Category Rybkhoz value. Water use fisheries

Category Rybkhoz value. Water use fisheries

On fishery reservoirs or their individual sites that are of particular importance for the preservation and reproduction of valuable species of fish and other water fishery, the rights of water users can be limited in the interests of fisheries. The list of such water bodies or their sites and the types of water use restrictions are determined by the authorities for the regulation of the use and protection of water on the representation of the protection of fish stocks. [...]

In fishery reservoirs for boric acid, a MPC is installed 0.1 mg / l, and on Bor 0.017 mg / l. According to the effect on the health of the population, the PDK of Boru in the reservoirs of 0.5 mg / l is recommended. The concentration of 0.5 mg / l was mounted for sanitary water use water bodies under a sanitary and toxicological indicator. [...]

By the nature of water use and normalization of water quality, water bodies are divided into two categories: 1 - drinking and cultural and domestic purposes; 2 - fisheries. In the aquatic sites of the first type, the composition and properties of water must comply with the standards in the stems located at a distance of 1 km above the water flow and within a radius of 1 km from the nearest water use item. In economic reservoirs, water quality indicators should not exceed the established standards at the place of release wastewater In the presence of a flow, with its absence - no further than 500 m from the place of release. [...]

The first category of fisheries water use includes water objects To preserve and reproduce the valuable species of fish with high sensitivity to oxygen. [...]

Permits for special water use are issued after coordination of water users with the conditions for discharge of wastewater with state sanitary supervision authorities in all cases, with the bodies for the protection of fish stocks - when discharged into fishery reservoirs, with geology bodies - when discharged wastewater into underground aquifers. [.. .]

Depending on the requirements of water use to water quality, the test can be held for all links (for example, for water drinking and fisheries) and restrict ourselves to the first link (for industrial water and some other water consumers). [...]

PDC in sanitary water use water bodies 0.5 mg / l for organoleptic indicator, in fishery water reservoirs - 0.5 mg / l. MPC in wastewater when entering biological cleaning in aero-tenki-shooters should not exceed 200 mg / l, and in the overall stock of urban communal sewers - 15 mg / l. [...]

The following main types of water use are distinguished: Economic and Drinking, Cultural and Fishery. In accordance with these types of water use, the composition and properties of water are normalized (Table 6) and the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances (Table 7). [...]

MPC for sanitary water use water bodies and for fishery water reservoirs is installed 0.1 mg / l for organoleptic indicator. PDC of wastewater sent to biological purification, recommended for 10 mg / l. [...]

The quality criterion (suitability) of water for fisheries water use is determined by the presence of conditions in water providing stocks of fishing fish and other aquatic organisms and a certain level of their catch. The concentration of a substance that does not affect the sanitary regime of the reservoir and the aqueous organisms of the weakest biological link in relation to this substance are considered to be extremely permissible. [...]

According to people's economic significance and nature of water use, sanitary water use reservoirs (for economic and drinking and cultural and domestic purposes) are distinguished (for fish farming and cultural purposes) and for fisheries. [...]

The quality of water quality of water bodies used in fisheries are established in relation to two types of water use: the first type includes water bodies used for reproduction and preserve the values \u200b\u200bof fish varieties; To the second - reservoirs used for all other fisheries. The type of fisheries use of the reservoir is determined by the fishewed bodies, taking into account the promising development of fisheries and fishery. [...]

MPC for the water bodies of drinking and cultural and consumer water use is installed 2 mg / l on the sanitary and toxicological indicator ¡0-22]. MPC for fishery reservoirs 0.01 mg / l to toxicological indicator. [...]

Comparing the maximum permissible concentrations developed by us for fisheries reservoirs, with approved GCS for public water bodies, we see that they do not always coincide. This is understandable, since uniform regulatory requirements for water bodies of different water use can not be. The interests of health and fisheries in the problem of protection of water bodies from pollution are rather close, but do not always coincide, since the harmful substances contained in wastewater differently affect the person and fish, as well as the feed objects of the latter. [... ]

In the water of water and drinking and cultural water use industries in the USSR, the PDC of arsenic compounds (III) -0.05 mg / l for a toxicological indicator is installed, and in the fishery MPC of all arsenic compounds - 0.05 mg / l. [.. .]

