Water plants

Water plants

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water habitat hydrophitis ecosystem

In the context of the modern environmental crisis, however, the question of maintaining the integrity of the surrounding world is important. It lies in the most complex relationship between organisms, the effect on them environmental factors and their opposite effect on Wednesday. The study of these phenomena, where a person is seen as another link in the chain, ecology is engaged. In this paper, the relationship of ecology with other biological sciences is considered, namely with botany.

In the establishment of botany as scientific disciplines, scientists paid attention primarily to ground vegetation, water plants were paid significantly less attention, although the water space occupies almost 2.5 times a large area on our planet than sushi. The reasons for this lies, apparently, in the fact that a person first of all paid attention to the vegetation of land, suitable for its needs, simply without noticing the plant world of reservoirs.

With the deepening study of the flora and vegetation, disciplines studying the higher and lower plants. In parallel with the geobotanic, a hydrobotantic developed, which is essentially ecology water plants on physiological basis (Gessner, 1995).

The purpose of this work is to familiarize with the general issues of the ecology of higher aquatic plants. This includes several tasks, namely:

1. Consideration of the organization of higher water vegetation;

2. Detection of features of adaptation to life in water;

3. Description of the habitat and its factors that determine the development of plants;

4. Studying the role in ecosystems and methods for the protection of aquatic plants.

1. Water as habitat

For plants living in the oceans, seas, rivers and freshwater reservoirs, water is not only the necessary ecological factor, but also the immediate environment in which the entire complex of factors is quite different than for land plants.

1.1 Light

The intensity of light in water is strongly weakened, since part of the incident radiation is reflected from the surface of the water, the other is absorbed by its thickness. The weakening of the light is associated with the transparency of water: so, in oceans with a large transparency at a depth of 140 m, about 1% of radiation falls, and in small lakes with a somewhat inspired water, only tenth percent frauds are already at a depth of 2 m. Since the rays of different parts of the solar spectrum are absorbed by water differently, and the spectral composition of the light changes, the red rays are weakened, i.e. Decreases the share of headlights. Light day in water is shorter (especially in deep layers) than on land.

If the plants living (or having the leaves) on the water surface do not have a lack of light, then submerged and the more deep-water refer to the "shadhery flora". Due to the weakening of light, photosynthesis in immersed plants is sharply reduced with increasing depth.

Deep-water species have a number of physiological traits characteristic of shadow plants; Among them, you should call a low point of compensation of photosynthesis (30-100 LCs), "shadow" character of the light curve of photosynthesis with a low saturation plateau. At the same time, under surface and floating forms, these curves are more "light" type. It is believed that the survival of deep-water phytoplankton in zones where the illumination is lower than the compensation point, it is promoted by its periodic vertical movements to the upper zones, where in plankton plants is intensive photosynthesis and replenishment of organic substances.

1.2 Presence of batteries

In addition to lack of light, plants may experience other difficulties, substantial to photosynthesis - the lack of an affordable

Carbon dioxide enters water as a result of the dissolution of the system contained in the air, respiration of aquatic organisms, decomposition of organic residues and release from carbonates. The content of C0 2 in water ranges in the range of 0.2-0.5 ml / l. With intense photosynthesis of plants, reinforced C0 2 consumption is underway (up to 0.2-0.3 ml / l in 1 h), and therefore its deficit occurs. To increase the content of C0 2 in water, hydrophitis react with a noticeable increase in photosynthesis. An additional source of C0 2 for the photosynthesis of aqueous plants can serve as carbon dioxide, released during the decomposition of biccaled salts and the transition to carbon dioxide, for example:

CA (NS0 8) 2 - V CAC0 3 + C0 2 + H 2 0

The resulting low-soluble carbonates are settled on the surface of the leaves in the form of a lime flooring or a crust, well-noticeable during the overall of many aquatic plants.

An important factor in the life of aquatic plants is the content in the water required for oxygen breathing. It enters the water from the air and is released by plants at photosynthesis. Conventional values \u200b\u200bof content 02 in the upper water layers 6-8 ml / l. When stagnant mode in small water bodies, water sharply departs oxygen. Its deficiency may occur in winter under ice. At a concentration below 0.3-3.5 ml / l, the life of aerobes in water is impossible.

Mineral salts necessary for the nutrition of plants are contained in water in very small amounts compared to soil solution. Their stock is replenished with the decomposition of plant residues and washing the salts from the soils. Salts are absorbed by the entire surface of immersed plants or their parts. The conditions for the supply of mineral salts for hydrophitis, rooting in the soil, are more favorable.

1.3 Wednesday density

Water differs from the air greater density, which is reflected in the structure of the body of hydrophitis. Ground plants are well developed by mechanical fabrics, ensuring the strength of trunks and stems; The location of the mechanical and conductive tissues along the periphery of the stem creates the design of the "pipe", well-opposing, breakdowns and bends. In hydrophitis, on the contrary, the mechanical tissues are strongly reduced, since plants are maintained by water itself. Mechanical elements and conductive bundles are often concentrated in the center of the stem or leaf cutting, which gives the ability to bend when water moves. Immersed hydrophitis have a good buoyancy, which is created as special devices (bloating, air bags) and an increase in body surface.

The effect of water movement (hydrodynamic factor) is particularly affected on plants living in the coastal (sucking) strip. Here their fabrics acquire mechanical strength.

