Walkthrough. Divinity: Original Sin

Walkthrough. Divinity: Original Sin

On your way through the Fort Joy you will meet a group of burning pigs, which are part of the quest of the same name.

Step 1: Talk to the Slap

You will meet fiery pigs in coordinates x: 446 Z: 176. In order to wake up the chapel - the servant of non-residential pricing of Rex, - you must use the "blessing" spell on one of the pigs.

If you do not have this spell, you can get it in a dark cave, which is in coordinates x: 508 Y: 69. In order to use it, you will need.

When you healed the pig, directly in front of you will appear and will require a fight. In addition, she will tell you that pigs are damned heretics.

In the same way, blessing four more burning pigs.

Step 2: Talk to Feder

After blessing pigs, go to the beach of the Dragon. In coordinates x: 579 Z: 179 Find Feder - the wizard, who was once a man, but turned into a pig. Talk to her using the talent of the "animal friend."

During the conversation, tell her to visit the Sanctuary of Amadia and prayed to the goddess, which will help relieve the curse and return to her human shape.

Step 3: Visit Amadia's Sanctuary

Go to coordinates X: 417 Z: 40where Feder will wait for you with bad news - the prayer did not help. Offer her to enter the pond in the Temple of Amadia.

Then, interact with your head of the goddess and talk to her. Continue the conversation while the pond does not envelop a blessed fog. As a result, Feder will return to his human form.

Tips that will simplify the passage of the game - Part 2

We continue to share tips that significantly simplify passage Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN 2.

Craft - delightful

Kraft is a very useful occupation that will not just allow you to acquire any other subject, but also is an excellent way to extend the capital.

With a meal associated with several perks, which can be useful in battle. First, most of the products heal your characters, so they will be useful throughout the game. It is also desirable to learn to independently produce therapeutic potions. In order not to spend too much gold on them.

Kraft window

Food also gives many other bonuses, including an increase in parameters and resistance. Food in the game is very much, so you will easily distribute it among all party satellites. This is an excellent option for use even outside the battle.


At first glance, the multiplayer may seem a bit confusing. There are two ways to use it.

First, there is a server browser. In the main menu, you can select "Multiplayer", which will open the lobby list. This method is designed to start a campaign. Anyone who joins will be able to create a character and go with you on a journey literally from the very beginning of the game.

After you start the game together, you will no longer need to choose the lobby. Just download your game, open the main menu and select "Connection Menu". From here you can choose who can join you or invite other people. Gamers who joined this way will manage one of your satellites.

Theft though rewards, but once per character

Be thief - one of the beautiful and fast ways grow rich. Obtaining at home or warp straight from the pockets of the characters, you will make a profit. But on the other hand? If you are caught on theft (any), guards will be prevented, and rather, the entire NPC nearby will be hostile to you. If you are not caught on your pocket theft, but a person will notice that their items are missing, then if you are near this NPC, it may require your search.

It should be noted that you can attract anyone only once per character from the party. How profitable will theft be depends on the level of the corresponding skill, but regardless of it you can rob the NPC only once. Morality to this fable? If you plan to steal objects and make money on handheld thefts, then pump theft skill for higher income, and also after theft immediately leave the location before the robbed character will be suspicious.

You have a free possibility of redistribution of stoves and skills

As we mentioned in a guide for pumping satellites, you will get the possibility of free distribution of stats at the beginning of the third chapter. This happens after you find yourself on the "mistress revenge." The magic mirror is located in the hold. And if you talk to him, you can completely redistribute the stats of the character, while maintaining its level. This means that if you have accepted the wrong decision or use the members of the detachment with the same skills, you can redo them so that they bring the total benefit.

The most mirror

Each race has unique skills.

It is barely affecting the game, but different races have their own unique abilities that will be very useful. For example, race of lizards can roll the pits without the use of shovels, and the undead - unscrew the locks without the use of bars using their bone fingers. Elves eat parts of bodies and get memories of dead people.

Dwarfs and people, unfortunately, are deprived and have no special abilities.

