Love for arrestant VK. Love on par

Love for arrestant VK. Love on par

We somehow with a colleague on work decided to relax and drink. It calls her familiar, ZK, she was so cute with him twitter, and I was so lonely ... Then I handed him hello to him, she said that I was sad here, and I take and ask: maybe I find someone there for the soul, The phone was given my own, well, everything, I forgot about it! And after a few days, SMS came, I am such something, the growth of such something, I.T.D. I called back there, did not take the phone. Then he called himself! A week later we chose the name of our daughter ... Tomorrow 8 months as we are married!

Did you dream that you madly fall in love with a strong and courageous man, fully devoted only to you and ready to roll the mountains? A man who will protect you from all troubles?

It is such an image that exploit prison prisoners, sending hundreds love letters Women from 15 to 50 years. And often in these gentle messages, the topic of injustice of punishment sounds. The prisoner exposes itself to the victim of circumstances or "evil people," causing sympathy for his suffering. And, unfortunately, many women entering the correspondence with prisoners, "regret" quickly goes to "love".

The most important thing in these letters and phone calls - He sincerely admire a woman, dreams of meetings, confesses to love, promises to fulfill anyone her desires "when we are together." Often these letters on behalf of different men The same professional "copywriters" write on the zone.

What women are in the risk group?

We were released on December 24th. Everything was good, love, tenderness. Two kids are small. He restored all the documents, everything was done. Only now the work could not find anything. It was possible to settle only at the end of February ... and then he began to drink. Everything he is not that, all he is not. From work drunk came, it was not enough for him, there is no money, he is your former to friends. Could not sleep at home. In the next such ripple, I told him that I could not do so more that the problem should be solved. And he tells me: "I can't be sober, I get tired of a family, children run there here." Well, why should I need it. I gathered things and decided to leave ... The Entip ... That evening he beat me ... I knocked out my teeth, half the face was blue! And all these children saw. I barely fell, friends helped, hid, he called everyone with threats. And then he slept, I realized that I had done, and began to be silent to forgive, I crawled on my knees, cried. I, fool, forgave! Returned to the apartment. He came from work, played with children, everything is like in a good family ... 2 weeks passed! And everything happened. Now I filed for divorce !!! He says that I was to blame for everything, I knew you who got married !!! This is not believing that I lost everything in the sake of him: loved ones, apartments, friends. I came to this outstand, waited for him. And now I have nowhere to go with children. And he also says that he will not give me a calmly live !!! The court gave us for a reconciliation of 3 months ...

It is very scary, but the fact: in one degree or another, almost all women can be in the risk group. Someone more, someone less, but all. We only learn such words as "self-esteem", "psycho-injury", "dependent relationship", "violence". We learn that families where there are addicted people, where authoritarians or the opposite, are very led by parents, strongly affect the perception by the child of reality. We grow with a black hole in the shower. With unstable self-esteem, with the perception of oneself as unworthy love. But the desire of love is still with us. And since we often launch basic things, unconditional adoption, which we can only get from parents in infancy, then we are looking for it from other people. And we are ready to close your eyes, the psyche is protected from pain and disappointment, denying obvious things. We are enough like a sirot kitten, stroke, and we are ready to go behind this person anywhere.

How is the dependence on these relationships?

We're home. I have no joy. Was much happier while he was there. So he says. I mad, waiting for a year and a half. I went to DS, and the gears drove, and everyone as everyone pulled him down at par. Three months thumps. Again I climbed into the crime. Hop-stop, etc. Four droppers and a week in drug treatment, after which he got drunk to a piggy squeal. Already, the Vienna cut themselves. There is no rest to me nor him. My help does not accept: just be there. Where near? To dangle with you to dubious companies and drink? Not for me. We live in the same city. He is with my mother, I am at home with my parents. He would have lived together, everything would be different. I answer: "Go work, take off housing, I'll be there." Type, never take. But trying to search her - no time. On the street is good weather, and vodka by the river. In the rare minutes of rubbed - crying. "I lose you, I don't live without you," but I don't want to change anything. I suffer and regret, and I just just stupidly and selfishly wait, when the soul stops whining and hurt for him, and I can calmly leave and do not look around. There is no future there and will not. I give tribute to the happy moments that we had here all. The end.

