Therapeutic properties and chemical composition of snails, their calorie and application in medicine, cosmetology. Use of grape snails

Therapeutic properties and chemical composition of snails, their calorie and application in medicine, cosmetology. Use of grape snails

Exotic pets are becoming increasingly popular every day. One of the most unpretentious their species are Akhatina - huge snails, perhaps the biggest out of mollusks. Unlike its closest relatives - Snails Akhatina are pretty smart and cleaned. They may have even conditional reflexes. These clams quickly get used to their owner and can distinguish it from outsiders, while they do not require much attention and special feed.

Initially, Akhatina lived only in Africa, gradually thanks to the person, they spread in other regions. For example, in Japan they were grown on special farms, and then eaten. In Southeast Asia, many African countries and even America, Akhatina are considered pests. They apply a considerable damage to sowing reeds, young trees and other vegetable cultures die because of them. Giant snails can even emblorict plaster with houses to produce the substance necessary for the growth of the shell. In Russia, in natural conditions, Akhatina is not able to survive, because of the climate of them too severe. Therefore, gigantic snails in our region can only be found as pets.

African Snail Ahather - Face Features

Among the land mollusks - Ahatin is the largest. Its shell in length can reach twenty-five centimeters, and the body of thirty. Snail has a heart, kidney, eyes, brain and lung, by the way, besides him, the mollusk breathes more and skin. At the same time, she does not hear anything. Ahatin's eyes are located at the ends of the tental, they help snail to perceive the degree of illumination and located at a distance of no more centimeter objects. In addition, the degree of brightness of the lighting of the snail is perceived by the photosensitive cells located throughout the body, maybe therefore, they do not like the blind light.

Sink, protects mollusks from drying out and becoming protection for them in case of any danger. It can have a very interesting pattern and color, which is capable of changing depending on the fact that she eaten snail. Smells of ahatina feels the skin of the entire front area of \u200b\u200bthe body, as well as the tips of the suckling. With the help of them and soles snail perceives textures and shapes of objects.

Types of Akhatin

In nature there are more than a hundred species of giant snails. It doesn't make sense in detail in detail, since the conditions for their content are practically no different. Consider the most common types of Akhatin, which can be found more often in pet stores.

The simplest in care, and therefore the most common from the gigantic snails is considered the view of Akatina Fulika. His representatives have a sink with a motley color, changing color depending on the diet, and drowned or brown color Soft body, with severe tubercles on the skin. Ahatin Fulika is slowly loved to relax in a secluded place.

The second in the prevalence of snails for home content is Akhatina reticulta. Usually its representatives have a drawing on the sink in the form of strips and points, the color of the soft body is black or dark brown with a bright border "legs". Akhatina is reticulating curious and moving, often raise their heads in trying to consider what is happening.

For the content of Akhatin, you will not need any special devices. They can be placed even into the old cracked aquarium, since you will not have to fill it with water. Instead, you can take even a plastic box, that's just in this case, it will be difficult to watch pets due to poor wall transparency. But it is better to give up from using a cardboard box, because Ahather can sprinkle her.

For one snail, you need a "house" volume of at least ten liters. If you plan to start several Akhatins, its volume should be at least twenty-thirty liters.

Aquarium must always be covered with a piece of plexiglass with holes or a special lid. IN otherwiseYou will have to look for snail all over the house. But it is impossible to close the aquarium tightly, since the mollusk is constantly needed by fresh air, if the lid does not contain holes, then leave at least a small slot.

At the bottom of the aquarium, it is necessary to place the soil for the Ahantine layer to ten centimeters. It should be loose, well-driving air, and later the snail will be buried and put off the eggs. To do this, the coconut substrate or soil for transplanting colors can be found in any flower shop. The main thing that no fertilizers and others are present in the soil harmful additives. It is also not recommended as a soil to use sawdust and clay soil. Sometimes the terrarium for Akhatin is recommended to fall asleep with sand, membranes from walnuts or bark of needles. You can experiment and pick up The most convenient option.

Whatever the ground you choose, keep in mind that it should be constantly in a slightly wet state, but not to be overwhelmed. This will keep the optimal humidity in the aquarium. It is possible to determine the degree of humidity on the behavior of the snail. If she tries to close in the sink - the air is too dry, if it constantly weighs no walls - the humidity is too high.

Since African Snail Ahather loves to swim, in her "house" will not hurt to put a shallow capacity with water. Capacity should be severe and stable so that the mollusk cannot flip it. Water is recommended to pour into it quite a bit so that the snail could not choke in it. Water for swimming change around once a week.

Since Ahatin is a native of Africa, it is quite logical that she loves warmth. For her, the temperature is most comfortable in the area of \u200b\u200b26 degrees. Since in our apartments it is usually lower, to provide a suitable climate snail will help a non-lamp lamp. Of course, without this, it is quite possible to do, but only note that Akhatina, the content at home which was carried out at temperatures below 24 degrees, will be slightly sluggish and not particularly mobile.

In a special additional lighting, the mollusk does not need. Ahvtina is indifferent to the intensity of light. However, it is important for snails to regularly replaced at night. At the same time, they show greater activity in the dark. In the afternoon, snails prefer to hide in the ground or other secluded places. Such places can be created by putting large stones into aquarium, squamos, halves of coconut, etc. In addition, live plants can be planted into aquarium, they will also become an additional feed for Akhatin. It is best to suit ivy or fern.

How to care for sharns

In no special care, sharp do not need. All you need to do is change the water for swimming, clean once a half-three months aquarium and change the soil in it. If you wish, sometimes wash the snails under the flowing slightly warm water, and, of course, feed the pet.

