Moral Summary. Definition of morality as system of values, principles and obstacles

Moral Summary. Definition of morality as system of values, principles and obstacles

Morality is The totality of responsibilities, commitments and prohibitions that we voluntarily impose on yourself regardless of the expected award or punishment and without hoping for anything. Imagine that we were announced: tomorrow the end of the world comes. The information is accurate and doubt is not subject to. The policy in the case of the news is in place - it is not able to exist without the future. But morality? Morals in the main features will remain unchanged. No end of the world, even standing on the threshold, does not give us the right to mock the cripples, slander, rape, torture, kill, in one word, to give will to your egoism and malice. Moral does not need the future. She is enough of the present. She does not need hope, pleaseing will. "The act of a sense of debt has its moral value not in the goal that can be achieved through it, - emphasizes Kant, - and in the maxim, according to which it was decided to make it." Its value depends not from the expected consequences, but exclusively from the rule, in accordance with which it is committed. It is free from any inclination and selfish calculations, does not take into account the objects of the "ability of desire" and abstract from the end targets, "which can be achieved through such an act" ("Basics of moral metaphysics", Section I). If a person acts for the sake of achievements of glory, happiness, his salvation and does not violate any moral norms, it can not be said about it that his actions are moral. A particular act has a genuine moral value, explains Kant, only inspired because it is completely uncanyten. This means that it must be done not just in accordance with the debt (they can move the carriage; so, the merchant works honestly, so as not to lose customers), but it is guided by the debt, in other words, respect for moral law or that the same , human law. The approach of the end of the world does not change anything - we will all until the very end of the fact that it has in our eyes universal value and necessarily for everyone, that is, then again the same thing) we will respect humanity in yourself and in others. That is why Morality does not seek hope, and sometimes just leads to despair. "Moral does not need any religion," the Cant insists, as it does not need any purposes: "Morality is self-sufficient" ("Religion within the limits of only mind", preface). From here - the secular character of morality, even in relation to people believers; From here, the absolute nature of her dictate, in any case, by us is perceived precisely as Absolut. There is no one, it does not change anything in the need to protect the weak. Therefore, we do not need to deal with our existence to do humanly. Now imagine (this example offers Kant) that God exists and everyone knows every living. What happens in this case? "We have constantly stood before our eyes, God and Eternity in all of their dangerous magnitude." God to disobey no one else will dare. Horror before hell and hope for paradise will give the divine commandments an unprecedented force. And in the world, frightened, mercenary obedience in the image of an absolute moral order: "There would be no violations of the law, of course, and what the commandment demands that it would be fulfilled." But moral will disappear. "Most of the laws of laws would be committed from fear, only a few in hope, and none of the sense of debt, and the moral value of actions, to which the only value of the person and the value of the world in the eyes of the highest wisdom would even cease to exist" ( "Practical Mind", Part I, Book 2, Chapter 2.9). Thus, for the execution of debt, we not only do not need hope, we are able to act obeying the debt only in the event that we do not hope for anything. Contrary to widespread belief, moral has nothing to do with religionMoreover, with fear of gendarme or scandal. And even if historically, Moral was connected with the church, the state and public opinion, its true formation is - and in this one of the best merits of education - it becomes possible only as it is released from these institutions. This is also said, each in its own way, spinosa, Bale and Kant.

Materials on the topic:

Essentially morality is something opposite to conform, Fundamentalism and moral order, including such sluggish forms, which today is customary called "political correctness". Moral This is not a law of society, authorities or God, especially - not the law of media or church. Moral is a law taken by an individual for himself.So, the law is free, as Rousseau would say ("obedience to the law prescribed to himself, there is freedom"), or autonomous, as Kant said (the individual obeys only "own and at the same time a universal law"). This freedom or autonomy relatives are relative that at all prevents us in practice to feel absolutely (stemming not from knowledge, but from will) and unconditional need. All moral historic. But the historicity of the morality does not cancel the most morality, and on the contrary, makes her existence possible, like our submission to her, because we exist in history and are a product of history. Let it be relative autonomy, but it costs more than slave following its inclinations and fears.

Materials on the topic:

What is morality?

