Inhibit development. Personal Development

Inhibit development. Personal Development

To start a quote from claim 10.1, traffic rules: "If the danger occurs for the movement, which the driver is able to detect, it should take possible measures to reduce the speed up to the vehicle stop."

Remember: "Danger for movement - a situation that occurred in the process road, in which the continuation of movement in the same direction and at the same speed creates a threat to the emergence of a road accident. "

The word "situation" is appropriate to apply to describe the situation before and after the time of the emergence of "danger to movement". Accordingly, "Dangerous Situation" and "Emergency Situation".

"Dangerous Situation" allows for both safe maneuver and braking. "Danger for movement" - only braking.

I will explain on the example. Four-band road. In the passing direction - two stripes. You are moving on the left strip. Ahead of 100 m on your strip - emergency car. If you continue to move at the same speed, in the same direction, an accident will occur. Or will not happen. Here is the "Dangerous Situation". You can calmly, not even reducing speed, rebuild to the right, collapse, stay 50 meters away, etc. "There is no danger to movement".

There is a "danger to movement" at the time when the minimum distance remains to the emergency car, in order to stay to stop, without resorting to emergency braking, which in itself is dangerous. In this case, the traffic rules prescribe only to slow down, maneuver is unacceptable.

"Danger for movement" may occur before. For example, in the same situation to the right of you there is a dense stream, and any maneuver is excluded. You must reduce the speed immediately, and only then turn on the rotation pointer and wait when someone will miss you.

Thus, the "danger to movement" occurs at the moment when a safe maneuver is impossible. And to conclude from the formulation of clause 10.1 of the traffic police, that when any danger occurs always need to slow down - nonsense. Such a position eliminates the use of the car, as it is initially a source of increased danger, and even the simple start of the movement is already dangerous in itself.

If the driver in the specified example passes the moment of danger to movement, the situation turns into an "emergency" - no braking from the collision will save.

Let's summarize the above example.

If the driver in a dangerous situation traveled the car to the right, turned into the courtyard or turned in the absence of marking, then no punishment.

If he left the head of the oncoming traffic instead of a detour on the right, then he is guilty of violating P.9.2 traffic rules.

If the driver at the time of danger for the movement was trying to make a detour, - he broke the traffic rules, as he could fulfill the requirements of claim 10.1 traffic rules.

The violation also takes place if the driver, having missed the moment of a danger to move into an emergency, makes maneuver, as he knew him in advance and realized that in a state to fulfill the requirements of claim 10.1 traffic rules.

With such a development of events, the union of "danger to movement" and "emergency" into a single term, as is done in traffic rules, it is quite appropriate.

The moment of the transition of a dangerous situation in danger to the movement and the moment of the risk of danger to the emergency is purely individual in each particular case. For example, the driver's response time on various sources from 0.3 to 1.8 s, which at a speed of 60 km / h (16.7 m / s) gives a spread of a distance traveled during the response from 5 to 30 meters. A slowdown in a regular car is unlikely to be less than 7 m / s2, a modern car with a hint of sportiness slowdown 11 m / s2 - far from the limit. Another example: the condition of the carriageway. It is clear that the slowdown is smaller on the ice, on dry asphalt - more. Another example: if before the hazard appeared there was another danger, which the driver managed to avoid, then he is internally ready for the emergence of a new danger, and react to it will be faster.

Now imagine that the obstacle arose suddenly, the driver smeared, and an accident occurred.

If it comes to expertise, then before experts, first of all raise the question, could the driver stop to the obstacle or not? In other words, it was necessary to find out whether the situation was only dangerous for the driver, or there was already a "danger to movement", or the driver fell into an "emergency situation".

In the first two cases ("Dangerous Situation" and "Danger for Movement"), the driver's fault does not cause doubts.

The greatest disputes arise when the situation on the road immediately becomes an "emergency". Is it possible to maneuver?

My purely personal opinion: yes and no!

Why yes"? Rules in p.1.5 traffic rules are prescribed: "Road participants should act in such a way as not to create dangers to move and do not harm." If the maneuver has made it possible to avoid harm, or to minimize it, then it does not contradict the traffic rules, especially since the direct ban on maneuvering in the emergency traffic rules do not contain. Moreover, there are instructions on maneuver, including in determining the danger to the movement given at the beginning of the article.

