The structure of the atomic nucleus (proton, neutron, electron). What is Proton, and what is inside? What is heavier proton or electron

The structure of the atomic nucleus (proton, neutron, electron). What is Proton, and what is inside? What is heavier proton or electron

Electrons move around the kernel in circular orbits, like the ground rotating around the sun. Electrons can move between these levels, and when they do it, they either absorb the photon or empty the photon. What is the size of the proton and what is it?

Chief Construction Element of the Visible Universe

The proton is the main construction block of the visible universe, but many of its properties, such as the charge radius and its abnormal magnetic moment, are not entirely understood. What is a proton? This is a subatomic particle with a positive electric charge. Until recently, Proton was considered the smallest particle. However, thanks to new technologies, the fact that protons include even smaller elements, particles called quarks, true fundamental particles of matter become known. The proton can be formed as a result of an unstable neutron.


What electric charge has a proton? It has a charge of +1 elementary charge, which is indicated by the letter "E" and was opened in 1874 by George Stone. While the proton has a positive charge (or 1e), the electron has a negative charge (-1 or -E), and the neutron does not have a charge at all and may designate 0e. 1 Elementary charge is 1.602 × 10 -19 pendants. The pendant is the type of electrical charge unit and is equivalent to one ampper, which is steadily transported per second.

What is a proton?

All you can touch and feel consists of atoms. The size of these tiny particles inside the center of the atom is very small. Although they constitute most of the weight of the atom, but they are still very small. In fact, if the atom was the size of a football field, each of its protons would be only the size of the ant. Protons should not be limited to nuclei atoms. When protons are outside the atomic nuclei, they acquire fascinating, bizarre and potentially hazardous properties similar to neutron properties in such circumstances.

But protons have an additional property. Since they carry an electric charge, they can be accelerated by electric or magnetic fields. High-speed protons and atomic nuclei, containing them, stand out in large quantities during solar flares. Particles are accelerated magnetic field Earth, causing ionospheric perturbations, known as geomagnetic storms.

The number of protons, size and weight

The number of protons makes each atom unique. For example, in oxygen, there are eight of them, in hydrogen only one, and in gold - as much as 79. This number is similar to the identity of the element. You can learn a lot about the atom, just knowing the number of its protons. This one found in the core of each atom has a positive electrical charge equal to the opposite electron of the element. If it were isolated, there would be a mass of only about 1.673 -27 kg, a little less than the mass of the neutron.

The number of protons in the kernel of the element is called the atomic number. This number gives each element its unique identity. In atoms of a particular element, the number of protons in the nuclei is always the same. A simple hydrogen atom has a kernel, which consists of only 1 proton. The core of all other elements almost always contain neutrons in addition to protons.

How big is the proton?

No one knows this, and this is a problem. In the experiments used modified hydrogen atoms to get the size of the proton. This is a subatoma mystery with great consequences. Six years later, after physicists announced too much measurement of the size of the proton, scientists are still not sure about the true size. With the advent of new data, the mystery is becoming increasingly deep.

Protons - particles that are inside the nucleus of atoms. For many years, the proton radius seemed fixed at around 0.877 femometrs. But in 2010, Randolph Paul from the Institute of Quantum Optics. Max Planck in Garching, Germany, received an alarming response using a new measurement methodology.

The team has changed one proton, one electronic composition of the hydrogen atom, switching the electron to a heavier particle, called the muon. Then they replaced this modified atom with a laser. Measurement of the changed change in their energy levels allowed them to calculate the size of its proton kernel. To their surprise, it released 4% less than the traditional meaning measured by other means. The Randolf experiment also applied a new technique to deuterium - a hydrogen isotope having one proton and one neutron, all together known as deuteron, - in his core. However, the exact calculation of the amount of deuteron occupied a lot of time.

New experiments

New data show that the problem of proton radius does not disappear. A few more experiments in the laboratory of Randolf Paul and others are already underway. Someone resorts to the same muon technique for measuring the size of heavier atomic nuclei, such as helium. Others simultaneously measure the scattering of muons and electrons. The floor suspects that the culprit may not be a proton itself, but an incorrect measurement of the Rydberg constant, a number that describes the light wavelengths emitted by an excited atom. But this constant is well known thanks to other precision experiments.

In another explanation, new particles are offered, which cause unexpected interactions between the proton and the muon, without changing its connection with the electron. This may mean that the puzzle displays us beyond the standard particle physics model. "If at some point in the future, someone will find something other than the standard model, it will be so," says the floor, with the first small discrepancy, then with another and the other, slowly creating a more monumental shift. What is the true size of the proton? New results challenge basic theory Physics.

Calculating the influence of the proton radius on the span trajectory, the researchers were able to estimate the radius of the proton particles, which was 0.84184 femometome. Earlier, this figure was at the mark from 0.8768 to 0.897 femomethometer. When considering such tiny quantities, there is always a possibility of an error. However, after 12 years of painstaking efforts, the team members are confident in the accuracy of their measurements. The theory may need some refinement, but whatever the answer, physics will scratch their heads for a long time, solving this complex task.

