Riding wolf in Lineage2. Riding wolf in Lineage2 How to ride on a wolf in L2

Riding wolf in Lineage2. Riding wolf in Lineage2 How to ride on a wolf in L2

The wolf is a pet that can receive a level 15 character or higher. His main plus is quite good P. attack. The main minus is low P. DF and a small stock of HP. We will have to try to not give to die your favorite at the initial levels.
When the wolf dies, it takes about 10% of the experience, which makes the wolf pumping on 40+ levels, so at higher levels of the wolf, I recommend using an ordinary resurrection scroll, and the boring for pets that are sold at your feet a week awards. They are still knocked out with RB on 20-30x levels, but buy cheaper and faster
Unlike dragons, wolves do not have any special combat skills, but they can pick up a variety of objects and use special weapons And armor.

If earlier, receiving the wolf experience went on how much he bit off from the mob, now it is enough just that the wolf is called and ran near you, while he will receive a fixed amount of experience, depending on your wolf difference levels.

Getting a wolf.

To acquire your own wolf, you will have to fulfill a special quest or get the animal from your hands from other players.
To perform a task to receive a wolf, it is necessary to meet with a specialist in pets Martin in the village of Gludin and learn about the details.

1) come to a specialist in Martin pets in the village of Gludin.

2) Martin will ask to kill 50 animal killers (for every race of his own, I passed Kamael, so I was sent to kill spiders in the forest of Mimir), the Quest of the subject stepped out with a 50% probability.

3) give 50 remains of Martin animals, and he sends you to three animal connoissems ^ _ ^
I) GK in Gludio, Bella

Ii) Guard in Dion, Metti

Iii) Trader of jewelry in Girane, Ellie.

All three tell you about the life of wolves.
4) Returning to Martin, he suggests you to get a test out of 10 questions (in fact, he has a little more than 10 questions, but you need to answer correctly only 10). If you make a mistake, you will have to repeat item 3.
The order of answers and questions every time different, so look for the question and answer to it yourself from the list below:
Question: What kind of wolf leads the rest with the hunt of the pack?
- The answer: male.
Question: What is the oldest and most primitive type of wolves living in Aden?
- The answer: a terrible wolf.
Question: How is the waiter's tail is usually located?
-Not: his tail is always directed down.
Question: How far (in kilometers) may somewhat smell a wolf?
- answer: 2.4 km
Question: Which of the listed does not suit the description of the life of the wolf?
- The answer: Pregnant Wolf creates for his cubbed house on a wide open place.
Question: The following links were carried out between wolves and their habitat. What is the connection incorrect?
- The answer: Orc is a black wolf.
Question: The wolf is mammals belonging to the pet family that feeds on meat. What animal from the listed is not a mammal belonging to the pet family?
- The answer: no answer.
Question: What of the listed is not food for the wolf?
- The answer: no answer.
Question: Pets are very useful for their owners. How can not be used your pet?
- The answer: may be sent to the village to buy objects.
Question: Pets may disappear forever, if they do not resurrect it for a certain time after death. What is the maximum resurrection time of the pet?
- The answer: 24h.
Question: What of the listed is the right description of the wolf?
- The answer: Even an adult wolf weighs less than an adult man.
Question: What is the normal life expectancy of the wolf in captivity?
- The answer: 12 ~ 15 years.
Question: What is the description of the process of breeding wolves is incorrect?
- The answer: a period of pregnancy is 9 months old.
Question: How best to train pet?
- The answer: during the hunting of monsters, be sure to take a pet with you.
(Thanks to Alexeyy1, for information about the last question)
5) Martin hands cherished wolf

How much experience consumes the wolf?

Experienced animals made a table of distribution of experience depending on the difference in the wolf levels with you, but unfortunately it is a little outdated, so it is impossible to rely on it, it shows only an approximate tendency\u003e op<
But it is known exactly that with an equal level of the wolf consumes 27% of experience (according to the data from Korean offsight)

List of things for wolf.

(The table indicates the name L Attack / Protection L Number of gems To obtain it through the upgrade L, the cost of a specialist in pets, if it is sold from him)

Iron Dog ~ Attack 4, price 16.800A
Sparkling fangs ~ Attack 7, 24 DGEM or 40.800A
Ghost claws ~ Attack 11, 32 dges or 73.200
Mofril Claws ~ Attack 16, 47 DGEMS or 120.000A
Forest claws ~ Attack 23, 72 dgesov or 192.000a
Orikaurant claws ~ Attack 31, 96 dges or 288.000a
Salted PSA Fang ~ Attack 40, 132 DGIs or 420.000a
Cherberry ~ Attack 49, 120 DGAM
Kyotka Kayota ~ Attack 58, 48 SGEMS
Ice Fang ~ Attack 69, 60 SGEMS
Blue Wolf Fang ~ Attack 80, 152 SGEMS
Fenrira Fang ~ Attack 93, 160 SGEMS

Leather Wolf Armor ~ Protection 9, Price: 7.344A
Hidden Wolf Armor ~ Protection 13, 13 DGIs, or 18.720A
Fat Leather Wolf Armor ~ Protection 16, 17 DGIs or 34.080A
Wooden Wolf Armor ~ Protection 19, 28 DGIs or 57.840A
Rolling armor of the wolf ~ Protection 22, 38 DGEM or 92.280A
Bone Armor Wolf ~ Protection 26, 52 DGEMs or 140.400A
Scaled Wolf Armor ~ Protection 30, 84 DGEMs or 206.400A
Bronze Armor Wolf ~ Protection 33, 72 DGIs
Wolf Wolf Latal Armor ~ Protection 37, 84 DGIs
Steel Wolf Armor ~ Protection 40, 36 SGEMS
Elite Wolf Armor ~ Protection 43, 88 SGEMS
Mofril Wolf Armor ~ Protection 47, 120 SGEMS

Wolf Evolution

After the favorite received the 55 level, he acquires the opportunity to evolve in the Great Wolf. Evolution is able to produce any specialist in pets. Before evolution, make sure that the wolf is designed, and in the inventory there is only one collar.

Great Wolf

The Great Wolf is a wolf that is incredibly good in battle. It cannot be obtained with any task, it becomes available only by evolution from a conventional wolf. Great wolves change the appearance depending on their own level - than it is higher, the more stoken looks like a pet.

How many great wolf consumes experience?
The Great Wolf with equal levels consumes 16% of the owner's experience to 70 levels, and 35% after 70 levels of the wolf (according to the data from Korean offsight).
How many Fernir consumes experience?
Fernir consumes 35% of experience (according to the data from Korean offsight).

Like ordinary wolves, great wolves can select objects from the ground and use their own armor and weapons. They need special food, which can be purchased from any specialist in pets.
For a great wolf, it is not necessary to buy things in his rank, it will be tall and things of the ordinary wolf, but then you should not expect large indicators of your pet. Also, the things of a conventional wolf can be improved by a specialist in pets on the things of a great wolf, using b gems.

