2 spelling of complex nouns. Spelling compound words

2 spelling of complex nouns. Spelling compound words

The formation of complex nouns occurs by combining several (usually two) independent parts into one semantic whole. Their role can be played by various parts of speech, both independent and official. Their display on the letter has its own characteristics. Today we will talk about how to write such words.

First, let's talk about what the options are. A compound noun in Russian can be written either with a hyphen, or together, or separately. The principle that lies in distinguishing between these options is the selection of words in writing. Words are separated by spaces, and their parts are written together. However, the application of this rule has its own peculiarities. The fact is that in a language integral words and their combinations are not always sufficiently clearly opposed. Therefore, in addition to the separate and continuous spelling, there is a semi-continuous, or hyphenated. A hyphen serves to separate words into parts (for example, a firebird), or connects parts of a phrase into one whole (science fiction writer). After reading this article, you will learn how to spell a particular complex noun correctly.

Continuous spelling

Words that are formed using connecting consonants are written together. This also includes all formations with auto-, aero-, air-, cinema-, motorcycle-, photo-, auto-, electro-, meteo-, stereo-, agro-, hydro, micro-, bio-, zoo-, neo-, macro. There are many examples, here are just a few of them: flax harvesting, farmer, water supply, airport, motorcycle race, car rally, photo reportage, electric motor, bicycle racing, macrocosm.

Compound nouns are written together if they are inflected and their first verb part ends in -i. Examples: a tree, an adonis, a wimp, a snout, a skopid, a wimp, a daredevil.

Hyphen spelling

A complex noun should be written through a hyphen if it has the meaning of one word and it consists of 2 nouns used independently, connected by vowels e or o. Examples: boy-woman, firebird, cafe-restaurant, diesel engine, major general, prime minister, Buryat-Mongolia. Note that in this case, when the word is declined, only the second noun changes.

The following examples apply to the same rule: purchase and sale, hut-reading room, saw-fish, good-boy, Moscow-river. However, in these cases, both nouns change with declension.

In addition, the names of political directions and parties that are composite, as well as their supporters, should be written through a hyphen. Examples are as follows: social democrat, social democracy,

Complex units

Hyphenated spelling is correct if we are dealing with complex units of measurement. In this case, it does not matter whether this complex noun is formed with the help of a connecting vowel or not. Examples: kilowatt-hour, ton-kilometer, man-day. However, there is an exception to this rule - this word workday, which should be written in one piece.

Other cases of hyphenation

Let's continue to look at the spelling of complex nouns. A hyphen should be put in the case of the name of foreign language and Russian intermediate cardinal points. Examples: north-east, north-east etc.

Combinations of words that have the meaning of nouns are written through a hyphen if these combinations include:

a) a verb used in a personal form (flower love-not-love, plant dont touch me);

b) union (plant ivan da marya);

c) preposition ( Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Rostov-on-Don, Frankfurt-on-Main).

Foreign language elements often have their own characteristics. Their use in different rules is often negotiated separately. In our case, the hyphenated spelling of complex nouns is correct if their first component is foreign language elements non-commissioned, chief, vice, headquarters, ex... Examples include the following: life medic, ex-champion, vice president, headquarters.

Spelling of complex nouns, the first part of which is half-

If the first part of a compound word is floor- (meaning "half"), and then follows a noun in R. p., which begins with a consonant " l " or with a vowel, the hyphenated spelling is correct. Examples: half an apple, half a turn, half a lemon. In other cases, complex nouns are written together. Examples: half an hour, half a meter, half a room. However, if after floor- it will be appropriate to use a hyphen in case you have complex nouns in front of you. Examples: half of Europe, half of Moscow... Words are always written together that start with semi-... Examples: semicircle, half-station, half a verst from the city.

Application highlighting features

If the word being defined is immediately followed by a one-word application, use a hyphen between them. Examples: Anika the warrior, Masha the frolic, the old mother.

If a one-word attachment, which in meaning can be equated to an adjective, follows the defined word, the hyphen is not put. Example: handsome son.

If an application or a defined word itself is written with a hyphen, it is not placed between them. Example: social Democrats Mensheviks.

Russian compound surnames

Compound surnames should be written through a hyphen, which were formed by adding two personal names, that is, when complex nouns are formed when they are combined. Examples: Skvortsov-Stepanov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Andersen-Nexe, Mendelssohn-Bartholdi and others.

Personal surnames and names associated with nicknames are written separately with them. Examples: Muravyov the Hanger, Vanka Kain, Ilya Muromets.

Foreign language compound surnames

It is necessary to put a dash between parts of the word if we are dealing with foreign language compound surnames in which the first part Saint or Sep-... Examples: Saint-Saens, Saint-Just, Saint-Simon etc. It is also necessary to write oriental personal names (Arabic, Turkic, etc.) with a final or initial component indicating social status, kinship, etc. Examples: Osman Pasha, Izbail-bey, Tursun-zade, Ibn-Fadlan and etc.

However, it should be clarified that dash-separated compound names, the first part of which is don-, are written only in cases where the main part of the name is not separately used in Russian. Examples: Don Quixote, Don Juan... However, if the word "don" means "lord", it should be written separately. Examples: don Basilio, don Pedro.

It should also be taken into account that particles and articles that are parts of foreign surnames are written without a hyphen, that is, separately. Examples: le Chapelier, von Bismarck, de Valera, de Coster, Lope de Vega, Leonardo da Vinci, von der Goltz, Baudouin de Courtenay. Particles and articles, without which surnames of this type are not used, must be written with a hyphen. Example: Van Dyck.

It should be said that some other foreign-language surnames have their own characteristics in the Russian transmission. Particles and articles in them are written together, so that their spelling can be separate in the corresponding languages. Examples: Delisle, Decandolle, Laharpe, Lafontaine... As you can see, the spelling of compound nouns that are proper names of foreign language origin has many nuances. We have considered the main ones, it remains to tell only about the last one.

It should be borne in mind that names of different categories are not connected with hyphens, like Russian surnames, first names and patronymics. Example: Guy Julius Caesar.

We now turn to the features of displaying geographical names in writing.

Geographic names consisting of two nouns

They are hyphenated when they consist of two nouns. Examples: Kamyanets-Podolsk, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Serdtse-Kamen... The same applies to words consisting of a noun followed by an adjective. Examples: Gus-Khrustalny,

Other cases of hyphenated place names

Combinations consisting of a particle or article with a significant part of speech should also be written through a hyphen. Examples include: Bay of De Castries, city of La Carolina, city of Le Creusot.

The names of settlements are written with a hyphen if they include as the first part: top-, salt-, ust- etc. The same applies to some names with the first part lower-, upper-, old-, new- and so on, with the exception of those cases when a continuous spelling is fixed on geographical maps or in reference publications. Examples: Verkh-Irmen, Sol-Iletsk, Ust-Abakan, Novo-Vyaznikibut: Maloarkhangelsk, Novosibirsk, Novoalekseevka, Starobelsk.

If geographical names that are composite are formed from the names of parts of a particular geographical object with or without a connecting vowel, then in this case a dash is also put. Examples: Alsace-Lorraine, Austria-Hungary. An exception - Czechoslovakia.