1.4 Temperature

Temperature regime in water is different, first, with a smaller flow of heat, secondly, greater stability than on land. A part of the thermal energy entering the surface of the water is reflected, part is spent on evaporation. The high heat of water vaporization prevents strong heating of the surface with sunbeams. Due to the high specific heat capacity of water, heating and cooling go slowly. Daily and annual temperature fluctuations are less than on land. The annual amplitudes of the temperature in continental reservoirs are not more than 30-35 ° C, in the surface layers of the seas and oceans - 10-15 ° C, and in deep layers there are at all.

1.5 Saltness

For marine plants, a substantial factor is the salinity of water. It is accepted to express in PROMILL (% O), showing the content of salts in grams in 1 liter of water. The salinity of the Water World Ocean is about 35% o, in the outskirts of the seas is significantly lower. If the difference between the concentration of the cell juice of plants and the surrounding sea water is large (osmotic gradient), then there is a danger or dehydration of tissues, or their redundant flooding. In plants, the concentration of juices and osmotic pressure is usually slightly higher than in the surrounding sea water, which provides turgters. Excess gravity is opposed by mechanical (tour) pressure.

Sea and seaside plants that endure a wide range of water salinity oscillations are called Eurygalin, and confined to a certain, narrowing range - snealing. Accordingly, the degree of endurance to the concentration of salts in water differ polygaline plants (adapted to strong salinity) and oligogaline (inhabitants of weakly sour waters or coastal strip). Intermediate group - Mesogaline plants.

Thus, there are several distinguishing features of the aquatic habitat:

b in the aqueous medium fluctuations in temperature during the day and year less than in ground-air. This is due to the fact that water, in contrast to air, is slower and cooled slowly.

in the aquatic environment of light most in the upper layers.

b dissolved in the aqueous medium of mineral batteries and gases is significantly less than in the ground-air environment.

b water has a high density and viscosity of water. Water density is approximately 1000 times higher than air density.

2. Adaptation of plants to the water habitat

IN late XIX. in. E. Varming allocated aquatic plants into a separate ecological group of hydrophitis. In a broad sense, hydrophitis are algae, and higher plants with which the aquatic environment was founded again. However, by tradition, macrophytes are combined into a group of hydrophists, i.e. Higher aquatic plants. Especially diverse is the freshwater flora of macrophytes. G.I. Poplavskaya (1948) offered to divide them into several groups.

1. Gedatoes - fully immersed plants (only flowers can be above the water). Among them are distinguished: a) unquesting or weighted (bubbles - Utricularia., rogolovniki - Ceratophyllum and etc) and b) rooting (water buttercups - Batrachium, Ugut - Myriophylum Spicatum, Valisneria - Vallisneria Spicata, etc.).

2. Aerohydatoofitis - plants with floating leaves. In this group, it is also possible to allocate a) incorrect (waterfronts, ripples, etc.) and b) rooting (pita, water buttercups and the RDESTS)

3. Actually hydrophitis (hydrophitis in a narrow sense) have leaves located above the water. They are common along the shores of the reservoirs (graonist, chastula, reed lake, etc.).

Many species are characterized by heterophiline - form leaves of different structure, depending on the environment of their formation. Some hydrophists (for example, a graonist, charter) simultaneously develop air, floating and submerged leaves, differing in morphologically, anatomically and functionally.

For hydrophips experiencing problems with gas exchange, the leaves are characterized with an increased surface, often strongly dissected. The filamental shares have "gig leaves" of a rogolistnik, toss, bubbles, aqueous butterfly and others. Tapesidity of the leaves of a number of water plants increase their surface and protects them from fluid damage. And some hydrophitis (RDESTs, Wallisner) have very thin sheets. Maximally thin leaves of the Eldine - only two layers of cells.

For hydrophists, a weak development of mechanical tissues is characterized, the central position of which in the stem provides elasticity and strength under conditions of constant bending of current water. They are developed in the system of interclausers, providing the supply of oxygen submersible organs. In addition, these cavities ensure buoyancy of stems and leaves.

For many hydrophists, a weak development of the root system is characterized, which is associated with the ability to suck water with the entire surface of the body. The main role of the roots is the fastening of plants in the ground, and the suction of the solutions is weak. Therefore, Elday, for example, can develop roots, and may do without them. Rhizomes of some hydrophists (pita, cubes) play the role of poorer organs and provide vegetative reproduction.

The disadvantage in reservoirs of minerals and light, imperative photosynthesis, contributes to the emergence of predator plants that feed on small water organisms. In Russia, in oligotrophic water bodies there are eight types of bubbles and alder. Bubbles received their name on cubs with bubbles having a "mouth" hole with hairs and bristles along the edges. From the top edge of the bubble, an elastic valve released baits for small animals (insect larvae, racks, duphs, cyclops). If the victim fell into a bubble, the valve slams. Digestion products are absorbed by suction cells. Aldende belongs to the Rosyanka family, which has about 100 species of predator plants growing on swamps and in water bodies. Her delicate apparatus is two semicircular halves of a sheet plate, in the center of which many digestive glands and sensitive hairs. Microscopic inhabitants of water bodies, rigging hairs, cause closure of leaf traps.

Hydrophitis can accumulate different mineral substances in their body, the concentration of which is sometimes more than in the surrounding water (for example, the element accumulates carbon dioxide calcium in cells). Such selective accumulation changes the habitat (acidity, salt balance) and can lead to a change of ecosystems.