According to sanitary standards, the active reaction of the pH of water sanitary and fishing water uses should not go beyond 6.5-8.5. [...]

In tab. 45 shows the data of the maximum permissible concentrations of metal ions in water of sanitary water use water and fisheries. [...]

The rules established the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances (MPC) for sanitary water use water bodies and fisheries. This should be guided by an additional list of MPC for fisheries reservoirs approved by the Chief Chief of December 17, 1976 (No. 30-I-II), March 23, 1978 (No. 30-II-1), and for sanitary water use reservoirs with a list, Approved on November 14, 1974 by the Ministry of Health of the USSR. [...]

OP-7 inhibitors, OPD give the smell of water and a specific taste of fish. Therefore, for water bodies used for fishery targets, limiting the harmfulness of the inhibitors of OP-7 and OP-YU is a toxicological indicator, and for water bodies of economic and cultural and consumer water use - organoleptic (taste, smell). [...]

The complete biochemical need for oxygen at a temperature of 20 ° C should not exceed 3 mg / l for the ponds of the first species, including for the fishery reservoirs of both species, and for the reservoirs of the second type of water use - 6 mg / l. [... ]

In the rules for the protection of surface water from pollution, two categories of water bodies - drinking and cultural and domestic water use and water bodies used in fisheries are distinguished. [...]

Calculation of the required degree of wastewater treatment on the BPK mixture of water and sewage water and wastewater by formula (15.43). The BPKPPAILS for water bodies of the 1st type of water use of sanitary domestic purposes should not exceed 3 mg / l, and for water bodies of the 1st type of water use of the fisheries value 2: 0.875 \u003d 2.3 mg / l. [...]

The specified rules have two types of water quality standards in reservoirs depending on the nature of their use; a) for water bodies of drinking, and cultural and consumer water use; b) for water bodies used in fisheries. [...]

If only the content of metal ions is taken into account, then when issuing the initial runoff, a preliminary 4-fold dilution is required on the construction of biological purification, when the sanitary water use is released - - 44-fold dilution, and when issuing the dilution, the required dilution increases to 1460. [ ...]

The following two requirements affecting the determination of wastewater shutter conditions are also fundamentally and practically important. The first concerns the quality of water quality of water bodies, which, in accordance with modern scientifically substantiated views, should be established in relation to certain types of water use at the location of the nearest sewage of the sewage point of sanitary water use (p. 14) or in relation to certain types of fishery use of water bodies ( . nineteen). The second concerns taking into account the degree of possible mixing and dilution of wastewater in the reservoir (p. 10). The rules legitimize the requirement for the long time in sanitary practice so that the production of wastewater is located downstream from the boundaries of the settlement (clause 36). Therefore, in the case of a device of release above the boundaries of the canalizable settlement or in its borders (which, unfortunately, it is found "not so rarely), the calculation for any noticeable dilution and self-cleaning is impossible, because standards adopted in water-sanitary legislation (maximum permissible Concentrations) for water of water bodies have to be used directly to the composition of wastewater. This makes it difficult and increases the cost of regulatory requirements on the descent of wastewater. [...]

The required degree of wastewater treatment and wastewater conditions in the water bodies are regulated by "rules for protecting surface water from wastewater pollution." There are two types of water quality standards in reservoirs depending on the nature of their use: for water bodies of drinking and cultural and consumer water use and for water bodies used in fishery purposes. The maximum permissible concentrations of substances in water reservoirs are also established. They are initial when determining the conditions for discharge of wastewater in the reservoirs. [...]

The principle of establishing PDS as a normative of anthropogenic effects on water objects Similar to normalization of atmospheric pollution - compliance with MPC. At the same time, it is accepted as control stems: for water-drinking and daily domestic facilities - a target of 1 km above the first water use point; For water objects of fisheries - a target at a distance of no more than 500 m and below the wastewater discharge location. Of general rules There are exceptions: the waters are applied to the quality of water quality of surface water objects in cases of wastewater discharge in the field of settlements. The wastewater discharge in the zone and district of sanitary protection of water intakes and resort zones is prohibited, so the PDS for wastewater discharged into these zones is not installed. [...]