List of things for a great wolf.

The enchanted fang of the wolf and the scaly armor of the Great Wolf grays from the fangs of Fenrira and the Mithril Wolf Armor (Top Holchonka)

(The table indicates: name l Attack / protection L Number of gems To obtain it through an upgrade L, the cost of a specialist in pets without tax from the castle)
Enchanted Wolf Fang ~ Attack 233, 214 B-rank gems or 4.411.200A.
Enchanted Kayota Fang ~ Attack 289, 407 B-rank gems or 8.170.800А.
Enchanted Salted PSA Fang ~ Attack 350, 773 B-rank gems or 15.309.600А.
Enchanted Cherberry Fang ~ Attack 413, 1092 B-rank gems or 25.390.800А.
Copper Fang ~ Attack 477, 2157 B-rank gems or 45.302.400А.
Enchanted Fenrian Fang ~ Attack 537, 4015 B-rank gems or 82.366.600А.

Scaly Armor of the Great Wolf ~ Protection 112, 94 B-rank gems or 2.252.400A.
Bronze Armor of the Great Wolf ~ Protection 124, 226 B-rank gems or 4.344.000A.
Latt armor of the Great Wolf ~ Protection 136, 455 B-rank gems or 8.551.200A.
Mofril Armor of the Great Wolf ~ Protection 148, ?? B-rank gems or 15.075.600А.
Oriharucon Armor of the Great Wolf ~ Protection 160, ?? B-rank gems or 08/293, 200A.
Copper Armor of the Great Wolf ~ Protection 171, ?? B-rank gems or 58.654.800А.
Thanks to PitbullBD, for information on the grams of fangs for the Great Wolf.
Thanks\u003e the place is not yet occupied<_< < For information on the Greeds of armor for a great wolf.

Skills of the Great Wolf.

The higher the level of the great wolf, the stronger and deadly skills become accessible to it.

55 Level: Bite bites the enemy. It has overcit.
60 Level: Wolf Clay discovers the nearest enemies with formidable roar.
65 Level: DSA-Zaram scratches the enemy with both paws. Causes bleeding
70 Level: Awakening awakens in its body hidden forces. (Analog Berx + 8% PATK -8% PDEF + 16% Matk -16% MDEF -4% Evasion + 4% Speed \u200b\u200b+ 8% ATK SPEED + 8% Cast Speed \u200b\u200blasts 30 seconds, rollback 10 minutes)


To achieve a wolf 70 LVL, it can be improved in the mythological Scandinavian Fenrir, who will receive additional skills to their arsenal. As in the case of alarm, you can travel \\ ride on Fenrir.

Snow Wolf, Snow Fenrir

If you are in the clan that has a clan Hall in Aden or a rune, then the NPC which is in the kh you can exchange a great wolf or a fenerier on their snowy conifers \u003d) at the same time the snowy great wolf will look like a fenrir and it will be possible to ride . Also in snow wolves a little more PDEF, MDEF and there is one more skill, Aoe Debuff.
Stats in the top equipe, without buffs.

If you leave the clan with the CC, then you will not cause a snow wolf, you will have to approach the NPS in Aden next to the Pet manager and exchange the wolf back in the usual one.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

1) Does the Wolf take the experience of members of the party, in addition to the owner?
Answer: No Wolf takes the experience only at his host, and he doesn't need any other

2) Does Vitalit and PA affect the count of the experience of the resulting wolf?
Answer: The wolf consumes the fixed number of the host experience (depends on the difference in the levels between the wolf and the level of the owner of the wolf), so the more experience you get, the more his wolf gets.

Big Wolf \\ Fernir
70 LVL

- Wolf Cold: Mass Debuff. -23% ATK surrounding enemies. (Heit Aura effect)

Big Snow Wolf / Snow Fernir
70 LVL (different appearance)
- Attack-bite: Kusachets's teeth.
- Try: Attacks front paws. Strength 1. Effect 3. There is a chance to throw a blide to the target.
- Wolf Cold: Mass Debuff. -23% ATK / M ATC surrounding enemies. (Heit Aura effect)
- Awakening (party Buff): + 8% p atk, + 16% of ATC, + 8% ATK Speed, +8 Speed \u200b\u200brun, + 8% Cast speed, -8% p Def, -16% M DEF, -4 Eleuger. Hanging 90 seconds, rollback is 15 minutes.

Part 1. The birth of a wolf.

In the Universe Lineage2. absolutely any player reaching 15 levelmay have a wolf, which will become his pet, assistant, hope and support. The main differences between the wolf as a pet, from servants (whose appeal skills are given to some professions) - this is the availability of your own inventory and the ability to select things that have fallen from monsters, the ability to use special weapons and special armor, as well as an unlimited stay in this world, which is limited only In stocks of special feed.

The main task at this stage, and indeed, probably, in the pumping of the wolf, is to accurately decide, you need it at all, or it is quite possible to do without it. Under the word "need" meaning the real necessity, I would like to focus on this. The fact is that in LA2 Pumping characters is based on hyperbola, although small and not very noticeable, but still. Wolf began to swamp, instead of 40, only 35 levels, or instead of 65 only 55 -\u003e money with monsters drops less -\u003e I could not buy more crawled weapons or armor -\u003e slower pumping, monsters less, kill more often -\u003e money drops less and t .. etc. Vicious circle. Therefore, it is not worth shaking a wolf for beauty, "so that there is no use in inventory from it, as well as a sense of 40 dogs at 70+ levels, but it will be quite good in development. Therefore, try to clearly put the line between "yes" or "no", and if you decide to download, take your nerves in the fist and get ready for hemorrhoids.

So, waking up the character to 15 level (or later), we suddenly decided that the wolf was extremely necessary for us, and without him, our life is empty and no one. If finance is allowed, you can just buy a wolf collar from other players, but here I want to warn you. Description of the collar as a gaming object includes a pet level, but does not show the name - only there is it or not yet. Therefore, buying a wolf on the market you are quite risking to post a round sum for a gray dog \u200b\u200bwith the name "fkjdfjfd" or "4mo" plan, to change which will not succeed. Of course, you can ask the seller to call the pet to check the name, but no one guarantees that only one collar in the inventory. Here who is more convenient. But if we decided not to risk and swing yourself, then fly in Gludin Get the animal

Quest name: Get petty
Terms of passage: No requirements
Level: 15+
Repeatability: Repeating
Quest NPC: Martin Pet Specialist (Gludin Village)
Reward: Collar Wolf.

Quest description:
Martin's pet specialist agrees to give you a wolf collar completely free, but only for one service - you have to help him get rid of monsters, which you can find in the list that he will give you.

