Presentations on the topic Environmental foundations of environmental management. Natural Resources and Fundamentals of Rational Environmental Management

Presentations on the topic Environmental foundations of environmental management. Natural Resources and Fundamentals of Rational Environmental Management

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"Environmental pollution" - low-waste technologies. Factors of radioactive contamination of the biosphere. Electromagnetic contamination is associated with high-voltage lines. Types of pollution. Environmental pollution. Results. Chemical pollution. Emission radiation. Natural waters can be contaminated by pesticides and dioxins. Departure production. Heat pollution - water heating, air or soil. The main objects of environmental pollution.

"" His game "on ecology" - the first Red Book was published in 1966. AIDS. Day of struggle in protecting the ozone layer. What is measured in the intensity or force of noise. Moles and mice make large reserves to harsh and varying winter. Name the day and month when it is celebrated - the day of protection of children. Food or trophic networks. Who are synanthropic organisms. In animals inhabiting colder areas of the range, protruding parts of the body (limbs, tail, ear shells, etc.) less than that of representatives of the same type of heavily places.

"Environmental Protection Specialists" - and I go, stepping on the ground. Tourist. Doctor. Ecologist. Biologist. Biochemist. Formation of student ideas about the anthropogenic factor. Specialist in studying the relationship between human environment. Representative of the Committee for Nature Protection. Beginning of work.

"Rational Environmental Management" is a global environmental crisis. 1 hectare of spruce forest gives 10 kg of oxygen. The development of nature and society. Libyan desert. Study of the basic laws of environmental management. Work in groups. Chemical elements. Wood. First law Barry Commoner. Human. Automobile transport. Environmental management in the history of mankind. Biological resources. An account analysis. Nitrates in vegetables. Questionnaire. For everything you need to pay.

"Water quality and health" - a chemical analysis of water. What is water quality. The results of the survey. Water purification at home and filters. Water in nature. Product quality. Recommendations. Calendar work plan. A. SENT-EKZYUPERI. Water and health. Human life processes. Wonderful laboratory. Water reserves on earth. Influence. Water quality indicators. Biological water indicators. Sociological survey. Practical methods.

"Right and Ecology" - laws on the protection of nature and the environment. Beauty will save the world. It is impossible to live here. Fruits of our life. The consequences of the mindless behavior of humanity. Participants of environmental legal relations. Our favorite animals. Environmental offense. The concept of environmental law. National Natural Parks. Environmental objects. International treaties. Beauty. Ecology and law. Objects subject to special protection.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Essence and basic types of natural-use aspects of preferences of rational environmental management Principles of rational naturalization The basic principles of the concept of sustainable joint development of a person and the biosphere rational environmental management of irrational environmental management

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Humanity from the oldest time has used nature on business purposes (hunting, fishing, gathering). Throughout the history, there was an expansion of relations in the system of nature - a person. All new types of natural resources included in the sphere of human de-vitality. The population grew, increased the scale of production, the change in the natural environment as a result of human activity. Currently, the active role of a person in the use of nature has been reflected in environmental management as a special field of economic activity.

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The essence and main types of environmental use What is the meaning in the concept of environmental management?

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Natural use is the process of exploitation of natural resources in order to meet the material and cultural needs of society. Depending on the characteristic of the management of the process of environmental management, its types and consequences, they can be called about planned and spontaneous, rational and irrational, passive and active environmental management.

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Under the rational environmental use, it is understood as the isuity of natural resources, their bearing exploitation, protection and reproduction, taking into account not only the real, but also future interests of the development of people in the native farm and the preservation of people's health. Rational Environmental Management is a system of interaction between society and nature, built on the basis of scientific laws and in the greatest degree to the tasks of both the development of production and the co-storage of the biosphere.

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Rational environmental management is characteristic of intensive home, in which: the mined natural resources are fully used and, accordingly, the number of resources consumed is reduced; Restoration of renewable natural resources is ensured; Full and repeatedly used waste production. The system of rational environmental management can significantly reduce environmental pollution.

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Examples of rational environmental management: the creation of cultural landscapes; the use of technologies that allow more fully processing raw materials; Re-use of production waste, the protection of animal and plants, the creation of reserves, etc.

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Eternal environmental management is a type of relationship with a borney, in which the requirements of environmental protection, its improvements (consumer attitude towards nature) are not taken into account. Unfortunately, modern condition Environmental use in most cases can be characterized as irrational, leading to exhaustion (up to disappearance) of natural resources, even re-becomes; Environmental pollution. With nerazo-malno-use, the ecology degradation of the territory and the irreversible is-drawn of nature-but-resource potential occurs.

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Ethical use is characteristic of extensive farm, in which: in large quantities, the most easily accessible natural resources are not fully used, which leads to their rapid expiration; produced a large amount of waste; Environmentally polluted.

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Examples of irrational nature management: non-harmonized grazing of livestock, gravy-fire farming, extermination of certain types of plants and animals, radioactive, thermal pollution of the medium.

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Causes of irrational environmental management: Insufficient knowledge of the laws of ecology, weak material interest of manufacturers, low ecological culture of the population

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Aspects of the preferences of rational environmental management Healthcare aspect: environmental quality and human health The higher the level of use of extracted natural resources, the lower the level of pollution of the environment. Sulfur, lead, mercury, radioactive elements do not bring any harm, while they go to their fields, but if they are not used from there, it is not useful, then the entire remaining part, name-May waste production and consumption, turns into pollutants and even poisoning environmental substances.

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Scientific and technical aspect The sharp deterioration in the environmental situation in the world largely coincides with the rapid scientific and technical development, which multiplying the capabilities of the man-century to exploit natural wealth and influence the surrounding CR. On this basis, some people conclude that it is necessary to support scientific and technological development and even the rotation to the pre-industrial state. However, firstly, it is unrealistic, secondly, this is not necessary, since the progress itself is not in itself, and his anti-imaginary orientation underlies the established position, thirdly, it will only reduce our chances of survival.

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Only with the interconnected development of natural and humanitarian sciences, technology and environmental culture it is possible to build a nosphere. Only integrated science can suggest an acceptable path of re-stroke from the civilization of the conquest of nature, where progress is identified with economic growth, to environmental civilization, where only such a development will be considered progressive, which ensures the principle of the coevolution of society and nature.

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At first, the ecologization of scientific and technological progress should manifest itself in the study of the safe limits of the anthropogenic pressure of society on the environment, wide use Pure and non-scaled sources of energy, in a more complete production of minerals from the subsoil and useful substance from the extracted rock, in the implementation of resource-saving and waste-free technology, allowing to use secondary resources.

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Economy and Ecology lack of material interest of manufacturers in beating attitudes towards nature and failure moneyAllocated to protect the environment is one of the main reasons for bringing the latter to the crisis state. And only if this state began to have a tangible negative impact on the conditions for the production of production and obtained, in the field of view of the economy began to include environmental problems. People began to understand that the damage to the nominous economy of non-prisoners, the costs of its rationalization. .