Blessing - a very useful source spell

A few hours later in the game you will unlock the "blessing" spell. It is strange, and first may not seem very useful. The blessing has several applications, but most of them are hidden. An examples of the use of the "Blessing" spell are given:

  • Removing the curse from the object. Some objects, including levers and switches, will be damned. The usual you can say about this by the presence of black haze around the subject. Bless it to remove the curse and make the object useful.
  • Cleansing the sacred fire - some creatures will be subjected to debuff called the sacred fire. This form of fire cannot be covered with ordinary water. Try using the "blessing" on such a character, and in most cases the fire will go out. Sometimes it may be necessary for a burning character to stand in a puddle of blood, and it will be blessed.
  • Cleansing the Earth, the conversion of water puddles into the healing pond. If there is a damned surface on Earth, the use of "blessing" will clean it. In addition, you can bless the usual reservoir and turn it into a pond, restoring the health of the characters entering it.

Secret: "Chicken Lapa" - the best spell

IN Divinity. There are many useful status effects. For example, knocking down and stunning - powerful spells with which you can buy in battle time.

"Chicken paw" is a real pleasure, but if you are using it, and not against you. As soon as the enemy does not have physical armor, you can apply a spell to turn it into a chicken. Now it is easy to attack, and he misses several rounds and can not do anything. And good also the fact that this skill is triggered on a variety of bosses that have immunity or resistant to other status effects.

Install traps with barrels

The character with high power can take the barrels and carry them with them. If you have to take part in a complex combat, then run around the surroundings and collect several barrels. Create a gigantic trap of them, then hide opponents into it and undermining, applying a huge damage. Almost all objects in Divinity. You can move if the character has enough power. Experiment!

When combinations of elements you get different effects

This is what you know early enough, but, nevertheless, the game does not hurry to tell you more about it. Various elements of the game can cause certain effects depending on the combination:

  • Fire and poison - mixing them with each other, you call mass explosion on a chain reaction. The goal will be set fire and poisoned.
  • Fire and water - creates pair clouds (smoke), because of which remote attacks it is impossible to attack the character.
  • Water and lightning - electrifies water, catching electric damage, shocking the goal and stunning it.
  • Blessing and water - creates a blessed with a reservoir, healing everyone who is in it.

Over time, merchant goods are updated

You may notice that some merchants sell new items that appear over time when re-visiting. This is due to the fact that the range of goods is updated after you raise the level. Keep in mind that it does not always mean that they will receive new items, since it seems that suppliers are ultimately stopped stocking goods far from their range.

Do you know that merchants will keep all those items that you ever sold them? Regardless of the number and time that passed from the moment! If you ever need the goods sold, then be sure to check the nearest merchants to find it.

If satellite died

Sometimes bad things happen and your companions die. Do not worry! If you finish the fight, but you can't revive the allies, you can leave them dead as much time as you want. Just mark the place and go back to it after you get the scroll of the resurrection.

It has long been going to do this - to deal with all versatile skills and spells. Since the waiting for the translation of the game into Russian was unreasonably dragged, I decided to do without on my own. Truth, of English language I do not know, so I had to resort to the help of network translators. Of course, something was transferred not exactly, something is ridiculous, and some names could not be translated at all. However, I hope that the material will be useful. (In quotes concluded the names, in the correctness of the translation of which I am not sure, the same question designations are indicated by the same descriptions of the effects.) Let's start!

Battering RAM - Taran. The warrior instantly gets closer to the enemy, knocking it off his legs (in the absence of physical protection!) And inflicting damage. Very love to use enemies with two-handed weapons.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

Battle Stomp - Topot War. The warrior inflicts damage on a certain zone ahead of himself, everyone who fell into her enemies.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

Crippling Blow - crumpled blow. Calculates the goal of a rapid blow and all opponents around it.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

Rage - rage. In this state, a hit with a guaranteed critical damage is applied.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

Blitz Attack - Fast Attack. Warrior inflicts damage to several enemies standing on the same line.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

Whirlwind is a whirlwind. Circular shot. (Perhaps the damage will be inflicted by many enemies.) Love to use opponents with two-handed weapons.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

PHOENIX DIVE - Phoenix peak. In a word, a jump with the ignition of the landing place. A good skill that allows you to quickly leave the battlefield or enter into battle. Love enemies with two-handed weapons.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

Overpower - OvercomingResetting. Alas, three units of the source magic are needed to use this skill. Considering that after one of the patches, everything was disappeared by all the "silver puddles", it is almost impossible to apply it. And is it worth it?

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

The effectiveness of most military skills depends on the power of the weapon and the dexterity indicator. (Strange - why not forces?)