1. We approach the gloupness to a specialist in Martin's pets and talk to him. He will tell us the conditions under which he will be able to give a wolf, and will give a list of monsters.
2. Each race has to kill its monsters, so we go to your starting village and hunt the specified monsters until you gain 50 necessary items (the translation into Russian is not fundamentally necessary - it will be possible to fix if necessary):
- If you are a personYou will receive Animal Slayer's 1st List. Teleport on Talking Island and run to Obelisk of Victory. On the north coast you need to hunt Giant Spider, Talon Spider and Blade Spider and collect 50 Bloody Fang.
- If you are elf, Get Animal Slayer's 2nd List. Teleport in Elf Village, run to the west. Within the elf zone, you need to hunt the Crimson Spider, Hook Spider and Pincer Spider and collect 50 Bloody Claw.
- If you are a dark elf, Get Animal Slayer's 3rd List. Teleport in Darkelf Village to Swampland. Within the swamp, you need to hunt the Lesser Dark Horror and Dark Horror and Prowler and collect 50 Bloody Nail.
- If you are an orc, Get Animal Slayer's 4th List. Teleport in ORC Village to Frozen Waterfall. To the south of the waterfall it is necessary to hunt Kasha Spider, Kasha Fang Spider and Kasha Blade Spider and collect 50 Bloody Kasha Fang.
- If you are gnome, Get Animal Slayer's 5th List. Teleport in Dwarf Village in Nothern Coast. To the northeast of the Grocery Mountains you need to hunt at Hunter Tarantula and Plunder Tarantula and collect 50 Bloody Tarantula Nail.
- If you are CamelYou will receive Animal Slayer's 6th List. Teleport in Kamael Village in Mimir "s Forest. NORNIL CAVE must be hunted on the Crimson Spider to collect 50 Bloody Red Claw.
3. We return to a specialist in pets Martin. He will give a list of animal defenders who will provide you with information about the life of wolves.
4. In Gludio, speak with the keeper of the portal Bella.
5. In the Dion near the southern gate we find the guard of the Metti.
6. In the giana in the shop of accessories, we speak with the Ellier of Ellie.
7. When we decide that you are ready to pass the test, we go to the Martin pet specialist in the glove and pass the exam. Questions are chosen by chance from the following list:
Question: Between the wolves and their habitats are the following ties. What is the connection is not true?
Answer: Orc - Black Wolf
Question: Wolf is a mammal belonging to the pet family that feeds on meat. What animal from the listed is not a mammal from the pet family?
Answer: No answer
Question: What of the listed does not suit the description of the life of the wolf?
Answer: Pregnant Wolf creates for his young home on a wide open place.
Question: How best to dress your pet?
Answer: During the hunting of monsters, you must take a pet with you.
Question: What of the listed is the right description of the wolf?
Answer: Even an adult wolf weighs less than an adult man.
Question: What of the listed is not food for the wolf?
Answer: No answer
Question: What is the oldest and most privileged type of wolves inhabiting in Aden?
Answer: Horrible wolf
Question: How far (in kilometers) may somewhat smell a wolf?
Answer: 2.4km
Question: What is the description of the process of breeding wolves is not correct?
Answer: Pregnancy period is 9 months old.
Question: What kind of wolf leads the rest with the hunt of the pack?
Answer: Male
Question: What is the normal life expectancy of the wolf in captivity?
Answer: 12 ~ 15 years
Question: A pet can disappear forever, if not resurrected him for a certain time after death. What is the maximum time for the resurrection of a pet?
Answer: 24h.
Question: Pets are very useful for their owners. How can I use a pet?
Answer: May be sent to the village to buy objects.
Question: How is the waiter's tail is usually located?
Answer: His tail is always directed down.

If we correctly answer all the questions asking questions, Martin will hand us a wolf collar. But splashing saliva in different directions with enthusiastic screams and swing naked on the chandelier until early - everything starts.

Part 2. What, where, how much.


The prerequisite for calling the wolf is the absence of an already designed servant or a different pet, which submits to its owner, therefore, in principle, it makes no sense to acquire a wolf to such professions as a sorcerer or a follower of darkness, whose process of the routing occurs through the servants called. The pet can be called by simply clicking on the collar in his inventory, but he will not be able to appear if the character participates in battle.


In order to function normally, the pet is needed food that will need to buy from a specialist in pets. Food is automatically absorbed by the wolf, if it is in his inventory, and the hunger indicator drops to racks 55%. We may well and independently increase the level of its satiety, but it is better not to be lazy and always put food in the beast bag, because you can not need to notice the messages that the pet is hungry and forget it to feed it. This moment is very significant, because if the wolf dies from hunger, it will not be able to resurrect it.


In order to give the pet team, just double-click on it, the pet window will appear, in which there is a list of all the commands available for the execution. Any command can be taken out on the hot key panel and also use your own skills.
Name - This is a team that allows you to give a pet a unique name. Names cannot be repeated. The name may contain up to sixteen characters inclusive and, given one day, can no longer be changed.
Setting motion - After using this team, the pet stops all his actions and begins to follow the character relentlessly. Reuse makes it stop and stand still.
Attack - This team is responsible for the attack of the pet for enemies. Use it if you want the animal to rush to the chosen target. If at the moment the attack is impossible - the pet will wait until the situation changes and he will be able to attack. After completing the attack (after the death of a monster or a character, which was attacked by a wolf), the pet will begin to perform the team that was given to him before the attack, for example, will return back to the owner and will continue to follow him.
Stop - This team makes the pet completing all active actions and expect further instructions.
Pick up - With the help of this team, you can make a pet pick out the object lying on the ground - it will be placed in the animal backpack.
Pet / Liberation - Thanks to this team, you can withdraw the wolf. The beast cannot be recalled if it is in battle mode or provided that its hunger indicator is below 50%.
Traffic - After this team, the pet begins to move towards a given goal and run behind it.
Skills - In the process of pumping the wolf, their own skills will appear. A player will be able to force pets to use them when it seems necessary to him. But about this later.


Wolves are given the opportunity to enjoy their own armor and weapons. It is impossible to wear more than one armor and one weapon on a pet. If there was anything on the pet before he was withdrawn - the next challenge the equipment will be hoping them automatically. To equip your animal with weapons or armor, simply drag the necessary items in the inventory of the pet and double-click on them with the mouse. If all actions are made correctly, then things are illuminated with a yellow frame - this means that at the moment the pet uses them (even if no visible changes in his appearance happened). You should not forget about the charges of the soul of the beast (the charges of the spirit as such for the wolf they will not be needed very soon, and may not be needed at all). Some items can be bought from a specialist in pets, but before the top equipment you need to make an improvement (it also has).