This set of rules that a person determines or should determine for itself not in the hope of remuneration and not from fear of punishment, which would be egoism, not with a loaf on others, which would be hypocrisy, but freely and disinterestedly, for the only reason that these rules are submitted to him with universal (suitable for any reasonable being), without having no hope and nothing fear. "Loneliness in the union," said Alain about it. This is Moral.

Materials on the topic:

Mathematical thinking)

Moral is universal?

Fully universal, never happens. Everyone knows that moral changes depending on the era and place. But Morality is able to find a universal nature, without meeting the contradictions on this path, and in fact it is so little and happened. If you leave some particularly painful archaisms, more burdened with religious or historical conditions, rather than moral assessments (sexual question and the position of the woman), will have to recognize that the content invested in the concept " good man", It is not too different - and in the future will differ even less - from the fact that under this expression is understood in America or India, Norway or South Africa, Japan or Maghreb countries. This person is rather sincere than false, rather generous than the egoist, rather brave than the coward, rather honest than the bung-sided, rather soft and prone to compassion than rude and cruel. These concepts were formed not yesterday. Already Rousseau, resting against the relativism of Montitu, against his own vision of his relativism, called people to moral convergence, capable of overcome cultural differences: "Oh Monta! You, our sincereness and belover, answer me frankly and truthfully, how frank and the truthful philosopher can be, whether there is such a country on Earth, where the crime would be considered loyalty to what you believe, be merciful, friendly and generous, where a kind person We would be contempt, and the treachery was in honor? " Montae did not find the country, but he did not look for her. It is enough to re-read everything that he wrote about the American Indians, with whom we were so monstrous, - about their courage and constancy, about their "kindness, freedom, honesty and fraud" ("experiments", book III, chapter 6). Humanity does not belong to anyone individually, and the relativism of Montene is there at the same time and universalism, in which there is no contradiction (after all, the morality applies to all mankind, and "every person has everything that is characteristic of the whole genus.", Book III, head 2). Yes, and the whole story of mankind, on what continent it proceeds, speaks about the same.

Question 1. Who are called good? What happens evil? What is the meaning of the golden rule of morality? What is the meaning of ecological morality?

The kindness is responsiveness, mental arrangement to people, the desire to do good others. A kindness is what happened voluntarily, disinterestedly, for the universal benefit and for its benefit, and not to harm himself.

Evil is the concept of morality, the opposite of the concept of good, means intentional, intentional, conscious causation of any harm, damage, suffering.

The "golden muscle rule" is a general ethical rule that can be formulated as "believing to people as you want to treat you." The negative wording of this rule is also known: "Do not make another of what you do not want yourself."

A person should be remembered about the great environmental rule: it is impossible to require nature more than it can give. It teaches us a careful attitude towards nature. Do not pollute, do not litter. Places of your stay in nature to clean up. Do not pollute the atmosphere of various waste: production waste does not merge in water bodies, where everything alive can die, also exhaust gases from cars contaminate air. It is necessary to carefully and carefully applies to nature.

Question 2. Does moral power over people? What happens for violation of moral norms? Is it possible to live without morality?

Sanctions for non-fulfillment of moral norms are public condemnation and flour of conscience. In essence, a person only consists of morality, any principles. And when something goes beyond his morality, he already believes that it is bad, or the opposite is too good, but in that and in different cases it is not in his morality. So morality is the reflection of our "I" in general.

Question 3. What is morality? Why do she need people?

Morals - the idea adopted in society about good and bad, correct and wrong, good and evil, as well as a totality of behavioral norms arising from these ideas. Sometimes the term is used in relation to the whole society, but to its part, for example: Christian moral, bourgeois morality, etc.

The peculiarity of the morality is that it regulates human attitudes towards another person from the point of view of good and evil, justice or injustice. Not accidentally say: "Moral begins where one person did something good else."

Question 4. According to which sign, we learn morality? Why is it called universal value?

The presence of the ideal of human behavior, to which every person should strive. Without morality, we would have no society, it would simply could not exist, so it is called universal value.

