Paper love: love letters of great people. Letter beloved about the feelings of letters of lovers

Paper love: love letters of great people. Letter beloved about the feelings of letters of lovers

I suggest reading the letters of famous people with your beloved. Over time, these letters have become public, and we can learn not only as specific people wrote about love, admitted in their feelings, but also how people of those times expressed their feelings in general, what words, turnover.

Today, in the era of the Internet and mobile communications, the epistolary genre is dying out, but suddenly today you will have a desire to write at least a note (on paper!), Short message to whom you are not indifferent. You may be surprised at what you are capable of. In the meantime, you can learn from the famous people.

Napoleon Bonaparte - Josephine

"There was no day so that I did not like you; There was no night so that I did not compress you in my arms. I do not drink a cup of tea so as not to curse your pride and ambitions that forced me to stay away from you, my soul. In the midst of service, standing at the head of the army or checking the camps, I feel that my heart is employed only by the beloved Josephine. She deprives me of the mind, fills my thoughts. If I removed from you at the speed of the Rhone flow, it only means that I may soon see you. If I get up among the night to sit for work, this is because you can bring the moment of returning to you, my love. In your letter from 23 and 26 VATOS, you add to me on "you". "You"? A, Damn! How could you write this? How cold it is! ..

Josephine! Josephine! Do you remember what I told you once: Nature rewarded me with a strong, unshakable soul. And she caught with lace and air. Did you stop love me? Forgive me, the love of my life, my soul bursts.

My heart, belonging to you, full of fear and longing ... "

Denis Didro - Sophie Volan

"I can't leave without telling you a few words. So, my favorite, you are waiting for me a lot of good. Your happiness, even your life depends, as you say, from my love for you! Do not be afraid of anything, my dear Sophie; My love will last forever, you will live and you will be happy. I have never committed anything wrong and not going to step on this road. I am all yours - you are all for me. We will support each other in all the troubles that fate can send us. You will facilitate my suffering; I will help you in yours. I can always see you as you were lately! As for me, you must admit that I stayed the same as you saw me on the first day of our dating.

This is not only my merit, but for the sake of justice, I have to tell you about it. Every day I feel more and more alive. I am confident in loyalty to you and appreciate your advantages all the time day by day. I am confident in your consistency and appreciate it. A draw passion did not have big foundations, rather than mine.

Dear Sophie, you are very beautiful, isn't it? Watch for yourself - see how it goes to be in love; And know that I love you very much. This is the constant expression of my feelings.

Good night, my dear Sophie. I am happy as it can be happy man who knows that he loves his most beautiful out of women. "

John Kitts - Fanny Brown

Nothing in the world could give me a great pleasure than your letter, except for you. I almost already tired to strive for the fact that my feelings are blissfully obey the will of that creature, which is now so far away from me. Well, without thinking about you, I feel your presence, and the wave of tenderness covers me. All my thoughts, all my sleeveless days and sleepless nights did not cure me from love for beauty. On the contrary, this love has become so strong that I am in despair because you are not there, and forced to have a bad patience to exceed the existence that cannot be called life. I have never knew that there is such love you gave me. I did not believe in her; I was afraid to burn in her flame. But if you love me, the fire of love will not be able to fall us - it will be no more than we, the sprinkled dew enjoyment, we can bring.

You mention "terrible people" and ask if they will not prevent us from seeing again. My love, understand only one thing: You are so overflowing my heart that I am ready to turn into a mentor, barely noticed the danger threatening you. In your eyes, I want to see only joy, on your lips - only love, in your gait - only happiness ...

Always yours, my favorite! John Kitts "

Alexander Pushkin - Natalia Goncharova

Moscow, in March 1830 (draft, in French.)

"Today - the anniversary of the day when I first saw you; This day in my life. The more I think, the stronger I am convinced that my existence cannot be separated from yours: I was created to love you and follow you; All the other my concerns are one delusion and madness. In my opinion, I am unprokedize me regretting the happiness that I did not have time to enjoy. Sooner or later, I, however, will have to quit everything and fall to your feet. The idea of \u200b\u200bthat day when I manage to have a block of land in ... alone smiles at me and revive among heavy longing. There I can wander around your home, meet you, follow you ... "

Onor de Balzac - Evelina Ganskaya

"As if I wanted to spend your day at your feet; Putting your head on your knees, dream about beautiful, in Nege and Eustice to share with you with your thoughts, and sometimes not to speak at all, but pressing the edge of your dress at all, but to press the lips of your dress! .. Oh, my love, Eve, is my days, my light in Night, my hope, admiration, my beloved, precious when I see you? Or is it an illusion? Did I see you? Oh Gods! How I love your accent, barely catchy, your good lips, such sensual, "let me tell you, my angel of love.

I work in the afternoon and at night to come and stay with you two weeks in December. On the way, I will see the Jurassic Mountains covered with snow, and I will think about the snowy white shoulder my beloved. Oh! Inhale the aroma of hair, keep hands, compress you in the arms - that's where I draw inspiration! My friends are amazed by the disadvantages of my willpie. Oh! They do not know my sweetheart, that someone's clean image negates all the chagrins from their biliary attacks. One kiss, my angel, one slow kiss, and good night! "

Alfred de Mussse - Georges Sand

"My dear George, I need to tell you something stupid and funny. I am writing in fools to you, I do not know why, instead of telling you all this, returning from the walk. In the evening, in the evening because of this in despair. You will laugh in my face, consider me phrasem. You will specify me at the door and will think that I lie. I love in you. I fell in love with you from the first day when you had. I thought I would heal from it very simple, seeing with you on the rights of each other. In your character, a lot of features that can heal me; I tried my best to convince myself in this. But the moments that I spend with you is too expensive to me. It is better to say about it - I will suffer less if you specify me on the door now ...

But I do not want to make riddles or create the visibility of a unfortunate quarrel. Now, George, you, as usual, say: "Another binding ridicker!" If I am not exactly the first ones for you, then tell me how you would tell me yesterday in a conversation about someone else - what should I do .