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Legal and international aspects Activities for rational use and environmental protection are controlled, regulated and sent by the state through a system of environmental legislation. Only when environmental laws and demands conscious of the past are appropriate legal decisions in the form of laws, decrees, decrees, mandatory decisions, they receive real chances of implementing . Therefore, the constant decomposition of environmental legislation in accordance with the development of science and technology is important.

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In the twentieth century, especially in his last three, it became clear that it is impossible to solve the pro-blem of the environmental preservation only at the level of individual countries in principle. The reason is that the natural complex of each country, especially small in the area of \u200b\u200bthe occupied territory, what are most of the countries of the world, is inextricably linked to the natural computers of neighboring countries, or even their main part, not to mention the fact that the whole biosphere is united . Therefore, it is not enough to improve its own legislation, it is necessary to contribute to the development of international legislation, regulating the provisions of all countries in the protection of nature.

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Reserved aspect is very important to maintain species diversity Living organisms on Ze-ML, saying otherwise - a gene pool. Without this, evolution is impossible in the progressive direction, there is no sufficient material for environmental oak lending. With loss of species, Ori-hyniac properties are always lost, which could be used in the genetic engineering of the future. For incomplete 400 years, more than 60 species of mammal and more than 90 species of birds completely disappeared.

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KVIGGA (extinct in 1883) Turan Tiger (extinct in 1968) Outless Gagarka (extinct in 1844) DRONT (extinct in 1681) Tasmansky Wolf (extinct in 1936) tour (extinted in 1627) animals we lost

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Much danger represents the economic development before under behavioral territories. The protected area cannot be arbitrarily reduced without harming the entire nature reserve as a whole due to the action of some environmental laws, in its essence of those who decrease the territory compared with the tymal sizes leads to a decrease in the number of Viots and the size of individual OSO-Bay, And in the final result - to the complete degraded dating of the protected ecosystems.

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Aesthetic aspect is sometimes a natural desire of a person to nature, if it does not bonding on the upbringing of a careful attitude towards it, it may be difficult to proceedable harm. We are talking about tourism. Where he is well or-lowered, routes are laid, the parking lots are equipped, educational and information activities are actively underway, tourism contributes to the environmental education and improvement of the population, and also brings revenues to its organizers, not at the right harm environment. Unfortunately, the "wild" tourism is more developed in the Russian Federation, sa-mode, weakly under-giving up regulation, which leads to enormous eco-logical and economic losses, and sometimes to man-learning victims.

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Without paying enough attention to the environmental education of Nasya, from ornamental years, it is impossible for the implementation of even the most scientifically based biosphere programs. In many cases, only the inner culture of a person can stop him from damage to nature. Only when the majority of the population understands that the environmental crime is a crime, and not excuses misconduct, it will be possible to hope for a prosperous way out of the environmental crisis.

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Principles of rational environmental management Principle system approach Provides a comprehensive computersal assessment of the operation of production to the environment and its response. From the standpoint of a system approach, no resource can use or ocher independently of the other.

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The principle of environmental optimization is to apply the most appropriate solutions to the use of natural resources and natural systems based on the simultaneous environmental and economic approach, the forecast of the development of various industries and regions.

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The principle of ahead of the pace of the workpiece of raw materials is based on a reduced amount of the amount of waste in the process of waste production, that is, at a higher use and decrease in the number of raw materials, the cost per unit of production.

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The principle of harmonization of the relations of nature and production is to create and exploit the natural-technical Si-Stam, providing, with one hundred-rubles, high pro-manufacturing assertors, and with Dru-Goy - maintaining in the zone of their influence Favorable environmental o'clock.

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The harmonization of the relations of nature and humans is studied by the theory of coo-lucition (interrelated joint evolution of man and nature). The society can live and develop only inside the biosphere and due to its resources, so it is vital in its preservation. However, due to the fact that the evolution of the street is very honey, and the social evolution of a person quickly, many species do not have time to accommodate and dying. Society Dollastically consciously OG-His WHO WHO ACTION ON THE NATURE to ensure the possibility of distant-shest coevol.

