Basics of craft. Basics of craft armor for pets

Basics of craft. Basics of craft armor for pets

Kraft in ICARUS Online allows players to create many items using resources received from fees or killing of different monsters. A total of 6 crafting categories are offered:

  • Kraft weapons
  • Kraft Armor
  • Jewelry
  • Kraft Armor For Pets
  • Alchemy
  • Cooking

In Riders of Icarus, Kraft is completely any category available at the stage of visiting the location of the Khakaine. It is then that it is possible to create powerful weapons and armor for yourself and their friends.

Crafting category in Icarus Online

All six categories of creating a particular thing are available at any time, but each of them has its own table to create. When developing in a particular category, it is necessary to be at the appropriate table. However, the Kraft window itself can access anywhere.

Kraft weapons

In the process of creating weapons, materials collected on the expanses of the surrounding world are used. Ingots are the main resource in the weapon manufacturing system. Any weapon is available regardless of the class of the player. In addition to basic resources, you need an anvil for weapons.

Kraft Armor

Minerals are used as to create armor as well as for the creation of weapons. But, instead of ingots, alloys are used for the manufacture of armor. All bodies can be created by a completely any class. Production of armor is divided into 7 components: helmet, shoulders, armor, gloves, shoes, shields (for priests) and ridges (for keepers). At this stage, we will also need an anvil, however, to create armor.


Jewelry is aimed at creating necklaces and rings. For jewelry craft, we will need minerals. turning them into powder we can create accessories for the character.

Armor for pets

The system is no different. Allows you to create armor for tamed pets, as well as items necessary for its supply. These items will help in taking more powerful mats.


Alchemy is needed to create medicinal and healthy potions to replenish mana and health. Everything else, the production of potions is available to increase the endurance of pets. Production of potions occurs in an alchemical laboratory.


Cooking is carried out using the ingredients found as a result of hunting and gathering. With the help of cooking, attractive dishes are created, capable of restoring health and mana over time and even provide bonuses to character characteristics. In order to start cooking the player must be near the kitchen station.

How to craft in icarus online

As soon as the player decides on the manufacture of the subject, the first thing you need to find the necessary ingredients. Many components are found in the surrounding world and after the murder of monsters. There is I. alternative option - Purchase from the appropriate handicraft merchant. If you have all items, simply click the "Create" button. After a successfully passed operation, all materials will be removed, and the created item is placed in the inventory. Creating the necessary things, you raise your skill. Increasing the level involves the provision of even greater opportunities. Upon reaching the triumph level of Kraft, in ICARUS Online it will be given the opportunity to produce twice as many objects and receive from this twice as much experience.

Increased level in Icarus Online craft

Achieving any of the levels requires creating a certain number of objects. Each of the items has its own level of skill, ranging from the 1st, it can be enhanced to the maximum 5th. After each successfully manufactured subject, 1 point of experience is provided (if you have already reached a triumphal level, then get 2 points of experience). And the experience required to achieve the next level of skill depends on the subject and the current level achieved. After that. As an appropriate number of items, it is created at the current level of crafting, you can go talk with the appropriate crafting instructor in Icarus Online at the Khakain crossing to increase the level of skill (for this you need a small amount of money). After reaching a new level, will be available to create new items that will require rare materials.

"If the boy loves work,
pokes his finger book
About such writing here:
he is a good boy."

Vladimir Mayakovsky

"What is good and what is bad?"

The recipe book is one of the unique Kuznez's abilities (Kraftera), which allows you to record recipes for creating weapons, armor, jewelry, resources. It is one of the main incomes of any crafter.