But begging, - if you are going to tell me that you doubt the truth that I write to you, then it is better not to answer at all. I know what you think about me; Saying this, I do not hope for anything. I can only lose a friend and the only pleasant hours that spent during the last month. But I know that you are kind that you loved, and I entrust you, not as a sweetheart, but as a sincere and faithful comrade. "

Lion Tolstoy - Sofia Burns

"Sofya Andreevna, I'm getting unbearable. Three weeks I say every day: now I will say everything, and leaving with the same longing, repentance, fear and happiness in the shower. And every night, like now, I go through the past, I suffer and say: why I did not say, and how, and what I said. I take this letter with my own to give it to you, if I can not again, or will miss the spirit to tell you everything. Say as an honest person, do you want to be my wife? Only if from the whole soul, you can safely say: yes, and then better tell me: No, if you have a shadow of doubt in yourself. For God's sake, ask yourself well. I will be terribly heard: no, but I will foresee him and find the strength to demolish. But if I never husband I will not be loved, as I love, it will be terrible! "

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Constance

"Dear little zhenka, I have a few orders for you. I beg you:

1) do not fall into melancholy,
2) take care of your health and fear spring winds,
3) do not go for a walk alone - and even better do not go for a walk at all,
4) Be completely confident in my love. All letters I write to you, putting your portrait before you.
5) I beg you to behave so that you will not be injured, nor my good name, also watch your appearance. Do not be angry with me for such a request. You must love me even stronger for the fact that I care about our honor with you.
6) And in the end, I ask you to write me more detailed letters.

I really want to know if Shurin Hofer came to visit the next day after my departure? Is he often coming, as promised me? Do Langesa come sometimes? How does work work on a portrait? How do you live? All this, naturally, interests me extremely. "

Do you have beautiful letters and love?

1 option

Favorite, I am very looking forward to the day, when we can retire and the rest of the world except our own will cease to exist for us. Whether before you fall asleep I present this day, the day when you take me far away - far and hugger is tight. It will be our best time, the time when happiness to the edges will fill our hearts in love. I dream quickly forget in your strong hugs and, without noticing anything around to breathe with you into unison.

Only one man in the world can make me for a truly happy, and this man you! The only one, love! I love everything in you, I love every piece of you. Your smile and touches are my paradise. I want you to never driving your gaze from me, which makes my loving heart beat even stronger. You are my happiness, my life, the most beautiful person in this world. My love for you is so strong that it will warm you up with your warmth everywhere, no matter how far you did not get and protect from all troubles. Contrary to all the circumstances, what kind of ever try to separate us, I believe that we will always be together.

Never doubt that you are always in my heart, whatever happened and it is forever. No one can ever change this. You are constantly in my thoughts and desires about our collaboration. All I want is so that you are always there, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I forever left the past in the past, as if he had never happened. I think only about the future, our joint future. See you with you, I could not even think that it is possible. And with anyone and never started so quickly that I want to stop the moments when we are together. I feel so good with you that I don't want to part for a moment. You are the one with whom it is always easy, calm and cozy. My kitten, the most native and desirable how I want to quickly meet and feel the warmth of your palms warming my hands.

I don't know myself, why write all this, probably from the fact that my feelings for you are so strong that they ask outside, demand that you recognize about them. I can not get rid of the feeling, as if we are familiar with you all my life. You know, seeing you for the first time first that I thought it was: can we get something? As we both now know - it turned out! I really value your smile, and it seems to me that now you are smiling. My sun, how hard on the heart from the fact that you are not near. I constantly think about you, I live dreams about the future, in which we are finally together. We would rather see you, look in your bottomless eyes and touch your lips to your lips. My faith, in what we will be together unshakable, because we both want it. Our happiness is in our hands. We have a happy future ahead. I kiss you gently, I hug firmly and loyals ... Your favorite girl!

P.S. My beloved, know that how far we were not from each other, no matter how much kilometers did not share us, I am always there. I am next to any time of the year, in any weather, whether it is a gray rainy autumn or a hot bright summer. I caress you gusts of the wind, hugging the rays of the sun. Together we will overcome all the difficulties forces. I trust you and believe in us.

Option 2

My dear! My only man, thank you for your presence in my life. Nobody besides you can make my life so happy, what you do it. Your "love" is more expensive than all wealth. In order to make you happy, I am ready to sacrifice everything that I have. Let my love keep you everywhere where you were not, what would not do!

My beautiful, strong and wise I tell you thanks absolutely for everything, even for your shortcomings. My J You J did you show me what real love is and I am grateful to you for it. I am happy that we met. I do not want anyone happiness than happiness to love you and feel that it is mutual. I'm scary afraid to lose this happiness and sometimes (perhaps, too often) My actions seem to you stupid. It is important for me to feel that you trust me and need me also strongly like me in you and see you happy. My native, I ask you, let us never quarrel and deceive each other.

My love, we must be a friend of support and support, take care of each other and understand. We have already passed through a lot and go together together. Rodnul, I will not give you anyone. I love and appreciate.

3 option

I thought I had run away from you, but I realized that it was an attempt to escape from myself. But escape from ourselves, as you know, it is also impossible, as it is impossible to stop thinking about you. All attempts to forget you are in vain. I understand everything, but I don't want to forget my heart. I need to forget you, but it is above my strength.

You are my universe. Without you, I do not need anything in this life and does not matter. Without you, life loses its meaning. I do not want to wake up without you, I do not want to breathe, because my oxygen is you! My life, I choke without you!

I no longer hope when - or see you again. I know that I never existed for you for you. It hurts, but it's true, and I accept it. Now this is the only way to get closer to you and tell about love that bursts my heart into the shreds. For the absence of another opportunity to talk to you, I chose this.

From the moment of your disappearance, it would seem just a month, but for me it is the longest month, for me it is a whole eternity. But my wound is bleeding as if it was yesterday. It seems to me that you have come out for a couple of minutes and now - you will come back. I refuse to believe that it is forever. Everything in the past, but I still live with the memories in which you are near. But you are not ... and without you there is no me. Let me go, I ask you, go ...

My life is false, I don't want you to let me go ... Never. Never let Me Go. I promised myself that I would no longer write to you, but again violated the promise. I need it, because I see you in all and in everything. You are everywhere. I am filled with you. The only meaning of my life is you. And even if we never meet anymore, know that I will always be only yours. Who would I not meet in my path, I see only your features in them, there is only any more. I do not want it. I'm looking for you in others, but no one can replace you, you hear nobody. You are one, the only thing, your all the rest and the maples are not worth it. I repeat, but you are my life, her only sense, my soul. I know that you never read these lines, but I'm still sorry that I get bored. You are just my illusion. I came up with you. But this is the only way to speak.

Somewhere there, in the depths of my heart I sincerely wish you happiness. I'm scared, it is scary to be obsessive to you and boring, it is terrible to seem to see too frank. Funny ...