For plants, the life of which is associated with flooded habitats, is characterized by hydrochoria - the spread of fruits and seeds with water. Squints, Victoria, Eurila have spongy bag-shaped grows on the seeds that play the role of float. Only after their destruction, the seeds fall on the bottom and germinate. Large floating fruits and seeds have many inhabitants of tropical marine coasts and mangrove thickets. Seeds of some butterfly growing on the swamps and in streams have a swimming belly from large tracked aircraft cells under the epidermum. The marsh, the seed is enclosed in air filled swollen bags. The Kaluzhni Bolotnaya Seeds acquire buoyancy when raging. And the fruits of coconut palm contain the buoyancy of the air and the supply of water for the embryo, which allows them to be distributed by sea currents by thousands of kilometers without losing germination for months.

So, higher aquatic plants include a hydrophite group, which, depending on the method of growth, is divided into three subgroups (hydrophitis, guidatoes, aerohydatophytes).

To each abiotic factor of habitat during the evolutionary process, a number of devices that determine the specifics of the plants under consideration were developed.

3. The role of hydrophitis in ecosystems

3.1 Higher plants in the water ecosystem system

In addition to abiotic environmental factors, the composition and distribution of hydrophitis no less affects them with other organisms of the reservoir.

Higher plants of water bodies to one degree or another serve as the animals of the most different systematic situation, there are nematodes, the broxods of mollusks, crustaceans; from insects - insects, rods, beetles, dirt, swirls and butterflies; From vertebrates - fish, birds and mammals.

With moderate urging reservoirs, favorable conditions are created for the development of invertebrate fauna, including the characteristic types of initial stages of development or a lifetime. A number of animals use the thickets of immersed plants during the masonry of eggs, spawning, fattening larvae, for refuge. Species diversity Animal population can be quite great.

Water vegetation and phytoplankton as autotrophic organisms need light, carbon dioxide, etc. Usually hydrophitis and phytoplankton can develop and increase phytomass in parallel, without entering the competitive relationship. When the inadalation intensity of the reservoir increases, the highest aqueous vegetation suppresses the development of phytoplankton. Thus, immersed aqueous vegetation can be used to regulate the number of phytoplankton and the fight against the "flowering" of water.

3.2 The role of hydrophitis in self-cleaning of water bodies

The growth of cities and the development of the industry led to an increase in water consumption and to an increase in wastewater discharge. The special form of pollution is eutrophication, i.e. water pollution by biogenic elements. The ability of higher aquatic plants to the accumulation and use of these substances (first of all phosphorus and nitrogen) makes them active participants in the process of self-purification of natural waters.

Thickets of higher aquatic plants can serve as a barrier when entering scattered pollution in the reservoir, as well as to inhibitly influence saprophisticic microbiota. In the thickets of hydrophists, the content of dissolved oxygen significantly increases, the amount of salt ammonia is sharply reduced and nitrite nitrogen increases.

In addition to household wastewater in water bodies, a significant amount of industrial pollution is received. These are primarily oil and petroleum products, salts of heavy metals, synthetic surfactants, etc. Consider some aspects of this problem and the role of hydrophitis.

In the presence of higher aquatic plants, the destruction of oil pollution occurs more intensively. The influence of various types of oil in small concentrations affects the increase in the brightness of the color, increasing the growth and number of shoots.

The accumulating capacity of aquatic plants leads to deactivation and purification of water and accumulation by plants of heavy metals, radioactive substances, some of the pesticides. As for the latter, the practical value of hydrophitis is also in their ability to decompose the eradicates for less toxic components and ultimately to neutralize.

In conclusion, we can sum up.

1. The ability of aquatic plants to accumulate, recycling, transforming many sewage substances - a powerful factor in the general process of biological self-purification by water branch

2. Aquatic plants take an active part in the process of biological migration, accumulation and scattering elements in aquatic environment and bottom sediments.

3. Accumulation in water, soil and organisms of finite decay products organic compounds, heavy metals, etc. Creates a real threat to their toxic effects on the human body and water biocenoses. Timely removal of these substances from water bodies (harvesting higher aquatic plants), preventing the process of anthropogenic eutrophication and its consequences is one of the most important environmental problems.


Having considered the organization of hydrophitis and their habitat, having studied their huge role in aquatic ecosystems, it can be concluded that this group of organisms deserves tremendous attention for several reasons. First, hydrophitis are organisms, re-mastered the aquatic habitat and adapted to this difficult medium. Secondly, higher aquatic plants - exaccurates of aquatic ecosystems, therefore, marine and freshwater biodiversity depends on their development. Thirdly, taking into account the horrific level of anthropogenic water pollution, hydrophitis (like many other organisms) are in danger, but when used by their use, there may be one of the biological wastewater purifiers.

It should be noted that in the field of using higher aquatic plants, it is still quite not enough.

The industrial age characterized by the rapid development of the industry has led to significant disorders of harmony in human relations with environmental. The exit from this position is to create waste-free production, new schemes and installations, possibilities of repeated or repeated use of water in one or several industries. Ideally, we are talking about creating a closed cycle when the water used in the industry will not be discharged into the reservoirs again entering the appeal.

List of used literature

1. Afanasyeva N.B., Berezina N.A. Environmental groups Plants in relation to the water regime // Ecology of plants. M. 2009. P. 246-256.