The recipes themselves also have a level, and that they need to write to need to have the necessary level of crafting (skill "Create a subject"), which grows as the level of the blacksmith heels. So, for example, at the 5th level, the Blacksmith can explore the skill "Create an item" - level 1, at the level 20 - the skill "Create an item" - level 2 and so further. The more we become, the more recipes we are available for recording. In more detail, the skill level ratio with the character level can be viewed in the table:

Skila level Character level
1 5
2 20
3 28
4 36
5 43
6 49
7 55
8 62
9 70

The only thing that spoils life is that the number of cells (recipes recorded) is limited. Yes, with the help of fishing, you can expand the number of cells in the fishermen guild (6 cells for 1 level of skill), but it does not help much. There are always recipes that I would like to record, but the places for the recipe is not found. What to do?

The answer is obvious, to record only the most necessary recipes.

What recipes are the most necessary? It is logical to assume that those recipes that the income can bring us and will be the most necessary.

What can earn crafter?

The first and most obvious is nipples.

At the level of level 20, you can kravel the nipples of Rang D. clicking on the link you can look at the list of mobs with a drop and spoil of these recipes.

At 36, you can krafting the nipples rank with

At 49 levels you can kravel the nipples rank b

At 55 level you can krafting the nipples rank a

The second needed thing to each gnome, it is of course kraft resources. The number of available recipes also increases, when learning crafting levels.

Kraft level

1 Coke Durable Rope Leather Steel Rough Bone Powder
2 Durable Lace Steel Billet Rope High-quality Suede Silver Billet Purified Laccus Synthetic Coke
4 Durable steel sheet metal metal hardener Metal thread Metal fiber isolated leather Billet blacksmith harvesting artisans harvesting gunsmith

Well, then we have weapons and armor. Everything is simple here, you only need to write what can be in demand in the market. It is absolutely worth to have recipes for top D, c, b, and guns. From the reservation it is necessary to record only the network stuff, which are in demand by the players, but can also bring good profits and things that are not setting, but are included in the set of things to Setu. For example, the boots of the carman or demon. They usually buy to a set for beauty and integrity of the type of character.

Lowe gear and guns are usually not popular, so it's not worth clinging the recipe book.

And finally, a small popular Lifehak. Since quite a few resource recipes are studied at low levels, many prefer not to record them on the main character and create another crafter by pumping it up to 20 or 36 levels and writing to him resource recipes. In this way, about 20 cells in the recipe book can be saved.

Kraft in the game - This is a way to create most necessary items. Feature BLACK DESERT ONLINE It is that the crafting system is sufficiently developed and extraordinary. In order to make a specific object, food or potion, it is necessary not only to have all the ingredients, but also to master this skill, purchase equipment and have room. And for most crafts you will also need additional hired workforce. Let's deal with everything in order.

Basics of Kraft

So, to start something to create, you must have:

  • inventory;
  • premises;
  • ingredients;
  • skills;
  • hired workers.

For each type of crafting requires its equipment. You can buy it for Money at NPC. An inventory is installed or in his home or in a public workshop. To create a specific item, you must have all the ingredients specified in the recipe. They can be mined during the game on their own or get with hired workers. Sometimes quite rare materials are required, so do not disdain all the available grass, pebbles, objects, etc., as well as a pretty broke the MONSTRY killed. Some fairly valuable items can be obtained, only by performing Zadanie in quests. And you can always buy something in the shops of merchants.

Ingredients and equipment are not enough. You need to learn how to work on it. For this, there is a concept as "skill". To create each craft requires your skill. You can pump it in the game, because the kraft level directly affects the process of manufacturing the process. If you did not have time to pump the skill and do not have Gold to do it quickly, you can contact the NPC and it makes the right thing for you.

When all the preparation steps are passed, run the process on the craft panel. For example, if you need certain plants, and you have no, you can grow them yourself from seeds. To do this, buy a tent, put it in the field, look for or buy seeds and sew them in the garden. The grown crop will belong only to you.

Types of craft

In Black Desert 2015 there are two types of crafts: independent and requiring hired labor. Consider the possibilities of each of them in more detail.

1. Independent crafts. These include cooking and alchemy. The process requires the mandatory availability of appropriate equipment. Inventory for cooking is bought from the furniture larger, and for Alchemy - by Alchemist. You can find data from non-game characters in any city of Online Game. Consider each process separately.