  • Environmental management is a combination of measures taken by the Society for Studying, Mastering, Transformation and Environmental Protection.
  • Natural management is the activities of human society aimed at meeting their needs through the use of natural resources.
Rational environmental management - a system of environmental management, at which: - the mined natural resources are fully used and the number of resources consumed is reduced accordingly; - ensures restoration of renewable natural resources; - Production waste is fully and repeatedly used. The system of rational environmental management can significantly reduce environmental pollution. Rational environmental management is characteristic of intensive economy.
  • Rational environmental management - a system of environmental management, at which: - the mined natural resources are fully used and the number of resources consumed is reduced accordingly; - ensures restoration of renewable natural resources; - Production waste is fully and repeatedly used. The system of rational environmental management can significantly reduce environmental pollution. Rational environmental management is characteristic of intensive economy.
Rational Environmental Management is a type of relationship of human society with the environment in which society manages its relations with nature, warns the unwanted consequences of its activities. An example is the creation of cultural landscapes; the use of technologies that allow more fully processing raw materials; Re-use of production waste, the protection of animal and plants, the creation of reserves, etc.
  • Rational Environmental Management is a type of relationship of human society with the environment in which society manages its relations with nature, warns the unwanted consequences of its activities. An example is the creation of cultural landscapes; the use of technologies that allow more fully processing raw materials; Re-use of production waste, the protection of animal and plants, the creation of reserves, etc.
Examples: Creation of cultural landscapes, reserves and national parks (most of all territories in the United States, Australia, Russia), the use of technologies for the use of raw materials, processing and use of waste (the most developed in European countries and in Japan), as well as the construction of wastewater treatment facilities, Application of technologies of closed water supply of industrial enterprises, the development of new, economically pure fuels.
  • Examples: Creation of cultural landscapes, reserves and national parks (most of all territories in the United States, Australia, Russia), the use of technologies for the use of raw materials, processing and use of waste (the most developed in European countries and in Japan), as well as the construction of wastewater treatment facilities, Application of technologies of closed water supply of industrial enterprises, the development of new, economically pure fuels.
Eternal environmental management - a system of environmental management, in which: - in large quantities and usually the most easily accessible natural resources are not fully used, which leads to their rapid depletion; - produced a large amount of waste; - Environmentally polluted. Eranny environmental management is characteristic of extensive farm.
  • Eternal environmental management - a system of environmental management, in which: - in large quantities and usually the most easily accessible natural resources are not fully used, which leads to their rapid depletion; - produced a large amount of waste; - Environmentally polluted. Eranny environmental management is characteristic of extensive farm.
Eternal environmental management - the type of relationship with nature, in which the requirements of environmental protection, its improvements (consumer attitude towards nature) are not taken into account. Examples of such a relationship are an unlimited grazing of livestock, gravy-firing agriculture, extermination of certain types of plants and animals, radioactive, thermal pollution of the medium. Also harm to the environment is applied to the alloy of forests on the rivers with separate logs (morale alloy), the drainage of the marshes in the upper reaches of the rivers, the extraction of minerals open source, etc. Natural gas as raw materials for TPP - more environmentally friendly fuel than stone or brown coal.
  • Eternal environmental management - the type of relationship with nature, in which the requirements of environmental protection, its improvements (consumer attitude towards nature) are not taken into account. Examples of such a relationship are an unlimited grazing of livestock, gravy-firing agriculture, extermination of certain types of plants and animals, radioactive, thermal pollution of the medium. Also harm to the environment is applied to the alloy of forests on the rivers with separate logs (morale alloy), the drainage of the marshes in the upper reaches of the rivers, the extraction of minerals open source, etc. Natural gas as raw materials for TPP - more environmentally friendly fuel than stone or brown coal.
Examples: Application of housing and fuel agriculture and re-paints (in the most backwards of Africa), deforestation of equatorial forests, so-called "light planets" (in the countries of Latin America), uncontrolled waste from rivers and lakes (in countries of foreign Europe, Russia) , as well as thermal pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, the extermination of certain types of animals and plants and much more.
  • Examples: Application of housing and fuel agriculture and re-paints (in the most backwards of Africa), deforestation of equatorial forests, so-called "light planets" (in the countries of Latin America), uncontrolled waste from rivers and lakes (in countries of foreign Europe, Russia) , as well as thermal pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, the extermination of certain types of animals and plants and much more.
  • Currently, most countries are conducting a policy of rational environmental management, special environmental protection bodies have been created, environmental protection programs and laws are being developed.
. Environmental pollution is an undesirable change in its properties, which leads or can lead to harmful effects on humans or natural complexes. The most famous type of pollution is chemical (admission to the environment of harmful substances and compounds), but no less potential threat is carried and such types of pollution, as a radioactive, thermal (uncontrolled heat release into the environment can lead to global climate change), noise. Mostly, environmental pollution is associated with human economic activity (anthropogenic environmental pollution), but it is possible pollution as a result of natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteorites falling and other pollution are exposed to all Earth shells.
  • . Environmental pollution is an undesirable change in its properties, which leads or can lead to harmful effects on humans or natural complexes. The most famous type of pollution is chemical (admission to the environment of harmful substances and compounds), but no less potential threat is carried and such types of pollution, as a radioactive, thermal (uncontrolled heat release into the environment can lead to global climate change), noise. Mostly, environmental pollution is associated with human economic activity (anthropogenic environmental pollution), but it is possible pollution as a result of natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteorites falling and other pollution are exposed to all Earth shells.
  • The lithosphere (as well as soil cover) is contaminated as a result of advent of heavy metals, fertilizers, pesticides. Only garbage from large cities is exported annually to 12 billion tons. Mining development leads to the destruction of the natural soil cover on huge areas.
  • The atmosphere is polluted mainly as a result of annual incineration of a huge amount of mineral fuel, emissions of the metallurgical and chemical industry. Main pollutants - carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen, radioactive connections
  • The hydrosphere is polluted by drains of industrial enterprises (especially chemical and metallurgical), drains from fields and livestock complexes, domestic settlers of cities. Especially dangerous oil pollution - up to 15 million tons of oil and petroleum products fall into the waters of the World Ocean.
  • As a result of growing environmental pollution, many environmental problems arise both at the local and regional levels (in large industrial areas and urban agglomerations) and global (global climate warming, reducing the ozone layer of the atmosphere, the depletion of natural resources).
  • The main ways of solving environmental problems may not only be the construction of a variety of treatment plants and devices, but also the introduction of new low-waste technologies, reprofiling of production, transfer them to a new place in order to reduce the "concentration" of pressure on nature.
Specially protected natural territories (PAs) refer to the objects of the nationwide property and are areas of land, water surface and airspace over them, where natural complexes and objects are located, which have a special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health importance, which Decisions with solutions of state authorities are fully or partially from economic use and for which the special protection regime is established.
  • Specially protected natural territories (PAs) refer to the objects of the nationwide property and are areas of land, water surface and airspace over them, where natural complexes and objects are located, which have a special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health importance, which Decisions with solutions of state authorities are fully or partially from economic use and for which the special protection regime is established.
  • According to the available estimates of leading international organizations, there are about 10 thousand large protected natural territories of all species. The total number of national parks at the same time approached 2000, and biosphere reserves - to 350.
  • Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime and status of environmental institutions, the following categories of these territories are usually distinguished: state natural reserves, including biosphere; National parks; Natural parks; state natural reserves; Monuments of nature; Dendrological parks and botanical gardens; Medical and recreation areas and resorts.

Theoretical foundations of rational environmental management

Kalmykov G.A.

Moscow - 2015.

Natural management is a combination of all forms of exploitation of natural resources, i.e., the impact of a person in nature in the process of its economic use.

1. General characteristic. Kalmykov G.A.

Contradictions in the relationship between society and nature in the second half of the 20th century have become threatening.

The transformative impact of human society on the construct is inevitable, it is intensified as the number of population, the development of scientific and technological progress, increase the number and mass of substances involved in the economic turnover.

The life of people proceeds on the earth's surface, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is about 510 million square meters. The share of sushi - the mainland and islands, - accounts for 149 million square meters. The nature of our planet is unique conditions for the development of organic life and habitat. The most important are its sources like the energy of the sun, air and pure drinking water.

Understanding the need to limit the influence of people in nature has appeared a long time ago. The determination of natural natural landscapes as a result of household activities in the ancient civilizations of the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia occurred so quickly that measures were taken to reduce the anthropogenic impact on nature.

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Babylonian king Hammurapi in the XVIII century. BC e. In a special arrangement of laws (Code), measures indicated measures for the protection of forests. According to these laws, forests were divided into areas and were under reference. They were responsible for the preservation of forests and for official disorders were punished with death penalty;

In ancient Egypt in the "Book of the Dead", the following words are given, who at the court of the God of Osiris needlessly to say to justify the dead: "I did not exterminate animals on pastures. I did not catch a carotid fish. I did not drive away animals with lady lands ... "The listed actions were already considered harmful and sinful;

No later than III century. BC, according to the ancient treatise "Arthashstra" in India, the protected areas and the environmental laws of the Indian Emperor Ashoki appeared in India ...

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

On the territory of our country, the culture of environmental treatment was formed in several stages:

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

First stage(from the IX - XIX centuries).

Characterized by occurrence legal regulation Processes of environmental use. The first reliable state states on nature use refer to the time of the existence of Kievan Rus.

They are connected with the oldest meeting of written documents of Russian law - Russian truth (XI century).

The establishment of the first prior-doochhran laws with the names of the Kiev prince Yarosla, the wise and his successors in the XI-XIII centuries.

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Second phase(XI.1917 - XII.1991)

In combination with planned management of the economy, it created the necessary prerequisites for effective activities on the Oh-Wound of Nature. The first decrees of land (1917) and the socialization of the Earth (1918), the nationalization of the Earth was carried out and private owned was canceled on it. They included conditions for improving fertility by so-you.