What they eat Akhatina

Akhatina can eat almost everything, and the taste preferences of each snail are often significantly different. However, the basis of their diet is, nevertheless, vegetable food. They are recommended to give apples, salad, cucumbers. In the summer, you can add young foliage and herbs, such as clover or dandelion. In addition, snails can be happy to eat bananas, watermelon crusts, Bulgarian peppers, pumpkin, tomato, melon, corn, various berries, zucchini and spinach. But the carrots and potatoes do not like most snails. To diversify the diet of Akhatan, sometimes give her dry fresh cookies, bran and oatmeal. Occasionally you can offer her meat, egg squirrel or bird.

It is necessary in the nutrition snail must be present calcium. Therefore, in the aquarium should always be overworthy eggshell Or natural chalk, also can be placed limestone or mineral stones.

Reproduction of ahatin

Despite the fact that Akhatina hermaphrodites, living alone they rarely lay eggs. Therefore, if you wish to get offspring from snail, it is better to put a "friend" to it. Moreover, for the role of female, it is worth picking up the snails older, with the role of the male, a warm-warm, but not very big mollusk.

At times, Akhatan, usually, laying around two hundred eggs, of which, depending on the air temperature, in a week or three, tiny, about five millimeters, snails appear. They reach sexual maturity after six months, but continue to grow almost all life.

Advantages of African Snail Akhatina

Of course, Akatina Snail is not affectionate cat and not a playful dog, but she also has its own considerable advantages. It will not require daily walks from you, frequent feedings, will not whine at night and nibbut the sneakers, while spending on its content almost do not have to. Nevertheless, Akatina may well deliver not one pleasant moment. It is very interesting for snail to observe, especially when she bathes, crawls on the glass or slowly moves in hand. It can even try to "train", producing conventional reflexes in the mollusk.

But the main advantage of the snail Ahather is that you can easily leave on vacation or business trip and leave your pet without supervision. After all, for a long time, not receiving food and additional moisture of Akhatina simply fall into the hibernation. Returning home, you just need to sprinkle in the hibernation of mollusk with water and he will soon wake up. Snails Akhatina Care and content that fully complied with the requirements are able to live for about ten years. Therefore, they will be able to become faithful companions for many years.

Snails Akhatina in cosmetology: reviews, photos, contraindications. How to use snail achatines in cosmetology?

Snails are not in vain for a long time associated with eternity. Their use helps to keep health and extend the youth. One of the most valuable species are snails of Akhatina. In cosmetology and medicine their miraculous properties are widely used.

Such procedures are most popular with the beautiful half of humanity. With their help, a wide range of skin problems is solved.

What are the snails of Akhatina?

Snails Akhatina in cosmetology, reviews about the useful properties of which are inspired by trust, are already widely used in Holland and France.

Mollusc data is considered to be Africa. From there they spread to other continents. On the territory of Russia, these clams do not live, as the climate does not allow it. All existing individuals are grown in the conditions specially created for them.

Types of snails Akhatin

To date, more than a hundred species of snails have been discovered, which can be attributed to gigantic. Their mucus almost does not differ in its composition. Among them, most popular, thanks to the widespread and undemanding care, are used:

  • ahather reticulous;
  • ahather Fulika.

What is needed for growing at home?

You can keep clams and in the aquarium with a soil, while it should be constantly moistened. For bathing it is necessary to put a water container into aquarium. Comfortable temperature for snails of this species - 26 degrees of heat.

Watching the behavior of pets, it is possible to determine: whether they are comfortable in the created conditions. With a too dry habitat, the clamsters will often hide in the sink.

At home, Akhatina lives 7-10 years.

How to use in cosmetology purposes at home?

In order to pass the massage and regeneration procedures with a snail, not necessarily visit the beauty salon. You can contain Akhatin at home and independently, at any convenient time to carry out procedures. A frequent question that occurs when the snails of Akhatina are mentioned: in cosmetology how to use them?

In fact, the procedure for rejuvenation of the skin with the help of Ahantin is quite simple:

  1. Yes, it is necessary to clean the skin from the residuals of cosmetics.
  2. Then should be wiped with a cotton disk, impregnated with milk.
  3. Akhatina must be rinsed slightly warm running water. Wash not only the abdomen, and and a mollusk house.
  4. Snail is located on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, after which it is given the opportunity to move along the skin surface.
  5. After the procedure that lasts 10-15 minutes, a mollusk is needed. It must be moved back to the terrarium.
  6. The slime remaining after the movement is uniformly distributed over the skin surface.
  7. It is necessary to give mucus to absorb and dry, after which the skin is washed with warm water without the use of soap.

Snails Akhatina in cosmetology play an important role, as their mucus has a rich composition. Therefore, having a house of such an unpretentious pet, you can, without visiting expensive cosmetic salons to maintain a healthy skin condition.


Akhatina snails in cosmetology are used due to their mucus that contains a large number of Collagen, glycolic acid and elastin.

Based on the mucus of the snails, ointments and creams that make the skin gently like young children are manufactured.

It was noticed that people who dilute the snails, less often suffer from diseases of the skin of the hands. They quickly heal cuts and wounds. Ahatin mucus based products contribute to eliminating scars and traces of stretch marks.

Snails of Akhatina in cosmetology, the photos of which are presented in this article, took their niche. Procedures that are conducted with the help of snails already have a large number of adherents.

Massage with Akhatin

Snails Akhatina in cosmetology are used more often than other types of mollusks for the daily massage.

Moving on the skin, mollusk gently spends a massage, improving blood circulation, removing spasms. Useful procedures and those who have varicose veins are useful. Thanks to the massage of the snail Akhatin, the vessels are strengthened, improving blood circulation.

A big advantage is the delicacy with which the procedure is carried out. Slowly moving on the skin, the mollusks gently carry out a massage, without causing pain.