When measuring the descent of wastewater in the water bodies, the organization and place of wastewater supply (one edition or several; deep, coast, etc.) are very important; The conditions for mixing wastewater with water water and the location of control points where water should meet the regulatory requirements. Sanitary standards are usually refer to the water use item, which can be removed from the location of the wastewater for a large distance. Above the water use point or aside of it, water may not meet the regulatory requirements. This position cannot be distributed to fisheries reservoirs. According to fishery requirements, wastewater discharge must be organized so that their fulfillment of their water mixing occurred in the area of \u200b\u200brelease. At the same time, the conditions of descent, as well as the length and boundaries of the water-water mixing area with water in each individual case, are established by the fishewed organs, based on the specific local conditions, the sanitary condition of the reservoir, its power, fishery value, etc. The boundaries of the sewage mixing area , established by the fisherous bodies, are control points. Here, the sanitary condition of the water must meet the requirements for fishery reservoirs. [...]

Agricultural production is associated with the use of others, except the Earth, natural resourcesand above all with waters. The planned and integrated use of water for irrigation, the breeding of fish and waterfowl is an integrated element of agricultural production. At the same time, in the process of industrial activities of agricultural enterprises in the event of non-compliance with the established procedure and the rules of water use and in some other circumstances water resources Damage may be caused. It is expressed in the loss of water, in the fall of fish in the ameliorative systems from fishery water reservoirs, in the pollution of water bodies by the wastewater of agricultural farms and complexes. Therefore, the Water Code obliges all users of the Earth to take the necessary measures to prevent such violations of environmental legislation. [...]

Regulatory indicators adopted in our country determine the quality of water in the reservoir, regardless of the composition of the wastewater entering it. This is due to the fact that the criterion for the toxicity of wastewater is a limitation, and the impossibility of using water water for water supply due to its pollution. Legally approved extremely permissible concentrations (MPC) of various substances in water reservoirs ensure its quality that excludes a negative effect on the human body and impellent water use conditions. The values \u200b\u200bof the PDC substances of pollutants characterize the composition of the water from those places of water use, which are below the production of wastewater. It takes into account the possibility of using a water branch as a water source, as well as its fisheries and hygienic significance. With sufficient removal of the site of the water use from the sewage floor location, the definition of MANDs of harmful substances is carried out taking into account the dilution of water (based on the minimum) and the ability to steadily flowing and well-studied self-cleaning process. [...]

The calculation of the required degree of wastewater treatment in the content of harmful substances. Harmful and poisonous substances included in the performance of wastewater are very diverse in its composition. They are normalized according to the principle of a limiting figure of harm (LDV), under which the most likely adverse effect of each substance is understood. At LPV, all substances in the water bodies of drinking and cultural and domestic use are divided into three groups containing: a) sanitary-toxico-hymical hp. b) the UNITarny LPV; c) Organoleptic LPV. For the water bodies of fisheries water use, two more: d) having a toxicological HPV are added to the specified LPV groups; e) having organoleptic LPV.

Basics of hydroeco.Logia

of the tourist regime) about 50 thousand individuals of geese, 30 thousand swiries, 5-10 thousand Shilohvostov, 50-100 thousand Turukhtanov, 10-15 thousand

rogo crane.

Chapter 41. Fisheries Ponds

41.1. general characteristics

Ponds are divided into river hubs, dam, corop

bulk and bulk. River draft ponds, as can be seen fromnames are created by the damage of small plain rivers

in the upper reaches in order to form water bodies. Their depth reaches from 0.5 m at the top and up to 4-5 M- in the seller. In these pr

dah decreases the flow rate, they are characterized by high

bottling intensity and early coastal zones high water vegetation. Particularly intensively proceedthese processes in violation of the regime of sanitation zones in

dams and landscape of lands in water rival.

Non-inflexible water storage facilities include Dam

dy - the bakes are bolds and large ravines. Suchponds are created mainly in arid steppe regions

na in order to accumulate water during the spring melting of snow and

for the accumulation of rainfall. They are quickly stolen andovergrown with higher water vegetation, mainly ka

mouse. These reservoirs are used mainly to irrigate crops and for technical water supply. With artificial grinding in them can multiply

karasi as a facility of local amateur fishing.