Iron Canine. ~ Pattk 4, Mattk 5, Cost 18.9K
Shinning Canine ~ Pattk 7, Mattk 8, Cost Iron Canine, 24 DGEMS, 3.6K O 45.9K
Ghost Canine. ~ Pattk 11, Mattk 10, Cost Shinning Canine, 32 DGEMS, 4.86K O 82.35K
Mithril Canine. ~ Pattk 16, Mattk 14, Cost Ghost Canine, 47 DGEMS, 7.02K O 135K
Sylvan Canine. ~ Pattk 23, Mattk 18, Cost Mithril Canine, 72 Dgems, 10.8k or 216K
Orikarukon Canine. ~ Pattk 31, Mattk 24, Cost Sylvan Canine, 96 DGEMS, 14.4K O 324K
Fang Of Saltydog. ~ Pattk 40, Mattk 30, Cost Orikarukon Canine, 132 Dgems, 19.8k or 472.5k
Fang Of Cerberus. ~ Pattk 49, Mattk 36, Cost Fang Of Saltydog, 120 Dgems, 18K
Fang Of Coyote. ~ Pattk 58, Mattk 42, COST FANG OF CERBERUS, 48 CGEMS, 21.6K
Crystalized Ice Canine. ~ Pattk 69, Mattk 50, Cost Fang Of Coyote, 60 CGEMS, 27K
Fang Of The Blue Wolf ~ Pattk 80 Mattk 58, COST Crystalized Ice Canine, 152 CGEMS, 68.4K
Fang Of Fenril. ~ Pattk 93 Mattk 66, Cost Fang Of The Blue Wolf, 160 CGEMS, 72K

Wolf Leather Armor ~ PDEF 9, COST 9.45K
Wolf "S Hide Armor ~ PDEF 13, Cost Wolf Leather Armor, 13 DGEMS, 1.98K OR 24.3K
Wolf "S Hard Leather Mail~ PDEF 16, Cost Wolf "S Hide Armor, 17 DGEMS, 2.52K O 43.2K
Wolf "S Wooden Armor ~ PDEF 19, Cost Wolf "S Hard Leather Mail, 28 Dgems, 4.14k or 74.25K
Wolf "S Ring Mail ~ PDEF 22, COST WOLF "S WOODEN ARMOR, 38 DGEMS, 5.76K O 117.45K
Wolf "S Bone Armor ~ PDEF 26, COST WOLF "S Ring Mail, 52 Dgems, 7.74k or 175.5K
Wolf "S Scale Mail ~ PDEF 30, Cost Wolf "S Bone Armor, 84 DGEMS, 12.6K O 270K
Wolf "S Bronze Armor ~ PDEF 33, COST WOLF "S Scale Mail, 72 Dgems, 10.8K
Wolf "S Plate Mail ~ PDEF 37, COST WOLF "S BRONZE ARMOR, 84 DGEMS, 12.6K
Wolf "s Steel Armor ~ PDEF 40, Cost Wolf "S Plate Mail, 36 CGEMS, 16.2K
Wolf "S Luxury Plate ~ PDEF 43, COST WOLF "S Steel Armor, 88 CGEMS, 39.6K
Wolf "s Mithril Armor~ PDEF 47, COST WOLF "S LUXURY PLATE, 120 CGEMS, 54K

Use inventory.

An animal, as well as the character, has its own inventory that serves him for storing a variety of items. However, there are some restrictions - the pet can not store in its backpack of the arrows, the charges of the soul, the charges of the spirit, the blessed charges of the spirit or the charges of the spirit charges, so it will not be able to use a dog as a package camel, and even his charges will have to wear in its inventory and use it yourself - To do this, simply transfer them to the hot key panel and click on the right mouse button on the icon, now the wolf will use charges automatically when attacking the wolf. In order to force a pet to take advantage of a particular thing, such as health recovery bottles or drinks to increase the speed of movement or attack, transfer this thing to the animal backpack and double-click on it with the mouse.

Transfer, review and death.

A pet can be given to other people's hands or sold to another character by sending collar. Also, he can be recalled at any time if his owner wishes it. The exceptions are those cases where the pet is in battle mode or when its hunger indicator is below 50%. The pet is forcibly responding if the hunger indicator becomes zero. In case the animal returns to the enchanted thing - it gives the character all the items that were in its inventory, even those that were put on it. If the owner of the animal suddenly leaves the game, the pet automatically responds to it in the inventory, but if the animal at the time the animal was dead - this will not happen. You can resurrect the wolf with special scrolls that are sold from a specialist in pets or the skill of the resurrection available in some professions. A pet is capable of being in place of his death up to 24 hours inclusive, but after the expiration of this term he disappears forever. This means at all. And no longer return. And it is impossible to return it.

In principle, this information does not represent much importance, but it is quite important to learn how to quickly manage the dog, so that it is possible to use it as efficiently as possible in battle, both against monsters and against other characters. Therefore, before switching to the next step, pay a couple of dozen minutes to work out the control and output of the necessary buttons on the hot key panel, and in the future do not be lazy to enter the actions of the pet in macros.

Part 3. Start of development.

This and the following items, in my opinion, are the most diverse in terms of large quantities of options, methods and techniques. Here everyone can decide for themselves, which is better, how and where. Therefore, I ask not to judge, as if I urge everyone to act only by one by the method and only I consider it the most correct and most effective. Please try, test, train. I will tell you how and why is it better for me, but it is worth listening or not - your business.

Let's start, perhaps, from scratch - from the condition that the collar we got an honest communist path, making the quest, so the level of the wolf - 15. Here, in my opinion, it will not quite effectively be a pet with its main character. The case is next.
Firstly, Exp-Per-LVL indicator at the wolf is the same as the characters \u003d 0.7. Now, given the fact that the wolf receives 35% of the owner's experience, you can quite really appreciate that the pet will swing noticeably slower than us.
SecondlyThe wolf is much stronger than the difference in the attack and protection indicators, rather than the characters - in the drawing of damage, he may even be ahead of the owner, but weak protection will allow you to withstand a couple of monster blows. Hence the constant death of a pet, loss of its experience and host time. Consequently, for normal pumping, good armor, literally, is vital, but there will be a lot of money on her purchase, and it is not enough for them to do it.

Therefore, it is easier to do - not to spend precious experience and time to make it with a gray dog, but to engage only by pumping your character, but now besides the main goal - mining money for the foundation, our task is more complicated by the earnings of Aden for the cost of the future beast. For the start, it is not very much, in principle, to 45 levels, I think anyone can afford it.
Later, when we had already risen, you liked, armed and began to play more or less satisfying, you can also do a pet. To do this, create a second character (you can, and if you have a premium acc, then you even need) on your account.