"According to experts, there are about 60 million emergencies on the roads and streets of the country, about three percent of them ends with the commission of an accident," said the Director General of the Federal Traffic Safety Program Boris Cyclice in an interview with RG 12.01.2011 of the year. The concept of "emergency situation" here, it is quite possible, has a little different meaning. But the figure of 3% eloquently says that road participants in extreme conditions avoid accidents by all available methods, including maneuvering.

In the "practical guidance for the production of judicial expertise for experts and specialists: a scientific and practical manual" (ed. T.V. Averyanova, V.F. Statkusa - 2nd ed., Pererab. And add. - M.: " Yurait Publisher, 2011) says: "In judicial and investigative practice, the following main questions are most often set to the autotechik expert ... when restoring the circumstances of an accident through technical calculations and analysis of traces: ... 8. Could the driver avoid accidents by maneuver, as he should was acting in this case? ".

Why not"? Because such a relaxation drivers will lead to even greater mess on the roads, as any Lihacch will begin to justify, for example, their departure to the head of the oncoming movement emergence. Such justification workers of the traffic police must stop the root. And therefore, traditionally, it sounds from their mouths: "There was a danger to move - Tormezosi."

Goodnight! In civil marriage from January 2009. Fate decided that the eldest son would break through contraception and will give me joy! At that time, they knew 2 months and did not really know if we need to be together. The husband decided to live for a long time and called to live to himself. Many peripeties survived. And happiness, and adding it three, and his passion for smoking mixtures. And his alcoholism is now stuck on pancreatitis .. always the most sick, worse than everyone (including children). Helping, flying, soup broths. The whole family on the diet is already. About two years ago I had a breakdown. The eldest went to the garden (at 3.5g) and I finally began to work! At the same time, take-pick up only on me. By bus. I have the right to get it expensive! Although the garden gave very far from home. We have a car, but His Majesty can not get up in the morning. And in the evening I do not care along the way! So here. I became money to receive money. But I have not seen them! Everyone immediately took and then with battle and swearing was given to needs. Himself has long been working at home. At first, because I saw and could not on the trail. Day to go out. Then because of pancreatitis. That year I broke. Took son with a fight. Long history about the arrival of mother-in-law ... influenced too. And left for parents in 4-room. My parents and son are in a burden. Spank to grandmother us. But how I blossomed! Right Queen! The husband then described this period. Yes, the sinner, as the gone slept with a colleague. Without emotions and passion. To believe, I am an attractive woman. Son at the time of gap for 5 years. Senior was very worried. He spoke about his death, hysterics. The husband is opposite. Suddenly understand her! He became a son to dress at the same time at the season. Complete me. Going to the side forgvel. In general, lured back. Quickly recently pregnant. That was forced to throw. I finally bought the glasses. Minus 5, walked 6 years in broken, or sent by the mother-in-law approximately suitable. And six months old love is unearthly. True, with a belly of beer, it is to run this norm. Then again began to reproaches, total control. Apartment is our and the car in the pawnshops constantly. Business is all silent to develop. But WHO is not moving yet. Forced the autumn of his parents to buy a lot of my in the apartment. And the money took and again in business! Although I was for the hotel my me. Now I think. This husband does not fit me so much or I am a fool-dressed go about. Without thinking about either about the children?

Olga Popova


Evgenia Sergeeva


Olga Popova, good evening. What is your request for a psychologist? What do you want to get as a result of consultation? Do you live with my husband together? See your future next to him? And how do you like this future?

I want to start my own business, earn. But constantly obstacles! It is very important to understand. My husband slows down his way of life, love for collateral and grave payments, control, Ignor of my needs and children's. Or is I am ameba. I can not fight with circumstances and so it's so easy for him about him? We live together. Husband, I, Senior Son (in May 8 years), Son Jr. (1.8 years).

About the future nearby very doubt. For about the fact that I am also a person. To which you need to develop, rest from life and your favorite children ... remembers only after global swearing with my county or decisive threat to do it. Whatever remind of themselves comes in half a year to swear in this way. Otherwise, the boot is not to buy for the season BU for 1-1.5 ...

Olga Popova


Evgenia Sergeeva


Olga Popova, thanks for the answer. How do you think keep you next to this person?
The psychologist will answer you after a while.

Habit. Senior son and his love for father. Memories of my love and tears under his windows ... short passion period. He feeds, sew and sometimes dresses. The mother-in-law gave him an apartment and we no longer need to wander the removable. Maybe I love, of course. But in fantasy never imagined him. Yes, and an orgasm with him was the first and only in my life. Apparently random, because it was not repeated ...