Separate spelling of place names

However, in some cases place names should be written separately. This applies primarily to words consisting of an adjective followed by a noun; or if a noun follows a number. Examples: Nizhny Tagil, Belaya Tserkov, Seven Brothers, Yasnaya Polyana.

Also, nouns must be written separately if they are surnames. Examples: erofey Pavlovich station, Lev Tolstoy village.

City names with the second part - city or - city

The names of cities are written in one piece if the second component of them is -city or -grad... Examples: Ivangorod, Uzhgorod, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Leningrad.

Writing options

It should be noted that there are fluctuations in the spelling of some complex words that have appeared in the language recently. Examples: parking space and parking space, ton-kilometers and ton-kilometers, tonnes per day and tonnage-days... These spelling options are explained by the presence of connecting vowels ( tons-o-mileage, cars-o-place). Thus, they are influenced by the general rules of writing. It is preferable to write them together.

So, we examined the continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex nouns. Of course, we have analyzed only the main cases. There are many nuances in this topic, so you can improve in it for a long time. However, we have presented the basic information, and in most cases it is quite enough to write correctly complex nouns.

1. Complex nouns with elements are written together auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, bicycle-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, iso-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono-, moto-, neo- , paleo-, radio-, stereo-, television-, photo-, electro- etc., regardless of the number of named elements or other words in the stem. For instance: autobusiness, auto bikerace, agrotechnics, aerosleigh, biostation, ledsport, heliotherapy, geobotany, hydromechanics, hydrozhergoresursy, zooveterinary office, zoohygiene, isophotoreportage, film script, macrocosm, meteorological report, micro-radio waves, monoculture, motoparts, neopositivism, paleoasians, radiostaging, stereomovie, bodymovie, thermoelectriccentral, thermohydrodynamics, a photoart, electrothe wire, electrolight hospital.

Note 1. When fluctuating between hyphenated and continuous spelling of words of a foreign language, the second is preferred, if in the Russian language the component parts with their inherent meaning are not distinguished in the word, for example: blitz krieg - blitzkrieg, water machine - water machine, water polo - water polo, gum arabic - gum arabic, meter "o-tel - head waiter, tabld "from - table d'hote. Wed also: crepe de chine, fadesine, fildekos, fildepers (the words do not highlight two constituent parts with a French preposition between them) - crepe georgette, crepe morocin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon. Or the continuous spelling of inflected words padegras, padecatre, padepatiner, paddespan and hyphenated non-declining words of the same semantic group pas de deux, pas de trois.

Note 2. About spelling words with an element air see § 41, item 4.

2. Complex nouns are written together with the first verb part on - and, eg: vert andneck, mountains andcolor, hold andmuzzle, osprey andhouse ripped off andhead, noise andhead. An exception: roll and-field.

3. Compound words of all types are written together, for example state committee, trade union committee, Uralmash, Central Bank.
Hyphen spelling

4. As a rule, complex nouns without a connecting vowel are written with a hyphen, denoting the names of mechanisms, as well as scientific, technical, socio-political terms, for example: automatic stacker, automatic leveling machine, vacuum apparatus (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield etc.), diesel electric ship, dynamo machine, cable crane, crane beam, motor generator, stop valve, filter press, syringe machine; chair-bed, raincoat-tent; saw-fish; Prime Minister, Lieutenant General, Captain Engineer, Lord Chancellor.

Note 1. Complex words are written together:
a) with the first part board-: flight engineer, boardmechanic;
b) with the second part - meter: vacuum meter, dozi meter, millivolt meter.

Note 2. Words with the first part are written with a hyphen block- and press-: block apparatus, block-diagram, block-mechanism, block-signal, block-system (but blocknotes, blockgauz); P ress-attache, press-secretary, press-conference, press-center; P ress-cliche, press-conveyor, press-papier.

5. Complex units of measurement are written with a hyphen, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule etc.), kilogram-hour, ton-kilometer, man-day, man-bed.
Exceptions: work day, work hour.

6. The compound names of political movements and their supporters are hyphenated, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, national socialism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries, social democrats.

7. The names of intermediate countries of the world are hyphenated, for example: southeast, northwest, southeast.

8. Words with foreign language elements are hyphenated vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned-, headquarters-, ex- in the first part, for example: vice admiral, label-guard, ober-conductor, non-commissionedan officer, headquarters-healer, the ex-champion, ex-viceprime minister (with two hyphens).

9. Complex names of plants are written with a hyphen, which contain a verb in a personal form or a union, for example: love-not- love, not- touch-me, ivan- yes-marya, mother- and-stepmother.

10. Compound words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with an estimated meaning is appended to the main word, for example: the fight-woman, ron-company, miseryleader, goody-boy, miracle-a fish, hooray-patriotism.

11. Scientific and technical terms are written with a hyphen, which include the names of letters or letters (most often Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: alpha-particle, gamma-radiation, x-rays ( x-rays), to-particle, pi-meson.

12. Adjectives derived from hyphenated place names retain a hyphen in their spelling, for example: Alma-Ata - alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevo - orekhovo-Zuevsky, Los Angeles - los angeles. Puerto Rico - puerto Rican, and nouns formed from this chain are written together, for example: New York - new York, New Yorkers, Costa Rica - costa Rican, Costa Ricans, Kurgan-Tyube - kurgan-Tyubinsky, Kurgantyubians. The chain is subject to the same rule. ku Klux Klan - ku Klux Klan is a KLAN member.

Note 1. For hyphenating compound proper names of persons, see § 13, items 2–5, geographic names, § 17, item 4.
Note 2. About writing compound words like truth-truth, purchase and sale, name-patronymic see § 83, item 1, note. 2.

13. When combined with the help of a union and two or more compound nouns with the same second part, this part can be given only with the last word, and with the preceding words, the so-called hanging hyphen is written instead. For instance: gas- and electric welding (cf. gas welding and electric welding); water- and gas supply; radio- and TV shows; auto, motorcycle and cycling (but in the absence of a union and - continuous spelling, see above, p. 1).

Spelling complex nouns and especially adjectives is one of the tense points of modern spelling. This guide in this matter is based on the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation of 1956", as well as on the normative "Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language". There is also a slightly different approach to writing these words, for example, in the book "Together or Separately?" (experience of the reference dictionary) B.3. Bookchina and L. P. Kalakutskaya (see the appendix at the end of the book).