Who exactly do - decide for yourself, but I personally advised a man of warrior with the goal of Human Knight for the first profession, Elf Warrior Elven Knight or the Dark Warrior Palus Knight, priority - a light elf, a man and the latter in preference are dark.
Why miles, not magicians / bows / knives: It all rests on the features of the exposure of the wolf, in theory, he eats a certain number of owner's experience, but for the damn monster the pet is also charged some bonuses, which makes pumping more efficient. With the magicians and onions, the wolf will simply wanted to communicate to the goal (if, of course, do not want to kill monsters at the speed of movement of the dog), and the knives simply do not have a tank skills so that the character takes a blow to herself, and not a wolf.
Why these professions: Just in all of them at the 24th level appear the skill of aggression, the so-called "Heit", which in the process of pumping will allow you to fully and completely take a blow to itself, thereby protecting the dog's weak protection.
Finally, why such priorities are: It is worth considering the skills of the character to 24 levels inclusive (later I will explain why). The last I put a dark elf because his skills cannot be used for a pet: the same UD, or Drain, or Sting, the wolf from them is no weather. The second identified a person - this Shield Stun is one of the strongest mills at such a level, but then the lack of money - he will not be able to run with duals, although they would be better. I think the best thing is that the situation is better - Poison Recovery and Elemental Heal can be very useful to treat your cattle.
But by and large, all of them are equally good and have equal flaws, at the same light elf, the indicator ranks in line with 5 units less than that of the dark. Therefore, choose the taste and color, all the same most importantly, which will be required - this is "Heit".

So, they created a second character, chose the race and the estimated class. Now through the postal service in the warehouse of any city we send from the main chara on the "dog breed" the collar and some amount of money. Number Define themselves at least we need an armor for a wolf (the best specialist in pets, or a little worse - who is capable of), top-d armor for a character (you can shadow objects from the Giana store), a bunch of little things, a plan Bottles on the regeneration of life and scrolls of the resurrection of the beast, top-d weapons (better, of course, dulas, but even with a sword pulls) and the unmeared mass of the soul charges D. is going on.

Part 4. The process went.

I decided to make this part separately from the previous one, because here I will be described here not to prepare, but the process itself and the details of pumping. So, everything is ready. The character is dressed, wage and armed to the teeth. The wolf although simply dressed - to begin it is quite enough. Now the most difficult, tedious and long - kach.

In my opinion, the wolf is better to start pumping already from the 10 level of Chara. You can forget about quests, the main thing is the wolf and his experience, which means only the farm of monsters.

  • Places of hunt Choose anyone as your heart, but look attentively for what monsters are in a particular location - some of them may have the skills of the mass attack, and when using them, the dog will be in two accounts.
  • At the beginning, while your spell has not yet reached 24 levels and did not receive "Heit", you should not put on the wolf weapons and / or use the soul charges of the beast, already wrote above that his damage can exceed yours. Incountable or not in time ordered to attack, again the pair of shocks switched on a monster pet, and a shaggy corpse is nearby.
  • Always closely follow the indicators of the level of satiety. With intensive livelihoods (attack of monsters, constant movement) the amount of food consumed by the wolf increases. Forgot to put food, or he suddenly ended, anything can happen, and unnecessary problems are only a loss of time, or in general it can be the animal.
  • Do not forget to look at the rate of life of a pet, and do not skimp on the potion of healing (small jars will be quite enough), because even the units of a wolf health in a critical situation can play a decisive role. Caution is not excess.
  • In the process of hunting with monsters, money will fall, do not hurry to immediately rush to buy the best armor and improve the existing one, because it will be released in a fairly significant amount (to purchase the best equipment and improve it to the maximum possible amount to approximately 3,5kc), and it may be And not quite useful. But from time to time to improve the dog's outfit still worth it.
  • The most important thing at first - Take the first profession, finish the level 24 and learn "Heit". Naturally, at any time and in any place of pumping should be caused by a wolf, but it is not particularly important which level it will receive. After studying the skill of aggression, the process becomes easier, now during the hunt you can begin to use the wolf's weapons and the charges of the Spirit. Do not immediately, over time: Look, it's stronger than aggression monster - your "Heit" or a wolf with a weapon and charges, test, try, take into account the risk, learn to control the wolf in battle. But the character now needs to be made, in order to keep in the interval between 20 and 25 levels. Of course, tons of recovery scrolls will leave and a lot of time on the city on the city from one guard to another, but it is necessary. I will explain why.

    With the release of all new and new updates of the game, the aspects of obtaining experience are sometimes edited regularly. If earlier, who remembers, it was possible to swing the animal on the most tomatoes, stand still and just from afar to lead, where and what monsters to kill, now such a focus will not ride. A pet receives a certain amount of experience from the owner depending not only from what monsters for the character (blue, blue, green, etc.), but also on what they are for the animal himself.
    There are many aspects, but I think it will be enough to allocate the easiest - dependence of the percentage of the experience gained per monster on the level difference between the owner and pet. You can submit it in the form of such a table.
    Note: All data is obtained by experimental methods by handicrafts in previous chronicles of the game, I think something could change, so it's not judged for a relative error.

    I will say right away, part of the data is taken from the streets (ThX2YOLLY), well, the part itself has already been finalized and searched for a function for building a schedule and determining values. Thus, having data, you can construct a curve that is figurative will represent a graph of a function where the axis X is the percentage of the experiment obtained by the wolf, and the Y axis is the value of the value F (LVLDIF) \u003d LVL (CHAR) -LVL (PET), t. e. The difference between the Chair level and the pet level.

    The graph is quite angular, but the general presentation gives. Select the checkpoints:
    1. Wolf at 5 levels below the host. Here we see a fracture in the chart in the direction of the regression of the indicator of experience, it is logical and there should be a fine on the animal that increases with increasing the difference.
    2. Wolf at 5 levels below and 10 above the host. Here is the indicator stable - 65% owner, 35% wolves.
    3. Wolf above the host by 10-19 levels. At this stage, you can observe the most necessary and most important for us - an increase in the percentage of experience of experience regarding the character.
    4. Wolf above the host at 19 levels. This indicator is critical because if the wolf is above the character at 20 levels, he simply stops listening and attacking the monsters (it probably), but at the same time, the maximum - the wolf begins to eat about 70%.

    Therefore, when pumping the wolf, we must keep our second character at one level - to achieve the highest possible difference, and, accordingly, the maximum efficiency of eating percent of the pet's experience. Personally, for example, I have enough patience to stay 24 until the wolf caught up 41. There are no differences in 19, it's not fundamentally, it is still enough and 17-18 will still have to continue to make it possible to keep this indicator. So we will swing up to the second profession of the character, because the result we need here is 55 Wolf level.

    Part 5. Real Beast.

    So, "we built, built and finally built." At 55 levels of the usual wolf, you can change the specialist in pets on Great Wolf (Great Wolf) . Now you can slightly relax - the wolf is getting better, the armor is stronger, the weapon is stronger. You can buy everything from the same pet specialist. Yes, and the rates of the wolf change quite well.

    At this stage, you can make a choice - either transfer the great wolf to the main character, or get a second profession "dog breeder" and continue to pump a pet from time to time, until it runs, or at least lines with the basis (if you played for it in breaks between growing Wolf). Here, the difference in 19 levels also remains important, although not critical, but raising the level of the wolf will be easier. Previously, you swung wolf, now it will be completely able to download you.