Marksman's Fang - "Fang Znamesman"? Armored arrow, ignoring physical protection.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

First Aid - first aid. Heals and removes some unpleasant effects. The skill is especially useful at the very beginning of the game.

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

It is interesting!

From time to time, the hero includes items with any skill or spell. The most famous example is both teleportation. They can be useless than a single one: you can not use the learned teleportation and trail - teleportation from the peculiar; But the group will not interfere. It is completely unclear why "insert" in the spell items requiring the source magic. Bloodthirsty elves can get spells and skills without learning school skills and without buying books - just entering parts of the corpses. B-p-rr.

What of the listed is the most useful single? Depending on the main class, learn: "adrenaline", "kick in the back", "Cloak and Dagger", "Fang of the Znamense", "Sniper", "Tactical Departure"; Tactical retreat is useful in the form of scrolls, especially at the beginning of the game. Additionally and be sure to learn: "Rain", "Ritual Healing", "Regeneration", "Teleportation", "Exchange": the first four will not be superfluous in the form of scrolls. "Chameleon Cloak", "Steel Heart", "Skin Change" - Useful spells of new classes.

It is important!

It is necessary to determine in advance what exactly you will use. Of course, you can get the skills of all schools, but they will be the first level and are not too good. For example, I abandoned the School of the Warrior - you should not study it only for the sake of "Jing of Phoenix". If in the class two and more useful spell skills: you need to learn.

You may decide that other spells and skills are suitable for you: everyone is your own. But, in my humble opinion, the magician of one school is too big luxury even for the group. Good luck to all of you!

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

"Divinity: Original Sin 2": spells and skills

P.S. A big request to everyone who has noticed a mistake - and they are almost certainly there! - Write in the comments or in a personal; I will fix the material.

Divinity: Original SIN 2 - deep, epic, adult and smart classic RPG in a beautiful wrapper with freedom of actions available only to elected representatives of the genre.
Most of the old school RPG prefer is isometric, which is why small parts of the environment are lost, which partially create an atmosphere. Here the authors have created a completely three-dimensional world with a free camera capable of showing a whole floor of a mansion, related objects in a slit on a wall or elegant patterns on armor with any angle.

System requirements for such possibilities are very impressive. Therefore, to play Divinity: Original Sin 2 without brakes and get a maximum of visual pleasure, you need a PC above average. System Recommended Requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit or higher;
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 or better;
  • RAM: 8 GB or more;
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 770 or RADEON R9 280;
  • DirectX: version 11;
  • Location: 35 GB.

About the game

Divinity: Original SIN 1 and 2 Maximize the hands of the players, encouraging the freedom of action and the ingenuity of quests, rare equipment and achievements. Full first passage can take 100 hours even at the middle level of complexity. And if we take into account the mods that open up new features, and hardcore mode, adventures can eat over 200 hours. The enemy is much more difficult to kill, because the enemy smartly and fully applies the tactical arsenal.

At the level of "tactics" or "Valor", sometimes think about the trains and codes, because the enemies begin to crack such combinations of the skills that the head of the ashes remains from the squad of the novice player. Funny fact - on the release day of the second part, the creators did not have time to release Russian localization, but after two weeks later came out the patch and no crack is no longer needed.


Lucian Divine is dead and embroidered emptiness broke into Reevellon. In all, the sorcerers are blamed and the magic of the source. Magters of the Divine Order of fanatically pursue magicians throughout Rovelon. Conscious sorcerers are waiting for prison and forced cleansing, in the process of which magicians lose power together self person And turn into silent zombies.

The main character is one of the mages of the source, captured by the Order. The adventure begins on the ship next to the island prison with the ironic name of the Fort Joy.


In the wanderings of the character accompany satellites. At the same time, the game allows you to travel alone with talents that increase the points of action. But the fee for loneliness is high, since the quests of satellites and the comments of the aparters are disappeared.

Companions are distinguished by races, characters and personal stories. You can customize classes and create your own hero or play a finished character with history:

  • Lousie;
  • Beast;
  • Fein;
  • Yofan Ben-Mortals;
  • Red Prince;
  • Sibilla.

During the wanders there are other allies, for example, Gareth or Tarkin, as well as swung opponents. In the Dvinity Original there is no clear separation on good and evil, so friends can become rivals, and enemies with new allies.