Even I find it fun. Although, you know, I have not left. I'm just a shell without soul. My soul, belonging to you only dead. She no longer belongs to me.

Everything that keeps me on this light is a desire at least from afar, at least for a long time to give you a part of your love. I live only faith in it, the hope that makes my heart beat. I'm grateful to you…

4 option

I'm tired of trying to prove something to you. You are wave to think as you want. The only thing, Andrei, what I want is that you know that you are the reason for my madness. Without you, I can't find peace without you, I can not control myself when you're near. My love for you brought me suffering, accompanied by fear of losing you. You became my only dream, all the rest compared to you fed. I gave you myself without a rest and regret.

Favorite, I do not need no one except you. I'm all yours. Do not let me go ... Please be there. That's all I ask. I do not live when you are not there, I exist. You are my angel - the keeper, my crazy passion ... I want to belong only to you, to obey the power of your touches. How I want to be right now, give you the tenderness of my kisses ... I want you. You alone. It drives me crazy. Before our meeting, a whole eternity, but I will definitely wait for you. Before the meeting with you, I scared me, how fast the time flies, and now, when you are not near, it stopped. I so want to hurry him to see you as soon as possible. To see you in front of you the same beloved, native and good as in our best days. That passion that I experienced to you then did not fade, she is addressed only to you alone. You are my crazy love ...

I have never traded you for anyone. I am not interested in temporary hobbies and light flirts. All this is not for me. When you tell me about love My hands are cold, and the pulse is expensive. My imagination draws a joyful picture of how you enter me into our arms and tenderly whisper "love". I volunteered myself in captivity of this love. I do not want freedom, I do not want to let anyone in my world besides you. In my heart there is no place for them. Everything that seemed important to meet you turned into ashes. You replace themselves a whole world. Love you…

5 option

Hi, loved, my native man.

Do not be surprised, stumbled upon my letter on one of the sites. Today, this is no longer surprised. The time passed when people shy to write beautiful letters about love. I am not ashamed of my feelings and do not shy them. I can safely talk about them without fear of condemnation. I do not scare the idea that someone except you will read about this. I will not redden, I'll reveal on the contrary, if this letter will awaken in com - that similar feelings ...

My beloved, it's not just a letter about love - this is my love song dedicated to you. I appreciate your feelings that give birth to a gentle thrill in the shower. I know that you experience every time thinking about me. Few people in our time can love so much ...

The letter written during the separation period is more than just a letter. This is a reminder that separation is not eternal and one day there will be a new meeting that will bring happiness. My dear, my romantic, in this letter I share with you my dreams and my faith. I believe that the lines of this letter will revive and become a reality.

I don't rarely imagine that my letter is already in your hands, I imagine how you read it, breathaning the aroma of the handle that it is written. Clear makes you smile.

Letters from loved ones are always the road to heart. Many have long left the habit of keeping them, but we will keep them with you as well as saving our feelings. Once, our children will read these letters, with which they will be able to look at the most hidden corners of our heart. We will become an example for them to write such letters with your loved ones.

The world is huge, and to go around his entire pair of months. But we have our own world with you, which is always with us, it is reliably hidden in our loving hearts. The term of our separation will be a short. I sincerely believe it. And every time, rereading these lines, you will get into my world again, and at the meeting our worlds will reunite and become one whole - love and tenderness.

I put the envelope with trepidation and dropping it into the mailbox imagining that it has already reached the addressee and stirred in his heart the dream of an ambulance.

  • How to write a letter of erotic content to your beloved person to convey to him all his feelings of the body and soul?
  • How to ignite his feelings and make them mutual?

Erotic Mail Character

Favorite, hello! I am writing to you, since emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me again. Please, all read from the beginning to the end. For me it is important, because you will read a lot of "magnificent", which comes from my soul.

When I first saw you - began to go crazy. From your appearance ... you are so welcome ... .. from the tips of the hair to the most fifth! Yes, there are no such as you .... No, because….

My desires

I want to touch you, gently-gently stroking every centimeter of your body. Touch your fingers, handles, tongue. How do you like more? I love to touch your baby. Remember what part of your body I call it, and why? Not so that your dignity to humiliate, and in order to express your love and passion for you.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, neatly, as if I was afraid of something. But I was very afraid. I'm yours! I'm completely yours! I am so annoying how you undress me .... I am ready to kiss your hands. Can I? .. First - hands, then - neck, chest, tummy, and further, then .... You love me to kiss in such a sequence. I learned from you. Still learned to search and find certain zones. You have a snaps of all the body! I am proud of it, but surprised. Did not meet anywhere and never like you. With how pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming to eat to the bottom of you, my angel ....

Your Divine Heat - My Talisman

I love when our bodies come into contact. The most adorable moment .... When you enter me, pre-caress, without stopping .... You know how! I can caress so sweet that I could never tell you "no." Ready to give you at any time (night and day). I remember how you ignite you when I tell you "take me, loved ....". You burn, and I love to tell you all this again and again ... talk and repeat .... Almost any second! I love when you start. I love to feel how your baby swells .... I love him to take in my hands, playing with him with naminochnaya nail. I know how to do it to hurt you not to do. You would have seen at the moments of these, their eyes! In their brilliance - kayf of peace. I read on the look that you still want and also what you want these games never ended. And I am ready to continue them to the most infinity!

Nice to see you nice

I'm balday, when I see that you are happy with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of all for me. But I do not like to use you. All I need is your body. Your whole body! Without him, I can't already! You will say that I am the most shared voucher in the universe, but I will not pay any attention to it. I apologize to you again, sharply throwing every attribute of clothes far beyond the room. While you will do the same with my clothes ... I will excuse you tirelessly. Kiss you - this is something magical. Sorry, that sometimes it is bitten, and you feel pain. I do not specifically do it, honestly. Just my love overwhelms me, I cease to control myself completely. Why do I explain when you understand everything yourself? .. I am sure that you feel the same. But you do not say it, but give arms ....

In my memoirs

I remember our first time. It was all. First - the moon, champagne, asterisks, music, night. Then - recognition, silkiness of the sheet, the flames of passion .... Your moans that escaped, as if free from spiritual depths, suddenly ... You yourself scared and did not expect. Even I sharpened, although it was not necessary. You and my moans heard. They always (were and there are) real, and not arrogant some, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! Compare them with passion music. You do everything so that the moans flow around the river. You start me ... Oh, how it turns out you! I remember how you whispered my name. And I have been whispered in response, as if the most native words in the world. Then there was something like "more ... yet…. yet….". Yes, I do not remember whether these words were. The main thing is that we felt when our bodies and hearts flew ...