Capain ponds are designed to accumulate water in places with an insufficient amount of precipitation. In Dzoped

soil waters can come

but from irrigation systems. In Ukraine, these ponds are the most widely distributed in Kakhovskaya, Inguletsk, Tatarbowarex and other irrigation systems. In the first years of existence

these Eutrophic Ponds Mass Development Get Evglen

way and volvox algae. Chrisomon appears later

dinophyte and chlorococcal. For several years

in the ecloyepets of ponds, constant vegetable and

animal communities. The species multiformity of bottom forms of diatomaces and desmidium algae increases, and insect larvae dominate among the animal population. Gradually, these pr

dy barding the shores of the highest water vegetation (

iceous reed), and on the surface of the water there are a message


Raidel Vi. Sea and inland waters

Bulk fisheries ponds are wide

distributed throughout Ukraine. Most often their mouth

rail in the floodplains of rivers by fencing the land of the mound dams. Usually build not one, but a whole system of PRU

dov, which serves water from natural sources. Pond fish farming is two types: heat-water and cold breed

nose In the heat-water ponds grow predominantly carpand together with him other thermal-loving fish, White Amur,

tolstoloba, bream, Line, as well as pike, sterling, pike perch, etc.

pond fisheries The production cycle can last from one year to 3-4 years of growing fish from eggs to the commodity mass.

Under the ponds for thermo-loving fish are dismisted with meadow or

rocked areas. As sources of water supply, rivers and lakes are used, artesian wells worked out

heated water of thermal power plants and other sources

fresh water.

Cold pond is engaged in breedingmainly trout: rainbow, stream and lake. For trout, flowing ponds with stony or sand an unrelated bottom and rapid flow. RAK Rule, ho

boating ponds are arranged on mountain rivers

or on cold sources, in areas with soils, poorly

organic substances, and the water is drove cold, clean,

saturated with oxygen - predominantly spring or


Ponds of full-system fish farms for appointment under

parts are divided into rigging, pavements, spawning and wintering.

The greatest size of the Nagule ponds. They can occupy an area of \u200b\u200bup to several hundred hectares, and their depth is 0.5-2.0 m. Screw, paint and wintering ponds are built

basically on the floods by fencing land

dams. For water supply such ponds above the flow, with the help of the dam, the head pond is built, from which water

channel served in a special pond (heating) and then

branched canals - in separate ponds.

The spawning ponds have an area of \u200b\u200b0.1-0.3 hectares, the depth of 0.6-0.8 m (in some sections it does not exceed 15-30 cm). Such ponds are poured with water only for the spawning period of fish and Spus

caid after growing fry. In individual farms suthere are still special fry ponds in which the fry

withstand a certain time before replanting to grow


Pallets serve to grow ferments or MO fisher birthday of this year before reaching the standard

Basics of Hydroecology

malling (25 g) and fatness. The area of \u200b\u200bthese ponds may be

target 10-15 hectares, and the depth is 0.5-0.8 m.

In winter, fish contain in wintering ponds. Them

the area is usually 0.5-1.5 hectares, and the water thickness that does not freeze, should not be less than 0.8-1.3 m. Total depths can reach 3-4 m.

41.2. Hydrochemical mode of ponds

Formation of hydrochemical regime of ponds of Ukraine

closely related to the nature of the soils on which they are located

we, the flow of chemicals with the catchment area and

ilonakopling processes.

Ponds often fill near settlements, belly

novodic farms, arrays of arable land and other

objects. At the same time there is an increasedwith a catchment area not only biogenic elements and op

ganic substances, but also chemical pollutants.

The transition of soil salts affects the mineralization of water only in the first years after filling the bed. Water mineralization has seasonal oscillations. So, in the spring and after falling out the atmosphereit is less precipitation than in the inter-period, which is associated with

dilution factor. In the hot summer months its level of

melts due to intense evaporation of water. Over the years more

a significant role in the formation of water quality of ponds

shaw play slim deposits. Their education in the ponds

goes quite intensively and associated with high levels their eute

roofing, slowing down water exchange, graduation

water vegetation. This contributes to the admission from the catchment area of \u200b\u200bsuspended particles, washed off from over

soil during the rains and melting of snow cover.