Atom is the smallest particle of the chemical element that retains all it. chemical properties. The atom consists of a kernel having a positive electrical charge, and negatively charged electrons. The charge of the core of any chemical element is equal to the product Z on E, where Z is the sequence number of this element in periodic system Chemical elements, E is the magnitude of the elementary electric charge.

Electron - This is the smallest particle of a substance with a negative electric charge E \u003d 1.6 · 10 -19 Coulomb adopted for an elementary electric charge. Electrons, rotating around the core, are located on electronic shells K, L, M, etc. K - the shell closest to the kernel. The size of the atom is determined by the size of its electronic shell. A atom can lose electrons and become a positive ion or attach electrons and become a negative ion. The charge of the ion determines the number of lost or attached electrons. The process of converting a neutral atom into a charged ion is called ionization.

Atomic kernel (The central part of the atom) consists of elementary nuclear particles - protons and neutrons. The radius of the nucleus is about a hundred thousand times less than the radius of the atom. The density of the atomic nucleus is extremely large. Protons - These are stable elementary particles that have a single positive electrical charge and mass, 1836 times greater than the mass of the electron. The proton is the kernel of the atom of the easiest element - hydrogen. The number of protons in the kernel is Z. Neutron - It is neutral (non-electrical charge) elementary particle with a mass, very close to the mass of the proton. Since the mass of the nucleus is made from the mass of protons and neutrons, the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom is equal to z, where a is a mass number of this isotope (see). Proton and neutron included in the kernel are called nucleons. In the nucleus, nucleons are connected by special nuclear forces.

In the atomic core there is a huge stock of energy, which is released under nuclear reactions. Nuclear reactions occur in the interaction of atomic nuclei with elementary particles or with kernels of other elements. As a result of nuclear reactions, new cores are formed. For example, the neutron can move to the proton. In this case, a beta particle is thrown out of the kernel, i.e. the electron.

The transition in the proton kernel into the neutron can be carried out in two ways: a particle with a mass is emitted from the kernel, equal mass Electron, but with a positive charge, called a positron (positron decay), or the kernel captures one of the electrons from the nearest to it to the shell (K-capture).

Sometimes the resulting kernel has an excess of energy (located in an excited state) and, moving to a normal state, allocates excess energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation with a very small wavelength. Energy released under nuclear reactions is practically used in various industries.

Atom (Greek. Atomos is indivisible) the smallest particle of the chemical element, which has its chemical properties. Each element consists of a certain species atoms. The composition of the atom includes a kernel carrying a positive electrical charge, and negatively charged electrons (see), which form its electronic shells. The magnitude of the electrical charge of the kernel is ze, where e is an elementary electrical charge equal to the amount of electron charge (4.8 · 10 -10 email units.), And z is the atomic number of this element in the periodic system of chemical elements (cm .). Since the non-ionized atom is neutral, the number of electrons included in it is also z. In the composition of the kernel (see the atomic kernel) contains nucleons, elementary particles with a mass, about 1840 times the larger electron mass (equal to 9.1 · 10 - 28 g), protons (see), charged positively, and not having neutron charges (see). The number of nucleons in the kernel is called a mass number and is indicated by the letter A. The number of protons in the kernel, equal to Z, determines the number of electron-erased atom, the structure of the electron shells and the chemical properties of the atom. Number of neutrons in the core is equal to A-Z. Isotopes are called varieties of the same element, the atoms of which differ from each other by the mass number A, but have the same Z. Thus, in the nuclei of atoms of various isotopes there is one element miscellaneous number Neutrons with the same number of protons. When the isotopes are notified, the mass number A is written on top of the element symbol, and the atomic number below; For example, oxygen isotopes are designated:

The dimensions of the atom are determined by the sizes of the electronic shells and are for all Z the value of the order of 10 -8 cm. Since the mass of all electrons of an atom several thousand times less than the mass of the kernel, the mass of the atom is proportional to the mass number. The relative mass of the atom of this isotope is determined with respect to the mass of the carbon isotope atom with 12, adopted for 12 units, and is called an isotopic mass. It turns out to be close to the mass number of the corresponding isotope. The relative weight of the atom of the chemical element is the average (taking into account the relative prevalence of isotopes of this element) the value of isotopic weight and is called atomic weight (mass).