Olga Popova


Olga Popova Hello!
Olga, tell us about your childhood and parents:
- Are there sisters brothers? What's the difference?
-What was childhood, especially about 10-12 years old?
-What relationships among the parents among themselves and with you?
- Who do you think in the house? And in your family?
- Do your parents help you?
- How do you belong to grandchildren?

Or is I am ameba. I can not fight with circumstances and so it's so easy for him about him?

Click to reveal ...

I am correct, Olga, I understand what you want to understand yourself? Is this your request?

Good day! I have relatives and some parents - sister (younger than me for a year), Brother (younce for 3 years), brother (younger than me for 5 years). I am a classic feature. Up to 9th grade is the best, class pride and school. Music school finished well.
With younger rarely needed to help. Mom myself coped like that. But there was no time for me. We taught reading to school and about me you can say forgotten! Constantly with a book.
Parents have definitely mom's head of the family. Only her opinion is important. Up to the shirt that the father is caught.
I was a burden. I feel. Prevented, it turned out to shove the father's father and sighed! With children do not help practically. And when we give negotiations, constant troubles happen. TTT is not serious, but constantly. Therefore, now they moved to 2-bedroom removable. His husband will take away. And no one from the relatives did not say the address. The eldest on them is also offended and will not give out.
Assist a little helped. When hunger was sitting 1 time, the pregnant chicken was brought. Husband for renting an apartment gathered money. Gifts formal children. We also stopped giving them.
Yes. I want to understand. This is gr. My husband does not give me to develop and grow. Or I am such a person. And all his curses in relation to me are justified.
I want to open my job. The inheritance is enough. But he took everything to his business. I thought a hotel to buy myself, but persuaded to give money to him. Almost 500t. For me, this is a giant money. And he pah. Mom 1d to his apartment bounced out of the pawnshop for such an amount. Now it laid it again. The cars buy him and redeems them later from the pawnshops. And for me and children with all payments there are no money. Only the most needed. And then, his mom is things and children send me. God for her health. At the same time, it seems like you love! So says.
Now I went to my mother to get to the mother and examination. My children and we live and live as more convenient. True remotely too nerves Treplet Be healthy. I am not a leader. Rather, a team player.

In the family, we seem to be the leader, he asks me and is advised. But it is still on its point of view. When the first year loved him, it was sad, I was fine. And now I see that these actions in the abyss are tightened. What a lot to have to work a lot. And the husband has from the case to occasion. I can not work. T. K. It takes the time necessary to serve His Majesty. Children lacking me. When I start to even stutter about the rights, the institute, the work is a story. Or with my business. It seems to be allowed, but it may be until I found the way to start the same (there is one moment that I do not see how to solve and it froze in place). And how to make my money to pick up gradually by investing. So again I will become a transience, fool and TP

Olga Popova


Will you do not officially paint? Who are the children recorded for? And why did you give your money a man who constantly dear them?
And you hope to pick them up and start your business?

And who is the chapter in your family?

Not painted. Married in 18 years great Love. She gave birth to a daughter. And began to see. He took a child, his all valuable things, left for parents. The husband tried to return several times. But the lady is still especially. Remotely divorced and the alimony gets now. With my daughter forbids video.
We adopted our sons and in the birth certificate, they are recorded on his last name. But marrying is now afraid. Three times in words offered. I agreed. On this all ended.
The money gave t. To. The choice was not special. Or do we live families and all in the family (his words) or what are we for the family? And the usual song. What if I do not help him from debt to get out, then how he will do it. That mom about the pawnshop for the second time you cannot tell with the apartment. She has a heart, the operation has long time to do, but she cannot leave work. T. To. You need loans taken for a husband to pay. Now I understand that it takes me on pity. And the normal man would say, dear, this is your inheritance. Decide yourself. Now I do not hope to return ... although I will promise everything to return everything. Only here will pull the family from the crisis and return. Easy to give.
I hope for a business to spare parts, so maybe it will give.
Head of family husband. t. My opinion is taken into account only by household moments and then with the fight and swearing ...

Strange things began to occur with you? You feel constant fatigue, suffer from headaches, can't concentrate at work, and the diffuse and forgetfulness became your inseparable satellites?

Why is this happening? Most likely, you make actions that negatively affect the work of the brain. Many habits that seem completely harmless to us are actually harmful and worsen brain activity. This includes the absence of breakfast, excessive consumption of sugar, "hanging" on the Internet, lack of sleep and many other harmful things. In this article, we will describe in detail about our habits that are characterized by a negative effect on the brain.