An interesting feature is kraft. Hundreds of reference books, guidebooks and books are hidden in Rovelona, \u200b\u200bincluding recipes. Many recipes can be found only experienced. To create some things or special runes, moderate, perseverance or Wiki will be required. For example, by samples and errors, you can combine boots and nails. In such boots, the character will never slip on the icing surface.

There are several hundred different recipes, so you never know which ingredient can be useful. Even from an inconspicuous plant, ordinary water and a metal spoon can be screamed by a solid rune.

Skills and magic

Pumping in a divine individual theme. Only video guide or big guide by classes can fully disclose the topic, since the types of skills 10 are alone:

  • Warfare;
  • Hunting skill;
  • The art of murder;
  • Pyfanelics;
  • Hydrosophistic;
  • Aerometric;
  • Geomantia;
  • Necromancy;
  • Call;
  • Transformation.

You can pump any skills, most importantly, enough free glasses. When studying each spell or skill (excluding eating corpses, legendary artifacts), the original book of skills is required.

In addition to the 10 specified species, there are unique combined skills with the magic of two spells, as well as deadly skills for source glasses. Kraft options are extremely many, but they are all collected in any game wiki.

In Divinity: Original SIN 2 Over 150 side goals divided into seven episodes. The first passage can cause difficulties, since something can be accidentally skipped or confused when solving another puzzle. We offer you to watch an overview of the most interesting and complex tasks. To facilitate the search for the NCC, locations or things, see the coordinates of the X and Y (mini card).

Chapter 2.

Here we will have to face the Order, to recruit the apartees, to figure out how to remove the collar, and escape on the mainland in the eastern part of the reservoir.

One of the first interesting places in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is the Arena Fort Joy. In the dialogue with the gentle (212, 135), we derive information about the underground arena. We find the hatch in the floor in the kitchen (215, 131), we speak with the thickness of the soda and call the group of enemies. After victory, you can ask to remove the collar from the main character. Be careful! If the supervisors will see the prisoner without a collar, they will have questions.

Tirana artifacts

During the wanders, you can get a rare set of armor, consisting of five fragments with a good reservation. Equipment is cursed and put on simultaneously to avoid curses. Searches begin with a statue in ancient pass (15 perception glasses). After the monologue, the stone figure is taken by the first fragment, which is part of the Tirana set - the Tirana Leggings. The helmet is stubborn in the King's sanctuary in the ruins of the castle, where Garet is found for the first time. Gloves can be taken from the sarcophagus in the king tower. "Tirana boots" are stored in the tower nearby meetings with the distraught sorcerer (378, 248). The armor "The Heart of Tirana" is kept in the treasury of the king.

Gaist killer

In the fort, the joy of Arnica lost Father Migo. Lost Migo wanders in the south-eastern shore. In advance, capture the flower with arnic, which will lead to the feelings of Migo. In the award, MGO will give a ring, which is worth passing Arnica, after which we run along with Arnica to Migo. When you pass, we get achievement.

Jug of Soul Weermura

In the caves in the south, underground lase, floated with sand. Go down to Laz and talk with Lord Weisermur. It will take 12 forces to get a spear from the chest of Lord. He will pray for the release of the soul. Look for a jug with Wizermura soul in ancient pass. Apply the loophole on the floor next to the temple on the Fort Square and go into prison. Lay the secret lever, opening the road to an ancient passage, break the second jug on the left.

Labyrinth Gorgulia

In order to enter the tower of the progress, you need to go through a tangled labyrinth. Inside a lot of doors opening with the skulls. Take advantage of teleportation and look for six skulls or show the Garglee "Clack's ring", then immediately transfer to the tower, bypassing the labyrinth. However, then you will not see the undead that the damned fire burns. We must know how to put out the historian, because ordinary ways are useless. To save poorness from suffering, use the skill of bloody rain and bless the undead.

Deprived of the source dragon

On the right side of the island inhabited by the Clavunya Rajoy Dragon. We break the shackles with chains and promise the dragon to return a small staff - the rod of the deliverance, with which the sorceress deprived of power. Go to the hostess of the dragon and take the rod rod. By the way, only a rare rose is growing here, so do not forget to capture the find. Give the rod prisoner and in gratitude he will kill the screaming during escape.