2. GORYUSHINA T.K. Ecology of aquatic plants // Ecology of plants. M. 1979.S. 143-154.

3. Cubin K.A. Ecology of higher aquatic plants. Publishing House Mosk. Un-ta. 1982. P. 1-129

4. Educational network "Knowledge". Ecology of aquatic plants [Electronic resource] URL: http://myzooplanet.ru/rasteniya_765/ekologiya-Vodnyih-Rasteniy-11406

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Methods of combating the massive overdue of water bodies with higher water vegetation are divided into mechanical, chemical and biological, often used in various combinations. Mechanical removal of plants can be made by cutters, braids, as well as mowers of various structures. For cutting rooting plants, special devices are offered, and for floating species - pumping devices. Mechanical cleaning of plants can be effective. Thus, when clogged with water pipes of power plants and plants in the region of the Upper Rhine, it was necessary to carry out round-the-clock cleaning, and only over 1000 m3 of phytomass was extracted in the day higher Plants.

The greatest effect in the fight against the overwhelming of water bodies with reed and rogose gives a spring biely dies, when young plants can be used as a green fertilizer and animal feed. At the end of the summer and the fall of the stems and the performance of mechanical mowers is reduced.

Chemical methods of combating higher aquatic plants are used quite wide.

A substances of the most diverse chemical nature are used as herbicides: Dichobenyl, Dalapon, Glyphosat, Mongurone, Durouy, Simazine, Atrazin, Hydroxylamine, Dicawat, Paraquat, Xylene, Acrolein and many others. The use of these stiffs in various concentrations and combinations reaches the goal - the destruction of aquatic plants. However, application chemical methods The struggle has very detrimental followers, often manifested gradually. First of all, the Ger-g of biccides, toxic by nature, affect the entire population of the reservoir or directly or through food chains. Some of the compounds used are decomposed by bacteria rather quickly, but their initial action is preserved.

Currently, the use of water bodies is becoming increasingly multifaceted, which ultimately should lead to a sharp decrease in chemical means of combating aquatic organisms (herbicides, ichthyocides, malakocides, etc.) or the complete abandonment of them.

Recently, increasing attention of researchers attract biological methods for suppressing high numbers of unwanted species.

The purpose of the biological struggle is not a complete extermination of the species, but only the containment of its density at such a level, which would eliminate the damage caused by other, more useful types of human activities.

At the same time, this is a significantly more complex task than other methods. Under favorable conditions, higher aquatic plants capture extensive territories. A typical example is the distribution of Canadian Eldine, Penetration of South American Alligator Grass (Mart.) Griseb. South America, Africa, Southerient Asia), for the struggle of 1C, these species have notifies the introduction of the iambols (beetles, trtsmivs, "butterflies); in areas where the biological ravines of these plants successfully passed on, the number of thickets decreased. Positive data were obtained with the biological limitation of the development of Salvishsh in Botswana using insects ( Straight, weevils), and a multi-cholenenik in India with the help of a strip and zuc-elephant. In the United States patented a method of controlling water hyacinth using the CERCOSPORA RODMANII pathogenic fungus in combination with various chemicals or insects. One of the most effective biological methods of combating unwanted Plant species can be the introduction of a rival type, however, there are few works in this area.

In the countries of Western Europe and in Russia, work is carried out on the use of vegetative fish in the fight against intensive binding of water bodies. The main goal at the same time is given to the White Amur (Ctenopharyngodon Idella Val.). The practice of using this species in biological amelioration of channels, hydro-eleiorative systems, reservoirs gave high efficiency. In the arid zone in Kurtlinsky reservoir (Turkmen USSR) in 1970, 2 million copies were issued. More than the highest aquatic vegetation for the 1972 of the White Amur, which was destroyed by 1972. This phenomenon led to significant shifts in the ecosystem and practically binded a positive role of higher aquatic plants. First of all, the primary products of phytoplankton and phytobenthos, their composition changed dramatically. The destruction of plants worsened water quality, there was a deficiency of dissolved oxygen. The electoral nutrition of the White Amur led to an increase in water leaning (Batrachium Rionii (Lagg.) In the water bodies of the Karakum canal.

The change of vegetation during the electoral nutrition of the animals is a typical example of a zogenic sukcession.

When eating cereals on wetlands, they are also replaced by water butter (p. Ranunculus), the species of this kind of poisonous and usually do not eat animals. In the fish farms, to consume the whole phytomass of aquatic plants, the White Amur begins to move on for forced food and becomes a competitor of other valuable fish breeds. White Cupid is a very voracious look: so, when nutrition with soft water vegetation (frog, rogol, element, ores), daily diet and percentage of the body weight of fish are 102-145, i.e., the food consumed over a day exceeds the body weight of the fish . Hard vegetation is consumed less eagerly, and in the middle feed coefficient of close to 30. According to Gaevskaya (1966), the intestines of the white Amur is very tightly naked with a plant mass and digested mainly the outer layer of the food column exposed to the action / food enzymes. In the experimental reservoirs of the Moscow region, it was noted that a significant part of the vegetable mass absorbed by white yamur was thrown into a weakly digestible or undigested form; The number of feces secreted by the Amur population for the season reached 700-1000 kg / ha.

Such processing of the phyto of the mass of higher aquatic plants accelerates the process of its decomposition, worsens the water quality and ultimately contributes to an increase in reservoir ebbification.

Optimization of aquatic ecosystems by using a white cupid is hampered by the fact that the system of the plant - White Amur is not regulated itself.