10 habits that brake our brain

1. No breakfast

The breakfast of modern man, for the most part, is limited to a sandwich and a cup of coffee. But this is a fundamental meal, which directly affects the brain productivity.

In the first half of the day, our body is most active as possible, which means that it consumes more energy. And if in the morning it is not "to recharge" the brain of delicious and useful food, it will have to use backup nutrient reserves. Over time, the rejection of breakfast leads the brain to exhaustion, which begins to manifest a worsening of memory and disruption of the concentration of attention, bad mood, lethargy and apatine.

What to do? The advice here can be only one: Teach yourself to eat in the mornings, let it gradually, but regularly. Ideally, your morning food should consist of complex carbohydrates, i.e. From porridge, vegetables and legumes.

2. Lack of sleep and lack of sleep

Sleep is extremely important for our health and, above all, for the health of the brain. Unlike the body, which rests and is filled with energy, the brain during sleep is busy active - it processes the information received during the day and encodes it, postponing into memory. This time-consuming process, and therefore doctors strongly recommend sleeping 7-8 hours a day.

Consciously reducing sleep time, we contribute to the ignition of the cells of the brain, which violates the memorization process and makes us scattered. Moreover, we feel fatigue and reluctance to work, precisely because per night did not have a sufficient number of hours.

What to do? Arrange the recreation and sleep mode. Go to bed no later than 22:00, and, make sure that your bedroom does not have TV and electronic gadgets that are interrupted. And in order to better sleep, go to the evening walk in an hour before the rest, and take a soothing bath before going to bed.

3. Abuse of oily and sweet food

Consumption of oily food and sugar in large quantities has become a real problem for modern society. Refined food causes severe human health damage, in particular, clogs its vessels by cholesterol plaques, lead to a variety of severe diseases that threatening a person with disabilities and early death. No less dangerous so harmful food and brain.

First, in the brain a huge number of veins and vessels, which are also affected by the harmful cholesterol and lead a person to stroke. And secondly, under the influence of oily and sweet food in the body, the production of dopamine hormone is reduced, which is involved in the transmission of brain signals. For this reason, memory deteriorates, the flexibility of the mind decreases, and the reaction time of the brain slows down.

What to do? First of all, you should refuse any refined products and food "stuffed" sugar, as well as reduce animal consumption of fats. On the contrary, it is necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits, and fats get from avocado, olive oil and fatty varieties of fish.

4. Enlightenment in social networks

The development of computer technologies designed to enrich us with useful information and increase the circle of communication, played with humanity a dick joke. Instead of absorbing valuable scientific information and share useful information, a person sat down tightly on Facebook, VKontakte and other social networks, where the lion's share is spent. Here is just this information, for the most part, entertainment, which does not bear any benefit, and only "litters" the brain.

What is interesting, for a person, social networks are very quickly becoming one of the main entertainment in life, which means that he is ready to sacrifice his work, rest and sleep, to constantly enjoy the "wandering" on the expanses of the Internet. In this case, the brain is "clogged" with completely unnecessary information, which causes problems with concentration and prevents rebuilding to working rhythm.

What to do? Instead of sitting on social networks, walk through the park, pull on a bike, visit the gym or read the interesting book, finally, meet friends. Limit the time spent on the Internet, 1-2 hours per day.

5. Search for answers on the Internet

And this is another example of how the Internet worsens the work of the brain. A couple of dozen years ago, to find the information you need was required to visit the library, find the right literature, after which a photocopy, rewrite on a piece of paper or remember the valuable information.

Today, all, even the most exclusive information is always with us, in our computers and smartphones. Enough just pronounce: "Ok Google!" And ask a question like immediately the desired answer will appear on the screen. It would seem what it can harm our brain, because now with the price of information we faced much more often? However, scientists have their own point of view on this. Considering that any information can be obtained within a minute, we also quickly forget it, without postponing in memory, and therefore, without training your brain. And without training, the memory function is gradually deteriorating.

What to do? Understanding that it is stupid to refuse to receive information in the shortest possible time, you must take care of your brain. In this regard, we often decide to Sudoku, solve the scanners and crosswords, and also do other exercises that train memory.

6. Work during the disease

It must be said that for a modern person, the work has become not only the main way of financial support, but also a key means of self-realization. That is why, today a person values \u200b\u200bhis work, especially if the work is worthy. Naturally, even during the disease, a person does not allow himself to fly away and give the body a holiday required for speedy recovery. He, as before, continues to go to work. But is it good?