The atom is a microscopic system, and its structure and properties can be explained only with the help of a quantum theory created mainly in the 20s of the 20th century and intended for describing atomic scale phenomena. Experiments have shown that microparticles are electrons, protons, atoms, etc., - besides the corpuscular, have wave properties that are manifested in diffraction and interference. In quantum theory, a certain wave field is used to describe the state of microjects, characterized by a wave function (ψ-function). This function determines the probabilities of possible states of the micro belt, that is, characterizes the potential capabilities of the manifestation of certain properties. The law of changing the function ψ in space and time (Schrödinger equation), which allows to find this function, plays the quantum theory that in the classical mechanics the laws of Newton's movement. The solution of the Schrödinger equation in many cases leads to discrete possible states of the system. For example, in the case of an atom, a number of wave functions for electrons corresponding to different (quantized) energy values \u200b\u200bare obtained. The system of energy levels of the atom, calculated by the methods of quantum theory, received a brilliant confirmation in spectroscopy. The transition of an atom from the ground state corresponding to the lower energy level E 0, into any of the excited states E i occurs when a certain portion of the energy E I - E 0 is absorbed. An excited atom goes into a less excited or basic state usually with the emission of a photon. In this case, the energy of a photon HV is equal to the difference in the atoms of the atom in two states: HV \u003d E I - E K where H is a constant plank (6.62 · 10 -27 erg · s), V is the frequency of light.

In addition to atomic spectra, quantum theory allowed to explain the other properties of atoms. In particular, the valence, the nature of the chemical bond and the structure of molecules was explained, the theory of the periodic system of elements was created.

As already noted, the atom consists of three types of elementary particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. The atomic kernel is the central part of the atom consisting of protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons have a common name nucleon, in the kernel they can turn into each other. The core of the simplest atom is a hydrogen atom - consists of one elementary particle - proton.

The diameter of the atom nucleus is approximately 10-13-12-12 cm and is 0.0001 diameters of the atom. However, almost the entire mass of the atom (99.95-99.98%) is concentrated in the kernel. If it was possible to obtain 1 cm3 of the pure nuclear substance, the mass would be 100-200 million tons. The mass of the atom nucleus is several thousand times higher than the mass of all the electron atom.

Proton - Elementary particle, the core of the hydrogen atom. The proton weight is equal to 1.6721 x 10-27 kg, it is 1836 times more electron mass. The electrical charge is positive and equal to 1.66 x 10-19 CL. The pendant is an electrical charge unit equal to the number of electricity passing through the cross section of the conductor during 1c with a constant current of the current 1a (ampere).

Each atom of any element contains a certain number of protons in the kernel. This is a permanent number for this element and determines its physical and chemical properties. That is, on the number of protons depends, with which chemical element we are dealing. For example, if one proton is hydrogen in the kernel, if 26 protons are iron. The number of protons in the atomic nucleus determines the charge of the nucleus (charge number Z) and the sequence number of the element in the periodic system of elements D.I. Mendeleeva (atomic number of the element).

Neutron- Electrically neutral particle with a mass of 1.6749 x 10-27kg, 1839 times more electron mass. Neuron in a free state is an unstable particle, it independently turns into a proton with emission of an electron and antineutrino. The half-life of neutrons (the time during which half of the initial number of neutrons decomposes) is approximately 12 minutes. However, in the associated state inside the stable atomic nuclei, it is stable. The total number of nucleons (protons and neutrons) in the kernel is called a massive number (atomic mass - a). The number of neutrons included in the kernel is equal to the difference between the mass and charge numbers: n \u003d a - z.

Electron- Elementary particle, carrier of the lowest mass - 0.91095x10-27 and the smallest electric charge - 1,6021x10-19 CL. This is a negatively charged particle. The number of electrons in the atom is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus, i.e. The atom is electrically neutral.

Positron - Elementary particle with a positive electric charge, antiparticle in relation to the electron. The mass of the electron and the positron is equal, and the electrical charges are equal in the absolute value, but are opposed to the sign.

Different types of nuclei are called nuclides. Nuclide is the type of atoms with these protons and neutron numbers. In nature, there are atoms of the same element with a different atomic mass (mass number):
, Cl, etc. The cores of these atoms contain the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons. Species of atoms of the same element having the same nuclear charge, but a different mass number is called isotopes . Possessing the same number of protons, but distinguishing the number of neutrons, isotopes have the same structure of electronic shells, i.e. Very close chemical properties and occupy the same place in the periodic system of chemical elements.

Denote by the symbol of the corresponding chemical element with from above on the left index of a - mass number, sometimes the number of protons (z) is also given below. For example, phosphor radioactive isotopes denote 32P, 33rd or p and p, respectively. When the isotope is noted without specifying the element symbol, the mass number is given after the element designation, for example, phosphorus - 32, phosphorus - 33.

Most chemical elements have several isotopes. In addition to the isotope of hydrogen 1N-Passion, heavier hydrogen 2N-actions-theriology and super heavy hydrogen 3H-tritium are known. Uranium has 11 isotopes, in natural compounds of their three (uranium 238, uranium 235, uranium 233). They have 92 proton and, respectively, 146,143 and 141 neutrons.

Currently, more than 1900 isotopes 108 chemical elements are known. Of these, the natural are all stable (about 280) and natural isotopes that are part of radioactive families (they are 46). The remaining belongs to artificial, they are obtained artificially as a result of various nuclear reactions.

The term "isotopes" should be applied only in cases where it comes to atoms of the same element, for example, carbon 12C and 14C. If the atoms of different chemical elements are meant, it is recommended to use the term "nuclides", for example, radionuclide 90sr, 131j, 137cs.