    It is worth noting that in the process of increasing the wolf level now it will receive his own skills. Relatively trifle, but sometimes very useful.
    55 level: "Bite" Biting the enemy.
    60 level: "Wolf War" Discourages the nearest enemies to the Grozny River (-23% POWER BREAK 3).
    65 level: "Sledgehammer" Plowed the flesh of the opponent with sharp as a razor claws. Causes bleeding (Power 1. Effect 3. Chance To Add Bleeding).
    70 level: "Awakening" Wakes up in its body hidden forces (+ 8% PATK, + 16% Matk, + 8% atta speed, +8 Speed, -8% PDEF, -16% MDEF, -4 Evasion \u003d Bersercer Spirit 2).
    Also, great wolves change the appearance depending on their own level - the higher it is, the more stoken looks like a pet.

    55-59 level.

    60-64 level.

    65-69 level.

    70 level.

    Part 6. With the breeze.

    If you ride in life as cheese in oil, and your clan has kx in Aden or a rune, then NPSA in the clan hall Great Wolf. Can be exchanged by Snow (Snow Great Wolf)And then that is already at the 55 level will be the ride, besides, get a small increase to protection. Important: If you get out of the clan, you can't call a snowy great wolf (I will not write that it is not enough rights to call a pet). In this case, it will be necessary to exchange a snow wolf on a simple person from a specialist in pets (it is possible to change there - back to an unlimited number of times).
    If you don't have such buns in life, it will not happen and you will have to run up to 70 levels, when a great wolf can be exchanged for everything in the same pet specialist on the mythical Scandinavian Fenrir - a healthy carcass with increased indicators as attacks, and protection.

    By the way, Fenrira can be changed similarly to Snow Fenrir, unfortunately will not fly, but it will not be superfluous.

    But it is still far away.

    These animals are given very hard and require constant attention and certain "victims".

    Volchonok. This cute animal you can get at level 15. He is very promoted, but unfortunately not strong. It must be protected and care for him. But get it oh how difficult.
    In the northwestern part of the city of Gludin in one of the shops, you need to find Pet Manager Martin, talk to her.
    She will send you on a journey. First you have to go to your homeland and causally disappear to the packs that will be indicated to you in Quest. We place them until you have 50 cohesives. Next, we return to Gludin and, proving that you coped, start running around the cities, and collect as much information as possible,
    First visit Gludio and talk to Gatekeeper Belladonna.
    Go back to the Dion and find the Guard Metty there at the southern gate.
    Then, by gathering the Spirit, we run to Hyran and find there in the jewelry store Trader Ellie.
    All cheers! Now we return to the Gludin, when you come Pet Manager Martin will decide to check you and will ask cunning questions! Do not be afraid if you did not bother to notice everything, here's a hint to help you.

    Question (RUS): How many CM can wolf go?
    Question (ENG): How Far (KM) Can A Wolf "S Scent Reach?
    Answer: 2.4 km.

    Question (RUS): Do not know how much wild wolf lives, then how much wolf, usually lives in the zoo?
    Question (ENG): There Is No Exact Data on The Life Span of A Wild Wolf. Then Howl Long Does A Wolf In The Zoo Normally Live?
    Answer: 12-15 years

    Question (RUS): Listed the life of the wolf, choose an incorrect description?
    Question (ENG): The Following Are Descriptions on the Life of a Wolf. Choose The Wrong Description among the Choices.
    Answer: And Pregnant Wolf Makes Its Home in A Wide Open Place to Have Its Babies!

    Question (RUS): List of wolf life ways, choose a true description?
    Question (ENG): The Following Are Descriptions ABOUT THE WOLF. Choose The Right One Among The Choices.

    Question (RUS): Where is usually a wolf tail?
    Question (ENG): Normally, How Would A Wolf "S TAIL BE POSITIONED?
    Answer: IT "S tail is Always Pointing Straight Down.

    Question (RUS): What is the name of the animal family of wolves, who lived 2.500.000-10.000. Years ago? It is said - "the body and skull were big and heavy, but his mental abilities are small, and the Intelch is low."
    Question (ENG): What is the name of the Wolf "S Ancestor That Became Extinct 10,000 YEARS AGO?
    Answer: Dire Wolf.

    Question (RUS): Listed links between the Wolf in the world of Linege and their habitat. Which of the listed incorrect?
    Question (ENG): The Following Connections Are Made Between The Wolves in The Lineage World and Their Habitats. Which Of The Following Is Not Connected Properly?
    Answer: ORK BLAK WOLF!

    Question (RUS): What needs to be done so that the animal grew faster?
    Question (ENG): What Should You Do to Make A Pet Grow Faster?

    Question (RUS): Biological classification of the wolf! "The mammal feeds on meat, dog family" - which of those listed does not apply to the above classifications.
    Question (ENG): The Biological Classification of the Wolf Is Meat-Eating Mammal of A Dog "s Family". Then Which Animal Among The Following Is Not A "MEAT-Eating Mammal From A Dog" s Family "?
    Answer: NO ANSWER!

    Question (RUS): What kind of wolf leads the rest on the hunt in the flock?
    Question (ENG): What Kind of Wolf LEADS THE REST WHILE HUTING IN A PACK?
    Answer: Male.

    Question (RUS): Which of the listed, the wolf that does not eat?
    Question (ENG): Which One Among The Following Does A Wolf Not Eat?
    Answer: No answer

    Question (RUS): An animal may disappear if it is not possible to recall it on time, how long does it need to be?
    Question (ENG): The Pet Shall Disappear Forever If You Can "T Resurrect It Wathin A Certain Amount of Time. What is the Maximum Amount of Time to Resurrect A Pet?
    Answer: 3 minutes

    Question (RUS): The owner can use the animal for many purposes. Which one is not the goal below ...?
    Question (ENG): The Owner Can Use ITS Pet for Many Different Purposes. Which One Of The Following Is Not The Purpose of A Pet Use?
    Answer: Makes To Go to the Village and Buy Items Rather Than Sending On An Errand!

    Question (RUS): Choose an incorrect description from the breeding of wolves!
    Question (ENG): Which Is Not A Proper Description of the Breeding Of Wolves?
    Owls: The Period of a Pregnancy Is 9 months.