Burning pigs

In the East run squeezing burning pigs, which cannot be extended. Use the blessing to dispel to curse and win or convince the Keeper of the Jagmp. Run on the dragon beach from the top and fit a pig Feder. Run together with Fedher to Amadia's sanctuary and offer a pig to plunge into healing water to remove the curse.

Treasury of the king pribra

On the west coast near the crocodiles, read the corpse of the Majilla's corpse and go look for the Treasures of the king's defense in the east. Here are stored jugs with damned souls for plots. Fate worse death and eternal veneers. Take the jugs with you to use later. After the victory, we take the damned ring of the tricker. If you wear a damned ring, you will have to remove the curse - to do this, remove the ring and bless it.

Terrible mother's sleep

Despel to Farra's mother (180, 188) is looking for a lost daughter Ermma. Talk to Farro, and then with Jet. After dialogue with the jet, refer to Ermome and complete the search.

Chapter 4.

After arrival, you will get ashore the coast of the reservoir. You will meet with your God, visit the mass of the busy places and will take a plot of a sharp awakening. This is the largest location, so we recommend linger on the coast longer. Hollowing ashore, immediately achieve the dying shark (450, -46) and take the remains of the child. Later in the city Looking for a child of Ben and tell about the death of a friend, graduate the goal of hide and seek.

Arena Driftwood

Under the tavern there is a fighting car with difficult battles with tied eyes and with the current champion Murge. Get two victories and will be awarded the key from the treasury. Collect the treasures and do not forget the key favorites. The key will come in handy in the fifth episode when you will meet the Academy and the task of the testing site. Also nearby is Dorothea luxurious, activating the mission of the Pottenical Wish. In a reward, you can get a unique talent kiss spider.

ugly duck

In the south of the urban walls lives a nasty sick duckling, which is actually a Phoenix. Apply the fiery skill on the duckling and take the trophy - Phoenix egg. It can be sold or eat, having studied the spell of the Fenix \u200b\u200bflight.

Law Order

In the city, talk to Reimond and with Julian at Brighton Barnes Fish Warehouse. In the cave of shipwear stored a letter of the queen of gnomes. Transfer a letter to Juliana or Lohara. If you give a letter to master, you will have to fight with Lohar.

When to count chickens

On the coast of the reservoir you will meet with chickens. When to count chickens - a task that gives a large margin chicken. For a conversation requires talent for animals. Go for missing chickens and return the latter's large margin. After a while, return to the chicken coop, where you will meet a piskun (chicken from the rescued egg). Thanks to Spiritis, find out from the big margin, where Kurekka's father's magic cock (437, 304). Take a chicken to your father and fight with the dissection of darkness in which Kurekok will turn.

Window capabilities

In the monastery forest will come across Hannag, fighting with the masters. If you help her and convince you to teach the power of the gods, it will give a goal in the last bulk, in which you will go to the black copy and save the student of Gvidane. On the way to the copy visit Gareth and start the goal to bury the past, in which you have to deal with Jonathan. Take a look at Paladinov on the road and start the adventure of dark things in black specks at Tom Hardwine,

Be careful in the south of the monastery forest, as Alice Alisson lives there. The battle with it is extremely complicated, but for the victory over the evil sorceress you will get rare items for the task of the Scot's appeal. In the West of the Monastery Forest lives merchant Eitne (167, 222). Combine the book of necromance and Pykanetics and sell a combined clearing spell. To complete, visit the remains Eiten on the graveyard (566, 130).

A little west of the undead merchant, you can start the passage of an unusual quest Three altars. The first sanctuary guards crying abominations (115, 269). Kill the Demon-Wolf and read the prayer at the sanctuary, activating the task. Laying three altars by coordinates:

  • 115, 269;
  • 414, 301;
  • 482, 260.

Dangerous for themselves and others

In the house in the northeast, Gregorius Swann lives in the house. You need a scholar tag to cure the girl. Fight a demons and do not kill Natalie. Spend an operation through a dialogue with a girl and sequentially select:

Visit Jahan to the East from the Monastery Forest and take the task of killing a dangerous daemon. We recommend passing all quests on the dangerous island of the bloody moon, because they are a lot of them! In advance, read the book from the house of Jahan "Decorated Collection of Hymns" and keep the course on the island of the bloody moon behind the demon.

It is possible to move through the deadly fog through the ferryman in the north of the monastery forest or through the destroyed bridge in the northeast of Jahan. There is a dangerous daemon here, which will help develop power if you take an additional attachment to the lawyer. Go to the ancestors tree and fight with necromancers fanatics. Return to the demon and end with it to complete the goal.