I will give your own answer.

Proton, electron and other particles are a very - sooooo small particles. You can represent them, for example, as round dust (although it will not quite exactly, but it is better than in any way). Such small, which is impossible to just look at one such dust. All substance, all we see, everything we can touch - everything consists of these particles. The land consists of them, the air of them, the sun of them, a person of them.

People always wanted to figure out how the whole world is arranged. What does it consist of. Here we have a handful of sand. Obviously, sand consists of grains. And what is the grain of? The sandbank is a firmly surfacing lump, very little pebbles. It turned out that the sand can be divided into parts. And if these parts are once again divided into smaller parts? And then again? Is it possible, in the end, to find something that it will not be possible to divide?

People, indeed, discovered that ultimately everything consists of "dust", which can no longer be just divided. These dusty called "molecules". There is a water molecule, there is a quartz molecule (by the way, the sand, mainly consists of quartz), there is a salt molecule (the one we eat) and a lot of different other molecules.

If you try to divide, for example, a water molecule on the part, it turns out that the components of the parts behave at all like water. People called these parts by atoms. It turned out that water is always divided into 3 atoms. At the same time, 1 atom is oxygen, and the other 2 atoms are hydrogen (there are 2 them in water). If you connect any oxygen atom with any 2 hydrogen atoms - there will be water again.

In this case, other molecules can be made from oxygen and hydrogen. For example, 2 oxygen atoms are easily connected to each other in such a "double oxygen" (called "oxygen molecule"). There is a lot of such oxygen in our air, we breathe them, we need it for life.

That is, it turned out that molecules have "parts" that should work together to get the desired result. This, for example, like a toy machine. The machine, let's say, should be a cabin and 4 wheels. Only when they all together are collected - this is a machine. If something is missing, then this is no longer a machine. If instead of the wheels to put caterpillars - it will not be a car at all, but a tank (well, almost). So with molecules. So that water is, it must consist of 1 oxygen and 2 hydrogen. But separately is not water.

When people realized that all molecules consist of a different set of atoms, it was delighted. By studying atoms, people saw that in nature there are only about 100 different atoms. That is, people learned something new about the world. That all is everything that we see are just 100 different atoms. But due to the fact that they are connected in different ways, it turns out a huge variety of molecules (millions, billions and even more different molecules).

Is it possible to take and divide some atom? Those funds that existed in the Middle Ages are not possible to divide the atom. Therefore, for some time it was believed that the atom cannot be divided. It was believed that "atoms" are the smallest particles, of which the whole world consists.

However, in the end, the atom was divided. And it was found (the wonderful) that the same situation with atoms. It turned out that all 100 (their little more than 100, in fact) different atoms disintegrate on just 3 different types Particles. Total 3! It turned out that all atoms are a set of "protons", "neutrons" and "electrons", which are connected in the atom in a certain way. Miscellaneous amount of these particles, being connected together, give different atoms.

There is something to rejoice: humanity has done before understanding that all-all varieties of the world are just 3 elementary particles.

Is it possible to split any elementary particle? For example, can the proton be divided? It is now believed that particles (for example, Proton) also consist of parts that called "quarks". But, as far as I know, I have never managed to separate the "quark" from the particle to "see", what is it when it is separately, in itself (and not in the particle). It seems that quarks cannot (or they do not want to exist differently, except inside the particle.

So at the moment, the proton, neutron and electron are the smallest parts of our world, which can exist separately, and of which everything consists. It really is impressive.

True, the joy lasted not very long. Because it turned out that in addition to the proton, neutron and electron there are many other varieties of particles. However, in nature they are almost never found. It is not observed that something large in nature was built from other particles than proton, neutron and electron. But it is known that these other particles can be obtained artificially, if several particles dispersed to breathtaking speeds (about a billion kilometers per hour) and knock them on other particles.

About the device atom.

Now you can talk a little about the atom and its particles (protons, neutrons, electrons).

What are different particles different? Proton and neutron - heavy. And the electron is light. Of course, since all the particles are very small - they are all very light. But the electron, if not mistaken, is a thousand times easier than proton or neutron. And the proton and neutron are very similar by mass. Almost exactly at exactly (why? Maybe it's not by chance?).

Protons and neutrons in the atom are always connected together and form a sort of "ball", which is called the "core". But electrons in the kernel never happens. Instead, electrons rotate around the kernel. For clarity, it is often said that the electrons rotate around the core "like the planet around the sun." In fact this is not true. It is about the same way as the children's cartoon looks like real life. It seems almost equally, but in reality everything is much more difficult and incomprehensible. In general, the 5-processing will be useful to imagine that the electrons are flying around the kernel as the planets around the sun. " And then somewhere in the 7-9 grade it will be possible to read about the wonders of the quantum micro-world. There are even more wonderful miracles than in Alice in Wonderland. In the sense that there (atoms) everything happens as not as we used.

Also, several electrons can be separated from an atom without a lot of effort. Then there will be an atom without several electrons. These electrons (they are then called "free electrons") will fly by themselves. By the way, if you take a lot of free electrons - it turns out electricity, with the help of which in the 21st century almost everything is cool :).