    Here he is in your hands, more precisely he himself ... And the collar.
    Now we are sideways. In the Actions section, a separate part for the teams of this dog appears.
    Main teams:
    Name. give a pet name
    Follow. Order Pet follow the character
    Attack order pet attack the purpose of the character
    Stop. Order Pet to stop any action
    Collect. order pet pick up from the ground the subject nearest to it
    Return.order pet back to Binder
    Dismiss frees pet - pet disappears forever

    You call it beautiful somehow (preferably original and how to do neither book - fantasy, and then divorced wolves "airplanes" tractors ") the name must be unique - it is impossible to give the names of already existing players and pets, as well as NPC names and monsters . And do not forget once the name of the name, you no longer change it and do not delete!
    We like it, prigifim, now we must begin to deal with them.
    This creation is rather weak and whatever it becomes more attentive. If the hunger indicator (green strip) is dropped, then the lolf will deteriorate the parameters, but if that, the wicked can be raised on the bunnies, which are grazing near the cities, then it can be easily feeding Food for Wolves, which is sold from any Pet Manager . Your wolf rolls? ... excellent. Then let's train it.
    The wolf can kill with two or three shots. But you can buy him suitable weapons and armor at Pet Manager.
    The more the wolf rolls on a terrible monster, the more he is gaining strength and experience, but if he never hit the monster, he will not get experience at all. And on the contrary, if you never hit the bloodthirsty monster, and your shaggy friend will kill him on his own, then he will have 100% of the calculated experience.
    Oh .. And if it is killed by what to do?
    Do not worry .. the larger of course in advance in advance by the scrolls of the resurrection. If you do not have time to resurrect your friend for three minutes from the moment of his death, everything .. You will suffer from the loss of a faithful friend who died for you in an unequal battle with the enemy.
    And soon, this cute animal will turn into a real wolf ... and will tease everything that moves, they say that if it is good to peel, he will even be a tank.
    Volchonok is a fur rome and a faithful friend.

    These animals are given very hard and require constant attention and certain "victims".

    Volchonok. This cute animal you can get at level 15. He is very promoted, but unfortunately not strong. It must be protected and care for him. But get it oh how difficult.
    In the northwestern part of the city of Gludin in one of the shops, you need to find Pet Manager Martin, talk to her.
    She will send you on a journey. First you have to go to your homeland and causally disappear to the packs that will be indicated to you in Quest. We place them until you have 50 cohesives. Next, we return to Gludin and, proving that you coped, start running around the cities, and collect as much information as possible,
    First visit Gludio and talk to Gatekeeper Belladonna.
    Go back to the Dion and find the Guard Metty there at the southern gate.
    Then, by gathering the Spirit, we run to Hyran and find there in the jewelry store Trader Ellie.
    All cheers! Now we return to the Gludin, when you come Pet Manager Martin will decide to check you and will ask cunning questions! Do not be afraid if you did not bother to notice everything, here's a hint to help you.

    Question (RUS): How many CM can wolf go?
    Question (ENG): How Far (KM) Can A Wolf "S Scent Reach?
    Answer: 2.4 km.

    Question (RUS): Do not know how much wild wolf lives, then how much wolf, usually lives in the zoo?
    Question (ENG): There Is No Exact Data on The Life Span of A Wild Wolf. Then Howl Long Does A Wolf In The Zoo Normally Live?
    Answer: 12-15 years

    Question (RUS): Listed the life of the wolf, choose an incorrect description?
    Question (ENG): The Following Are Descriptions on the Life of a Wolf. Choose The Wrong Description Among The Choices.
    Answer: And Pregnant Wolf Makes Its Home in A Wide Open Place to Have Its Babies!

    Question (RUS): List of wolf life ways, choose a true description?
    Question (ENG): The Following Are Descriptions ABOUT THE WOLF. Choose The Right One Among The Choices.

    Question (RUS): Where is usually a wolf tail?
    Question (ENG): Normally, How Would A Wolf "S TAIL BE POSITIONED?
    Answer: IT "S tail is Always Pointing Straight Down.

    Question (RUS): What is the name of the animal family of wolves, who lived 2.500.000-10.000. Years ago? It is said - "the body and skull were big and heavy, but his mental abilities are small, and the Intelch is low."
    Question (ENG): What is the name of the Wolf "S Ancestor That Became Extinct 10,000 YEARS AGO?
    Answer: Dire Wolf.

    Question (RUS): Listed links between the Wolf in the world of Linege and their habitat. Which of the listed incorrect?
    Question (ENG): The Following Connections Are Made Between The Wolves in The Lineage World and Their Habitats. Which Of The Following Is Not Connected Properly?
    Answer: ORK BLAK WOLF!

    Question (RUS): What needs to be done so that the animal grew faster?
    Question (ENG): What Should You Do to Make A Pet Grow Faster?

    Question (RUS): Biological classification of the wolf! "The mammal feeds on meat, dog family" - which of those listed does not apply to the above classifications.
    Question (ENG): The Biological Classification of the Wolf Is Meat-Eating Mammal of A Dog "s Family". Then Which Animal Among The Following Is Not A "MEAT-Eating Mammal From A Dog" s Family "?
    Answer: NO ANSWER!

    Question (RUS): What kind of wolf leads the rest on the hunt in the flock?
    Question (ENG): What Kind of Wolf LEADS THE REST WHILE HUTING IN A PACK?
    Answer: Male.

    Question (RUS): Which of the listed, the wolf that does not eat?
    Question (ENG): Which One Among The Following Does A Wolf Not Eat?
    Answer: No answer

    Question (RUS): An animal may disappear if it is not possible to recall it on time, how long does it need to be?
    Question (ENG): The Pet Shall Disappear Forever If You Can "T Resurrect It Wathin A Certain Amount of Time. What is the Maximum Amount of Time to Resurrect A Pet?
    Answer: 3 minutes

    Question (RUS): The owner can use the animal for many purposes. Which one is not the goal below ...?
    Question (ENG): The Owner Can Use ITS Pet for Many Different Purposes. Which One Of The Following Is Not The Purpose of A Pet Use?
    Answer: Makes To Go to the Village and Buy Items Rather Than Sending On An Errand!

    Question (RUS): Choose an incorrect description from the breeding of wolves!
    Question (ENG): Which Is Not A Proper Description of the Breeding Of Wolves?
    Owls: The Period of a Pregnancy Is 9 months.

    Here he is in your hands, more precisely he himself ... And the collar.
    Now we are sideways. In the Actions section, a separate part for the teams of this dog appears.
    Main teams:
    Name. give a pet name
    Follow. Order Pet follow the character
    Attack order pet attack the purpose of the character
    Stop. Order Pet to stop any action
    Collect. order pet pick up from the ground the subject nearest to it
    Return.order pet back to Binder
    Dismiss frees pet - pet disappears forever

    You call it beautiful somehow (preferably original and how to do neither book - fantasy, and then divorced wolves "airplanes" tractors ") the name must be unique - it is impossible to give the names of already existing players and pets, as well as NPC names and monsters . And do not forget once the name of the name, you no longer change it and do not delete!
    We like it, prigifim, now we must begin to deal with them.
    This creation is rather weak and whatever it becomes more attentive. If the hunger indicator (green strip) is dropped, then the lolf will deteriorate the parameters, but if that, the wicked can be raised on the bunnies, which are grazing near the cities, then it can be easily feeding Food for Wolves, which is sold from any Pet Manager . Your wolf rolls? ... excellent. Then let's train it.
    The wolf can kill with two or three shots. But you can buy him suitable weapons and armor at Pet Manager.
    The more the wolf rolls on a terrible monster, the more he is gaining strength and experience, but if he never hit the monster, he will not get experience at all. And on the contrary, if you never hit the bloodthirsty monster, and your shaggy friend will kill him on his own, then he will have 100% of the calculated experience.
    Oh .. And if it is killed by what to do?
    Do not worry .. the larger of course in advance in advance by the scrolls of the resurrection. If you do not have time to resurrect your friend for three minutes from the moment of his death, everything .. You will suffer from the loss of a faithful friend who died for you in an unequal battle with the enemy.
    And soon, this cute animal will turn into a real wolf ... and will tease everything that moves, they say that if it is good to peel, he will even be a tank.
    Volchonok is a fur rome and a faithful friend.