Feeling in love with the fairy tale created by professionals, the woman turns out to be emotional dependence on its illusions. In general, this is a flight from the difficulties of the reality in which she lives. Admiring and loving her man is perceived by a pricked prince from the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". And the woman sincerely believes that the love "will declare" her hero. He will come to freedom and will create her promised in the letters the perfect world.

So the woman trustfully falls into dependence. There is a substitution of valid illusory. From now on, its future is connected only with his beloved, and the woman is forced to play according to his rules, sharing his values \u200b\u200band observing the code of the behavior of the wife of the prisoner. In such a merger, it is impossible to adequately perceive his love. Any attempts of friends show the "true face" prince rejected. It is impossible to recognize reality or refuse for it: in case of incorrect behavior, it is waiting for the painful loss of the relationship that it has.

The psyche has a way of self-preservation from destruction. These are psychological protection: denial and displacement make it possible to gradually survive blows from pain and grief, giving graduality in living losses. But the same psychological protection is triggered and then when we want to hide and from other types of pain: from the truth to which to believe too hard for us, from the crashes of our illusions. Just because I really want to believe, you are craving for love and adoption. Therefore, we can be mistaken for a long time about what people are next to us. This mechanism works not only in the case of relations with prisoners, but also in relations with dependent people, as in relations where there is psychological and physical violence. One of the bright examples of the self-defense of the psyche is "Stockholm" syndrome. When the victim of violence falls in love with a rapist.

The girl "Bitsevsky Maniac" in recent days is actively discussing on social networks. It is worth noting that many serial killers, well-known criminals and terrorists have found behind bars: Theodore Bande, who killed 13 people Pedophile Richard "Night Stalker" Ramirez, Oscar "Butcher" sick, Andreas Breivik and many others.

Probably, their choices attracted the "brand awareness": prison novels quickly spin in the press, and the memoirs of the second halves of all sorts of monsters diverge as hot cakes. Love stories of less famous prisoners remain most often for the scenes. Meanwhile, women who are ready for various reasons to spend their time, money and unranded emotions for men from seats of imprisonment, today in Russia a great set.

Cupid flies over our zone

In the time of "Kalina Red" Shukshina, when the rows of men were severely shutdled by the war, "Zaughter" was looking for husbands with the help of newspapers and "paper" letters. Today with the development of the Internet and mobile communication, this process has simplified significantly. Prisoners, or "arrestants", as they themselves call themselves, can get acquainted with the girls themselves different ways: "Randomly" is mistaken by the number when sending SMS or call, in ordinary social networks like "Odnoklassniki" or "Vkontakte" and on specialized resources - dating sites for a contingent from imprisonment.

Screenshot from dating site for arrestants

"Responsible, kind, hard-working, not a lawless person. I am looking for a girl for communication, CDS (short-term and long-term dates. - approx. "Snow .TV"), and can create a family, "" responsive, I want to find the only one that will not betray me and will not quit in a difficult minute "," attentive, Thoughtful, I sometimes be hot-tempered, but quickly leave. I would like to find a kindred soul, "they talk about their virtues of a man.

All as on ordinary "marriage" sites: age, hobbies, marital status, the presence of children. Confused except that the graph "end of the term": someone coming to freedom already after a day, followed, to others to look at the sky for a long year.

One of the questionnaires from dating site for prisoners. This person is serving a period in a special regime colony and Internet access does not have, ready to communicate only by Russian Post

The purpose of the acquaintance of everyone stands like a copy of: friendship, communication, family creation. Love as a possible option in the questionnaire is not offered, and this is, in fact, right. From the numerous seekers of the love of the prisoners in reality, only units want a full-fledged family. For the overwhelming majority of prisoners, such acquaintances mean a pleasant chatter, sex on long-term dates and material assistance in the form of money transfers and programs. For this reason, many s / k are at once somewhat abnormal. Nothing personal, just business.

One of the options. The zek fools the head of the girl. Love-carrot, meetings, etc.

