Why google chrome does not open on the computer. Why google chrome browser does not start

Why google chrome does not open on the computer. Why google chrome browser does not start

An article about the reasons for the impossibility of launching the Google Chrome browser, options for enabling the browser.


Google Chrome browser. Specifications

Google chrome, a comfortable, secure browser used on the web.

Google Chrome - a browser of great possibilities!

Qualitative characteristics of the browser:

  • huge productivity. Carries out accelerated work on the Web. Opens easily from desktop space of any version Windows, including, Windows 7, launches applications of any complexity.
  • comfort. The interface is not complicated, the functions are distributed in a practical way.
  • high protection. Browser Google Chrome has internal protective functions against online fraud, spam, the influence of malicious sites and many other negative actions when working on the Internet.
  • secrecy. The browser controls the access to personal data when working on the Web, protects email.
  • personification. There are many options for customizing the browser through specialized features, applications, extensions available on the web.
  • access to the system. Working in Google Chrome, you use bookmarks, history of visits, history of visits, settings on any gadget, namely; computer, tablet, laptop, mobile device.

Home Google Chrome on a computer

There are times when Google chrome does not load on your computer. Below, we will consider the causes and their elimination on the computer version Windows 7

Why won't Google Chrome launch on Windows 7? Causes

The reasons for stopping start-up or operation can be the following:

  • viruses, problems software this computer.
  • not configured firewall.
  • violation of system files.
  • hacking user account.
  • not a large number of RAM of the computer.

Steps to troubleshoot and launch Google Chrome on a Windows 7 computer

Option to take if viruses are present:

  • use an antivirus program with the latest downloads and additional program to work on solving typical tasks operating system.
  • familiarize yourself with the modular system of the browser by typing in the search bar the phrase chrome: // conflicts /, then pressing the key "Okay". On the page that opens, you will see a notification about a problem with the computer software. If it is a program, it should be carefully eliminated.

Google Chrome browser plug-in system

Option to proceed with a non-configured firewall:
Since the firewall creates certain blockages for some programs, you need to do the following:

  • open firewall or antivirus software.
  • insert browser Google chrome to the list.

Opening firewall, inserting Google Chrome into the list

Option of actions in case of violation of system files (rare case):

  • re-full browser installation Chromium on your computer (option # 1).
  • installation of the system for the previous period of time, back (option No. 2).

Option number 2 (more)

  • press the key "Start".
  • choose menu "All programs".

All Programs menu

  • select submenu "Standard".
  • click on the line "Service".
  • press the key "System Restore".

"System Tools" option, "System Restore" menu

  • select the date at which the browser was in normal working order.

Date selection for browser normal working state

  • we act according to the prompts of the recovery system.

Option for hacking an account in Chrome:

  • before the next steps, make a copy of the profile folder to one of the system drives

Selecting a profile folder on the list that opens

  • enter special address for version Windows 7, in the following form:
    % LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google \\ Chrome \\
  • delete the profile folder, this will delete all profile attributes, but you should already have a copy of the folder.

Option of actions with a small amount of computer RAM

  • close all programs, and turn off existing applications in turn.

Task manager, disable applications

If the browser Chrome does not start on Windows 7, after everything tested, try using the custom code no-sandbox... It is required to act very carefully, even, it is not particularly recommended without the presence of an advanced programmer nearby, so this option should be used in the most extreme cases, when you need to get valuable, not saved information.
How to do it?

  • mark the sign Google Chrome on your desktop.
  • we activate it with the right mouse button.
  • press the key "Properties".

Press the "Properties" button (below)

  • enter the code no-sandbox in line "An object".

Enter the no-sandbox code in the "Object" line

  • press the key "Save".
  • launch the browser Chromium.

If, and at the same time, nothing happens, take all the important data from it in the above way, reinstall it so that it can be started without using complex code no-sandbox... The best option!
Good luck!

Video: How to enable Google Chrome on a computer?

The browser is a popular program with which we open sites on the Internet. And if there are problems in her work, it interferes with the usual way of life, causes inconvenience. Unfortunately, even the best browsers like Google Chrome are not immune to various crashes.

Causes of problems and their solutions

Sometimes the browser experiences unexpected crashes that prevent you from getting the necessary information on the Internet. As a rule, you need to fix them quickly, so you need to know what errors may appear and how to fix each of them.

What problems can arise

Browser malfunctions can appear due to various reasons: from an accidental failure of settings to damage to system files or a virus attack. In each of these cases, the browser processes are terminated, and the user can observe one of the manifestations of the failure:

  • the browser does not start, that is, it does not react at all to attempts to open it;
  • starts, but instead of the usual tabs, a gray or black screen is displayed;
  • crashes;
  • new pages do not open;
  • an already open page hangs without responding to any actions.