On the decree on Les Sah (1918), "plant and falling down" the bare war of the missile defense was prescribed and falling down. In this legislative act, the forest is considered as a factor, an agriculture, as a regulator of the water regime, a place of recreation, a monument of nature.

In the first years of the existence of the Soviet state, it was published: "On the timing of hunting and the right of the hunting weapon" (1919), "On therapeutic areas of general-state importance" (1919), "On the protection of green space (gardens, par-cages, suburban forests and other plantations) "(1920)," On the protection of fish and animal structures in the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea "(1921) ...

The first state reserves (Ilmensky, Astra-Khansky, Krasno-Yarsky, "Forest on Vorskle" opened. Decree on the protection of monuments of prieved, gardens and parks, which laid the foundations of the protected case in our country (1921) was issued.

Third stage.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was important to preserve the successfulness in the protection of nature. December 19, 1991 was prepared and adopted by the Supreme Council Russian Federation In-con RSFSR "On the Protection of the Environmental Environment".He controls the problems of environmental management in the sphere of the Natural Environment, without highlighting its individual objects, the protection of which special legislation is protected.

To adapt this law to new conditions in 1993, it was published amented comment.Taking into account the transition of the country to a market economy in the law and comments on it, environmental requirements were placed on three levels: to economic entities, to different stages of the economic process (planning, design, construction, commissioning, exploitation of objects) and types of economic impact (rural home, amelioration, energy, cities construction, etc.).

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Human interaction with nature

Post-industrial civilization

Industrial stage (XVII - N.XX centuries)

Stage of traditional civilizations

(V - XVII centuries)

Stage of the Neolithic Revolution (VIT / L BC - VV.)

Stage of primitive adaptation to nature

Indigenous shifts in the production base, transition to saving technologies

Fast conversion of natural landscapes, growth of human impact on the environment.

Increased land load, developing crafts, widespread involvement in the economic trafficking of natural resources.

Transition from assigning economic activity as part of the generic community.

The assignment of the type of economic activity: gathering, fisheries and hunting.

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Structure of the management of environmental protection and environmental management

Head of Department

Department of Organization of Environmental Events

  • work on Environmental Enlightenment;
  • development of projects of rafting documents;
  • development and control over the implementation of municipal target programs;
  • preparation of proposals in federal targeted programs;
  • planning and reporting ...

Department of Environmental Monitoring

  • accounting for accrual and receipt to the budget fees for negative impact on the environment;
  • preparation of documentation related to natural-calling;
  • participation in the procedures of state-grade environmental examination;
  • Formation and maintenance of the database for nature users in cities ...

Department of Environmental Safety

  • verification of citizens' appeals;
  • interaction with the authorities of the Department of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office;
  • work in the composition of Admi-Nistamental Commissions ...

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

First International Congress on Orrine Nature

The term "Nature Protection" received a wide time-transit after the I International Congress for Nature Conservation, held in 1913 in Switzerland.

IN late XIX. - early XX century, when a man's action on nature was still local in nature, under the protection of nature, the preservation of certain indispensable natural objects was understood by removing them from economic benefit.

In the second half of the 20th century, there were not only the preservation of certain objects, but also the protection, the random use of all natural resources and the environment as a whole

On the 1st European Working Conference on Sunior Enlightenment (Schwei-Tsaria, 1971), instead of the term "environmental protection", the term "environmental protection" began to be widely used and it was recognized that these two concepts are synonyms.

At the very term, the term "Nature Protection" began to be often replaced by the term "ecology", with different definitions: Fun-dative, common, social, regional.

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

For the first time, the substantiation of ecology as biological science was made by E. Gek Kelem (1866). By ecology, he understood the science, considering the relationship of organis-mems among themselves and the surrounding Cre-Doya, to which all the conditions of the existence were in a broad sense.

Ecology serves the theoretical, natural-scientific basis of rational nature management and nature conservation. Development of the principles of rational environmental management and pre-childbirth demanded from ecology with many other industries:

Biology has created a knowledge system for bioecology: outcology, syccology, ecology of biocenoses, evolutionary ecology ...

Geography contributed to the emergence of geeecology: ecology of geographical environments, ecology of geological environments ...

Medical knowledge helped to formulate the ideas about human biological and medical ecology, psychological ecology ...

Via fundamental Sciences Applied ecology appeared: Engineering Ecology, Economic Ecology, Agricultural Ecology ...

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Natural resources are the components and properties of the natural environment that are used or can be used to meet the diverse physical and spiritual needs of human society.






Miniral raw materials




Solar radiation

Wind energy

Energy tide

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Emissions of some chemicals in the environment

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Aspects of nature conservation

Depending on the interaction of man and nature, the following parties are identified, or aspects, its protection:

  • economic Aspect -the most important side of Nature Oh-Wanna, because any products used by people are created by spending natural resources;
  • socio-political aspect,when the results of the impact of the man-eyelid on nature are considered in the light of the development of technical progress, population growth, social conditions in which they manifest themselves;
  • health aspect: pure water, air, forest - the necessary conditions for the normal life of people, the benefit-nicely active human health, are widely used in health purposes;
  • aesthetic aspect: nature is a source of not only mother-of-life, but also satisfying the aesthetic needs of the man-age;
  • educationalaspect: Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes it kinder, softer, wakes up the best feelings in it;
  • scientific and cognitive aspectit is related to the need to preserve for the studies of natural, non-human territories.

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Principles are the main provisions that determine the goals and objectives, forms and methods, the procedure and conditions of environmental protection of the state, organizations and enterprises, regardless of the forms of ownership and activities, and citizens.

They include:

Principles of rational environmental management and environmental protection

  • the developed system of standards in the field of nature conservation, taking into account environmental, sanitary and economic and economic requirements:
  • A complex of organizational and methodological standards;

    A set of standards in the field of protection of the atmosphere;

    Complex standards in the field of protection and rational use

    A set of standards in the field of improving land use;

    A set of standards in the field of protection and transformation of landscapes;

    Complex standards in the field of protection and rational use

1. General characteristics. Kalmykov G.A.

Structure of rational environmental management and environmental protection

Rational environmental management




Accounting and assessment, development forecast, Development of a management and use system

Quality assurance.

Maintaining productivity (reproduce-TV)

Efficiency complexity and efficiency of mining and processing

Improve and optimization.

The enrichment is quantitative and high-quality.

Different types of environmental resources

Environmental economy English economist A.Piga for the first time in the 20s of the twentieth century, noticed that
- The society that takes on himself suffers from environmental pollution
Expenses for the restoration of impaired environment, their health,
Falling productivity.
For the manufacturer and pollutant of the environment - is external costs.
- Peig suggested that society forced a pollutant firm
Internalize (introduce products to the cost price) these external costs
by paying tax for pollution.
Such a tax increases the cost of products manufactured by external costs
From pollution, and the limit value of products manufactured for a private company
Now equals its maximum value for society.
So, the firm turns out to be fully informed about the public costs
functioning and should either reduce the volume of production, or go to
More environmentally friendly technology.
And the victim of pollution - society - gets a fair refund for the applied
Damage and increases its welfare.
Those, external costs are considered as unaccounted effects of reducing
utility products and services that can be adjusted by
taxation of activities that causes negative external consequences
promoting or subsidizing activities with positive external activities
effects or introduction of property rights in those areas where markets for external
Effects do not exist or are unclearly defined.