Then (as they had written before) he asks her at par 500 thousand. With the words: I'm yours future husband. How not to give money to a person who loves you (according to him) and is about to become your husband? But after going to liberty, it turns out he has someone else and the girl's title-turn. Isn't it sorry for money? Who went to nowhere. The girl paid the ance for deception, - writes a girl on one of the "prison" forums.

According to the source "" from UFSIN, stories, as the zacks pull money from gullible women, a pond of a pride. "We have fools in the country for a hundred years old, so the business is not bad," says on the terms of anonymity, an employee of the Russian penitentiary system. - What to say, if even "Esemasku at random" work when they write: "Your son got caught with drugs." Talked with one type. He told me that he sends hundreds of SMS per day. From his words, five to ten of them are successful. "

It is worth noting that the majority of absentees are happy to be deceived. At the same time, even those who are looking for in the dungeons of Uz Gimenta are protected.

"Dil place those who allow themselves to breed ... Simply fool !!! And you do not need to brand the zekov! There is no better situation here: you will come to the seateron - bred; In the Tsirill, the same story !!! And in love, do not swear, and they are not credited to the goddesses; Only be born, and even then fake ... ", - Woman on one of the thematic forums.

The interests of rogues are not limited to money and "transmissions". Many are ready to take a lady under the crown right now. The stamp in the passport is thrust certain privileges besides Baulov with food and sex on DESES. "Usually the name is all in a row, but it depends on how sitting and which time. The first brave aggravated and financially able to pull this is certainly sweeter, "the experienced abnormalist writes.

My first time sits, at least I say so, already served a year and a half, there was still 6.5 years left, I wrote to me that everything was thrown with his will, there is no support, it's not foresee, after all 4 I have kids. He says that he just wants a family to be waiting for, but immediately emphasizes that the family will help in reducing the term and when serving on par, - quote from one of the thematic forums.

"Yes, it is partly so," the lawyer of Oksana Mikhalkin commented on this story. - A stamp in the passport is one of the points of refiner to parget, but it is not decisive. The main thing is a positive characteristic of the management of the correctional institution, the lack of breakdowns of the schedule and so on. "

Happy stories, when the narrowed came out and together with his beloved began to live-wear it well, on the forums of "prison" sites is extremely few. Tolstoy wrote that all families were unhappy in their own way, but this apparently concerns only the "free" cells of society. Prison novels most often end with financial "chidelov", tumaki, serious injuries, and broken hopes and hearts.

Nevertheless, novels with z / k from "free" women bloom with a rapid color. Moreover, they diligently protect their chosen from attacks in the spirit: "Well, why did you want, he has three times for murder and robbery."

In Russia, about 14 thousand women die annually from domestic violence. And not always the husbands of the former ZK. Just do not understand what a division is? If a man behaves like a scum in relation to a woman, then what's the difference from which side of the fence? - writes one of the couches.

"If hits! That is primitive! And connected to the low egregor !!! (Read about the egregors and draw astrology) With a high egregor, he would brought you up intellectually with love! "," Explains the reasons for the bad behavior of the cavalier of another "Zaoh" (this is called the heroine of prison novels themselves. - Approx. "Snow .TV") one From the arrestants.

But what attracts women in prisoners?

"Zahi" and sigh

After carefully having studied hundreds of duchsher, "" managed to highlight the four main types of "Zaoh".

First, these are ladies with reduced self-esteem, most often with children who have a serious lack of male attention. Get acquainted with ordinary person For some reason, they do not come out, and here - "What no, and your own. In their ideas, if they warm up the "unfortunate" arrestant, giving all the unprinted / accumulated love, then he will immediately be corrected, takes the mind and will become an exemplary member of society.

By the way, about the presence of children - this is what you need for ZP. Their number will never scare them (at different from the free) woman. Wishing to find not only a husband. But a daddy to his children (by the way. All this is nonsense that you can find a daddy - your children are needed only to you), so this is a woman - excellent prey !!! Especially if the woman "is enough of the mind" to introduce his children with a potential dad ... Here it is, the woman is completely falling in love with a common language with a child very quickly, and it is always wondering how the baby is at Mom ... well, etc. ... Among Lovelasov generally makes the opinion that mothers are easier to cling, - quote with the thematic forum.