What is Difficult Noun Spelling? How to spell this word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

Spelling complex nouns Fused spelling 1. Complex nouns with elements of auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, velo-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, iso-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono-, moto-, neo-, paleo-, radio-, stereo-, television-, photo-, electro- and others, regardless of the number of the named elements or other words in the stem. For example: auto business, car racing, agricultural machinery, snowmobiles, biological station, cycling, heliotherapy, geobotany, hydromechanics, hydropower resources, zoovet point, zoo hygiene, isophoto reportage, movie script, macrocosm, meteorological report, microradio waves, radio frequency, monoculuralism combined heat and power plant, thermohydrodynamics, photography, electric wire, electric light and hydrotherapy. Note 1. In case of fluctuations between hyphenated and continuous spelling of words of a foreign language, the second is preferred, if in the Russian language the component parts with their inherent meaning are not distinguished in the word, for example: water machine - water machine, water polo - water polo, gum arabic - gum arabic , meter-d'hotel - head waiter, price-courant - price-list, table-d'ot - table d'hote. Wed See also: crepe de chine, faydeschine, fildekos, fildepers (the words do not distinguish two components with a French preposition between them) - crepe georgette, crepe cashmere, crepe morocin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon. Note 2. About the spelling of words with an element of avia- see § 42 (Compound words without a connecting vowel), item 4. 2. Compound nouns with the first verbal part in -and are written together, for example: vertice, adonis, derzhimorda, skopid , daredevil. Exception: tumbleweed. 3. Compositely abbreviated words of all types are written together, for example: State Committee, Metrostroy, Tulaugol, Central Bank. Hyphenated spelling 4. As a rule, complex nouns without a connecting vowel are written through a hyphen, denoting the names of mechanisms, scientific, technical, socio-political terms, for example: vacuum apparatus (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield, etc. p.), diesel-electric ship, dynamo-machine, cable-crane, crane-beam, motor-generator, stop-crane, filter press, syringe machine; submachine gun; chair-bed, raincoat-tent; saw-fish; Prime Minister, Lieutenant General, Captain Engineer, Lord Chancellor. Note 1.Complex words are written together: a) with the first part onboard-: flight engineer, flight mechanic; b) with the second part - meter: vacuum gauge, dynamometer, millivoltmeter. Note 2. Words with the first part of the block and press are written through a hyphen: block apparatus, block diagram, block mechanism, block signal, block system (but: checkpoint); press attaché, press bureau, press conference, press center; press cliché, press conveyor, paperweight. 5. Complex units of measurement are written with a hyphen, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule, etc.), kilogram-hour, ton-kilometer, man-day, man-bed. 6. The compound names of political parties and directions, as well as their supporters, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries, are written with a hyphen. 7. The names of intermediate countries of the world are hyphenated, for example: southeast, northwest, southeast. 8. Words with foreign language elements are spelled with a hyphen: vice, leib, chief, non-commissioned, headquarters, ex-in the first part, for example: vice admiral, life guard, chief prosecutor, non-commissioned officer, headquarters doctor, ex-champion, ex-deputy prime minister (with two hyphens). 9. Complex names of plants are written with a hyphen, which contain a verb in a personal form or a union, for example: love-not-love, don-touch-me, ivan-da-Marya, mother-and-stepmother. 10. Complex words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with an estimated meaning is added to the main word, for example: boy-woman, gop-company, unfortunate leader, good boy, miracle fish, hurray-patriotism. 11. Scientific and technical terms are written with a hyphen, which include the names of letters or letters (most often Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: x-rays (x-rays), k-particle, pi-meson. 12. There are fluctuations in spellings of the type Alma-Ata - Alma-Ata. Such nouns correspond to complex adjectives that, according to the existing rule are written with a hyphen (Alma-Ata, see 44, p. 4), that is, the sequence of word formation is obtained: Alma-ata - Alma-Ata - Alma-Ata. However, if in words derived from Russian geographical names, the component parts are easily distinguished (Orekhovo-Zuevo - Orekhovo-Zuevsky - Orekhovo-Zuevets), then in similar foreign language formations such division is perceived less clearly. Therefore, along with the traditional hyphenated spellings (New York - New York - New Yorkers, Los Angeles - Los Angeles - Los Angeles), there are fused spellings in derivative words (Costa Rica - Costa Rican - Costa Rican, Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican - Puerto Rican). Currently, the following spellings are accepted: adjectives are written in accordance with the rule with a hyphen (Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican, etc.), and the corresponding nouns are continuous (Alma-Ata, Orekhovozuevets, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican, etc.). Wed: Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan. Note 1. For hyphenating complex proper names of persons, see § 13 (Proper names of persons), paras. 2-5, geographical names - § 17 (Geographical and administrative-territorial names), item 4. Note 2. For the spelling of complex words like truth-truth, purchase-sale, name-patronymic, see § 83 ( Homogeneous members, not connected by unions), clause 1, note 2. 13. When combined with the help of a union and two or more compound nouns with the same second part, this part can be given only with the last word, and with the preceding words, the so-called in and with i h i d e f and s. For example: gas and electric welding (cf. gas and electric welding), radio and television broadcasts; auto, motorcycle and bicycle racing (but in the absence of a union and - a continuous spelling, see above, p. 1).

& sect 41. Connecting vowels about and e

  1. In compound words, after the stem on a solid consonant, a connecting vowel is written about , after the stem on a soft consonant, on a hissing and c - connecting vowel e ... For instance: stay-at-home, kozheed, birder, False Dmitry I.
  2. In some cases, the final soft consonant v, n, p, t the first stem is pronounced firmly and after it a connecting vowel is written about (in parallel with these words, such words are also used in which, according to the rule, e ). For instance: long-range - long-range, quarry - stone crusher, horse thief - horse breeder, bone carver - bone crushing, bloodthirsty - bloodthirsty, chanting - songwriting... Wed different formations after basing on c : trapezoid - trapezoidal - trapezoidal - trapezohedron (not in all these formations two bases are distinguished in the Russian language).

& sect 42. Compound words without a connecting vowel

  1. A distinction should be made between compound words with connecting vowels and compound words without connecting vowels. Wed: psychotherapy (psycho + therapy) - psychasthenia (psycho + asthenia).
  2. In some compound words, the first part is the word in its initial form, for example: time calculation, pastime; cotyledon, seed stem, ovule (cf .: seed growing, seed storage - with a connecting vowel).
  3. Without a connecting vowel, terms like nitrogen-fixing, forward-looking, oxygen-containing etc.
  4. The letter is saved and at the end of the element air (short for aviation) forming the first part of compound words like airbase, airborne assault, air mail, air unit etc.
  5. With a case ending in the first part, words arising from phrases are formed crazy, insane etc.
  6. In the genitive form without a connecting vowel, numeral names are part of complex words, for example: three-meter, five-time, seven-year... Exceptions are numerals one, ninety, one hundred and one thousand, eg: one-year, ninety, hundredfold, thousand-legged... Numeral forty as part of compound words, it is used in two forms: without a connecting vowel ( forty-day) and with a connecting vowel ( magpie, centipede - not in the direct meaning of the account).
  7. It is necessary to distinguish between compound words and words in which two bases are not distinguished in Russian. Wed: gas pipeline - gasification, electrician - electrification.

    Note 1. Foreign language prefixes are written on a common basis anti-, arch-, hyper-, inter-, infra-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, extra- and others, for example: antinational (but: Anti-Duhring - in the proper name function), archloot, hypersound, international, infrared, counter-offer (but: rear admiralwhere the first part has a different meaning), post-impressionism (keeping the initial root and ), postromantism (cf. the continuous spelling of the same prefix in words of foreign-language origin indivisible on morphemes: postscript, post factum etc.), dust jacket, subtropics, trans-Siberian, ultrasound, ultra-fashionable, extraordinary (but: extra mail, extra class - before a noun).

    Note 2. The initial components are written together quasi, pseudo, pan, eg: quasi-scientific, pseudo-classical, pan-Germanic (but: quasi-Pushkin, pan-Europe etc. - before proper names). About the separator mark after counter- and pan- see & sect 29, subparagraph 2; about preserving after them the initial root and see & sect 34, note 4.