Snails Akhatina in the fight against cellulite

The fact that the snails of Akhatina in cosmetology, how to use molluscs, usually do not know those who want to remove fat in problem places and get rid of cellulite. Regular massage with the help of snails of Ahantin in the hip area and the abdomen will help make the skin smoothly, relieve the effect of "orange peel".

If you use Akhatin in the fight against cellulite at least 3 times a week, then after a short period of time, equal to 1-2 months, you can get rid of this problem.


Everyone who has no fear or squeamish feelings in relation to mollusks, you can use such a tool as Akhatina Snails (in cosmetology). Contraindications for use for cosmetic purposes these creatures do not have.

But before conducting a session of treatment or massage, it is necessary to make sure the absence of allergies to the components of the Akhatin mucus. To do this, put the mollusk for a small amount of the wrist skin.

If after this procedure there are some side effects, it is best to refuse to refuse to consult a specialist with a specialist doctor in this way.

Those who decided to have a Akhatin, it is necessary to begin to carry out at least one cosmetology procedure "Ulitkotherapy" in the cabin. If there is an allergy to some molm component, it will manifest. It will save from rapid and useless acquisition.

Snails Akhatina in Cosmetology: Reviews

A large number of positive feedback on various sites and blogs allows us to conclude that the use of snails in cosmetology purposes is popular.

Users as basic advantages note:

  • the rapid appearance of the effect;
  • painlessness procedure;
  • no need to use synthetic products.

Sometimes the only reason that causes the refusal to use snails in cosmetology is fear or a feeling of squeamishness in relation to mollusks.

Experts note that snails in cosmetology are a good alternative to expensive procedures. Due to the simplicity of growing snails and the small list of contraindications in drugs made on the basis of their mucus, they conquer an increasing number of fans.

In this regard, an increasing number of cosmetology centers have in its assortment of Ulitkotherapy services.

Ahather snail in cosmetology is just a find for those who do not want to resort to the help of surgeons and use various injections to rejuvenate.

Regular use of Akhatin snails in cosmetology objectives will help to quickly improve blood circulation, skin condition, reduce stretch marks and scars.

What benefits does Akhatina snail brings for human health ???

✿elena M✿.

Recently, fashion appeared on other land snails - giant African snails, or Akhatin. This is the largest land mollusk on the ground: its sink can reach a length of 25 cm, and the body is all 30. The birthplace of Akhatin is Eastern Africa, but now they can be found in many parts of the world. For some countries with a climate favorable for giants, snail is unusually dangerous: they are voracious and rapidly breed. So, in America there is a quarantine on Akhatin, and to the one who would like to breed them, would threaten imprisonment. But in Europe, and in particular in Russia, the Akhatina do not live in wildlife, so they can be kept as pets.

The charm of these snails is not only in a huge amount. Akhatina is real handsome, and the owner can simulate the color gamut of the shell at his pet: if for some time to feed the mollusk with something red, for example pepper, its shell will begin to acquire shades of red. Transferring snail to the green diet, you will add new paints to it. The main distinguishing feature of Akhatin is their mind. They very quickly produce conditional reflexes: snails get used to their owners, distinguish them from other people, they have a clear day of the day. But most importantly, whatever snails are in the inhabitants of the house - grape or sharns, they will undoubtedly bring their owners much benefit: calm, meditative and even majestic snails are set up on the same feelings and owners.

How best to contain sharp?


Brief recommendations for the content of Akhatin
African Snail Akhatina Fulika (Achatina Fulica) refers to the class of grasses of mollusks, a detachment of stem-eyed, the Helicid family.
In captivity, the Akhatina lives 5-9 years old, all life is added in size and grow up to 15 cm long.
Terrarium. The terrarium for sharp can be made from a simple aquarium. The minimum size is 10 liters per snail. The more an aquarium is, the larger your snail will grow. The terrarium must necessarily have a lid, because the snails can crawl out of it. It is desirable to organize small holes in the lid for the best Ga-Zoobmen, ideally insert a metal grid. In the extreme case, you can simply raise the lid to form a small slot. At the bottom of the aquarium, it is necessary to put a litter from the sand, the bark of coniferous trees, sawdust or peat. Each of these types of bedding has its pros and cons, but I prefer to use the coniferous bark. It is easy to wash, it is not difficult to get, and the dirt on it is less noticeable. You can build a small bath with fresh water, Akhatina love to swim very much. The main thing is that the depth of the bath does not allow snail to choke. In general, the Akhatina is well crawled under water, but by chance after falling into the bath from above, a small snail can drown from fright. Also, you need to follow, so that the bath does not turn to, if the snail starts to go into the ground next to it, otherwise the water will spread that is not good.
The temperature and humidity of the air required by Akhatinam, roughly coincide with those in a conventional urban apartment.
The humidity of the soil is determined empirically. If the snails are all the time sit on the walls of the terrarium, it means that the water is too much.
If they prefer to climb (the evidence hides in the sink and closes with a cap), on the contrary, too dry. With normal humidity of the soil, the snail at night is crawling along its surface, and in the afternoon they are often buried into it. To maintain humidity, it is enough to spray the soil and walls of the terrarium from the pulverizer once a day.
To wake a closed snail, you can pour her mouth with water and carefully remove the cover or simply put it in a terrarium with normal humidity. Wash the terrarium is recommended at least once a week. An exception is a terrarium with masonry eggs, which has to be brushing without water so as not to change moisture and not damage the laying.
Little will be better to keep it better without soil, littered with cabbage or salad leaves, thereby increasing the chance of finding snail and to facilitate the care of the terrarium.
Feeding. It is the opinion that Akhatin can be fed once a week. Let me disagree with this. Akhatina survive, grow and even often multiply with this mode of power, but often live less and grow slower than their normally feeding relatives. Feed better as eating and drying up food and remove residues.
Akhatina feed on vegetables, fruits and greens, but in nature they do not refuse meat. Usually in captivity they are feeding their cabbage, carrots and cucumbers, but it is preferable to give more diverse food. It is necessary, first of all so that at any time it is possible to go to another available type of food. It is known that snails have certain addictions to food, including many prefer cucumbers and salad to other products and, if they have been fed from childhood only with cucumbers often refuse to have something besides them, which can cause certain inconveniences. In particular, I lived two snails that do not accept anything except bananas and newspapers. Large snails can be given whole stops, they surprise quickly recycle food waste. Soft products need to be given for a while, otherwise they flow and smear on the ground, causing its pollution.
Little Uhtatama is not recommended to give soft products at all. There was a case when the whole burned to the banana and suffocated there. A very small newborn snail is better to give greens, thinly chopped carrots, and in a few days salad and yab