From the above, it follows that the choice of density, age, the timing of planting of herbivorous fish must be carried out taking into account a number of factors (climate, high-quality and quantitative composition of phytocenoses, code products, the economic purpose of the reservoir). With the cultivation of a white amur in water bodies with ameliorative objectives, overestimated landing densities are applicable at maybe more early timing grinding. Thus, for the amelioration of irrigation rice systems of the South of the RSFSR, the density of the landing of the Amur AMUR is order of 20-30 kg / ha in the development of soft immersed vegetation and up to 50-100 kg / ha - with the predominance of coastal aqueous plants (weight of fish at least 50- 100 g). The rate of ripping fish of economic reservoirs should not exceed 50-100 pcs. / Ha Giovkov Amur in the southern and 300-500 pcs / ha - in the northern regions of the country with the calculation of fish feet on excessive aquatic plants.

In conclusion, it should be said that the choice of the method of limiting the mass development of higher aquatic plants depends on the specific conditions and cannot be unambiguous.

The accumulation of knowledge is necessary for a comprehensive assessment of both the positive and negative role of aqueous plants in each individual reservoir, each specific ecosystem. This will allow you to choose the optimal degree of ingrowth of this reservoir, will give it the possibility of its multilateral use, it will retain its natural properties as a natural body. The best solution to the problem is the seizure of excessive phyto mass from the water branch with regular physicochemical and biological control and the use of it in the national economy.

The role of plants of purifiers in reservoirs - page number 1/1

The role of plants of purifiers in reservoirs.

The main sources of pollution of water bodies are household, industrial and agricultural drains. Household and agricultural estates contain a large number of all sorts of organic

substances, detergents, pesticides, mineral fertilizers and their decay products, while industrial is a huge set of various chemical compounds, most of which are toxic. The pollution of many reservoirs of the Russian Federation exceeds the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) on average for petroleum products by 47-63%, phenols at 45-68%, an easy-oxygenated organic matter (BPK5) by 20-23%, ammonium nitrogen by 24%, etc. (Morozov, 2001).

Purpose contamination is divided into allochton-made from the outside, and autochthonic - its own contamination. Autochthonic pollution occurs as a result of the vital activity of aquatic organisms, including coastal water

vegetation. After moving on Wednesday, their metabolites, biogenic substances and decay products are coming. Allochtonal contamination is all that they bring wastewater in water bodies, surface drains, rain and air masses.

The special form of pollution is the eutrophication of water bodies, that is, the enrichment by their biogenic substances, which leads to the intensive development of algae and coastal plants. This is most often due to the receipt of domestic and agricultural reservoirs. The ability of aquatic vegetation to the accumulation and use of these substances (primarily phosphorus and nitrogen) makes them active participants in the process of self-purification of natural waters.

Purpose contamination leads to a change in the structure of communities, their species and quantitative composition. Intensive contamination with agricultural and domestic runoff leads to overclocking of water bodies, and industrial - to violation and complete degradation of biocenoses. The reservoirs have a unique property - self-cleaning ability. Under self-cleaning means a complex of influence of chemical, physical and biological factors on a reservoir ecosystem, as a result of the activity of which the quality of water comes to the original (or close to it) state. Of course, this is observed with a small degree of reservoir contamination.

The biological self-purification of water bodies is carried out due to the vital activity of plants, animals, mushrooms, bacteria and closely related to physicochemical processes. Self-cleaning of water bodies is carried out in anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Anaerobally processes of the destruction of organic substances with the predominant participation of bacteria, mushrooms and the simplest. In this case, in the process of decomposition of organic material in the medium, intermediate products (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, low molecular weight fatty acids, etc.) are accumulated, which in the presence of oxygen are oxidized further.

In aerobic conditions, the destruction of the organic substrate is carried out in the presence of oxygen to simple compounds, which are further involved in

biotic cycle. In this process, almost all population of reservoirs take part. Water-and-water plants play a major role in the processes of self-purification of polluted waters.

Coastal water vegetation, highlighting oxygen in photosynthesis, has a beneficial effect on oxygen mode. coastal zone reservoir. Bacteria and algae (periphyton) dwelling on the surface of plants perform an active role in water purification. In the thickets of coastal water plants, phytophilic fauna develops, which also takes part in self-cleaning of water and bottom sediments; Benthos organisms utilize the organic substance of the catch and bodies living there. Under the influence of all these processes, the content of dissolved oxygen increases in water, its transparency and the content of nutrients increase, the mineralization of water and the number of intermediate spree products of the organic matter (Kuznetsov, 1970) decreases.

IN last years Macrofits began to be successfully used in the practice of water purification from biogenic elements, phenols, aromatic hydrocarbons, microelements, oil and oil products, heavy metals, various mineral salts from waste and natural waters, in disinfecting livestockways from different forms of pathogenic microorganisms.

The role of coastal water plants in self-cleaning of water bodies in a general form can be reduced to the following:

  1. A mechanical cleansing function when weighted and undermining organic substances are delayed in the thickets of plants;

  2. Mineralization and oxidative function;

  3. Detoxification of organic pollutants
Ugut mutter

Perennial an herbal plant with a length of 10 to 150, sometimes up to 300 cm. It dwells entirely in the water temperature (hydrophitis), only inflorescence rises above the water surface.