& sect 43. Spelling complex nouns

Continuous spelling

To your attention - high quality and inexpensive sex toys. Choose sex toys in the largest online sex shop in Russia.

Hyphen spelling

  1. As a rule, complex nouns without a connecting vowel are written with a hyphen, denoting the names of mechanisms, scientific, technical, socio-political terms, for example: vacuum apparatus (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield etc.), diesel-electric ship, dynamo-machine, cable-crane, crane-beam, motor-generator, stop valve, filter press, syringe machine; submachine gun; chair-bed, raincoat-tent; saw-fish; Prime Minister, Lieutenant General, Captain Engineer, Lord Chancellor.

    Note 1.Complex words are written together:

    a) with the first part board-: flight engineer, flight mechanic;

    b) with the second part -meter: vacuum gauge, dynamometer, millivoltmeter.

    Note 2. Words with the first part are written with a hyphen block- and press-: block device, block diagram, block mechanism, block signal, block system (but: checkpoint); press attaché, press bureau, press conference, press center; press cliché, press conveyor, paperweight.

  2. Complex units of measurement are written with a hyphen, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule etc.), kilogram-hour, ton-kilometer, person-day, person-bed.
  3. The compound names of political parties and directions, as well as their supporters, are written with a hyphen, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries.
  4. The names of intermediate countries of the world are hyphenated, for example: southeast, northwest, southeast.
  5. Words with foreign language elements are hyphenated vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned-, headquarters-, ex- in the first part, for example: vice admiral, life guard, chief prosecutor, non-commissioned officer, head physician, ex-champion, ex-deputy prime minister (with two hyphens).
  6. Complex names of plants are written with a hyphen, which contain a verb in a personal form or a union, for example: love-not-love, don't-touch-me, ivan-da-Marya, mother-and-stepmother.
  7. Compound words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with an estimated meaning is appended to the main word, for example: boy-woman, gop-company, unfortunate leader, good-boy, miracle fish, hurray-patriotism.
  8. Scientific and technical terms are written with a hyphen, which include the names of letters or letters (most often Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: x-rays (x-rays), k-particle, pi-meson.
  9. There are fluctuations in spellings like alma-Ata people - Almaty people... Such nouns correspond to complex adjectives, which, according to the existing rule, are written with a hyphen ( alma-ata,), i.e. the sequence of word formation is obtained: Alma-ata - alma-ata - alma-ata... However, if in words derived from Russian geographical names, the component parts are easily distinguished ( Orekhovo-Zuevo - Orekhovo-Zuevsky - Orekhovo-Zuevets), then in similar foreign language formations such division is perceived less clearly. Therefore, along with the traditional hyphenated spellings ( New York - New York - New Yorkers, Los Angeles - los angeles - los angeles) are found in derivative words of spelling continuous ( Costa Rica - Costa Rican - Costa Rican, Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican - Puerto Rican). Currently, the following spellings are accepted: adjectives are written in accordance with the hyphenated rule ( alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican and so on), and the corresponding nouns are continuous ( almaty, Walnut, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican etc.). Wed: ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan.

    Note 1. For hyphenating complex proper names of persons, see & sect 13, p. 2-5, geographical names - & sect 17, item 4.

    Note 2. About writing compound words like truth-truth, purchase and sale, name-patronymic see & sect 83, item 1, note 2.

  10. When combined with a union and two or more compound nouns with the same second part, this part can be given only with the last word, and with the preceding words, the so-called v and si ch and y de f and s is written instead of it. For instance: gas and electric welding (cf. gas and electric welding), radio and television broadcasts; auto, motorcycle and bicycle racing (but in the absence of a union and - continuous spelling,).

& sect 44. Spelling complex adjectives

Continuous spelling

  1. Complex adjectives are written together, formed from combinations of words, according to their meaning, subordinate to one another or according to the method of agreement ( railway, Wed railway), or by the control method ( car repair, Wed car repair), or by the abutment method ( lightly wounded Wed easy to hurt). For instance: mine rescue station (rescue in the mountains), woodworking plant (wood trim), natural science views (natural Sciences), left bank lowland (left Coast), engineering enterprises (machine building), typewriter office (writing by machines), computer station (counting by machines), petty bourgeois ideology (petty bourgeoisie), national economic plan (National economy), shelter plantings (field protection), rail mill (rail rental), agricultural crops (Agriculture), complex sentence (complex in the way of submission), average daily production (average per day), able-bodied population (able to work).

    The rule applies to the spelling of complex adjectives formed from a combination of an adjective with a noun acting as a geographical name, for example: velikoluksky (Great Luke), vyshnevolotsk (Vyshny Volochek). Also: karlovy Vary (Karlovy Vary).

  2. Many complex adjectives used as scientific and technical terms or expressions in the book language are written together, for example: nitric acid, perpetual release, evergreen, air-dry, geological exploration, biconcave, wild-growing, long-fiber, viviparous, posterior, contagious, drought-resistant, coelenterates, equestrian, control-seeded, siliceous fluorocarbonate milk-bearing obconical, obratnoserdtsevidny, arable, primitive, perednezhaberny, horticultural, gently dipping, striated, prodolgovatomozgovoy, prochnokomkovaty, transplanting, reactive, rezkoperesechonny, svezhenadoenny, new-mown, mixed-cerebrospinal, tesnopalchaty, torfonavozny, peat-compost, conditioned reflex, formal logic, baking, grain-producing, hlopkotkatsky, cotton picking, cotton, hydrochloric, chromic acid, chromolithographic, chromium-nickel-molybdenum, color-fast, church Ovno-Slavic, private, private capitalist, private, tile-making, arthropod, wool-combed, alkaline-earth, energy-power, energy-chemical, linguistic, egg-making.

    Note 1. For many complex adjectives of this group, the first part is formed by the words:

    high-: high-vitamin, high-paying;

    low-: low-flying, low-temperature;

    deep-: deeply located, highly respected;

    small-: small-scale, fine-grained;

    heavy-: heavily loaded, seriously wounded;

    hard-: hard to reach, difficult to pass;

    wide-: widely available, broadly representative;

    narrowly-: narrow departmental, highly specialized;

    a lot of-: multi-branch, multi-layer;

    few-: insignificant, little-attended;

    strong-: strong, highly alkaline;

    weakly: slightly acidic, slightly aromatic;

    thick: thick-legged, thick-walled;

    thick-: densely doubled, densely populated;

    large-: large-block, large-panel;

    cool-: steeply curved, steeply turned;

    acutely: acute purulent, acutely deficient;

    flat-: plane-parallel, flat-bowl;

    purely-: pure silver, pure wool;

    higher-: above average, above;

    below-: below listed, undersigned.

    Note 2. In the presence of explanatory words, a free phrase (adverb and adjective or participle) is usually formed, and not a terminological compound word. Wed: densely populated areas - slums densely populated by blacks; little-researched problems - little-researched by science areas of medicine... Cases like economically underdeveloped countries (continuous spelling, despite the presence of explanatory words) are single. Word order also plays a role: a complex adjective, as a rule, precedes the noun being defined, and a phrase usually follows it; Wed: perishable food - food that spoils soon in summer... In compound words, one stress is put (sometimes with a secondary stress on the first basis), and in word combinations - two independent stress; Wed: fast growing ornamental shrubs - fast growing young staff.