So, protons and neutrons are hard. Electron is light. Protons and neutrons - in the kernel. Electrons - spin around or fly somewhere in themselves (usually, a little flying, they are trayed to other atoms).

And what proton differs from the neutron? In general, they are very similar, except for one important thing. Proton has a whatever. And the neutron does not have. Electron, by the way, also has a charge, but another type ...

And what is "charge"? Well ... I think that on this issue we better stop, because you need to stop somewhere.

If you want to find out the details, write, I will answer. In the meantime, I think, and this information is very many for the first time.

The text, in the end, still much and I do not know whether to reduce the volume of the text.

Moreover, this text is much more scientific. The one who managed to mask the first part about the elementary particles and did not lose interest in physics, I hope it will be able to mask this text.

I will share text in many parts, so it will be easier to read.


Another 16 comments

So, about the charge.

During a careful study of different interaction options between different objects (including elementary particles), it turned out that there are 3 types of interaction. They were called: 1) gravitational, 2) electromagnetic and 3) nuclear.

Let's start talking to a little about gravity. People watched a telescope for the movement of the planets and comet in Solar system. From these observations, Newton (the legendary physicist of past centuries) concluded that all the objects in the solar system attract each other at a distance, and brought the famous "law of global gravity".

This law can be recorded in this form: "For any 2 objects, it is possible to calculate the strength of their mutual attraction. To do this, we need a mass of one object to multiply by a lot of other object, then the resulting result you need to divide the distance between them.

You can record this law in the form of equation:

mass1 * Mass2: Distance: Distance \u003d Power

In this equation, the icon * (stars icon) indicates multiplication, the icon: denotes the division, "mass1" is the mass of one body, "Mass2" - the mass of the second body, the "distance" is the distance between these two bodies, "power" is the distance between these two bodies The force with which they will attract each other.

(I guess that the fifth-graders do not know what the "erection of the square" is, so I replaced the square of the distance to the fact that it would be clear to the fifth-grader.)

What is interesting to be visible in this equation? For example, the fact that the force of attraction is highly dependent on the distance between objects. The more distance - the weaker power. This is easy to make sure. For example, let's look at such an example: Mass1 \u003d 10, Mass2 \u003d 10, distance \u003d 5. Then the force will be equal to 10 * 10: 5: 5 \u003d 100: 5: 5 \u003d 20: 5 \u003d 4. If with the same masses \u003d 10, the force will be equal to 10 * 10: 10: 10 \u003d 1. We see that when the distance has increased (from 5 to 10), the attraction force decreased (from 4 to 1).


What is "mass"?

We know that everything in the world consists of elementary particles (protons, neutrons and electrons). And these elementary particles are mass carriers. The electron, however, has a very small mass compared to a proton and neutron, but the mass of the electron is still there. But the proton and neutron mass is quite noticeable. Why land has a big mass (600,000,000,000,000 kilograms), and I am a small (65 kilogram)? The answer is very simple. Because the earth consists of very, very large number Protons and neutrons. By the way, therefore, it is unnoticed that I attract something to myself - too small mass. But actually I attract. Only very, very, very weak.

So, people found that the mass exists even in elementary particles. And the mass allows particles to attract each other at a distance. But what is the mass? How does it work? As often (and even very often) in science, this mystery is not fully solved. So far, we only know that the mass is "inside the particles". And we know that the mass remains unchanged until the particle itself remains unchanged. That is, all protons have the same mass. All neutrons are the same. And all electrons are the same. At the same time, the proton and electron are very similar (although not exactly - exactly equal), and the electron has a lot less. And there is no such thing that, for example, neutron had a mass like an electron or vice versa.


About electromagnetic interaction.

And about charges. At last.

Attentive observations have shown that only the world of global gravity is not enough to explain some interactions. There must be something else. Here to take even an ordinary magnet (more precisely 2 magnets). First, it is not difficult to note that a small magnet mass, let's say, in 1 kilogram, attracts another magnet much more than me. If you believe the law of global gravity, then my 65 kilograms must attract a magnet of 65 times more - but no. Magnet does not want to attract me at all. But to another magnet - wants. How to explain it?

Another question. Why magnet attracts only some items (for example, hardware, as well as other magnets), and the rest does not notice?

And further. Why does the magnet attract another magnet only from a certain side? And, the most amazing thing is that if we substitute the magnet opposite to the side, it turns out that 2 magnets are not attracted at all, but on the contrary - repel. It is easy to notice that they are repelled with the same force, with which they have attracted before.

The law of global gravity speaks only about attracting, but nothing knows about repellent. So, there must be something else. Something that in some cases the items attract, and in others - repels.

This force was called "electromagnetic interaction". For electromagnetic interaction, also has its own law (called "Culon's Law", in honor of Charles Kulon, who discovered this law). It is very interesting that the general appearance of this law is almost exactly the same as in the world of global gravity, only instead of "mass1" and "mass2" there "Charch1" and "Charge2".

charge1 * Charch2: Distance: Distance \u003d Power

"Charch1" is the charge of the first object, "Charger2" - the charge of the second object.