By the way, about the flights of feelings ....

Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after Intima did not try to get it. I want to feel and feel you inside yourself. A strange desire for some, right? And we, women, all with some oddities ....

I also want us to not lose (not spent) for nothing every minute. I want, like the hotel .... Do you remember how we did love, without stopping? We forgot about food, and about time, and about fatigue ... .. We lived in each other! Just drank, grapefruit juice, and ran into the shower. After the shower - again the intimir .... So - a few days long. If friends were told - they would be disconnected for sure! By the way, you asked - whether the size of your baby is satisfied with me? He is better than I assumed! And how much can it can .... Stunning! The main thing is that without tired can a lot. Giant sexual! Do not offend you, I hope my such compliment? I never told him anyone! Kid you have the most gentle. Because when was our first time, I did not feel any pain at the first proximity. Oh, how the phrases are confused! This is all emotions, emotions ...

Hope, besides you, no one reads my letter? I do not consider our telephone conversations vulgar, which "met" with us when you were on business trips. We lacked each other so! I wonder if operators listened to us? This would have heard! Of course, everything began with questions and very banal .... "What are you up now?", "What panties on you?", "What color panties?". I liked it all this ... Just could not sleep later. So hard to feel you really like ... I know that you will not let you go anywhere!

Can not live without you

I can not without your body ... your handsome you are welcome ... Please take care of yourself. And the forces take care for us for a long time, for a long time each other could enjoy it. I want you, love .... Take me, native! I'm waiting for you .... You will see me - you will understand what kind of gift got to you!

Kiss you in all your places!

Erotic letter - This is an intimate message, a mental touch of the body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of your chosen one or chosen.

What else can you write a loved one? -

Love disability -

"For a minute of fatigue or weakness of moral, when doubt passes into hopelessness, when determination is replaced by fluctuations when self-confidence is lost and an alarming feeling of insolvency is being created, when all the past seems no meaning, and the future seems to be completely meaningless and aimless, at such moments I had always always turned to thoughts about you, finding them and in everything that connected with you, with memories of you, tool to overcome this condition. "

Anne Vasilyevna Timirheva, artist and poetess is addressed.
May, 1917

the poet of the junior generation of English romantics

"Mute my girl!

Nothing in the world could give me a great pleasure than your letter, except for you. I almost already tired to be amazed that my feelings are blissfully obey the will of that creature, which is now so far away from me.

Not even thinking about you, I feel your presence, and the wave of tenderness covers me. All my thoughts, all my sleeveless days and sleepless nights did not cure me from love for beauty. On the contrary, this love has become so strong that I am in despair because you are not there, and forced to have a bad patience to exceed the existence that cannot be called life. I have never knew that there is such love you gave me. I did not believe in her; I was afraid to burn in her flame. But if you love me, the fire of love will not be able to fall us - it will be no more than we, the sprinkled dew enjoyment, we can bring.

So let me talk about your beauty, even if it is dangerous for me: Suddenly you will find out enough cruel to check her power over others?

I must confess (since I spoke about it) that I love you even more because I know: you loved me exactly what I am, and not for any other reason. I met women who would be happy to bring up with a sonnet or marry the novel.

Always yours, my favorite! John Kitts. "

Addressed by Fanny Brown, John Kit's bride.

russian poet, playwright and prose

"Today - the anniversary of the day when I first saw you; This day in my life. The more I think, the stronger I am convinced that my existence cannot be separated from yours: I was created to love you and follow you; All other my concerns are one delusion and madness. In the distance from you I was unprokedized by regretful of the happiness that I did not have time to enjoy. Sooner or later, I, however, will have to quit everything and fall to your feet. The idea of \u200b\u200bthat day when I manage to have a block of land in ... alone smiles at me and revive among heavy longing. There I can wander around your home, meet you, follow you ... "

Addressed by Natalia Goncharova.
March, 1830.

russian writer

"Sofya Andreevna, I'm getting unbearable. Three weeks I say every day: now I will say everything, and leaving with the same longing, repentance, fear and happiness in the shower. And every night, like now, I go through the past, I suffer and say: why I did not say, and how, and what I said. I take this letter with myself to give it to you, if again, I can not, or will miss the Spirit to tell you everything. The false look of your family on me is how it seems to me that I am in love with your sister Lisa. It is unfair. The story isted in my head in my head, because by reading it, I was convinced that me, dublitsky, did not stick to dream about the happiness that your excellent poetic demands of love ... that I do not envy and I will not envy who you Love. It seemed to me that I could rejoice at you, as for children ...

Tell me like an honest person, do you want to be my wife? Only if from the whole soul, you can safely say: yes, and then better tell me: No, if you have a shadow of doubt in yourself. For God's sake, ask yourself well. I will be terribly heard: no, but I will foresee him and find the strength to demolish. But if I never husband I will not be loved, as I love, it will be terrible! "

Addressed to Sofia Burns.
September, 1862 year.

french writer

"As if I wanted to spend your day at your feet; Putting your head on your knees, dream about the beautiful, in Nege and Eustice to share with you with your thoughts, and sometimes not to speak at all, but to press the edge of your dress to her lips! ..

Oh, my love, Eve, Otter my days, my light in the night, my hope, admiration, my beloved, precious when I see you? Or is it an illusion? Did I see you? Oh Gods! How I love your accent, barely catchy, your good lips, such sensual, "let me tell you, my angel of love.

I work in the afternoon and at night to come and stay with you two weeks in December. On the way, I will see the Jurassic Mountains covered with snow, and I will think about the snowy white shoulder my beloved. Oh! Inhale the aroma of hair, keep hands, compress you in the arms - that's where I draw inspiration! My friends are amazed by the disadvantages of my willpie. Oh! They do not know my sweetheart, that someone's clean image negates all the chagrins from their biliary attacks. One kiss, my angel, one slow kiss, and good night! "

Addressed to Evelina Ganskaya.

austrian composer and virtuoso performer

"Dear little zhenka, I have a few orders for you. I beg you:

1) do not fall into melancholy,
2) take care of your health and fear spring winds,
3) do not go for a walk alone - and even better do not go for a walk at all,
4) Be completely confident in my love. All letters I write to you, putting your portrait before you.
5) I beg you to behave so that you will not be injured, nor my good name, also watch your appearance. Do not be angry with me for such a request. You must love me even stronger for the fact that I care about our honor with you.
6) And in the end, I ask you to write me more detailed letters. I really want to know if Shurin Hofer came to visit the next day after my departure? Is he often coming, as promised me? Do Langesa come sometimes? How does work work on a portrait? How do you live? All this, naturally, interests me extremely. "

Addressable by Constance.