  3. A continuous spelling of a complex adjective is mandatory, if one of its parts is not used as an independent word, for example: common (the first part is not used independently), narrow-chested (the second part does not exist in the language as a separate word). Wed continuous spelling of words with elements as the first part upper-, lower-, ancient-, middle-, early-, late-, general-, eg: upper laryngeal, Lower Saxon, Old Church Slavonic, Old High German, Central Asian, medium carbonaceous, early flowering, late ripening, common.

    Note. About spelling words like oxygen-giving, zinc-containing .

Hyphen spelling

  1. Complex adjectives formed from complex nouns with hyphenation are written with a hyphen, for example: anarcho-syndicalist, northeastern, south-southwestern, nordic, life guards, ivanovo-voznesensky, new york.

    Note. In the presence of a prefix, such adjectives are written together, for example: anti-social democratic, Amudarya.

  2. Complex adjectives formed from a combination of first and last names, first and middle names, or two surnames are written with a hyphen, for example: walter-Scottish novels, Jules-Verne fiction, Robin Hood's adventures, Jack-London works, Leo-Tolstoy style, Yerofey-Pavlovichsky (from place name), boyle-Mariotte law, Ilfo-Petrine satire; also: Ivan-Ivanychev jacket, Anna-Mikhailovnina jacket.

    Note 1. In some cases, there is a continuous spelling, for example: veropavlovskaya workshops (on the name and patronymic of the heroine of the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?"), kozmakryuchkovskaya prowess, Tarasobulbovskaya power.

    Note 2. When forming an adjective from a foreign surname preceded by a service word, the latter is written together, for example: de Broglie hypothesis (cf. de Broglie).

    Note 3. Adjectives derived from Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other eastern compound proper names of individuals are written together, for example: chiang Kai-shek clique (cf. Chiang Kai-shek).

  3. Complex adjectives formed from two or more words denoting equal concepts are written with a hyphen; between the parts of such adjectives in their initial form, you can insert a compositional union and or but: commercial and industrial capital (commercial and industrial), interest-free winning loan (interest-free but winning). For instance: agitation and propaganda, question-and-answer, convex-concave, gastrointestinal, magazine and newspaper, leather and shoe, red-white-green (flag), reporting and elective, fruit and vegetable (but: fruitful from - fruits), workers 'and peasants', Russian-German-French (dictionary), piece-rate premium, cardiovascular, Slavic-Greek-Latin (academy), steel-wire-rope (shop), solemnly sentimental, economic and organizational, pulp and paper, chess and checkers (competition), expressive-emotional.

    Note. The first part of complex adjectives of this type can be the stem of a noun or an adjective, cf .: alcoholic beverages (from liqueur and vodka) - liqueur and vodka industry (liqueur and vodka); collection point (acceptance and delivery) - entrance and transfer exams (foster and transfer).

  4. Many complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, parts of which indicate heterogeneous signs, for example: Military-medical Academy (cf .: Military Medical Academy), voluntary sports societies (voluntary sports), people's liberation movement (people's liberation), formal business style (official business), design and engineering calculations (project design), comparative historical method (comparative historical), calculating devices (countable decisive), feudal-serf system (feudal serf), electro-optical amplifier (electronic optical), etc.

    Note 1. This type of adjective often begins with the following stems:

    military: military revolutionary, military surgical, military legal (the words liable for military service, prisoner of war, soldier belong to a different type of word formation);

    massively: mass-political, mass-flow, mass-physical culture;

    folk: People's State, People's Democratic, People's Poetic, People's Revolutionary (adjective national economic formed from a subordinate combination National economy);

    scientific: scientific research, popular science, scientific and practical, scientific and educational, scientific and technical;

  5. Complex adjectives denoting quality with an additional connotation are written with a hyphen, for example: bitter salt water (i.e., salty with a bitter aftertaste), booming loud voice (i.e. loud, turning into rumblings), peaceful non-resistance policy, bruised laceration.

    Note. Especially often adjectives of this type are found in the language of fiction, for example: sinlessly pure beauty, colorless pale crowd, brilliant red plumage of a parrot, wet double flowers, deeply tender smile, graceful and majestic gesture, sad lonely willow, smoky bitter smell, yellow irritated tone, courageously stern look , an involuntarily hot tear, awkwardly sadly awkward sounds, an impatiently expectant mood, a transparent airy rainbow, a rickety frail plant, a harsh dry ringing, a timidly affectionate voice, an embarrassed happy face, secretly happy aspiration, solemnly gloomy appearance, disturbingly incoherent thoughts, dull gray color, cold-restrained person, wonderfully elastic curls.

  6. Complex adjectives denoting shades of colors are written with a hyphen, for example: pale blue, pale pink, bottle green, bluish purple, golden red, blue black, lemon yellow, milky white, cloudy green, ash gray, light yellow, lilac orange, dark blue, dull gray, black-brown (but: silver fox) and etc.
  7. Many complex terminological adjectives () are hyphenated, for example: amplitude-frequency (characteristic), atomic-molecular, legume-cereal, bourgeois-democratic, fan-fold, gas-dust (nebula), purulent-inflammatory, laryngeal-pharyngeal, sternocostal, tree-shrub, iron-siliceous (steel), gastro-hepatic, filling and drainage (valve), moss green (swamp) cereal-legumes, infectious-allergic, integral-differential (the equation), stone-concrete, clover-timothy, complex-conjugate (numbers), lanceolate-ovate, alfalfa-cereal, soft magnetic (materials), metal-dielectric (antenna), milk and meat, oblique (method of penetration), oval-vaulted, fiery liquid, rounded-spherical, experimental-reclamation, distant pasture, esophageal-intestinal, shoulder-cervical, ileo-costal, flow-mechanized (lines), space-time (trajectory), loose-lumpy-silty, lever-connecting rod (mechanism), assembly-automatic, drilling-rifling, piece-progressive, metalwork-stamping, dictionary and reference, peat-bog, elongated-lanceolate, compacted-porous-fractured, feudal-agricultural, physical-sports, phosphorus-potassium, economic-organizational centrifugal blade, maxillofacial, articulated roller, wool and meat, alkaline acid, buccal-pharyngeal, expeditionary transport, electronic computing (Technics).

    Note 1. Some of the complex adjectives of this type have suffixes in the first stem -at-, -st-, -ov-, eg: dentate-lanceolate (leaves), paniculate-thyroid (inflorescences), filmy-scaly (shell), oblong-elliptical (the form), loosely porous (layer), folded-furrowed (stripes), stepped symmetrical (location); wavy-curved (plates), fibrous sod (the soil), sandy greenhouse (priming), mottled (bark), vascular fibrous (the cloth); sod-podzolic (land), lime gray (broth), cortical-columnar (layer), meadow-steppe (strip), fruit and berry (culture).

    Note 2. Often the stems are the first part of a complex adjective. vertically, horizontally, transversely, longitudinally and so on, for example: vertical drilling, vertical milling, horizontal forging, horizontal drilling, cross planer, longitudinal planer.