Morals covers moral views and feelings, life orientations and principles, goals and motives of actions and relations, conducting the border between good and evil, conscientious and unscrupiance, honor and dishonority, justice and injustice, norm and abnormality, mercy and cruelty, etc.

Morality acts primarily as a regulator of human behavior in society and the method specifically social: it appears when naturally natural regulators do not cope with the complicated organization of public life (generic, labor, family-household, etc.). At the same time, the forming morality initially relies on at least minimal freedom of man from natural conditions of existence. Moral regulation makes sense and is needed where there is at least some choice of the behavior line, elementary ability to prefer one act to another.

Question 5. Why is humanism considered a higher moral value?

Humanism is a democratic, ethical life position that argues that human beings have the right and obligation to determine the meaning and form of their lives. Humanism calls for the construction of a more humane society through ethics based on human and other natural values, in the spirit of the mind and free search, due to the use of human abilities. Humanism approves the value of a person as a person, his right to freedom, happiness, development, manifestation of their abilities.

Question 6. What actions does love for neighbor manifest?

Millenniums ago opened people that the highest value, or, as they say, the moral ideal is humanity, humanism. With particular clarity and simplicity, the meaning of the moral ideal is expressed in the Bible: "Love your neighbor, like yourself." This certainly does not mean that everyone needs to immediately enter into their arms. The humane attitude of a person to a person is achieved only by one way - through the observance of the principles and norms of morality. This means: it is impossible to kill, do not lie, do not have false witness, do not try to someone else. But you need to strive for peace and fraternity. You need to be merciful and generous. You need to be tolerant to treat the disadvantages of other people, be able to forgive, sacrificing sometimes and their interests. That's the love of neighbor manifests itself.

Question 7. How are patriotism and citizenship related?

High moral values \u200b\u200binclude citizenship and patriotism. All people live in any state, in their big house. They are citizens of their country.

The highest manifestation of citizenship is patriotism - a high, intimate feeling of love and loyalty to the Fatherland. And do not need a lot of rant, and even more so shouting about it on every corner, as some sort of sickness impostors do. In fact, patriotism is love. And love is a sense of sublime and deeply personal. Love is a peak of moral attitude to the one you love. And the main manifestation of love is disinterested ministry.

Question 8. What is the meaning invested in the concept of "good"?

The concept of "good" reflects our desire for humanity, humanism. Under good, we understand everything that contributes to improving life, the moral elevation of the individual, the improvement of society.

We consider good relations of justice, mercy, love to neighbor. When we talk about a "kind" person, we mean that he is ready to help another person and will do it not for the sake of benefits, but disinterestedly.

We consider good movement for the revival and strengthening of our Fatherland, for a democratic society, the legal state, for the rights and freedoms of each citizen.

So that in life there was more good, it is important to remember that your affairs and their consequences should always be assessed by moral measure.

Question 9. What does the concept of "evil" mean? Why is it called long-fashioned and cunning?

Everything that is opposite to good, is evil. This is a moral impairment. Evil ruins the soul of the one who creates evil leads to moral degradation (destruction) of his personality.

The concept of evil covers all negative phenomena: violence, deception, meanness, theft, hooliganism, cruelty, betrayal, influence, etc. Evil is where a person is humiliated, insult where it is not related to him as a living being, but how to Things with which you can benefit.

Where there is a lot of public evil (operation, conciliatory wars, the persecution of distemper, innocuous or people of other nationality, other color of the skin, class or origin, etc.), there is necessarily manifest and evil, everyday, who has become in habit, in Morals, to the psychology of people, - rudeness, rudeness, egoism, indifference to the suffering and grief of other people, stupidity, cruelty, lies, drunkenness, cunning, deception, etc.

When the happiness of some people, their wealth and strength are achieved at the expense of the unfortunate of others - this is evil. When strong offends the weak when his blame dumps another, when the hooligan insults people, the seller Hamit, the bureaucrat "Volynit" and is waiting for a bribe, a taxi driver, a waiter, a master, without providing any additional services, require more earned when younger do not respect the elders, Men and young healthy people in public transport are sitting, and women and the elderly stand when they are chewning at work when they use their official position for mercenary purposes, when the rulers are indifferent to the fate of their compatriots and bake only about their privileges when they are not paying salary and Pension, when they live on dishonestly obtained funds, etc. - all this is moral evil. Unfortunately, it is multi-sided.