Secondly, these are lung and poorly educated girls. "Ride the ears", the arrestants are able to mother do not burn. Among them are a lot of everyday good psychologists.

I communicated with the chief of one colony. He says, the prisoners have a kind of school universities in preparation for correspondence novels. They spend each other, because they understand that, especially if the families are not secured and the parcels, no one sends, "he warms it," you will simply die there. So they tame these fools that are used in all respects - says Irina Morozova,
warriness of psychology MOU "Institute of Upper Sollar".

Fall in love with a invented virtual image - easier lung, because such network lobs know exactly what and when to speak to girls. By the way, for the same reason, the third category "Zoh" is caught on the hook of amurists in prison ries. This is married ladies from secured families, where the husband rises from morning to night, not paying enough attention to the spouse. They are not looking for purposeful cavaliers behind bars, usually it casual dating On the same "classmates."

And then such sensitive real, although stunned men begin to say the ladies what they want to hear. Husband forgot from the wedding anniversary to congratulate? Here is a goat! I would never do it! Didn't pay attention to a new hairstyle? Skaling blind! Oh yes, today it turned out exactly 500 hours, as we met. Here you, honey, from me a valuable souvenir from the online store.

Feeding in love with such understanding the female heart of the invented hero, the ladies become a victim of fur officers. "I have a lot of some of the real acquaintances of whom I know in life now sitting now, my husband also has all friends, and this by the way is practiced constantly. So they still rzut over it with each other and treat, but no one like that of "divorced women did not help ...) they gave it to the money voluntarily, no one forced, did not take it, did not threaten, everything is in beauty," he writes one of the ladies on the forum.

In addition, real men who can stand up for the honor of the lady today are rare, and here is a whole world of thyough romance. "The choice is sufficient, just who needs a person who has an intestine of a subtle to get a pen at case," he writes one of these women.

Men "with fat intestines" attract the last, the most small and adequate category of prosperity of adventure on "their ninety". Such women are aware of what they go, they are difficult to "dilute" for money. Probably flashes what they "tamed the beast." A kind of sexual perversion: a cruel killer, but, like you, I have under the heel.

Despite explicit differences, all these four categories of types unites not only love for prisoners. More precisely, they are drawn to the arrestants to the same reasons.

"They all unite common features: unrealizations and lack of attention from the opposite sex. It is clear that the need for the attention of each individual. One thing is generally a shortage of attention: they agree to anyone. Ranish, yes yours. For those for whom the sample - a sample of masculinity, this is a lack of attention from a strong man, "explained" Snow. Tv "nuances in terms of science of Irina Morozova.

For example, a psychologist tells, they like a man who suppresses. Usually this is the image of the father, which was dominant, and it is fixed in the subconscious. Intelligent points they usually lack them. "This is the implementation of such marsh dreams, but in a kind of version," Morozova noted. - Ideal, he is all different. "

This unsatisfied need is still exacerbated by low, as a rule, intelligence and education, - concluded a psychologist. -Women experiencing attention deficit that are self-sufficient and educated, they, initially understanding and reflecting that they are missing men, they simply will simply be simply clicked into this garbage. And here is low intelligence and confidence: suddenly here exactly me and lucky. In addition, according to our mentality, the Russian woman is still very expressed maternal need to take care. Susty is always more like.

Letters with small handwriting

"So looks like Tamagochi toy. Breaks in the phone and loves much, "says about virtual love for s / to one of the women. It is worth noting that the Amours of the prisoners are mostly illegal. One thing is a letter in an envelope with a stamp from Russian Post, and quite another - online communication. Smartphones in "Zones" - under the ban. Nevertheless, calls, SMS and emails go from the colonies of the overall mode, and even strict. "By and large, the reason is one: employees (MLS. - approx." Snow .TV ") such. Must withdraw everything, but it even happens that they themselves bring themselves - they sell, "said Snow. Tv source in UFSIN.

This does not deny the prisoners themselves. According to them, even if the phone is found during the search, the sheltered, most likely, will be punished not for the "tube", and for any other breakdown of the routine.