I have a coconut substrate. Disposable briquette from a flower shop. Live in the old aquarium. Be sure to the source of carbon dioxide, I have an impetuous shell of Drayssen, chalk. I feed vegetables. Last year there was an incredible amount of juvenile!

Radmila Morvinkina

alexander Ananyev

In a glass jar or container / aquarium, a cocosle chips can be poured, there must be moisture, you can sometimes bathe. It is impossible to give citrus, raw potatoes and small bananas

What are the snail useful?

™ Negasie Star ... ®

What is useful snail - snail snail Maine.

Almost ninety thousand are known different species snails Find them in cities and deserts. In sugar, for example, snails come across places where the temperature in the shade of 45 degrees. There are snails living in hot springs. At the same time, they are well tolerated and cold.
An experienced gardener, choosing a cabbage to himself in bed, will cut the one on which he will see a snail. He knows that this gourmet unmistakably finds the best kochan.

In ancient Rome, the roast grape snails was considered a delicacy. This is evidenced by the famous natural backyer in his book "Life of Beasts". And in our times, the connoisseurs of this Kushan did not translate. In different countries there are special farms on which grape snails are bred. They go to export. Yes, and in our country the army of lovers of gentle snail meat increases. The fact is that vitamins in it contains 20 times more than in cream meat or egg.

Snails serve as food not only a person. Not last place they occupy in the fish menu. When opening the Caspian sturgeon, for example, it was found that the contents of their stomachs by 80 percent consists of clams, mainly from the snails.
In antiquity from the glasses of sea snails, Igsanok and the bugs mined the substance from which Purple, used for coloring of fabrics, as well as in painting and cosmetics. One gram of purple went ten thousand mollusks.

On some islands of the Pacific Ocean, the shells of rare species of snails still play the role of money. They go to the production of buttons, decorations. Predated these snails are used by the natives of Oceania islands as a tool for drilling holes in wood products and even stone. 20-30 hours is required snail, which is also called "oyster drill" to sprinkle a hole in the Oysters sink, mussels or some other seashell.

Interesting application Found Snails Strophocheilus Popelarianus in factories where cigarettes make. The height of the sink of these snails reaches up to 14 cm. About her strength can be judged at least for the fact that they are used as an iron when smoothing tobacco leaves.
Representatives of the type of Trochus, living in Indian and Pacific, have extraordinary beauty pearl sinks, which are used in the button industry. And the shells of a smaller type of Trochide Trochus Adriaticus are used only for jewelry.
In nature, adult individuals perform the role of assessing agents, entering the decomposing plant residues, the excrement of animals. However, young snails are very harmful to cultural plants, going by the kidney of bananas, various fruits, tuberplods.
More about the bunthrodium, Gastrupoda (Lat. Gastropoda, Gastro - "Belly", Poda - "Noga"), or snails - the most numerous class in the Mollusca type, which includes about 60000-75,000 species.
All the most interesting about snail
About the benefits of snails

Jenya Jenya.

The benefits of snails are in love, and from the water and from the ground.
Benefit from aquarium snails
Snails are natural agencies: destroy the remnants of the feed, died fish, the excrement of fish, filled out parts of the plants, film on the surface of the water, falling on the walls of the aquarium.
Snails play an important role in maintaining biological equilibrium in an artificial reservoir, and the behavior of some snails (for example, melania) serves as an indicator of the purity of the soil or water, which helps aquarium in time to notice and solve the problem of pollution.
Snails in their own way beautiful and can serve as an element of aquarium decoration.
In the ancient Greeks, they were considered a medicine and, indeed, helped from diseases. In another ancient people, the Phoenicians - from the red snails mined beautiful paint and painted her clothes. And in Africa and South America The shells of large snails have not yet been replaced. money. In ancient times, people honored snail for the fact that her sink had the form of a spiral. And the spiral has always been considered a symbol of life.
Snails eat beetles, birds, snakes, mice, many predators also do not break to eat snails ... and beetles, and worms, and other small insects consider uncountane eggs the most delicious food and diligently search them. Many fish feed on water snails
Snails are considered a delicacy in many countries of the world. Especially popular dishes from snails in France. It is in France that Escargo prepare - a special dish of a snail, which affects the sexual activity of man.
The snails were eaten for a long time. So the first written references to the use of snails as food refer to the ancient times. IN Ancient Rome The dish of the snails was considered an indispensable attribute of any celebrations. Snail was considered not just a delicious dish, but also a healing agent. The courage from the snails prescribed as a medicine during bleeding, diseases of the eyes, gastrointestinal diseases, as a means when healing wounds.
There are special types of snails that are used to prepare dishes. The most common look is grape snails (it is Helix Pomatia, Burgundian snail, Roman snail). This type of snail lives in wet deciduous forests, shrubs and ravines, where there is enough moisture.
Grape snails grow quite slowly, they are beginning to be used in food only on the second or third year of their lives. This type of snails is capable of growing up to 40-45 mm.
Dishes from snails rightly called dietic. At 100 gr. The product contains 10g protein, 32g fat, 5G carbohydrates, as well as vitamin B6, B12, iron, calcium, magnesium. The meat of snails is soft, it easily digested and splits. So, for example, if the pork or chicken digestion is usually required on average, 4-5 hours are required, then enough snails and 2 hours for digesting meat.
Snails are especially recommended for those who have disorders of a calcium balance in the body, pregnant and lactating women, children and people suffering from such diseases as Hondronz and collagenosis. The meat of the snails improves the intestinal work and normalizes the metabolism. It is believed that due to the content of magnesium, the meat of the snails can affect people soothing and helps to fight stress.
Before using snails in food, they are transferred to a special diet for several weeks. During the diet, the snail is getting rid of various harmful substances that they could absorb when they fed on the will. In order for the snail meat more refined, they are embedded with a chamber and fennel.
The cooking process itself looks like this: first the snail is carefully wash in water, then they are blanched, cooled, removed from the shells, dried in broth with spices and white wine, then rest in the sinks again and sent to the oven. Before the sinks go into the oven, they pour a little garlic oil with parsley.