Basic Economic and Social Features (Products and Services) Biodiversity and Natural Resources

Regulation of the gas composition of the atmosphere (maintenance of balance
carbon dioxide and oxygen, ozone to protect against dangerous
ultraviolet radiation).
Climate regulation on earth (control of carbon dioxide
Gas in the atmosphere, in particular by maintaining biodiversity
plant world).
Regulation of water resources (providing water resources
underground and surface water tanks, water areas).
Fighting erosion and preservation of sedimentary formations (prevention
Soil erosion under the influence of wind, drainage, etc.; Accumulation Ilov
precipitation in lakes and in wetlands); Soil formation
(Weathered rock rocks and organic accumulation
Functioning of biogeochemical nutrient cycles
(fixing nitrogen and nitrogen compounds in phytomass).
Recycling (assimilation of waste ecosystems, their
Microbiological leaching of ores (for example, copper mining with
using microbes).
Polling (pollination) for plants reproduction.

Regulation of biological processes in the natural environment (balance
Trophic chains - "Predator - Victim").
Protective function for the Natural World (Habitat - Foundation - for
migratory biological species for growing young generation
Food production, food (securing fish,
Great, fruitful vegetable crops, fruits, non-timber
nutritional products by hunting, fishing, gathering,
cultivation in utility farms).
Providing raw materials for production activities (production
Woods, agricultural feed, fuel).
Ensuring genetic resources (for medical purposes resistant
agricultural pests of genes for crops,
decorative plants and animals) ,.
Recreation (Ecotourism, Sports Fishing, Photo Chout, Observation
animals, nesting birds, other types of leisure in nature).
Spiritual and cultural functions (aesthetic, artistic,
Educational, spiritual value of ecosystems and biodiversity).

Malthus theory.

Population growth goes
in geometric progression, and production
Food - B.
Arithmetic. therefore
Sooner or later
Humanity is inevitable
Waiting for hunger.
Malthus was right when
suggested that
Unlimited resources
The population is growing in
progression, but

Natural resource potential

This is a combination of all types of natural resources that
Currently known and the use of which is possible in
In a broad sense under natural (natural) resources
Meet the components and properties of the natural environment,
which are used or can be used for
Satisfying a variety of physical and spiritual
Society needs as: subjects and funds
Labor, food, sanatorium objects
treatment and recreation, media protection objects, etc.

Main types of resources

Resource classifications

For scientific purposes, economic and legal regulation
Processes of environmental management, economic assessment of natural
resources need their classification according to the corresponding
There are many classifications of natural resources,
based on different approaches to their meaning, processes
Mastering, operation and applications
Their general division on various signs of groups in
Depending on factors:
- places occupied in the biosphere of the Earth (biosphere
- limited and ability to restore
Replacement options when used;
- single or reusable consumption:
- species, structural and high-quality composition;
- existing and potential uses and
Other signs and features.

Resource classifications

Natural resources are classified in terms of
availability (real and potential),
origin (natural and anthropogenic),
By belonging to components of nature
(Land, water, fossil, biological),
Chemical Nature (Organic and Mineral),
for appointment (production, scientific,
Aesthetic, recreational)
in the field of use (energy,
raw, food),
primary (directly mined in
and secondary (amenable to disposal side
Products of various industries).

Natural resources are classified as raw materials, energy and other:

Raw materials: metal-containing ores (from them extracted
Metals and their compounds (Iron, Manganese, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Tin,
Gold, silver, uranium).
raw materials, building materials (granite, marble, limestone);
Mineral raw material, hydromineral
In order to detail private, sectoral
- metallurgical (black, colored, noble, refractory);
- chemical raw materials (potash salts, apatite, phosphorites);
- technical raw materials: diamonds, asbestos, graphite;
- Building materials: sand, crushed stone, cement
Energy: combustible fossils (oil, gas, coal, peat),
split materials (uranium), internally heat;
Oils and food, food, drinking

Non-metallic minerals (mineral salts, limestone,
Used in cheese and recycled form.
... Natural resources are used to meet
the needs of people in livestock products (oxygen, water,
Food, Heat and Energy, Building Materials),
They perform a huge role - ecological, heredation, cultural and educational and spiritual and ethical.
To natural resources performing a medium-protected role,
belong resources that have the ability without
self-destruction to absorb or decompose anthropogenic substances
(Waste) and eliminate the harmful effects on processes
Vital activity (atmospheric and water, vegetable,
Among particularly significant and protected natural resources are allocated
Environmental and cultural and aesthetic, which
classified by groups:
- especially protected natural territories;
- resources of the natural reserve fund;
- therapeutic and recreational and recreational resources;
- Spatial resources.

Natural resources of specially protected areas include resources of environmental protection and naturally protected fund.

Naturally to objects of nationwide property and represent
Separations of land, water surface and airspace over
they are located natural complexes and objects having a special
environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and
Health importance, seized by state solutions
the authorities are fully or partially from economic use, and for
which installed the mode of special protection.
The resources of environmental purposes include land reserves (for
the exception of hunting), forbidden and non-protected strips; lands
engaged in forests performing protective functions; Other lands B.
system of protected territories; Earth monuments of nature.
Land is included in the resources of the natural and protected fund
Plots with natural complexes and objects having a special
Environmental, scientific, aesthetic, cultural and recreational significance.
These include nature reserves, nature monuments, national and
Dendrological parks, botanical gardens.
Protected natural objects also include geological
Reserves, reserves or monuments of nature or culture: rare
geological exposures, mineralogical formations,
Paleontological objects and others. Plots of subsoils representing special
Scientific or cultural value announced in the prescribed manner.


For the functioning of production and the economy as a whole are required
Costs of natural, material and labor resources.
To natural resources consumed in the process
production, not only natural raw materials
Energy, water and air passing into
but also land occupied by enterprises
transport communications, auxiliary
objects, air, water and earth (subsoil) used for
Scattering (dilution, burial) waste.
The volume of consumption of natural resources per unit
Products (in kind and / or monetary terms)
Specifies general or private nature
Specific products or enterprises, economic
complex, industry, economy of the region, the country as a whole.

Interestability -

- is an important indicator of performance efficiency
The natural product system.
This indicator is well characterized by the type and level of environmental economic development.
Among economic criteria, a decrease in nature
It is an effective criterion for sustainable development.
Severe two types of nature indicators:
1) Specific costs of natural resources per unit
final products. (actually an indicator of nature).
Here the magnitude of nature depends on efficiency
use of natural resources in the entire chain connecting
Primary natural resources, products obtained based on them,
and immediately finite stages of technological processes,
associated with the conversion of natural substance.
2) specific values \u200b\u200bof contaminants per unit finite
Products. As pollution can be taken various
Pollutants, gases, waste. The magnitude of this indicator
largely depends on the level of "non-frequency" technology,
effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants, etc.