In a painful condition, a person not only is weakened by immunity and the load on the heart increases, but also the brain suffers, which also depletes its stocks in the struggle for the health of the body, and at the same time is forced to include "brainstorming" aimed at work.

What to do? If you get sick, no work! Strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor, correctly fit and stick to beddown. This will allow you to reduce the duration of the disease.

7. Refusal to communicate

Communication with the surrounding people is one of the main sources of brain development. From friends, acquaintances or colleagues, we get new information, we learn, we are advised, we argue. The brain takes the most direct participation.

When a person is constantly depressed, avoids conversations, consciously isolates himself from society, he contributes to the fact that his brain ceases to train, which means it does not develop. And without development, processes that brain activity slow down and lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms.

What to do? Do not close and do not avoid people. If you are invited to the company - agree! They ask for advice - Be sure to tell me and help! Very soon you are aware that the world is more multifaceted than you imagined, and there is much more interesting in it than you seemed.

8. Thoughts about the exclusiveness of their mind

Scientists warn: praising themselves for success, try not to intercept! Some people praise can seriously harm, and that is why.

It turns out that all people in the world can be divided into two categories of thinking. One is still motionless, whereas others are thinking of growth. People with the first type of thinking are confident that mental abilities got them from birth, and they cannot be worsen or improved. Such people are very afraid of failures not to be disappointed in their own intelligence, and therefore prefer to avoid too risky and dangerous affairs in order not to sign in their own nonsense.

People with growth thinking, on the contrary, are ready to get involved in any adventure and test your intelligence. They are not afraid of failure, because they know exactly that every failure is invaluable experience, which means that analyzing what happened, they will become more smarter.

What to do? Never consider yourself the smartest. Especially do not consider what you know about everything in this world. A person can learn all his life, and every day will comprehend something new and unknown. By following this advice, you will develop your brain, and showing persistence and considering yourself the smartest, just start slowing down the development of intelligence.

9. Frequent inspection of the messenger

And now we will pay attention to the Internet and electronic gadgets. The habit of constantly being on-line on social networks makes people check their messengers and mail literally every 5 minutes. And in such a rhythm, many of us work and rest over the years! Constantly breaking away from work To check your phone or computer, we worsen the concentration of attention. If such a situation becomes ordinary for us, after the loss of attention begins to suffer memory and other cognitive functions.

What to do? It is clear that we will not give up such joy consciously as the Internet. However, if you really care about your brain and want to develop, you will not hurt to make a share of organization in your life. To do this, set the time when you can view all the necessary information on your phone. Adhering to this graphics, you will have a good time, the manual will begin to notice your professional successes, and your brain will work more actively.

10. Chewing Zhwumach

A few years ago, scientists in all over the world were confident that the chewing of the chewing of Zhwarus had a beneficial process. It was simply explained: in the process of chewing because of the work of the jaws, blood inflows rises to the brain, which ensures its nutrition and normal functioning. And the cognitive functions are improved with them.

But times have changed. Today, the scientific world converges in the opinion that the chewing gum, rather, harm than good. The fact is that in the process of chewing, the human brain is distracted from the main task, a particular, from short-term memorization. Even experiments were conducted, which confirmed that a person who chews a chewing gum was more difficult to remember the order of numbers or the name of the items in the list. In this way, it was found that the gum worsens the brain functions.

What to do? If you love your chewing, enjoy this blessing of civilization in those moments when you are not engaged in mental labor. But at work on chewing gum it is better to forget.

Upon learning of the habits that brake development inhibit, you can make minor adjustments to your life and thereby preserve and improve your intellectual health!

Parents want for their kid of all the best. Therefore, try to provide it with everything necessary, give him their love, attention, care. But, often maternal and fatherly love blinds, and pushes parents for mistakes that slow down the natural process of child development. What can harm the development of the baby? Let's consider the common mistakes of parents who harm the child.

1. Independent decision making.

Often you can hear the phrase parents in such a style: "I am mom, I know better what you need my child!". And this is true, because who, like parents, know the needs and features of their baby. But, because the essence of upbringing consists not only in creating ideal conditions for him, in which he will be comfortable and safe. It is necessary to gradually teach him to make decisions and understand their consequences. Therefore, from little age you need to trust the male decision making, albeit not very important. Ask a child, what does he want to wear today for a walk? What kind of fairy tale he wants to read. Sometimes, you need to allow the child to make mistakes so that he can learn how to make independent decisions. In families where parents do not give such an opportunity, children grow infantile, and dependent on them. This definitely slows down their development and does not allow them to become independent.