Every year in the ponds in the oily-winter period dies and mine

significant biomass is rally water plants (algae, higher aquatic plants) and animals, and in slim bottoms

organic substances accumulate. The content of bio genes in the ponds of Ukraine is usually high. Concentrate

mineral nitrogen fluid ranges from 0.1 to 2-3 mg NJDM8, and with the phosphorus holding is about0.5 mg of RJDM8

In the fish farming ponds, depending on the intensity

decomposition of organic substances along with other connections

sulfates can form mi. Calm them concentration

does not affect the vital activity of fish and other organisms. For

fish reservoirs it should not pre-"

seal 20-40 mgjdm3, but in some, mostly southern,

Raidel Vi. Seas and winning water

water bodies located on saline soils, content

sulfates in water can be much larger.

An important factor in the formation of the quality of pond water is the content of iron in it, which should not exceed

1.5-2.0 MGJDM3 at its concentration3 MGJDM3 and RN5,8 dying

fish (carps).

Gas mode of fish-water

ponds. The greatest concentration of oxygen in the summer is observed in the surface layer of water, and the lowest - in the bottom.

Intensive development of blue-green algae, and also inad

water vegetation, which is characteristic of many ponds of the Criminal Code of Raine, can lead to full extrusion for one night

reserves of oxygen. It is sometimes observed in the afternoon when oxygen is spent on the decomposition of biomass of dying in the pre-soles. With a moderate development of algae, in particular Chlo

roccokovy, oxygen content in ponds may increase

day to 10-14, and at night its level in water is again reduced to 2- · 3 MG0IDM 3

In winter, due to the formation of ice cover, the oxygen concentration can sharply decrease, which is often the cause of mass death of fish (zamor). To avoid this, applyaeration of water or split ice on the surface of the ponds. Anaerobic conditions emerged leads to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide. Especially intensively anaerobic processes flow in highly alienated ponds rich in organic substances. In ponds filled with water with a large content of humus substances, sulfuro

rod can form as a result of the restoration of sulkis

loic salts of humic acids. In the ponds located in the south

regions, in particular on average and lower rivers

Donbass, where natural waters are enriched with sulfates, the sulfuro rod is formed not only by biological, but also by chemical

in the interaction of carbon dioxide with sulfates.

For fishery ponds optimal is neut

oral or low-alkaline water reaction. In the ponds formed in the fields of peat workings in the northern regions of Ukraine and filled with acidic waters (pH 4, 1-4.4), it is necessary

sit lime in order to bring the reaction of water to neutral.

After such chemical processing in these ponds is well developed

feed hydrobionts, especially zooplankton, using which provides enough of their fish trucks


Basics ofzidroesychozia

41.3. Hydrobiological mode of ponds

fish farming

For ponds as shallow adjustable systems is characteristic

high degree of variability of flora and fauna. In the process of operation, the ponds are styled and fenced, their sanitary and hydrobiological regime deteriorates, biologically decreases

kaya productivity. In order to prevent these negative

phenomena in fish farms are systematically held

environmental and agrotechnical aceliorative events,

including periodic drainage of ponds, protection against

excessive accumulation of il, mowing higher water grow and the destruction of low-value weed fish by ex

fish predators. All this significantly violates the EU

socsessions, and there is practically absent in the ponds

pressure stage. In addition, organic and mineral fertilizers contribute to the ponds, and at the end of the vegetative

the zone is withdrawn the final biological products in the form of goods of good fish.

The formation of flora and fauna of the trigger ponds passes a numberstages from the beginning of the spring fill filling with water to its autumn descent. This short vegetation period is characterized by subsecessions, similar to those observed for the same time in the formation of a hydrobiological mode of newly form

socialized Social Bulk Ponds.

Phytoplankton in the ponds of Ukraine is usually developing along the CEC Lou Svrenko. In the spring first appear diatoms, then

volvox and eurlennaya algae. Then the domini begin

roving chlorococcal algae, preferably present

whether childbirth scenedesmus andankistrodesmus, and with raising pace

water-plated waterproofing (up to 90% of biomass), waving water "flowering water. Their number can reach tens

millions of 1 dm3 water. Mass Development of Snenezhalin Education

lei in fish-water ponds can lead to fish death

oxygen exhaustion in night clock and toxic

the actions of metabolites and products decomposition of these algae.

Phytobenthos ponds consists mainly of the nitrates

algae: poplaphors, rhizoclonium, spirohyra. Some

ponds of ponds completely overcome them, which is essential about

once affects the gas regime and the formation of biocenoses. Threaded algae are willingly consumed by white Amur. In pr

dah with a high calcium content in water intensively developing

harovy algae.