So There are two levels of nature of nature:
macro level, level of the entire economy and grocery,
Sectoral level.
At the first level, this may be laurels of nature,
reflecting macroeconomic indicators: costs
Natural Resources (Resource), emission / discharge volumes
pollutants and waste per unit gross
internal product, national income, etc.
Measurements of these indicators are produced in value
form (for example, rub. / rub.), or in natural cost
(for example, t / rub.: Production (consumption) of oil on
Unit of GDP).
For example, on macro levels of nature
Gross domestic product (GDP) can be determined: how
The costs of natural resources used (or
Resource) (N) per unit GDP:
where EN is the coefficient of specific costs of natural resources

The second level of nature indicators (grocery or industry) is determined by:

Costs of a natural resource per unit
final products (V) produced based on this
resource (for example, the amount of land required for
production of 1 tons of grain; The number of forest required
For the production of 1 tons of paper).
The volume of contamination per unit use
natural resource, territory pollution, number
Population, final products:
where N is the amount of natural resource use, total
The territory of pollution, the number of population, the ultimate

In fact, this is an assessment of the efficiency of functioning
Naturally product vertical connecting primary
Natural resource with ultimate products.
The smaller the nature of nature, the
more effective process of converting natural substance in
Products, Less Waste and Pollution
In modern Russia, nature indicators are very high
both on the industry and on the macro level.
Energy intensity in Russia is 11 times higher than in Japan, 7 times higher
Compared with Germany, 4 times higher than in the United States.
On the production of 1 t Paper Russia spends wood 4.6 times
more than the United States, 5.3 times more than Sweden and 6.4 times
more than SOS

One of the most important economic tasks of Russia
is an
Reducing the nature of the sectoral and
Macroevna 2-3 times.
The decrease in nature should bind two
Process in the national economy:
On the one hand, abbreviation or stabilization
consumption of natural resources
On the other - the growth of production by introducing
resource-saving and low-waste technologies
use of secondary raw materials, etc.

Objectives and objectives of the economic mechanism of environmental management

The formation of the economic mechanism of environmental management occurred
Historically, with the development of ownership and market relations, growth
Natural resource needs and the impact of environmental management processes on
Environment, research on environmental management, economic
Theories, Applied Sciences for Environmental Management and Ecology, incl. exploring them
Economic aspects.
Modern theory of formation of an economic and organizational mechanism
Regulation of environmental management began formation in the second half of the XX century
Based on the teachings on the biosphere and its highest stage of development - "Noosphere", entry
humanity in which predicted and substantiated V.I. Vernadsky.
Methodological base of the economic regulation mechanism
Environmental use was the work on environmental management, ecology and economics
environmental protection and environmental management of scientific foreign and
domestic schools.
Creating an economic, organizational and legal mechanism
Environmental management requires awareness scientific basis Development I.
functioning of natural systems that are a source of life support and
the need to maintain equilibrium in the biosphere and in separate
Therefore, approach to environmental management based on the doctrine of the noosphere and
Sustainable Development Concepts require to proceed from the need
cooperation across the planet, taking into account the development of principles,
procedures and mechanisms that would be used in all regions of the world
countries and their administrative and economic and territorial

Essentially, the civilized world community creates a new
Nature value system that will contribute
rationalization of the structure of production and consumption, achievement
more high level social welfare and life
population level, improving the quality of lifestyle and optimal
Consumption of natural resources.
The mechanism of environmental management is formed in specific conditions
development of society, production and economics under the influence of world and
State Economic Policy.
At the end of the XX century, the economic mechanism of environmental management in its
conceptual form was developed and continuing
Improve in the development of 178 countries adopted in 1992
At the UN Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil) program documents that determine the agreed
Sustainable Development and Conservation Policy
Earth ecosystems.

Based on the theory of economic well-being and related criteria
Optimality developed by Wilfred Pareto,
The main law in the XXI century may be the proclamation of the principle - the creation
Own well-being should be carried out without prejudice to other members.
Societies and nature.
At the same time, the consumption of life benefits by each member of society,
A separate state and in general, the world community should not exceed
opportunities (thresholds), followed by degradation
Environment and destabilization in society.
In the study of the global problems of the regulatory mechanism
Natural Management Allocate three levels:
- international;
- ecosystem;
- National.
At the international control, the tasks are solved Global: Prevention
Planetary environmental disasters and others.
At the ecosystem level, the tasks of recovery and preservation of individual are solved
At the national level, the tasks of the protection of life and health of the population are solved,
plant and animal world, preservation of the Genetic Fund.
At the national level, Russia needs to highlight the levels of the economic organization of environmental management mechanism:
- macroeconomic;
- mesoeconomic;
- Microeconomic.

Natural performance indicators of natural resources:

1. The volume of reserves of natural resource within the boundaries natural facility (territory,
Deposit) in the appropriate units of measurement (tons, cubic meters,
hectares), including those adopted for the purposes of their accounting category.
2. The volume of reserves to be exploited and extraction (extraction), annual
Volumes of preparation of stocks for operation and annual production volumes of natural
3. Indicators characterizing the quality of natural resources - within the borders
natural object to be mined (extraction) stocks and mined natural
Resources in installed resource quality measurement units.
4. Losses of the natural resource during mining and processing in natural
indicators of loss volumes, including by type of loss (technological,
Excessive, quality loss, etc.).
6. The yield of useful products in the specific, shaft and high-quality dimension.
6. Terms of operation of natural resource reserves.
7. Territorial and natural and climatic characteristics
location of the natural object containing natural resources (distance
From consumers and suppliers, weather-climatic conditions, surface relief
territories and its characteristics, the composition of soil cover and vegetation, etc.);
8. Indicators and characteristics of other natural location conditions
natural resources (reproduction, geological, etc.).
9. Volumes and other indicators of concomitant (adjacent) natural resources,
Along the way used and unused.
10. Indicators and characteristics of environmental impact on the state
Natural resources (used and unused).
11. Indicators and characteristics of environmental impact on other objects
Environment and man.

Technical and economic indicators

1. Investment costs:
Volokar volumes, pre-project and design work
(technical and economic settlements, technical economical justification, work projects,
expertise, etc.);
Capital construction (K);
Requirement for working capital (OK);
Value Added Tax (VAT).
Investments related to the concept of complete
Investment costs (IP):
IP \u003d K + OK + VAT
2. Main Capital:
Main manufacturing funds (OPF), their
distribution of fixed assets by product types;
depreciation rates;
Calculations for maintenance and operation
For the new (designed, under construction)
fixed capital (co) is determined less
return funds provided for by estimates
Capital construction.
Estimation of capital construction is being developed
3. Production facilities for
Production of products (by type) and their
Use (in%).
Cost price
Calculation cost calculation
Articles (with decoding for each article).
Estimation costs for the production and sale of products
on economic elements.
Indicators of financial and economic assessment.
One of the most important indicators
The activities of enterprises is
profitability indicators,
characterizing relative
yield or profitability
enterprises as a whole or by the main
Directions of its activities.
Profitability indicators are measured
in relative values \u200b\u200b(percent
coefficients) and characterize:
profitability of the costs of the enterprise;
Profitability costs for production
and product sales are general and
types of products;
profitability of sales - general and
types of products;
profitability of fixed capital and
its parts;
Investment profitability.