So, the snails occupy an important place in the food chain, processed organic remnants .... But what is the benefit of man, until it is not clear))))

Benefit in what plan?
Here in terms of cooking "On the benefits of snails" -
And here about the aquariums "snail - benefit or harm" -
Here's another "... From the narcotic poison of the Puzzy cone, the pharmacists prepared an amazing painful medicine. In their strength, it exceeds even morphine. And drugs for the treatment of epilepsy turned out to be the most effective of all known. And, as it turned out, uncut drugs do not cause side effects .. . "
Garden, vegetable garden, besides harm "... Slugs and snails perform an important sanitary function in the garden, processing remnants of plants that are measured or damaged by other pests ..."

Treatment with Snails (Ulitkotherapy)

Giant African Fulika Ahatin Snail - the most acceptable pet for managers and just busy people. This domestic pet is not needed to walk, carry to the vet and spend a lot of money on his food. He will not wake you up in the morning loud lamin and will not spoil your favorite furniture. Allergia is not on him, and he wonderfully removes stress.

In the tradition of Slavic healers, many forces of nature were used: herbs, honey, clay, stones and animals. Many methods of treatment, having done an amazing path, returned to us today in the form of a cownetherapy, honey massage and even hirudotherapy (treatment of leeches) and pedelement.

But one of the effective types of human treatment, using wildlife forces, was undeservedly forgotten - treatment with snails.
It is good that the carriers of the Slavic herbal trades have been preserved, so now there is a possibility to get acquainted with the amazing area of \u200b\u200bhuman health restoration - treatment of snails in the tradition of Slavic herbal.

Snails, these amazing, leisurely creatures, thanks to their unique features that nature entered them, will help you and your patients get rid of:

- From cellulite and "heavy fats", which are not removed by any physical exercises.
- from muscle spasms and clamps (including clamping zone clamps), and without pain!
- from inflammation, provoking infertility and other severe diseases.
- from stresses and diseases caused by nerves (dermatitis, psoriasis).
- From Vegeth-vascular dystonia.

The most recent discovery in the field of medicine calls snail - the brain donor, based on the positive results of thorough research of neurons of these snails, and in particular on the fact that human neurons and snail neurons require the same ionic composition of the medium with their culture in culture ...

Any woman would like to have a miraculous cream that would effectively care for the skin, moistened her and moved the aging for a long time. And it would be nice if such a cream is natural. Do not be surprised, but such a tool exists - this is a mucus of therapeutic snails. Want?

Still, after all, try the procedures using snails far from every woman under power. And what is already there, such a service is not very common. But those who dare and makes it possible to wander in their body, get the effect that was mentioned above. This miraculous cream is a mucus that stands out from snails during their walking. Speaking by the language of cosmetologists - Snails produce wrapping from the mucus that rejuvenates and pulls the skin.

For the first time about the benefits of mucus snails spoke, when they noticed that workers of uncatch farms, the skin should not become arms. After it was found out that this mucus smoothes wrinkles and prevents dry skin.

The snails mucus contains a huge amount of bioactive substances, for sure you know: collagen, glycolic acid, allantoin, natural antibiotics and vitamins, with which the snail restores its body and "repairs" his "house". Snails poetma can treat scars, scars, burns, cuts, inflammation.

As a rule, the mucus of the snails does not cause complications, allergies, etc., so it can be suitable for those who refuse themselves in spa treaties due to any disease. Snails can also help get rid of stretch marks and pigment spots, it is very relevant for young mothers. And then the little thing is to allow little doctors to raise your body.

Application of snails

Considering their properties to regenerate cells, as well as the positive effect of their impulses, Akhatin is used as natural massagers. It is necessary to wash the snail in cool running water. Prepare your face and neck to the procedure: Clear from cosmetics and wipe with milk. Then the snail to put on the skin. She must "go through" the sites offered to her, after which it is returned to the house. You evenly distribute the face and the neck of the healing isolation and 15 minutes hold them on the skin until complete drying. At the same time, the skin is significantly tightened. After washing, you will feel her extraordinary freshness and velvety. This procedure is desirable to spend in a day, or at least at least 2 times a week.

How many types of snails exist on earth and which of them are the most huge?


In addition... .

The smile "cone" is considered the smallest snail. One portion of poison can kill 10 people. And the antidote still did not find scientists. Habitat area: Tropical zones of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, from Polynesia to Vost. Coast of Africa and the Red Sea.

Svetlana Porshnev

By type you can look here, but this is not the most full list. Here is broken by families. Open and look :)
Archahatina-ahatina, Akhatina Reticulat and Archahatina are considered from the land of the largest largest.

Snails are not in vain for a long time associated with eternity. Their use helps to keep health and extend the youth. One of the most valuable species are snails of Akhatina. In cosmetology and medicine their miraculous properties are widely used.

