed to our second bill glyphs. The symbol of concentration of the abnormal breakthrough looks very tasty. But on him, alas, there is not enough glasses. Alternatively, it can be taken instead of a glyph to the skill of a fierce breakthrough or a series of blows in the air.

Let's turn to the crystals. In PVE, weapons insert Niveot the middleness, the keeper rage and two beats. In PVE armor - 4 NIVOTOVA imbibery. In PVE jewelry - 4 Viski sharpness.

In PVP weapons, we need Niveot of power, speed, wildness and bloodthity. In PVP armor insert 3 NIVIOTOV's revenue and nivett torture. In Pvp, jewelry - 4 Zyrus sorrow.

Nivetoti and Vessel Threats to enhance aggression in PVE are not needed. The crawler and so great keeps the attention of monsters. If only you are not in heresy, and other players in clarity +15.

Now let's talk about equipment. In PVE weapons you must catch two bonuses to roll off skills. Then there are bonuses to the damage on angry monsters and for the goal with the greatest aggression to you.

In PvP weapons are the same two rollbacks, additional damage at attack, the chance of Crete and the speed of attack.

In PVE, we catch a bonus of recharging a kick from a turn, a decrease in damage from furious monsters, from the goal with the greatest aggression to you and when attacking the front.

In PVP, instead of recharging a strike, you can take an increase in the damage of a series of explosive strikes, a decrease in incoming damage, a reduction in damage at the front and + to Max HP.

The gloves need bonuses to strength, attack speed and chance of Crete. In the clause - to endurance, speed of movement and reduce the duration of deceleration effects. Although in PVE, instead of the latter, you can take resistance to the controls of bosses.

In weapons and gloves put engraving on rapidness. Lowering the skill skills and increase the attack speed. In armor and leafing put the disadvantage to increase endurance.

Jewelry and linen take the chance of Crete. In PvP, if desired, the earring and ring can be changed for power. You also need a reinforced brooch. Although PVP and on the island of the dead brooch cleansing will be better.

In earrings we catch a bonus on Max HP and endurance. In rings, amulte, brooches and belt - on the chance of Crete and power.


That's all. All questions and edits add to the comments.

We told how to prepare your character to a full-fledged PVE game in the role of a tank. We advise you to familiarize yourself with this guide to everyone, because in it you will find a lot of useful information: where to take jewelry, resources and the most popular equipment at the moment. Today we want to tell you what will be needed for a comfortable game of the cramps as DD in PVP battles.

Nerf of cramps in the nearest patch

First of all, we want to immediately agree that in this patch there are comforters comfortable in PvP, even with PVE-stones with a damage on monsters. In the battle against other classes, dressed in +12, the cramping wins almost always (if he playing enough direct hands to put a block and evade the whole crowd of opponents on time). But, fortunately, the unfortunate of other players, such an imbalance on the arenas will continue forever, namely, the situation will change in the nearest patch in about a month. Changes that crash can be viewed.

Even if you do not know English, just look at the difference in numbers to understand how much the game for cramps will change. Also, 20% will be reduced by damage from all applied Damaga in PvP, which means that the game on the arons will need to be really prepared: to train, dress, pick up glifs and so on the list. However, it's even for the better, because, finally, those who really know how to play for this class, can show themselves. Because spam skills, as in the same PVE, will not be enough. Each action will be thoughtful and neat.

Video with PVP between cramp and engineer On the Korean server, where the craftsmen have already been cut and the current patch is worth


Weapons and armor

As in the previous guide, we start with equipment. Curious fact is that now, starting with the latest updates, the top set in PVE can be top and PVP, depending on the characteristics in random bonuses of equipment. To open new or shift already existing bonuses, there are all known enigma print scrollswhich can be obtained as a game way: Nange, the tasks of avant-garde, chests with anks, trading broker; So for real money from challenge chests. These scrolls are for the equipment of different steps (7, 8) and universal - for all the steps immediately.

You will also need a charmer to keep the necessary random bonuses with the following attempts to create a masterpiece.