Often, you can fix the problem in the browser yourself without the help of computer specialists. Let's take a look at the main reasons that can cause crashes in Google Chrome and how to solve them. But first, let's highlight one problem that can be perceived as a crash in the browser, but is not really such.

Browser shortcut doesn't work

The reason why the browser may not respond in any way to launch may be a broken shortcut. To eliminate this reason, we will try to launch the browser directly, without using the icon on the desktop. For this:

How to replace a shortcut:

Video: How to Create a Desktop Shortcut in Windows

Random system crash

The result of an accidental system failure can be the whole range of problems described above: the browser does not start at all or individual tabs do not open, video does not work, pictures are not displayed, etc. Such a problem arises due to a conflict of programs, and it can be eliminated by a simple restart of the browser first, then, if this does not work, the operating system. However, in practice, various difficulties may arise, for example, the browser freezes and cannot be closed or cannot be opened after restarting the computer.

If the browser does not react in any way to your actions, you can forcefully close it through the "Task Manager":

You can open the browser without using a shortcut, for example, via the "Start" button:

Sometimes you can fix the problem with starting the browser or displaying a gray screen in it by using administrator rights, that is, by launching it through the appropriate line in the context menu.

Right-click on the Google Chrome icon and select "Run as administrator"

If the browser slows down and freezes up a lot, it may be due to a regular overload. Google Chrome has a special command for this case, using which you can quickly restart the browser.

Incompatibility with antivirus

Sometimes developers make any changes to their product that the antivirus can perceive as malicious and block the program from working. Therefore, you need to see which programs the antivirus considers unsafe. If Google Chrome is found in the list of threats, it should be moved to the list of exclusions and the browser will work again. Let's see how to do this using the example of Kaspersky Anti-Virus:

To prevent Google Chrome from being included in the list of programs blocked by the antivirus, you should add it to the list of exclusions:

  1. Click the "Settings" icon (gear) in the lower left corner of the window.
  2. In the side menu, select the "Advanced" section, and in it - "Threats and exclusions."

    In the settings, select "Threats and exclusions"

  3. In the "Threats" parameters, click on "Configure exclusions".

    To configure exclusions, select the corresponding line in the options window

  4. The program will display a list of existing exclusions, to which you need to add Google Chrome by clicking the "Add" button.

    Click the "Add" button

  5. Using the "Browse" button, find Google Chrome and click the "Add" button again.

    Find Google Chrome and click "Add"

  6. We confirm the choice. After that, Google Chrome will appear in the list of exclusions.

    If everything is done correctly, Google Chrome will appear in the list of exclusions.

Virus attack

The situation is much worse in the case of real viral activity, which can cause the browser to malfunction and completely stop functioning. To scan your computer for a virus attack, do the following:

Incompatibility of the browser version with the operating system

If Google Chrome has just been installed and has not yet been able to work normally, and when it starts, a gray screen is displayed instead of the usual interface, the cause of the problem is most likely in the incompatibility of the bitness of the operating system and browser, that is, in the wrong version. In this case, Google Chrome will have to uninstall, and then download the correct version (taking into account the bitness of the operating system) and reinstall it.

How to find out the bitness of the operating system:

Video: where to see the bitness of the operating system

Reinstalling the browser is a three-step process:

  1. The old version is removed.
  2. The registry is cleaned of leftover files.
  3. The browser is downloaded from the official website and installed on the computer.

How to delete old version browser:

How to install a new version of Google Chrome:

Video: possible problems when reinstalling the browser

Damage to system files

If you observe the start of the launch (the browser blinks for a split second) and then the shutdown follows, the reason may lie in the damage or change of system files. You can check the integrity of files using the built-in SFC utility.

How to check:

There are two ways to fix the situation:

  • restore the system using a special function. In this case, the computer will return to the state it was before the selected restore point;
  • reinstall the browser as described above.

How to restore the system:

  1. Go to "Start" and "Control Panel". Select the "Recovery" section.

    In the window "All Control Panel Items" select "Recovery"

  2. In the window that opens, find the button "Start System Restore" and click it.

    Click the Start System Restore button

  3. The system will open a window with Windows restore points corresponding to specific dates and times. Select the one for which there were no problems with the browser. If necessary, check the box next to the line "Show other restore points". Click Next.

    From the list of restore points provided, select the date and time when the browser worked normally

  4. A window will open in which you need to confirm the restore point by clicking on "Finish".

    It is important to understand that programs, applications, and any system changes that have occurred since the restore point will be removed. On the contrary, the deleted programs will be restored. Personal files (documents, music, films, photos, etc.) will not be affected in the process, that is, they will not be damaged in any way.