Forms winter kidneys (touria), it is one of her characteristic features. TURIONES UVUCHU MUTUTHY LOOK LOW LONG YOLITY-GREEN ROLLED KIDNESS WITH RIGHT LIFT LETTERS, tight pressed to the stalk. Spring small, thick, dark green tourius is enlivened and separated from the stem. As soon as the plant is rooted and proceeds to growth, large green summer leaves are formed on its tip. Touring leaves at the base of the plant can sometimes notice even in July. In the fall, touring with some parental vegetation material is again separated, rooted and thus capture new territories. Such fragments can be found along coastline Late in the fall.

The stem is usually green.

A distinctive feature of the tough Mutovaya is the test of two types of leaves. The first type includes underwater leaves. They are filamentous, complex, consist of 5-14 leaves. Mutovka are located on the stem at a distance of about 1 cm from each other, contain 4-5 leaves. Other type - surface leaves. Such leaves are assembled into a reprehensive beam, pouring. Their length is usually 2 or more than the length of flowers and fruits.


Role in biogeocenosis

Algae - the main manufacturers of organic substances in the aquatic environment. About 80% of all organic substances annually created on Earth are accounted for by algae and other aquatic plants. Algae directly or indirectly serve as a source of food for all aquatic animals. Mine rocks are known (diatomites, combustible shale, part of limestone), resulting from the life of algae in past geological era. By the way, it is precisely in diatoms of algae that the age of these rocks is determined.

Water treatment

Many algae are an important component of the process of biological wastewater treatment.

The rapid development of the pitching and plankton algae (water flowering) can create problems in the work of the water supply systems of water supply facilities.

In the sea aquarium, algae is used in biological filtering systems. Algae tanks are used ("algaelets") and scrubbers. Either specially planted macrosways (usually from the generics of the hatomorph and caulepara) are grown, or natural algae is used. Intensive lighting provides rapid growth of algae and active absorption of pollutants. Periodically, the mass of the resulting algae is removed from the filter.

Wastewater can also be cleaned thanks to such higher plants aswater hyacinth, writing, Arundo . In many tropical countries a merciless struggle is underwayaqueous hyacinthas with a dangerous weed. In just a few weeks, this plant can grow throughout the reservoir, bring damage to fisheries, and fail the power plant. But the US scientist managed to establish that aqueous hyacinth is able to remove harmful impurities from water intended for industrial and economic needs. Similar "botanical" settles are introduced into practice. The beveled green mass of water hyacinth can serve as a good fertilizer or applied in production.biogas.

During the evolution, the turning point was the emergence of photosynthetic organisms. The appearance of chlorophyll can be attributed to the Archean period, and in Paleozoa, starting with Cambrian, there are already the first black algae (Marpolyia, Girwalle, Epiphithton, etc.). Susha in Cambrian, apparently, was deprived of vegetation, although, according to Arda, some cyanic algae, lower mushrooms and liver mosses, related to modern Ricciyami, could already occupy wet coastal biotopes. In the atmosphere at this time, an excess of carbon dioxide and lack of oxygen was observed. In the silver, the world of plants is already richer: a flora of pylofitis appears, characterized by a large variety of forms, is the first detected top green sushi plants. In Devon, the plants continue to conquer land: In addition to psulophytes, the first ferns, calmfits, clinolists, lepidodendrons, Cordateites appear in addition to the plylofitis. Last group - the first representatives of the class coniferous plants. On the shores of the lakes grew horsetails, ferns, sigillaria. In Carbon, Devonian Flora develops the most magnificent. By the end of the coal period, it decreases, and new types of glossopteathered flora and gifted ones come to her place. Strengthening the soil processes leads to a variety of cycle of substances, gives impetus to further evolution. In the Perm system, in later deposits of Paleozoic, further development receives seed ferns (Lesley, Gangmopteris, Tinifeld, etc.) and gamotional plantsSugar and ginkgov began to appear.

In the Mesozoic, the greatest variety of forms is marked since the Jurassic period.

The vegetation of Yura is absolutely not similar to Carbon. Sugdans, Bennettitis, Ginkgo, Bayer, Araucaria prevail in the forests of the Jurassic era, in water bodies - large chests - neochametes. At this time, the gas composition of the atmosphere significantly changed in the direction of increasing the oxygen content, which influenced (as one of the factors) on the further development of the animal world, primarily large vertebrates. The imbalance of the processes of the formation and destruction of the organic matter, which led to the accumulation of carbon in the form of combustible fossils in the upper devone and carbon, is gradually leveling, oxygen increases in the atmosphere. At the end of the mesozoic, in the chalk period, climatic conditions were created, suitable for the occurrence of flowering plants, which had a huge impact on the entire further course of the evolution of the organic world of the planet. In the Upper Layers of Alaska there are such aquatic plants as nymphs or pitches. By this time, there is a massive appearance of flowering plants that have formed characteristic associations and seized a wide variety of biotopes: plains, steppes, semi-deserts, mountains and reservoirs. The Cenozoic vegetation develops very abundantly, but strong cooling in the second half of the era, starting with myocene, significantly changed the amount and composition of plants. In the middle of the tertiary period in Western Europe There are already walkers, Rogoz, Reed, Source (Miocene). In Ukraine, Rogoz, Reed, Retarent, Rogolnik, Salvinia appeared at this time.

The change of ER and periods in the history of the Earth never led to the full death of the former plant world; Part of the past population remained and continued to exist together with new species. A characteristic example of this from aquatic flora can serve as modern horships - the remainder of the rich group presented at the end of the Paleozoic by several families and many clauses, of which only the genus Equisetum is preserved.