Based on the foregoing, to play in PVP mode, the cramp (and any other class) is suitable as Kelivan, so I. Kairak. Read more about how the Keelvan's equipment looks like, from which Cayrak is going and where it is all getting, you can see in previous guide . You can also collect set Voltagebut spend on his collection week-other, and then as much on creating a masterpiece, awakening and enchanting to +15 no sense, because after a month the game awaits the next global update, in which players will be able to assemble PVP and PVE sets next - ninth Stages.

As for the random bonuses of the equipment, which we have already mentioned, then for PVP it is necessary to emphasize at the speed of attack, on damage on other players, movement speeds and damage from critical strikes.


The most suitable jewelry for the game in PVP will be a jewelry that increases the power of your character and increases the likelihood of applying a critical strike. Chets will come here Kelivana and Nightwall Kelivanawhich you can get an exchange for Carrier stone or Essence of Dawn (See Previous Guide). To begin with, until you got any of the Cellian sets, the jewelry will suit Vague and Recent times. Example:

It is important to remember that each character can wear only one rare decoration, that is, you will not be able to wear two rings of a nightmarish keel, increasing strength or two rings to critical damage. Just with earrings. From here - either you increase the critical damage / strength to the second decoration from the set, or add the same ring for strength / damage, but already from another set ... But is there any point in this?

Alignment of glyphs and combo

If all glyphs for critical damage are vital in the PVE, then fast rollbacks most important in the battle of skills have the same need. It may look like the alignment of glyphs for a comfortable game:

We will analyze everything in order.

- skill "Swipe", Glyph Will symbol: + 20% to the damage applied damage. Incredibly useful glyph when using a standard combo "series of shocks + strong blow" in order to catch up with your opponent

- skill "Strong blow to the Earth", All existing glyphs: the mind symbol + 3% rage with each blow, the concentration symbol reduces the recharge time by 20%, the symbol of sharpness doubles the probability of applying a critical strike, the will symbol of the will + 30% to the damage applied damage. It is the ability "Strong blow to the Earth" precisely, it allows you to pull the enemy to yourself, while inflicting significant damage. Be careful, in the following patches, this skill will stop blocking incoming attacks in PvP!

- skill "Furious breakthrough": Mandatory concentration symbol to reduce recharging time by 20%

- skill "A strong beat": The symbol of the concentration of + 20% to the likelihood to reset the recharge time, the will symbol + 25% to the damage applied damage. This skill is ideal for achieving the opponent attracted to you (or several minutes). It is necessary to use it, since the time to recharge the "powerful impact" is quite large and is well felt in the PVP game

- skill "Strike foot with a turn": Mandatory concentration symbol to reduce recharging time by 25%. If in PVE this ability, the cramp throws up the mobs into the air, then on the Arena he stuns his opponents

- skill "Punch in the air": Symbol of time, increases the duration of the effect by 50%. Stuns your enemies.

- skill "The power of the giant": Symbol of physical relics +25 forces during effect, concentration symbol reduces recharging time by 20%.

, - skills "Overflowing rage" and "Calm": Concentration symbols to reduce recharging time by 20%. We are necessary for timely replenishment of the scales of the rage and HP of your character.

If we talk about a closer combo in PvP, then, as such, there is no combo. You can only single out the main skills that are used in duels and on the arenas most often, namely:

Combination "A series of blows + strong blow" - Pushes your character forward, makes it possible to catch up with the enemy.

Combination "Strong blow to the ground + powerful blow" - To attract and achieve players.

Skills "Furious breakthrough" and "Instant breakthrough" - for rapid movement both yourself and opponents

Skills "Punch in the air" and "Strike foot with a turn" - For stunning and stunning the enemy.

Skills "Overflowing rage" and "Calm" - For a timely thrill.


As for crystals, there are more options here than during the PVE-game. If the tank cramp focuses on a critical damage, then the crash-dd in duels and on the arenas can focus on the critical damage (in the back or in the forehead - in PVP does not matter), as at the rate of attack (preferably and necessarily), And on the strength and speed of moving in battle. As well as on the damage applied to PvP. Thus, there must be the following stones in your gear:

In arms

: increases the speed of moving in battle at 16

Clean nivetotodiness: Restores 42p mp times in 5 seconds


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