Question 10. The wiser was asked: "What is the best life?" He replied: "When we do not do what we condemn in others."

Explain this statement from the point of view of morality. What moral rule is contained in this statement?

A person condemns other exactly what is primarily in primar above all. Moreover, he comes in the same way as he condemns. Do not judge and you will not judge.

Question 11. One wise man said: "If I'm not for myself, then who is for me? But if I'm just for myself, then why am I? "

Cut the meaning of this moral position. Express your point of view in relation to the position of this person.

If a person thinks only about himself, of course, bad. And if he thinks about others helps them, they will help you. This means that everything has to do it yourself, no one will ever do anything for you, but at the same time you have to be responsive and ready to help the other, that is, disinterestedly, and not wait for if you helped, then you must help you.

Question 12. Answer "Yes" or "No" for each position of the test. You will be able to:

1) sacrifice your time to help someone who needs help - yes;

2) honestly admit and apologize if I committed a bad act - yes;

3) forgive your offender - yes;

4) tear away from the TV if you need to do business - yes;

5) protect unfairly offended or weaker - yes;

6) keep the word if promised - yes;

7) Perform the order if even faced difficulties - yes.

02But I

Moral - that's The system of purely conditional rules of behavior in society, based on the established perception of good and evil. In a wide sense, morality is The coordinate system that allows you to direct the actions of people in such a way that the results of their actions bring the benefit for all mankind in general. From the point of view of psychology, morality is - The deep part of the human psyche, which is responsible for the assessment of the events occurring, namely, for recognizing good and evil. Quite often, the word "morality" is made to replace the word "morality".

What is a moral man. The concept (definition) of moral words - briefly.

Despite enough simple essence The term "Moral", there is a huge set of its definitions. Anyway, almost all of them are faithful, but perhaps the simplest answer to the question "What is morality?" This statement will be:

Moral - that's A person's attempt to determine what is correct and wrong with respect to our actions and thoughts. What is good and bad for our being.

If the term by and large is increasingly or less understandable, then the concept of what is moral, and what is immoral causes a mass of disputes. The fact is that the concepts of evil and good are not always absolute and their assessment depends solely from the modern paradigm adopted in society.

For example, in the middle "dark" century, when the society was poorly educated, but very religious - to burn people suspected in witchcraft was a very highly high act. Of course, that in the modern era, science and law, similar to the terrible stupidity and the crime, but no one has canceled historical facts. And there was still slavery, holy war, various kinds and other events that were perceived by certain parts of society, as something normal. Thanks to such examples, we dealt with the fact that morality and its norms, these are very conditional rules that can change in favor of public defendant.

Despite the examples above and the sad historical experience in the assessment of certain events, we now have in a certain attitude or less adequate system of moral values.

Functions of morality and why morality needs people?

Despite many philosophical and scientific theories, the answer to this question is very simple. Morality needs people for further well-being coexistence and development as a species. It is due to the fact that there are general concepts, That is good, and what is bad, our society has not yet absorbed chaos. Thus, it can be said that the Morality function is to form general rules Conduct or laws that in turn maintain order in society.

As an example of an absolutely understandable, all moral principle can be given to the so-called: the golden rule of morality.

The golden rule of morality says:

« Do not make another of what you do not want to do with you.»

There are several interpretations of this principle, but they all transmit one essence.

Norms and examples of morality.

A huge variety of aspects can be attributed to the standards and examples of morality, some of them will be highly absolutely everywhere, and some controversial with the difference in cultural characteristics. Nevertheless, as an example, we give the norms of morality that do not cause doubts.

Morale norms in society:

  • Honesty;
  • Bravery;
  • Ability to hold the word;
  • Reliability;
  • Generosity;
  • Restraint (self-control);
  • Patience and humility;
  • Mercy;
  • Justice;
  • Patience to differences ();
  • Self-esteem and respect for other people.

Moral is the conditional concept of rules, principles, estimates, norms based on the paradigm of evil and kind estimates, which was formed during a certain period of time. This is a model of social consciousness, the method of regulating the behavior of a subject in society. It develops both in the individual and social form of subjective relations.