When you learn about necromancers who tried to get through the fog of death, the task of the mystery of the island of the bloody moon will appear. Go to the East, where you detect the hatch (high perception required), in which you can go down and detect to the archive. Name Archives, find out the name of the Tresh of the ancestors and start the plots of the elevator deception, squeezed pain and silent. Leave the archive and go to the south, where you will meet the ancient mountain. Here you can create a silver lever of silver bars. The lever will be useful when passing forgotten and damned, during which you visit three storage facilities under sculptures.

Missing masters

Near the city prison, visit Carvaru and investigate the reproach of the members of the Order. Go to the tavern black bull and find out the details at the elf at the entrance. Find out about the murderer of the ghost Harric and pick up the sacrifice ring in the kitchen under the gender boards (high perception is required). Show the find of the kitchen and fight it. Report by the successful investigation of Carwar.

In the tavern, many cases that can be performed by time. On the second floor, find the captain of the Eibweser and look around the Spirit near her through spiritualism to fulfill the rules of the mountain will not fill. Srouting the Spirit to leave the Eibweser and find out the location of the treasured ship from the captain. Next to the room, the Eibweser sleeps a man with a mysterious chest. Speak with him and start the mission of a sleeper for adventure, to perform which you need to open a speaking chest.

If there is a red lizard of the prince in the detachment, order "Druphtwood exotic" by tracker and climb to the second floor, starting to have a mini adventure in love there is a price. After anodged night, the lizard will be in the arms of the Red Princess, which will meet later in the northeast of location.

Saheyl tribe

After rescuting Amiro in Fort, please tell us about the Saheyl of her relatives in the northeast on the coast of the reservoir. Talk to the goods and look around to the sawmill in the north, to save Safel from the paw of lonely wolves as part of the plot of the elven provincial. If there is a Sebilla in the party, then you can do valuable extraction. After salvation of the Sahaila on the sawmill, many tasks, most of which are available with the ability of spiritualism, including the story of a log as a log.

A little west of the elves camp (448, 343) four elven idols are towering. Decide the riddle of the test of all the time, by activating four statues:

  • Autumn - Apply the electric boom;
  • Winter - Apply the explosion of the chairs;
  • Spring - let the blood next to the idol;
  • Summer - Apply a laser beam.

The award is issued by the heart of Phoenix. If there is an elf in the group, eat a heart, replenish the collection of the flame language by the spell.

Empty dreams

Go to the South-West Bank from the city walls in search of a magic lamp, inside which Ginn lives. And on the West Bank you will notice the sculpture and get the task of the flaming prophet. Light five torches at the same time and take the reward from the prophet.

Shadow over Drifwood

Under the tavern black bull lives the leader of Gang Lohar, who will ask to inspect the house where Mordus lives. Run to the house in the West and go down to the basement. Books regimts with a note on the order for the murder of Lorjara are hidden behind the drawers. Also in one of the walls you can notice the skull, which begins the mission taste of freedom. Tell us about the finds Loharu and go to the west of the city in the cave of shipwrecks to end the conspirator.

Losses in Grossbukh

In the tavern bursts the Garvan Trader, who will tell about the attack on the caravan and the death of Liam's mentor. Save the caravan remains and look for blood traces (perception is required). Name Garvanas and talk to Liam Spirit (190, 168) through spiritualism. Take the task of aggressive capture, promise to get rid of revenge for Liam's death and bring Garvan's head. Nearby on the bridge lives troll grog, which gives an additional goal of competitors and ask to get rid of the other troll. Return to Garvana and, optionally give out equipment. If you want to bring Liama's head, kill Garvana without attracting attention to any cooked chowder from the touched of the emptiness of the fish.

Generous sentence

The main character in the cemetery Riker will help develop power, if you can help get a srietyal in a speck. After hitting the mine in the cop, the target will begin. During the study, you can get an eternal artifact from which you can create armor of mighty eternal. To destroy the wall you can repair the pump for oil. The oil pump breaks the wall, thanks to the combined barrels.

