Quest on the receptions of weapons fog. Quest to the weapon recipe S Grade Rand

Quest on the receptions of weapons fog. Quest to the weapon recipe S Grade Rand

Relics of the Old Empire - Gather The Flames

Total quests for receipt of recipes on S-grade Two weapons, one of them is performed in, the other in Forge of the Gods, in my opinion the quest in IT is done longer (Items fall less frequently, the mobs in the depths of the Thomb Imperial are more unpredictable), but In IT, the quest can be done even with a bishka or her, the first room is completely populated by the undead.
When you pass the quest, you will receive a randomno one recipe on the weapon, but in both quests there are some conditions, when executing which you can choose the desired recipe yourself, I will tell about them below.

Quest Relics of the Old Empire.

Takes at 74 levels Ghost of Adventurer.That stands in the corridor after the first room in Imperial Tomb.

He will propose to kill local monsters, from which relic bags will fall into the quest inventory. Having gained 1000 (yes, yes, it is a thousand) atems, passing them on the NPC and get one recipe on the weapon random. If you do not take the quest from the starting NPC, and pass one of the sepultur, then after TP from the SPE will be waiting for you another NPC, which you can choose exactly the prescription for you.

Quest Gather The Flames..

Takes at 74 levels Blacksmith Vulcan.which stands on the Nobl TP in the lower level.

He will propose to kill local monsters, from which torches will fall into the quest inventory. Having gained 1000 (and again it is a terrible large number) of the atems, passing their NPCs and get one recipe on the weapon random. If you have 1200 atems, you will find the Runi blacksmiths in the blacksmith, you can exchange torches for the desired recipe from the list.

Rooney dulls in different rooms, but usually those who saw him, through Hiro suggest his whereabouts.

Having received the desired recipe, we go craft.

Quest to the weapon recipe S Grade Rand

Gather The Flame.
Level 74.
NPC - BlackSmith of Flame Vulcan (Forge of the Gods - Lower Floor)
1000 Quest Items For 1 Random S Grade Weapon Recipe

Relics of the Old Empire
Level 74.
NPC - Ghost of Adventurer (Imperial Tomb)
1000 Quest Items For 1 Random S Grade Weapon Recipe

How to get a grade's weapon recipe not by rand, but to choose

Requirements: 75 LVL, taken Quest Relic of the Empire
Award: Recipes on S-weapons to choose from, Boss Halisha for a quest for the 3rd prof

1. Collect a batch from 5-9 people. Each party member must take the quest Relic of the Empire and knock out at least 1 Entrance Pass To the Sepulcherto missed inside (1 items for one participant, they are given when killing any mobs in Imperial Tomb.).

2. Find the NPS Nameless Four sepulchers. And talk to him. You will be transferred to the area, similar zone of the festival of darkness. IN Shout. The channel goes countdown: 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. When will be 50 minutes, it means that time has passed to pass the rooms. Within 50 minutes you need to kill mobs inside them.

3. Around the first gate, everyone should talk to a small statue. When multiple NPS messages are going, the party leader must talk to it again, and everyone is teleported inside.

1 room

In the center you will see a chest, if you talk to him, then mobs will appear. Mobs S. x6. hp. It is best to use the masses of the slip ( Sleeping Cloud.) Because mobs nucious magic and very much (protection is necessary Resist Fire). Among the mobs are Officer.which must be killed and the chest will appear Key of Box.. Talk to him, and you will give you a key.

2 room

We go further ... in the second room you will see Scabs (beetles x4 hp). They nukuat the semonies and throw root (a resist is required Mental Shield). Mobs group and social. If you knock on 1 mob, 7 will be satisfied with you, so try to beat the mobs that are far away and do not stand next to others. It is best to use the mass attacks and masses of root. We kill all the mobs in the room. If the key after that was not given, you will have to kill mobs until they give (3 times).

3 room

So, did you go through the second room? We go further .... in the third room you will see the running NPS, which will ask you for help. It runs 1 mob and beats him, and around it is worth the undead, fayers and magicians. When they kill this nsp, it will turn into a mob X6 HP. Run from him to the opposite gate so that few mobs as possible on you. All nearby mobs can be squeezed / dug. Killing this NPS. After that, you must get the key and quickly run to the next room.