And what is "charge"? Taking truth, no one knows. Just like no one knows exactly what "mass" is.


Mysterious charges.

Trying to figure out, people reached elementary particles. And they found that Neutron has only mass. That is, neutron is involved in gravitational interaction. And in electromagnetic interaction, it does not participate. That is, the neutron charge is zero. If you take the law of the coulon and substitute zero instead of one of the charges, then the force will also be zero (no strength). So the neutron behaves. No electromagnetic power.

The electron has a very weak mass, therefore, in gravitational interaction, it participates very little. But the electron strongly repulses (repels!) Other electrons. This is because he has a charge.

The proton has a mass and charge. And proton also pushes other protons. If there is plenty - it means that it attracts all the particles to himself. But at the same time with this proton repels other protons. Moreover, the electromagnetic repulsion force is much stronger than the gravitational force of attraction. Therefore, individual protons will fly away from each other away.

But this is not the whole story. Electromagnetic force may not only repel, but also attract. The proton attracts the electron, and the electron attracts the proton. In this case, it is possible to carry out an experiment and find that the strength of attracting between the proton and the electron is equal to the power of the repulsion between the two protons and is also equal to the power of the repulsion between the two electrons.

From this we can conclude that the charge of the proton is equal to the charge of an electron. But for some reason, 2 proton is repelled, and the proton and electron are attracted. How can it be?


Charging rays.

The impact, it turns out that all particles always have more zero. But the charge may be more zero (proton) and is zero (neutron) and less than zero (electron). Although, in truth, it would be possible to appoint so that, on the contrary, the electron is charged more zero, and the proton is less than zero. It was no matter. It is important that the proton and the electron charges are opposite.

Let's measure charges in the "protons" (that is, 1 proton has a charge strength equal to 1). And we define the interaction between the two protons on some distance (we assume that the distance \u003d 1). We substitute the number in the formula and get 1 * 1: 1: 1 \u003d 1. Now let's measure the strength of the interaction between the electron and the proton. We know that the electron charge is equal to the charge of the proton, but has the opposite sign. Once we have a proton charge 1, the electron charge must be equal to -1. We substitute. -1 * 1: 1: 1 \u003d -1. We got -1. What does the "minus" sign mean? It means that the interaction force needs to be changed in the opposite direction. That is, the power of repulsion has become the strength of attracting!


Let's sum up.

Between the 3 most common elementary particles there are noticeable differences.

Neutron has only a lot, and the charge does not have.

Proton has a mass and charge. At the same time, the proton charge is considered positive.

The electron has a small mass (approximately 1000 times less than the proton and neutron). But has a charge. At the same time, the charge is equal to the proton charge, only with the opposite sign (if we assume that the proton "plus" means the electron is "minus").

At the same time, an ordinary atom does not attract anything and does not repel. Why? This is just just. Imagine some ordinary atom (for example, oxygen atom) and one free electron, which flies next to the atom. The oxygen atom consists of 8 protons, 8 neutrons and 8 electrons. Question. Should this free electron attract to the atom or should it be repelled? Neutron has no charge, so we still ignore them. The electromagnetic force between 8 protons and 1 electron is 8 * (-1): 1: 1 \u003d -8. And the electromagnetic force between 8 electrons in the atom and 1 free electrons is equal to -8 * (-1): 1: 1 \u003d 8.

It turns out that the force of action of 8 protons per free electron is -8, and the strength of the electrons is +8. In sum, it turns out 0. That is, the forces are equal. Nothing happens. As a result, they say that an atom "electrically neutral". That is, he does not attract and does not push.

Of course, the strength of gravity remains. But the electron has a lot of mass, therefore, gravitational interaction with a very little atom.


Charged atoms.

We remember that applied a little effort, we can tear the electron more distant from the core. In this case, the oxygen atom will, for example, 8 protons, 8 neutrons and 6 electrons (2 we tear off). Atoms in which there is lack (or, on the contrary, too much) electrons are called "ions". If we make 2 such oxygen atoms (removing 2 electrons from each atom), they will repel each other. Substitute in the law of Coulomb: (8 - 6) * (8 - 6): 1: 1 \u003d 4. We see that the resulting number is greater than zero, then the ions will be repelled.

Good evening, enlightened sacares and madam!

I will introduce you to the elementary particle of the universe - with a proton and for the sake of this I will ask you, dear my readers, the easiest question - what is the proton? A particle or wave, or even?

With all the seeming simplicity of the question, it is not so easy to answer it. Therefore, before answering this difficult question, we need to refer to the reference data from the Internet:

"Proton is a stable particle from the class of hadron, the core of the hydrogen atom.