    Note 3. Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, in which the stem of the first part, formed from words of a foreign language origin, ends in -ico, eg: dialectical-materialistic, historical-archival, critical-bibliographic, medico-judicial, mechanical-thermal, political-mass, technical-economic, chemical-pharmaceutical (the other type includes fused words with the first stem great, eg: great power, great martyr, great society and etc.).

    Note 4. The hanging hyphen () is also used for complex adjectives, for example: seventeen and eighteen years old boys and girls; corn, potato, flax, cotton and forage harvesters.

  8. Complex adjectives included in complex geographical or administrative names and starting with a stem are written with a hyphen (with capital letters in the constituent parts) east-, west-, north- (north-), south- (south-), eg: East European Plain, West Korean Gulf, Northwest Pakistan, South Australian Basin ().

    Note. In a common sense, such adjectives are written together with a lowercase letter, cf .: South Ural railway - South Ural flora and fauna.

  9. Complex adjectives formed from a combination of an adjective with a noun, but with a permutation of these elements, are written with a hyphen, for example: literary-artistic (cf. fiction), vocabulary (cf. technical dictionaries).
  10. Distinguish between compound rules that form one word (with a continuous or hyphenated spelling, see above), and a word about n and i, consisting of an adverb in -o (s) and an adjective or participle (with separate spelling); to the adverb that plays the role of a separate member of the sentence, you can put the appropriate question. Wed:

    moral and political level - morally stable person (in what respect stable?);

    socio-historical laws - socially dangerous elements (dangerous to whom?);

    industrial transport department - industrialized country (developed in what respect?).

    An adverb can also indicate the degree of a feature expressed by an adjective or participle, for example: the shortest possible time, calmly dispassionate look, moderately warm climate.

    Note 1. Most often, the first component of a phrase is adverbs absolutely, diametrically, vital, truly, maximally, authentically, consistently, directly, sharply, strictly, purely, clearly, clearly and others. For example: absolutely necessary measures, diametrically opposed proposals, a vital decision, truly friendly help, the most accurate data, invariably cordial hospitality, truly fraternal support, consistently peaceful policy, directly proportional values, a sharply negative answer, a strictly logical conclusion, a purely biased verdict, clearly unacceptable conditions, clearly expressed will.

    Wed also: impeccably decent manners, internally meaningful person, deeply thoughtful look, ostentatiously careless hairstyle, exhaustingly long way, russian word, exhaustively complete answer, class alien views, deliberately sharp refusal, imperturbably calm tone, invariably even relations, inexplicably sweet sounds, insatiable greed for knowledge, elusively fast rocket flight, dazzling blue sky, especially refractory metals, frankly mocking smile, suspiciously quick agreement , an underlined contrasting comparison, a festively elegant dress, a fundamentally new project, a highly overstressed regime, a finely delineated contour, a threateningly dangerous situation, surprisingly bright colors, a hilariously funny play, an artistically complete work, purely French gallantry, urgently hasty mail etc.

    Note 2. Usually, adverbs in -ski, in combination with an adjective characterizing a feature by assimilation, highlighting, emphasizing it in any respect, for example: angelic meek attitude, childish naive statements, practically unnecessary innovation, slavishly submissive readiness, theoretically important problem, comradely sensitive attention, fanatically blind devotion, chemically pure composition, eniclopedically versatile knowledge, legally complex case.

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Spelling compound words

The main principle of continuous and separate writing is the selection of words in writing. Parts of words are written together, words are separated by spaces. The application of this rule is complicated by the fact that in the language combinations of words and integral words are not always clearly opposed (for example, combinations with a particle notand words with the prefix not?, combinations of nouns with prepositions and adverbs formed from such combinations).

There is a third type of spelling - hyphenated, or semi-continuous. A hyphen can split a word into parts (for example, firebird, light green, in a new way, because of, for broke, first of all, some) and, conversely, connect parts of a phrase (for example, science fiction writer, cunning-cunning, unexpectedly, two-three).

The basic rules of this section are divided into general and related to separate parts of speech.

General rules

The following categories of words are written together

1. Words with prefixes , eg:

and) with Russian prefixes: trouble-free, cashless, alongshore, out of hour, intraspecific, appeal, run out, finish reading, scream, interlibrary, interregnum, greatest, layman, unpleasant, interesting, not talented, subhuman, misunderstand, depose, deforested, weakened by the power, after ancestral home, prehistory, overtones, resist, superman, ultra-distant, co-editor, mediterranean, loam, striped, excessive;

b) with prefixes of foreign language origin: illogical, avantitule, anticyclone, anti-historical, paramount, hyperinflation, dismantling, disintegration, disproportion, immoral, international, infrastructure, irrational, counter-offensive, metalanguage, parapsychology, post-Soviet, protohistory, re-evacuation, ultra-lateral, super-linertial, eccentric.

Words with a prefix the ex- in the meaning of ‘former’ ( ex-champion, ex-sovietetc.) are hyphenated. The word is also spelled rear admiralwhere is the prefix counter- is of particular importance.

Complex words with initial parts, Russian and foreign, close to prefixes are also written together, for example: forgiveness, all-encompassing, monthly, alien, foreign, pseudoscience, pseudo-socialist, nationwide, generally recognized, crescent, semi-sweet, half-lying, half-jokingly, self-sufficient, self-healing; pan-American, quasi-scientific, pseudo-gothic, pseudo-folk.

2. Compound words, the first part of which matches the form of the number (two-, three-, five-etc.), as well as words with first parts two-, tre-, many-, little-, eg: two-month, three-ton, four-percent, pentagonal, six-story, seven-mile, octahedron, nine-point, decathlon, eleven-year, twelve-hour, twenty-ton, thirty-degree, forty-nine, fifty, ninetieth, two-hundredth, half-century, half two-sided, tripod, polynomial, multistage, few people, little snow, unattractive .

3. Compound words with the first foreign language (international) part ending in a vowel ... A list of the main parts of complex words:

With the final about : auto-, agro-, astro-, audio-, aero-, bar-, benzo-, bio-, bicycle-, vibration-, video-, hecto-, helio-, geo-, hetero-, hydro-, homo -, dendro-, zoo-, iso-, kilo-, cinema-, cosmo-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono-, moto-, neuro-, neuro-, neo-, ortho-, paleo-, pyro-, pneumo-, porno-, psycho-, radio-, retro-, seismic-, socio-, spectro-, stereo-, thermo-, turbo-, phyto-, phono-, photo-, evaco-, exo- , eco-, electro-, endo-, energy-;

With end a, e, and : air, deca, mega, media, tetra; tele-; deci-, milli-, poly-, centi- .