In shallow ponds, the composition of phytoplankton and phyatomycro of benthos is not differentiated, since the development of plankton

Raidel VL. Sea and inland waters

dorosley begins in bottom sediments (mainly in the upper layer of ILA), and in the future they swim freely in all

topic water, including in the bottom layers.

The highest aqueous vegetation of ponds is represented by the floor with immersed plants, or, as they are called in fish farmer, ~ tough \u003e\u003e and ~ soft "vegetation. To the first group

applies an ordinary reed, often a solid ring opo the yasing shore of large river (channel) ponds, usually

used for feeding fish. Redema also overwhelms the veins of these ponds. In the thickets of the cantham, biocenoses of zoophytos and fools are developing, which are a rich feed database

carp eating zooperafiton - slugs, insect larvae

and other animals.

~ tough "vegetation, however, is considered harmful to

ponds, as it worsens the gas regime, changes the pH of the medium

and contributes to the wiping. Therefore, it is destroyed by

mowing (manually or with the help of special ag

regatta for mowing a root). In some countries (especially in the United States), special ~ aqueous herbicides are used for UG

nature or destruction of these ~ water weeds. " However, Ger. biats have a side toxic effect on fish andinvertebrates, therefore, in Ukraine, this method is not racing recognition, but white Amur is widely used to regulate the development of water growing in ponds. Nevertheless

her, the columid vegetation and thickets of the reeds have

dorthhrain value preventing contamination with

fields and farms.

"Soft" vegetation is represented by a whole complex

plants, in particular by rogolovniki, RFEST, Uurathu, villain

she and many other who are usually growing by curtains. Since under excessive growing plants may be denied to influence the gas regime of the ponds, their development is usually re

moist by periodic mowing of excessive fit

masses. Local flower vegetation protects the ponds from the acts of contaminants contained in stock with fields and farms,

it has a water protection value.

In zoopyustone ponds, after their filling, they begin massively

develop numerous types of infusories and provicrats,

fish fish feed on the first days of life. The most important

Romponents of the pond zooplankton are branchist and

glind crustaceans. Daph prevailed among branchist

researchs, CemeriOnnia, Bosmines, Maine, and closer to the bottom and in Zaros

lyakh - representatives of the Hidoride family. Greeting rocker

present are presented different species Cyclops, breeding

IIa is almost the entire year. In Zoobenthos, the important role is

Basics of Hydroecology

hironomid larvae, mollusks (gorgeous, bots, different

types of pondovikov). In the ponds of the southern regions "Ukraine lives

dreissen river.

From the worms there are predominantly oligochettes, especially the pipes living in Ile and reaching numbers to

100 thousand, as well as representatives of the genus Limodarlus. These devices

vertebrae are favorite food carp and other ben

tosoyoid fish.

In bottom sediments of ponds and among water vegetation

live larvae dragonflies, datsok and other insects, as well as

beetles, bugs and other insect predators competing in

food with fish.

A significant role in the nutrition of bent sovereign fish in the ponds "

ranes play basting larvae (Ephemeroptera) - Caenis Horaria, Ephemera Vulgata, Centroptiluset al. when rooting air

aqueous vegetation on the shores of the ponds appear many

representatives of semi-rigid - water bugs,

there are also severe, or beetles, twisted us

common and others, but in the nutrition of fishing valuable species of fish they

do not play an important role.

Among the insects living in the thickets of aquatic plants, blood circulators, including mosquitoes- carriers excitingtele malaria. Therefore, overgrown, located near the villages and

other settlements may have epidemiological


In different physical and geographic regions "Ukraine

the hydrobiological mode of ponds can several

differ from general patterns. For example, in the foothill

and mountainous areas Carpathians, where the soils are injuries, organic

kimi substances, and water contains a significant amount

suspended particles and less transparent, vegetary intensity

phytoplankton and primary products are lower than in ponds

other regions. This is reflected in the functioning of the hetero of trophy organisms, in particular, representatives of zooplankton and zoobenthos. These cooler ponds with fairly high

kim levels of saturation oxygen, low content of bio gene and organic substances are characterized by lower

level of trophy. In the steppe zone where the lands differ fruit

rhodium, and the intensity of solar radiation is higher, the development of planktonic organisms is more intense, and accordingly

the level of water saturation with organic substances is high. IN

connection with this trophy of the ponds of the steppe zone and their natural

biological productivity is quite high in "Ukraine.