How can the phone get into the colony? If the staff themselves did not sell it, then it is either recorded there, or move through the fence. If it is "pass", then security is to blame. If "skid", then it is minus "operations". If you decorate the found phone officially, then you need to look for the guilty. What is this: "pass", "proces", something else. It's easier to write off for something else, hemorrhoids less, - explained to the conditions of anonymity, the representative of the "prison" department.

The struggle against telephoneization of the colonies would solve the problems of many scams, not only the marriage, but so far the domestic penitentiary system can cope with it. What is the reason - in corruption or low qualifications of employees of MLS - "" answer is not taken.

Quotes of abnormalities and prisoners "Snow .TV" publishes as it is, without correcting spelling and punctuation errors.

"Waited" - That is how the dismissive tone call girls waiting for their beloved from the places of imprisonment. Transmissions, tedious trips for long-term dates, rudeness of the warders - all this is unpleasant to the life of the new "abnormal", but almost invariably ends with painting in colony and white wedding dress. It turns out that love can be indulged in high fences, and the term in a correctional institution is not a hindrance of relations.


When I was 22, I literally escaped from the first husband with the child, returned to my hometown and began to establish my life. I even was afraid of thinking about meeting with someone to meet - I once conveyed a man. But in May 2014, on one of the dating sites, my future husband wrote me, while not saying that he was prisoner. Just wrote that now he is in the contract service in the army. We began to communicate, and a few days later Kazbek offered me to meet. I agreed.

on one of the dating sites I wrote my future husband, while not saying that he was prisoner

Two weeks later, he wrote me a huge message that in fact he is not a contractor, and sit for him and a year and a half. He said that I can throw it if it was not satisfied with me. Attached his photo. I do not think that it would not change my attitude towards him. I am Muslim, so after a couple of months we registered nicks ( approx. ed. - the marriage contract, which is between a man and a woman according to the rules of Sharia) In the mosque through his witnesses. Kazbek comes out in November. I do not regret my decision.


On a dating site, he wrote me that she was looking for a girl for a serious relationship. At first did not say what sits. He said that he was 32 and lives in Samara. So we communicated a couple of days. Later he admitted that he was in the colony. It turned out that he had a wife, she was 21. She promised that he was divided into her. We have talked since 2012, he came out in 2014, and now we have a family.

Periodically, he goes out in stump, so I can hardly be congratulated with a successful choice of satellite life.

For two years I have never traveled to him, but immediately after his release he came to me. Divorced his wife. True, for a long time she repulsed us by calls, trying to return her husband. Parents did not quite understand my choice, but then humble. Periodically, he goes out in stump, so I can hardly be congratulated with a successful choice of satellite life.


He came out of prison, flew to me. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a banal alcoholic. It is unlikely that we will stay together with him ... I know one thing: if you could return the time ago, I would not look in his direction.


We met two years ago after his liberation. He removed my accommodation. As a result, in a month, when he was going to leave in his city, we realized that we could no longer part. Then, unfortunately, it was detained again. In 5 days we have a wedding in a colony. Rings bought, outfit picked up. I want to look beautiful, even if the wedding is in such a place.

I want to look beautiful, even if the wedding in the colony.

Most recently went to him on a long date. She was preparing for a week, everything purchased, collected bags. Then I went to the colony by taxi. I came there, wrote a statement. After a couple of hours I came for me. Passport was taken, they gave a pass, watched me, checked all the products. Wish a happy holiday. With a future husband, we lived for three days. Rooms, of course, small but cozy. In general, there are good conditions.


We met on the phone when he served the term - the wrong number and got on me. Began to communicate. Every month I went to short-term dates. It happens just enough: you come to prison, write a statement. He is carried by the head of the colony, then discharge the pass, and you go to the checkpoint. We hand over the phone, they are searched and leading to the booths. There you are already waiting for a husband. Sit down, phone in your hands, and enjoy the conversation with your loved one for four hours.


I got acquainted on the dating site just over a year ago. I had a very difficult period in my life. Began to communicate by phone. Six months later I came to him on the COP ( approx. ed. - short-term date). Around it turned out to be much more cute than in the photo! He offered to marry, I agreed.