Examples: autobiography, automobile plant, agrosoil, astrophysics, audio engineering, aerovisual, pressure chamber, gasoline engine, biosphere, cycle track, vibration measurement, video equipment, hectowatt, heliogravure, geopolitics, heterotransplantation, hydroturbine, iso-arctic, cinematographic, dendropic macrocosm, meteorological service, microbiology, microcomputer, monoculture, motorcycle racing, neuropathologist, neuropsychic, neorealism, orthocenter, paleoasian, pyrotechnics, pneumosclerosis, porn film, psycholinguistics, radioactive, radio, retromode, seismic resistant, spectroelectric generator phono-reader, camera, evacuation hospital, exothermic, ecosystem, electro-intensive, endothermic, energy-intensive;

airmail, aviachemical, decameter, megarelief, media company, tetrasubstituted; telephoto lens, TV movie, TVKVN, remote control; decigram, millivolt, polyvalent, multivitamin, centigram;

With two or more of these parts: aerial photography, hydrogeochemical, meteorological radiosonde, radio telecontrol, spectroheliogram, photographic filming, electric radio equipment; car racing, astrospectrophotometry, paleophytogeographic.

4. Compound words with the first part ending in I , eg: time reckoning, time impulse, imitational creativity, cotyledon, seed purifier, selfishness, selfish.

The following word categories are hyphenated

1. Repetition combinations (often for the purpose of strengthening), for example: blue-blue, strong-tight, many-many, barely, very, very, very, very, just, just a little, ah-ah, woof-woof, pah-pah, just about, they are walking- walk, ask, ask ; the combination is also written zero zero .

This includes repetitions of pronouns. everyone, everyone who, what(in different cases), where, whereand others, for example: Everyone, everyone has arrived! She is glad to everything. Someone who just did not visit him! Already someone with whom, and she is happy with him. Something is just not here! Something, but this will not happen! Where, where, but in this house it is always fun. Where, where, but to Moscow, he will not refuse to go.

2. Combinations-repetitions of expressive (often amplifying) character in which one of the parts is complicated by a prefix or suffix, as well as combinations of elements varying in sound composition, eg: beautiful beauty, clever, clever, wolf-wolf, terem-teremok, grief-grief, day-of-day, torment-martyr, darkness-dark, blue-blue, washed-worn-out, glad-happy, one-lonely, white- white, wounded, early, long ago, more or less, little by little, tightly firmly, criss-cross, willy-nilly, some sort of, after all, just, hop-hop, wait-wait, full-half-sick, sick-sick, insofar as(adverb), shikos-nakos, passions-muzzles, hocus-pocus, gimmicks, shurum-burum, tyap-blooper, tary-bars, trawling-wali, not huhry-muhry, shaher-makher, shura-mura.

3. Paired constructions consisting of words with the first part of the semi-, eg: half-town-half-village, half-German-half-Russian, half-tale-half-lost, half-sleep-half-awake; semi-military-semi-civil, semi-mocking-semi-sympathetic, semi-joking-semi-serious, half-lying-half-sitting.

Between the parts of such paired constructions, it is possible (in some syntactic conditions: when listing, separating) and a comma, for example: Accept the collection of colorful chapters, / Half-funny, half-sad ...(P.); Her eyes are like two mists / Half smile, half cry(Ill.).

4. Combinations correlative or similar words, eg: sadness-longing, way-road, living-life, geese-swans, vegetables-fruits, bread-salt, Christmas-sticks, cats and mice(a game), spoons, forks, hands and feet, one and only, alive and well, pick up, hello, out of the blue, at the very least, dear and expensive, sewn-covered, walks-wanders, lived-were, drink-eat, drink- feed, this-and-so, so-and-so, here and there.

5. Combinations that have the value of an approximate indication of the amount or time of something , eg: a day or two, a week or two, he will write a letter or two, a year or two, two or three hours, three or four times, twelve or fifteen people, two or three boys, two or three; He will be back in March-April .

If in such constructions the quantity is indicated by numbers, between them is not a hyphen, but a dash, for example: people 12-15; she is 30–35 years old; rubles 200-300; this was the year 1950-1951.

6. Compound words with the first part - an alphabetic or sound abbreviation, eg: VHF transmitter, MV oven, HIV infection, DNA-containing .


Common names

The following categories of nouns are written together

1. Nouns whose continuous spelling is determined by the general rules: words with prefixes and leading parts like false-, semi-, self- , compound words with the first part that matches the form of the numeral, compound words with initial parts like auto, air , compound words with the first part ending in -I , eg: superman, pseudoscience, three-ton, airstrike, biosphere, cotyledon .

2. Composite words, eg: shelling, military doctor, state trade, international passport, spare parts, cyberspace, communist party, mashburo, payment in kind, pedagogical institute, political emigrant, socialist realism, special issue, special vocational school, wall newspaper, dance floor, transfer agency, household goods; collective farm, trade union, Komsomol, trade mission, destroyer.

3. Compound nouns with connecting vowels o and e, eg: plumbing, farmer, forest-steppe, poultry farm, vegetable store, new building, South Americans, sound image, syllabotonics; with two or more initial components: peat logging, steam and water supply, glass-bed reinforced concrete, gas-water-oil saturation.

4... Compound nouns with the first part in -ili -ь , which coincides with the form of the imperative mood of the verb: hemlock, vertikhvostka, twiddle neck, torn eyes, adonis, gripderevo, derzhimorda, mowed, skopid, daredevil, shumigolova, robber army. An exception: tumbleweed.

5. Nouns formed from hyphenated proper names (two-part with initial capital letters), for example: addisabeans, Almaty residents(from Addis Ababa, Almaty), buenosairans, Yoshkarolins, Costa Ricans, Los Angeles, New Yorkers, Orekhozuevs, Ulanudens, Ust-Kamenogors(names of residents of cities and states); sensimonism, sensimonist(from Saint-Simon).

6. (as well as ordinal numbers in the function of nouns), if these forms begin with a consonant letter, except l , eg: half a bottle, half a bucket, half a house, half a meter, half an hour; half past one, half past nine, half past fiveetc.

The following categories of nouns and combinations of nouns are hyphenated.

1. Combinations of two nouns in which the first part has an independent declension :

a) combinations-repetitions of different types, paired constructions, combinations of correlative or similar words, for example: clever-wise, wolf-wolf, grief-misfortune, half-sleep-half-awake, friend-friend, name-patronymic, purchase and sale;

b) combinations with one-word applications following the defined word, for example: baba-yaga, vanka-vstanka, hero-city, flying carpet, fiber flax, mother-heroine, hornbill, hermit crab, parrot fish, self-assembled tablecloth (stable combinations); new house, international journalist, emigrant writer, medical student, bloodhound dog, recruit soldier, amateur gardener, freshman student, old mother, beauty girl, Masha the frolic(free combinations); with an immutable second part: parade alle, lottery allegri, maximum program, minimum program.

c) combinations with one-word applications preceding the defined word, for example: old man-father, beautiful daughter, clever son, hero-pilot, sage-writer, mischievous monkey, petty stepmother, hard worker-investigator, profane editor, rascal-manager... Such applications are evaluative in nature.

Combinations of this type with proper names are usually written separately: old man Derzhavin(P.), baby Tsakhes(character of the story of the same name by Hoffmann), simpleton Vanyaetc.; but: mother Russia(Nekr.).

2. {!LANG-fae72b9b793bc3fe2f443b862908a37c!} , eg: {!LANG-de35a49c5bd5d3613c1dcf9e45355552!}.