2. Pre-coming desires.

First, it slows down the development of speech and the skills of expressing their needs. Moms of babies up to one year are forced to guess the needs of the kid. But, already closer to the first birthday, the child is quite capable, let it not be to say, but at least show what he wants and what he needs. At this age, demanding from the baby so that he says that he needs, you can stimulate the development of speech. If moms and in the future are trying to determine independently, the child awaits them, the situation with development may be sad. On this occasion, there is an old joke, which tells the story of a silent son who suddenly spoke in 6 years. The boy asked to convey salt at the dinner table, and everyone was delighted, they said, finally spoke. What a boy answered, it was just before it was always fine. So with the children, the moms of whom are in advance predicate their needs and desires, simply do not have an incentive in order to develop speech and communication skills.

3. Thousands of prohibitions.

A very dangerous mistake that can break the interest of the child to the development and knowledge of the surrounding world. When at every step, the child stumps on the strict "impossible", gradually it destroys interest and curiosity to the world around, because of which development is slow down. How to solve this problem? It is very simple - you need to create the most secure conditions for the child, where it will be possible for him, and install no more than 2-3 prohibitions, necessarily arguing them. In such conditions, children become independent faster, and also stimulates their research interest.

4. Hard control.

Most often, parents tightly control not very scarlet children - preschoolers and schoolchildren. If every time the child sits down homeworkIt is awaiting a strict check, he does not study independence, be responsible for his actions and mistakes. Excessive rigor and tough control suppress initiative, and with regular use adversely affect the emotional development of the personality of a small person.

5. Lack of discipline.

An adult person is difficult to discipline itself, and what to talk about children who have not so developed volitional qualities. Therefore, the lack of discipline does not contribute to development. Absolute freedom of action does not contribute to the development of the child important to him - patience, perfection. Moreover, chaos tires the child. But it is important to understand that excessive control mentioned above is also not useful for the child. Therefore, in everything you need a common balance. But disciplinary rules must be present.

6. Organization of leisure.

Sometimes parents themselves do not think about what they harm the child and inhibit its development. At the sight of a missing and young mother, especially those engaged, immediately find him some lesson, and if it is not suitable, they offer something else. Of course, it is convenient, and so you can offer a child something that will be useful for its development. But, if you constantly offer ready-made ideas of your child, it will suppress initiative, creative thinking and independence in it. Sometimes you need to allow the baby to smoke to learn himself to borrow myself with something interesting, showed the initiative and developed independence.

7. Disadvantage and excess of motivation.

The child needs motivation to master new skills, learn something, explore. In such cases, it works absolutely everything is a promotion, remuneration, verbal praise. When the baby is missing this, its development slows down, because it is not motivated to new discoveries and achievements. But the problem arises when parents capture their child. Such children begin to do something no longer for the sake of interest, but in the name of praise or rewards. Over time, the dependence is developing, self-esteem is reduced if there is no praise or awards.

8. Excessive guardianship.

One of the main duties of the child is concern for its security. Therefore, nothing surprising is that parents try to maximize their baby from adversity. But, excessive protection does not give the child to develop and learns to take care of its safety itself. For example, if my mother always holds the baby on his hands near the passage of the part, without explaining why it is dangerous here, the baby will not learn to be careful during the transition across the road and near her. In addition, the excessive caution of parents can become a favorable soil for the appearance of fears and the development of phobias in the kid.

9. Isolation from information.

Practically from birth and up to 3-4 years old - this is the period when the kid is eager for any information, and grabs it literally on the fly. This is the perfect time to learn letters, numbers, learn a lot of interesting things about the world. But, often adults mistakenly believe that due to early development and the provision of information, they "steal" in childhood child. No, this is a big mistake! Deprive the child in what he needs most, it is impossible. After all, to teach the child to something new and useful - it is not "to take childhood", but on the contrary, to make it more rich and interesting.