    If you are looking for a quest for a wolf L2 in Russian, then you got exactly at the address.

    The quest can be taken from 15 levels, immediately I would like to place a point over I, the wolf until the Gracia update is useless.

    It does not bear any value, does not cause damage, nor transfers many things. But he dies from any blow.

    Another thing is Great Wolf, which appeared in the renewal of Gracia Part 1 and his older brother Fenrir, with a complete equipment this pet can damage more than any DD, the only protection it is greatly inferior, so be careful on the farm.

    The wolf is an excellent satellite of gnomes and preports, since it can be very successfully afraid of the mobs of its level, it is not particularly afraid that the wolf will die. For a spoiler, this is a discovery, since on average wolf causes 2 times more Demag than a spoiler, thereby replaces DD in the party and share the spoil does not have to.

    Well, enough reflection, you came for the quest on Wolf L2, we will give you it!

    1. We start the quest in Gludin Village. Being 15 LVL or older, start Quest Martin.He stands on the square. Exit from the church and run right.

    2. Depending on our zoom, he will send us to the extraction of claws, and so choose who you are playing:

    BUT. Human- we wast on Talkin Island. are looking for Giant Spider., Talon Spider. and Blade Spider. and extract 50 Bloody Fang.

    B. Elf- Bim Elven Forest And looking for Crimson Spider. Hook spider and Pincer Spider. and extract 50 Bloody Claw.

    IN. Dark ElfSwampland. Dark looking for Lesser Dark Horror, Dark Horror and ProWler. and extract 50 Bloody Nail.

    G. Orcfrozen waterfall In orcs, looking for KASHA SPIDER, KASHA FANG SPIDER and Kasha Blade Spider. and extract 50 Bloody Kasha Fang

    D. GnomeNorthwood coast And there find Hunter Tarantula, Plunder Tarantula and collect 50 Bloody Tarantula Nail

    E. CamelForest Mimira are looking for Crimson Spider. To collect 50 Bloody Red Claw

    3. After 50 claws mined, fly back to the gloup Martin.he will give a list to what NPC should go

    Letim B. Gludio., speak with GK Bella

    6. After that, we go to Giran. in Jewel Shop to NPC Ellie

    7. After that, come back to Martin. in Gludin.

    Quest on Wolf L2


    Make to Go to the Village and BUY ITEMS Rather Than Sending On An Errand.

    What kind of wolf leads the rest with the hunt of the pack?
    The Wolf Is a Meat-Eating Mammal of The Canine Family. Which Animal Among The Following Is Not A Meat-Eating Mammal Of The Canine Family? NO ANSWER. What is the oldest and most primitive type of wolves living in Aden? Horrible wolf.
    What Are the Oldest and most primitive Type of Wolves Found in Aden? Dire Wolf. How is the waiter's tail is usually located? His tail is always directed down.
    What Is the Best Way to Trein Your Pet? WHEN TAKING DOWN A MONSTER, ALWAYS HAVE A PETS COMPANY. How far (in kilometers) may somewhat smell a wolf? 2.4 km
    The Following Connections Are Made Between The Wolves and Their Habitats. Which Is Not Correct? ORC - Black Wolf Which of the listed does not suit the description of the life of the wolf? Pregnant Wolf creates for his cubbing house on a wide open place.
    Which of the Following Is The Correct Description of A Wolf? A GROWN WOLF IS STILL NOT AS HEAVY AS A FULLY-GROWN MALE ADULT HUMAN The following links were carried out between wolves and their habitat. What is the connection incorrect? Orc - black wolf.
    Which of the Following Do Not Describe The Life of A Wolf? A PREGNANT WOLF MAKES ITS HOME IN A WIDE OPEN PLACE TO HAVE ITS BABISES The wolf is mammals belonging to the pet family that feeds on meat. What animal from the listed is not a mammal belonging to the pet family? No answer.
    What Is the Normal Lifespan of a Wolf in Captivity? 12-15 years What of the listed is not food for the wolf? No answer.
    Which Isn't A Proper Description of the Breeding Of Wolfes? PRGNANCY IS NINE MONTHS Pets are very useful for their owners. How can not be used your pet? May be sent to the village to buy objects.
    Which of the Following Is Not A Part of the Wolf's Diet? No answer Pets may disappear forever, if they do not resurrect it for a certain time after death. What is the maximum resurrection time of the pet? 24h. ( sometimes option 20 min)
    What Kind of Wolf Leads The Rest When Hunting In A Pack? Male. What of the listed is the right description of the wolf? Even an adult wolf weighs less than an adult man.
    How Far (in Kilometers) CAN A WOLF'S Smell Reach? 2.4 km. What is the normal life expectancy of the wolf in captivity? 12 ~ 15 years.
    Which Animal Among The Following Is Not A Meat-Eating Mammal Of The Canine Family? No answer What is the description of the process of breeding wolves is incorrect? Pregnancy period is 9 months old.
    How Is A Wolf's Tail Normally Positioned? ITS TAIL IS ALWAYS POINTING STRAIGHT DOWN How best to train pet? During the hunting of monsters, you must take a pet with you.
    What is the name of this Animal Which Is in Wolf Family and Was Thougo to Live 2,500,000-10,000 Years Ago? IT IS SAID THAT ITS BODY AND SKULL WERE BIG AND HEAVY, BUT ITS BRAINS WERE SO SMALL THAT IT IS ASSUMED THAT ITS INTELLIGENCE WEREN "T VERY HIGH. DIRE WOLF.
    What A Maximum Delay Allowed Before Ressure Becomes Impossible? 24 Hours (20min)
    What Can Be Done to Make A Pet Grow Faster? Make A Pet Hit A Monster A Lot

    Will Your Pet Disappear ... if not resurrected.

    IT WON "T DISAPPEAR. (C) Quest on Wolf HF

    If you are mistaken in the answers, it does not matter, Martin will ask again to go all the NPC and return the exam, if everything is successful you will get Collar Wolf. .

    Congratulations to the building quest to Wolf La2.


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