Flower aquatic plants, starting their development in the upper chalk, during the evolution process, they acquired all those features that allowed them to survive the harsh glaciation of Cenozoic in the conditions of the aquatic environment. Most families of higher aquatic plants appear at the end of the Mesozoic, starting from the top chalk, and refers to the era of the flourishing of flowering plants with a decrease in the development of vote and already significant reduction in dispute plants. At this time, there is a gradual development and formation of modern flora. In the quarter-time period of the onset of glaciers in Europe, most modern plant species have already been distributed. However, significant weedsennesses of Europe (Günz, Mindelskoye, Rubskoy and Vurm) destroyed vegetation in vast territories, so that some types of plants significantly reduced their natural range or disappeared completely.

General scheme of the evolutionary route of aquatic plants: the sea - freshwater - sushi - freshwater - the sea.

For this reason, modern yewrite aqueous vegetation, living in fresh, brassing and significantly lower marine reservoirs, is customary to be called secondary water. Place of higher aquatic plants in general System The plant world is well illustrated by the scheme of phylogenetic relations of the orders of flowering plants.

The modern flora of higher aquatic plants of the USSR includes 224 species relating to 62 genera and 35 families. According to earlier data, in the aquatic flora of our country, over 260 species, obviously, due to the inclusion of a number of moisture-loving forms that are not directly related to the life of water bodies are noted.

The water medium to a certain extent smoothes the climatic differences that act on the ground flora. By systematic composition, the aquatic flora of all lake areas of the European part of the USSR is quite similar, the community ratio is 66-82%. Many common species occurs in the European part (except for the Arctic) and the Siberian region (59%), as well as in Central Asia and the Siberian and Siberian region (60%).

A mansion is distinguished by a water flora of the Far East, which has a low community coefficient with the views of other areas of the USSR, which is associated with its extreme specificity. A number of species are distributed in certain areas. So, the Middle Eastern, Siberian and South Views are allocated. Under conditions of mountain water bodies with low water temperature, flowering aquatic plants are usually not raised above the borders of the forests, the water flora of the Arctic is also extremely poor, although there are "their" species (buttercup of palmas, arctophila, etc.).

The relative homogeneity of the aqueous medium led to a number of fixtures of the most varying degrees. Many types of aquatic plants have the ability to evolve on land, which is expressed in the phenomenon of dimorphism, when the plants are dry from drying out, and continue to live, changed morphologically into the ground shape. Once in the aquatic environment, these species are able to develop in water. Such is water buttercups, a graonist, a bow, blindfold, the buckwheat of the earth. Ground forms are known even for real immersed guidatoes: water pine, urup, pita, although they are essentially prestum to adapt to the temporary experience of adverse conditions for drying the reservoirs. Finally, there are types of aquatic plants, fully incurred their lives with a water medium. We note some of the basic devices of higher plants to the water habitat.

A relatively low water temperature (northern and middle part of the USSR) causes the oppression of the intercession, vegetative reproduction prevails. Strengthened growth compared to land plants, since during a relatively short vegetation period, the NE should. Develop, give Yecesh or winter kidney and stock nutrients in underground organs for the winter period. The underdevelopment or lack of wood in vascular beams associated with the fact that the plant supported by water does not need such extent in the support elements as ground. Mechanical elements in a number of species that ensure the flexibility of stalks and leaves with a strong flow or excitement, are arranged, unlike the sushi plants closer to the center of the stem and the central axis of the sheet. Development of the system of aircraft cavities (Aerrenhima) contributes to improving gas exchange and maintaining a plant in a floating state. Reducing the root system or change its function. So, the root or rifle formations of researches are primarily an equilibrium organ. The well-developed root systems of the nithelies serve both to attach them to the soil and for the supply of nutrients. The large development of the body surface in relation to the mass, which is expressed in the presence of patch, dissected leaves, thin, long stems, or wide, but very thin leaves. The gas exchange of terrestrial plants is provided by the leaves through the dust, communicating with the system of interclause moves, Lakun. These moves take up to 25% of the total volume of plants. The leaves of immersed aquatic plants are deprived of the stittle, but their surface is permeable for gases and all gas exchanges through it. In aquatic plants with floating leaves, the Ustian has, and they are located on the upper side of the sheet. The number of wells compared to terrestrial species is increased. So, in a white pitcher, they are up to 400 per 1 mm2, in Rhoze - up to 1,300 per 1 mm2. The surface of floating leaves is covered with a wax chain, which does not allow it to be saved, in some types of edges of the leaf plate bend up, forming a semblance of a saucer.

Due to a smaller number of light in the water compared to land in underwater plants, partial PLI is observed. The total absence of a sheet parenchyma tissue differentiation on spongy and palisade. Chlorophyll is often found in the cells of the epidermis, which contributes to the best utilization of light energy. Some species among the cells of the epidermis have others, called hydropots, which have greater permeability for water. Namfeiy, in addition, there are special cells - Gautory, located on the bottom of the sheet, capable of intensively absorb nutrients and stock oil.

Heterophilia, discrepancy, is a phenomenon when on one plant is developing both typically underwater lisgrounds and typically air with a number of transitions (sophisticated, graonist, charter). Immersed leaves can be replaced by floating, completely different from the first (views of the Six. Nymphin, floating RDEST). The separation of mucus by special glands prevents leaching from plant nutrients, and is also a protection during the temporary drying of the reservoirs. Perhaps this mucus has a bactericidal protective effect, similar to the phytoncides of land plants. The overwhelming majority of higher aquatic plants are perennials. When overpowing, some of the species falls on the bottom of the reservoir, most winters in the form of rhizomes, tubers or wintering kidneys (tourones). Touriza morphologically represent valid shoots, Power supply to autumn nutrients, first of all starch, and immersed on the bottom of the reservoir. In the spring, the winter kidneys germinate and float to the surface.