February 13, 2013, 16:06

I wanted to please you with an interesting selection of holiday. But I found so many letters that I decided to divide them into two parts. Read and enjoy)) Love letter Denis Didro - Sophie Volan I can't leave without telling you a few words. So, my favorite, you are waiting for me a lot of good. Your happiness, even your life depends, as you say, from my love for you! Do not be afraid of anything, my dear Sophie; My love will last forever, you will live and you will be happy. I have never committed anything wrong and not going to step on this road. I am all yours - you are all for me. We will support each other in all the troubles that fate can send us. You will facilitate my suffering; I will help you in yours. I can always see you as you were lately! As for me, you must admit that I stayed the same as you saw me on the first day of our dating. This is not only my merit, but for the sake of justice, I have to tell you about it. Every day I feel more and more alive. I am confident in loyalty to you and appreciate your advantages all the time day by day. I am confident in your consistency and appreciate it. A draw passion did not have big foundations, rather than mine. Dear Sophie, you are very beautiful, isn't it? Watch yourself - see how you are in love; And know that I love you very much. This is the constant expression of my feelings. Good night, my dear Sophie. I am happy as it can be happy man who knows that he loves the most beautiful of women. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Constance Dear little wife, I have a few instructions for you. I beg you: 1) Do not fall into melancholy, 2) To take care of your health and fear spring winds, 3) Do not go for a walk alone - and even better do not go for a walk, 4) Be completely confident in my love. All letters I write to you, putting your portrait before you. 6) And in the end, I ask you to write me more detailed letters. I really want to know if Shurin Hofer came to visit the next day after my departure? Is he often coming, as promised me? Do Langesa come sometimes? How does work work on a portrait? How do you live? All this, naturally, interests me extremely. 5) I beg you to behave so that neither your nor good name is not injured, also watch your appearance. Do not be angry with me for such a request. You have to love me even stronger for going about our honor with you. V.A. Mozart. Love letter Viktor Hugo his beloved Adel Fushe A few words from you, my favorite ADELE, again changed my mood. Yes, you can do anything with me. And tomorrow I will certainly die if the magic sound of your voice and the gentle touch of your adorable lips will not be inspired in me. What contradictory feelings I went to bed! Yesterday, Adele, I lost faith in your love and called for an hour of death. I told myself: "If it's true that she does not love me, if nothing in me could earn the blessing of her love, without which my life will lose attractiveness, is it not the reason to die? Should I live only for my personal happiness? Not; All my existence is devoted to her one, even contrary to her desire. And what right did I dare to budge her love? Is I angel or deity? I love her, it's true. I am ready to bring her sacrifice to her all that she wishes, everything, even hope to be loved by her. There is no devotion in the world more than mine in relation to her, to her smile, to one glance. But can I be different? Isn't she - the goal of my life? If she rolls out indifference to me, even hatred, it will be my misfortune, end. But does it hurt her happiness? Yes, if she is unable to love me, I have to blame only one thing in it. My duty is to follow her on her heels, to be close to her, serve the obstacle to all the dangers, serve the saving bridge, get up without tired between her and all the sophors, without requiring any award, not expecting any thanks. Only endless happiness will give it if sometimes he deigns to throw a foul look at her slave and remember him in a moment of danger! Like this! If she will only allow me to put your life to predict every desire, to perform all her whims. If she will only allow me to kiss her respectfully delicious traces; If she at least agree to rely on me in the difficult moments of life. Then I will have the only happiness to which I strive. But if I am ready to sacrifice everything for her for her, should she be grateful to me? Is it wine that I love her? Should she assume that obliged to love me? Not! She can laugh at my devotion, take my services with hatred, push my worship with contempt, while I will not be right to complain about this angel; There will be no moral right to suspend my generosity towards it, the generosity, which she neglects. Each my day should be marked by a victim brought to her, and even on the day of my death will not disappear my non-payment of her debt. " These are thoughts, my beloved ADELE, who visited me last night. Only now they are mixed with hope for happiness - such a great happiness that I can not think about him without trembling. Is it true that you love me, ADELE? Tell me, and I will believe in this amazing idea. You do not think that I will go crazy from joy, throwing my life to your feet, being sure that I will make you as happy as happy I myself, being sure that you will admire me just as I admire you ? ABOUT! Your letter restored the world in my soul, your words spoken by this evening filled me with happiness. Thousand Thanks, Adele, my beloved angel. If I could leave the NIC before you, as before the Divine! What happiness you brought me! ADIEU, ADIEU, I will spend a delightful night, dreaming about you. Sleep quietly, let your husband take twelve kisses that you promised him, in addition to those that are not promised. Letter Beethoven his beloved Even in my bed, my thoughts fly to you, my immortal love! I am covered by joy, then sadness is waiting for the fate of us. I can live either with you or not live at all. Yes, I decided until we wander away from you until I was able to fly and rush into your hugs, feel it completely and enjoying this bliss. It should be. You agree to this, because you do not doubt my loyalty to you; Never more will cease to my heart, never, never. Oh, God, why part with what you love so much! The life I am now in V., heavily. Your love makes me at the same time a happiest and unhappy person. In my years, some monotony is required, the sustainability of life, and are they possible at our relationship? My Angel, now I learned only that the mail leaves every day, I have to finish, so that you will soon receive a letter. Be calm; Be calm, love me always. What a passionate desire to see you! You are my life - my all is goodbye. Love me still - no doubt about the loyalty of your beloved Tobo A. Forever yours, forever mine, forever we are. Jack London Anne Straiska Dear Anna: I said that all people can be divided into species? If I said, then let me clarify - not all. You will escape, I can not attribute you to any kind, I can't take you. I can boast that out of 10 people I can predict the behavior of nine. Judging by the words and actions, I can guess the heart rhythm of nine people out of ten. But the tenth for me is a riddle, I am desperate, because it is above me. You are this tenth. Did the two silent souls, such unlike, so approached each other? Of course, we often feel the same, but even when we feel something differently, we still understand each other, even though we do not have a common language. We do not need words spoken out loud. We are too incomprehensible for this and mysterious. There must be Lord laughs, seeing our silent action. The only glimpse of common sense in all this is that we are both possessing a mad temperament, quite huge that we could understand. True, we often understand each other, but elusive glimpses, vague sensations, as if the ghosts, while we doubt, pursue us with their perception of the truth. And yet I do not dare to believe that you are the tenth person, whose behavior I can not predict. Is it difficult for me to understand now? I do not know, probably it is. I can not find a common language. Huge temperament is that it allows us to be together. For a second, eternity broke out in our hearts and pulled us to each other, despite the fact that we are so different. I smile when you penetrate the delight? This smile, which can be forgiven - no, this is an envious smile. 