We were given a certificate of marriage, and we diverged: he is in the chamber, I am home.

I did not prepare for the wedding. The head of the painting has occupied less than a minute. Leaded into a television room. - Do you agree? - Of course I agree! We gave the testimony, and we diverged: he is in the chamber, I am home.

By the way, on the expanses of groups, it seems "overheard in prison", we managed to find two prisoners who do not mind our success in front of the former and current models.


I have romantic story. She just mistaken the number. I remember, I was still a little bit ponted, I am free. I had to confess, of course. Soon she became my wife. Jealous me to the former girl. Sitting me a little more than 6 years. Recently, though, quarreled with his wife. Our relationship on the verge of divorce. But in general, my wife is super secrete.


I am a recidivist. Sat in Fernovo. I got acquainted with my wife on the phone. For me it was very surprising - not every girl agrees to communicate with a recidivist. It so happened that we loved each other. I went out, and we, making sure our feelings, got married. This is how sometimes it happens: not all prisoners persecute mercenary interest.

The disgusting men nourish an obvious passion for the study of bizarre, hidden and marginal phenomena. The "Zagul" phenomenon is just the case: it is associated with the world of people who are at the very election of society and at the same time have long drilled his own LAZ into the world of Internet culture. And we, in turn, we cannot pass by such a thing.

Relatively recently, the broad public discovered the existence of "wait" - women who wait for their own. Pikabu portal users were laughed at the wackings, one relatively popular video cell and a couple of editions. But the topic is much more interesting than the banal source of jokes. Even no one in the wave of recent interest was almost allocated from the society the wait for a separate grouping, worthy of particular attention - "Vochnitsa". So the girls who got acquainted with the arrests remotely, and then twisted the relationship of varying degrees of proximity: right up to the wedding and children.

There are well-being of many prisoners on the absenters: they collect transfers, purr compliments into the phone phone and come on dates (including for sex). And if the behavior of ordinary wait still can be understood - even though the alarm, but the husband is the reasons why women are ready to dissolve in an unfamiliar Sidelts, completely foggy. We studied the Universe of the Universities, tried to understand the motives of these girls and even talked with those who served prisoners for years.

Zaughter - the phenomenon is not new: they acquainted by the Internet, and to the phone - through the newspaper headings like "I am looking for you." In the seaside world, this category has existed since last millennium; One of the early songs of the respected in the painted circles of Ivan Kochin is devoted to the gravity of such girls.

Now the arrestants find absenters through dating sites or just rapidly calling the numbers. Most girls have the story of the fabricated love described by the same type of proposal: "They wrote off, then he learned that ZK, phoned, I liked the voice, went to DS (a long date), got pregnant, signed, he was sitting for another 8 years." Surprisingly, women come on dates for a person who saw in best case on the picture. What, however, does not interfere with the DS married.

The typical life of the insurgency pendulum swings between endless correspondence with prisoners, rare trips to the zone and hard work, diluted with children. Usually, an even unquided existence of a dark dome also covers the financial factor - the cargo of the Credit and debt on the shoulders is also located and the cargo of the CC content: a man must "replenish the balance", give money to cigarettes and collect transfer. Expensive DSs are usually also paid from the female pocket. In the infinite supply of the architectant of Zaughter, they do not see anything galloping - after all, when a loved one comes out, all suffering will be rewarded by a hundredfold.

If it is deeply not going to go into the topic, you might think that a typical abnormalist is an old, a terrible woman with two children and hopelessly tortured look. Or a 16-year-old dug, plunged into the smooth romance. To put it mildly, it is not like this: it is worth the photos of the community activist "overheard in prison" (and similar), as the illusion will dispel. Abochnya are different: without education and with a degree, flickering and with the Selfie Gallery from the fitness club, the unemployed and leaders, elderly and minors. Some people look so catchy that not every free man would dare to get acquainted - and he would have picked up the words while the girl was sent to the love of the 55-year-old inhabitant IC "White Swan", the last time to be freedomed during Gorbachev.