The concept of morality in terms of psychologists under consideration is a fragment of a person's psyche that formed on the deep level responsible for assessing the events occurring in various planes with the value well and not good. The word morality is often used as a synonym for "morality".

What is morality

The word "morality" leads its origin from the classic Latin language. It is formed from the "MOS" of the Latin word, having a value - temper, custom. Referring to Aristotle, Cicero guided by this meaning, formed the words: "Moralis" and "Moralitas" - moral and moral, which became equivalents to expressions from the Greek: ethics and ethical.

Main term "morality" is used to indicate the type of behavior of society as a holistic, but there are exceptions, for example, the morality of Christian or bourgeois. Thus, the term is used only regarding a limited population group. Analyzing the relationship of society into various epochs of existence to the same action, it should be noted that morality is a conditional value, changeable in connection with the accepted social entry. Each nation has its own morality based on the experience gained and traditions.

Some scientists were also noticed that various rules of morality apply to subjects not only of various nationalities, but also to the subjects belonging to the "foreign" group. The definition of a group of people in the vector "Own", "Alien" occurs on the psychological level of the relationship with the individual with this group in various senses: cultural, ethnic, and others. Having identified himself with a specific group, the subject accepts those rules and norms (morality), which are adopted in it, consider such a way of life more just than following the moral society.

Man is known a large number of The values \u200b\u200bof this concept, which is interpreted from all sorts of points of view in various sciences, but the basis of it remains a constant - this is a definition of a person of his actions, the acts of society in the equivalent "Good-bad".

Moral is created on the basis of the paradigm adopted in a particular society, since the notation is "bad or well" are relative, and not absolute, and the explanation of the morality or immorality of various kinds of acts is conditional.

Morals, how to combine the rules and norms of the Company is formed over a long period on the basis of traditions and laws adopted in a specific society. For comparison, it is possible to use an example associated with the incineration of witches - women who were suspected of using magic and filmkins. In such a period of the Middle Ages, against the background of adopted laws, such an action was considered a highly powerful act, that is, good. In the modern paradigm of adopted laws, such atrocities are considered an absolutely unacceptable and stupid crime towards the subject. At the same time, it is possible to put such incidents like, holy war, genocide or slavery. In his era, in a particular society with his laws, such actions were made for the norm, were considered absolutely moral.

The formation of morality is directly related to the evolution of various ethnic groups of humanity in its social vein. Scientists studying the social evolution of nations consider morality as the result of the impact of the evolution for the group in general and on a person individually. Relying on their presentation, behavioral norms prescribed by morality, change during the evolution of humanity, ensuring the survival of species and their reproduction, the success of evolution contributes. Along with this, the subject forms a "pro-social" fundamental part of the psyche. The consequence is formed a sense of responsibility for the deed, feeling, guilt.

Accordingly, morality is a certain set of behavioral norms, which is formed for a long period of time, under the influence of ambient conditions at a certain point forms a set of established ideological standards that contribute to the development of human cooperation. It is also aimed at avoiding the individualism of the subject in society; Formation of groups combined by a common worldview. Socyobiologists consider such a point of view in a number of types of social animals, there is a desire to change the behavior of the rigorous to survive and preserve their own species during the period of evolution. What corresponds to the formation of morality, even in animals. In humans, the same moral norms are developed more sophisticated and diverse, but concentrated in the prevention of individualism in behavior, which contributes to the formation of nationalities and accordingly increases the chances of survival. It is believed that even such norms of behavior as parental love are the consequences of the evolution of morality of humanity - this type of behavior increases the level of acceleration survival.