10. Ignoring errors.

Consider a visual example. Often you can observe such a picture - the child draws a cortic line and says that this is a flower. Adults inhale inhale, praise the baby, say "ah yes well done." And the baby completely sincerely believes that he is a genius-artist, because of what is not even trying to draw better. Or another situation - the child with force rushes on the site from other children of their toys. Mom automatically takes the baby, while at the same time taking toys from him, and silently takes away from them. The baby is not so developed so much to understand such a subtle hint - they say if my mother took me, it means that I did something wrong. I just just stop the wrong actions, you need to clarify the baby that you need to do differently, and why exactly, and not somehow otherwise. When the baby is mistaken, he needs to talk about it. This does not mean that you need to scold at every step, but the baby must form a picture in my head, which is good, and what is bad. Errors stimulate development, and if they ignore them, the child will not have motivation to development.

"After activating the brainstorming, customers are bought by orders for the translation, even have to choose. The next day after activation, lists the payment. For me, new opportunities for vocational training are opened, new ideas come to mind exactly how to promote my business and find customers. "

With the help of the braid intent, hundreds of people already get their grandiose results. Many readers and participants of our programs confirm that the cape from Taphty technician is really working very powerfully.

In this article, we have collected all the most relevant and complete information on you that such a causing intention and how to activate it, what is an external and internal center of intention, how to make the practice even more efficient and how the braid works with flows.

What is a braid intention?

The causing of the intention described in the book "Tafti Priestess. Walking alive in kinocarthine "is an energy plexus, a phantom part of the body, which has each of us, but only at the energy level. In their way appearance She resembles an ordinary braid that some girls are worn.

In the calm state of the brass "grows" from the field of the nape and ends in the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades, while her tip sticks out a slightly tilt to the spine. To imagine it to imagine, imagine that you come back to the girl with oblique and slightly raised her end. Also with the causing of intent.

In the active state, the tip of the causing intention begins to glow, and the brazier itself is even more lifted, as if it were pulled out for the end and raised at an angle of 45 degrees. You yourself can feel easy tingling or heat in the area between the blades.

As soon as you activate a braid intention, you can highlight the target frames - frames from your future reality that you want to implement. That is how you ask your reality. Read more about how to activate the brain, read further in this article, but still be back directly to the Kosice itself and will figure it out how to feel it.

How to feel a brazier?

Some people experience difficulties in feeling a braid. Indeed, if a person has no experience with energy, he will not immediately feel his phantom part of the body. After all, the causing intention was atrophy because we did not use it, just as the muscles of the physical body can atrophy, if a person, for example, lies in a coma.

However, the causing and these sensations can be trained over time. The more you pay attention to the area between the blades, the more often trying to activate the maiden - the more real and the natural for you it becomes. Gradually, you get used to new sensations and can be easily easily, at any time to use your energy plexus behind your back - it becomes strong, powerful and obedient.

Try right now to cover your eyes and imagine that you attached a solid straight braid from the hair (girls who have a real braid will be easier). Walk your head, remember the feeling of her presence. You can also try to imagine that you have a vertical arrow from the back of the middle of the back. Now, make a breath, and imagine that the arrow rises under the tilt to the back. Casting these phantom sensations. Try to keep them inside yourself.

There is another way that will help you feel the braid intention. Stand up and on the breath make a small tilt forward, and on the exhale sharply straighten, at the same time bending your hands in the elbows so that your fingers touch the shoulders. Pour your shoulders and chest, twist the blades behind your back - and listen to feeling behind your back. If there are no no sensations - run yourself, imagine them.

Remember: absolutely no matter, at what angle and at what distance from the back is your brass intention. Feelings are individual, and different people They can differ significantly. Forget about the rules, listen to yourself. You can start with just paying attention to a certain abstract point you have between the blades.

Internal and External Center for Intention

At the tip, the causiard is the external center of intent. It is he who is responsible for the movement of the frame from your future reality by film or, in other words, for the implementation of your goals and the creation of a new life. This is the tool that implements your intention as fast as possible and least labor.

In addition to the external center, we also have internal - it is located in the frontal part of the skull. This is our willpower, perseverance, aspirations that allow us to make primitive actions in the current frame. Use the internal center of intention is extremely inefficient: you start to fight the world and with you, break into closed doors, overcome obstacles and spend a huge amount of strength and energy, acting through voltage.

The external intention of the intention allows events and circumstances themselves to develop so as to bring us to the desired result. From the outside center you can highlight absolutely any target frame, which only want: Here you are clicking the hand of a business partner, concluding a profitable deal, here you are driving an expensive car, so you get a medal at first place in the marathon, here you meet guests at the exhibition Your paintings, that's you play on the beach with your family, here you are standing in the registry office with your loved one ...