- Cooking. Buying equipment, you need to install it. How to do this, we describe in detail in the next guide on home ownership. Your kitchen looks like:

To cook something, you need to master the skill. To do this, go to the local chef. He will teach you the skill in return on points of influence. The number of recipes you get directly depends on the relationship with the cook and the availability of influence points. Although no one will give you an accurate recipe, the cook will only describe the process of cooking dishes, without specifying the proportions of the ingredients. For the accurate recipe will have to additionally pay, or think of it yourself, by the method of trial and error. In this case, it is better to have ingredients "about the supply". Not everyone can get a unique potion from the first time. Most often, players simply lose their products until they make the necessary proportions. The cooked food is very valuable, as it adds a mass of positive effects, for example, bonuses to the experience gained.

Universal ingredients that you need for most recipes are: Meat, Fish, Potatoes, Wheat. You can get them, engaged in hunting, fishing and growing. Additionally, water, salt, sugar, pepper, etc. you can buy a shopping center in the shop. There are 6 collective professions in the game, whom you can get the required components:

To take advantage of the collection, you need to spend points of communication. They are restored over time. To reduce this process, you need to pump the skill and improve your tool. If you have no time, for example, the forest chop, you can use the help of a slave. But to send a slave to plantation for work, it still needs to be opened and activated the transport node.

You need transport hubs for many purposes: crafting, resource mining, trade. When activating nodes between cities, you will get a trading path. To send a slave resource mining, you need to make the way for which he can walk to the plantation. Plantations also need to be activated using reputation points.

- Alchemy. The essence of the crafting is similar to cooking, only actions are performed on an alchemical machine.

2. Use of workforce. Most crafts are engaged in hired craftsmen (slaves). They need to buy and provide a sleeping place. Each craft is bought and upgrades a house. The BlackDext game has such crafting workshops:

Forge - serves to make a variety of metal products, including weapons, tools, equipment and armor;

Carpentry workshop - place for the production of wooden tools, furniture, wagons, etc.;

Trade workshop - manufactures items that are used in trade;

Jewelry workshop - serves as a place for making decorations, secondary weapons, jewelry, jewelry on weapons and tools for gathering.

The quality of the items manufactured and the available range of craft depends on the level of your workshop.

The production process is quite complicated. You need to make sure that you have all the ingredients. Some you will be in kind, and some will have to be recycled from others. It all takes time. Sometimes to make 1 object, you need to apply a dozen other production actions.

You can not go to the workshops, just leave an order in the hired artisan. To send an order, you need to place all the ingredients in the urban storage and allocate workers for production. All of them need to provide a residential place. Plus, all workers' craftsmen are divided into three levels of skill. For each craft, you need a working level. The system is confusing, but over time will become understandable.

When you all prepared, press "place an order" and wait for you to make it. Take a subject in urban storage.

With Kraft, in his MMO understanding, I first met in Lineage 2. Ultima Online not in the expense, because, despite the dozens of stools constructed there, they were not needed anyone. However, I did not even try to offer them someone. Just at that moment I perceived the game, as an alternative to a single RPG and was closed by himself. But in Lineage 2, I have already consciously came, as in MMO. The principles of the craft there I took on faith, like a neophyte - it is necessary, so it is necessary. Gnome, so dwarf. Spoil? What?! Okay. I can not craft, even if the gnome? Okay. Then the wife will be spoil, and I will be a gnome crafter. As a result, at first, I am ashamed to confess, our team consisted of three, and then four gnomes. The thought was simple as the first ingot of iron - the larger the gnomes, the more craft. In general, now you can only laugh, of course. But in private messages I was asked to tell all about Kraft in Lineage 2 C scratch. So I will be happy to do this, including and exposing your own mistakes.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the crafting in Lineage 2. There are several reasons here. First, there are almost no quests in the game that rewards you with some kind of equipment. Those that is, will give you only the initial and very minor parts of it. Secondly, in mobs you will not find enough gold to just go and buy yourself an equipment from Kraft. But among the mined trophies you will come across dozens of items - from resources and recipes, to strange things, who can appreciate only the person who knows in the craft. Of course, you can go to the market square and give everything extracted cute smiling gnomes, buying all anyone. But, I'm afraid, not aware of the value of each individual piece or without having a person in friends who will do for you, gold at the cost of the components you can easily guess the price of scrap.