4 room

And here you are in the 4 room ... In every corner there are statues that have a large M.Def, X6 HP, and which are imposed by debaphs: bleeding, poison, lowering P.Aak / P. DF (even Mental Shield does not help) . It is better to throw Silence on them. In the middle of the room stands Fireman.If you kill it, you will immediately give the key.

5 room

So you got to 5 rooms, and what do you see? It is located in it Shadow of Halisha. - Boss Raid (the boss is weak, Drop with a big percentage of S c). Kill it, and you will be given to everyone according to the bowl (to those who needed for the quest for the 3rd profooth - Quest Ithem).

All about everything you give 50 minutes . Try not to slow, but not in a hurry. After the end of the right, you will find yourself about the NPS, in a conversation with which you need to choose 2 string, and you will teleport back to Nameless Soul.. Nameless Soul. You can pass everything Sealed Box.that you received for killing mobs. For them you will give some reward.

You need to go through these rooms 4 times. You can pass the same Supler 4 times. All Supalecher has a different level of complexity. When the secessure is all 4 bowls, talk Nameless Soul.and he will give you the opportunity to choose any recipe on S-grade weapon - for this you have to be 1000 Broken Relic Part From Quest Relic of the Empire.

For pharmacy, recipes on armor and ends must be performed or. According to the link there is a complete passing in pictures. Next, fold the hair or horns and exchange the renomotions from the renomo remedies.

Quests on s weapons

There are two options for the extraction of recipes on the weapon, the first in Fog (Forge of GODS) second in IT (Imperial Tomb). A little about two places: in the fog on developed servers, all top seats keep the top clans of packs, and sometimes it holds 1 pack and merges. So farming the fog you will either on the nasty spot, where the farm is hard, or you will not be at all. Also, farm the Fog should be pack, for solo players there is nothing to do there, since another 6 mobs can get out of the mob and for 1 windows it is a lot, if of course you are not a destination. A feature of the quest - find the Blacksmith ROONEY.

Quest in IT, there is an option to farm as a pack at the bottom and solo from above (and even Bishi and it can be farm, Anddeni there). A feature of the quest is - the passage of the 4s quest or the Randomous selection of the recipe.

Quest in Imperial Tomb - Relics of the Old Empire

1. We run on foot or make TP in Imperial Tomb, go inside and run to a large square room where non-aggressive zombies go. We go into the room on the left and find the ghost of the traveler. His quest can be taken from 74 levels. He asks to bring him 1000 pieces that fall from the mobs. We are going to farm mobs, both in the party and solo quest Ithem will fall.

2. We bring to him 1000 Broken Relics - we get to the choice of Renddomo recipe S Grade Weapon 60%.

3. If we do not want a rendoma, then you need to go through one of the four sepulture at the bottom of the Imperial Tomb and the NPC appears which changes 1000 pieces to the recipe that you need. I recommend to do so, you can pay some particular party (usually inexpensive) to spend you, because in the Random version there will be a bunch of IMERIAL STAFF, Dragon Hunter Ax and Demon Spliter.

Quest in Forge of Gods - Gather The Flames

1. Burnt the quest from the volcano, on Lower LVL FOG (running on foot or jump from the Global GK, because "Moscacnoof")

2. It is already necessary to snapar 1,200 items, but it is not difficult to farmly, the mobs of the heap, the only one must be prepared. How to get 1200 or more torches, go to pass and exchange recipes. We need Rooney, it as a master of Tom can stand in different places. It is usually enough to shout in the shut and you will be prompted where he. Either run and search. On the map from below, Runes, good luck in the search!

For the possibility of exchanging a Quest ITEM to recipes we need Alliance with Ketra Orcs 5th level ( Alliance with Varka Silenos - The principle of passing the same).

Requirements: 74 LVL
Award: Access to shops, teleports, raid bosses and other quests from Ketra Orcs; We are interested in the quest for the 3rd PhD; Recipes and parts on S Armor

This is an incessant quest, during which you form an alliance with Ketra Orcs.. If you choose this quest, you will kill Varka Silenos..