25 years I lived in an depressed condition. I learned not to admire. This is a lesson that cannot be forgotten. I'm starting to forget, but this is not enough. At best, I hope that before I die, I will forget everything, or almost everything. I can already rejoice, I study this in a shortage, I am happy with the trifles, but I can't glad that in me, my most intimate thoughts, I can not, I can not. I express it unclear? Do you hear my voice? I'm afraid no. In the world there are many hypocritical poseov. I am the most successful one Napoleon Bonaparte - Josephine There was no day so that I did not love you; There was no night so that I did not compress you in my arms. I do not drink a cup of tea so as not to curse your pride and ambitions that forced me to stay away from you, my soul. In the midst of service, standing at the head of the army or checking the camps, I feel that my heart is employed only by the beloved Josephine. She deprives me of Mind, fills my thoughts. If I am removing you at the speed of Rhone, it only means that I may soon see you. If I get up among the night to sit for work, this is because you can bring the moment of returning to you, my love. In your letter from 23 and 26 VATOS, you add to me on "you". "Are you"? A, Damn! How could you write this? How it's cold! .... ... Josephine! Josephine! Do you remember what I told you once: Nature rewarded me with a strong, unshakable soul. And she caught with lace and air. Did you stop love me? Forgive me, the love of my life, my soul bursts. My heart, belonging to you, full of fear and longing ... I hurt because you do not call me by name. I will wait for you to write it. Goodbye! Oh, if you sobbed me, then you never loved me! And I will regret what! Napoleon Bonaparte - Josephine in Milan (November 13, 1796, sent from Verona) I do not like you anymore ... On the contrary, I hate you. You are frozen, stupid, ridiculous woman. You do not write to me at all, you do not love your husband. You know how much joy you give your letters, and you can not write even six runaway lines. However, what do you do all day, madam? What urgent cases take away your time, prevent you from writing to your very good lover? What prevents your tender and loyal love that you promised to him? Who is this new seducer, a new beloved who claims to all your time, not letting you engage my spouse? Josephine, Beware: One fine night I hack your doors and will be before you. In fact, my dear friend, I'm worried about what I don't get from you Westa, write me four pages quickly, and only about those pleasant things that fill my heart with joy and lunizing. I hope to make you in my arms soon and cover with a million kisses, burning, like the rays of the sun at the equator. Bonaparte Mark Twain - Livi
Livi, dear, today we climbed up and down the steep hills in a row with a joyful guy, in dirty and wet shoes, in the rain that did not stop for a minute. All the way I was Bodr and fresh as the larks, and arrived at the place without the slightest feeling of fatigue. We were hazarded, poured water out of the shoes, they filed, sectioned and smalleled to sleep for two and a half hours, while our clothes and equipment were dry, and the shoes were also cleaning. Then we got still warm clothes and went to the table. I started a few cute British friends and tomorrow I will see with them in the Zimatte. Assemmed a small bouquet of flowers, but they started. I sent you a full box of colors last night from Luerbad. I just sent a telegram for you tomorrow to hand over family news on the telegraph to me in Rifel. I hope you are all right and you are also fun to spend time as we. I love you, my heart, you and children. Tell my love Clare Spolding, as well as kids. Wagner - Matilde Wendonk And my sweet muse is still away? I was silently waiting for her visits; Requests did not want to disturb her. Muse, like love, makes free. Mount the fool, the grief of love, if he wants the power to take what he is not given voluntarily. They cannot be brought. Is not it? Is not it? How could love be a museum if she allowed to force themselves? And my sweet muse is still away from me? Charles Darwin - Emma Maddlewood I can not convey to you, what a pleasure I got from the visit to Maeram. I anticipated the future serene life: I really hope that you can be just as happy as me. But when I think about it, it scares me that you are not accustomed to such a lifestyle. This morning I thought about how it happened that on me, a person sociable and purely rational, so beneficially acts happiness, and silence, and solitude. Explanation, I suppose is quite simple, I'm talking about him because it will give you the hope that over time I will become less unwanted and rude. For the past five years of my journey (and, of course, the last two years), which can be said, became the beginning of my real life. Despite the active lifestyle, which I was there - admired unprecedented animals, traveled through wild deserts or impassable forests, packed on the deck of the vintage "Beagle" in the night - the true pleasure delivered me only what happened in my head. Forgive my egoism, I tell about it in the hope that you will find me, teach me to find happiness not only in building theories and comprehension of facts in silence and loneliness. Daeze my Emma, \u200b\u200bI pray warmly so that you never regretted anything, and I will add something else - you will receive on Tuesday: My dear future wife, God bless you ... Today, Lyleies came after the church; Lyleie is so busy with the geology that he needs unloading; As an honorary guest, I dine them on Tuesday. Today I was a little ashamed for myself, we talked about half an hour and all about geology, and Poor Mrs. Lyle was sitting nearby, like the monument, embodying patience. Probably, I should practice in communicating with the female floor, although I did not notice that Lyleie felt at least some remorse. I hope with time to strengthen my conscience: a few husbands seem to consider it difficult. After returning, I looked several times in our living room, which you willingly believe. I suppose my taste in the choice of color is already spoiled, because I declare that the room looks less ugly. I got so much pleasure, being in the house, which, probably, became similar to the Baby-Rubbing, who was passionate about the new toy. But still, I'm not really a child, because I wish to have a wife and friend passionately. John Kitts - Fanny Brown Moyful my girl! Nothing in the world could give me a great pleasure than your letter, except for you. I almost already tired to be amazed that my feelings are blissfully obey the will of that creature, which is now so far away from me. Even without thinking about you, I feel your presence, and the wave of tenderness covers me. All my thoughts, all my sleeveless days and sleepless nights did not cure me from love for beauty. On the contrary, this love has become so strong that I am in despair because you are not there, and forced to have a bad patience to exceed the existence that cannot be called life. I have never knew that there is such love you gave me. I did not believe in her; I was afraid to burn in her flame. But if you love me, the fire of love will not be able to fall us - it will be no more than we, the sprinkled dew in pleasure, we can bring. You mention "terrible people" and ask if they will not make it sees again. My love, we only understand one thing: You are so overwhelming my heart that I am ready to turn into a mentor, barely noticed the danger threatening you. In your eyes, I want to see only joy, on your lips - only love, in your gait - only happiness. I would like to see in your eyes only pleasure. May our love be a source of pleasure, and not shelter from grief and worries. But if the worst happens, it is unlikely that I can remain a philosopher and follow my own prescriptions; If my hardness hurt you - I can not! Why should I not talk about your beauty, without which I could never love you? Answer such love like my love for you, only beauty is capable - otherwise I cannot imagine. There may be another love to which without shadow mocking, I am willing to feed the deepest respect and admire it. But it is devoid of the strength, that flowering, the perfection and charm, which is filled with my heart. So let me talk about your beauty, even if it is dangerous for me: Suddenly you will find out enough cruel to check her power over others? You write that you are afraid - Will I think that you do not love me; These words instill in me painful desire to be with you. Here I diligently indulge in my favorite occupation - I do not miss the day without stretching a more authentic piece of white verse or not to drive another rhyme. I must confess (since I spoke about it) that I love you even more because I know: you loved me exactly what I am, and not for any other reason. I met women who would be happy to bring up with a sonnet or marry the novel. I saw your comet; Well, if she served as a good omen for poor Raisa: because of his illness, to share the company with him not very fun, especially since he tries to overcome and drag his ailment, leating dubious punships. I kissed your letter along and across in the hope that you, putting my lips to him, left the taste of honey on the line. What have you seen in a dream? Tell me your dream, and I will present you an interpretation. Always yours, my favorite! John Kits. Alfred de Mussse - Georges Sand (1833) My dear Georges, I need to tell you something stupid and funny. I am writing in fools to you, I do not know why, instead of telling you all this, returning from the walk. In the evening, in the evening because of this in despair. You will laugh in my face, consider me a phrase. You will specify me at the door and you will think that I lie. I'm in love with you. I fell in love with you from the first day when you had. I thought I would heal from it very simple, seeing with you on the rights of each other. In your character, a lot of features that can heal me; I tried my best to convince myself in this. But the moments that I spend with you is too expensive to me. It is better to say about it - I will suffer less if you specify me on the door now. Tonight, when I ... [George Sand, editing letters to Mussy before publishing, crossed two words and cut the next line] I decided to tell you that I was in the village. But I do not want to make riddles or create the visibility of a unfortunate quarrel. Now, Georges, you, as usual, say: "Another renovicuer rejoice!" If I am not exactly the first ones for you, then tell me how you would tell me yesterday in a conversation about someone else, - what should I do. But begging, - if you are going to tell me that you doubt the truth that I write to you, then it is better not to answer at all. I know what you think about me; Saying this, I do not hope for anything. I can only lose a friend and the only pleasant clocks that spent during the last month. But I know that you are kind that you loved, and I entrust you, not as a sweetheart, but as a sincere and faithful companion. Georges, I do as a madman, depriving myself pleasure to see you for that short time that you have to spend in Paris before departure to Italy. There we could spend delicious nights if I had more decisiveness. But the truth is that I suffer, and I lack determination. Alfred de Mussse Heinrich VIII - Anna Boleyn My beloved and my friend, my heart and I convey myself to your hands, in Humped Moluba about your good location and that your attachment to us would not be less, until we are near. For there will be more misfortune for me, rather than aggravate your sadness. It brings enough sorrow brings separation, even more than I ever thought. This fact reminds me of astronomy: the farther the pole from the Sun, the unbearable heat. The same with our love, for the absence of yours separated us, but love retains his dust - at least on my part. I hope with yours too. I assure you that in my case, longing the separation is so great that would be unbearable, do not be firmly confident in the strength of your feelings to me. Without seeing the opportunity to be near you, I send you a thing that is most close to me, siren a bracelet with my portrait, with that device that you already know. As if I wanted to be in his place to see you and how you will rejoice at him. Written by the hand of your faithful servant and friend, G.R. Gustave Flaubert - Louise Kole (Croissue, Saturday, Hour of the night) You tell me very tender words, dear muse. Eh Bien, get in response such gentle words, which you can't even imagine. Your love impresses me, as if warm rain, I feel myself washed to the very depths of the heart. Do you have anything that does not deserve my love - body, mind, tenderness? You are open to the soul and strong to mind, you have very little poetic, but you are a real poet. Everything in you - charm, you look like your chest, the same snow-white and soft. None of the women I knew before cannot be compared with you. It is unlikely that those who I wished are equal to you. Sometimes I try to imagine your face in old age, and it seems to me that I will then love you, maybe even even stronger. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller - Charlotte von Lenhafeld (August 3, 1789) Is it true, dear Lotta? Can I hope that Carolina read in your soul and handed me from the depths of your heart, what I did not dare to admit yourself? Oh, how hard it seemed to me this mystery, which I had to keep all the time, from the moment you met. Often, when we still lived together, I collected all my courage and came to you, intending to open up, but the courage constantly left me. In this my desire, I saw egoism; I was afraid that I care only about my happiness, and this thought was afraid of me. If I could not be for you the same than you were for me, then my suffering would upset you. With my recognition, I would destroy the wonderful harmony of our friendship, would have lost what I had - your pure, nursing location. And yet there were a minute when my hope came to life when the happiness that we could give each other seemed to me infinitely above the decisiveness of all reasoning when I even considered the noble to bring him a sacrifice everything else. You might be happy without me, but never would be unhappy because of me. I felt in myself - and then built my hopes on it. You could give ourselves to another, but no one could love you cleaner and gentle than me. None of anyone, our happiness could not be sacred than it has always been and will be for me. All my existence, everything that lives in me, I dedicate all the most expensive in me. And if I strive to reflect myself, then only to become more worthy of you to make you happier. The nobility of the soul contributes to the wonderful and unstable bonds of friendship and love. Our friendship and love will be unstoppable and eternal, as the feelings on which we have erected them. Forget everything that your heart could have, let them say only to your feelings. Confirm what I allowed to hope Carolina. Tell me that you want to be mine and that my happiness does not constitute victims for you. Oh, convince me of this one-sole word. Close to each other our hearts have been long ago. Let the only alien alone, which stood still between us, and let nothing prevents the free communication of our souls. Goodbye, dear Lotta. I thirst for a suitable minute to describe all the feelings of my heart; They made me that happy, then again miserable for so long. And now only this desire is inhabited in my soul. ... do not