Such procedures are most popular with the beautiful half of humanity. With their help, a wide range of skin problems is solved.

What are the snails of Akhatina?

Snails Akhatina in cosmetology, reviews about the useful properties of which are inspired by trust, are already widely used in Holland and France.

Mollusc data is considered to be Africa. From there they spread to other continents. On the territory of Russia, these clams do not live, as the climate does not allow it. All existing individuals are grown in the conditions specially created for them.

Types of snails Akhatin

To date, more than a hundred species of snails have been discovered, which can be attributed to gigantic. Their mucus almost does not differ in its composition. Among them, most popular, thanks to the widespread and undemanding care, are used:

  • ahather reticulous;

What is needed for growing at home?

You can keep clams and in the aquarium with a soil, while it should be constantly moistened. For bathing it is necessary to put a water container into aquarium. Comfortable temperature for snails of this species - 26 degrees of heat.

Watching the behavior of pets, it is possible to determine: whether they are comfortable in the created conditions. With a too dry habitat, the clamsters will often hide in the sink.

At home, Akhatina lives 7-10 years.

How to use in cosmetology purposes at home?

In order to pass the massage and regeneration procedures with a snail, not necessarily visit the beauty salon. You can contain Akhatin at home and independently, at any convenient time to carry out procedures. A frequent question that occurs when the snails of Akhatina are mentioned: in cosmetology how to use them?

In fact, the procedure with Akhatin is quite simple:

  1. Yes, it is necessary to clean the skin from the residuals of cosmetics.
  2. Then should be wiped with a cotton disk, impregnated with milk.
  3. Akhatina must be rinsed slightly warm running water. Wash not only the abdomen, and and a mollusk house.
  4. Snail is located on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, after which it is given the opportunity to move along the skin surface.
  5. After the procedure that lasts 10-15 minutes, a mollusk is needed. It must be moved back to the terrarium.
  6. The slime remaining after the movement is uniformly distributed over the skin surface.
  7. It is necessary to give mucus to absorb and dry, after which the skin is washed with warm water without the use of soap.

Snails Akhatina in cosmetology play an important role, as their mucus has a rich composition. Therefore, having a house of such an unpretentious pet, you can, without visiting expensive cosmetic salons to maintain a healthy skin condition.


Snails Akhatina in cosmetology are used due to their mucus, which contains a large amount of collagen, glycolic acid and elastin.

Based on the mucus of the snails, ointments and creams that make the skin gently like young children are manufactured.

It was noticed that people who dilute the snails, less often suffer from diseases of the skin of the hands. They quickly heal cuts and wounds. Ahatin mucus based products contribute to eliminating scars and traces of stretch marks.

Snails of Akhatina in cosmetology, the photos of which are presented in this article, took their niche. Procedures that are conducted with the help of snails already have a large number of adherents.

Massage with Akhatin

Snails Akhatina in cosmetology are used more often than other types of mollusks for the daily massage.

Moving on the skin, mollusk gently spends a massage, improving blood circulation, removing spasms. Useful procedures and those who have varicose veins are useful. Thanks to the massage of the snail Akhatin, the vessels are strengthened, improving blood circulation.

A big advantage is the delicacy with which the procedure is carried out. Slowly moving on the skin, the mollusks gently carry out a massage, without causing pain.

Snails Akhatina in the fight against cellulite

The fact that the snails of Akhatina in cosmetology, how to use molluscs, usually do not know those who want to remove fat in problem places and get rid of cellulite. Regular massage with the help of snails of Ahantin in the hip area and the abdomen will help make the skin smoothly, relieve the effect of "orange peel".

If you use Akhatin in the fight against cellulite at least 3 times a week, then after a short period of time, equal to 1-2 months, you can get rid of this problem.


Everyone who has no fear or squeamish feelings in relation to mollusks, you can use such a tool as Akhatina Snails (in cosmetology). Contraindications for use for cosmetic purposes these creatures do not have.

But before conducting a session of treatment or massage, it is necessary to make sure the absence of allergies to the components of the Akhatin mucus. To do this, put the mollusk for a small amount of the wrist skin.

If after this procedure there are some side effects, it is best to refuse to refuse to consult a specialist with a specialist doctor in this way.

Those who decided to have a Akhatin, it is necessary to begin to carry out at least one cosmetology procedure "Ulitkotherapy" in the cabin. If there is an allergy to some molm component, it will manifest. It will save from rapid and useless acquisition.

Snails Akhatina in Cosmetology: Reviews

A large number of positive feedback on various sites and blogs allows us to conclude that the use of snails in cosmetology purposes is popular.

Users as basic advantages note:

  • the rapid appearance of the effect;
  • painlessness procedure;
  • no need to use synthetic products.

Sometimes the only reason that causes the refusal to use snails in cosmetology is fear or a feeling of squeamishness in relation to mollusks.

Experts note that snails in cosmetology are a good alternative to expensive procedures. Due to the simplicity of growing snails and the small list of contraindications in drugs made on the basis of their mucus, they conquer an increasing number of fans.

In this regard, an increasing number of cosmetology centers have in its assortment of Ulitkotherapy services.

Ahather snail in cosmetology is just a find for those who do not want to resort to the help of surgeons and use various injections to rejuvenate.

Regular use of Akhatin snails in cosmetology objectives will help to quickly improve blood circulation, skin condition, reduce stretch marks and scars.