But the main thing is not even in these tough socio-economic laws Lineage 2. Not realizing that you got to you as mining, you deprive yourself the joy of a real hunter. But the hunt in Lineage 2 is your main occupation. In my opinion, there is no more pitiful spectacle than the player in LA2, for which Mob is just a percentage of grade experience. Someone can disagree with me, but then why I hear it is sacramental "How tired of swing!" From time to times?

In general, if you want my advice, even a little crafter should be each. Because the process of creating things in Lineage 2 lasts only a second after all resources and components are collected. But collecting these resources and components, through targeted hunting and active trade, may last months. That is, the assembly of the thing that the gnome crafter is carried out is the final chord of this process, not more. And, by the way, this person can be like your friend who you trust and crafter on a market square, which will offer your services for a fairly small remuneration. It is enough to approach it with all the necessary materials in the inventory, provided that in his craft book there is a prescription you need.

If you look at the mentioned comic team of four gnomes at the dates of our dating from Lineage 2, we can safely say that Pragmatik, turn to him for advice, would make at least three of us forget about the gnomes. And the fourth would have obliged to be a spoiler extracting resources. That is, the crafter in the team of four Pragmatik would have forbidden to be in principle. It is in order for this team more often engaged in craft. Because the effectiveness of your prey depends on how quickly you kill mobs.

Of course, the crafters have a rather interesting skill of a mechanical golem call, both small, for hunting needs and siege. We will not argue about the siege now, as it is already a completely different scale of activity, but the usual mechanical golem in Lineage 2: Classic looks quite an attractive thing because it consumes only the ingredient from the NPC store, and only at the moment Call. Though all the day run with him, he will not ask you anymore. But the damage will apply more than you yourself. Just try to make it so that it is not killed. Because earlier than an hour after the previous call, you do not see it.

It is clear that the very fact of possessing a character who can make the most ending chord, heats the sense of owner and the desire for independence. Feelings are generally an important part of any MMO travel. And, despite the fact that I immediately laugh at our team out of four dwarves here, it does not cancel that the delight that we received from the atmosphere of the Gnome Clan. But I'm trying to share the rational part of my observations, so you have the last rational argument of the possession of the Gnome-Krafter - the ability to create soul and spirit charges for your team, significantly reinforcing arms and spells. It is said that in the classic version of Lineage 2 raw materials for these charges in such a deficit, that its price makes their use beyond completely extreme situations. The small demand for them, for the same reason, makes the gnomes sell these charges at a price close to the cost. But all this is the current state of the economy. Who knows how will it be then? Therefore, I would not have ignored this opportunity if you are going to the game for a long time.

If you summarize the philosophical part of my text, then I recommend much more orient to your own mood than the selected character. Be a craftsman in the shower, no matter what class on the start screen you select.

And now we turn to the practical part of the question-answer.

In: Kraft can only be engaged in dwarf or all, but dwarves have a bonus to receive materials?

A: Assembly, only crafter gnomes can collect a matter based on the recipe. This is a separate class available only by the race of the gnomes. Bonus (huge) to receive additional materials, in addition to standard trophies, has a second dwarf class - spoiler. Plan the kraft, choose the goals for hunting, buy the necessary components, can any character.

Q: What restrictions are imposed on Krafts?

A: Overall - less combat skills, less diversity. As described above, the presence of a mechanical golem, especially in conditions of small costs for its call and the lack of costs to maintain his life in Lineage 2: Classic, makes the crafter in a more interesting class in terms of damage. In addition, he has certain advantages in PVP - Golem is an additional goal, and the skill "Stunning" allows you to apply control - the most important element of any PVP.