Russia ranks 1st place in the world
6th place - by population.
Area area is 17,075.4 thousand km2, which is
About 1/9 of the world of the world sushi, including Antarctica).
The Russian Federation occupies most of Eastern Europe and North Asia.
About 3/4 of the territory of the state occupy the plains.
Russia accounts for more than 5 million km3 or the fifth
Continental shelf of the World Ocean.
On land supply (11.6 hectares) and Pashny Square (0.9 hectares) per
Resident Russia ranks third in the world after Australia and
The population of October 9, 2002 - 145181.9 thousand people.
Population density. - 8.5 people per 1 km2.

The methods of solving environmental economic problems include:

1) Improving the current and creating new
International Protection Management Structure
2) joint solutions to environmental problems based on
Ecosystem Agreement Between Authorities (Subjects)
individual countries;
3) rationing, certification, tax improvement
system, management structures, development of legislation and
regulatory acts, environmental education and
4) establishing contaminated emission constraints
substances affecting global and world ecosystems
(ozone layer, thermal regime of the planet, etc.)
5) Establishment of critical loads of anthropogenic
Influences on
For the formation of an economic mechanism
Environmental Management Important Combination Processes
Environmental Protection Requirements

The state policy of environmental management includes principles:

recognition of the impossibility of the development of society in the degradation of nature;
Compliance with the equitable distribution of benefits for the population
natural resources;
The priority of the life-supporting functions of the biosphere relative to the direct
use of its resources;
Compliance with warning actions to prevent negative environmental
consequences of activities before their expression;
Accounting for individual environmental consequences;
Precautions, which consists in refusing projects related to the impact on
Natural systems, if the consequences are unpredictable at the present stage or
are predicted not enough securely;
the density of environmental management and compensation for the population and the environment;
openness of environmental information;
Democratic Environmental Policy Management, including citizens participation
societies, self-government bodies and business circles in preparation, discussion,
making and implementing decisions.
Many principal moments of environmental policies are declarative
and can only be implemented with substantial improvement in life support and levels
welfare of the population, increase culture (household, behavioral,
Production ...).
Economic mechanism of environmental management, despite its more than half a century
Development is in the formation stage.
For the Russian Federation, as one of the richest countries of the countries, with a huge
territory and with a slight average population density - 8.5 people / km2 selection
Targets in the concept of environmental management acquires extremely important
Political and economic and social importance.

Russia characterize specific natural features:

The presence of the world's largest Arctic zone; most of the largest
Square array of permafrost; Large area (60% of northern
territories) occupy swamps, wetlands and
Movelace lands.
About 5 million km2 of Russia - areas with many years (eternal)
Merzlot, where taxes are formed as a result of the exit to the surface
underground water.
Approximately half of the land resources in the north zone with
Cold climate.
The disadvantageous geographical location is also characterized by
predominance in medium latitudes of air masses from the west,
containing a significant proportion of major pollution coming from
Western, Northern and Central Europe and neighboring countries.
Russia is distinguished by the abundance of natural waters, a well-developed river network
(owned by the northern ice, quiet, atlantic pools
oceans and inland reservoirs), a unique water coast having
The length of about 60 thousand kilometers.
The largest number of rivers occurs in the northern and mountainous areas,
The smallest - in the southern.

Accounting for natural resources

For the purposes of accounting and economic evaluation of natural resources
Their quantitative and high-quality assessment is carried out.
By definition to natural resources include any natural
Sources (used or potential) satisfaction needs
The most important sources of natural resources include: land, soil,
Water, atmosphere, vegetable and animal world, climate, recreational
Because privity resources are used to meet specific
Society Needs: Food, Heat, Energy, Building Materials, and
used in environmental, wellness and cultural and educational
purposes, first of all, objects of natural resources are studied in
the correspondence of their volume and properties to the satisfaction of those or
Other needs.
Based on the classification of natural resources for purposes
strategic development and socio-economic planning
resources are greatest interest in degree
Exhaustibility (limited):
1. Inexhaustible: solar energy, wind energy, tidys and tides
2. Exhausted:
- renewable (bioresources), but in need of reproduction;
- non-renewable and current replacements
(most mineral resources);
- endangered resources of animal and vegetable world requiring special
forms and protection methods.

Accounting and assessment of natural resources (objects) is carried out in inventory, in which accounting is subject to:

secondary resources and places of disposal of production and consumption waste;
climatic resources of territories;
Resources formed under the influence of solar energy and gravitational forces.
The theory and practice developed the main criteria for grouping natural resources relatively
The possibilities of their operation and use: the level of explorationity and learning,
consumer properties, social necessity, technical possibility of engaging in
Economy, economic feasibility of use.
Reserves of mineral resources - geological, mining and technical and economic concept
reflecting the mass of the mineral in the depths and the whole complex of the characteristics of geological
body from the point of view of form, quality, location conditions, conditions of mining and operational
work and economic significance.
In order to account for the state of the mineral resource base, the state balance of stocks is carried out
minerals, which contains information about the location, quantity, quality and
degree of reserves of each type of minerals in deposits having
Industrial importance, on the degree of industrial development, mining, losses and security
industry explored mineral reserves based on stock classification
Minerals, which is approved in the manner established by the Government
Russian Federation.
State accounting is subject to identified and economically valued reserves of useful
fossil, quantity and quality of which, economic importance, mining,
Hydrogeological, environmental and other mining conditions are confirmed by state
Separate state accounts are subject to reserves of minerals being developed,
commissioned imposed on the development and intelligent deposits and stocks
Reserve explored and reserve estimated deposits.
Stocks are counted and accounted for, and forecast resources are evaluated by all
subsidizers for each type of solid minerals and their directions
Possible industrial use.
Stocks are counted in deposits based on the results of geological exploration and
operational work performed in the process of their study and industrial development.

Forecast resources are estimated

In general, by pools, ore districts, nodes, fields, oreroyments, flanks and
deep horizons of deposits based on favorable geological
prerequisites and reasonable analogy with famous fields as well as
The results of geological, geophysical and geochemical works.
Complex fields are subject to compulsory counting and accounting stocks
basic and jointly with them running minerals as well
The main and associated utility components contained in them (metals,
minerals, chemically elements and their compounds), expediency
industrial use of which is defined by the Conditions for counting
stocks. At the same time, the reserves of associated components accumulating with
enrichment in commodity concentrates or products of metallurgical redistribution,
calculated and taken into account both in depths and in the recoverable above-mentioned
The quality of minerals is studied with the need for them
Comprehensive use, processing technology, requirements
State and sectoral standards and technical conditions. At the same time with
This determines the content of passing valuable toxic and harmful
Components, forms of their finding and features of distribution in products
Enrichment and factory redistribution.