{!LANG-cdec2c11eb6e14ecf5f6a20f9a16a4b7!} {!LANG-aa4d9653eeefe55ec174075cf9f536e9!}{!LANG-ac4e872e08a7d9845d2b731ba31048e0!}

{!LANG-f9ba3caff89a4c0158d5c8746d0c9952!} {!LANG-826c8910d72155de07cf2b94aab448d9!}{!LANG-ac4e872e08a7d9845d2b731ba31048e0!}

{!LANG-9da9c193b5d37ac603ec465e4fb4388e!} {!LANG-27afb72de51f7ba5b2a950dc475f576b!} .

3. {!LANG-667bed143e7180ed5bfb5e0db4a101b2!} {!LANG-e706aa7fbd6ec87b187f577e5bbda546!}{!LANG-d1019c2f55581e8d64aae96b25278cf4!} , eg: {!LANG-821297567ed04fff40516812499ce950!} .

{!LANG-eb051cb82997c9c85154bed633cc3ba0!} {!LANG-5f37cdee99921f6ab9a5235fdecc6d89!} .

4. {!LANG-a9dc7982d5354d7317568da0ce848322!} {!LANG-6ebf180a123923f5e9c37d8b8be93376!} {!LANG-964713a0b4947fae0da495602edde3df!}{!LANG-02bef4f4c88a85dc134b91f2c26ec6cd!} {!LANG-e7d1165bd47ac9ac4a0bdfd62112e0dd!}{!LANG-341ccc91dfba6d7a3e18f4e5b32f0a85!} {!LANG-9dbf5f1172da4fe2a5ec6c10814b56f0!}.

{!LANG-06b301c306b448753ced6d3147b04381!} {!LANG-a82aa80ed883bf5dec7a9c6ca58b1fd0!} {!LANG-8b199aa0b9079186cd0ee766520261af!}{!LANG-3fa393f9e09159d553384caeeb560446!} {!LANG-8ccfe431aa4c8b7f4a2b87890526c317!} .

5 . {!LANG-06f5d0230820bdbc71e35e5a186bb8d4!} - {!LANG-b828d18b86c0c2b8e01d0d97b67403b5!} {!LANG-25fcdd04f340fa3d188f7618d0a31eb6!} , eg: {!LANG-8823e161043aa4714a1c030fc77e67ea!}.

6. {!LANG-0e308fc0ce39edbfb2c0f59ae5cff23d!} :

{!LANG-3fb8380d6566316a2f0e9bc82c291638!} {!LANG-a8f09e947dea45ab9ea722cd57e29d0c!};

{!LANG-a4ab282ce70de3d82977bcf949c786dc!} {!LANG-e6bea51d76da7c408a07ef8af09c6e99!}{!LANG-5a2c10ce5c5d09068dce0bb297156556!} {!LANG-460622206b84b3962ff03d8ff1137181!}.

7. {!LANG-34811fdf38e684d1273800c08ad6f7c8!} {!LANG-763009245558b782e4d45326a9f590f5!}{!LANG-131b77b7fc96fc7a325c4b1d7c35acfa!} {!LANG-4d842a980f5d2b2e0fee47c786fd205b!} {!LANG-08b60b1f72c66dfed68b4f048224c3b9!} .

{!LANG-45e44fb88362f3f3236b6158f074a7ee!} {!LANG-5cf9502e42179674e08c6b6292c78dea!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-b79996a5f024a868519e5bd4860dc6bb!}where is the prefix the ex- {!LANG-d0ea2b6ff8ea189a282e4ea829095a59!} {!LANG-e7f67d5860858b72d2627c7e6fcdd424!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-d678d0ee2039aef9329c73cad8e5a35a!}.

8. {!LANG-0081ca341b5534ae218140ca7ad972c1!} {!LANG-bd3518d0cec9eb19fc7186cac61adf21!} {!LANG-e32e56d1ca75623b9d34fe5e867af362!}{!LANG-eb7d994f63487d4b6fc0b66e5d093da2!} love-not-love{!LANG-69df7651dccb43946e39a654b5c6cde9!}

9 . {!LANG-ab5a222b0b2bfb4c278cd1dd7b1f1f5c!} {!LANG-0d2b00536efad8b37261c9da35508939!} {!LANG-9b6f1e895405de7b0e6dff5f45477eb0!} eg: {!LANG-dd2ab044fd14af81e0b2145a695ae7b6!} .

10. {!LANG-fa44c7e90d22d431937f28be2edca968!} , eg: {!LANG-8fc57d395a6398e18974b15aefe85a6f!}(from {!LANG-6a2eeb082b44eff90c8ad32a33eba988!}).

{!LANG-118f5685a9be38ce5df1c1a2ad42cb83!} : {!LANG-887f30be4492bab6144e7e130c59e5d9!}.



1. {!LANG-072f8edc29539c30aaaf27f4ebb055e7!} , {!LANG-957e4f96bfcc7ada9aa45268935092aa!} {!LANG-1f5f055bad84f70d670136b5753d8d0e!}

and) {!LANG-e7ccd4dce9f1a1bb5fda02ec6df4f56a!} {!LANG-15be112a132c6723d0c432d82ba3ce83!} {!LANG-4fec12e75e541a7e86db5f6f97c727a0!} {!LANG-5256e1553a48947c2ee8c943a374d3b8!}

b) {!LANG-c38681f92ceefea610554f7660190114!} .


and) {!LANG-983d29872b7c79343fb94fd60ab4e4dd!} ;

b) {!LANG-7e79c08cc0ee18f381796a4fb919e916!}{!LANG-191348e75722c610960902d68f02d7c6!} {!LANG-fc59269cc5838a51e27e13d753a8ca74!} .


and) {!LANG-e07fa0d19af22695a704ceca41cadb4a!};

b) {!LANG-176e92d3cc65f606c953d43f0544f6a2!}.

2. {!LANG-e904f7083bbc9994c4b4455ded60dae8!}

{!LANG-6184d7976ac63de27727ecf35f191fda!} {!LANG-9edd554b53f029c827dc1bf85aac9b53!} .

{!LANG-02e72e1cd55ee3fae8c05bc6a3f908d5!} {!LANG-2eb39aadf309c9c1ac22d48b2d91d9b9!} .

3. {!LANG-6a63a05fdcd7ab9a92b9ed59e4062806!} {!LANG-acf1a556a5c6ad78ccd3336f67606ff4!} {!LANG-afed56a378e1c13ceba3fd1f6f38c53c!}

{!LANG-6184d7976ac63de27727ecf35f191fda!} {!LANG-c6da34d018570c7f3e6f98df27a38822!} .

{!LANG-02e72e1cd55ee3fae8c05bc6a3f908d5!} {!LANG-fcb8b800c879ef27de354abbd951c290!}{!LANG-f50a2e1dc79c7713a9d92228918ad4e7!} {!LANG-f39a6c26f2d3568b5954e41294f4fca6!}), {!LANG-cf0b9184959aae6c6f86b6693fc947af!}.

{!LANG-1d821c23644cfb1a5f4cd4fc9c793bb3!} {!LANG-280c7587e4a226e22c8eac6104f203ff!} {!LANG-2a07ed852c83761c9735e897ff4b2866!} {!LANG-d0cd5cab587100e2e9335e141c320082!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} padegras, padecatre, padepatiner, paddespan .