In this sense, it is the spoiler more than all over combat capabilities due to the fact that it is able to get extra materials from mobs, including extremely rare components. However, there is a special situation associated with a sharp deficit of the charge charges, allows the gnomomas to benefit in a new light due to the available specialization on the halbards, besides the ability to stun the opponent with a crushing weapon. Alabard has one feature - they are not hit by one goal, and in all available in a certain zone of the defeat of the alabard. This, as you understand, allows you to use only one level of the charge of the spirit, to apply a substantially larger damage across several opponents.

Q: How does the creation of things happen (whether the machines are needed, for a forge, something else)?

A: Fixtures are not needed. You can create an item anywhere in the world. Superstitious gnomes, when it comes to the creation of a B-grade Equipment based on a recipe with a chance for a success of 60%, prefer to do this in the temples at the altar after the pendant prayer and the mugs of ELA (one else does not contradict), but only Einhasad knows whether it helps ritual. Also to create an overwhelming majority of equipment require consumables from the NPC store. At this moment you may appreciate political system Lineage 2, which allows the owners of castles to impose their own trading transactions on the territory controlled territory. These tax rates apply to the goods you need when creating equipment.

Q: What is the strengthening of things (grad)?

A: Greed is not a strengthening of things, it is a category of equipment. Each category corresponds to its character level range. If the character is below this range, it receives substantial fines, dressing armor or taking the sword of the category to which it is not Doros. Of course, if the level corresponds to the grade or exceeds it, there are no fines. Here is the layout in levels:
0-19 Level: No-Grade
20-39 Level: D-GRADE
40-51 Level: C-GRADE
52-60 Level: B-GRADE

Q: What happens when there are failures when creating (can it be a thing at all) and the grade things?

A: In the question, two mechanics are mixed: creating a piece of recipe that does not guarantee 100% chances for success, and enhancing the execution by scrolls.

Scrolls can apply any class. The occupation is purely personal, associated with personal luck and rituals around it. A safe gain applies to the three first scrolls (exception: one-piece armor or two-handed weapons), after which, each time the likelihood is increasing that the thing is crumbling on the crystals. And although the crystals are also an extremely valuable resource required in the craft, back of them do not collect. That is, the event is deeply sad. Around the process of amplifying equipment (in the people: "sharpening") the mass of the dram flares. This is a subject of pride (glow of the equipment) and the reason to say that "our people in a bungeous taxi do not go." This topic is extensive, so I hooked her only slightly.

With B-Grade equipment (for the first stage Lineage 2: Classic - this is the highest category) recipes begin to meet, the chance of success in which 60% is equal. They are easier to mined, require fewer resources, but, obviously, carrying a significant risk to spend all this wasted. Here, yes - the result of failure will be an absolute "nothing". It should be noted that for B-grade equipment there are one hundred percent analogues of the same recipes. Get some of them extremely hard. In addition, the B-GRADE uses a more complex mechanic to create things when, in addition to resources, a second recipe is used as a consumable material. And get two one hundred percent recipes - this is already a great luck.

However, if the kraft mechanics cannot be changed, I recommend to get used to sixty-percent recipes, since with A-Grade equipment only they will.

By the way, these sixty percent recipes for me are what I understand the least. Well, it does not work with me to imagine what feelings wanted to call developers, realizing that the person will collect the month resources, and then with a high probability they will fly into the pipe. "Losing IS FUN"? Anyway.

This is the only dark spot in the bright feast of the Linex crafting. I tried to convey both the main philosophy of the craft in Lineage 2, and answer specific questions. I want to once again draw your attention to the fact that the crafter in the shower can be any of you, and you can do 99% of work, without being the owner of the crafter class. But the gnome crafter should be extremely fascinating. I'm, apparently, I will be again.

Ready to complement the text with your questions and your answers to them.


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