1. Talk to S. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan on South Ketra ORC Outpost..

2. You must bring him 100 Varka's Badge - Soldier. Go to Varka Silenos Outpost. And kill Varka Silenos Recruits., Varka Silenos Footmen., Varka Silenos Scouts., Varka Silenos Hunters. and Varka Silenos Shamans..

3. Having received 100 badges., Return to K. Wahkan. And talk to him. You'll get Mark of Ketra's Alliance Level 1, I. Ketra Orcs. It will stop being aggressive in relation to you.

Form An Alliance - Level 2

1. Talk to S. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan on South Ketra ORC Outpost..

200 Varka's Badge - Soldierget which you can kill Varka Silenos Recruits., Varka Silenos Footmen., Varka Silenos Scouts., Varka Silenos Hunters. and Varka Silenos Shamans..

Also you must bring 100 Varka's Badge Captain. They can be killing them Varka Silenos Warriors, Lieutenants, Mediums, Elite Soldiers, Commanders, Elite Guards, White Captainsand SEER.

3. Return to K. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan. He will give you Ketra's Alliance Level 2. In addition, you will get the opportunity to use Warehouse. in Ketra Orcs Outpost.. And buy Buffes at the NPS opposite. Ithem to buy buffs and other items in the store (on other levels of the alliance) are made from the quest War With Varka Silenos.

Form An Alliance - Level 3

1. Talk to S. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan on South Ketra ORC Outpost..

2. To increase the level of the alliance, you must bring 300 Varka's BadgeSoldier, 200 Varka's Badge - Captain,and 100 Varka's Badge - GENERAL.

Varka's Badge-Soldier: Kill Varka Silenos Recruits, Varka Silenos Footmen, Varka Silenos Scouts, Varka Silenos Huntersand Varka Silenos Shamans.

Varka's Badge-Captain: Kill Varka Silenos Warriors, Lieutenants, Mediums, Elite Soldiers, Commanders, Elite Guards, White Captains,and SEER.

Varka's Badge-General: Kill Varka Silenos Great Mystics, Commanders, High Priests, Varka's Prophetsand PROPHET'S Disciples, Prophet's Royal Guards, Varka's Chief Magiand Varka's chief escorts.

3. Return to K. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan, To obtain Mark of Kerta's Alliance Level 3. In addition, you will get the opportunity to use the store in and. While it is sold only to Ketra And bags with random resources from them.

Form An Alliance - Level 4

1. Talk to S. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan on South Ketra ORC Outpost..

2. To increase the level of the alliance, you must bring 300 Varka's Badge - Soldier, 300 Varka's Badge - Captain,and

Prove Your Courage.!

4. Return to K. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan, To obtain Mark Of Kerta's Alliance Level 4.

Form An Alliance - Level 5

1. Talk to S. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan on South Ketra ORC Outpost..

2. To increase the level of the alliance, you must bring 400 Varka's Badge - Soldier, 400 Varka's Badge - Captain,and 200 Varka's Badge - GENERAL.

3. Severy Totem from the quest SLAY THE ENEMY COMMANDER!

4. Return to K. Ketra's Messenger Wahkan, To obtain Mark of Kerta's Alliance Level 5. At the local store for the Ithem quest, you can now buy boxes and figurines from which you can pull the random recipe on S-Armors:

Figurine for 150 horns (750 scalp) - recipe on helmet / gloves / boots or 340,000a (chances of 8.5%)
Figurine for 500 horns (2500 scalp) - recipe for armore or 850,000a (chances of 20%)
Pouch for 60 horns (300 scalp) - 1 parts on helmet / gloves / boots (chances of 8.5%)
Pouch for 150 horns (750 scalp) - 1 part per armore (chances of 20%)
Chest for 150 horns (750 scalp) - 1 part on weapon or 330,000a (chances of 9%)

In Quest " War With The Silions"You can take after you raise your alliance to 2goyou will collect manese (Manes) Silenos.

When you receive 100 Manes.then you can exchange them on 20 Buffalo Horns., buffalo Horns. - This is the currency of the orcs, you use it to buy anything among merchants, getting a buff, they are still in quest items, so you can not give them to other players


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