In the opening of Proton, the creation of E. Rutterford of the planetary model of atom (1911) was played, and the opening of isotopes (F. Soddy, J. Thomson, F. Aston, 1906 - 1919), and observation of hydrogen nuclei, knocked out alpha particles from nuclear nuclei (E. Rutford, 1919). In 1925, P. Blakette received the first photos of the proton traces in Wilson, at the same time confirming the opening of artificial transformation of elements. In these experiments, the alpha particle was captured by the nucleus of the nitrogen, which emitted the proton and turned into an isotope of oxygen.

Together with neutrons, protons form atomic kernels of all chemical elements, and the number of protons in the nucleus determines the atomic number of this element.

The proton has a positive electrical charge equal to the elementary charge, i.e. the absolute value of the charge of the electron.

Proton weight \u003d (938,2796 ± 0.0027) MeV or \u003d 1.6; 10 per minus 24 degrees
Gram, i.e. proton is 1836 times heavier than an electron! From a modern point of view, the proton is not a truly elementary particle: it consists of two U-quarks with electrical charges +2/3 (in units of elementary charge) and one d-quark with an electric charge - 1/3. Quarks are interconnected by the exchange of other hypothetical particles - gluons, quanta fields carrying strong interactions.

EXPERIMENT data, in which electron scattering processes on protons, do indicate the presence of point scattering centers inside protons. These experiments in a certain sense are very similar to Ranford's experiments that led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus. Being a composite particle, the proton has a finite dimension \u003d 10 * 10 per minus 13 cm, although, of course, it cannot be represented as a solid ball. Rather, the proton resembles a cloud with a blurred boundary consisting of born and annigilating virtual particles.

Proton, like all the hadrons, participates in each of the fundamental interactions. So: strong interactions bind protons and neutrons in nuclei, electromagnetic interactions - protons and electrons in atoms. "

Source: ..

From the internet definition of the proton, it follows that the proton is an elementary particle, since it has a physical mass and charge and leaves the track mark in the Wilson chamber. However, according to modern ideas of scientists, it is not a true elementary particle due to the fact that consists of two U-quarks and one D-quark, interconnected by the exchange of other hypothetical particles - gluons, quanta fields carrying strong interactions ...

The following logical conclusion is obtained: on one side, it is a particle, and on the other hand, it has wave qualities.

We turn our special attention, dear readers, that the proton itself was discovered indirectly by irradiating alpha particles (helium nucleus with high energies) nitrogen atoms, that is, it was opened in motion.

In addition, dear thinkers, proton on modern ideas of scientists is a "apple in the fog" with a blurred boundary, consisting of born and destroying virtual particles.

And now the moment of truth comes, which is an unexpected matter - and what happens to the proton in motion with very large speeds of the speed of light?

The scientist Igor Ivanov is responsible for this question in his science page "What form has a frequency proton":

That's what he writes: "Theoretical calculations show that protons and kernels moving with a near-light velocity are not a flat disk form, but a bicon-concave lens.

The microworld lives according to the laws that are very unlike the laws of the world around us. Many have heard about the wave properties of a substance or about the fact that the vacuum in quantum theory is not emptiness at all, but the booming ocean of virtual particles. It is less known that the very concept of "composition" of complex particles is in a microme, the concept of relative, depending on how you looked at this particle. And this, in turn, affects the "shape of" compound particles, such as a proton ...

Proton - composite particle. It is usually said that protons consist of quarks bonded together with a gluon field, however, such a description is valid only for fixed or slowly moving protons. If the proton flies at a speed close to the speed of light, then it is much correct to describe it in the form of penetrating clouds of quarks, antiquarks and gluons. All together they are called "Paters" (from the English "Part" - part).

In quantum theory, the number of partons is not fixed (this, in general, belongs to all particles). Such a "law of disservation" arises due to the fact that each parton can break into two parton with the energy less than or, on the contrary, two parton can be recombined - to merge into one. Both of these processes occur constantly, and as a result, some dynamicly balanced number of partons occurs in a frequency protont proton. Moreover, this quantity depends on the reference system: the greater the power of the proton, the more parons in it.

As a result, it turns out a somewhat unexpected picture, which, at first glance, is even contrary to the theory of relativity. Recall that in accordance with the theory of relativity, the longitudinal size of fast moving bodies is reduced. For example, a ball (in its rest system) looks a strongly flexible disk for a fast moving observer. However, this "flattening rule" cannot be literally transferred to the proton, because where the "proton boundary" runs in space, depends on the reference system.

On the one hand, when moving from one reference system to another parton cloud, it really seeks to flatter in harmony with the theory of relativity. But on the other hand, there are new partons, which, as it were, "restore" its longitudinal size. In general, it turns out that the proton - which is just a set of parton clouds - is not completely flattened with increasing energy ... "

The moment of truth continues, my dear thinkers! It continues in unexpected issues of readers to the author Igor Ivanov, asked when discussing his article "What form has a frequency proton".
I will not give you all of them, but only chosen issues issues and answers:

When the proton at high energies takes the form of a "double lens", how is this consistent with the uncertainty of Gezenberg?

It is precisely because of this relationship takes such a form. Closer to the edge, a longitudinal impulse of soft gluons is smaller, as the longitudinal thickness is greater.