In trying to understand why this is happening, Elena Omelchenko, the director of the Center for Youth Research (CMI) HSE in St. Petersburg interviewed several dozen former and acting abnormalities. "Light prey, as a study showed, women that feel unhappy for one reason or another and having a low self-esteem," says Elena on the website. Mostly such women find it hard to find a man in the wild, but rather women themselves assured themselves that they do not need ordinary partners: children, old age, exhausting work, bad appearance. Usually, in the depths of the soul, an ancient psychological trauma dust dust; Without having to heal it (in Russia, it is not customary to go to psychotherapists), they are given to the slavery to the arrestant. Which usually owns basic psychological skills - on the Internet it is easy to find guides on the temptation of the boss, written by the prisoners themselves. As a result, it turns out a rather unpleasant scheme: a woman gives all his own for the sake of often unfamiliar beloved, in the hope that the newly acquired man will ever give her happiness.

Elena Omelchenko marks another interesting effect that explains the habit of women to sign with the arrests almost at the first meeting. The majority of absentees who married convicts chose satellites with double-digit periods. Usually, the history of such women already has a couple of husbands of gone - therefore they are subconsciously (and even consciously) choose men who will not go anywhere at the next ten years.

For many years, incense abandoned with the arrestant, the woman builds a cracked Erzatz family - at home at a married snaggy photo from the wedding, "souvenirs" from prison, constantly ready for a conversation phone, on the floor lie collected to send Baula. At work and many acquaintances of Zaughter tell me that their husband is working in the north; This is also explained by regular 3-4 days of vacation. As Omelchenko notes, on dates, the woman drags as much as possible things from his apartment, so that during the DS to create the illusion of "free", domestic life. Thus, the woman exists in parallel in the two worlds - prison and family - none of whom fully belongs to it. What is happening in the soul at the absenteeism, when the paddle displays briefly, - it remains only to guess.

Of course, it is not worth discounting and romantic halo, hiding around the throat world. Contrary to stereotypes, not only adolescents, although they are first. An adult woman can also be seduced by stories about the intricacies of the prison hierarchy, a fundamental refusal of work and the exclusive skill of the prisoner to love. "I didn't sit - not a man" - In some circles, these words speak in full, and a woman who grew up among such rhetoric, very little chance of acquiring her husband, never visited the other side of the barbed wire.

Also, the courners unites the Holy Confidence in the innocence of their beloved. Almost all prisoners fell on the zone or due to the meaning of law enforcement agencies ("garbage hung"), or by chance, or defending the lady. The latter is particularly popular: "The scumbags attacked the girl, he struck one, that son of the prosecutor, gave five years." Many arrestants are sitting for the sale of drugs - but in the eyes of the couch, it is not a crime, but only the desire to live well and provide a family. At one of the thematic forums, the girl shared a fascinating story: her man was planted for a group rape of a minor. Usually tolerant to someone else's time "waited" here they could not stand and still expressed a slight bewilderment. The rapist's wife dismissed: a girl, they say, she also is to blame.

The day of the release of his beloved absenteeism is looking forward to and caught: the established relationship "he is there - I am here" in the past, and not every day is ready for daily life - and not everyone. Former prisoners are socialized with great difficulty, even if they really want to be built into the world, where they do not have to walk. But not everyone has such a desire: having lived for many years among specific concepts, the former arrestant is often infected with thorough ideas ("not to work in touch") and firmly occupies a sofa of a new cohabitant. In particularly severe, but very frequent cases to the tunedom are added different kinds dependencies - and, as a result, aggression. "I left, he drinks all the time, I beat me, I don't know what to do" - very much and very common feedback in the topic "broke up" at one of the forums dedicated to prison relations.

What a boss say (some names changed)

Christina, 30 years old, real estate agent:

- We met when he was wrong with the number. Called to a friend, but scored the last figure not that, and got on me. I liked the voice. Phoned in the evening, admitted that he was sitting. I did not scare me, because the communication was pleasant, and we immediately liked each other. Actually, in a month I went to him on a short date, and then we loved each other at all. Then I got married for him. Now you are not together - broke up: I wanted to develop, and I did not want anything to really. In addition, the person, visited a couple of times, and will return to such a lifestyle.