The studies of the human brain conducted by sociobologists determine that the part of the cerebral cortex of the subject, which are involved in the employment period by the person's issues of morality, do not form a separate cognitive subsystem. Often during the solution of the problems of morality involve the areas of the brain of localizing the neural network, which is responsible for submissions by the subject of the intention of others. The same extent involves a neural network that is responsible for the representation of the individual's emotional experience of other personalities. That is, during the solution of moral tasks, a person uses those areas of its brain, which correspond to empathy and empathy, this indicates that morality is aimed at the development of mutual understanding of the subjects in between (the ability of the individual to see things through the eyes of another subject, to understand his feelings and experiences). According to the theory of moral psychology, morality as such develops and changes as the personality forming. There are several approaches to the understanding of the formation of morality at the personal level:

- Cognitive approach (Jean Piaget, Lorenz Kolberg and Elliot Touriel (Elliot Turiel)) - Moral personal Development There are several constructive stages or regions;

- biological approach (Jonathan Hyidt and Martin Hoffman (Martin Hoffman)) - Moral is considered against the background of the development of the social or emotional component of the human psyche. Interesting for the development of the doctrine of morality as a psychological component of personality is the psychoanalyst approach of Sigmund Freud, who suggested that morality is formed as the consequence of the aspiration of the "super-ego" to leave the state, guilt feelings.

What is the norms of morality

The fulfillment of moral norms is the moral debt of the subject, the violation of these behaviors is a sense of moral guilt.

Norms of morality in society are generally accepted measures of the behavior of the subject, which arise from the formulated morality. The combination of these rules forms a certain system of rules, which in all respects differ from the Company's regulatory systems such as: customs, rights and ethics.

In the early stages of formation, moral norms were directly conjugate with religion, which prescribes moral norms the importance of Divine Revelation. Each religion has a combination of certain moral norms (commandments) mandatory to fulfill all believers. Not the fulfillment of prescribed moral norms in religion is considered golden. In various world religions, there is some regularity in accordance with the moral norms: theft, murder, adultery, lies are indisputable rules of behavior of believers.

Researchers engaged in studying the formation of moral norms, several directions are put forward in understanding the importance of these norms in society. Some believes that the observance of the rules prescribed to the morality is a priority in the case of other norms. The followers of this direction attributing certain properties to these moral norms: universality, categorical, unchanged, cruelty. The second direction, which is studied by scientists, suggests that the attribution of absolutism, generally acceptedness and commitment to moral standards, acts as a certain one.

In the form of manifestation, some rules of morality in society have similarities with legal norms. So the principle "not steal" is common to both systems, but asking the question why the subject follows this principle to determine the focus of its thinking. If the subject follows the principle because it is afraid of legal responsibility, then its act is legal. If the subject is convinced of this principle, because the theft is a bad (angry) act, the direction of the direction of its behavior should be a moral system. There are precedents in which compliance with moral norms is contrary to the law. The subject, considering his duty, for example, to steal the medicine, in order to save his loved one from death comes morally correctly, while absolutely violating the law.

Exploring the formation of morality, scientists came to some classification:

- standards affecting questions about the existence of an individual as a biological creature (murder);

- standards for the independence of the subject;

- standards for trust (loyalty, truthfulness);

- norms relating to the dignity of the subject (honesty, justice);

- norms about other norms of morality.

Moral functions

The man of the creature has freedom of choice and he has the full right to choose the path of repetition by moral standards or vice versa. Such a choice of a person who puts good or evil on the scales of the scales or evil received a name of a moral choice. Having such freedom of choice in real life The subject is faced with a difficult task: to follow personal or blindly follow due. Making a choice for yourself, the subject bears certain moral consequences, for which the subject itself is responsible, both to society and before himself.

Analyzing the features of morality, you can extract several of its functions:

- Control function. Following the moral principles leaves a certain trail in the consciousness of the individual. The formation of certain views of behavior (what to do is permitted, and what can not be) occurs from an early age. This kind of action helps the subject to adjust its behavior in line with utility not only for itself, but also for society. Moral norms are able to regulate the individual beliefs of the subject into the same extent interaction among themselves groups of people, which favors the preservation of culture, stability.

- Evaluation function. Acts and situations occurring in social society, Moral, aspects in the aspect of good and evil. The actions occurred are assessed for their utility or negativeness for further development, due to the morality, an assessment of each action is given. Thanks to this function, the subject is formed by the concept of belonging to society and produces its position in it.

- Education function. Under the influence of this function, a person forms awareness of the importance of not only its needs, but also the needs of people who surround it. There is a sense of empathy and respect, which contributes to the harmonious development of relations in society, the understanding of the moral ideals of another individual, contributes to the best understanding of each other.