    Confirm the system restore point and click "Finish"

Video: how to restore your Windows 7 system

The recovery process in Window 10 is similar, the only difference is in the system interface elements.

Video: Windows 10 Recovery

If new programs have been installed on your computer since the restore point date, it may be easier to reinstall the browser itself.

Profile error

In some cases, the browser informs the user about the problem, for example, by sending messages about the incorrect loading of the profile. In such a situation, the browser works as usual, but certain functions may not be available: search history, Chrome extensions or applications, and others. In addition, the frequently appearing error message distracts from the tasks being performed and becomes annoying over time. Therefore, it is better to eliminate the reason for the incorrect loading of the profile.

If you find an error in the user profile of Google Chrome, it will certainly inform you about it

How to fix the error:

Sometimes the file you want cannot be found. This may be due to display settings.

What to do:

Video: how to fix an error in your Google Chrome profile

We have discussed the main situations in which the normal functioning of the browser is disrupted and the solutions. Our instructions will help you troubleshoot the problem and continue using your favorite web browser.

Surely every person has come across such a situation when a program hangs on the computer. And okay, if its use is optional at the moment. What to do in a situation where google chrome does not start? In this article, we will talk about this with you.

Why Google Chrome won't open on my computer

The reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse:

  1. Computer problems.
  2. Antivirus doesn't like something.
  3. The computer is infected with viruses.

Let's take a closer look at each of these options.

As a rule, when one browser does not open, others do not open either. The computer does not care which browser you have installed. If problems or errors are found in working with them, they must be eliminated.

Quite often antiviruses prevent the browser from starting... It would seem that the antivirus should help users. But sometimes, these programs act to the detriment of users. This happens because the user could have followed a malicious link that does not contain viruses. This may cause the browser to stop working after restarting your computer.

In this case, you need to restart the computer again. After that, turn off the antivirus program, and try to turn on the browser again. Generally, if google chrome won't open, then other browsers won't open either.

You tried to enable google chrome again and the program did not start. This means that you need to completely remove it from your PC. And then reinstall it. After that, everything should work.

And also the possible reason for google chrome not opening could be firewall of your operating system. For those who do not know, these are special programs that repel hacker attacks coming from the network. If disabling the antivirus did not help, then try disabling the firewall as well. And if this did not help, then only then can you try to delete the browser, and then restore it.

The presence of viruses on the computer

One of the main reasons google chrome won't start is the presence of viruses on your computer. However, as strange as it sounds, you should be happy. If your browser does not start, and the rest of the system is working normally, then this means that the viruses only reached the browser, and the system as a whole is not damaged. However, this does not mean that we should leave everything as it is. It is necessary to get rid of this problem as soon as possible.

It is necessary to conduct a full scan of your computer for presence of virus programs... Then completely remove them and optimize the computer. Some antivirus programs offer you to do this. That is, they offer to remove programs that you do not use. As well as other objects that may be malicious. And you yourself decide what to do.

This scan can take anywhere from thirty minutes to several hours. It depends on the characteristics of your computer and on the antivirus program itself. Most Popular antiviruses:

  1. Avast free.
  2. Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
  3. Comodo Antivirus.

After scanning is complete and all malicious objects are removed, you must restart your computer. This will help to avoid various errors in the system. Try running google chrome. If it didn't work, then delete it from your computer. Then install again. Most likely, after all these steps, google chrome will start. If it does not start, you will have to restart the operating system.

Restarting your operating system

It happens that scanning and disinfecting your computer did not help solve this problem. In this case, we have only one option left - restarting the operating system. When various problems arise, many users immediately demolish the operating system.

When you restart the operating system, you need to write down your personal data so that you do not forget later. This process is pretty easy. However, unsure users are better off not doing it themselves. You must have backup copy all your data. Since, most likely, you will have to format the hard drive.

Insert the installation disc for your operating system. Next, choose a "Clean" installation of the operating system from the options provided. Then, you have to wait a while. Usually, reinstalling the operating system takes about half an hour.

After completing all the necessary processes, your computer will reboot 3 times... There is no need to doubt, because it should be so. When the computer turns on and is ready to work, you can start to launch google chrome.

If you reinstall the operating system, Google chrome will definitely work. Perhaps it will even start working much faster and stop hanging. And the start page of your browser will be opened immediately after launch, without waiting.

Now you know what to do if the browser won't launch. Also, after reading this article, you will know how to avoid mistakes when reinstalling your operating system.

Surely, many of us have a Google Chrome browser equipped with multifunctional tools installed on their computers. Users opted for it because it makes our life much easier. Despite the many advantages of working with chrome, there are still some disadvantages.