Land Registry


Of 1 708.8 million hectares of land for agricultural land
There are 221 million hectares (12.9%).
Russia's agricultural land make up about 4% of the world
agricultural land.
As of January 1, 2002, the C / host land of Russia amounted to 13%,:
Forests - 51%,
Surface waters, including swamps - 13%,
Other lands 23%.
At the same time, there is a relatively low agricultural
The development of the territory, because about half it is located in areas
Far North and equivalent locality with unfavorable
Natural and climatic conditions and low natural
Soil fertility.
For example, if in the US, the overwhelming part of the territory
Located south of the 48th parallels, then in Russia in this zone is
Only a slight area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land.
Adverse conditions are one of the main growth factors.
Costs to maintain the vital activity of the population.

Livestock breeding

The beauty meat-chief contains 500,000 heads
(Estonia 10 000!)

RF resources

Russia has the largest and most fertile lands in the world -
Chernozems occupying large spaces and continues
Purchase in huge amounts imported food
products, and 90% of mineral fertilizers go to export and
Thus, a huge economic damage is applied
agriculture and animal husbandry. For example, 1 t mineral
fertilizers are equivalent to several tons of "conditional" grain,
The cost of which significantly exceeds the export price
produced by the factory method of fertilizer.


With changes in climate and vegetation cover connected and changing types
Soils from zone to zone. In the northern lane of the Russian Federation, where precipitation
exceed evaporation, excessive humidification conditions arise and
Washing regime: Under the forests of humus and soluble mineral
connections are washed into the depths of the soil, leaving near the surface
non-fermented quartz wrath, resembling ash (hence and
The name of forest soils - podzols). Under the Siberian Taiga Washer Mode
difficult to eternal Merzlot, so instead of the subzols there are formed
Special taiga-merrous soils. In Tundra, where drainage is difficult
Merzlot, and organic decomposition processes pass
slowly, accumulating the impulse herbal residues, forming
peatlands. In conditions of lack of oxygen, ferrous compounds
Turn from oxides into zakis, forming a bluish mass - Gla.
So the tundra soils occur - peat-gley. Desert-steppe
south where evapoability exceeds precipitation, peculiarity of soil
top down, and the opposite movement of moisture - dry air as if
Suspens the soil solution to the surface. At the same time in the upper
Mineral substances are also taken out of the soil horizons. In more
the moistened northern steppe subzone due to the denomal horses still
Uprily humus, which accumulates in the soil and reports black
Chernozem. South in dry steppes are common brown soils, and in
Semi-deserts and deserts are brown and gray. With artificial irrigation
Even poor moisture soils are fertile. For
Excess salts Fertile soils are inferior to fruitless solonts and
Solonchakam, with which only especially salorious
Plants - Solyanka.

Types of land erosion and measures to combat her

Forest resources

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Forest Foundation is 69% of the country's territory (incl.
Forestry territory - 45%,
The total area of \u200b\u200bforests is 1,178.6 million hectares,
Total Wood stock - more than 80 billion m3
About 70% of the country's forest resources fall on valuable forest
the country is rich in forests, but the population is purchased
import paper and overseas firms, and the best
Wood is exported.

Russia has 22% of the forest resources of the planet.
Forest Foundation area is 69% of territory
countries (including wooded territory - 45%),
Total forest area - 1178.6 million hectares, total stock
Woods - more than 80 billion m3
About 70% of the country's forest resources falls on
valuable forest rocks.
State Accounting of the Forest Fund is held
Once every 5 years of the MPR of Russia.

Annual settlement cutter has recently sharply
Reduced volume
in recent years is
Forest cutting (on average
530-545 million m3,
is about 100 million
on coniferous forests ~ 310-330
m3 per year), whereas in
million m3.
USA and Canada Volume
However, the workpiece
logging starting with
Woods are significantly lower
Volumes allocated
remains stable and
settlement cutters.
equals approximately 500 and
180 million m3 per year.

Forest spaces cover most
territory of the Russian Federation. In Siberia and in the north of the Russian Plain is
mostly taiga;
The center of the European part was previously the edge of mixed and
large forests, now their area strongly
Reduced with chucks and mass uninstall lands.
On the northern outskirts of Taiga, the ancient is resolved and close to
Extensive taiga spaces are busy with gars. Cedar
Together with the fir and fir forms darkness.
To the east of Yenisei, light-king taiga from
In the Russian plain, the fir is inferior to a spruce. Pine
It grows everywhere.

Deciduous forests are different in the West, in the center and in the east of the country. On the
Russian plain in their composition is dominated by broader
Trees: Lipa, Oak, Elm, Maple. In Western Siberia Wide
Trees are inferior to small-scale species - birch and aspen. IN
Eastern Taiga Siberia extends south to dry-step
Plane. In the Far East, where the neighborhood of the ocean makes the climate
Wetly and wetter, broadf forests appear again. Them
The composition is represented by dozens of trees - Far Eastern
Lipami, ash, maples, Manchur nut and Liana Aktindia, Lemongrass, Amur Grapes, dense shrubnikov
undergrowth. His appearance and from the Far Eastern mountain forests: among
coniferous rocks appear special local species of spruce and fir,
Korean cedar.
The southern edge of the forest zone is occupied by the transitional landscape.
The forest-steppe is represented by the dispenser-meadow steppes, with forest
plots. In the West, the islands of the oak, the ossen's ossen, the so-called aspen bushes, in the south of Western Siberia - Osinovozeris groves (slices). In Transbaikal, mountain forests occupy
Usually the northern slopes, and on the southern slopes the mountain
Steppe. In the plain forest-steppe Amur and Primorye
Wide bastings are separated by extensive swampy
Meadows of "Amur Prairies".

Carbon deposit forests

In recent years, due to the issue of emissions in
Atmosphere large number greenhouse gases
(carbon dioxide, methane) Forest and other natural
Ecosystems began to be considered in the new
Aspect. Preservation and breeding of forests - as
The method of binding (deposit) of atmospheric
carbon, allowing at least partly
Balance powerful carbon dioxide emissions
In the atmosphere when burning natural fuel.
Total carbon deposit volumes
Forests of Russia are estimated at 261.64 million
tons per year, which is equivalent to 959 million tons
carbon dioxide.

Carbon deposit swamps

Unlike forests that bind carbon into several
decades, swamps burn organic matter
Aclest medium Provides conservation of processes
decomposition, and the excess moisture of the marshes prevents
Development of fires and associated carbon emissions in
When assessing carbon deposit, swamps are used
Medium indicators of phytoproductivities of swamps (base
Data on the phytOproductivity of IG RAS), the average
Carbon content in one kilogram of dry phytomass
(450), the assumption of almost complete disposal
Fitomass and data on the average area of \u200b\u200bswamps by region










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