- Control function. Determines the control of the use of moral norms, as well as the condemnation of their consequences at the level of society and individual.

- Integration function. Following the norms of morality combines humanity into a single group, which supports human survival as a species. And also contributes to the maintenance of the integrity of the spiritual world of the individual. Key functions of morality are: evaluation, educational and regulating. It is they who reflect the social significance of morality.

Moral and ethics

The term ethics has a Greek origin from the word "Ethos". The use of this word indicated actions or actions of a person who had power person to himself. Aristotle determined the meaning of the word "ethos" as the virtue of the nature of the subject. Subsequently, it turned out that the word "ethicos" is an euosny, denoting something related to temperament or like an entity. The emergence of such a definition led to the formation of ethics science - studying the virtues of the nature of the subject. In the culture of the Ancient Roman Empire, there was a word "Moralis" - defining a wide circle of human phenomena. Later, a derivative of this term "Moralitas" appeared - relating to customs or character. Analyzing the etymological content of these two terms ("Moralitas" and "Ethicos"), the coincidence of their values \u200b\u200bshould be noted.

Many people know that such concepts as "morality" and ethics are close in their meaning, they are often considered interchangeable. Many use these concepts as a continuation of each other. Ethics is the first thing - this is a philosophical direction that studies moral questions. Often the expression "ethics" is used to denote specific moral principles, traditions, customs that are among the subjects of a limited group of society. The Kantian system considers the word Moral, using it to designate the concept of debt, behavioral principles and obligations. The word "ethics" uses Aristotle's arguments system to designate virtue, inseparable moral and practical considerations.

The concept of morality, as the system of principles, forms a set of rules, which are based on many years of practice, and allows a person to determine the style of behavior in society. Ethics is the section of philosophy and theoretical substantiation of these principles. IN modern world The concept of ethics saved the initial designation as science in the ranks of the philosophy of the study of the person, real phenomena, rules and norms that are rules of morality in society.

- (from Lat. Moralitas, Moralis, Mores Tradition, Folk Custom, Later Spit, Character) The concept, by which in the mental and practical experience of people are remedied by customs, laws, actions, characters expressing higher values \u200b\u200band ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

Morality - Moral ♦ Morale imagine that we were announced: tomorrow the end of the world comes. The information is accurate and doubt is not subject to. The policy in the case of the news is in place - it is not able to exist without the future. But morality? Moral in ... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

morality - And, g. MORALE M., MORALE F. it. Moral lat. Moralis. 1. Standard. Mood, moral spirit. And if it should be necessary that in your physics it produced a new year, then to protect the luxury and tape; And let the morality of your time not ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

- (Lat. Moralis Doctrina; This. See Moralist). Moraling, a totality of rules recognized for true and employees by management in the actions of people. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Moral [FR. Morale] ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (Sittlichkeit) translates on the basis of the works of Hegel (Hegel) as morality. Refers to ethical standards arising from the interaction of subjective identity values \u200b\u200band objective values \u200b\u200bof public institutions. If these values \u200b\u200b... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

Moral, morality, mn. No, wives (from lat. Moralis moral). 1. Moral doctrine, set of moral rules, ethics (book). "It is necessary that the whole thing of upbringing, education and the teachings of modern youth was upbringing in it the communist ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

See science ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. Moral morality, ethics; conclusion, science; Racea, edification, bitten, mentor, preaching, instruction, ethical standards, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Modern encyclopedia

- (from lat. Moralis moral) 1) morality, special form of public consciousness and view public relations (moral relations); One of the main ways to regulate the actions of a person in society with the help of norms. Unlike the simple ... ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

- (ion.) Morality rule; observed it; moralo. Cf. Living according to the editorial morality; I did not take an evil to anyone. Nekrasov. Moral man. I. Wed And now all the minds are in fog. Morals on us puts a dream ... A. S. Pushkin ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

Morality - (from Latin Moralis moral), 1) morality, special form of public consciousness and the type of social relations (moral relations); One of the main ways to regulate the actions of a person in society with the help of norms. Unlike… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


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