Polesia ponds feed on forest and swamp sour

dami, unproductive.

Why do I need fisheries water quality standards. The quality of water quality of water objects of fisheries. Classification, appointment and features of fisheries water reservoirs. Quality standards of aquatic environment for similar water bodies. MPC of some hazardous substances. Principles for calculating water standards for fishery water use. FISH WATER QUALITY RESULTS Help maintain the proper condition of water bodies intended for growing fish. The quality of water quality of water objects of fisheries value is negotiated in the orders of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

Classification of fishery water reservoirs

According to the regulatory document "Rules for the protection of surface waters", all surface water objects are conventionally divided into such categories:

  • objects of drinking and cultural and domestic purposes;
  • fishery objects.

Requirements for the latest type of water bodies We will consider in our article. Fisheries water bodies are divided into certain subspecies:

  • The reservoirs of the first category are objects that are intended for the breeding and preservation of valuable varieties of fish. Such reservoirs are used for representatives of water fauna, which are very demanding to oxygen concentration in the aquatic environment.
  • The reservoirs of the second category are objects of fisheries, which are used for other purposes.

If wastewater is discharged into such water bodies, the quality of the aquatic medium in the water in the place is necessarily estimated below the water supply point below. These indicators must comply with the requirements of sanitary standards according to each type of water use.


In the quality of the water environment for fishery objects, such indicators include:

  1. The general characteristics of the components and the quality of the aqueous medium. For each type of water use object, there are regulations.
  2. A list of maximum permissible concentrations of substances present in the aquatic environment. MPC on each substances may differ from each water use object.

Despite the fact that the requirements for the concentration of certain substances differ from each object of water use, there are general standards describing the composition and quality of the aqueous medium. These include: the concentration of impurities, the percentage of suspended substances, chromaticity, taste, odor, acidity, the degree of mineralization, oxygen concentration, toxicity.

The maximum permissible concentrations of certain substances describe the permitted content of this substance in an aqueous medium, in which the water will be absolutely safe for the inhabitants. At the same time, the norm can be considered both the complete absence of the substance and its concentration below or equal to the agreed norm.

It is very important to regulate the concentrations of toxic substances, since some of them are able to slow down the natural processes of the self-cleaning of the reservoir, namely the biochemical oxidation of the organic. All this can lead to poor condition of the aqueous medium: the lack of oxygen, the processes of rotting, increase the concentration of hydrogen sulfide. That is why the maximum permissible concentrations of substances are normalized according to the overall sign of harmfulness.

The quality of water quality of water objects of fisheries is normalized by the concentration of hazardous substances:

  • Petroleum products. When they are concentrated in a reservoir in the range of 0.1-0.2 mg / l, the fish acquires a specific smell and flavor of petroleum products.
  • The concentration of substances hazardous substances is normalized by toxicological attribute.
  • The concentration of Cu ions in 10 mg / l is able to have a toxic effect on the body. This substance in the volume of 5 mg / l is able to violate the processes of self-cleaning of the reservoir, and the content of this substance in the amount of 1 mg / l impairs the taste quality of the fluid. As a result, for fishery water reservoirs, this indicator is normalized by toxicological attribute and is allowed to be equal to no more than 10 mg / l.
  • Also, the regulatory documents use such an indicator as LPV is a limiting sign of harm. It indicates the smallest maximum permissible concentration of the substance.
  • The concentration of arsenic in fisheries reservoirs is 0.05 mg / l. And if you believe European standards, the concentration of this substance may be within 0.2 mg / l.

Principles for calculating water standards for fishery water use

  1. The principle of "zero strategy" states that the slightest change in the natural aquatic environment needs to be considered unacceptable.
  2. Any norms are required to be installed according to technological capabilities aimed at lowering the degree of water pollution, as well as in accordance with the control of their concentration in the aquatic environment.
  3. The maximum permissible concentration of pollutants should be rationed so that the costs of maintaining their normal concentrations do not exceed the costs in the occurrence of uncontrolled reservoir contamination.

If you need to analyze the aqueous medium of the reservoir to assess the concentration of various substances, you can order such an inspection in our laboratory. To do this, you just call the specified phones.


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