hesitate to make my concern forever. I give in your hands all the happiness of my life. .. Goodbye, dear! Lord Bayron - Lady Carolina Lam My dear Carolina, if the tears you saw and who, know, I shouldn't have been shed, if it were not for the excitement that fillings me at the time of parting with you, the excitement that you had to feel during the last events; If all this did not start before your departure; If all I said and committed, and is still ready to say and commit, has not proven sufficiently, what are there and will always be my feelings in relation to you, my love, then I have no other evidence for you. God knows, never before this minute I did not think that you, my love, my dear friend, you can be so frantic. I can't express everything, now is not the time for words. But I will experience a sense of pride and get the prontestation of the suffering that you have experienced. And from the fact that you do not know me at all. I am ready to leave, but with a heavy heart. After all, my appearance this evening will put an end to any ridiculous story that the events of this day could generate. Do you think now that I am cold, ruthless and peculiar? Will others think so? And your mother? The mother, which we must sacrifice much more, much more than she will ever find out or imagin. "I promise not to love you"? Ah, Carolina, these promises in the past! But I will explain all the recognition properly and never stop feeling everything that you have already witnessed; Even more than what my heart knows about and, perhaps, yours. Let God be forgiven, protects and instill you forever. The most devoted to you by Bayron R.S. That's what your mockery led, my dear Carolina. Is there anything in heaven or on earth, which might make me the same happy, how did you ever do me? And now no less than then, but more than in the present time. God knows, I wish you happiness. If I leave you or you, out of a sense of debt towards my husband and mother, leave me, you will understand that I tell the truth when I promise and swear that no man, no lesson will take in my heart the place that belongs and will To belong to you forever, until my death. You know, I would gladly quit everything here or even in the afterlime world for you, so really my motives can be understood? I do not care who knows about it and how it can be used is for you only for you. I was yours and now I am yours, fully and completely to obey, read, love you and fly with you when, where and how you want. Onor de Balzac - Countess Evelyna Ganskaya I wanted to spend my feet day; Laying your head on your knees, dream about the beautiful, in Nege and Eustice to share with you with your thoughts, and sometimes not to speak whether it is, but pressing the edge of your dress! .. Oh, my love, Eve, Ozda my days, mine Light in the night, my hope, admiration, my beloved, precious when I see you? Or is it illusion? Did I see you? Oh Gods! How I love your accent, barely catchy, your good lips, such sensual, "let me tell you, my angel of love. I work day and night to come and stay with you two weeks in December. On the way, I will see the Jurassic Mountains covered with snow, and I will think about the snowy white shoulder my beloved. Oh! Inhale the aroma of hair, keep hands, compress you in the arms - that's where I draw inspiration! My friends are amazed by the disadvantages of my willpie. Oh! They do not know my sweetheart, that someone's clean image negates all the chagrins from their biliary attacks. One kiss, my angel, one slow kiss, and good night! Francois Voltaire to Olympia Dunaire It seems to me that you love me, because be prepared in these circumstances to put through the power of your mind. Only I returned yesterday at the hotel, Leffard told me that today I have to leave, and I could only postpone it until tomorrow; However, he forbade me to leave somewhere before departure; He fears so that the Maja Mother does not bring me a resentment, which can respond to it and on the king; He did not even give me anything to object; I must certainly leave without seeking you. You can imagine my despair. It could cost me life if I could not hoped to be helpful to you, depriving your precious society. The desire to see you in Paris will console me during my way. I will not persuade you to leave your mother and see with my father, from whose explanations you were pulled to do unhappy here. * I will spend all day at home. Moving me three letters: one for your father, another for your uncle, and the third for your sister; This is definitely necessary, I will give them in an agreed place, especially your sister's letter. Let them bring me these letters to the shoe: Promise him a reward; Let him come with a shoe in his hands, as if for the amendment of my shoes. Join these letters a note for me so that, leaving, I served at least this consolation, but, most importantly, in the name of love I feed to you, my dear, send me your portrait; consume every effort to get it from your mother; He will feel much better in my hands than in her, for he already reigns in my heart. The servant I send to you is certainly devoted to me; If you want to give it to your mother for a tobacker, then he is Normands and will play his role perfectly: he will give you all my letters that I will send to his address, and you can send your also through it; You can also entrust him your portrait. I write to you at night, not knowing how I will leave; I only know what to leave: I will do my best to see you tomorrow before I leave Holland. But since I can't promise this probably, I say to you, my soul, my last sorry, and, telling you, I swear all the tenderness that you deserve. Yes, my dear pinter, I will always love you; So they say even the most windy lovers, but their love is not founded, like mine, at the fullest respect; I equally bow before your virtue, as before your outfit, and I pray the sky just to be able to borrow from you your noble feelings. My tenderness allows me to count on your; I have a hoping that I am awake in you the desire to see Paris; I'm going to this beautiful city to pour your return; I will write to you with every mail through the way of Lefebra, which you will give something for every letter in order to encourage him to do your job. Forgive again, my dear lady; remember even occasionally about your unfortunate lover, but remember not to be sad; take care of your health if you want to save mine; The main thing, be very hidden; Burn this is my letter and all subsequent; Let better you will be less merciful to me, but you will take care more about yourself; We will be comforted by hope for an emergency date and we will love each other all our lives. Perhaps I will come after you; Then I will consider myself a happiest person; If only you arrived - I will be quite satisfied. I just want your happiness, and I would be happy to buy it at the price of my. I will consider myself very rewarded if I know that I contributed to your return to well-being. Goodbye, my dear soul! I hug you a thousand times. A few days later. (1713) I am kept in captivity on behalf of the king; I can deprive me, but not love for you. Yes, my dear sweetheart, I will see you tonight, at least I had to fold my head on the plate. For God's sake, do not talk to me in such gloomy expressions as they write. Live, but be hidden; Beware of the madamine of your mother, as the worst of your enemy; What am I saying? Beware of all in the world and do not trust anyone. Be prepared by the time the moon appears; I will get out of the hotel incognito, I will take the carriage and we will seem to faster wind in sh.; I capture ink and paper; We will write our letters; But if you love me, be comforted, call all your virtue to help and your whole mind ... Be prepared from four o'clock; I will wait for you near your street. Goodbye, there is nothing that I would not bear for your sake. You deserve much more. Goodbye, my dear soul. To be continued!


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