It does not compress himself in the gamma once, but remains pretty "fat."
Thick wave proton function is how?

2. A response of scientist Igor Ivanova:

Is it not clear from context?! "Thick" as opposed to "thin", that is, having (relatively) a large longitudinal size!

I'm not talking about! I ask, - why do you attribute geometry? To wave functions? Or consider in the form of a wave package and somehow try to describe it? What is the size for the proton? Maybe you think, are these some properties of its differential cross section or what?

4. A response of scientist Igor Ivanova:

Why so much questional signs? Yes, the size refers to the wave function of the partons, that is, to Fourier, the image of the parton distribution on the longitudinal impulse. I brought links, you can read them in more detail.

"Yes, the size refers to the wave functions of partons," maybe all the same proton, and not parons?! I did not know that the wave function of the parton was the case of the distribution of partons along the longitudinal impulse (there is no tottology?!)

5. A response of scientist Igor Ivanova:

Sorry, but it seems to me - you are already troll. I gave the link, now it is for you to study them if this Vapros is really interested.

You are right, I am a tori, since it does not quite agree with the description of protons in the form of "thick" and "thin." ...

I will give you, my curious readers are another one of the dialogues of the new person Firtree with scientist Igor Ivanov:

1. Question of a new person:

In the first lines "longitudinal size of a fast flying proton" you replace the particle size of a long wave or a particle wave pack size. It is about the same thing that say that electronically not point, but has the size of the order of the boron radius, while in the hydrogen atom. Including, if you take a resting proton, its "longitudinal sizes" will be more of its radius.

1. A response of scientist Igor Ivanova:

No, I do not confuse these two things. I say that the proton size is equivalent to typical wavelengths constituting his partons. This is the same as to compare the size of the hydrogen atom and the typical wavelengths of the electron, and not the entire length of the atom, which can be much more than its size.
It is impossible to move to the touching proton, the description is not suitable.

2. Reflection of a new person:

I say that the proton size is equivalent to the wavelengths of the components of its partons. This is the same as to compare the size of the hydrogen atom and the typical wavelengths of the electron, and not the entire length of the atom, which can be much more than its size.
This is the insistent. If the wavelength of an atom is entirely large, a lot more of the size of the atom, then the electron wavelength in the atom is also large.
To estimate the size of the atom, a different method is used, which is called "transition to the scope of the center of mass." Of course, we are talking about the taking of a particle pair of particles that make up the system (kernel electron).
When the wavelength of the atom's wave is entirely large, the electron waves and the kernels considered separately are strongly correlated, so that such a difference (average value) turns out to be at all similar to the wavelength of the electron, considered by itself. Similarly, the difference in coordinates should be estimated for parons.

3. And now I will give you, my dear readers, the final withdrawal of another person who has connected to a conversation with scientist Igor Ivanov:

Question: What is a particle? Why it is impossible to describe it completely in "invariant terms" - for example, such as a charge, symmetry, a cross section of dispersion?
It turns out that the particle structure is the result of intermediate calculations and confuses non-experimental non-durability, but the principal absence of physical meaning, since it, the structure, not inherent in the particle itself and changes when the observer reference system is changed.
Does it make sense to speak in this case that the proton consists of something, it is most likely a convenient computing trick ...

In addition, I am amazed how it is possible that non-invariant essences are obtained from the invariant equations of the field of the field, such as particle structure?!

Dear sacares and madam! After reading the prejudices of modern scientists about the structure of the proton and listening to the conversation with scientist Igor Ivanov, I came to the next indelible conclusions:

1. The proton does not consist of two U-quarks and one D-quark, interconnected by the exchange of other hypothetical particles - gluons, quanta fields carrying strong interactions.

2. The proton composition was invented by scientists themselves for their own conclusions and computing tricks.

3. We cannot answer the easiest question of the universe -
What is a proton particle? And we can not penetrate it in its secret, because they looked around in the wilds of the incorrect theory of field theory, which cannot explain the most important thing:

4. How does the proton half-particle become a half-wave package?
And what happens over time at the hour of the semi-particle in the semi-wave packet?

5. We forgot about the time spent at the time of the transition from the three-dimensional world in the multidimensional world.

Is he a particle Ile wave?

I can see glitches
No vain appeared
After the words gluon Lubavi
In blood proton?

Says scientist light, -
Like, proton - hello love,
In it three quark and gluon,
What fastens their bow.

He does not sit alone
And how apple trembles
And fog drunk eyes
Drive for the nose often us.

And when will take on the chest
Heel is a little bit
It flies in light
Transfer friends portrait.

It is not a simple drawing,
Draws new dream
With concavity lenses in very eyes,
With a cheeky word, in bold dreams.

He is here and there, and here.
His people will not understand
Because in their brains
Sticking children's fear.

Only one who is chopped by heart
Skins in a woman's notch
He hearts his proton
And knows happiness tone ...

Note: The beauty of the updated proton is taken from the updated brains of the Internet.


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