And perhaps, while working with it, you sometimes had problems, for example, when the browser did not start or it was very slow and took a long time to open. Many people immediately panic about what to do, where to go, who should carry the computer. Do not hurry. Perhaps your browser has frozen for reasons that you can fix yourself at home. Therefore, the main thing is to first understand the causes and factors of this problem, and then take some decisions and actions.

Reasons why chrome won't start

Google Chrome may not open for some reason, which we will deal with in detail below:

Troubleshooting methods

Having dealt with the reasons, now you can safely proceed to solving these problems.

  • Reboot your personal computer. Then try logging into chrome again;
  • If, nevertheless, it turned out that the problem was in the operation of anti-virus programs, then you should enter the settings of the protective services and specify the allowed status. Or, simply add chrome to the list of exceptions for antivirus or firewall;
  • If the reason was a damaged profile, then you should create a new profile.

To do this, close your browser. Next, open Windows Explorer or the key combination "Win + E"). After opening the window, you must enter the following actions in the address bar, for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 users, enter% LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\.

Now you need to press the "Enter" key. After that, a list of folders and files of the browser will open, where find the "Default" folder and rename it, for example, "Backup Default". If everything worked out, then Google Chrome will open with the configured default components, and a new folder will appear “Default”;

  • If you have an outdated version of the video card driver, then restart the Windows automatic update system, after which the drivers will be automatically updated. If this cannot be done on your PC, you will have to install a fresh driver;
  • If you nevertheless find viruses or "broken" programs on your device, then you need to clean your PC with an antivirus. Although usually in such a situation, Google chrome independently suggests actions to fix the problem, which is very convenient;
  • If the above methods did not help, then delete and re-download Chrome. Reinstallation often fixes problems with plugins, flash, etc.

Today we'll talk about the Google Chrome browser, or more precisely, why Chrome may not start. Any user can encounter such a problem, so let's discuss the causes of the problem and their solutions.

Viruses and software conflicts

Everything is simple here. If yesterday you used Chrome without any problems, but today it stopped starting, most likely the case is in some kind of virus or malicious file. In this case, be sure to use an antivirus with the latest downloaded databases and a utility like Dr. Web Cureit to help you find the source of problems.

In addition, if you do manage to launch the browser, you can familiarize yourself with the plug-ins in Chrome. To do this, type in the address bar the phrase chrome: // conflicts / and press Enter. You will see the loaded modules in front of you. If the system detects conflicts, it will definitely inform you about it. You will need to disable the module. If we are talking about any program, it is better to uninstall or reinstall it. Just do not delete any system file, otherwise you may not start Windows next time!

Firewall and antivirus software

If you use a firewall, then you probably know that it allows you to open access to the network by far from all programs. It is worth noting that the configuration occurs automatically, at the same time, the system can block important programs from going online. You need to open your firewall or antivirus if it uses its own firewall and add Google Chrome browser to the exceptions list.

Damage to system files

Theoretically, it is possible to damage system files that are somehow related to the browser. This happens very rarely, and if it does, it is usually viruses and malicious files that are to blame. In this case, there are two options: this, or restoring the system to an earlier point in time. In other words, you need to roll back the system.

Click on the "Start" button, then select "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "System Restore". Here you need to select a restore point (the date at which Chrome worked) and follow the instructions. The main thing is that you have at least one restore point.

User profile corruption

In this case, we are talking about a damaged user profile of Google Chrome. You can offer to delete the profile folder, while all data, including extensions, bookmarks, etc. will be deleted. If this does not bother you, delete the User Data folder. It is located at:

  • Windows 7, 8 and Vista:% LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ (for example, C: \\% LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google \\ Chrome \\)
  • Windows XP:% USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ (for example, C: \\% USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\)

In this case, before the procedure itself, you can copy the folder to another directory - in which case, you can restore it back.

If this does not help, it is better to follow the instructions and reinstall it.

Insufficient RAM

It is believed that Google Chrome may not start due to lack of RAM. I haven't come across this, but there are reviews on the network about memory. This is solved by closing the programs. To do this, and one by one, disable running applications.

If that helps, you might want to take care of increasing your RAM.

Update your graphics card driver

Google Chrome can use graphics card resources. So you can try. It is not difficult to do this, as I already talked about earlier.

If nothing comes out

If nothing works at all, you can start Chrome using the no-sandbox key. But! It is strictly not recommended to use it, because, according to some data, in this case, some vulnerabilities may be opened in the browser. Therefore, this method is best used if you need to retrieve some saved data from the browser.

We find the shortcut of Google Chrome on the desktop, right-click on it and select "Properties" from the menu. Go to the shortcut tab and write -no-sandbox in the object field (before no, not one dash, but two in a row!). We save the changes.

Trying to launch the browser.

Once again - if in this case Chrome has booted, I recommend removing all important data from it and reinstalling it until it starts to start without a key.


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