Near the caretaker stands Salamander Ziu. It activates the handling of the snake language and will tell the password from the chest covered by fire on the southeastern side of the cemetery. ZiU will tell the password only to a scholar with a tag. Three books are kept in his mansion to solve a puzzle existential crisis. Having found all the essence of the essence, you will pass the tests at the Skeleton Crispin (625, 153). In the basement, the mansion can be helped in love with a rat and a turtle, performing opposites attract. Talk to animals and attach the rat to the turtle track from food.

Near the northern gate of the cemetery is Tarkin, who issues a family mission. After completion, you will have anathema - the strongest weapon. First look for the grave of Joanna Surrey in the cemetery. The first fragment of the artifact in the shadow sarcophage. The key to the tomb of the sorduny Kwanna in the next tomb, near the entrance of which the dog guard Andras.

Be careful when examining the area. Especially near the graves of fallen heroes. When you open the sarcophagi, the damned undead will appear within the test of heroes shelter. After the victory over them, you can go to the treasures of the heroes. Location of chests:

  • 729, 53;
  • 458, 394;
  • 562, 458;
  • 651, 200.

If you did a man and his dog, then in the cemetery area you will meet the dog (530, 65). Also on the graveyard lives Farima, who will ask to finish off Raikra. It is better to pass the servants to unwittingly after the completion of the reposit's owner's request.

And if you liked a broken statue of angel, you can fix with the help of the head found next to the stone knight. Scroll through the angel figure and open the doors to the tomb.

Chapter 5.

Upon arrival at the Unnamed hidden island, it seems that location is very modest, but it is a deceptive feeling. Here is the mass of interesting locations that you can easily skip the first time. And when you think that most passed, mystical lands are presented by surprises.

The main occupation will be the rally of the puzzle of the lunar temple. Near the entrance, the seven rolling columns of the deities. Visiting the sanctuary of the gods, you need to find out where the deity draws the power. Place the columns with the appropriate sign to unlock the magic door.

Moon symbol:

  • Amadia;
  • Dune;
  • Zantec;
  • Tir-century.

Symbol of the Sun:

  • Vrogyr
  • Roller.


Underground hid the giant shelter, surrounded by Looy, in which the leader of the black circle lives. You can get into the lair through the dilapidated altar, putting the head of Alexander on him. Explore the surroundings in search of the handle from which the spit is created. Thanks to the spit, you can execute the order of the almire key to freedom. Inside, there is a continuation of the history of Witch Windgo, which is still able to mission the power of mercy.

Burning research

Entering the Forbidden Library, with the help of spirits, you will meet the wandering spirits. To pass the test, follow the route of the Master Tremli. Repeat the steps and open locked doors. Make sure the Redalus spirit back to the lover and take a reward.

Mother Tree

If there is a sebill in the detachment, visit the top plateau with the Elf Temple. The tree will ask to kill the prince of shadows, but another development option will appear. Sahayl provisidian craves to destroy the tree. You have a hard choice.

Chapter 6.

The next stop on the way to Divinity is the majestic city of Arks. Unraveling political conspiracies, you will learn the secrets of the gnomes and accommodate the ancient divine values. The final stage of adventure will be the tomb of Luciana and the path of blood. To enter the shrine of Lucian you will need a master of secret dreams and nightmares Zanders.

The last stronghold of masters

Under the barracks in ARKSA secret asylum. The hatch in the floor is closed by a lock with ciffer. Sequentially select the answers to open the hatch:

  • Purity;
  • Discipline;
  • Order;
  • Fidelity.

In the repository hid the buttons behind the pictures on the walls. Press alternately specified buttons to get into the secret room:

  • Mind;
  • Society;
  • Body;
  • Divine.


We strongly recommend looking into the ruins of the consulate in the West of ARKS, if there is a red prince in the party. Having passed through the dream portal, an unexpected turn will be revealed in the fate of the oppiators. A constantly resurrection damned dead man creates some difficulties. Use bless the neroplated, removing the damned surface, and the undead will stop coming out.

Bloody Dar

At the wedding of the gnomes, you will find a mini-detective. After receiving a visit, the house in the east of Arks and get to the basement through the hatch under the bed. Obvious Dorian Galla's diary, replenish the backpack with antiquities and return to the wedding of the gnomes to the Miscella of Dew to complete.


The Genre of Party RPG is reborn due to Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity. And after the release of the Divinity game, the genre scored even more new fans. This makes every review in Steam. It has 93% of positive feedback, which, without a doubt, makes it wait for the continuation.


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