From a long time, snails attributed the ability to heal various diseases. No wonder in Babylon and Egypt, the symbol of eternity was considered the snails. For some time, the mucus of the snails, as the therapeutic agent, was undeservedly forgotten. However B. last years Scientists pay a lot of attention to the study of snail mucus. The property of the slim mucus glue bacterial cells has found the use and treatment of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, cough and silicosis. In the old days, folk healers Sadili snail on a piece of sugar and after he was covered with mucus, gave the sick coughing. Using its own mucus, snail can fully restore its sink. Thanks to such powerful reducing properties, the snail mucus has been widely used in cosmetology. The mucus of ordinary garden snails is part of many modern cosmeticsSince it has strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties. In addition, the snail mucus has a unique property to create a protective film that does not miss moisture, but at the same time perfectly passes the air. Snails also has a powerful regenerating effect. For the first time, they paid attention to the factors for the breeding of mollusks. In employees who engaged in their breeding, the skin of the hands resembled children's skin. Moreover, the abrasions and scratches on the hands of the ravines were healing much faster than those who did not come into contact with mollusks. The regenerating properties of the slim mucus are due to the content of allantoin, glycolic acid, collagen and elastin in it. Balsams and creams based on snail mucus are effectively fighting with stretch marks, scars and acne. Garden snails does not give an allergic reaction. It is effective in the treatment of warts, burn surfaces, as well as age spots.

Feedback expertsin the field of cosmetology about the giant African snail, Akhatin do not cease to amaze and admire. Few people know that this mollusk - effective tool To preserve your beauty.

In Germany and France, the mollusks have long been used for the manufacture of cosmetics. You can find yourself reviews about expertsthat use snails for the treatment of scars, scratches and skin ulcers of various origin. Most recently anti-aging cream from Ahantin. The mucus of these gigantic snails regenerates skin cells and contributes to the rapid height of various skin damage.

Cosmetologists advises to use African snails for daily massage. According to the reviews of experts, practicing alternative methods of treating and care for the face, Akhatina is perfectly coping with this task. It is necessary to rinse the snail under cold flow water. Next, prepare your face and neck, as the usual procedure - clean with cosmetics from cosmetics and pollution, rub some ordinary milk. After - conveniently located in the chair and let the snail crawl on the skin. Dairy "Primanka" is nice for mollusk. Gradually, he will "come around" in all areas of the face and neck, leaving the healing mucus. After such a cosmetic "session", the animal should be returned to the house, launch the selection into the skin and leave it for 15 minutes, as the usual mask - until complete drying. The result will pleasantly surprise you: the skin will tighten, it will become fresh and velvety.

1. Natural Allantoin- chief skin regenerator, as well as antioxidant to help fight free radicals that accelerate age processes. It is naturally produced by snails to restore their own fabrics and shells when damaged them, therefore, unlike other cosmetic preparations containing synthetic allantoin, he quickly absorbed And effectively acts in the deep layers of the skin.

2. Natural collagen - Protein, which is the main component for connecting skin tissue, maintaining it elasticity and elasticity, stimulates the lost speed of the synthesis of its own collagen and the elastin of the dermis.

3. Natural Elastin - protein responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of connective tissue, decreasing with age, improves turgor leather.

4. Glycolic acid- helps in the process of detachment of the skin, its purification, removal of dead cells from the surface of the skin, which allows other components to penetrate deeply into the tissue and have a regenerative effect, moisturize the skin And produce collagen.

5. Antibiotic peptides- destroy pathogenins are protection From the most common types of skin bacteria (Eschericia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, etc.) and acne help to form protective barrier Skin.

6. Vitamins (A, C, E)- Support normal skin condition, nourish, soften, moisturize the skin, remove inflammatory processes, leveled and refresh the complexion: BUT - strengthens and nourishes the skin, FROM - helps to support collagen and is an antioxidant, E. - Also is an antioxidant and contributes to moisturizing the skin. All vitamins are produced by snail naturally based on their plant diet.

7. Natural solar filter- Blocks ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Any woman would like to have a miraculous cream that would effectively care for the skin, moistened her and moved the aging for a long time. And it would be nice if such a cream is natural. Do not be surprised, but such a tool exists - this the mucus of therapeutic snails. Want?

Still would try procedures using snails Not every woman under power. And what is already there, such a service is not very common. But those who dare and makes it possible to wander in their body, get the effect that was mentioned above. This miraculous cream is a mucus that stands out from snails during their walking. Speaking by the language of cosmetologists - Snails produce wrapping from the mucus that rejuvenates and pulls the skin.

For the first time about the benefits of slim mucus They started talking when they noticed that workers are uncatch farms, the skin does not become her hands. After it was found out that this mucus smoothes wrinkles and prevents dry skin.

Mucus snails It contains a huge amount of bioactive substances, for sure you know: collagen, glycolic acid, allantoin, natural antibiotics and vitamins, with which the snail restores its body and "repairs" his "house".

Usually, mucus snails It does not cause complications, allergies, etc., so it can be suitable for those who refuse themselves in spa procedures due to any disease. Snails can also help get rid of stretch marks and pigment spots, it is very relevant for young mothers. And then the little thing is to allow little doctors to raise your body.

On the planet there are about 100 thousand species of snails. Some of them are safe for a person, while others in response to a request to show the horns can bite you over your finger. Among these buchetic clams there are crumbs of the magnitude of 2 millimeters and giants whose sink reaches the size of three matched boxes folded on each other. Today we would like to talk about those of them who bring benefits.

"Ulief" massage

Speaking about what kind of benefits bring, the first thing you need to mention that the bucculents of mollusks are used in cosmetology for massage. Ahantines are the gigantic snails living in countries with a tropical climate. The massage procedure is performed quite simple. The person's face is wetted by milk, and then by about 20 minutes ahatin is launched on it. Moving along the skin, snail massaging her.

Some believe that the benefits of Akhatin snails are greatly exaggerated. However, the mucus allocated by them really helps eliminate scars, small wrinkles. This substance includes many vitamins and amino acids, collagen, elastin and natural antibiotics used by snail to restore their body.