These are generally the main devices of higher plants for habitat in the aquatic environment.

Even a short list of these features shows us how large the vitality of species capable of transferring significant adverse changes in the medium, adapting to new conditions. A detailed consideration of the characteristics of the organization of higher aquatic plants can be found in the monographs of the clutter. Despite the sufficiently narrow specialization of immersed aquatic plants, when, on the one hand, we observe the development of specific devices to the aquatic environment, and on the other - a complete or partial loss of a number of organs and systems (mechanical fabric, conductive system, etc.), the evolution of aqueous plants In general, it is impossible to consider regressive.

The presence of a stable mechanism of homeostasis allows higher aquatic plants to capture significant territories and have broad geographical distribution. Such species create populations adapted to the extreme conditions of the range, to significant fluctuations in light, temperature, etc.

To control the quality of water in water bodies in the content of biogenic elements in it, you can use the highest water vegetation (VD or macrophytes) - bioplato.

In the formation of water quality, higher aquatic plants are played by higher water: cane, reed, Rogoz, RDEST, Sousak, and others. It is known to use them for the finishing of wastewater enterprises of lightweight, metallurgical, coal industry, livestock complexes, and domestic wastewater. Absorbing a significant amount of biogenic elements, higher aquatic plants reduce the level of eutrophication of water bodies. They assimilate and process various substances (phenols, dtsh), contributing to the deposition of suspended and organic substances; saturated with oxygen water; Create favorable conditions for the spawning of fishes and feeding the Moltie; Intensify water purification from heavy metals and petroleum products due to oil-acid bacteria.

In the presence of higher aquatic plants, oil decomposes 3-5 times faster. The vital activity of macrophytes contributes to the population of petroleum products, located on the bottom, and their destruction. Even with continuous admission to the pond of petroleum products in the thickets of higher aquatic plants, they are present in much smaller amounts than on open PLES. The most promising for water purification from oil is the reed laxist and rogoz of narrow and broad-sized. Rocket lake intensively cleanses water and from phenols. One plating of the root of a mass of 100 g can be removed from water to 4 mg of phenol. In addition to phenol, its derivatives are also absorbed (porochetchin, resorcin, xylene, etc.).

In the processes of photosynthetic aeration, macrophytes play no smaller role than phytoplankton. They are able to accumulate various elements in their bodies. So, the susak is able to accumulate 7, 52 mg of phosphorus per 1 g of dry mass. Refais actively accumulates manganese, iris - calcium, SCO - iron, ore - copper. In the process of mineral nutrition, the higher aqueous plants in natural conditions are absorbed and recycled in their organs a significant amount of substances. Higher aquatic plants are capable of accumulating radionuclides (cesium - 137, strontium - 90, cobalt - 60). Higher aquatic plants utilize the nitrogen of wastewater companies in the production of mineral fertilizers. Extraction of nitrogen from wastewater biological ponds with the help of higher aquatic plants improves water quality.

No less important is the role of higher aquatic plants in the regulation of "flowering" of water, since the plots of water bodies will not "bloom" by macrofites. This is due to competition for biogenic elements, absorbed by higher aquatic plants. It is known that the reed enriches with oxygen not only water, but also the soil on which it grows, contributing to strengthening oxidation processes. Oxygen circulates on the hollow stems and passes in the roots on air conductive shoots, and thick urine water-air roots of plants, as a kind of mechanical filter, delay the particles weighted in water and purify water from them.

Very valuable ability of cane tissues to detoxify various poisonous connections. The sufficiently high concentrations of ammonia, phenol, lead, mercury, copper, cobalt, chromium do not affect its growth and development. The cane is also an excellent substrate for the development of various types of attached algae involved in the formation of the quality of natural waters. In the intensity of higher aquatic plants, diatoms, green, at least cinema and other algae are mainly found. IN large quantities Here mushrooms, azotobacter, as well as bacteria that can decompose starch and fiber are found here. Together with algae, these microorganisms are actively involved in self-cleaning of water bodies.

It is proved that higher aquatic plants are able to extract relatively large amounts of uranium, radium, thorium out of water. In the cane plants growing in areas that are exposed to polluted water, accumulates by the end of the vegetation about 4 times more iron, calcium - 100 times, magnesium - in 1, 2, nitrogen - in 1, 5, phosphorus - in 1, 3 times more than in plants that are not affected by wastewater. Not only the competition for biogenic elements, but also metabolites of higher aquatic plants, showing phytoncide properties and depressing the development of algae plays a major role in the regulation of algae reproduction processes.

Macrofits in the process of photosynthesis are saturated with oxygen, and also shadow the underlying water layers, creating unfavourable conditions For the vital activity of the blue algae and the formation of the primary products of phytoplankton .. at the same time it changed noticeably chemical composition and the physical properties of wastewater: oxidation decreased, there were no forms of nitrogen, the phosphate content was significantly reduced, dissolved oxygen appeared. Sewage water After cultivation, this plant became transparent and odorless.

Thus, higher aquatic plants can play a significant role in reducing the number of algae, first of all, in small water bodies exposed to "blooming" in eutrophotation.


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