Marina, 27 years old, cashier:

- They wrote off first on the site, then talked on the phone, then he said that he was sitting. Then it turned out that in the wild there was a wife - he said that he signed, only only if the period was spacing, and so she does not like her. Then I learned that my wife was pregnant - he said that it did not change anything, besides, it was not a fact that his child. Broke up.

Svetlana, 43 years old, teacher:

"I don't want to talk about it ... Too much bad memories, though it was long ago." I understood one thing - there are a lot of dark people, and they are constantly lying. But I still love him.

Anastasia, 22 years old, Belarusian student state University:

- I got acquainted with the guy, I drive him on a date. I somehow get acquainted, I didn't even know that the guy was sitting, and after a time he told, and so drank in the soul, they began to communicate every day. Loved each other, issued documents that I am his civilian wife. I do not know what attracted, perhaps the romance is some kind of hard to say.

In general, the world of "Zaggl" is almost unknown and unfamiliar territory for us. Not that the whole mechanism is so complicated to understand the person from the side. The motifs of Sidelts are just crystal and even trivial. But the aspirations of women who decide to link their lives with a deliberately marginal and already sitting person are understandable, most likely, even by themselves. Apparently, there is some kind of romance in this.

Nowadays, love between convicts serving the term in prisons, and free law-abiding citizens are not uncommon. Sometimes it comes to weddings, and how these weddings are passing and read further.

There is no wedding area on the women's zone. And if what happens, then they will immediately write about it in all newspapers: "Sensation! A man decided to tie his life with a lady, which three years stayed!" Recently, about one such hero, even a documentary filmed, with questions: "You are not scary?", "How did you decide on such madness?", Which voiced by someone for the scenes and with a lyrical melody in the final: here, they say that love Makes people with people.

About women experiencing tender feelings for guys who are "in places not so remote", films take less frequently. Because there is nothing sensational about it, even the announcement "female lawyer fell in love with the convicted" No one will not surprise anyone. The phenomenon is a mass, almost every sentence, and there are a million in Russia, there is a spouse, bride, or, in the extreme case, the "absenteeism" - the one that writes letters, throws money to the phone, transfers the Malyava to the right people, cotkles about references And conditionally early, goes on dates, patiently unfolds candy in every candy from those five kilograms that can be sent to the parcel. Wait. Million women's lovers - try every movie take off.

They even have their own online forums that are cracked from numerous messages like: "Girls, and someone knows how many parcels can be sent there? I recently sent five blocks of cigarettes, but I didn't fit tea." In the same place, the bride tells their love stories, which almost all begin with phrases "before he was already sitting ...", "We met, when he came out of the SIZO", "he only freed himself, served two years for the hijacking ... ".

That is, girls admit that from the very beginning they knew who they were dealing with. But then they were not afraid, and now they are not despair. Each has something like the maiden, which is supplied by all its comments. For example: "When I stop waiting for you, love, hope and believe, then I will close the windows tightly, the doors and just die." Or: "To love the whole life of the same person - this is a gift, and it doesn't matter if it has to pay for long-term in life. Agatha Christie." Or even poems: "We don't need words, you don't need a game, / only you and I and I'm not enough of the whole night. I waited for so many days, I called you, long ago I screamed that I found me ..."

But in the Perm colony at once, 15 prisoners found their narrowed, and the administration decided to register these marriages in one day. Natalia, 17-year-old Beauty, married 24-year-old Evgeny Taran, convicted for 15 years for double murder. The young people were met by correspondence, Natalia reported to journalists that "I really wanted to marry your bunny" and that her parents are not at all against these relationships, "because the main thing is love." It will not come to freedom to the freedom to come out soon, so Natalia, apparently, will have to share information with other girls on a specialized forum in the section "I can't wait."

In the colony. Meanwhile, another party of the grooms on the approach. While they are in the impact pace, they put their brides with verses and essays on the theme "only mine", so that in the spring you can wait for a new record in the number of marriages in IR N 10. Actively looking for a bride and condemned for the cannibalism Mikhail Malyshev. Sit him for another 20 years, and Mikhail believes that during this time some girl will definitely love him. Our girls have good hearts.

For the sake of justice - not only of ours. In other countries, Babonki also stand in line to get married for their zacre.


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