"Kosica works like a film projector. You can twist your Wishlists as you like and donkeys on the inner screen, but it is ineffective - almost idle. The projector launches at full capacity at the moment when your thoughts, words and images come from the external intention. Therefore, if you want not just to flounder in thoughts, but to influence reality, - turn on the causation "(Vadim Zeland." Tafti Priestess. Walking in a movie ").

The principle of operation of the external center is very simple. You put attention to the tip of the brazier and imagine the picture of the event you want to create in your life in all colors and details. And thus highlight this frame.

What is a braid intention in Taphty techniques and how to work with it? DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS!

Watch the video with Tatiana Samarina, where the trainer on transfing and Taphty techniques tells how to work properly with the causing of intention and receive their amazing results!

How to activate the causation of intention?

To activate the braid intention in Taffti techniques, you need to make five consecutive actions.

1. Wake up and enter the awareness point. The awareness point is similar to the position of the caretaker in transfing, when you are simultaneously a member, and the viewer of what is happening. You simultaneously see yourself, that is, drive your attention and emotional state, and the surrounding reality, that is, the current situation in which you are. This is the moment of full, total presence in the moment "here and now."

2. Activate the brain. That is, feel, feel it. You can use any of the ways described above, or simply concentrate on the area between the blades, to present there easy tingling or heat. Over time, as we have said, you will simpat the braid and you can feel at any time. It is best to activate a causation on exhale.

3. Create a target frame. That is, imagine a bright picture from your future desired reality - and yourself inside it as a major person. It is most effectively done in your imagination, in front of your mental eyes, however, if such visualization causes you difficulties, you can speak it with words. At the same time you can be closed or open. The target frame must be submitted to the external screen.

4. Highlight the target frame. Continuing to hold attention simultaneously on the Kosice and on your target frame, imagine how the light from the external center of intention at the tip of the brazier goes forward through you, and highlights the target frame. So you ask your reality.

5. Release all sensations. You can stay in your target frame for a few seconds or a minute, as you consider it necessary. After that - open your eyes if you closed them, and with exhale, lose all the sensations. The target frame will disappear, the braid will come again to a relaxed position. You have completed a session with it.

Vadim Zeland offers to start training at work with a cape from elementary - with the execution of momentary desires. For example, purchasing the desired goods in the store, free parking space or any other everyday action at work or study, at home or on the street. And then, when you train this skill, you can move to a more global and bold target personnel.

"In your power - to put the frame for a successful film. What you need to do, you know. We woke up, activated the Kositz and, without having lost sensations from it, presented how the desired comes true. Then you can reset the feeling from the brain and then act as usual. You can repeat the frame backlight several times, for reliability, "(Vadim Zeland." Tafti Priestess. Walking in a movie ").

Kosica with threads

Taffti also offers an improved reception at work with a causing, which will lead you to even more amazing results. You can go to it only if you have already trained your brake and easily activate it. This reception is a braid with threads.

Imagine that the energy flux rises along your spine. In the breath, feel like a powerful energy proceed from your heels. And on exhalation - the same stream goes down from top to bottom. Repeat and feel these sensations: ascending, from the legs to the head, and descending, from the head to the legs.

When you catch a feeling like energy moves freely in your body, imagine that from your chest and from the middle of the backs between the shovels stick out two arrows directed in different directions. From the chest, the arrow is directed forward, out of the back - back. Now make a deep breath, and on exhale, imagine that the front arrow rises vertically, and the back sinks vertically down. At the same time, two energy fluxes are launched in your body.

The ascending energy flow, launched by the front arrow, moves along the entire body slightly front, bottom. A downward energy flow, launched by the back arrow, moves a little behind, from top to bottom.

Algorithm brazers with threads:

If you do not have a bath, you can make a contrasting shower. A couple of minutes hear the hot water, then change it to the cold (oriented on your feelings, so as not to overcool), then - again on the hot. And so repeat three or four times. Thus, you increase the level of your energy, and immediately after a contrasting soul, calmly standing in the bathroom, you can easily activate the brain, it is better to feel it and immediately ask your reality. After a contrasting shower, it is better to use the brain algorithm with threads.

"Kosice is not a gadget that you can or cannot buy - you have it, and she is always with you. And of course, no super gadget will not be able to give you what a braid gives. But turn on it only intentionally and purposefully, do not "hang" with it without necessary "(Vadim Zeland." Tafti Priestess. Walking alive in a film ").


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