Production of cosmetics

The invaluable use of snails, or rather, the secrets mined from their mucus, pushed the Koreans to create cosmetics containing this component. Numerous "uncut" creams and gels sold in Korea provide rapid restoration of damaged skin, slow down aging, help in the treatment of scars. These funds also protect the skin from ultraviolet, help cure rash and acne.

For people who loving nature, clarify: during the production of cosmetics, snails do not die. Moreover, they are well fed, cherished and holling. Singing mucus is collected when the mollusks are crawling in a special aviary.

Eating food

In a number of countries, the snail is considered a delicacy. Most of all, they are popular in France. There are special types of mollusks that are used to prepare dishes. The most popular in this regard are snails grape benefits of which are open to cooks for a long time. In hundreds of grams of cooked snails, contains:

  • 5 g of carbohydrates;
  • 32 g fat;
  • 10 g of protein;
  • magnesium, iron and calcium;
  • vitamins B12 and B6.

Meat snails tasty and soft. It is dietary and easily absorbed by the body. It is useful to use this product to pregnant women, children. It has been proven that the meat of the snails normalizes the metabolism, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cosmetic procedure using snails is perhaps the most shocking and at the same time the most expensive method of rejuvenating the skin of the face. Not every woman can even imagine crawling mollusks on their face. However, the result is worth it. Secret allocated by snail is replete useful properties. The substance has regenerating antiseptic properties, contains a plurality of vitamins and glycolic acid.

Giant Akhatin (Akhatina Fulica) with antiquity used for healing wounds and abrasion, curing burns and scars. The entries of an ancient Greek doctor of the hippocrates indicate that a mixture of crushed meat of snails and acidic milk was used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

On the healing properties of mucus of the Labor Mollusks first learned in South America, farms worked on which Akhatin was grown to export to France. The skin in people constantly contacting these creatures looked young, despite the unfavorable external factorsAnd damage to it quickly was healing, not leaving the trace.

Action of a snail mucus on the skin

The slime mucus consists of two components: water and mucin, a complex protein that contributes to the restoration of the shell. Muzin as a biologically active substance activates the function of fibroblasts involved in the formation of the extracellular structure of the tissue, as well as proteins - collagen and elastin. Age changes along with the effects of ultraviolet rays reduce the activity of fibroblasts, reducing their number. As a result, the structural integrity of the dermis is broken, and visible signs of its aging appear: extended pores, loss of elasticity, wilting, wrinkles.

A snail secret stimulates formation, collagen and hyaluronic acid, reducing the activity of free radicals. In the course of a series of clinical trials, it was proved that the secret of the black snail improves largely appearance The skin gives it smoothness and elasticity, reduces the amount of wrinkles, in general, by 29% and 16% reduces their depth.

The snail mucus acts simultaneously both on the deep layers of the skin, eliminating the problems caused by changes in age and photorestation, and on the epidermis effectively struggling with bacteria and viruses, acne, and other skin diseases.

So, thanks to the integrated effects of a whole set of natural components, the clams are widely used in medicine, and in cosmetology. The mucus of the snails is added to various rejuvenating creams and masks, and the animals themselves use for face massage.

Use of Akhatina mucus

Exotic procedures with the use of Muzin are usually carried out in beauty salons under the supervision of specialists. Akhatins used for cosmetic purposes must be active, healthy and grown in special conditions. The most efficient and expensive procedure is a snail massage.

The procedure is as follows: the pre-purified face of the patient is wiped with a cotton swab, richly moistened in milk. Several mollusks are placed, allowing them to move freely throughout the surface of the face and cover it with healing mucus. Then the snails are removed from the skin and are waiting for 15-20 minutes. After the substance is completely driving, the mucin is washed off with warm water. Feelings are not from the best, but the incredible softness and tenderness of the skin are guaranteed.

Practice and other way to handle the face of Muzin of a black snail. The assembled in advance mucus is applied in pure form on the skin or added to cosmetic masks mostly from natural components (for example, a mask from a snail and clay). To collect mucus of mollusks are placed in a glass container, and begin to scare, constantly touching a wooden skewer or a teaspoon. In a state of stress, a snail is distinguished by a lot of mucus.

It is worth noting that maximum amount Substances are produced in the process of movement of the brochonog mollusk. Accordingly, wanting to get rid of cosmetic defects (scars after acne), it is better to give preference to a snail massage.

In addition, industrial cosmetics with a low-purity mucus content is inferior of a fresh secret. Therefore, to achieve one hundred percent effect, cosmetologists recommend using exceptionally fresh mucin.

Cosmetics based on slim mucus

Thanks to its striking regenerating properties, the product secreted by achatines often serves as one of the main components of cosmetics (creams, masks) designed to solve a variety of skin problems.

Creams with low-voltage mucus are characterized by a special, drawn structure, therefore, and their face is different from applying a conventional cream. The remedy must be applied with small portions, driven by gear of the fingers into the skin. Light, patting movements should be carried out until the cream is completely absorbed.

Despite the viscous structure of Muzin, creams with its content are well absorbed, without forming a sticky film on the face. However, they are poorly combined with tonal bases. In this regard, such a cream is better to use before bedtime, as a night, especially with combined and fat.

To achieve visible and stable results, the creams with snail mucus are recommended to use for two or three months, applying twice a day (in the morning and evening).

There is an erroneous opinion that the cream with the secret of Akhatina must certainly store in the refrigerator. It is not necessary. Most of these funds contain various antibacterial ingredients and preservatives, so it can be stored at room temperature. And low temperatures can lead to the loss of the texture of the cream and its stratification.

If you suddenly get the houses of such snails like Akhatina, and do not have a squeamishness to these soft and slippery creatures, try to perform such an unusual. Several sessions are enough for the skin again shone. Recovering with deep moisture will make the skin smooth and beautiful.


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